Create Mockups in Procreate | Disha Sharma | Skillshare

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Create Mockups in Procreate

teacher avatar Disha Sharma, Artist & Illustrator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Mockup Overview


    • 3.

      Mockup 1 - Simple Greeting Card


    • 4.

      Mockup 2 - Greeting Card with Perspective


    • 5.

      Mockup 3 - Coffee Mug with curve and text


    • 6.

      Mockup 4 - Tote Bag with Texture


    • 7.

      Mockup 5 - Pillow Mockup with imperfect curves


    • 8.

      Project , Resources and Recap


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About This Class

Mockups play a very important role in marketing your artwork and designs to potential clients and end users. A nice representation of your artwork on a high quality image can grab your customers attention and help in getting more sales. Having an expensive tool like Adobe Photoshop is not always possible. So what if you can carry your iPad anywhere and create mockups for your designs and showcase your work to the clients.

In this class I am going to share my process of creating Mockups on various products from a simple greeting card to a complex fabric pillow. 

This class is perfect for artists, surface pattern designers, graphic designers and illustrators who want to sell their artwork online or directly to clients. 

What is covered in the class:

  • What are Mockups 
  • Where you can use them
  • What file formats can be used in Procreate
  • Where to find good quality resource files
  • Prepare your artwork
  • How to apply your design on different types of mockup images

Examples covered red in the class:

  • Simple greeting card
  • Greeting Card with perspective 
  • A coffee cup mockup with seamless pattern and text
  • Canvas tote bag with seamless pattern 
  • A pillow mockup with a seamless pattern

After you finish the class, you will be able to create your beautiful Mockups using just Procreate. The best part of the class is we do not need any expensive program to create mock-ups. We will be using jpeg files and PSD files in Procreate to create mock-ups.

Meet Your Teacher

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Disha Sharma

Artist & Illustrator


Hello Everyone !!

My name is Disha. I am an artist and commercial illustrator who loves to dive deep into the world of watercolors and gouache. My work includes food illustrations, loose watercolor florals, Realistic botanical paintings and fun gouache illustrations. I work with magazines and creative agencies for editorial and product packaging. I have been featured in Shoutout LA, Uppercase Magazine and Gravy Magazine.

I love combining traditional and digital media and bring life to the illustrations for commercial design, patterns and product packaging. I teach classes on many subjects from traditional watercolors, gouache painting and digital tools including Procreate and Adobe Fresco.

You can have a look at my complete portfolio on my Website or on In... See full profile

Related Skills

Design Graphic Design
Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction : How do you visualize your art on designs in the real world, you always need to print your work on riel products to see how they look on them. Well, the answer is no. This is where graphic markups come into play. Mark abs are a great way to showcase your art on real life products just by using a few techniques and procreate. Yes, you heard it, right? Procreate. Procreate is an amazing out. And since I started using it, I have stopped looking back to my old digital. Hi, My name is the show and artist, illustrator and graphic designer from India. I do a new class prayer markups in procreate in this class and teaching you how I can create realistic looking product markups using your own designs on our who's in just one app on purpose procreate In this class I will explain how and where to find the right resources for markups which file formers we can use in the app how to prepare a design and apply them on a mock. If I in the class, we will create the friend types of markups from a very simple card designed to a perspective markup a towed back and learn how to get fabric texture, a coffee mug with coves and then the most complex off below market with various coves and force. This class is perfect for artists, graphic designers, illustrators on even sofa spartan designers who want to showcase their work to their clients on even post them online. So what are we waiting for? Grab your ipad and stylus and let's get started. 2. Mockup Overview: all right, so in this video, we'll just talk about what exactly is a mark? Markups are away over presenting your designs on an end product, which gives your customers are companies better understanding off how your designs will look on their products, and where can we use the markups? So let's say you want to showcase your work to the world. You can show them on social media like Instagram and Facebook. Apart from that, you can also add the mock ups to your website as a part of your portfolio. If you're a tea seller, off mark up is a great way to attract customers attention. Also, there are some online marketplaces like creative market on free big, where you can showcase your artwork on product welcomes. And apart from that, you can also showcase your work on online portfolio websites like be hands Androgel. While finding great images for markups can be a tedious task, I'm sharing some of the best resource is that provide high quality images for Markham's. There are some websites, like Splashed. It picks obey pixels, graphic burger and free pick, which provide high quality images for free. Well, there are some like short. A stock creative market and free pick that provide some wonderful paid resource is if you are interested in paid ones and the last option is you can also take your own pictures using a high quality camera. Normally the markups come in PSD former and the best part of working with procreate is that we can even use the PST files in this program. All you have to do is get the file in your iPad on important PST file in procreate, which I'll be showing you and for the way deals. 3. Mockup 1 - Simple Greeting Card : all right, so we'll start with the forest and the most simple market, which is this greeting card in which we don't have to make any tweaks to the perspective or anything else and have saved all my mark of files and file explorer, which is a free app that you can download on your iPad from APP store and save your files. And there you can also use Dropbox if you don't have a file Explorer. But I highly recommend using this up. It's really handy in keeping your files in order and organizing all the files in your iPad . So now this is the file that we need for our markup on. Do you condemn likely export, though firing from here to procreate, or you can actually go to procreate and important file from there. So I'm going to show you how you can export the files from file Explorer to procreate. All you have to do is just tap on the three dots on the right inside and you'll get this pop up where you can just select open an option here, which will give you all the possible options to export the file and just tap on copy to Procreate, which will copy this file to procreate on a dramatically open procreate with the particular file as a separate document like this. All right, so now we have the PSD file in procreate on. As you can see in the layers panel, we have the separate layers for the background on the design. This is a very simple markup in which we don't see any blending Blair's or any layer mask anything like that. So we can simply go away. Either we can hide the layer which we don't need like this one, or we can also be lead it, which will not really affect the design at all. So I'm going to just lead this layer on. I'm going to create another layer on top of the background. Okay, so we are all set to design a greeting card. Now, if you have a pre me design or lettering that you want to use, you can just grab that on droppin in this document. But as an example, I'm going to create a design from scratch on this document right here. So I'll pick up cleaned up for irregular heart from here. I was working on some Wardak alertly parts and already have cleaned up the heart. So I thought I just use this heart here by selecting the layer, drugging, opening the gallery, on dropping it on the card that we're going to create. I've already explained such techniques in my previous two glasses. If you have not taken them yet, I would recommend taking those classes in which I have covered so many techniques to use your art and procreate on create beautiful designs, Ondo, even the seamless patterns and procreate. So now we have the heart here. I'll just adjust the size using the transform tool that is the blue arrow on the top and always have the Magnetics on right now I don't have the Magnetics on and you can see that I'm just messing up the proportions here. So always keep in mind when you're scaling your artwork have the Magnetics Ah, this option have the Magnetics option on so that it keeps the proportions right like this I think it looks good now as I'm moving the heart, you can see this blue line which is giving me the right indication towards the centre off this card. So you can see this. This is horizontal on. If I move it further towards the center, you can see this vertical line which is coming up. Yeah, it's looking perfect now, so let's act more interest to the design by maybe adding some text are lettering. So I'll just write love on top of this heart using white color and shale brush, which is my one of the favorite brushes, which has a very nice texture. So I'll just write love on top of the heart and always try to keep separate elements on separate layer so that we want to change anything in future. We can simply go back to the layer on, make the changes easily, and in case you don't feel comfortable with hand lettering, you can use the text tool which is now available in procreate, which came out in the latest version of procreate will be using text tool in our later projects in this class. Okay, so we're done with the text and it looks pretty good. Now. I feel like we can add more interest to the design by just adding some may be tiny hearts all around using the same colors from this heart and was going to use the eyedropper tool taking the colors. From here on, I'm going to use Shane Brush again. Just making it a little smaller, making very small hearts on around. All right, so we're done with the first markup on. I'm really happy how it came out. You can share your project as a J pic file as a PSD file, whatever is required. And you can also upload them on social media just to showcase your designs. How the look on different products like that. So now Alex will want to Our next example and which will create the same greeting card will use the same design, but the greeting guy would be kept at a perspective in that case. 4. Mockup 2 - Greeting Card with Perspective : welcome back. So let's make this beautiful markup now with the perspective in simple words, by perspective, we mean that we're looking at the same object from a different point of view. So in previous example, the car was lying on the table and the shot was taken from top, which brings out the simplest two dimensional view to the eyes where, as in this example, we're looking at the same car. But the shot has been taken from a different angle, which makes it look more treaty. Now, for this example, I will use the same design as the previous card. First, I will just hide the top layer as we don't need it. So now, going to the previous kind, I will go and select the three layers on which our design elements are kept to select multiple layers to select one off them, then swipe from left to right on the other two and then drag opened the gallery and drop on the new canvas like this. So when we drag and drop the layers like this from one canvas to another one, the order off the layers usually change so we can simply just drag and move the layers up and down as required. All right, So now we have the design elements ready. I'll go in and select all the three layers and then create a group, which makes it easy to work on the multiple layers together. And now, for thing I'm going to do with scale of the size of the design, according to the card, using the transform tool like this. Now, as you can see, the campus is quite zoomed in, and I have the transform tool selected, and there are some options below which are hiding the right selection off the South Book. So to zoom out in such situation, just keep one finger on the Blue Arrow like this and do more off the canvass by pinching with two fingers. So now it's quite visible, and we can just make their adjustments. And I'm just going to rotate it using the green bar so that we can just open the design properly on the card. Okay, while the artwork it selected, you'll see some options at the bottom of the screen here, we're going to use the start tool. This option lets us select individual corners and move them as as we need in the design while I work with the distort option. Normally, I turned off the Magnetics option in the stool because Magnetics restricts the movement of bit. So I find it easy when this option is turned off. So this is my personal preference. It can be different for you. So just drive adoptions with Magnetics on Don't Magnetics. Whatever works for you is fine, Andi. It looks good. So we're done with our second mark up or greeting guard with some perspective. And I just wanted to show you another example. I created a multiples business cards. He was in the same technique. So this is how you can create the friend. Beautiful perspective, Marcus using just to start to in procreate. So now let's move on to our next lesson and which will create this coffee mug markup in which will learn how to achieve those curves in our designs. 5. Mockup 3 - Coffee Mug with curve and text: all right. Now it's time to create a little complex monk up, which is this coffee month in which I'll show you how you can place a repeat pattern at text and achieve those curves on the cup. But before we move for the let's have a look at the layers in this PST file, as you can see that some of the layers are there with the masking on them. So in such kind off market files, I suggest no to delete any layers. It's better to create your own design layers and hide the layers, which we don't need, because if you delete any off these layers, it might increase your own efforts. So just hide those layers on, just create your own lives. So four thing I'm gonna do here is just change the background on. I think I'll just change the background color toe something like cremation or white, and then hide the layer with the design because we are going to place our own design on this one. So now that we're ready with the black coffee, but now it's time to place our design on it, and for this one, I've already created a seamless pattern with some coffee beans and leaves its lying drawing . And I kept it in a separate stock name patent. So if you want to place apart and like the save it and no file as a separate layer now going to the layer, select the layer, drag it opened the gallery and then drop it on our craft coffee mug. Markham, make this. Okay, So now we have the pattern here. I'll just adjust the size a little bit, keeping it a lot little larger than the mug. And just try not to keep it very small. Are they even equal to the size of the month? Because you need to work on the edge is also. And I think in this case I would like to have ah, larger size off the beans and leave, so I'll just keep it a little larger like this. I think this would be fine trying to play still design so that we can get almost all the elements on the coffee mug. We don't leave any blank spaces here. Looks perfect. Now going to the layers I'll to stop on the pattern layer. Tom nail on select mask option from there. This will create a layer mask on the pattern layer, which is a nondestructive way off, cleaning up your elements or design. With the black colors elected, I'll select to find the brush, which is a very small, smooth brush and perfect for cleaning. But it's very small, so I'll just create a copy of the sprung by just swiping and duplicate, and I'm going to make it a little larger. So going to general stop here you can see size numbered, still just increasing the size a little bit, and I'll just start cleaning up the edges first. Like this, I've also explained the same process in my previous class. Digitize art and procreate. As you can see, I'm painting with black over the areas that are not required. So basically, black is for concealing. On Dwight is for revealing. So if in case by mistake, you raise something that you did not want to, you can always use white and paint a word which will reveal the art back. So this is a very nondestructive way off making changes to your artwork. You don't have to, you know, raise anything. You're just creating a mask on top of your artwork. So I'm going to just clean up all those extra areas, and I'll speed up the video a little bit. So now that we have cleaned the edges now we can go ahead and raise the remaining part. We can use either a razor because that extra part is really not required, so we can simply use a razor. But if you're not comfortable, you can simply use our larger brush to just foster minto. Process on. Use the layer masking technique, as we would do all right. So now, once the cleaning up is done, will just march the masking layer with the original pattern layer by just tapping on the thumbnail of the Maschler and hit march down. And now it's time to get those calls in the design. For that, we will be using work to which we can see below when we select the transform tool. So when the warp tool is selected, you can always go toe advanced mesh option, which will give you more or anchor points, and you can just pull them down or up as required. This will help us in getting the rial feel that the Parton has been printed on the mug itself other than having that flat look. So Ah, water plays a very important role in getting the calls in your designs so you can see that this mug doesn't have very prominent goals. But still, if you are using a Markov which has very prominent calls, you can still use the warp tool with advanced mesh on on. You can create those perfect girls with that. Okay, so, ourself this pattern is done. Now it's time to add a logo are labeled on top off that. So what I'm planning is I just go ahead and make all rectangle so that we can see how work to brings the right calls in that. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the doc brown color from the beans here on if you know that procreate also has come up with a quick shape feature which lets you create quick shapes like you can just create something, for example, very loose circle and this whole your pencil. At the end, it will match the nearest possible shape and will create that one on in the similar manner will create the rectangle. But before that. I just don't know, though, drawing on which will help me in understanding the right proportions. So I just keep the drawing right on. Andi, use the technical pen or any our brush that may not leave any white spaces so that we can exit Ifill of the color and the shape. Well, just make a rectangle on. Once you make a shape like this, you will get an option. Edit shape on top very can just use anchor points on just the shape as required, something like this. This is where drawing guide comes into play. So now just pulling the color and dropping in the shape. And we have this label here. Now we can see that the tangle is looking quite flat. We need to bring those coves as we see in the mug, but before making that change. If we look at the shape off the mark, the upper portion is wider than the lower portion, so we'll have to decrease the weight off the lower portion of the label as well on for that will be using the startled to make those adjustments, selecting the transform to then the star tool from below and then I just moved the anchor points. The lower anchor points towards the center to make it look like a trap is all right. Something like this looks perfect. Now it's time to get the coast for that will be selecting the warp tool and stood off the start. Andi selecting advanced match which will give us extra anchor points towards the center so we can just move those anchor points towards the bottom off the mark. Um, to get those calls. Something like this we have such tools and photo shop as well, for the shop is more advanced but still procreate works perfect for such kind of projects on I've never faced any issues with that, and the best part is procreate can even handle is different now, just making the final adjustments to the size and placement off the label, and then we'll be done and we'll add some hand lettering or maybe text on top off this label on. Before that. I just don't off the drawing night as we don't need it anymore. And I just realized they forgot to change the color of the cap. So going to layers, you can see that There is a layer mask on top off the cap, clear, so will not be touching it. All we need to do is just select the car player on use that coffee color or whatever you want to use and drop the color on the cap. It's that simple. And now let's add the text on the label to Act X. You just have to go to the range tone on top left corner, and there's an option at text here. Just click on that. It will create a new layer for the text, and you can type anything. You will see the keyboard below so you can type whatever you want to on this type. Maybe my morning booster. Something like this. Knowledge has changed the color first and then entered the text to change the color to school to the color baron. Select the color you want. I just selected white. The layer is below the rectangle there. Just put it on top of that, so we're done on. Now it's time to edit the text. To edit the text. Simply go to the text layer, tap on the thumbnail and select and it text so you'll get this screen below. Where you can choose are different forms. You can even import forms from your library. Then you can change the Corning tracking size, all that stuff, so just play around and select whatever you like. So we're done with this text now. It's time to bring that little golf in this one, though. As we can see, it's not making a much difference on it's not looking Very flag, but still, we want to achieve a little car so that it looks like it has been printed on the cup itself . Rather than giving a feeling off. It has been like made up on the computer. So we'll be using warp tool as we did before, just like we did in the rectangular label. And just keep in mind when we make such changes to the text, the text will change to a raster graphic. It will no longer be a text, so you won't be able to make the changes to the foreign and size like we did before. So if you want to keep that text as a backup, you can just duplicate the layer and hide it so that if you want to come back and make the changes to the text. You can always go back to the back of player and work on, and we're done with that third market, which is a coffee mug with the seamless pattern on the label with some calls. So we learned how we can achieve those calls in our designs using just procreate. We don't need any other program. And now let's move on to our next more cup in which will create this talk back, using the seamless partner on, we'll learn how to achieve those strong fabric texture in our design. 6. Mockup 4 - Tote Bag with Texture: all right, so we have covered most of the parts off, creating markups. Now it's time to learn how to achieve the fabric texture using procreate. So we'll be using the stored back as a markup on will apply a seamless part and on top off it on, we'll see how we can achieve those fabric textures and that. But before that, I'll just go ahead and change the background and also hide the design layer because we're going to apply our own design on top of it. So by going to layers, I'll just hide this texture layer and add Bagram colors. Maybe White will be fine here. And, as I explained in my previous lessons, that we don't need to touch any other layers. So we'll be hiding the design layer only and not, you know, going to the leader change anything else. All right, so we have our back ready. Now it's time to bring the seamless Parton on. We'll use the same technique as we did in our coffee mug in which replace the seamless Parton on top of the coffee mug will be using the same technique by using Layer Mosque, so I'll be bringing go part in here. So I'll be using the strawberry pattern, which I have already created just by going to the layer, dragging it, opening the gallery and then dropping it on the canvas where we wanted just like this on here. We have it all right now. Going to are just the size, keeping it a little larger than the toward back and then cleaning up the edges using the same layer mask method Acquitted in our previous coffee mark. Example. Cleaning the edges off this toward bag is not going to be that difficult because, as you can see that the edges are quite flat there straight on, they're not very called, so it's so very simple. Markham. The reason why I chose the store Barry as an example. Waas toe show you how you can achieve the fabric, texture or any kind of textures that we have on the product in our designs. So I'm just going to name the pattern there as pattern and then create a mask on top off it . And then we'll use the black color to clean up the edges as what you do Not previous example, I'll disputable video a little bit for this process. - And sometimes if you feel like you cannot see the edges properly, you can always go back to your battle earlier And Lord opacity on, make sure before merging the mask clear with no pattern layer. Always bring the opacity 200% again. No, ive clean up there. Just I'll just bring the opacity back 200%. And now I'll just use the larger brush to just raise the extra bad. All right, so we're done with the cleaning up the edges. Now it's time to march the mass clear with the pattern layer by just tapping on the Tom Neal on march down. Make this so we have our pattern ready on the towed back. Now it's time to bring the texture in our design and from getting the texture in our design . We will be using the blending modes where when you go to layers and select end on the layer , it will open the blending mood options like Multiply Lena Bond, Taleban darken it sector while most of the times multiply Selves. The purpose in such cases. But you may want US tryout different, blending modes like cleaner, bone and collarbone So let's start with the multiplying and you can see we are already seeing the texture in our design. Assuming it a little bit. Now, I'll just try Lee near Bonn, which will darken it a little bit. But the texture is quite prominent and multiplies, so I think we'll go with the linear bone and maybe just decrease the opacity a little bit on that will work. And now if you zoom in and the edges, you can see that we can see those fools are looking like the pattern has been printed on the bag itself. This is the magic off the blending boards. So always try to play around with different blending Moors and see what works for you the best. And now we're done with the tote bag. Now it's time to move on to one Last and Final Market, which is a pillow markup in which I'll show you how you can achieve those in perfect fools ankles in fabric markups 7. Mockup 5 - Pillow Mockup with imperfect curves: All right, so now it's time to create a last markup off the class, Which is this pillowcase cover in this smoke up. I'll show you how you can achieve those in perfect folds ankles in any fabric markup so you can apply the same techniques that will be using in this class toe any market, like a pillow case cover. Do a cover dresses or maybe t shirt markups. So let's get started. So let's just have a look at the layers first here, where you can see that we have two pillows on. They have two groups for both the pillows, so what I'm planning is to apply seamless pattern on one on the 2nd 1 will be a solid color , which will complement the design. So I'm going to just bring the pattern on this canvas. I have this pattern ready in another canvas. What I'm going to do is I'm going toe drag this pattern, as we did before in our previous lessons. But if you have noticed that the color of the pillows is very dark and we cannot change the color off the pillows in this file, so instead of bringing only the pattern What we'll do is we'll bring the white background as well. So I'll just drag board the layers one with those seamless part in and another one is the white background dragging on, then dropping on the below scammers. And sometimes I have faced this problem that directly dropping on the canvas doesn't work. So I have to open the layers panel. So in case you face this problem, you can always open the layers panel and then drop in the elements. And I'll just bring these two layers in the below one group like this, moving them about the pillow layer Now adjusting the size and placement on before anything else, I'll group these Toler's on the crease capacities so that we can see the below better. All right, I think that this will work. Or maybe yeah, so we can see the little better now. All right. The placement is done and the size is fine. We can see the below. Now it's time to bring those cubs in the below. So for that will be using click with A I tools so that we can get more off those fools and in perfect calls in the fabric for that will go to adjustments on top, and there we have a liquefied to win. Just click on that with liquefy feature. You can push a section off the design in any direction, just like a liquid. This will help us in achieving those carbs and bends at the edges off the pillow so you can use the same future for any markups like dresses, T shirts that spectra. You can see that I'm just pushing the design wherever I see some calls or bends in the below. So now we're done with this on. Now it's time to clean up the edges, using the same technique as masking and then cleaning up the edges, as we did in our previous lessons. - All right, so the edges are done. Now it's time to clean up the extra areas so we can increase the capacity 200% and using a larger brush, just cleaning up the extra pattern here, being very careful at the edges. So now we're ready with the patent on the below, with its dimensions and calls. Now it's time to bring that treaty effect. But before that, I just noticed these two little darts. I have raised by mistake, so I will be using white and being the word that will reveal the design. And you can fix these mistakes, while those two layers the masking layer under part in there are not march together. So before you march these two layers, just check carefully. If you have made any such mistake, you can fix that and then march the layers. All right, so we have fixed all the issues Now on. Now it's time to bring that treaty effect in the pillowcase, So let's go to the layers and will march the two layers. First, the masking layer earned the pattern layer, and then we'll work on the blending modes, just like we didn't not previous market. So I just renamed this layer as Spartan. So let's start with the multiply option here on. You can see that we are already getting those calls and events in the design, which is perfect. Now. I just want to see how linear bonds look on. You can see that the neighborhood is more saturated, so you will see more bright colors here on. I think it's looking better than multiply, so we'll go with this one on. If we zoom in a bit, we can see that the Cubs are coming up perfect on each and every element, which is what we wanted to achieve. And this is how we can use blending options and liquefy tool to get those in perfect coves and bends and the fabric markups. And you can just try different options and blending boards and see whatever works best for your project. And now it's time to work on the second below. So as I told you before, I'll be using a solid color simply going to the layers and selecting the below layer. So I'm just trying to find out which one is a pillow layer here on this is the pillow layer on. I'll select a color from the design that say We'll go with the Golden Force and let's see how it looks. Simply selecting the color and dropping on the pillow on. It's looking good. Let's try another color, this one and t hard looks. Yeah, talking much better and beautiful, and I feel like changing the bathroom, so maybe I'll just remove that wall background on use a white color instead because it's looking very dark Now why does looking better? So it's fine so you can make such changes are creating woke up and the market is ready. So this is how we can create multiple markups, multiple style markups and procreate. Now we're done with all the markups in this class on. Now it's time to move on to our last video in which I'll talk about your project on do a quick recap off what we have covered in the class. 8. Project , Resources and Recap: So finally we have covered all the mock ups, and I just wanted to do a quick recap off the class. Starting from the very beginning, we created a very simple card market, using only transformed, too. Then we moved to a little complex card mocha with the perspective where we learn how to use the start option and transform to. After that, we created an even more complex coffee mug market, where we learn how to place a partner on the mark, bring cubs in the design using walk tools and how to act text. Next, we created a door back markup in which we applied a pattern on the bag and learn how to bring those drunk and mistake shirt in the design using blending modes. And the last marker was just below cover, where we used liquefy and blending options to get those in perfect fools and coves in the fabric. Now your project for this class is to create a least one markup using any of the techniques explained in the class, and some men in the project hungry After Why did the list of Mark a pre sources in the project section you can go to the lengths and download them to create your own markups. And don't worry if you don't have a designed ready right now, you can use this pattern that are provided in the project section to create your own project for the class. I hope you enjoy the class, and I can't wait to see your Markham's. And please don't forget to leave your feedback in the review section of the class. See you in my next class.