Create Beautiful Holiday Greeting Cards with Watercolor & Cut Paper | Amy Earls | Skillshare

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Create Beautiful Holiday Greeting Cards with Watercolor & Cut Paper

teacher avatar Amy Earls, Watercolor Artist

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Lesson 1: Materials


    • 3.

      Lesson 2: Sketching Our Tree


    • 4.

      Lesson 3: Painting Our Tree


    • 5.

      Lesson 4: A Little Color Theory


    • 6.

      Lesson 5: Painting Our Copy Paper


    • 7.

      Lesson 6: Cutting Our Paper


    • 8.

      Lesson 7: Glue Time!


    • 9.

      Lesson 8: Final Details


    • 10.

      Lesson 9: Example Number 2


    • 11.

      Lesson 10: Example Number 3


    • 12.

      Final Thoughts & Thank You!


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About This Class

In this class, watercolor artist Amy L. Giglio, demonstrates how to make three beautiful holiday greeting card designs using watercolor, cut paper, and ink. This class is designed to be fun for all levels and art backgrounds. The project will be to create a festive greeting card using the techniques covered in the course. However, you may choose to create a card or a stand-alone piece of art.

This is a great opportunity to discover new ways of combining watercolor with other mediums. Topics covered will include basic watercolor techniques, cutting safely with an X-Acto knife, and lots of other tips and tricks! By the end of the class, you will feel inspired to create handmade greeting cards of your own, which make great gifts for friends and family!

Join the class and create some holiday cheer!

Meet Your Teacher

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Amy Earls

Watercolor Artist



Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Amy L. Earls. I am a watercolor artist and Skillshare teacher with over 20 years of experience in drawing and painting. I am most inspired by natural subjects such as landscapes, birds, and other animals.

A few things about me. I love coffee, almond milk lattes from my local coffee shop are the best! I have a soft spot for anything cute and furry, especially cats. If I could be doing anything other than making art it would be riding horses. Also, I am just a teensy bit obsessed with color. Red is my favorite!

Art and making things have always been a part of who I am. I started drawing when I was 18 months old. I did not go to art school for college, instead, I have bachelor degrees in General Studies and Gr... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hey kids, I'm back with a holiday themed class for you. Welcome. I feel like something's missing. That's better, it is the season. I have a fun class for you this time. We're going to be making these watercolor and cut paper cards. They're pretty easy, simple, just a lot of fun really to put together. They involve pen, little extra glue. I'm going to cut some paper. That sounds like fun join me in the next lesson. Thanks. 2. Lesson 1: Materials: I'm going to be quickly going over the materials needed for this class. Because there's cutting involved, we are going to need a cutting mat. I have a really big cutting mat. I also have this smaller one, which is really convenient for cutting out smaller shapes when you don't want to pull out your big mat. The big mat is also great for protecting whatever work surface you're working on. There's quite a few tools for this class. Of course we're going to need some brushes. I'm not really sure which ones I'm going to want as I'm painting, but I know I want a bigger one and maybe a smaller one depending on what we're working with. We're also going to be sketching for this class, just a really quick outline of our subjects, so we will need a pencil and eraser. For some final details, I'm going to be using jelly roll pens as well as a white union ball signal broad point pen. You could also use other types of pens that have colored ink like this pilot extra fine red pen or you can stick with trustee micron pens. Another option to use for some finishing touches would be this pentel pocket brush pen. Because this class does involve some cut paper, you're going to need an exacto knife. I'll be using a size 11. Another little cool pen I'm going to be using is a glitter brush pen. It's called a spectrum noir sparkle pen. As always, we're going to need some water color paints. This is the palette than I'm using. This is a Saint Petersburg White Nights watercolor palette. It has professional quality watercolor paints with some really vibrant colors. Again, because of the cut paper, we're going to need some glue. I would recommend using liquid glue, not a glue stick. I'm going to be using Elmer's rubber cement. It does have a little bit of a funky smell though, so you definitely want to make sure you're in a well ventilated room when you're using this. You could also use Elmer's regular multipurpose glue. This will work just fine. It's really up to you whatever glue you want to use, whatever glue you have on hand. I'm also going to be using some pre-made watercolor cards. You can easily make your own card. Just take a piece of watercolor paper and fold it. These are the kind that I'm going to be using. They're Strathmore watercolor cards. The cards are five inches by six and seven eighths inches and it comes with matching envelopes. This paper is 140 pound cold press paper, which is perfect for me. That's exactly what I want. Again, if you were going to make your own card, you could simply use a piece of watercolor paper, trim it to the height you want and fold it in half. If you're going to do that, you might want to make sure you're trimming to a standard size and that way you'll be able to find envelopes for your card. Again, because we're doing cut paper, we're going to need some extra paper. For that, I'm not going to be using watercolor paper, I'm just going to be using regular copy paper or plain paper from your printer. You don't want it to be super heavy, thick paper. Pretty much use any paper you have on hand as long as it's not aligned. We will of course need some towel or paper towel. As always, we need some water jars and other thing you may need if you decide to go this route is some masking tape. 3. Lesson 2: Sketching Our Tree: Let's get down to it. Here's my card. I've unfolded it and I have it laying flat on my surface. I'm just going to tape it right down to the table. I try to leave about a centimeter or [inaudible] three-eighths of an inch of white-space around the edge. We're ready to get started. I also have this piece of extra paper to cover this side of the card since I don't want to get any paint on the backside. I'm going to be using my phone as my reference today and going back to my favorite image resource website. This image came from Pixabay is a free to download, copyright free image website. I try to use photos from there or of reference that I've taken myself just so I can avoid any copyright issues. I was going to sketch with a regular pencil, but I've decided to go with this Darwin watercolor pencil today. This way as I paint, my lines will blend out right into the painting and I won't have them showing through once I'm done. I'm going to modify this tree slightly. I don't want it to have as much of a trunk. I'm just sketching really lightly. If I put too much of this watercolor pencil down on my paper, it'll affect the pigment of the paint later. We don't want that. I really don't want to overdo it. I just want a basic guideline to follow, and here, I could have just made this up as I went along, but I feel like it'll be a little more genuine if I'm copying from reference. I think that that's good, and before this is activated by the water, you can erase. Just going entirely, it's drying up a little bit and then it's on to the next step. 4. Lesson 3: Painting Our Tree: I'm going to start by just laying down some clean water in a few places just to get the paper ready. One thing you may notice if you really look at a tree, is the direction that the branches grow, but you will notice that the tree branches always flick up at the end. As much as I can, I'm trying to use this side of the brush rather than the vertical point because that will help create some natural textures. I'm going to be changing up my colors as I go and I want my tree to be really vibrant so I'm not going to go for completely natural hues here. I'm just going to keep working, picking up slightly different colors, and dropping them in. If I do it quickly enough, we should get some really nice blending happening on the paper. Like I said, you really want to vary your greens, it'll help give the piece some more dimension and visual interest. I'm going to even going to drop some blue into the mix to help create some depth. I'm just using short flicking, curved flicking motions with my brush and it's pretty much creating these shapes for me. I'm not rendering them out so much as they're just happening. I'm going to come back to my indigo and drop some more of that in here. Could be pretty much any tree, and they all do this, they all have this flick up at the end. Then last but not least, I'm going to do some really dark brown in just a few places to give the impression of a trunk. These edges are little too hard for me. I'm rinsing my brush, wiping it out so it's clean and then just coming back in and re-wetting those areas and blending them out. Now, I'm just dropping a little bit more pigment and blending that out. I think that's just about done, I'm going to come back and do a little bit of a shadow under my tree. I can even put a little bit more right under the tree and up into the branches a little bit. Then depending on what you want to do, you could leave your background white. I'm going to drop in some more of this indigo color and then blend that out with some clean water, and then I'm just going to dab at it. You could use a tissue for this, paper towel works just fine, helps to rotate the paper towel. You're getting an irregular shape and it's not just the same spongy blot shape repeated. As long as this is wet, you should be able to blot very easily. You can also blot with your brush by rinsing it and then drying it and using the dry brush to soak up pigment. I think I'm going to do some splatter and some contrasting colors, maybe some fun colors with that. To do splatter, I need a really heavily loaded brush and I'm just going to tap my finger over the paper. All right, I'm going to call that done. Now, this needs to dry fully before we move on to applying the copy paper. While it's drying, we're going to paint our copy paper. 5. Lesson 4: A Little Color Theory: I wanted to help you guys with picking your contrasting colors. For me this is my card, it's predominantly green, and the default Christmas colors are red and green, so that's what I'm going to be using. I painted my copy paper red, but there's other combinations you could use, so that's why I created a color wheel to show you guys. Red in green are opposite from each other across the color wheel, that means that they are complimentary colors. To put simply, if you don't already know, it just means that they contrast each other really well. Another example would be blue and orange, or purple and yellow, those are like the main contrasting colors. But as you can see, there's variations on this theme, like pink and a light green are also complementary colors. I want you to feel free to use other colors besides standard Christmas colors, if that's something that you're interested in or if you're not into Christmas, this just might help you pick your secondary color. Some other colors that go really well together are magenta, violet, and turquoise. 6. Lesson 5: Painting Our Copy Paper: For the cut paper, I'm just using a regular piece of plain white copy paper. I'm going to be painting it predominantly red, going for the traditional Christmas colors here. There's no rhyme or reason for this. We just want to paint a big section of the surface with some fairly vibrant color. Once this dries, we're going to be cutting it into little shapes, little decorations, and adhering it to our card. It doesn't have to be the whole sheet of paper, just a good amount. That looks good to me. Just let that dry and be ready to move on to the next step. 7. Lesson 6: Cutting Our Paper: All right. Now it's time to grab your cutting mat. If you don't have this self-healing cutting mat, just know that you need to protect your surface, if you're using an incision knife. If you're going to be trying to cut these out with scissors, that's a different story. But since the shapes are so small, I would definitely recommend using some blade. My paper is dry and I'm pretty happy with how it dried. It's not going to be super vibrant on this paper. This paper is really not meant to take water color paint, but that's okay. We really just want this for some pops of color on our greeting card. That being said, I sketched out a few simple shapes you can use to decorate your tree. Just basic ornament shapes, I would say, the simpler the better because you're going to have to be cutting these out by hand, and it could get really tedious. If you want it to get super intricate, you can, but I'm not going to take that much time to create my ornaments. Another thing you may want to do is a star or some topper to put on the top of your tree. Well, that's entirely up to you. Another idea I had as well, was that you could draw your shapes out on the back of the paper and cut them out and then flip it over. This will work for anything that's symmetrical or you can just cut freehand. It's really up to you and I'm going to do it freehand. I'm not going to be too precious about this, not going to try to make the shapes perfect, and I think if they're a little bit imperfect, that's great for this because it's going to show that handmade feel. I'm just going to get down to cutting. I want to make sure that my blade is secure and that it's in there really tight. You may also want to get a new blade. You're less likely to cut yourself with a new blade than with a dull one. Just as a little disclaimer, you should probably try to cut away from yourself as much as possible, and be very mindful about where you put your fingers. You do not want your hand in the direction that the blade is coming. So I wouldn't want to hold the paper like this and cut towards my hand. I would want to hold the paper like this, then I'm free to cut anything this way. Then if I needed to, I can always turn this to get a better angle so that I'm not cutting towards my hand. I'm just going to go for it. I think I'm just going to do typical ornament shapes and not get too complicated with it. I'm also going to take a peek at my card and try to figure out scale. l want keep my shapes about a half an inch, roughly tall. This isn't a very big card. If you're working on a larger project, like a full-sized painting, then you may want to go bigger. I'm pushing down firmly and going slow, I'm taking my time, I'm being careful you do not want to rush this. Another thing to keep in mind is that you can always refine these, refine the shapes a little bit after you have them cut out of your paper. I'd say for my size card, I'm going to cut maybe 10 items, more complicated shapes like the star. You might want to trace something or sketch that out ahead of time. That might be more difficult to freehand. I'm going to try to do a candy cane. We'll see how that goes. I'm going to turn it around to get all these curves there. I can put some whites details on this later with some white gel pen to really make it look like a candy cane. Maybe I'll try to do something a little more intricate. Be careful if you have any really tiny joins. Now, another option, if you want to get more colorful, is you could do more than one paper like this, or you could paint your paper multiple colors. So maybe I do a section that's red, a section that's gold, you could do any colors that you want. Take from traditional Christmas ornaments, things that you have on hand you can use as inspiration. I'm going to do a five-sided star and we're done cutting out our shapes. 8. Lesson 7: Glue Time!: Welcome back. So our card is drying out and we are okay to pull up the masking tape. When you do this, you want to try your best to pull the tape at a 45 degree angle relative to this vertical and that way you'll get minimal tearing of your paper that's underneath. Now, you can see here it has damage to the surface of the paper a little bit. If you're concerned about that, you can always stick the masking tape to your clothes or to another surface before putting it down on your paper and that should help lower the tack or the amount of stick that's on the tape and reduce the risk of damaging your paper surface. All right. We're ready to move on to gluing and now for the messy part. So Gama shapes, I've got my glue and what I'm going to do is I'm going to arrange everything before I start gluing and now we all know where things are going to be and I think I'm going to put my smaller ornaments towards the top and alternate shape. This filling it out without, see you in how I want things to be, and these are meant to be little presence under my tree but if I'm going to do that, I have to remember to leave space to draw a little ribbon on the top. That looks more balanced to me. I think I'm happy with that, so I'm going to start gluing. Let's start at the top. The other thing about rubber cement is that it doesn't dry immediately. So it gives you some time once you've put your ornament down to adjust your placement and move things around a bit if you need to. If you need to make some really small adjustments to placement, you can use your exact door knife. So I use the back edge of my exact door knife to do some more precise adjusting and to make sure that my pieces are stuck down completely. Here's our last one, was getting that off my finger, and place it down, Awesome. We're done doing our ornaments, just going to let this dry completely, and then we'll come back for our finishing touches. 9. Lesson 8: Final Details: This should only take a few minutes to dry, depending on what glue you have. If you've got any extra, or excess glue down on your card, you can pick it up with a rubber cement pickup. That's the only name I know this by. This is also really good for lifting off masking fluid. I could just very carefully go along the edges, and it will pull all the excess glue off without damaging your painting. We're ready to get down to our final details. I have these pens, these gel pens that I'm going to use. I'm going to be decorating my ornaments using primarily my uni-ball signo broad point, white gel pen. This is great for any final details and highlights, on top of your watercolors. I'm going to start with the candy cane because that one is like the most obvious. I'm going give my candy canes stripes. Can just do some really simple designs, this doesn't have to be complicated. I'm just going to be using some really simple lines, and dots. I'm going to add some stripes. I might add some wavy lines, stacked on top of each other to create a pattern. I'm taking from ornaments that either have, or I have seen in the past, and simplifying the way that they are decorated into something that I can easily apply to these tiny little decorations that are on my card. I don't want to make it too complicated because it's going to be too small, and too difficult to try and fit a lot of small lines in there. This is going to be my little present. I'm going to draw a ribbon, a very stereotypical ribbon just with two loops. I'm having to white my pen off, and come back and you may, in some spots have to go over your pen again. Some really simple details you could add would be a highlight on one side. You could add snowflakes. If you're unsure how you'd like to decorate your ornaments, you can do some little sketches on the side, or some test runs on ornaments that are not on your card, just on a piece of scrap paper. Feel like my bow looks weird, so I'm going to add little tails. You could leave it at this point. But I think I'm going to put some little beads or like some more little decorations on here. I'm going to take my silver gel pen and I'm just going to do loops, little loops. All I'm doing with that is just going like this. It's not really fancy. You can do whatever you want at this point, like decorate the card however you would like. You could add text. Like you could write Merry Christmas if you want. I'm not going to write any words on mine, but you're welcome to. If that's something you want to do you should plan for it, from the start so there's enough room for all of your writing. This is basically it, you can be more simplistic and do less, or you can be more detailed, and more decorative and take this further. We'll be using more colors, more ink details at the end. Really let your imagination run wild, and take this idea wherever you want to go with it. There was another little detail I wanted to add to this card before I'd call it complete, and that's this glitter brush pen. I'm just going to apply it underneath the tree, so that it's glittery, snow and then maybe on the branches in a couple of spots, not going to go crazy with it. It's completely clear, so it won't hurt to throw it on some of these ornaments. I don't know if you can see that. I'm going to show you one more example, with some less traditional Christmas colors. 10. Lesson 9: Example Number 2: All right. On to our second example, I'm going to use this really, really light Darwin watercolor pencil and pink, and this card is going to be an ornament. I have a rough idea in my head of what I want. I've done several Google searches to get inspiration and ideas, and I'm going to put together a conglomeration of things that I saw that I liked. I want to leave space at the top because it's going to be hanging and I want circular shape, and then more teardrop shape. I'm trying to make sure this straight on. I am not really sketching every straight, into a circle and then a point. Because this one is suspended, I can do whatever I want for a background. That's all I'm going to do for my sketch. I'm going to raise a little bit, but this is such a light color that it really should not matter. There's that. This time I'm going to be using some very non traditional colors for my ornament. I'm going to try to make this symmetrical, but if it doesn't come out perfect, I think that that's okay. I think the understanding is obvious. It's a hand painted card and so it's going to have its own little terms. Adding some more pigment, just trying to make the shape as regular as possible, there's my shape. Let's do some pretty big splatter and that's turquoise, I'm doing purple as well, and I'm going to let that dry for a minute. I'm going to mop up this puddle a little bit, and I want the splatter to dry a little bit, but not completely. I've let this dry a bit. It's not completely dry, but it's dry enough and I'm going to grab a tiny bit more turquoise and some water and just make a loose background. Stealing a page out of Jasmine creates book today for this card background. If you haven't heard of Jasmine creates, she's one of my favorite skill share instructors and she has a lot of really great classes, both on watercolor and on ink. If you haven't done so already, I highly recommend you check out her classes. I really wanted to be really loose and watery, right up the edge, and then I'm going to blur a little bit to lighten it in the center just using paper towel, doing a little bit of a vignette and just softening it out. I think I'm happy with that. I'm going to let this dry and then we're going to come back for our next step. This has dried and I'm going to pull up the tape. Don't need it taped down anymore. Again, you just want to be pulling the tape at a 45, roughly a 45-degree angle to the vertical line. This time I use that little trick I told you about where I stuck the tape to my pants really quick before placing it down on my paper and it looks like I'm not getting as much damage to the surface of the paper. We can set this aside. It's still a little bit cool. I'm going to let that dry completely. Now, I've got some more plain paper, plain copy paper, and this time for an accent color I'm going to be using, FineTech pearls palette. This is one of the smaller ones, but it has a silver. I'm going to see if that'll work. I got the clear there, it's really shiny reflective surface. These paints take a little bit more reacting than regular watercolor paint. For me, I'm just using this for the little top piece that attaches to the ornaments so that it can hung up in a Christmas tree. I don't need a whole lot of surface area painted. Spend a few minutes. I want to make sure that this paper was completely dry, which I could tell by looking at the back, and if it's not completely dry, it's not going to be able to tolerate being cut because this is very thin paper. Definitely want to wait until everything is completely dry before you start cutting. I'm just going to make one little shape here. I probably should have cut out these inside bits first, and then I want just little diagonal cuts and we have the top of our ornament. That's all I'm going to do for cut paper on this piece. This is dry and so it's ready for me to glue this right there. It's going to be the same procedure as before. Just going to apply a little bit of glue to the back, make sure I get it on all those little corners, and I'm just going to sit down, and I'm going to come back and use my exact, the backside to just gently release it down. Try to get it a little bit more centered. There we go. Just need to let that dry a little bit. I didn't really get too much excess glue on it. I'm just going to go right into inking. I did this design on a separate piece of paper just to lay it out. Now I'm going to draw it on here, starting with the top first,, and then I'm going to make a bad snowflake. Then I'm just going to do more little dots on either side. If you can't tell, I really like symmetrical patterns. Then from this part, I'm just going to repeat what I did at the top and then I'm just going to put two little stripes and two little dots on the bottom. There's my little ornament. Then I'm going to come back in with some silver. Just do like a little string so it looks like it could have been an ornament hanging on a tree, and then I can also put some color on here. My pen didn't really color this as well as I would've liked. I wanted it to be more solid white. Anyway, I'm just going to add a little bit of white colored pencil to make those areas a little bit more opaque, and I'm going to call that done. 11. Lesson 10: Example Number 3: For my third example, I thought it would be really cute to do a gingerbread man. I want to leave space at the top and on the bottom. I think his little feet are going to be about there and he's going to have an oval shaped head and then two little arms coming out I and give him little legs. Gingerbread man, maybe he should have little mittens, let's give them a thumb, the little main body here, which is going to be fairly wide since he is a cookie after all. These are just straight lines, little curb line for his foot. Nothing tough here, just trying to make sure that he's about the same on both sides. Little thumb on this side and then we can add buttons or other decorations once we've got our watercolor done. Again, I'm using a watercolor pencil. If you weren't using a watercolor pencil, you could just go very lightly with regular pencil and then go back and erase what you didn't want, so that you just end up with a very light line on your paper. Just touching up the drawing, erasing lines that I don't really need. But most of this will melt into my paint once I apply water to my paper. Turning over to my palette and mixing up a really nice gingerbread color, it's predominantly burnt sienna. I'm making his head more oblong shaped, you could make it rounder if you like. You don't really want them to look like stewie though, you know what I mean. If you ever watch Family Guy for bow-head. Oh, he's got such cute little hands. I really like this, so this is coming out. I think it's going to be super cute. Grabbing more paint off my palette, I don't want to get any of these edges, so I need to be quicker. I want to round off the corners to really make him feel like a cookie, because a cookie would not have sharp edges. Just coming back and adding some more pigment, I need him to be dark enough or it could be a girl actually, it can become a girl, just give her some hair. I need the cookie portion of this little guy to be dark enough that when I put the white details on top, they really pop and there's a good amount of contrast. I think it's okay for him to be darker in some spots because cookies don't bake evenly. I think that's good, and I'm going to let him dry a little bit. I'll cover that side of the card. For a background, I'm thinking red and white, so maybe I'll just do some quick red splatter, pick up a good amount of red paint on my brush and just tap it carefully from up here, pretty high above the paper. Cool. We're going to be adding the final details on our gingerbread card. I'm going to use some green on some copy paper, and then I'm going to use a little bit of this red. I thought maybe I would give him a little scarf or something. I'm just going to give him three little gum drop buttons, so I'm just going to cut three little circles out of this. It's okay if they're not perfect, gum drops are not perfect anyway. Talk of gum drop buttons makes me want to watch Shrek, yeah, I'm nerd. That one came out lumpy, I'm going to do another one. Then this one, I'm going to give him a little scarf. Get my fingers out of the way, do a little bit of a curve, and it's really easy to just keep turning the paper rather than like adjusting your body for every little thing. Then I can cut that out, and then I can cut out little wedges to make this look like it's got some fringe on the end. I personally do not really have too many scarves that I wear that have fringe on them, but that's the stereotype. Here's the guy, here's our glue, so let's get our little buttons arranged and our little scarf on like that, that looks good. I realized I made my gingerbread skinny. They are generally fat, but oh well. So much for not getting it all over my hands, pretty happy with that. I think that's it for gluing. Let that dry for a few minutes and we'll be ready to put on the final details. The glue has dried now and we're just going to come back in and add our final little details. We want to give him a smile, gingerbread guys usually have a pretty thick smile, the icing smiles and he's going to need little eyes, we should put the eyes right here. Let's draw this line in, wondering what else to do with him, if I should put stripes on the scarf. Big stripes could be good. I'm trying to make these offset from each other just to make them stand out a little bit more, it's festive. I feel like I have to do something to these. I'm going to make them look like actual buttons, then a lot of times gingerbread guys have these little patterns on them, like that's fun. Anything to add a little bit more white to the design is good. I am just free handing these, I'm not trying to make them perfect. Well, he's not the perfect gingerbread man, but I think he's cute and that's it. That's all the cards in the class. 12. Final Thoughts & Thank You!: Here are all three of the cards, finished and folded. Cut paper and watercolor can really go very well together and then when you add in the pen details at the end, it just brings everything together. This technique can easily be applied to other subject matter. It's essentially mixed media collage. Feel free to apply this to non-holiday subjects, if that's what you want to do. There are no restrictions on the class project, it could be anything you want. Just use watercolor and cut paper. Thank you so much for taking my class. I really hope you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun making these. I hope that you took this approach and applied it in your own way. I hope you created something beautiful and that you will share your class project in the project section below. Your feedback is really appreciated. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to get in touch with me or to leave a comment in the review section and that's all I've got for you this time. Happy holidays and I'll see you in the next class. Take care. Bye, bye.