Create a YouTube Video with Just Your Phone and InShot | Morgan Schreiber | Skillshare

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Create a YouTube Video with Just Your Phone and InShot

teacher avatar Morgan Schreiber, I create stories

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      The Project


    • 3.

      My Project


    • 4.

      Before You Film


    • 5.

      InShot Basics


    • 6.



    • 7.

      Importing Videos


    • 8.

      Rough Cutting


    • 9.

      Fine Cutting


    • 10.



    • 11.

      Adding Sound


    • 12.

      Voice Overs


    • 13.

      Text, Images, and GIFs


    • 14.



    • 15.

      What If You Filmed Vertically?


    • 16.

      Exporting The Finished Video


    • 17.

      Uploading To YouTube


    • 18.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Have you wanted to start a YouTube channel, but felt like you lacked the proper equipment? Want to try your hand at creating your own online courses, but don’t know how to edit it? I used to feel that way, but now there’s affordable technology that makes it possible. I create YouTube videos and online courses using only my phone and an app called InShot.

This course is perfect if you’re ready to create your YouTube channel, but aren’t sure how to go about it WITHOUT fancy equipment. The good news is, if you already have a smartphone with a decent camera, you’ve got the equipment you need.

For this course all you need is a smartphone and a version of InShot, plus a stylus pen and/or tripod/selfie stick (optional). I purchased InShot Pro, but there is also a free version. I highly recommend using some sort of tripod for filming, but it isn’t necessary. To film I use the video record feature on my Samsung Galaxy S10. I also use my Tribit bluetooth headphones for voice over recordings, but you can use the mic on your phone or any headphones that you have. The stylus pen doesn't need to be high quality, but I find it helps when making smaller adjustments to the video.

Links to things I use to make my videos:


My Tribit XFree Tune Headphones

Epidemic Sound

Meet Your Teacher

Teacher Profile Image

Morgan Schreiber

I create stories


Hi there!

I'm Morgan.

I'm a multi-passionate Entrepreneur, Storyteller, and Learning and Development Specialist.

I've started several companies over the last decade (from Theatre companies to Business Consulting Services) and have provided Operations, Marketing, and Sales services to a variety of businesses.

On the creative side I'm a self-published author, I create immersive events and experiences, and direct/act in film and on stage. I've been a writer and performer for over 25 years (yes, it all began way back when I was a wee child). You can find more about my creative work through Mo Creativ Studio.

On the business side I'm a Business Consultant and Operatio... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro: Hi, my name is Morgan Schreiber and I create stories. I'm a content creator, a digital storyteller, as well as an author. And earlier this year in 2020, I started a YouTube channel and started creating blogs as well. And this journey has been super interesting. But ultimately I started with nothing but my phone and an app called in shop. Now in this course I'm gonna teach you how to make a YouTube video using gesture smartphone and this app. My goal is to show you that you don't need all the fancy expensive gear to be able to create videos on YouTube or for anything else. In fact, this course was edited completely using in shot as well. In this course I'm going to teach you about filming and editing basics including filters and effects, adding text, adding sound, doing voiceovers, and pretty much anything else involved in creating a video for YouTube. For this class, we're going to create a mini adventure blog. Now this could be something just within your own home. You don't necessarily have to go out and find some sort of epic adventure to film. But this is going to be a great chance for you to experiment and learn the app and start your journey. Telling your story. Maybe posting videos on YouTube, and just having a fun time editing videos. Now, I will let you know this is a beginner course. I'm going to cover a lot of information, but also I want to make sure that you feel comfortable and understand I'm not coming from a film background. I am coming from the background of Essentially, I wanted to start a YouTube channel and so I just figured it out along the way. Some of that was through researching online, but most of it was just trial and error. And hopefully the things that I've learned along the way, we'll help you get a jump start on your channel. 2. The Project: Alright, so let's talk about the project. So for this project, we're going to be creating essentially a vlog video of a mini adventure. Now this adventure can be really anything. It can be going on a hike. It can be you making a trip to a local shop or store. It can even just be you going for a walk around your neighborhood, whatever you want it to be in, whatever you're able to do, especially with any restrictions during this current time, you can do that and that'll still count as a mini adventure. If you want to stay closer to home, you can find some sort of project or something to maybe try for the first time while you're at home. Everything is an experience and everything is worth sharing. The only tools that you'll need for this will be a Smartphone and the app in shocked. The other thing that is optional is a stylus for editing, since you will be working on a small screen, but that is up to you. I sometimes use a stylus and most of the time, I don't know. I just want you to remember that I'm not expecting perfection on here. It is a learning process. It has taken me months to start getting my process down. And even then, I see areas where I can improve. That's kind of the thing about any skill or anything like that, is there is always room for improvement and you have to start somewhere. So don't be too critical on yourself. There are probably going to be things that you forget, but ultimately you're here to learn. One reminder I will say as far as projects, remember to share your thoughts and feelings along the way, it's really important that people feel like they're on this journey with you. And if you aren't sharing the things that you were experiencing, they're gonna be missing out on a lot. Alright, well, let's jump into the class and start talking about what you need before you start filming. 3. My Project: Alright, now before we get started, I am going to show you what my mini adventure video looks like. So you have an idea of what type of video we're gonna be creating today. Everybody, welcome back. Let's say you're having a great week. Today. Slash yesterday, I am discussing with my mom what type of plants we want because we share patio garden, but rather large, heavier space for that. And we're talking about what we want to store call crafts and maybe going to get some of those plants. This is filmed out of order. So yesterday we actually discuss what we wanted and that sort of thing. I forgot to give us a little intro then, so I'm doing it now. And then today the plan is to go get plants. Yeah. So come along with the journey and I will show you also what I currently have a little bit of and you know, just a point shopping. So I wanted to grow arugula again as it was pretty good. This string, let us turn of greens, spinach, bok choy will try radishes in micro greens, cilantro, collared greens in shark movie. I don't think we should tread here. It's because it's just takes a lot of space for not a lot field below soon. Oh, I also wanted to do you were mentioning getting some regular oregano and reading poetry fellowships. Okay. So we're just getting those three things tomorrow. Nothing. It's it's never just that. We'll always find something else. But if we can limit it, you know, and note we don't make again. I think already. Sounds good. Okay. So we've got the plan for tomorrow. So tomorrow morning we're going to get up early to try to avoid any crowds and look at those plants. And then we'll see whether or not they get planted tomorrow because it is going to be pretty hot. So I might have to wait coal tomorrow evening or maybe tomorrow and the next morning on Morning. But otherwise, it'll be good starting to get some more stuff ready for fall. This is just the early part of it because obviously we're not there yet. It's still someone. So some of the steps just not it's, you know, tomorrow. But I am. It's going this outing tomorrow and get some delicious snowflake. Has no say veggies, but it's pernicious serves. Oh, okay. So the first one. Alright, so we've got few plans to Scott the plants we wanted plus1 at. Pretty excited about that. It's a lemon surgery savory. That's right, a lemon savory. So that should be interesting. It's very lemony. I'm interested to cope with it and see what that is like. Otherwise, mission accomplished. Thank you for coming along on this little adventure. We'll show you if after this, what the plants look like themselves, better view of them because I did not give me good, very good shot of that, gives you a nice scenic view of that. But otherwise, if you liked this video, give it a thumbs up, if you like me and are interested in seeing what other videos I create, go ahead and subscribe and put out a video every week on Friday. But otherwise, just stay safe, stay healthy and happy. And I will see you all next time. Say gabang grazie. Grazie. Say bedroom. Subscribe, hit the like button. Have a good day, stay safe. Alright, now let's jump into it. I'm gonna break down all of the different things I did to create this video. And hopefully that will help give you the information you need to create your own. 4. Before You Film: Alright, so there are a few things that you need to think about before you start filming. First, you should figure out a loose plan of where you wanna go and what types of shots you want to get. Also consider what you want your viewers to walk away with. Is it informative video? Is it a sense of something and idea, et cetera? If you're uncomfortable with the idea of filming in public, choose somewhere less populated for this project. Don't even worry about it. I still get a little bit uncomfortable filming in public. So this is not something that just goes away right away. Watch a few YouTube videos from creators who like and note what you like about their videos. And most importantly, make sure your phone is charged fully before you go. Alright, so those are the key things that you wanna make sure that you have. So let's go ahead and have you start on mapping out your adventure and making notes of what type of video you want to make. What do you want your audience to walk away with is the end. 5. InShot Basics: Alright, now before we get filming, I'm gonna give you a quick tour of the app itself. Just say you have a better understanding of the types of things that you can do with the app and the features that it offers. So here I've already opened up video, I've started it. You're gonna go ahead and click video for your first time and you'll hit new. Since I have already started importing videos, I will go ahead and just click the one I've got right here. Now. We've got starting from the left here, we've got canvas which allows you to adjust the canvas of your video. Basically, if you need to set it up for YouTube or tick tock or Instagram, whatever you're trying to make this video for that's just going to adjust whatever that base size shape basically is. And you can either apply it to just one video by hitting the single checkmark on the right or to all the videos by hitting the double-check mark on the left. Now I've already said it, but I'm gonna go ahead and click YouTube again and then double-check applied to all. So now I know all of my videos are set for YouTube. Then we've got music, which is where you're going to be able to add sounds, sound effects, music, reading like that as well as do voiceovers. So tracks is where you will find the audio library that they already have for you. I will touch on this a little bit more than we've got my music, which is any music that you download from another source, whether that is from youtube studio or a paid subscription service, anything like that. You can see it all here once you've downloaded it onto your phone. And then these are the effects that they haven't stock. If you happen to find a special effect sound that again, you have downloaded from an outside source. It'll still show up under my music. As you can see down here, I've got force field energy, screams. I did kinda scary video recently, if you can tell. Those will just show up in that list as well. And then under effects, it's gonna pull up basically the same thing to start and I planned effects and under record, it'll just immediately jump you into recording. So then if you want to hit checkmark that confirms any changes that you may have made. And the next on the list we've got sticker. That's going to be all of the stickers that they have available. Some of them you have to download. So you can go through and look at what they offer. Some are really fun. And then you can also add other ones to the store. These are where I was talking about. The downloading ones are unloading right now. You can also add your own images if you want. They just recently added a GIF or GIF option, whichever you pronounce it. So that's really cool. I think it still is a little finicky, so hopefully that won't be a problem for too much longer. It can adjust the speed of your video when you're working on it. So then after that, we've got text, texts and Sticker actually just come up in the same section, kind of similar to the sound effects. So text is just if you want to add any text to your video. And you can move it around, you can change the font, things like that. We're not gonna do that right now. So I'm gonna hit check brush, get back out. So again, you can see sticker and text are right next to each other. Those we'll go to the same place so you can click whichever one you want. Filter is going to give you some preset filters that you can use to adjust how your video looks, if you would like to. But it does also give you the option to add special effects, which you can see down on this list here, there's a huge variety of them. Some of them are more simple for focusing on a specific point. Some I don't know what you would use them for, but they're there. And then we've also got adjust if you just want to go in and tinker with brightness or anything on your own. Once again, we've got the single cheque or the multi-track. So you can apply to all of you need to. Pre-cut is a place where you can make cuts and adjustments to your video. I will go into this a little bit more because there are some details about it that are good to know. And then split is a quicker version of pre-cut essentially. So if you hit a point in the middle of your video where you know you want to split it. So let's say there's a big pause, just get split and it'll split it from this view here. Delete pretty self-explanatory background is if you have a smaller image or if you are video or if you are making it for another format, but you filmed a certain way, you can add a background behind it. I will also show you this is really useful if you filmed upright or anything like that, but you need it to fit YouTube speed, you can adjust the speed of your videos. They recently updated this feature as well. So now you can go up to a 100 times faster. I have not spent anything fast. But especially if you need to do like a really long time-lapse of the sky or nature plant or anything like that. You can speed that video up using this feature. Crop. Again, pretty self-explanatory. You can crop your video volume. You can adjust the volume of each of your video clips that are currently in here. Right now, everything's just automatically at 100, that's what your normal video is at. However, if you haven't video that's a little bit quiet or especially if you're talking and it's harder to hear you, you can tinker with that volume and turn that up if you need to. I will go more into the other details of extract audio and things like fat. Then we've got duplicate. That's just literally copying your video. So if you needed it in there twice for some reason, whether it's for doing some sort of special editing purposes and whatnot, you have that option. You can also rotate or flip your video and then freeze. I will also go into that later as well. On the left here we've got the red plus, which is how you're going to add things to your timeline, whether it's video or photo. You do that and you have those there. Or if you wanted to add a blank and put text or something like that over it, you can do that as well. At the top when you are ready to save the draft, but you're not ready to publish your video. You actually don't wanna hit save, even though it says save in the upper right corner. You're gonna want to hit the back arrow. That's gonna save your video to drafts. When you are in here. And you see that save button at the top right. That is when you are completely done with your video and you want to export it, it will actually compress it into a single file rather than all of these individual ones. You won't be able to edit it from that one anymore. You can always go back in and edit in the app. But it does save another copy, a completed copy of the video to your phone. And if you're not done, there's no point in doing that. So just keep in mind that save is actually for when you're done with your video. So that is the brief tour of the app. So I am going to go ahead and get into some more of the in-depth parts of it and how it works. But hopefully that clears everything up for, you know, something I want you to keep in mind is that in shot is regularly updating the app with new features. So while I have covered everything that is currently at the time of filming this in that app. There could be new features that have been added in later that I am unable to cover. All right, so now that you have somewhat of an understanding of what you're able to do in the app. Let's move on to film and go on an adventure. 6. Filming: Alright, so now that you are ready to film, Let's get into some of the basics of what you should keep in mind when you're out there filming or in here filming. Alright, so you're going to be filming your adventure, whatever that may be. And so you wanna make sure that you're covering the different steps and stages throughout that process and that journey. Now, like I mentioned before, that this does also include talking about your experience, your feelings, your thoughts, things like that, that you notice along the way. You can do this either verbally during the video. You can use text later on in editing, or you can even do a voiceover and editing as well. So it's up to you how you would like to talk about what's going on. And then keep in mind if you do film something, but forget to talk about what's going on. You can always go back later and add a voiceover or text to explain what's happening in that shot. Something else you're gonna wanna consider that's gonna help you create a really interesting video, is varying your shots. Now this means changing not only angles and getting different perspectives, but also working with depth and distance. Now, it's very interesting when you're working on something smaller or you're doing something that requires my focus or there's more emotion to the up-close. But if you are out and trying to show the world, for example, let's say you're going hiking, you want to get some shots showing your surroundings so people have a better sense of where you are. Now, I do wanna say only play with distance if you are sure that your phone is going to be safe, leaving it away from you. Now that is just whether you're keeping an eye on it and nobody else's around so you're fine there. Or if you have somebody with you who can keep an eye on your phone while you wander off to get the shot. Another thing to keep in mind is that you are going to need to thumbnail images for your YouTube. If you have just created your YouTube channel and you haven't posted any videos yet. It does take a little bit of time before you're allowed to upload a thumbnail. So you will be able, you will have to use whatever they give you, but you can apply thumbnail images retroactively. So I would just go ahead and get that thumbnail image so that you have it and then you're set for later. Now, what is a thumbnail image? A thumbnail images, the small image that shows up when your videos listed online is the first thing that viewer c. And if you take a look around YouTube, you will see that there are so many different ways that you can do a thumbnail image there. No right concrete way. You can put text in it or you can leave it completely mysterious and just have some sort of image. It's up to you. I would say keep an eye on what is going to be most eye-catching. But other than that, whatever you like. Another tip that's really important is when you are talking to the camera and give the camera a few seconds before you start talking and after just holding your posts. So that would look for me something like this. Hi everybody, welcome back. That little brief moment. They're just helps you with editing, so you aren't starting a video in the middle of some really strange facial expression or starting with sound and having to try to cut off previous words. That is a bit of a challenge that you're going to have to learn. It's a habit. I still have problems with run-on sentences when I'm speaking. And it can make editing love challenging, not impossible, just challenging. But I would definitely recommend doing the holding your facial expression before the very first clip, just before any major chunks. Otherwise, you can still edit within whatever that conversation is, that video. But at least give yourself that nice clean start. 7. Importing Videos: Alright, so let's get started on importing. So I'm gonna go ahead, for example, sake, open up a new video. It automatically pulls up all of my videos. So let's go ahead and import several of these. So we're gonna start here. Sometimes it does pop up. If it's a longer video, it does automatically pop up. Whether or not you want to trim it. I don't like to trim it usually at this point, I like to trim it within the timeline, so I just hit check. And then you can go through and you can tap whatever videos or images you would like to upload. So videos are going to be on this page. If I wanted photos, I could switch over to photos. But otherwise, yeah, you can click that. You'll hit the check mark and it imports everything to you here. Now, let's jump into the super fun part, rough cuts. 8. Rough Cutting: Alright, so now that you've uploaded most, if not all of your videos into shot, we're gonna start with rough cuts. Alright, so what do we get started with the rough cuts first? So these videos are just my journey on the way to the plant shop. I just basically was in the passenger seat filming. I will end up adding some music to these later. So at the moment I'm not going to cut them down too much. But I do know that there are certain parts that can be trimmed like this one does not need to be as long, so I'm going to rough cut it there. You can rough cut a couple of ways. So there is the arrow here that I can just drag. And you can kinda see it's clicking on the bar when it gets there. That's a really nice feature that applies to a lot of different things including putting in text or music. So if you know there's a specific point where you want something to start or end. You can just move your bar there and then drag whatever it is to that point and it should click in place. So just going through and doing that the other way that you can adjust the length of the video is you can go over to pre-cut and that'll pull up that entire clip. So especially if you need to for some reason cut out a middle section of your video or you just need to split it into several different videos. You can do that at this point. With multi split, what you're going to do is you're going to come up here and let's see, am I cut out this person may hit multi split there. And you want to make sure that you're hitting the multi Split button on the bottom. Don't lead to hollow her, but we're going to hit won't feed split again. We've put out that portion and I'll tighten that up later to make sure that I don't have the tidbit on the edge of the video there. And then a separate clip is going to be this one of the signs. So I'm gonna go ahead and multi split again right before that happens. So now I have three separate cuts in the same video clip that I imported, I'm gonna go ahead and hit the check mark there. And that way I can edit and move and adjust them individually as I need to. Once you've gone through your video and make these rough cuts, it's time to go back and make the finer tune cuts and small edits. So once you have done that, then move on to the next video and we'll get started on that second part. 9. Fine Cutting: Alright, so now that we have done the rough cuts on these parts, I'm gonna go ahead and fine tune a little bit. So with this one, I know at the tail end there, we just kinda walked up the bottom of the plant box and it wasn't really that exciting. I'm just gonna get rid of that. And actually just show me walking. And then we come back over here. There was the portion of this video that I wanted to trim off the end or the beginning. And then we've got the walking up towards the sign. So I'm gonna go ahead and trim this video to that point. And again, trimming this video to the point where I was standing still with it in the shot. Because I just want to display that. So that is more of the fine cutting. So now when you watch that, again, there's still no sound, but it will look a lot of their sound. It'll look a lot tighter though at this point. There's a lot of extra stuff that you may film that your audience doesn't need to see. So that's how you can kind of cut that out. Once you have all of your edits done, then we're gonna move into the next section, which is transitions. 10. Transitions: Alright, so now we're going to talk about transitions. So let's say I wanted to put a transition between this shot of the sign and once we entered the flower shop, the little dash here at the bottom of your timeline is what you're going to click to enter, to put in a transition. And you can see there are a variety of options you can click through and find whichever ones you're gonna like best. I would say also pay attention to what the field of your video is because different transitions are going to help convey that feeling. So even if you might find one really cool, it might not be a good fit for your particular video. So I'm just gonna do a simple slide here. There you can see. And it lets you view them as you can see, you can address also the length in which they happen. So if I'd like a shorter, you can see that was real quick. I usually go for a little bit longer because I like it to be a little gentler. And you just hit OK, there you go. One thing you do want to keep in mind is that you need to make sure you have a little extra space on the end of each video because that transition is essentially fading out the video that you currently have in Eclipse, so you are going to lose a chunk of it. This is not such a big deal in this particular situation. But if you have a video clip where you are speaking or there's something happening that you want your audience to see. And you trim it too tightly and then put a transition in, you're going to lose the tail end of what you're saying or what you want your audience to see. 11. Adding Sound: So I've gone back to the start of the soul travelling on pleasure. I definitely wanna happen you sick. So first things first I'm going to go to the music option. And you can see your different video clips down at the bottom. They've got purple and they also in very small text, say 100%. So that is the level that that volume is at. Now I would like to view the different videos a little bit more since I'm not actually adjusting anything to do with the video, I don't need it spread out, so I'm just going to put two fingers on the screen on opposite sides on that timeline and then pinch them together and that will shrink the timeline so that I can see more of the eclipse closer together. You can also go the opposite direction if you need to do some really fine cutting, especially if you need to cut out a word. If you've got kinda run on sentence or anything like that, you can do the same thing. You're going to start with your fingers close together and then spread your fingers outward to zoom in on that video clip. So for now, we're gonna go back over here. And if you click it, you'll see it just pulls up all your different shots as well as the audio. You can either swipe this down or you can just click the little microphone that'll drop it down to 0. I do not want to apply this to all videos, so I'm only going to hit the single checkmark and then I'm going to do the same thing with the next one. Once you are done, you can go ahead and hit that checkmark. Unless you wanted to add music into this point where I am going to say I'm not going to hit that checkmark right now. Or if you wanted to do a voiceover, you would hit record at this point. I will show you real quick what that looks like when you hit record. So it'll give you a countdown and then it'll start recording here. So then once you are done recording, you will just hit stop. You can back it up and hit play on the video up at the top here to here, whatever it is that you've just recorded, if you want to redo it, the button on the right here, we'll just start it over a where you originally had the recording starting. If you like it, you'll hit that checkmark. And if you decide you don't actually want a voice over there, you'll just hit the x and that'll completely negate the whole thing. So I'm gonna go back to my montage here. Add some music. So there are a couple of places that you can get music. I did talk about the songs in the app here. They can cause problems with YouTube and when it comes to rights, there is a library within Youtube Studio that you can find if you just look up YouTube royalty-free music. The option that I currently use is a paid option. It's called epidemic sound. I just personally really like the music that's in here. So this is the option that I've been using more So right now. And any of the songs that I downloaded just appear in my music. So we're gonna go with. This is a fun one. Will use Jakarta because that's a fun, upbeat song. So first off, that was very loud, as you can tell it, uploads at 100%. I would recommend when you're creating your video of going ahead and going in volume and dropping that down to about 50 50% percent is perfect for a non-speaking part in the video, I would say if you're trying to play background music while you're speaking, then you want to drop it down to maybe 10% or less depending on how loud you're speaking. That may seem like very little. But honestly, this music is set at a very high volume to start with. So it really only takes a little bit to have that background sound. So here you can see we switched from this clip. All right, I'm gonna go ahead and pause it because now that I've added the music, I can tell there are parts I wanna shorten, so I'm gonna expand this. And I just want to shorten this a little bit. This one could be shortened from more. So I'm gonna pay attention to, I think this part of the shot is prettier than the latter part of the shots. I'm going to shorten that up. So that is pretty much the most of adding sound. Like I said, you can adjust the volume, you can clip it also if you do want to shorten the song, I don't want the whole thing in here. It will end at some point, probably farther in the video. You can do two things. You can either hit Edit and just shorten it this way. Or you can hit split, and that'll simply cut it off. Now let's say that you accidentally hit split and then you realize you need to lengthen the song because you've added in more video or something like that, will delete this. You can just hit edit on an initial part. And Riyadh in how much ever you need. Now split is really handy, especially for grinding it up. So let's say I did want the video, the music to end with a video here. Then what I would do, actually, easiest thing to do is make sure your bar is on. Maybe the previous video clip or something like that. I'm going to tap the next one and tap it again. And that winds me up right where with that video clip starts. So then I can hit split, delete. And there we go. So it ends right at the beginning of that video. Another thing that you can keep in mind is there is a fade in and fade out. So if you wanted to do a little fade out before it hits that next clip. That just helps it sound a little bit smoother and not quite so abrupt. Yes, he much smoother. And then finally, there's a little trick that I have found. This is not a feature that's offered currently and the app, hopefully it will be in the future. But my trick, if you wanted to have a speaking part and I will go back towards the beginning, psych believe I already have it in here. Let's say you want to have some music come in. So we've got my intro up here. I've got two different music bars, so I am speaking. So you can see how I had the volume come in a little louder there and it faded back out. Like I said, that is not currently an option in this app. So what I did to kind of cheat the system is when I first put the music in. At the beginning of the video, I went to tracks and then I clicked my music, and then I did it a second time. So that is where the second bar up here comes from. It's very important that you don't move this bar before you've put both tracks in, because it will. That way you'll have your sound perfectly lined up and you don't have weird off kilter music. So you do that first you put both tracks in and then you're just going to go to the point where you want the music to change. So for example, I wanted the music to start getting louder right here at the tail end. So I cut the song. I used split just to trim off that beginning part. I deleted that first part because that was gonna be my top bar is my louder music bar. And then an edit, I put a little faded, as well as a fade out. So that fade in and fade out are extremely important because it's going to make it seem like it very smoothly transitions from the lower music to the louder music. And then once again, from the louder music to the software music. That is my little hack for trying to get that feel in there. But like I said it the most important part of doing that is putting in your audio clips at the same time at the beginning. Otherwise, I would just recommend deleting an audio clips and starting over so that you do get those lined up. A lot of creators who will also go onto YouTube and find videos that have audio that is rights free. There are people who will post audios and songs on there just in like a normal YouTube video format. And what you can do is you can either download that audio that we usually have somewhere or you can screen record and get that audio directly from the video. And when you screen record it and you need to pull that audio from that video, you're gonna do that directly through the app. So go ahead and add all of your music and sound effects to your video. And once you've done that, we will move on to the next part, which is voiceovers. 12. Voice Overs: Now let's move on to voiceovers. The most important thing about doing voiceovers is having a quiet space to recorded. Now if you are a beginner or even intermediate, you probably don't have a professional studio space to record audio. The next best thing that I have found to use is my closet. And this is great because it has the fabric in there which will help keep the sound from echoing too much. It's a little makeshift, but you know, it, it works. Alright, so I briefly touched on how to do a voiceover and add recording to your video, but I'm gonna go a little more in depth into that. So what you would do is you just going to use that record button to speak. However, you can do this few different ways. You can either just speak directly to your phone or you can use headphones. Now, there are the basic earbud phones that usually have a decent Mike. I personally am wearing some over the ear headphones that I thought that I know have pretty good mike, especially if they were a budget guy. So you don't have to spend a lot of money if you do want to have a slightly better Mike, and you don't need to actually buy a professional mic. You can just buy a nicer set of headphones and those usually will come with a better mike. There are a couple of ways that you can add voiceover to your videos. So the first is what I showed you, just hitting record. And here we walked into plant shop. There were plants, galore and a kiddy did not expect to see the Chetty. I don't know why I see him every time I go there, but it was just kinda funny shoots just chilling in the middle of the path. So I've hit stop on that. Let's go back and we are going to listen to it. Here. We walked into plans to the little war. Did not expect to see to 50. I don't know why you see him every time I go there, but it was just kinda funny. She was just Jilin in the middle of the path. All right. So I feel pretty good about that. So I'm gonna go ahead and hit the check mark and we're good there. Alright, so the other way that you can add voiceover, As you can see, I have gone a little bit back in the video, actually trimmed this clip here. Once again, I'm gonna reiterate that it is best to finish all of your video trimming and cuts and everything like that before you start adding sound and text, I am skipping that step just to be able to teach you how to do this. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to have to go back through after I'm done with this and clean this video up because it's a bit of a mess right now. But for now, let's say that I wanted to go ahead and have some of me talking, playing over these clips here. So what I can do is I'm gonna go ahead and clip here. We're going to do a split. And then we're going to hit music to pull up this clip. And this is where we're going to hit extract audio. Now I'm gonna hit the check mark because I've separated that audio. So now this videoclip here actually has no sound attached to it, and I can just delete it. And now when I hit play, also, if you do notice that your video gets out of sync like that, Don't worry, it's just the app trying to keep up. So if you hit pause and then play again a few times, that should correct it. But I am excited once touting tomorrow and herbs nicely as they say veggies, but it's been misused. So there you can see I added a voiceover from something that I had filmed earlier. So that way I didn't have to rerecord anything. I could just use what I was saying. This is especially helpful if you're doing anything instructional or if you want to show what it is that you're talking about, this is a really great option. The trick with doing it that way though, is that you do have less control over how long your voiceover essentially is, because you did the audio first, you have to make sure that your video is going to match the length of however long you're talking. Whereas if you do the voice-over later, you can always redo it if you end up talking a little bit too long so that it fits the clip. Alright, so now I want you to go do any voiceovers that you might need to do. Find a nice quiet space for you to record those. And then once you're done, we're gonna move on to the next part which is adding text, images and gifts. Just unanimity. 13. Text, Images, and GIFs: Okay, so now that you have stepped back out of your closet and I'm finished with your voiceover is let's move on to the next section, and that is adding text, images and gifts, or gifts. I'm not sure. Now, adding stickers like images, is extraordinarily helpful if you're trying to provide an example of what something should look like. Or for example, if I want to show you my social media, then I would put it here. That gives part is a little bit newer and it does have some bugs still. So hopefully over time that will not become such an issue. It can slow down the video a little bit. But in the meantime, that's a great way. If you just wanted to show a little clip of a video, you can create a gift. Most funds will allow you to create a gif on, directly on them from a video. I would definitely keep it shorter rather than longer to avoid slowing down your editing process or even the video that you're creating. And then hopefully in the future there will be an option to add video, not just a gift to your video when you're editing is so putting it somewhere here. But at the point of me recording this class, that is not an option. However, they seem to be headed in that direction. So my guesses about what becoming at some point in the near future. Alright, so now I'm going to add some texts. I do want to undo what I did in the last video. So this is just a quick tip in case you cut something and then you realize you actually want that full video back. If you select the video and then hit pre-cut this little circle at the bottom. That will actually cancel everything that I did, any edits that I made and turn it back into its original video. That does include the end that I originally trimmed off that I did not need anymore. So I will back that up here. Okay, so now I have that all fixed. So what I wanna do is I'm going to show you how to add text. So I want to actually put and a just blink card here that I can add some text over to let everybody know that it is the next day. So I hit the text button and again you can hit texts or sticker. It's gonna take you to the same place, but we are adding text. And I'm going to say the next morning. Now let's say I had made a typo in this, you cannot adjust where your cursor is on the actual texts in the video. You have to do it down in this bar here. You'll just be able to drag it and then you can address as you need to. This is the text font and color that I tend to use in most of my videos. But you can adjust all of that by hitting the color wheel here. It does give you the colors, as well as some basic things that you can do and adjust with it down at the bottom here if you want. And then I will slide over to hit my color. And then you can actually also adjust if you go to the very end, you can see this multicolored box. It gives you the option to choose which type of color scale you would like. So if you like muted colors, we've got those down here. I chose modern because they're more vibrant. And then we've got classic, which is in between. And you can also adjust the shadow if you want to label, you can add a label, anything like that. So it really just depends what you're going for over. And the next tab here we have the fonts. So it comes with basic ones that start somewhere around this vicinity. I believe these ones at the top. I have gone back in and added by clicking that little bag there, they give you a few different options. They are not voting again right now, but it does give you a few different options that you can download. So if you wanted to find something a little bit different, like what I'm using here you can. The other option is to change the alignment and everything of your texts if you need to adjust how far apart the letters are or the lines are, you can make all those adjustments here. And then we also have essentially transitions for text. So if I wanted this to, lets me fade in, I could do something like that. You can adjust how long it takes for it. This bar at the top is determined by how long the text is on the screen. So if your text is on your screen longer, you can actually make that effect go a little bit slower and take longer. However, if your textures only on the screen for so long, then you have a limited amount of time that you can actually use that transition there. You can address both the in and the out. So let's say you only wanted that effect on one of them. You can take off the effects on the layout or the end, whichever. So I do not want an effect on either of those. I did get rid of the text. But you can see basically how that would work. It's pretty straightforward and it essentially works the same way with stickers. So if I also wanted to add a sticker to this, Let's see if we can find some sort of I don't know if there is a sun in here, but I do like these little sparkly, So those are fun. So we're gonna go ahead and add those. Barclays. Don't panic if everything disappears like this. It just means you're at the beginning of the clip and it hasn't appeared yet. But then if you hit play safe, they're still there. Another thing to keep in mind is how big your text needs to be to be readable. If you are going to be uploading this onto YouTube, it doesn't generally need to be too big. And most people will be watching it on a computer or the TV. If they are watching it on the phone, they're usually going to rotate their phones, their screen rotates. So I wouldn't get too concerned about making something smaller to avoid blocking out whatever is in your video. And then also if you're gonna put subtitles or anything like that, you can do that directly through YouTube. But if you wanted to put text at the bottom that's telling something else that's happening or whatnot. You can put that at the very bottom of the screen. You'll just drag your text over there. I would recommend making sure it's not too big. I would also recommend putting either a box or a shadow around it just so it's more visible. And also using a more readable font than the one I currently have. This is more ideal for a part like this. It's not as ideal for just something that people need to be able to read to understand what's going on either in the video are off the video. Alright, so now that we've gone through the different options of what you can add, or text or images I want you to go through and add anything that you might need. Feel free to just have fun with this part. You know, the text is a great way to add little inside jokes or to hint at subtle things that have a cat occurred or if there is something that happens offscreen, you can use the text to describe what's happening off-screen. Things like that. Images again are great if you're trying to share your social media is, or if you want to show something that happened that you didn't catch on film, or let's say you did go hiking and you wanted to show an image that you took while you were at the top of the mountain or whatever that was beautiful and you just want to share that. That is, those are some great examples of what you can do with putting an image into your video. Now that you have added any images or text to your video, let's move on to the next part is a feature that I don't use a whole lot, but it can be extraordinarily useful and that is freezing. 14. Freeze: So frees essentially allows you to freeze a section of your video while keeping the audio going. Again, this is not something that I use very often. I haven't run into a need for it. But if there is a specific component that you want to capture and you want that to hold without completely disrupting the video or an image or something like that. You can definitely do that. You can play with the length of the freeze. It's an interesting feature that I unfortunately can't talk a whole lot on. I can simply show you where it is and how to add it. So let's say that I wanted to film part of the video and stop and linger on this cat a little bit longer. If I wanted to tell a story or something like that. So I'm going to stop at this point where I have the cat in the shot. And then I'm going to at the end of my options here, select Freeze. And that's automatically going to essentially give me a still, just an image of the cat so you can see nothing moves at this point. The beauty of this is I can extend it however long I need to. So if I wanted to again, tell some sort of story that's gonna take me almost 20 seconds to tell you that T m. Then I could do that here though. And that is how you would use that. It is very useful in narrative situations, again, with the voiceover or something like that. You've seen it in TV shows and movies. When the main character or Narrator wants to stop and tell you something about a specific person or moment. That is where that can come handy. Again, in my personal style of YouTube videos, I have not really used this, but if this is a feature that you like, that's how you use it. Alright, so if you have any parts that you wanted to freeze throughout your video, now's the time to do that. Once you've completed that, we're going to move on to the next part, which is talking about what to do if you found anything vertically happens today. 15. What If You Filmed Vertically?: Alright, so let's say that you've finished filming and you started to upload your videos into inches, then you realize that you shot some things vertically or maybe you shot everything vertically. It is really common to do, especially when you are filming with your phone. Most of the time when we are taking selfies or taking pictures, we will do so with the phone vertical. So it is definitely something that you have to get in the habit of doing of holding your phone horizontally. Not to worry, I have seen creators on YouTube who have thousands of followers make this mistake sometimes. And it's just something you move on past. So let me just show you what you can do if you filmed videos vertically. You don't have to scrap the whole thing. You can still use it. So I filmed this one vertically to show you. And you can see, because I do have a canvas set for YouTube, it automatically put something in the background, but let's say I want to change that background. So I'm going to just go over here to the background button. And right now what it says is just fuzzy. So it's going to basically take a blown-up version of that original video in the background and make it fuzzy. You can also have it more clear if you'd like to, but I find that extraordinarily distracting. If you would like, you can add your own image. Or if I just want to add a nice solid color, like a nice green or something to the background. I can do that. If you want something that's just basic, you can do up black. You've got a lot of options. You can also add in gradients. The gradients are fun to play with. It just gives it a little more interests in depth, that sort of thing. So really play around with that and figure out what works. But the most important part is just remembering that if you made this mistake, it's fine. It's not the end of the world. It takes getting used to and you can still make your video and still make it look good. So there's a few options, but this thing is just not to worry about it. Again, everybody does it. It's super common because of the way they're still holding our phones. And it's going to have to take a little time to get used to remembering film horizontally. So don't sweat it. 16. Exporting The Finished Video: All right, so by this point you should have a completed video. If there's anything that you want to go back and fine tune and edit, I would go ahead and pause this video. Go take care of that right now because we are going to move on to the next step which is exporting that video so that you can get it uploaded into YouTube. Now, exporting a video is very simple depending on how long your video is, it may take a little bit of time, but usually in China's actually pretty quick at this process. Here is what you are going to do. Now is the time you're gonna click that save button. And you're going to hit Save again. And then it's going to give you quality options. So what I generally go with is the 1080, which is the highest quality that this app allows. It's not necessarily the best quality video that you could have, especially if you were working with software on your computer or something like that. But 1080 does just fine, especially for YouTube videos. If you're making really high-quality movie type videos, then sure, it's gonna be a little on the reference, but it's still ends up looking great. So we're gonna click 1080 and it is going to start converting. Now, this process, it could take a little while, especially since my video is overtaking the song. For really short videos, it tends to go pretty quick. Once your video is done, saving it will give you this screen. And then you can either import directly to certain things or you will find it in your files here. So here is the completed version. And then from there, what I usually do is upload it to my iCloud Drive and then I can put it into YouTube on my computer. All right, so hopefully you don't have to wait too long to finish exploring your video. This is basically just compressing everything into a single file. So your videos, text and your audio and everything is no longer separate, it's all one. And once it is done you with this process, you are ready to start the upload engineer to process. Now, we're gonna talk about that in the next video. A couple of ways that you can do that. 17. Uploading To YouTube: All right, so now you've got your completed video. We are ready to upload that to YouTube. So there are a couple of ways to do this. The first being directly from your phone. If you have the Youtube Studio app on your phone, you can actually upload that video directly. I don't generally do that because I tend to want to write a little bit of a longer description for my videos. And I would much rather typing on a computer than type it out on the keyboard on my phone. However, if you've got very quick fingers and you are able to type that out, then power to Yeah, I would definitely feel free to upload that directly from your phone because the other process, that one I do does take a little bit longer. So what I do to upload is I will save the video, export it, and then I will upload it from my phone into my Google Drive. Now I have specific folders that I've gotten divided up for these files and generally divide it by year and month, just so that I don't have one Nas folder with all of my YouTube videos. It does take a little bit of time depending on how long that video is and also how fast maneuvering that day. So if you've got and supersedes the internet, then this might work for you. It is slower, you might struggle with this a little bit. But ultimately the, those are the two main ways to upload to the cloud and TV2. Another option you could do is you could transport it to computer directly by plugging it in. So if you plug your phone into your computer, you should be able to move the files over to your computer. And then from there you'll be able to upload into YouTube. Now to upload into YouTube, you're going to open up your Youtube Studio on your computer. And they're in the top right corner is going to be a button for you to click here to upload that data, gets this and a little bit of time as well. But while that is happening, you can work on your title and your description, your thumbnail image, if you are able to upload something intention, and then eventually you can start working on that. The final payment card or if human dad and links to other Suggested Videos, baby videos that you've referenced in ignores or shutting your videos of your own that you would like people to see. You can add that in as well. Now it's really important to pay attention to all of the settings in your upload because there are strict laws about whether or not videos are made for children or whether or not children appear in the video. So pay attention to all of those questions when you are in there just to make sure that you are abiding by the law once you have everything uploaded and it all looks great because a few different options for how you want to post it. You can either post immediately or you can schedule it. Now, posting immediately or scheduling it. You can also set your video to private or you can set it to public. It just depends on how you're planning to use that video, whether or not you want just a few people to see it. So if you are not using this to create specifically a youtube vlog or channel video, let's say that you want to create a video and utilize it on patriots, for example. Then you can post to that video through YouTube. I do this with all of my patriotic videos. They are technically uploaded to my YouTube channel. However, anybody visiting the YouTube channel is not able to find those videos. You can only see it if you've got the link or if I've imbedded, et cetera. So then what I will do is I will take that link and I will embed it directly into my patron on posts so that my patrons can see that video. And it is exclusive to that. Scheduling your video in advance is also extraordinarily useful because I do upload a YouTube video every week. And sometimes I like to get ahead. So for example, I am currently a couple weeks ahead of schedule because I am working on this course this week, I wanted to make sure that I had the time to do that. So that's a great feature, especially if you know that you want to schedule videos regularly, you want to post regularly. But you know, you're going to have something coming up and that can be a vacation, that could be another project. Or you just like to get them on the ways you can focus on other things. So it's really dependent upon what works for you. But play around with that. There is also a feature to market as a premier. And what that does is it allows you to watch the video with your audience. I have done this once because I have found that it is geared more towards creators with a larger audience following. Obviously, if you have five followers, the chances of them jumping in on that premier video to watch it with you are not as likely as if you had several 100 or even several 1000 followers. But that is a good feature to know about in the future that if you are releasing something that you want to be able to watch along with your audience and see their comments. You can also respond directly to their comments and interactions. It's essentially a live stream video for a video that you have pre-recorded and uploaded. If that makes sense. 18. Final Thoughts: All right, so at this point you should have your video uploaded and either posted or scheduled. And ultimately I just want to say, good job. Because as a hey, YouTubers and content creator and tick talker, I understand how time-consuming it is to create video content and give out out there, especially on a regular basis. So you did a great job. And if this was your first video that you've created ever even better. So I know it can be very overwhelming to jump into something like this. It took me years and years to finally start creating YouTube videos. I first started thinking about it a while ago. And it wasn't until more recently that I got more serious about it and decided to just jump in head first. So I understand it can be a scary process. But like I said, you just have to appreciate what you've done because the entire thing is a learning process. Again, I've been creating a video a week for the past, almost gear. And I am still learning things every day. And I see other videos on YouTube that I've recognized have certain qualities about them that I need to pay attention to warm if I want to incorporate them into my video. But I don't yet know how that ends. The best ways I had found to learn is to go watch other people's videos and try copying what things done, copying their style, that sort of thing. And then from there you adjust it so that it fits your vibe more. But it'll at least will help him learn along the way. Another great resource is the resource that you're already on, skill share. There are other classes about creating YouTube videos and starting YouTube channels. So I would definitely check those out. But other ones, there's information everywhere fee to continue your journey and hopefully you enjoyed this process. I know again, there are whole lot of little details to keep in mind that in shot is a great app, especially if you are. Now you don't want to spend money on fancy editing software or fancy camera. It works perfectly for that. I would love to see you upload your projects to the project section. I can give you feedback on what you've done and help you with any areas that you maybe need a little more work on or any details that you've missed, or also just tell you how amazing your video is. It's also a great way to share with other creators, other peers and help them learn. And you can learn from other people's projects as well. So please upload your project, share it with us if you want to in the discussion, also share your YouTube channel link. I would love to see what you're creating. And it's also a great opportunity to just share and get your channel information out there. If you are taking this course and you see other people's channels linked below, please go check them out and support them. That is one of the best ways to keep, motivation to keep creating is to build a community around you and support each other with that. So definitely recommend all that if you have any questions, put those in the discussion. If you feel like I left anything out, but those in there as well, and I will try to answer those to the best of my abilities. Again, not coming from a film background, so I'm sure some of my terminology knowledge is going to be lacking. But hopefully this video gives you a really good start. And I his, he won't extend.