Create a Perfect Morning Routine | Jeff Finley | Skillshare

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Create a Perfect Morning Routine

teacher avatar Jeff Finley, Designer, Author, Coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Hello! Welcome to the class!


    • 2.

      Make it a habit


    • 3.

      Tips and tricks to waking up early


    • 4.

      Morning Routine Basics


    • 5.

      Learning - Reading, Podcasts, and Videos


    • 6.

      Clarity and Peace - Meditation


    • 7.

      Self-Knowledge - Journaling


    • 8.

      Mindset - Gratitude and Affirmations


    • 9.

      Move Your Body - Exercise


    • 10.

      Other small habits you can try


    • 11.

      Decide what habits you want to do


    • 12.

      Project Intro


    • 13.

      Come up with a primary focus


    • 14.

      Come up with a theme for each day


    • 15.

      Write down your routine in detail


    • 16.

      Overcoming challenges


    • 17.

      Thank you! What's next?


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About This Class

Change your life by waking up early

Make time for you. Do the things you've always wanted to do but don't have time for.

In this short class you will learn how to create a morning routine that is all about YOU and your well being. You'll be more energized, productive, and content - all before the start of your workday. I will teach you about popular habits like meditation, exercise, gratitude, affirmations, journaling, reading, etc. Start your morning by doing things that feed your soul and make you happy.

By the end of this class you'll have everything you need to become a habit master!

What does your current morning routine look like?

  • A hurried and frenzied rush out the door?
  • Sleeping in until the last possible minute?
  • Mindlessly checking social media and not being productive?

What are your thoughts before you get out of bed?

  • I didn't get enough sleep
  • I'm not looking forward to today
  • I wish I didn't have to go to work today

What does your ideal morning look like?

  • Plenty of time to breathe and relax
  • Includes meditation, yoga, exercise, or nature
  • Self-love, gratitude, compassion, appreciation
  • Hobbies, curiosities, joy, passion, enthusiasm

That's exactly what we will create together.

About Me

My name is Jeff Finley, I'm an artist, musician, designer, and author. Despite outward signs of success, I was struggling internally with anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. I decided to start waking up early to focus on doing things that made me happy and fulfilled. Little did I know that this would transform my life! I ended up writing a book about my year of waking up early. It's a book about habit change, personal growth, and morning routines.

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Meet Your Teacher

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Jeff Finley

Designer, Author, Coach


I'm Jeff, a freelance designer and illustrator with a passion for personal growth.

Design has been a big part of my life for more than a decade, but most recently I've been blogging about a lot about my personal journey of self-discovery and meaning. I managed to wake up early every day for a year for some educated "me time" and it became the most life-changing habit I've ever done. As a result, I wrote a book about this entire process. You can get your copy of Wake Up at 


I was a partner at Go Media from 2006-2014 and I founded the design conference Weapons of Mass Creation in 2010. I wrote two books, Thread's Not Dead: The Designer's Guide to the Apparel Industry and most recently Wake Up: The Morning Routine That Will Change Your L... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Hello! Welcome to the class!: Hi there. Welcome to the create your perfect morning routine. Skill shop class. So my name is Jeff Finley. I'm an artist and designer, but I just finished writing a book called Wake Up the Morning Routine. That will change your life. What's this all about? Um, so two years ago, as a creative, I was living a pretty externally, outwardly successful life. You know, running a company, having a lot of good clients, cool work out there online. So anyone looking at me probably thought I had it all figured out, right? I'm sure you can relate as a creative. You look at other people and you think how their work is amazing. They must have it all figured out. But the truth is, none of us have it figured out why this class is different is it's not. A class is gonna teach you how to be a better hand, Lederer. It's not a class is gonna teach you how to be a better designer or any of that stuff. I believe you guys are already two very talented. What this class is going to do is to try to teach you toe look at your life a little differently as a toe putting yourself in the center of this life that is focused on your personal growth and expansion and creative development and inner inner well being and happiness. And so that's what this morning routine is all about. And so, like I said a year and 1/2 ago, I was feeling all depressed and anxious and jaded and discontent and all those words on Guy used the wake up early as a habit, too. Transform my life and to focus on things that I knew what I was curious about, like meditation and journaling and all that. And I wanted to explore that area of my life and figure out why I was anxious. And so that's what I did and fast forward. A year and 1/2 later on, I believe I'm a truly different person. I just haven't inspired outlook on life that I felt like I was missing for so long. And so I'm gonna teach you the tips, tricks, techniques, strategies to help yourself create a wake up early habit and stick to the habit and then fill it with awesome stuff that is, you know, the habits that all these self help books. Talk about gratitude, meditation, affirmations, journaling. You know, all that good stuff, and so, without further ado, let's get into it. 2. Make it a habit: Okay, so Step one is we need to make waking up early. Easy. Make it a habit. If you've tried to wake up early and had to rely in your willpower, it gets really tough because the mornings you have the least amount of willpower. And if you've got to use it all up in the beginning of the day to try to force yourself to wait to get out of bed in the morning, then it's gonna be really difficult for you. It's gonna be hard to stick to the habit. So the first thing we really need to do is to make it fun. I think of a time when you were so excited to get up in the morning that you could barely sleep. Was that something like Christmas? There was something like you were going on a trip, family trip or a vacation, or you just had, um, for Saturday morning cartoons when you were a kid. Think about that. And that's what we want to try to do to our mornings. We want to try to create an environment that's exciting and fun for us. And one of the things that I did this is kind of lame, probably. But I ended up watching an addictive TV Siris in the morning. So instead of watching it at night before bed, I'd watch it early in the morning. So I had to get up 60 minutes early, at least maybe 90 minutes, so I would have timeto watch my hour long episode of Breaking Bad. And then after that, I'd have enough time to get in the shower, eat my breakfast and gotta work. So that's how I did it. And that's really, really helped me because I was, like, excited about seeing what happened next in the series, and there's other little tricks that I did. Teoh help me feel more motivated to wake up, and so I would know exactly what I'm gonna do the night before. And then I would recited to myself before I went to bed. So tomorrow morning, I'm going to wake up. At this time, I'm going to crawl to the couch, turn on Netflix and watch this show and drink my coffee, and by the time it shows over, the coffee's kicked in. I've got energy. I'm or inspired to get up and do stuff. Now. This wasn't all about changing my life. This wasn't all about feeling better doing any of this stuff. It was literally about trying to build a habit. So that's the first thing we gotta do. Okay. And then after we've got the have it, um, we're gonna fill it with good stuff. All right, so let's move on to the next thing. 3. Tips and tricks to waking up early: So just a few tips and tricks toe make waking up really easier. Number one, Put your alarm clock across the room. This is going to help you avoid this news. You can still technically get up, go over there and hit this news and go back to bed. I know I've done that, but but it's really, really eliminates so much of that addictive, snoozing, repetitive habit. So alarm across the room, such and know what you're going to do the night before recited to yourself and no, your fundamental waking up early purpose. What is it that excites you every day? Okay. And the other thing is, get out of bed, turn your alarm off and go to the bathroom and, you know, drink a glass of water, brush your teeth, getting a shower. Do those types of things first, because it's gonna help you wake up. It's gonna increase your wake up motivation level. You're going to be more likely to stay up, and that's the point. And then might make your way to the couch from watch Favorite TV show are Do that thing that's gonna help you make make your mornings easier. What are some other tricks to waking up early? Um, 4. Morning Routine Basics: So what are the morning routine? Basics. What is a morning routine look like? Um, so if you think about it, I've got it here. Like a typical morning routine. It's what you want to do is we're gonna break it down. It involves, like, every activity that you're going to do and how long it's gonna take. So the time that you wake up, so 7 a.m. Wake up, big bed, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth. 10 minutes, 7 10 Write in my journal. Um, we're gonna write about my dreams, Going to write about gratitude and gonna put in my daily goals or in my intentions, I'm going to write a couple affirmations from myself. 10 more minutes. So now it's 7 20 I'm going to eat my breakfast. I'm gonna make my coffee. That will take me 10 15 20 minutes. Okay, so then 7 30 I'm going to do my daily focus, and my daily focus might be whatever it is that I decided for that day in advance. So, like, Monday's I've got bucket list Monday. So every day Monday morning, I'm gonna take one step towards my bucket list Goals, everyone and maybe Tuesday it's a different focus. Maybe it's exercise day, and that's the day I go to the gym. All right, so then that's gonna take 60 minutes, for example. And so then you got 8 30 What do you do after that? Well, go jump in the shower for 20 minutes. Then after that, I've got on my list. Do dishes tidy up any messes around the house? Kind of de clutter. So I get a good start to the day and I'll that'll be 25 minutes, then after that, I've got reading for 15 minutes. After that, Um, I've just got a 15 minute sort of miscellaneous break. You know, whatever I feel like doing for that 15 minutes. And after that, I got meditation stretching yoga weights and then start start my work Partlow early for work. Whatever it is that you got to do. So that's what a basic breakdown of your morning routine is gonna look like. And this is what you're gonna end up creating in this class. So that's what a morning routine looks like. And we're gonna get into the nitty gritty of the different types of habits that I mentioned in that morning in that breakdown that you guys get to pick from and do 5. Learning - Reading, Podcasts, and Videos: all right, so we want establish a habit of learning on habit of following our curiosity every day. And I like to start off each day by reading, reading 10 pages in an inspiring book or listening to podcasts or a YouTube documentary or our lecture a Ted talk something like that that kind of inspires me on a regular basis. So this is all about staying inspired, staying curious and following your intuition on what you want, what you're your solar spirit wants to really know and to always be learning. And whether that's learning through a book or through through other forms of media such as , you know, podcasts, audiobooks or videos. Also learning through direct experience. And I love to take lessons on things I want to learn, You know, like I've been taking music lessons, dancing lessons and things like that. I don't necessarily do those in my morning routine. My morning routine is usually filled with introverted activities like reading and movies and stuff like that, but that's what it's all about. It's cultivating this thirst for knowledge and then following that wherever that leads us and trying not to judge because it might take us into places that we might be afraid to admit to other people. But don't worry, this is your time. This is your sacred me time. And so follow your curiosity and see where it leads. 6. Clarity and Peace - Meditation: Okay, so let's talk about meditation. Let's talk about clarity and peace and presence. This is what makes the morning routine so sacred, so interesting and special is my morning has got a lot better when I started sitting in silence, and that's one of the best things about of the morning as it's peaceful, you wake up before everyone else. And meditation was something that I had only heard of briefly as sort of a stress release, stress reliever. Or, you know, and I never really made time to do it so. But I knew I wanted to try it in my morning routines, and I would the first way I learned about meditation. Waas just sitting in silence for five minutes, you know? So grab a seat. You know, sit here, close rise, take a few deep breaths. And that's how I learned about the beginnings of vegetation. The beginnings of meditation was more about mindfulness and mine, cultivating mindfulness and using building mindfulness as a habit. And so what is mindfulness? Mindfulness is your awareness of what's going on in your body, your thoughts, your in your emotions, your mindful of what's happening, and depending on how awake you are or where you are In the present moment, you could be mindful of what's happening at all times, in your body and in your mind and so much of us. What the opposite of being mindful is like basically being unconscious or sleepwalking through life. You're constantly reacting and putting out fires, and you're not really quite present with anything. You're distracted and multitasking. So meditation really helps simplify and single task, and you start to build this habit. Um, there's a few books that I really recommend. One is mindfulness in plain English. Another is the power of now, and I also recommend the app headspace for beginning meditators. It's ah, you can download it for iPhone and Android, and it's basically some guided meditations. It's a really sweet narrator that you know, you put on your headphones, you close your eyes and getting quite space, and he'll guide you through for like 10 minutes, and it's about noticing your thoughts. Come and go as a detached observer, and I talk a lot more about meditation on my podcast. If you go to maker missed acre dot com slash meditation, You see, you can listen to me and my co host talk about meditation and our habits for about two hours. It's really, really in depth. And so there's a lot more about meditating than I could tell you in this class. But that's not what this class is about. So but meditation is one of those life changing habits that you can integrate into your morning routines. That will help make the rest of your day better. And it helps you build the mindfulness habit, which helps you increase your awareness and emotional intelligence. And there's so many other benefits to it that I can't even explain to you in this in this a quick little video. So that's just one little thing that you can pick from and next regarding, move onto something else. 7. Self-Knowledge - Journaling: Okay, So let's talk about self knowledge, self discovery and self mastery, and how that relates to the next happened that you can pick from which is journaling so journaling as a key to getting to know yourself better. And when we wake up early in the morning and we do our routine for me, it is included journaling, and that's one of the most important things that I've done in the past two years. I journal almost every single day, and I have over 1000 entries for almost 2000 injuries. Now, since I started what why journal about? Well, of course, I journal about my thoughts and what I'm feeling at the moment and and, um and also kind of dictate some of the things that I did that day or what I'm doing tomorrow. What my intentions are my goals, my dreams, my fears, my observations about myself and my observations about what happened in my last meditation , or I'm right down my dreams. These are all things that help me externalize and kind of get out a lot of the thought there in my head so they're no longer swimming around in my head. But now they're kind of grounded, and that's really important to ground all of our thoughts. And instead of running it to do list in your mind, you like to write it down. So now no longer isn't taking up like space in your head. But to me, it starts this process of self discovery and to know who we really are and to write down what triggered us in this particular case. What why we feel the way we do what happened. And then we can come back onto it with regular reflection. Basically, like maybe once a week, once a month, look back at your old journal injuries and see where you came from and see some of your tendencies that some of the the things that you do frequently and those were like your recurring behavioral patterns. Those are the things that you can look at yourself and say these these are my habits that things that I tend to do or my reactions the way I tend to react to certain situations. And if you see anything that pops up as like, really repetitive that you do, those are pretty good signs that you've gotta believe. There that's either limiting or especially if they block you from achieving what she wanted . It's like a limiting belief there that you can work on and identify. And maybe next time you meditate. Meditate on that. I think about that. So I think my one my favorite resource is for journaling is that day. One app for Mac. And there's another one called a five minute journal, which is really, really good because you get to talk about it, gives you questions to answer every single day. Some of the most like when they study what makes people happy. There's certain things that make people happy, like gratitude, being grateful, noticing what's around you that you're thankful for and other stuff like that and and affirmations. And then it kind of gives you a template to start with every single day like list. Three things that you're grateful for. What are your affirmations? And we'll get into that later. But so this is what journaling is all about, and this is why I think it's important. So start your own journal of your pen or paper person. You know the five minute journal works for that or standard mole skin or a spiral bound notebook, but I'm a digital kind of a journal keeper, So I like using Day one, and it kind of keeps a record and you can search it. There's tags and all that good stuff, but that's it. So journaling is another habit that you can decide to put into your morning routine onto the next one. 8. Mindset - Gratitude and Affirmations: So let's talk about our mindset, and we want to establish a mindset of presence and peace and gratitude every day. The reason why that works is because it's a really, really deep topic. But gratitude has been proven to be a huge influencer of how you perceive your reality. So if you think that everything is scarce and everything is out to get you, you kind of create a reality that mirrors that back to you. And you end up living your life with the feeling that everyone's out to get you, or that there's not enough to go around. But if you decide to choose to be grateful for what you have, you end up creating a life of grace of, of where things sort of happen to you, and you're grateful for them in the moment, and everything feels wonderful and great. So that's the benefit of gratitude. But really, it's all about the present moment. What is your mindset? What's your state of being right now? Are you worrying about the future or worrying about the past, or are you present and are you here with us right now? And when you can establish that state of gratitude, which the ah, high vibrational emotion you're more likely to be in a state of joy, a compact state of compassion and happiness and bliss. And even when you're experiencing your dark times, your dark emotions, you know, if self doubt, fear, loneliness, all that kind of stuff, you can still be in a state of gratitude for what those emotions are teaching you about yourself and the way I practice gratitude, which is a It's a practice. You have to intentionally practice gratitude because for most of us, we live our life where we don't think about what we're grateful for on a regular basis. So we end up just we have to force ourselves to do it or not force ourselves. I don't like to use that word but intentionally remember to do it and then write it down, and it helps to do that on a regular basis every day. So I write in my journal, I wake up. What are three things you're grateful for? I'm grateful for my warm bed. I'm grateful for, um, great for breaking bad for being an inspiring television show that I can wash the help get me out of bed. I'm grateful for my Mac computer that allows me to write in my journal and save all my entries. You know, thinking things, simple things like that. And then also you wrote, start to run out of things that your great before you start imagining you certainly starts to force you to look around at things. You're grateful for, that I'm grateful for the beautiful leaves on the trees. Right now, I'm grateful for the warm weather where we have great before the food aid today. And the thing about it is, you have to feel that gratitude. I get into this in my book a lot where you get to feel that state of being grateful. That is what it's all about. You can say that you're grateful, but if you don't feel it doesn't actually change anything, it changes the biology of your inside. It changes your chemistry and how you feel, and it raises your mood and helps put you in a place of contented nous and peace and presence and all that good stuff. So that's just one of the way so you can change your mindset to a state of gratitude and appreciation for what you have that will improve your life moving forward. And so let's go on to the next thing. 9. Move Your Body - Exercise: move your body exercise. This is another thing that a lot of people want to put in their morning routines. And so for me, I prefer light exercise, like walking, stretching little yoga. But some people like to go out for a really long run or hit the gym every morning. So perfect. If you're already a gym per person in the morning, build your morning routine around that. But if you're not someone who exercises, go for a walk in your neighborhood. Do some light light stretching or do some do like a seven minute workout or whatever. Use a workout app on your phone. There's all sorts of things to do. But the important thing is, it's not really how hard you work. In my opinion, it's the fact that you just keep your keep your wheels or your gear's Greece. Do you know you're trying to keep your body moving so you don't tighten up? Keep yourself loose, and we all know that if we exercise, we release endorphins and feeling better, and especially when we get our workout or our physical activity done in the beginning of the day, we feel great about it throughout our throughout the rest of our day. So what a better have it to include in your morning routines that other than exercise. So whatever that means to you, figure out how you can integrate. And, you know, the thing that works for me is don't do too much. Do something that you feel okay with doing on a daily basis. Just a little bit every day and you'll get you'll get the job done. 10. Other small habits you can try: So what else can you try in your morning routine? I mean, anything that you want, Uh, take one step on your bucket. Let's practice an out of body experience or astral projection or lucid dreaming. That's like what I like to do. Um, go outside, do some affirmations. Things like I am excited about my life. I am committed to waking up early every day and changing my life. I'm committed to getting this project done today. Finally, you know I'm committed to doing this. Drink a glass of water every single day, Make yourself a good breakfast. Make your bed every day. Practice visualizations created dream board of things that inspire you. And then you take one step every single day to get there. Um, yeah, There's so many things that she could do. Little, little tiny tweaks and behaviors that you can add into your morning routine. And the sky's the limit. I mean, it's just up to you and your imagination. What is it that really works for you on folly, that curiosity and your intuition and it'll take it where you need to go. So that's it for the different types of habits that you can do. Now it's work on actually putting it all together 11. Decide what habits you want to do: Okay. This is where you get to decide what habits you want, Todo. And how long is it gonna take you? So create a list. You want any meditation, journaling and exercise. Okay. How long do you want to spend meditating? 10 minutes. Okay. You want to journaling? That takes five minutes or 10 depending on how much writing and exercise I'm gonna do. 30 minutes, go off, go for a walk around the neighborhood. So that's maybe a total of a Knauer. Let's just say so. That means I'm gonna have to get up an hour earlier. So right out that time that you're gonna have to wake up and then on your morning routine, sort of paper or type it out, or whatever you got to do right out the different activities and how long each one's gonna take in detail. OK, that's gonna help. You know what you need to do the night before? And it's gonna create confidence in yourself the next day that you can always rely back on this thing that you wrote. So you don't remember off top your head all the time. One cool trick is I use an app called seconds it's Ah, Interval timer. You can put in all sorts of different activities and how long they dio. And then it will count down and tell you when the next thing is coming up. And then it'll even use text to speech technology to announce your next behavior or your next activity, like meditation in 10 seconds. Okay, cool. I'm gonna make sure it stop doing this and start during my meditation. That really, really helped me in the beginning when I was trying to establish the habit and because I was new to all of this stuff, I didn't know what I was doing, so I use an app called AM routine, which is really the same thing. But seconds also gets the job done too. So that's it. Decide what happens you want to do and write it down 12. Project Intro: All right. So this is where we get to create our morning routine. This is the project. So when you're going to turn in is on outline. I have supplied a template for you. All you've got to do is fill in the different areas, filling your primary focus, fill in the habits you want to do, come up with a theme for each day if you'd like, and write down your routine in detail. And so let's get started on creating. You're perfect routine. Remember, it's your ideal routine. I'm giving you a bunch of suggestions on what you can do, but ultimately it's what you're curious about and what you want todo so let's get started. 13. Come up with a primary focus: Okay, so the first step in putting your together your ultimate morning routine is having a primary focus. This is something that you look at and it tells you in 140 characters or less what your morning routines all about, why you're doing it. So it's just it's here's an example. So my focus is self love and fulfillment to sustain positive habits and spend my life living out my dreams. Ah longer example. My focus will continue to be building and maintaining positive habits, a sense of accomplishment, clarity of purpose and a good start to the day. Learning and discovery, curiosity, reflection, self love me time, injecting fun and play during each day and shaking things up when it gets boring. Print that out posted up on your refrigerator, on your mirror or wherever it is that you need that you want to see it to remind yourself what it is that why you're doing the morning routine. It's going to really come in handy when you start to get tired and bored and restless and one and change things up. So always have a regular primary focus visible for you 14. Come up with a theme for each day: So when you want to come up for a theme each day, that's how you keep it interesting. You could do the same stuff every single day, which I do recommend. You do most of the same stuff every single day to build a habit. But I like I like to give each day a theme. So Monday I have, say, Monday's Bucket List Day. What's the next step on achieving something on my bucket list? Research said A day book, a flight caller email. Someone brainstorm soon. New ideas use that time to do it now, so I'll make a block in 30 to 60 minutes each day to do my focus or my theme for that day and Tuesday. That's my rec center day. So I make sure to go to the rec center, do my exercise or hit the gym or whatever. I mean, it could be whatever it is that you want Wednesday, my astral projection or out of body experience practice. So I'll make sure to get up extra early and do some my meditation and techniques to try to have an astral projection. Um, you know, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I want to have fun Fridays, or really just keep it open on Saturdays for make sure you get outside most of my different themes, so you get to have the opportunity to do something unique. That's up up your alley that you're interested in each day to keep it fresh and inspiring. And you can always change your later so under the next thing. 15. Write down your routine in detail: So you've decided what your habits are decided what your activities are decided what you're gonna do every single day and you decided what you're gonna do, what different activities you're going to do for your themes. And your primary focus is all set. So right, all of this stuff down in detail, type it up, use my template to fill fill it out and this is what you're gonna turn in. Print this out so you remember it. Put the habits into your A M routine app or your seconds after interval timer, or write it out on a sheet of paper. Important thing is, when you write down your routine in this amount of detail, it prevents you from thinking too hard in the morning when you're thinking part of your brain is really struggling because it's too early and that your brain still half asleep. This really comes in handy. It's like a visible, tangible thing that says, I'm going to do this and remember, your focus is, is paramount is what you want to. It's what you doing this whole thing for, So do your habits and your activities. Align with your focus, make sure that It's kind of fulfilling what it is that you want, Phil. What is your morning routine? Ultimately, Um, helping to achieve for you more self love and peace and purpose and gratitude. Perfect. Align your routine and your habits and your activities around that. So that's it for the project. Now I'm going to get into some of some of the challenges in the next video. 16. Overcoming challenges: All right, let's talk about some of the challenges you're going to face when you start waking up early and building these morning routines. So the first thing you might experience is, well, you might mess up. You might sleep in. You might not be able to stick to the habit at first. It might be tough to get it going in the beginning. And this is where you're gonna need to rely on knowing what you do the night before. Some of the tricks like putting your alarm across the room, hurry up in getting in the shower, drinking a glass of water right away, doing those things that prevents you from thinking too much in the morning and they become automatic. Some of the other challenges is the amount of sleep that you get. So how much sleep do you really need? Well, we really need the amount of sleep that we believe that we dio. If we're someone who says I can't get I can't function in less than eight hours of sleep. Well, then, that's probably true for you, But if you're someone who says, you know what, I'm fine On six hours of sleep, that's probably true for you. Um, well, there is a certain number of a certain baseline minimum that we really, really do need to restore and energize ourselves. But truth is, if you go to bed and you think the thoughts that are in your mind are I'm not gonna get enough sleep. I'm gonna be so tired in the morning. That makes it harder for you to experience energy and enthusiasm in the morning. But if you go to bed thinking I'm so excited for tomorrow, six hours sleep is just what I need. I'm gonna be doing this this this tomorrow morning and you know what you're gonna do and you tell yourself you're gonna have energy in the morning. You're more likely to have energy in the morning. So that's how you overcome that little challenge. Also, when you carve out time in the mornings to for your routines, you're naturally going to be losing some sleep in the beginning. And then what's gonna happen is you'll be tired earlier in the night time and it's gonna help. You're gonna have to adjust your bedtime routine eventually, so hopefully it just works itself out where you start to go to bed earlier. That's what happened to me, something other challenges are that people faces. Well, what about other people in their family or their roommates or people, their spouse or other people they live with? Well, when you start to wake up early, it's definitely going to affect the people that you live with. Good communication is really the key here, making sure that they know when your new schedule is and and that what you're doing isn't going to affect them too much. Sometimes people who've got kids that keep them up in the middle of the night. It is really difficult toe wake up early. But I believe that if you really want to wake up and you really want to create this morning routine, you'll find a way and you don't have to wake up early to do the morning routine. That's another thing. You can do the routine soon as you wake up. Any time that you wake up, the beginning of your day can be how you want it every single day that you want it. It's kind of obvious, right? So and some of the other challenges that people tell me is they don't have enough time toe wake up early. That would really love to, but they've got too many obligations to other people, and their work schedule with everything like that is kind of getting in the way. But my suggestion that is good communication. And if you really want it bad enough, you'll find a way to make time and just do a little. Every day. You have to do an extreme routine. Just do a little bit. Do something, do a couple things. You today, Um, and some of the other challenges is like bringing fog or arguments. They wake up. It's hard to think straight. Those were the kind of things that happened as soon as you wake up kind of transitioning out of this dream state, so that's kind of a cool later. Confidence to be in. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Don't act like you have to be perfect would be super awesome and be on in the morning. Just go through the motions of your routine, and eventually your will start the wire in the habitual memory of getting up early and doing the same type of things every single day. It will become easier as you go with anything like like anything? Um, yeah, and the my favorite tip is to put the alarm across the room. So you stop hitting snooze. Um, what's in everything? Oh, and it's easier when you've got friends. So get in touch with people in the skill share class, see how they're doing their routine and share tips back and forth. And if you can getting accountability buddy or someone else who's doing the morning routine with you, then it really helps you, like text each other when you wake up, you know, so it really helps when there's friends involved, too. And that's those are some of the major challenges I cover more of the challenges in my book Wake Up. But that's it for now. 17. Thank you! What's next?: All right, So that's it. I mean, you've created your morning routine. Now you gotta practice it. That's the part where I really leave it up to you. You've got, you know, intellectually what you need to do, not got it to put it into practice. That's the challenge. See if you can make it seven days in a row, then see if you can make it 14. Just do it one day at a time, Okay? And it helps if you get an accountability person. Like I said before, find a friend who is also doing it or find a coach or find someone who can help motivate you each day. I continue this conversation in my book Wake up the morning between That will change your life. You could get your copy at maker missed acre dot com slash Wake up. If you use the offer code skill share you get, say, 15% off any of the packages on my site. And so that's it. It's up to you. I leave it. I leave it up to you. Continue to adjust. Be flexible. Don't try to be perfect. You're not going to get it. All right. First time. Love yourself. Appreciate yourself. Use your intuition and following that curiosity and see where it takes. You see how you feel in 7 14 21 days in a month, two months in a year. If you can manage to get that far, I think that you're gonna see some good changes in your life and share your results with the community. Let other people know what you're going through and how you have you. Have you been able to wake up? Really? Establish your routine, keep the habit going and post your struggles in the discussion and we will. We'll do this together. So thank you again. My name is Jeff Finley. Get my book at Waker. Missed acre dot com slash Wake up or find it on Amazon and it's been a pleasure, and I can't wait to see your routines.