1. Class Introduction: you guys, is it in the here in discourse, I will show you how to make this cute cartoon character. It was the most popular franchise from South Korea cold polka or took a funny love cookies . A little girl who lives in a household with her three uncles Who are the owners over a noodle restaurant named Go Wrong in Suja Village in the mountains. That's why here in this course we have chopsticks and this a bowl. In this course, I will show you how to create this character using basic mashes and modifiers. What are we waiting for? Let's hop on a right to the video.
2. Making The Body And Head: so guys don't come back to the house to me. Capucho character from the cartoon. So the first thing that we need to do you need to open our bad browser to find a reference here under the on the search or interview name. We want to type down who cop, cartoon and press enter. Then we want to go here under images. And here we have all sorts off these references and we want one that is this one. So this one I really like. Let's see. Okay, we will use this one a press on your right flick and then added to your folder on your desktop. So save image as reference under desktop save. Then go and shut down your Web browser. Now we want to enter our blender. So click on blender, Go to general. Let me just Okay, now I want to just catch screen cast keys. So here you will see what I'm using press and to hide it. And now let's make for the character. Now press want on your keyboard. Delete all of these by pressing X on your keyboard. And now we want to add our reference. We add reference by clicking shift a and then go to image and reference or go to background . As you wish. So, yeah, reference that stopped way go to Puka and I misspelled one letter. But it is OK, we just need a victor. So here we have our our plane. And as you can see, you can see it in the aorta graphic or into perspective. You. So here under the's the's preferences here you have, you can change it. You can use outfall. You can change your capacity of your your like this, your canvas of your reference. And I don't want that. So now the first thing that we need to do is we need to add a cube, shift a at Kew skillet down and pull it. Pull it up to here. Now we want to add a modifier to disk you. So add modifier subdivision surface modifier and turn it to three. So report to three or to two for now, too. Now we want to scale this up, up, up and skew it in x direction. So this and skillet a bit in that direction bring it up. So G Zet and pull it like this. And I'm satisfied with length and with everything. So let's just increase. You poured 23 this'll OK, so now let's make her hair just skillet a bit more. I think that days Good. OK, now let's add her here big Now we want to add Let's just click on this reference. Go here, filter and add this thing this select on we want to disable selecting for the picture here for the reference so we cannot click on it and we cannot move it. So now we want to shift a add a cube one more time skillet down Grab it in X direction So g x pull it up to here and we want to add a modifier. So subdivision surface modifier increase it to two and now let's model it. So we want to rotated to be like this, but we want to go back What one time scale it in x direction and now roti So it should be flat. What I mean by that is I wanted to be like this. So old h to cover it Now I want to press tab, go to transparent few, click here or or just click on options that if you're working on Mack. And if you're working on your PC, just press old Zet Now. I want to grab these here and pulled him down also thes and pulled him down. I want to add one loop cut here, so I really let's see have lives. Okay, Now let's elect all of them and killed them in a wide direction like this. What? Select these scale there. And also he's been skilled way have. Nice. I like it now. We want to set location, rotation and scale on this band. So let's just press control a and old transformations, then go here under add modifier and Adam a modifier. So it is going to be married on the other side. So these are bourbons we have on each side off our campus. You can see here. So press one. And now let's make her here. Shift a at a cube skillet, down rabbit in X direction. Grab it and set direction and centred here. Now add a subdivision modifier. Okay, Now way wanted to be to rotated a bit. Here, grab it and scale it. Grab it, See? Scale it in that direction like this. Okay, let's see how it looks. It looks good. Now we want to set old transformations to are here control a and old transformations. Now we want to add a mere modifier and well, we have our hair and our had done for now. Now let's make her body We make her body by using a cone, so shift a way. Want to add a cone? Scale it down Up to here. Now we want to go in transparent to so options at or Alter said, if you're working on BC press tab, delete this point here. Select all of divert old diverted sees and extrude and upwards scaled the inside like this . Okay, it looks good. Now we want to go here on select the face select. So, like the face inserted like this and extruded in that direction scale Donna, bid. And here we have our skirt. So once one thing that I want to do is I want to scale it in a why direction? Because you will have chopsticks right in front of her. And we don't want them to go like inside of one another like I like Let's go and make her feet. So shift a and them We want to add a cube scaling down, grab it in that direction and then grab it in excess again Way. Want to add subdivision surface modifier skin? Uh, increase the number of subdivisions to now Press tab and go to transparent you. Now we want to go here under Virgin Vertex, Select so like these and grab them upwards. So, like these move them downwards. So now I want to add one Look good here and move these up Up to here now Skill all of these in X direction. But this and we're done with the legs now just we want to add the We want to add our transformation. So control a an old transformation click on it and then go to mirror modified So way have our feet. Let's just move this empty plane this reference. So here we have the beginning are now let's just move it back or just press controls that and back. So the next thing are the hands on and chopsticks Agent
3. Hands And Chopsticks: guys, welcome back to second video on how to make a perfect character. Now we want to add our hands and chopsticks. The first thing that we need to do is we need to go on our transparent view. So just click here or press All said if you're working on your PC and if you're working on Mack Options said here and we want to add a cube, scale it down and go to side view, suppress three and grab it in in. Why direction? So grab it down and put it right here where the neck is breast one and we want to add the subdivision surface modifier two times added two times and grab it in X direction. So you will align it with these hands. Now we want to go under tab, select all of these Vergis ease and grabbed him in Don. Now we want to add a little cut here. So, like these to rotate them a little bit. So they are right where our hands are scaled them in X direction. So, like this, they should be flat. And now let's just like these skilled and down and pull them up like this Okay, so let's elect these one more time and grab them a little bit here. So, like this now we want as we skilled at this one, we want Teoh delete the faces so dissolved faces lead pieces and go to the U you poor solid view port Select. Let's go and pull it. And why direction One more time. Now press tab, select these Vergis ease only the bottom ones. And we want to e as so press e than s. So we are extruding it and scaling it at the same time. So it should go down so inside. And now let's just extruded in that direction. Grab it a little bit skillet dough And here we have our hand press one And now we want to make it look natural. Now we want to rotate it a bit like this. Grab it in. Why? Direction and rotated a little bit more. Grab it and pull it. Okay, let's make it one more time. So grab it in y direction. Have it in why a little bit more. We want to select our skirt here, Press tab, Go to transparent you select all of these and scale them in why Direction, Way will have something like this. And now let's just bring this head inside Hers rotated a little bit more downwards like this. Okay, now let's add a hand. So we have a perspective on how it is going to look. Press three, then grab it in. Why direction? Scale it down. Go here. Add modifier at some division surface modifier and end increased subdivisions to $2. Press one, go Press tab to go to edit mode. Now we want to go in transparently. Is so options that grab it here. So, like these four verses and scaled them Where are these two? And make them go here. Okay, let's elect all of these burgesses here. Sold. These four Vergis ease has killed them a little bit in a wide direction like this. And here we will have our trump six. Good date. Look. Okay, so let's select these to scale them in. Why direction grabbed him down. Let's see if they are here. We have the hands. So we want to set location, rotation and scale to the hand and the to the hand to the whole hand. So I commend a or control a and old transformations now here as well, and add a mere modifier. So is going to be mirrored onto the next onto the left side. Now we have our hands and let's make our chopsticks. So shift a Let's like the cube Grab down rabbit to the X up X axis skillet. Grab it up and we'll So we want to line it with this corner here. Now let's just press this keep right about your tab key and go to the left. Now we want to grab this one grab at grab lie, so G y and then we want to scale it a bit in. Why Axe? Let's press tab to go to edit mode. And now let's go in transparent few by pressing options, Ed and yeah, select these four Vergis ease press one, and we will extrude it and x axis like this. So, like these two Vergis ease and grabbed him down. So we will have something like this. Let's go out of transparent few. Here you will see that it doesn't look good. Well, it does, but we want to skillet a big more in y active and pull it. Okay, here. It's good press one and now shift D and we want to duplicate it so shifty and just press Is that so? It goes down way. Want to rotate it also So press are and slowly moved up like this. We want to select these to drop six. Let's kill these a bit more doll. So select this chopstick and select these forever to seize. Kill them in that direction. This'll Let's delete this one and one more time. Let's like this chopstick and just shifty duplicated instead Access So shift D zed and then pull it down. Rotated. So h here. Let's see. Okay, I like it. Let's elect these discourage breast Tad, go to transparent here and go to decide. So I want a to move these Vergis ease in. Why? X is a bit more so to hear Let's see how it looks. It looks good, but these front ones on Lee, he's I want to move it so that they aren't shown here. Okay, let's like the hands and rotate them a little bit more inside. And also the hands here. Okay, so we are done with modeling job sticks and the hands. The next thing are, we is we want to smooth this whole character and make a face
4. Adding Modifiers And Face: Welcome back to the third video in this course on how to make up of the character for from Puka Cartoon. And now we want to add a face. You we will press one and then we will press tap here we see that we have a Q B didn't at our subdivision surface modifier, and we want to do that. So the first thing that we need to do is we need to apply subdivision service modifier at them breast tap. Here. You can see that old of our deceased are selected now and we don't want that. So let's just select thes by thes only D's. And we do that by pressing option and clicking on the whatever whatever you want. So I want to pick thes and old inside as well. So press see skill, the circle off selection. So by going up and down on your mouse, you increase the size or decrees as you wish. So I want to select all of these very dis ease and I want to invert them So I and then I want to extrude them in Why direction? So like this You can see And once I press right click and shade smooth. You will see here that I have this a cricket line and I don't want that sort 1st 1 on my keyboard to go to front or too graphic and then I go here Object data properties. So here, under normals, I have auto smooth and I want to press that and here you can see this line is very good. So let's add one more. So I will select the edge inside and Arliss kill it down like this so you can see it better . And what we want to do as well is we want to add subdivision modify. But we will do late that later on once we add our materials. And now let's just select the are skirt and also go shades. Mood who artists moved as well as with the hands, but we will not add the artists mood right now. So on the feet we want to add subdivision and modifier, subdivision modifier and Miramar to fire and add one more time subdivision, so it should be smooth. Apply as you can see here it's very smooth, and also on the hands apply the subdivision modifier and a mirror modifier and add one more time to subdivision modifier. So here you can see that it looks really good right now let's see if we want to do that same thing with our hands adding a subdivision. As you can see here, it is very smooth. So why not applied to subdivision modifier? We are not going to rig this or enemy this. We just want this scene as it is right here. So you wouldn't apply the subdivision surface modifier if you want to rig it. Because if I press on my hands here and I go to Tab, you can see that I have here a lot of burgesses and it should it could slower down your computer and it should. It will not rig. Or it could just shut down your blunder. So we did that. And now we want to select the heads and grab them in in that X is a bit and grabbed him. Okay, Like dead. And now we want to go here and add a subdivision, modify and mayor modifier to our to our hair here and also add one more times, have division modifier and apply it. OK, now, let's see if I can scale it a bit more. Let's add on Argento feeding mess. Go Press tab. Okay. We didn't have to add our mayor modifier for def for now. So let's basically just select this one. Go to options. That and let's kill it a bit more. Let's see how it looks. Okay, I will scale this one as well. So options that select it and then go to top few. So seventh scale it in. Why Axis and I like much better. So one side, the debt. I want to select my hair and apply mirror modifier. And then I want to add a subdivision surface. Modify here. Okay, It looks good. And now just press smooth here as well. We want press moved and let's add these modifiers. Or I can increase the number off subdivisions here as well. So you board is going to be three and render is going to be three as well and apply and apply as well this the mayor modifier way have that. And with the chopsticks, I want Teoh add these lines. But we will do that later on. So select the head, press one and then go to edit mode Now let's see. It is really up. So let's select old of these Vergis ease by pressing Olt, as you can see here. Shift halt on left mouse and let's select. He's inside so we don't so thes or D's Press one and then go out of transparent you so you can select only these in front and not on the back. So these now go to transparent you and then move them. As you wish. So I want to scale them in. Why direction to that direction? Excuse me. And, uh, let's just go death. Okay, But here we have a problem. So I want to add a couple of loop cuts, so let's see if we can do that. So, like these here, let's grab them in. Why Barrick? Okay, let's see. Press all set. And so we can do it like this, or we can just leave it as it waas. So I want to leave it as it waas so controls that we want to return. Okay, that's press. One man said, Let's okay, I want to live it as it is right now, but I want to make some changes. So let's select the bottom row so thes only and moved them down. So we're not going to change anything else than this. Just pressing all double G. So, J J we are. We can move. Vergis is so let's elect all of these. First, the bottom ones press two times j and moved in down. Also, these press two times J and moved him down on these as well. JJ. Well, you can see here we have something up like square here, and I don't want that. So I want to select these and these here and scale them inside. So just press s has killed him inside. Now I have that at shape here, and it is good. Now let's just select all of these and a rotate the had a bit. So press three and rotate. Grab it. Okay. Like this. And I think that it is good. It is a bit off, so it never mind. It is going toe look good. So select the head. Go to transparent to you. Let's see here a gate. Let's play around. So I want to select D's here. Let's go to transfer a few and grabbed him here, so grabbed in. In fact, sex. Okay. And also these three. So like them press one and then go to transparent few. Grab them in XX. I told them to hear. And if I go here and add modifiers subdivision surface modifier and increase it to two, you will see here that we have Don't have that lying here anymore. So I want to go back. So like these these these press one press, see and way want to press on our middle Moss and d select these but only days bottom wants Grab them in white direction. Okay, and now it is good is great. So if you want Teoh have this edge so pointy you can just add a little cut here in the middle. So, like this pressed sad And here you go way did let's like these one more time and skilled And because I know it is very good. So we don't want the subdivision surface model for you right now. I just disabled. Now let's move on to the chopsticks and make these lines on our trip. Six
5. Making Chopsticks And Face: Hey, guys, welcome back to the fourth video and how to make book a character from a cartoon. And now we are heading on to make these lines on our chopsticks. So press one and then select Theis Chopstick and go to attack. Now here's you can see we have a loop cut right here. So let's go to transparency View. Let's select the emergencies and let's press double two times j So let's align it with this line. And now let's be adding, um, are Look, it's so control are and move the loop Cut ride here control are one more time Grab it and pull it up as well is now. Pull it and aligning bullet here and here is will. So we see it here and it looks good. Now we want to press one and let's elect these two trump sticks and press tab. Now let's go to transparent few by clicking here or by going options said. Or all set. Now, let's select these number disease. Well, I mean, just bring this up a little bit as well as this. Now let's elect these vergis ease. Grab them in directions. So here, by pressing double Jay So Jay Jay. And now let's add our look at so control are at a look good and aligning here and here. So selected to time and aligned with this J and whitening control are one more full are add one. And the last one I want to add is this one. But we want to select these and we want to bring them down. So let's basically make them how they are on the chopstick. So two times J and we want to find them up. So they should be parallel also this one and this one. Okay, let's move it up it here. So we are. We are using transparent to you so we can see how chopsticks are in the or Jill design there. And here we have our chopsticks and what we want to do as well. We want to make our eyebrows and our eyes. So let's go to transparent you here. And we have these eyebrows that looks like a smiley face. So we want to make them basically. And how do we do that is by adding the curved path, as you can see here we have a straight line right across the here. The X axis. We want to scale it down. Go to transference. Use killing. Down, down, down! Okay, grab it up and put it right where the eyebrows are Now we want to grab it in. Why direction? And pull it here. Now let's just pressed Tab and let's curve it up. So we want Teoh. Use this Vergis e rapid in. Why direction? And pull it in acts direction. So it should go from the inside out right here. Let's select these Vergis is here. Grab them in. Why direction? And now pull these inside. So they are right on our puka here. Okay, let's see. Grab these in. Why Directions? Well, let's go to transparent view. Select these to grab them in X direction and this one Grab it, Grab this one as well And now let's just go here under the object data properties and down we have our geometry and here we have bubble. We use bevel when we want to thicken this a straight line. So let's, for example, add thickness as much as we want. This is too much. So let's go out of transparent you. Let's see. So let these this Vergis e and bring it down. Acela's this one. Pull it in wind direction. Okay? And let's see how it looks. I like it so shades from and I think that it is good. Let's see how it looks here. Okay, it looks good, but we want to go back, selected this Vergis e and grab it in. Why direction? Once we did that, we want to select old of these and go here, select and go to object mode. Now here under object, we have convert to mash from curve meta served text. And now once I click tab, I can see these thes small vergis ease that made this one mesh. So we want to press f fill it in and here we have our eyebrow. So let's select this eyebrow Control a and old transformations. Now let's add a mirror modifier modifier, Angela. So let's just try to add a subdivision surface modifier to disrupt. Let's see how it looks. Okay, I want to grab this in. Why? Directions way? Want to make it go inside. So don't apply anything and just select discourtesy here and grab it in. Why direction? So it should go inside. Philip the whole eyebrow and make it go inside of it like this. Okay, I'm loving this. Now select the eyebrow. We want to add location, rotation and scale. So transformations and object convert to mesh. Now we want to add our mirror modifier. And we here we have our eyebrows. Now let's make a face. So we basically want to make her eyes go to transparent few and eyes are here, but we want to make them a bit higher because our face is a little bit so we want to make them right here. So right above her. Now I want to add a look cut. So control are and I want oh, cut here like this also, I want to add a loop cut here and aligning with the with I also here. Okay, I like it like this. Now I want to select thes vergis. Ease here. So So like this one. And press two times j. So I want basically to align it with the bottom one with the I and I don't have I don't need these emergencies. So are just like X and then sell just now. I want to select this 12 time j and pull it up. I want to do that. Exact the same thing with this one. Let's make them thicker. So, yeah, basically, what I'm doing is I'm moving the Vergis e. So I created the I look, the eye effect. And later on, we will add materials to those eyes like this. And yeah, so let's do that same thing on this side as well. So this one press two times j and then move them to time j Moved them up, J J. Huh? This one. So but this big up in this one, let's create another loop. Cut here and let's add. Okay, let's do that one more time, but go out of edit mode. Oh, out of transparent you. Excuse me. Add a little good here. Okay? And now let's go to transparent view, select this vergis e aligning with I hear is well, so J j and align. So here we have the eye shape. And now let's add one more, uh, one more loop card here so we can make it a little bit like this. So we don't want it to be so flat. We wanted to be a puppet. Kirby on the edges. So as well with this one here and also here. Here I moved these a bit inside. Also this one, right, Pamela, here we have our eyes done. And now let just add a month. So go out of transparence you And here you can see a little bit where our eyes are. But later on, once we add the materials, it is going toe look fine. So we want to add a curve as we did with our eyebrows we want to use to make our mouth. So let's created by using path scaling down go to transparent to you bring it up So bring it right in front of the face. Press one and grab it and z direction. So I want to scale it a bit more and angle to tow boat. Now let's elect this one and make this you she Thetis like this. And as we did to the eyebrows we want to do to our mouth. So let's just go here under the object dated properties and go to geometry and fill in the step and bevel this up. Go out of any mode transparent. Few see that it is good it looks good, but it is a bit wonky. So let's flatten this. Okay, grab it in X direction. Grab these as well. I see. I like how they turn out to be, and what I want to do now is that Want to press three on my number pad and rotate this Teoh here, Grab it in. Why direction and pull it inwards like this. Okay, now let's elect the house. Go in edit mode and move these a little bit inside. So to do that. So basically what I'm going to do is I want to go to object mode, convert this to MASH. And now, once I did that, I want to select these a top faces. Thats one. I want to dissolve measures. So speeds. And now let's try to let's elect these edges here and we want to dissolve for dis ease one . Okay, now let's select the face elect like face here extruded scale it extruded scale it extruded skillet. So what we are doing basically it is we are going inside and let's elect Ed select like this edge skill it up and like this. So it is going to look basically like this, and it looks better. So at Thetis at these edges, skill them inside. Also, D's inside a little bit. Well, im so let's do that same thing on the other side. So select the edge. Extruded skill treated. Now, once I go to get moved, I will add two more Luke cuts here for 11 And I was killed. These this in okay like this. So we made our face. And now let's go hop onto materials.
6. Adding Materials: come back to the fifth video on how to make poker character from Foca cartoon. And now we want to add materials. So what? We want to go one. What we want to do is we want to go here under render and let's So let's delete this claim , Okay, Lets just move it down the XX. So we want to have it here and we just add a one light that we want to weigh. Want to just add one white. So increase a part 2 to 1000 grab it to y axis, press three and rotated right on our campus here you can see here let's bring it down a bit more and rotated So it is going to be right at center our character. So select the light and moving down the Y axis. Now we want to select the face and let's go. We want to first ad, uh, color to our hair. So let's go to shading here, press one and then we want to go to transparent use. Select old the edges or the vergis is in this. Keep now and add a new material. So this new material it is going to be based. Color is going to be black. Now let's go out of transparent few and let's select the's Vergis ease that are inside. So let's elect these These only these vergis ease and the inside off these cities, okay? And we want to add a new materials. So once we did that, we just press here other material and add a plus here and select new base color. And we want to add it a bit yellowish, reddish like this. Okay, this one is good. Now we are done with that one. And not now. Let's make our eyes. So by pressing C and selecting these emergencies, I am selecting the where we made our eyes. So I want to add the same material as I added for my hair on Yeah, this And now let's like the eyebrows select the material to added this and also this. So here we have that, and not let's go here under modifiers Adam out of subdivision surface modifier and increase the number of U ports to two. And let's see, here we have a line. So we want to do to see what is happening. Okay, We didn't so like these for emergencies and mango to materials and assign this black material. Now, let's select it. Let's go back to the modifiers and let's add subdivision surface modifier. Increase the number of U ports to two and apply it. Once we did that, we want to go to our Puka. Here, select these Vergis ease here by bracing Sea. Select these. I received the little ones here. Okay, These 2345 and the 51234 So all of these. And now, once we did old that we want to go here under materials, and we want to sign this color here. So yeah, we have our eyes here, and they look good. Uh, let's select these two vergis ease and grab them down. These at axis also, dese two. Grab him down. He said axes. So they are going down. And also, I want to select this one and the bottom one and grab them in AC sexes. They don't put them to go on top. So let's see what else we can do here. We can also move these Vergis ease. Let's like the whole of urgencies here. So these two over dis ease. Hey, this one and this, and let's dissolve edges. Right? The 1st 1 The second. Okay. Okay, Now it's better. Select these Vergis ease. So this thes three burgesses and grabbed him in X direction. And also what we want to do is we want to sell it only deeds to Vergis, ease so the third emergency and grab it in X axis. Islam. Let's select the one through 34 5/5 1 and grab it as well. Okay, I like it like this. So let's go back one more time and thes and make them off. And also these do g zed and move them. So we have a line. Yeah, it looks good. And now let's make her cheeks red. So we want to go to edit mode and let's select these. So I want to do it. One away. Let's elect, for example, from the mouth. Let's see here. Okay, they are ride down here. So let's elect a lot of these. All of these, we can move it to why? And also we do the exactly same thing on the other side. So this line 23723457 and down. Way 6246 Select thes Vergis ease And let's go here under loop cuts and press circles. Okay, here we cannot see. But yeah, we did this loop cuts by going to edit Go to Preferences. And here, under adults just click loop loop tools. And once you don't with that, you can just once you select edge once or two edges in this case or multiple edges, you just press right. Click on your mouse and lose cuts. Here you have a bridge circle curve, flatten bridges. Basically, you are connecting to to loop, to edges together and you're making a bridge. So, yeah, you have all of these here and we want to go on press, see, select all these vergis, ease inside and then we want to add new material that is going to be read. We'll see how it looks. It looks good. It looks really good. So we are done with this one. Let's try, OK, I like you really much. And let's just select the whole the whole body and grab it in. Why direction? So we will move it up front, and here we have a little bit more space. So what I want to do as well is I want to scale it in. Why? Axes? Okay. No, I don't want to Skillet. It looks good. Now let's select the here and add this material the black one. And here we need new material. And it's going to be bride read like this, also with her with her skirt at her hands. We want to merge these two. So we want to merge the sleeves off the hands and we want to merge the skirt and we want to add This is well, now, let's add the material week added to our face here and yeah, black for our legs and 40 chopsticks. Let's go on to chopsticks. So I want to select the two of them and make one active. Then go to command J and merge those two together. Now I want to select thes two and add a new material that is going to be a little bit yellowish. So I think that this is the color off her. Yeah, it is. So now I want to go to Tab and select these Verdecia. So once I press command options that or Alcee, I automatically go to transparent few, and here I have it. Now we want to add the black material. But before we do that, let's just go back to times. Let's select this file and save it at on the desktop as the book and save us. Okay, now let's go to Moat Select these two thes eight Verdecia because no. 8 16 because here we have four and 48 and for for So once we did that, we want to click here. Plus because we want to add a new material and it's going to be black. So press a sign and we'll now let's do that same thing on this side, A sign and this side. And here we have our book out. Now we want to add this bowl here, so just go on layout shift a way. Want to add a circle? Grab it down. We want to go to number path three rotated to be like this. Select it. And now we want to e as so if shooted and scale it in same time, grab it in set axes way. Want to extrude it downwards here and select these edges here and fill them up? So basically we created a ball like this. It's mood go here and artist way can scale this a little bit off K and bring it up so it touches her her hat for feet. So let's rotate it a little bit more down and make it as similar as possible to this one. So, like these and grabbed him done press one. And yeah, now we want to add wheels to this bowl, and it is going to be the same color as our rubber bands and our skirt here. So let's go to shading. But let's he was happening here. Go to shading this black color. Okay, it is the light. Now let's like the bull so, like new. And now we want to change the color to be a little dark as this and now select the here and we want to change the roughness of the here. So let's make it a little bit like, um, math. So it's going to be like this, uh, face is going to be a little bit to force one side. Let's see how it looks. It looks good. And now let's change the roughness off her outfit as well. So we changed the roughness and on the flip on the plate, we want to turn on metallic and turn to reference down. Let's go to edit mode and add to Luke cuts here so that it mode control are at one here and add one up. Hey, like this, but it is a little bit too much here. Let's make it a little bit brighter. So I think Move that has a bit inside. Press three. Rotate them said the origin to the center of the master. Rotate them in their axis. Yeah, guys, here is our boo cut. The next step is there gathering process. And we want to make our lights And are plane right behind her. And also the camera. So yeah, see in the next video.
7. Lights And Render Settings: welcome to the sixth and final video for discourse on how to make poke up to the character in Blender. So what we want to do is we want to first add a plane, so shift a and add a plane mash. So we want to grab it and pull it down the that access right here, grab a little bit up and scale it. Now we want to go in edit mode, just press tap and select these two edges and extrude, um, in Zet axis. So, like this, we want to delete this plane here, So let's elect this empty and we want to delete. Okay, this one lets skill this one all right now like this. And let's go here, click on and select. So, like this edge and we want to travel it. Just go to lay out Let's go to you Death And here we have a bevel click on this edge and we want to Beverly multiple times. So we do that by just clicking on it. And here on the middle mounts we scrolled it down and here we have bevel it Now we want to shake smooth it so it looks nice and smooth. Grab it and pull it up a bit and we want to scale it in X direction. So, like this. Now let's add a material to our plane just to hear new and at this one. So the bright, bright red Let's move this one a little bit to here. And we want to change the roughness to our plane here to be one. So here we will have like this and let's delete this camera. Let's add. First of all, let's add lights. So press one, then press shift a and then light at area. We want to grab it and pull it up. Change the power to 800 here and change the size 21 meter. Let's see. Grab it in. Why access? So it is going to be right above the read above our BUCA here, So let's see how it looks in a render. Let's see it in cycles. So we want to grab it and pull it a bit more down. Let's select this edge and pull it down as well. So g set and pull it down. So, like this Okay, we need two more, so we want to add shift a light as an area rotated in X axis by 90 degrees and rotated in Zet access by 90 degrees. Now we want to grab it. So press G and then X to decide. So let me just turn on my screen gas keys so you can see what I'm doing here. Press on to hide it. And now let's just add. So press seven. Grab it, pull it down the y axis, rotated and let's see how it looks. It is going right past our Foca here, and also it is going to be the same size. So one meter, one meter? No, it's good to be square like this and we need one more so shifty and then grab it in y axis . Here rotated go to number fed seven rotated. So it is going right todo side of our rotated. Here, Let's see how it looks. Okay, it looks good. Now let's just add our camera. So I want to shift a at a camera rabbit in y axis. Press one. Now let's press is zero click shift and then click that key right above your tab. Key on your number pet, zoom in a little bit and here under camera settings. We have here under a view port this plea composition guides. And we have here thirds and I want to use that right to put the focus had right in the middle. Here it is, But I wanted to be a little bit more here. Oh, Gillet straight. Yes, it is. Now, Allegis. See how it looks in a render. So press zero. Let's see how it looks. Okay, so we are going to make this one thing this light here to be 1000. That's and decides Going to be one meter here and also here we want to it to be 1000 and 50 . Let's kill this one bit. Let's see in render how it looks right now You like it and let's change the color off this one to be a little bit okay, I like it. And once you are done with that, let's go to rendering. So the first step we need to go is here under render. We need to disabled here, here and here. Render. We wanted to be 300 samples, so that is the first thing. The next thing is ago here and outward properties and we are not going to change the resolution. The resolution is going to be this'll one. Now let's see what else we can do also hear you. We are going to change the where is going to be so under puka We want to accept and Fulcher render except rename it and accept to save the file in that folder it is going to be everything here is done. Now we want to select this layers and let's see here we want to turn off the noisy Turn on the noisy So that is for that. Let's see what else we can do here. We can also go under, render here color management and change this to medium high contrast And as you can see here it is very contrasted. Now that is dead and you guys So once you are done with all of this, you just press, render image. You click on that it is going to render your image But I am not satisfied with the camera you so I will be moving my camera a little bit. So let's see. Look in turn on look Death! And now I want to change the camera. This'll Let's change it to decide. So it's not right in the front and for the canvas that is behind her. I want to change it to be a little bit more bright. So this is I think, that that is nice. And one more thing that I want to do is I want to select this light and I want to change it a little bit. So press seven rotated to be pointed at her like this. And let's see how it looks once we go to our Orender as a render image. Okay, let's use our camera a bit more and make it like this. Sir, I want to put it up and you move up and down on your camera view once you click Q and P on your keyboard. So queues for down in the east for up. But I want to turn on off, released right like this. Let's see how it looks. Okay, I think that I'm satisfied with this one. So guys, right after destiny, you would just go here under render and render image. I hope you like it and see you in the next scores by