1. Creating beautiful upcycled planters: high end run. My name's Kelly Newbury and I'm from Potato Plant. Today I'm going to show you how to create unique up cycle plant. It's all show you how to play into succulent or cactus, and then how to care for your new plant and your new plant so that it flourishes and grows really well. I spent the last 14 years living in apartments, so I'm constantly looking for new and creative ways to bring the outdoors in and also garden in small spaces. So upside with planters are great because they combine two of my favorite things. One. They find a use for old bits and pieces that you've got lying around the house and to it combines gardening. So, really, it's a fun course, and I encourage you to enroll. Now the project is really easy, basically, will be sharing a photo off your finished up cycled plant off. I'll cover of the materials that your name to create this plant and then if you can upload your project into the project gallery, that would be great. I'm really looking forward to seeing really a different creative ways to display plans. Thanks, guys and happy planting
2. Materials you'll need: thanks so much for joining me on this course. First up, we need to cover up what materials you can you need for the project. The first thing that you need is, of course, whatever it is you're going toe up cycle to be a plant on. Now there's a whole range of different things you can use. You can use things like teapots, cute little cops. You can try using a gravy boat, milk jugs. Got any old jaws lying around the place? One glasses, sugar containers. You can use pots. You can use pens you can use bowls, trays, dishes, whatever your heart's desire. So I'm really excited to see the different things that you might find toe up cycle into plant. It's so hunt around the kitchen, find anything that you know using and turn it into a plant up. If you're not having luck in your own kitchen, raid your families and friends. We have so much stuff lying in cupboards and shelves that we never use, so I put it to good use. Still not having any luck, head down to your local charity store. I recently picked up this fantastic set of three teapot sugar holder and milk jugs five bucks. So this is a really inexpensive way to create parts to display your plants in. The great thing about this class and up cycled plant is is you don't actually need very many materials to get started, and everything that we do use you confined from your local ness, right or even from your local hardware store to get started. We need soil for our plans now, because by using succulents and cactus, they need to be a sort of soil that will drain really well. This is so important for succulents cactus because they hate getting their feet wet because it causes their roots to rocked. So get a premium cactus and succulent soil mix and add a bit of pearl light if you've got a home. If you don't, it's not essential, so it doesn't matter. But if you do have, it doesn't toe added in just that extra drainage. Next up, you need some rocks, gravel, Starnes, pebbles, just something that you can put at the bottom off your plantar. Now, these don't need to be pretty. They're going to be covered up, so whatever you've got lying around, get it out of the garden. That will be great Next up. If you want, you can add decorative pebbles to the top off your display, so I do that for some of my displays. But a lot. I don't bother, because I prefer that more earthy look. It's entirely up to you as to which look you prefer. And finally, you need to select your plant. So today I'm going to use this little guy. He's a whole worthier. He's really cute. I know he's gonna fit well into my plant off. So when you're selecting your plant, make sure that it's small enough to fit into your plant on this space, around the roots for it to grow a little bit more today. My plant. It is this yellow milk jog, and what it's doing is it's completing my set off three. So I'm really excited to finish off this project and have the full set ready to go. I've actually drilled a very tiny drainage hole in the bottom of this. You can do this if you like. Like I said, succulents don't like having wet roots, so drainage holes help. But if you don't have a drill, or a ceramic and glass drove it at home. Then just use the rocks at the bottom, and that will be sufficient. Okay, let's get started.
3. Planting your succulent: all right, so let's get started planting our little up cycled vessels. The first step is to take your vessel and washing out in hot, soapy water. This is just so that is starting with a clean life. I've already washed this one out and I've dried it off, so just make sure that you do the same. The next step is if you're going to drill little drainage holes, do it now and you'll need to give the vessel and other rents out after you doing that. Like I said, they're not essential, so you can just skip on to the next step. If you don't want to drill the drainage holes next up, we want to feel approximately 1/3 of the vessel with rocks, gravel, pebbles, Starnes, whatever you've got lying around in your garden or garden shed. This is so that when the water when you want your plan, it will trickle through to the bottom, and it won't be sitting where the roots are at the bottom. There. Next up, we will be getting out plant ready to go in here, so remove your plant from its container. This one's really dry as you can see, and what we need to do here is just get the roots a little bit off a tickle. So what we're doing is a writing the roots, separating them out somewhere. It'll be super compact when you get them. And if that's the case, it's really important that you do this because that will help stimulate growth. So once you've done that, just place him in and sort of get a bit of an idea about how much soil you need to add into the bottom. You don't what you plan to be sitting up above the vessel. You either want to flash your slightly below. So there we go. That's much better way. Just take the soil and fill it in around. Yeah, sorry, This is messy. If you're outside, do this in the garden, so the soil is not going to waste. I always sweet my soil off at the end to make sure that nothing's going to waste. Stop. Press that end. Keep working is your way around until the soil is level and now is in his little plan talk . I guess I wanted, but your succulent or cactus planted, you need toe water. Him in. Now. By no means does this mean drown him, but do give him a good drink. So try and moisten the soil. More so than the plan, it's hard to do, but this is a really important step. To help the soil settle, you might find you then need to add a little bit more soil. If you've seen that, it's sunk down a bit load, and the final step is to add in decorative pebbles. So for my yellow set, I'm not going to add any in because I prefer this sort of natural earth you look. But he is the pebbles that I would use. You can just pick these up from your local nursery or Bunning's or hardware store, and this is the sort of finished look that you get down here. Why pebbles? Nice cops. It looks good for these plans, so it's entirely up to you. If you want to add the pebbles in is purely for decoration and aesthetic purpose.
4. Caring for your new plant: Okay, So now that you've got your plantar, I'm going to show some inside tips to help you mentioned that your little plant grows and flourishes. The first thing you need to decide is where you want to place your planter. I generally prefer to keep my succulent inside and away from those extreme weather conditions away from the wind away from the frost and away from the city s son. So if you can keep it inside, pick a nice, bright, sunny spot. Windowsills. The fantastic generally succulents and cactus, like about six hours of sunlight a day. So don't pick a dock room. They also likes a nice end installation, which is why a window sill is a fantastic place to sit them. If you are going to put them outside a word of warning, they will not survive from frost or extreme hate. So anything about about 35 degrees Celsius or 98 F will start to fry your succulent. So if it is really hot or really cold outside, you gotta bring them in. When it comes to watering your plants. They don't like too much water, but they don't want to be neglected either. Generally, I warned them about once per week and outside how much toward them by looking at the plant . If he's looking dry, sad, limp, I'll give him a little bit more water. If his leaves a really bursting and full and really plump, that's a sign that they've retained a lot of that water, so I won't give them much. So there are a few tips to help you care for your new plant and plant all.
5. Happy Planting!: all right. Thanks so much for joining me on this class. I'm really excited to see your different planters and up cycled vessels, so make sure you share a photo in the project gallery. I am a huge fan of up cycling. Now you might be wondering why. Well, it's all about taking disposable or old things and creating something useful and often beautiful from them. Usually the only energy being used is your own and up. Cycling can save you money, too. But more importantly, up cycling helps the environment in a few different ways. Your old items aren't going to landfill sites, but instead you're finding new and creative ways to use them. Plus up. Cycling should save you from buying new things, which reduces the need for more goods to be manufactured. It's a win win. The other thing I love about up cycling is that it stirs up your creativity. Once you start toe up cycle, you begin to see the potential reuse for everything that you come into contact with, and it feels good to say possibility in old and used things. If you're feeling, I'm sure about, if something can be turned into a plan tough, upload a photo and I'll happily let you know whether it's suitable or not. Generally, most things others I don't worry too much about that. Thanks again, guys and happy planting.