Crash Courses in Crochet with Connie Lee: Basic Stitches | Connie Lee Lynch | Skillshare

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Crash Courses in Crochet with Connie Lee: Basic Stitches

teacher avatar Connie Lee Lynch, Crochet Designer & Certified Instructor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      How to Single Crochet


    • 3.

      How to Half Double Crochet


    • 4.

      How to Double Crochet


    • 5.

      How to Treble Crochet


    • 6.

      Final Thoughts


    • 7.

      SC in 30 Seconds


    • 8.

      HDC in 30 Seconds


    • 9.

      DC in 30 Seconds


    • 10.

      TR in 30 Seconds


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About This Class

Quickly learn or review the first four basic stitches of crocheting: single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet, and treble crochet. Learning these fundamental stitches will have you well on your way to making a wide variety of crocheted fabrics! 


Each of these tutorials begins with the starting chain already made to help keep the stitch instruction shorter. If you need a quick refresher on how to chain, please refer to this diagram from the Craft Yarn Council.

If you are brand new to crocheting, I encourage you to enroll in my Crochet Basics: From Skein to Scarf class, right here on Skillshare, for a comprehensive beginner's course that will walk you through everything you need to know to complete your first project, from finding the ends of your new skein of yarn to weaving in your ends.

Class Objective:

  • Learn or review and practice the four basic crochet stitches

Suggested Materials:

  • Medium or Worsted Weight yarn (4) in a light color and smooth texture makes it easier to practice stitches; Wollelfe Extrafine Merino & Silk Gradient Fingering Weight (1) yarn in Fresh, 100g (437 yards), is what I used for the Fundamentals Cowl - feel free to experient with different yarns, though!
  • H, I, or J Crochet Hooks for practice with worsted weight yarn; D - G hooks for Fundamentals Cowl with Wollelfe Extrafine Merino & Silk
  • Locking stitch markers
  • Scissors
  • Yarn or Tapestry Needle(s)
  • 6 or 12 Buttons (optional) for Cowl

Resources include the written pattern for the Fundamentals Cowl, which is an excellent way to practice all four of the stitches covered in these tutorials, as well as links to Crochet Guild of America and Craft Yarn Council webpages for students needing further information and visual aid (i.e. tutorials for left-handed crocheters)

Meet Your Teacher

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Connie Lee Lynch

Crochet Designer & Certified Instructor


Hi, y'all! My name is Connie and I'm a CYC Certified Crochet Instructor and published designer.

I started designing in 2009 and I've been teaching since 2013 from Georgia to Texas to Virginia - and now back to Texas again! 

Crochet is my passion, but I also enjoy making jewelry, painting, drawing, cross-stitching, scrapbooking, nail art, and even a little knitting. Reading, hiking, and simply spending time with my family are also favorite pastimes.

You can find most of my crochet patterns on Ravelry but I also have a selection of free patterns on my website. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for short tutorials and you can often find me on Instagram or Facebook - I'd love to connect with you there, to... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: honey and I am a certain machine instructor through Craftsy Lauren Council. I've been teaching cruciate classes since two and sunny since 2009 with my very first design, published in and Accessories Today. What I want to share with you our some tutorials for the basic shape. Stitches. Those are the single cliche, half double double cliche and be tall and often me into trouble. Now these four fundamental stitches are an excellent foundation upon which skills, and once you mastered these four stitches, you can bank on the grocer and world. There's there won't be very much that you can't do because so many stitches are built. Peace. Basic stitches. Now each tutorial video is out five minutes long. I walk you through how to work into your starting chain stitch, as well as how to work your second round into the tops of the existence stitches. I'll also should to Attorney Cheney, I also to make it easier to see use a nice big hook as well as a single ply yarn. It's kind of a so that will make it a little bit easier for you to tell what's going on now . If you're looking for a project to practice all of these stitches. I'm going to include he pattern for my fundamentals. Couch. Just what I'm hearing today. So look for that on your project page. But you can also just practice stitches in, do some swatches just to get familiar with them and then move on to whatever project it is that you're wanting. Teoh work on. What I'm hoping she give you today is just a quick, easy resource to reference whenever you And to that end, I'm also going to share some 30 seconds. Civic videos attribution real quick, the single double, half double and travels for those end the class videos list. Each one of those will be there so you can reference now if you're lying. If you are learning to her shape with the very first time, I would really encourage you to check out my shade basics from scheme. This pushed class here on school share. I take you through from the very beginning where you're pulling the corn out of the ball all the way to sewing in your ins. Now that is a much more in depth class. It's about two. That was long, but is an excellent way to begin your journey. If you're starting beginning but without further and you are hush my rambling and get started. 2. How to Single Crochet: Welcome to your crash course in the single Kirsch. A stitch. All right, let's get started. So today, I'm starting with a chain of 11. So we'll have 10 single Christians across the body of our work when we get done. So turn this chain over because I like to work into the back bumps that you feel free to work into which ever part of the change that you are most comfortable with. So we're gonna skip this first chain that functions is turning change for the single roshaiah Jane one. We're gonna insert a hook from front to back under that back loop there. So you're in over. Pull up a loop. You should have two loops on your hook. Then you aren't over again. And pull through both of those lips. And that is your single short little guy right there. Right. Let's do another one. So insert from front to back. You are an overhaul of the loop. You should have two loops on your urine. Over. Pulled through to All right. That's too right there. One more. Here. Front, back. You pull through to that, folks, is how you work into the starting chain with your single, Kershaw. So I'm gonna meet you at the end of the row here, and we will talk about working into the single cachet as well. All right, here's our last chain here is right before this non. We don't work into the not been working at the chain. So front to back under that blue you are never pull it loose to some hook. You aren't over. Pull through to There is our first row single Porsches. We should have tens, which is here. It's 123456789 10. Perfect. All right, Now, to do our second row, we're going Chain one again. That's functioning as are turning chain. It gives us the height of that stitch. We're gonna turn it from right to left, like page of a book, and we're gonna skip this chain. One are turning chain there, and we're gonna insert hook into our first single Kershaw here. And that's gonna be under the top two loops. So you're an overflow loop to loops on your books. You're in over. Pull through two. There is your first single pressure right there. We're gonna do it again. Insert your hook from front to back under the top two loops. You aren't over. Political it. You're over pulled through to their 1st 2 All right, so we're working under the top two loops of your single per se. And that is typically what you're going to do in any given pattern. If they want you to work into any other place in thes stitch below, they will tell you front loop only back with. Only that will be in your pattern. Here are the end of a row. This is our last stitch. You see how that guy turns a little bit? We just don't want to forget in roller. We're gonna have a triangle by the time we're in. We don't want that to happen. So we're gonna get this last ditch here. 100 bulls loops. You're on a little over pulled to their his 1st 2 rows of single crush A Let's do one more chain one turn Skipping this change. Inserting are hook into the 1st 2 years you're in over. Pull through to and do it again. It's too three for where? Five, six, seven. Oops. Thanks. Nine. 10. There we go. Now it's starting to look like something. You've got three rows here. Let's take a closer look at that quick. So here's your first row. Worked into your starting chain. Here's your second row. Worked into your first roof single Chris Shays. And here's your third row. Worked into that second room of single Porsches so you can count your stitches by counting the loops of the bees on top here, Cody across. And this is your turning chain right here. So you don't count that right there. This will be your last stitch on the other side. Now, do you note that used to just can't a little bit to one side. So if you're looking at it from the front the road that you just completed, you're gonna be able to see this movie really nicely when you turn it over to work it from the other direction. You don't see that V unless you turn it towards you a little bit. So now you can see that be running across the top. So make sure that when you or working that next, bro, go ahead and turn it enough so that you could locate both of those stitches there, right That's all I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed this little crash course in a single crushing, and I'll see you next time. 3. How to Half Double Crochet: I'm Connie, and welcome to your crash course in the half. Double crush A. Are you ready to get started? Let's do it. So here, have a starting chain of 11 stitches. I'm going to work into the back bump of these chains, but you feel free to work into whichever location of the starting chain that you are most comfortable with now for the half Double crush A are turning chain is typically either one or two. If you're counting the turning chain as a stitch, then you want to use to I for this tutorial. I'm not going to count the turning. Tina's a stitch and I'm going toe only use one. So we're gonna skip this first chain, and we're gonna work into the 2nd 1 So to do your half double yarn over and start your hook into the loop yarn over and political oot so that you have three loops on your hook. Then you're going to yarn over and pull through all three of those lips. That is your first half double crochet. Let's do another one. You aren't over in search your hook yarn over. Pull up a loop three loops on the hook you are in over. Pull through all three, and that is all there is to the half. Double Cochet. It's a pretty good stitch for density, but also it's quicker than the single Kirsch. A. So that's nice. It is very similar to the double Kirsch. A. If you are familiar with that stitch for the double Cochet, you also start out the same way by yearning over first, uh, and then you also have three loops on your hook like this. For the double Kershaw Yuyuan over. Pull through two in your nose and pull through to again for the half double cliche. Yawn over and pull through all three. So they are a very similar stitch, and the half double gives you a slightly shorter stitch. Then the double car shake does so. That's part of why it's a little bit more dense because you still have that yarn over in the center of your stitch. So we have two stitches left here. There's our last one, and now, since I only skipped the first chain and we had 11 I should have a total of 10 half double Christian. So to count these, I typically count the tops, so that would be 123456789 10. And don't forget this one that turns around the side just a little bit there. Let's do another road. Now again, I'm only doing a chain one as my turning chain, which gives us the height of the row because I'm not going to count the turning chain as a stitch. If you're going to count, the turning chain is a stitch and skip the first half double cliche, then you would change too. So here's our chain one. Here is our first stitch that we're gonna work into you. So have you learned over? Insert my hook under both loops you're in over. Pull up a loop, Have three loops on my hook yarn over. Pull through all three. Let's do it again. You're in over. Insert my hook under two loops. This is our second row your own over and pull through all three loops on our hook, and there are first to let's do a few more here and come to the end of the row so you can see what a couple rows of the half double crochet stitch will look like. All right, we have two left. We're going to make sure that we don't skip this last one right here, sitting on the end. It kind of turns down there. There we go. So there are two rows of half double cliche. It's really fantastic stitch. It gives you a little bit of density and works up a little bit more quickly than a single Kirsch. A. So it's actually a favorite of mine for VP's. I hope you enjoy this crash course on the half double cliche, and I'll see you next time. 4. How to Double Crochet: Connie here. Welcome to your crash course in the double Crush A stitch. Are you ready? So here we have a starting chain of 12 stitches. We're going to have a total of 10 stitches. 10 Double Kirsch A's at the end of our work. So I'm turning this over. I'm going to work into the back bumps of this chain, and I'm going to skip the 1st 3 chains and work my first stitch into the fourth chain from the hook. So to do our double cliche going to guard over in, certainly hook from front to back, you aren't over political oot yarn over. Pull through to yarn over, pull through two. So that is our first double cliche, and you can see here those three chains that we skipped gives us the height of that row is functioning as are turning chain, and it's also going to function as our first double Cochet. So let's continue on across yarn over in search your hook lives yarn over, pull up a loop yarn over, pulled her to you aren't over, pull through to, and that's all there is to the double crush. A stitch double cliche is a very popular stitch. A lot of my students who come to me were picking, crashing back up. Only stitch that they remember. So you see it in granny squares, Shell patterns. You see it a lot in the baby blankets as well. It's a pretty popular stitch because it works up so quickly. Here. We've got just a couple stitches left to get to the end of this road. Here's the last one. We don't want to forget it. Here we go. And now we should have 10 stitches to include chain three that we skip in the beginning. 123456789 10. And if you wanted to count tops of your stitches. 123456789 Double Chris Shays plus top of your turning chain three right there because we're gonna work Our last sits on the next row into that stitch right there. So traditionally, double crush a uses a turning chain of three. And that's what I'm showing you today. 123 and turn. And we're gonna work into the top of this turning chain at the end of our next row. But remember that you can also change this. They're different techniques You could do faux double Chris Shays or stacked single Chris Shays. There are a lot of different methods to change your starting chain if you don't like the way it looks. But like I said, traditionally, that is how it works. So that's what I want to start you with now, because this Chain three starts as accounts as a double crush. A. We're not going to work into our first stitch here. We're going to skip that. So we're going to work into the second stitch with our next double Cochet. So Norn over. Insert your hook under both loops of the top of that double crush a your in over. Pull up a loop. You aren't over. Pull through to you aren't over. Pull through to and there we have our 1st 2 stitches. Let's do it again. You're in over. Insert your hook from front to back. You are in over. Pull up a loop. You should have three loops on your hook. Yawn over. Pull through to yarn over. Pull through to, and that is all there is to the duck crush. A. Let's go on across to the end of this row really fast, because I want to show you how to work into the top of that turning chain as well. Now, if you like the turning chain Oops, I'm bringing legal if you like doing the turning chain instead of some fancy fake double cliche. But you don't like the space it gives you. Try doing a chain to instead of a Chain three and then not counting it as a stitch. It's just an option for you. Now we have two stitches left here. This is the top of our double kirsch A. And then here is our chain three. So even work. One more double cachet in the top of that double Curuchet. And then our final, our 10th double car. She is actually gonna be worked into the top of our chain three here. Now you want to try and work under two moves, if you can. Sometimes those chains see here, see how small that other loop is. Sometimes it's hard to work under two loops, but it's gonna give you a much more stable edge if you can get that hook under two loops instead of just one. So we're gonna complete the stitch just like we normally would. And now we should have 10 double Porsches across our second row as well. Again including the chain three that we use at the beginning. 123456789 10. Perfect. And you see how your edges line up nicely. It's really easy to forget that starting chain. But if you do, you're gonna have a little bump on the side here. It just aren't gonna line up nicely like they do when you put that last stitch in. So just keep that in mind. If you find that you're losing stitches, make sure you're not dropping stitch. That should go into your turning change. That's all I have for you today. I hope you enjoy this little crash course in the double Kirsch. A sit next 5. How to Treble Crochet: y'all, Connie? Here. Welcome to your crash course in the trouble, Cochet. Let's get started. So I have here a chain of 13. We're going to have a total of 10 trouble. Chris Shays, when we finish this road now I'm going to turn it over so that I could work into the back bumps in this chain. But please feel free to work into any location of the starting chain that you are comfortable with now, the trouble cause she is a very tall stitch. So we're going to pick Skip. We're going to skip the first before chains here, and we're going to work our first trouble Cochet into the fifth chain from the. In order to do that, we're going to your in over two times. So there to yarn over there, insert your hook from front to back into the fifth chain from Europe, Yarn over and pull up a loop. You should now have four loops on your look. You're in over. Pull through to yarn over to you are in over. Pull through to And that is our trouble, Christian. And this These are the four chains that we skipped. This is going to function as our first trouble cliche in this road. Now we're going to do it again. You're in over two times. Insert your hook into the next stitch, you're on over and pull up a loop so that you have four loops on your and then you're going to yarn over and pull through 23 times. So this is kind of like an extra tall double kirsch. A. It simply has one extra yarn over, and then one extra set of two groups that you work off of your hook. In fact, you could do even taller stitches in the same manner you were just going. Teoh yarn over how many times you like and then continue working off the loops or working loops off your hook, two at a time until you get to the top of it. The trouble cliche is not always the favorite stitch. My students either tend to love it for its texture, or they hate doing it because it's kind of hard to keep control of it. Sometimes it kind of stretches up there, and it gets really tall and lanky looking, but with a little bit of practice, I find that it kind of grows on you. Or at least it did on me. Now here with our this is our last stitch of this road. We're going, Teoh, do this last stitch and then we're going to count our stitches. Stretch it out here with it into shape. All right, so here we have 123456789 Trouble. Chris Shays Plus are starting chain of four that we skipped the council's our first stitch , So that's a total of 10. Now, let's go ahead and do a second road here. Traditionally the turning chain for trouble. Chris Shays is four. So that's what I'm going to do with you today. So one to 34 and turn, and this will count as our first trouble Christian. Now that means we're going to skip this first stitch, and we're going to work our first actual trouble cliche into the second stash. So you learn over twice. Insert your hook under both loops now because we're working into the tops of the stitches instead of starting chain, and then we complete the trouble. Kershaw and that turning chain gave us the height that we needed to make that nice tall stitch. Let's do it again. You're in over twice. Insert your hook. You're in over political oot so that you have four loops on your hook. Yarn over. Pull through to yarn over. Pull through to urine over, pull through to, and then we're just going to continue making trouble. Chris Shays all the way across to the end because I want to show you working into the top of our turning chain as well in that last stitch stairs a couple more to And here is our last one to see if you're not paying attention, it would be really easy to miss that. This would be a good time to use a stitch marker if you need a little bit of help keeping track of that stitch. So here we're going to work into two loops of this change, if we can at all, so you aren't over. Insert her hook under tubes. Going under two groups will give you a slightly more stable edge over. Pull up a loop and then you run over and pull through 23 times, so that completes our second rope. Let's take a look here we have 123456789 Trouble shades plus are turning chain. And remember, if you don't like the space that you get when you work, he's turning change. You can substitute on alternative, such as stacked single Porsches or changeless trouble. Kirsch A. Instead of that turning chain, too. Give you a little bit tighter. Look there, but that is the trouble. Cochet. It is a very tall and lengthy stitch, so you're going to see the results really fast with it. It's going to give you very drapey fabric, and it often works well in conjunction with other stitches for just a little bit of different texture. So I encourage you to play with it as well as some taller stitches. If you want to remember, just yarn over more than twice if you want to, and then work those stitches off two at a time until you get to the top. I hope you enjoyed this little crash course and the trouble crushing, and I'll see you again next time 6. Final Thoughts: Hi. Welcome back, right. I hope you enjoyed your little tours through where I live along a few tutorials today. I think that you've got some tips that will help you out with sugar stitches or all of them that you're trying to refresh your memory here for the very first time. Whatever project to be working on that help before I do hope you share in your project page . And also, if you do want to do the fundamentals, cow is a great way to practice forward stitches. Look for that pattern. Your project page. Just follow that, but to project Page and you should be able to access that pdf file. Now, if you want anything else, please. If you've got questions, share them. Take a picture. If you thought something that's not looking right for you and drop me online I'm usually pretty good about responding with four hours. Toddler permitting, of course. But I do. I try my best to respond tol projects and questions. Please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them, and I am. I'm here to help. So give me a holler. If you've got any questions and I you usually tutorials. If you're looking for any additional help or has suggestions on pizza or even classes, let me know. I enjoy the classic Batten down so that you can get your pretty soon as last. So thank you so much for joining. 7. SC in 30 Seconds: Welcome to your crash course in the single kirsch. A step. Insert your hook from front to back. Under this top two loops you're in over. Political it. You're in over 30. I hope you enjoyed this little crash course in the single crush A and I'll see you next. 8. HDC in 30 Seconds: I'm Connie, and welcome to your crash course in the half. Double crush A. Are you ready to get started? Let's do it. You aren't over in search your hook yarn over full of aloof. Three loops on the hook. You are in over full through all three. I hope you enjoy this crash course on the half double douche, and I'll see you next time. 9. DC in 30 Seconds: Connie here. Welcome to your crash course in the double crush. A stitch. Are you ready? You're in. Over. Insert your hook from front to back. You are in over. Pull up a loop. You should have three loops on your hook. Yawn over. Pull through to yarn over. Pull through. That's all I have for you today. I hope you enjoy this little crash course in the double Kirsch message. And you, Nixon. 10. TR in 30 Seconds: y'all, Connie. Here. Welcome to your crash course in the trouble. Cochet. Let's get started. Urine over twice. Insert your hook. You aren't over political loop so that you have four loops on your hook. Yarn over. Pull through to yarn over, pulled through to yarn over. Pull through to I hope you enjoyed this little crash course and the trouble crushing and I'll see you again next time.