Crash Course to Final Cut Pro X for YouTubers and Video Editors | Mos Chowdhury | Skillshare

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Crash Course to Final Cut Pro X for YouTubers and Video Editors

teacher avatar Mos Chowdhury, Final Cut Pro X | Da Vinci Resolve

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      1. Why Final Cut Pro X?


    • 3.

      2. What do you need for this course?


    • 4.

      3. Getting comfortable with the UI


    • 5.

      4. Creating a Project


    • 6.

      5. Importing


    • 7.

      6. A-Roll Cut


    • 8.

      7. B-Roll Cut


    • 9.

      8. Transitions


    • 10.

      9. Titles


    • 11.

      10. Background Music


    • 12.

      11. Adding Voiceover


    • 13.

      12. Syncing Audio


    • 14.

      13. Audio Limiting


    • 15.

      14. Colour Grading


    • 16.

      15. Exporting


    • 17.

      16. Conclusion


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About This Class

Who am I - What I do

Hi there!

My name is Mos Chowdhury and I've been editing YouTube videos on Final Cut Pro X for the past 5 years.

You can see some of my current work on my YouTube food channel Delicious: 

About this class

The purpose of this course is to give you a crash course in learning the essentials of Final Cut Pro X, basically the basics in how to importing video and audio files, how to edit them and then finally how to export them.


I will also include some test footage that you can practise your skills on which I'll be happy to provide feedback on. However I do encourage you to create your own footage and apply the skills you learn in this course. Feel free to create your recording on a mobile device.

This is the beginning of a series of Final Cut Pro X classes so stay tuned for more coming very soon.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Good luck!


Meet Your Teacher

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Mos Chowdhury

Final Cut Pro X | Da Vinci Resolve


Hi there! My name is Mos.

My courses focus primarily on Final Cut Pro X and Da Vinci Resolve tutorials including special effects.

I've gained quite a few skills along the way which I hope you can learn something from.

A small portfolio of my work can be seen below in the examples of my work section below.

If you have any questions regarding any of my courses, please do not hesitate to contact me through any of my social networks.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: money is. Most Children are being creating YouTube for about five years now, all using final cut pro 10. The aim of this course is to teach you how to import, edit on export, a video in final cut as soon as possible. So the main topics will be going to have to edit a role. The B roll, adding a few transitions. A few titles on get exported. There is no specific target for this course is really for anybody who just wants to jump in . To find a 10 pro on a video from start to finish as soon as possible has one of the projects. I will have some video files that you can edit yourself based on where you learn in the course, and that I can provide your feedback on those. So if you like what you hear, jump on board 2. 1. Why Final Cut Pro X?: thanks for taking the course and let's get started. So the first topic I wanted to talk about was, Why would you choose Final Cut Pro X over any other editing software have, primarily the main rival being Premiere Pro. So there's a few points, the first being that it's made by Apple. So Apple obviously make the soft away on the make the hard way on the media in a way so that the to work in excellent harmony. So it's essentially streamlined. In some ways, you could say so if you want to now run Adobe Premiere Pro on an Apple Mac, it wouldn't work as fast, or it wouldn't work as efficiently and as streamlined as final cup would finally has been tweaked in a certain way that it will work Foster with Apple's machines. The second, at least in my opinion, is the shorter learning curve I've used Premier before. Andi. It's a lot more. It's a lot more busy and a lot more convoluted in just trying to learn it, really compared to give it to find a car park that's a lot more intuitive, a lot more clear. I keep using this word, but It's a lot more streamlined, and it just makes a lot more sense. Another, which is related to finance, is final. Cut is a one off payments, whereas Premiere Pro is a monthly cost and the last one is popularity and prospects. So final Cut has a huge user base. Onda, being that is being made about Apple Apple uses are quite vocal and very, very interactive online. Very, very helpful In terms of discussing topics and forums. I'm sure the same is for Premier Pro as well. But you definitely have that support here with final cuts. Onda also, in terms of prospects a lot. Companies are now realizing the fact that final quite a lot easier to use. Andi, you're essentially getting the results that you that you need with either of the two software's on the fact that it's easier to use and it's a one off payment. Companies tend to lean more towards final car, at least in recent years. Competitive premier pro. So just in terms of job prospects, job opportunities, you'll see that, and I mean, I've seen it myself. There has been a lot more companies, a lot more companies where even medium size s Emmies. Even that Bean adopting final cut over Premiere Pro. So that was just a few points that I want you to cover. Just highlighting Why Final cut is probably the best option, at least right now compared to other, everything's off west. 3. 2. What do you need for this course?: So what would you need to take this course? Well, really nothing. But if you're willing to follow along, then yes, you need a Mac. I'm presuming you have a Mac. If you're gonna use final cut pro what you're purchasing one. The second thing is final. Cut pro itself. The 3rd 1 is actually quite optional. It's an external SSD or an internal SST few for external. Actually, the only reason I'm saying that is because usually with final cut pro not actually not usually the final cut pro. A lot of video files thes days, a. Fairly large. You can get four K files, even HD files. If they go on for some time, that recording, then this files can get very large. And it's no, necessarily that everyone has on back, you know, on my Mac or a MacBook or MacBook Pro or Mac Mini that has a very large capacity in terms of gigabytes storage on. So sometimes it's an optional one. External assist E s. So when I say SSD solid state drive, it's basically another form off what you've always probably heard as our Dr. It's basically just a lot more faster. It's flash based on having an external one will give you that speed on it. Will also wouldn't take up any of the storage internally in your machine. Eso that's an optional one. But otherwise, if you're if you're not following our long right now and your plan is to do this some other time, you don't really need any equipment for this particular course. 4. 3. Getting comfortable with the UI: Okay, so let's get started and get comfortable with interface. So when you first open up final cut pro, you're essentially going to see a screen similar to this. I do have some folders here or projects, as it's called, but you wouldn't see those clips there, or you wouldn't see those project files there. What you'll see is essentially, everything will be blank. So at the bottom here, this section is essentially called the storyline of the storyboard on the right hand side. Here, you'll have what we call the inspector So you can basically click on a file or click on a certain part of Clipper. Click on a clip or no Leo follow or an image on inspect some of the details regarding that particular file I am. So it might be something to do with the audio. I have something to do with coloring, something to do with the video itself on some meta data. Risible. Here is where you will see a preview of the father you've selected on this section here is to do with the actual filing management system itself. So I'm gonna try to explain this as easy as I can because we can be a bit confusing. So the filing system works in the way where you have the events and under the events you have your projects on undertook projects he basically have your files on. It's safer or the way of was done. It is. I'll stick with just one event and then have multiple projects under the event each project , maybe for something else. Fine. I'll just stick with it rather than having a separate event which you don't really need, You can just add multiple projects under one event. It's almost like having the filing system in Windows or even in Mac. You have one folder under that folder. You can have move olders, so I rather just stick with that one master folder being different and then having multiple folders underneath it being the projects. Now I have a few different types of projects. I have urgency. Four K 23.98 p I've got four k 29.97 p. So what these are I basically have or I segment my projects into resolution and frame frame rates. So if you're not sure that is, don't worry, and as you can see of also a section called instead, 29.97 So it's It's the dimensions off the Instagram video, which is, I think, that 10 80 by 13 50 or something like that. And so that's how I segment projects now to just go over a couple of the buttons just so we know what they are. So this button here is, And by the way, I'm only going over things which are basically essential to importing files, dropping, dropping up, editing it on, then adding a few things like transitions and titles at the exporting Your back out. So this button here will allow you to import files into final cut. So a singer clicking there you can then select a file, depending on whether it's from the Mac itself or from an external drive. Selective are from the folder and click on import. When you have a far selected, you can essentially duke few options to it. You can transform basically the scale off the file. You can obviously crop as you brought black with Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Over the years on, you can distort it. Warp the file now. Obviously, it depends on the file. You can do these things to an image foam, and you can, obviously due to her video of all. But obviously you can't do it to an audio file. So obviously those those things apply. There are a few of the things. So this measure, one thing I don't really use are a lot of The things that I use are things that, as I mentioned earlier there the essentials. I consider this a thin section at the moment only because I have no far selected, but that one essentially allows you to control the speed in terms of both faster and slower and even in reverse as well. So this little section here, if you click on the drop down, it essentially allows you to determine what the cursor the mouse will be at that moment. So at the moment, select is a so you can select something stream piece position. Eso. The most common ones that I would use here is, is actually just a to select Onda, and it's actually be to use the blade to just make a cut in the actual in the actual file on. But when it says B, these are when he says. Any of those letters? What is basically telling us is that we can use these keep or talk cuts. Now keyboard shortcuts are amazing, but it all comes down to personal preference. So there are people who would use keyboard shortcuts for pretty much everything, which is absolutely fine. And for them, that's the forces way that they work for other people. They would only use the mouse, and they absolutely will swear by the mouse. And it's not necessarily whether it's faster or not, but they just work that way, and they like to work that way. It works. It's just where their mind works. And then there are some people who use a mixture of both, and I'm one of those. So so for certain things, I would use the mouse, and I don't even use the mouse. Over time, I use the track. That and then all also use three keyboard for certain shortcuts as well thes sections here , so this bottom will allow you to turn thieve video and audio scrubbing. So when you have the file here, when you as you can see the pinhead that there that red that red lines called a pinhead as you can, and you could basically select where the pinhead goes by simply clicking as in place as you scrub along. Basically, skimming means scrubbing, so you're basically turning on off the scrubbing. So right now I've turned off on you. Can't see anymore. They're right side. There is basically turning on or off the scrubbing, as it says there just for audios. If I turned that off, describing for audio wouldn't exist, which sometimes could be useful because when you're going through the video and you hear me around, remember because it's going out for speed, it could put you off. This section is what is called snapping, and it works with Time nine, which is here. Andi. What it essentially does is it automatically when you drag or drop, or when you drag a clip into a certain place, you will automatically move the other clips aside to make way for that new clip to fall into place. It will also connect up clips that are fairly far apart. The button at the end allows us to select any transitions, so when you're going for one clip to another, you can choose a certain transition in this particular course, we're going to go over some of the default transitions that comes with final cut pro. But in another course that I will be doing, I'll be going through a few more funky transitions and a fume or transitions that that will custom made and you can download from other places. That bottom, just beside it, allows us to add some effects of these are in terms of coloring sound effects and again will be going through the default ones in this course. 5. 4. Creating a Project: So the first thing you want to do is basically create a new project and you folder essentially, and that's where your files are going to go into eso. What you need to do is kick on file. You go across into Project on to get the project a name, something's going to call it skills, skills share Andi demo on the event. It's the apparent. Ah, it's the parent folder that it's in. Actually, there's a zit is starting time code. We can safely ignore that. But so the video format resolution and frame rate is basically final call asking us, What should this entire project be under intense off the actual the former of the video? Should it be HD should it be four K? OK, find out gold for okay. What should the rez be because they're different times of Okay, I'll go with the 1st 1 on what should the frame rate be? Just go with 30 friends, probably actually, 25 frames per second. That's all rendering Apple pros for to do. You can keep that. As it is, rendering refers to is basically the background loading on do its best to allow it to load in progress to to suppose to Juries is pro. It's 42 is a really, really, really good what they called a code IQ. There's no need to really change that. The audio on leave, as is that's fine and okay, cool. And then within that project will go ahead and import our files. I basically get cracking. 6. 5. Importing: right, So we're going import our first file into final cut Mom. It's a bit of like we are going to import offers well above already imported to other before that. So the first thing we're going to do here is click on that little button there. Cool on the file that I'm going to be importing happens to be on my desktop. So what I'm going to do is I can just go through the whole system going through users X one said. But I'm just going to click on desktop from the side here, on the name of the father that I will be importing, its core stabilized. So it's a picture of me work some now imports elected. So there's one thing that final cut does. And on this new icon here, it's called Render. Surrendering. Basically, Means is loading Onda And because final cut loads quite a few things at the same time, rendering can take some time. It really depends on the power of your computer in terms of processes the Ram. I think just those two elements I really focuses on s Oh, yes, something to bear in mind whenever you're importing files, obviously when you're doing edits when you're exporting Final cut will render I've got a clip now inside Final cut pro So what we can see right now is yes, I can see my projects. Great. And I could see my file stabilized the one that I just imported. I've also got to other files. However, I don't have to see it in this view, this year's great sexual on the reviews are used most of the time. Why? Because well, essentially Aiken changer by name or pretty in ascending or descending water by name, Star A star and time and also on important one when the contract was created. So sometimes it might be the case that you've let's say you've recorded quite a lot off video shoots, video clips on you went on numerous different shoots or you just created a lot of video clips over a significant amount of days on and what it came down to the end. You pull out your record, you put into your very computer your Mac on, and you want to make sure that when you do go through that whole post of editing these files, you go in sequential order. Now Sometimes I'm doing it wrong. You could just simply go boy the file name Because as long as the fighting name, the file naming system incrementally goes up. So zeros or ones that was there, A tube like that's fine. Selected by name. You could also, if you wanted to deal by when the content was created. Why? Because, yeah, you'll be in ascending, descending water. But sometimes it might be the case that you were doing a lot of recording from the second of May up until the 12th of May, Andi, he only wanted to pick out the video recordings from the seventh of May so you wouldn't be able to tell that from a foul name. You will be able to tell that from when the contract was created, because it will have the day in there. So this section is fairly useful in that sense. Also, if you did click into any of these files, you can see the preview of what, that far always on the right hand side and you cannot see at the top. And you see as I mean my as I move the pinhead along as I just hover above again I'm not clicking and moving. I'm just moving the mouse without clicking anything. You can see that you can't scrub through it pretty much the entire file. In fact, is there to is there to preview now the alternative way of viewing this little This little section here is simply by clicking here. And then you see it basically as larger icons on you can scrub. So the projects are now seen as larger icons. On first scroll down, I can see those three files. This'd the stable as well. And this is one of the other files that I had and this is the other felt that I had. Now the difference here is the shown as actual fun nails essentially or long thumbnails on . You can scrub through it right there on the actual formula. So which one do you prefer? It's up to you. For me, it depends if I've got like, I'm intrigued. If I've had a lot of video clips that I need to edit through, I will use this system. My mind just works better that way. On day. I know that I'm doing everything correct order, because if there's a lot of clips and I'm looking at it in this view. Sometimes the fact that the clips some of the tips are so long they will go on for, like, three or four rows. Andi, if I'm shooting a clip where the camera doesn't move less is on a tripod as it is right now on it doesn't move on. The only things that means is a couple of things within that shot. Maybe a person or two. Sometimes I could get give. He's between one clip and another because they look so similar. Eso just so I'm seeing sense. I will again if I'm using a little clips. I would use this view. Andi, For me, that would work better. But if it's only a few clips, fine. I could do something like this absolutely fine. Just on that topic, these clips here, these kids will be available for you guys to use all three clips for us to use on edit, as you see. Wish Andi basically publish it below. I just want to see what you guys come up with. 7. 6. A-Roll Cut: welcome back. So this class will be all about us making chops and edits to the actual A road. So I've got two clips there. Will Love actually were three clips in, and I've decided to make the one about the cookies and the aero So quick. Note. The clip on the cookies is done in Slow mo. Not an accident. I just wanted to bring a bit of a variation two types of chips that we're dealing with eso that's going to be our a role for this course. Okay, so what we want to do now is bring that a role into our storyline war timeline. So there are two ways you can actually do this. One is that you can just simply click on the actual file or the clip on. You can see that there's a yellow rectangle, or there's a yellow outline around the entire clip, which means that entire clip has now been selected on. If I was to now, pull and drag and drop that here, it will essentially drag and drop it. The entire clip, or the alternative is that you can simply scrub through Andi, choose what we called the in and out points so you can essentially scrub through, see what you like or what you don't like. Andi, you can select your in, which is the start, point and out, which is the end point. The reason is because from the entire clip, your probably wanting to choose searching segments from the entire clip at different points . So let's if, hypothetically, I would you choose the point where my wife putting cookies into that blender cup cookies. Good start. So maybe I will choose the point where she goes to pick up that cookie. So she's got a hand on. It helps you missed that one she's gonna handle now, so I will choose to stop growing here. So it's called in and out on a typical apple, making things simple to mark the in point, as in simply click on I great so we could see that there's a yellow line just wear off, clicked on. Let's say that cookies now drop their great Andi before or since has hit the bottom of the cup. I want to mark the out point and get you guessed it to mark out point. You click on Oh, great. So we've got two lines that one, too. Now what finally got has now done is basically chosen that as a selection from within the entire clip, that's now a selection. So you can now click because you can see that the hand or the story of the curse has turned into a hand so you can click and correct that down and let go. You can. Before I let go. You can actually see. He's got the plus icon there with the Green Circle to say it's gonna add fact to the timeline. It's even showing us that that little highlighted blue section of the back to say he's gonna fall into that place let go Bush there. That's now in the timeline, literally. That little segment that we've selected Now we can let you do the same thing again. Click somewhere else. I was, you know, up to there, Oh, drag, drop so forth. Some people on I've done this actually, sometimes quite a few times is Old Dragon dropped the entire clip and then I will just work on the entire clip on Do you might start, you know, do my chops and my edits along the way. Why sometimes if I'm only working on one clip and the clip is fairly short, I wouldn't mind just working on that clip all you one goal and having the entire clip presented in front of me. Why? Simply because I know it probably wouldn't take me too much time on D. In some ways, a man should be faster for me to deal with that long without, without one clip in the story line on make cuts and edits to it on add titles and present transitions to it all Pretty much at the same time, in one goal. Rather than selecting bits from from this section here on, then putting them in on, then making cuts to it and then Aaron titles and transitions. We are gonna come into two titles and transitions in a later close. But so, yes, something to bear in mind if you have a short I mean, even this is a short clip. We could just take this entire clip. So if I was to now from that selection, drag it to the start on, drag it to the end, have prompted down there clips. Not even that long. I mean, I didn't have to even resize or do anything. So if I pinch out, I'm zooming into that story line. And if I pinch in compressing that storyline, Andi, what I mentioned earlier about the frame rates they fight scrolling, scrolling, swollen. What were essentially seen these you so you can see the red line, and you can see that slightly grade rectangle above that strip. What is basically highlighting, or what is basically showing us, is that each is basically each individual frame that that video clip is made off. So this was recorded in 25 frames per second. So for every second, basically there are 25 frames, so it's basically trying to show show us or magnify each frame individually. That's what happens but you. But you knew. Pinch those amounts of swipe out and you zoom in into into the clip. Um, so yes, with smaller, smaller clips, just something to bear in mind for some some people they may actually work a lot faster on Look, the cutting off the video is just is the bread and butter. The These are the things you just can't avoid on its a long, laborious process. Some people love it Sometimes when you've got a lot of clips or over very long clip, it can get frustrating. Not frustrating, but it can get can get bit boring on. Uh so time is of the essence and where you can try and save time. Do so eso see what works best for you is what my suggestion is. Try both. So in this case, I I am actually going to do it, actually, So I am going to actually use that entire clip. So I've got my entire clip here. If I put my volume up. Well, it's in slow mo. So I think there wasn't any sound on this anyway. So what I can see in this clip if I give it a quick play, it's very short anyway, actually, because most actually probably not factual. What I can see is my wife picks up a couple of cookies she puts in, but then she puts it back into the bowl. So she started again and she started around this point here. Okay. So immediately. What I can see is that and that it needs to be made here. So essentially, I I don't want to show the first bit the first bit doesn't really make sense to keep because she basically started again. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just move the cursor or the pinhead to the point where she goes to pick up the biscuits. In fact, I'm on your movie before that before her hand actually comes into the scene. Probably around there. Now, I can simply at this point click on the letter B. So now you can see that the cursor has turned into a blade, basically like a razor blade on. I can now move pinhead back to where it was and simply click on this great to finally got has literally made a cut into that clip. As you can see right there, they denoted by those little dotted lines on If I now click, a backers has turned back into the selector or the select option on what I can do is now click on that previous clip, the one that where the era is essentially on, just hit the backspace, delete Great! That's gone. So basically, we've just now trimmed our clip. There is another way to trim the clip as well. You can simply move the cursor to the end of a clip on either side on, then drag in the opposite direction. So if I'm from at the end of this clip and I will shave some time off or build the ending off, I can simply click and moved down on. You do that the same likewise from the opposite side Click and leaves down. So there's one more piece that I do want to cut off on. That's after she's put in the last piece of biscuits. We've got a few seconds off. Nothing happening. In fact, her hand just hovers there for some member. Some peace, eh? So what I'm gonna lose after she puts in the last few biscuits, I'm going to cut it off there. And so again, the B and cuts change my selector, my cursor back into the select option kick on a a meaning arrow on then one. I think it is select from that clip that I don't need backspace. Great. So at least for this example, that's are a role done as the chops and the cuts and Edison I ever done. So we'll see in the next close so we can start editing the bureau 8. 7. B-Roll Cut: welcome back. So that's crack on with educating our bureau. In this case, it's the third clip. So it's a clip of my wife trapping some onions. Eso I'm going to do drag and drop it down again. It's a short clips off. I don't mind dragging the entire thing down. This clip does have audio with it. Andi, I'm seven. A quick look on what I can see is that Okay, so she's chopped an onion or half an onion. She walks away for a bit. She tires on chopping the onion and then she starts dropping another onion or half a 1,000,000 gathers the onions together. And then she starts chopping a clove of garlic. Okay? And then she starts dropping another club. Golic. Okay, so immediately off the bat, I can see a few things that I can edit it. So the first thing is, I want to start the video of the point off where she's got the union in her hand and she basically starts to chop it down. So before I do that, though, as it's the bureau, they should just be taken place. At some point during the point off the evil taking place on, obviously only for short segments. So what I would like to do is first, I would like you removed it Ward here in this case, So there's two ways you can do this. One is that you can simply click on that little line that's going across the bottom, where you can see the audio wave audio waves essentially on. You can click on it and drag it down. So right now it's on 0.0 DB decibels. If I click on it and drag it down, PC is going down, down, down until hits minus infinity decibels, which is basically nothing. And so right now, if I scrub along, there's no sound. Now I can raise that back up again. Do I can raise a very high, in fact, so it's even louder than before. The other way is to essentially right click on the clip or on a black power to finger flick who on detached audio. So then the audio becomes a separate firewall together. It's literally just being detached from that video clip, and then I can click on that would be a foul athlete so that that that clip has now been robbed of his audio, essentially, which is what I want in this case. Now, from this entire clip, what I would ideally like to see is just a few, like a second, a second or two, maybe even three seconds. Maybe off my wife. Cutting one of the onions, chopping the onions. Andi, Immediately after that shopping, one of the clubs, a colleague and I would like that to appear in the middle off the aero. So I am going to select the clip. So right here she's bigly chopping this onion. So what I'm gonna do is again be cunts a take everything with backlit scroll down slightly each colon so lightly. That's probably long enough, Mike personally, and then be cuts. And what I'm going to do now is look for the next point where she's lost shopping and garlic. So there you go. So I'm gonna probably catch at that point, cut with blade, change it back to the arrow. So a click on that section that I no longer want delete Andi be again to catch the endpoint orgies, finished chopping garlic or or has at least trouble it for a few seconds. I think that's probably long enough. Be on, then remove the rest of the section by selection with a and then delete. Great. So if I go back to beginning and press play, I can see that she's chopping the onion and then she's chopping the garlic. Now I think the chopping up if I zoom in its lately, so I'm pinching out. I think the chopping of the onion is probably just a bit too long. Subcommittee zoom in and I'm just gonna cut it around there. So be again. Select. And it's just this little section here that I want removed. So click back on a select delete. So I think that's probably Mawr. More even between these over press play space ball drill cuts and they play a colleague. So if you've seen it's a bit jittery is only because my my laptops is is Santilli Vinyl cup fairly well, but sometimes when he does playback, you'll probably get a bit only because it's a four K file is a lot more larger, a lot more heavier, a lot more data intensive, so it's probably even those playing there back in. It may not always playback super smooth, but it's fine. I mean, absolutely workable. So what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to add these sections to the middle of the clip here . So my wife is adding all these cookies on, so there's quite look, there's basically plenty of time here where I can simply add that b roll into their So what , milady, select those two drag on. Drop its anywhere in the middle anywhere, Anywhere I want. Really? But I'm gonna, let's say Plunkett above there. Great. So one thing to bear in mind when you have your a role, you can basically add Miro clips on top. You can add titles on top. You can add transitions in between, so there'll appear here. We'll see that in later. Classes on audio, as you've seen here will always appear at the bottom. So now that we've added that on top, essentially, what that means is, if I play it safe from this point onwards, as soon as the pinhead reaches that point where those other clips are ill, then show those clips being played on. Then, as soon as it comes to the end of those clips, it will revert back to showing what the a role is showing. So let's see that right now. So from here, space bar play showing the air old showing cookies being dropped into the cup. And then now it's changed over to the onions and the garlic, and he's got back to the come pick. It steps it. Really That's just a very quick example. A lot of the time. What can you do here? So essentially the audio for Let's Say the A role is probably going to be playing. Let's see. Yet D B roll will be showing a different clip while that a role audio is being played. So it might be the case of this. What happens with a lot of documentaries is that you've got someone speaking on this, probably speaking about s a World War two on Wallace speaking. Seen cuts to, I don't know, like an archive footage off something happening, World War two. Or like, you know, the army is marching or something like that or something with World War two. Yet at the same time that that person who's talking is still talking so you can still hear them. So obviously that little clip that you saw the archive footage is the B roll. It's there's no audio from the actual cliff itself is just showing some clip while the able audio still playing in the background Sometimes B roll can't have two years ago. It's not often, but sometimes cannot be ruled as well. But, yeah, that's that's essentially how you'll edit your beer. Oh, and just put on top. 9. 8. Transitions: welcome back. So in this class, we're going to go through transitions. So what is the transition? Basically, it's cutting a clip, moving airport and adding a transition in the in between. As I mentioned earlier, we will only be using the one that's default straight out of the box for final got through a few options. But in a in another course, we will be going through some custom ones and how they are different from the ones that are out of the box in final cuts. So in this case, I'm just going to make a transition in a couple of places. So this say, Let's say here. So Mom, wife is just dropped that second cookie and someone click on Be to make the cut Cool, Andi, click back on a so I can turn the cursor back into the selector and I'm going to go over to the effects tab right at the end. There certain of the effects, the transition step. Okay, so what I'm going to use is the three d rectangle Greg. It's on. Drop it to have made the cut let go so we can see that we've got now a small gray section in between those two clips. Basically, it's the transition on. Already. You can see that final cut is rendering because something new has Bean added to the timeline. That bastard now process. And so if I now press play, hopefully a renders. Okay, When it does this, you should see that as you go from one click to the next. It does the three D rectangle transition in between have you? So it's not phenomenal, but that's basically one of the transitions. Let me go. Crosses over is the most common one. So if I was to now remove that transition, Andi, click back into that section where the cut was made on hit on command T. It will automatically add a transition in on the transition it will add is crossed is over because it's the most common one. Unfortunately, there is initial cut for the other transitions on. If there is, I don't listen to him. I don't know what it is, but for the time being, the shortcut is commodity for across yourself, transition or otherwise, you simply make the cut in the clip on. Then Dragon dropped the transition from the right hand side into You've made the cut with the blade. So in this case, I'm gonna change this back to the rectangle, the three d rectangle dragon going to the place. But I also want to put a transition within the B road. So from where the onion and the garlic is cutting, I just want to add something else on. I will actually have the crosses over in that. So we'll kick there, click in between and I'm going to do Come on, T. So it should crossed is over from the only and clipped to the garlic clip. So let's see the inaction. Hopefully the rendering works. Okay, press play. Okay, That was a bit jumpy. So give hand of the shorts, Debbie, go. Reach the way smoothly transitioned from one to the other. And that's how you transitions 10. 9. Titles: welcome back. So next up is titles on. We're going to add basically one or two titles to this cliff. Some just gonna quickly click on that to get rid of the transitions tab. And what we're going to do to add titles is click on this little button here. Onda. We basically got numerous different types of titles that we can add, and Final Quote actually has quite few at the moment from what you and here you can see a blend off the default once that comes out of the box, and if you custom ones as well, custom ones on again, I'm gonna go over in another course. But for now, I'm going to choose a basic one just called basic title, in fact, so the way you could do this is you can essentially double click, and it will add it to wherever the pinhead is, or you can drag and drop it down to drag and drop it here. Now we have dragged and dropped it. It's as you can see, it's appearing in the middle of the actual video. She's fine. You could essentially add it at the beginning of a clip as well so it appears stand alone rather than appearing on final cuts. Now, the fact the reason why you're seeing a blank screen there at the moment is only because where the playback screen is, you can choose it to show white where you can choose to show black. And I think because you contribute show maybe something else on decided to show it. White on the title itself is in white front, so obviously you can't see the white front when it's on a white background. So what I'll do is I'll click on that little clip. And once I do over here on the Inspector, I can click on the title tab or the T Tap the text AB on. And if I don't click on that, essentially, yes, it's now allow me to change the text on Dhere on. I'm just gonna change it to Mr Say cookies. That's it. And if I scroll down to vs face and then click on show, it then allows me to change the color of the actual text. So in this case, I'm just gonna give it a color read. So just stands out of it. Read. Andi, That's it. You can change the text you contribute. The font held it. Can you that say on I'll go with bold just visit coming. So now if I an economic trim it down Selector of the clip and as I mentioned earlier, drag it from one of the sides. Drag it down. I'm shortening the time that clip or that title be showing on by mostly going to I'm just gonna add another title, actually over the year old section and I'm going to cool it or I'm gonna use what we call a lover. Third, so lower third titles are essentially titles that appear in the lower third of the page. So what are they normally use? So whenever you see an interview that say, and it shows the name of the person on the bottom, that's basically a lower third. Sometimes it's one line, sometimes two. Sometimes it's more ill, usually show, let's say the name and then where they're from or their title job title. So in this case, I'm going to grab this lower third option and put it on top the bureau section, and I'm gonna trim it down so it lost as long as the beer Oh, lost's criminal into that section and you can see you've got the yellow line that's automatically appearing, So that's basically coming from the snapping option here. So what I'm gonna do again, double click on that text option, and I'm going to call it opinions on percent and for the bottom bit, I'm going to call it colic. It's quickly. So if I like to the beginning, press baseball great uses cookies that comes from to this nostalgia and goodies. Now, if I just scrubbed down to here, then press play wouldn't show the onions. It was a onions on Amazon garlic and the clip still a za clip place. You can see the text is still showing that the bottom there, and that's it is basically a whole host that you can get straight out the box. A lot of the ones that Apple have anyway, are great options to So do you have a play around with that as well? But there's urgency. There's nothing good for your difficult at all goes to adding titles 11. 10. Background Music: welcome back. So what we've done so far is we've done a few edits to our a role we've done. If you edit star B roll on, we've added a few transitions and would value a few titles. It's probably time to add some music. So first of all, there are company things to mention regarding music. If you're going to be doing something that you tubing, it's best to go with something that royalty free. Obviously something that has a things creative comments, license. So something where you were, you wouldn't get sued essentially for copyrights. Eso There are numerous websites out there that do that, and there's a lot of bean really, really popular recently, one of them being that has been around for a long time, epidemic very big, and another one that I use is called Hot List for recent adverts about them to art list dot io are basically use order from there on. Obviously, this is mainly in terms. YouTube just so you don't get in trouble. Eso yeah, I mean, if he ever needed to get get detail, you know, songs for many of those places, we should be absolutely fine way should be absolutely covered. So what we're going to do is now we're going to import some audio. Okay, so I've got a folder called Music. I've Got Music, Fire, Wind There. So I'll click on that and click on Comport or in Portal. Great. It's now there and I'm School of Dragon. Drop it into the timeline show off selected, click it drag and drop it down. So if I click play now, cool. We've got music headed But that was a bit too loud. So what I'm gonna do now is probably just reduced to sound slightly. But clicking on that little line and reducing the decibels. Probably. Turan minus 18. It's a give another place. Great. Oh, good. That's how you had background music. 12. 11. Adding Voiceover: So in this class, we're going to go over how to add a recording directly into final cut while in vinyl cuts. So we're just going to navigate any portion off our clip on SAGES from here. Click on that and then we're going to go down and click on Window Scroll down to where it says record voice over. So we'll get this dialog box pop up, telling us what the name of the file is by defaulted, saying Entitled and input system setting. I can also choose my microphone that's connected at the moment, But I'm just gonna use the normal microphone off the off the actual computer, everything else that we don't end each even know about. In all honesty, you can just go ahead and click record. I want to kick record. It'll do a bit of a count down on. Then it will start recording from that point onwards until I decide to stop the recording. So just give that shot. One. Hello Thistle is a test recording. I can see cookies being put into the into the blender Cup on. I thought I just like to say I like cookies and then I'll keep stop recording that can play that back now. So immediately off the bat, what can we tell the sound or the background? Music is just a bit too loud on. It's basically drowning out what I've just said. So what we're gonna do is reduce that portion of the background music down. So then we can hear what I'm saying now to make sure I get that portion only. What going to do is I'm going to single out that section. So to do that basically again used the blade so quickly can be on the snapping. The building snap into which is here will allow me to automatically detect that point right there. So as soon as I move the mouse, you know you've got that clip there. Do you want to Are you trying to make your selection or do anything at that point there? And I'm like, Yes, so I'm gonna do scroll down, will move down, kick on the blade there. So would your clip off the background music have been separated there on the next, but I'm going to do it is here, and it automatically automatically brings it down to the end off where my voice over Clippers. Great. So it's now been separated on both sides. Or where more voiceover Clippers. I'll change the cursor back to an arrow or the selector on. Then I'm gonna choose just that portion off the background music and bring it down. So right now it's on minus eight decibels. I'll bring it down to about minus minus 15 etc. So click on it. Bring it down. Mind you, there is another way to do this. So if I bring him back down to bring it back up to eight, let go across the voiceover section dialog box because I don't need I need anymore. If I double click on the audio button or the audio clip over in the inspection inspector section on the top, right, we can see a few options calling the volume on. We can see that the decibels there so I can simply just type it in there so minus 15 and toe that's not reduced down so you can see the wave. Havel, calm down. So if I now go just a few seconds back and press play, hopefully we should be able to hear what I was saying. You know, This is a test, according to Brenda I to just to say like and still a bit loud. So what could do is reduce the sound off the background music more or alternatively, we could boost the volume of my voice higher. Now there is one way to do this. There's actually a few inches Utkan simply just put volume up or another way is on. Final Cut can do this is that it can try to focus just on my vocal cords and just push that up specifically. So if I click on my or double kick on my clip, my my voice over click again. A similar type with the same type of audio dialogue box pops up on. What I can click on is if I click. I think it's on equalization and then click on on the client side. Roux says flat on that drop down option click Voight enhance. You see that? The way forms of my voice has now increased if I go back to their impress plate. Hello. This'd a test recording. I could see cookies being put into the year into the blender. Come on. By cookies. Okay, Much better. Eso Yeah, that's that's how you add a voiceover on Tweak it correctly so that when it does play at the same time as lessee background music, it takes presidents on, you can hear it. 13. 12. Syncing Audio: welcome back. So in this class, what we're going to do is we're going to sink the audio or the external externally recorded audio with a clip that already has the same audio. So what? I mean by that? So sometimes when you would let's say as I'm recording right now, my camera will obviously record the video image on, but it will also record audio as well. But at the same time, I am recording the same audio externally here on my microphone. Why? Because my microphone is better. My microphone, the external mike from that I'm using here is better than the microphone in my camera. Significantly better. In fact, s o what I will do once these courses up or as you guys a hearing it right now, you're actually hearing the audio off my microphone, not the audio of my camera. So as you get into video editing, you'll notice that external audio is actually best, and you'll be doing that more from the not s. So what we're gonna do now is we're going to import a clip that I have already recorded on my iPhone. But at the same time, I recorded the same audio on my blue Yeti microphone. So let's do that right now. So I'm just going to click on the import button here. Andi, I think both were saved on my desktop. Someone navigate over to my desktop and I called them test recording video on test recording audio so you can select more than one file simply by holding down the command button. Great both in our selected imports. Elected. Who pay you test recording audio on just recording. Sorry, test for putting video on test reporting audio. What I'm going to do is to sink the to simply click on each one and then right click on any one of those two on. What we want to do is then synchronize clips. Cool. So once we come to this point, we basically give that synchronized clip and you name. So let's we can just call it a final test recruiting video in the event, basically keeping in the same folder starting time code you can safely ignore. That's no problem. Disabled audio components on a V clips. So that's basically saying, Do I want to disabled the audio in my video clip? Yeah, I do. I wanted to use the audio from the external audio clip that I'm using. All the separate audio clip the video. I think it was recorded in 10. 80 p. What? No. Fine. Okay. I don't want the rest of it is basically the resolution that you want. Oh, you wanted to be exported in the format with this page D or four K or what? No, on the rate, a zai was mentioned nearly of frame rates. Now, I think the reason it's showing this setting right now is because the video itself was recorded in 10. 80 p, which is 1920 by 10. 18. Resolution on the framework. The frame rate was 30. Fine. That's OK. Okay, let it do staying. Boom. There we go. So we've got this clip right here. Now, this how the normal clip sound Earl sounded. So I hope you can tell the difference. And I'm hoping that it's worked. So if I press play, this is a test recording. This is a test recording. Hopefully, you guys, so that so I'll play it back again. This is a test recording. This is a test recording. Okay, now let's play back the newly formed file which should have merged. The external audio have recorded on the Blue Yeti microphone with that video clip. Hopefully, the sound should be much better. This is a test recording. This is a test recording. I do a sound so you can immediately tell that the audio quality was 100 times better. And that's a synchronized external audio clips with with a video of our 14. 13. Audio Limiting: welcome back. So what we're going to go through in this class is audio limiting. So what is that? All you're limiting is basically making the audio that we here at a normal level, basically. So we've got the audio waves that go up and down on There's obviously a bar, basically a threshold. And if it goes above that threshold, that is basically not normal on and you'll be more from the night you can polarity here that it's it's not normal. That's a bit higher. That sounds a bit weird or sounds just a bit too loud. Eso what an ordeal limited as is. Essentially it brings it back down below that bar on. But it's just normalized, essentially. So what we're gonna do is I'm just gonna play it to my voice over, because if you look at my voice over, there's a few sections here where you can see it goes above that line, both basically above that threshold so you could see he worries. It turns yellow on. Then it can when it goes up so high some of them that it goes into red. So that's pretty damn it issued. And that's as a No. No. So if I If I was to pay it back now. Hello, Thistles. A test recording. So even where I said hello, it was so loud. My speakers were significant. Hear crackling a bit, eh? So what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on that clip, and we're going to go over to where says affects their fixed up Andi, we're going to click on Oh, I'll be actually going to scroll down. So we scroll down to but it is audio ever going to select the option levels and we're going to scroll down to her says limiter under the section called Logic Sprouted interest limiter on, basically drag and drop that limiter onto that audio kit. Bush. Cool. So what do we do now? Basically, double trip that audio clip on back into the inspector section. Free scroll down slightly. Ha ha. We could see the limiter there. So what we'll do is click on the little calculator looking like on, and we've got this died hook box. The only thing you need to know on I can't even give you the exact science behind this. Is that the output level? Which is what you're going to hear? Is the output off. The volume should be minus three decibels. That's it. There's nothing else you need to know. Just minus three decibels. You're OK. So that's what we're literally gonna do. We gonna grab it on, turn it down because two minus three. You and then click next. Okay, so we can see you right now that my audio waves have normalized. None of them are peaking. None of them are going. Or as we call it clipping. None of them are clipping. They're not going about the threshold. And so when I play it back now, it should sound normal. Hello, Thistles. A test recording. I could see cookies being put into the into the blender Cup on Guy. Just like to say I like cookies. Do you like cookies? No. So there we go. That's how you do. Already limiting 15. 14. Colour Grading: welcome back. So we're now at the last hurdle, which is, or the last hurdle to do with actual editing, which is color grading. What are you normally do is based on one of two options. And so if I now take, let's say on this click this clip here actually know occupy outlook on the onion on just one absolute. Put the music down. Just don't need to hear it right now So we got the onion on, We've got the garlic, Andi, it's two things I could do. So I'm just gonna double click on the back there. Andi, if I click on the FX tab which was open already, actually scroll to the top and I click on all under video. I've got these default color options here that I can use. So if I was to choose, I think I had one called bread lasagna. This is one that I made myself. You could see that the colors already changed, So if I scrub on top off any of these default or custom made color profiles, it will give us the quick preview off. What? That off what my clip would look like if I did apply that pick that color profile. So if I scroll across lately, you could see that's how it looked like the Uncle Brighton look a lot more bright. There's one Will cost look symbol over cost indoors S oh, that's how it would look. There's also uncle. Cartoons are quite cool. The other way is to do manual tweaks yourself, Andi. So to do that, you simply go up to the inspector and click on the little triangle that's pointed sideways , picking the color inspector. So I'll just move my pinhead, too, to top it. So selection from that there, Andi, Then I can didn't choose between the color itself saturation or the exposure. Now I'll tell you right off the bat, the color option I never mess with. I'm not you. So I know what I'm doing here. Hands up. So what I will do is I normally dip into saturation on the exposure. Now the way I do this is that again, I'll do slight tweaks, obviously, because, I mean, you could just come on, said subject. Any undue And But I tried to just meet the most slightest changes because there's a really Connor in that video already eso I don't want I don't want, you know, Booth, make that many changes to it, whereby it's increased so much on because because I've been looking at it and looking at it , it looks okay to me. But as soon as somebody else looks at it, they will be like most. What were you doing? You just You just over saturated the heck out of it. And I didn't realize, because I've just bean incrementally, adding, adding, adding on that that's what happens right on. Do you don't realize and you get up having so much? And you think, Yeah, that looks about right because I want It looks punchy when really it's not punchy. Just super oversaturated is just so rich in color, very looks fake. It doesn't look riel on That's and that's the great thing about color grating that you can't be content has been colored. Really, that's that's That's the genius behind it or that that's the genius way to do it, really. And so what? Identity is. So this this scene here, in fact, if I was to now go into this scene here, so where it shows the cookies, we can see it's correctly exposed. Meaning you can see is lit up and the lighting is Is good is correct. But here it's a bit more didn't spit more dark. So at least why I will do is I'll go over to the exposure tab on. What I will do is probably just increase worse is the shadows. I just bumped that up a bit. Okay, I can see. Is whiting out too much? Doesn't look right. Commands it Cool spirit Clinton era. Maybe the mid tones if I brought that up of it looks okay, but I'm going to come ons it and then just quickly check out highlights if I was to bump that up out of that look. Okay, so that looks a bit more subtle. It looks a bit more real to me. It looks like it looks like the light bulb in that room wasn't 60 hertz. It was 100 hertz. That's that's what I'm trying to get across that s'more realistic. That's how calibrated should be. So I would go with highlights there now, in terms of the color, I think the onion, I think, largely looks OK, but I will test the saturation to see if you can look just a bit better. It's purple. It's a beautiful purple. Can it look a bit better? Let's have a look. So again, I just start from left to right. The shadows falls to increase it slightly saturation. Um, moment. It looks okay. Even the color of the board. The chopping board doesn't bad controls that the mid tones Foster Mom? No, my neither controls it on the such the highlights. But that doesn't do that. Remember, you can actually use these in combination with one another. So because none of them none of these saturation options gave a very, very heavy effect, essentially to the clip, I wouldn't mind used in a few of them at the same time. So what I might do is I'll use the one for shadows. Bump that up slightly and the one for maybe highlights bond that up slightly. So compared to what it was before, that's got a bit more vibrancy to it. My my wife's skin looks a bit more virus. Even the chopping board looks a bit better there chopping board. I mean, the separation of the chopping board from the actual kitchen countertop looks a lot more better. It's a lot more golden looks more brown on the purple, the purple. It was increased, a bit more vibrancy. To be a fair that just looks better to me. So that's That's basically how you do color grading again. There's no exact science behind it. Once you found something they're comfortable with, save effects preset. Save it. So if I click on that, you can then give it a name and then put under a certain category, and then you will appear here. That's how you do it. Basically, Andi, That's how I got from chicken poppers. These are These are the names off the precepts that I made for certain videos for the channel that my wife and I have delicious is called usually channel that does cooking videos. So depending on the type of food that we're basically making, sometimes it requires a certain picture profile. Now, coming back to what I said if you're using or if you're creating videos where the picture profile is always the same, pretty much you could just you don't have to keep messing around with this. Once you've made what you want, you like, save the preset and just double click and apply it from here all the time. You will always be the same. Preset is always set to the exact same setting you saved as just apply. Drop done. We don't need to do anything else on that topic to apply color grading to multiple clips. Just do this. So I'm gonna peach scroll out. Let's say I want to apply it to this clip of the cookies and this clip. Fine. Select both command. So they both selected down just like a Windows control selected multiple clips and then go over to whatever you want to whichever option you want to choose. So I might just bean head on there so I can see the clip bread lasagna. So if I go on that look of the vibrancy on that, it's I mean, a lot of it doesn't look realistic, but just for the sake of this, I'm gonna show you how to apply it to multiple clips. So I got the two clips selected, and I've got the pit at my cursor on that option. I just double click. That's it. Now they both have it. Actually, the cookies look great by the way, but yeah, that's it. So color grading. It's something that you may spend a lot of time on. But just know that they're reasonable exact science to it. There is no right answer. Just go with what? What looks right to you? 16. 15. Exporting: Okay, So where are the ends now? On? The last thing we need to do is just export the file. So what we'll do is keep on file share. I tend to always go with master file info. Just built information about what form it should be settings. So the file format, video and audio video Codec hate start to 64 is the norm that I would normally go with. Give you information about the resolution. In this case, this kid was four K. That's one of the four kit resolutions Include chapter markets. He s fine. It doesn't do anything anyway, on then to hit next, I think asked me which folder I want to save it in. Great. So what I'll do, I'll just save it into my desktop on give her name and then hit Save and that's it. 17. 16. Conclusion: Hopefully you guys found that useful. If there any questions, Did you let me? Now? Again, this was basically exactly what it says on the tin. There was a crash course to help you in quarter viral. You know, start editing. Chop these up. Ad view titles. Absolutely transitions there at the audio at a voiceover if need to be fixed. The audio put it all together. Export how to eso? I've uploaded some the farm that I mentioned to and of course, Andi. Feel free to Daniel Them feel free to tweet them, edit them on feel free to publish them. However, I would like it if you guys created some content off yourselves and then you uploaded them for the project section. I would love to see what you must come up with. And I am more than happy to provide feedback. I will be creating more final 10 causes, but I thought I probably need to get this one out of the way first, because it just goes over with the basics. It's essentially the prerequisite to To everything. So given that gender. So you guys around