Course 1: Learn Filipino/Tagalog Step-by-Step | Mai Sciarratta | Skillshare

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Course 1: Learn Filipino/Tagalog Step-by-Step

teacher avatar Mai Sciarratta, M.A. in Education

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      SkillS Intro


    • 2.

      SkillS 1A Si Ang Bayanihan


    • 3.

      SkillS 1B Sina Ang Mga


    • 4.

      SkillS 2 Sentence Structures


    • 5.

      Skills Answer Sheets 1 and 2


    • 6.

      SkillS 3A Personal Pronouns


    • 7.

      Simpleng Diyalogo with Pronouns


    • 8.

      SkillS 3B Pronouns for Things Kapwa


    • 9.

      SkillS 4 Linker


    • 10.

      SkillS 5A Possessive Pronouns Chart CE Pamilya


    • 11.

      SkillS 5B Using Possessive Pronouns


    • 12.

      SkillS 6A Interrogatives Asking Questions Pakikisama


    • 13.

      SkillS 6B Saan Nasaan Pakikisama


    • 14.

      Oral na Pagsasanay Interrogatives


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About This Class

This latest class offering for Filipino is for beginners. The goal of the class is for you to acquire the most essential skill in learning the Tagalog-based language, which is putting words together to build your foundation of Filipino. As in my classrooms, I will walk you through sentence construction while you learn pronouns, articles, interrogatives, grammar, structures, and essential vocabulary to help explain the concepts. After the final lesson, you will have the basic skills to answer questions in complete sentences and write a simple paragraph ON YOUR OWN! Presented in video/screencast format, the modules are arranged to be learned in sequential order. Filipino values are incorporated to help the learner understand the culture. Worksheets with answer keys are posted under Projects and Resources to practice your skills, take down notes, or use as assessment. Please check out my second course also here on Skillshare, Learn Filipino/Tagalog Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs, to further your knowledge and skills.
Requirement: Must be able to understand English

Meet Your Teacher

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Mai Sciarratta

M.A. in Education


Mabuhay! I am Mai, also known as Ginang (Mrs.) Sciarratta to my students. I have taught Filipino language for over 14 years at the high school, college, and elementary levels in San Diego, California, where Filipino was offered as a foreign language elective. My students in the classrooms were Filipino Americans who were eager to learn about their heritage language and non-Filipinos who wanted to connect with a uniquely spirited, hospitable, and caring population called Filipinos. Being a native speaker and a student of Filipino language and its structure, I developed curricula from beginning to advanced levels that made Filipino accessible for non-native speakers. To me, simplifying the concepts is key to reaching the learners. From classroom to online, here... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. SkillS Intro : my boo high Come with step all voicing by Shirahata I have taught Filipino language in America for over 13 years. Now I bring you Filipino online. This class will start and build your foundation of Filipino language and culture in this beginning level class. What you will learn are the two main elements in a sentence, namely subject and Braddock it the basic sentence structures in Filipino personal pronouns , blinkers, possessive pronouns. All the previous lessons lead up to our final lesson in this class which is asking questions and answering them. Plus, I've incorporated a Filipino value in each lesson to help you understand the culture. Since language is an expression off culture to ensure success in achieving your learning goals, I highly recommend that you a lot time consistently take one or two lessons per day. Look forward to what you can achieve after the class. Print the worksheets before starting a lesson. The worksheets air found under projects and resource is say the words and sentences out loud. Go through each lesson thoroughly, complete the worksheets and check your work with the answer key provided use a dictionary if needed. Lessons here are focused and geared towards a goal and I will provide you with essential vocabulary. It is always helpful to use a dictionary if needed. If you have a question or need clarification, please post it on the discussions tab. I will respond to it in a timely manner and check the volume before putting on your earphones or headset. Let's go, Let's do it in Philippine. Off we say Diana. 2. SkillS 1A Si Ang Bayanihan: Darrell Issa Carol Lesson Issa one. This lesson will set your foundation for the next, if not all, of the lessons in this course with this foundation, you will know how to put words together and build on your skills, you know, First, let's learn some terms. Subject is a person, place or thing that is being talked about in a sentence or the topic of the sentence. Brad Ticket the other part of the sentence that tells more about the subject. Let's focus on the singular subject. One person, place or thing see, is used before a person's name when it is the subject or topic off the sentence. So we have some examples here back Hewlett, which means please repeat, see money. See Tito boy, See Oprah Secret steam zero Rodrigo To tear it there, seek out the owner how long is used before common down when it is the subject off the sentence again, young is used before a common down when it is the subject of the sentence. A now is a person place or thing. Now, when you see new vocabulary here that is here to help you learn when to use Uncle Bucky Hewlett on liberal on liberal translates to the book and it is a thing. So it is a noun right here. It iss a thing. Cacchioli um Messa The table is a thing hungry. Now the queen and Rina is a person. Young is also used before a proper noun place. Here are some examples we say on Africa Universidad Non Pilipinas non means off University off on Europa on Disneyland, etcetera when used a subject of the sentence. Let's recap when you says the subject on the sentence sees used before a person's name Bucky Will it see Andrew Long is used before common noun. So if it's not, see it. Iss um hunger Laki. I don't only better see Dad on laptop. How long is also used before a proper noun. Place Young Switzerland. Go ahead and see young and the country where you live. I se young America or young Estados Unidos. For the United States, artists, now Moomba by a neon is a Filipino value that means mutual aid and cooperation to accomplish goals. The root word is Byeon, which means the country, nation or town or community on buying means the country or the nation. The town. If you add an eye to buy and it becomes biryani, which means he bro on biryani the hero. The term by any Han literally means being in a Bayan, referring to the spirits of community and cooperation to achieve a common goal. Filipinos love to help their neighbors out, lessening the workload for one person. This is clearly displayed in the rural areas of the Philippines. When someone moves to another location, the neighbors offer their help by transporting the person's house, literally carrying the house on their shoulders. The behi Google, the native Nipah hot the house hut. What a beautiful concept and practice indeed. 3. SkillS 1B Sina Ang Mga: Now let's go to plural subjects. Two or more persons, places or things. The plural of CE Xena and the plural of Hong is a manga. This word Munger M g a is pronounced ma lucky Hewlett. Which means please repeat manga and we have some examples here. See, now, Steve Jobs at Bill Gates. That means end Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. So what goes on the blind? Sina Trish at the young. What goes on the blank here? Sina Justin. This means Justin and his group here we have a manga on my law The grandfathers persons. What goes on the blank here? Yes, among a s quella hon, The schools places what goes on the blank here among a leper? No, the telephone's. And these are things. If you want to make these example Spool. He can always use Sina Sina money here. Seen a money for money and his group seen a little boy which means Uncle Boy and his group Sina, Oprah, Oprah and her group and so on. And for these, he can add among up I am a liberal, which means the books among a messa the tables among arena The queen's simple enough review You may say the answers out loud. See Sina Um um, among a och Nung I In the next lesson, you will learn the two basic sentence structures in Filipino. We are building the foundation one step at a time. 4. SkillS 2 Sentence Structures: I don't know the law lesson. Then. Ah, two. Now you are ready for the introduction to the two basic sentence structures in Filipino, namely subject predicate and predicate subject. Vocabulary. I. It's the verb to be in English and conjugated. We have is, was, R, And we're Haagen-Dazs, beautiful. We're subject predicate. Here's an example on sleepiness, subject and predicate I Mugendi. To change this to predicate subject, we start after the I, the word after i is Mugendi. And then you go back to this subject from left to right, Morgan and Billy Beane AS both sentences mean, the Phillipines is beautiful. Note that the phrases but start with C. C now and on MLA function as the subject. So these phrases here see Manny, CD two boys only bro, CNS, Steve Jobs at Bill Gates. Among a low-low on Africa, function as the subject. The predicate tells more about the subject. For a simple sentences, simple, if it's not the subject, then it's the bradley. Good. So the predicate may be the adjective or a verb, or other words that tell more about the subject or topic. Here I will show you four simple sentences that you see. See now. To introduce the subject. The sentences on the left start with the subject. These sentences start with the subject. Then I is used to introduce the predicate. Let's review our new words. Bucky hewlett, I, Mugendi. Let's add my lucky my lucky MLA k-means big. One more time. I Mugendi my lucky. Let's say all the subjects bucket with it. See Geraldine senior Geraldine at either. Emilia. This means the family and munge up Emilia. Their families. Let's focus now on the two sentence structures, namely subject predicate or Sb, and peer advocates subject BS. For subject predicate. We have see Jarrow DNA Miranda. To change this to BS, lets call this p as predicates subject start with the word after I, Mugendi. Then pick up the subject from left to right. See Geraldine Mugendi. See Geraldine sinner, Geraldine at either I miranda. Miranda sinner Geraldine at either. Emilia, I malarkey. On munge up Emilia. My lucky. Note that the verb I in Filipino is not visible in the predicate subjects sentence structure. When translating the sentence says to another language, it has to make sense in the other language. Start with the subject. For example, Morgan Darcy, Geraldine means Geraldine is beautiful. Hint. If the sentence has i, it is in the subject, predicate or SBE sentence structure. In the next lesson, you will learn personal pronouns, which are very commonly used. We will practice using them in sentences. Oddest, nav virus, a whole dugata. Dugata means diligence or perseverance. Lucky we leave. The umbrella Filipino I Motier gave. This trait is common among Filipinos in general, especially shown by overseas Filipino workers, deal with hardships in other countries so that they can earn better wages to support their families back home. The guy is embodied by the national animal on the Philippines. I care about, or water buffalo, as shown here in the picture, that gara volcanic beard carefree, but its strength, patience, and perseverance represent the Filipino people. 5. Skills Answer Sheets 1 and 2: So that you can practice speaking. Let's go over the answer sheet in worksheets 1.2. These are worksheets that you may print from the tab called projects and resources. You have the option to do this oral practice before or after completing the worksheets. Your choice, whichever is helpful for you. And here's the answer sheet. Melissa, Good, manga, segue. Lisa. See Siena among a bucket. Which means, please repeat. Cad Amira Mawr College, cDub door. Whoa, salaries are among a classy. See Trish Sina John, Afghanistan, Andreina on China. In Filipino, we say scena. Scena. The CH becomes a ts on Beatles among our computer. And see now Meryl Streep seen a team at Tamara. I'm basso manga hospital on Bohemian Rhapsody, cilia, so Longa America. I will say the English word, Sabine war on silly tongue. Filipino. Beautiful to be. As was an R, were and so on. Good, nice, fine. Map. Here. For this last part, I will say the original sentence, which is in subject predicate sentence structure Sabine one predicate subject on BS. I'm abou t to the n, I1 and ditto. Rl. I, complete though. You may replace RL with Martha. Martha icon plateau complex unmapped. Totally be Sian I'ma, here. Was this oral practice helpful? Please respond to the recent discussion or kindly leave a review when prompted. Miami Salama. 6. SkillS 3A Personal Pronouns: That low. Lesson three. In English, we have personal pronouns for people. I, you, he, she. We. Pronouns replace nouns. Instead of saying c rows, one can say Sha, Sha for announced differently from how it is spelled. This is one of those few words in Filipino that be pronounced differently than the way it's written. Cha means she or he. Adl, personal pronouns and pronouns for things. What you will learn are the seven personnel pronouns in Filipino. The three pronouns for things, body movements to help you memorize the pronouns. This is fun. A Filipino value called cupola. Remember to use the body movements to help you associate the words with a meaning. Complete the worksheet to practice your skills and download the simple dialogue with pronouns. In English, we have personal pronouns for people. I, you, he, she. We. Pronouns replace nouns. Instead of saying c rows, one can say Sha. Sha, pronounced differently from how it is spelled. This is one of those few words in Filipino that the pronounced differently than the way it's written. Cha means she or he. Personal pronouns are either singular or plural. Singular, one-person, buffet. A hole means I, eat, gao means you, short for a cow is guys used when the sentence structure is sporadic it subject, we never ever start the sentence with, we start with eco. Shah. He or she. Next column, we have blue arrow. Over here. Two or more people die. Oh, we or us. This is inclusive, meaning it includes the person you're talking to a guy, yo u, blue row, two or more people. You guys see LA VA gummy. We, or us or me as exclusive. It excludes the the person you're talking to. And we'll go over the difference between bio and can be a little bit later. We have some velocity or the following sentences down here. The first is, I. Means to be in English conjugated. It means is, was our, we're in Filipino. We say, I saw. This means in, on two. These are the prepositions in Filipino, we say psi and we have BoolMin. This means go, the command form or the past-tense went again. I saw. Now you will pause and review the personal pronouns, then prints and translate the following sentences. Let's use subject predicate sentence structure. Here. I will be going through the answers orally, sentence by sentence. Ready? I am Filipino, Apple. I believe you are Canadian. Canadian. She is beautiful. We inclusive. That means including you are complete. You hear the speaker is talking to Kevin and Sarah are good. They are Americans. See law. You can put manga here. Are Mary. We exclusive, excluding you. We went to Australia, South Australia for subject predicate sentence structure. I is always present. Place i before the main verb, which in this case is different shading. And we inclusive, including the person that you're talking to. For example, we are good to you and I are good guy. I and you and I, the keyword is you. If you, the person I'm talking to is included. Use for this is we exclusive, excluding you. The person I'm talking to, my family and I are here. If I use a pronoun, I will use Tommy. And we're talking to you, or I am talking to you. 7. Simpleng Diyalogo with Pronouns: simply the logo we will be using Pronounce from the lesson Bo Kabul Aereo musta thean green boo high Come musta means How are you? How is someone or something? It could also mean hello Thean rien rien is a variant off then And both of these words mean to or also boo high life one more time talking Will it musta de in green? Bohai, let's review How do you say, How are you or how is something or someone also or two life? First let's go over the d A logo and then you and I will practice together Coma stuff The response is a coma. Booty Salama, come musta what goes on the blank shop? Go Most Assia the responses shot. I'm a poor Therien Rien means also we use ring if the previous word ends with a viable Mahboob theory and come with, uh what goes on the blank? See lower from a Stasi love response Scylla I o pe the cow art here means and go musta bamboo high. Abu I is the subject comes Stan who? High response. Okay, the in we used then if the previous word ends with a constant Okay, Maram ing Salama. Now I will start with the logo and you will respond. The responses Aaron Ground Font You will fill in the blanks. Karma Stock Car Go! Mr Sha from Mr Sylla Hyok. Deal Maram ing Salamat! Now let's switch. You will start the logo or seek in a I'm a booty. Salama Sharma, Boot it in celery. Okay, Rapicault, come Istanbul high. 8. SkillS 3B Pronouns for Things Kapwa: Pronouns for things. We have singular. This column. Ito means it or this Yan. That yarn that far away flew around two or more things. Ito v's among those, among our youth. Those far away. The word mango is used to make a noun or pronoun for things plural. Barry, Hewlett, Mang, Na, manga is just like shock. It is spelled differently than how it is pronounced. This is how it's pronounced mang. So let's repeat the pronouns for things. Ido Yan He ONE among I80 on manga Yan. Manga you. Ipo Yan Yuan. Pronouns for things and may also be used for people who live ITO IC G. Now, this is Gina Yan AC, Jeremy, Sima Qian. Let's practice now by translating these simple sentences. This is America. So this is ETL. And then is, is I and America with a K eToys America predicate subject. It start after the I america dtau. Either one of these eToys, America, America IDO is correct. That is complete. Yan I complex. Predicate subject, complex though. Yan. Pause. Now you try. And here are the correct answers for the little practice that we have. First, pause and read the answers. Do number 12 out loud. This way you can hear the difference in Sb. And let's go to number three. That is a dentist in San Diego. Ewan, I didn't these data Susannah Diego, to change that to BS or predicate subject, start after their eye. Then d star, Yong, San Diego. Leaving ourself races at the back of the sentence. Isdn there. And these are students. And we can do this or allele now is to Dionne their door. That's how you change their sentence number four to predicate subject. So when you pick up the subject, you start from left to right. Among I DO. Period, those are visitors, BC period. Those are nurses. Nurse. Here's a fun activity with hand movements that really helps students learn and review. This is fun. These will help you learn the personal pronouns and pronouns for things. Bucky, guy. That see you and I see LA. And let's have fun with the pronouns for things. Filipinos point with their lips, but you know that. So here we go, it all. Yeah. And you can do a double Also, if all you own. In the next lesson, you will learn how to link certain words. If you do not link these words, it will not sound Filipino. Ada, snap, bada, saw, Tula, Alibaba. Kappa means fellow human. The Filipino values they're kappa. Filipino culture is other oriented, different from individualistic cultures. In general, Filipinos place a high value on their relationships with their cup one. 9. SkillS 4 Linker: Aral apart Lesson for the linker In Filipino blinkers are used to connect the words to make the language flow better. There are three forms of link Er's. The 1st 1 is a Na Yousef. The first word ends with a continent Mamba. Eat now about that. This means good child. Mamba it Good Bata child Mamba it The first word which is an adjective, ends with a continent. So we use now to link my about it with Bata. Next be Nung. Use of the first word ends with a vowel. McGhan don Beanie, Beanie, Beautiful lady or beautiful unmarried lady McGeough NDA beautiful. Many be me lady we use known because my Gonda the adjective ends with a vowel. The letter a mcghan Deng Beanie Beanie. See how that flows Better note that the n g the non linker becomes one word with the first word which is my agenda. We say McGhan Deng, Beanie, Beanie and the last one is see the letter G used If the first word ends with n being sung about Kakheti Walla on this means trustworthy cousin being son cousin Ma Bugatti well on trustworthy beans on ends with an end so we just add the letter g to make it one word being sound. Ma Pa Kakheti Walla On. By the way, this long word Ma Bugatti Whalen has a root word. The Walla the Walla, which means trust, and Marbach Kakheti Walla on means trustworthy. The root word plays an important part in Filipino language. Please note that we do not link everything in a sentence. Blinkers are used if two words go together to express as one. The most common uses are in between the adjective and noun and in between the noun and adjective that describes it. Let's practice using the Link er's in Filipino. We can say the adjective blast the noun as in beautiful culture, beautiful being the adjective and culture being the noun Macondo, which means beautiful. And kucera, which is culture. We must add a linker in between. Since my Gonda ends with the vowel A, we use the Nung Linker McGhan dang cultura McGhan dang is now one board. Same with the second example. Completo ends with a no. So we add the Nung Linker complex song by Media Complete Family. For the third example, Magazine ends with the Continent G. We are the Na Linker Muggle Lean Now only better. See Dodd Great University. Our fourth example is my papa Gachot Iweala, on which ends with an end. So we add a G linker marble Kakheti Walla on Lola. If you see a long word like my pa Kakheti well on break it down when you pronounce it. Ma bug Kaka the Walla on Kakheti Walla on Lola. Trustworthy grandmother in Filipino We can also say the noun first, then at the adjective noun plus objective. So for the first example here, my granduncle Tura, we can say cool to wrong McGeough NDA Katara still ends with a vowel. Simply add the non linker to make it one word with cool Tura Cool to wrong Mahinda still means beautiful culture by meal Young Completo Complete family Universidad number Giggling Great university No long Marbach Kakheti Walla on trustworthy grandmother To get used to the phrases with Link er's Let's say them again Bucky Hewlett, please repeat after me McGhan Dunkel Tura Complex Tong Amelia Mangling no neighbor See Dad Kakheti Walla Lola Cool to wrong Uganda by 1,000,000 Completo Universidad number giggling Lo long mop Kakheti Wala In the next lesson you will learn possessive, pronounce how to express ownership. A very important lesson. Orders now parasitical Dura Salam bouba Otunga orbits a Filipino trade, which means inner Dept. Bhutan means depth and the old means inside or inner. Now Issa Linker. When someone does a favor for you, you feel a sense of gratitude, and you feel bound to reciprocate or give back. This trait is, I believe, the reason why Filipino parents are seldom found in nursing homes. Typically, adult Children will honor and serve their parents in their old age as a way of thanking them for everything they've done. 10. SkillS 5A Possessive Pronouns Chart CE Pamilya: Ira Lima. Possessive pronouns, process means to own. Here is a chart. We have these possessive pronouns and they are being used as adjectives here. In English, it's my, your, his, her. Our, your end there. Here is a chart in English and Filipino. In Filipino, We have the pre-post possessives and the post post possessives in there to succeeding lessons, you will learn the other uses of both the pre-post and that boasts boast. So should you use them in one sentence, you must opt for variety. For this lesson, you will learn these words as expressing ownership. That pre-post possessives are the words in blue, boasts boast. Possessives are in red. So this is the thing which was owned. This is the noun that BC clad DC Collette means bicycle, my bicycle, my bicycle. We'd use the pre-post before the noun, add a linker, and then the noun, King, basic laptop. Or we can use that boasts boast after the noun to say my bicycle, we say basic led the call, BC Glenda, go, no linker with the post, post. Again, breed boast is before the noun, boasts, boast is after the noun gesture. Remember pre, like preschool before Elementary School. Boast is after, like post-war, after the war. Let's focus on pre-post possessives. Look at the words in blue font for my we have Akin for your we have IEL for her gun. Yeah. For his Dunya. For our inclusive yours and mine. For your blue row in your for their cannula. For our exclusive Amin auto snap Beida suckled. By Emilia family I limbo bar. The Filipino Family is typically close-knit. Family is prioritized by its members. Each one has a role and duty to love and support each other. Aside from the nuclear family consisting of that die Nana at manga knock, there are the extended family members such as myeloid low at low Law being x1, the IPO, I neck gore, I'm looking, I'm familiar for children also have several God barons from the Catholic sacraments of baptism, conformation, and marriage. My Nino at me noun. Family also includes the friends that Filipinos to relate to and feel connected with. Many times in our classes that happened for the students. They bonded well and call the class by media. 11. SkillS 5B Using Possessive Pronouns: How to use possessive pronouns to express ownership, vocabulary, to give you an idea of some things or people that we use the possessives with. Here are some common nouns. Bucky Hewlett, Baha'i, House, co-chair, car, bomb modulo, president. The root word is Uo, which means head, head of the country or head of an organization. Ina, mother and child of someone. One more time by Hewlett Bohai, co-chair, bungalow ina. And now this is how we use the pre-post possessives, singular, one-person, own something, or multiple things. For my, We have our king, Bohai. We place a linker between the pre-post possessive and the noun, which in this case is Bahai. For alkene, we add a G because Anakin ends with an N for your house, it's E own Bohai. The linker is an NG because E0 ends with a vowel. For his or her. We have Kun Yang Bohai, his or her house. Next we have blue row. Two or more persons own one or multiple things. For our inclusive, I change the noun to Cauchy, are being co-chair our car, yours and mine for your blue role in your own bungalow, your president for their kidney, lung, EDAR, which means idea for our exclusive, mean dock door. Exclusive means you don't own this with me and we are talking to you, mean dock door? Our doctor. Now let's go to postpone possessives. These words in red go after the noun. We have coal, more, NYA, 19, Nino, ne la, numbing. You may have noticed that boasts boast possessive starts with the letter N and anemia and an anodic none anemia or non-DNA La Nina now mean plus your core and more. Hopefully that makes it easier to memorize. How do we use the boasts, boast possessives, singular, one person owns something by Heiko, my house, Bohai anymore. Your house behind his or her house for blue row, two or more persons own something or multiple things? A chair not being that's our car, inclusive yours and mine. Bungalow Nino, your president, two or more of you have this precedent, IDEO ne la, their idea, Dr. Amin, our doctor, I added ownership by one person. We use ni ni zenme le, so to say mother of MLA, we say E Na Ni me law. If you use a common noun to express ownership such as sacred Daria, here we use noun, remember none means of 2EI, child of the secretary. We say a knock secretary area. The task is to memorize the pre-post and that boasts boast possessives. You may use the hand movements for these sets of possessives. I seen the ones we use for personal pronoun. So for Archean, you can use the hand movement for our core. For IO is the hand movement for a cow and so on or four core, you can use the hand movement for a call for more USA head movement for ICO by all means, if it helps you use the tool of your choice. You may also create flashcards on index cards or Here are some common expressions with possessive pronouns, bucket, Boolean, A1C, goal, your whole. This is short for IO. We still something we stop anon ice-cream. Alamo means, I don't know. I don't lie. I like or want. This is an expression because it does not follow the grammar rules for subject. If it is good to hold on, then that is grammatically correct. But since Gustaf or Nang something is so common, it is a common expression. Alamo, you know. Did you know or do you know? One more time? A1 core or your whole Alamo, Alamo bar. In the next lesson, you will learn interrogative, how to ask questions, how to answer them using complete sentences, thereby preparing you to write letters or paragraphs. 12. SkillS 6A Interrogatives Asking Questions Pakikisama: Adul our name interrogative Z, asking questions and answering in complete sentences. Let's start by learning three common Interrogative Sparky, you'd see. No, I know so on. I see. No, I know Here is the formula interrogative plus the subject. So the interrogative is the predicated. These simple questions are in the predicated subject sentence structure. Read the three simple questions below, then change the subject by replacing the highlighted word note. There is no I in a simple question because the sentence structure is spread IQ it subject. Let's read these three questions first, See No Angouleme. Oh, under Ito San Koppu Monta Karenina Seen or is the predicated Angora More is the subject. Who is your teacher now? Let's change the subject by replacing Guru See? No, um we can say then Teesta seen long than peace Demo A know it all. Let's replace it'll where young. So our new question is a new young A know it all What iss This a new yang is What is that? The third question is son couple inte Hanina. Where did you go earlier? Where did you go earlier? Calm means you and it is the subject we can replace car with Shah Accord ico sha Okay, so Sahn Shah Monta Cantina That's read the questions again. I will read the original question and you will read the question after each one. Senor Angouleme. Oh, you will read Seen along the East M o I know it all. San couple Monta Hanina! Although there is no I in these questions in English, you will still have to say the equivalent of I see No Angouleme! Oh, who is? Who is your teacher? I know it all. What is this? Forsa uncouple Monta Hanina. We simply translate Monta. And in this case, it means Did go Did go. Where did you go earlier? Let's say the interrogative is again. See? No, I know, son. NASA on NASA on also means where but NASA on questions will not have a verb so unquestioned will have a verb Together we will answer the following questions using complete sentences. If you just skim through these, the answers are in the subject. Bread ticket sentence structure. We see I right here. I and I subject bread to get for the responses for now, See No ca! Who are you? So we don't say See? No I e cow. That would be wrong because simple questions will always be in the predicated. It's subjects sentence structure. See? No God, who are you? Are which is I in Filipino is not found in this simple sentence. Because again, this is in the Braddock. It subject sentence structure. See no car. Who are you? The response is cool. I see my Sharara. So when you think of this question, who are you? I am a cool I see. See? No questions will always have. See in the response to introduce the answer C c, my Shirahata. See Mary Si Tomas. Next. See Nankai begun more Uncle Bigon. Go. I see Mary So change more to call. And I highlighted the subject. Monk, I began more. I started with that, but I changed more to call Uncle Bigon Cole. I see Mary So I see Mary is the predicated seen along that line more. I highlighted the subject. Um, member, CEO hung c o among those or subjects. And then for your response on that cool subject, Brad IQ it is. I I see Tomas. Now let's go to a know what same sentence structures for the questions on no predicated on Long Island. More subject. Start with the subject here. Um bang Alan. Cool change more to call my name. I am I is my There is no see here because this is not a C. No question. So my name is my I know I'm a cheerleader. More on a bill edotco I share Arata a non Barbary temper got in more. I'm Barbara Tongue Bogonko I Filipino. No. You may replace Beguine with other words like musica din don lagarde So many Pablito questions. Right, So annoying. Pablito Moussi camo on long Pablito Linda hunt more and so on and so forth again. Do not put C before my just because this is a name Because this is not also the subject. The subject is on bangle and cool. How do we know that there is an eye here? So this is s be the subject is before the predicated 13. SkillS 6B Saan Nasaan Pakikisama: next, let's go to sir. On where? Let's review what? Summing summons in on two into Sanka B No monarch and you can break it down. If you see a long word, just break it down into syllables. PSA on God E B na Nah, Nuck Root Word is a knock, which means child Dippenaar Knock means Born. Some will say Be Nana and that's fine. Some typing on Arc. Same SB Response. The subject. Iscar in Sanka, Epinal Ana And it is a lot better sounding if you put the subject, which is the one syllable after salon son Copy, knock. But if the subject WAAS see Steve Sunny Piniella Knoxy Steve, you can say that you can put since Steve there, so so Anti penal anoc. The response is soybean, Ana said abo separately. Being us, you can have two sauce or three sauce. It just depends what you're trying to express. San Kalu McKee. I just copied the same structure here, but I replaced the verb from banana to Lou Marquis, our core. I blew Marquis Sap. Billy Beane, us. Sanka, your data. Now the subject is sky your, which means you blew Row two or more people. And the verb is not era Suncor. You know, Katara, where do you live? Comey. We exclusive. I Natera says San Diego, California We will not say value here because the person is asking, Where do you pointing to you? So the person that's talking to you is not included excluding the person you're talking to . And that's what Cammie is coming. Iss excluding you. The person I'm talking to Comey in San Diego, California we have NASA on it also means where and there is no verb in NASA on questions, we use NASA instead of PSA with your response. So So it's the same as NASA. It also means in onto a NASA anong post office on boast office. I NASA old town nasa Anka a cool. I know some all nasa on unfamiliar more cilla I, NASA, San Diego For the last question here, I opted to you cilla the pronoun instead of saying I'm Amelia Cole. I NASA San Diego. You can also say that I'm familiar going. NASA San Diego. The next task is to transpose the response from S B two B s so we can have so much practice with this accord semi Sharara. Let's transpose that too. B s c my Sharara. So I started after the I see my Shirahata and then I went back before the I that iss my subject echo. So now this is spread iGate subject sentence structure. Semi Shirota. Next monk, I began coy. See, Mary, we start after the eye. So we have seen Mary See Mary and go back to the subject from left to right. See Mary Young guy gun call. It's always a good idea to vary your sentence structures so that your sentences and later on paragraphs will sound more interesting. And actually, bread tickets subject is more common in Filipino. Now go on and change all the responses to predicated subject sentence structure for sentences with verbs such as a high pin on Axa Davos. A Pilipinas start after the I. So I placed it in L. A. Knock there and always pick up the subject right after because that is your duer and it's clearer who did the action. Who did the action? I did. I was born. We want to leave ourself. Racists at the end off the sentence mean Alana Cho said abo separately, bean us go on and change the rest of the responses from SP on Kata Coy. See, Thomas, you start here changed this to predicated subjects sentence structure and do the same for all to the responses here. All the answers from S B two B s. You may do this orally or in writing. What does not bar a so called Buddha Kalumba, Uncle Hooligan and Haqiqi Osama I getting along with others. Filipinos in general do what it takes to get along with family and friends to have smooth interpersonal relationships, whether it's at home, at school work or at play. 14. Oral na Pagsasanay Interrogatives: or all, not boxes. And I You may use this according to your skills, with or without notes. You may challenge yourself if you're a high level by using just the audio by not looking at the written questions, Answer in complete sentences. See no har. See, Nongkai began more. See? No one thought they more. I know young island more and along a little more I know Bob Burrito parka in more I know on my burrito Moussi camo San Kaiping Ana San Callimachi So I'm gonna Padilla.