Cornerstones of Cooking: Secrets to Saute | Scott Groth | Skillshare

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Cornerstones of Cooking: Secrets to Saute

teacher avatar Scott Groth, Food Blogger & Cooking Coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Cooking Cornerstones: The Secrets of Sauté


    • 2.

      Mise en Place!


    • 3.

      Knife Skills 101


    • 4.

      Slice & Dice


    • 5.

      Flavor Factory: Sauté Secrets


    • 6.

      Yum Factor: Plating


    • 7.

      Happy Eating


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About This Class

Are you looking to punch up the flavor of your cooking? Perfect! Everyone can do it by learning a few secrets on how to saute just about anything. In the first installment of the Cooking Cornerstones series, let me show you the secrets on how to saute like a pro in no-time-flat! We will be working with garlic, onions, shallots, zucchini and chicken breast to make a simple, healthy weeknight meal everyone will love.

  • We will review some fundamental knife skills on how to work with all of the ingredients in the class. Learn how to easily slice, dice, mince and more!
  • As a cooking cornerstone, this class is for home cooks of all skill levels. For cooks getting acquainted with the kitchen, we are going to cover the fundamentals of saute to make you feel at ease in the kitchen. For more experienced cooks, we will review some little known secrets on how to make the most tasty sauteed dishes using everyday ingredients.
  • Together we will create a healthy, incredibly delicious dinner for the whole family with one saute pan in under 15 minutes.

Join me to learn how to rapidly build flavor with a few simple ingredients… then use the same technique in hundreds of other dishes. The art of sauteing truly is a cornerstone of cooking.

Meet Your Teacher

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Scott Groth

Food Blogger & Cooking Coach


After working as an executive in the corporate world for almost a decade, I left it all behind to follow my passion for cooking, opening my own catering company and cooking school. I am my best with a knife in hand and delicious ingredients under it, and love sharing my culinary creations with the world on my blog I'd Rather Be A Chef.

After years of running a cooking school and catering company, I'd Rather Be A Chef is my online venue to continue sharing my original recipes with a wider audience. The focus of my cooking is straightforward: delicious recipes made with fresh, whole ingredients. While each of my unique recipes is gluten-free, my cooking appeals to a vast audience of all levels. Additionally, I teach basic cooking techniques like braising and grilling, mak... See full profile

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1. Cooking Cornerstones: The Secrets of Sauté: Hi, My name is Scott Growth, and welcome to my kitchen for the cornerstones to cooking secrets off sauteing class. Now I'm super excited to have you here today, and there's a couple reasons why First love cooking and I love to eat next. I love the saute method of cooking simply because we can develop flavors very rapidly in a dish. Lastly, I love to share my knowledge of cooking as well as my passion is the reason I opened a cooking school, started a catering company, and I'm now a full time food blogger over, and I'd rather be a chef dot com on my block. We celebrate food, we make recipes approachable, and we're living the culinary adventure. I hope you join me on my journey there as well as here. Now, in today's class, we're going to be making a truly wonderful, wonderful recipe, and it's really cool because it's got one pan five ingredients. It's ready in 15 minutes, and bam its on your table. It doesn't get any easier than that. When you enrol in today's class, you're gonna be getting several downloads. Now, one of those downloads it's gonna talk about variations on this recipe using different ingredients to make this recipe all your own make it delicious every single time you cook it. But we're gonna be going through so much more than that in today's class. We're going to go into the season plants, getting your kitchen ready, some basic kitchen and knife skills. We're gonna be talking about some slicing and dicing, then were to turn the heat up and we're literally gonna saute the hell out of this dish. It's gonna be so good. Lastly, we're gonna talk about some professional presentation. We eat first with our eyes. It has to look as good as it's going to smell and taste. I guarantee you're going to love this recipe. We're gonna have so much fun in the kitchen. Go ahead and click to enroll. Now, in the cornerstones of cooking secrets to sautee class, I can't wait to see you in my kitchen. Now let's go get cooking 2. Mise en Place!: All right, Welcome to the cornerstones for cooking. Saute class. Let's go ahead and get started. We're going to be making a delicious dish today that has sauteed zucchini with simply seasoned chicken cutlets smothered in onions, shallots and garlic. It's gonna be absolutely fantastic. Now, before we get started, let's make sure that we have everything ready to go in the kitchen. It's is important at home to do as it was in our catering kitchen as it was to do in our cooking school. Everything was mizzen plus, which means everything in its place before we get going. Now you'll see that I have the basic ingredients here. But I also have several dishes out, and about that, I'm gonna be going through a swell. Um, we'll talk about the seasonings and we'll talk about the utensils as well that we're going to be needing for this recipe. Now it starts off with a good, solid cutting board. I'm using a wooden cutting board for most of this recipe. I also have a polypropylene cutting board that I'll be using for the chicken, which I like to put directly into the dishwasher. When I'm done with it makes it makes cleanup super easy. Now, we also have a discard bowl. I don't have a garbage can Anywhere near me to use on this particular recipe is not gonna have a whole lot of waste. So I have a very small discard bowl, but I can put the odds and ends and the trimmings in there. I have three bowls ready for the prepared ingredients. When they're done, eso what puts him zucchini and some onions and all the other things into these bowls, ready to go into the saute pan. I also have a plate. Now, this is gonna be my individual serving plate for the end of the recipe. I'm gonna put the zucchini on the chicken and then cover everything and make it look beautiful. We with our eyes. First, we want to make sure that it looks absolutely wonderful and we're ready for that. Now, along the way is we're cooking. We're going to be taking some ingredients out of the saute pan and adding them onto a platter. Now, when we set these aside, we want to make sure that we have a place to put them so that we're not looking around the kitchen saying, Oh my gosh, what do I put these things? Having? That platter ready to go is important. Now let's talk about our ingredients. I have twos, medium sized zucchini there already washed, ready to go. I have two onions, the onions. I've removed the route s so that I can keep my area clean. We have two shouts and we have two good sized chunks of garlic. I'll be going through in another section exactly how to prepare these ingredients. But for right now, we want to make sure that we have everything ready to go. I have some sea salt. I have, ah, pepper grinder with black pepper in it. Now, today we're gonna be using duck fat as the fat to be used in the saute. Now, if you don't have duck fat, that's perfectly fine. I like using duck fat number one. It's delicious. Number two, it has a very high smoke point, and the flavors don't change even if the pan gets superheated. Now, that being said, if you don't have duck that we can use olive oil, you can use olive oil with some butter mixed into it. You can use grapeseed oil you can use really any number of oils to sautee because we're not going to be sauteing at such a high temperature that the oil should burn. I'm using duct that just because I love it. Now let's talk about the utensils that we're gonna be using will be using tongs today for the chicken, mainly to make sure that the chicken is easy to flip. I like using a wooden spatula for the saute. It's easy to push ingredients around on the pan, and, of course, we're going to be using our trusty chef's knife to chop slice and dice. Now, in the next section of our class, we're going to be going through some of the kitchen safety, basic knife skills and things of that nature to get ready to go so that we can get all of these wonderful ingredients chopped up and in the pan lickety split 3. Knife Skills 101: Okay, so now we're in the kitchen. Let's go ahead and talk about getting our kitchen prepped up and ready to go for our chopping slicing. You'll see here that I have a very large wooden cutting board and this board is very stable now. The reason that it's table is that underneath this board I have a towel sitting here to make sure that the board doesn't move around on my countertop. Now this board is almost large enough that it doesn't need a towel, that it wouldn't move very much. However, it's got a little bit of a warp to it, so the towel underneath the board is extremely helpful. Now, when we move into our chicken cutlets, I'm gonna put this damp paper towel down on top of my board. And then I'm gonna bring in the polypropylene cutting board and said it directly on top of that. Now you notice when I do that that this board doesn't move it all. It provides another very stable surface for us to make sure that we're being safe while we're cutting. Now I'm going to set these aside. Let's talk about the chef's knife now with the chef's knife. We don't have to go through the entire knife, but I would like to touch on just a few parts, so we have the point. We have the cutting edge. We have the hell. Then down here we have the handle. These metal rivets are called bolsters and down the back side of the handle. It's called the Tang. Now the tank provides the balance point for the weight of the blade. So when we put this blade into our hands, it should just balance right on. Actually, for me, it balances on these two fingers. You'll notice that I have three fingers on the handle and one finger is on the blade. This is the appropriate position to hold the chef's knife. Um, it's not the easiest position to get used to, and it takes a little while to make sure that you get it the right way. However, you get a lot of stability by holding the chefs life like this in a lot of my cooking school classes on some of the chefs that came into my kitchen for the catering company, they would put their finger was called this plein, or the backside of the knife. And when we do this, the blade has a tendency to move very easily, and it's not a stable or safe cutting position to use. The same goes if you're gonna use the handle. It seems to make sense that the knife maker made a handle large enough for us to put our hands on. However, when I go to cut, you'll notice that my knuckles hit the cutting board before the backside of the blade does . When I move my hand up on the blade, I can tuck my fingers in. I could put my first finger on my thumb, and it makes for a very smooth and easy cutting position. So this is the easiest way to do it. Now when you put your finger on it, make sure not to put your finger down too far. You want your finger right about the middle of the blade. You want your thumb right about the middle of the blade to hold on to that blade pretty well. Then we come down through and with everything in life, practice makes proficient, so go ahead and give it a shot. Now let's bring out all these beautiful vegetables. Will chop them, will slice them. We'll get him ready to put into this delicious saute 4. Slice & Dice: Okay, so we're going to be working first with the onions and with an onion. You have the stem side, and you have the root end as well. Now, when we chop the onion, we need to make sure that we're always using. When we chop anything, we need to make sure that we are creating a safe cutting surface. So the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to cut the stem side of the onion off, and I'm gonna put that into my discard bowl. Now, we have a flat cutting surface with which we can go ahead and use the remainder of the onion. Now, what we're gonna be doing here is we're gonna be cutting through the route from top to bottom, and we'll take both halves and will lay them on our cutting board. Now, when we have the haves like this, we need to make sure that we take off the outside layer of the onion. Put that in my discard bowl. Take off this other sides outside layer of the onion. This layer doesn't cook. Well. Um, it has a tendency to be thick. Most onions, they're going to be a different color. So on a Spanish onion this will be like a golden color on a red onion. It'd be more of a purple color. We want to take that outside portion off when we want to make sure that we have for onion are slices for this recipe. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna place our hand in a claw position with the three fingers on top of the onion are pinky finger will be outside and our thumb will be toward the back here. Now, we're going to come down from the top and we're going to slice through this onion and make uniform slices. Yeah, Now you see, the mine is kind of going all over the cutting board, and that's perfectly fine. Now, when we get down towards the roots side here, what we do is we turn the onion on its side. We put our fingers on the top and we slice through on the side and down, and then I want to get to the very root we can just go ahead and discard that. I'm gonna pick up these onions, gonna put them into the bowl, and I'm going to Repeat with the other onion. When we get down here, slicks in from the side, down from the top. Discard. Pick up all of our onion and put it into the bowl. Now, that's one easy way to slice an onion. Okay for the shallot. What we need to do is we need to slice off just like we do to the onion, the stem en and then we're gonna take a shout, and we're going to slice it right down in half. The reason we're slicing in half so that each side is on the table and are on the cutting board, and it's a very stable cutting surface. Once again, I'm gonna peel back the outer skin off of the shallot just like this. And sometimes they tend to want to stick on there a little bit. I'm gonna go ahead and peel off this side of skin as well. And for my recipe, I'd like to have the shallot sliced rather than minced. I'm gonna go ahead and show you what a Mince it in just a second. But what we're gonna do is we're going to put the shallot onto the cutting board. We're going to come down and we're just simply going Teoh, slice the shallot and in slice the second half as well, and that's all there is to it. We're gonna collect these up, put them into our shallow coal, and they're perfectly ready right now to go into the saute pan. So let's talk about garlic. A lot of people don't like to use fresh garlic because the skins are hard to get off. Once I cut into it, it becomes very gummy, gets all over your knife, and generally it's just kind of a pain to use. A lot of times, what I've seen in my cooking classes are students that come in. They put their knife blade on top of here and they smashed down literally on top of this garlic, and it kind of goes everywhere. We really want to try to avoid that. What we're looking to do today is just really break this outside skin in order to get to the inside of the garlic very easily. So what I want to do is I'm gonna place my knife played very carefully on top of this garlic, and I'm just gonna give it a light tap. Now, you see, when I tapped it here that it kind of broke on the backside, which is perfectly fine. And I'm gonna use my nail, and I'm going to go ahead and peel the outside of the garlic directly off. Now, this is a large clove of garlic. I wanted to use a large clothes so that I could show you easily how to prepare this garlic for our salt dish. Now you notice that at the end I'm gonna take my knife and I'm simply going to slice through that route. And now we have a beautifully prepared piece of garlic. Now, for this garlic, you notice that it's a little wobbly on the table. So the very first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna slice down on the side. And now we have a platform that we can use to cut our garlic. I'm gonna hold the garlic on the top just like I did with the onion and shallot. I'm gonna come in from the side and I'm not gonna cut all the way through to the root. And I'm gonna again raise my knife. I'm going to again raise my knife. I'm gonna turn that garlic toward me, using my claw to protect my fingers on the slice down from the top. And then I'm gonna turn the garlic and I'm going Teoh, convince it. And what you see is we have perfectly minced garlic, ready to go into the pan. No fuss, no muss. I mean, it's really very easy to do. I'm gonna like the edge of my blade into the bowl. I'm going to come in, pick up my garlic, put it into my well, that's ready to go. Perfect for salt. Okay, Now we're going to be working on our zucchini. We're gonna slice off the stem, and we're to slice off the other end This order sliced on the bias. So what we'll do is we'll slice down just like this and you'll see that I'm holding onto the zucchini with my cloth and I'm slicing down at the bias the whole way down the Cecchini , making sure that I keep my fingers out of the way and some of the zucchini is falling off. But that's OK. And what we have here are beautifully sliced pieces of zucchini that are ready to go right into our saute pan. Next up, we're gonna be slicing or zucchini into sticks or batons s so that we can do this meal two ways. Okay, so last up, we're going to be slicing this zucchini and Tibetans, and what we do is we slice down through and remove the stem from the other end, and we're going to slice this bikini in half so that we have two halves that are very easy to work with Now, what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to slice down one of the sides so that we have a flat working surface and another side said that we have a flat working surface, and what we'll do here is we're gonna slice these into planks, so I'm going to come down and I'm gonna slice down through zucchini. And now I have some wonderful planks here. We'll slice down through. This is extremely as well, and we have some nice planks here and what we'll do with these planks. We'll take these planes and will slice them in half. So that there in easy sections that are perfect of salt Okay, so now we're onto the chicken breasts and getting the cutlets ready to go. So what I've done is I've put my paper towel on top of the cutting board. I put my poly Pro cutting board on top of that so that I could just take this. Now put it in the dishwasher after I rinse it off and everything's good to go. I've also switched knives I'm using now a Saint Toku knife, which is the same length as my chef's knife. But it's got a plastic handle. This is an easy, cheap knife that I like to keep around for poultry and put in the dishwasher as well. Normally, I wouldn't advise putting any knives and dishwashers, but these air actually designed to do that. So as we're looking at this boneless, skinless chicken breast, what we can see is that on one end it's thinner than at the other. And as we flip it over, we have a couple of different parts under here. We have the tenderloin that's that's sitting right here that we're gonna go ahead on and cut right off, right through here. The tenderloin weaken just set to the side, and now we have a little piece that we're gonna trim right off of here. Put into our discard, Cole, this is a fairly nice piece of chicken. Um, I'm gonna take my blade, and I'm going to cut down through this side and pull off this piece again. We're gonna keep that will saute that up. And what we're gonna do now is we're going to take this this chicken breast, and we're going to slide are knife right through the breast like this so that this side it becomes the same thickness is this sign. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna start here when a slider blade through just like this , and you'll see that the chicken separates easily. And now we have two pieces that are the exact same thickness and the all cooked through perfectly at the same time. All we're gonna do is Sprinkle some salt, some pepper, flip these over again, apply some salt a little bit everywhere and some pepper, and these are ready to go right into the saute pan. You gonna go ahead and repeat this step for however many breasts you're using on, make sure that your seasoning them as you're taking them off the board. So we want to make sure they get into the hot oil fully seasoned 5. Flavor Factory: Sauté Secrets: All right. So let's get into the secrets of Saute. The first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna preheat this pan. We want to make sure this pan is nice and warm. Before we had the fats into it. Aziz, you add fat into a pan and it heats. It might change the flavor of the fats. We want to make sure that we added in when it's nice and warm. Now I'm using induction, and this pan is already pretty warm. So I'm gonna add in some of the fat here again. I'm using duck fat, and what we're looking for is we're looking for this fat to shimmer in the pan. So it's gonna take just a minute for to come to that point now, there are four secrets to a good Saturday. The first is a good pan with a heavy bottom. We're using a very large pan here. I think it's about 12 inch pan with a heavy bottom. It's got we need to have high heat which were doing right now we need to use good fat, which I'm using duck fat today and we're gonna talk just a just a minute, about different fats to use. Now you can see that this oil is definitely hot. It is shimmering across the bottom of this pan. I'm gonna add in our onions when we talk about the other ingredients of these were being at then once I add the onions and you can hear them immediately start to sizzle. They were so good. Now, once we add them in and we get them spread out, the next thing we want to do is add season. We're gonna add seasoning every layer that we add into that we cook today, we're gonna add seasoning onions. Then we're gonna add seasoning into the shallots, garlic, the chickens already season and then finally onto the key. We continue through that, so I get back to the fourth secret. Good pan, high heat. Good that and uniformly cut ingredients that they'll cook about the same time. Now with a big pan Like what we're using here today, it eliminates crowding. So you're gonna see that these are gonna start to brown up here pretty quickly. I'm not doing a stir fry and not going crazy during things around. I'm gonna do a little bit of extra stirring when I add the garlic and simply because I don't want to burn. But if you notice here immediately, we are already starting to get some beautiful browning on these onions, which is exactly what we want. So when we're talking about a good pan, too, aside from being large enough having a sick bottom bottom and ensures that you don't lose too much as you're adding ingredients and it insurance and even throughout is we're looking for a pan that is either non stick like this. I'm using non stick because I'm right now on a year abroad on this is the pan that I have to use. We can use being with feel, or we can use anodized aluminum. Or you can use cast iron as well. I love to do, I thought, paying cash. Whatever you use, just make sure that you're comfortable with that style of pan. Now, a lot of people aren't comfortable with stainless steel. They get stick, but you can develop a really beautiful bond, which is the brown bits that happened on chicken in particular, chicken fish. The thing was sealed it off. Really beautiful fun. This pan, my feet a little high turn that down Just a minute. This can developed a nice bond as well, so just use what you've got. Now, when we're talking about heat, we like to make sure that we're using the Heidi throughout and we're adding our room temperature ingredients to a pan that's already warned. This is particularly important if you're using stainless steel stainless steel pans. If you add a cold ingredient to cold stainless steel and get them up together, they're gonna stick together like glue s. So we want to make sure that we don't do that. We also want to make sure that we add the oil into an arty hot pan. Now, if you add cold ingredients into a cold pan, what's gonna happen is as they heat up, you're going to have some moisture Release out of the ingredient. Now, these looks pretty good right now. I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna add in our shallots right on top. Now, I've added the onions first in the shallots next because we're gonna talk about uniform ingredients, eyes on the onions, obviously taking longer to cook than the shallots. So a little salt and add just a touch mawr of the bacon for the duck in here. I don't want the tan to go dry, but I also don't want to have oil across the bottom of the pan. So these we're gonna cook just for a very short amount. Time to pick up some nice color solely those alone here in the pan now. So if we add the cold ingredient to cold pan when it starts to heat, what you're gonna find is that the moisture is going to be released out of the piece of chicken or the fish. You're gonna end up with a dry ingredients rather than delicious piece of fish or chicken or pork that you're looking for. Do you want to make sure that you're adding in room temperature foods into a hot pan so that it developed a sear on the outside very quickly and very nicely. Now let's talk about Fats. I'm using duct that today you can find duck fat at your butcher of the grocery store. You can find duck out online. Certainly there's a lot of other fast you can use to whenever I cook, bake, and I saved the bacon fat in a container right on the counter, and I use that it's got an umami flavor to it. But it also adds a little bit of salt to the dish and that delicious bacon flavor as well that everybody seems to love. Um, a lot of times could use olive oil. My suggestion is used regular olive oil rather than extra virgin olive oil. The higher the quality of the olive oil, the more flavor it's going to impart into your food. And a lot of very high quality olive oils can, in part of bitter flavor into your foods. You wanna be careful with those. If you want. You can use sesame oil that's typically used in Asian Asian style cooking, canola or vegetable oil and little to note flavor. But they're very frequently used with butter. And if you're going to use butter, my suggestion is you add the butter end and then you add oil on top of it to prevent the milk fats from burning. So if you use one tablespoon of butter, you dad in one tablespoon of olive oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, whatever it is that you want that will you get the delicious butter flavor without the burning. You can also use D, which is butter that has no milk fat remaining in it. It's a wonderful It's a wonderful product if you haven't tried that before. Um, so at this point, we're ready for the garlic. I'm gonna add the garlic in. I'm gonna add in just a pinch of salt. Tiny pinch on this one. A tiny bit more the duck bad. Just enough to see that moving in the pan. And then I'm gonna let this cook in here for about a minute. If you burn garlic, you kind of have to start out. Well, you don't kind of you have to start over again. There's no way to get the garlic burnt garlic flavor out of food. There are ways to get burned flavors out of other foods, but definitely not a garlic. So let's talk about the 4th 4th pillar of the secret to good saute, and that is uniformly cut ingredients. So we have uniformly cut onions that we cooked first, then uniformly cut shallots that we added in second, then uniformly cut garlic that we added in third and next up, we're going to move all the smells. Absolutely fantastic. By the way, I'm gonna move this over here to my platter. That's sitting next to the stove here, and I want to get all of this delicious onion mixture out of the pan. Now you notice that I have some straight garlic pieces and things of that nature left in this pain. If I leave that in here now, that's going to burn. So I've got just a paper towel that I'm taking, and I'm wiping all of these bits right out into the sink. And now I've got another beautiful clean pan to start off again. The pan is already warm. We're gonna add in a little bit more of our duck fat. Then we're going to add in our chicken. And for this one, I'm gonna be using the chicken tenders. You see that? They're already simply seasoned with salt pepper. Very easy. And I'm not gonna Carl, just pan. When I add the chicken into the can you see that I'm putting it right into the hot oil, and then I'm moving it in the can. Exactly what I wanted to be, um, make it very, very easy. And it allows me to control how much food is in my pants. I'm not simply dumping and piece of chicken into with pan on not knowing were dumped in all the chicken, right on top of one another. It would not cook. Well, now this pan is hot. These are gonna cook very rapidly. You see that? They're already turning white around the edges. The way that I added, a man has been in in a counter clockwise direction so that I know which one's. The foot first slipped on almost the same direction that person ends now these are all uniformly cut it well, so they uniform thickness. Look at that beautiful brown and that's already occurred world A pan to get some of the fat under all the different pieces Set it back down. Now these are gonna be done kicking in just a minute. It's a very, very fast cooking techniques, and you can see that the brown on here the bond has already started to be created. Now we're gonna add in after the chicken in this recipe, so some of his brown is going to be the fund it's gonna sing in this pan in that routine is gonna pick up all that delicious flavor. It's gonna be absolutely fantastic. And we do play. I turn this so you can see already. It is browning nicely on both sides and again with saute. We tend not to move things around like crazy. We're not doing fried. We're just putting the item into the pan and letting them build and develop flavor beautifully. Golden smells so wonderful, right? Move this off. I'm gonna add in a little bit more of the doctor. Sure, it's a 20 bet, and I know that it seems like I'm adding a lot of duck fat into this ingredient. But you have to remember that we're dealing with a lot of ingredients that are absorbing. He's fat. I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna lay in the baton to move them out inside. The chance now for the future is that have so lady with green on them, I'm gonna put them over so that they are fucked by down. All right, we're gonna add any way pepper beautifully. And then if you could smell the smell Absolutely stories. But I hate a little. I don't use that lightly. I mean, I really had a gift for your opinion on, uh, in France a number of years ago, family made rectitude from scratch, and it was so delightful at a little more fat and go ahead and gently moved up at bat around a pan That kind of distributed out always came. It was so delightful in the to is that ever since then has been a huge advocate of all things because you see these beautifully brown pieces in here, they just have so much flavor. When you eat them, it's gonna be incredible. All right, so I'm gonna finish cooking these up for the next minute or two here. As soon as they're done, I want to put them on the pain or on the plate on, then we're going to go ahead and dish up this fantastic meal. 6. Yum Factor: Plating: All right, so we're going to get into some plating right now on, you know, we eat with our eyes. First, we have just one plate ready to go. I'm gonna do plating on one plate that I'm gonna do pleading. That's gonna be more family style as well. So over here we have all of our cooked ingredients. And before I start, the very first thing that I'm gonna dio is I'm gonna add a little tiny bit, a drizzle of oil just to our plate. Very simple. Very easy. I'm using lemon oil for this particular one. Um, and what I'm going to do then, is I'm gonna build toward myself, and I want to build a little bit of height into this dish. So I'm gonna lay down some of the bikini and I'm gonna ladies across the plate just like this and in the back, I'm gonna add in another one or two. This one. I want to lay down a little bit more flat so that the plate has starting to build a little bit of height. Then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to grab some of these delicious sauteed onions and I'm no. Lay them right on top and let them naturally fall onto the plate. Now we have a higher, um area in the back, in a lower area in the front. We'll pick up this delicious looking chicken breast, and we'll drape it right across on top and had just a little bit of the onions across. And of course, we have just a tiny bit of parsley over here. Actually, I have a little bit of shredded Parmesan that I'd like to add. That top a tiny bit of parsley. And there we have it. That dish is absolutely beautiful. Ready to eat? Anyone that received that would say, Oh, that looks wonderful. You can use different herbs if you want. You can use I use parsley today. You could use basil with this dish. Use chives. You could use a mixture of basil and chives you could add in some tarragon. There's a whole slew of things that you can dio, and each one is gonna taste. Absolutely phenomenal. All right, so let's get into some plating here, and what we're gonna do is we're gonna play up this dish, and it's gonna look really, really pretty when we're done now, I'm gonna be using a little bit of reduced balsamic that, um really just gives the plate and a little bit of extra punch. So all you have to do is just do a quick swirl like that. It doesn't have to be perfect. Then we're gonna be picking up the zucchini, and we're gonna be starting to build a little bit of height. So in the back side, on this particular dish, I'm gonna be adding in more zucchini than on the front side. So I'm gonna layer it in like this, that I'm gonna take these and I'm the layer these down back to front. And the reason for this is that we'd like to have more height on one side of the plate than on the other. Go ahead and put you over here. I'm going to add on some of my onion mixture now, right over in here, and you see that I just dropped right onto the plate and that's OK. We'll fix that in just a second. This onion mixture is gonna move around on the plate just a little bit. I pick up one of our delicious chicken breasts like that right on top, A little bit more of the onion on shallot. Make sure just so good. It's ridiculous earlier that across the top there and just like that, we've built some drama on the plate. We also can add in a little bit of grated Parmesan, if you have it created. Problems on this dish is really terrific. So just having a little bit of shaving is like that. And some fresh parsley right on top of the plate. There we have it really wonderful, truly delicious Chicken zucchini with onions. It's gonna be fantastic. 7. Happy Eating: so that was the cornerstones to cooking secrets to Sautee class. I hope you enjoy taking it as much as I enjoyed teaching it. I have to tell you my kitchen smells fantastic with the garlic, the onions, the shallots, that zucchini is just I mean, it sells delicious in here. I cannot wait to eat this dish. Let's review some of the most important things from today's class. Most of them have to do is sauteing, obviously. But there's a few nights kill things, too. With your knife, you're gonna be holding the blade on, making sure that you have a firm grip on it. We're gonna make sure that that cutting boards not moving around as you're using it in the saute process, there's four things. The first is having a good quality heavy bottom pan. The second is keeping the heat high throughout the cooking process, starting our fat and starting on proteins on high heat as well. The third is using the appropriate fat. Whether that's olive oil, duck fat, whatever it happens to be, we have to make sure that we're using right fat for the dish. The fourth is to keep all of our ingredients the same size. So we add the onions, the shallots, garlic. They're all the same size within their own category, and we add them inappropriately. We cook the onions longer than we do the garlic. I would love to come and cook with you in your kitchen, but unfortunately, the technology is not quite there yet for me to do that. So the next best thing is to use the workspace inside skill share. Please upload pictures, videos, whatever you'd like to upload. I'll check it out, whether it's your knife skills, that the materials that you're cutting the final dish, whether it's the dish we made today or a variation of that dish that you sauteed in your own kitchen, I can't wait to see it. Please come back for another class. Thank you again for coming cooking with me in my kitchen.