Cuisinez vos 6 plats préférés de restaurant chinois à la maison + Recette gratuite à télécharger en PDF | Yang Peng | Skillshare

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Cuisinez vos 6 plats préférés de restaurant chinois à la maison + Recette gratuite à télécharger en PDF

teacher avatar Yang Peng, A Chinese cooking fanatic.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction du cours


    • 2.

      Sauces chinois : 5 saules fondamentales


    • 3.

      Sauces chinois : 5 sauces chinoises à l'avancé


    • 4.

      Recipe 1_Wok avec des denrées salt et des Shrimps P1 : Salt de Pepper à épices à épices


    • 5.

      Recipe 1_Wok avec des noodle de Salt et de Pepper Shrimps P2


    • 6.

      Recette 2_Mapo Tofu


    • 7.

      Recette 3_Kung Po Picken


    • 8.

      Recipe 4_Cha Siu P1_Cha Siu Siu Siu Sauce


    • 9.

      Recipe 4_Cha Siu P2_Marinate et grill


    • 10.

      Recette 5_Sweet Sour Pork P1_Prep


    • 11.

      Recette 5_Sweet Sour Pork P2_Fry The Sweet Sour Sour Porc


    • 12.

      Recipe 5_Sweet Sour Porc P3_Frying P3_Frying


    • 13.

      Recette 6_Wonton Soup P1


    • 14.

      Recipe 6_Wonton Soup P2_façons de replir des wontons


    • 15.

      Les prochaines étapes


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About This Class

Êtes-vous à améliorer vos compétences en cuisine en chinois ?

Bienvenue dans la partie 2 de mon cours de cuisine à l'à l'intérieur de Chine en Chine :

Cook vos 6 plats de restaurant chinois à la maison

C'est le cours suivis de la partie 1 : Apprendre des bases de la cuisine à l'à la maison en Chine dans 6 recettes savoureuses.


Que vous avez acquis quelques bases de la cuisine en chinois et que vous vous sentez à la fin, vous avez l'en aspire au défi,

ou vous êtes un débutant total qui souhaite cuisiner vos plats de restaurant chinois à la maison,

vous avez choisi le bon cours.

Ce cours incorpore des sauces, des techniques de cuisine, des astuces et des conseils en plus en plus dans 6 recettes de chinois en plus classique.

Après ce cours, vous pourrez non seulement cuisiner 6 plats chinois les plus appréciés et authentiques, mais vous pourrez également passer à be supérieur.


Les 6 recettes de curie seront enseignées étape par étape, en plus d'être au sein de la maison et seront apprises par étapes.

Ce sont :

  • Wok avec des bouches de sel et de poivres

    + Créez votre propre salt et Pepper à l'épice.

  • Ma Po Tofu (Version végétarienne)

  • Pen Po

    + créez des po de l'en des poles

  • Cha Siu |de Retrouver  Porc BBQ et Hong Kong

    + créez votre propre sauce Cha Siu

  • Porc doux et rours.

    + créez 2 types de sauce douce et Sour

    + en fait des Crispy

  • Soup Wonton

    + d'envelopper de 4 formes différentes

Il y en en plus.

À travers les 6 recettes de votre cours, vous aussi :

  • Apprenez et appliquez les 5 saules chinoises essentielles de la Chine qui créent la plupart des saveurs de l'argent

  • Cla avec 5 sauces/épices à la Chine avancées.

  • Faites quelques sauces chinoises classiques comme KungPo, Sweet et Sour, Cha Siu, Salt et Pepper

  • Familiariser avec des techniques de cuisine en Chine

  • Acquire des conseils et astuces en cuisine en chinois en cours de cuisine en Chine

  • Amusez-vous avec de la cuisine des plats chinois plus compliqués


Ce cours est conçu pour la cuisine à la maison.

Il n'est pas nécessaire d'acquérir des équipements de cuisine spéciaux. L'équipement de cuisine à ménage à l'à la à l'à l'à la à la fin à la cuisine à

Nous ne cuisinons également que des ingrédients de l'ingrédient.

Vous devez seulement acquérir les 10 sauces mentionnées dans les cours en aperçu pour commencer à se faire.

Vous obtiendrez également 6 PDF de recettes.

Ce sont des guides de recette étape par étape avec des exemples d'images. Vous pouvez les utiliser pendant la cuisine et/ou les partager avec vos amis.

Inscrivez-vous à partir de maintenant, et partons-nous en have !


Note :

Ce cours est la partie 2 de mon cours de cuisine à la maison en Chine en soi.

Si vous êtes un débutant absolu en cours de cuisine et vous êtes en cuisine, vous commencez par commencer à commencer à en créer des principes de base et à éviter une courbe d'apprentissage steep

Cependant, ce n'est pas également pas d'problème si vous suivez ce cours directement directement, take plus à la pratique et à la patience. Vous aurez beaucoup de plaisir à vous cuisiner !

Rencontrez votre enseignant·e

Teacher Profile Image

Yang Peng

A Chinese cooking fanatic.


Hi there! I’m Yang, born and raised in a mountain city in the southern part of China.


Growing up following my mom and grandma in the kitchen, I watched them doing all kinds of cooking magic to put tasty meals everyday on the table.


It’s been over 10 years since I started cooking by myself when I went abroad for study and work. To taste the familiar Chinese flavours, to create more food memories with friends & family, I learned Chinese cooking gradually.


I love Chinese food, and I’d love to share it with more people. I hope you can enjoy the authentic flavours of China, after taking my course.


If there is more you want to learn and know, send me a message!

Voir le profil complet

Level: Intermediate

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1. Course Introduction: Hi there, I'm Yang from China, and I'll teach you how to cook your favorite Chinese restaurant dishes at home in the original and authentic ways. Are there a few dishes in your local Chinese restaurants that you just can't have enough off. Do you want to enjoy them at home, at anytime that you like? Then take this course. After this course, you will be able to confidently cook up six superclasses and authentic Chinese fishes. Also, you will learn the key Chinese cooking techniques and make some classic Chinese sources, such as sweet and sour sauce, Task2, SaaS, and et cetera. You can apply these techniques and knowledge to create many more tasty Chinese recipes of your own. How does that sunlight? This course is designed for home cooking. So don't worry about acquiring any special Chinese cooking equipment. Your daily household cooking setup will be sufficient. Will first have a crash course on some key Chinese sauces and spices. First, five essential sauces, push pose of most Chinese recipes. Then five advanced sauces, which opens the doors to regional Chinese cuisines, such as Cantonese and Sichuan cuisine. In this course will use only these ten sauces to cook six super tasty recipes. They are a collection of the most authentic and loved Chinese dishes, spreading the charm of Chinese food. Do you like Chinese food? And are you curious about Chinese cooking? Enroll now and let's embark on this journey together to cook your favorite Chinese dishes at home. Looking forward to seeing you in the lectures. 2. Chinese sauces: 5 Fundamental sauces: Before tapping into the recipes, let's start with a crash course on the key Chinese Celsius. It can be overwhelming to shop in those chinese supermarkets. You might be wondering what are sitting in those exotic bottles and jars and which ones should you buy? Don't be overwhelmed. You actually only need the following five key sauces to pull off most of the Chinese recipes. If you have taken my beginners course on Chinese home cooking, you can either do a quick recap here or jump ahead to the next video to learn about the advanced sauces. So what are those five key sauces? They are like soy sauce, dark soy sauce, Chinese dark vinegar, rice liquor, and sesame oil. Let's have a quick tour through each of them. Light soy sauce is made from fermenting soybeans. They provide a salty umami flavor and is the base flavor for many recipes. They are a light liquid, was dark brown color, and they will give a light brown color coating to the dishes. Dark soy sauce. It's the sister of light sources. They are also made from fermenting soybeans, but for a bit longer, carrying the same salty umami flavor, but they are a bit lighter in taste than light soy sauce. However, they carry a thicker texture than light soy sauce. And it's great for coloring the dishes to make the dishes look Golden and shiny. Chinese dark vinegar. Unlike the Italian balsamic vinegar, The Chinese vinegar is made from carbs like rice or wheat. And you can tell from the name that it has a clear sour flavor. The dark vinegar is used a lot together with sugar to give the dishes a sweet and sour flavor. Moving on to rise liquor, they are literally cooking alcohol made from rise. It is probably one of my favorite cooking sauces. Fragrant and really aromatic, is usually used together with meat to remove the bloody and fishy smell from meat and seafood. And don't worry about getting drunk from rice liquor because the alcohol percentage is quite low and also the alcohol will evaporate after some cooking. Last but not the least, sesame oil. The name is straightforward. Sesame oil is pressed out from roasted sesame. They have such a dominant roasted sesame flavor and smell. It has a very smooth texture and it's used a lot as a final touch in dishes to elevate the death of flavors. 3. Chinese sauces: 5 Advanced Chinese Sauces: Welcome back. Let's continue on now crash course on Chinese sauces. Now, let's level up and learned a five advanced sauces and spices, which are frequently used in Chinese cooking to add complexity and depth into the dishes and adds characteristics to the rational cuisines. They are Oyster sauce, fish sauce, sequentially bean paste, soup on peppercorns and starch. Let's check them out one by one. Oyster sauce, oyster source are traditionally made by simmering oysters in water. However, in modern days, we have found time and cost efficient ways to make the eyes to South by adding oyster extracts and choose Into a mix of salt, sugar, and starch. Oyster sauce gives an intense booster umami dishes. And they are widely used in Cantonese cuisine. When you're picking your oyster source, make sure you choose the brands and bottles with real oyster extracts in the ingredient table. And also there's weak inversions of Oyster cells, which are made from mushrooms, fish sauce. They're made by fermenting small fish and shrimps. Together with a lot of salt. The good quality fish sauce has a natural amber color and they give a complex see, umami flavors into the dishes. They are also quite salty. So a lot of times they can be used as a replacement for salt. Fish sauce is also used a lot in Cantonese cooking. They can also be consumed directly as a dipping. Moving on to the Sichuan cuisine, such and Chile bean paste OR DO Ban Jiang in Chinese. It is the soul of Sichuan cuisine. Certain Chile being paste is made from preserved brought beings together with lot of Chile's and oil. They have a spicy and salty umami taste. We need to stir fry them thoroughly before consuming the sleeping paste. That can now be consumed directly because there will taste like smelly beings. For purchase, you should look for PC and DOE band, which is the most authentic version for the chili bean paste. Pc1 is a small county in Sichuan and it is the most famous city for sequentially bean paste soup from peppercorns. They are a spice which a tinkling spiciness both to our tongue and our nose. Suit on pepper corn is the most distinguishing feature of Sichuan cuisine. There super appetizing. There's not just the spice for food, but also an ingredient in Chinese medicine. The Sichuan pepper corns can be consumed raw as a tipping after we grind them to Sichuan pepper powder. Last but not least, the starch. There are many types of starch such as cornstarch, Topeka starch, potato starch, et cetera. In Chinese cooking, the starch are normally used to condense soups and sauces so they reach a desired texture. Similar to the use of cream and butter in Western cooking, the starch are also used to marinate meets in Chinese cooking because they can form a protective layer for the meet and help the meat to stay tender during cooking. That's it. These are the sources and spices that we will need to cook. A lot of interesting Chinese recipes. Let start cooking. 4. Recipe 1_Wok noodle with Salt & Pepper Shrimps P1: Salt Pepper Spice Mix: Welcome back. Let's start our cooking with the simple walk noodle recipe with salt and pepper shrimp as the topping. Walk noodles are probably the most ordered dish inbox takeaway shops and Chinese restaurants. However, they are often coated with a thick layer of greasy solves this is not right, is the easy way out to flavor the noodles without burning them. And it's also very unhealthy. The authentic walk noodles should actually be dry on the outside. Was the flavors are ready infused into the noodles and the ingredients. And also we'll be able to smell at a nice slightly burned flavor, which in Chinese cooking, we refer it as Cauchy or walking. In this lecture, we're going to learn the authentic way to walk the noodles. Use the salt and pepper shrimps as the protein topping. And also, I'll show you how to make your own salt and pepper spice, which you can store it and use it for many other dishes. But of course, you can also buy already made salt and pepper spice mix in the supermarkets. How to make your own salt and pepper spice? We need around six grams of Sichuan pepper corns, a small handful of fennel seeds, and white sesame. Two ingredients in total amounts to around one gram. And of course we need some salt on the side. Take out a small saucepan and put it under low heat, throw in the Sichuan pepper corns and roasted patiently under very low fire. We need to keep rotating the Sichuan pepper corns to prevent them from burning. When you see that the Sichuan pepper corns are turning a bit brown, It's time to also throw in the fantasies and white sesame. Roast them together under low heat. After around one to two minutes of roasting will see that the fantasies and white sesame are turning a bit yellow and even have some golden spots. Put the spice mix into a grinder. You can use a stone grinder like I do. Or you can also put them into an electric grinder and grind them into powder. After the spice or grinded national them in a small bowl, a god in total, eight grams of spice mix. That means I will add four grams of salt into the spice mix, mix them evenly, and the salt and pepper MIX is ready. You can store them in a jar and also use it for other dishes in the future, like salt and pepper, ink fish, or even put it on top of your french fries. The bonus point of making your own salt and pepper spice is also that you can adjust the recipe to your own preference. For example, you can also add dried chilies, four star a nice into the spice mix. Just keep in mind that the ratio between salt and other spice mix should be in general, one-to-two. 5. Recipe 1_Wok noodle with Salt & Pepper Shrimps P2: Welcome back. Let's start making the VOC noodles. First of all, the ingredients, we need a 130 grams of shrimps, 80 grams of AC noodles. You can also use other types of noodles. 130 grams of being sprouts, half an onion, a quarter of red bell pepper, one egg to pieces of spring onions. It can of course, replace the bean sprouts of bell pepper to other types of toppings such you like. Let's first marinate the shrimps. For big shrimps, make sure that you have defined them beforehand. Put the shrimps in a bow at half teaspoon of salt, some white pepper, one teaspoon of rice. Buying, crack an egg and put one egg whites into the mix. One teaspoon of starch is your hand to mix it well and massage the South onto the shrimps marinated for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, poor away the excess at whites and SaaS mix, add another teaspoon of starch, mix it well, and make sure that the starch is evenly coated around the shrimps, meanwhile, waiting for the shrink to be marinated, let's prepare the other side ingredients. Take a quarter of the red bell pepper, but it into things stripes. Take half of the onion, peel the skin, and cutting into things slices. Wash the spring onion. We only need the green part. Cut the spring onion greens into things slices Bush has around the colon as the onions and the red bell pepper. We also need two rings, the bean sprouts, and now all our side ingredients are ready. Let's cook the noodles. A big part of water into boil row in the new dose, and boil the noodles according to the package instruction, one of the most important success factor for Voc neutrinos is that the noodles to not stick together. There is a one simple trick in order to achieve this. Prepare a big bowl of cold water on the side. On the noodle is boiled. Fish out the noodles into the bowl of cold water. Use your fork or chopsticks to rings the noodles in the water. So the starch that's attached to the noodle is washed away afterwards, fish out through neutrinos from the cold water, put them into a bowl. Sprinkle some sesame oil per just normal oil around the new nose and store them so that the audio is evenly coated around the noodle. In this way, the noodles can sit aside waiting to be walked without getting entangled. Now, let's finally start the Voc process. Heat up a pan under high heat for in, around one tablespoon of oil. When the pan is hot, wait until the oil is also getting hot, poor in the shrimps. Shrimps fry quietly on the pan and only flip side when the color has changed. When the shrimp has turned red on both sides. We can now spread some salt and pepper spice that we made earlier on to the shrimp. Stir and mix evenly, and the salt and pepper shrimp topping is ready. Fish them out and we will use it later. Keep on high heat and add around another tablespoon of oil where the oil is also heating up a bit, throwing the Armenians, fry them until they are getting a bit. So we can now add in the red bell pepper. Again, stir-fry evenly under high heat to its softening up a bit through in the bean sprouts and stirred them together. The bean sprouts take very little time to be ready, so we only add them in the last when R3 veggies are turning a bit transparent, we can now put in the noodles and starch, the flavoring we need around one tablespoon of oyster sauce, one tablespoon of light soy sauce, mixed the South with the noodles and side ingredients, evenly. Stir-fry them after the noodles are evenly coated with a light brown color, right? A lot of black pepper. And also at double amount of white pepper, quickly stir-fry them. White pepper can compensate a lot of the spiciness of black pepper. There are great coupled together and finally, throw in the spring onion greens and the shrimps quickly stir fry them with the rest for around 30 seconds maximum, and some final salt to taste. Pore the noodle onto a plate. And our Voc noodle with salt and pepper shrimps is ready. You can see that the noodles and nicely dry and separated from each other and the black pepper spikes are attached to the noodles, are shrinks or crispy on the outside with the coated layer but tender on the inside, on top, there's also a nice book smell coming from the plate. Enjoy it while it's still hot. 6. Recipe 2_Mapo Tofu: Welcome back. In this lecture, we're going to cook the recipe of mapo tofu is the signature dish of Sichuan Cuisine. In the most original mapo tofu recipe, some grounded beef are normally used, but today we're going to cook the vegetarian version as this dish is mainly featuring the taste of certain Chile bean paste, as well as a tinkling flavor from the Sichuan pepper corns. Let's get started. First of all, the ingredients, we need one big block of silk tofu. You can also use the soft tofu here, but I wouldn't recommend you to replace it with the firm tofu. It lacks the tender texture, which is important for mapo tofu recipe, three garlic cloves, one piece of spring on in a small handful of Sichuan pepper corns, a few grams of chili powder, depending on your spicy tolerance level and 40 grams of sequentially being paced, This is the cornerstone taste of mapo tofu. Let's start the preparation work by preprocessing the tofu. First, cut the tofu into blocks of around two centimeters. Bring a pot of water into boil and then gently puts in the silk tofu at around half teaspoon of salt, a few drops of dark sizes, and boil it for two minutes. As we know that tofu contains a lot of water and we do not want the water to come out so much while it's cooked in the sauce. And also TOEFL carries a beanie taste, which a lot of people find unpleasant. So by adult of salt in the preprocessing step is on one hand to force the tofu already give out some of his truth, and on the other hand, to give the tofu already some base flavor. On top of that, the dark soy sauce is to already infuse some base color into the tofu. At two minutes, fish out the tofu and set it aside for use later. Meanwhile, waiting for the tofu, let's prepare the other side ingredients. The spring onion. We want to cut the spring onion into small rings. The garlic cloves, smash them, and then remove the skin, wash the garlic, and then links the garlic into fine tiny little pieces. Let's also prepare some starch water on the side. Take a small bowl at one tablespoon of cornstarch and add around five tablespoons of water. Mix it well. You can also use potato starch, Cappadocia starch, any storage that you have. The starch water is used later to condense the sauce and latches cold around the tofu. This is actually quite similar to the use of cream and butter in Western cookie. That's all we need to prepare for mapo tofu. And let's move on to the staff. Turn on high heat. When you feel the pen is really hot at around one tablespoon of oil. The pen and Latin audio evenly covering the bottom. Adding the Sichuan pepper corns and slowly stir fry them under low to medium heat. This is to infuse the smell and taste of Sichuan pepper corns into the oil. And we need to be really patient here by frying them into coal, oil and under low to medium heat, if we fry the Sichuan pepper corns into really high heat and there were burned very easily. And the taste of burns, Sichuan pepper corns is quite bad. We see the Sichuan pepper corns are kinda opening up and generate a lot of smell. That means it's ready and it's time to add in the sequentially bean paste. Again, try to Chile bean paste under low to medium heat. We want to find them really thoroughly until the rat oil is coming out. Then we can add in the minced garlic. So far the garlic with the jelly bean paste until the garlic flavor is coming out. Now adding the chili powder mix with the rest. But if you cannot handle too much spicy, you can also skip this part when the paste is thoroughly mixed, or we can now add in some boiled water, the water should be able to cover about half of the depth of the tofu, mix it. And let's do some further flavoring. Add one teaspoon of like soy sauce, half a teaspoon of sugar, some white pepper, makes the SaaS evenly. Adding the tofu. As you can see that after some time of sitting aside, the tofu has already given out more water. Make sure you filter out all the water before putting the tofu into the sauce. Later tofu evenly in the SaaS and let it boil under medium heat for around four minutes. After four minutes, you will see the sauce has already reduced a bit. However, it's still too much for mapo tofu and now we need to use the starch water to condense the sauce. For mapo tofu, we need to use the starch water in three times, first-time at one tablespoon of starch water and generally started around the sauce. This is to condense some of the water. When you see the PSA stars to bubbling a bit and getting denser, we can add the second tablespoon of starch water. Again, very gentle Easter the starch water around the sauce. Then we will repeat the process for the third time. The reason that we need to do it in three times is because that the tofu is continuously giving out water. And we want to use the starch water gradually to absorb the water that the tofu gives out. And after the third time, you will see the sauce is nicely coated around the tofu. Now sprinkle in the spring onion rings, stirred them evenly and the mapo tofu is ready. We can see that the Microsoft's has already formed a layer of coating around the tofu. When we move the pen, the SaaS were moved along with the tofu. Generally pulled the tofu on a plate. If you have it, you can also spread some Sichuan pepper powder on top to stimulate more tingling taste. And our mapo tofu is ready. Tomato sauce has firmly coated the tofu, the end the flavors are ready infused into it thanks to the bracing method. Enjoy it. 7. Recipe 3_Kung Po Chicken: Welcome back. In this lecture, we're going to learn the recipe of compound chicken. It is another signature dish of Sichuan cuisine. It features a mild spiciness with hints of sweets. And also there is the taste of Sichuan pepper corns on the background. The compile chicken also has a blend of texture from the tenderness chicken and the crispiness from the Peanuts. It forms a nice contrast. After this lecture will also be able to make the classic compound sauce and apply it to various different ingredients. Let's get started. Let's check the ingredients First. We need 200 grams of the bones, chicken leg, and it's better to be without skin. The white part of a leak, 30 grams of roasted peanuts, ideally without the skin to garlic cloves, around two centimeters of ginger, a small handful of sutra pepper corns, a few dried chilies. And if you want it, we can also add in some cucumber. Even though in the most original compound chicken recipe, there are no other vegetables like cucumber or carrots. Let's start with marinating the chicken. This is the key to help the chicken's day tender, which is essential for the compound chicken recipe. We need to first prepare some leak and ginger water. Cutoff the leak White cut a few things, lysis of leak rings. You can also replace the leak wide with spring onion White. Take around third of the ginger and cut them into thin slices, puts the leak wide and the ginger into a small bowl and add enough water to cover them such that water aside for around five to ten minutes. This is waiting for the Jews from the leak and Ginger to infuse into the water the leakage ginger water are frequently used in Chinese cooking where marinating meet there were on one hand, help to remove the unpleasant bloody smell from the mean while replenish some of the water and Druze into the meats. So they can stay tended to accelerate the infusion process. We can use our hands to squeeze the leak and Ginger. Now let's cut the chicken leg. First. We want to cut and slice the thick part of the chicken leg to make sure that the whole chicken leg is of equal thickness everywhere. Then we can cut the chicken leg into blocks around the same size as the first section of our thumb. After cutting the chicken, place them into a small bowl. At a quarter teaspoon of salt. A teaspoonful of light soy sauce to teaspoon of rice wine, some white pepper, half teaspoon of dark soy sauce. And then use our hands to evenly massage the marinate was the chicken. When the marinade is evenly coated around the chicken or can now add the leak and ginger water at around half to one tablespoon of the water and then use the hands to quickly massage the water into the chicken on we see that there is no excess water and it is fully massaged into the chicken. We can add another half tablespoon of leak and ginger water. Repeat the same massaging process and make sure that there are no excess water around the chicken. Now we can add 1.5 teaspoon of corn starch, mix it well was the chicken. So it is evenly coated around the blocks, set it aside and wait for it to marinate for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, we can add around another tablespoon of sesame oil or normal audio and mix it with the chicken by adding the audio. At last, it is forming another protective layer to the chicken blocks world not easily stick with each other and with the pen while being fried. Now, our chicken is prepared. We can use the same marinating formula and method to other meats as beef and pork. Or we want to keep them meet really tender while waiting for the chicken to be marinated. Let's learn how to make the classic composers. First, we need to prepare some spices. Take around four centimeters from the remainder of the leak whites, cut down vertically into four quarters and then cut them into pieces of around one centimeter. Remove the skin of the remainder ginger, wash them and again cut them into thin slices. The garlic, remove the skin of the garlic, rings it, and also cut them into things. Lysis. Place the slices of the leak, ginger and garlic into a small bowl. And let's start the flavoring ad. One tablespoon of light soy sauce, one tablespoon of rice wine, half a teaspoon of dark soy sauce, around 0.6 tablespoons of dark vinegar and 0.6 tablespoons of sugar. The ratio between the vinegar and sugar is one-to-one. Some white pepper occurring teaspoon of salt. And we also need to add a bit of starch water, which consists of one teaspoon of starch and two teaspoons of water. Mix the sauce and spices evenly, and we have our compost piles ready. We can apply the compound serves not only to the chicken, but also to other ingredients like shrimp, beef, or pork. For the cucumber, we need only four to five centimeters of it, cut the cucumber into flux of around one centimeter. Although cucumbers not in the most original somehow chicken recipe, a lot of new recipe has already adapted and include vegetables like cucumber and carrots. And they indeed had a nice contrast of texture into the dish. Last but not least, the peanuts, ideally that we have the roasted and peeled peanuts. But if your appearance and not feel, you can do the dirty work like needs scrub off the skins of the peanuts. Either blow the skins away, which may leave a mass in the kitchen, or handpick the peanuts into another plate. Now we have all ingredients ready unless fire out, turn our high heat and wait until the pen is really hard and even have some smoke coming out. Then adding around two tablespoon of oil, turnaround the pan. So the oil is also coating around the side of the pen. Adding the chicken when the oil is only slightly heated. So basically after few seconds, after the oil is in the pen, do not start a chicken yet that if Fry and form a protective layer on the bottom of the pan, we can gently shake the pan and adding audio to more evenly touch every side of the chicken. After the bottom has already formed a thin layer of crust, or it can start to stir and fry each side of the chicken. At this step, we should always keep the stuff at the high Tootsie. The so-called hot pan coat Euler method helps to prevent the meat from sticking to the pan. This is a very nice trick, especially when you are cooking with a steel pan rather than a non-stick pan. When a chicken has changed color on all sides and turning on the Golden on the outside, throw in the cucumbers, stir-fry them quickly together with the chicken. And in the audio for maximum leaf thirty-seconds. When the cucumbers are also coated evenly with oil and fish, chicken and cucumbers out into a plate. Things with already used a lot for oil to fried chicken and cucumbers. We can utilize the audio and the chicken fat by filtering them back to the panel. This will reduce them oil intake. But if you don't want the hassle, you can also just add around half tablespoon of fresh oil. Throw in the Sichuan pepper corns, slowly stir fry the sutra pepper colorants under low to medium heat until they're gradually opening up and generating a lot of smell. If you don't want to randomly and unexpectedly fights into a Sichuan pepper corn while chewing your chicken, you can now fish the Sichuan pepper corns out, leaving the infused oil behind in the pads. But if you don't mind suddenly back into them, you can also just leave the Sichuan pepper corn in the pen, throw in the dried chilies and stir fry them under medium heat. Again, when the smell comes out, we can pull back all the chicken and cucumber into the pen and now pour the compose sauce along the side of the pen. Turn back to high heat, quickly stir and the chicken with the compound Sauce, this cooking staff should be really fast, uh, around just 30 seconds. When the compels us, is tightly wrapped around the cucumber and chicken throw the peanuts into the pen and quickly stir fry them for a few seconds. Pulled them on a plate. And our dish is ready. Composers has evenly wrapped around all the ingredients. The chicken is very bouncy, forming a nice contrast against the crunchy cucumber and crispy peanuts. Enjoy it. 8. Recipe 4_Cha Siu P1_Cha Siu Sauce: Welcome back. In this lecture, we're going to learn how to make charts you or the Hong Kong barbecue pork at home. Obviously, the chests uses is the key to make a successful choice you dish. And every restaurants has their own secret recipe. However, they mostly come with food coloring in order to make the colors SO RAD. In this video, I'm going to show you how to make our own Task2 south from scratch without any food coloring. And you will also be able to adjust the taste to your own preference. However, if you don't want the hassle, you can also buy the bottled chassis uses from the supermarkets. And you can jump directly to the next video, which our show you both ways to make chess you was both the homemade task and the bottle SaaS. Let's get started. First, we'll need a few spices in order to make the sauce. Three spring onion whites, half an onion, a big chunk of ginger, and 45 garlic cloves. Let's deal with the spices first. Take only the white part of the spring onion, remove the root, wash them, and cut them into big pieces. Onion, remove the skin of the onion. You can also use shallots here, washes, and then also cut it into big chunks. The ginger, cut the ginger into thin pieces. The garlic, smash the garlic, remove the skin and put it aside. Set up a small saucepan on low heat at around two tablespoon of oil. Heat up the audio a little bit under low heat, and then add in all the spices that were just cut. We're going to use these spices to infuse a small part of oil and then use the audio as the base for the chest uses. The spice infused audio is frequently used in Chinese cooking. In order to add complex aroma and taste into the dishes, lead spices slowly cooking oil and wishes stirred them occasionally to avoid them from burning. When we see that the spices start to get a bit brown and golden niche and the all your bubbles a bit, that means the oil is ready. This process may take quite long. In my case, it took around seven minutes. Filter out yo-yo from the spices and poor the oil back into the pot. While waiting for the oil to be ready, we can start combining the sauce at two tablespoons of like soy sauce, two tablespoons of rice, wine to tablespoon of oyster sauce. 1.5 teaspoon of dark soy sauce, 1.5 teaspoon of fish sauce, some white pepper. And I added around ten grams of brown sugar. I'm using brown sugar here to add some natural red color into the sauce. If you don't have brown color, we can also just use normal sugar. We also need to prepare some starch water on the side in order to condense the sauce later, the starch water consists of one tablespoon of stars and six tablespoons of water. Mix the SaaS. Well, let's move back to the staff for back to infused oil into the sauce pan. Turn on low heat the sauce and mix it thoroughly with the audio. Used the low heat to gradually boil the sauce and wait for the sugar to completely melt in the sauce. Add two teaspoons of white sugar to increase the sweetness of the sauce. You can also add the sugar earlier at the sauce stage, strlen while, and wait for the sauce to condense them a bit under the low heat. In my case, I foil the South for around three minutes when it starts to crystallize a little bit and having bubbles. And now we can condense the sauce to make the texture has been more sticky, where she can stay on the V8 spatter. Adding one tablespoon of the starch water makes it waits until the starch water fully absorbed the water. And we will see the house has already becoming a lot denser. Add another tablespoon of starch water to further condensed the sauce. When the texture of the South has become a lot more stick here, but not as thick as a jelly. We can call the sauce ready for the sauce in a small bowl, depending on the amount of meat that you are going to make, the ASU, we might not need the full amount of the chassis uses. We can store the excess sauce in a closed jar and store them in the fridge for future use. We can also use the charts yourselves to other types of meat, like beef or chicken. Now, our homemade charts uses is ready. Let's move on to the next video to learn how to make the chassis. 9. Recipe 4_Cha Siu P2_Marinate & Grill: Welcome back. Let's continue learning our recipe tells you, or Hong Kong barbecue pork. Now with our homemade transducers on hand. Or if you have bought the chest use outs from leaking key, which is a solid brand for this type of sauce. We still need the following ingredients. Around 400 grams of pork shoulder. Pork shoulder is a nice section to use for Task2 Because it contains an appropriate amount of fat evenly distributed around the muscles. Effect is important for tasks you because it makes chassis still very juicy inside. If you like more fat in your chassis, you can also choose pork belly. The skin, or a pork neck is also a good selection of chess you need, if you use pork tenderloin, the chess, you can get a lot drier. We'll also need another big block of ginger of around four centimeters and a bit of honey. Now we can start a first step, marinating the meat, slicer pork into two long stripes, would thickness of around two to three centimeters. Use the kitchen paper to wrap around the pork a. Set it aside for around ten minutes so the kitchen paper can absorb some of the blood away, cutoff the skin of the ginger, wash them, and then cut them into things lysis. Today I'm going to make the chassis with both the homemade chess uses and the leaking key one in order to compare the results, prepare a zip bag because I'm cooking with two different sauces. So I have two here, puts the pork into the bag. And poor in the chassis uses adding the ginger pieces. And then close the zip back. Make sure you put out all the air before you enclose it. Thoroughly mix and the massaged and meets with the chassis sauce. And here we see that the meat is fully coated with the sauce. Put the zip back into the fridge and let it marinate for at least 12 hours. 24 hours or 48 hours are also a good time. So the flavor will go deeper and making a small lateral remark on the two zip bags wide for my own homemade sauce. And L is for the leaking key sauce. After 24 hours of marinating, let's check out our meat. Take out the meat from the zip bag and poor the remainder chest uses in a separate bowl. And we must remove all the ginger so they wouldn't stuck on the pork and get burned during the drilling process. There seems no material difference in the look of the two marinated needs. Only the homemade one looks a bit darker. And now let's make the barbecue sauce and honey around half of the volume of the Task2 south into the bowl and add one tablespoon of oil. Mix the south well and a barbecue sauce is ready. We're going to use the south to base the pork in between the grilling process. Now let's set up the oven, preheat the oven to 200 Celsius degrees and put a torque on the roasting rack, which always have a tray with folio covered underneath the roasting tray because there will be a lot of SaaS dripping during the grilling. Don't want to make a mass in the open. Before putting the pork in, we need to base the earlier barbecue sauce on both sides of the pork. Do not forget the site of the pork as well. Now let's put the pork in the preheated oven, roasted under 200 degrees for ten minutes, were circulated hot air. After ten minutes, take the pork outs and based it again with the barbecue sauce and put it in and row sit for another ten minutes. Time is up. Let's check out our Task2. The chassis is actually ready to eat. If you are like me who likes a little bit burnt Park on the Task2, we can base the chess you again and use the real function of the ovum and grill them each side for two minutes, then the chances you will have a lot more crispy parts. Now, after the grilling, our Task2 is ready. Field a sizzling sound from the pork and the nice chassis you smell that fills the kitchen. From the outside. The two chassis doesn't look much different. Let's cut the chance you into slices. The insight of Chuang Tzu has a nice pinkish color and is still very juicy. The chassis is nicely to be enjoyed with a bowl of rice. Enjoy it. 10. Recipe 5_Sweet Sour Pork P1_Prep: Welcome back. In this lecture, we're going to learn the recipe, sweet and sour pork. Sweet and sour pork is definitely among the all time top five dishes ordered in Chinese restaurants abroad. It is indeed a very Chinese dish that exists in Cantonese cuisine and multiple other cuisines in China will love it for the crispy texture and the sweet and sour sauce coating around the pork to make the dish at home, we need to learn how to make the batter so it's tightly closed around the pork and how to fry the poor so that it remains crispy after further cooking was the South. And also in this lecture, I'll show you two ways of making the sweet and sour sauce. A traditional Chinese version, which doesn't involve any catch-up. And a newly adapted version in China which starts to use catch up. There's a lot of cooking ahead. Let's get started. First of all, the ingredients, we need 200 grams of pork tenderloin, around four centimeters of leak white, around three centimetres of ginger, garlic cloves, 80 grams of flour, and 80 grams of starch. And don't forget catch-up for the sauce. Let's start with the pork. Cut the pork tenderloin into pieces of around one centimeter thick. Then take each piece, smash them was the site of the knife in order to break the fibres, then cut things striped patterns on the pork. Be careful don't cut through the pork, but only leaving thing patterns on it. This is also trying to break the fibres in the pork, let it loosened up a bit so the Tenderloin will become even tender. Repeat the process for both sides of the pork after the smashing and patterning the poor pieces has become much flatter. And with a lot of patents thrives on top. Now we can cut the pork tenderloin into long stripes of around one centimeter wide. Puts the pork stripes into a bowl, and let's start marinating them at half teaspoon of salt, some white pepper to teaspoon of rice wine. And cut a few slices of ginger. Also added into the mix. Use your hands to mix them marinate with the pork, and marinated for 15 minutes. After the pork is marinated, remember to take out all the ginger. We don't want to fry the ginger while waiting for the pork to be marinated, that starts making the sauce. We need to first prepare some spices for both sauces. First cut the leak quite into things stripes, and then cut them into very tiny pieces. Next is the ginger. Remove the skin of the ginger, cut them into stripes and then into small pieces of around the same size as the leak white. Last but not the least, the garlic. Smash the garlic. Remove the skin. And again, cut them into fine tiny little pieces. Put the spices in a bowl, and we will use it later. Let's first make the sauce for the traditional version. At all other ginger and garlic and most of the leak whites into a small bowl. At one tablespoon of dark vinegar, one tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of light soy sauce, one teaspoon of dark sizes at one teaspoon of starch, and six teaspoons of water mix the Salzburg. And we have the traditional sauce ready. What about the adapted version? Let's put the remainder liquidy in another bot at two tablespoons of ketchup, one tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of dark vinegar. You can also use rice vinegar here, accorded teaspoon of salt at a quarter, teaspoon of starch, one tablespoon of water. The sounds well, and we have the adaptive sauce ready. Let's move on to make the batter. Take a big bowl at 80 grams of flour, you can use high gluten or medium gluten flour and 60 grams of starch. At around a 140 grams of water. Slowly mix the water and the flour together. The texture of the batter should be sticky, but still running. It can slightly adjust the amount of the water to reach the desired texture. There are also people using the Agon starch based batter, but it's not ideal for the sweet and sour recipe because the fried pork wouldn't be crispy enough to withstand further cooking was the SaaS. I've also made a small video in the next lecture to compare the results of both batters. Pore in the marinated pork tenderloin, mix it well, so the pork is thoroughly covered with the batter. You can see the batter texture makes it able to cold firmly around the pork without falling. Now, we have everything prepared. 11. Recipe 5_Sweet Sour Pork P2_Fry The Sweet Sour Pork: Welcome back to the recipe of sweet and sour pork. Let's finally start frying the Upwork. He tap a part of oil until a 160 degrees. Don't worry if you don't have a food thermometer, we can use our eyes and some equipment to estimate the audio temperature when there are a lot of audio stripes forming. And we can put in a chopsticks or a wooden stick. If we see a bit of small bubbles forming around the chopsticks, that means the temperature is about ready. Carefully put in the pork tenderloin, striped, bass striped. Otherwise they will stick together. Depending on the size of your oil pot, you can determine how many pork stripes you can fry in one batch so that it wouldn't stick together. Turn to low heat during the frying in order to just keep the temperature as it is. In most of the Chinese prying technique, the ingredients needs to fly twice in order to stay crispy. If the first fries takes around 90 seconds. When we see that the batter has fully formed shape and becoming crispy, or can fish the strikes out and continue for the next batch. The first-time frying is using a lower temperature and longer time in order to form the shape for the poor and make sure that the pork tenderloin is cooked inside. And now we can move on to the second frying process. We need to heat up the port to 190 degrees. That means when we put in the chopsticks, there will be a lot of oil bubbles popping fiercely around the chopsticks. Now we can add in the fried pork tenderloin and pry them for around 30 seconds. Remember to turn back to low heats during frying in order to keep the temperature as is. And we see that the color has changed and have some golden and brown spots, we can fish them out. The second drying process is to quickly expel all the excess water came out from the pork and make the batter extra crispy and add some coloring to the crispy pork. Now we have our pork tenderloin fried. Actually, it's already very tasty to eat the pork. Now, listen to the sound of the batter. It's very crispy and the batter is also not very thick. It's lightly coated around the pork. Now, let's finalize with the sweet and sour sauce first, the traditional version setup a pan on medium heat at around half to one tablespoon of olive oil. He'd have the audio for in the traditional sauce around the sauce in the pan. And we will see that the South world rationally condense and becoming sticky thanks to the starch watering size. When the sars has condensed a bit and having quite some bubbles and we can add in the pork tenderloin quickly, start around and rapid sars evenly around the pork. And the traditional version of sweet and sour pork is ready. Let's move on to the adapted sauce. It's about the same process, also heat up some oil. And in the SaaS, he'd have the South under low heat until the sauce to fully mixed together and condense when a SaaS texture has becoming a bit stickier and having bubbles at in the fried pork tenderloin, quickly mix and wrap the sauce around the pork tenderloin and the Adapted Version of sweet and sour pork is ready. The SaaS is nicely coated around the pork, but it doesn't stop the pork from being crispy. Listen to the sound of crashing into the work. I wonder, which sounds do you prefer? Let me know in the Q and a section. Enjoy it while it's still hot and crispy. 12. Recipe 5_Sweet Sour Pork P3_Frying Batter Comparison: Welcome back. Let's continue on the recipe of sweet and sour pork. In this video, I'm going to do a smart comparison between the two batters used to fry the pork. What is the battery that we used in the course recipe, as shown in the previous video, which is a mix of flour and starch and another kind of fatter, which actually a lot of people use is an Ag and starch based batter to make this fatter, crack a flag into the marinated meet, mix the egg thoroughly with the meat, and then prepare another bow of starch. Did the act coated pork tenderloin into the starch and starch codes around the pork. And this is the Ag and starch based batter. Let's compare the frying results. Both batters during the first flight, as we have seen in the first lecture, the result of the flour and starch paste batter. The batter has fully formed shape around the pork tenderloin. We cannot see any quirk textural. Let's try the app bathroom. We can see after the prying, we're basically seeing the shape and texture of the pork tenderloin, but batter is only likely coated around. Of course, this doesn't really prevent the truth from the pores from going out. After the second frying, flower based batter is becoming even crispier and had some golden color. And for the F pattern to poke Stratasys expanded a bit and becoming more crispier. However, we can still see a lot the patterns from the poor. That means the batter hasn't really formed a full layer around the pork to protect the cork, the flower based batter make far more crispy fried pork. And the app-based one, because they're able to form a nice thin layer around the pork. Especially for a dish like sweet and sour pork, where we still need to further cook the fried pork in fixed sauces, it's better to use the flower based battered in dishes like this. Enjoy it while it's still hot and crispy. 13. Recipe 6_Wonton Soup P1: Welcome back. We have come to the final recipe of this course, one ton soup. Successful bowl of 1and soup needs flavorful and juicy one tons. And a bowl of heartwarming soup. Making one ton soup does require a lot of work. There are many types of one tons in China with different fillings, different flavor of soup, or either without any soup. In this video, I'm going to show you the Cantonese version was pork and shrimps as the filling and only using ingredients that's likely accessible outside of China. Let's get started. First of all, the ingredients, we need 200 grams of shrimps to a 100 grams of minced pork. The pork is better to contain a little bit of fat. The best ratio between fat and muscles is around 1-2-3, around 200 grams of 1and wraps push. You can buy them in almost all the Asian supermarkets abroad, around three centimetres of ginger, 2X, one spring onion. Let's start with prepared a shrimp fillings. Make sure that your shrimps has already been defined. If you have these patrons, we can cut while shrimp into two to three parts. So they all have similar sizes of around two to three centimeters. And we need to marinate the shrimps a little bit at a quarter, teaspoon of salt, some white pepper, a teaspoon of rice, wine, and a teaspoon of starch them while with the shrimps and set it aside for later use. Moving on to the meat feelings, take the spring onion, remove the root, washes, and cut the spring onion into a few smaller parts and cut them into rings, and then finally chopped them. We need to be really patient here to chop them into really fine pieces because you wouldn't want to bite into a firm spring onion. The one ton, it can of course also use a small grinder here to save some work. And the ginger, remove the skin of the ginger and again, cut it into slices pieces and then into really bind tiny little pieces. We want the Ginger to be really smart. After the ginger is missed, we can put the minced ginger and spring onion into a bowl where the minced pork is. Let's marinate them meet, crack an egg into the bowl. The egg is going to help them meet fillings to bind together. Add one tablespoon of light soy sauce, one tablespoon of rice, wine, half teaspoon of salt, half teaspoons of sugar, white pepper, one teaspoon of sesame oil. Then use chopsticks or fork to start mixing the sauces, spices with the meat together. Circle the chopsticks in the meat fillings only in one direction, clockwise or counterclockwise to not do any zigzag or changing direction. The reason for this to help the fibers and the protein in the mix to start bind with each other. Gradually, you will find the meat filling start to getting stick here and stick here. And you will feel more frictions when you're circling in the meat fillings, the entanglement starts to form. The meat fillings made in this way will taste juice here because they loved of meat trues inside. And also they will act as a natural binder for the one tongue because they are sticky themselves. So the onetime wouldn't open while being cooked. When you see that the meats is becoming quite sticky in a texture like this. That means it's ready, set it aside and we'll start making the one tons. Prepare a big clean surface. We can use a big cutting board, prep some flour evenly over the Planck. This is to prevent the onetime from sticking to the board. And also we need to prepare a small cup of water on the side. Take one piece of 1to1 wrap posted on your palm. Put one piece of shrimp in the middle of the 1to1 rub and add some meat fillings on top. Depending on the size of a 1to1 rub, it can adjust how much filling Do you put and then use your finger to dip sub water. And what's the four sides of the 1to1 wrap? Take one corner folded diagonally next to the opposite corner. Then take the other side, move it towards the folding point, and do the same for the other side. And then use your thumb and other fingers to squeeze the folds together and the wantonness ready? This is the most common way to float the Cantonese 100 tons and they look a bit like a phoenix tail. So we'll call it the Phoenix one tons in the next video, I'll also show you a few other ways to wrap the one tons. Let's watch the process again. The water acts as a binder for the 1RM wrap, and so does the meat fillings. C can also squeeze the 1RM lab just outside of the meat fillings. So the meats will act as a natural binder. For beginner 1to1 wrappers, which shouldn't be too greedy, would rather put too little 1to1 fillings in a one-to-one rather than too much because you will find it harder to fold and close the one tons and tons are easier to break, just like this wrong example here, I've put way too much fillings in this wrap and a broke immediately. Now the folded, the whole batch of one ton. If we can't consume them in one go, we can store them in the freezer. Make sure that you first put the 1to1 separately on a plank to avoid them from sticking with each other, put them in a freezer for one to two hours. So the outside of the 1A has frozen a bit, then we can put them together into a freezer bag. Now, let's make the soup base. We only need a few ingredients and sauces to make the soup tastes so flavorful yet so natural. Ingredient number one and agro crack an egg with kids, teal small bubbles forming on the top, add a little bit of salt and whiskey. And again, he'd have a small flat pan, spray, some Arial, pour in some of the Act turned around the pan so that the app can thinly and evenly covered the bottom of the pan. When the ADD has formed shape, then we can gently and slowly flipside. When both sides of the ag has been cooked for him, move it onto the cutting board for the two times. So there a loose agro and cut them into things straps, set it aside for later use. Take out a big bowl for the soup at one tablespoon of flight, soy sauce, quite some white pepper. The white pepper increases a lot of the flavor. Accorded teaspoon of salt, accorded teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of sesame oil, if you have it at a small handful of dried shrimps and also a little bit of dried seaweed, poster dried shrimps and dried seaweeds were instantly infused a lot of sea flavor into the soup and make the soup super tasty from natural ingredients at some of the egg rows that we just made. Boy, around four to 500 milliliters of water, pour the water in and dilutes the soup. And we have our soup base ready for the diehards. You can replace the water with some clear chicken soup, then you will have an even tastier 1and soup. We've come to the final step, boiling the one tons, bring a big part of water into Boyle and gentle we throw in the one tons, one-by-one, stir a bit to prevent the one tons from sticking to the bottom. Foil it under high heat for around two minutes. When we see that the one terms are floating on the water and the skin is becoming transparent. That means the 1RM is ready. Fish that one tons out, put them into the soup. And our 1to1 suits is ready. Coenzyme spring onion greens. And we can start sipping the 1to1 soup. You can see the pinkish color of the shrimps and the pork feelings through the thing, one-to-one rap when you bite into it or taste the mix textures and flavors from both the pork fillings and the shrimp. And take a sip of this light, get flavorful one ton soup in between. Enjoy it. 14. Recipe 6_Wonton Soup P2_Ways to fold wontons: Welcome back to the recipe of 1and soup. In this video, I'm going to show you more ways to fold your one tons. In the last video, we have already learned the Phoenix version, which is generally used in the Cantonese one tons. Now let's check out the version number two, which we call it a goat in good, plays a one-term rap on the Palm at the fillings in the middle of the rubber tip, some water too wet. All sides of the 1to1 wrap photo1 town to a rectangular shape. Squeeze the sides so they are attached together and also squeezed near the one-to-one fillings. So the meter lens can help to bind the 1to1 rap as well. Then what's the lower two corners of the rectangular and fold them in the middle, binded with some dripping of water. And then flip side, you will see a little goat ingot. Version number three, the hat. This folding technique is actually very similar to the gold England one. Take a 1L rap, again, place the fillings in the middle of the rap, tip some water too wet all sides of the one ton and then take a corner of the 1to1 rap, folded diagonally. So the onetime will become a triangle shape. Squeeze and bind the size of the one ton and also around the meat fillings. Then take the lower two corners, fold them to the center, dip some water to bind the two corners, and then flip side. We have a little head Ready. Last but not least, the antelope ticker 1to1 rap on the palm and play some fillings on the lowest third part of the rap. Instead of in the middle, we need to put less fillings than the earlier versions. And then what's the bottom corner folded next to the 1to1 fillings. Make sure the corner has stick on the rap and then fold it again. Take the two corners on both sides and fold them, dip some water to bind the two corners. And we have a small envelope ready. These are the four commonly used method to phot one tons. Try it out and see which method do you like it the most? Enjoy folding or one tons. 15. Next steps: Congratulations on finishing the course. I hope you get a lot of value from it and had fun cooking Chinese food. If you are wondering now what after finishing the lectures, I strongly recommend you to start practicing. You can always post your questions in the Q and a section of this course, and I will try my best to answer it timely. If you like my course, please give a rating, leave a review, and recommend it to your friends. And if you are allowing for more Chinese cooking recipes and interesting Chinese culture, please visit and follow my website at Chu tastes of and posting more recipes and contents there day-by-day. Enjoy cooking and see you around.