1. Introduction and Course Overview: hello and welcome to complete lettuce mess Workout course the classical status metal told step by step for every level from beginner to advance. My name is it and I will be your instructor. During this course I'm the balance pretty certain Quite Luckett, instructor and balance. But he is one of the highest teaching standard in I have been teaching for ministers from different backgrounds Help them to achieve their goals. This is a passion for me and I love to share recession with everyone who wants to achieve and maintain their optimal whether they're experience, pain or simply want to maintain and includes later mental and physical will be at the end off discourse. You will understand the purpose off every places exercises that we will review and also how student correctly you will also precious food status met work out for three levels beginner , intermediate and advance. You will also be able to create your own blood test network out by the help off, learning each lattice exercise and the tips that I will be giving you attend off this course you will experience the great change in your body. After 10 sessions, you will improve your posture and you will have a stronger buddy. I didn't learn this course for anyone who wants to learn and understand perfect off like it's This course is for people who have a schedule to work or get personal vision. This course is also perfect for people driven, enjoy. And it doesn't feel comfortable working out with others. I designed this course for people at any age at any fitness level. I invite you to join me in this journey and nobody just think about the money addictive hands on anything else on your body. By taking this course, we will make a wonderful in must move for your teacher. Go ahead and try the three preview if you want to explore further. And if you think that the force is for you, just enrol and start practicing today. Thank you very much. And I hope to see you
2. History of Pilates: in this lecture, we will learn the history off. Platas, briefly. Just have platypus is the crater off lettuce. And he was born in Germany around 18 83. He had rheumatic fever s Tima and rickets as a child. And in order to improve his own held, he began exploring ways to strengthen his body and his mind. Joy become in triggered by the classical motion off the ideal men who combined a well trained body with an equally well trained intellect. He started to practice boxing, fencing and wrestling with his father and brother. And that time Germany was a fertile ground for these explorations. And he started his tour in England with a boxer friend during his tour, the World War One broke out and he was held as a resident. Ellie, um, in an interment camp on the isle, off men for the duration off the war. While in the camp, he took it upon himself to lead his fellow detainees in a daily exercise program. And according to joy, when the influence the epidemic off 1918 to 1919 broke out, none off The inmates who followed his regimen got sick. Do we success with his group off inmates brought him to the attention off the camp leaders , and he was given the job off an orderly at a hospital for wounded soldiers. And he was put in charge off 30 different patients and work with them every day to exercise where they were. They could move, and this was in the days when Western medicine was in its infancy and there were a few treatments to offer to patients. So this is how the platypus was born as a reputation medaled at the beginning, and after Joy was released from the camps and returned to Germany, he was asked to use his mettle to train the police forces. He basically rejected it, and he moved to U. S. A. With his wife in the USA. They rented a small studio and started to practice lettuce, and he also taught the small group off devoted students. So his dream off introducing his vision off mind body fitness into every aspect off life was not successful during his life, so he didn't receive much recognition off his method and why today, platters is so popular because platters focus is on engaging the mind and body together to create exercises that involve the whole person. Every exercise is performed with attention to the breadth, proper form and efficient moment patterns. Platters basically strengthens. The core improves the balance, increases the coordination and decreases stress. The exercises are also relatively safe, a low impact and appropriate for anyone from 10 toe 100 years old. Practice focuses on learning to move better, so the benefits are felt in everyday life. Today, Platas is used in fitness centers in private studios, also in the rehabilitation clinics and hospitals to improve the health and well being off clients from the recently injured toe, the super fit wants and as more and more people participate that this continues to grow and evolve to meet the needs off anyone wanting to improve their ability to move with strength , ease and grace.
3. Principles of Pilates: in this lecture, we will learn the principles off lattice. The first principle is breath thing. Gritting is basically the first act off life and the last, and our very life depends on it. The bread is essential link between the mind and the body. It drove our wandering mind back into our bodies and back to the task at hand. It is the foundation off our existence and the return that in companies us from birth to death in protest, the breath is integrated it in every moment in order to focus our awareness on what we are doing, to improve the flow off oxygen through our bodies and to improve the capacity off our legs . Concentration to concentrate is to pay attention to what we are doing to be present wit and in control, off the task at hand. Without concentration, the exercises lows there form and their purpose control. Toby in control is to understand and maintain the proper form, alignment and effort during an entire exercise. Platas exercises are never done without engaging the mind to the control, the moments and the air force that the body is making centering. In Platas, all moments radiates out forth from the center. Developing a strong, stable and flexible center is one off the defining features off this form. Off exercise Precision precision is the ability to perform exercises with optimum align month, unconscious control and just the right amount off effort. Precision is the end product off concentration, control centering and practice balanced muscle developments. Understanding, developing and maintaining correct alignment and form is essential to play Tous and over time will lead to balanced muscle development. With practice, these principles become second nature and lead to improved posture, increased comfort and enhance physical abilities. Reteam and flow All moments in protest are done with a sense off. Written and flow flow. Create smooth, graceful and functional moments. It decreases that my amount off stress placed on our joints and develops moment patrons that integrate our body into a smoothly flowing hole. Whole body movements Lettuce is fundamentally about integration, integrating moment into a flowing whole body. Experience integrating the mind and body to create clarity and purpose. Integrating mind, body and spirit to create a life off balance relaxation. Toby. Healthy in body and mind, it's important to understand the balance between afford and relaxation in practice we learn to use just the amount off effort needed to complete the exercise correctly. No more and no less. Learning to release unnecessary tension in our bodies helps us to find, ease and flow in moments and in the rest off our lives.
4. Body Positions: in this video, I would like to introduce you different positions off Platt tests. So I do hope that this will be beneficial for you before we start to begin our course. So let's have a look at the different positions off lettuce. So the 1st 1 that I would like to introduce you is all force. Okay, so I want you to come on your knees, okay? You're on your knees and just bring your hands in front off you. So the reason why it's called iso four? Because you are You have one hand here and the other one and third you need in the fort. Me. OK, so once you're in this position, what is important here is that your arms should be straight, okay? And your arms should be in the shoulder level. So here, when? When you look at your body. And when you check my buddy here. I have a nice 90 degrees here. Okay. So I'm not if I'm in this position, so this is not good, because you see, now the angle is larger, so this is not good. So I have to push myself forward. And the other important thing is my arms. They are not in my hand. Sorry. They are not, um, leveled. So if my arm is here, the other one is just parallel to the other one and just here. Okay, So when we fix the arms, let's look at what, um, to the shoulders. Okay. So here my shoulders quite up and wide open. So if my shoulders are close to my ears like this, this is not good. So you have to bring them back and open. And if your chest is down like this, this is not good. You have to press your chest up. So this is good. All right. So let's have a look at our legs and hips. So when I placed my legs, the most important is that my legs are my hip with apart. Okay, So I'm not opening my legs like this or I'm not closing them or not. Is not like this one off my knee here. And the other one is here. So you see, this is this is not leveled. If I'm like this, this is not level. That's not good. So I have to bring the book, Miss keep would apart and is alone with my hips. All right, so let's go back again to the position. So once I have this position, I slowly go down on my hands, and all of this is my optimum position on Let's look at my heap. Okay, So what's happening there? So if my heap is tilted like this, this is not good. It means I'm marking my chest here and making my bell closer to floor. This is not good. So I have to push and move my hips in. Okay. But not so much, neither. Like this. Just like this. Just we have 90 degrees everywhere. All right, so this is your whole for position. Let's check next position. Okay. The next position has called prone. Okay? And is basically lying. We will lie on our chests, or let's try and see how it feels. So when I lie on my chest like this, I can put my head on my met message to define or in some exercises, we will be working on our four arms like this. All right? Or my hands could be beside my body like this. Very simple. So basic that this is your prone position. All right. And The next position is spine. So is the opposite of prom. Yeah, So we will be laying on our back, and this will be ours. Point position. Very easy. And most off the Politis exercise is actually that we will be doing. It will be in this position. So when you lie on your back, this is your spine position, All right? And next position is sitting. We also have few exercises that we will be doing while we sit. So I would like to show you this position first from this angle. Okay, so here my legs are straight. And there he put apart and my feet are flexed. Okay, so here you see my position, my shoulders. They're not down like this. I'm uptight here, and my shoulders are open. All right. So once you have this position, you can You can see how you feel. First with your legs. If it's too tight for you and too difficult for you to stretch your legs like this, we can band your legs, okay? Or you can put a pillow under your hips so your hips will be lifted, and you will have, um you will do this exercise at this position easier. So let's have a look from this angle as well. Just to see the position off my back. So again, my legs are stretch OK, and my feet are flexed. And here my back Just check my back, my hips to my shoulders. It's very tight and straight. Okay, So if I'm like this, this is not good. I have to be very straight up. And if you're not sure if you are enough straight and just place your hand on your hat and push your hand. So you see, there is a little bit off move. But like this, you feel that you are now very uptight here. Okay, so you have a nice 90 degrees here again. If this position is difficult for you, we can bend your knees. So this will help you to stay up tight like this. All you put the pillow under your sits bones. So this will also help you to sit up. All right, then the next position is sidelining, so we will be writing on our side. So we have few exercises with this position as well. So here The most important thing is that you ever well aligned. Okay, so let me put my hand on the floor. So I'm basically lying on my side Now is at the beginning maybe, but difficult to keep your balance. Okay, so here you have less space, Less area. That's touching to Matt. So it's possible that you're, like, feeling like losing your balance. It's okay. Just put your hand in front of you to keep your balance. And if this is painful, or if you really cannot do this, just banter lower leg and keep the other leg up. So this will help you to keep your bell and says war. Okay, so this is your side lying. And the important thing here is that my toes, my ankle here. Knee chips, shoulder and ear Earl. Insane level and same alignment. Imagine that you are in between two glass and you cannot know right if you're in between two glass, so you have to be quite straight up like this. Okay, so that's it. This is your side lying position. So in the next, like truce, we will be doing our exercises based on these different Platas positions.
5. Pelvic Stability: in this lecture, we will learn about pelvic stability and pelvic floor. So pelvic stability is very important in Platas exercises because when you keep your pelvis table did this gives you the this alos you to use the maximum capacity off your muscles. Okay, so we will continue with few exercises to understand how to keep your pelvis stable, because we tend to move it. And if you don't think about it, actually is very normal that we remove it. So let's try a few exercises and let's see how we can keep our pelvis stable. Okay, so first, let's go on our off forced. Okay, so here, I want you to take a good shape here. Nice or four. Shape. So you have a 90 degrees here and same also here. All right, so here I repel this. Okay, So my palace is here when I put my hands on my bones here, right and left. And when I do a triangle like this. So that's basically where your pelvis is and takes, actually, where we are trying to keep stable during our platters exercises. Okay, so let's go back toe our all four. So I want to slowly once you get to position. Once you are ready, I want you to think about your right hand, okay? Just make it noise. So you're right Hand his here. All right, So once you realize where you right hand iss. So I want you to this land. Lift your right arm parallel to the floor with an inhale, so inhale and extra bring the armed out. Very good. So if you notice when I'm lifting my arm my but the position is not changing. It's very normal that when you lift your arm means that you are losing your balance because you are missing one off the part that is keeping you balanced here. So just watch me doing a wrong example off keeping your pelvic stable. Okay, So when I lift my arm, I have seen what happened Now my hip going back because this is more comfortable. If I move my hand arm like this and when I come back, I moved on to This is not correct. So what is my focus here is that I need to keep my hips stable. So let's try one more time with the other hand. So that's find our left hand here so slowly with an inhale lift, Your left arm parallel to floor wouldn't inhale and exhale down again Here, nothing else is moving. I'm not bending this elbow like this or moving my back. No, I just keep everything in the same position. OK, so to be able to keep everything in same position, let you use your APS really to focus and you need to think not to move anything else. That's why we need concentration in purpose. Okay, so let's try one more time by knowing all these points. So I want you to think about your right arm and game, all right? And try to lift your right arm without moving anything. So let's try together. Inhale lift your right arm and exhale down. So you see, this is much better. So we do one more time to the for the other arm. Inhale up and exhale down. Very good. So must try the same movement with our legs this time. Okay, let's see how it feels so again. Try to keep your pelvis table so we don't inhale. Find first. Find your right leg here. It can be confusing sometimes because you're not seeing and you don't know, So just find your right leg, This guy be more challenging. Okay, so we don't inhale. I want you to lift your rights like parallel to the floor. Inhale up. Just see if it's parallel. It's not hiking. Okay? Just here and excel down. So you see here again If attempt toe, move my leg up like this. This is not Look. You see, my Hape is opening and I'm losing. My position is not good. So we try to keep the Powells table. So let's try with the other leg game. Just cause on trait. Keep everything stable and just move your leg up. Inhale up on excel. The very good. All right, so here the keys to squeezing your APS. If you squeeze your abs and use the train coming from here, then you will be able to do better. Okay, so now let's make it more challenging. Let's try to lift our right hand and left like together. Okay. So again, remember to keep your abs engaged and with an inhale, I'm slowly moving my right arm and left leg together up in hill. Keep your balance. I know it's challenging and excel Everything slow together. Down you see? So if you're losing your balance at the beginning, just don't very okay with the practice, it will be better and better. Just keep practicing. Now let's try the other side with an inhale. Now I'm moving my left hand and right, like so let's drag it in. Help bring everything up and exhale, right? See how it feels. So keep practicing this move because this exercise is a great way toe to muster the pelvis . A pelvic stability. Okay, so another exercise that you can is to is when you lie on your back here. Okay, let's go back in light. Don't. So here I am, in my natural position. All right, so my pelvis is parallel to floor and my knees are banned with the 45 increase year. Just I want you to take your hands in place on your bones here and close your hands. Okay, So you are having this shape on the A pelvis here. This gives you a feeling off what your pelvis is doing here. Okay, so you're more cautious about what you're doing so slowly. I want you to tilt your pelvis forward, okay? so soon. Very, very tiny meals. Okay, so just feels so this is your natural position Wouldn't inhale. I want you to bring your pelvis forward. Imagine someone is rolling your pelvis forward. Just see the little more here forwards. So here I have a big hole in my back and my palaces forward. Okay, Not roll back and come back to natural position, not continue rolling back and close this hole here. So now my pubic bone here is hot. Okay, so after this position again, bring your pelvis forward and further forward. Yeah. So this gives you the feeling. Okay. Here. What's happening? You see the move forward and back. Forward and back. Forward and back. So this helps you actually to find the optimum position. Okay. Just keep doing this exercise a few more times until you feel what's happening there. Okay? All right. So let's work on keeping our pelvis stable exercises. So I bend my knees, okay. And I slowly lift my right knee up. So I have a 90 degrees angle here. I keep my legs here, and I lift the other leg up. Okay, So my legs are together and they're heap. Would apart. Very good from this position. So you can place your hands on their powers again just to see how what doing there. So we did inhale. I want you to lower your rights like down and tap the floor with your toe without touching your whole feet. Okay, so in help, bring the leg down and exhale up. That's it. So what do you do? This? Move. Keep your pelvis this bones table. So let's start with the other leg in hell. Down and up. Great. So imagine here. You have a hot soup on your belly and you're trying not toe. Make it fall down. OK, so let's try again in his lower leg down and exhale up the other leg in, Held out on an exhale up in hell Down on excel up in hell Down. Keep doing all right so you can bring both. Your niece likes down. Let's that So in this exercise, actually, you're putting your mind into this part in your pelvis. Maybe normally you don't realize or when you do other sports. You don't realize that you are moving your pelvis, which could be totally fine. But implant tests the goal and The most important thing is to keep your pelvis stable again . This gives you the capability off using your muscles at the maximum level. So that's very, very, very basis, but very important in Politis. So just keep practicing these exercises. Just with it in this video, okay? And see how you feel and see how much you can keep your pelvis stable.
6. Find your Neutral Position: all right, In this video, I would like to talk about a natural position in plus, as Notre position is quite important because you should not force your body to do something that you are not capable toe. Okay, so in the natural position, it's can the neutral position can change from person toe another because we don't have the same structure off, buddy. Okay, So some people might have narrow shoulders, and maybe your back could be like this, or you might have tilted pelvis. So everybody has a different body. The email way, the ideal way to find your natural position is basically just doing nothing. So when you are not using any muscle and any effort, it means you are in your natural position. Okay? So just lay down with me and just want to see what is, uh we're not proposition. So here when I lay down guys like, come up with back here. So when I laid down basically, I do nothing. Okay. So I don't squeeze my APS. I don't push my back my pelvis like this. I don't hide my chest, Lex. I'm just laying round. Very simple. Okay. Just see how it feels like to lay down on your natural position. We can also place your hands on your pelvis here and see if it's parallel. Okay? Because some people have tilted pelvis. Okay? Or imprinted pelvis. So they might feel that your palace is not parallel. Okay, so this is normal. It's OK. Just don't work. This is just your butt, but usually. And if you would feel parallel here, Okay, Most we can try to see. Take your hand and see here. You have a kind of hole here on your lower back, you see? So this whole you get it when you have your pelvis parallel in your natural position. So just experience this. It's very simple This experience lying down and feeling you're not position. OK, so once you feel that once you feel comfortable, just you don't have to do anything. Just be conscious about it.
7. Alignment in Pilates: Okay, let's talk about the alignment. And lineman is very important in platypus in because it helps you to put your body in a good posture and the good position to perform the exorcized in an optimum level. Okay, So for example, I just want you to stand up, okay? If you have a mirror, should just see your body in front off a mirror. Okay. You can do this after this video. Or if you haven't married uber, just do it at the same time. Just check your body from your side. Okay? So see here. My feet, my knee, my hips, my shoulder, my ear, They're aligned. So we're in the same level here. Okay, so this is optimum portion position. This is when you have a good posture and you have a good position. And what if the main purpose off blood is is toe? Improve your posture, okay. And to improve your muscle development so your whole body equally work out. Okay? It's all your muscles or your limbs. They're all in good shape. So when you are will alliance. This helps your muscles to work in a maximum level, for example, in places we will never put one leg forward and shoulder here. You see, this is not a good position. So I have to be real. A line my legs together, shoulders open and together arms here. Or even if when I have to lift my arms up like this or like this. I'm not doing this. Not one up one down. Because they are. They don't have equal circumstances. So how can we expect an equal development? Right, So arms up Okay. At the same level. Same for the lex. If we do another position, for example, if we're sitting so here, I'm quite well aligned because my feet, my knees, my hips there will aligned here. Okay, so I'm not doing like this or like days, so it's very important to keep it lined all the time at the beginning. Maybe is difficult toe adapt yourself to this because you are doing something. You are using our afford toe. Put your buddy toe a certain form that maybe you were not used. Or maybe your body is not used to that. So that's no problem at all. You will be able tow practice more and more, and you will put yourself in a good position, but you need to put a lot of focus and concentration on your alignment. When we do the exercises, I will be guiding you all the time and I will always give you the right to use toe. Do your right alignment, but just keep in mind. And when you do, each exercise is try to focus on your alignment as well, because it's important to perform the exercise correctly.
8. Breathing Techniques: in this video, I would like to introduce you different breath, things that will be using in this platypus course. We will be focusing on three different breath. So the 1st 1 is continuous breading. You will see that in platters. Actually, we use our breath a lot. And it's one off the principles off lattice as well, because breathy helps you to facilitate the movement. And when you use your bread, actually you bring your mind to your body together. So you're more concentrating on the exercise. And also it gives you an indication when you do the moment. So let's start with the continuous breath thing. Okay? So what I mean by concerns breath thing is that you just basically breath in and out and out and out, so very simple. So in the flow off, the moment actually will see that they will be using our breath continues because the move keeps going on. So we keep our breath as well, together with the move and the second breath thing is sniff breath in, um, this actually will use maybe in one or two different exercises. But it's good to know. So since exists a breath in means that you are. The pit off your breath thing is relatively faster than the continuous breath thing. Okay, so just let me show you. So here you are, like sniffing. You see, just give it a try and you will see that it's is more than I make. There is more. Let's say, a fort involved in this breath thing and last one is a deep breath. So this I usually use it at the beginning and at the end off my practice courses because it gives you a feeling off like achievements or getting ready. You know, deep, deep, deep breath is very good. Also for your lungs. You get a lot of oxygen in your lungs. So it's, um it's essential. I think it's the part of the office as well. So just to give you an example off deep breath thing just I also would like, use my arms. So I take it the prep. So you see how the breadth is going together with the move. So when I take a deep breath, I alone my arms to go together with my breath. Okay, lets the one more time let's go together this time, inhale you see? So actually, what I breath I can focus and concentrate more on what I am doing because you will see in the exercises we will be doing, we have to synchronize everything together. So you have the move, you have the alignment and you have the breath. So when you use your breath, you can be more cautious about the mood that you're doing. So it's a great way to put everything together. So just practice these different breasts. Just don't worry about it. We will be practicing more during the exercises.
9. Pre-Pilates Exercises: in this video, we will review the prep lettuce exercises and they are important because usually when we start to do the plasticine mat workout, we start with prep lettuce exercises to warm up the body. And I also like to add those exercises, attend off my workout as a release work and stretching. So now let's review together all these prep lettuce exercises. Okay, so let's come on our back here. We will start on our palm position for his point position first, So let's lay down together. All right, So you once we have the comfortable Posey shunk once your palace is stable Okay, we will start exercise together, so bend you knees. OK? Your legs are, uh, bandit. And your feet are for from your hips. Okay. You have a nice 45 degrees here. Good your arms besides your body. So we will only work with legs in this exercise. Okay, so within inhales bring your right leg up. Great. Just 95 degrees until here. Okay, so when you do to move, squeeze your EPS and exhale. Bring the leg, though. So this is the move. Okay? We will be switching the legs and doing this exercise for first. That's OK, so let's do the other leg now. Inhale, bring the leg up. So here the movies from your hip. Okay. Not from this is not moving. Just the hip here. The complete leaders, like is moving completely and bring this leg down. Great. Switched the leg lift leg up and don't switch to leg and don't inhale up. Exhaled them. It's quite easy as you just keep doing. But if it helps you to work out some muscles and it also helps you to keep your pelvis stable Okay, continue doing Add your Brett. Inhale up. Exhale down slowly, step by step. Inhale up. Exiled. Oh, last time. All right. Great. So let's look at the next exercise. Told Tepes. So in this exercise, it's very similar to this. But there's a slight difference. So less together we didn't inhale. Lift your leg up. Okay? You bend your knee 44 90 degrees here and lift the other legs. Well, so here, board off your legs, bend it and up. OK, so don't do this. Your legs are not close to your chest. Push them until we have a good 90 degrees. Here and your legs in the same level. So not like this. All right, so with an inhale, lower your right leg down and touch the floor with your toes. But don't put your full feet on the mat. Okay? So inhale. Lower the leg down, touch my toes and exhale up. Let's do the other leg. Inhale down. Exhale up. We can also switch the M breath ing. And here the important thing is you don't move again. Your knee, your knee step. So this is not correct. You see, this is not correct. So here's table. Imagine you're locked from your knees and just your legs from her hips moving. Let's do five more times in Hell, del except up. Squeeze your naps. Great. Stay up here now and bring your legs one by one on the mat. Great. Let's move. The other exercise bridging so we will be lifting our hip toe the ceiling. It's also quite easy. My legs are in the same position. Still with an inhale. I lift my hip up to the ceiling, and at the same time I squeeze my APs, so inhale up. So here the position, the limit that you have to reach is until you reach to your shoulder blades. Okay? Don't go on your neck like that. This is not correct. You see the cure here? This is not what I want. So here. All right, so in hell, Lord, hips down engaged the ups and exhale. Bring the hip up. And though now add your breaths. Inhale up excel. There's 23 times operates. Now stay in this position and let's look up to the next exercise. So in this exercise, we will be lifting our head and rib cage up slightly. Who could and my eyes are looking in my knees. Ok, here. So if you don't feel comfortable from your neck, please place a trouble here and don't push yourself. Okay? So here, if you're okay, just lift your head and rib cage up. Okay? Takes your hand behind your heart here. Great. So you ever was a wide open? Avoid this. If you do this, you tend to pull the neck, which would be painful. Krystle, open your arms Elbows here. Now we don't exhale. Killed APS and inhale. Go back down. Okay, so we don't want more time completely. Inhale up. Exhale down. But I still just three times. Engage your EPS. Inhale up. Exhale, dull entail up. Exel down! One more time. Inhale up, Exel down! Great. Now let's look at the public, Charles. So this is also very similar toe up carols. But in this exercise, next time we will be working. Our publics obliques are the muscles which are located here on the size off your belly. Christ, I don't for belly. So let's take the position again. It's the same. So this time, instead of curling forwards, I've reached my left elbow. Okay to Mars, right leg. But again I avoid closing my elbows. My elbows are always open. So when I kill up, I rotate my spine and you see so I'm not doing this. This is not correct to keep your elbows open, let's do one together. OK? So lift your head up An excessive reached to the left leg and exhale down. All right, So you're owner met one more time to the other side. Inhale up, Exhale down to the other side up. So up, though switched the sides and though one more time Yeah, and then Great. So these are your oblique girls. Okay, now bring your hands besides your body. Open your arms wide here. Okay, so they're parallel there on the ear level. So it's not like this needed like this, OK? They're on the same level, Daniel, years now with an inhale. I want you to lift your right leg up on the night of degrees and then left leg up together again. Every word doing this. OK? Your legs are here. Engage your APs. Press your poems on the floor. Now within inhale. Have lower my legs down on my right side. So my legs together and attached. So when I know where my legs down toe right, I will turn my head left to the opposite. Okay, Just like this. And don't push yourself. And with an email, I bring my legs up on my head in the same level than my legs. So let's try to the other directional inhale and bring the legs down on your left. Okay? And your had on your right. Great. Now legs up and head in the middle and to the other side in hell. And look at the opposite. Inhale legs up and exhale to the other side. It's simple. Is a good massage for your spot On except up. Great. Now bring your legs down one by one. Okay. Now we will do. Is an exercise similar to that. But this time we will add move toe our arms as well. Getting more challenging. Okay, so first, I want you to try the arms without adding the legs. Okay, so bring this right arm up and left. Arm down. Okay, So you are like this. So when you have this arm up your hat turned to that arm, so it's like smelling your armpit. Okay. Is easy. Way to remember to the original your head. So your head is here, so let's switch the arms and look at the opposite sides. I'm bringing my right arm down and left arm up, and I'm turning my head to the other side to smell my other amp it. Okay, so let's do this two times together. Switch and switch. And don't who your hands like this. Okay. There, on the floor, all the time and switch. Okay. If you're comfortable with your arms like this, let's at the feet now. Legs. So when I am in this position that my right arm is here. And my head is just next to my armpits. So I fans my legs to the opposite off where my head is looking, OK, just like this. Is that clear? So just try to figure out by yourself. You're right. Arm here. You had smelling your armpit. Okay. And the other arm is lower here. This arm is close to your legs. Okay, So in the next movie was switching everything. So remember the arms turning the arms, bringing the other one up in this one. Don't. And at the same time, bring your legs up and then to the other side. No smell the other armpit in hell. All right, exhale switch. So that's the move. All right, This is the move. So that's Angel's in the snow. So that's your move. Just practice. He was synchronized. Everything by practice. All right, one more time, and let's go back to the original position. Great. So now let's stand up. Has come to our sitting position, and let's see the prep lettuce exercises on. Uh, well, no. Over old force. Okay? So just come on your knees on the old force here. So you have a nice 90 degrees here. Okay, So your arms here, you have a good degree and your arms your hands on the same level than your shoulders. Your legs are here with a part. Okay? And your legs are often so from here. I want you to see where your right hand is. Okay? Just feel here so we don't inhale. Just lift this right arm up and exhale. Bring that arm down. So when you do the exercise, try to keep your balance. And don't lose your hips like this. Okay? Just focus. Now this to again with the left arm. Inhale, lift the left on up and exhale down. Great. And engage your APS not. Let's look at the legs, so find your right leg. Ok? And with an inhale lift your right leg up parallel to the floor, just like this. Okay, Very good. Now bring the leg down and lift the other leg. Inhale lift left. Light off and exhale. Dump. Great. One more time. Right Leg off and exhale down. Left leg up and the great. Now let's do the arms and legs together, OK? So wouldn't inhale. Find your right hand and left like we will do the opposite side. So with an inhale lift your right hand and left like just do it slowly and find first word they are and then excel lowered hand and, like, switch the side. Now, this time you will lift left hand and right leg. So inhale lift everything up and exhale down at the same time. Okay, this one more time. Right side up. Exhale down one more time. Inhale up and exhale down. Great. So let's move to the other exorcized tail wag. So it's still you have the same position here. Okay. With an inhale lift Your right leg up just here. Okay. Bends so bendy. Only here we didn't inhale. Rotate your needs. Right. So this is the move off your leg. Okay, Now we will have at the head inhale, turn your knee and look at your feet from right side. So when you're with the right leg, you turn right. Okay. Now exhale. Come to the middle and inhale. Rotate your need toe left and look at your feet from left side this time. Okay, so in hell come to the middle and exhale toe. Right. So this is your move, So exhale toe the middle inhale to the left. Great. Now I will come back to middle and switch the light. So let's lift the left leg up now and with an inhale, I rotate my Nieto left and look at my feet from left side in hell. Come to the middle and exhale. Turn your leg to the other side and see your feet. All right. It's simple again to the other side and to the other side. So when you do this exercise, be careful not to drop your shoulders and take this position. You have to be up tight all the time. Great. Now let's move to the next exercise cat and coal. So the position still saying okay and with an inhale this time I will bring my hips down a bit and open my chest and look up to the ceiling, all right. And with that exhale ever closed my head, arc my back and look at my knees. All right, this is the move. Let's toe want together. Inhale open everything and exhale. Close and watch your knees inhale. Open pretty easy on exercise clothes one more time. Inhale open, so don't drop your shoulders on excel close wonderful. Come to a natural position and stay here. So the last purple it is exercise we will do is the hip Circo here. Okay, this is very good for your spine. And if you are also into a bit yoga and specialty will say it's good for conducting energy as well. So it's very slight. A small move with your hips. So we will make a circle with our hips. Okay, just like this, everything is stable. Just the hips is moving. Okay, first light and let's move to the other side. Now circle, reverse circle and come to the center and lift yourself up. Great. Now let's come on our me. So in this video we have reviewed some prep latest exercisers and we will be adding those exercises in our work out. So just practice them and you will be more comfortable with them, especially with the balance, because most off them is related with the Bella so just practiced by yourself. And we will also see these exercise later on our work outs.
10. Stretching: All right, so let's do some release work and stretching together. So let's first start with our legs. Okay? So I want you to sit like this and your legs are straight and simply bring your hands on your toes and stretch your legs here. Yeah, Just don't push yourself. Just stretch slowly. Yeah, you can keep this position. So you're back is relaxed here, Just stretching dotes. Now bring your leg. Besides you and just banned your knee like this and try to reach your toe. Or you can place your hand on your shin or your met and try to stretch. Yeah, just stretch. Very good. You can also place your hand here and try to stretch. So this helps you to release your muscles that we have been working on and come up? No. Let's change the leg. Ban the other knee and the other, like a strength. Good. So now I try to reach your toe here or on your she can play. So handle no met and stretch to the other side just slowly. With control. Yeah, very good. Now bring your feet together so we will do the butterfly. Your feet are together and just stretch your legs here slowly. Just stretch. You can also keep your legs just like this and move forward and back. Forward and back. Very good. All right, no less. Go on our knees. So I want you to go on your knees here and bring one like forward. Okay, So you have a nice 90 degree here so slowly we will stretch forward first. Place your hands on your new here to re and keep your balance and slowly stretch forward. So we are releasing the muscles here. Stretch. Okay. Bring your hands up and threat back goods. No. Bring your like again and stretch your leg back and you can take a support from your Matt. Okay, so we're stretching the muscles here. Your hamstrings just stretch and bring the foot forward and back. Forward and back. Forward. Back. Good. Let's change the leg now. Okay. The other leg. Forward. Place your hands on your knee and stretch forward. Stay here. Few seconds. Now bring your arms up and stretch your back on. Come back now. Stretch your like forward. Place your hands on your mat and stretched a hand. Drinks here. Bring your feet forward and back forward on that. Yeah. Good. Not bring your legs slowly back under your hips and sit on your and bring your hands forwards and put your forehead on the Mets and relax. Slowly come up and lay on your back. Yeah. All right. So now bring your right leg like food on your left knee, okay? And then take your hands and place on your other leg and lift your leg. Okay, So is a bit confusing, but it's very relaxing. Then pull your leg to your chest slowly. Yeah, very good. This exercise stretching is very important because you need to give a nice break and award to your muscles after the long workout. Okay, let's change the leg. So this time my left leg on my right knee. My hands here has stretch. Very good. Now bring both knees to your chest and place your hands on your machine and press your legs . So this release your back is like a massage for your back. Just relax. You're good. Now take running off your leg up and bring the other leg off the mat. Here on the mat. That stretch dislike towards your chest. Slowly. Just stretch I can also stretch and stay here or you keep stretching. Continues to like this. Great. Now bring this leg down and pull the other me as thresh. Just leg. If you cannot make Esther, just bend it and stretch like this. Good. Not take both knees under your hands in the stretch. Yeah, Very good. Just match. So this is good for your low back? Yeah. On Benjamin. Use a game. Place to handle, notion and press again. Just relax. Try to relax here, do you? And cut up slowly. Let's give a little break to our legs and get in here. Just trust your lives again. Yeah, comes a close your eyes and just stay in this position and relax. Take a deep breath again. Yeah. Good. So if you feel like doing more stretching and release were just keep doing and keep repeating those exercises. Also, you can add some a new exist isis from your mind as well. Just against a safe. And be cautious about your buddy. Listen to your body and don't force your buddy. Okay? Thank you.
11. Beginner Level: Lesson 1: Okay, so let's start our first lecture for beginning of level Lesson one. In this lecture we will see three exercises, so we will start very slowly. I do believe that you have reviewed the Section one already. The important information that you have to know before starting your exercises. I just want to remind you again that states safe during the whole exercise. If you have any pain or if you have any discomfort, please stop doing the exercise immediately. Okay, so let's starts now with our first exercise so slowly, I want you to come on your back here. So we laid down. Okay, So in this first exercise called hundreds preparation, we will of work out to prepare our body and to kind of warm up our buddy. Okay, so let's start with the first exercise and let's take our starting position. All right, So now you are laying down in your natural position. Okay, So your pelvis is parallel to floor. Your legs are bend it. So here you have a nice 45 degree angle. Your legs are your heap with apart. So you are not like this and you are not like this. Neither so they're just a little tiny bit open as your hip with Okay, Very good. Now let's check the position off our core from our neck. Toe, pelvis. So here, I want you to feel your pelvis by placing your right palm to your right bones, just here in your left palm to your left bone. So, like this, you are feeling your pelvis and check it if it's parallel to floor. So if you're like, this is not good. And if you are so much on your back is not good. Neither so fine. That neutral position that you feel comfortable. Okay, So once you fix your pelvis, your legs Okay, So let's check. How is the opposition off your chest and your abs? So here we are, looking at a very natural position as well. My chest is pressed and close to Matt, so I'm not hacking my chest like this. Okay, so it's down and your shoulders are wide open and close to your mat, and they are far from your ears to avoid having this. Okay, So as we re women's section one, this is your natural position, and this is how you have to keep your position during exercise. Let's check our hands now. So at the beginning, our hands will be beside our badly. Okay. And later on, when we do the exercise, we will place our legs, our arms story. Live it higher than the Mets. Just like this. Okay, so let's stay together now. How to start our first exercise 100 preparation. Great. So I want to take an inhale here and bring your arms overhead without changing the position off your whole body. Okay, just focus on this. Keep the same position and inhale. Bring the arms overhead. So again, don't hike. Your chest chest is not like this. Keep the chest in same position and exhale. Bring the arms besides your body again. Inhale over the head and exhale. Bring the arms beside your body. Great. So now we will go one more time. We bring the hands over the head. Now, this time with an exhale, I want you to move your hands beside your body. But at the same time, I want you to lift your rib cage and had up slowly. Make sure you are not lifting your neck, but the role and the movement is coming from your rib cage. Okay, Just less to want together. So you in hell Keep the EPS engaged and exhale. Slowly roll up together with your hands and arms until this level Perfect. So we will continue the exercise from this position. Just make sure shoulders are not here to stay. Relax and down Your hands are hoovering The floor just here. Your legs on the mat. Great. Now keep your abs engaged here. Now with an inhale, we will pulse your our arms five times in hell Excels in hell excels Keep doing it. And here, when you pulls your arms are straight My bending your elbows or not Arms Hands moving Butthole arm is moving in Health excels in hell excels in hell. 2345 XL 2345 In how excels in help Thank Self. Continue posting. Keep your rib cage lifted. Keep your abs engaged and post to treat for five XL 2345 in help Excels in help. Let's five Great! Stay here and bring your head down and shoulders down slowly and arms down. Great. So in this exercise, the the few important things that I want underline is when you live your rib cage here. Your site is in your knees level. Okay, so my head is not up there, so or I'm not squeezing like this is just My rib cage is lifted from here and my eyes in my knees. OK, so make sure you have Chris portable position here for your neck. If you feel discomfort or problem with your night, just place a tall under your next. So, like this, you will reduce the pressure on your neck. OK, just be safe and be careful. And the other important thing here is when we lift every kh up in the hands and arms up, keep the arms trade all the time. So don't bend your elbows or when you move your arms, try to keep moving the whole arm here. So this is not good or this is not good. So the movement this from your shoulder like this. Okay. All right. And the next important thing is your abs. So you will see that when actually lived your body like this? It's quite challenging, right? So if you keep your abs engaged here, so this will give you strength to keep your rib cage up. OK, so try to keep your app squeezed during the whole exercise here. Okay, so then we try one more time with, um taking all these points into consideration. So I am inhaling and bringing my hands up. Okay, so my arms asked, straight shoulders relaxed and with an exhale lift my route cage up. So I mean, my optimum position. My eyes on my knees, my abs engaged. My rib cage is up and hands straight. So here pose one to treat for five forces with it inhale and five pulses with an excel. Okay, so that's how we do this exercise correctly. All right, So now let's relax for two seconds and we slowly roll up and become our sitting position. Great. So this exercise, we will be working on our spine mobility. It's a good exercise. And good start for them. The full exercise, which is called roll up. Okay. But he we will be doing the modified version for you to get used to the exercise. The normal one. So that's a very easy exercise. But you will see again that your abs are quite working a lot, and at the same time, you will see. Your spine is also very mobile and working. So let's set up our starting position for this exercise. So you're sitting on your sit bones, So you are very tight here. You're straight. Okay. Your back straight. Your legs are hip width apart again. I'm not opening my legs like this, and they're not attached. Neither the just a little bit open in the same Who with than your hips? Okay. And your feet, So your feet stays on the mat all time, so don't put them up like this, okay? They're always on the mat. And here you have a nice 45 degree, and that's the position off our legs during the whole exercise. Well, let's move forward. My pelvis is stable here. I'm at the very top off my sit bones. So I have my balance. Okay? And my back a straight. Now, let's check the arms and shoulders. So my arms, the optimum position is my arms are parallel to the floor, okay? And my shoulders are far from my ears there, straight up and open in my arms straight. So avoid doing this. OK? Try to push them up gently. So that's your starting position for roll up modified. So let's start doing the exercise. Okay? So try to keep this position focused on what you're doing, OK? Concentrate. And slowly I want you to inhale and move forward in hell. I look at your feet and excel. Come back to the starting position. So while you move here, don't hike your shoulders. Keep them in the same level. Now, with an exhale, we will go back. But when we go back, we curve nicely over spine. So we give him a C shape. So exhale, curve your back. You see the care of shoulder still here and slowly go back when you reach your maximum. Stay here and come up to the beginning position, That's all. That's the move that we will be working on. So let's do it again. So your abs are engaged all the time. Okay. Here. So you squeeze your abs here. I'm their parallel, so inhale. Curve your back and go back. When you reach your maximum, stay here and come up. We don't excel, Okay? So if your arms and shoulders not comfortable, just place them on your knees, OK? So let's try one like this so inhale and curving my back and exhale Roll down I reached my maximum and exhale Come up Very good in hell Rollback and exhale up Keep your balance Feature on the metal The time in hair rollback and exhale Roll up Very good So if your hands and arms doing good just lift them up and try again in Herro And exhale up Just focus on the move in hell Back and exhale up Inhale back and accept up Very good One more time He in hell and Excel So keep your abs engaged Don't forget shoulders down in hell Back and I sail up one more time Inhale back and exhale up Great Now bring your hands besides you And that's how we do this exercise So try to repeat five, maybe or 10 times toe reach until the good level for you until you feel comfortable doing this exercise. Okay, so let's move to the next exercise. So let's But the more forward okay? Because we will be rolling back. So in this exercise cold, it's rolling like a ball. And when this exercise we will be working again. The mobility off our spine. Okay, so this is a good exercise for our spine. Also, we will be using our app. So that's it's also great. Unfortunately, to work on your abs as well, it's not very challenging this exercise, but it's a great way toe flow with your body to move with your body and see the mobility in your spine. Okay, so let's start with finding the right starting position off this exercise. So here I move forwards. Okay, so this time my legs, my feet are living closer to my hips. Okay, so I have really have read used my angle here. So my feet are together. You can just open them a little bit. My knees are aligns, okay? And my hands are on machine just here. So when I hold machine, I'm not squeezing myself like this. So I'm just very natural. Open and my elbows are slightly Bend it. Great. Not let's check the position, our back and shoulders. So here, when I'm in this position, my back is straight, my shoulders are open and my hands on the shins. When we start to do the move, we will take a shape off a little ball and we will give a little curve toe our back. That helps us move easily. Okay, so from this point, just watch me doing wants, OK, then we will do together. So I'm lifting my fit one by one, off the floor. So here is a bit challenging because you have to keep your balance here. Okay, So you have to really find the good balance on your sit bomb. Once you find your balance, we will concentrate on our move. I was slightly cure of my back. Okay, so now my eyes is in my niece. My neck is more clothes. And from this point, with an inhale, I will road down, inhale rolled up and exhale up, and I find my balance here. All right, so this is the move. And before I'm before a start, next role is very important that I find my balance here first. And I'm not touching my feet on the floor. So they're still up the floor and I'm balanced. Now. I'm ready for the second role. So take your position with me, okay? And we do the 2nd 1 together. Okay? So your legs are lift it together. Your hands on your sheets. Great. Now, when it Inhale I looted Kill myself I squeeze my APS you have We're back and exhale up Good I find my Bella's back here one more time in hair Grow back and exhale up So my shoulders are still in the same position In Have a but And exhale up I find my balance And have her back and x still up in hell Robot An excel up one more time We're back and excel up in hell We're back and excel up last time And have Rebeck and exhale up Very good Now I touch my feet on the floor and I relaxed All right In this movie it's very important that you don't go so much on your neck So when you roll down, stay on your shoulder blades And do not go on your next so much because you will hurt your neck OK, so, um, the optimum position for this exercise is to keep your position stables Okay, in this way stable during the whole exercise. So try avoiding opening your legs or, you know, to move your by that it's difficult toe. Keep your balance at the beginning. But if you practice, you will find the balance and you will be able to do the exercise properly and same for the other two exercises. Try to repeat them. Stop this video and just try to repeat more and more and more until you find a comfortable version for you. Try to keep in mind that you have to be safe at all times. So if you have any pain or discomfort, please stop. Don't exercise, okay?
12. Beginner Level: Lesson 2: Okay, This is your lesson to a beginner level. So we will do two exercises in this video, so I want you to lay down on your mat slowly. Okay? So we will be doing this to exercises on our prone position, So let's lay down. Okay. Great. So let's start with Let's start by trying to find our Notre position and game. Okay? So I'm laying down on my back. My shoulders are wide open. My pelvis is parallel to the floor. Okay? And I can place my hands to see if my pelvis is parallel, so you can always check by yourself. Okay. Great. Now I bring my hands beside my body. Very good. Wellness check legs, what they're doing here. So let's stretch both legs. Okay. Off the mat. Very good. So here, see the difference. When I stretch my legs like this, you might have you might feel a little moving your pelvis. So let's check again. If my pelvis is parallel here and what my core is doing, So my chest is not hiking. It's still down. My abs are quite flat and squeezed. Okay, So this is your optimum position. Great. So once we have this position. And if when you're comfortable, let's set up our body for the beginning off this exercise. Great. So I want you to bring your right leg towards your chest, so just bend it. And here you have a nice 90 degrees. Okay? So once you have this position fixed, let's focus on our food. So your foot here is flexed. Okay, if if you're uncomfortable, just pointed. But the optimum position is when your fetus flexed. All right, So this is the position for your right like that. People work on and the other leg. Let's have a look on. What's he just here? So this legs also straight and your foot is also flexed. Good. Now place your hands behind your knee. Here. Great. And make sure that your shoulders are not up like this. They're still don't. Now, with an inhale, we will stretch our leg to the ceiling. So this exercise is very good. Toe stretch your hamstrings, your muscles behind your leg and also for your hip flexors. Okay, The more you have strength and flexibility here, the more you will feel better. So let's check the exercise together so wouldn't inhale. Lift your leg up to the ceiling. Good. Keep your abs engaged and exhale. Bring the leg down. So if your hamstrings are tight, you can just lift your leg up to here. That's totally fine. If this is your maximum, just stay here. And don't force yourself to make your legs straight up like this. Okay? Just listen to your body so we don't inhale again. We try to lift leg up, inhale and exhale. Bandini, inhale up and exhale down. Very good. One more time. Inhale up. Stay here this time. Point your foot and being your hands, though. So this gonna be more challenging because you don't have support of your hands on your leg anymore. So stay in this position and we will make small circles. So, with an inhale, I want you to focus on your right leg and circle the leg outward health circle with inhale and exhale. Close the circle. Very good. So if this is too challenging for just bend your knee, that's totally fine. So let's try again. Inhale Circle the let out health circle and excel the other half. Inhale circle and exhale. Complete the circle one more time. Inhale circle and excel Inhale circle and exhale circle Stay here. Now let's reverse the circle in hell to the other side. An excel if you're fine But this position do the cirque electives in hell an ex Ooh, in hell XL one more time in help and excel Very good. Bend your knee and put on your math. Very good. So here the most important thing is when you are circling your really try to keep your pelvis table. So when you do the circle you're ready, is not you see my core This you should avoid your course with this table. So if you make a small circle desperately want just make a small but equal circle Okay, Unless you keep your course table there is no problem during a small or big circle is totally fine. All right, So by keeping this in mind, let's do the same exercise on the other leg. So I bring my other leg 90 degrees. Okay. My foot is flexed. It is not comfortable. Just point. Very good. Place your hand behind your knee slowly. Now with an inhale. Stretch your leg up to the ceiling and exhale, though. And don't inhale up exhale down, inhale up. Exhale down one more time up and we stay here. Point your food. Bring your arms besides your buddy. So if it's too challenging Band journey with an inhale. We circled the leg out and exhale. Finished a circle. Very good. Inhale circle and exhale circle Finished circle. Remember keeping your abs engaged in pelvis stable. So inhale Circo. An extra close. The circle mentioned you have a little paint brush on your toes and you're making zero. Your droving an equal zero. Okay, inhale circle and accept close. Stay up here. Now Reverse the circle in hell and Excel. Inhale circle except finish in health on excel and bend your knee and stretches forward. Good. So that's the end off your exercise, so make sure again. You keeping your palace table here? Okay, That's the most important in this exercise. Great. Now let's move to the next exercise. Single like stretch. Okay, So I want you to bring your legs to your chest one by one, boat off them and place your hands on your shin. Okay, So this exercise is a bit challenging because there a lot off things involved. Your hands, your bread your leg, your rib cage. But we will do very slowly. Okay, So from this position, first I want to to focus on your right and left side and legs. Okay, so we will start working with our right. Like so I keep my right leg in my chest here. Okay. And the other leg, I will stretch forward. So for now, just let's keep bold legs here. Okay? But just forget about your left, like, for the moment. So let's see the position off our hands in this exercise. So when we work with our right leg, So my right hand is on my ankle here. My right. Like, Okay. And my left hand is on my meat. All right, so this is the position for right leg, and this will be the same for the other leg. We will see later. So by remembering the position off your hands, let's now see the position off your core so slowly, I want you to lift your rib cage. And again, not your net, but your rib cage. Okay. So slowly lift our rib cage here. Great. So still bought off my legs on my chest, But my right hand is on my ankle on my left hand is on my knee. Great. Now from this position let's see what left leg is doing so as stretching off my left leg. I don't touch the mat and who were All right. So this is your starting position with an inhale. Bring the leg to your chest. Stretch it and exhale. Switch the rex, stretch the right leg and bring the left like to your chest. So this time my hand my right hand is on my knee and my left hangs on my ankle Okay, so inhale stretch Excel change Exhale, change Inhale stretch exhale change in hill and exhale Change Inhale stretch Excel change Inhale stretch Exhale, change. Good. So Onley my arms and legs moving my chest. My core is not moving at all. Okay. Inhale stretch. Excel change during the whole exercise. Keep your APS engaged. Squeeze the ups and exhale Unext ill excel. Alright, bring both knees to your chest and put your head down slowly. Great. Take a little break off. Two seconds here. I know it's challenging for your abs. Okay? And recently come to our sitting position. All right, so in this exercise It's as I mentioned at the beginning. A lot of things in world. Okay, so your hands, your legs, your arms, your bread. So by the time you will get used to synchronize everything, just keep practicing. And if you need just house this video and put you in the right set up to start the exercise and just focus on what you're doing. So when you focus when you concentrate, actually understand the move better. Okay? And just don't worry. By the time the more you practice, the more you will get usedto synchronize your breath and your move and the whole exercise.
13. Beginner Level: Lesson 3: All right, so let's continue with beginner level Lecter Tree. In this video, we will see three exercises. Okay, so the position that we will take in this exercise is sitting, So we will do three exercise in sitting position. All right, so I would like to do the exercise like this so you can see my position. Okay, I will show you also my position from side. So first, let me show you How is the position off your back here? Okay. So I'm sitting on my sit bones. I'm at very high at the very top off my sitting bones. My legs are straight, okay? And my feet are flexed. So if this position is too challenging for you, if you have tied harm strings, you can put a pillow under your state bones. So, like this, this will make you be more high from your hips, so you will have threat, likes it will be easier. Or you can see the role your met okay, Like this. And you just sit on their math so you will be higher, so you will be able to do your legs straight. OK, but if you have no problem off making your legs stretch like this. Just stay like this. So here, once we fixed the position off our legs and sit bones, let's focus on our back. So here, I want you to remind that you have to keep your back all the time straight and perpendicular to the floor. So if you're like this is not good, so you have to be straight up and imagine. Just put your hand on your head and push it. Okay? That's a great way to help you to sit up tight. So if you have still room here to push, it means you're not at your maximum. Just push it and see your back is straight. So let's see our shoulders. So my shoulders here are open. I'm not doing this. They're not up like this. They're just open, okay? And I'm quite a tight here, and I have quite nice 90 degrees here, So that's how your position will be. Okay, so now turn to you. So this exorcized the first exercise is spine stretch forward. It's again very good mobility for your spine and to strength to make your little muscles in your spine more stronger. So that's very very important. We will be working with the core muscles. All right, so let's start our exercise now. We set up our position for our legs for our back as well. So unless to the arms, I bring my arms up. So they're parallel to floor, okay? And they're in my shoulder level, so I'm not here. I'm not there. I'm not like this Just parallel and aligned with your body. Your feet are flexed. Let's see the move now so we don't inhale. I want you to stretch forward until you see your knees. Okay? Keep the shoulders now down and exhale. Come back to the original position. That's it. That's all about it. So one more time, inhale forward and exhale back in half Forward and Exeter back. Just continue to weigh. Let's see the eggs ourselves. From this we was Whoa. So inhale forward. Keep shoulders, though, and exhale back in her forward and exhale back Where would imagine you couple your shoulder blades? I like the curtains. So when you go forward, you opening that curtain and when you come back, you're closing that curtain. Okay, One more time. Inhale forward some curling. Don't until I see my knees and excel back. Inhale forward and exhale back And how forward and exhale back in her forward and exhale back in half Forward and exhale back. Great. Now bring your arms down in your legs a little bit yourself. So it relax for two seconds before me move to the next exercise. Great. So in the next exercise, we have the same position. Okay, But we will be doing different, uh, move from our spine. So I will keep this position for you to see better the move. So my legs are still same. Okay, I'm sitting. I'm tried here. Very good. This time my arms are parallel to the floor, but they are open. Yeah. So this exorcized cold spine. Ah, but a bend. Okay, Spy inside. Then we will be working with our muscles. Here we will stretch our side muscles. So once you find this position, you're not up here. Not up there. Just parallel wouldn't inhales. I will slowly bend toe left until I touch my met here a touch Once a touch I bend my elbow So this give me mobility And then with my other arm of a stretch over my hat. Yeah, very good. Inhale. I come back to the original position and exhale to the other side. So first I bend and touch to my mets. Once I touch, I bend my elbow. So this giving mobility and then bring the other leg up and stretch very good. And again, up now to the other side. Touch the mat and stretch. So here, be careful to your head position. My head is not They're not. They're just following my spine. Just stretching and up. Very good. One more time to the other side touch to my met. My arm is following and stretching. So few your muscles stretching on your side And exhale up one more time to the other side Touch your man, band your elbow and stretch Very good and up one more time Inhale to the other side and stretch good And come to your starting position And bring your hands though. Let's take our legs back to relax for two seconds and we will move to the next exercise. So in this exercise, it's important that you keep your legs table all the time. Okay, so when you abandon, try to keep your hips and sit bones on the Met all the time. So when I'm stretching, I'm not doing this, OK or this. So my hips is all the time on the Met. If this is your maximum, stay here and don't push yourself to do more. Okay, so by the time you will stretch those muscles and you will be able to do more. But the goal is here is to keep your hips on the mats and, like, stable and try to do your maximum with this position. OK, so let's move to the next exercise isles. It's called Stole, so this gives a great mobility and rotation for your spine. This exercise and it's every elected exercise because you will see your muscles on your legs and arms and everywhere is working. So let's try to do this exercise together. So again, my position for my legs. Same. If it's too challenging for you, just a little bit You can band or you put a pillow under your hips. Great. Now we didn't help open your arms. Okay, Now with an exhale slightly rotate your torso. So here the moves from here, my arms are not moving my arms and just following. Rotate your torso, keep the legs table and see how much you can turn. Okay, So if this is your maximum, stay here now with an exhale reach to your pink. It'll here with your right hand and stretch the other hand up and what your hands inhale Come back to the middle Exhale, turn and inhale Reach inhale up. Exhale Turn on in hair reach Exhale up. Inhale tour on X There, reach inhale up. Exhale, turn and inhale Reach inhale up Exhale time on an inhale rich Very good in hill up Stay here and bring your arms, though. Great. So bend your knees slightly. So in this exercise, we have just reviewed it's all in the sitting position. So when you sit, just make sure that your spine in your back stays straight all the time straight. So avoid doing this. Okay, so you have to be straight all the time. If it's too difficult to keep your back straight, just again, put a pillow under your hips so this will give you, um, easier. It will be easier for you to keep your back stretch. OK, We can also bend your knees, likely if this makes the movements easier for you. So to have a better an optimum position for these exercises, try to repeat six times, seven times up to 10 times until you train yourself and until you feel comfortable doing the exercises.
14. Beginner Level: Lesson 4: case. This is your beginning. Alert level lecturer. For in this video, we will review for exercises together. So let's start with the first exercise. So I want you to lay. Don't okay on your belly. So in this exercise, we will work on our back muscles. Okay, so we will be working first without respond, and then legs and then side muscles. So let's start with this first exercise called Swan. Okay. And before we started this exercise, I want to remind you again that please be cautious about your safety. And don't push yourself and don't push yourself until you have a pains. Will keep it safe at all level. Okay, so let's see the position off this exercise. So my hands, my poems are on the Met. Okay? My elbows are bent If you want, you can live it. Open your arms if it's more comfortable. Okay? So just watch me doing wants, and we will do together. So what? Before I start to my exercise, I will put my hand on my Mets. So my fur hat is on. Man met. Okay. My legs and my Hebrew apart. Okay. And they are under met. Great. It's offend this positions at a press Merck homes and lift married catch up. So inhale. I press my Paul until my elbows are straight. So I'm in this position now And if you notice my neck is not moving at all, my neck is just following my spine. So here I don't have this moment. Here is just my spine and exhale. I've lower my spine down by bending my elbow slowly and exhale now Very good. So I must go now together. Take this position your palms. Okay. Just Libertes further from your body and then keep your elbows white here and bend it open And put your forehead on the mat. Great. Let's I'm here. We're then in hair pressed her palms and lift your rib cage up in hell list until your elbows are straight and stay here. Okay, So you're watching forward and your neck is not moving now. Exhale. Lower the body down slowly and put your forehead on the mat. So when you do this exercise, if you feel any pain in your lower back, you can try to see quiz the muscles in your hips and continue the exercise. If you still have pain placed up doing exercise. Okay, so let's try one more time by squeezing our hips muscles here. So put your forehead and meant again. We're in hair. I press my pumps and lift my rib cage up. My neck is following my spine and my arms are straight. Good. Stay here and now excel. Lower your body down by bending your elbows. Exel down. Very good. Run that time in. Ha! Lift the rib cage up. So here your shoulders are far from your ears. If your shoulders are like this, this is not good. Bring them back and exhale. Lower the body down. Very good. When their time inhale up and exhale down. Great, No, Turn to your side and we will continue with the next exercise. So in the sides, their sons, we will be working, um, on our side muscles. But before moving to this exercise, actually, I want to continue with single like clicks because we're in this position. So keep this position. That's we did in the previous example. Exorcized one. So your elbows are on the mat. Okay. Your hands are fists. Okay. So you have a good shape here. Your shoulders are wide open. OK? They're not like this. This is not good position. You have to press yourself up and open your shoulders. Okay? So my feet, my legs are straight and their heaped with apart, So this is not good. And if they're close is not good. Just a little bit open. Okay, so here the challenge is to keep your shoulders and chest up all the time. So because we are used to go back with conference don't. So you might tend to go down like this all the time. So if you do this, just remember to lift yourself up again. Okay? So wants to get this position. Wouldn't inhale slowly be will be lifting our right with me toe over hips. Okay, so we didn't Hell, I want you to bend your right knee and then likes your right foot and then kick three times towards your hips. One to three. That's it. Now bring the leg down. Great. No less Right with the breath now. So when you inhale bended knee and bring it to your hips So in hell bring the knee up with a flex food Small Exhale here and with three small inhales we will keep. They were able to do, like, the hip. So in hell Excel. That's it. So let's try for the other, Like in hell. All right, so let's change, like, inhale lift and kick one more time in hell's kitchen. So the other leg Inhale, inhale, inhale and exhale down in hell Inhale inhale exit. Correct your shoulders in spine. If they're dropped, bring them up again in help Inhale, inhale And though inhale, inhale, inhale. And though switch the leg and help in health and help excel down switch to, like in hell and help in hell and great. Now relax your body income on your side. Great. Now, in this exercise, we will be working a little bit, Uh, our side muscles. Okay. So I want you to introduce first, um, the correct posture for this exercise. So you are on your elbow here. Okay. Near for our and your shoulders, far from your year. So you're not doing this. Your foreign your lifted from your shoulders to your chest is quite high. And your legs together you're abs are engaged and slight. Lift your site here, up to the ceiling. Okay, So this is not good. So lift this up. Perfect. All right. If you don't feel comfortable in this position, you can bans your lower leg just lightly. Okay? If you're comfortable, just keep that. So here is important to be aligned. My ear, my shoulder, my hips and my toes that all online? Imagine you're in between two plus. So you're very alliance here, So press your poem here in front, off your chest to keep your balance. Okay. Very good. Now, with an inhale, slowly lift your upper leg up and exhale down. That's it. So keep your abs engaged One more time. Inhale and exhale down. Inhale up and exhale down, inhale up and excel down. So when you do this move Don't move your chest. So this is not good. This is not good. Okay? Just keep your chest table all the time. So inhale and now inhale and down it feel is burning here. Right. So you're in a good way. Good. No. Last one. And bring the leg down. Great. So don't lose your position. We will change the moment in our leg, so I want you to point your upper leg here. The other one is still on the matter and flexed now slightly. I want you to make a little circle forward and back Close the circle. Make a really tiny circle is totally fine in hell An excel. As long as you don't move your body, it's fine to do a small Curtis possible in health care and excel Finished circle in hell and exhale one more time up Now stay here. Reverse a circle in hell an excel in hell and exhale Very good. Keep your chest up all the time Squeeze the EPS and circle in hell and except in hell and excel Very good. Now put your leg down and relax. So come toe sitting position. So this exercise is very good to work on your side muscles, the muscles here. If you have any extra, that's they wait on the sides. That's perfect. And it's working all this side muscles that actually we are not usually working with the regular exercises. So once we finish this sides, um, you can go and practice the same exercise on the other side. Okay? So just come on your left and then start doing the exercises for the other leg. Because in practice is all about balance. Muscle boom. It's right. So we work both sides and all the muscles together. So just pose this video and go back to your left side and then just practice the same exercises on the other leg.
15. Beginner Level: Lesson 5: All right, so let's continue with beginner level course, less than five. Let's come back toe the beginning off our Matt here. Okay, so we will do one exercise in this lesson and will also do a little stretching. So let's start by lifting our arms up to the ceiling with an inhale. Okay, So here, the important point is that my arms, I'll just come in the middle for no. So my arms are very straight, and they're in the same level than my ear. Okay, so my arms are not here, and my arms are not open or not. Neither lower. Okay? They're just very aligned with my body. And I'm looking forward. So my head is not there, Not there. Okay. So I'm quite aligned here. Just see me from every angle, okay? And from side is like this. So my feet, Let's look at the feet so your feet are parallel to each other. Okay? And your legs, our hip with apart, so worried open. And legs like this. You see, they are for the open from your shoulder level, so they should be same level than your hips. Just a little bit open here. Great. So this is our starting position. Okay, So from this position, we will be rolling down slowly. So be careful because it's very common that when we start to roll down like this, people usually tend to move the arms before the body. But I mean, is that so? The grand we wanna do is like this. You see my arms following my spine. But usually what happens is that because when you don't concentrate so your arms is going much faster than your body. So what happened is this you see? So this is not what we want. What we want is that arms if you have a lock here, okay? And your arms are following your buddy. So let's try to do one together, OK? Just focus on the move. Now, with an inhale, I started world down. Okay, very slowly. Run. Whatever the time. So when I read, my neck is also following my spine. And when I reached my met here, my eyes are on my knees. OK, so if not, just close your head and look at your knees. All right, so if this is so hard for you, you can bend your knees a bit if you have tight hamstrings. Okay? If you're like, this is no problem at all. All right? If you can. Just crushed. All right, Now, let's walk forward on our hands. So one to and three arrest on. I'm halfway to my exercise now, So here, I want you toe put. Try to put your feet on your men completely. If you cannot. Don't were just stay on your told like this, OK? So if you can just put your feet and from this point, make your head and neck closer to your legs so you push back and you get a nice triangle shape here, you see? So you were stretching our back here. Okay, so if you cannot just don't push, but just try to stretch yourself back, okay? If you need to bend your knees is okay. Just band and stretched back. All right? So once with stretch, then we keep walking until we reach our plank position. Okay, so we will do some push ups. So from this point, I want you to bring your knees on your mat. So we are modifying this exercise to make it's treatable for big in their level. Okay, So from this position, I want you to check where your arms are because it's important that your arms are aligned with your shoulders. So if the arms are still far like this, you see the angle here I have quite a large angle and my hands are far from my ears. So this is not whatever what I want is my arms are straight and my hands in the same level down my shoulders. OK, so once we set up the position off our arms, just look at the legs. So this exercise, because we will do push ups unit, have have the good angle. Okay, so we will try one and see how it feels. And then based on that, we can adjust the position so my legs are keep with apart. Okay, there they're not so close to my arms that little bit back. So this allows me to do the push up. OK, so with an inhale, we will bend our elbows and slowly go down to the push up. So inhale down and exhale up. That's it. So if you feel comfortable with your legs, keep doing If your legs are not comfortable, just let just them back or forward. Okay, Find your own position. Now let's toe two more times together in hell down and exhale up in hell Down and exhale up . Very good. No. Come back to you. Force here and touch your toes. OK, Now lift your knees up. So Jurgen trying a position. Come back to this position. Okay. Put your feet down. No, slowly work back on your hands. There is slow. No, you're completely on your feet. OK, close your American. Watch your knees. Great. Stay here for a few seconds. My slumber grow up, but one or tepper at the time. And don't change the position off your arms slowly. Come up first Law Head is still closed. Coming up. Arms are following my scribe. My head is still closed and I slowly opened my head and I come back to my previous position . The beginning. Starting position. Okay, so from here, you just sweep your hairs and finished exercise. So hearing this exorcized it's what? What is important is the roll down. Okay. When you roll down, make sure that your spine is your arms are following your spine. So avoid this movement. Okay? The shoulders are very stable and they're not moving at all. So then when we were on the Met, then just find your comfortable position for you and start to do the push ups. It can be a bit challenging if you have weak arm muscles, but doesn't matter. Just with the practice, you will have the good level for you.
16. Beginner Level: Full Body Workout: hello and will come back. So in this video we will do a full Platas network for beginner level. So just before we started this work out, I would like to remind you that it's very important that you practise enough all the single Platas exercises that were revealed in beginner's course. Because this will a love you toe do the moment enough low because you will see that in this work out, we will not have any break in between the exercises. So there will be a nice flow off different beginner level lattice exercises. So for that reason, it's important that you are conscious about old exercises, how you should set yourself up, etcetera. But don't worry. During the exerciser this work out, I will still help you to get to your good posture. And I will help you also to set you up for the beginning off the exercise. So if you're ready, and if you think that you have practiced enough all the single exercises for beginners level, so let's start toe our first mat workout. All right, so let's start with stretching a little bit our body just before we start. So just come on your knees. Here, sit on your feet. Okay, So let's start with our next. Slowly, we stretch our neck toe left. Stay here for a few seconds. Can push your head a little bit like this to stretch more that stretch to the other side again. Take a support with your hands here and stretch makes little and small circles, but your hat. So we are waking up the muscles and the body, and we're preparing everybody for the mark out and reversed a circle to the other side. Very good. All right. Now lift your arm and stretch. Stay here for a few seconds. Intentional arm and stretch you for a few seconds. Now leave your arms up and stretch. Sweet Tyrone's you. That's the one more time. Leave the arms up to ceiling Your head is straight still and sweep the arms around you Great soul that's going out were met. So the first exercise people start with, um, prep lettuce exercises. Okay, toe. Make our body warm enough to start toe our a workout. So let's start with opposite arm like lived. So you're on your own force, OK? Make sure you are well aligned. Your legs are hip width apart and you are not like this. You push your chest up. All right? So once you are ready just looking from and with an inhale we will lift the right arm and left leg together two parallel to floor. So inhale lived, Exhaled on the other side's not left arm and right leg. Inhale lift and exhale down the other side Inhale lift Keep your Bellas and exhale down one more time The other side Inhale lift and exhale down. Just keep doing Change the side Engaged APS Keep your pelvis stable in help and exhale down . You know a lot. One more time. Inhale up. Exhale down. Very good. Last time inhale up and exhale down. Great. Now stay in this position. Keep your position and don't lose it. If you're not in a good position just at yourself back now we will continue with cat and cold. Okay, so with a slow inhale are cute bag and look at the ceiling. Inhale and exhale. Close your neck. And what? Your niece. So you have a nice curve Here. Stay here. Inhale open and look at the ceiling and exhale. Look at your knees. Don't lose the position off your buddy in hell. Look at the ceiling. Keep the shoulders far from your ears and exhale clothes. And what? Your knees. Les two or three more times in hell. Open and exhale. Close. You have all pushed and exhale. Close. Last one in hell. Open and exhale Close. Very good. Now come to your beginning position as it on your feet and bring your legs forward. Now we will lay down and start to do the exercises on our back. So just lay down and find or not position. If you want, you can try to find your pellets here and see if it's parallel to floor. Okay, so once you set up your position, your knees are. Bend your arms next to your body, shoulders wide open far from your ears. Now with an inhale, bring the arms overhead. Keep chest, though, and exhale. Bring the arms back, inhale arms overhead. Keep the abs engaged and exhale arm. Besides your buddy less to three more times in hell. Exhale in health. Exhale last one in help and exhale. Great. Now I want you to leave your head and rib cage slightly and place your hands behind your head, so don't pull your neck. Just a slight support off your head. Okay? Stay here with an inhale Lift your rib cage up and get close with your legs in help annex Still go down. Wonderful. Inhale up and exhale down one more time Inhale up and exhale them So when you go up, don't close your elbows. Elbows are white. Open one more time. Inhale up and exhale down Great while more time inhale up Exhale del last one. Inhale up and exhale down Great. Now bring your arms. Besides your body again Keep your hands here on the mat The position is still same. Don't lose it now we will do bridging. So with an inhale, lift your hips up to the ceiling, Inhale up and exhale down. Keep your abs engaged, Inhale up and exhale down. Let's do this five times in help Excel, focus on the move in hell. Up and excel. Inhale up, Excelled. Inhale up last one. Great. So now bring your arms overhead and we will continue with hundreds preparation. Once you already don't lose your position off your legs and pelvis. Once you're ready with an inhale lift your arms up to the ceiling. Stay here now with an exhale. Lower arms down and lift your head and rib cage up. Once you fix your position, make sure you're shoulders are far from your ears. Now we start pulsing with an inhale five polls and Excel five polls in help Excels in help . Excels in Help Excel you're halfway. Keep doing pulls your arms with an inhale five times Excel. Continue doing keep your abs engaged. Arms are straight in hell Excels in help X Self in Help excels in help X self lost set in Help. Exhale in help Excel. Put your head down. Put your arms down and relax. Two seconds are right now we are moving to next exercise. Roll up, modified So slight. Take a support from your poems and come to your sitting position. Great. Now bend your knees. Your feet are on the mat. Okay, your legs are hip width apart and your back is straight. So with an inhale, lift your arms up the shoulders wide open and far from your years with an inhale stretch forward and look at your feet in an excel. Come back now. We don't even have. We're going back in health care of your back first and roll down, reach a maximum and excel up Great. If your hands and shoulders not comfortable, Put on your knees and continue. Inhale. Roll down X two up. Inhale, exhale. Inhale a roll dough. Excel up. Keep your abs engaged all the time. Cure of your back. Inhale down, excel up. Let's do this three more times in hair. Roll down, ex still up last one and exhale up. Great. Bring your hands down on your mat and go at the beginning off your mat here. Now we continue with rolling like a ball, so get to a position. Put your feet on the floor and your feet are closer to hips. This time, put your hands on your sheen's so your back is straight, shoulders wide open and for from your years now, slowly lift your feet one by warm, so inhale if the right one and exhale, lift the other one, so find your balance Here. Elbows are wide open with an inhale, we will roll back first. Iker my back, inhale Rebeck and exhale up. Find your balance before going to second rule in Hell we're back and exhale up one more time. Inhale what? Back? Excel up care of your back. Close your neck in him. Grow breath, Extell up! Great! One more time in her butt and exhale up Left one more time Inhale blowback and exhale up. Great. Now put your feet on your math and little to come back again. Okay? Now lay on your back. We will continue its single leg circle. So you are here. You have a Notre position. Okay? Your feet are straight. Legs are straight and feet are flags. Okay, Arms besides your body, we don't inhale bent. You're right. Like me to 90 degrees. So you hear You haven't actually this every word doing this. Okay? Just 90 degrees. Place your hands behind your name with an inhale. Stretch your leg up to the ceiling and exhale down in hell. Exhale though, inhale up except last time. Inhale up. Stay here. Point your food and bring your hands down. Now inhale circled like out and exhale. Finished a circle. Make unequal circle one more time. Inhale circle. Exhale Finished a circle If it's too difficult Band your knee Inhale circle and exhale Finish. I need help Exhale Stay here now Reversed the circle to the other Silence in him and exhale Inhale, Excel One more time in hell Excel Last one inhale and exhale Great band uni and stretch it Now let's bend the other knee 90 degrees Your foot is flexed boat off them Okay? Place your hand behind your knee Now we will Left the left like up to the ceiling. Inhale up, exhale down, Inhale Exhale in hell. Exhale last one. Inhale up and stay here. Point your foot. Bring your hands down beside your body Now inhale circle all towards and X Have finished a circle in help Exhale in hell Exhale in hell Excel You help Excel Last one Inhale and excel Great. Now bring your leg to your needs And the other one is Whoa, so bored Off your knees Air in your chest. Okay. Face your hands on your sheen's and slowing the roll up and keep your position here. Okay, so we will continue with single like stretch. So before we moto this, I want you to find a good position for you. Mouse, lightly roll back down. Okay, So your legs are on your chest. Still Okay, So bring your right. Like, closer to you. Your right hand on your ankle and left on your knee. Stretch down the leg. No touching command hovering now in health. Stretch the leg towards you and quick Exhale changed a lick. And in health trust the other leg in him and help in help in hell. Keep the drip cage up. Keep doing. Engage the ups. Lift your rib cage in help. Pull, exhale, change. Last set. Great. Bring both knees to your chest and small the road up and come to your sitting position. Now we continue its point stretch forward. So sit on your sit bones at the very top off your sit bones. Okay, so we will be opening our legs just hip width apart. Fetal flex. My back is straight and my arms parallel to floor. So once we have this position, we will start to stretch forward. Now inhale. Stretch forward until you see your knees. Stay here and excel up. Keep the shoulders for formula. Years inhale forward. Exhale up. Inhale forward. Exhale up. Inhale forward. Exhale up. Last two in hell. Forward and exhale up last one. Forward and up. Great. Now bring your hands down on your maps. Keep your same position. I will just turn here for you to see the moment Better So, with an inhale, open your arms. Now we move to side bend Stretch now with an inhale Ben to your left side Touch your hand on the map Bend your elbow and stretch Exhale Come to the middle inhale stretch to the other side Excel, reach great Inhale up, ex their reach Just continue doing in hell You help in hell Last set. Great. Come up and stay here now. We moved to Seoul, so inhale. Rotate your torso left and exhale. Reached your pinky toe and watch the other hand. Inhale up. Exhale time. Inhale, reach. Exhale, inhale. Turn excess Reach. Inhale up. Thank sale. Tongue in hell. Reach, exhale. Continue doing Follow your breath. Step by step and rich. Come up, Turn and reach Just one by wrong. Up time and turn and reach and up turned Last one. Turn on the reach. Come up and turn. Great. Put your hands down. Now Bend your knees slightly and come on your knees. And then we go to our prone position. So I want you to lay down on your met your arms Open your palms on the mat a comfortable position here and let's bend the elbows and they're wide open And let's put our forehead and the Mets so we don't inhale. We will press our arms of our pumps and lift this point up. Okay, let's do this four times I put my for head now in hand. Lift shoulders are far from years and exhale down in her up. Stretch your arms here until you stretch them. Okay? And look forward. Exhale down in here and exhale down. Inhale up Excelled The Let's do one more time. Remember neck, inhale up and exhale. Come on, your four hands Here. Let's continue with single leg kicks So you keep the same. Position your legs a little bit. Open your own your four arms your shoulders wide open far from your years. Okay? And pissed your hands Now we then inhale bend your right knee and kicked three times towards your hips in hell. Exhale down. Changed the like in hell. Exhale down. Continue doing Follow your Brett. Change the leg. Change the leg one more time. Last time, the other leg. Great statue. Like now, Now this come toe oversight position so slightly. Turn on your site. You're still in your four arm here. Your promise on the floor. Okay, so let's look at the position off this exercise so your legs are straight, your feet are flexed and your toes, you heap shoulder your ear all aligned. Okay. You're, like, into glass. So here, don't drop this shoulder. Lift this and also lift your lip cage up gently. Okay? So engage your APS. Press your palm in front off your chest with an inhale lift your right leg up and exhale down. Inhale up. Exhale though. Place with this eight times up and the slowly last two. Great. Stay here. Now point your leg a feat, and then we will do the single like cirque. So just watch where your feet is, if you are. If you lose your position, just come back. And if you cannot find your balance, just banned your lower leg. Okay? Sure. Good. Just continue like this. Keep this position all the time, so inhale circle forward and exhale. Circled back. Keep your abs engaged in hell. Forward and exhale back and help excel in hell XL one more time in him, X Now stay here and reverse the circle. First backwards in him and exhale. Keep your chest up in hell and exhale one more time and stay here. Great. No, let's change the side. Bend your knees and let's do the other leg. So take your position again. You want your four arm here? Okay. Your feet are flexed. Your toes, knees, hips, shoulder and ear. All the lines. Okay. If you cannot find your Bela's, just bend this knee. Otherwise you keep like this. So place your hand on the other hand, in front of your chest. Lift the rib cage up and that start, inhale and exhale in hell. Exhale in hell, Excel. Two more times. Last one. Great. Now stay here and point your upper leg. Okay, Your feet So we don't even have a circle the like. First forward and then back Inhale circle except finished the Circo Inhale Excel in hell Excel Keep your rib cage up. Continue circling and excel in help Excel last month Stay here now Reversed a circle to the other side in help back Excel forward Great in hell. Excel and help XO Great now, just relax for two seconds. Here does the muscles. Here were quite a lot. Okay, Now come back to your sitting position. Great. No, we continue with some release work and stretching. Okay. So just come on your back, lie on your back here, clarified your natural position and comfortable. Okay. So leave your left leg. Left knee, bandit, and bring other leg up and place your hand behind your leg and stretch. Great. Just stretch. Stretch. Stay here and stretch. You can also hold your shin stretch. Now put your leg on your knee. Place your hands on your life here. And your knee Here. That stretch the leg towards her chest. Wonderful. Just relax and stretch. All right, put your leg down and change the leg. Now keep your rights like bandit and lift the left leg up. Place your hands behind your knee and stretch towards your chest and stay here in stretch. Great. Now place your like Oh, you're and lift the leg up and bring your hand behind your knee and stretch. Wonderful. Just relax and stretch. Now, people legs. Bend it on your chest. Place your handle near she and press your legs toward your chest. This release your lower back and gives your relaxing feeling suppress. Stay here for a few seconds. Great. Now slowly roll up, okay? And come on your right leg. So bring the other leg. But so you are on your right fit, Okay. And place your hands on their me. Okay. And slowly stretch forward. Great. And bring your arms up and stretch back your balance. Here. Just focus and keep your balance very good. And bring back your hands on your knee and stretch the leg back. So place your hands on your mat. Make your right leg stretch here and stretch. Bring your feet forward and back for worked and back. Forward, back. Great. Now bring this leg back and let's trash the other. Like can take your position. Place your hands on the oni and then in hell just stretch forward. So you feel the relaxing these muscles goat. Now bring your hands up and stretch back. Look at the ceiling and stretches. Point. See if you can cure more. Great. Now bring your hands back on your knee and stretched this leg. Place your hands on your mat and stretch just like back good. Now your feet forward and back. Forward and back. Forward and back. One more time and back. Great. Now bring your leg back. So you're on your knees. Sit on your feet here. Okay? And we will stretch our back now, so bring your hands on the map. Stretch your arms as furthers Fouras possible and put your for head. I'm not and stretched his position. Just relax and stretch. No, come back up. Okay. Now here, Tuck your told. Okay, let's stretch. Also the toast. They also deserve to be stretched, so we just stretch the toes here. Good. Now place your hands in front. Off your knees. We will slow with Stand up. So when you stand up, I want you to keep your head closed and go up very slowly. One were typewriter time. Okay, so let's do it together. So come on your feet Slowly. Okay. Well, could it back on your palms, But from here, I want you to stand up in hell. Stand up. Closer Net Can have watched your niece stretch your legs. Wonderful. Keep your eyes on your knees. Stay here in stretch. Try to put your palm Laundromat if you can, If not, no problem. Now inhale slowly. Come up. Keep your head closed. Arms are just pulling Your beddy head is closed. Help And bring your arms up and open your head. Make a sweep Sweep your hands around your body Inhale lift arms up to the ceiling and exhale Sweep. Very good. One more time. Inhale up and exhale down. Inhale up except sleep. Very good. Now bring your hand arm here and stretch it. Just a few seconds. I'll change arms. Just the other one. Go. No! Bring your hands together. No back like this. Okay? And slowly take them and stretch forward on up. OK, great. So give a little break to your shoulders and let's say it again on our mets and put your feet together. We're in the butterfly position and stretch your legs like this. Yeah, This is very relaxing. I really like this one. Simple, but and I really like it. Very good stretch. You can stretch forward and back and forward and back. Forward on back. What? More time? Forward and back. Great. Congratulations. You have finished your platter, Ismet. Workout for beginner level. So I hope you enjoy it. And if you do so so please leave a comment. And, um, I recommend you to practice this met work out at least 10 times before you move to the intermediate level course. Because it's important that you better get used toe thes exercises and you better get prepared for more challenging exercises. So if you have any duct, just go back and watch your begin their level lessons again and again until you succeed until you a comfortable do all the most. Okay, so within the time by the time you will be, you will see the progress in your body. You will see you will stretch. You will see your posture will be better, your shoulders will open and you'll feel better every morning. I swear to you every morning you will want to Duplantis. This is what I do. Wake up. I'm so if you feel comfortable doing all these exercises and after repeating your beginner level mets work out at least 10 times, then you can move to your intermediate level course. So I hope you enjoy this video and I'm looking forward to see you in the intermediate level course. See
17. Intermediate Level: Lesson 1: Hello and we'll come back. So this is your intermediate level course and your lesson one. I do hope that you have enjoyed the beginner level course and you have practiced enough in order to move to this level. Just make sure that you have revealed all the exercises in the beginner level and you have practiced the full workout at thes 10 sessions. Okay, if you need more repetitions, just go ahead and try the full workout more and more until you feel comfortable to do the exercises. All right, so in this level we will be reviewing new exercises for intermediate level. The exercises will be more challenging, But again, you have to be aware off your safety and just listen to your body. And don't push yourself to do the moment better. So don't worry. It will be better and better by by the time. So just give yourself a time. And if you need just go and practiced exercises again and again. So in this level in this lesson now we will be reviewing few exercises and I would like you to get and a tall wall, okay, just small travel. We will be using this in some off our exercises. Okay, let's put it aside for the moment. All right, so let's begin our close over Intermediate level lesson one. All right, so let's lay down on our Met. Okay? So we will start first with the similar exercise that we have done in beginner level, which is 100. But we have done the modified version to make your body prepares for the original exercise . So in this less than we will learn that really hundreds. Okay, so let's lay down to get this. Okay, So you get now, you're my family rich. Your pelvis stability, your natural position. How to keep your shoulders down, your position off your arms. Except real. So you're more family or with those. Okay, so let's begin with the first exercise 100. So let's remember, how was the position off our legs? Okay, so our lives were on the mat, our feet were aligned with our hips, and our legs was hip width apart. Okay, so in this exercise, we will keep the leg same, but we will lift them up to 90 degrees. Okay, so this will be the position off our legs. So again, remember to keep your legs up. You have to squeeze your APS. You have to engage your abs all the time. All right, so avoid popping your chest up like this. All right? So just keep a natural position, all right? So let's put back our feet for the moment not to get tired and let's check the arms this time. So our starting position for this exercise will be the arms overhead. Just pointing the ceiling, okay? And from this, apart from this move, lower the arms down slowly. And we were pulse. All right, So now, vested together. And let's at the feet that the legs to get there. All right, So start with me taken, inhale and lift your right, like, up to tabletop position and bring the other leg up. Great. So, keeper stability here with an inhale, Lift your arms up to the ceiling. Great. Now exhale. Lower the arms down and lift your head and rib cage up. All right, So this is your position. Starting position. Now we will keep pulsing. Okay. Five times with an inhale and five times with an access. So let's start in hell. 12345 XL 2345 in health 2345 XL to treat for five. Let's continue. If you're OK with this position, just try to stretch your legs forward and see how it feels in hell. Want to treat for five XL to treat for five Inhale toe treat for five XL 2345 Last one and exhale 2345 Alright, Bring the knees back to tabletop position and lower your next down and put your feet one by one on the mat. Great. So this is your hundreds. All right. So I hope everything okay for you and during the exercise, if you have any discomfort in your neck, just take your trouble. All right? Take your towel and place it under your next. So, like this, we reduce the pressure from our neck. Okay? So just be careful. So just let me show you. Because of my total is under my next. So, like this, my head is lifted. Okay, So engage your abs and lift your legs up one by wall. And just who were your arms up here? And pulse inhale. 12345 XL 2345 Okay, Everything is same. Just my neck is supported by the tall wall, so I don't have a neck pain, a rent to keep pulsing and we stop here. All right, put the legs down and we can't put the total aside for the moment. Okay, so let's continue with our second exercise, which is roll up. Actually, in the beginning level, we already did the modified version. So now we will see the full exercise. So let's get back toe another matter. Okay? With lay down. So find your comfortable position. All right. So my legs are straight this time. Okay? I don't bend my knees. Good. So find your position. Make sure pelvises parallel. You're in a natural position. Your chest is down. Not hiking your chest like this. This is just down. Your abs are engaged. So let's look at the arms. Now. I have a taken inhale and bring my arms over my head and touch the floor. Okay? So if this is your maximum, just stay here. Don't push yourself to go further, Okay? So from this point, my legs are straight feet flexed, keeps on the met arms overhead. So very slowly with an inhale. We will start to roll up until with it. Okay, So to do this exercise better, you have to engage your APS very much during the whole exercise. Okay, so let's try, want together? But it in here I start toe lift my arms and at the same time, my head and my rib cage. Okay, so I'm here. So here, when you reach a point that you have to lift your body up. Okay, Squeeze more your abs here. If you need just take a support from the med and slammed the without changing the position off your legs. Slowly roll up and come to your sitting position. So here my shoulders are open and far from my ears. OK? I don't come up like this. They're done. And my legs are all the time on the floor. So once I sit, I continue going forward. So a taken inhale and reach forward until I see my knees. I But so from this point, I keep my shoulders down with an inhale. I come back to my sitting position, my shoulders are still down. So when I come back, I'm not coming back like this. Okay. Shoulders down. And with an exhale slowly row back. So I have to turn my back here before I go down. OK, so we're going down back so we don't inhale. Come back when you reach your maximum here, try to squeeze your APS more slowly rolled. Very snow. Okay. And arms over. Hat. Good. So let's the one more time. Okay, so in hell and lift your arms and Rick ate up. So reach a point here that you need more forced. Squeeze your abs And if you need just press your arms on the floor and ex they'll go up, Come to your sitting position and rich forward until you see onis Great. And come back to your sitting position. Shoulders down all the time. Just pay attention to your shoulders and legs are attached on the floor all the time and exhale slowly roll down. So here you're going back with the control, Not with the gravity, OK, just cruiser abs more and slowly go down. So you feel everything is shaking here and back. Great. So in this exercise, if you have difficulties, toe come up. All right. So what you can do is to place your hands on the matter and take a support. And as soon as you feel okay to get up, so just bring your hands up and then continue to the exercise. Okay? So this is one late. Because if you have a low, tight, tied low back muscle, so it will It will be ever challenging for you to do the exercise. Okay? And another modification that you can do is this You just get your towel. Okay? So you need to put a support on your lower back. So either you put your trouble like this, like you in your spine position, okay? And then you lay down on it. All right, so this will pull you up a little bit. So when you start to exist size you will be already a bit lifted. Okay, then the exercise this same. So from here, trade smooth. Lift up and reach forward. Okay, so you see this will help you to do the exercise easier or otherwise. You can just fold your trouble like this, OK? And place it on your lower back just to this area. Okay, so let's see one. So I'm going now, So that whole is on my on my lower back. So he tried to see what's comfortable for you. Okay, so everybody can be different for everybody. Just find your own comfortable position. All right? So from here, So once I have support on my lower back. So from here in hell and X l rule up and stretch forward. Okay, so that's the move. So this is how we can use the total to modify this exercise to make it easy for you. All right, so I put my talk back. So this was your roll up. This extra exercise is very good for your spine mobility. And you have the muscles in your APs working a lot. Also, you are working your legs a little bit because we have to keep them stable on the matter all the time. So it's great exercise to work. Your abs, OK. Told us, laid down a game and let's move to our next exercise. All right. So I laid down like it here. So this exercise single is our a double leg stretch. Okay, so we will be working with bore off our legs here. Let's first have a look at my position off my core from my neck to my pelvis. So I'm looking at the very Notre position. My pelvis is parallel to the floor. Okay? My chest is pushed and very close to met, and my abs are engaged. All right. And let's have a look at the legs now. So when we start exercise first, I want you to bring your legs up to tabletop position, okay? And folks here, the next step for the legs will be to stretch them forward and stay here and next step to bring back. OK, so this will be the move off your legs. But be careful, because when you stretch your legs like this, OK? So if you're more comfortable here, just keep them high. Unless you pop your belly up, you can lower the legs down, so this will be more challenging. So you can lower down as soon as you have feeling or pain in your low back to push you to this direction. Just don't go over, okay? Just stay here. That's totally fine. All right. So let's look at the next shoulders and arms. What are they doing? So, once I set my legs tabletop position, OK? So I would lift my head and neck up. All right. And my hands are close to my knees. Here. This is my starting position. All right, so let's see the whole move together. What we are doing with legs and arms, just watch me doing wants. Then we will do together. So here my eyes are on my knees. OK, so we don't inhale. I stretched my legs out and at the same time, I bring my arms back and exhale Sweeped arms around and reach again Toe legs. Okay, let me do one more time and we will do together later. So inhale Open. Exhale. Close. That's a move. Okay, so let's do it together when your legs up now again. Good. So what's your legs are sad. Leave to rib cage up and place your hands on your legs. Great. Squeeze your APS all the time. OK, so this will help you to do the movie actor. All right, so from here now, inhale, bring the arms overhead and stretched legs out. If this is too difficult, bring here and exhale. Bring them down. Okay. One more time. Inhale open annex. Feel close one more time. Inhale. That's the one more time. Inhale exert Great. Put your head down and arms down and legs down again. Great. So this eyes very good for your app. So okay. And again if you have any problem with your neck, shoulder or low back. So I said just you to modify this exercise with the trouble. So just support your neck like we did in the in the previous exercise. The case will just take a towel, roll it and put under your neck. Let's see how with this. So my neck is supported so I don't have pressure anymore. You can go and try. So here, when I fix my neck and shoulders so I will only work with my legs. Okay, You can add the arms as well, but just the legs Keep the obsequies still inhale open and accept lows and see inhale open except close. Very good in help and excel. Great. So this is having modified this exercise. All right, let's put the total again here, and let's continue with the next exercise. So let's lay down again. I'm on my back, comfortable lying again the same position. So this time we will work with our legs one by one. Okay, So the name off this exercise is single straight leg stretch. And I was a bit long, and I have difficulty sometimes to say the whole thing together anyway, so let's see how the exercise is now. So my arms beside my buddy, okay? And my pelvis isn't a truth something very comfortable here. So I want you to lift your right leg to tabletop position and then next door, the other, like, also lifted. Great. Now I want you to slowly lift your head and rib cage up and at the same time holder leg from behind your knees. OK? Here. So both of them holding. So once you get this position comfortably, I want you to bring your right leg up to the ceiling. All right? If this is too hard, just keep it. Bend it, Okay? If you can just go ahead and do this, So bring your left on now on your shin, and you're right. I'm on your shin as well. So it's kind of your position looked real good here. So hold ocean here and stretch their legs out. So this is your starting position. Okay? So, with an inhale, please this leg towards you and with an extra change the lake and hope here than neck. So prove the other leg to yourself and released down the other leg. Okay, so let me go. The whole mood wants in help. Okay, so this is how the move will look like. So let's do it together. Take your position. Hold your hands on your shin on your red like and bring out the leg down. We didn't inhale. Pull this leg towards you. Extra change and in helpful. There the leg. Exhale. Change in Hampel There they're like, OK, let's add the bread. Just the legs moving. Everything else is table. Okay, Stretch. Great. Now hold both legs here and lower your leg down had done and bring the legs down. So again, if you have pain on your neck or in your low back Just modified exercise as relating the two previous will. Just place a total under your hat and just work with your legs here, OK? Just like this. So you don't have pressure on your leg. Okay, so this was your single straight leg stretch. This exercise is very good, too. Exterior to flex. Sort of Stretch your hamstrings here And also you're working on a lot with your APS. And actually, you're working with your very deep core muscles, which is the the best way to They will look cool, buddy. Equal muscle development. So it's really, really good exercise. So let's no move to our next exercise, which is, um, double like straight stretch. All right, so this time we will be working with both legs together. So this time, let's have a look at the position of former shoulder, head and arms. So your people be working with our chest and rib cage lifted and the hands behind your head . So here, I want to underline that you are not pushing on legs like this, OK, your has just died in your head, and they're just trying a little bit touching. So every word pulling your leg next like this and playing with your elbows. So the move and and the lift is from your rib cage like this. Okay, not this. This is wrong. My neck is just following my rib cage. All right? If you need, just go ahead and repeat this exercise a few times, Okay? So let's go back to the exercise. I place my hands behind my head. My elbows are wide in a point. All right, so this is the position off our upper body, so we will not be moving anything at all. So no restrict legs, Put your head down. So in this exercise, our life, the starting position off other legs Is this all right? So I want you to bring both legs up like this. So if you have difficulties to keep them straight like this, just bend them a little bit. Okay? So what we will do is that with an inhale, we will lower the legs down. Just watch me and exhale. We've lowered them up. OK, so you will see that Actually, it needs a lot of strength from your app. So you have to squeeze your abs a lot while you do the exercise. And I don't want you to lower your legs too much down because you can hurt your lower back . So just listen to your body. If this is what you can do most stay here. If you can do more, go down. If you can do more doubt, just go down. Okay? Just see how you feel. And here The important thing is not to lift your belly up. So when we do the exercise, avoid this move here. So here everything is attached to met and very stable. Okay, as long as you keep your course table, you can lower your legs down. So let's see the full exercise together. So bring your legs up to the ceiling. Now, inhale and lift your head up. Place your hand behind your head and we're ready to start. Engage your app. Squeeze your APS a lot Now in have lowered. Like now, if you can lower more, stay here and excel up to the beginning position. Okay, That's your move. So let's try again one more time. Inhale down and excel up one more time. Inhale del Excel up. My upper body is not moving. Just my legs. Okay. Inhale down and excel up. Great. Now banned your news. Put on the Met and bring your head down. Great. Now relax. We had burst on her. Absolute. So come to your sitting position here. All right, so in this lesson, we have a lot off APS work. I can feel that they are burning, so maybe yours are burning as Well, also, just keep practicing, okay? It's gonna be more challenging this first lesson. We will be importing more and launches exercises, so just try to practice more and more each exercise and see your limits and see how much you can do. Just don't force yourself. This is just the first lesson in the beginning. So just keep practicing. And I was on the next list.
18. Intermediate Level: Lesson 2: Okay, so this is your intermediate level course lesson to. So we will review three exercises in this lesson. And if you have overdone lesson one, just make sure that you are doing well with those so we can move to those exercises. So let's start with crisscross. Clear. So let's lay down on over matter games. Same position. I came as usual. Okay, so I take a position, comfortable position your head, your heaps and everything. So once you find your point right position, just check your pelvis again. If it's parallel. Okay. Very good. And in this exercise, we will be working our arms, legs, APS and everything. OK, so a lot of synchronization in mold. So it just keep for coast and let's see what the legs are doing in this exercise. So I want you to lift your legs one by one up. Okay, 90 degrees. Here. Just avoid doing this, OK? Each time you feel like doing this, just pushed them and bring to 90. Dig Greece. Okay, so you have a nice night. Two degrees here. So let's This is the position off our legs. Okay, Let's see the shoulder, neck and arms. So slowly lift your head and rib cage up. Okay? And place your hands behind your neck behind your head, sir. All right. So you can place your fingers here as well. If If it's comfortable, it can also keep working like this. This avoids you to pull your neck. Actually got the world's You keep your hands like this. So from this point, my helpers are poor white. So we will be doing a cross with our elbow and leg. Okay? So just watch me doing one time. So I engaged my APS with an inhale. I rotate my torso toe left, not my elbow. Okay. My torso to left. And I bring my right leg to my left elbow. And at the same time, I stretched the other leg out. Okay? Inhale I come back to me that, and excel to other sides. Inhale middle, exhale other side. Okay, so try with me. Now. Take your position. Okay? For once, you already focused on your right and left. So first we moved left side. So rotate your torso to left and bring the leg in and stretch. Other like, out in hell. Exhale. Switch in hell. Turn. You can alternate your breath and try. Okay, Different this one more time. And last one. Stay here, put your head down and likes down one by one. So this is cool. Challenging Nichols, your abs working your legs moving. You have to keep your head up, so just keep practicing, okay? And if you have any discomfort in your neck and shoulders, just take your travel place under your neck and just work with the legs. Okay? Like this? Just like this. So just be aware off any pain you might have. All right. Now, after this exercise, we go to the 2nd 1 Now, just slowly roll up. All right? Actually, this exercise is a very funny now, the one people, So I really like it. Happy will enjoy his ball. So let's sit in the beginning at the beginning. Off over. Matt here. Okay, so the name off those exercises open like wrecker. Okay, so it's kind of also funny. You will see now how we will perform the exercise. And so let's get let's start with the starting position. So it's similar to rolling like a ball. Okay, so my feet are on the floor for the moment. my hands are on my Xinxing. Okay, so my legs are not so open but not attached. Neither. So just a little bit. And my legs as well. My feet is well with open. Okay, So first, let's start with a modified version off this and see how we feel that we go forward for more challenging version. So let's see the illustration off the position off our back here. So here I'm sitting quite hard, okay? And we will start when we go back and roll back, we will curb our back like we didn't rolling like a ball. Okay, so first I start like this, and then I will kill my back. So just let me do once just to show you the exercise that we will do together. OK, so inhale you lift your right arm so I excel, lift the other leg up. So here, in this position, my back is quite straight here, so I'm not doing this yet, Okay? I'm still here. So here I find my balance, and I'm sitting on my symptoms and I'm balanced here. Okay. My hands behind my knees. My elbows are white open and bandits. So from this point, I will slow the band month that reading in hair every row back and excel up and come back to my sits ball and straighten my back up immediately. All right, So I keep my Bellas and I go to a second rule. So that's two from beginning. Just take your place with me. Put your put your legs together. Okay. There. Live it. Open your back is straight up your hands behind your knees. OK, now, small baby. Then inhale First lift your red like up. So once you're good here. Once you have your balance, lift the other leg up. Okay, Now, I was getting more funny because we have to keep the balance here, so make sure that your back is straight like this and a bull's open. So now with an inhale slowly turf slow cure our back and and roll down and exhale up and keep your balance. Don't put your feet on the floor, okay? And when you roll down, don't go on your next day on your shoulder blades less the one more time in hell. We're back and I still up under full. Keep your balance one more time. You hill on X still up. Okay, One more time in hell. Back and accept up. So he tried to keep the position off your legs. They're not moving from your knees, OK? And put your leg down. So if you're comfortable with this, let's add more challenge to this exercise. So let's first place our hands on your sheen's this time. Not behind our knees. OK, so there are two ways to hold your legs here either from outside. Okay, just I will show you like this, either from oxide like this from insight. See which one you feel comfortable? Me? I prefer like this. But you can also do like this if you feel more comfortable. Okay, so, brands, you hold your relax. No matter. Hall, you lift the feet up. So you are sitting in your sit bones here balanced. Okay, let me just turn again. So I have this position hair okay. Or this depending on what you want. So I hold like this so we don't inhale. I lift my right leg up and exhale down. And now the other leg up and exhale down. OK? So you can also hold from here. So let's toe wants from outside, so inhale up. Except don't keep your balance. Inhale up and exhale down so your back straight Just the legs moving. And lastly, we re lift both legs up. Find your balance. Hold your legs. Well, okay. Now with an inhale care of your back. Inhale rollback and accept up and friend your Bela's. Okay, one more time. Inhale rollback and exhale up. Find your balance before during the second role in hell, grow back and exhale up. Find your balance here and in hell Roll back and exhale up And while not up and find your Belus Very good. Last time in hell, Boban it and exhale up. Stay here. Bring your feet on the map and just relax. So in this exercise actually are working with the muscles here in your hip flexors on also with the spine mobility you. Actually, there is a lot of going also in this exercise. Don't worry at the beginning, if you cannot keep your balance, just continue doing with the modified one. And once a few comfortable you can go ahead and add your legs and swot. And with the time he will actually try when you try more you will see that. Actually, he will be more Keep able to keep your Bella's when you especially roll up. OK, so keep practicing. And last exercise in this lesson is point waste. So first I will sit like this just to show you the position off my legs. Okay, so I'm sitting on the very top off my sit bones. My legs are straight and they're attached, okay. And my feet are attached together. All right, So if this is too difficult for you to sit like this, you can place a pillow or towel just under your hips like this. Good. So this makes your hips higher, so it will be easier for you to keep your legs like this. OK, So if you feel better like this, your back should be straight. Okay, So I'm not doing this. My back is straight. My life's also stressed. Or here I have a nice night degrees angle. Okay, So if you get to position, let's see the arms. So I said my legs again. So the arms will be wide open and parallel to floor. Okay, So here, avoid hiking your shoulders like this. So you see, it's very stiff. So put them down, okay? And don't drop your arms like this because it will be tired and you maybe want to drop them . But just try to keep them up like this all the time. Okay? So let's now. Okay, I will keep this angle. So let's move to the exercise. So my feet are closed. So with an inhale, I turn right when average my maximal I twist and come to the middle Okay. To the other side, Inhale twist and to the middle. So when you twist, try to keep your feet together so they're not lifting from the floor like this. OK, so let's the one more together with an inhale excel Middle. This is faster. OK, focus on your feet and keep them together. Good. One more time. Twists, twist and middle. Now bring your hands down and relax your shoulders and legs. Okay, So the reason this exercise is more challenging than the previous sitting exercises that your legs are closed. So actually, you have to push your muscles your abs more to keep yourself in balance. Okay, So if you have any pain in the legs or if you cannot keep this position. Don't worry. Just wants that. Or you can also bend your knees at the beginning. If it will help and just try to exercise with the band needs it needs to understand the move and to prepare yourself. Okay. So just don't worry. Keep practicing, and I will see you in Lesson three.
19. Intermediate Level: Lesson 3: we'll come back. This is your intermediate level course, less than three. So we will do two exercises in this lesson, and let's start directly with our exercises. So first, come on. Your prom position. Okay. Lie on your chest. All right. So let's find a comfortable position here. So today we will swim on our Met. So let's first see the optimum position for this exercise. Okay? So I want you to put your chest on the Met, okay? And bring your arms overhead, just like this. All right. So you have find when you find your comfortable position here, okay? Just I want you to focus on your arms and legs first, Okay? Just see their position and hold, but are position during the whole exercise, so my arms are not open like this, OK? And they're not attached. Needed. Just There's a nice reshape here, okay? And safe on my legs here. So they are touching the floor. Okay, My legs touching. And they're a little bit her print. Not so much like this, but not attaching there just a little bit. So I have a nice shape here. So first let's see hard. We can move our hands. Okay, so I want you to put your for head on the Met. Okay? So some here just throw to lift your head. You're listed in your arms up together. Just another, but occurring. Okay? And then bring everything down. This did this from that time. Most system in help and accept the great so Well, we did this. If you have any pain in your lower back, try to screams your bucks. Okay, so try to squeeze the muscles here. So this will help you to read. Use the pressure on your lower back. Okay, so let's try one more time like this and keep your hips a Pashtu mess all the time. So let's do one more. Time Esque was met. Bet and inhale. Lift the arms and head up and exhale down. Great. My my time up and extend. Great. So now bring your hands here on your under your head. So less work on the legs. Now Kurt's a little the same hurling for legs so I wouldn't inherit. We can put your head on your hands. Okay. Well in hand. Truths and lift her legs. Estimates more And Xing little window Good. Your next time and he'll up build often together and excel Bell the last time you will up and excel. Great. But he that we're doing is toe is helping tow strength Stroem extra in your muscles on your spring. Okay, so your back muscles, it's very useful. All these exercises to strange your back muscles, which actually in this pints, Or if you make those muscles strong, it means that your spine is getting stronger. It means that your posture is changing and you are more uptight, and you have a good posture. So these exercises are quite useful as well as all other practices. Precise is Okay, so let's see now how the arms and legs moving together. So let's bring our hands forward again. Okay, So with an inhale the stand tribes among the arms and legs together Okay. Lift everything up in a little bit, inhale up and excelled. Uh, great. I met Tom in her up, excelled in the last time, inhale up. So this time stay here. So I want you to feel your right hand and left leg. Okay? Just see where they are. So we were this swimming, so lift her right hand and left like up. Okay, you know, lower them down and lift. Left hand on the right hand up. So the month is this Okay? So just concentrate. So bring everything. Now, just concentrate. Raise your right and left. Okay, So when you're lifting your right hand, you're lifting your left leg here, these two, OK? And when you lift your left hand, you're lifting your right. Like here. Okay, so let's do once set together with the breath this time. So when I lift So when I say once that it's one more for one side and the other more for the other side. So this is your one set, and they will do once set with one inhale. Okay, so just let me show you. So I take a deep breath here, Okay, So with that inhale, I moved to time. So one side. All right, so just one inhale here, and with an exhale, we will give one more set. Okay, So let's not move together. So inhale lift right hand and left like up. And the other one now excel switch. Okay. You see them more so if you cannot synchronize your hand and log and bread to stone were Just try to get the exercise first and then add your breath. Okay, so let's give it a try one more time. So one inhale and once that great now brewing everything down. Wonderful. So if you have feeling any pain in your lower back just Cui's your hips here. Great. And if you still have pain, just opting exercise. Because I know this exercise is quite challenging and most of we'll have difficulties to do it. Just don't force yourself and just this live there. All right, so let's move to our next exercise, which is double like kick. So we kept the same position. But this time we bring our hands on your own. Our lower back. Okay, so try to catch bird off your hands if you have touch, furthers and it doesn't just delivered. And just pretty legs here on your hips. Okay, so you don't need to cross them like this, but if you can just cross them that it was just put them here. Okay, So this is the position off your hands. Your legs are still saying that he put apart and let's see what the head is doing OK, so as you see now, I'm looking at you that the beating off exercise, we will strip left breast. Okay. Semester Head is on the Mets. All right, so we don't in here, we will start moving up our core ever had, and it just let me show you. The exercise wants that we do it together. Okay, so my head is unmet. Not under Crist. So we don't in hair kick my boat with my legs three times, threat in her. Excellent. I bring my left down and I left my head, okay? And exhale. I lower my head down, And this time I turned my head to write I keep cake. Okay, Exhale. And this time I lower my head and look at the other side kick, kick, Jake on Excel. All right, so this is the full set. So if you already let's do want together, Okay. Through a hands on your little better Your feet are here. Open. So my head is so we keep the met three terms together with flexed feet. So then how Exxon? Lower the legs and lift the head and rib cage. Now inhale load, chest. Look at me and kick cake cake X the Lord like stone and look forward, You know, in help kick, kick, keep an excel forward. So here. Don't forget you're changing the position off your AB each time, Okay? And read your hands to your feet Here. When you're up to treat your hands your feet so can't kick, kick and exhale Great. One more time. Kick, kick, kick and exhale Reach of history or frequent Look forward. Great. Now slowly. No your chest and put your hair Besides Good. Just relax You two seconds. So you're back is having a big break Work muscles a lot. Okay, if you're ready. So just common your sitting position here. Okay? So if you feel better, then we continue to the Lexx less.
20. Intermediate Level: Lesson 4: All right, let's continue with our intermediate level course lessons for So this time we will be my am doing some exercises on our side. Okay, So I want you to come on your side in my mother. Which side? So just come on your site here, lay down. So if you remember from the beginner level course so here it is, very important to be aligned. Okay, so my feet are flexed. My toes, my knees, my hip and my shoulder and my year old aligned here. Okay, so let's look at the shoulder and arm position this time. So this time I want you to come on your arm and place your hand on your year. Okay? So find the comforts of a position for you here, but don't go on the floor like this, okay? So you have to be a bit lifted because we have to lift the rib cage up here and cry. So if you have any discomfort in your shoulder or in your wrist, just go ahead and laid down like this. Quiet. Just just keep this position. Just keep like this. The same if you have any problem with your neck just stay in this position and you take a supper from this hand in front off your chest. Okay, but if you're doing okay, just come back to this position, All right? So from this position, we will be working on our legs now. So let's focus on the legs now. So my legs are quite straight here. So with an inhale, I will kick you wants forward. Okay? Just watch me doing waas. So inhale I kick forward. So here my legs parallel to floor. I'm not opening like this. I'm not dropping on the floor. Icka is just hovering on the floor and straight. So I kicked here with the flex food. Then we can exhale Appoint my food and bring it back and go beyond your other leg. OK, so I will do one more time. Inhale kick, excel back around So this is your most olestra together. So find your position and check if you're well aligned here If you were aligned lift your rib cage up Great! And now lift your leg a little bit Inhale kick forward Xer Bring back in hell Kick forward with a flex foot Exhale point on back in half Forward exhale but in hell forward and exhale back last time. Then he'll kick Excel back. Ray, bring your leg in the middle and just go down to relax, OK? Just relax your muscles here. All right, So this exercise is again good for your side muscles, hip flexes and also the muscles in your legs. Here, everything is working, so it's pretty good. All right, so let's continue with the side, like bicycle. So there's gonna be more fun, because we will be is like doing by splitting on the mets. Let's see how this exercising again. Lift your rib cage up. Okay, You're in the same position here. So this time what would happen is that I have a look first band, mate miney and bring it forward. So imagine you are bicycling here and exhale. I will open my leg and in how I bring my leg back and bend it back here. Okay? And while my knees bended, I bring it forward and I opened my leg and back. All right, so it's like, you are basically just try to find this move, okay? In hell forwards happen. Bring the back, bring like all the way back then the knee and then bring the leg forward with bended knee, then open them back. Just best fling. Okay, so keep the leg and the same level at all times. Don't drop the like. Okay, so what's your comfortable with this? Come to your middle point. Still here and now let's make it more challenging. And let's reverse the bicycling. So this time, imagine you're going backwards. Okay, so the first bring the leg straight up here, then bend. Then bring it back bands than open here, then bring forward. So just watch me, then. You see, Now it's the opposite arrest, so just keep basically backwards. All right? Good. Now give it a try. More just until you find the right move. All right. Now come to me, though, and bring your leg down. Great. Put your chest down and let's have a little break. Two seconds. Give a little breakfast. Side muscles. Okay. All right. Now, in the Mexico or size called Banana, we will be laying down. Okay, so this time my arm, you can keep your arm here on their side. Okay? Or if you want, You can also keep on your in front of your chest to have your balance. So that starts with this first position. And if you have difficulties to find your balance, just go ahead and ban your lower leg here. Okay? But if you're fine, just come back to this position. That's fine. So because this exercise is called banana actually will take a banana shape. How so? Let's see. So I put my head on my arm. No, you can actually point your foot here. Okay, Now, with an inhale, let's first to the legs. Okay? With an inhale, lift your legs up, you see? Little, very little more. And then now so one more time. Lift your legs up And though well, more time up. And so now let's add our hand our arm as well and head. So when I left my legs, my hand, my arm and my head is following the same mo as my legs. Okay, so let's do it together once in hell and bring everything up and exhale dough one more time . Inhale up excel. That is very tiny little mook. I don't more force yourself to lift your body so high, so inhale after an acceptable one more time in him up. Exel down, Gray. So that's your banana. All right, so let's come up and just go ahead and practised. Ease. Three exercises on the other side as well. Kind of the on your left leg. And then once you feel comfortable, um, just maybe you need to practice a bit more, especially banana. So when you just feel comfortable, continue with me with the next exercise here. Now that we will do, which is called teaser preparation school Lay on our back. Okay, so find a comfortable position. Okay? Your proboscis stable and parallel to the floor here. And let's look at our legs first. So I will lift my right leg up first. Okay? 90 degrees. And then the other one is Well, so I'm in my tabletop position here, and I have a nice 90 degrees here. If it's too much like it was just a void and push it back. All right? And let's look at the arms now so my arms are overhead. Okay, So this is my starting position. I want to make sure that my absolute engaged in my chest is pushed down. Okay? So just let just watch me doing the exercise first, and then we will do together. OK, so with an inhale, I will lift my head and rib cage up. And I will come to my sitting position while I keep the position off my legs. So let's see how it looks OK in hell and stay in this position so well, I'm here. I keep my legs in this position and my arms parallel. And then with an excel, a slowly world. Okay, very slow. And bring my arms overheads. Great. So if you already less to want together now. Okay. So bring your legs up. Arms overhead. Now inhale slowly roll up and come to a sitting position up. Okay? You're, like, still stable. Here. Find your balance. All right. Now exists. Luli rolled down and lay on your back with arms over hat. Okay, so let's do one more time. Don't forget to find your balance is difficult to stray too. Find it. Okay, so one more time inhale up. I find my Bela's and exhale roll down to literally enrolled. Great. Let's do this one more time. Abs engaged, very squeezed. Inhale up. I find my balance. Okay, I knows challenging an extra flow literal down and bring your arms overheads. Okay, Now bring your legs down. Okay, let's come over sitting position. So this exercise is more challenging, but just practice more and you will see how you find your balance. OK, so this is end of your lesson for and I will see in the next lesson.
21. Intermediate Level: Lesson 5: Hello. This is your last lesson in intermediate level course. So we will see three exercises in this lesson. So let's get started now. First, we will do a modified corkscrew, so I wanted to lay down first. Okay. And find a comfortable Posey ship. Okay. Very good, then. Here, find your pelvis. Okay. And make sure it's parallel. Unstable. Great. Now press your arms on the Met. Okay? We were working with legs only. So let's start by lifting our legs one by one, up to the ceiling. Okay. So I left my first leg, right? Like first and then the left. Like Great. So keep up your position here. Okay? What we will do is just a little tilt toe, right and two left. Okay, First, I will do from this angle and the novel turn later. So here, when I do my tilt before I do, I want to make sure that my legs are together attached, okay? And I take strength from my muscles and from my hands I pressed well to the Met and with an inhale slowly I bend my legs right. And when I do this, my heap can go off the mat It's no problem. OK? I go a bit, right? And then exhale. I come to middle and inhale to the left okay? And toe the middle. So just to show you the angle and the tiny little moment off my example just from this angle, OK? You keep your same shape so my legs are up. Okay, so here I inhale and slow the tilt, my legs right and excel to middle and then to have right and then to middle. You see, the little move is very tired of it. So look at my hips here. When I do the move, my hip is going off the mat, so that's OK. And off the Met. Okay, so I go back to my position, stay in that position and repeated two more times both sides. OK, so inhale, right site and excel to the middle. Inhale left and accepted the middle. So try to keep both legs together all the time and tomato last one and to middle. So bend your knees and stay here for a while just to relax. So if you're doing foreign with this exercise, I want you toe add a little challenge. Okay, so we kept same exorcized. Okay, we week slowly turn our legs toe. Right. Okay. And this time last year on the right side. Okay. Just dressed together. One what I meant, right. So I want to make a circle. Now close the floor, half circle and to the left and come back to my center. Okay, so here we are, making 1/2 circle. All right, so when you finish the circle here, just go back to the same direction that you come from and make another half circle here and excel up to the center. So when you do the exercise, engage your APS. This will give you strength of the exercise. Okay, So let's to want together. Inhale first turned right and then lowered legs down and exhale. Come back to the other side and to the center. So let's go back to left. Lower the legs down and excel up from the other side. All right, So this is your exercise. This is a bit, um could be challenging for your legs, But first, start with this right and left. Okay? So once you're comfortable with this, then at the circles here, Okay, so this will be easier for you. All right, so the next exercise we will be doing in our plank position, So let's get to our plane position here first. Come on. Your knees. Okay. And here wants your home, your knees. So make sure that you your needs a heap with apart, okay. And your arms are here, and my hands are the same level than my shoulders. Okay. So slowly, I want you to bring one leg forward like this. Stretch it and bring the other leg work. So here, make sure that you're not hiking your hips like this. Okay, so when you hike, actually or not, you're going out off your level off your arms, so just put yourself forward and bring the hip down. All right? So this is your position. So from this position, I won't slowly lift my right leg up. OK, not so up just a little bit. And I will push myself back while I bend while a stretch. My food here. Okay, Anna. So stretch, stretch and come to the mets. Now switch the leg. Bring the other leg up. So I'm still in my plan. Broken. I'm not hiking my hips. My stretch back back and put the leg down. Switch the leg. Push, push and down. Just make sure you are not hiking your hips and, uh, one more time. Stretch, stretch and the last one stretch stretch. And how Come on your knees and just relax. So here, the important thing is the fact not to lose the line. The alignment off your body. Okay, So if you hike your hips so much, then you are not working out the muscles well enough, so make sure that you're in your playing position and your leg is just a little higher than the floor level, and you just stretch yourself back and come back so original position and let's wish the like. Okay, so, um, let's move to the next exercise. Okay? This will be our last exercise in this level, so let's come on over back again. We will. The shoulder bridge. All right. Said just laid down in front of comfortable position. Your hands are on the met. Okay, Now we done Inhale slowly. We will lift the hips up to the ceiling. Okay, so he makes sure that your legs are heaped with a part and they're not so close to your hips that just it's further. All right. So once you find a good position in help and lift the hips up to the ceiling. Okay, so keep this position here and engage your APS. Okay, So from this position, I want you to think about your right leg, okay? And bring your right leg up and, uh, up. And now one more time up and on band uni and put on your math. Okay, so the move is quite simple, but it's very challenging. You will see. So here, important thing is to keep your hips up all the time and don't drop them. OK, so let's lift leg up again. Hips up again. Now with an inhale, I bring my leg up to the ceiling. Okay, so I keep my hips up now excel loaded like down and inhale up. Exhale down, inhale up. You can alternate the Brett in hell, Excel one more time and come up and bend your knee and put on the mat and slow little down . Okay, So in this exercise, it's important that you don't lose your balance in your pelvis. So when I'm up like this and when I'm working out on my left, like, so make sure you're not during this on this, okay? So keep the pelvis stable all the time. So here is all the time Parallel to the floor. Okay. Just maybe also, you can just practice this front first and see how you feel. Okay? Like in the populace is exercises. And once you feel comfortable, then at the leg up and though All right, so let's come toe over sitting position. Let's get a little rec toe our muscles on our legs here. Just a little stretch. Yeah. So you have finished your last lesson. An intermediate level. And make sure that you're practicing all the exercise is enough to make yourself ready for the full work out. Then in the legs lesson. We will be doing a full intermediate level mats workouts. So see you soon In the next lesson
22. Intermediate Level: Full Body Workout: Hello and welcome back. This is your intermediate level food network out. So we will be doing different exercises from your beginner level and also from your intermediate level together. And you will have a nice and beautiful floor off different lattice exercises. As I mentioned in the other matter, workout in the beginner level. So again, in this one, we will not have any break in between the exercises. So just make sure that you have practiced enough along the single Platas exercises that we have reviewed in previous lessons. Once you feel comfortable and once you are ready, then you can go ahead with this course with this lesson and try your full network out. All right, so let's start in our standing position this time, Okay? So let's start with, um, warming up our but this lowly. Okay, so come on, you're much and bring your legs together. Okay? So make sure that your feet are parallel to the floor, okay? Parallel to each other. And your legs. Are he bowed apart? Your shoulders are what open. Okay. And your hips are also lined with your toes, shoulders and ears. Wonderful. Now, with an inhale slowly lift your arms up to the ceiling and exhale Sweep the hands around you there one more time Inhale up Exhale, sweep inhale up Exhale sweep Great Now lift your toes When you bring your arms up to the ceiling Inhale Lift it up and exhale everything down One more time Inhale everything up Exhale though last time Inhale up and exhale down Great. Now make your feet stable to your mad And just lift your arms to the ceiling You're looking forward, Okay, Not to the ceiling. With that in hell, slowly start to roll down to your mat. One were Tabara at a time curing your back and keep looking at your feet Just rolled down down until you reached your mets And watch your knees. So when you're close to hear your knees in the same world in your eyes OK, if you cannot touch to your matters Okay? If you can just go ahead and touch and stretch here Just stretch. Stay here two seconds and stretch. Keep your position and stretch Wonderful. No Woke on your hands forward. Just two steps here. Great. Now, once in this position, I want you to try to put your feet on the Met and close your neck, make it same leveled in your arms and stretch back. So you have a nice triangle shape here, stretch. So we're stretching our legs and arms everything together. Great. Once you finish stretching, just walk forward on your hands. Come to a plank position and put your knees on the maps and let's take our old four position. Great. Now, from here we will be doing our first prep lettuce exorcized, which is cat and cold. Okay, So make sure your hands are in the same level than your shoulders. And your legs are hip width apart. If you already, unless they could inhale and look at the ceiling in hell and exhale. Argue back and look at your knees. Let's do this four times in hell. All put and exhale. Close. You help open and excel. Close open last one and exercise clothes. Great. Not come to your national position here. Let's continue with the tail wag. Okay? So lift your right leg. Okay. Once you already just turn your right leg toe, right. And then watch your feet with you head exhale. Turn to the other side in helter, right eggs left. Don't forget to watch your feet hit your head. Excelled left. Let's do two more times. Help on Excel Last one on except Great. Put your leg down and left the other one up. Let's repeat exercise in hell. Turn left and look at your feet. Excelled her left, Inhale tar left, exhale toe Right and left Exit right in his left. Excel right on. Come to middle and put your leg down. Great. Now, come on. Your knees. Sit on your feet and stretch your back. But your forehead on the met and still here and stretch. Just keep stretching. Great. No, Come up slowly. Closer neck and come slowly. Uh, great. And let's lay down. So it's come to our spine position. All right, Uh, find your comfortable position here. Make sure your chest down your pelvis is parlor to Florence Stable. Okay, Put your arms. Besides your party now, we don't inhale. I want you to lift your hips up to the ceiling, and we will do this five times. So just follow your breath and do with me. Inhale up and exhaled on to engage your APS in hell up. Excel though. Inhale up exhale. Go. Go very slowly up. Feel your spine and accept them. Last one up and, uh great. Now stay here and bring your arms overhead and lift your right leg up and left. Like up. We're going to do hundreds. All right, so we don't exhale. Lift your head and the cage up and bring your arms beside your body. Find your position. Engage your abs and pulse in hell to treat for five XL pulse. Okay. Five posters with Inhale and five posters with Excel. Let's do 10 6 You know you're halfway. Keep posing. Inhale 2345 XL toe trick for five in hell to trick for five XL two trip for five in health to treat for five Excel too. 345 less two sets. 2345 XL 2345 Inhale 2345 Exhale to treat for five grade. Bring your head down, arms down and stands position and bring your legs. Want pipe on forward and put them on the mat. Great. No, bring you. Bring your right leg up a game, okay? And flex your food here. The other leg is on the matter stretch and bring your hands behind your knee with an inhale stretch. Dislike to the ceiling three times in hell and excel down. Inhale up. Exhale down, inhale up, exit the last time up and stay here. Point your food. Bring your hands down and abs engaged in her. Circle the leg out and exhale. Finished a circle. We will do this four times in help. Exhale, inhale turn, Excel Finished a circle in hell. Excel in hell Excel Stay up here and reversed the circle four times in hell. Exhale, continue ABS engaged Last one. Stay here band Yoni and stretch it forward to bring the other knee to the chest with the flexed food, Place your hands behind your knee. Stretch to leg up to the ceiling three times. Inhale up exam bent. Inhale up. Exhale them last one up and stay here. Point your foot. Bring your hands down. Let's continue its single like circles for left leg. Inhale circle except close the circle. Wonderful inhale circle. Excel close. Last one. Reverse the circle four times. Keep your abs engaged. Nothing else moving. Just your leg. Last one. Great. Bring your knee to your chest. Bring the other one as well. Take a support and roll up and come in the beginning Off your mat Here we continue it rolling like a ball Place your hands on your shins Lift your legs up I'm good Open your elbows wide open So your shoulders for from your years Cure of your back Your eyes looking at your feet Now in hair Grow back and exhale up Great One more time Inhale Go back and exhale up Find your balance Before the next role in hell We're back Excel up less toe the stream More times in her rollback ex still up Keep your balance focus and then go back Wonderful. Find the balance go back and excel up with the one more time Last time in her back and still up Now stay here and slow Roll down, okay? And still you're back here. Bring your head down. And if you need, you can just come live with in the middle of Mahmut. Okay, so your legs are still bended. Okay, Now we continue with single as it like stretch. Ok, so bring your right hand on your right every ankle and left hands on your right ankle and stretched other leg out. Lift your hand had a rib cage up. Now inhale pull elected the chest and exhale switch. Let's do this. Force that on the legs moving. Everything is stable. Keep doing last set and pull both Meg's to your chest and stay here. Now we continue with double leg stretch. Now inhale. Bring the arms overhead and stretched legs and Excel clothes. Let's do this three times. Inhale open an excel close. Wonderful last one and help open Annex a close. Stay here being your right leg up to the ceiling and stretched. Other like out. Place your hands on your sheen and inhale stretch Excel switch. Let's do this four sets and get your naps. Squeeze the EPS and one more time last time. Bring both legs up pretty. Bring your hands behind your hat. Abs engaged. Elbows wide open less toe in double leg stretch straight leg stretch for two times in hell . Bring the legs down and accept up last one in hand down an excel up. Great. Stay here. Bend your knees. Bring your head down and arms down under full. Take it to a second break. No roll up. You'll come again Here. The beginning Off your mat. Place your hands on the oceans. We will continue with double open leg record. Okay, so place your hands on your sheet. Your elbows are wide open. I have my balance with my sit bones and my legs lifted from the floor. Great. Now with an inhale, open the right leg up and exhale Close. Keep your balance. Now inhale. Open the other leg up and excel Close. Wonderful. Now let's open both legs together and keep our balance. Inhale open. Keep your balance If you find your balance rolled down with me three times in hell Robotic An acceptable up Find your balance. Go back again in hip roll back An ex several up front turbulence Last time we dio in Go back, make several up, Bring two legs down and relax here. All right, now come on. You're making middle off your mat. Let's continue with spine. Stretch forward now Open your legs He put apart Your feet are flexed If you don't feel comfortable, just put a pillow under your hips, Okay? Because you can fly Close band. Your niece is fine now. We don't even help Bring the arms up parallel to floor. My back is straight shoulders, though. Inhale. Stretch forward and look at your knees. Exhale up. Let's do it is four times in her forward annex. Fill up control your breath. Inhale last two times. Good. Stay here. Bring your arms at your sides. Open them. Let's continue with side bend sitting. Okay, so keep your position. I just turn here so we can see me. So inhale band left. Put your hands, Bend your elbow and stretch. Let's do that. Poor sets. So two times to each side Excel Come to the middle, Inhale to the other side Touched your Met band your elbow and stretch Guessed that by step Don't rush he and held up Exhale stretch Last one and a wonderful Now let's continue its whole Let's go The two sets as well in hell. Turn left ex Everest your pinky toe and watch the other hand Exhale up in hell. Turn extra reach. Inhale up. Enter excel. Turn and reach one more time to decide. Great. Stay here. Put your hands down in your legs to you and relax. Okay? Just give a break to our legs for two seconds. All right? Now, let's go on our from position. Lay on your chest. Okay. Now bring your hands beside you. They're quite open here. No good. Put your for head on the matter, and they will do so US S O. Okay, so it's one. So let's do this four times. So put your forehead on the mat your next hip width apart. Okay. Squeeze your abs and hips in help. Lift the rib cage up and look forward. Shoulders now. Arms are straight. Exhale down. Dream at times in her up. Exel down. Keep your legs on the mat. Exhale Down in her up. Exel down. Wonderful. Now brand my time. Left the rib cage up. Great. And now, come on. Your four hands here. Okay, Feast your hands. Lift the rib cage. Shoulders Word open. And we continue with single leg kicks. Okay, so we don't inhale. Bring the legs close to your hips by bending your knee with the flex food in hell. Exhale down. Switch the lack in help. Kick, kick, kick. Exhale down. So we will do three kicks. Okay, Now again, Right. Like inhale less to two more sets last time. Great. Now let's come on our chest again does continue with the bullet kick. Bring your arms. All know lower back and just find your hands here. If you cannot just put your hands on your lower back, okay? Is you're looking at me in your head is turned to your side The writer left Now let's start with the kick so inhale I will kick three times with burn off my legs and we don't accept Bring my legs down and reach my feet with my hands Okay, let's write in hell cake. Okay. Okay. Egg cell up on Look forward to reach your feet with your hands Now exhale. Come down and turned head to other serve and kick in hill Don't forget your head shape where it's turning Let's do this one more time to eat side Last one. Great holder Position Bring your hands in front. Off you. You have a nice reshape. Let's swim now Inhale Lift the legs up and exhale. Lift the right hand and left. Leg up and swim one more time and bring everything down. Great. So just take a little break of two seconds. Well, the full now Come on your side. So let's continue its single leg lift. All right, so come on. Your so it. So your hips are quite well aligned here. Okay, Your feet are flexed. Knees keeps shoulder and ear. All align. Solicitor, shape off the arm. Now. Come on. Your elbow. Place your hand under your hat. The other hand is in front, off your chest, keeping your balance now with an inhale. Let's lift the leg up. And though in hell blessed with eight times last one and stay up here point the food less continuous ing aleck circles List of two times each side Inhale circle except close One more time. Inhale circle Excel Close. Wonderful. Reverse a circle in hell and excel one more time. Wonderful. Stay here. Flex your food in health. Kick forward an excel bringing back with the pointed food in hectic forward And by last one more time Inhale forward and excel back. Great. Stay in the middle. Listo the bicycle Ban, Joanie, and bring it forward. Open the leg. Bring all the way back bend and full Catch a nice flow. Let's do this two more times. Great. And bring in the middle and put the leg down. Wonderful. Now come on your sitting position and change sides less work out the other leg now. Okay. So again, take your same position. Your hand is under your hat cause shoulders back. So here you have nice alignments. Your feet are flexed and your knees, your hips, your ears and you show us that all rather line. Okay, Put your hand in front of your chest to get the Bellas. Now inhale, Lift the leg up and though don't rip your rib cage here. Lifted up in him XLs with this eight times. Wonderful. Stay up here. Point the food and circle. Forward and back. Surucu, um Back Reverse the circle. Inhale? I think so. Stay here. Flex the feet and let's kick forward. Inhale, kick, exhale Bring back inhale kick exam Bring back last time kick and bring back Great. Stay here less toe the bicycle band. You only bring it forward upon the leg and just find your flaw. Let's do this three times One more time and come in the middle and put everything down. Great. Just let's give a little relax here. Okay? On our legs. All right. Now lay down on your back slightly. Turn and lay on your back. Great. Now let's continue with Cook's cleave modified. So find your comfortable position here. Okay, So you are laying down Your pelvis is stable. Okay, So your arms next to you. So keep strength from your arms. Here, within inhales love. Lift your legs up. Tabletop position once you already bring them more up to the ceiling. Wonderful. So your legs are together at touched. Okay. With an inhale. Slowly bring your legs right and down. Okay, once you're here ready now excel. Circle down and up to the left. Come to the middle. Now let's reverse it. We will do this four times in hell. Left. Exhale circle and come to the middle and to the right Inhale down, up And to me the last two in hell down, Excel up middle Last one in now, right? Exhale down in hell. Up and exhale Center. Great bend. You knees Place your hands on your shin. Just press tohave the pressure gone from your legs. Okay, Great. Now stay in this position. Bring your legs back to tabletop position. Okay. Let's continue with teaser preparation. Bring your arms overhead. Wonderful. Now make sure your legs are not doing this? OK, there in tabletop position. Now we don't inhale. We will sit. We will lift the head and rib cage up and become tore Sitting position. So in hell or a loving sit and keep the legs in the same position. Okay, Keep your balance here. So excess literally roll down. Yes. Bring the arms overhead and legs again. Tabletop position One more time. Inhale. Roll up. Find your balance. Excel. Roll down. Wonderful. Let's do this one more time in her up. Find your balance and slow the back I rolled down. Great. Stay here. Bring the legs down. I was beside you. Let's continue with shoulder bridge modified. So keep your legs in this angle. Okay, so you have a nice 45 degrees angle. Therefore from your hips. Your palms are on the floor and taking support to lift your hips up. So where did inhale lift hips up to the ceiling until your shoulder blades shoulders down? Good. Let's tow this 1st 2 times and excel. Bring the hips down. Great. One more time. Inhale hips up. Exhale down. Keep your abs engaged. Now let's go up and then let's bring the leg up this time. Okay. Inhale up. Stay here. Keep your balance and we didn't in here. Bring the leg up to the ceiling. Don't move your palace and excel. Lake down. Inhale up except the one more time Don't. And last one, Bring the leg down and switch the legs. So here your house is not mowing. Make sure it's stable. Okay, so inhale. Bring the other leg up and exhale. Del being held up. Exhale down one more time. Wonderful. Bring your feet down and your hips. Don't just relax here. Good. Now take a support and come to your sitting position. Bring your legs back. We're sweeping them in Rome. And come on your playing position so you can go to a plane position from your own force. Okay, That will be easier. So your legs are heap with apart. Your arms are straight and same leveled in your shoulder. So now let's bring the legs up. One by warm. Okay, so here, once you're comfortable, bring the other one. So here, make sure your hips are not hike like this. The parallel to floor. Okay. If you already in hell, bring one leg up. We continue it Leg pulled out. So inhale stretch back, back and accept with the leg and changed, like less to two times for every leg Inhale up, stretch, stretch. I'm back in the hell up stretch, stretch and down in him up stretch, stretch and the last time in up stretch stretch. And now come on your knees and just relax it on your feet and stretch your back. Great. No, again. Come on. Your old force. Thank your tools. Okay. Here and slowly work on your hand Back more back. So come on your feet. Your neck is still closed here, Okay? And just looking at your feet so slowly I want you to come to your standing position, So inhale. Push yourself up. All right. So your neck is close. What? Your new don't open your head. Slowly roll up their slow one vertebrae at a time. Lovely. Your head. And here, make a big circle. Let's continue it. Push up three times, So inhale Lift the arms up to the ceiling Excess slowly roll down. Okay. Two met. Get to a feat. Slowly roll down. Have touched through months under full. So your head is close here. Still watching knees OK, now work forward on your hands very slowly and come to your plank position. Okay? So if you're comfortable here, just go ahead and do your pushups here. If it's to complete a challenging, just put your knees on your mat and do your pushups here. Okay? So we will do three push ups in hell. We go down and exhale up. Great. One more time. Inhale down and excel up last one bell and up. Great. Now again. Come on. Your feet to a plane position. Let's walk back on your hands. All right, Stay here. Your head is closed. Church here for a few seconds. Feel all those muscles are moving and stretching. It's a wonderful feeling. Now slowly roll up. Were slow Schuller's for from years into your extending position and make a big circle with your hands here. Yeah, Bring the arms in front of few and up Take a deep breath and I excel deep breath a game Take a deep breath. Yeah, thanks. Very good. One more time. Inhale up and exhale down. Great. And now that sit on our met for stretching and release work. So bring your leg left like bandits outwards and bring the right leg straight like this. Okay, if it's too difficult to bend your knee Liberte started. If I So if you can just stay here, so just stretched. You're right leg, like right feet. Here, stretch. Okay, Just don't push yourselves. Likely stretch. If you can just go ahead and put your hand on your mat, your forehead and stretch here. Yeah. Relax and come up and let's switch the legs. So this time this one is open and this one spend it. All right. Just stretch to your left. Like this Time. Continue stretching. If you cannot reach, It's okay. Just try to reach there. Okay? So, like this, you will be stretching your back muscles. All right. If you can just put your forehead on the math and stretch the other arm. Very good. Just relax and come up. So let's go on our back. I just laid down, okay? So bring your right leg up and stretch here. Just don't push too slowly. Stretch. You feel that muscles are relaxing here. You can also keep your feet food, flex and point. Just like this. Small time to move. Right now. Press it. Bring your feet on your knee and lift left. Leg up and stretch here. Great. Bring the leg down. Unless trust each other like a game. Bring the left like up and stretched towards you. Point the food and flex point and flex. Great. Place your feet on your knee. No. Bring the leg up and stretch here. Great. Stretch more. Okay, So now bring both off your legs, bandit on your chest and press on your shins and relax. Year. Just think about the full work out that you have just done on inter mated level and you succeeded. I'm very proud off you. And you should be proud of yourself a little. Great. Now let's come up, Teoh Sting position and let's put our feet together and continue with our butterfly here. Just stretch. Yeah, just stretch. Very good. I hope you over the feel very relaxed because a lot of muscle we worked, So maybe at the beginning is a little tiring. But you will see, actually that it's a wonderful feeling that when the muscles worked out like this after you feel so relaxed, so fresh and you, when you practice more and more, you will see that. Okay, so that's finish with the stretching as well. And you are already dumb. Your intermediate level work out. Congratulations. So you finish this level as well, so just go back and repeat again and again every exercises that we have done. Okay? And before you moved your advance level, course, I suggest you to repeat this work out at least 10 times. If you need to repeat more, just go ahead and repeat more. You can also try different exercises. Okay. So you can create your own workout, which I will be giving us some tips at the end off discourse. But just go ahead and try different exercises. And once you feel comfortable, once you feel like that's it and you are able to do all the exercises and then you can mature advanced levels. Don't forget again. You need to do a lot of practice. Don't give up. Don't think that you are not able to do Just keep practicing, practicing, practicing and your body will respond toe all the efforts that you have done. Ok, just don't forget it. Thank you very much. And again, congratulations to finish your intermediate level
23. Advanced Level: Lesson 1: Hello. Welcome back. This is your advanced level course, Less than one. So in this course, we will be reviewing three exercises. Okay, just make sure that before you start to your advanced level course, you have practiced enough. All the exercises in the beginner and intermediate level. If you feel like you need to do more repetitions and practice more, just go ahead and practice your intermediate level and beginner level exercises. Okay, So if you are ready, we will start to this course today. And I just want to remind you again that stay safe at all times. Okay? So if you have any discomfort, any pain or any problem just stopping the exercise, okay? Just stay safe. All right? So let's start with this lesson one. We will be relieving three exercises on our spine. Okay? So let's lay down together. So the first exercise we will be doing is teasers. So this exercise has three versions and we will be reviewing the three versions off this exercise. It's very challenging, but you will see that actually, a lot off muscles will be working. So from our legs, back and arms. So it's a full body movements okay, in this exercise, just don't worry. If you cannot do at the beginning, just try to do it slowly. And I will guide you with the necessary modifications to perform this exercise. Well, okay, so let's go back and let's lay down and let's see the starting position off this exorcized teaser one. All right. So I lay down and I find my comfortable and natural position here, so my pelvis is parallel to floor, and if you need just go ahead, put your hands on your palace and check. Okay? So once you set your position, let's look at the legs What they are doing. So at the beginning off this exercise, we will be pulling our legs up like this. 90 degrees. Okay, so the legs are hip width apart, okay? And they're not attached, so they're a little bit open. And if you have, if you're doing this just award. Push your legs forward until you have this. 90 degrees here and on your knees. Okay. So this is the position off your legs. Now, let's look at the arms. So I bring my arms overhead. Okay. So when I bring my hands and arms overhead, make sure you're not popping your chest like this. And you don't lose your balance in your powers like this. Okay? Everything is well aligned. So this is your starting position for this exercise. So engage your APS, and with an inhale, we will bring the arms up. Okay? Just watch me doing wants the exercise, and we will do together. So with an inhale, I bring my arms overhead. Okay, Now, we don't exhale. I will lift my head and rib cage up, and I will come to my sitting position. So let me show you. I have inhaled and excel. Okay, so this is your move. So here, you see, my legs are still bended. Okay? First we start with this. So here when I'm up. Okay. So my back is straight like this, Okay? I don't care my back like this. So if you need if you need, you can lower your legs a bit down until you have this straight and go on your back. Okay? Like this. And then once I'm up once I have my balance now with an exit a slowly roll down. I keep my legs in the same position and bring my arms overhead. A game. Okay, so let's try this together. So put your legs down. That started starting position. Arms beside you. So with an inhale lift the legs up one by want tabletop position. Okay, so inhale Bring the arms overhead. Exhale Roll up and find your balance Here. So here you are, sitting on your sit bones and you have a balance. Now inhale Roll down, keep the legs saying and I'm overheads. Great. So let's do this one more time together. Ready? Engage the APS, inhale roll up and find your balance and your back is straight. Great. Now excel Roll down one more time Inhale up, find your balance Back is straight And exhale back down. Great. So if you're doing fine with this, let's a little bit challenge to our legs. Okay? So when I start like this tabletop position, I will still roll up. But this time I was stretched my legs forward when it up. Okay, so let's try this one together. So arms overhead in have rolled up and stretch the legs out. Okay, so this is your position. And if you're working your back here, just bend your knees and fix your position so your back is straight again. If you're okay, just stretch them forward. Okay? Now, in hair back this time and legs coming up to the ceiling. Stretch like this, OK? And don't bend them anymore. Just make them stretch this time. So your legs are together. We could open them just a little bit. Okay? So the next role we will be doing from this position I'm not bending anymore. So there are so inhale. Roll up and stay here. Friend of balance and excel Hold down. Great. My legs are coming up again One more time in hero up Find your balance if you need Just bend your knees and make your back straight and exhale Roll down and straight again Great. Now bring your legs down. Just relax for two seconds and arms beside you So that's your teaser One Okay. And we rolled down in this teaser. So in the next exercise which is teaser to we will be doing the same at the beginning, Ok? The starting position this same and they will be rolling up. But this time we don't roll down on our bet. Instead, we will bring our legs down on. Okay? Just watch me doing wants and we will do together. So I left my legs up to tabletop position. Inhale, Bring the arms overhead, X several up. Find my balance. I'm here not from here with an inhale. And lower the next down and exhale up in hell down. Exhale up. All right, so this is your move. So let's go back and try. Want together? Lie on your back. Okay. So bring the legs out. So here, when you find your natural position, bring the legs up to tabletop position. So during the whole exists as keep your abs engaged and don't hike your chest like this. Okay? Inhale arms overhead. Exhale. Roll up. Stay here Now In here. Lower the legs down. Excel up in hell down Excel up in hell down, excel up. Once we finish, we slowly roll back and legs up and bend your knees and put your legs down. Okay, So in this exercise, the most important is to keep your abs engaged all the time. Ok? And when you are up in your sitting position, it's very important to keep your back straight And don't act like this, OK? So if you don't feel comfortable to make your back straight up like this, that just slightly bend your knees here. This will help you to sit up. OK? We can take a supper from your hands and see which is a good level for you. Is this fine? When do I start to act my back? So if I'm tend to do this, just don't just stay here, okay? As long as your back is straight, you can put bend your knees and stay like this. If you're fine, just stretch them. Okay? So that's the most important in this exercise. So in the 3rd 1 teaser tree, we will be doing the same thing again. We come up to this position again, but this time, not only the legs going down, but also your torso is going down. Okay, so this is gonna be more challenging with a lthough. Muscles in your body will be working. So let's have a try off. Teaser three. Okay, arms and legs down. So let's go back to our spine. Okay. So, starting position This same. So I find my comfortable position here with an inhale. I bring my legs up one by one great 90 degrees. Inhale arms overhead. Now exhale Engaged the APS and up. Okay, I'm here. Now what? I find my Bella's here with an inhale. I lower my legs down on my torso down here, okay? And exhale up from here. So you see, everything is down. So one more time inhale down and excel up. So everything is up. So everything is working here one more time in have no on excel up. Okay, So bring the legs down. So I suggest you first to practice teaser one. Once you feel comfortable doing the seas around the the 1st 1 we did. Then go ahead and try the 2nd 1 Okay, then after few repetitions off the 2nd 1 when you're comfortable by lowering your legs on Lee, then start to practice the teaser tree. OK, so this is very, very challenging exercise. It's very normal if you cannot do it the beginning, But just keep practicing and slowly see the progress in your body. Okay? So just let's see the three exercises together, and just to see the difference. Okay, so let's start with the first teaser. Let's lie on their back. Okay? My legs are tabletop position and bandit arms overhead. Exhale, Roll up. I find my balance here. Okay? And in heavily down and come back toe a tabletop position. Now let's try the 2nd 1 I will go up and just lower my legs now So inhale arms overhead Engage your APs Exhale Grow up Find your balance If you can just stretch your legs in him Lord, elect down and exhale up in hell down and exhale up Great banjo knees and slowly roll down . Great. And let's see the last one My legs are saying so. Inhale engaged the ups right now. Find your Bella's. Now inhale Lord legs down and arms over head. Next, they'll grow up. Okay, one more time. Mean, Have that and everything up great. And put your leg stump. So this is all these tree exercise how they look like just keep practicing and you will be doing better and better. It's you and Alexis
24. Advanced Level: Lesson 2: Hello. This is your advanced level, Less than two. In this lesson, we will be relieving three exercises and we will be on our back. Okay, so let's start. So I point, I want you to find a comfortable position on your sit bones. Okay, So in this exercise, um, we will be working out a lot our apse with the support off our arms. Okay, so let's look at the starting position. So if you're comfortable, just come on your four arms like this and see how this feels. Okay? If you have tired shoulder, if you have any problem in your shoulders or in your arms, So in your elbows just find to yoga breaks and place under your elbows here, Okay? And if you still have problems by doing this, just marry on your back and do the exercises from here, So let's see. First original version. Okay, so I'm on my forehands here, So my arms are not open like this. Their clothes and same alignment in my legs. So when done in this position, I have to pay attention to lift my rib cage up this way, and I don't do this. Okay, so my shoulders are far from my ears and my rib cage is lifted. Okay, so that's your position for your core. So once you set this position, let's have a look at the legs now. So because we will do some circus with our life, so we have to lift them up, both of them. So let's lift one by one. So first this leg and then left leg up from here. Once you're comfortable, lift both legs up to the ceiling. Okay, so here, legs together attached. Okay, so that's your starting position. So just bring everything down and just watch me doing once. Then we will do together. OK, so I lift my legs up with an inhale, I slowly turn my legs. Right. So here my hip is off the map, so we don't excel. I love my legs down and make a circle and exhale. Bring them up left and come to the center. Okay, So this is your move. So if you're ready Now, get your position. So arms on the mud shoulders are wide open and rip cage is lifted. Okay? And bring the right leg up and then left. Leg up. Not bring both legs up a touch them together. Inhale turn rights. Keep his off the Mets extra, make a circle. Now inhale up and come to the center. Not stay here and we do the circle to the other side. Inhale down X will make the circle and inhale up Great. One more time to the other side So he keep your rib cage up. Inhale left, right. Sorry. Excel circle inhale up and to middle. Now bend your knees and put on your map. So during this exercise, we have to keep the abs engaged all the time because this will give us strength to do the moment. Right? Okay. If you need just going practice one more time. So here I will show you the same exercise from this angle to just see my legs What they're doing in my hip. Okay, so place my arms. So I lift my legs up my arms on the Met. So I have support off my hands, and they're not open their clothes and same alignment in my legs. Okay, So we didn't have I lift my legs up. I left more and attach them. Inhale, turn right. So you see my hips up. Exhale, lower them and make a circle. Inhale up and come to the center. That's it. Okay, so this is your move and keep the hips engaged along the time. All right, this is the move and bend your knees. All right. So this is your hip circles. Now, let's have a look at the second exercise. Roll over. I should. This is one of my favorite exercise. I really love doing it. I hope you will enjoy as well. So this time is the first time. Actually, we will be bringing the legs over the head. So you will see is very challenging as well. Don't worry. If you cannot do at the beginning, just keep practicing and just be careful not to hurt your neck. Okay? Just stay on your shoulder blades in this exercise that I'm gonna show you now. So let's lay down on our back. You can come a little bit in the middle of your match because we will bring. We will be bringing our legs overhead, so go ahead and lay down. Okay? Great. So find your natural position. Your pelvis is parallel to floor. Okay? Your arms besides your body make sure you place your palms well on the Met because we need a lot off strength from your arms in this exercise. Okay? And also from your APS. So all the time, keep your abs engaged. So let's have a look at the legs. What legs are doing, actually, our arms doing nothing. In this exercise, we just keep the whole core stable, and we work only with legs and spine. So with an inhale, I bring my legs up. Okay? Just watch me doing this time. And then once I'm ready, I bring my legs up. Okay, so we don't inhale. That's gonna be challenging now. We didn't inhale. I press my arms toe met I engage. My APS pulled my abs in with an inhale. I bring my feet. My legs overhead. Okay. Now, from this position, make sure you are not on your neck. You keep the angle on your shoulder blades. So now here my legs are parallel to floor. Okay? Not like this. Or not touching. Just parallel. So from here we did inhale. I opened my legs. Same within my shoulders. Excellent. Flex my feet. Okay, now, with it in hell, I engaged my APS and I slow, literal del. And I stay here. I close my legs and point my foot. Okay, so this is your move. That's it. So let's try. Want together? I will just come a little bit more further just to make sure you see my legs. Okay, so I lay down again, just coming very down with me. Okay, So my arms air stable. Very strong. Pressing toe my mat So we didn't inhale. Lift your right leg up and then left. Leg up. Bring the legs up. Legs are together and my feet are pointed from here. Take a strength from your arms. Engage your APS and bring your legs overhead in help. So here I'm parallel to floor and I'm on my shoulder blades Model my neck Excel open the legs Shoulder width in hell. Flex the feet and excess Lonely Roll down with control. Very slow, very slow. Okay. Close your legs. Point your feet less toe One more time. Inhale. Bring the legs over half. Exhale. Opened legs, shoulder width apart. I would doing this just a little bit, except flex the feet. Inhale slowly. Roll down with flexed feet and open legs. Very slow and closer leg and point your foot less to one more time. Inhale Rohbock once I'm in popular position or from the legs Flex the feet An excel wrote down Good. Stay here now the same more we will do reverse Meaning that the shape off my legs and my feet will be just opposite. Okay, let's see how it looks like. So bring your legs up. Flex your feet and legs are open. This time we will start like this with an inhale. I bring my legs over my head with my feet flex. Okay, so inhale rollback. You see, This time my legs are open and parlor to floor except closed the legs in here. Point defeat. Now excel. Roll down. Slowly engage your ups. Slowly roll down. Stay here. Inhale opened legs except flex the feet in half a bag. Parallel Xer closed. Lex in her point. The feet excess lonely, rolled down. Great. Now bend your knees and relax. So this exercise is a bit challenging. Okay? Just don't force yourself. And don't push yourself a lot to do the exercise. Just do with the caution, Okay? All right. So if you're comfortable with this exists. I just give yourself two seconds break. I know it's a bit difficult to say exercise, but just, uh, take enough rest before deterred exercise. All right, so now let's check the toward exercise. I'm still laying on my back. Okay. Name off. This exercises corkscrew. So again, there is a lot off things involved in this exercise. But you will see it's also fun. So we will be again rolling our legs back. Okay? But this time we add a bit range off, moved our hips. Okay, so just let me do wants, and then we will do together. So I lift my legs up. Okay, so from here, I'm very slightly tilt my hips right. Very slight. Now from here with an inhale, I roll over so I'm still on my right shoulder blade Exhale. Come to the middle, inhale till left an exit rolled down. This time I will roll over my legs down, make 1/2 circle and come up on my rights and wrote up again Come to the center and come to my right side. Roll down and make a circle come to left and lift and come to the middle. And this low, literal down. Okay, so this is the full exercise. So in one exercise, first we tilt our hips too, right? And then lower the legs down, make a health circle, come to the left side, bring the legs overhead from left and come to the center and then go left and down and up. So this is one set. Okay, This is the full exercise. So let's try together. So come on your spine again. Here you are. Uncomfortable position. Okay. So, again, your hands and palms are very important because you will take the strength from them. Okay, so let's see the exercise together. So inhale and lift your legs up and that Stretch them to the ceiling. Now inhale slightly. Tilt your hips too. Right. Exhale. Roll back. Stay on your right shoulder blade. Here. Exhale. Come to the middle. Okay. Now inhale Come to write again and xolo in your legs Down your legs together. Circle them down half circle. Come to your left and acceptable. Over. Now you're on your left shoulder blade. Come to the middle. Bring your legs left. Feels very slow and accept lows. A slowly rolled down Make a circle now bring the legs up, Come to the middle and slurred. Rolled up and bend your knees and put on the map. Just relax on all the muscles here burning. So that's your exercise. Okay, here. Just let me show you from this angle. So the movement to right and left is very slight. OK, so don't go and do more than this. Just let me show me from this angle. So you see exactly how my legs are positioned. So I'm start like this. Okay. With an in hair tilt, right? Very small. You see, like in the other. Exists has redid modified corkscrew just like this. Not much. So under right. I'm here. Exhale. I bring the legs down. So you still I'm still on my right. Exhale. Come to the middle in their come to write again. Xeloda. Lex. Down. Make a circle. I am on my left now. Right later, on your left shoulder blades come to the media and slow, literal. Okay, so this is the complete exercise. You will be feeling more and more comfortable by bringing your legs overhead at the beginning. Maybe it's a bit challenging and difficult for your back. And here The most important is that you don't go on your neck, OK? So don't over rule. Just stay on your shoulder place even if you can go back. Maybe you're very flexible. Just don't, OK? Just control yourself and stay on your shoulder blades. And also don't forget to use your EPS and the strength from your arms and palms because these two things will help you to perform the exercise better. So just keep practicing. Okay, Slowly, very in control. And also try to focus and concentrate because, as you see, the more exercise, it gets more challenging exercise. So the more it gets challenged and the more you need to focus and concentrate. Okay, so just don't give up and try. I will see you in the next lesson.
25. Advanced Level: Lesson 3: This is your advance level course. Less than three. In this lesson, we will review tree exercises. Guys, all the exercise is getting more and more challenge. Just take your time and practice enough until you get a comfortable way to do the exercises . Okay, so let's start with the first exercise leg. Pull up. We will be on our back here. Okay? We will start on the sitting position, so I want you to first come on your sit bones here and then stretch your legs forward. Okay? So your feet are too next here. And so this is the position off your legs for the starting position. And let's have a look at the hands and arms now. So here I have my shoulders tied open. My back is straight. So I will put my hands just in the same level than my hips and a little bit further. Okay, So just here. And the other one is well, thing so see how we feel in this position. If you have any risk problem, shoulder or neck problem. Just avoid doing this exercise. Okay? Even if you modify it, you might still have a problem. But if you feel comfortable, but just a little bit. Maybe not real position. You can try to do the exercise on your four arms by a support off a yoga break. Okay, Just put a yoga break here so you're lifted and staying like this. If you have no problem, just bring your hands on the same level than your hips. Okay, so here I am not so far like this. If you're so far, you see, you cannot do the position off their hands correctly. So you are in a good angle and my arms are straight. I'm not banding my elbows like this. I'm up. All right. So if you are comfortable with this position, let's see the whole movement, how it is. So just for a while, just stay relaxed and let me show you the exercise. Okay, then we do together. So once I fixed my position here, Okay. With an inhale, I've left my hips up to the ceiling, so let's see, have this looks so inhale lift. So this is my position. So here. I'm not doing this, OK? I'm lifted from my hips and I don't drop my hips. All right, so then we didn't inhale. I've lift my right leg up and exhale down And then for the same for the other, like inhale up. And OK, so let's go down and start the exist has together. So again put your legs in a good position. They're just a little bit open. Okay, your feet off relaxed here. So bring your hands behind your hips here. So they're aligned with your hips. Your arms are stretch. Okay, They're straight and stretched shoulders Word open and far from years. Avoiding this. Just press yourself. Okay, so you are in the river are comfortable position in this way. So from here, slowly, we started to lift the hips up. So take a strength from your arms and lift the hips up. Okay, so you're in your reverse planes. So we did inhale without wrapping your hips down, lift the leg up and excel down. Okay, one more time. This to the same like inhale up. So when you're here, don't drop, OK, keep it up and excel down. Let's do the other leg. Inhale up and exhale down the other, like inhale up excelled on Keep your abs engaged all the time and watch forward be Careful to the position off your head. Inhale up Excel. Don't last time inhale up, exhale down and come on your sitting position. So this exercise helped you to strengthen whole body. If when you do like this says you will feel actually everything is really engaged your arms , your legs, your hips, your abs. So it's a wonderful exercise to strengthen your whole body. It's a challenging one, so just don't push yourself. If you have any shooting your wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck, just avoid this exercise. And if you're comfortable and if you have no problem, just try to support yourself with the with your four arms. Okay, just practice and you will do better and better. And at the beginning, maybe also the range of motion off your leg might not be so high. Just keep it low, okay? When you lift your I'm sorry when you leave your leg, just lift a little bit and down. Okay? Don't try to bring it so up. By the time you will get Houston, you will be doing more and more comfortably. Okay, so let's check. The second exercise is a jack knife is also one of my favorite because the legs again will be rolled over the head. It's a challenging one again. So now let's see. Step by step, how to do this exercise called Jack knife. So let's let on your back. So I will sit a bit here. So just to make sure that you see my legs So I live on my back, Okay? So just watch me doing wants to exercise, and I will guide you step by step. So I'm on my back here, okay? I have comfortable position here. My pelvis is put a little too floor. So again here, my arms or my palms quite attached to Matt. Okay. And during the whole exercise, my core stays attached to my Imagine your glute from your core. Okay, so avoid hiking your shoulders. All right, so we didn't inhale. I bring my legs up, and once I find my position, I bring them up to the ceiling. Okay? Now, with an inhale, I bring my legs overhead and I see my knees here, so I'm parallel to floor now. We don't excel. I lower my legs down to the floor. Excel lower. Okay. Don't go on your next day on your shoulder blades now excel. I lift my legs up to the ceiling here and now inhale. I start to roll down So lowly. So stay on the mat. Your shoulders are not moving and down. Okay, this is your move. So here, let's do one together. And then I will guide you for the for the optimum position for this exercise. Okay, so the lie on your back place your hands and palms beside you. Find your pelvis is parallel to floor. Okay? Once you already bring your legs up to tabletop position. And if you are ready to bring them up to the ceiling Wonderful. Now with an inhale, take strength from your arms and roll your legs overhead. Once you in this position, make sure you're watching your knees. OK? Now extend lower the legs down Just legs and touched the floor if you can. And from here excel bring the legs up to the ceiling. Find your balance now in Has lonely rolled over the control. Keep your shoulders on the Mets don't hike your shoulders and Okay, so that's the move. So if you feel comfortable list of one more time. Okay? So lift the legs up. Okay, Now, inhale. Bring the legs overhead, parallel to the floor. Exhale. Lower the legs down and touched the floor in here. Bring the legs up to the ceiling. Stay on your shoulder blades. No. Excel. Slowly roll down with control. Keep your shoulders on the met all the time and down and bend your knees and put on your mat. Just relax here. So here again, in this exercise, the most important is that you keep your shoulders and course stable on the mat. Imagine your glute and you cannot move. Okay, So there's a lot off work for your arms as well, because you will take strength from your arms toe. Pull yourself to rule yourself up, and when you roll yourself up, use your APS, engage them and pull them. Okay? Pull them. So don't Don't talk them up like this. Just pull them in. So this will give you room to do the exercise easier. And once you roll your legs over the head, make sure you don't go on your net. Just stay on your shoulder place. Even if you can do more, just don't and stay there. Okay? And once you are wants your legs over your head. Just lower them to the floor. And if you can touch us, touch otherwise just don't force yourself and then bring the legs up and slowly roll down. It's a challenging exercise. Just keep practicing. Okay? So let's see. Our next exercise side Band likes kick, so that's gonna be also challenging. So we will start this exercise on our knees, so just take the same position, like me, Okay. In the middle, off your met. So this exercise again his helps to strengthen the whole body. Everything is working in this exercise. And if you have any shoulder, neck or wrist problem, just avoid doing this exercise, okay? And if you have difficulties to band yourself because we will be bending, just use a towel under your hand or a yoga brick. So, like this, you will have less room toe band yourself a man, your body to the side, because we will be doing this. OK, so if you're a bit higher than it would be easier. So let's see how the move If Okay, so I'm on my knees, my legs are heaped with apart. So I'm not here like this and they're not close like this. So just aligned with my shoulder and hips. All right, so my legs are on the floor attached and let's see the arms now. So my core is quite straight up, my shoulders wide open and my arms are open. So they're also parallel to the floor. Kate, they're not here. Neither. Here. Just parallel to the floor. Okay, So once we have this position, okay, Just watch me doing wants. Once I fixed my position, a slowly band toe the left and I try to touch my Met. But, you see, I cannot because both of my legs on the Met. So while I try to touch my met, I lift my right leg up and make it straight. Okay, So here, when I'm in this position, make sure you are not going forward like this or back like this. Okay, try to keep in line. So here I have, if you notice here, you have. And, well, alignment with your knee. And my arm is not for like this here. You see? Now this is not correct to see my leg. Not correct. So I have to be up. So this is a light in my hand is aligned with my knee and its traitors work. So here it is important not to drop the shoulder like Is that what you will hurt yourself? Just push yourself up here. Okay, Then I bring my other hand. So here, I should be aligned. So this shoulder to shoulder in my hands should be totally aligned here. Okay, If it's too much like this, just bring it back. If it's too much like it's, just find the good place. Okay? So awesome in light and touching my met. Now I lift my leg up. Okay, so this is the position. So from here, we will kick forward and back and forward and back. Very small. Kick forward and back. Okay, so let's do this once together, so set up your position, So bring your knees on the Met. There, he put our parts. Okay, So from here, open your arms. It might be also helpful if use a mirror so you can see where your arms and legs are. Okay, so let's tried one together. So my legs on the floor arms open, so it's slowly band to left. And while I'm trying to touch my met. I lift my leg here and I touched my mat. Then I control I check my shoulders and arms were They aren't so here. I have mice Degree. Yes. My arm is aligned. Yes, Shoulders back. The other shoulder's also back arm is open. Okay, so once I have a nice position here. I lift my leg up before that. Just make sure off your neck to stone. Drop your neck. Collective is aligned with your spine. Okay, so I left. Lift my leg up. Flex my food in hell. Kick forward. I'm back. Kick forward and back. Forward and back with the one more time. Forward and back. Put your leg down and come on your knees. Great. So let's continue with the other side. Now, don't lose your position. Ban to the other side. Okay. While you were touching to you, Matt, stretch to Heather. Leg out. So let's check the position here. I'm not doing this. I'm lifted. I have a nice 90 degrees here. My head is aligned with my spine and my arm is parallel with the other one. Okay, so from here, lift the leg up. Flex the food and inhale kick forward and back kids, I'm back, Kick and back One more time. Kick on back and brings like them and stand up and bring the arms. Okay, so this exercise is really, really advanced and really, uh, challenging. So don't worry if you cannot do it at the beginning, OK? Try to keep the kicks very slow and very small. Don't push yourself to bring the like so much forward, because here the point is to keep your core stable. So as long as you keep this body stable, you can go further with your leg. The Swiss, you start to lose your balance or can to do this move. Just stop. And don't bring your like more forward. Okay? So just keep practicing thes three exercises and I will see you in the next lesson.
26. Advanced Level: Lesson 4: Hello. This is your ad once. Level course less than four. In this lesson, we will be doing three exercises. Let's start with the 1st 1 seated twists. Okay, so in this exercise, we will start from the sitting position. And it's a great exercise to strengthen the whole body and coordination and balance. You will see a lot of things involved as well. So let's start with the starting position. So I want you to sit on your left or right, like, but maybe just follow with me and do the left leg. Okay? Just sit on your left like your hand is beside you here and right leg on top off the left leg. Okay. So you have you ever relax them is very simple sitting. Let's look at the feet. So my right feet is on the met. Okay. Here. And my left feet is also on the map. But behind the other feet. Okay. Just just let me show me from here. So this is the position off my legs, Okay? Just bring them back. So what we will do in this exercise is that from the sitting position, we will come to the standing position So when I come to the standing position, I will be standing on my right leg, whatever leg that is on top and the other leg will be free. Okay, Just let me show. You want the exercise, Then I will guide you step by step. So I place my hand on my knee. Okay. So I can put like this. So we are kind of really look kind of like a mermaid. So here, just I want to make sure that I'm not doing this and lift it. Okay? So let's see how the twist looks like. So, with an inhale, I lift my hips up to the ceiling and I go on my right leg. Okay? Just watch me very carefully in hell and bring my left leg and the reach here and the sit back. So this is your move. Okay? Just I will do one more time. Observe. Well, so my, uh wait is on my upper leg when I'm up. Okay? Make sure. And the other leg is basically doing nothing just free. Just limit the one more time and just watch me carefully. So when I inhale, I lift my hips up. I take my position and I reached with my right hand to my opposite, like Okay, just let me do inhale lift and reach. All right. And then come to your sitting position again. Great. So let's do it together. Techno position. Your arm is just next to you. Your shoulder is lifted for from your ear. Your legs are bended, knees are banded and legs are on top of each other. Your upper leg, Let's lightly forward. Then the lower one and your feet is on the Met. So here, take this position. You see as if you will stand up. You see, if I'm like this, I cannot stand up. So make sure your feet is not pointing the door, but pointing me. All right. So because we will go up. So it will be easy from here, you see? So just point this feat to me, and the other leg is just pointing the door because it will be free. All right. Just this is your position. Place your hand on your knee. All right, Just concentrate and slowly try to lift your hips up to the ceiling and reach with your hand to the other feet. Okay? So Let's to inhale, lift and stretched another life and reach and sit down again. So when you see it, you're coming back to the same position. Actually, my feet are not moving at all. What is happening? Is that Imagine you have a yarn here and somebody is pulling you up and then bringing you back. Okay, Just the heap. Move is moving. Legs are completely stable, but sorry. The feet. Let's try one more time. So place your handle. Known me. Okay. Shoulders far from your ear. Inhale. Lift your hips and reach so it can stretch him on an excel down. Okay, so if you have any back problem, please avoid this exercise. If you have them, risk shoulder or neck issues. Just don't force yourself and try to avoid exercise, because it can be really challenging. Okay, so let's the one more time. Okay? Put your hand. I know it's a lot of things to synchronize, but you will. You will get there, So Okay, So inhale lift and excelled at. Great. So that's it. This is your first exercise. Now just relax a little bit, girl. Neck, arm and legs. Okay. So let's move to the second exercise side band toe Wist. So we were gonna be a doing a love twisting this lesson. So let's look at the starting position off this exercise. So first, um, let's start like this. Let's come on your old force. Okay? So there's gonna be easier for you. So once you in your old force, Okay, then I want you to stretch your legs as if you're doing your plank. You can't remember your arms in and leveled on your shoulders. Okay. So from here, just trust you want off your leg and then the 2nd 1 So you're in your plank now, okay? No, from here. Lift your right leg up to the ceiling and come to your side. Okay, So this is gonna be your starting position. I put everything down, okay? Just watch me doing wants the exercise and that we will do together. So I'm on my old force. I bring my leg back, and the other one is Well, I lift my right arm up. So here I am, pushing my shoulder and my right leg is in front on the left leg behind. So from here with an inhale, I keep my better thing, but I twist my arm towards the other world and exhale Open in hell Twist, exhale, open and reach back, twist and open And though Okay, so in this exercise again, we will be working the whole body and you have a lot of work on this arm. Okay, So if you have any injuries on your wrist, shoulder, neck or back Just a word during this exercise. And if you have any issue to come to your side plank, also try toe first, improve your plank and then just come to your site playing and stay in that position. See how you feel before starting to do the tourist. OK, but if you're comfortable less Dr Wong together. So come to a plank position. Okay, so here I am in my plank position. Once you're ready, open the leg arm and reach to the ceiling. So right leg is in front and right, the other leg is behind and under. Okay, so from here, my neck is not dropping, is aligned with my spicy from here. Inhale twist the arm and exhale up and back Twist arms down and back. So he make sure you're not dropping your hips or hiking just like this. Okay, one more time. Inhale down and up and put your hand down. Great. So in this exercise you will also feel a lot off pressure on your side muscles here. Okay, so this is very normal. And don't forget also to try the same exercise on the other side as well. Because sometimes also what happens is there's one side might be weaker than the other side . So go ahead and try the same exercise on the right side as well. Here again the most. Another thing that is important is the shape of your legs. So here, when I'm up in this side, my upper leg is pointing me and the lower leg is pointing the door. So, like this. Okay, just try to find it. So don't do this, or I don't know, Just try to get this position ok. And another way to start this exercise is from here sitting. So if you're more comfortable, you can also start from here your hips on the mess so you can already start your feet. So the upper leg is pointing me and the other one's pointing the door. So from here you can also lift yourself up and a hand up. Okay, so then we go down. All right, So let's moved to our last exercise In this lesson is Side Ben Mermaid. So it's gonna be even more challenging because we will again take the same shape, the same position. But this time we will lower the hips down and bring up. So let me do once this exercise. So I take the same shape, my position to say so from here I left my hip up. My arm is pointing the ceiling now with an inhale. This time I stretch in your hand and excel come toe original position and lower down the hips and up inhale, come to the normal position and exhale down and up for more time. Down and up. OK, so let's do this wants together. Let me guide you saw? We've always thought here, don't push yourself to get very closer to the Met, Okay? Because it's gonna be very challenging for your shoulder and arm. Just make sure that you don't hurt yourself. If you feel any discomfort, any problem, just don't do this exercise. And if you have any injuries on your back off the avoid this exercise. Okay, so let's try. Wants together. So come on your hands. So your hands, shoulders and same level. Make sure you're not doing this before starting necklaces. You are pushed four. Okay, so that's set the legs. My upper leg is pointing me and the other legs down. Okay, so this is your starting position. So from here, I lift my hips up. You could inhale up. I get my position. Find your balance. Now excel band overhead and inhale. Lower the hips down and exhale up. Strange. Inhale down, exhale up and inhale down and come to your sitting position. Okay, So this is your exercise. Just keep practicing. I know this exercise is also quite challenging, but just keep practicing and you will do it better and better, and I will see in the next list
27. Advanced Level: Lesson 5: Hello again. This is your head once level course less than five. This is your last lesson in this level. And after that we will be moving toe advanced. Platas met work out. So let's start with this level exercises. We will be relieving three exercises on our bags, so just let's start quickly. Let's lay on our back. Okay, So this three exercise actually is very similar to the the Jack knife and roll over. Read it. But we will be adding more challenges. Okay, so the first exercise is Caesar's. So I will just demonstrate once. And then we will do together. So I just sit a bit further here. So I make sure that you see my legs. So I laid down. Okay, so I have a note. Full pelvis, position, hair. I bring my arms beside my buddy. So again, I will be using my hands here quite a lot. So I need their support to make sure your palm your fingers are open and your palms are pressing the floor so wouldn't inhale. I bring my legs up to the ceiling. Okay. Now exhale. I wrote over. I'm parallel to the floor now. Now wouldn't inhale. I lift my legs up and I don't go on my neck. I'm still on my shoulder blades. From here, I take my hands and place just under my hip here. So here, I want to make sure that I'm not putting my weight on my wrists. My hands are just supporting. So from here, my legs are quite stable. So with an inhale, I will bring one, like, closer to floor and the other leg. Oh, posits. Okay, now excel. I bring both legs together and inhale switched the legs in hell together. Exhale, switch, inhale together. Exhale switch. Okay, So if you're ready, just let's do this exercise together. All right? So take your position. Lay down with me. Check your pelvis. Arms on the floor and inhale. Bend your knees, lift them up to the ceiling. Take support from your hands and rolled your legs over the head. Your parallel to floor. Here. Inhale. Raise the legs up. Place your hands under your hips just here, So don't put your weight on your wrists. Your hands are just guiding your back. Okay. Engage your abs. Now inhale. Bring your right. Like, closer to floor and the other leg to the opposite direction. Okay, Now excel. Bring them both legs together and inhale Switched the legs. Now left leg is close to Florin, right? Like to the opposite side in hell. Bring legs together. Exhale switch. So let's do this continuously with an inhale and exhale. Inhale open xer Close switch. Now bring both legs together and bring your hip a bit up here so you can stay without your hands. Bring your hands down on the mat. Lower your legs down to the floor. An excess slowly rolled down. Okay, so this is your Caesar's. So, in this exercise, we work a lot on our muscles in our legs and extensive here. Um, don't forget not to go on your neck and just stay on your shoulder blades. And don't push yourself so much on your wrist. Don't put your weight on your wrists. Your hands are just guiding your back. And they're not carrying your body okay to carry your but you have to engage your abs so the strength would come from your APS. Okay, so let's see. The next exercise is very similar to this is bicycle. So we will be taking the same shape again and instead off season. During this time, we will do bicycling. Okay, Like this. So let's try this one. We can try together, so just take your position but your arms and palms on the mat and lift your legs up to the ceiling. Now in here. Bring the legs overhead. Here I'm parallel to floor. Exhale raised the makes up. Now take your hands in place on your back. Just died in your back. Not carrying the weight now with an inhale. Open your legs like in the caesars. Now, from here, I want you to bend your right leg. Okay, Keep the other leg. Same Banti right leg and with an excel Bring red leg forward bandits and bring the other leg close to your head. Slightly bended and stretched the other leg. Okay, so the move will look like this. Like this? Like this. Ok, so let's do again. I bend my knee here. Okay? My right knee Is bandit close to my head? No, I bring the other leg bandit closer to me and I push my right leg forward. So here I have a moment that my legs are both open. So from here Band and start exercise. So open band and start band and start board off them open band and start. Make sure you're not going on your your Your rate is not going on your hands. Okay? Just carry your body board open band and continue both open and Contin at your breath in hell. Exhale, Ben, Inhale, excel and bring back legs up here and in our heads close to floor Put your hands on the mat and slow the inhale and rolled down And for two hands on the math grade. So, in this exercise is a lot of things in bold again. Even sometimes me, I'm getting confused where my legs and what they're doing. Just try to keep for coast. Okay? Repeat a few times until you understand the exorcized better again here. The important thing is not to go on your neck and not to push so much. Put weight on your wrist so your hands are just guiding your back here and they're not carrying your buddy. Okay? Sorry. And the another important thing is them the position off your legs, so just visualize, Okay? Your legs are weapon. Oppose it like this And when you start to do the best stickling one is bending. I don't know if it's really formative days, but one is bending and moving it forward and bringing the other one. So you have always a position that both legs are open like this. Okay, then bend this and doing this and open here. And them, Ben. Okay, so it looks like complex. But when you try, actually, you will see that once you are in the flow, you will see that actually is not that complex. We just keep practicing this exercise. All right, Let's see our last eggs or size called Boomerang. So this exercise is composed by three different exercises. Okay, so in one exercise, we will be combining a three different exercise. Some people, they love it and some people hate it. So we will do it together. And you will see if you're the one who hates it or who loves it. Okay, so let's come on. My lower back lay down, all right? And it's a full body. Workout your muscles on your APs, your back, your legs. Concentration breading focused. Everything is in it in this exercise. So let's start with the to understand the starting position off this exercise. So here I'm laid down. Okay, I have a comfortable position here. Okay. So once I find my position, I lift my legs up together and then raise them up to the ceiling. Good. Now, from here, I take a support from my hands. I will just come a bit lower to make sure that you see my legs. So from here, I've oppressed my poems. Okay. And before that? So legs are closed, but they're crossed. Okay? Just crossed them. It doesn't matter which side just crossed them and point them to the ceiling. So from here now, with the force with strength for my arms, I've rolled down. It's a roll over like this. Okay, I'm part out to the floor. Now. Now, with an inhale, I opened my legs and cross the other way around. Okay. Now excel. I was slowly rolled down, and I'm going to my teaser from here and I stand up. Simon Teaser. My legs are crossed. I keep my diamonds, I bring my hands behinds. Okay, so here I'm in this position from here. A lot of my legs down and I stretch forward here, okay? And I bring my hands down and relaxed. So that's look, as you see, a little stinks in gold, but just practice and then you will see it's a mother's heart. But just a lot of things in most off first the legs and arms and then bread Extraterrestrial. Ah, you will be better with the practice. So let's do again one more time just to understand. Okay, I will break down the exercise this time So I'm laying on my back My hands on the floor I lift my legs up and I raised my legs up to the ceiling. Good. Now I cross my legs. Okay, Now I take an inhale and roll back. I'm parallel to floor Excel opened the leg and cross again Now in half Slowly roll down Now we are moving to teaser. Slowly roll down and stand up And keep this position. Bring your arms behind your back. Catch them here. No. Well, the breaks down and then stretch forward and then bring your hands down and relax. Okay, So this exercise actually normally one or two repetition not more, because you see a lot of things involved. So just Don't worry. Just keep practicing. So now we are at the end off our Edwin's Level course. Congratulations. You have finished all the exercises. I suggest you to go back to lesson 123 and four. And also this lesson just to watch them again and again. Watching is also watching also helps you to understand the moment. Just watch me doing and then do with me and also do by yourself. Put in a mirror and just see how you look like when you do the exercises. Okay? Just don't give up and keep practicing, Practicing, practicing all the time and you will see the benefits. So if you are ready on, if you're done all these exercises and enough practices, then you will be ready for your full advanced level platypus Matt workouts. I will see in the next lesson.
28. Advanced Level: Full Body Workout: Hello. This is your advanced level. Met work out in this video. We will be doing the complete Met workout without any break in between the exercises, as we did in the other levels. So there will be a nice floor off a plant off advanced level intermediate and beginner level exercises. Just make sure that you have reviewed all their exercises before starting to this met. Work out and you're comfortable by doing every exercise. Okay, so if you're ready, let's start with this brick mat workout. All right, So let's start on our old force, Okay? With few platters, prep LaCasse exercisers. So let's come on your knees and your hands so he make sure your legs that he would apart and your arms are well aligned with your shoulder. All right, So look forward and just keep your position here, So let's start with opposite arm leg lift so we don't inhale. Engage your abs. Keep your balance and lift your right hand and left leg up. Let's do this two times in health and exhale down. Now. Change the site, lift your left arm and right, Like, up, down. Okay, let's do this four times now. Okay in total two times each side. Inhale, Exhale. Keep looking forward. Keep your balance in hell up. Exhale down, Switch side. Inhale up. Exhale down one more time in hell up, Exel down there. Good. One more time. Inhale up. Excel Last one. Inhale up. Exhale down. Great. Now let's continue with cat and cold. Let's do this three times in help. Look at the ceiling and hike your hips and exhale care of your back and look at your knees . Inhale open. Exhale close. Last one. Inhale open and excel close. Very good. Now come on your knees. Sit on your feet and relaxed here and let's go on our back. Just let it down. Great. So let's do a bridging here, Okay? Just to prepare our body, Your legs are here with a part. Your feet are far from your hips. Your arms are on the Met with an inhale. Slowly lift your hips up to the ceiling. Exhale though less to this three times in hell and exhale. Dull. Inhale up excelled on last one. Inhale up, Exel down. Great. Let's continue with the 100 Now. Lift your legs up to tabletop position. Great. Inhale. Bring the arms overhead. Exhale, lift the rib cage up your eyes on the levels and leveled in your knees. Now let's do 10 sets in hell. Pulse Excel. Keep doing inhale toe treat for five XL 2345 Now stretched legs forward and keep doing you're halfway. Keep doing arm straight. EPS engaged. Last two sets. Keep doing. Let's set Great. Bring the head down and legs down to your mats. Great. Now slowly bring your legs down. Okay, Just left. 13 and the right leg. Bring it to tabletop position. Flex your foot and let's continue with single like circle. Place your hand behind your knee. Stretch your leg three times to the ceiling in hell and exhale down. Last one. Stay here. Point your feet foot and place your hand beside you. Let's go to circles in hell Circle Excel. Close the circle. Stay here. Reverse the circle. Great band union. Stretch forward. Let's bring the other leg up. Bandini. Flex your foot. Place your hand behind your knee and stretched like three times to the ceiling. Inhale, exhale down. Inhale up. Exel down. Last one up. Stay here. Point your food. The other leg is still on the matter and stretched and place your hands beside you now less total circles. Inhale circle. Exhale. Close the circle Inhale circle except close the circle Great Reversed a circle to the other side in Help Excel. Keep your hips on the Met last one and exhale Great Band your knee on your chest. Bring the other knee and slowly roll up less to rolling like a ball. Come a bit further at the beginning off your maps. Place your hands on your sheen's okay of those wide open, Lift the legs up. Cure of your back. Close your neck in hell. Rodal ex still up. Let's do this four times. Inhale bag. Extend up. Stay on your shoulder blades. Don't go in your neck in health. Excel up, keep your balance and then roll back less to two more times in her back. Exit up and get your APS rust one in hell back and accept up. Great. Put your feet on the Mets. No, come into middle off your mat and laid down. Great. Now you're lying on your bag unless continuous, single like stretch. So bring your legs up to tabletop position. I couldn't lift your head and rib cage up. Place your right hand on your right ankle and left and on your right knee stretched at the leg out and stretch in his approval. It extends change and in health, let's do this four times four sets in help. Great. Now bring both legs to your chest and continue. Double leg stretch. Inhale. Bring the arms overhead and stretched legs access with arms around and close. This was two more times. Inhale upper exhale close. Last one in hell. Open exit clause. Great. Stay here. Bring your right leg up to ceiling. Place your hands on your shin and stretched at the leg out. Now inhale, stretch the leg towards you. Xer switch. Inhale. Stretch the other leg. There's so there's two more sets. Three to one and bring both legs up to the ceiling. Place your hand behind your head in him. Lower the legs down. Exhale up and get your APs. Keep your rebels right open left. So there's two more times in hell down. Excel up. Great. One more time. Legs down and up. Stay here. No place. Um, now, keep this position. We move over to crisscross. Now inhale. Bring the right leg in and reach with your left elbow in help. Rich ex Still change. Please do this. Two more sets and stay here. Put your head down and legs down. Great. Just relax here. Two seconds. Okay. Now let's go to our sitting position. Stay on your on. The very top off your sit bones, like are straight. If you have difficulty sit like this, put a pillow under or slightly bend your knees. Now keep your legs open. Bring the arms up now inhale slowly. So bring your legs forward. Now here. Slowly. That's two spine stretch forward, Inhale stretch forward and exhale. Come up one more time In her forward, I think Phil Back. Keep the shoulders far from ears in hell Forward Excel up less to this two more times in her forward and see you need Exhale up last one. Inhale forward and exhale back Great! Open your arms now less toe the band side Ben So I will just turn back this Keep your legs stable in head banter left band your elbow and stretch Great Excel to the middle, Inhale toe right and stretch. Last 02 sets. Inhale middle except reach in hell. Middle Excel Reach This is your first that no 2nd 1 up and excel Reach in hell up Excel, Reach Great. Stay here, Put your arms down and bring your legs in. Great. Just relax your legs here and let's lay down. Oh, prone. Great. No, let's continue its soul. It was so long. Put your arms on the floor and palms here. Could legs are hip width apart. Place your for handling the Met. No, in hair dressed poems and lift your rib cage up until your arms are straight and watch forward. Exhale down first of those three times. Inhale up. Exhale down in her up. Exhale down last one in her up and stay here. Come on, your four hands Fist your hands. Legs are still saying, Keep your shoulders for form your ears. The rib cage is lifted less to single like kicks in Help kick, kick, kick. Exhale down less so there's two sets. Change the leg. Change the like. Change the lake Duraid. Now let's continue double like kicks. Come on your chest. Place your hands on your lower back. Turn your head to me unless the double like kick in hell. Bring both leaks to your hips and kick ex. They'll reach your hands to your feet in hell. Kick, kick, Kick eggs Every Don't forget to rotate. You had tow opposite sides in hell. Kick X average Last one to the other side in health. Kick, kick, kick and accessories Great. Stay here. Less motor swimming. Bring your arms. Here you have a nice we shape. Lift the legs up now let's swim in Help Excel continue slimming less to two more sets. Great. Put everything down and relax. Great. Now come on your side. Let's lay down our side and let's go Single like lift. Okay. Remember the position. Everything is well aligned. My hand is under my head. My lip cages lifted. My other arm is in front of margins Balancing my feet are flex now in hand Lift. We will do this eight times XL down Last two Stay here. Point your food and less the circle. Circle forward Exhale down, Circle forward Excel back Great. Stay here. Reverse the circle in help an excel in hell An exit. Great. Stay here and less to single like kick side Like key Inhale kick forward. Exhale back, inhale forward, Excel back last two more times and have forward excel back one more time Kicks and back. Great. Put the leg down less less to banana. So come on your foreheads Just stretch your legs out and keep your hands in front of you to get the balance. If your work a place your hand here good madder than in hair lift with the legs and arms up together in health Exhale down, Let's do two more times I mean, hell up! Exel down! One more time. Inhale up. Excellent Bill wrote. Now, come on. Your position. Sweet legs and less to the other sites. All right, so come on your hand. Here, place your head under your head Your buddies A line Fetus flexed handy front off you less to the single like lift side Like lived eight times Inhale. Exhale down last three to one and stay here. Point your food less the circles in her forward Exhale back forward and back. Stay here. Reverse the circle t other side inhale back and forward. You held back. Exhale forward one more time, but And for stay here, flex your food and keep forward and back take forward and back less to two more times. Kick forward and back. Last one. Kick forward and back and put your leg down. I'll come on your hand on your arm. Place your handle New arm. All right, feet are pointed now with an inhale lift everything up Inhale Excelled list with two more times in hell Up Excel. Tell last one up. Exhale down. Great. Now lay on your back. Okay, let's continue with corkscrew. So find the comfortable position. Okay? Just coming down. Your pelvis is parallel to floor your arms on the floor. Now with an inhale, bring your legs one by one, up to tabletop position and then bring them up to the ceiling. Now inhale slowly. Tilt your legs of right. Okay, Excel, roll back. Inhale to the middle. Exhale toe heels right and inhale. Bring everything down and accept. Circle the legs down and bring to left and up. And bring to me the less of this one more time. Now tilt your legs to left. Load Alexe down, Make 1/2 circle. Bring the legs up from right and, uh great. No, let's stand up. All right. Now come to your sitting position here. Okay? And bring your legs forwards. They're together lest this point with open your arms but an inhale tar right and twist And exhale to middle inhale twist, twist and middle twist toys and middle twist, twist and middle And bring your hands down Great. Now let's go back, uh, slowly on our foreheads here for Hence, let's continue with hip circles. Okay, so I'm having a good balance on my shoulders here and my forehead. My shoulders are wide open. OK, now slowly bring one leg up and then the other one. Now lift them up to the ceiling. Now inhale tilth, right. Circle the next. Down and up. All right, one more time. Right. Circle the legs down and one more time. Right circle and I stay here. Reverse the circle to other side left and though and up no more time. Leave the rib cage up. Don't drop the shoulders and up and stay here. Great. Now stretch your legs forward. Good. Now remember that. Come up and place your hands here just behind your hips. Okay. If you're not comfortable, just bend the elbows a little bit. But the optimum position is this. Now we don't inhale. Slowly lift your hips up. Great. Now we don't excel button, Inhale story. Lift the leg up. And don't let's do this two more times in hell up. Exhale down last one up and they'll know Switch the leg left up and then inhale and the last one and come back to a sitting position. Great. Now stay here. Just live with Ben. I am. Come on your side. Okay. So your we will continue with this side. But aside, twist sited twists. Now place your hand just next to your hips. Your legs are together. Your upper leg feet is in front and touching and pointing me and the other one is free and pointing the door Place your hand on your knee Now with an inhale slowly able lift hips up So inhale up and excel down. Great. One more time. Inhale up, Exel down bread Last one more time. Inhale off and excel down. Great. Now less to the other side. Just rich. Find your position. Your hands beside your hips. Your legs are together, your upper feet Foot is on the Met and pointing me and the other one's pointing the door place your hand on your knee can lift here. So from here, inhale Lift the hips up and reach to your legs and exhale, Doc. Slow livid, control one more time. Inhale up and excelled Great less through this one more time Inhale up and exhale down great soul. Now let's do this stipend live. So keep this position. Just bring your legs stretched. Okay, So your hand is in the same position. We will go to our side playing so from here Slowly taken, inhale and lift your hips up to the ceiling Inhale up and the arms up So let's do the twist in hell, Lord, I'm down and twist and exhale up Best of two more times Inhale and exhale in hell Tell and then exhale up. Great. Now put everything back down No less to the other side. Okay, Come on. Your right hand your upper legs in front and the other one is behind. This one is pointing me good, so make sure your ears for from your shoulder. So let's hike the heaps up. Now inhale up and bring the arm up. Good. You're well aligned now. Inhale twist. Keep your torso stable. Excel up inhale twist. Excel open stretch last time and up and then bring everything down. Great. So now that's let on our back to continue with. Roll over has come on our back. Great. Find another position. Place your hands beside you. We will take a support from them to lift our legs. So inhale. Bring the legs up and reach to the ceiling. Close them in point now inhale roll Lex over. Stay parallel to floor. Exhale. Open the legs. Shoulder real apart. Inhale flex defeat. No exhale. Roll down slow, literal down. Great. Stay here. Close the legs. Point the feet in high row back. Excel open in her flex defeat. Excel, Roll down Great love it controlled. Close your legs. Now let's do the opposite. Open your legs. Flex your feet in her row back. Close your legs. Exhale point your feet in hand. Rolled down brings legs lower upon the lex. Flex the feet in her roll over. Exhale. Close the legs. Inhale point the feet. Ex wrote down and stay here. Read. Let's continue it, Jack. Knife Now Keep the position in herro back legs parallel to floor. Okay, now accept lower the legs down to the floor in hell. Bring the legs up now. Excess lonely road down and bring the legs. Tell one more time. Inhale Roebuck. Legs. Barlow. Exhale. Lower the legs to the floor. Inhale. Bring the legs up to the ceiling. Excess long, the roll down. Very slow. All right. And bend your knees. Great. Now stay in this position and we will do teaser. Now bring your arms overhead. Great. Now with an excels slowly start to roll up and stretch the legs forward. Inhale up and looks forward. Stay here and bring the legs down and up. Inhale down and up One more time. Down and up as a little literal back and stay here. Great. Now bring your legs up again. People, continue with Caesar's. Now take a support from your hands. It will roll your legs back. Okay, Excel, bring the legs up to the ceiling. Place your hands on your lower back. Just supporting your hips. Not carrying your weight. Now from here with an inhale. When you're rightly close to floor and the other leg opposite direction So exhale. Bring them up in hell. Switched the side in hell up. Exhale switch. He And here up excess which inhale up access, which leads to two more times. Switch and change and help Excel. Bring both legs up. Stay here. Put your hands down and slow, literal down. Very slow. Slowly roll down. Great. Now bend your knees and put on your mat. Great. Now here. Just relax with two seconds. Okay? Just relax. We have done a lot off work here, so I want you to take a deep red and with an inhale, lift your hips up to the ceiling in health and exhale down. Great. Well, more time. Inhale up and excel del less the one more time and stay on top. Here, inhale up. Now stay here and bring your right leg up and exhale. Del being held up. Exhale. Don't keep your abs engaged in hell up. Exel down and bring your leg down that switch the legs now. So keep your abs engaged here. Okay, So, in helping the light up and exhale down being held up, Excel del, inhale up. Exhale down and bring your leg on the mat. Stay here. Has slowly roll down. Great. Nice work out. All the muscles are crying. We have worked everywhere out so less to some stretching a release work. OK, so bring your right leg on your left knee and lift the leg up. Place your hands behind your left knee and stretch your leg. Here. Just relax in this moment. Great. Brings leg down and switch the legs together, like on your knee. Now lift leg up and hold your knee here and stretch. Great. Now bring both knees to your chest and press them towards your chest. This is still relaxing. Just close your eyes for two seconds and release so nice. Great. Put your legs down. Now slowly stand up and bend your right knee. Stretch the other leg craze. Once we have the comfortable position, just stretch towards your left leg. Here, just relax. Side muscles. You can put your hand here and stretch with the other arm that feels so good. Stretch and up and now changed the leg. Bend the other leg and bring this forward here. No less thrashed on our right leg. Great stretch. Once you feel comfortable, put your forehead here. That's fresh. The other are great. Just relax a stretch. See how much you can go If you can go lower just go lower on the full. All right. So let's go out on our knees now, and we bring it right like forward. And let's stretch the legs here. So place your hands on your knees has fresh forward here. Okay? Now come back and stretch your leg forward like this. Place your hands on your met. Going to feed? Back, forward, back and forward. Back and forward. Great. Now let's reached leg. Let's bring the other like forward. Place your hands on your knee. Okay, So here, keep the good balance and stretch forward. Very good. Stay here. Stretch the leg back. Now put your hands on your Met. Bring the feet forward. I'm back. Forward, Back. Wonderful. Great. Now bring boats. He's on the Met and stretch here. Bring your hands forward. Put your four hold on the mountains. Stretch this lowly. Come up, touch your toes and sit back again. On your feet. Now slowly will back on your hands Now. From here we will come to our standing position so slowly. Come on. Your tools Make sure your heads close looking in your feet when your hands back. No, slowly stand up. There is low stay here. Close your head and watch your knees. Now stretch here. The legs slowly stretch now slowly roll up when we're took bread a time. Keep your head closed. Arms following your spine. Slowly. The rule up, they're slow. I didn't come to your sitting standing position. I just come here. Keep this position now Sweep the arms around you. Take a deep breath and inhale. Bring the arms to the ceiling. Keep looking forward. Don't put your head like this. Dusky forward and excess with arms. Now let's at the feet. So when I bring my arms up, I also go on my toes. Inhale just a course. Try to keep your balance and exhale everything down One more time. Inhale up eggs. Dumb. Very good. This is very relaxing. Now, One more time. Inhale up. Stay here. Keep your balance and exhale down. Great. Now been You're right on a fund Offerings. Stretch it. Great. I'll change the arm and stretch. Good. Now place your hands on your hips and just slowly circle your hips. This is also releasing all the hard work that our muscles did. I just read to relax and turn your hips Very good now to the other side. Circled them. Just give them a bit rest and congratulate them because they did. Amazing. Great. Just stay here. Just hold your leg here and stretch the leg here under full. But this down and the other leg stretch. Great. Let's sit handless. Put our feet together and, as usual, less stress the legs. Lastly, on our butterfly position. So this is the end off your advanced level. Met work out. And I'm very proud off you because you have reached to this level. And don't forget to keep practicing, practicing, practicing all the time. Because Platas is a lot of afford it. Work up a lot of efforts, patience and hard work. So don't give up. And the good thing is, after a while you will see the difference in your bed and you will see how your body will adapt so quickly. So just don't give up slowly with your own pace. No matter you are busy with work or with your kids or with your family, just spare yourself a little bit off time. Maybe not more than 15 minutes a day. Or if you have more time, just go ahead and do. And don't forget also to give arrest to your buddy. Okay, This is very important because if you force yourself a lot, then your body will be tired. So make sure that you're giving enough rest to your body to be prepared for the next exercise is okay. So again, I'm very, very proud off you that you have finished all your levels. And if you have enjoyed this course, please leave a comment so it can be beneficial for other people as well. And I'm hoping to see assume in another course off mine. And don't forget to subscribe to my courses, other courses as well. And if you have any questions and adopts a few Phiri to reach me anytime with this platform , okay? And keep practicing and just be proud off yourself. Thank you very much. And congratulations again. See you