Comedy Writing, Humor Writing, and Joke Writing Tips With Examples | Mohammed Shamash | Skillshare

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Comedy Writing, Humor Writing, and Joke Writing Tips With Examples

teacher avatar Mohammed Shamash

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Why Creative Writing is Important


    • 3.

      What is Creative Writing


    • 4.

      What to Write


    • 5.

      What is Fiction


    • 6.

      Weird Sounds


    • 7.

      The Odd Rule


    • 8.



    • 9.



    • 10.



    • 11.

      Timing and Length


    • 12.

      Daily Life Activities


    • 13.

      Serious Comedy


    • 14.

      Weird Characters


    • 15.

      Twist in the Story


    • 16.

      Use it Sparingly


    • 17.

      Oblivious Characters


    • 18.



    • 19.

      Indirect Answer


    • 20.



    • 21.

      Last Tip


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About This Class

Writing comedy and making people laugh is one of the most essential professions in today's world. Many people try to create humor but fail because they are unfamiliar with the art. As a result, one of the most crucial skills individuals desire to develop is comedy writing. Therefore, in this lesson, I'll discuss all of the essential tips for writing comedy, humor, and jokes. After watching this class, you will know how to write comedy, then you can easily write humor and jokes that will make others laugh and smile. 

In this class, I will cover topics such as creative writing, tips for writing humor using:

- Sarcasm

- Cliché

- Anecdote

- Daily life activities

- Weird characters and so on.

This is a lesson for beginners. So, let's get started.

Meet Your Teacher

Hello, I'm Mohammed a beginner level writer. I help other beginner level writers find simple and effective ways to write. I am a Masters Student at Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul, Turkey. I also give free writing classes to Bachelor and high school students.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello everyone and welcome to our new course, creative writing. In this class, we will discuss comedy writing, often known as humor writing. On Skillshare. I've already published two classes on how to get ideas for creating jokes and comedy. If you haven't already watched it, please check it out. This class, however, will be a bit different from the previous one, since we will be looking at the crucial aspects and important tips to know while writing humor and comedy. Of course, we'll be using examples to explain all of the comedy writing tips so that you may all comprehended better. There are two types of creative writing. The first is fiction, and the second is non-fiction. We will learn both fiction and nonfiction creative writing in this course. Comedy writing will fall under the area of fiction writing. As a result, before we get into comedy writing tips, Let's take a quick look at fiction writing will also discuss the significance of creative writing and talk about what to write so that you'll be motivated to start writing right away. So let's get started. 2. Why Creative Writing is Important: What motivates individuals to write or wire certain individuals. So obsessed with writing, these questions can be answered in a number of ways. In my case, however, I began writing, or should I say, became passionate about writing because I read a lot. And when you read a variety of things such as books, newspapers, magazines, articles, or blogs, then you will also have a strong desire to share your feelings and your views with others through your writing. You might say that I was inspired to write after reading a variety of materials. Furthermore, writing has become an essential element of our daily life. As a student. For example, you write assignments, papers, and research papers. You write grocery lists, to-do lists, emails and messages as an adult, for example. As a result, when I began writing, I felt a new kind of satisfaction and happiness by connecting, combining different types of words and creating innovative phrases. This ingenuity piqued my interest, and it was this originality that inspired me to begin writing. Another extremely cliched answer to the above mentioned questions is that many of us have enjoyed writing since we were children. Many people have written novels, essays, articles, and other works before they reach the age of adulthood. Many of them have even written for major journals, blogs, and websites before graduating from high school. If you've clicked on this class, it indicates you're either a lifelong writer or you've recently discovered your love of writing through reading or listening to a variety of writers. It makes no difference whether you do not fall into one of these two groups or if you do not have a natural talent for writing, because after much trial and error, you will finally improve your writing skills. So don't worry, the more you write, the better you'll get. Another category includes people who did not enjoy writing before being forced to do so, either by their parents or teachers or others. But who unintentionally became good at it and went on to have a successful writing career. This also demonstrates that even if you are not skilled at writing, you must force yourself to write every day in order to become a really good writer in the future, writing has become a pretty common occurrence in today's world. And creative writing has grown to be a significant element in the general writing area. Because if they don't find anything fascinating or engaging while reading, then they will become easily bored. There are many various sorts of cuisines and flavors in life. That's why people will not become tired eating the same thing over and over. Similarly, there are a variety of writing genres in which a writer may express himself and write creatively so that the reader is not board. It might be intellectual writing, fiction writing, or even comedic writing. As a result, anyone may write and express himself in whatever genre he chooses and earn a reputation for himself in it. This is what makes creative writing so exhilarating. We get to come up with our own catchphrases thanks to creative writing. Instead of writing a plain statement, make it imaginative so that the readers would find it amusing and engaging. The creative writing process is also enjoyable since you will experiment with different words to create a nice creative statement. Here, I can speak for myself and say that I like playing with different words to create a new and creative sentence. As I previously stated, not only the writer, but also the reader, find creative writing incredibly fascinating and engaging. Another advantage is that an introvert who disliked socializing may express himself through writing and be appreciated and recognized. It is also one of the most effective ways to interact with your readers and capture their attention. As a result, in today's society, just writing is not enough. You must write creatively so that many people find your work fascinating and engaging and came connect with you as a reader. Now that we've covered all of the reasons why creative writing is important, Let's move on to the next lesson. 3. What is Creative Writing: Now that we've established the significance of creative writing, let's move on to the next step. Let us now look at the definition of creative writing. Any piece of writing in which you capture an original notion, your imagination, your own self-expression in a unique manner. Then this is called as creative writing. In addition to this, you will be capturing and expressing your life experiences in a creative, engaging, and enjoyable manner. Also, connecting and combining words in a way that it will attract and pKa reader's attention throughout the reading session. You may also define creative writing as the ability to narrate the same event or experience in a different way than another individual. The other person's saw the same thing as u, but he may have felt or experienced it differently. As a result, he will use different words to describe the same event. This is because the other person may have a different perspective of the same event. For example, he may view the event from a political, a religious standpoint, whereas you may not. There are an unlimited number of ways to explain the same experience in various different manner. Even though the other person has the same vocabulary as you, he will not link and combine the words in the same way that you do, and we'll end up writing something totally different. This is referred to as diversity in writing, and it makes the writing more attractive. It is a work of art in and of itself to write creatively. In self-expression, the term self distinguishes your work from others. It is original since it is not a copy and paste job. And its uniqueness makes IT innovative and noteworthy. As a result, creative writing as a distinct entity that may also be referred to as school of thought. Because it is a subject taught at schools and colleges. Additionally, career opportunities in the field of creative writing are on the rise. People use to solely write for newspapers, books, and other publications before the Internet. However, with the Internet encompassing every aspect of our lives, There is a high need for creative writers to write on a variety of topics. There are also many other platforms that are looking for creative writers to write for them. It's possible that you'll be employed to write emails, reports, or deliver presentations. This style of writing is known as creative writing for business purposes, or business writing. However, depending on the person you're chatting with, even a normal WhatsApp discussion might turn into a business writing. For example, you can use casual language while chatting with your family and friends. But if you're writing to your coworkers, clients, or customers on WhatsApp, you'll need to use professional writing language, often known as business writing. To summarize, creative writing is defined as unique, imaginative, and captivating writing, regardless of whether it is formal or informal. That concludes this section. Moving on to the next part, what to write. 4. What to Write: There are primarily two types of writing. The first is fiction and the second is nonfiction. There are several categories and subcategories in both fiction and nonfiction. Just one style of poetry, for example, is the sonnet, which comprises both 86 lines stanzas. There are also other types of poetry, such as shaped poems, in which a poem about a tree is written in the shape of a tree. Or it may be free verse, blank verse, a limerick, jingle, or something else. From the above example, we can observe that there are many distinct types and forms of poetry. Poetry was exclusively used in books, letters, and other literary works in the past. Nowadays, poetry is utilized in WhatsApp chats, SMS, memes, wallpapers, invitation cards, greeting cards, and so on. Poetry is becoming increasingly popular in mainstream society. Other types of fiction include novels, Nadella has, dramas, and so on. Non-fiction comes in a variety of forms, including biography, autobiography, Memoirs, and so on. As a result, you have a lot of options. You can write anything from poetry to novels or dramas and many other things. Let's take a look at another type of creative writing, which is journalism. Article writing, press releases, op-ed writing, letters to editors, and so on are all examples of journalistic writing. In journalism, creative writers have a lot of opportunities. Writing resumes, cover letters, portfolios, and other documents are also in high demand these days. If you're interested in this type of stuff, you may work on it and practice writing till you become perfect in that field. Another example is that if a person wants to have a Wikipedia page created for him, he may hire you for this work. Or if a guy wishes to write a eulogy for his deceased wife, you can do so. People can't write this kind of thing. There's searching for creative writers to write for them. Therefore, it's up to you to figure out what's best for you. Among the many different forms of creative writing categories. You can select the one that is most appropriate for you. You should work on it. If you can't do it on your own, then don't worry, we'll study all of this in later classes in this course. 5. What is Fiction: In this part, we'll go over some useful tips for writing good fiction. Fictional stories can be inspired by both reality and dreams. However, what we term fiction is made up by our brains and it is not real. It's neither a reality, Nora fact. It's all a figment of our imagination. Even children may serve as sources of inspiration for us. For example, if a child tells you that he traveled to the moon or space last night with a superhero who protected the earth from asteroids, you have to admire him for having a vast, expansive, and great imagination. You may also use his creativity to inspire you to produce your own fiction or science fiction novels. And putting these creative thoughts and ideas into words is referred to as fiction writing. As previously said, fiction may be derived from our dreams. So let your imagination go wild. So you may write a novel that no one has ever heard of. For example, a story of an animal that requires fire to breathe instead of oxygen. Or you can write about planets to be talking and thinking creatures. Galaxies to be their homes and the cosmos to be their world. These planets marry, have children, and so forth. Some individuals may find this ludicrous and the logical. However, let me tell you that many people enjoy reading these kinds of stories that pique their interest and encouraged them to let their imaginations go wild. As a result, in order to create fiction, you must have a powerful imagination. That is, you envision a fantastic and one of a kind narrative and put it into your own original words. Then it will be considered as the finest fiction work. When you read fiction, you sometimes think this might happen in real life, and sometimes you think it could never happen in real life. These are the ideas that make it more enjoyable to read because you can connect to it while yet finding it's silly. All of this is happening while you are imagining what is going on in the storyline. Another benefit of fiction stories is that they transport you to another reality or a dream world where everything is exciting to you while also fitting into your life and making you happy. That is why when creating a fiction narrative, you must ensure that it is based on some reality while still exercising your imagination. For example, if you're writing about a room, you can get ideas from your own room or a friend's room. Then add objects that aren't from our Earth, such as an extra terrestrial bed. The bed is made of aliens. It can talk, and it can also assist you in falling asleep. It can also massage you, among other things. You may also include a variety of other characters in your imaginative room. Flowers, for example, may request water when they are thirsty. Or cushions may request that you clothed them because they are embarrassed when they are naked, and so on. You may give these characters fictional personalities, or you can give them the personalities of real-life friends, etc. So all of these elements, both from your imagination and reality, combined to form wonderful fiction writing. To create good fiction writing, you must be highly observant. You must be able to observe everything in great detail. For example, if you look at a leaf, observe the details in the leaf. Or when you look at an automobile, examine its size, color, speed, and so on. You may also go into further depth to discover what sort of tires are used or which company does it belong to, check its weight, grip, and so forth. When describing a car, a non-fiction writer will simply write a red color car. Fiction writer, on the other hand, would describe it as a gigantic red color automobile with huge black tires that has a strong grip and travels extremely smoothly on the road. In traffic, it can also spread its wings and flies through the sky to increase its speed and so on. So when you read this, you had to picture the smoothness of the tires, the speed of the car, and many other things. Although the automobile in this narrative is flying, it is based on reality by giving it bird-like wings. This is how you may begin writing a wonderful fictional narrative. Observe your surroundings attentively so that when you write fiction, you can offer a highly detailed vision of the items so that the reader may imagine them using all five of his senses. It's even possible to imagine sent and taste. So be sure to describe everything in great detail. For example, the way it smells or looks. If you're talking about a person's face, describe his skin color, eye color, eyebrows, nose, hair color, hairstyle, and even wrinkles. So that a reader may imagine it vividly and enjoy the fiction work. All of these details contribute to the character, the setting, and the plots development. The most crucial element is that your reader enjoys the characters and environments creativity. To write this style of fiction, you must visualize it vividly. In other words, you must daydream the scenario while putting it into words vividly. Jk Rowling's Harry Potter is one of the greatest examples of fiction writing. If you've read her work, you'll realize how well she describes the characters and the setting. It transports the reader to an alternate reality. I encourage reading fiction stories from many different authors to see how they bring their characters to life so that the reader may thoroughly enjoy it. You shouldn't be afraid of criticism as a newbie. Simply write whatever you want, whatever you've imagined. Don't be concerned about what other people will think. Simply continued to write, it will improve over time. So don't be concerned about what others think and keep writing. Fiction comes in many forms, including fiction, poetry, fiction, theater, fiction, reality, science fiction, and so on. Let's take a look at some examples from popular fiction works. The first is myth Appiah. It's a mashup of mythology and fantasy. Game of Thrones. For example. You might draw inspiration from Greek or Roman mythology to create a new fiction narrative with your own imaginative characters and setting. The second is clarify, which stands for climate fiction. The most famous example for clarify is Jurassic Park. You can write on how climate change has impacted animals, humans, and other living things. Tornadoes, tsunamis, and landslides may all be used to create a wonderful clarify fiction plot. There are many different genres of fiction, but the most essential thing is to capture your imagination in a detailed and vivid manner. Let us now turn our attention to our first fiction genre. Comedy writing. 6. Weird Sounds: Many comic writers claim that dying is easier than writing a comedic piece. I'm not sure how true this phrases. However, I am confident that the tips I will provide you in this session will make it easier for you to write comedy. In our daily lives, we encounter a wide range of funny situations. So we can say that in our life, there is a lot of comedy. As humans. We laugh, cry, and feel a wide range of emotions. Comedy is also a very major component of relationships. People's bonds become stronger when they have a sense of humor and comedy in their relationship. When I laugh, it causes others to laugh as well. This establishes a more human connection between us. If you want to write a humorous narrative, you can employ comedy. Alternatively, you might use comedy to provide comedic relief and a serious subject. Nobody is always happy, are always sad. It is not necessary to create humor solely in lighthearted stories. You must be able to write comedy in serious stories as well in order to make them more relevant and to relieve tension between characters. As a result, in order to write a fantastic narrative, you must include a little bit of both. So the first tip to remember when writing comedy is to include utterly ridiculous and absurd sounding words in the writing. Many people laugh when they hear odd phrases or strange noises. For example, Cadillac, quadruple, guacamole, girdle. These are the words that make people laugh. This is because of the absurd sounds. Another popular example for this type of comedy writing is, do you suffer from a Biblia, phobia? Many people don't even know the meaning of the word Biblia phobia. The actual meaning of a Biblia phobia is the fear of running out of reading materials to read. However, when they hear these weird words, they find it funny. Another example of absurd sounding phrases in a humorous context is, do you blow V8 and carry a bumper shoot with you while you lollygagging. These are some examples of employing nonsensical words in comic writing. As a result, if you use these sorts of odd and strange sounding phrases in your writing, you may produce comedy. Let's move on to our next tip for creating effective comedy. 7. The Odd Rule: The second piece of advice for creating effective humor is to follow an odd rule when writing comedy. This implies you will have to employ back-to-back three phrases to generate a comic impact. When writing these sorts of statements, bear in mind that two of them should be in a similar context. And the third should be out of context. Or should be an odd sentence. However, when you read this text as a whole, it makes humorous sense. Let's look at some examples from one of the most prominent stand-up comedians, Harland Williams, to explain this comedy writing tip. He says, when you die, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. When my father dies, you'll see the light make his way toward it and then flip it off to save electricity. To understand this tip, Let's look at another example from Willard Pearson. He says, I was told to be accurate, be brief, and then be seated. So I promise I shall be brief as possible no matter how long it takes me. As the last example, see you wish to lose weight. You can write three statements, the first two of which are identical and the third of which are distinct. You can say eat less, drink more healthfully, and feel weightless in an anti-gravity room. Anti-gravity has nothing to do with reducing weight in this context. And it contradicts the prior two phrases. However, because anti-gravity is a state in which you feel weightlessness, you may use it to create a humorous situation for losing weight. As a result, if you write a line that does not match well with the context, but makes sense as a whole, then you have produced a comedic situation. 8. Comparison: The third technique for writing a solid comedy script is to create a comparison scenario. You have to compare two things that don't have anything in common, like comparing apples to oranges. However, when they are compared, this scenario becomes humorous. As a result, the guidelines for writing a hilarious narrative is to compare two opposing items that have nothing in common and create a funny story out of it. Let's take a look at an example of comparison comedy writing from cooled funny And it goes like follows. For me in math classes, like watching a foreign movie without subtitles. Subtitles in this case have nothing to do with math, but they are funny when compared. Let's take a look at another example of comparison comedic writing. Let's assume that you want to give up smoking, but you're having a hard time doing so. To create a comedy from this situation, you might say that quitting smoking is as tough as flossing a cat's teeth. Nobody floss is a cat's teeth in real life. But it's funny when used in the context of quitting smoking. 9. Cliché: The next tip for writing a successful comedy is to employ cliches when necessary. Many individuals advise against using cliches when writing. Using cliches, on the other hand, is particularly effective in comedic writing. As a result, the next suggestion is to employ cliches while creating comedy. This is due to the fact that it is relatable to a large number of individuals. Because folks have heard it many times before. The most essential thing to remember while employing a cliche is to write it in a fresh and unique way, because no one will laugh if you repeat the same old cliche. Therefore, employ a cliche and more creative and funny ways. Let's have a look at an example of a cliche joke. Knock, knock. Who's there? Figs. Figs, who? Figs the doorbell, It's broken. Another example of a cliche joke is this one. Why is six afraid of seven? The usual joke is because 789, you may, however, alter it and say, Why is six afraid of seven? It's not. Numbers aren't sanctioned and are therefore incapable of feeling fear. Cliche jokes are best when they are modified to make them more funny. Now let's move on to our next tip. 10. Anecdote: The next tip for creating effective humor is to use anecdotes. It is a brief, astonishing or entertaining story about a true occurrence or person. The stories that were popular when you were a kid or that you've heard a million times are an example of an anecdote. A man, for example, slipped and fell due to a banana peel. Similarly, this is another example of anecdotes. We usually laugh when we see other people in an unpleasant or intriguing situation. Another good example is Tom and Jerry. We laugh when we watch Tom being beaten or being trashed. Let's have a look at an example of a funny anecdote. Now, there are so many overweight and unhealthy people in our country. Friend once commented, they should join a gym. Certainly. I replied, When are you joining? Let's have a look at another anecdote now. My friend once told me that they use to live without electricity. I said, of course, if you don't pay your electricity bill, the government will cut off your supply. These are examples of anecdotes. So try to use anecdotes while writing comedy. Now let's move on to our next tip. 11. Timing and Length: The next thing to keep in mind while writing comedy is timing. The most crucial aspect of comedy is timing. Timing is off for you are not able to deliver punchlines on time, then people won't laugh. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you stretch your jokes too far, they will become and funny. One of the most common errors individuals make when creating comedy is writing really long jokes. As a result, it becomes and funny and boring. Try to come up with a short and punchy joke that will make people laugh. Let's look at an example of a lengthy joke that is usually not funny. If you want to be involved, show up. If you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be heard, speak up. If you want to be important, pay up. If you want to be appreciated. Shut up. When writing a comedy script, do not create a long joke like this. Simply write a good short joke that will have an impact. For example, if you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be heard, speak up. If you want to be appreciated. Shut up. In this example, I demonstrated that if you create a long joke, it will be on funny. So to make it funny, make it a three-line job. Now let's move on to our next tip. 12. Daily Life Activities: The next thing to keep in mind when writing comedy is to use everyday activities to create a good job. Don't be concerned with what others think of. You. Don't worry about people being offended by your jokes. Just don't be concerned about upsetting someone. Pay attention to the mundane aspects of your life. Make humorous scenarios out of your everyday routines. Many people will wonder what's so hilarious about this. But the truth is that the majority of our funny situations arise from our regular lives. As a result, pay attention to the mundane things you perform in your everyday life and create a comical situation out of them. Let's have a look at an example of a daily life activity joked by a k. He says, during a job interview at the $0.99 store, my son was asked, where do you see yourself in five years. My son's reply was at the dollar store, he got the job. Another example of a joke on daily life routines. It comes from Patrick McClellan, who says, to avoid taking down my Christmas lights, I'm turning my house into an Italian restaurant. Here you can see that Patrick converted as normal daily life situation to a funny one by adding creativity to his life. Another example of a joke on daily life routines comes from poly, poly grosso, WHO says, The closest I've been to a diet this year is erasing food searches from my browser history. This is how you can create comedy writing by adding funny elements to your daily life. 13. Serious Comedy: The next thing to keep in mind while writing comedy is to use it to relieve tension in serious situations. Serious and harsh events may be turned into comedies, such as death, suffering, or theft, to name a few examples. However, I must caution you that you must consider your audience and readers. However, if you believe that it is acceptable, then by all means, right? Let's look at a few examples. After a long laborious birth, the gynaecologist finally holds the baby just as he is about to give it to the mom. He drops it on the floor. The mother cries out in distress and the doctor goes, April's Fools, it was already dead. Another example of distress jokes is distressed man is in the cemetery crying his eyes out and beating a tombstone while shouting, why did you have to die? Why did you have to die? A nearby man comes up to him and asks him, I'm very sorry. Was she your wife? The distressed man looks up at him and responds, it was her first husband. Another example for the distress joke is the most famous sinking job. One of the English crew members is doing a radio call asking for help. We are sinking. We're sinking. Can anyone here? We are sinking. German ship is nearby and receives the emergency call. One of the crew members answers, oh, how nice, What are you thinking about? These are examples of distress jokes. Now let's move on to our next tip. 14. Weird Characters: The next thing to keep in mind while creating humor is to come up with unusual and interesting characters. First, consider the story while writing. Like, what will the stories central premise B. Next, we'll concentrate on the events and the scenarios that will be portrayed in the storyline. Then coming to the characters create eccentric and one of a kind characters. It might also be real-life individuals, such as your grandmother, who says the same phrases over and over again, which makes it funny. Man who takes everything literally as an example of a weird character. For example, our company recently did a password audit. It was found that an employee was using the following password. Vader Obi-Wan, Luke, Bob, ethic, Gandalf, Frodo Gimli Legolas, Sacramento. When asked why he had such a long password, he rolled his eyes and said, hello. It has to be at least eight characters and include at least one capital. A character that performs TV stunts in real life is another type of weird character comedy. For example, a man sees that in most cartoons he watched characters were able to come back from near-death by having water splashed on their face. On a completely unrelated note, he is no longer allowed at funerals. These are some examples of creating weird characters to write comedy. Now let's move on to our next tip. 15. Twist in the Story: The next thing to keep in mind while creating a comedy script is to offer a new spin to an old and classic story. Changed the gender of Cinderella, or make her an old grandma to add a new twist to the classic stories. As a result, the story will become hilarious. All you have to do is surprise the reader. The element of surprise is what makes this scenario amusing and humorous. I once read a twist on a classic story on the mother's press website. It's about a twist on the Cinderella narrative. This is how it goes after dancing til midnight. She said to the price that it's time to go home. Then the prints asked How can he contact her? Then she replied, You can contact me at www is This is how you can add a twist to a good old classic story and write a good comedy. Now, moving on to our next tip. 16. Use it Sparingly: The next thing to keep in mind while writing humor is to use jokes sparingly. Don't use it more than three times in the same situation, or it will lose its amusement value. If you tell the same joke every time and on every occasion, it will no longer be hilarious. Jokes become all band. If repeated too frequently, may become boring and monotonous. Let's look at an example of an overused joke that is no longer funny. Movies and shows. You often hear people say, I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat. This statement has become so overused that it is no longer amusing. Similarly, he's standing right behind me. Isn't he? Is a phrase that has become so overused that it has become a cliche among cliches. Okay, Now let's move on to our next tip. 17. Oblivious Characters: The next thing to keep in mind while writing humor is to create a character that is completely oblivious to what is going on. He's not paying attention to what's going on around him. This type of person succeeds at creating humor in tight situations. Let's imagine a person is upset in a bad circumstance with a difficult life and the situation is stressful. His friend, on the other hand, is sipping his drink and enjoying a football game. He is also completely unaware of his friends predicament. This adds to the absurdity of the situation. For example, Jack says, How can you sit there quietly eating muffins? While we're in such a dire situation, I'm unable to figure out anything. You appear to me to be completely uncaring. Sam? Well, I can't eat muffins agitated. The butter would vary certainly get on my cuffs. Muffin should always be calmly and quietly. It's the only way to consume them. Jack, in these circumstances, I think it's completely cruel of you to eat muffins at all. The situation turned humerus. When a person was doing things that he was not supposed to do in that situation. Instead of asking Jack about his predicament and attempting to alleviate his concerns, his friend was enjoying his food. The scenario becomes funny as a result of this. We see scenarios like these in movies as well. When there is a ten scene in a movie, we usually witness a person do something strange and completely unconcerned with the situation. This is how you make the situation and music. 18. Reaction: Let's imagine a scenario in which everyone is supposed to be terrified of something. However, one individual has a radically different reaction as if he is smiling instead of being afraid. This is what makes a situation amusing. He is not oblivious to the situation. He is completely aware of what is going on around him. He is, however, not affected in the same manner that other individuals are. As a result, his reaction, which is out of character for the scenario, adds to the comedy. For example, suppose a student fails in exam and then goes out partying. His mother. Molly says, How come you failed six subjects. Turner replies, What is it? The music is too loud and I can't hear you. Then Molly says, you're enjoying and having fun after failing your exams. Then turn or replies, Well, I have failed the exams. I can't unfair them might as well party till the next exams. Here you can see that his reaction and reaction and his mom's reaction are very different. This makes the situation funny. 19. Indirect Answer: The next thing to keep in mind while creating comedy is to create a scenario in which an indirect and misleading answer to an obvious question makes the situation funny. Let's consider a scenario in which answering directly and honestly will exacerbate the problem. Therefore, you have to answer it indirectly and loops. And this makes the whole situation funny and amusing. Darryl Hammond gives an example of an indirect reply. He says, here's my marriage quiz. Your wife comes in and says, Hey, do I look fat? Do you say, Yeah, you could lose a few. Or you could say, no honey, you've never looked better. Or you could say, Wait, let me get my protective headgear. The goal here is to avoid replying directly and instead make the situation humorous by answering indirectly. Another example of an indirect answer is when a teacher asks his pupils, are my classes boring? And one of the students says, only the classes of other teachers are boring. And you are one of the others. So in this way, you can make a situation funny. Now let's move on to our next tip. That is sarcasm. 20. Sarcasm: Sarcasm is the use of irony to mock or show contempt. Sarcasm occurs when we attempt to mock people without angering them for when we express our disdain through irony. Many individuals do not consider sarcasm to be a form of comedy. However, I choose to disagree on this point because there are so many jobs on freelancing platforms that demand sarcastic writing for their ads and websites in order to keep people interested in their services. Therefore, sarcastic writing is a must and a form of comedy. As a result, utilize it like a straight and sharp blade to create superb sarcasm. Using sarcasm as a straight and sharp blade will have a long-lasting influence on individuals. People will understand the sarcasm and will not be outraged as a result. The greatest comic sarcasm is worthlessness. Sarcasm. In this type of sarcasm, you exaggerate your worthlessness to the point that it really does seem funny. For example, what if a friend says, don't go home today, let's party all night. Then you might respond sarcastically. Of course. Why not? I have the energy to party all night. It's simply that my wife is going to leave me. She already thinks I'm useless and a burden tour. My children will not respect me there. So let's have a party here. You demonstrate your worthlessness in such a way that it becomes funny. Let's have a look at another example. We are a family of three. My mother once yelled at my younger brother, You are nothing but trash. I became enraged and said, Mom stopped mistaken my name with others. Another example is when my teacher referred to me as the classes topper. She is an extremely childish individual who is always lying. I'm not the classes best performer, but rather the classes worst performer and the garbage of the class. This is how you make your worthlessness humerus. Let's take a look at another sort of sarcasm. It's known as submissive sarcasm. In this type of sarcasm, you become so subservient that it becomes funny. You'll say things like, of course, I'll do anything for you and so on. You become subservient and behave as if you were a slave. For example, suppose your teacher assigns you a large amount of homework for a single day, then you respond. Of course, I will do it. I can't think of anything else to do other than work for you. I exist just to serve you. I am, you're sad and I will do anything you want. Here. You don't want to complete a lot of homework, but you can't say no to your instructor. As a result, you must respond with sarcasm. This is known as submissive sarcasm. Here's another example of submissive sarcasm. Let's assume you've been dismissed from your job. And you say, that's the good news. It's just what I needed today. Now, let's look at a different type of sarcasm known as deadpan sarcasm. Sarcasm that is in passive or expressionless is also known as deadpan sarcasm. In this type of sarcasm, you respond in such a manner that people are perplexed by your sarcastic remark. Because of your serious tone and blank expression, they can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. For example, suppose your teacher assigns you a large amount of homework to complete in a single day, then you respond to him by saying, of course, I'll finish it. It's only that I have a meeting with some psychopath and a bank robbery scheduled for the evening. That's fine. Though. I'll cancel the meeting, reschedule the robbery, and do my homework tonight. Here you are responding in a snarky and deadpan manner. Another example of deadpan sarcasm is when you arrive early to a meeting from a long distance and people question how you got here so early and you respond, I teleported here from my home. Let's take a look at another type of sarcasm known as polite sarcasm. You act as though you are respectful. And considerate of others. When you use this type of sarcasm. In this type of sarcasm, you respond in such a nice manner that it becomes funny and sarcastic. For example, if your instructor says, you can't leave the class until you finish your homework, then you respond. Yes. Sure. Since I will have the privilege to accomplish your homework, also have a great time doing it. I'll also treat myself to a cake and some coffee. And while I'm at it, I'll have much more time on my hands to even do other kids incomplete assignments. When you respond in this manner, You may appear to be extremely polite, but you are actually quite angry. This, however, is known as polite sarcasm. Another example of polite sarcasm is when someone prepares a delicious meal and you respond, I didn't even realize you were so talented kudos. Here, you don't enjoy the food that you employ polite sarcasm to avoid upsetting them. Let's take a look at another type of sarcasm known as rude sarcasm. In this type of sarcasm, you respond in an aggressive tone that may come out as annoying. It will appear as though you are incredibly rude and offensive. For example, if your mother instructs you to clean the home and do you respond, what the ****? Why is it that I have to clean every time? Why isn't anybody else cleaning the house? Am I the only one that has to suffer? Here? It appears like you are upset, but it is a sarcastic response that does not insult your mom. Another example is when you warn your friend to be careful when pouring milk, since there is a broken glass there. Then he spills the milk and you say, What a surprise. Let us now look at another type of sarcasm known as manic sarcasm. In this type of sarcasm, you respond in such a manner that it appears as though you are behaving manically. Your tone is overly cheerful and enthusiastic here. Yet your plainly anything but happy. You do this to such an extent that it becomes amusing and sarcastic. For example, if your employer asks you to work extra on the weekend and you respond, Oh my God, really, I enjoy working on weekends. We are happy to work like a robot. Your response here is so frantic that it becomes amusing and sarcastic. Another example would be if your instructor gave you homework to complete over the summer vacation and you reply, I love my instructor since he knows how much I liked doing homework. Let's simply forego the summer vacation and go back to school. Let's take a look at another type of sarcasm knowns is dragging sarcasm. You responded or rage while using this type of sarcasm. It means displaying extreme rage when you are on the verge of a breakdown. You're so enraged that you become snarky and humorous. For example, if your supervisor tells you to work extra and you respond by stating, why only work over time. While I'm at it, I'll clean the toilet. Actually. You know what? I'll clean the entire office. Raging sarcasm is the name given to this form of sarcasm. Another example is if your wife asks you to buy some jewelry when you're on your way home from work. And you respond by saying, why didn't I get your mother some jewelry as well? Wait. While I'm at it. I'll buy the entire store for your family. This is how you can create comedy by adding soccer's into your script. You must remember a few crucial factors in order to pull off this type of sarcasm. The first is timing. Timing is crucial in this situation. If you do not phrase it correctly, it will not work and may even be interpreted as an insult. It also won't work if you don't say it when you're meant to say it. The second factor is context. If you're talking about work, you should be sarcastic about work and not about any other thing. If you change the context of your topic, it will lose its satirical nature. Third, if you don't depict facial expressions when writing about sarcasm, it will be interpreted in a variety of ways. Depending on the face expression, people may become angry and upset. As a result, it is critical to convey facial expressions while writing sarcasm forth, while writing sarcasm, employ proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling so that people don't get confused when reading it. Last but not least, be cautious when writing sarcasm because not everyone to understand sarcasm. Hence, make sure your readers or audience are aware of your sarcasm. 21. Last Tip: My final piece of advice for you while creating humor is to have fun while doing it. Won't be a good comedy script. If you don't enjoy the stuff you're writing, you should create humor because you like it, not merely for the sake of money. If you solely right to make money, it will not be as hilarious or effective as it should be. It will not have the same effect on the readers and audience. Of course, money is important, but it should be viewed as a means to an end. Your first objective should be to have fun and make others happy. I'm earning money should be a secondary goal, not a primary one. The priority should be to have fun and make others laugh. I hope this class will assist you in creating and writing effective comedy. I sincerely hope it was worthwhile. That concludes this class. Let's get together after our next class. Thank you very much.