Color Theory for Artists: A Complete Beginner's Guide - PART 2 Hue, Saturation and Color Harmonies! | Patricia Caldeira | Skillshare

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Color Theory for Artists: A Complete Beginner's Guide - PART 2 Hue, Saturation and Color Harmonies!

teacher avatar Patricia Caldeira, Illustrator | Digital Artist | Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome and Course Overview!


    • 2.

      What is Hue and How You Can Use It


    • 3.

      Saturation and Value with Live Examples!


    • 4.

      Creating Mood with Saturation


    • 5.

      Warm and Cold Colors - Using Color Temperature


    • 6.

      Telling a Story with Color Schemes - Color Harmonies


    • 7.

      Monochromatic Harmony


    • 8.



    • 9.

      Triadic Color Harmony


    • 10.

      Complementary the Simple Harmony!


    • 11.

      Split Complementary


    • 12.

      Tetradic, the Hardest Color Harmony


    • 13.

      Assignment! Putting Color Harmonies to Use


    • 14.

      BONUS: My take on the Assignment


    • 15.

      Conclusion and Farewell for Now!


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About This Class

This is the Second (and final) part of the Color Theory Masterclass.

This part will cover:

  • Creating Mood with Saturation and Value
  • Color Temperature - Warm and Cold Colors
  • Color Harmonies and when to Use them!

Enroll in the First part of this Masterclass!

Master Color Theory from the ground up, improve your artwork ten-fold! Learn how to give intensity and mood to your Art.

Make your artwork stand out by using Color Theory correctly!

What's this Class about?

This Class is all about explaining Color Theory in a very simple, but thorough way! So if you're a complete beginner to color theory or you already know a bit about it, this is the Class for you. 

This is the Final part of 2 classes on Color Theory.

We'll be going through all the basics, from the importance of color, the definition of Hue, Saturation, Value and how to use them in full, all the way to expressing emotion with Color and all the Color Harmonies you need to know about. 

By the end of the class, you'll be able to create better and more expressive Art using Color.

Whether you're a game artist, photographer, designer, programmer or anything similar, you'll get a lot of value with this class by learning Color Theory.

I'm here to Help You

If you have any doubt or need any help, I'm here to clear it up. 

I'm a Designer and Artist with over 10 years of experience and I'm ready to answer your questions as soon as possible. There's also a helpful community in the class, so if you need any help I'm sure everyone else is also able to give you a hand!

Remember that if you feel stuck with any definition, one example that you didn't quite understand or something similar, I'm right here to help you out. So just use the Q&A section, and I'll get back to you right when I'm able.

Clear and Easy to Understand

There are no long videos with long sentences of definitions straight from Wikipedia here. 

I break down every single aspect of Color Theory to make it easier for you understand, along with a lot of helpful examples from pop culture that you may have already seen around! 

This will help you better understand everything that I'm talking about without being bored out of your mind while watching text slides one after the other.

Put your Skills to the Test

I'm also including practical assignments so that you can get your hands on your newly found skills right away. 

Put your skills to the test by practicing what you learn. I believe that this is the best way to understand ANY topic, by actually working on it.

I'll reply back to the assignments as soon as possible (normally between 24 and 72 hours) and tell you what went right and what went wrong with the assignment.

I'll go over it as many times as you need so that you can grow your skills!

Here's a taste of what we'll be talking about

  • Using the Right Color Schemes
  • Resources for Color Schemes and Palettes
  • Color Temperature
  • Color Harmonies
  • RGB vs CMYK and when to use each one
  • Creating Mood in your Art
  • Expressing Emotion with Color
  • and more!

This is the final part of 2 classes on Color Theory.

In this first part we'll tackle some great resources for you to use for your art, how to guide the viewer with color, the differences between RGB and CMYK, everything there is to know about the Color Wheel and more!

Everything that you need to know about Color Theory is right here.

Start watching now!



Meet Your Teacher

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Patricia Caldeira

Illustrator | Digital Artist | Designer


Patricia Caldeira is a Freelancer Artist working in Illustration, Design and similar Artwork.

She graduated in Graphic Design and Multimedia and soon after started working on her own independent company "Don Corgi", doing work for several Streamers, Game Developers, Youtubers, and even selling Cards and Social Media Icons at her Etsy Store.

You can find more about her, her work and Drawing Tutorials and Tips at Don Corgi.

In the recent past She has:

- Co-Founded the Don Corgi Art Group;
- Collaborated with Programmers, Game Designers, Musicians, Youtubers, Twitchers and more!
- Taught over 14.000 people on different platforms;

Join her Class on Character Design, Gesture Drawing!

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome and Course Overview!: Hello and welcome. This is his second and final part off my class. About color Jury for artists If you haven't seen the 1st 1 I really recommend you do since recovered the very basics off color theory there. So you can start with the right foot. If you've already seen its or just want to skipper heads and learn more about concepts like hue, saturation, color, harmonies and more. Let's talk what this class is all about. So first off, we're going to be diving into manipulating the hue to change the colors and covering saturation and values step by step. Then we'll finish it up with how you can create a mood with saturation and what are warm and cold colors and how you can use them in your artwork. Next, we're going to take an even deeper dive into color schemes, really covering how you can tell a story using them and everything you need to know about color harmonies like Complementary Try Attic and more and finally went to use them. We'll also be having assignments for you to put your skills right up to the test. So Sajjan for that all right, that's about it. So let's dive right in and learn more about color to it. 2. What is Hue and How You Can Use It: Hello and welcome back. So in my last video, you might have noticed me mentioning something about who and maybe if you're not familiar with the word you might have has yourself. What does this word means? So let's take a look at our color will again. This here are the main who's that exists. Everything else comes from this by using saturation and value. We get different tones inside of each color, so as you can see inside, it's trying. We have a lot off colors to use. So very simply put, Hugh refers to which pure color resembles the one which has peaked. So let's say I used the darkest red I see there in the triangle, so the one there is right at the edge of our circle. This is a doctor read, and it's Who is red is the men read that we see here? It's very simple as that Now you might have noticed. In drawing software stead, you sometimes have the option to change to who in your drawing you've made your trying your colored it's and then you make some changes. You make some adjustments, so I'm going to show you a little example off how the who works So I have hit is drawing and I come up over here to color just and here is our Huber. So, as you can see here are represented all the colors from our color will. And if we moved is Iran. We will change dramatically the colors in our drawing when we used to Hugh in the drawing, we usually don't use it a lot. It's really used for tiny adjust adjustments. So let's say that I'm not particularly happy with the stones. Maybe I want something. It beats reddish. So I move it around the bids. Maybe not. Maybe I want some more green units, So yeah, we use it for very small adjustments, usually. So I just wanted to show you here very quickly how to work with the hue and how much with the change. Usually your drawings. This is it's for Hugh. And next we're going to talk about something that I mentioned here, which is saturation and value. So I'll see you next 3. Saturation and Value with Live Examples!: Hello and welcome back. We are now going to talk about saturation and value. It is very simple, but very important to understand because this is something that we use constantly in drying . So let's talk about saturation first. What is saturation? Saturation is how intense the color is. So the more saturate the color is, the more vibrant and strong it will be the last situation we use. It will become colorless going into white or grey stones. So this is a very simple visual representation off saturation. So as you can see on the right, we have a very vibrant tone, so we can tell that there was a lot off saturation use. And on the other side's we have white, so there is no saturation to it. But once again, let's see these work right now. So once again I have here my drawing and we have here are saturation bar. Like I said, this is used constantly in drawings after we color everything up. Also Deering. But when you're doing are less adjustments. Sometimes we decide that are drawing is looking to somber. The colors don't really have life. So we go over here and we give some saturation. So, as you can see, as I drag the circle to the right, our colors will become brighter and brighter until it's honestly not very pleasant to the ice. So it can be really exaggerated. So one warning here. Be very careful when using saturation. But as you can see, this is how it goes. Very vibrant, very colorful. And then we have to the other side. So we have here the men colors that were using, and then we go to the other side and it starts to lose. Scholar, it starts going grey until we have no color. It'll so you feel decided at the end of your painting that you wanted in great owns. This is very easily done by going all the way to the left on your saturation bar. Now let's talk about value. What is value? Well, very simply put, fail. You refers to the color brightness. The value determines how bright or dark are color is. Let's once again watch a live example of this. So I have here my picture again, and now we come up to here. We have a bar called brightness. Usually you won't find it called failure, so know that value is the same as frankness on the trying softer. You will always find it like this. So if I goto one side, my picture will be brighter and brighter until it turns white but difficult to the other side. My picture will be darker and darker. So once again, we don't use this a lot on Lee for very small adjustments because, as you can see, it will change the brightness equally and most of the times you who want to change the pregnancies something, it will be a specific place. So maybe you want to select the specific place and change its brightness, or even the color, the color that is brighter than the one used. And this is it for saturation and value. Very simple month thing, though. Be very careful using saturation because using it too much as you've just seen it might end up being not pleasant to the ice. So use both off these always for smaller adjustments and don't use them equally in the painting. So choose one spot that you want toe, have more attention than the others and have different levels off saturation in your painting So follow me to the next, feed you and we'll talk about a little bit more off this off saturation how you can use saturation and some examples, so I'll see you there. 4. Creating Mood with Saturation: Hello and welcome back. So we just talked about saturation and fell. Ooh. And now we're going to talk a bit about how to use it and with some examples. So the first thing I want to say here and the best advice I can give you about using saturation is don't use it too much. Now what do I mean by this? In general, when you have your painting, don't use a saturation equally like we've just seen. When I come up over here and when I go all the way to the right with my saturation, everything is going to be saturated. Now, if you look at this, not only you're not sure where your eyes are supposed to focus on, it becomes quite unpleasant. So not only you shouldn't use too much saturation, but you also shouldn't use it equally. So use it to highlight one off the subjects on your painting and the rest can be a bit less saturated. Can it should be less saturated, create a balanced here and these movers toe the next point, which is how can we use our situation and value so we can use to tell a story? Highlights a subject and grab the viewers attention. That's just some examples we have here. Disappointing. Usually a lot off religious paintings would have Jesus Christ wearing reds and blue, while all the other subjects don't have such stronger colors. This is telling us a story. This is telling us. This is the main character here. This is the main subject we should be looking at, and it's the most important one, while all the others are secondary here. As you can see in this painting, we have our Lord sitting in the stones, giving a sermon. He has very bright fest mints, while all the others you can still see some bright colors, like some yellows and other bulls. But none of them has such saturation as the red and blue there. Now here we can also see saturation being used to grab not only our attention but also to highlight the main subject. So we have this figure in the front with a very vivid blue dress, and when you look at this painting, this is the first thing you see. But right afterwards, using the background reds, the red isn't a strong, it's a plume, but still strong enough to be the second thing you see. So when we see the Reds, we see a woman he than in a tapestry. And, well, the first thing I could think when looking at it is that that woman is spying on the one in the front. So we are also given kind of a story here. But the most important thing I want you to see here is how our attention were scrubs first to delayed in the front and next to the back off the painting. This is very well done. The colors are very well displayed in a way that is really gunning as into looking toe one thing first, then the other thing in the back, the bread, even the red is a very vivid and pride caller. It is used in the less stronger tone than the blow. So I think it's a very interesting painting, and the colors are very well used here at the beginning. Off the class, if you remember well, we talked about using color to create a month, and I gave you the inside out examples, and the best way to create a mood is by using saturation. So I'm not sure if you're familiar rids The Hunchback of Notredame. It was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and once again Disney uses very well their colors to create an atmosphere. So as we can see in the first example in the picture from above, there's clearly a party. Even if you don't know anything about the movie and the story by the colors, you can clearly see that the first image is a very joyful one. It's very cheerful. The colors are very saturated, very vibrant, and there's a lot of them as well. So usually you use more saturated and fiber colors to express more cheerful moments and toe show joy and happiness in your paintings. On the other hands, we have the picture below. Once again, even without knowing the movie, you can really tell that some tragedy happened here. This isn't a happy scene at all, and the biggest difference that we can see here is the lack off colors. Every color is very dark. It doesn't have a lot off saturation there and vibrant at all. So always keep in mind that when doing something that is cheerful and joyful, we use more vibrant colors and more saturated tones. But if we want to draw something more so nostalgic, sadder or some burr, we use darker tones with less saturation. So most again, very quickly don't do too much saturation. It won't be pleasant for the eyes. It will be all the same. So try to highlight the main subjects off your painting, but used less saturation on the rest of your trying. You can use the saturation for contrast by having one off the subjects more highlighted than the others. You creating contrast, and you're also grabbing the viewers attention. You can also use it to tell a story, as we've just seen, especially with two first examples. Just by using the colors, you can tell a lot about the painting, even with the less example. By looking at the colors, we can already come up with something from it. And finally, you can create the moods so more vibrant colors for more cheerful moments and darker tones for Saturday's things. So this is it for now. Next, we're going to talk about color temperature, so let's go see what this is all about. I'll see you next 5. Warm and Cold Colors - Using Color Temperature: warm and cold colors. What? This is me. What? A scholar. Temperature colorist temperature you might be asking yourself. Well, yes, we usually associate color with temperatures when you look at the sun and we feel it's on our skin with a warmed. Now, when we look at water, rain or we go to the sea, we usually feel some cold now. The sun and fire, for example, have orange tones yellow on and stones. So this is why we started associating these colors toe warmth on the opposite hands. Since Rennie schools and most of the times, butter is always cold. We associate booze and grey stones took old, so let's look at our color will again. Here we have it. So, like I said, we associate yellows and oranges and even reds to alarm on the other hands, the blues too cold. So basically we divides our color wheel and 1/2. So on one side we have warm colors, and on the other we have cold colors. This is usually fairly easy to see by intuition. You can feel the temperature off each color, but if you're in doubt, if you see one color and you're not sure you ask yourself this question. This this color has more verbal or yellow on it, so a calories warmer if it has more yellow on it and colder if it has more blue as we can very clearly see on our collar will now call a temperature can be relative. We have here to warm callers this reds and this spink issues. Just see they are here, side by sight on our color wheel on the right side of it. But if you have them side by side and you ask yourself which of this is warmer, you can clearly tell that the red is former than the pink. So even though both of them are warm, one off them is colder than the other. But like I said, this is very simple and intuitive to know this is still important to note because you can use this once again to your advantage when coloring your painting. For example, when I look at this painting, I can see that the 1st 1 is in the desert. It is during the day, and it gives me a sensation of warmth by the colors that are used here that a lot off yellows and oranges in here, and they do give a feeling off works. On the other hand, we have a scene at night, even though around the city it seems like it's a very deserted place. I don't feel like it's a hot and warm desert like the one above. I feel that this one is fresher and I have this feeling because off the color. So we have fear to very different examples by using warm colors and cold cold so you can use temperature just for this, just to show that it's day, it's warm right now, or that it's nights and it's a bit colder than it probably would be during the day. But you can also use once again the temperature to show a more vibrant place, maybe a happier place and cold callers for several seen just like we talked about in situation, color temperature also place a role and creating the atmosphere and the mood in the painting and this is it. We've covers everything there is to know in color. We're just missing one thing, which is the color schemes and color harmonies. So I don't know for you, but for me, this is the fun part of it. So let's jump to the next videos and talk about color harmonies and see some examples off them. 6. Telling a Story with Color Schemes - Color Harmonies: Hello again and welcome. Now this is the fun part For me, at least this section is going to be all about color harmonies. I know that choosing colors at times can be hot. We did talk about pallets and color schemes, as well as some websites to help us choose collars. Now, besides this, there's one a little that can help us color harmonies. What artists you esque well, very simply put their specific techniques for combinations of colors. The six more common and that will be talking about here are monochromatic and now locus, Triad IQ, complementary, split, complementary and finally, the tragic. So let's go over each one off this in our next reduce and I'll see you there. 7. Monochromatic Harmony: Hello. So the first color scheme, or more correctly, the first color harmony we're going to talk about is too monochromatic now, just with the world cannot read it. Sell. What does this mean? We use only one color from more color. Will we pick one color? And we use it for the whole painting? The's convey. Be a bit harder to pull off and to make it work well, but it does have a very interesting results. So I do recommend a lot for you to try this once in a while, experiment with it and see your results, because this is really fun to do. This is better for single subject like this one by lush where, as you can see, she Onley uses purple and is trying now. I did not mention it before, but as you can see when I say we choose one color, I mean that it's all the colors inside off that one. So which is purple? And we can use every single tone of purple that exists inside off that one. And this is one off the results, like she's really good with colors. If you don't know this, artists are really recommended to follow her. Her work is really fantastic, and she works with Caller very well now. Another example. Here, this is from a game followed Tree began. Sometimes see this monochromatic scheme appear in war movies or games. For example, this is a post apocalyptic game, so everything is pretty much destroyed the environment itself. It's not safe, Errol, and we have this blue teens overall, the whole scenery, even though we can see at times some other colors. Most of our atmosphere is in this bluish stones. So do try to experiment with this idea. With this monochromatic idea. Choose one calorie can go to fall its own. Go around the wheel ast's much as you want. Choose a one off the colors. Pick up the tones that you are given. Copy the codes, place them on your software and have fun with it. Remember that if you work with Leinart using black in your line arts doesn't count. You're not allowed to do it. You have to use on Lee the colors, insides, the color you chose. So have fun with this, and if you don't want to go right away to experiment this, follow me into the next video and into the next color. Skip 8. Analogous : our second color scheme here is the analogous. I really hope I pronounced this right because this is a very weird word for me. So I apologize if I didn't say this right, But let's go to the fun part. What does this mean? So we use collars adjacent to each other, usually a set off street colors. This way you have quite some liberty widow colors. They usually blend together perfectly, and the results tend to be very peaceful and pneumonias. This is also a favorite of mine. I can probably say that monochromatic and analogous are my favorites. I really like how peaceful the paintings look like when using this skins. So let's see here an example. We have here a piece by Elliott. This is also one of my favorite artists modern artists. Eso If you like the work, do follow them on Instagram, for example. They boast like every day, and I'll really, like, always help comb their works look like and as you can see, we have three colors here adjacent to each other. We have the purple, the blue and the sea blue, working very well together here, blending perfectly and creating a very nice spelling store picture. It's really harmonious. It's really peaceful to look at it. So once again, if you want, you can go right away and try this color harmony and see how you can work with it. 9. Triadic Color Harmony: our next technique, our next combination. ISS to try attic. So, as you can tell by the name once again, we usually use trick collars here, and the colors are used are the ones that are equally distant from each other. These usually gives us a combination that is very vibrant, but the colors to complement each other very well. One important thing here, though, is you shouldn't use all colors equally. What do I mean by this is that you should use one color that dominates the painting and the other two to highlight different important subjects. Now let's see here an example. Now The Triad IQ is very common in cartoons, so we have here an image from house moving castle. It's a Japanese movie by a very well known stood. You named Kelly stood you and, as you can see dominantly here we have the blue. Even though it's in the background, I feel that there's more of it than the rest of the colors, so we have the blue taking most off the space here, and then we have the yellow and reds. Toe Highlights are two characters here, so we have the yellow on the girl and the Reds on the boy. So this is a very good example off the triad IQ skim being used here. 10. Complementary the Simple Harmony!: Hello and welcome back. So we are at half point of our color harmonies and I have a question for you. So So did you stop the videos for a bids to try out the first color harmonies we talked about? Or are you just soaking all the information in taking your notes so you can experiment all of this next? Well, it doesn't matter how you choose to do this as long as you're having fun with this and learning a lot with this. I'm having a little fun showing you in explaining this to you. So I hope you like this as well. Now, without further ado, let's talk about our next color harmony the compliment. Everyone. So very simply put, we use scholars that are opposed to each other. So we take a look at the color real. We choose one color and then we'll go see which one is opposed to it, and we use both of them once again with all these schemes that we're talking about, you can use all colors inside of these by using the valley and saturation like we talked about. This is a very common and popular color scheme, mostly because they look naturally, goods and balance. Together, we can see this in nature. For example, if we go to the coast, we have the blues off the ocean and the sky, blending in with the yellows and oranges from the scent and another example. Floors. We usually have the green from the leaves and the stock, but then we have all kinds of colors for the floor itself. Purple being so As you can see, there are lots off examples in nature. Nature itself uses the complementary scheme all the time, so you can as well, and you can make it look good once again. Don't use both colors equally, just like we talked about before, one off them. You should dominate most off your drawing than the other, and here we have our example. The Dragonball Siris are men characters. Outfit is always a very good example. Off the use of complementary colors is always using a very Farrant orange shoot waits a darker blue belt, so speaking off, not using all cars equally. Most office outfit is usually orange, but then we have a bit off blue, and the same goes over here, the center square. Most of it is oranges, and then we have the background and then number 17 in blue. So once again, one color dominates while the others are Onley, highlighting some details. So this is a very simple and not so hard scheme to pull off. So if you're not really used to colors yet, this is a very good one to start with. 11. Split Complementary: hello once again, and our next color harmony is a split complimentary. So this one is very similar toe the one before. But this time, instead of going for the direct compliments, we choose to adjacent colors to it. This has the same strong visual contrast, but less tension. It is very lively and cheerful, and it also gives you more options. And by giving you more options, this means that it's also very good for beginners. So once again, if you're a beginner, if you're not yet really usedto color and using only one color or once that look very similar to each other, If you feel that's too much for you, you can start with this one. You choose one color. You look for the compliment of its, and instead of choosing that one, you choose the two that are adjacent to it. Let's hear an example. So we have this picture here by same wasted here. He did, or he does a lot of work for Blizzard more frequently for World of Warcraft, and here you can see the split complimentary in work so you have the yellow and as you can see instead of going to direct opposites off it. We see the two colors that are just doing so. We have the blue and the purple tones and circuits. If this works very well, and once again you shouldn't use all colors equally. Otherwise, it will be too confusing. So the yellow is used as lights that is causing some shine in the arm or probably the blue . Here is what dominates the peace. The character itself is flu. There's a lot off blue in the armor. The book There also has a lot off blue and the handle off the hammer a swell, and then we have the purple. We can see the purple in the weapon, the stump part off the weapon that it's also emitting some light. And we can see that highlighting some parts off the armory as well. And then finally, we have the cape and some jewels in purple and thinks so. This works very well together. It it looks very bell NIST. So if you're a beginner, I do advice for you to start with this color harmony, but off course, feel free to try all off them and experiment as much as you want. Like I always say the most important here is for you to have fun for you to learn while having fun and not get frustrated with it. So have all the fun you want with your drawings and your colors. Start with this one. If you want, try out other color harmonies or if you really just want to experiment with colors, try out the color prints that I talked to you about and have fun with them and loan with them. 12. Tetradic, the Hardest Color Harmony: and now finally, last but not least, that the tragic scheme. Now this one can be very hard to pull off. There are a lot off colors here. We used to pairs off opposing colors. Now this can be a bit harder to work with. Sometimes it can be just too much color toe work with, but it's still possible to create a very balanced fainting with them. This color scheme works very well for composition, and this is why it's also better to use for backgrounds or four rounds. There's two ways to go about this. We have the rectangle, what I mean by the rectangle. Let's see here an example. So we have here Despaigne Ting by Van Gog. And as you can see, there's a lot of color here, very vibrance. And if we try to connect the food, put one thought off, each one off the colors that were used and connect them. We have a rectangle so you can pick up your color will and choose one color and then draw a rectangle that starts from there, and now you have the other three colors that you have to work with. There's another way to go about it. We have the square once again. It's very similar. Here is another example. I really like this example. And yes, As you can see, I'm a very big fan off John William Waterhouse. I really like this painting. So, yes, I did show you a lot off William Waterhouse examples here. But what I really like in here is, even though we have the tech tragic color scheme here, it is not too vibrant. It was made in a way that every caller that most off the colors, really, I'm not how it's saturated, so it is very peaceful to look at. It really transmits some sort off comb. But as you can see, we do have two blows. We do have the pink there, even though it's very dark and it doesn't have a lot of saturation. The grain is all over the painting, so we can clearly see that the Korean dominates here, even though once again, we have some spots where we have a more vibrant green, while the others it's really light and subtle. And then finally we have the yellows in the flowers. Now, as you can see if we once again put one dot in each of the colors and then connect them. We have a square. So another way for you to choose your colors in the tragic system is you pick one color and then a draw square in your color wheel and then you have your colors. So this is it. We've talked about the six most common color harm in this series. So if you want, you can go experiment them right away. Just not just go with me to the next video very quickly. Where which is going to say goodbye to each other, Have, ah, very small conclusion. And I really, really hope that this was helpful for you. And if you have any question, as always, do send me a message. 13. Assignment! Putting Color Harmonies to Use: time for less assignment. I hope you like what you've done so far and that all of this content has been useful to you . Now, without further ado, let's talk about our less exercise. We talked about the color harmonies and seen quite a few examples. I drew this very simple page. Why not on Lee? All we have to do is download it, then shoes the color harmony and use it to color this page. You can even go to palette on. Choose one off the harmonies that provides play around with the wheel, and then it just took. Copy the codes for each color and start painting. Have fun and remember, feel free to post your work. I always like to see what you can come up with. 14. BONUS: My take on the Assignment: - it's . 15. Conclusion and Farewell for Now!: you've just finished the second part off my class on quality refer artists. Well done. I would like to thank you for during this'll s. And I hope you learn a lot about how to use caller to create a mood in your painting color harmonies, how to use color harmonies and overall, to be a better artist and to improve your arts by using color. If you enjoy the class, do consider leaving your reviews so more people can find it and learn from it as well. Also, feel free to post your assignments or ask any question you might have in the community section below. Do feel free to shake my other classes. If you're interested in improving our artwork, step by step. All right, that's it for now. Thank you once again for joining. And I see you in one of my other glasses. So bye for now.