Collage Calendar: Create a Whimsical Bouquet | Lucie Duclos | Skillshare

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Collage Calendar: Create a Whimsical Bouquet

teacher avatar Lucie Duclos, Design + Mixed Media

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction and Preview


    • 2.



    • 3.



    • 4.



    • 5.



    • 6.

      Bonus Video: Alternate Binding


    • 7.



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About This Class

Collage Calendar is the perfect project to get you ready for a creative new year!

In this class, you will create a reversible hanging calendar (6 months on each side) and collage a simple little bouquet using only one vase shape and 4 circles. I will show you how to bind them together and hang them on a wooden dowel, or any kind of stick you can find around your house. You can even use a wooden spoon to make the perfect kitchen calendar!

Download the calendar template (in English or French) from the Projects & Resources section, print it on card stock, and you are ready to start collaging. This is the perfect opportunity to use all the cool collage papers you have been creating at home or in my other mixed media classes. 

Join me for my Collage Calendar: Create a Whimsical Bouquet class and let’s make 2024 the best and most creative year ever!

Lucie xox

Meet Your Teacher

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Lucie Duclos

Design + Mixed Media


Hello, I'm Lucie and I am a graphic designer and mixed media artist. I work with a lot of different mediums and techniques from pen and ink to watercolor, monoprints, encaustics, collage, acrylics and bookmaking. My work experience is in publishing, packaging and textile design. I have done packaging and illustration work for Harry & David, Smith & Hawken, UPPERCASE magazine, Danone and Salesforce among others.

I grew up in Montreal, Canada, then moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, then to Port Townsend, Washington to finally end up right back in Canada, but on the west coast, in Victoria, British Columbia.

Thank you so much for watching my classes and for sharing the projects you create!

For more inspiration, follow me on instagram or check out my fab... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction and Preview: Hello everybody, Welcome to my collage calendar class. In this class I'm going to show you how to create a really simple two-page calendar with very basic shapes. You can create your own shapes if you want. Or I will also supply a template that you can follow and cut your shapes from that. And then you can add some line work and add your own flair to it and style. And then I'm going to show you a really easy way to bind the top so you can hang it and put it on the towel and put it on the wall. And I can also show you another way, alternative way to bind it that's even simpler than that. That you can just thread a skewer right through it. So just know that I'm updating this calendar every year for the calendar year. And I hope that you will join me in this fun little calendar adventure. 2. Materials: Okay, so let's go over the material you need for this project. First, you'll need two sheets of card stock that you can put in your printer to print two pages of the calendar, and I also have a French version available. You'll need some of your collage papers, anything from my my other. Mixed media classes would work, and also you'll need some scissors and glue stick and a fine black marker. Any brand will do. You'll need an Exacto knife and a cutting mat, and, ah, some fabric and or book cloth and some cord and some ribbon. And then you'll need Ah, wooden dowel or a branch of driftwood O R. Even X cure. Our chopstick would work even a wooden spoon that could be a really cool gift for somebody , and when the year is over, then you can use it in your kitchen. 3. Collaging: Okay, So to start, you're gonna need to print the two pages with six months on each page is you're gonna need to vast shape that you cut from your kalash paper fabric or anything else you want, and then you'll need to circles. A little bigger is about, I would say, an inch and 3/4. Ah, in centimeters. It's about 4.5 centimeters. And then you're gonna need to about three centimeters and, uh, one at about, um, two centimeters. So you can also use my template that I have in the resource section. You can Donald attempted and use the sizes on that and also ideas for your face. Let's work on this one first, and you're gonna think you're big piece and you're gonna cut. Um, just kind of a moon shape out of it at the top. OK, so that's one. Then this one, you just cut in half. It's when you could in half, and that's when you cut in half. That's it. That's all your pieces. So we have our base here, and, um, this is gonna be one of our flower, and then I'm going to do. But this went here and then I'm going to create a little stash here. So remember not to go too far up here. You just need to leave about an inch of white space at the top. And I'm gonna do this here in a creek medal, Flour like that. And then this is my kind of my leaf here. Okay, so once you kind of, like where it's going to work. Okay, so I kind of like this. The first thing that I need to do is glue my little vase down, and then I'm gonna do my steps for my my little flower bouquet. So I am going to glue this down. Okay, So I have this glued down, and then I'm gonna use my marker. I'm gonna do my stems. Um, okay. So because I want to be able to play around with them a little bit and move them around if I glue them right now, I won't be able to do anything and adjust anything. So I'm going to do my first M here, and then I'll know where to put my little leave here. So you put it there. What is fear? But I think I'm just gonna put it here, and then I'm going to glue all my pieces. So now I've glued I might pieces together, and I'm gonna add a few details. Maybe just a little bit off leaves here, I might add just a little, a little bit of flourish here, just you to add a little movement. Um, and you kind of line of work that you think would be fun. Okay, so I think that I am just gonna keep it very simple. And I'm gonna move on to, uh, the other one. Okay, So this is our January to June, and now I'm gonna work on my next one, which is July to November. The same thing here I am going. Teoh, cut. Take my biggest piece and cut 1/2 moon shape like that out of it. Could this and half this one in half and this one in half and do the same thing. But I might change things around a little bit. So this is my 1st 1 Maybe I moved this one here. I mean, you could do whatever you want. I'm just giving you a one way to do it. Okay, so now I've done my two pages in my two little bouquet, and I'm we're ready to take it to the next steps. 4. Binding: okay. For the next step, we're gonna need three pieces of ribbon about three inches each. And we're gonna need a piece of either book, cloth or fabric. And we wanted to be about an inch and 1/2 wide by the width of your paper, which is 8.5 by 11. So first step is to fold this in half, caved and increase it with your nail like this. And then I'm gonna put 23 slots about the with of my ribbons. So do with your exactly knife. So one in the middle and another one at the end here. And then you kind of wanna full these in half and pass them through your whole actually a good way to do to find where the middle is would be to full this and 1/2. And then you would see that that's the middle. So, yeah, it looked like I was at a little off, but, um, looks like I'm court. I'm pretty good here. Make this little longer. Okay. All right. So I have my three little loops here and now I am going to, uh, blew them into my, uh, calendar. I think my two calendars, and I want to kind of glue them together. Two pieces here and now. I'm gonna want to put my little loops here. I wouldn't want it. Put them up here. See how I do this. So it's first. I'm gonna start by putting glue on the back glue this first piece here. What? Give it a little stability, Okay. See how I lining up with the crease here. Okay. The ribbon needs to be glued first to this piece. Otherwise it just when I fold it together, it all fell apart. So a very important step If first blue, this there. 5. Hanging: Okay, We're almost there. So last step is Teoh, Put your piece of wood, uh, piece of wood that you find or a skewer, or I'm gonna use for this example with Dow. So you put your little would dow across all the loops hoops I don't. And now you're gonna need a piece of cord. That's about I would say about two feet longer or shorter. And that's very simple. All you have to do is I not ends. 6. Bonus Video: Alternate Binding: So in this bonus video, I'm gonna show you a super easy way to hang your calendar using a skewer. So instead of using a binding, we're just going to weave is P sort of skewered through our calendar. So first you're going to do, I'm going to measure an inch from the top and put a line here. And then measure half-inch. Put another line, and then measure a quarter-inch right here. Okay, so now what you need to do is we need to fold it on the half-inch line and we need to score it. So I'm going to use a bone folder or you can use anything you want. And I'm just going to score this because I need to fold it. And because we have two layers, because we have the one, we have to back to that it didn't finish it, but I have two layers of cardboard. So what I'm gonna do is folded where scored it. Okay, so I have this folded. And the next step is to measure. I'm going to cut here so little slips. So what I need to do is measure it where I'm gonna want dose. And I'm going to measure them. And you can put them anywhere, but I'm going to put him right here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm only going to do, I'm going to put it about a half-inch apart. So I'm just going to mark my piece of cardboard about to about half inch. And if you do that, it's going to give you 16 little slips. Scissors. And I'm going to cut it here to the quarter inch line. Looks sorry. So write that like this. Some cutting, these little slips so I can weave my ski horde through it. Okay, so now I have all my slides here. And I'm gonna probably erase my lines right away because it's gonna be harder when I have my skewer and here I'm just going to erase or my pencil lines. Alright. So now I'm just going to take my skewer and skewer breakthrough. Just weave it through books. And this is a little bit bigger than two little bigger skewer where you can use it a smaller 12. Or if you have a little piece of width, you can do that. And it will branch or use all kinds of things. So you see how easy it is. So now you're ready to hang your little piece calendar. So I'm going to I'm going to do like I did for my other one. So I'm just gonna actually see, I can add some little beads in here because I think it would look kinda fun. So I'm going to now I'm going to put one bead on each side. So I'm going to put the beads here and now. Or this is just another way that you can do it. And right here, I'm going to move my bead. And I'm going to cut this later. And on this side I'm gonna do the same thing like this. I'm just going to cut this. And here. And voila, you have the little calendar. 7. Merci: Thank you so much for taking my class. I would love to see a little calendar. So if you feel like sharing in the project section, that would be awesome. And follow me on skill share or on instagram at city clothes. And I hope you enjoy doing this little project on. I hope to see you in one of my class, really soothe.