1. Coaching for Performance Course Intro: I'm Steve knocks on your coach and author, and I'm passionate about coaching. Thank you for joining me in this course about coaching for high performance five sessions, all dedicated to teaching you tactics and strategies you can implement right away in your context. And the sixth and final session will talk about how you can embed coaching in your organization. In this 30 minute course, I will teach you how to define high performance, my proven coaching methodology, that you can quickly apply the single best coaching question ever, how to use it, how to recognize, encourage and reward, high performance, what to do in super difficult conversations and how to that coaching and your team Number one. You're gonna want a journal in a pen to write with. And number two. You gotta be open, honest and willing to give this a try. Let's get started
2. Coaching for High Performance Session 1: Hi guys. Welcome to the session on high performance. In order sent high performance, you really need to identify what it is in your organization. Now these folks stand out. There's a thing called a Pareto principle, where the top 20% actually contribute 80% of the bottom line. These air your high performers. They're driven competitive and they hate to lose. They also have a different definition of essence. So really quick way to understand whether you're a high performer is to ask yourself, Are you driven? Are you competitive? Do you hate us? And do you have a different definition of excellence than your peers? Chances are if you answered yes to three out of four. These questions your high performance high performance is better than average performance. In fact, it exceeds even above average performance. Performance is doing a job you're paid to do. High performance, by definition, is above and beyond the call of duty. It's not even about a paycheck. It really is about having satisfaction, being the best, being excellent, being in the top 1% of everything that you do. Performance means to completely deliver to completely not 99% of way 100%. And that last 1% is what separates you as a high performer from everyone else. Now, if you listen to this and you think you see that's too much work, well, chances are that you're not a high performance, but don't lose heart. There's hope for you and this course I'm actually gonna give you some tools, some tips, strategies and tactics about how coaching can help you, uh, up your game as well. You're determined, not perform. She I measure it and you can only manage what you measure. If you don't measure it, you can't manage it. Simple principle here. So you need to actually served a people. You need to get feedback. If you're an individual, you don't have power in organizations have influenced you. Look around the room and you don't. Oh, man, I can't serve anyone. You can take three friends to coffee and quickly figure out whether you have what it takes or not t really leave the organization. This is a place for you the best way. If you are a person of influence. If your manager responsible for a team, even if you own your own business or lead an organization is the benchmark excellence, and the only way to do that is through a survey. I would encourage you do a random survey. Simple, easy to understand handful of questions that gets to the heart of what you want to measure it. Because again, you can't manage what you don't measure. That benchmark will give you insights into what you should really coach for, what behaviors you want to drive, what mindsets you create and how you should set goals to drive high performance. I think the number one thing you should measure is for competitiveness. If someone hates Alou's, chances are they're high performing. This can be toxic taken to an extreme, but in the right context, it can really elevate your whole organization. So simple question. Are you competitive? Rated on a scale of 1 to 10 and those folks that are 89 and 10 chances are they're your high performers. Second question I would throw out there. You can experiment with this one as well is how to someone define excellence, and you would have your own definition within your business, within your culture, within your team of what excellence is. I'm gonna give you that later in the course, but for our purposes here, just simply understanding from them. A little fill in the blank. How do they define it? Exploits. The third question that I would really focus in on is around mindset. Mindset is popularized by an author and researcher and Carol Dweck, and in it, in her philosophy, she shares about a fixed mindset and a growth mindset in a fixed mindset. People are negative. They're pessimistic. They don't really see the glass is half full in a growth mindset, anything's possible. And I guarantee your top performers, your high performers are really bent towards a growth mindset where optimism reigns on hope isn't still I'm really excited for the rest, This course where I'll be teach humans in each session. How do in bed coaching across your organization in an accession, I'm gonna teach you my coaching methodology. Simple tools that you can apply immediately, can't wait to see it speaks
3. My Coaching Methodology Session 2: Welcome back to session to where I'm gonna teach you my methodology. I want to set the groundwork for this by just really diving into the heart of what coaching is approaching. Isn't concerned about the past. That's for psychotherapy and counseling. And you have to have really advanced degrees. A lot of training to do that. Coaching is about fit. And there's two questions that I asked to set the stage one. Do I like this person? And to can help them have to be able to answer yes to both those questions or coaching simply does not work. Now that's my experience, and you might have a different one. But my encouragement to you, Mr, is to ask that question is your sitting across from that team member as you're sitting across from that here is receding across from whoever it is that you're hoping to coach. You should also ask that question if you're being coached. Do I like this person? And do I think they can help me there? Heaps of benefits of coaching to organizations Number one powers individuals encouraging to take responsibility for their second thing it does is it increases their engagement, their fulfillment, their sense of purpose at work. The third thing doesn't disappoint of this is it improves their individual performance. It also helps you identify and develop high potential high performers across your organization. Final thing that it does is it really shows that you have commitment to developing people. There's three things that are really important for you if you hope to be a good coach. First thing is you have to have the abilities judgment. No matter what is shared with you, you can't react positively or negatively. You simply need to remain neutral. You can go back and reflect upon that. But what's most important is that the individual that's being touched coaching is experiencing and sharing from a place of vulnerability. Trust is building report with you. Second thing you have to do is be a great list, and I don't mean just sang back to someone what they said. Repeating what you hear is not what this is about. Coaching is about finding patterns, understanding what's driving and being able to help people understand their motivations. When where the third thing you need in order to be a great coach, sustain your life and what I mean by that It's played your expertise. You're not great at everything. You're probably knowledgeable in one specific area where your specialist and that's the kind of fall partner that your coach he is going to need. They will want that specialize knowledge they will respect you for, and they will actually look to you to help them make better decisions based on whatever it is. You specialist, therefore questions that I have used my coaching number one. What's working? Number two? What's not working? Number three. What's missing in number four? What's next? Number one is all about strengths, talents, potential People are usually thrived when it comes to what's working, and you're gonna get a lot of information from what's not working. You're gonna get even more information. Is people come to you because they have problems? They want you to help them improve in certain areas were obsessed with what's wrong with us , and coaching really is about changing that mindset, getting people to see that they need to play to their strengths, not their weaknesses, that second questions about acknowledging their weaknesses and improving them, but not going on too long. The third question is what's missing and this is a hard question. It seems simple. It's really not nine times out of 10 when I'm coaching someone, we get to this question, really haven't given it much thought there might be. Resource is there might be trained. There might be other things that they need. And this is where you as a coach to help them identify what's not a part of the equation on what benefit Final question is a fun question because it's about the future. And really, that's the heart of energy. It's about creating a better identifying where people are trying to go and then helping them create steps to get there. So what's next? Don't skip passes very important for the success of your client. Now I've given you four great questions, but in the next session, I'm gonna give me this single greatest question you can ask organization. I promise you, you don't want to miss this
4. The Best Coaching Question Session 3: Yes, Steve. Here in this session, I'm gonna give you the single greatest coaching question ever, and I mean it. It's a very simple question, but it's one that can revolutionize the way that you coach in training others. Now I learned this question from a friend of mine. He's built multiple businesses across the U. S and Europe, and he taught me this, and it changed the game for me as a coach. And here's the question. Is this excellent team? Now I know what. On the surface, it sounds kind of funny, but excellence is really about perspective. And when you asked employees whether this is excellent or not, you're gonna get a couple of things. Number one, you're gonna get their definition of excellence. And chances are it's probably different than yours. Number two, you're gonna be able to identify where they are on the excellent spectrum you've already defined what excellence is in organization, and you'll quickly know whether they see the same picture in the UV, whether they're living in the and the third thing you're gonna walk away with is the gap in understanding, and that gap creates a moment which I like to call attentional moment for you to move their expectation of what's possible for them, but also what you're expecting as their leader. I was recently working with a client is based in the States in the Northeast, and the manager was asking me about a frustration that she had actually with her assistant manager. It was quickly came back this idea that her definition of excellence, his definite ignition of excellence, was way off. And, truth be told, she needed to have a difficult conversation. She needed to define excellence. That's why this question is so powerful. Simple question yet gives you these retools, these three insides so that you can drive high performance. She had the conversation. He improved because he understood what she was actually expecting of him. She redefined excellence for him in his job. A great way to understand subjectivity of this question is simply to think about the color blue. If I were to tell you point out something blue in the room, you might point out one thing, and I might point out another simply put way have the same color in mind. Yet it's a different definition. That's what this question does. It allows you to see what someone else's definition excellence. I hope you use this question immediately. I know it'll elevate your game and help people understand redefined excellence. In the next section, we're gonna be talking about high performance, how to recognize and reward it.
5. Recognising & Rewarding High Performance Session 4: huh? Welcome back. And in today's session, we're gonna be exploring how to reward and recognize high performance. And there is a difference between rewards and recognition. Rewards are in cynics, and they come in all shapes and sizes, and different people want different types of rewards that something to take note. Secondly, recognition is really how you apply the rewards. Recognition could be private, could be public, giving both. And it depends on what the individual wants. And so the starting place is really to know your teeth. For high performers, they want a handful of things. For starters, they are competitive and like to keep score. So not only should you reward their individual performance should also look at team performance. Your boards were great for this. When it comes for awards and recognition, the best way to encourage high performance is to measure it in order to have a great incentive program recognition rewards program in your team are in your organization in your business is really for it, to be clear or to be fair, in four, to be immeasurable reward, by definition, is a prize for an achievement, a prize for achievement When you think about that. If it's right in line with high performers, they love to achieve. So they want to know what the prizes at the end of the day on some of the best prizes out there are not what you think. I don't know anybody watching this that wouldn't want an extra little bit in their paycheck . That's great. But surprisingly, 50% of people don't want a cash prize actually want an experience. There's some other great rewards out there. Time and Luke given extra day off, the ability to work from home and even greater responsibility. All three of these Dr High performers need for a time me for competition in that sense of achievement toe win the prize. I can't stress enough to know the individual who is receiving the reward, even if they're high performer, doesn't mean they're all like some people like to be rewarded in private recognized one on one. Some people do like the limelight and want the whole office to know what they've achieved in the effort they put in. There's others that would rather the reward be shared across the company, and this is another need stack that increases productivity and profitability by almost 44% . When the reward or recognition is shared. Benefits to a recognition reward program really come down to three things. Engagement team members. If they know that there's something at stake, they're more likely to buy in to show up. Secondly, loyalty when you care, so today. But you have to care first. And finally, not only is it engagement, not only does it drive loyalty, but it drives a sense of purpose. And more than anything, that's the key driver for high performance. And his book, Dr Dan Pink talks about three hidden drivers of excellence and of those street, the most important, its purpose and meaning. At the end of the day, we all once in are worth fighting for something bigger than ourselves, with greater reward. Guys, thanks again for tuning in for the Rewards and Recognition session in the next section, we're gonna be talking about navigating difficult conversations, especially in a coaching context tuning. We'll see that
6. Managing Difficult Conversations Session 5: Hey, guys, welcome back to this fifth session on managing difficult conversations. Now, this is where coaching comes in handy. Everything we've covered so part set you up for success in a session. Very simple. Give you four steps. If you follow them, you will be successful. When I was in my last role as a manager, I had a 15 1 individual in particular, had inherited on that team, and she didn't known for really acting out and getting upset. Previous managers had a difficult time dealing, and I think for a big part they were operating out of fear rather than in a way that would manage the behavior to get to the issue. I want to teach you the four things that I did with her to not only bring her in running but turning to contribute within the company. One of things I want us to come back to is this whole idea of coaching and in coaching, Step one is suspending judgement. So no matter what the emotion has gone on in between you and whoever is sitting down from you have Teoh deflate the emotion in the room, don't have any preconceived notions about how the conversation should go. Go in open minded, go in honest and go in willing to kind of figure out what's actually happening. There are four things that you have to do. Number one. You need to be clear about the outcome that you're after. If you don't know the objective, you shouldn't take the media. It might be the address behavior and might be addressed. Certain things that are happening should be happening. I don't know what the issue will be for you, but whatever it is, you know the objective before you said to me. Secondly, you need to be curious again that suspending judgement so important when you're curious you're asking open ended questions when you're curious, you haven't come to any conclusions when you're curious. The other individual who you're coaching actually has an opportunity to understand why they feel the way they do, why they're acting the way they do and what it is that you guys both agree on as a plan of action movie, for the third thing you have to have is a comfortable place if you feel comfortable. If they feel comfortable, you're more likely to get to an outcome that both of you can agree. 0.4 is probably the most important in a lot of folks get toe 12 and three, and they never follow up, and that is the need to be consistent. Whatever is the outcome that you agreed upon with the person you're coaching, you need to follow up, and they need to do that in a timely fashion. I recommend 30 60 90 days. Whatever the behavior that's being addressed, you need to be able to manage and measure what it is that you're trying to achieve together . Another thing you could do is just come to an MOU or performance improvement. Both are ways to record what's been agreed upon. What behaviour is that you want to change your address and what both parties are response before doesn't need to be complex. Can be a simple one pager. You're simply writing out what it is you agreed to do in my experience there, two things that I think are essential for you to be successful in major difficult conversations. Number one focus on the pattern of behavior, not the personality way could get caught up in emotional responses. Unconscious biases, all kinds of things that derail what we're really trying to achieve. Focus on the pattern behavior. We can deal with the issue in clear ways that immeasurable in meaningful for both parties. Point number two. And I think this again. This is essential. If you want to be successful in Asian difficult conversations, is simply to focus on the objective. What is it? You're trying to be very clear with the individual about what the outcome is and what their responsibilities and how you're gonna help them be successful. I can't stress enough that coaching is not. Their coaching is about the future therapies about the past. Some people may want a common crown shoulder in a difficult conversation. That's not what you're trying to achieve, your actually trying to achieve a better future coaching his future directed. So I'd encourage you to experiment with these four steps and those two essentials for your own success. Thanks for joining me for this fifth session on managing difficult conversations. Hope you'll tune in for the last session where we will talk about the project that you're gonna do as well as time. All of us together in betting coaching within your organization, will see it
7. Embedding Coaching in Your Organisation Session 6: I guess. Welcome back to our sixth and final session. Really? About coaching for high performance. And in today session, I'm gonna be talking about how you can take everything they've learned in applies in your company and your organization have a defined high performance, my proven coaching methodology, that you can quickly apply the single best coaching question ever. How to recognize, encourage and reward high performance, what to do in super difficult conversations and how to embed coaching in your team. In order to bed coaching your culture, I'm gonna walk you through a simple project that you can use in your team today. We're gonna actually teach this process that others three people from your organization, to be exact I prefer that they be managers. You can choose people based on your. I found in my experience that the best coaches are good listeners. There also people who are actually empathetic, but they have the ability to recognize when they're speaking too much when you need to. Once you've identified these three individuals, but I love you to do is bring them together and actually walk through what we've learned so far in the course. All five sections are important, not only asking questions to find performance, to recognize and reward, high performance to see obstacles, high performance, how to address and solve, but also what it means to be a coach. What, you gather them together. The best thing to do is to challenge, and we find a high performer from there to get an opportunity. Now the need part about this is it's transferrable. Doesn't matter what your context is. Coaching is coaching is coaching, asking questions, being about the outcome and really putting in best practice. What you've learned in this course is essential. Worksheet is a simple coaching guy. It's gonna ask the four questions that recover in Section two. In it, you're gonna be able to identify what high performance is. Armed with that information. You could then go back to other performers in your organization and have the same coaching conversations. Brown. What's working? What's not working, what's missing and what's next. That coupled with the survey that you're gonna do, I should give you a clear plan of action for putting all of this to work inside your organization. Greatest resource you have in your organization of people coaching fits into this perfectly . It is one of the best practices that any organization can its future focused. It's about the individual. It shows that you care in a day, and not only that, it drives high performance because your people be engaged, informed, known in Challenge, which all leads to a high performing guys. Thanks so much for 10 and it has been my pleasure to teach you about something very passion about coaching hope. He used tools, tactics and strategies we've discussed to impact and dry high performance in your organization. You can reach me at www dot steve knocks us. I wish you more than lock in the days ahead.