CINEMA 4D: Improving 4 Common lighting mistakes | Alexey Brin | Skillshare

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CINEMA 4D: Improving 4 Common lighting mistakes

teacher avatar Alexey Brin, Motion designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      00 - Overview


    • 2.

      01 - Flat Lighting


    • 3.

      02 - Overlighting


    • 4.

      03 - Front Specular


    • 5.

      04 - "Too ambient" light


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About This Class

In this class we`ll use Cinema 4D and Redshift to explore how to avoid lighting mistakes that 3d artist, especially beginners do in their work. I`ll show you simple methods of improving.

We will deal with

  1. Flat lighting - when your detailed model looks not good as it could
  2. "Over lighting" - when you add too more lights
  3. Front Speculars - when there is a specular from front facing light
  4. "Too ambient" light - when everything looks almost "ok", but something is not good

Used Software: Cinema 4D (R20 Studio) and Redshift for rendering (but you can use almost any render engine for this class)

Meet Your Teacher

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Alexey Brin

Motion designer


I`m motion designer with about 8+ years work expierence. I like create both simple and complex scenes with technology scene. Now i`m a Shutterstock contributor and post cinema 4d and after effects tutorials in russian in my blog.

I got a lot of messages from english speaking audience about my tutorials, so i`d like to try (even my English is not very good) to share my knowledges via Skillshare.

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Related Skills

Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. 00 - Overview: help in this class, we will discover what four common writing mistakes some overthrew the artist can do and the way you can improve your artwork. 1st 1 I can name flat lighting. You have a great amount of detail in your model, but the final render looks flat. The second mistake I can name over light when people try to avoid deep shadows, create soft light and over light their scenes. And the third mistake is connected with the previous I'll name straight speckle, and the last one is looking like flat lighting. But I will title it to ambient light when there is no color accent when there is no shadows . So if you interested in these themes with Start. 2. 01 - Flat Lighting: now on the screen. You're seeing the result off these short listen and their point I want to show you in to share with you is that these one on the left looks less attractive than these one on the right. You can tell me that there is different materials or etcetera it. Now this is the same model, different light schemes. So let's start to explore how to improve from this one step by step toe. These one first of all, I want to say that we need to create different light ingredients on the our surface. No, the great solid like on this left but some light, some dark, some medium grey. And these lighting Parton will give you and more attractive result. These on right, I think, looks more professional than on these left. Let's start explore the tools at the princip off achieving these results when you use dumb light, usually three d artist that just starting toe work with three d ed. These global light and everything start toe have these soft shadows and they think it works well and the best way sometimes it is, but not in this case. So let me disable this thing and I think you know, three point likes the top. We have something on the left. Let me look at the camera on the left, on the right and on the top. And our task is to light the different size off our model. Let me cholera it two different Hughes red, green and blue. And I want them some of dentist. And you will see that some of our light hits at the top, some on the bottom and top and Sam on the other side. We need to put our light so strike different zones and create different light, radiant and oh, our light might be different intensity or different sizes because you they will be the same and the distance between them and model will be the same. It will cause the same AM bend light effect. Let me going to the set up were set the color I disabled them. I point while to the right and find the position. So with much closer to the these corner and less closer to this one, it's for a reason because our model is rotated. But sometimes you have to maybe a adjust your light so what bounds to these edge, then exposure it much better. Then we have another side of our get geometry and have to add sidelight on the left and the same situation. You can play with it and find the way you like. For example, if you like this stronger section, you can pull it very fire. And this led will hear the top. If you dislike you confined the proportion off distance and size, but sometimes even side light can cause flat lighting. So if you're using red Shift, we have rendered view with instantly a blading off our render and we can find the proper position. Then we have the top side at the top flight. Even here, we can put it directly above our model and bring you speak. Alors, new lighting. But this time it's simply the same color. And I'd like maybe to put it into front. So we have this Brady in here, maybe put it at the back. So we keep ours. Pickler And these looks much brighter than this one. Then you can use small it really lights. I use spheres, but you can use rectangle or another shape. Let me show it for additional edge lighting at this side. Here we have dark shadows. So add small bottom light here and it bites up our edge. And we see clearly that it has some warn edges, Some additional details, maybe top one that here, for example, if we disable this side left will see that the slide brings not so strong speculum but at some radiant here. This is the logic we're playing with. Position off our lights to light up, were measured and create lighter and darker zones. Keep in mind the invent light sometimes ruin Oh, your model work. 3. 02 - Overlighting: sometimes after you trying toe ed a lot of lights to add that color accent, this intensity playing you can over light. You seem, for example, that these left pillow we have these extra spec Alors, these purple stuff looks almost like zebra with this vertical line and the same for these coral pill. Let me show you what caused the thing and how previous lessons can bring us into the wrong direction. That means able everything we have top flight for grading, for example main light. Now we see that we don't have speck on the left is in previous lesson where some speckles at the left then would like Teoh light up right site and then, for example, you want to add extra light at the center and you just add a few more lights. If you can stop for a while and think about what you have done, you can see that we have some over exposure here, extra speculators on our capsules, and now we have to remove something we did, and one thing that can help us is decreasing their multiplier intensity. Because every separate light works well together, they can add intensity too much to each other. Bring these vanishing zones. So I decrease tainted symbol to play on the top just to avoid the speculum. And in red shift, we can decrease our glossy strength. So you'll see. I add something on behalf then. But the left Let me check what it brings to our scene. I can decrease the power. Maybe 29 Just a small saddle white line on the capsule edge right, I think, works fine. And now we have two additional lives. One, It's speak Alors here. And I don't want these light to effect speak ular and disabled. Our green capsule is much clearly we don't see these three lines of speculum or two. And I think maybe this one can be disabled or you can disabled the Sado. Thank, but I'll keep these add to dissembling or I can decrease the multiplier to even lower in density and disable effect. Speculate. We have more clearly image without over exposure zones, but we could mean light, exercise and speak. Alors so be careful with working and adding extra light 4. 03 - Front Specular: at first sight these image are indented KCAL but let me. So what other difference and the main difference I want t o show these example is these straight speckle We confined in these blue balls and here and here and sometimes it's strike to the face of the viewer and it's like, I don't know, it shouldn't be there And we can work with this thing in tow waste. So even these image almost look the same. We don't have this straight look into our eyes this white bright zones, it's looking sound somewhere someone else off these. So let's check the method were working with this problem through simple and very common mistake. So we're adding our lights. We have dark Zo in front, this simple solving his heading front light and sometimes like these, we have round shapes in these front facing speak. Killer looks not good. So this problem very fast weaken disabled speak Gullah on these light affects pickler or decrease glossing strength. For example, on this purple here I don't even see the speckle about it. Add some details on other elements. It's up to you. How toe manage these mistake and the 2nd 1 is very effective is repetition the front writing to the side show you it's not in front. It's decide and at the top, and sometimes it can blend with another light, or you can add it on the top. Different scenarios. Different German tree should become the different thing. Maybe we can find it to the right. Combined with increasing closeness, it's her handy. It's very simple and let me show you cremate scenes so disabling by glossing, Slider said. 20 or effects Picula checkbooks. This should works in a lot of friends, and another used just sizing it up to have much blurriness in the reflection, not this tiny point and reposition. As I said off the spec and rep position two methods off. Solving these simple problem in your light seem. 5. 04 - "Too ambient" light: it. First lesson I show you the problem that I titled has flat lighting. Sometimes we can face almost indican problems with light that can be named Yes, maybe to invent like when we have dark zone and shadows. We don't have this kind of mood and maybe accent and what I want to show you we can start with a blight. Then we see that the left and the right we have a lot off shadows. We want to light it up. Sometimes we use almost indented KCAL lights at the left and at the right. We don't have the contrast and variation. For example, if I disabled all over in the intensity off the left, emission will see that they were right side of our home. Start to be a doctor and let me move my light to the site. And now we get some light. Grady int light here. Dhaka. There. Now we have something interesting in our scene. For example, I can move it maybe to the zone. We have operation of our light and it looks, I think much interesting than previous. Our base, the top with flat right, and how you can solve it you can decrease, for example, the power off our in built light so we can keep it. For example, we can get rid of these, maybe top flight, maybe keep it, but move it to the site just a bit. Not very far from center, as it was positioned and extra light, for example. Daylight. Now we have tweak it, rotate so we get the strong long shadows rotate maybe to this one. Let's create another rations, for example. Leg, please. And now we can go in, select our top light and move it to the site so it create the shadows that looks the same direction as our edit light, for example, sunlight. And now we have no controversy off one light going and casting shadows. One direction and another light to another direction is a Felton preview. We have sound problems that even we have strong lights, strong shed. I was going to the right side Samel, the shadows going toe the left. Now we have all shadows going to the right. Could it here and a disabled these extra light and I was able this new light. Let me reposition it as it was to the center And now I think you understand the difference . This one and this one. This is the last lesson, and I hope you get your knowledge is for improving your lighting skills and your Brenda's will be more pleasant and proactive for your clients thinking for your attention.