1. Introduction: And this course I'll show you how to hold and control the chisel had a maxim, clean cuts, and how to consider the grain of the word when making baskets of completely many carvings that found their way all over the world. And I'm a great believer in learning woodworking. And what kind of budget you have, what kind of space you have or tools available. So because of that, I tried to keep it tutorials as simple as possible and with some very affordable tools. And would this class is ideal for people completely new to woodworking? They're saying that if you already have experience in woodworking, in particularly carving, you'll probably find this class a lot easier. It's great for anyone who would want to make a hand-crafted gift. The pre limit budget. You could also use this in your own projects that you already have going say, maybe you want to carve into a piece of furniture or you want to make some pendants or something else, some Christmas tree ornaments. It can be used for lots of different things. It can even go on to take these skills to learn things like carving and maybe even carving in the round. But I think Chip carving is very closely related to let a carving say, if you check out my leg cut off in class, maybe you'll learn something from both classes. You can apply to both different disciplines. By end of this class, you shouldn't make your own chip coughed artwork and the form of a star. You can then move on to the other designs that I made and the resources to move on. So something like a chip cough, now, even chip curved frame. And then eventually I'm sure we'll be able to make chip card designs all of your own, and then call them into the world, which is pretty cool. Anyway. I hope you enjoy the class. Thank you very much for watching the intro. And let's get started.
2. Tracing the Pattern: So the first thing you gotta do is translate your design onto a piece of work. I like to use carbon paper and put design over the top and then draw the lines on. If you don't have carbon paper, you could always do this thing. We get a piece of paper and below the backup with graphite From a pencil. Then you turn over and you draw a line zone and two lines, a transfer. You can see that no, very clear they are there, but they're not very clear. This is what I prefer using graphite paper. What I will do is line this up where I feel the sender is you can always measure funny ends if you like. I've got the graphite paper underneath. So you have two centimeters from that end. Yeah. Man. I've got some tape here, so just painter's tape. You could use masking tape is kind of the same thing. Could probably just use normal solitary. Isn't it to hold this down while you're putting design on so it doesn't shift around. She won't those lines to be as sharp as possible. So I'm just going to put two bits on that. Keith and the right place for my chosen increases or anything and the paper. And then what I'm gonna do, rather than just drawing it straight on, I'm going to use it because it's really important to see the edges of these lines and have them straight. Even if you just did it freehand when he took the template often the, the carbon paper off you'd probably have to get every love to draw them straight again anyway. So that's all I'm gonna do. I'm gonna start drawing the straight on here. Then before I deal over the lawn too few times just to make sure the market gets down. But I'll see you don't wanna be tearing through the paper at the same time. So so we've traced drowned all the black lines. This is the actual outline of all the different cuts that we're gonna make. These inner gray lines away you want the cuts to come to. So it's up to you if you want to put those on, are they most definitely going to get carved out? Those at a 100% up to you if you want to draw those on or not, I probably would start off with. So I know it seems a bit annoying to keep drawing these lines, but it'll be worth it in the end. And when we remove the template and get carving, you'll, you'll see what. So now we can see the whole pattern on the piece of wood. That's perfect. This is why I like to use carbon paper because it leaves such nice clean lines. So in the next step, we're going to practice a couple of these triangles in different directions on the grain. So get used to those. And then we'll get into the main event.
3. Practice Triangle: So I've got a few of the triangles planned out there on a separate piece of work just to practice. And I've got them orientated in different directions so you can practice the grain going in different directions when your cutting through because you never know which way the grain is going to be. When you make a pattern and you've got triangles and shapes and all sorts things heading different directions. So it's good to get used to that. So we're just gonna do a few practices here before we go into the main thing, just so I can show you that basic points. So if you look at this piece of wood, the grain is running in this direction, right? It's running in a straight line up and down. So that means in here. And it's running like this. Alright? And same with this one. This one's running straight across there. So this one's probably more of an easier once a cough just because it has the grain running stroke RC kinda going after thinking about it too much. And the same with this one. The grain is running straight down. It's, you have to think about it less. The one that has the grain running a kind of strange angle across it like that one. So let's start with one of the simple ones then we'll move on to the harder one. Just got this client down to my bench with a little bit of leather underneath to protect the top. I've got my ordinary bench chisel here. This is 13 millimeter Adventures of or half-inch says on the, on the blade. And what we're gonna do is first take out a little bit of area in the middle. Now in traditional trip calving, they use a knife and they cut down with a really thin knife right near the edges. Because we have quite a thick chisel here. We can't come right to the edge straight away because lend up damaging the word, the stuff won't come up properly. So what we have to do is make a bit of space in the middle, first before we start cutting down around the outside edges. So I would target the middle first, sir. Because the wood grain is running this way. I'm going to go like this. Push up there a little bit, this side. Push up there. But let me just go clear of this Bowman which has a little bit trickier, but not too bad. And maybe go we've cleared out or they'll section in the middle or one thing we have to think about calving in here. So if we take reference of this one, the very point of the chisel, so the very corner of it right there has to go into that point. So as we're carving down, there has to end up in that middle point. We'll come back to that in a sec. It's now one of the corner of my chisel to go right in the corner of the triangle at the top. Push down. And I'm aiming that corner to the very center of the triangle. So corner the chisel to the very center of the triangle. And let me get to the end here. We don't want to keep pushing, but rather. So bend chisel this way a little bit. To cut the chisel up to that corner as well. So we're trying to go from corner to corner. And we can keep doing that. Just shaving off a little bit more each time. So Corner co-owner and we've ended up with a fairly clean cut there. I want to do the same on the other side. Take the corner. Just keep monitoring bits off. You don't have to trim the whole thing off at once. And most important coat comes at the end. When you do the final trimming. And you'll find you probably have to move your clamp around. I'd usually do this. Is that a clamp and hold the word burden thematic, particularly safe. So I'm going to leave the clamp on for the tutorial we just to show you that you can do it with a clamp. Right? So now we've got that kind of done. What we're gonna do is come back and do this bomb and which is a little bit more awkward perhaps. So spun the piece of wood around to make it easier for me so I can cut from this direction. Now, the different thing about when the grain is facing this way on a cup is that we can come from this corner and go down there. Or it can come from this corner and go down there because the grain is going that way. So we have the same advantage from both sides. But what I'm gonna do first is come from this corner. To start with really light cuts has what I would recommend just to get used to it. Then we wanna go down to the corner and then have this parallel chisel. And up in that corner then come back. We don't have to take out huge, big chunks every time we can take our time. And then you can see that the shape is forming there. And I can see maybe it would benefit from coming from this way though it. So I can trim a little bit. It helps to have a sharp chisel, kind of delicate touch, but that's something you'll get used to the more you do it. So this is one of the hardest bits I find. And that's clearing all the material out here so that you have nice sharp edges because the sharper the edges are the better it's going to look. So you can take a chisel around here like this and so bring it towards yourself. Once again, that's not the safest way to do it. But if you're tired of un clamping the wooden, turning it around several times, then maybe you'll get used to doing it this way. This is gonna give you a few options. You see, you know, which really works best for you if you want. When it comes to a bit like this, you can always come in the side like this and pop the little bit out. Remember the poet gentle with it? Don't go crazy. Just try and settle down. Just to tie that that's there. It doesn't want to come out. It's all about these tiny little cuts and touches waiting for these bits to come out. Okay, so there's a triangle. So let's move on to the next one, which is got slightly different grain orientation just to show you how to tackle that.
4. Additional Practice: Alright, now so we go from our corner, take the point to the corner. And I said you don't have to take everything out all at once. You can do and cuts, you know, you can do an incremental cuts. Are you a little bit of a cup, then you can come back to it more of a cut like that, right? And this one, the grain is getting this way. But I think before we do this solid for that and you see how much easier and that's going in and how much smoother. So it's got those two bits roughly out. Let's get the bottom out, and then we'll do the cleanup. So once again, we could probably come from either side on this one just because the grain is going straight across and I'm going to come from this side. Let me lay down, remember corner of the chisel right down to the lowest part of the triangle which is in the center. And then when you get there, you can turn your chisel to their end corner there. So corner the chisel right down to the corner and then turn to the other corner there to finish off the curve. Alright, and we can come down here, clean this up a bit. So now let's do this other side and the bottom that we did, the other one, corner, the chisel goes down to the lowest part of the word and then turns to the top corner. I can't emphasize how much a sharp chisel. We'll ys, this will be so much easier with show up at all. If you don't have sharp tools, we can get some answers Chopin for you or you can check on YouTube for lots of different shortening tutorials. And I guess that's triangle number two. Let's do the last one. So I did do this triangle, but my camera battery ran out and I was talking to myself for about five minutes. So here is redrawn again. Let's do this one again. So always follow the chisel over the grain has been doing before. And then take out the section in the middle. You may get to a point where you don't need to take out so much of a section in the middle, and you can just go straight to the end. But for this demonstration, I think we'll keep taking this section out of the middle. Says I'm middle section out. And then we can start cutting down the edges again. So remember we want to take the corner virtual down to the lowest point. So corner the triangle down to the last point. And then twist around to that edge. And be careful that you only twist around to the very corner. If you go any further, then you're going to cut to four. And you don't really want that because the cut doesn't want to carry on that one wants to dip down like this one has. Once again from the corner to corner, the chisel to the center. And twist saying down here from the very corner and can then take the chisel down to the center twist. Now I go there, I'll clean up. So it's just a few delicate cuts. Let's say Janet, to get it all done in one go of C when you get more used to it and you can get them all done in Mongo, then you're going to be faster. You're going to be more efficient. And this isn't a sudden erase returned to create a piece of artwork. And that's pretty much it. And you go hope that that will practices helped you get down the basics of chip calving and the grain direction. I think triangles are one of the easiest things to do and chip covering, which is why this star is my completely of triangles. But we have some triangles that are kind of long, so they require a little bit more attention in these little triangles. So we'll get started with that and take it slowly and pay attention to the grain. And let's say here we go.
5. Cutting the First Triangle: This time we're going to bring you into my view so you can see the way that I'm looking at the word to make it easier for you to understand. So we've got the grain coming this way. And one thing you have to watch out and now that we're on the proper pattern is to try and keep these lines are on the outside as clean as we can, right? Cuz you're gonna see, as we call the other ones around them, the little ridge around the outside of the triangles really affects the look of the finished product. So let's start with a chisel here. Would take out our little section in the middle. Taking out this little section also helps you kinda determine the direction of the grain if you're not entirely sure. So that's, that's another good thing that could be useful to look at kind of a pre practice before you still can get an actual thing. So I shape now cone or the chisel to the corner of the triangle. Okay? Then slide in slowly. Take the corner right down to the corner of the inside. So right to the very bottom, dip that. And then the notches are there and we haven't got we haven't got all the way up to the corner and there isn't remap because we can just do it again. So we went start from here x, we've already got a pretty clean cutler. So I'll start a bit further on where I can see more material has to be taken from the side. Then we'll twist right that yet. So we've got right to the corner. Now let's do the same on this side. Alright, so cornered the chisel and the corner of the triangle. Ok. Slide along. Get down to the corner or the center of the circle, center of the triangle, I should say. And then bring that up to the corner that say, you see, we've got loads of extra material left over at the side there. That's no problem. You can just come in again, follow the same plane. And if you want, just keep trimming off a little bit at a time saver turned off a little bit there. I'm going to come back. Turn off a little bit more again, and now we're ready to do the other side. And then we can get the cleanup. Having a bit of a zoom in and I'm standing round the top side of it now to make it easier for myself, you can do this if you want you, they can move around the carvings. That reason I don't clap for cobe and then when I'm doing my list so I can keep spinning this bold round, which makes it easier for me. But like I said, I think it's a bit dangerous, so I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna show that in this tutorial. So let's take the chisel here down to the center. And then because it put that piece out. So that's pretty much all the work done for popping out the waste. But now we need to trim it down readily edges to make it look nice. And also, like I said, try and keep the edges around the triangle as sharp as possible. Try not to use a dent the chisel in there. You accidentally hit the side of the chosen. There is something which can happen. Try to keep it as clean as possible. So we're going to come in there but more take off a tiny sliver. That's pretty much done on that side. Now we'll come back to these other sites, do the cleanup. And then we'll have a look at the triangle. Like say we are doing this with a straight chisel. But a lot of people would do this with a knife. I don't like the knife technique very much. I prefer the chisel technique, but that doesn't mean that the knife technique went work better for you. So maybe you, after watching this class, you might wanna look at the other ways that people didn't maybe head to YouTube or something. And you might be able to see different ways to do this. I, I'm a great believer and trying out lots of different ways to find out which way suits you the best. There we go. And let's take a closer look at what we've got there. So you can see we have a nice neat triangle there with some clean walls all around it. You see how important it is to have these walls nice and clean as we continue to curve the other triangles around. The good thing about what we've done here of the orientation of the word. If you look at it, you can see that we have the straight lines going up every triangle. So we've got these straight lines going up all of these triangles. Right? So we can just keep spinning this around to suit our needs if you want to, so that we can kind of attack it from the same angle every time.
6. Keeping Borders Clean: So a span my triangle round upside down the other way around. Because I think it's going to be easier to work on these two triangles with it this way renowned and also this triangle here. Then what I want to work on the other two, I'll spin it background again. And that's just because the chisel has to come from this direction. So if I'm working on this one, I have to kind of flip it around and come like this, which is a bit more awkward. It can be done. I sometimes, but if you want to get as accurate as possible, I guess it's probably best to be the most comfortable situation you can be. So we're just gonna take a little piece of center again at you know what, let's do it on both. We're not do both at the same time. Now we're doing that cut from the opposite direction, but it's okay. Just this little bit. Right? Now let's do this curved corner, the chisel corner of the triangle. Come down to the center of the triangle. Twist out to the corner. Alright, so didn't take much material off there, but we got the main cut down and we wanted to get done. So now let's trim off more. Make sure to keep that corner coming down to the center and then twist out to the edge. Let's do the same here. And to the corner. A little bit more to establish the age. And again, like I said, this is where this becomes really important. You can see just how important it is to have that sharp line there. If that line is muddied a little bit or dented in, it can really change the look. I mean, maybe some people might want to go for look only at some texture, but for the purpose of this, we're gonna try and make it as sharp and clean as we can. As I'm standing up again and coming back ground. So you'll decide just we can try and get this, like I said, as clean as possible. And it condemned this and kind of increments. Then to the corner again. Come down here. Comes to the corner. You find these bits will pop out. Try to resist the urge to twist the chisel like this when you've got it in there because you can really end up damaging corners and damaging the center if you do that. So try to just let the word pop out on its own. Use your fingers every night and watch out for splinters. You don't want to muck around with the wood to much of the fingers. And then in that corner, there we go. So that's popped up myself pretty much. We've got that nice and empty of the waste now. So we can start trimming these little bits. Chisel comes down to the corner, dance the center, sorry, every time. And then the outside goes to the corner to corner the chisel, middle of triangle. And the rest of the chisel bends out to the corner. He cut a little bit too far there, but that can be rectified when we do the next triangle, I'll show you.
7. Fixing Mistakes: So this is where we are. So far. You can see a little bit of an issue there that one's going a bit too far. So I'm going to show you what I do when I go a little too far and those areas, just try and correct it sort of involves redrawing the line and try to figure out where the edges. And usually you can cover that, but kind of a stake up fairly well without it being noticeable. Okay, so here's our little mistake. Down here. We're gonna get this ruler, come across on this line here. And then draw a line there. Alright, so that's where we want to align to b. We've redrawn it. Sir. What we're gonna do is come down here and just clean this up so you don't want that there's a ridge there. We don't really want that Rich to either. So I'm gonna clean that ridge off. Just with some really light cuts. Once again, always taking that chisel down to the same place. We don't want the chisel to wander off because that's what caused this problem in the first place. And I always bring that chisel down there. Right? Now that we've done that, we can start clearing out this other triangles. Let's get some stuff. There. I show it the wrong way on that one. Right? Now. This is where we're gonna see our edge come together. So let's take this out. In fact, before we take that out, you can see it's kind of splitting this edge. So what we should do is probably take some material out from these first. So let's get this triangle mostly done. And this side as well. Take it up to the edges. Okay, now let's do that again and get a lot of the material there first. And what I'm gonna do it try not to do the final count until I have a clear view, right? So I have a nice clear view now you can see that's almost disappearing already. And it's okay going away from the other end. So now let's take it really slowly. And we might have to keep going back and forth from side to side. Obviously, if you make a really big mistake, this might not help, but it might. So I think it's worth trying. And already we've cleaned it up so that like a bit of a mistake is already looking like, well, it didn't really happen. Cell that we got these kind of central triangles figured out. I'm just going to get my way through the rest of these without having too much about it. And then we get onto these longer triangles which require a bit more concentration, perhaps.
8. First Outer Triangle: So we have all the central pieces carved out. I've marked up the top triangle with the grain on it. So I can show you how we're going to do that next. It's a little bit trickier just because of the longest sides. But once you get used to, I'm sure it'll be fine. So what's gonna spin this around? So this easier for me to work from these longer parts here, from the side that I'm sitting on. So we're going to start off in the usual way. So we're gonna take out that little section in the middle. So let's do a couple little cuts down there. Going across here. We've taken out a little section. So now this is where the chisel control really comes in handy. So once again, we need to start from this very top corner and work our way all the way down. Unfortunately, our center point is all the way down here now, so we have quite a way to travel before we get there. So I would suggest is taking smaller cuts or this one to start off with rather than try and get anything too deep. So let's just concentrate on accuracy and forget about taking away loads of waste. So get that down on the corner, spin that around. So we started that off now. Now we can go a bit deeper. Perhaps. Like I said, we didn't have to be crazy to go absolutely nuts and get as deep as we possibly can. And then we're gonna upset corner again, right? So ROD was starting to form that edge just by following the simple principle of taking the corner of the chisel right to the center of the triangle. Let's say the center of this time it isn't really send a that is the point in the middle where all the lines meet or, or the cut lines meet wherever you wanna take the corner of the chisel. So now we've done that side. Oh, well, we've probably been done. We will have to clean up a little bit more. And let's try and do this other sides. So corner the chisel right on the corner of the triangle up there. Just take a tiny, tiny car and then bring the corner, the chisel down into that point. Turn it around until it hits the edge. One thing I would also stress that's quite important is when you bringing this chisel around her and bring it ran to the edge, really resist the urge to flick up like this. Because if you do, you can break out all the wood here and it will possibly break out past this little bit here, which will just devastate your carving. So you've got to be quite careful when coming to the end. And even it might be annoying to leave these kinds of tags there. It's sort of necessary. At least doing it the way I'm doing it. So we can come down a bit further from there. Alright, so now I'm going to stand up and go over this other side so I can access it from the hell of y. You can always take the clamp off, turn it round if you want it. But I'm just gonna do it like this. Take the chisel down to the corner. Never again. Now we're getting somewhere trying to keep this edge up here as straight as possible. Which I think is one of the harder things to make honest. All right. Now let's do the final clean up. Just keep that chisel riding along that edge. Keep the corner riding on that edge. Taking a little bit off at a time. You'll be able to see where you have to go. And like I say, the sharpness of the chisel is really paramount. For chooses a blunt. This is not gonna come out very well. Sharper. They are the much easier life will be in a much cleaner. This will look so good, but there's a little bit of a mound here. So I want to make this a bit more flat. Just a couple of cups like that. This is 41 thing. You'll find that it's harder to get this line going straight up the middle. It's a bit more complicated. Now. Yeah. So now let's do another triangle and either go through the process again on a more awkward angle like this one where the grain is a bit different.
9. Outer Triangle with Awkward Grain: Alright, so this one's a bit more weird because of the orientation of the grain. So we're gonna take our section out like we usually do. Alright, now, we're going to take the chisel to that corner again, like we normally do. And just concentrate on getting it down towards the center point or the middle point. Okay, so we got that down towards the center point or the middle point, but we haven't traveled up this edge because that bit sort of comes with more of a slicing cut as we come through. Ok, So this is more of a slice. Next, see how I'm pulling the chisel towards myself. And we're pushing that way a little bit, but also pulling the chisel towards my body a little bit. Server kinda slicing. And my hand on the back is kinda pushing the chisel and a different direction. I'll show you how that works. And then we're going to finish our straight like that. So now I'll show you from a different angle. So now you can see how I'm doing this slicing cut from a different angle. So this hand here is pushing the chisel inwards and kind of guiding it. Sand here. It's kind of turning the chisel over there so we get the slice. So again, the push into the word and the slice at the same time. Let's see. So we're going to push in. And now we're turning the right-hand, this hand away from myself to do the slice. Alright, and then we're gonna come back in and Nestle and towards that corner again. So now let's try again. Slice nestle into the corner. And it's just one long slice current linearity. Okay? And it's important to note that there's not always a twist and that sometimes it's just a push in and drag backwards at the same time, you have to really pay attention to the corner of that chisel is because you don't want to be digging out really far in. And it's going to be the same for the other side. We're just from a different angle. So what will do? So I can show you on camera, makes it easy to spin this around somewhere like this. And we'll do the slice again but from a different angle. So this time we're going to push in there and kinda slice like that. Okay, so let's push in there. Kinda slice out of the backflow that then we go. And now it's just like a straight slice in. Just like a straight slice with a tiny bit it twists but not much. And we just got a neat in that OLAP and colorist of our triangle out. So that is probably spin it around again. And this one is a push because we've got the grain with us this time. So this one is just to push slightly. The corn is not really a slice. Slice their income from this side, I'll just do it this way for these. So at least we can put that material out. The sinner, us pretty much it. I mean, just go clean it up. Then do the other two corners.
10. Clean up and Final Look: So now we come into the very final cut of the piece. Just got the triangle on the opposite side to every started to finish up. And the step after this you might find is a bit long-winded. So basically, you might want to gerund, cleaning up or your triangles and stuff like that. You might find some of the edges are not quite as they could be. You know, some of them might be on fixable. Some will be fine. I guess. Maybe perfectionism isn't the best thing when it comes to this kind of thing. Because you can be chipping away at this for a very long time. If you wanted to try and get every single tiny one. Perfect. But as you can see, all that's done, we'll get the eraser on there. Sometimes eraser can take away the carbon paper. Other times you might have to use a scraper or something. That's easily done a fairly good job. Then I can clean that off. And you can see a o, which is a pretty cool little star. And I said you can, you can go and clean up. You can take your chisel and put it down in there, taking a little bit of wood out. Now you can keep going around and cleaning up all of these different parts that you know, that's up to you. How much you like it or not. And I'm just gonna show you a few more examples of other things you can do with Chip carving. And how the other template to turned out, which I've got in the resources.
11. Final Words and Other Examples: So a few points you might want to take away from this class. First of all, remember to use a rude or when you're marking out, you want to get the lines as straight as possible in order to help you get the best look. Secondly, remember to take out the little part from the middle before you start kicking around the edges when you're using something like a chunky benches or which is what this tutorial is aimed at. If you're going to use like chip carving knives. You can go closer to the edge and some people just can pop out a triangle just straightway, 1-2-3 cut and the popular triangle. So you could even improve to that point if you keep at it. Another thing to consider is to keep your chisels really sharp if you can. And if you want to add to the sharpness as you go along or keep the keep the age cane. You can have a leather strop. So let us drop. You can pull the chisel against this on both sides. And that helps keep the edge sharp. So if you've got a really sharp edge, you can keep a stroke next to you while you're coding. And that should help you a little bit. And hopefully give you some nice clean cuts. Feel free to rewind the video and re-watch and ask as many questions as you want in the discussions. I also have some other templates in the resources. So as long as the template for this star, which you could turn into something like this. This is what I made earlier and I cut out this going to be like a well, I think Christmas decoration is what its screaming out today. So I think probably turn it into a Christmas decoration. You can also go for the owl, which are designed. This is another piece of pie. Just died at Black. After I carved out. This one has something little different. We've got some pentagons there. And this is kind of a more of a, a four sided rhombus. So we've got some, some different shapes in there which require actually some smaller chisels. For those are used. These small chisels which aren't the best chisels in the world. But you can shop for them, they can get sharp, you can use them. So if you just wanna Davis is something like a hobby or something, these costs about ten or 12 pounds Aboriginal that much. And then if you want to do something that's perhaps a bit more functional, you can carve this frame here. So this is another pattern which are having the resources that you can use. All these bits from the outside is a chip cold frame that you can create from the resources. And then I love this flower separately on my Twitch stream, which shows they're going to have a YouTube video of, but feel free to call my Twitch stream and talk to me. I stream every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 03:00 PM UK time. Yeah, I would love to see the stuff you've made, whether you've gone with the star in that design or in this design. Whether you want to be a bit braver and go for the owl or frame, then it'll be great to see what you come up with. Say, thank you very much for watching the class and I really hope you enjoyed it and I hope it was useful. Please send your projects in and ask me any questions if you have any. Thanks a lot.