1. Chinese Beginner 2 Course Introduction: Hi, Welcome to our Chinese beginner to horse. They're happy to see you here. And thank you for the interests in their Chinese beginner. Two coils in case you have missed out are a beginner one course, let me have a short introduction about myself. So as you know, my name is Twinkie and I'm a native Chinese based in London. I had been in currently still teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the country. And I also do online Chinese teaching mainly through Skype. And because of my passion for this, I have also started doing this Chinese online course now. So here I am. Going back to our Chinese beginner to course. You may want to know a little bit about what you will achieve after completing the course. First, the course aims to lead your firm and entry beginner to upper beginner level. Secondly, within the course, you will learn more than 150 vocabulary and also essentially grammar. With certain speaking practice. After the course, you are expected to be able to hold a short and basic conversation. And of course, this course is preparing you to move up to intermediate level. So you may ask, how do you teach? Well, let me tell you. Firstly, all the content will be animated. We believe that teaching with animation is more fun and engaging, which helps you to memorize even better. Let's see an example. We show my new bottleneck. Why don't you move? Great, moving on. You may want to know what's included in the whole course. Apart from the videos, we have a set of lecture notes and a set of exercises tailor-made for each lesson. Because we believe that we're efficient cannot be like, Do you agree with me? In addition, there will be a list of all the vocabulary in the course. So it is more convenient for you to study. Also, online study sets, including flashcards and games are provided, which helps you to memorize the vocabulary. Finally, if there are any YouTube songs or a short stories found and fit the lesson, they would be included. So who would be the students to join this course? If you're a beginner level and looking to move to intermediate level, this would be the right course for you. Feel free to join us and I hope to see you in class.
2. 1.1 Travelling: Hi guys, very happy
to see all again in this Chinese cores
for HSK to level. This is when key Gaussian. Let's start with our new word. It means want, but in fact
it's more than I want. So it means you have to or you need to or you have to have. So yeah. Sounds more determined
than just want. Yeah. Yeah. So now let's first start
with the first function. Have to or need to. Yeah. Indicates there is an urge
for you to do something or you really want are
determined to do something. So in this case will
be followed by verbs. For example, May 1, E4. So it means I have
to buy clothes. Another example, wore yellow
Hurley leads to our Ponyo. I have to be friends with Lily. Mind you this time
doesn't just mean end. It means wet because you want someone equals to
you and someone. Now, let's see how to use, yeah, as in have to have it shows that you are
determined to want something. Therefore, in this situation, yeah, usually it would
be followed by nouns. For example, war, yeah, sure go for, it means
I want this clothing. In fact, it also shows
that you really want that you are determined
to have this clothing. Does that make sense? Let's see another example. When kids are at school, they miss their moms, right? They would say, Well, yeah, what the mama, I want my mom. So it also shows that they
want their moms fair badly. So literally it means that I have to have my mom now that we know means have to meet two or an urge that
you want something. How about its opposite? Boy, yell For boil. It doesn't mean
you don't have to, but it means you strongly
or absolutely don't want. We will talk more about
this the next session. Next word, it means travel
and it has a verb, travel. In Chinese, there
are two characters. Do y'all. Let me give you some
more information. The word yo. Yo actually means swim. Therefore, you can
imagine that you swim around the city
when you travel. As we have said, y'all swim. So what makes the character
it looks like it swims. Have you noticed from the left-hand side
of the character, there are three dots. It is radical of water. It looks like three
water droughts. So whenever you
see this radical, it may be related to water. Y'all. Y'all. Let's see our next new
word. We have learned. I think, in a way, when you think rationally. So now let's see
what's the new word for think when you
give opinions. Or it also means feel. Yet. Please note that
when in practice, we usually would
make it the no tone. So we would say that. One more note, hope you
don't feel too surprised. The character It's actually it's the same character from suites, Yeah, Which means sleep. So it is like the same character but
with different sounds. In fact, this is not new to
other Chinese characters. That to serve as a reminder, we have previously
learned another thing, which is C. However, for this thing, it only
means you think rationally. Therefore, there is a
difference in use between CRM. And as yet, the thing is, when you give opinions. Let's see the first
example of the woods yet. I feel so cold. Another example. What? Pauline, I
think she's pretty Next word, it means most. Let's see how we
will use it later. To say it, it is
slowly, slowly, slowly. In practice, we would put before the four elements
that we discussed before, which includes adjective,
senses, ability, and condition. If you think they're
too hard to remember, just consider these elements are just intangible elements. To better understand
four elements. Here are the examples. Adjective, consider how true, which is good to eat or tasty. While for census, it is a way to show your feelings
and your thoughts. So it includes AI,
which is love. Next, ability. It means you know
how to do something, you can do something. So why would be the example? While for condition, it means, you know or
understand something. Though we haven't
learned any Chinese relate to those we
will in future. Now let's see our first
example with the use of most. So a jug of Fundy in the FAQ, what's had say hotter. This restaurants, French
food is the best. Next, War II, bad. So a k. It means my dad
loves driving the most. Finally, what did say? Wait, so it's high. It means my older sister is
most capable of cooking. Finally, we will
learn the word why. To say it, there are
three characters, which is wei shen. Note that shim is what way? Sh'ma, Sh'ma, Yao Chu Bay til New York. I have to travel to Beijing. Needs yet and Schindler
sure how she'd say Hall. When do you think
is the best time to go to painting yield? So September is the best
time to travel in Beijing. Way shamatha. Why? Beijing PNG put on here Pooja. The weather of Beijing in September is not
cold, normal, hot.
3. 1.2 Additional Notes on ‘要yào – have to have; need to’: Neiman Hall. Welcome back. We're going to discuss
more about yell. Remember, from last lesson, we learned that y'all
equals to have to meet two. Or the Earth should
have or want something. Oppositely, however, boy, yeah, does it mean don't have to? But it means absolutely
don't want to. Therefore, it's time to learn to reply to the
questions with, yeah. Let's see an example. N0 cell wall Yao to
make gouache warmer. You going to buy
for this afternoon, you have to buy fruit
this afternoon. When I'm replying
to the question, you don't necessarily
have to say girl or boy. Yeah. Unless you
want to sound like you have to or totally
don't want to. So now I'm going to
give you suggestions to reply to say yes. You can simply say Hall, which is sure to say No. There are two suggested ways. First, you can say
wore boots, shoe law. It means I'm not going. Other than that,
you can say Wall, who is young too. I don't want to go. So it's up to you to
decide how you want to express yourself to choose
which answer to be used.
4. 1.3 What sports do you like?: Even Hall. Welcome back. The topic is, what
sports do you like? Let's learn our
first word, sports. It is a noun, while it
can also be a verb, what it means exercise. And we say, you in dung for
your additional information. Don't actually means
move on its own. You, even though you don't. Next word, it means Kick. It is a verb. And in Chinese, it is she. She, she. Now that we know Kc,
what about football? Football? It has two characters. You in fact, two means suit, while to you means ball. That's why football
is towards you. Towards you. What? Let's combine, kick football
together towards you. It means play football in English because the action
for play football is set, you kick the ball. Now, let's have a look of the
character, which is food. Does it look like
someone's King Football? Next? While the characters
so compact to be a radical, it would look like something on the left-hand side
of the character t. So whenever you see
this radical and future, it may probably relate to suit. You see one. You don't. What sports do you like to do? My favorite sport is
playing football. Woman shall we eat
pizza which hold back. Let's play football
together this afternoon. Hello. Sure.
5. 1.4 Buy new chairs: Neiman Hall. Hi
guys. Welcome back. Today's topic is by new chairs. Will have only got one
new word for this lesson. New in Chinese. It's seen. Seen, seen. Now that we have learned
another new adjective. Let's see the formula
of using adjective. When you want to say
adjective to noun, you have to link the in-between. For example, new clothes, you would say sin the
E for another example. Tasty dish. How true that tag. But there's one
more information. When adjective that you
use is just one character. The usual way can be omitted. Unless you want to
make emphasis on the adjective will
still be there. So, for example, usually
when you want to say, he is my new friend, you can simply say, Tasha, What does seem Ponyo old woman? Yeah, we all might see
guys seen their needs. Do we need to buy
a few new chairs? Hollow shell, Moshe hold. She may. Sure. When shall we go by? Meaning kids would send me Yeah. How about tomorrow afternoon? Nemean, can CPN know what time will you be able
to come back tomorrow? Shall five-ish in the afternoon. From the dialogue woman. Yeah, I hope we all might
see guys seen that. Do we need to buy
a few new chairs? From seeing the yields
can actually be omitted. Because we have said the
adjective is one character. Also because the whole
sentence meaning does not stress or tried to emphasize
on the adjective new.
6. 1.5 Which part you think it looks the prettiest?: This is our last session
for r less than one. It is less than 1.5, which are topping is which part? You think it looks
pretty biased? Let's start with learning a
new word, ice in Chinese. Yen. Yen. Yen. Have you noticed from the
left-hand side of both characters have
the same radicals. It is actually from the
character called mall. Well, by looking
at the character, does it look like an eye? Yes, it is actually imaging
AI in a vertical way. So in future, if you see
characters with this radical, it may be related to ice. The shammy, a yoga shall goal. There's a dog under
the chair. It's yours. Now. Sure. What that goal? Yes. It's my dog. Had Cl Cl why? It's called cell. Why? Parkland County? Yeah. It's pretty neat to hear
that hand and eat sleep. Yes. Which part you think
it looks the prettiest. What's your though powder Yan
Jiang. So you count it out. I think it's size or the
prettiest pad both. Ala. How old is it now? Yoga. Six months and more already. As a reminder from
what we learned in our HSK course, the dialogue. Sure, in me, they are. The character or when used in question has a curious sounding. You may ask, isn't
sounds, How come Sinead? There's a yes sound there. Well, that's because when we
link everywhere together, we may kind of link
a little bit of the last part of the
previous character. Therefore, when we link the two, it can produce yeah,
kind of sound. Next, why are we have learned Nali means where
from the dialogue. Sure needs to hear
that Pan Alley. Say if it is not talking
about location or place, it actually means where or which part of the dog you
find it most pretty.
7. 2.1 I rarely get sick: Hi guys. Neiman Hall. Welcome back. Ends our topic today is, I rarely get sick. So now let's start with
our first new word. Gets sick. We say Bill. Shang actually refers to
grow, birth, and develop. While being on this o means
illness or a disease. So what does that mean? For example, we're showing
you got that bill. It means I got a
serious illness. So you can interpret shown
as grow are developed. And my dad, that
not just mean size, but this time it means big, serious illness. Shall shall. Great. Let's move to next word. Every or each. We say Mei. Mei. Mei. Mei is used in this sentence, is often used in the
combination with though. Though it is not compulsory
to use with though. When you use may
end those together. It has the emphasis
on each and every. So the May and though combination is more like
you want to emphasize. Each and every of that scenario, you still do certain activity. Let's see concrete example
to understand more. Wall may Tinto Yao Shang Ben. I have to go to work every day with the toe here it is like emphasizing
every single day. You totally have to go to work. Without the, though the
sentence would feel more mild. And now let's see
another new word, R1. R1 is Paul. Paul on this ONE
already means to run while actually means step. But together Paul
Bu means to run. Have you noticed from the left-hand side
of the character, Paul has the radical that
we mentioned before. Yes. When you see it, it is often relates to food. Paul Paul Paul pool. Next part. Let's have
an overview of how to use paul Bull Run. We have mentioned Paul is actually the short
form from Paul, for which part is the
main verb for r1? So what's the difference
between pulpal and Paul? Well, Paul BU is often used
at the end of sentence, while Paul is often used
in the middle of sentence. That's because the
main verb for r1, which is the main verb, it has to be followed
by something, either Paul or it could be Paul for a long
time for anything. Does that remind you
of the situation? And CAC, which is learn. So both of these
situations are pretty similar. Now let's see. An example. Was fake hung. See, when Harpo, I like
running very much. So you can notice when running is put at
the end of sentence, you would use paul
pool instead of par. However, let's see
another example. What Paula, hundreds, eula. I have run for a
long time already. But R1 is in the
middle of sentence. We use. Paul. Is that clear enough? Now, let's see another new word. Get up. It's too long. For t. It actually means up while
each one on its own means bed. So it can if means get
out from your bed. Tea qual see crawl. For our final word
for today, it's out. We say tool. We have already learned. Two means go. So let's combine with 222. Means go out towards Joshua, who she's here. Why don't you rarely get sick? Is it that you
like doing sports? While may turns out wrong though we are true to you, Paul bull. Yes. I need to go out
for a run every morning. He made his GTN chief wrong. When do you get
up every morning? While maintaining
the Odeon pants? He Kong. I get up at 630 every day. Now let's go back
to the dialogue. Ne, hand shall, should, will first see when you don't. We learnt that means vary or so. Shaw means few. So Shaw together means
very few or little y. This is in terms of quantity. However, it needs rarely when you're talking
about time or frequency.
8. 2.2 Use of ‘Every / Each’: Hello, ni Hall. Welcome to lesson 2.2. It will be a short lesson
and the main thing is to talk about the
use of every or each. The word may. Similar to English. For example, every day or
every KG, or each day, each KG in Chinese, you would say May, followed by a measure term. Let's see our example. Every person or each person
may go run every month, each month may, yet. Let's see some more examples. Every week, each week
may seem t. And finally, we say every year, each year may need Yen.
9. 2.3 Take the medicine: Hi guys, Neiman.
Hot topic today is take the medicine grade. Now we should start with
learning how to say medicine, pills or drugs. In Chinese, it is to familiarize yourself with
how to write the character. The top bit of the character, which looks like two crosses, are actually the radical
referring to plants, flowers. And if you see this
radical in future, it may probably refers
to those S because traditionally
chinese medicine are made from plants or flowers. That's why has such radical. Yeah. Yeah. Next new word to be
discharged from the hospital. The action is called yen. That's because we
learned tool is out while yen is
actually the UN, from the yen, which is hospital. So that's why it
has such meaning. True, un, un Ciao ulama. Have you taken medicine yet? Sensation, heats and
has your health now? Sheila, see inside Hall dollar. Yes, it's much better now. Shen the Shrew, whole
unknown, true un. When can you leave the hospital? The doctor said next week. Now, let's have a
short discussion about some dialogues we learned
true yellow Lama. Have you taken medicine? So in English we may
say take the medicine, but in a CI English way, we say eat medicine because the action you take in the
medicine is you eat it. So it only refers to pills. But if you're talking
about some medicine, you drink it, you would say. Is that clear? So for this case, we would say, true. Yeah. Great. Let's see another case. True law. Since I have a dollar
from the dialogue. How dollar? What does that mean? How we learned? It means good means a lot. While law, it has the function
of change of state here. So it is comparing two before. So it kind of means now. Therefore in total,
how much better now.
10. 2.4 How tall is he?: Hi guys. Neiman Hall. And today's topic is, how tall is he? So let's start with
our first word. Tall. We say Gaul. By looking at the character, does that look like
a tall building? Doll? Doll? Now let's look at the next word. May eat. It has two meanings. One and coached rise. Second, It's meter. Does meet, look familiar to you. Yes. It's actually the
meat from me fence, which means cooked rice. So without cent, which is rise me alone would
be the uncooked rice. And today we will focus on
using me as meter N0, M0. Now, we will learn the
final word for today. No. We say, Oh, we also learned
another node before, which is rare issue. So what's the difference between financial and drew thought? Well, sure. We mentioned that it means no, but also refers to knowing someone or if familiarity
with something. And for that new null, it's more like, you know, a fact known information. That way it's how old is David? I should also say 20
something years old. Door gunner. How tall is he? Body? 180 and a view needs
and my grid on I'm a toya. How can we know that nudge? Cashier with whom she
or he is my classmate. Great. Now it's time to have
a short discussion on the phrases that we just
learned in the dialogue. Let's see, meets at my
crew down then the toya. As a reminder for drama. And Nama means this and that, but it is not
referring to location. It means so very. And also be reminded that drama and Nama can
be used interchangeably. For example, drug E4, Mahal can, hence young man. This outfit looks this pretty. I really want to buy it.
11. 2.5 Take a rest: Hi guys, Lehman Hall. And today's topic
is, take a rest. So how do we say our first word? Rests? In Chinese, it is Sue, C. Great. Now let's look at the character. See you. Have you noticed any
composed of two parts, the left and the right side. The left hand side would be the radical for the character, which means that it provides the main meaning
for the character. And it is the radical
of human ren. We have talked about
this radical before. What about the right-hand side? It is actually a character
called mole, which means wood. So by looking at the
character is still, does that look like a human
lying next to a tree? So he's actually taking a rest. For your information. Can actually be a radical. For example, you can see this
radical from either chair, Tong, bed, and draw it. Table. Not all words related. Coc, COC. Let's move onto the next word. Restaurant. Fen. We have learned
another restaurant, but this one is a new one. And be reminded that sense
on its own means rise. While Guan is actually a
word related to place. In case you're interested. According to northern
Chinese people style, they would like to add our after sent Guan
to make it fun Gua. Which style do you like better? Fen Fen gland. John luxury. Yeah. Can you treat
jaundice and give a break on Saturday
to Shia power? Jurji can have Mound. Yes, he's very busy
these few days. He has no time to rest. Now, poisoned labor. That will be tiring, isn't it? Tom medium waves Jewish, although he comes back to
school time every day. Now again, it will be
our discussion time, which we will talk about the
dialogues we just learned. Let me give you a reminder
of how we use the character. It is an expression word, and it's always used at
the end of sentences. When it is used in question. It's used when you
want to bring up assumption and asking
for confirmation. Therefore, it is like
when you're producing, is it right, that kind of tone. Next dialog. Here, CSER, lay. Have you noticed there is a combination of May end though? Again? Yes, the existence
of DOE helps us sentence The emphasize
that teacher comes to school very tired every day. So it is actually adding more
emphasis to the sentence.
12. Speaking Practice L1-2 : To provide you with an opportunity to practice speaking. I have created a Conversational Chinese practice for you. For every two lessons. The video clips will include the grammar, the sentence structure, and a new words within the two lessons. And the conversation also imitates a real life conversation, which will have to use scenarios. And each scenario there will be a few questions. The question would be spoken out by me and you would try to listen and respond. Here, what's the question is? That's fine because there is a slide that tells you the question in opinion, in English and also in Chinese characters. After that, you can then respond, but only look at the slide when you don't know what the question is. Okay, great. So let's start our speaking for lesson one, N2. Yeah. So I can't say no.
13. 3.1 Reply with: 是/不是 (yes / no): Good morning. And
we will focus on how to reply with sure
or both here today. Let's start with a reminder. We have learned before. Sure. Has two meanings. One is n or m or r, and two, it means yes. So today we will
learn how to use yes to reply to a
question or a statement. While we have also learned
before replying sure. As YES is used when you agree or confirm on a
question or a statement. For example, when person a
says Jirga E for Harlan, this clothing is pretty wild. B, once they agree
on this statement, he would say, sure. Yes. Let's further
this guess that more. With that said, you would use Boucher if you want to
disagree on something, right? Let's see our example. When person a says, near Boise, idaho and
candy and yield true bar. You don't like watching movies. It's at right? Or isn't it? Person B, when he wants
to agree on the question, meaning he doesn't
like to watch movies. He would say sure as yes. And oppositely, if he doesn't want to
agree on the question, which means he likes
watching movies. He would say bore for. So you can notice there is a
difference between how you reply on such questions in
English and in Chinese. Because in English, if you
don't like watching movies, you always say no, isn't it? And now it is your turn
to do the practice. If person a says needs in
Kim for that, It's Yammer. Your notch coming
to my house today. How are you going to answer? Now? Let's see the answer. If you agree on the question, which means you are not
going to ace house, you would say sure. Oppositely, when you don't
agree on the question, which means you are going
to present a nice house. You would then say, for sure.
14. 3.2 How much is it bought at?: Hi guys, Neiman heart. And the topic is, how much is it bought at? Let's first start with
our first word. Hand. It's show. I'll show next word. It's watch. We call BL. Yeah. Yeah. So what about show hand plus BL? Watch? Show BR is so watch. You can just consider
it as hand watch in a Chinese way of
saying next word. It's why. What does that mean? It's very familiar. Actually, we have
learned before for the first meaning,
it means Renminbi. Now, for the second meaning, which is new to us, it is a measure term. And how do we use it? Well, it is quite
similar to English. A piece of it is best
used for small objects, are flat objects like watch, small cake, board, et cetera. Qy qy, seen Shopee, I'll show you need ummah. Is this new watch yours? ********. No, it's my
dad's shallots handmade. How much is it? Yes. Sound that you want to buy one to handle require more
than 2 thousand Renminbi. Now, it's time to
talk about some of the dialogues we
learned just now. As a reminder, do you still
remember we have learned the combination between
Shure and in RHS k1 course. This combination is used to emphasize the
information or content between true and the actually. From the dialogue. Shouts handmade means sure. Shouts handmade. Sure. At this point, it's just omitted because you want
to speak faster. Therefore, door
shouts here neither, meaning it's at how much
that it's bought at. T. Elaborate more. Let's see some of
our examples for why hunger Cynthia war made the omitted sure should
be in this position, making it jug a year for sure. Was younger since
you warm it up. So the emphasis
is stronger since you last Friday that
I bought this act. So in overall, it is last Friday that I
bought this clothing. Next one, Neely sure. Wall wound and therefore the
focus is wall ranch, true? Five years ago that I knew her. So in overall, it is five
years ago when I knew Lily. So from this example, why can we not omit the shirt? That's because Lily and
war are both subjects. It would be quite
confusing if you don't have the shoe to divide the two. Next one, giga, the
inferior surest omega. It is at 4 thousand RMB
that this TV is bought it. So can you tell me which
one is the emphasis? Yes. So ten clay finally
gets hay shades. Hello? In this example again,
sure is omitted. And originally it should be
in this position making it drug that's high shade
towards true Omaha, true. So here the focus is shade
soda, who made this? So in overall, it's
that meet this dish. It's so tasty.
15. 3.3 Delivering: Lehman Hall. Hi guys. And our topic today
is delivering. Let's start with our first word. It means deliver, GIF, or for. When it is used as GIF or four, it is not the same as gay, which we have learned before. This time, you will usually use this word for giving
someone a gift. Which means that
it is the action for giving someone something, but it's for free. Song. Song. Next word, it means newspaper. For your information. Drew a low means paper. Bao. Bao. Another new word. It means cow. It's new. By looking at the character nu. Does it look like
a cow with a horn? Remember, we have learned in their chest k1 course,
which means milk. Now let's see, a new word. Knew Nat. It also means milk, but with the new at the front, It's specify the
milk is from cow. The English way of
saying it is cow milk. New, new board. Let's learn a short while. It's formed by two
known characters, e. And now together we
say, Nice, yeah. We will also discuss
how to use it later. Now, let's see how to use E. To use it. You would say verb first and then
followed by Yi's. Yeah. This would make the
whole meaning do that verb for a short
time or it quickly. And the most common words
that would be used are look, ask, thank, and etc. Great. Let's see some examples to
familiarize yourself with. Verb e. Sound nice. Yeah, it means have
a clot or it has short thing. Next one. When you see at homes here, it means heavy asked or
quickly as my classmates. Other examples, she sees a half, a rest, have a short rest, rest for a short while, etc. Next one, cheese and
NAG are shrunk the end. So it means quickly have
a visit of that store. 0s and Sean leg ball, should tin cans out. Is the newspaper on the
chair today mornings. Boucher, shoes,
what he ended up. Nope. It's yesterday's. Need Q sure. Buffer as some bow here
that Laila listen, is it that the ones delivering
newspaper has come? Hi each. Sure. Let me have a look. ********. No, it's the one
delivering milk. Now, it's time for
a short discussion of a few dialogues
we just learned. Sure, bushes. So
Boucher that Laila, it actually equals
to show bushes. So Boucher the yen lie. It's because for rent, we all know we are talking
about rent person. So we can just omit it also
from the other sentence. So new neither it
actually equals two. So new nitrogen, again, because we know we're
talking about red person. So we can just omit it. So great, It's your turn. Now, let's try. The scenario is, given that we know
there are a number of cups or a few cups on the table. And you would like to ask
me what cup to you like. How are you going to ask
that the use of cup? This suggests the answer. Me, see, When you
like Which one? The answer is ne, see when that guy, That's because this
is equal to ni C1. While we all know we're
talking about two cups here. So beta can be omitted.
16. 3.4 New ‘side’: Hi guys, Lehman Hall. And today we are going to learn another way of saying side. Let's first start with
learning how to say Side. Bn. If you still remember what we have learned
to know our HSK one course, we have learned another way
of saying side, which is mid, actually mean and Bn are interchangeable
most of the times. Bn. Bn. We also have another new
word for this lesson. It's next to or beside. We say Paul. Paul. Great. Now it's time to
learn how we use Bn. For example, top, we learned Shang Mian and now we
can also use Chung BN. Next for bottom, we
use to say mean. And now we have another
option which is bn. How about left-hand side
and right-hand side? We learned that
left-hand side is tool. I mean, now we can also say bn. While for right hand side, we said Your mean. Now we can also say your bn. So it doesn't really matter. Ben or Min, you use. Either one will work. We used to say front as Tn. Now we can also say cn, vn. How about the back? We said home men. But now we also know that
hope bn is also fine. Inside. We learned the mid. And this time we can say the bn. For outside. You can say y min, but also why bn? So while Mia and can be
used to indicate direction. Why do we have to learn bn? Here's is the answer. If we want to say, besides, we have to say Pong Bn, but never to say
Pong. Is that fine? Remember punk bn? So let's see how we use
punk bn to form sentences. Basically, it is the same as how we use the other directions, like Sean man, Sammy
and saw me in and etc. Well, weights, I need a punk bn. I'll be by your side. And if it is in short form, we would just say wolf
weights, I need Pong. If you don't
remember how to form these direction
relate to sentences. You can always go back
to our HSK one course.
17. 3.5 Colours: Lehman Hall. Hi guys. And today's topic
is very exciting. It's Keller's. Let's first start
with the word color. In Chinese, it's yens slow. Among the two characters
would be the important one. That's because on its
own also means color. Yen yen slow. You will notice later for
every color that we say, it would end with the
character red, homes, homes, orange, cones, cones, yellow, honk, Honk. Green. Blue. Lens. Lands. Purple, black. Hays. Hays. White, base, base. Pink. Friends. Friends.
18. 3.6 This room is really pretty: Hi guys, Neiman heart. And today our topic is, the room is really pretty. We can start with
our first word, house or property funds. Funds. Next word, Room. Similar to funds. They both had the
character sung. It is sung CN. Some additional information as because CN relates to space. So CN would be about
a space in the house. Cn. Cn are final and the most important word
for today, real or really. It's Jen. Jen. Jen. Now, let me introduce you. Jen. Jen, that is the same as Gen, which both mean really. However, Jenn that provides
more emphasis in tone, compare it to gen. As we also learned before. Actually we produce
a confirming sound. So therefore in this case, it's actually making the
whole phrase more emphasis. So what's the difference
between Jen and gender? While actually for most cases, Jen and gender can be
used interchangeably. Let's see the
following examples. What Jen was down to is
the same as what Qian, that boss and two, which means I really don't
want to go. Next one. What Jen was the coin goal. The same as what gender
boosts the coin goal? I really don't like dogs. As we have said, gender provides more emphasis. So in some cases you can
only use gender but not Jen. For example, gender. Really. So in this case, you
have extra emotion in their next agenda. Ig mean it or what
I said, it's true. So you're also actually
emphasizing on Jim. So the has to be there. Therefore, I nature, if
the sentence already is emphasizing on
real or really, then you would use Jen. Great. Now there are also
some more information about using Jen and gender. For adjectives. We normally just use Jen. For example. Now quiet show Biao, general, how can that wash really
doesn't look good. Next, Jessie up here,
language and culture. These apples tastes really good. Getting back. Unless they want to emphasize
on the adjective. You can use gender by then. But see how we use it. Agenda, fake Hong Bu Gaussian. I'm really not happy. New Ponyo Jim, his girlfriend
really looks very pretty. You can notice the
sentence has the word Han, Fei, Tong or etc. Therefore Jen is always used. That's because these
sports by nature are already adding emphasis
to the sentences. Joshi Shri the fonts here. Whose room is this gesture? Well, so what John Florida. It's me and my husband's tambien negotiate with the fountain. Sure. One you either the
small room beside is my daughter's woman to k.
Let's go and take a look. In your yard. Fancy. And Jim Carrey and your
daughter's room is really pretty rough and
soda, it's all pink. Yes. Fen Shu one yard
so easy one the yen. So pink is my daughter's
favorite color. Now, it's a
discussion time after dialogs From the dialogue. Those are offense. It's all pink. So now I'm going
to introduce you a new meaning of though. We learned that it
means all or both. But because though means all, it can also mean
completely or totally. Therefore, when
you use though in future for something
not countable, you can use DOE as holy or
completely to address that.
19. 3.7 Did you see my cup?: Hi guys. Good morning. So hot. And topic today is
the juicy my cup. We can say what the beads ulama, have you seen my cup? Julie, all giga phases. Here are a few cups. Shu Ni that. Which one is yours? A whole soda. Sure what? The red one on the left
is mine. Here you are. Now, again, it's the time
for a discussion about the dialogues we learned
from the dialogue. So Oppian ***** homes so that it actually implies b and
I go home setup Bates. Why beads it is Omid set. That's because we all know
we are talking about Beta. So it can be eliminated to make the
whole sentence quicker. The next dialog,
Gagne, here you are. For J, we learned it
means GIF or four. So it actually means
for you, it's for you.
20. 4.1 Happy birthday!: Hi guys, Neiman hop. And today we will learn
how to say happy birthday. Let's get started with
our first word, birthday. Shawn. Do you still remember? Can mean day while showing
means grow or birth. That's why birthday is
shown your Shank. Shank. Great. Let's now learn how to say happy for happy birthday. It's quiet. Quiet loa, loa. And final word, it
means yes or a correct. Second meaning is to
or towards the way. And today we are
going to focus on using the way as
yes or incorrect. Show you require happy birthday. So again, either
this is for you. Jen. Thank you so much. Josh for Fen law. What is this? Sure. Both for E band. Is it a bug to a Jewish
woman here that yes, it's written by us. Cac and the medulla. Thanks so much. Let's get started
with a discussion of the dialogues we
just learned. Shown. Quiet law is happy birthday. In fact, when we want
to say happy festivals, the happy is quite low. For example, happy new
year, senior in quiet. As a reminder from the dialogue, Josh's soon gain EDA. Does this for you. The combination is here to emphasize the content
in between and the, which is soon Ganey. So why some gamey means for you? As we have sad, song means to give or four, but referring to something
given for free, hence, a gift. While day simply
means Dave or four, but doesn't specify
if it's free or not. Therefore, Song Gei together
is giving for free. In case you would like to know the short form and
you want to say, I give you something for free, then you can say, so me. On the other hand, if you want to say you
give someone something, but not specify if it
is for free or not, then just say gamey. Now, let's say that we
just learned the way. It has a couple of meanings
and one of them is correct? Yes. So the use of gouache
is pretty similar to sure. Which means yes. For example, Josh,
you need ummah. Is this yours to say yes. You can say Sure. Or toy. Which suggests yes or a correct. Next example, drug
again, Young Jin, How can this movie is so good? So if you would
like to agree with the statement with
an exclamation, you would say sure. Which is yes. Similarly, you can also do Duan as in correct. Finally, about the
last dialogue. Draw share a woman. It is written by us
and I've repeated myself for so many times about
the combination of shirt. And so this time it's
emphasizing wall mess. Yet in total, the sentence
would mean this book. It is as who wrote it?
21. 4.2 The phone call is made by who?: Hi guys, Neiman heart. And today's topic is the
phone call is made by h2. Let's start with our first word and the last word for today. Pickup or receive. In Chinese we say ca. Ca. Yeah. As it means
pick-up or receive. How do we use it? Let's see. We can use CISD mean, pick up the phone
call, for example. Another example. You can also use SD mean, I pick you up from work. So what CNI SAB, and are you more familiar
with how to use CA now? Gone wrong, warrior need again. Hobby. There was a call
for you this morning. Schumer. Is it flat
shoe tree data? The call was made by who? Well, at all, I'm not sure. Sure eyes and it's picked up by our sun Hall worldwide,
Zhao Zhao arts. Okay. I'll ask are some tonight. Great. Now it's time to have a
short discussion about the dialogues we
learned from dialogue. Scene pn shall watch your knee. Iga again. Remember we use to learn
a place, yo something. I mean, there is
something in that place. So the same structure
can also be used. In this case, Jean-Pierre shall warriors would make
it sound like. And this morning there
is dot, dot, dot. Now let's move to
the same sentence, but another part,
knee IGA thin. Why? It actually means Ni
the UGA again, why? The data is just omitted. Which an overall means
your phone call. But you may ask
why there is IGA. Well, is it just to specify the number of phone
calls for you? Therefore, in reality, if you don't want to
specify the number, you can just eliminate eager. Moving on to next dialog. Now flasher shade that. Some of you may be confused of. Why not use baggy but use that. Let me give you a reminder. Do you remember when we say make phone calls or
make a phone call? We say that then. Therefore, yeah,
wash or shade that. The direct translation actually means the phone
call is who made. So with a word made here, you will know that is a
right character to use. So what about that gay? How to use baggy? So here's the reminder, that gate with link to someone, because that gay, someone's
means call someone. So don't mix up that gate
would be for people. That would be for the n. Does that make sense?
22. 4.3 When did you start playing football: Hi guys, Lehman Hall. And today our topic is, when did you start
playing football? Great. Now we can start with
our first word, start. We say, Sure. This PSC, remember, we have learned the word Cage Hall,
which is drive. In fact, the chi is from
casher, which means start. So catch-all can also be
interpreted as study car. Does that make sense? Okay, for sure. Our next word and our final
word for today is already. We say E zeal, nipple T1, T2, job. How much do you like
playing football? Theta z1? Very much. Sure, Sure. I'm not sure how high should repeat
which all that. When did you start playing football or dancer it as your
whole tertiary P to chill. I started playing football
when I was eight. Eating peeler senior lab. I've already played
for seven years. Now it's time for
a discussion about the dialogues we
just learned again. So from the dialogue, need Dorsey when T2 is hue, here is a reminder. Door means many or much, but it also means
how or how much. So in our case, knee towards you one
T22 would make it. How much do you like
playing football? Great. Moving on to the next
dialog or pass through it, the shoe, how Khafra T2, T0. The focus for now is the
function of the HSK one cores. With it mentioned that the
has a function meaning that. And how do we do it? In this case, when
you want to say the time when I was
eight years old, which the time in
Chinese is sure how that would be the and
I was eight years old, is war pass three. You would simply
put phosphate at the front and then followed
by the end finally, sure. Hope. As we have said, for these kind of
sentences or structures, the English way is just the
opposite way of Chinese way. If this is too
complicated for you, I have a second way for you
to form these sentences. As we all know, is a possessive board, right? For all fancy. You can just imagine it means
I eight years old time. So it basically means
the time when I was eight years old
isn't much easier. Which way do you like? So you familiarize yourself with these kinds of sentences. I have a few examples. Let's have a look. What a true fan. Imagine you're saying,
I eat meals time. So it means the time that I was eating or when I was eating. Next example. One way. You can just think it
means I buy fruit, which means the
fruit that I bought. Next one was see,
when they don't. You can just imagine
it means I like sport. So the real meaning is
the spot that I like. Finally, what should they run? The directions relation
is I knows Person. So it basically means
the person that I know.
23. 4.4 How long have you been working here?: Hello, good morning. And today's topic is, how long have you
been working here? Let's start our first word. Long. We say Hong. Do you remember in
the previous course, we learned law is. But don't forget, SEO
only means long time. However, tongue can be used for anything that means long
in terms of length. So if you want to say
long time with Chong, instead of using steel, you have to say tongue
shirt CAN long time. Tong, tong. Next word, help,
which is a verb. Bom, bom. Bom. Finally, our last word for
today is company. In Chinese. Challenges in life. How long have you
been working here? Eating? It's been over
two years already. Was sure. Eileen. I entered a company
in 2015. Nina. What about you? Wash your junior leader. I came last year. You finish your
tongue salty Emma. Do you know Ms. Jang? Sra, woman should
go straight home? Yes. We are secondary
school schoolmates. Yeah. Should happen. Woods yet folder. This job is also
referred by her. Great. So now again, it's time for a discussion about the
dialogues we learned. Let's start with dialogue. Needs. I draw console
at Deutsche 100 CN Law. How long have you
been working here? Firstly, CSR, remember the sentence
structure rule that we learned in
our previous course. When you want to put
all the information and time in one sentence. The below would be
a general overview of how the sentence is formed. According to the rule. The sentence with Skype, with subject, and then time, then how one, and
then duration one, then place, then
how to then action. And finally the duration two. So what is subject? Subject would be about who
or what time it is, when? For how one it means, how to get to the place. Duration one, it would be the time needed to
get to the place. For the place, It's
obviously means where and how to would be, how to perform the activity. Action would be the
activity itself. And finally,
durations here would be how long to activity lasts. Therefore, from the dialogue, it's actually based on the
sentence structure rule. You can say ni is the subject and jar would be the
place, means the action. And finally, shoots yen, which means how long? So which is the duration to. Finally, let's quickly have
a look at the dialogue. Jagger gone saw, yeah, sure it happened,
would see a folder. This job is also
referred to by her. So what CSR it means
helped me to introduce.
24. Speaking Practice L3-4: Now we're going to do a conversational practice again. Chapters. Let's get started. The game either We are.
25. 5.1 Just cook the fish!: Hi guys. Beam in hot topic for today
is just cut the fish. Let's start with
our first new word, which means prepare or plan to. We say join day, Joanne. Joanne day. Another word which means fish. It's simply called. You see this the character
of fish resemble a fish. You. So now let's see our
final word for today, which is, has a
couple of functions. First, it means just shows
emphasis on the sentence. Second, it acts as
a supporting word, which we will learn later. C0, C0, C0. This lesson, we're
going to look at how to use Jill As in just
to make emphasis. Today we will focus
on using SEO as just which makes emphasis
on the sentence. Let's see some examples. Team can wipe from
CO2 jogger Fenghuang. Let's just go to this
restaurant tonight. Next example. What I was saying, CIC K. I just don't want
to learn driving. Another example needs yeah. What so what's your boots all? You asked me to do it. I'm just not doing it. So do you get the feeling
of how to use steel to make it just and also to make
emphasis on the sentence. One tip for you is that
it sounds like you're determined without
much hesitation. You just want to do something. Also is an ad for which
you put two before a verb. Seen len to thank
wide sheer fan. It's MAN. Let's go eat at
restaurants tonight. How does that sound? Will push down to why me and
I don't want to eat outside. What? I want to leave at home. No need drawn Bates Osama. So what are you
planning to cook? I true that UVA. Then just cook your
favorite fish. Great. It's time again for our short discussion about
the dialogues we learned. Let's start with
the dialogue scene. When to thank YOU fat. Regarding what it actually
means, seemed to CMYK. So it means tonight. In fact, there are even
more short forms that we can learn for other
time-related terms. For example, tomorrow night
we used to say pi1 Sean. And now we know there's a
short form and that meal plan. Next one, the night
after tomorrow. We used to say, Whoa Tien Shan. And the short form
would be whole when we can even use short forms to address
some of the mornings to, for example, this morning, we used to say tin
cans out Sean. Short Form now is since
our next tomorrow morning, we used to say mean, she hands out Sean. And now the short form
would be noon, so great. Now let's see another dialogue which is nine each one day. We used to learn. It means that now we will
learn that as a new function, which means in that case or so, to express this function will be placed at the
beginning of sentence. Therefore, non-neutral
embed swash trauma would sound like. So what do you plan to Coke? Or in that case, what do you plan to cook? So now let's see some
examples about how to use NAT as in that case or so. For example, Person a says, what Cynthia and yoga
are shown below. I feel a little sick today. And when be Replies Man, knee tight, Yes, Yossi Sabah. In this case, or then
you have a rest at home. Another example, Niebuhr trauma. Now, warrior, but you're
not going in this case. Then I'm not going to. Finally our last dialogue. Due to a need for true that
as we have learned last time, we can just imagine it means
most liked to eat fish. So it means the fish that
you like to eat most. Alternatively, the English
structures of these kinds of sentences are just
the reverse way up the Chinese structures. Therefore, the
reverse way of j i, true that is the fish that
you like to eat most.
26. 5.2 It's not bad: Hi guys, Neiman hop. And today the topic
is, It's not bad. Let's first start with
our first new word, which is a measure time. We say cn. The use of Tn is quite
similar to English, a pizza. So what kind of measure
time is set for? Well, it is used for
small objects like clothes, smell, cakes, etc. Cn. Cn. Next word. It's still actually we have mentioned
in our HSK one course, but not really officially. So we say high GAS,
they remember, high also has another meaning
which is, or, for example, do you drink tea or coffee? Hi. Hi. Next word, which is
an important word. It means can. Sure. Okay. We say, we will talk
more about that later. So now let's have a look
of how to use cookie. Can. What's the difference between
query and known as can? Well, both of them mean can and their use basically
in the same way. Both coffee and none are not
really used to address can. As in doing a scale. Though, sometimes
we can use num, as in can do a scale. At all times. We usually just do as can do a scale where we said cookie
and numb both mean can. So what's the difference
between them? They're used basically
the same way. Just that cookie is used
more casually than num. So most of the time cookie and nothing can be interchanged. Let's see an example. When person a says, Nina unbound wall
might say for a comma, are you able to help
me buy some fruit? In this example we have
used now as you can, because we have tried to
as Person B to do a favor. So we want to sound serious and watch this
out a bit formal. Person be replies cookie. Person B didn't reply with null but cookie because he
wants to sound casual as relaxing as actually known and query can be used
interchangeably most of the times. Let's see another example. Person a says, Me
cookie gay, Juanita. How momma? Can you give me
your phone number and press on the replies. Okay, great. Now let's learn.
Another new term. As we have learned, high is still, is can or okay. So high Curry together
would mean still, okay, Not bad, quite okay. With that set, this term high Curry is used to address two things
that are not very, very impressive to you, but it's just not bad to you. Let's see an example. When person a asks leads to other Jacqueline
managing semi. Yeah. What do you think
that this guy or this man? If you reply, hi Corey, it actually means, well, it's still alright, not bad, but it's not really impressive. Let's move on to our new word, which is wrong. We say, tall. Have you noticed? Wrong is the
opposite of correct. Which therefore tall is
the opposite of a tall. Tall. Moving on, Let's learn
another new term. While for means not. Torr means wrong, the two of them together
would mean quite good. Therefore, the use of Botox sounds like it's
better than hiker. Let's get back to our
previous example. Need to add the drug and
then again, certainly, yeah. What do you think if this guy, if this time your reply is, it actually means quite good. So the answer is better
than high cookie. Cookie ball would
kind of Georgia, if with a Myanmar. Can you help me take a look
of how is this outfit? Yen? So hiker. Sure, your diet that
the color is alright, just that, it's a
little bit vague. Transients algorithm. Yeah. How is the small one? This one is quite good. Seal matrix here and
just get this one. Now let's have a small talk of what we have learned just now. Let's first die where the
dialogue yen, so hiker. Sure, your diet. So at this point you may
have no taste. Your diet. That means a little bit vague. In fact, if you want to say
a little bit adjective, the formula would be Yoda
and then the adjective. It is actually from
your either adjective. Therefore, it does
matter if you use Yoda or yeoja EDA followed
by an adjective. Now let's see some
examples of yo, they're followed by adjective. Yoda, pill. I feel a bit sick. At this point. The
SEC is an adjective. Example to high Yoda Lee. She's a little bit tired. Finally, let's see the line. Somebody young,
well actually sell. The long form would be dirty
and see how the e4, e4 is. Just eliminate it because we all know we're talking about E4.
27. 5.3 Thinking about my exam: Good morning. The topic is
thinking about my exam. So now let's start with
our first new word, exam, which is a noun, but this word can
also mean take exam, which is a verb. Call. Sure. Sure. Sure. Next, for a new word is a noun and it
means meaning e. E, Cynthia, n. Choose which one. Are you going to play ball today?
Fill down here. Yo Les. I feel a little tie these
two days to dodge whole lot. So I'm not going to Russia.
What are you doing? I shall sodium calcium or are you thinking
about yesterday's exam? What your other team
who showed high curry? Yes. I think listening and
speaking, we're not bad. Reading and writing
were not good. Handoff the word oval,
shisha, my ears. I didn't know the
meanings for many words. Here it comes to our
short discussion again about the
dialogues we learned. Let's start with siem
TN to butcher that. She'll for that we learned. It means head. She'll means ball. So that you means play the ball. But normally it
refers to play in the ball that needs
the action of hit. So it didn't specify the
type of the ball game, but it could be anything
such as baseball, basketball, tennis,
table tennis, etc. That requires the action
of hitting, eating. Next dialog. Sure, it's, i sound like how Sharma Sure means is the whole
sentence actually means, is it that you're thinking
about yesterday's exam? Let's see our final dialogue. Hand. Drew it out. Sure, Shanna, ISA. So remember though,
apply for meaning all. It also means completely,
totally, entirely. Therefore, the
whole sentence hand towards, for many words. What? Drift off
your shan my ISA. I totally don't know
what's the meaning.
28. 5.4 Drinking too much coffee isn’t good to your health: Hi guys. Neiman Hall. Today's topic is drinking too much coffee isn't
good to your house. Let's first start
with our new word. It means in the past or a go. In Chinese, it is E tn. For tn. Does that sound familiar to you? Yes. Cn is a word that we
have learned before. It means front or
a go or before. In fact, though we said E, cn means in the past
or ago, or before. When it is used as
a go or before, the function is exactly
the same as Cn alone. 1010. Having learned E Tn, Let's learn your whole. It means in the future
or later after. If you still remember. ** alone means back and
also later and after. In fact, again, the use of e **, ** as later and after
is exactly the same. Hall. Hall. Great. Let's see how we use e. As in the past. Example. I like to eat fish
a lot in the past. So how about using E
tan as before or a go? Have worn Yang ETL task fearful. He was a university
student five years ago. Again, as we have
mentioned before, to mean before or I go, there's no difference
between E, Tn or Tn. You can use either one. Great. Now let's see how we use e **. Let's first start with you
saying e ** as in future. For example, why He Wo Yao. So allow for I have to be
a teacher in the future. How about you saying
e ** as later or after each on for 17, a whole cookie to you
and the doctor said, I can leave the hospital
three days later. So just as a reminder, when you want to
say later or after, it doesn't matter if you
use e ** or just hold. Both with the work. And for now, let's talk
about the word they. It's an old word, which means cup, mug, glass. But today, I would
like to talk about the new function as a
measure term for drinks. For example, gigawatt, eBay new, Give me a glass of milk. Another example, jar
your eBay China. Here's a cup of tea. Moving on, let's have a
discussion about the word toy. Previously we have learned
as yes or correct. Second meaning is two watts. And today we're
going to talk about using two-way as to or towards. Let's see some example. My husband is good to me. Another one can type, what do I enjoy? Watching too much TV
is not good to eyes. Susie's abba. Take a rest. Yeah. We also pay cafe. Want to drink a coffee? No. What are you eating
clearly, I'm very lucky. I've already drunk
two cups. Sure. Wrong. Yes. Cafe. Hello, Douala. Here. Drinking too much coffee
is not good for health. How that whole shelf or EDR? Sure. I'll drink less in future. Made him Clue eBay. One cup of day. Great. Now it's time for a discussion about the dialogues be learned. Let's start with. Cafe has led to Allah. For Hooke's, law, means
drink, means a lot. While for law, it is
a change of state, so it means a ready. Therefore, her do a lot
together means drink too much. Moving on to the next dialogue, how the whole show you that. So for Shell, who either it means drink
a little bit less. With that said, let's
look at the structure of saying shot followed by a verb. Which it would mean, do that for less. For example, me
shout out to chew. It means go out less. So what about the opposite? If we say to all followed by
a verb, what does that mean? It means do that for more. For example, need to
do some more sports.
29. 5.5 Seasons: Hi guys, Neiman Hall. And today's topic is seasons. Spring, twin, Chen Chen, summer. Tn tn tn. Them to tn, tn, tn winter. Chen Chen Ni see hunch when tn, tn, tn, tn.
30. 5.6 Eating utensils: Hi guys and welcome
to our new lesson, which is about let's
start with spoon. It's Shao. Shao. Shao, it's nice. Dao Dao. Dao. Bowl. When one, when fork, chopstick, quite, quite, quite. Finally, plate pens. Pens. Pens. For the below exercise. I will speak in Chinese
and would ask you to find a few cutlery
from the patron. By doing that, please try not to look at the subtitles
that will show later. It is there to support you
only if you don't understand. Now you're quiet. Now you're quiet. Ni Mayo Kantian, when knee
your meal can do when your mail chats and
your mail chats and what does shouts and shouts and pens are dynamically. Pens and design dynamically.
31. 6.1 I saw his bike: Hello, Lehman hop. The topic j is I saw his bike. Let's first start with our
new word, which is door. We say, men. By looking at the character, does look like an open door. Men. Men. Next new word, it means spike. It's formed by three
characters to seal. So why it has got
three characteristics? In fact, relate to self. Seal means to move. Chalk means vehicle, a car. Therefore, assume is
referring to self-moving car. Ceiling, tall. Ceilings, tall. ***** thought that way. I'm not sure. How. Do you know when we'll save
come to school? Pie eating Laila, yeah. He has already come. Needs and lecture
without halide law. How come, you know, he has
come out of sheer hall. When I came to
school. Thymine, why? Pangea and how that's looking. I saw his bike outside the door. Great. Finally, let's have a short discussion about
dialogue we learned. Let's do a quick
reminder from the line. Simon like candy and had
existing taller men way. It actually means
men, white men. Men, What is just a short form. But both would mean
outside the door.
32. 6.2 I’ve been eating lamb every day: Good evening. When in Shanghai? For today's lesson
is land every day. With that said, let's
start with the word goat, sheep, lamb in Chinese. Young. By looking
at the character, does Young look like a lamb? Yeah. Yeah. Now let's see how to
say meet its row, row. Row. Therefore for lambda we eat the lamb
meat is young row. So how about beef? Cow meat? New row. Final word, noodles. Mian, Cao, Cao, Cao. Cynthia and the Young
Lords feel more how to today's lamb as
such, tasty, needs. ********. How come
you don't eat? Well, Jack has seen tea can
handle, true young girl. I've been eating lamb
every day this week. I don't want to eat anymore. No new highs on Tuesday Age, MR. So what more food you
still want to eat? Me and check Alba. Let's have some new dose. Now let's take the
log of the dialogues. Team. Can the young row
drama has true? Today's lamb is
such or so tasty. Do you still remember? John comma means this, but it's not direction. However, it's used as
in showing emphasis. And usually you would do drama
followed by an adjective. Therefore, drama, how true means this tasty or such tasty? Next dialog, water jug, assume T, T and handle
tree young row. I've been eating land
every day this week. So what is tn? Tn. It means every day. In fact, if you say
twice of a measure time, it will mean every one of that thing or each
one of that thing. This method of saying
the metric wet twice, we're equal to ME, followed by measure
what both methods mean, every one of that. Let's see some example. We'll start with CN. Cn. It means every
one of that thing. Because Tn is usually for
things like clothing, small kegs, et cetera. Cn Tn could refer to
every or each clothing, every or each small cake, etc. Next one, button, button. Because BUN is
usually for books. Therefore, when
we say been but a could be relating to
every or each buck. They pay. As we all know. Hey is a measure word
for glass or a cup of. Therefore, they pay
could mean every or each cup or every,
or each glass. Final example, ****. **** could be used for many
things as a measure word. For example, people, some fruit, et cetera, can mean
every or each of those. Let's see some
concrete examples. Every person or each person
we used to learn may go run. Now we can have new way. Good go run. Every or each month. We use to learn, may go. Now the new way is good for you. Moving on, let's
see the dialogue. Nanny high sound, true CSM. So what more food you
still want to eat? What is not? Why not? Is in front of the sentence? Do you still remember what it is put at the front
of the sentence? It would mean in
that case or so. Therefore, it makes the sentence
sound like in that case. So what more food
you want to eat? Finally, let's see our dialogue. Lidar, me and Alba. Let's have some new dose. Why there's Lai, Lie means come. In fact, it is a
very common way that when you order food or
buying stuff in his shop, that you would say like
that food or product. It is equivalent to
I'll have that thing. So live food or product, it is like I'll have that
product or food come to me. When you get a chance, you can try it in a
restaurant or a store.
33. 6.3 Do you swim often?: Hi guys Neiman. And today the topic is, do you swim often? Let's start with our first
word, which is basketball. Land, she'll, for
your information, LAN is basket, she'll is ball. Therefore land TO is
basketball. Land Shu. Shu. So how do we
say play basketball? Do you still remember the word
which means head or beat? Yes, that's the meaning,
play basketball. Because you use your
hand to play it. When that is linked
with land to you, then it would mean
play basketball. Great. Next word that we are going
to learn today is swim, which is your,
your, it is a verb. And by looking at the character, do you still remember
the radicals? Water, we learned
both the characters, yo and you'll have this radical because they
are related to water. Yo-yo, yo-yo. Great. So now it's time
to see how to use yeoyo. Well, the situation
is pretty similar to how to use par and powerful, and C and CAC. So yo is also the short
form for us when Jojo. So what's the difference of application between Yo and Jojo? That is, yo-yo is often used
at the end of sentence, while y'all is more often used in the
middle of the sentence. Let's see an example. Why eating your
younger self for law. I have already swam
for 2.5 hours. Next example, what Cynthia
for sound to Yojana. I don't want to go
swimming today anymore. Next word we are going
to learn is because we say way, way, way. As we know, in the way, we definitely have to
know how to say so or therefore, right? It is. So I eat. Saw, he saw ui. Moving on. Let's talk about
in a way because and soy. Therefore. In fact, the two are often use
as a combination, which is to make a
sentence because of something and therefore
something happens. Let's see an example. How you away from being low, soil may lie water shoulder. He was sick. So he didn't
come to my birthday. And today we also have to
learn how to say often. And there are two
ways to say it. First is Zoom column. Second would be tong tong. So in fact, they are both
the same thing Chong, seeing Hong Kong,
Hong Kong tall. And the final board
for today is kilogram. And we say Goldstein. Seeing, seeing new hotel one, they'll meet you that Alonzo. How come you and she
didn't go to play basketball yesterday? In weight. So again, because it rained
yesterday. You woman domain. So we both didn't go
watch you Jojo own lab? I went swimming. Newton condo. You own them? Do you often swim? Good. You guys seem t what? Yojana? I swim every
day these few weeks. Was the anxiety. If you're
going to see in lab, I now weigh 70 kilograms.
34. 6.4 Go to school. Go to lesson: Hi guys, Neiman heart. And today our topic is go
to school, go to lesson. Great. Now let's start
with our first word, which is go to school. How to say go to school? Do you remember how
we say go to work, which is shown ban. So pretty similar, goes to
school would be shown here. While this is a
character from CASEL, which is school,
Shasthya shafts. So what about finished
school or get off school? We don't say yes here. We would say. For
your information, Fung means let out. So fancier implies students
are let out from school. Fancier. Fast. Next word, how do we say go
to lessen or go to class? Well, pretty similar to go
to school or go to work. Go to lesson would be shown. Which actually means lesson. This time, when we want to say finish class or finished lesson, we can say sac. Sac. Well as sienna color. Jim Hall. It's so good. I finished lesson. Sh'ma Sh'ma Kula. Is it like class? Did you have showing
you a color? I had English lesson. Let's look at the line was
challenging you color. You remember means
Chinese language. Therefore, for him, it's from
you or which means England, and it relates to language
is English language. And you cut is English lesson. My mom, I'll go to school now. How the meeting can
see their phones? Yeah. Sure. When are you
finishing school today? What to CASEL T&E. I'll go to your school
to pick you up. Well, CDM fans here. I finished. Glad for
35. 6.5 Visiting: Hi guys Neiman. And today the topic is visiting D tensor mommy, tangential one. How come I couldn't see xi. How long these few days
participating land. He's gone to Beijing. Then the alma really
is it for traveling? ********. No. You can't. To visit his grandma.
36. Speaking Practice L5-6: Hi, Sony Xiang, CMA, medium. Counsel, you in DM, me white balance, human needs or cannula towards Yona. So Gemma Hama.
37. 7.1 He’s still studying: Hi guys Neiman hop. The topic for today is
he's still studying. Let's start with a
first and final word for today, which is classroom. In Chinese. It is Cl. Sure. For your information,
CL means T, H, which is the verb, is always
used when it is about worms. So Tiao through
would be classroom. Wei Wei Lai Lama. Has Dave come back? Mayo, carbohydrate, Siena. No, he's still studying in the classroom eating
body and dollar. It's already a dish. How high tides Shou Xi. How come he's still studying? Means Daniel call. Sure. He has exam tomorrow. Pi four yeah. Haha Green Bay. He says he has to prepare. Well. Now let's discuss the
dialogues we just learned. The first one, Mayo ahead, I'd see how sure CAC for high, just so you remember, it can mean still, which we have mentioned
before in our level one. Moving on, Let's see our next dialogue for
yeah, ha Qian Bei. So what is how hall? Hall means good? Does that mean good? Good. Well, there is something
new for you to learn. If you see a structure
that's Hall, hall, plus if it means
do that very well. So how how Tremblay
means prepare well, you may ask, isn't the
heart is third tone? How come how, how the
second hall is first tone? Well, actually, this
is just the way it is. So if you in the
future wants to say, do a certain verb, well, just say how hall, and then plus the verb. Great. Let's see some examples. Ni hao house, you see it
means take a good rest. Next one. Well, why ha-ha CAC drawn when the aisle study Chinese well, and mind you with the, the, at the end, it produces
a confirming sound. So the sentence we want to say, I would definitely
study Chinese well. And final example, this
is what I want to say. Well, why, how hot shower the
CFO teach my students well. So I want to say, I'll pay good effort
to teach my students.
38. 7.2 Arriving in 20 minutes: Hi guys, Welcome quaternion. And today the topic is
arriving in 20 minutes. We have a couple of
words to learn today. Let's first start with the
first new word, airport. See, Kong. See. Do you notice
it's from fade z, which is airplane and Chong. It's often a place related. Usually it's an outdoor place. Chong. Chong. Next word, it means
road or rude or pad. It is low. Do you notice from
the character bu, the left-hand side, which is the radical of the character. It's the radical of fit. We have talked about that before in our topic of football. Low, low knee CAN diets and now, where are you now? If you turn that osha. The way to the airport
using Polymer, have you arrived already? Well, as Salah fades ELA, I've got off the plane already. Knee high, you do it Hong
Shruti and non bell jar. How long time do so need
to arrive to hear a joke? In 20 minutes, then
I couldn't arrive. Great. Let's see what we
have learned today. From the dialogue
to D Honda Lucia. You can just consider
the possessive. So to De Kong is
go to the airport. The possessive
Shannon's on the road. Therefore, it means on
the way to the airport. Alternatively, we have mentioned for
these kind of structures, the English way is just the
opposite way of Chinese. So the law shall we
start from the back on the road that to t
comm to the airport. So on the way to
the airport, great. Now here's something
new for you. From the dialogue
or Salah fade sila. It means I've got off
the plane already. And yes, I would like
to let you know. Doesn't just mean down. It can also mean get off. Well, actually we have
learned before in our words. For example, ben, we know
it means get off work. It means get off class. And actually, we
can even further to use as get off for
many different words. For example, Seattle, you can consider it to mean
get off a transportation, which can be any transportation
That's vehicle related. For example, to, to chore taxi. Also let's see another example. Ci Tong. It basically means get off bed. Now that we know
can mean get off. What about its opposite? Shawn? In fact, Shang can
also mean get on. So let's see some examples
we have learned before. Shang ban. Go to work or kind of
like get on to work. Shown superior, go to school. Or it can even get onto school. And we can see some more
examples showing chore. It means get all
the transportation. While Shang Tong
means scale into bed. Moving on. Let's see
another dialogue. Knee high or do I chunk
Freudian non-power char. In case you don't understand what it means, Let's dissect. High means still. Your means have. Therefore high means still have. While we know Deutsch home, Shruti n would be
How long time and none able to tau
will be arrive here. So in total, it means how long time do you still need
to arrive to here? As it actually means
how long time you still have to make you
able to arrive to here. Moving on, we have come to
a very important topic. The new function of u. We have learned before. Zou means just. Now, I'm here to tell you
two has a new function, which is to make
a sentence sounds early or soon, or immediate. So how does it do
from the dialogue? Or if you're syndrome TO clean your ventral
means 20 minutes. While cookie though means
can arrive without you are sure FanDuel would simply
mean 20 minutes can arrive. But if you put the seal in between and make it
ours, you're syndrome. See you will produce
an immediate effect. So it would make
the whole sentence sound light to 20
minutes is short, and I will be arriving soon. To familiarize yourself
with this function. Let's see some examples. Was actually ventral
home to dominate Salah. After 30 minutes, I'll arrive
your home here 30 minutes, sans serif and Joel. Some people think it
will be a short time. Some people think
it's a long time. But with the two, it makes it sound
like a short time. Let's see another example. What's out from free
DNA to teach one law. I woke up 11 this morning. In fact, 11 a M to
quite a number of people is quite late
for waking up, right? But if the sentence
put two after it, it makes it sound like it's
an early to that person. Some more example. While true if and how
to persuade our law. I went to sleep right
after I finish eating. While a true fan Hall. I finish eating with
a two after it. But before sleeping, there
is an immediate effect. And it makes the sentence sound like pretty soon after eating, you go to sleep. Or that the time
between the actions. Eating and sleeping
is short. Great. Final example, warming
TEN CEO to do y'all, I'll go travel tomorrow. If without the two warm
intend to do y'all, it's quite play and normal. But if you add SEO
after noon Tn, tomorrow, it would make me
NTN sound early or soon. So it kind of makes
a sentence mean. It's so soon. Tomorrow, I will be
going to travel already. So I hope you will understand
the new function of CO. But if you don't, don't worry, because in the future
we will come across more examples about the
new function of SEO.
39. 7.3 It's far from here: Hi guys, Welcome. And today the topic is, it's far away from here. So with that said, let's start with our first word, which is away from. We can use it as a verb. In Chinese, it is Lee li. Li. Next one to match
up with the topic. Let's see how to say far. It's an adjective. It is un, un, un. Next one. Let's see
how to say bus. It's going, wow, there
are four characters. Let's see what means what. Well, go, go actually
means public. While T Hall, it means car. And in short form, people just normally
say, Go tall. Is it much easier? Gone, gone, teach. Teach. We have a couple of
more new words today. Let's learn fast,
quick, or slow. To say fast or quick. We say, Why? Have you noticed the character
and the sound sounds like quite the currency of
Renminbi that we learned. Exactly at the same
sound and look similar. Qy, qy. Next one. Slow. It's men. Men. Man. Finally, our last
word, walk or go. It's so great. Now it's time to learn
something very important. You will learn
sentences like a is far away from B after this. And the critical
word here is li, which is a wave from
before we start. The structure for this
whole sentences would be a, the b, plus some information. While for the information, it can be things like adjective, the time needed, transportation
needed, et cetera. Let's learn how to do
it by seeing examples. First, one, watts, yeah, Legal. Say congruent. To direct translated. It means my home away
from company very far. Therefore, it means my home
is far away from my company. Let's see another example. Jolly Lee CSR. Yeah, it's all gone, gone. Teach. Two directions late. It it means here
away from school, need to take the bus. Therefore, it means
from here to school, it needs to take the bus. Let's see some more example
with other information. Draw a leaf. Thank way. Yeah, Wolf and draw. The direction station is here
away from the restaurant. Takes five minutes. So it means from here
to the restaurant, it takes five minutes. And finally, this
example would tell you, you don't always have
to talk about places. Since I leave Shanker
the shooting, hi yo shrew, fun drawing. So it means now a wave
from the lessons time. There is still 15 minutes. Now, how about we upgrade or information by
including more than just one information
from the structure it a VP information. So let's say example. If we want to say it
takes two minutes walk. From here to the fruit
store, how do we do? There are two ways. First, jelly the freak, you out so low the
ventral for it, so low, it means on food. And this sentence structure
is actually based on the sentence structure rule that we learned in
our course one, how to, let's look at Louisiana. For it so low. It would be the action from
the sentence structure rule. And young son Joel, it will be the duration
for the action. Therefore, the sequence actually matches with the
sentence structure rule. However, we have also mentioned
in our level one course, the action and duration two, which is the action duration, can actually be mixed. How to do it? Let's see
the second example. Jelly leaf rake, what doubts
all down syndrome, the loo. Let's look at Seoul
young syndrome. The loo, basically you would
separate the word sole lu and then put down
then John in-between. This will make it sound, walk two minutes road. Let's see some more examples to familiarize yourself with
these new structures. For example, if you
want to say it takes ten minutes texts from the
hospital to the bookstore, the old way would be you
and you shoot the end. Yeah. Sure. If and Joel, as a true Xhosa, would be the action while sheriff and Joel would
be the action duration. However, the new way is
you and the food the end. So Usher Syndrome, the true too. So again, you would say so. Sure if I'm drawing the SAN
take ten minutes, taxi. One more piece of information. If you want to speak faster, the can actually be eliminated. Therefore, we can actually just say Sharif and Joan,
true to chalk. Now it's your turn. How would you say the
two ways for the below? It takes ten minutes. Buzz from his house
to my company. Had Xian Li what comes out. So a multicore sure. If ventral, Pat jolly
what goes yeah, it's all sheriff and drawn. The needed legal UN High is your home far away
from the company? You got? Very far. Yeah. You got to watch how Sheena
it takes over an hour. His boss can really control drama man versus so slow needs and
my bouquet corner. How come you don't drive? Kaltura? Driving is not fast either. Shang to hide all of the vehicles on the
road are too many. Great. Now let's have a look of some
of the dialogues just now. I'll control drama
men. With jama. It means this. It means the bus this low. So it kind of means
the best such slow. Moving on to the next dialogue. Moving toward high door. And actually means showing the type tool just set
that is eliminated. So for direct translation, it means on the roads,
cars, too many. Therefore, obviously, it means the vehicles on the
road are too many.
40. 7.4 Introduction of ‘过guò’ : Welcome guys wearing Neiman. And today's topic is
introduction that the character discuss how to use it because
it's quite special. Here is our new
word, which we say. It means pass through
or go through. Cool. Cool. So in general, this character goal can
be used in two ways. The first way is it
would become a verb. For example, Cool. Meaning pass-through
can be used to mean pass through a bridge. The bridge. Another example, or lie as
cool means pass through. Lie means come, therefore, means come over to
you and notice cool. In here it's more like
a direction verb. Nick's example. If you would like to put
more information to go, ally, as in how to call a lie. You can put a verb at the
front to show how it is done. For example. So poor Lai, walk over to here. But these are the overviews
of how we can use. For more examples about
these combined verbs, we would learn an
HSK three level. And we need to take note
for the next example. While cool means pass through, you can use to mean pass through a festival,
holiday season. With that said,
when you say cool, a festival holiday or a season, it actually suggest
that you spend or celebrate that festival
holiday season. With that said, we mean spend
or celebrate birthdays. Ni the challenger quite Dala. Your birthday is soon coming. Knee joint Bates and the guano. How do you plan to celebrate it? When you go off
spending with you? Now, it's time to learn
how to use cool as another function which is used to express past experience. And to do that, we need to put or after a verb, which is quite
similar to how you do for showing past tense. So what actually is
past experience? It is when you want to say
you have done nothing. So basically you have
experience doing that thing. Let's see some examples. What troop walked on Guadalupe, which means I have eaten
Chinese food before. Therefore, it's focusing
your past experience as in you have tried eating
Chinese food before. Now let's see another example. Water to go up to New York. I have travel to Beijing before. So the speaker wants to tell you he has the experience and
traveling to Beijing. Joke, I think one or two core. I have been to this restaurant. Or the direct translation
is for this restaurant, I have been to it. So this sentence using cool is showing the
past experience again. Why eating sugar fat law? I have already eaten. So the focus is not already eaten because o is to
show past experience, as in you have Eden
Hall, hall cut. Is this movie good? How can Very good. Well, I found cosine
t can call law. I have watched it last week.
41. 7.5 Spending birthdays: Hi guys, welcome to
you when you need. And the topic is
standing birthdays. Seem PNY, shall
woman, ET true fan. But let's eat dinner
together tonight. You go shown here for
celebrating your birthday. Today. The world, the sugar, HIO, ICA tossing Tina. There's still one more
week until my birthday. Shout gushing. See, why aren't
you, you bet you. I have to go to
Beijing next week. Josie, Indian guava. Just celebrate that today. Okay. The jar pull you and
your UGA *** warfare and there's a French
restaurant not far from here. So teeth syndrome. A few minutes walk
then we would arrive. Let's have a short discussion
about the dialogue. First-line, Gagne,
gosh, younger. As gain it is for you. Cool means bend or celebrate, pass through and showing
anger is birthday. So gain equals younger means to celebrate
birthday for you. And often, it's a
very nice gesture for a friend who offer. Moving on. The world, hunger. Hio either Dawson, Tina. Well, remember the
fee structure, which is a, the b plus
some information. While a at this point would be now it just
didn't mentioned here. And B is obviously what. Finally information is, how yoga tossing tea and some
the next dialog, it also has this
structure. The chapel. You add your UGA, back wolf and gouache. In this dialogue, there is no a. It just simply skip to
the b, which is jar. And finally, information
is for your ad. Great. The next two dialogues
would be a reminder of how we use steel. Let's see. The first one. Tin can go up to, in this case would mean
just showing emphasis. Therefore, tin can just
celebrate here today. While for the next dialog. So T syndrome to tau. This time to produce an
immediate or early sounding. See Fen Joel walking
a few minutes. Then you would
arrive pretty soon. So making the few minutes
sound really short. Finally, we have
something new to learn. Replying with how
well similar to haul or how how bad would it be used to
agree on this suggestion? And it means, okay or sure. But a little bit
different from how, how has it less
enthusiastic sound. So sometimes when you are unwilling to do something
that people suggest, you can use how bar and remember the tone you have
to make it like how Barr? Yes. Let's see some examples. While many T2 can
name them a young. Let's go visit grandma together. How does that sound? When you apply? Okay.
You can say how. And note that because my tone
sound like enthusiastic. So it doesn't sound like
I'm too unwilling to do it. Next example, weights.
Yeah, hello, good. Will that give me a call
after you're back home? Let's see the response. How ban. Okay. So we can hear that
the tone is neutral. But because we use how
instead of how it would sound like less enthusiastic and maybe even a bit
unwilling to do it.
42. 8.1 Let me have a thought: Hi guys. Welcome to topic
is let me have a thought. So let's start with our first
new word, which is, let, it's wrong, wrong, wrong. So let's see our next new word, which is again, or if further. It's say. Say site is actually the character from
the word side CAN, which means goodbye,
as zai means again. And CIN, as you know, it means C. That's why it's yen. Goodbye actually
implies see you again. Great. Now let's
get into new stuff, which is the use of say, which means again or further. This time, we'll learn that examples of Fen Guan
thing can pool Kamen, woman in tn side Sheba. It means This restaurant
is not open today. Let's go again tomorrow. Next one needs I put
all what suits Ola. For any type of data? It means you still don't arrive or you still further
don't arrive. And what suits all law is, I will just leave. Therefore, the whole
sentence means, if you don't arrive
further, I'll just leave. Okay, Let's see another example
with using say S. Again. Millenia will say,
Well, I didn't go. I'll come back to the
UK again next year. Final example, War Boys
settings, I shrunk cooler. Words in TED on shallow water
goes out through color. For water poor
sanitation, color. It means I don't want to
further half lessons. While for the next sentence, what Cynthia eating shallow
water goes out through koala. Means I have hedged five hours
of lesson today already. And some additional information for that structure will go south Africa is actually from wool goes out
through the curve. Is everything clear here? Therefore, in
conclusion, the use of say will always be
placed before a verb. And finally, our last word
for today, tell it's gone. So while, when we
say it in practice, so we'll be in no tone,
therefore its goals. So Gao Su, Gao Su Shuang me teach you to find somebody. Yeah. Let's go eat
in the afternoon. How does that sound? Yeah, war while male Shruti and I don't have
time this afternoon. Immune can cite Chiba. Let's go again tomorrow. No need Xiang Xin R2. So where do you
want to eat that? Well, with Samsung zygote Sunni. Let me have it thought
and further let you know. Great. Now it's time to
see the dialogues. For mean can say tuba. You wouldn't notice that, say actually in here means again. And also it kind of implies
continue to do that thing. Therefore, the whole
sentence means, Let's go again tomorrow. However, psi would be used as further in other situations. Let's see, the dialogue. Was young girls who need, it means let me have a thought and a
further let you know. You may want to ask why young
xian means half a thought. So let me introduce you about
using verb, verb together. So it's doubling a verb. That means do that third
for a short while, which has exactly
the same meaning as the structure verb
that we learned. With that said, can you
see yeah, equals two, can, can, which both mean take a look or look at that
thing for a short while. Also, see young
ESEA equals to CMC, which means half a thought. Some more examples. Still CE equals to see COC, which both mean take a rest. And finally, TM UCI
equals to t tilde, which means listen for a bit. Are these new
structures interesting?
43. 8.2 What's the matter?: Hi guys, welcome to topic is what's the matter? Gray. Let's see our new word. Weight. It's done. The next one, it's find jaw. By looking at the character. It looks really alike to the character of knee
or I, which is war. Do you think so? Jar. Jar. Our final new word for today. It's matter or a thing. For teal. In practice. The character, it's who you
would be set and no tone. Also, sure. Alone is often used as
short form of shirts. You sure it's him? Sure it's him. Why me and the TNT
hand boot swab. The weather outside
is very good. Woman told you you end
on you and don't bet. Let's go out. You
have some exercises. How Neiman down, down what? Sure. Wait for me for a moment. Why allow for groundwater? Gay PDA, dagger? Teacher laying asked
me to give feedback. Quite I'd say that combat
later and call again. Draw PDA, Yoshua. Sure. Mom, is there any
matter you're recalling pete king floppy shown below, where the repeat is
sick will hurt home. Shaman, Senegal SRY gene can contact me and my classmates, wanted to find the
time to visit him. Great. Now let's see how
the dialogues were. The first one woman
told you in Dongba. Do you remember verb,
verb to structure? It means do that verb for a short while there
for you in the urine, actually implies
have some exercises. This verb, verb structure also applies to
another dialogue. How Neiman dong,
dong, dong dong. It therefore means wait
for a short while. So wait for me for a bit. Also from the other
dialogue, wall hood homes, geomancy and Joel Friesian
can can pay for it, can can it therefore means have a look or
have a visit of him. Moving on, let's discuss
another dialogue, which is one luxury around
what gave me the wrong. We learned. That means let. However, in this situation, one Lao Shu, wrong what
do something right? And wrong kind of implies
that let me do something. Therefore, wrong in this
case actually means ask. So remember there's a new
meaning for rung, which is ask. Next dialog. It's a reminder about
the use of say. The dialogue is quite
light side that ban, it means come back
later and call again. In this situation,
say refers to again. Our final dialogue. Draw PDA, Yoshua, mature mom. We have mentioned Sure. Is a short form for shirts. For the long form would be job, be the yoshua, make
sure it's humor. And now let's dissect
this dialogue. As you can see, there
is Shun, which is what? A question word. And also at
the same time there is mom, which we also use as question. You may ask why they
are to question words. Yes, the answer is, it really just have to question. What do you remember
for any question, you would use a
statement plus amount at the end to form binary question. Now, assume Joel be the yoshua
shirt is the statement, which means signed Peter. Have what? Better? Yeah. Now let's add the month after it to make it
a binary question. So it would become, Is there any matter
you're finding Pete, does everything
makes sense to you?
44. 8.3 Serving people: Hi guys. Welcome to our new lesson. And today's topic is
servicing people. Great. Now let's see our new word which
is servicing people. We say fu un. So what does food
reward mean on its own? It actually means surface. While for UN, it often refers to people when you're
talking about an occupation. Therefore, for void UN is often describing people who
are in the service industry. For example, the
waiter or waitress in the restaurants are so it can include any
hotel staff as well. For war un, un, for you. And it's a much more fancy
and that men excuse me, how come I cannot
open my room's door. Sir, may I ask I mean, Joe, Itsy how Fung which
room number is it? Why do RES and how far
each room number? 213. There? What CRN she can. Okay. Sure. I'll ask someone
to have a look. Great. Now it's time to discuss about the dialogues we just learned. Let's start with formal UN, War Fontan than men, that bouquet for k. What does that mean? We already know that
means strike or HD, and chi means open. So that actually has an
action of push open. Android. Notice the whole verb is actually verbs of
result completion. If you put the
negation word ball in-between the two words, making it that full K
would change the meaning. Two cannot open or
it cannot push open. Moving on, let's see another dialogue named
Jude. See how fun. For the whole phone. Z means, what number
or how many hall. We always know it's a
short form for a number. And Fung actually is a
short form for room two, which is sung cn. So altogether, it would
mean which room number. Next, if you're
answering what number or building number is central
that you're living in. In practice, you don't
say the whole number, but say the number by
number separately. So you can see
from the dialogue, it's room number 213. He says, what true? I E Sand Hollow phone. Now we can see a
little practice. For example, the room
number is a 123. Why would you say you
would just say e sin, which all numbers are
separated, isn't that easy? And finally, there's a reminder about the word that we knew. Cl. It means call as
order or you shout. Therefore, from the dialogue. How what Sarah and
she had. It means. Sure, I'll ask someone's
he had the luck.
45. 8.5 This clothing is little expensive: Neiman Hall. The topic is, this clothing
is a low expensive. Let's see our first
word for today. Expensive. We say way. Gray. Gray, t lag hand can just see fluid said, Please come and have a
look of how these clouds. Georjean by the yoga I turn this white one
is a little long. Nudging home that yoga equate. That red one is a
little expensive. Joseon Hayden. How about this black one? Scene like this one, this newly arrived today? John words I pan cat. Let me further have a look. How to make YC. Sure, No worries. Great. Now it's time to look
at some dialogues. Again. We will start
with the structure where we want to say a little bit of a
particular adjective. Do see, remember when we want to say an intangible things
such as adjective, why we want to set a
little bit of fat? We have to use your if you
don t think you remember, you can always go back to
our level one last lesson. So with that said, if we want to say, it's a little long, we have to say Yoda Tong. And also if we want to
say a little expensive, we would say Yo dark gray. Is it clear? Moving on to our next dialog. Jets, shooting can
seem like well, there's a reminder about
the struck her shirt. And again, between
shirt and the, the content is meant
to be emphasized. In the dialogue. The emphasis would
be seen kinesin, which is today newly arrived. Finally from the last dialogue, wrong would say can, can. It means, let me
further have a look. Well, it's quite a nice
way to reject people. For example, if people
asked you to do a favor which you
don't really want to. You may want to say railroads. I see young Sam. Let me
further happy thought. So you can take your
time to think about it. And it's up to you to get
back to that person or not. You can try that also in future.
46. 8.5 ‘verb-verb’; ‘verb一下’ & ‘verb一verb’: Hi guys. Welcome. This
topic is about verb, verb, verb ECR for effort. And we are going to
discuss all of them. Great. Now let's do a revision. We said verb, verb
equals to invert E, which means do that
first for a short while. Examples are here. Or saw ESEA, both mean, take a seat. Here we are going to
introduce you a new set, which is called the effort. While it also has the same
meaning as the previous two, which is verb, verb, verb ECR. So it means do that for our
app for a short while to. However, there's a
slight difference. The only difference is when
we use this structure. We can only use single
character verbs. Let's see the below
four sets of words. And each set we have
the same meaning. Set one, ca, ca, ca, ca, ca, all
mean learned a bit. Now, set to one when when you when you
went all mean heavy, ask or ask quickly. Set three ti, ti, ti, ti, ti. All mean kicks lightly. And finally, set for thoughts are all mean, do a *****. Great. Finally, let's
see some examples. Can you see I have look
at this site wasn't true. I want to go out
and have a walk. Ni could do ECI what that means. And can you quickly
read out my name? Finally? Or yell
Maimonides, Hey, I have to quickly by food and tight as you
know, it means dishes. So sentence actually means
buy food for making dishes.
47. Speaking Practice L7-8: Now we're going to do a conversational practice again for the previous chapters. Let's get started with that. Woman. Yoga off and go. Are we now know that woman? Hello, Can can pad type of GI.
48. 9.1 Binary question – Past tense: Hi guys. Neiman Hall. Lesson nine would
be a long chapter. But for now, let's see our topic binary
question for past tense. In this session, we're going
to look into different ways to build binary question
which had passed tens. Before we start this thing, remember there are two key words that could change a
verb to a past tense. First one, it's low. It's learned from
Iteris k1 course. It helps us show an
action that's completed. Next keyword, It's cool. It's loans and discourse, and it is a way to
show past experience. Now let's see how we build a binary question with
the two keywords. And the first way is, we will use my at the end. And assume that all
of you should know how to build such
question with the math. And so we'll go straight
to the examples. With the use of law. Did you play football, need heat to its Ulama? In respect to cool? Have you traveled
to Beijing before? Needs to go up
baits in New York? Rma. Great. Now let's introduce a
very important concept. As you know, when we want to say a negation
word in past tense, you would use may
or may. All right? With that said, for
affirmative sentence, you can actually use
may IOS opposite, which is your inside a sentence. Now, let's go back
to see the examples. Now, you can just say, did you play football, knee, your T2 tumor? As your already implies
the past tense. Therefore, Law is not necessary. So literally it would mean
you did play football. Next example. Have you travel to
Beijing before? You can say ny, Your to go to New York. Well, as cool is just there
to show the past experience. So even with a yo-yo, which shows past tense, Cool, can still be there. And again, the
translation is actually you did travel to
Beijing before. Next part. The new way is
to ask did or did not. Using your May or as just said, your Mayo means did or did not. Therefore, it implies
it is a question. With that said, math
is not necessary. Getting back to the question. Did you play football? Now you would say knee, your Mayo t2, It's you. Again. Your mail already
implies did or did not. It shows past tense already. So law is not necessary. So actually the question is asking the Jew or
not play football. While for the next example, have you travel to
Beijing before? Now? You say Neo Mayo to
go up 18 new y'all. So again, the question
is actually asking, have you or not travel
to Beijing before. Finally, some people
would like to use another way of asking binary question to
make Mayo at the end, which is you ask a
question by saying the statement and then add or
it didn't know at the end. Okay, let's see the examples. Did you play football? You say need T2 Chula Mayo. Oh, why this time is here? Well, because it sounds
like need heat to its eula, you went to play football
and plus or it did not. Mayo is just like that. Another example. Have you traveled
to Beijing before? Now, the new way is need to
go up aids in New York, Mayo. It just meant you've been to Beijing for traveling
or have not. Does everything makes sense? So basically in this lesson, we have learned a couple
of different ways to ask similar binary question
for past tense. So they are all the ways
that you can use in future.
49. 9.2 You called the wrong number: Kuan Yew. The topic is you call the wrong number. Way. Hello. May I know if when weighing is
here with T I'm sorry. Need that swallow. You've got the wrong number. Woman jaw may hotel one Linda. There's no one
called one Wong and here, nine Hopper, CACM. Then it's alright, Thanks. Great. Now let's have a look of how
the dialogues are formed. First one, knee that taller. You've got the wrong
number for that. So as we know, it means call, which is the
verb for making phone calls. So all means wrong. So basically that means call, wrong hands, make
the wrong call. In fact, if we say a verb
and then followed by tore, it means do that for wrong. Is it pretty clear? Let's have some examples. Neisseria, taller wall, that means you wrote my name wrong. Need that tool again, why you made the wrong call? So this would be the long
form for n0 that swallow. And finally, Walmart
swallow, usual. I bought the wrong English book. Or it can be
interpreted as meaning, I wrongly bought
an English book. For a final dialogue. Woman jar, male, It's L11. The long form is actually woman jar Mayo tell
one when the Ren, Ren is just omitted because
we know we're talking about the person to
dissect the sentence. While men is we jar here, may or don't have
one when the cold, when Wong's Jen Person. Therefore, basically
it means in us here, there is no one
called when Wong.
50. 9.3 'From': Now Shanghai, the topic
for today is from, let's see how to say from
in Chinese That's tone. Tall. Tall. And again, we'll
learn how to use this word by seeing examples. I came from China. What's home drunk WALL-E. From my home to company needs to take 15 minutes bus Towards yeah. Toggles. So a shrew syndrome. The goal, I started learning Chinese
since primary school. Whatsoever, Celsius to
cashless USE drum when. As a reminder, the shoe from the sentence this
time would make things sounds early or soon. And as you learn Chinese since primary school, it sounds early. Great. Hope that you have
some idea of how to use home and we'll have more
chance to use tone more later. See in the next lesson.
51. 9.4 First time to dance: Hi guys, Good afternoon. So today our topic is
first time to dance. Therefore, see our
first word, dance. In Chinese. It has
two characters. Tau. For tau on its own,
it means jump. While. It is a noun for dance. Cao. Cao. Great. Now let's have a look
of the word shell. It means jump. Have you found a
radical, a fruit? Let's see how to
use the word tau. Tau is the main verb. Therefore, it can be
used in the middle of sentences while tell. Together. It can be used at the
end of sentences. So the situation is pretty
similar to other words such as Paul bore, CAC, jojo. Do you recall them? So now let's see an example. I've danced for three hours. You can say, what? Tell us, Angus. Yeah, sure. But wait, something happens on
its own means jump. This would sound like I've jumped for three
hours, isn't it? So what do we do? Unless everyone in the
conference station already know the topic
is about dancing. Otherwise, it's better to add some more to make it more clear. To avoid confusion, it
suggested to add cow. The whole word for
dance before cow, meaning is still, I've
danced for three hours. But what I'm saying
is how sure is more clear in a way that I danced and have done
it for three hours. Great. Now let's see another
example about using tau. At the end of sentence. I liked dancing very much well. Hence c, one tau. Next word. It's a word that
used to indicate an order. It's di, di, di. Moving on, let's see how to use D as the word
indicating sequence. Using this word, it would help change the numbers
to ordinal numbers. And to use it. It will be
placed before the number. Let's see a couple of examples. First, we say d, d, d ten first-time deeds. The 100th person. The eBay go run. Isn't this word convenient
and easy to use? Now let's put it into
your whole sentence. This time is my
first time to dance. Sure. What deeds the toe. And for our final word, is this a measure
term, which is time. It's o, as in time with me, one time, two times,
three times, etc.
52. 9.5 Who were you with?: Hi guys. Neiman hall. Topic is, who are you if there are a couple
of new words for today? First one, hope, or
you wish, C1, C1, C1. Next word, it means
follow or a width. Gun. Why referring to with it actually can be interchanged
with the character. Which also has another meaning. We learned. For example, I want to dance with you. You can say wass or Gan, neat. How does that make sense? By looking at the character? Do realize there's
the radical of fruit. Yes, Exactly. As can also means follow. If you follow other
people to a place, I assume that you would
use your foot, right? Great. Now let's see some
examples relating to gun. May make Anwar to songs here. My sister follows me to school, or it goes to school with me. Next example, wagon and
y por to make, Hey, I follow my grandma to buy food, or I go buy food
with my grandma. Here's a little reminder
about the character tag, which means dishes,
vegetables, or a QC. Therefore, walk-in,
why PODD she makes, Hey, can I refers to
food for making dishes. Next example. Tagging would say he's
together with me. For psi e t, it means speed together. And it can mean both
physically being together or use in terms
of a relationship. Final example was
sank and wholesome and I want to watch a movie
together with my classmates. Our final word, it means
question, problem or issue. It's when t do remember. One means ask, and in fact, T means question, which often
refers to exam question. So they together form one T, one T, one T. Sinatra. Wow, we lay SCC. How come you're back this late? Sima Qian Gan
shades I eat, Yeah. Who are you with today? Needs a mu1 them at
all when TEA mom, how come you ask
that many questions?
53. 9.6 Can I learn dancing with you?: Good evening guys. When Town Hall, Welcome to our new lesson. And topic is, can then
learn dancing with you. The love means holds these
fake heifers, USE towel. He truly, when did you
start learning dancing? Will be easy to tell when
she's at Tc that she Hall. The first time I danced
was at the age of seven. Well done. You are quite TSA law. My daughter is soon going to be seven to plus c1
panel can mean ****. I hope she can learn
dancing with you. Mean non tout hammer manual
if you can teach your May, would he say tan coin you? No problem. You're very welcome. Great. Now it's time to talk about the dialogue
we just covered. First one, the love for
means horns effect. For means home z, say cashiers USE tell. It means you from what years
old started earning dancing. Therefore, in total it becomes, when did you start
learning dancing? From the other
dialogue which said, What the **** war for
that. T say that. For sure. It's ATC the hall. It means was at seven
years old time. So the sentence implies was that time when I
was seven years old. Moving on to the next dialogue, then you are quite low. Yeah, means also
means quick or soon. Law is change of state. Therefore, it means
my daughter is soon going to be
seven years old, two. And finally, the
dialogue can even see it how it's translated as
learning dancing with you. But it also actually
implies follow you to learn dancing as skin also means follow a pipe
for meaning with.
54. 9.7 Verbs of result completion: Welcome you guys, plenty you. And today we are
going to learn about verbs that showing
yourself completion. Let's see our first new word. Understand. Dull. Dull. Dull. Next word, finish. 111. Moving on to our
important section, how to form verbs I express
results completion. Well, normally it is formed
by two parts of the words. Given that it's
part a and part b. For part a, it is that you start at the
beginning and puppy, it's how the result ends. Now, let's see some examples. Can see in it means able
to see or saw properly. We've actually
learned that already. Next one, q CAN. Similar to Kantian. It means able to listen
or hear properly. In terms of verbs, a
result completion. If we use tin following verb, it would mean the thought is
well received yet as a verb, so resell completion, you don't use CN following
any verb you like. And usually it will be
seen as cans yen Tintin. Next batch, ten doll. It means successfully see doll. It means successfully here. So whenever you see a
verb followed by tau, it would just mean you
successfully complete that verb. So basically, these
two words are the same as Keynesian and PMT, and therefore, doll
means successfully do. It means successfully think of. So what is successfully fought and in what situation
you would use it. For example, you can
say doll and idea. So it means you
have come up with an idea successfully
thought of an idea. Does that make sense? Next batch, tao Pao, successfully find or
successfully have found join. They haul, well-prepared. So basically in a verb. So we saw completion when
you see followed by heart. It means Well completed
doing the job. One finished writing, my
one, finished buying. So if epsilon we saw completion when you save verb
is followed by one, it means that you have
finished doing the verb. Next. Team to understand
by hearing Kendall. It means understand by seeing. So in terms of this verb, so we saw completion. Don't it means that
you start doing the first verb and ends up understanding
through the first verb. Let's see an example
about the two. What Hume don't have
schwa Shambhala. I understand what
she's saying now. You would use Q as a verb because you listen to
someone saying, right? For a candle. Example. Walk handle, pass
here the Sinaloa. I understand his writing now. And in this situation, you would use can as a verb because you would look or
see someone's writing. Great. Now, while we know how to say these verbs showing
results completion, what's their negative form? There are two negative form. First one, it means you did
not complete that verb. Second, it means that
you couldn't complete. What does that mean by the two? Well, for the first
one did not complete. It sounds like you less
care about the situation. You simply just
did not complete. While for the second
one could not complete. It shows that you care
about that thing more. Suggest you want
to complete that, but you could not. Is everything clear? F? So let's see, our first negative form. Did not complete. What word do we have to use? The answer is, may. Do realize, May we have
mentioned that edge is used for past-tense exactly, because you did not
complete something. It is also a past tense, right? Here are some examples. Warm a ranch without
sin, Ponyo, old. I didn't meet any new friends. War made so halts, Hey, I haven't finished
cooking or well finished cooking will make sure the car. I didn't understand
the teacher's lesson. In this situation. Kill is used because in the
lessons you use your hearing. Moving on, let's
see the second way of showing in negative four. That means you want to say
you could not complete the third E. You want to complete
it, but you couldn't. So how to show it? Basically, you
would put the full, which means not in-between the two words within
the whole verbs. Here are some examples. The culture, what syllable one. For today's exam,
I couldn't finish. So it means I couldn't
finish doing the exam today. Next one drug or when
t was young Buddha. It means for this problem, I couldn't solve it. So why do we use
Sian bar as sound? Tao means successfully
plot tau when t would be successfully thought of a
solution to solve the problem. Does that make sense? Final example. What Hume who don't drawn when it means I cannot
understand Chinese speaking.
55. 9.8 [Applications] verbs: results completion: Hi guys. Welcome. And today our topic is to learn how to apply the verbs expressing
results completion, need drew the alma. Do you know what? Isley
eating cow, dog also allow? Our son has found
a job, already. Done. Them are not
I holler really. Then it's so nice. Pothole, Michelle Moshe,
** Chi Shu Shang, bad. When will he start work? Tone C, I guess in TEK for
starting from next Monday. Drill shootAt the console. This is his first job. Just see one panel C1. Really hope you like it. Do it. Right? Let's see the dialogue. Isley eating got Zola. Are you able to find the
file that shows restore it to completion? Yes. That's jaw doll, which refers
to successfully found. So what can the culture itself? Yeah. How was yesterday's
exam? Don't Lama. Understood all you heard? Tolkien, don't laugh. Yes. All understood. Nina, you
built all alpha male. What about you? Did you finish doing all or not? When I couldn't finish it. T tied to a law. They are too many questions. Let's have a look of some
words from the dialogues. Slope. Well, when
do you remember? So one means you've
finished doing it. When you put in
between two words, it would mean couldn't
finish doing it. Therefore, it shows
that you want to finish doing
it, but couldn't. Let's see our final dialogue. T tied to Allah. There are too many questions. What is t in here? Actually is from one t, which is question or problem. But he alone means question by, refers to exam questions
or test question, etc.
56. 10.1 Good for your Chinese learning: Hi guys, Neiman heart. The topic is good for
your Chinese learning. Great. Let's learn the
two words that we can say for don't or stop
doing something. First one though we know for means notch while
ya'll means half too. For Yeah. We totally become
Don't boy, yeah. Yeah. Now let's see another
way of saying Don't. That's ba, ba, ba it. Finally, let's learn another
word referring to help. This time, this help not
only refers to just verb, but it can be a noun. We call been cool. Bom, bom jaw. As we have learned before, which is help and it is a verb. What's the difference
between thumb and bomb? Let's see the details. Both bum jaw and
bound mean help. While dung jaw can be
both verb and noun. And Fung can only just be verb. When as verbs, banjo and
bomb can be interchanged. Let's go see some examples. Nina, unbound one cell when it equals to Nino bunk draw my CR1. Can you help me by some bowls? Tap on what drug has seen Gonzo. It equals to have banjo or
shallow Jagger seen console. She helped me to introduce
to this new job. Great. Now how about
using health as a noun? Note that we can only use been through CSMA gay what the banjo, Mayo need the banjo. Wobble. Wei Zhao Jagger seen console. Thanks for offering me help. Without your help, I wouldn't be able to have
found this new job. Boy, yeah, it's I
don't sleep anymore. Meaning here, hi
Johan, you call sure. You still have Chinese
exam tomorrow. Though eating drumbeat, hello. I'm already well prepared
for harbor nanny tool. I can draw one key
issue by fine. Then come out and
watch some Chinese TV. Can draw when the insurer, do I miss your hand you
a y'all been drawer. Watch more Chinese TV is good
for your Chinese learning. Great. Now it's time
to have a look of dialogue to see if
you understand. First one, we are at
Safeway law for it. Say it means again
or if further. So boy, yeah, xiphoid line means don't sleep further or
don't continue to sleep. And law is just there to
make it change of state. So asking you not to sleep now. Next dialog tool, I can draw one teacher doing this your
hand, you, your Bonjour. For DOI is toward or to. Your bank, drew. It means half help. It would become an adjective. Therefore, the whole
sentence meaning is watch more Chinese TV is helpful
TO Chinese learning. In fact, when you want to
say is helpful to something, it's often use as a
combination that you say, Boy, something, you're banjo. But mind you don't
mistake that you can use your banjo as helpful in
every other situation, such as She's very helpful. You cannot say your bunk. Yeah. It can only be doing
something your bunk, true? Otherwise, if you say banjo, it would sound
like she has held. That would sound
like she's useful. She's function of all. We're just not cheese helpful. And oppositely, if
you want to say, it doesn't have
help to something, you would say something
male been joule. Is everything clear? Now let's see some
examples as using toy as to or towards war, back to a wall Manmohan heart. My dad is very good to my mom. You don't do I need action. He doing sports is
good for your health.
57. 10.2 Watching TV is not good to your eyes: Hi guys. Good morning. South Hill Hall. Today's our topic is watching TV is not
good to your eyes. Beards, I can't give Sheila
don't watch TV anymore. Can't hide or the insurer. Watching too much TV is
not good for your eyes. Grew about law. I have gotten quite as huge. May 1 mean can occur. Quickly. Go prepare for
your lesson tomorrow. How Sure.
58. 10.3 The doctor asked you to listen to me: Hi guys, welcome back. When you Neiman, the topic is, the doctor asks you
to listen to me. Let's see our first word. Speak. It's a verb. And we say for sure, as we know it means speak while actually refers
to verbal words. Sure. Sure. Why? As I think we all
know what is sure. So what's the difference
between fuel and show what? Well, the both of
them also is verb for speed is the main verb. And it's normally put in
the middle of sentences. While Shuo Hua together, it will be usually put
at the end of sentences. Sure is the main verb. Does this situation reminds
you of other words, such as yo-yo, CSC,
pulpal, wall, etc. They both share
similar situations. Now let's see the example. Can he speak Chinese? Pathway full hand. You please stop talking to young boy out for you. I apologize. Can you give me the newspaper? Ba can bulge root law. Don't read the newspaper. Even for knee outdoors, you'll see the doctor said
You need to take more rest. How that now what we'll Karla. Sure. That I'm not reading it. You get a visual timer. Can you give me a cup of hot
tea for a whole lung itself? Sure. Boil higher.
The doctor said, Don't drink tea within the
two hours after the medicine. Not high. Sure. Sharmila. Then what else did he say? Hi Ron, meet him what? He asks you to
listen to me. Great. Now it's time to take a look of the dialogues we learned. First. Even for tree, I'll
hold this out. Sure, for Yahoo is higher. So create a whole
younger self for it actually equals to hold
the younger self sure. Which means after the
medicines, two hours. Therefore, it means that two
hours after the medicine. Next one. Time high for Shambhala. Do remember for high, it means still not how
high for Shambhala. One by one a which mean? So he still said what? So it basically means, what else did he say? And finally, for the
dialogue around me, Tim, what we know rom
means latch or allow. But often people now
always use wrong as asked, As ask someone to do
something. While team. Actually there's a
hidden word which is not revealed, which is Q1, is just omitted because we
know we are talking about one, which means words
or verbal words. Therefore, this sentence mean he asks you to listen
to what I say.
59. 10.4 He’s on the way back at the moment: Hi guys, Good evening,
wine Chung Hall. The topic is, he's on his
way back at the moment. Let's start with
a couple of food. First one, egg. C, Then actually
see means Chicken, while Dan means egg. So if you say certain
kinds of Fen, it wouldn't make it that
certain kinds of EG. See Ben. Ben. Next one, watermelon. We say see Guam. For your information,
Gua mean smelling. See Gua. Gua. And
our final word, this is a word expressing
right at the moment. When you use it, you wouldn't
normally say Joan, say, do something or any activity? Drawings? Drawings, say my
adrenal medulla. Don't see. You bought back so much stuff. What kind of how your
Sharma Let me have a look at what's
their young girl. She Gua Jin Bu shell, lamb, eggs, watermelon,
noodles, really a lot. Those your, My Gateway
should Emma bought for me. For sure. Sure. Omega i's are no spot
for our son. Weights. Yeah. The Lucia. He's on his way
back home at the moment. Great. Now let's have a
little discussion about the dialogues
we just learned. First one, my trauma. For a do you still remember
what is the function of it? When it is used in statements, it would create a
sense of exclamation. Therefore, this whole
sentence has a feeling of, wow, you've bought so
many things back home. Next dialogue, young row. C then C, Gua, me until we saw. For Portia, it means not little. Therefore, it actually
also means a lot. Therefore, Jen Boucher means That's a lot or
that's really a lot. Next one, I would
like to remind you about the structure of sure. And they function is to emphasize
the content in between. Therefore, from the dialogue. Those are my gay work
through the math. The emphasis would be
megawatt sure. Bought for me. Also from another dialogue. Moisture. Should omega i's and
the focus would be Maggie, I bought for our son. Our final dialogue patterns. I wait. Yeah, the Lucia, what this a whole sentence
mean. Drunk Zai. It's right at the moment. Weights yet is back homes. Shang is on the road. Therefore, the whole sentence
means right at the moment, on the way back home.
60. 10.5 Have you seen my phone?: Neiman heart. When the topic is, Have you seen my
cell phone? Great. Now let's start with
the word cell phone. We call it showed TI. Show means hand, while C
is referring to device. Therefore together they
would make it cell phone. Isn't that interesting? Show it. Show it. See next word. Wash. It's a verb. And we say, see
from the character, Have you noticed there is
the radical of water because washing needs water. C. C, ***** zygote from Anna. What are you looking
for right now? You or me or Katia? What I showed you. Have you seen my cell phone? Hey, soda. It's black. Begot law. Don't find it. Was a shock. It's on the table. Now Pompeian, next
to the computer. Jen Hall. That's so good. Non-eu congenital or
the evil or Mayo. So have you seen
my clothing home? So they're not yet that red one. Nice and you will only see I've watched at
clothing for you. Why being it's outside. Great. Now let's have a little
talk about the dialogues. We just learned from
the dialogue, saying, Hey soda, for a reminder that a function of it is
to add own confirmation. That's why it's often put after the fact or after something that has
confirmed to have happened. In this case, he wants
to say it's black. So adding after hey, SLA would make it half the
confirming feeling. Moving on. Next dialog. Be a jaw la. La. Do you remember what's
the function of it? It can make it change of state. For BA, Java has a feeling of
don't fine now or anymore. Don't continue to find
this that makes sense. Next, dialog, home
sudden that CAN, in this case, homes. Red color is not a noun. It will be considered
as an adjective. And do you remember if we want to link an adjective to a noun, we usually would
put the in-between. Therefore, in this case, linking homes to nuts in. We have to put the in-between making it home sudden that CAN, while the whole meaning
would be that one in red. Moving on to our last dialogue, U4 or Bonnie see, for Nancy and E4 is for that
clothing were banned me see, I've helped you wash it. So the sentence
structure we have a sound like for that clothing, I've helped you wash it.
61. 10.6 Sayng 'and': Hello students. In today's lesson, we're looking into different ways to say. Let's first start
with a basic one. We all know we can
say which means end. While in fact, you can
also use again as end, which they can both interchange. But please bear in mind, gun and hook, as N can only
be used within a sentence. So you may ask,
then what can we do if we want to connect
sentences with? And here is a suggested
way which you can say, hi, your high means
still means half. So hypo, instill, have, and you can also
consider it as also, because it's always fine
when you want to connect two sentences with also S
If you take it as an end. Great, Now let's
see examples about using and within a sentence. I like dancing and
doing sports very much. Want to see one cow
hurts or you install. Or C, one towel. Again, saw you in DM. Me and my parents live together. Or her what foo void draw DET or what Galois for
more drew the ETA. There is a bed, a desk, and a chair in the room. Volunteer need your
tongue towards Hawaii. Or funds. You need your tongue
towards the great. So what about using n
to connect sentences? Let's see the below examples. I hope to go travel in China next year and I plan
to learn Chinese. While c1, meaning into your HIO, watch on base you I
don't want. Next one. I went to learn
dancing today and went to see a movie together
with my little brother, Watson case, yellow towel, high yolk and DDT
to Kantian yield. Final one. My name is
Tom and I'm a Chinese. Water Music for tambor, HIO, wash your
ego, Django organ. Are they all clear? I'll see you in the next lesson.
62. Speaking Practice L9-10 : Now we're going to do a conversational practice again for the previous chapters. Let's get started. I am sure la, la, la, la. Hi, I'm sure will be the cash rate for man. What's a needle? Woman? Kingdom?
63. 11.1 He’s sung for a long time: The main hall. How
your boots yet? Hello guys. Long time, no, see. And the topic is, he has some for a long time. Let's start with our first
word, which is seeing. It is a verb and we call
it good. On its own. Actually mean saying
while means song. By looking at the
character Tong. Do you realize on the left-hand side there
is a radical of mouth? That's why chunk is
something related to mouth. And to help you memorize chunks, you can call it sing song, but it is a verb. Tong, tong. Great. Now let's see
how we use chunk. Chunk. It is actually
the short form of Sing. But Django together is often
used at the end of sentence. While chunk alone is often used in the
middle of a sentence. You realize the
situation is quite similar to what we
have learned for CSE, yo-yo, Bung jewel,
Paul Wu, et cetera. As all of these words, the first character
would be the main verb. Now, it's time to
see some examples. Why con la hones your
son for a long time? What is he singing? What DD phase can see hunger. My little brother like
singing very much. Changing Samir. How are you recently?
Hybrids hall. Quite good. Honey THE conquer the Shire. Who is that person went to
sing with you yesterday? A friend. Shen Ponyo. What friend? Then? Polio. It's
boyfriend, right? ********, ********. No, No. ********. Honestly know what? Initiating a child that he's
introduced by my classmate. So again, the easyJet. We met the first time yesterday. Great. Now let's take a look of the
dialogues we just learned. From the dialogue. Need saving them. For a team. We learned sweet means most, while team means close. Well, for its 18 together
in terms of distance, we will use it as closest. But then if we use it in
terms of period of time, say t would become the
meaning of recently. That's because recently is
the closest time period two. Now, next one. Pie would swap as
high means still. And if you remember, we have said boards
means quite good. So high boots all together
we'd become, it's quite good. Next dialogue, what hernia e t to conquer
the running shoes share. For hernia, ETA to hunker. How should we dissect
the sentence? Well, every we have covered this kind of structure
for a lot of times, but it's still good to
refresh your memory. Yeah. So basically,
for a hernia ET tube, hunger means go
to sing with you. We can consider it
as a possessive. Run would be person. Therefore, the whole
sentence would be the person who
goes sing with you. While we also
learned another way, which is to consider
as who or that. And we'll start with R1, which is person is who or that honey ETA to chunk
is go to sing with you. So the sentence would still be the person who
goes sync with you. Which way do you think
it's easier for you? Moving on to our final dialogue, what Holmes GATS harder. It's actually means pasture. What homes? Yeah. And do you remember for sure
and the combination, we are emphasizing the
content in-between, which is what Holmes j-th shall. Therefore, it means this person. He is introduced
by my classmate.
64. 11.2 Comparing: Welcome guys Kuan Yew. The topic is comparing and in this lesson we are going to
learn how to compare things. Let's start with
our critical word, which means compare it
to we say, B, B, B. So how do we use B? Well, when you want
to compare things, you would say a, compare it to be about the adjective or a
description. Is that right? So here is the
structure about this. We will say a, b, b, followed by adjective. And then we would describe
by how much, if you like. Let's learn my examples up. You'll see it's older brother. Compare it to me, older for two years. So it means my brother
is two years older than me. Next one. Daca be War II. That it's yeah, My older sister. B, compare war to me. Gaul, taller either
by a little bit. So it means my sister is
a little taller than me. Another example, man, mad, so it's happy we'll hop, true. My mom cooking is
better than me. While drug offense. So the beads be nega
homes, so the door. So basically it
means this pink cup is a lot more expensive
than the red one. Great. What about if we want
to say something like not as in English? For example, I'm
not as tall as him. To do this, we would say
a Mayo be adjective. And by using this structure
similar to English, there is no indication of
how much of that adjective. And then structure. Why use Mayo? That's because a, not have the quality that B has. Does everything
makes sense to you? Great, Let's start
with some examples. War, Mayo, good. That I'm not as
old as my brother. Warm AOTA Diego. I'm not as tall as
my older sister. War male madman sorts high how? My cooking is not
as tasty as mumps. And finally, now go home. So the beats Mayo drug offense, so that that red cup is not as expensive
as this pink one.
65. 11.3 He's 4 years older than me: Welcome back. We are going to talk
more about comparing, which helps you to
consolidate your knowledge. Let's learn some new words. The first one, a child, or children, or a kid. Hi. And by looking at the character, we have mentioned that is
actually related to baby. And high on the left-hand side, you also notice
there is the radical of which it is a radical
relates to babies. That's why it makes sense that
high means kid or a child. Hi. Hi. And in fact, with heights, we can
also say girl or boy. Simply put, knew before hides. New high would be girl
and Nan would mean boy. But then actually different
part in China would like to have different practice
of saying the node spot. They tend to say New, hard to mean girl, and then Haar to mean boy. But it is all the same. Next word, photo or a picture. Draw pin. Let's take a quick look
of the character. Draw. From the bottom
of the character. It looks like there is heat. In fact, these four dots
are the radical of heat. Because when you take photo, there is flash may be. So it's kind of related. Draw PN. Pn. Though. Show hands your
ETA and I draw PN law. These are all photos
from long time ago. You'll be Andrew getting old and new highs it to need your DMR. Is this girl on the right
dancing your sister? Sure. Yes. So I being drug as SUSE it. So then then harsher what db? This boy on the left
Learning writing is my brother had bought dollar. How old is he now? Since I are for sweet law, he's 20 years old. Now. What beat had asked this way? I'm four years older than him. Highs and shrunk bass you are now he's still at university. Great. Let's go over the
dialogues we learned. Jessie adored her hands, your ETL job handler. For just see it. Oh, sure. It means these
are all while you eat here. Actually means
long time ago. Hen
66. 11.5 It's cheaper than yesterday!: Hello, good morning. And a topic for today is, it's cheaper than yesterday. Let's see our first word. We already know
by how about SEL. She says cell, it's May. When comparing to buy, which is they look pretty similar and they
sound pretty similar. But you have to remember
phi is third tone, Matt, Y0 cell is for tone. My, my. Moving on, let's see
how to say cheap. There are two characters
and they are Pn. And in practice, E is
normally set in no tone. So next word. It means 500 gram, which is half of one kilogram. And we call it seen. A reminder that we have learned
kilogram, which is teen. That's why it makes sense
that scene is half of sin. Sin. Sin, sin can the whole Ping Guan Hao is the price for
red apples today. Crime leading to Rehman
be 50 per kilogram. Beads. Watch your piano. It's cheaper than yesterday. So tn PIE. Yes, green apples
are also cheaper than yesterday. Quiet lidar. Quickly get some fancy home. Eating the appeal Gua. Then I'll have 250 grams of red apples and 500
grams of green apples. Great. Let's see how the
dialogue square. From the first one. Hand, the home hewn quadsim MA, according to the direct
translation in which become today's red
apples, how to sell? In fact, it means how surprised
for red apples today, because I'm actually asking how you are selling
these red apples. Moving on, let's see the
dialogue. Down quite well. Eating. What does that mean? What is down quiet down? Qy means to renminbi. And actually down
quiet war would become 2.5 or 2.5 random B. Is it pretty straightforward? Next one, beads or champion
for beads, what him, piano. The dialogue just didn't say, it actually means
seen kinda home. He'll be taught him PIE. It is just too long. Therefore, it's still means Today's red apples are
cheaper than yesterday's. Next dialogue. Ne, quiet either by
quickly get some. Well, lay there. We know Lie means come. That means a little. So it means come and little. In fact, because it has the indication that have
some apples come to you. So it means happy little. This scene is pretty
similar to how we learned in chapter six
when we order food. We said Lidar bar, it means to have some. And finally, last dialogue. Now we append the homepage and go or her eating the appeal. For yell, it means need
to or have to have. So in this situation,
when you're buying, right, you would
sound like you're determined to have that item. So therefore, we can use to make our half I have to
have this or that. Is that clear.
67. 11.5 You probably don’t know her: Yeah, Warhol. Good afternoon. And the topic is, you probably don't know her. So how do we say probably? It can mean maybe,
possibly or probably. The Chinese is no. Kernel. Kernel. Another new word,
which is sir name. We call it seal. Seal. Seal. So how do we use Sim and how do we ask,
what's your surname? In fact, we just say, nice seal, schon mal. Ne see lymphedema. And when you reply, you want to say my surname
is that would be war seal, followed by your
surname? Tambien. Sure what the neck
and new RAN TO. Sure what I've drawn
one Laos shirt. That woman who is speaking at the front is just
my Chinese teacher. Sure man lie the NACA. Ummah. Is it that one
outside the dollar? Now, we're ready
for it, I guess. You probably don't know. Her passion is seen
like the mom. She knew. Tune yellow Ada. She came last year. Potassium drawn. Her surname is strong. Senior, who passed away? She's 28 years old. Gender. Really happy woman, luxurious. Three. She's four years younger than our teacher. Great. It's time to have a
look of the dialogues. From the first dialogue
can be a full bladder, neck, and new RUN TO sure
what I don't want Lau Sure. Let's dissect the sentence. We have talks about this kind
of structure many times. So believed this would
just be a reminder. Considering the essay
possessive word cn, vn means in the front. Sure why the speaking nag
and new run batch woman. Therefore, in total, it would mean that woman who is
speaking in the front. Now using another way, considering the as who or that. And it would be easier for us to start at the end of sentence. Like a new run is that woman is Who speaking cn vn in the front. So it still means that woman who is speaking
in the front. Great. Now let's move on
to the next dialog. Sure man, why the NAG gamma? For sure men, why the NACA? If you use one of the two ways from the
previous dialogue, you will know the meaning is, it's that one outside the door. Next dialogue scene like
the mama, for sure. And the combination,
you remember, it is used to emphasize
the content in-between, which is sin lay. So what is seen lay? It means newly come, tertiary seen light among kindness means if
she knew Lee come. So basically asking if
she had new teacher.
68. 12.1 ‘得dé’: Hi guys. Let's start our new lesson. And today we're going to learn a new word and to
see how to use it. That's the, have
you ever thought of how to say the
sentences in Chinese suggests she sinks well, they didn't study too well. I didn't swim too fast. He runs slow, is cetera. The common point for these
sentences are that you would say the verb first and
then end with the adjective, which is used to describe
the action or the verb. To learn how to say
these sentences. Let's learn how to say
the below character, which is a supporting word. And because the is a
supporting character, usually we would just
say it in no tone. So what is the to do with the sentences that
we have mentioned? So basically you
would say the verb first and then end
with adjective. Mind you because the, the here would be
the supporting word. So it would be a no tone. Also, there's a piece
of information. The verb used is normally, is just one character. That's because we tend to
only pick the main verb. And usually as a main verb is
just one single character. Okay, let's see some examples. Show that. Means sleep early. Paul, the clay runs quick. Judah both high. Dustin, lift too far. Ca the boots Hall
writes quite well. Your hymen distance
when to slow. The high clay. You did okay? Or desk. Okay. Great. Getting back to the
structure for the adjective, because usually we use
just one character. Sometimes there may
be confusion cost. For example, what S Coke, you say to a tie. But the main verb is so. Therefore, if you want
to say really well, you say to others how true, which also means do or make. So it is not too clear, it's specific for cooking. So in these situations,
what do we do? So the normal practice would be, you say the whole verb first, for example, towards high. Then the main verb, which is followed by an
adjective, hen house. So the whole verb that you say is to use intending to provide more clear information
in order not to cause any confusion about what the activity is
actually talking about. Therefore, let's see
our first example. How to say she dances very well. Well, there are two ways. The first way would
be go according to the new structure
rule that we learned. Whole verb, verb, the adjective
wireless second way is actually based on
that while using some other techniques that we learned all over in the lessons. First way, to tell
the fake haha, you would say the
whole verb tau, which is used to
make it more clear. Otherwise, tell it means jump. Second way. Had a rule, chowder
fee Kong hall. Because Wu is dens,
which is a noun. So with the thumb, which
is a possessive word, would make it her
dancing, dance a fake. How hot? Does that sound clear to you? While also, when
you speak faster, the possessive word
can be omitted. And you can actually say
how the fake Hong Hall. Great, Let's see
another example. You speak Chinese quite well. So it means you're quite
good at speaking Chinese. The first way. Knee full hand you
sure the boards for the second Wei Ni the hand
You sure that boots Hall. Next key doesn't write
Chinese characters. Well. Sway. Pass you. Hence, CA, the pool hall. Second, tie the hands. Ca the pool hall. Also, mom doesn't cook
very well. First way. Ma'am, add saute. The board had true. Second way, ma'am,
I saw the word. Sure. My sister thinks very well. Ca Asean, Hong Kong the Hun, HOW TO or CAD CAM the hen house. He'll great. Now that you should be
familiar with how to use the in the sentence, right? So what about adding
a comparing elements? So you can use it to
compare with others, such as he does that
thing better than me. So how do we do? Basically, you would just
have to combine that, the structure as well as be structure which shows
comparison into one. Let's recap a little bit. For the structure. You would say whole verb
and then verb, adjective. While the comparison be
structure would be a, B, B, which is a, compare it to be adjective. And then by how much, which we have learned
in the previous lesson. Now, let's combine them. That would make it a, b, b over the adjective. And finally, by how much? Don't think it's difficult. Because if you see two examples, it would make total
sense for you. And eventually, when you get familiar with all
these applications, you can totally forget
these kind of formula. Let's start with the examples. She dances a lot better than me. The first way would
be war, how door? So actually it says she dances. Compare to me a lot better. Second way, how the
war, Kaldor be war? How do our next one? You speak Chinese
little better than him. So how do we say
it? Two ways again. First one, beforehand,
you should be Tahoe, either second, knee the hand
you show that Beta either. Next example. He writes Chinese characters
slightly better than me. Let's see The first way. Pass your hands. See either be wall
house, CA, second way. The hands is said to
be wall house, CA. Very good. For now. As an English, when
you're comparing things, There's a term called not as if we also want to
incorporate with the structure. What do we do? As
we have learned, not as sentences would
be in this structure, a male e, adjective. And now putting it
with the structure, it would make it a male bee, whole verb, verb, adjective. To make it clear, let's see the examples. Mom doesn't cook as good as dad. Way one, mammoth, what's high
for the male baboons? True? Way to. My mother saw the male PABA. When my example, my older sister doesn't sink as good as my younger sister. Way one. Dsh hunger from
the Mayo May halt heel. Way to CAD the trunk. The male May halt heel.
69. 12.2 ‘得dé’’s Application: Welcome. Why knew Lehman? And in this lesson, we are going to talk
more about the use of the tree that it's,
um, uh, yeah. How was your sleep last night? That boats hall? Pretty well. Ni median shown
with T then shift one. When do you get
up every morning? Tea the indoor seven ish. Maybe you are. It's all GE Virchow Shrina. Your app one hour
earlier than me. Why Florida yet? I also sleep early. One atm. Why you shouldn't wait, yell. I sleep at ten every night. Sow phase outs here. Early to bed, early to
rise makes a man healthy. Very nice. Let's have a talk of the
dialogues that we just covered. May 1, PYY from fruit
and CO suites yell. Here's a reminder. One function of
two is to provide a sense of earliness or make
the sentence sound soon. So if the sentence
is without G0, which is warm, a tail, wind fallen short
and sweet yell. It will be quite plain sounding. I sleep at ten every night. However, with the GO
after shirt, the end, which is ten, it would make ten o'clock sound really early. So it kind of implies
that every night at ten, I go to see already. Next dialogue for aids
out here, T Hall. What does that mean? Well, is this like
a Chinese leg, which means sleep early and get up early,
mixture health good. Does that sound
interesting to you? Lie down, Manti Alba, have some more new dose. Make sure that you follow law. You ain't too little. Charlotte. It's not
lifting already. Watching THE that high dollar. I've eaten too much today. Now, what either woman to yoga. Then let's go swimming later. Ne johayo that some Yan. How is your swimming? Pool them? Yeah. Not very good. Well, may make BYOD door. My sister swims much
faster than me. Great time to discuss
Dialogues now. Okay. So I Allied
Army and he Alba. A reminder, it means
again or further. So in this situation, we'll use as further
for directions patient, it would become further
comes some noodles, which basically means
have some more noodles. Next dialog. Now, why either woman
to your young bar? What is y either? As one means late while he
Dar means a little bit. So why either as a
time, it means later. Next one, you will realize
there's a dialogue. When that person replying, she says, boots them a young. In fact, when people ask you how is something like sent me? Yeah. Andrew reply is, who would send me young? It which means nothing special. You can actually apply this reply to many
different things. Like, how is your day, how is your exam,
how's your work? When you say puts a man, which just mean nothing special.
70. 12.3 Minus 10 degrees: Good morning folks. Let's start our new lesson. The topic is minus ten degrees. What's our new word for today? Snow, which is a verb
and we say CSCA. Does that recall you of CIU, which is rain would be down, which is the verb, and C would be the snow. But it's a noun. Yes. Yes. Next word, degrees, which I say measure
where for temperature. To sign a word where this where is the verb, but it's not used
for accessories. So you can say you wear
clothes and pair of socks, jeans, skirts, etc. But not for hat or watches or scarves or any
kind of accessories. We call it Tuan Zhuan Huan. Csu ulla can see gem. It's knowing the
weather, it's so cold. Yodeling cashier Buddha. Yes, it's got minus
ten degrees, right? What's yet a y'all? I think it has neat
when the drama shot, you're wearing this little
woman quieting funds. Let's quickly go inside
the house. Holober. Sure. Great. Do you understand
all these dialogues? For now? Let's have
a short discussion of a couple of lines. First one, sure. Your Lindsay, I should do bad. So what does it mean
by lean Safra tool? Directly translate it. It means below 010 degrees. So it means ten degrees below 0. Therefore minus ten degrees. Now have a thought. How would you say
minus five degrees? The answer is leans. Yeah, Who do? I bet you got it right. Moving on. Next dialogue, how it means shore. Here's the reminder.
How to use it. Usually you use it when
replying to a suggestion. And remember, it
has a neutral tone. Therefore, it sounds less
enthusiastic than how, which provides an
exclamation feeling.
71. 12.4 He wants to live closer: Hi guys, Neiman Hall. Welcome to our new lesson. The topic is, he
wants to live closer. Great. Now let's start our new
word, which is close, the adjective close,
and we call it seen. There's a little
reminder about scene. When you say to 18, which means nose close, we have learned that in terms of time period, would
mean recently. Seen. Seeing what are you busy with recently? What dd groundwater been
catch-all go fonts. My younger brother asked
me to help him look for a house. Scenes, iPads. Yeah. Legal. So Yoda UN currently his home is a bit far
from the company. Judah, yet. It'd be really tired
living far. Sure. All pious see well-known
crew that sincere. Yes. He also hoped to live closer.
72. Speaking Practice L11-12: Now we're going to do a conversational practices. Hi, Hi Sinead, Mei, Mei, yo, yo, yo, they're quiet.
73. 13.1 verb-‘着zhe’: When you welcome the
topic for today is verb, and then followed
by a new character, which is just, we will learn about what is true and how
to use it in the lesson. Great, let's learn
the character. It is pronounced as draw with no tone because
it's a supporting word. And the function for it
is to express a state. Let's have a little discussion
about this character. First, draw is used to express a state of an activity
in a certain moment. So what state is that? The answer is a represent
the English tense, which is I-N-G form. You may think I-N-G form isn't that present
continuous tense? Isn't that we already
use that to our present, present
continuous tense. How come now that there
is another character jaw? To reply this question, we don't have to consider draw as a present
continuous tense, but to consider it
as the I-N-G form, expressing a peaceful
and still state. This might sound abstract. So what does that really mean? Great. I'll show you some examples which can
help you understand. While before that, remember we often put jaw after the verb. Given the English sentence, I'm wearing a purple over coach. In Chinese, how
you use save verb and then make the
sentence meaning change. Let's start comparing. Use of say, what's at once. So the di e. Next, use of jaw,
watch one drug. So the tidy. These pictures will illustrate what's the difference between using say and if you say, say, the meaning emphasizes
on the action of wearing. You can see from
the picture that the girl is putting
on her coach. However, if you say twen draw, it shows that the state in
a peaceful and still state. So the girl already has
the coat worn on her body. So here are a few notes
about the differences between psi and you say, which shows the
current action more. While jaw shows a calm and
still state for the verb. Great, Shall we see some more examples
about the use of jaw? Kinda girl. She's listening to songs. Kendra war. He's looking at me saying
germanium tin, the culture. He's thinking about
the exam tomorrow. So you would notice these verbs are to be done in a
peaceful and still state. For now, since you already
know how to use jaw. What about it's negative form? The fact is it's
quite similar to use. Say, when you want to
express negative form, you would either use
for sure or may. Let's go back to the example. She's not listening to songs. You can say taboo or made him. He's not looking at me. Tap or shoe or may Tanja war. Finally, he's not thinking
about the exam tomorrow. Tab Bushehr or may
Sandra mean the call? Sure.
74. 13.2 着zhe's Application: Hi guys. Good morning. Today we're going to look into more applications about Joe. Seemed like men cage or not. Come in, the door is open. What time what I'd like to
ask you if Mr. Jones is here, pie eating fruit, Sheila,
he's out already. Nice. Salvo would say labor, come again in the afternoon. How that may win. Sure, No problem. Great. Here's a little bit explanation
about the dialogues. For Men Cai draw as
men means store, while k means opening. But as we are using jaw. So the meaning would be
door is in an open state. That's because the
door is opened in a peaceful and still state. And because of the use of the door is not
actively opening.
75. 13.3 She’s smiling while speaking: Hi guys. The topic for today is she
smiling while speaking? Let's start our new word. Smile or laugh. This is a verb. And we say this, the characters, yeah, looks
like someone is smiling. Next word. It means
hold or take. We say nan. For the character. Have you noticed there
is a hand there? Exactly. It's because hold or
take relates to hand. Next word, pen. And we say B from the character be the top
bit is radical of bamboo. Also the bottom part. It means fur or hair. Why is that? Just look here. In the old times, that's how I pan looks like. The longest part which you hold the pen is made of bamboo. While in the tip which you use
ink to write is made afer. That's why B. B. Next word. It means pencil. We say ten b for it
because it means lead. So ten be CAN BE, can be dropped on Nagasaki. I'll just show the
new harsher Shama. Do you know who is that girls
speaking while smiling? Watch without had a few. I know her surname. Hauntingly. Her surname is Lee tada, THE issue what home she had. Her sister is my classmate. Nag is surely in Azure
TMP than men heights. So what about that guy
holding a pencil in his hand? But we didn't shoot. I don't know him. Great. Let's have a short discussion
about the dialogues here. Ni drew the NAG and sell ruffle flat and new harsher
shame. For CLL. Just sure why. It's noticed there are
two verbs or activities, which is cell, smile, and show why speaks. So here's a little
reminder for Thorpe jaw. It is showing it's an a
peaceful and still estate. Therefore, it is not
indicating an active activity. Therefore, it went to activities
in the same sentence. The verb activity
is not the focus. Therefore, within the sentence, which is the active activity
would be the focus. While sow is just a still
state supporting the sentence. Therefore, the whole
meaning for Shao Jun. Sure. Which mean
speaking while smiling. Moving on. Now go shawl in Azure
TMP than, than heights. Reminder for the first. As it is placed at the
beginning of sentence, it means in that case or so. For the second part
of the sentence, surely Nadia tin B. It means holding
a pencil in hand. The situation
actually shows that the action is in its
still and peaceful state. So you simply just hold it, but not really getting
it or fetching it, which is more like
an active activity.
76. 13.4 Use of ‘长zhǎng’: Hi guys. Today we're going to look
into the use of job. Great. Let's start with our
first word, ban, which is a character
from Sean Ben, but used to allow the
meaning would become class. Bang, bang. Next character, which is
the focus of this lesson. It's John, means
develop or grow, which is the verb. Draw. Draw. If you're familiar with
the characters enough, you would definitely
ask me this question. Is, this character is
pronounced as Chong? How come in this job? Now? The answer is it has
two ways to say it, which also refers to
two different meanings. For Chong, we know
it means long, which is the adjective. While for John this
time it means develop, grow, which is a verb usually referring to
your body growth. Let's see some examples
to learn how to use John. You can say jug and
then tos drunk Gaul, which directly means
this boy grows so tall. So it's simply just means
this boy is so tall. Additional information. What is NAND homes? As nan means male and tones
here means classmate. So NAND homes j equals to school boy or male classmate
or Mayo fellow student. Next. Why there are
the ETM trunk data. So my son has already grown. For John. Please note that it is a
term which means grown or grown up. Next. Junk had high, then
you are drunk. The Haha can. This is Zhang's daughter,
looks very pretty. As we know. John means grow or develop. When describing look as pretty. You can also consider it actually means
grows to be pretty. That's why in such situation, we can use John team for neo new York. Heard that you have
a girlfriend. Why? Do I know her children
were warmer than now? Go down to a dahlia engine. It's just that girl in our
class who has big eyes, feet, halide salt
in your height, and also loves smiling. Well, I drew the law. Who is it? Tag on the board. Saw. Her appearance is quite good. Download tab will show you
all the mom wait a minute. Isn't that she has a boyfriend? Mayo? No, she hasn't. Now, good eating shoot
handout in your life? That one is already
her ex-boyfriend. Great. Now let's see some
of the dialogues from teen. Sure, Neil, New York. New York means girlfriend. Well, new York will be
short-form from new Ponyo. It also means girlfriend. While Nan would be the
short form for men Ponyo, which also just means boyfriend. Next dialogue. Dealers, you're a woman.
Then I got drunk. Say, I sell the new har for Jiang Dian till John means grow. Therefore, it's
growing on her body. Joe will show is still stayed. Therefore it is John. John, it doesn't mean
the action of growing, but it's grown there
as is still stayed. For the dialogue. Tag John, that would mean her
appearance is quite good. John means grow. So we also can use this as a
verb to describe appearance, given the appearance
is part of your body. Great. How about this dialogue? Don't have nine. For the second part. Hab both for your Nan. It is actually using the
shirt and the combination. And we all know this function is to emphasize the
content in between. Therefore, in this situation, it's emphasizing your
nan, half boyfriend. Any question? It would become Tasha
Yohanan yolk, the mom. Is it that she has a boyfriend? While if you want to say, is it not that she
has a boyfriend? You would add bull before sure. To make it. Tab will show you. Then the mom. Does that make sense to you? Finally? Now going to eat, you should
have a chin and your law, that one's already
her ex-boyfriend. For its annual or
biannual would mean eggs. Boyfriend or girlfriend. Use can also be applied
to ex-husband or ex-wife, which we would say
tensile or CNC, which is from John, full, while t is from seeds.
77. 13.5 ‘一直yìzhí’ & ‘往wǎng’: Holds Chairman, me man, halt. Hello students. Today
we are going to learn two new words that and why. Let's start with E. It means all along the
whole time, all the way. As Drew for your information, it means straight. Eager. Great. Now let's see another new word. It means turn or towards, but usually just use
for directions only. So how are we going to
apply these two words? Let's see some examples of them. Starting with eager
pads in a group, but he hasn't been speaking
the whole time today. War II greasy, well-known
teen drug or a dash here. I've always hoped to get
into this university. So you can consider E true
as all along, all the way. So the sentence also means, I have all the way all along nonstop hoping to get
into this university. E grits all need to awake
handouts with cell, goes straight and you
would see the school. So the use of eager is
pretty straightforward this time because E drew is
like go straight ahead, go straight on is cetera. There's also another reminder
about the character seal, which makes the sentence
sound like early or soon. Therefore, it implies that
soon you'll see the school. Also we have mentioned
candle means successfully C. Great. Now how about the use of one? Let's start with some examples. Needs I walked in
Xhosa syndrome. Do Darla further go
straight for ten minutes? You would be there. There is a reminder
of the character law, which is function is
to change of state. So it makes the sentence sound like further goes straight, or go for another ten minutes. You will already be there. As Wong is used to
show direction. We can use in this way. One. So I can look to the left. One, Sean can look at both.
78. 13.6 Go straight ahead: Tones, Yemen, Neiman, hop. Hello, fellow students. The topic is, go straight ahead. Let's start with a
couple of new words. First one, it means
hotel or hostel. So basically it's
a smaller hotel. We say, beam, go and go. And it's always a place
related character. Being Gwen. Next word, a crossroad. And we say Lu, call as blue means road, while co means mouth. So it is like the
mouth of the road. Like this. Local scene when Jodie Lee, Beijing, Guangzhou and
pull UN excuse me, is Beijing Hotel far from here? So Shift. No, it's only ten minutes
walk towards the mat. So can you tell me
how to go home, Jared tissue, EEG
while I'm Chantel. Walk straight ahead
starting from here. Downloads hear me and the
local Taiwan, y'all tell. When arrived the
crossroad at the front, further walk to the right. How the CSEA. Sure. Thank you.
79. 1.4 But I've watched it: Hi guys, me. Hop. The topic is, but
I have watched it. Let's see our first word. Although Iran. Iran. Iran. Next one. But then Sure, sure. Sure. Say Iran and I'm sure are really
important words because they are a combination. Normally you would
start with saying, although then, but Sui Ran. Then. Sure. Let's see a couple of examples. So Tasha, John Warren. Thanks. Sure, both ways SEA hands. Although he is a Chinese, he can write Chinese characters. Saran Warp will I do? That? Wall has EY
found through it. Although I don't like to study, I like to go to
school very much. You may have noticed the sentence use than
instead of Dan. Sure. What happened here? In fact, then is a short
form of dance. Sure. So in future, if you
hear anybody using Dan, don't think it's a new word, it just means Dan Shu. But next one was drawn double. How can that work
drawn the gall. Although I'm not good
looking, I am tall. Jog at Daniel. This movie
is very interesting. Have you watched it or not? May can go. No, I haven't. No woman, Shanda Joel
more ETH, you can back. Then let's go watch
together next weekend. Why eating can go Allah? But I've watched it
before already. Great. Let's have a short discussion
about the dialogue. Jirga Daniel is,
what is your yeas? Y'all directly with mean half. Means, meaning. Your ys together is an adjective saying meaningful
or interesting.
80. 14.2 I’ve been to China for a good few times: Hi guys Neiman. Welcome, yield. And today's topic is, I have been to China
for a good few times. Let's start with our
first word, play. It's one. In northern China, people often say y
bar instead of when. You notice there's an
r sound after one. In that case, it may be
easier to help distinguish between finish one, play, one. Because often northern
Chinese would say, instead of one for play. When, when the bushy eating to go drunk. Isn't that you've been
to China already? High sound tree. Yeah. You still want to go? The way? I yes. So what Django, how teeth? Although I've been to China
for a good few times, that ensure high accuracy
anxiety while wire. But I still wanted to
go again for some fun. Not what E t2. Then I'll go together with you. How? Sure. Your hallway gave me bad. Yeah. I'll give you a call by then. Very nice. Let's have a
talk about some dialogues around what to Quadroon Gua
heartbeats for how it's eats. Hall means good. Z, it means few times. So it means good few times. In fact, we can use
this structure for how Etsy and followed
by a measure term. Example. How it's ego ran a
good few people. How Etsy get a good few months. How do you guys see a
good few weeks, etc. Next dialogue that ensure
high santa to YOR. For y. We know bar means play. Why, why play play? What does it exactly mean? Do you still remember we said for which the verb
doubles each other. It means do that quickly or do that part
for a short while. In that case, why would
mean have some fun? Finally, that was your
whole war gamey that yeah. For sure hope as thought
means arrive or reach. And sure. How means time? So it means when the time arrived or by then
or by that time. So just be aware that now shrew Hall is used to
indicate the future.
81. 14.3 次cì – times (measure term): Why new Neiman? Welcome guys. Our focus for today is, which is the measure
word four times z. Remember, in our
level one course, we have a sentence
structure rule which helps you to
know how to put the times and activity into the right position
in a sentence. We start with the subtract time. How one, how you get to
the place duration one, the time needed to
get to the place. Place. Followed by how to, as in how you do the activity, action, as in the
activity itself. And finally, duration two, as in how long the
activity lasts. What is it to do with
the Mesha term for time? In fact, it would be put
also in the duration two, which is the duration
lasts for the activity, or can be put in the
position of duration one shows you the number of times that takes
you to a place. Let's see some examples. What Shou Gua, gua, sense Lula. I've been to the UK
for three times. Next one. Knee creeds. Who eats Lima? Can you say again
for one more time? However, there's also a
reminder about this rule. The action and the
duration can be mixed, provided the action can
be split into two parts. For example, your,
your fleet, Paul, Wu, Han, Yu, Lu, et cetera. Do you see their similarities? As for all of them, the first character
would be the main verb. So the whole action can
be split into two parts. As we have already learned how to mix the action
and duration two. Now, let's see how it makes the action with a duration two, which is represented
by number of times. For example, was entering
the answer Bayesian. I want to go to Beijing twice. Why you can say
truly on syllabi. We have actually
learned about this. But let's see into details. Go to Beijing is
the whole action. Meaning to go is
actually the main verb. While young, twice is
actually the duration to. Which according to the
sentence structure rule, the conventional form
is Watson to Beijing. I want to go to Beijing twice. However, if we want to
use an alternative way and makes the action and
duration two together, we can do was to Leontes
celebrates young, just likes data here, which would mean I want
to go twice of Beijing. Our last example,
Watson cancel out. So the controller, I've
chicken the bus twice today.
82. 14.4 Go by yourself: Sow Hall. Good afternoon. Here comes to our new lesson. The topic is, go by yourself. Great. Now let's start
with our new word, which is on one's own, oneself. We say T, T, C. Next one. Sunny day. For it
actually means sunny. While Tn means stay,
therefore together, It's tn, tn, tn, tn. So how do we use C? In fact, when you use it, remember to put
before the activity, and it has to be
after the subjects. Let's see, some examples. May seem that way. It says each one, molar. My little sister can now
wear the clothes by herself. What swatch into the
D good sites? Yeah. I was home alone yesterday. Why there is ego after it's
actually IGA means one. But as a function
here to emphasize, to focus, I was self alone, self one person on my own. So people often like to use. So J eager to emphasize
that you're so alone. But of course, if
you don't use eager, using fluency, it's
still alright. Therefore, the sentence can make it whatsoever to Z dates. Yeah. And just that. Next example. Needs to UGA. Can't Daniella, you watching
the movie and loan? Well, this time we use eager, again to emphasize that
you do this alone, self alone on your
own, watching movie. Being can keep them, yeah. How is tomorrow's weather? New chancellor rancher
and sealant yen. Although it's a sunny
day tomorrow. Then sure. Why me why? But it
will be cold outside. Now, Woman, haiku woo, hoo, woo. So can we still go out to run? They would see me, Conan yachts and Z two. I'm sorry. You may have
to go on your own. You weigh well, HIO handwash
routinely out school. Because I still have
lots of things to do.
83. 14.5 I've bought once from here: Hi guys, Good evening. Why ensure the topic is
bought once from here. Needs I drag or from
the Scylla Mayo. Have you ever bought
things from this store? My God. I've bought once. Girard, I don't see high three. The things here are not bad. For a while. Just the service
is not too good. Well, hence you
want your JD for? I liked this clothing very much. Jedi Yoda way. But I think it's a little expensive. Long
back, quite high. Buto Two 100 dream and
v is still quite good. T1, Jeremiah, if you
like it, just buy it. Great. Let's have a low
talk about the dialogue. See ocher for war both haha, just that the service
is not too good. You still remember
we learned fool you and which is a
servicing staff, for example, a waiter, a hotel servicing officer, etc. Therefore, for war
means service.
84. Speaking Practice L13-14 : Now we're going to do a conversational practice again for the previous chapters. Let's get started. I wasn't maybe its own jelly. How the CSU hi.
85. 15.1 New Year is coming!: Neiman, how? Hi everyone. Today's topic is, the
New Year is coming. Let's first start with our
new word, which means fire. We say, does the character
hole looks like it's on fire? Great. Let's see our new word. Train, the transport train. And we say, we know means
fire and chalk means vehicle. But char together is train. That's because probably
in the o times you use firing coal to
operate a train. Hot chocolate. Hot chocolate. Next one, it has a
couple of meanings. First as a verb, it means to stand. Second as a noun, it means a station, a stop, or a stand. And that gun. For example, we will
call train station as Jan and bus stop or
bus station as golden. Jan. Jan. Jan. Finally, our last word for
today, which is ticket. We say PL. So for example, how do we say train
to get that wish be? Yeah. Sure. Yeah, eating bad law. Half of December has
gone by already. Seen in the new year
is soon coming. Shinier needle
embeds osha manner. What do you plan to do
during the new year? Was C1 to walk quite seen yet? I hope to spend a
new year in France. King finale hand. How heard that? It's fun. There were made Shou Gua, but it hasn't been there before. You might have you bought
ticket yet. Hi, Mayor. No. No, I still haven't. Warming can do is you can IPR. I'll go to buy the ticket
at train station tomorrow. Great. Now let's have a look
of some dialogues. Eating quality ban law. For Ben. It means a half. While cool. We know it means pass through
the direct translation, which mean December has
already passed a half. Therefore, it's
simply means half of December has gone by already. Next senior, Suo Tao. The New Year is soon coming. For it to. We know its function is to make the sentence
sound early or soon. And it basically means have to. The whole sentence
would mean the New Year's soon has to come. Great. Let's see. Next one was C12
Falco who has seen Yen. We know it means pass through. Therefore, we also have
said you can use it as bent because you pass through a day
or a season or a festival. Was C12 *** war course
Simeon would make it, I hope to spend the
new year in France. Great. Let's see next one. Finale hand. Or what is how lar Hall is good? Why is play? So how water would
make it good to play? Which is an adjective. While we also can
interpret it as sun. Next one, knee may my help. Lama, for my heart. Do you remember the verb? Plus a hall at the
end structure? It basically means well
finished doing that thing. So my heart is well bought. Therefore, he's actually asking, have you finished or have you already bought a ticket yet? Finally, our last dialogue, immune can use your
white charger. I might see you again. This time the
function is to make sentence sound early or soon. So with warming can still
watch her again IPR. It would make me feel Tn
tomorrow sound early. Therefore, the sentence
is actually saying, soon by tomorrow, I'll go to buy ticket
at a train station.
86. 15.2 Time has gone so quickly!: Good morning guys. So the topic is, time has gone so quickly. Let's see our first word. It means everybody
or all parties. That's bad. While in spake means family. They together with
mean everybody. That's yeah. Bats. Yeah. Great. Let's see the next one. Even more. We say gum. Will also learn how to apply this word later
on in our lesson. Gung. Gun. Shooting for the genuine quiet. Time is gone so quickly. Seen the union quiet law. The New Year is soon coming. Fe County CAC that yeah. Cool. Thanks all for the help. In the past year. C1 woman that goes
with soda, gung **. Hope our company will do
even better next year. Great. Let's have a look
of the dialogues. Seen the union. Quite. Wow. Why do we use seeing the
union instead of Simeon? What's the difference for me? And it would have to
implication for the whole year. While for Simeon,
it means new year. So when we say it, it is more often
used to describe the new year as a
celebration or Festival. Hence, the 1st of January
instead of the whole year. Therefore, comparing single
union to see mi en scene, the union will imply the
whole brand new year, while a senior n would be just the new year day
for a celebration. Next dialog. Fake Hong CS here that yeah, I try union to a
water balloon drew. We use Joe MEN. Why is that? Using the logic from
the previous dialogue, it would mean this whole year. So the dialogue just says, thank you all for the
help in the past year. Does that make sense to you?
87. 15.3 It’s already 8:45: Hello everybody. That's Yamaha. And topic is already 845. Great. So for now, let's learn
a new function of dough. We have learned before, it means all or both. But the new function, we have a new meaning,
which means already. Unlike meaning all or both. When you use this function, you can put though at the
beginning of sentence. Don't quite get it. No problem. Let's
have some examples. Dd TO pass rate law. High Boyd Z 24. My brother is eight years old already and still cannot
wear the clothes by himself. And you will notice,
though, as already, can also be interchanged
as E, which means already. Since I DO eating, what the law is already
five o'clock now. And from this example, you will realize, though, and heating can be used together with two
already in the sentence. We're even emphasize
on already 50 clock. But remember, when you
use though and eating together though is
used before e till. Next one. Though, drama TO law, cats. I'm Jaime doll. It's already been so long. How can we still hasn't arrived? Pad in social work law, it's already 845. The polyols. Mohamed. How come your friends
still hasn't arrived? While males, I found it
hard to even drawn bar. Let's wait for a
few more minutes. Thank pasture will
find drawn law. We have already waited
for 15 minutes. Woman bushier, schwa hollow
bad in bank C. And the mom. Did we agree to meet at 830? Fine. Yeah. Okay. Let me give him a call. Dundalk. Hello. Hello. Wait a sec. Yes. Come watching TV and I can hear him talking. Great. Now let's have a
look of dialogues. So bad and it's already 845
for fat and social war. Now that you are at level two, I would like to let you know. Bad and social war will be the short form for fat
and social wolves son. So basically you can
just omit the fun, but can still make sense
for expressing the time. Moving on. Woman butcher or show hollow
body and fancy and Ummah, how do we dissect this sentence
for warm and Bush? Sure. It means Isn't that
we Weill Hall law. It means well said, suggesting that we have
well confirm that. Therefore, it means agreed. For bad in-band band cn is
simply says meet at 830. While for the, the, at the end of sentence, it's just a supporting word
used in a combination of shirt and the in total, the whole question would be, isn't that we have well said well confirmed that we
are going to meet at 830.
88. 15.4 It's soon raining!: That jacks out. Good morning everybody.
And the topic is, it soon raining. Great. Now let's start our first
and final words for today. That's cloudy day. We say intuition in on
its own means cloudy. While ten, we know
it means stay in tn. In tn. By looking at
the character. Even. Do notice there is
this word yeah, which equals to moon or month, hidden in the word. Exactly. You can relate in a cloudy day, the sky with turn darker and the moon
would be coming out. Cash stream law. The sky is starting
to get gloomy. Well, yeah. Weights. Yeah, Ella, I have to go home now. How that sure. Quite yet I'll show you
that it soon has to reign was only equate to UVA. Let me accompany you home. Make when c it doesn't
matter. What z is. So controlled way to do
your clay is just fine. The I take the bus
home by myself. The blue channel now. Be careful on your way back. Jen. Sure. See you next time. Great. So what's happening
in the dialogues? Let's have a look. Chen cash-rich INLA. The new meaning for tn
is it also means sky. So the sentence would
mean this guy is turning to be gloomy or cloudy. Next, was Sony, way too bad. For a song. We know it
has a couple of meanings. First, which is to deliver. Second, it means GIF for three. So for now we use
some S and deliver. But meaning to liver, we can also refer it
to mean giving someone a lift or accompanying
him to his destination. Therefore, was so neat way to indicates that accompany you
back or I'll get you home. Great. Next one. What Z, so a controlled way to
create law for awards. Z2 are going way too. It means I take the
bus back by myself. With me. It's just okay. So in total, it means it's just fine that I would take
the bus home by myself. This sentence is quite long. So when you say it, you can give it a
break between the two. Z or Control white shoe, silk. Moving on. The Lucia Bandar, what is ni Lucia Amanda knee is Yu Zhang is on the
road or on the way. Men, that means lower. What does that mean? Does that mean you have
to be slower on the way? In fact, it implies that you have to be
careful on your way back. As walk slower with
suggests the idea of safe, because when you walk
slower than less, accidents will happen, right? Grade I final scene. Hall sets is yen mean. Sure. See you next time. So that means next time, while Sean's means last time. So these are the new
whites which you can take a note, grade. It's time to see you next time. Yeah, it's it's yen.
89. 15.5 See you in a short while!: Hi guys. This will be our
last session covering our last chapter in HSK to book. I hope you enjoy
the previous lesson and learn something useful. Also, I would highly recommend you to get an HSK to white book, which helps you to
practice listening and grammar as well as reading. Great, Let's start our lesson. We are going to
learn a new term to say in a short while or later. E, y are. But in reality we
won't speak that slow. So we would just do you. Great. Now, let's see how to use it
then and see some examples. Now. You horn sound
to Ponyo. It's yeah. I'd like to go to my
friend's house later. Next one. Knee down. Ye hormone. Can you wait me for a while? What Zola you heard
control dominates yellow. I have taken only for awhile if bus before arriving
to your place. Okay, so now we can go
back to the sentences. Let's see how you can act
differently in the sentences. But before we start, do you still remember the
sentence structure rule that we learned in level one? Great. For the first example, or Uighurs young to
Ponyo, it's yeah. You acquired in this
case would be in the Times position
as that would make. I later want to go
to my friend's home. But for the second example, you will become duration two, which means a time that
an activity lasts. S, me. What hormone would mean? Can you wait for me for a while? While for the third example, You would become
the duration one because it is the time that
needs to take you to a place. Next part, we are going to
see some examples about GMB, which is even more. So usually when you
use it in a sentence, is followed by some information that allows you to
compare on things. While being Egon. Schiele. I like playing basketball
even more than you need. Two other task. Hug, how true than hats or the
tag gung-ho, true? The food that you cook is tasty, but the food that he
cooks is even more tasty. Ddb, Tn, gone, I shall
compare to the past. My brother likes to go
to school even more now. Yeah, I hope you enjoy the
course and hope to see you in Chinese
intermediate one side CA
90. Speaking Practice L15 : Now we're going to see them. Now we'll shoot the wall. How woman?