Chinese Beginner 1 | Winkie Wong | Skillshare

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro beginner 1


    • 2.

      1.1 Pinyin Introduction & Initial b p m f


    • 3.

      1.2 Initial y & w


    • 4.

      1.3 Initial d t n l g k h


    • 5.

      1.4 Initial z c s zh ch sh r j q x


    • 6.

      1.5 Final a o i e u ü


    • 7.

      1.6 Final ei ou ia ie iu ao iao ai uai


    • 8.

      1.7 Final an ang iang en eng in ing ong iong un uan uang ueng


    • 9.

      1.8 Final ian üe üan ün er


    • 10.

      1.9 the 4 Tones & no Tone


    • 11.

      1.10 Overview of a full Pinyin


    • 12.

      1.11 Pinyin Rules


    • 13.

      2.1 Form a Sentence!


    • 14.

      2.2 Simple Greeting


    • 15.

      2.3 He, She, It, They & Possessive


    • 16.

      3.1 Greeting


    • 17.

      3.2 Coffee or Tea?


    • 18.

      3.3 Grammar: Tenses & 'Can'


    • 19.

      3.4 Additional Verbs


    • 20.

      4.1 General Phrases


    • 21.

      4.2 Self Introducing


    • 22.

      4.3 Where Are You From?


    • 23.

      4.4 Introducing Friends


    • 24.

      Speaking Practice Lesson 1-4


    • 25.

      5.1 Quick Revision & Say 'Who'


    • 26.

      5.2 Meeting People


    • 27.

      5.3 People


    • 28.

      5.4 Another Way to Form Binary Questions + New Words


    • 29.

      6.1 Count 0-10


    • 30.

      6.2 Numbers 11-99


    • 31.

      6.3 Numbers 100-10,000


    • 32.

      6.4 Big Numbers


    • 33.

      7.1 Measure Terms, Months & Weeks


    • 34.

      7.2 Years & Days


    • 35.

      7.3 Time


    • 36.

      7.4 Questions: Time & Date


    • 37.

      8.1 Grammar Talk


    • 38.

      8.2 Daily Life


    • 39.

      8.3 How Much & How Many


    • 40.

      8.4 'ish' & Measure Term


    • 41.

      8.5 Chapter Overall


    • 42.

      Speaking Practice Lesson 5-8


    • 43.

      9.1 Say 'Speak & Write' Chinese


    • 44.

      9.2 Chinese Food


    • 45.

      9.3 Grammar Revision


    • 46.

      9.4 Family Members


    • 47.

      10.1 School


    • 48.

      10.2 At School


    • 49.

      11.1 Want / Think / Miss


    • 50.

      11.2 Buying


    • 51.

      12.1 Direction


    • 52.

      12.2 More on Directions


    • 53.

      12.3 Where Do You Work?


    • 54.

      12.4 What's your job?


    • 55.

      13.1 Different Sides


    • 56.

      13.2 Directions Applications


    • 57.

      13.3 Comprehensive Directions


    • 58.

      13.4 'Able to' / 'Can'


    • 59.

      14.1 Time - Before & After


    • 60.

      14.2 How Long You're Staying?


    • 61.

      15.1 Revision I - 多duō,怎么zěnme,的de


    • 62.

      15.2 Revision II - 想xiǎng


    • 63.

      15.3 Revision III - 很hěn,不是很bú shì hěn,不太bútài


    • 64.

      15.4 Revision IV - New info for old words


    • 65.

      Speaking Practice Lesson 9-15


    • 66.

      16.1 How's the Weather?


    • 67.

      16.2 It's Raining!


    • 68.

      16.3 How's Your Health?


    • 69.

      17.1 Negation Words


    • 70.

      17.2 Learning


    • 71.

      17.3 I Like...


    • 72.

      17.4 Making Phone Calls


    • 73.

      18.1 Buying Apples


    • 74.

      18.2 Did You See Him?


    • 75.

      18.3 She Bought Many Clothes!


    • 76.

      19.1 Take the Taxi


    • 77.

      19.2 Take the Flight


    • 78.

      19.3 University Schoolmates


    • 79.

      20.1 Preparing New Level l - 见(jiàn), 见面(jiànmiàn), 一/有点儿(yì / yǒu diǎnr), 多(duō), 少(shǎo)


    • 80.

      20.2 Preparing New Level II - 没/有 (méi/yǒu), 好啊 (hǎo a)


    • 81.

      20.3 Preparing New Level III - 怎么了(zěnmele),这么(zhènme),那么(nàme),些(xiē),早(zǎo),晚(wǎn)


    • 82.

      20.4 Preparing New Level IV - New Use of Old Words


    • 83.

      Speaking Practice Lesson 16-20


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About This Class

“Chinese Beginner 1 Course”, is tailored for non Chinese speakers to learn Chinese, starting from a complete beginner level. Composed of 20 lessons / 78 videos (6 hrs in total), this course will move you beyond Chinese level 1

In each lesson, there’s a set downloadable lecture notes, which covers completely the lesson’s content, and a set of exercises will be provided. Regarding the exercises, they’re in various formats, such as ‘fill in the blanks’, ‘matching the sentences within a conversation’, translation...etc. Moreover, Chinese character practices will be attached, which helps you to learn writing, reading and recognising characters, despite speaking and listening. 

Lesson videos are designed in a fun and engaging way, which over 90% of the content is animated. It aims to provokes your interests, while allowing you to learn enjoyably and effectively.

What you'll gain from the course?

- Reach beyond HSK 1 level

- Learn over 250 vocabulary

- Essential grammar

- be able to hold a basic conversation

What's included in each lesson?

- a set of lecture notes

- a set of lesson vocabulary list, exercises & Chinese characters practice

How's the course designed?

- 20 lessons, with 78 sessions (6 hours in total)

Who is the target audience?

- Absolute beginner

- Beginner level

Meet Your Teacher

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Winkie Wong

Chinese Mandarin Instructor

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro beginner 1: Hello guys, welcome to the introduction of Chinese beginner one online course. My name is winking, and I will be teaching you through this course. So very happy to see you here. Let's start by having a little knowledge about me. I'm a Chinese speaker and I'm based in the UK where I provide Skype lessons to students mainly there. I'm passionate and experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Because of that, I decided to start teaching Chinese courses online. Students from other countries can also learn with me. Now let's see what you're going to achieve in this course. Firstly, the course is assigned to lead you from a complete beginner to hit chest K1 level. Within that, you will learn over 250 vocabulary. And importantly, you will learn some essential grammar. If you follow learning structure closely. By the end of the course, you're expected to not only to form some simple sentence, but to literally hold a basic conversation. And finally, I'm going to help prepare you to reach HSK to level where they good foundation. Great. So now let's have a feel of how we teach. In case you don't know, 90% of her less than content is animated. Because we believe that it's a fun and more engaging way to help you memorize words more easily. Even the dialogues are animated too. Just like that. What? I'm very tired. Second, to be more effective, we believe we're efficient and practices are necessary. In the lesson package will include a complete set of lesson notes, exercises, and elicit vocabulary. Moreover, from each lesson will include an online interactive study set that we contain a set of flashcards and also some fun games. In addition, if there's songs found from YouTube that's related to our topic, they will be attached to. If you are a complete beginner or I currently at HSK one level, or you would like to revise HSK one, you would totally be the right people for our Chinese-speaking or one course. If you're interested in this course, just sign up and I look forward to seeing you all in class. 2. 1.1 Pinyin Introduction & Initial b p m f: Hi guys. In our first module, we're going to learn everything about pinion. In this lesson, we're going to introduce what is opinion and the first initials. And let's start introducing what is opinion. It's an official system used in standard Chinese. It helps you to pronounce and Chinese character correctly. For example, if you look at this character with opinion, non native Chinese may not be able to pronounce it correctly. Also, opinion helps you type in Chinese. Lastly, overall opinion would include one initial consonant, one final syllable, and a tone. What is initial consonant, final syllable and tone. Give them the example English word rise. The initial row. Row. R sound is the initial consonant, while the final EIS is a final syllable. But different from English. Chinese has a tone for almost all weds. And we'll talk about this later. Let's get started with today's initial be P, M and F. First one, initial B. To say it, you would say adjust light when you're saying English word, board, but without the final r sound, which is the red sound. Therefore, board without the road sound. Ball, ball, ball, ball. Initial p. To say it is, It's just like you're saying English word poor. But without the final sound. Paul. Paul, initial m. To say it, it is light when you say an English sweat more, but without the final sound. Therefore, mall, mall, mall, mall. Final initial for today. Initial S. To say it. It is just like when you say English word for the way that the sound. Fall, fall, fall, fall. Let's go over what we have learned today. Initials BPM. More full. 3. 1.2 Initial y & w: Hi guys. In this lesson, we learned two initials, y and w. To say initial y. Is this light when you saying YES? To say in this show W, It is like when you're saying English, w o. Let's go over initial YW. 4. 1.3 Initial d t n l g k h: In this lesson, we'll cover initials D and L, G, and let's start all of them. Initial D. It has light when you're saying in English, the initial t is similar to initial D, but you change it to start with the T-H sound. Initial n, similar to the previous initials, but you start with the n sound initial l, similar to the previous initials, just that you start with the l sound. Initial J. This time you start with the g sound. Good. Good. Good. Good. Initial h. This time you're starting with h. Sound. Great. Let's revise all of the initials D, T, and G and H. Good. 5. 1.4 Initial z c s zh ch sh r j q x: Welcome back. In this lesson, we'll learn a lot of initials. They are initials. See? The J key, and eggs will start with initialization. Let's try to do an exercise. Again. Very good. Now we can say initial z. Let me explain it further. Look at me my teeth, I clenched the tongue, just stay right behind the teeth. Together. We can do this exercise fast. Now let's do it together. Initial C, that are two ways to do so. The first, imagine you're picking up the sound at the end of these words. Like cats, pets, jets. Want to emphasize the last bit and sing it. Cats. Pets jets is the initial C. Let me illustrate cats. And to make it more obvious, cats, pets. And to make it more obvious, pets and jets. To make it more obvious jets. Let's see another way. It is like when you last sarcastically, just like this, did you see the initial bit? So initial S. Imagine you're picking up the first bit from the word silly. It is like when you say the first bidder, silly, silly. Initial set hedge. It is light when you saying, GEE, GEE, but round your mouth. Let's start by saying Gee and round her mouth. He said, initial C hedge. It just like when you're saying CHE, cheap. But you round dry mouth. Let's start with saying rounds your mouth. That's it. Initial light when you say English what SHE and you round your mouth. Let's start by saying she rounds your mouth. That said initial R. It is like when you saying aria E. But you round your mouth. Let's start by saying round her mouth. And that said moving on. Initial J. It is like when you're saying, GEE, GEE, would that your lip sticking out? Let me demonstrate. You say but we said the lips do not stick out. Therefore, That's it. See initial Q. It is light when you saying C, H, E, Cheese without your lips sticking out. Let me demonstrate. We said we say, but with the ellipse do not stick out. And that's it. T C. C. Initial eggs. Light when you saying SHE SHE but without your lip sticking out. Let me demonstrate. We said we're going to say xi, but with ellipse, don't stick out. And that's it. C. C. C. Very good. Let's revise all of the initials that we learned today. So Z, C, C. 6. 1.5 Final a o i e u ü: Hello guys, were starting to finally learn some finals today where we cover final a, o, u, and two dots at you. These are the main six finals out of all of the finals. That's because with all of these six finals, we can predict how to say most of the other finals. Finally, a, it is like you're taking the sound from Father. Let's try to pick the sound from father. Oh, it is like you're taking them all sound from orange. Let's pick the all sound from orange. Final ie. It sounds like the disgusting sound. What would you say when you see something disgusting? Human make a sound like that's a sound. Sino. It is like when you saying Why E, E has the same sound as initial y, final you. It is light when you saying W0. And it also has the same sound as initial w. Final two dot to you. To say it. It is like when you saying Why E, E that you round your mouth. Now let's say English II that we round them out. That's it. Very good. Let's revise the six finals that we learned today. 7. 1.6 Final ei ou ia ie iu ao iao ai uai: Welcome back. We'll continue to learn some more new finals. Today we'll cover final e, I, o u, e i u, ao, AO, and UAE. These finals are combined finals, which are final is formed by more than one letter. We have mentioned in the previous lesson. Most of the combined finals can be derived from the main six finals that we learned last time, which are a, e, I, o, u, and two dotted you. And sometimes there are exceptions. Let's start with the first exception. Final EI. To say final EI, it's like you're saying letter a. We have said Most combined finals can be derived from the first six finals that we learned. However, they are still exceptions. Final EI is one of them. For our final EI. When combining final E, final I, you may think this would make a sound as an E or something. However, this is not the case. Finally, EI is pronounced as you can try remember, final EI is equivalent to sound a final OU. You're combining final o and u, which is All and forming. I'll explain it further. Final OU is formed by final O and you all. Let's combine them. All. Final IA. It's combined by final I and a and a to form. Yeah. I'll explain that further. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Next one, final. It's another exception. And we say for Formula E, It's another exception. It's formed by final I and II and which is supposedly to combine to farm. But this is not the case in this scenario. The final E would therefore final IU. It's fun by finals i and u. And when we combine that, it would form E plus u. I'll explain that further. For our final IU, it's formed by final and final you. Therefore, you, you, you, you. Next final A0. It's fine. I find owes a and o. All we say. Let's see explanation for final A0. It's formed by final and final oh, all. Therefore. All. And how? It's one by phi knows i, ao. And combining the two, Let's see explanation. For final IL. We know final I is A0, A0. Therefore, final AI. It's form of finals a and I and II. Combining them. So it's just like you're saying, letter I for a final AI is combined by a and final I. Therefore, final UAE. It's formed by final you and AI. Why? It's light, you're saying letter Y. Final UAE is formed by final you and AI. Therefore. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Very good. Revise all of them together? Oh, yeah. Yeah. You why? 8. 1.7 Final an ang iang en eng in ing ong iong un uan uang ueng: We have more finals today and we're getting there. Today. We'll cover the SPI finals. Let's start with final AN. Well it's form of final a and end with an n. And we're using this end just like how we use in English as an ending syllable. And with an N. Let's start with final, AN, final a. And we say we put the end similar to English. And final ANG. This is foreign by final AN. And again, we're using the G at the end just by how we use in English and syllable. So on plus a GI. I'll explain that further. For our final and j is formed by final AN. We said we will put the in a way that's similar to English after it. Pleasant g. Let's see, final ING. Do you know how to say it? It's formed by finals ai and Angie. And that's wrong. Let me explain more. For final ING. Now we know final IS and Angie. Therefore combining yeah, Final EN. It's formed by final E and end with an n, just like an English and syllable n, therefore, ending with an n. Let's see. Final EN. Final E is we say we will put the N in a way that's similar to English. Therefore. And next one, final ENG. It is one by final EN and end with a g, which is kind of like the English vowel G at the end, plus a g for final ENG. As we know, final EN is. And now we only have to put the g after it. Final IN. It's formed by final i and with the n, with an n for final IN is formed by final I plus an N after it. Therefore, plus an N In. Final ING. It's formed by final IN and end with a G plus G. For final ING is formed a final IN plus a G after it. Therefore it's plus a G. Final OMG. This is an exception that we have to study it by memory to save final OMG. It is light when you're saying the OEM from the word only. There is no final ON, but only ONJ. To pronounce it, it's like an exception and it's like the first bit of the word only. Therefore. How about Sino I OMG? It's formed by finals. I OMG and own all four final ING. It's formed by final I. Find a, o and g. Therefore, combining the two. Next final un, use start with saying final you. And, and with an n. Therefore. For final un, again, you would start by saying final, you end with an n. Next final UAN. It's formed by final you and AN, which are. And therefore combining the two final you, AN is formed by final EU and asean. And when, when, when, when. For final UAN GI, It's formed by final you and ANG, which are therefore combining a too long. You ANG is formed by final UAN and end with g, Therefore, one plus h. While final UEN. It's for my final you and ENG, which are combining a two wall. There's an additional one that's final, UEN. It's format final you and ENG. Very good. Lastly, let's do a revision. All Wong. 9. 1.8 Final ian üe üan ün er: Hi guys, we're recovering last bit of finals. Will do final IAM. Two dots at ui, delta UAN to D2L and ER. Final RAN. This is an exception that we cannot derive from the six main finals. It's formed by final I, but we're using the English AN, which is he. Reminder that we have said Most combined finals can be derived from the six basic finals. But there are exceptions. In this lesson. There are a few exceptions. The first exception, final, final I is E AN. But in this scenario we're pronouncing that AN as the English AN, therefore. Plus. Another exception. Two dots at USBE. Start with the two dots at you final. But for the IEP, we're using the English vowel sound. Another exception, final two dots at u, e. Final two dots at us. And E is. But in this scenario would not pronouncing the ES. But therefore combining the two. Another exception, two dots at you. And we'll start with the two dots at u final. Again, we're using the English AN. Therefore, you. One more exception. I know two dots at you and AN final two dots at you is AN is usually. But in this scenario we're not pronouncing ANS on, but more like an English. Therefore, UN, moving on. Final two dots at you. And so again, we start with two dots at u and n with n. With an n. Therefore, final two dots at you and this dot width, you would say to find out u dot u and end with n. Our final, final, ER. This is quite a special final because it's more like a standalone final. We just say it just like an English ER. Are. Finally there is a very interesting final and that's ER. Basically it would just sound like an English ER, but with a Chinese feel. Very good. So it's time for us to revise the finals that we learned today. 10. 1.9 the 4 Tones & no Tone: Hi everyone. In this lesson, we're learning the Tomes. Just a reminder, a pinion. We include an initial consonant, a final syllable, and a tone in Chinese that are four main tones and one no tone. Let me show you this table which illustrate how the four main tones would go. We'll look into this more deeply. Let's start with the first tone. Is this a flat tone which you can see in the graph, and they'll remain the same pitch. Therefore, the tone mark is just like a horizontal flat line. Lesson. The first tone together with an English wet. As AY, say. Say. Now let's put into practice putting first toe into saying initial B. For a second tone. It's so-called the going up tone, which you can see from the graph, the pitch start at a lower level but go up to a higher level. Therefore, the total mark of second tone is like a straight line going up. Let's sing the second tone together with the English word w HAT. As a question. Watt. Watt. Let's put it into practice by putting second toe into saying the initial B Ball. Ball. For third tone. It's called down and up tone, which you can see from the graph. The pitch start a relatively low-level, but it go down even further, then it bounces back up. Therefore, the TO mark is like a line going down and then bounce back up again. Let's sing the third tone together with the word our EAA LY with a confused to sound. Also, you need to nod your head when it comes to the lowest sound. Really, really. Now let's put third toe into saying initial B, ball, ball, ball. For a fourth tone. It's called going down tone, which the pitch stata a relatively high level and then go down aggressively or a suddenly. Therefore, the total mark is a straight line going down. Let's sing the fourth tone together with the English wet GREE AAT, with an exclamation. Great, great, great. Let's put forth TO, into practice by saying initial B, bull. Bull. Apart from the four main tones, there is one tone call no tone. You would just make a short sound that doesn't have a specific tone. It doesn't have a tone lock. And it's usually used for characters that are not the main focus in the wet. Which kind of give you a short break when you're speaking out the whole sentence. So let's put NOW TO into say initial B four. 11. 1.10 Overview of a full Pinyin: In this lesson, we're going to see how a full opinion would look like. Basically, a full opinion would normally include one initial, one final, and a tone. Now let's look at our first example. It has the initial and final. And let's try combining them together. It's Notice that the tone about the final A's fourth tone, which makes it cool. Let's look at the second example. It has initial G and the final e. How about we combine them together? Have you noticed that tone is first TO will just remain the same way. The final example, the initial A's m. More. Finally is EI. How do you say it again? Now combining them together. We can see the tone is fourth tone. Therefore. Now it's your turn to practice. How are you going to say them? Yeah. How about this? There we go. I will see you next time. 12. 1.11 Pinyin Rules: In this video, we are going to see the rule for opinion and more information about them. First, it is essential the total mark is placed about final. However, when it happens that i and u are linked together, the tone mark is always placed above the letter one. Given an example, initial I plus final IU would second tone. The opinion would look like this. Wichita mark is placed above you. That's because you happens to be the ladder one among our u. Let's see another example. Initial x0 plus final UI with fourth tone. The opinion would look like this and the tone is above eye. That's because i is a ladder one among UI. Let's see the second rule. You may ask, what if there are more than two letters in the final? Why should I place the tone? In fact, there is a coat already sequence of letters which TO mark were placed on. It will go to letter a, then O, then E, then I or u, and finally the EU with two dots. Example. Initial B plus final AI would second tone to opinion would look like this, where the tone lock above a. That's because a ranks higher in the sequence. Another example, initial J plus final with dark tone. The opinion would therefore look like this with the tone log above E. That's because E ranks higher than i. Now let's talk about final you. For any final that start with you. For example, you un, when it is linked with initial J Q eggs, or why the two dots above, you would naturally be eliminated. Example, initial J plus final year and fourth tone. The opinion would look like this, which are two dots about you or eliminated. But their mind, let me pronounce it. It would still be treated just like the two dots are still there. Another example, initial J plus final width first tone. The opinion would look like this. With the two dots above you eliminate it. Again. We would pronounce it as SAP. Two dots are still there. Finally, let's see the relationship between final I and initials and drew. In fact, these seven initials are very special when they link with the final I to form the below. The final I would lose a sound as these seven combinations will interestingly sound exactly as their initials. For example, with first tone, it's pronounced as. Please remember, don't say. See that a lot of people would do pronounce it as. How about SHI with dark tone? Again, remember don't pronounce it as she eat. Say. Sure. Sure. 13. 2.1 Form a Sentence!: Hi guys. Let's start to learn some new real words. The first word is I or me. If you look at the opinion, it's formed by initial w, final O with dark tone. While we say initial W as final o. Combining the two tone. Wall, wall, wall. Next what you initial and a final. Combining the 2. Third tone. How do we say half or has initial y? Final OU? Combining the 2 third tone. Let's try and it has initial final E. Combining the 2. Second tone. Our next new wet is dad or father. It's one by doubling characters. The initial v, final a. Combining the two would be fourth tone. The second opinion is the same as the first opinion, but with no tone. Therefore, the whole word is father or dad. Bad, bad, bad, bad. How about mom or mother? It's also formed by two same, which is doubling characters. Initial and final. Combining the two at first told will remain the same. Again, the same character is the same as first character, but with no TO. Therefore, the full word is mama, mom or mother. My mat madman. Before we learn how to form a sentence, I would like to let you know some notes. Firstly, some words need two or more characters to form a word or in meaning. It is pretty similar to when you say iss plus cream, it would form ice cream. Second note, most of the second character from a word with doubling characters would have no tone. The word mama, mom, dad are a good example for that. Final but most important point. When 2 third tone characters stick together, the first one would change to second tone. This is mainly to avoid to heart tones together. For example, for the word I or knee it has, which is a third tone. If we were to repeat it, we say that's a little bit too time-consuming or too much effort. Therefore, let me explain one more time. When two characters are third toe, just like that. When we say it, we would say the first one as second tone, while the second one was still remain as third tone. Let's go practice with some examples. Now, how do we say I have father and mother? Has your father? Mother? As a full sentence, originally, we would say that bad. However, have you noticed wall are 2 third tone characters Taking together. Now we have to change wool from start TO 2 second tone. Therefore, the full sentence. Facts. Ma'am. Ma'am. Let's see. Next sentence. You have father. You have your father. But we found out that you all are 2 third tone characters taking together. And what should we do? We would change the first one, which is neat, from third TO 2. Second tone. The full sentences. Me, ne old. Now it's your practice time. The question is, mom has me and you answer at the original form. But have you noticed you all? And we'll all are two thought tone characters taking together. Therefore, we're changing the first one from third TO 2. Second tone. Final answer. You'll want your wall. Man, man, Yo walk. 14. 2.2 Simple Greeting: Welcome back. Let's learn some simple greeting. Let's see our first new word, which is good, well, fine, nice. Wolf or nouns it in Chinese as in third tone. How we learn you is me, is hot. Therefore. Would be you good? Which is also hello. Hello. Hello. Now let's define a few more new weds. Very or so. Hello. Tone. Next one, also. To pronounce it, do you still remember how we say final ie? Final e is because initial y and final I has the same sound, which is e. Therefore, opinion. Why would also have the same pronounciation as final? Therefore, also is pronounced as in Florida tone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How do we use? Yeah. Yeah. Is always after a subject. So basically it means that you cannot start a sentence with you, without anything before it. The next word is all or both. Let's pronounce the first tone. How do we use? Similar to we use though after a subject. For example, all of us, the Chinese way, we have to say, we do another example. Olive then in Chinese we say they, though. This word is, they are then it's formed by two characters. The first one with first row, the second character, mall, with no tone, men. Together. Next, let's learn how to pronounce it first. No tone. What's the meaning of the well, it doesn't really happen meaning, but it is very important word because first, they would act as a possessive wed. Second, the can be a supportive word within a sentence. The Y0. Today we are going to focus using the as possessive word. Let's have a deeper log of the US. We would put the after a subject. This is a way to suggest the possessiveness of subjects. Example is I. The, the possessive wet. Water means my ore mine. Another example. My man. Mom, the possessive word. Therefore, ma'am, at the mom's new word. Again, Let's see how to pronounce it first. No tone. What's the meaning if it is an expression, what, which is used to form question. And we'll have a look very soon. Math, math. Math. And how do we use, MA? You would always say the statement plus sigma at the end to make it a binary question. Example. If you say you want an apple, which is the statement, that would make it, do you want an apple? One more example. You often swim plus would make it the question As in, do you often swim? Moving on to the next, what would be another expression? Wet? But this time, it could be used for both statements and questions. And another function of this character would be to form found spec question. Let's learn how to say it. We start with initial plus final, with no tone. No, no, no. Today we are going to learn how to use NAD to form bounce back question. To do so, you would start with saying a thing, anything first plus none at the end. Which would form question as in, what about that thing? Let's see some examples. Baba. Baba, Is that an expression for bounce back question would make it, what about dad? How about if we say tomorrow? No. Would mean what about tomorrow? Hama? How are you? Nina? I'm very fine. How about you? I'm also very good. Mama, adult Alma. Both your mom and dad fine. Yeah. Though. Both of them are also very good. Now we're going to explain the dialogue for you. Let's first start with a line knee Hallman reminder. When you say a statement plus the month, it would make it a binary question. So ni, which is you? Good? You good man? Making it the question, are you good? Which generally means, how are you? Now let's look at the line will mean. From the first part, all three characters. Our third tone law has yet a reminder that when two characters linked together our third toe, the first one we need to change to second tone. Let's see how we can change a tone. First trial, if we see the first two characters as a pair and change the first character to second TO, that would make it second tone, third tone, and dark tone. However, this way is still not correct because they are still two characteristic width our tone linking together. Second trial. Now we would pair the last two characters and make the first 1 second tone, which would then make it third tone, second tone, third tone. Now, this is a good way because there is no more to third tone characters linking together. Let's try to say it. For the second pot. Nina, Do you remember what the SAT mean? Reminder that a thing with former bounce back question SN. What about that thing? Therefore, I naturally would mean, what about you? Let's see another line. Hall. There are 4 third tones in a row. How are we going to deal with it? This time will pair up the first two characters and the last two characters. So we will change the tone to second, third, second, third. Overall. Why? Yeah. Let's have a deeper look at this line. Y, yeah. We have said it would be put after subject, therefore would make it. I am also very good. Next line, need the baba, mama, DO Holman. We have said when a subject plus eta, it would suggest the possessiveness of the subjects. In this case, neither mean your the line, need the bat. I'm momma means all or both. But not like English when you can say all of you, all of them, all of something. Both something can only be used after subjects. Common yet though is also, though is all or both. When these two words are placed together in a sentence? Yeah, it has to be placed before though. Remember it. So in overall permanent. Yeah. Both of them are also very good. 15. 2.3 He, She, It, They & Possessive: Welcome back. In this lesson, we're going to cover the use of what men. And also we'll learn some new words, including He, Xi. And a couple of days. Great. Let's start with some revision. Is I or me. Is you have from the word hominin, is he. Now, let's learn another type, which is xi. Then it comes to another path, which is it. Just like English, it can be used for Livy object such as a dog, and debt objects such as a son lounge. Now, you may get confused. How come he, she, and it all of them are pronounced as. In fact, different path has different looking. Let's look into each of them and we'll start from as he, lets see the character on the left-hand side bed. If we unfold the compact form, the whole thing with actually look like a walking person. And this bit, which we call a radical, actually refers to human being. If you see a character having this radical on the left, it's likely it's related to people. Now, let's see the character for xi. Look at the left-hand side of the character. Does this radical like a woman? Yes, that's why it implies as SHE. If you see a character having this radical on the left, it is likely that it's somehow is related to your female. Finally, let's look at the meaning. It doesn't really have much to explain. But if you use more imagination, it kind of looks like a table with a flat surface. So somehow it explains why it is it. Now let's introduce this man actually met at, before. It is the men from Amnon, which is they are then mn is usually placed after a subject should make it plural form. But this is only restricted to humans and sometimes living objects. Therefore, as is I or me, woman is sweet. Or Wolman. For knee. It is, you need, is you, but this time it's in plural forms. So there is more than one of you. Neiman. Now let's take a look at this pair. This pair has a human bit on the left-hand side. So this is a he put together. They wouldn't mean they or them. This would include two men or more. However, for a group of mixed gender people, this also applies to them because they also needs to turn right. Now look at this path. Do recognize there is a woman radical on the left-hand side of the character. So this time, what we referred to they or them, but only referring to two or more women. Finally, for this, pan refers to it. Therefore, the plural form of it means they or them. Yet, it's only referring to the plural of Ed, such as two dogs to some lounges, etc. Next part, we are going to see more applications about the said. We would start by saying the subject followed by, which would indicate to possessiveness of the subjects. With the subjects that we learned. Let's see how we can use it with my or mine. Need your, yours path. Where the human radical refers to his or his pad. With the female radical refers to her or hers. Pad. Or how about plural subjects? Wall men that our hours. Ni men that your, yours in a plural form. There, or they're referring to all men or a group of people with mixed gender there or there. But because it's got the female radical, it's referring to all women. Lastly, Pac-Man. Because the tau refers to it. So it means there or there's representing the plural form with it. Finally, there are some notes for you for the character. Sometimes we can omit it if we want to speak faster, because we would still be able to understand the meaning of sentence without using the character. The, for example, from a dialogue from less Video, need baba mama, DO Hama. We can actually simply say ni baba mama instead of needs baba mama. 16. 3.1 Greeting: Welcome. Today's topic is greeting. The first word, it means a verb to greet someone, to say hello to someone. Or the noun simply means greeting. The first character, 1. Second character, whole, one, whole one. Now let's see the second word. Teal. It means please. Normally this word is followed by a verb to indicate please do something. Let me give you an example. In English, teal, sit. It simply equals to please sit. You may have noticed this board is a character from one hole on its own. And the meaning is ask. Why it means ask, look at this. Does the character look like you're opening a door and asks a question? One, as we know T one separately. Let me introduce you. What's the meaning of teal when they're used together? It means, excuse me. And Joe would use it before asking a question. Therefore, you can actually consider when as a very polite way to start asking a question. When. Next knew what it is pronounced as. Two functions. The first one, it means in or at. The second one. It can make a verb to present continuous tense. Great, for the first function, you would say SAT, followed by a place, which would indicate in or at a place. While. For the other function, psi would be placed before a verb to indicate a present continuous tense. Let me give you an example. Say, indicate the present continuous tense. What means ask? One equals to asking. We will be talking about this further in the next video. Now for the next word, it has a couple of meanings. It can mean house, home, family. How to pronounce it? Next wet. It means to enter or to go into a place. Seem. Look at this picture. It shows the action of scene. This is a word having two characters together. They mean very long time. For the first character, it's pronounced as second character. Together. Hall. A reminder. We say hot second tone because of tone rule that we just learned last time. So naturally you would pronounce this. How? What does, HOW TO separately. In fact, hall has a new meaning, which is very energised, a relatively casual way to save very, basically, it equals to see you on its own, means long time. That's why hall together would mean very long time. How to how to? Therefore, for example, if we say How hard, it doesn't mean good, good. It actually means vary it. Isn't this function amazing? Next word, it's a negation word and it means not. Bool. Let's learn a little bit more about bull is about its tone information. For this fall under normal situation, it would be pronounced in forth tone. However, if the character following it, It's forth tone as well, it would change to second tone. Therefore, it will be pronounced as bu at that time. Bowl. Next, what it means to see CN, CN, CN. Let's move on to the new wet. The first character is second character. Phage. Phage hung means ferry. As we know, phage Hong is very, we have learned before, is also fairly two. So what's the difference between them? In fact, the two of them are really, really similar. But if you really want to pick the difference, say Tom would be considered more as very fairy. Therefore, it has a stronger meaning then hut. Is that clear? It AMA excuse me. Is Lily home? Yes. Please enter. Hello, Lilly. Hello, Tom. How would you put yet knee hallmark. Long time. No. See, how are you? Welcome, Nina? I'm very good. What about you? I'm very good to. Great. Let's have a deeper look about the dialogues. How to Bhutan knee Hoffman boots yet, what does that mean? Means very long time. Not CN. C. Therefore, the four of them together becoming Long time, no. See a little bit reminder about the tone rule because the character following ball, which is CN, is for tone. That's why in this case we don't say fourth tone. We say second toe, ball. 17. 3.2 Coffee or Tea?: Hi guys. This is Lesson 3 to the first word. It is a verb, which means sit. Look at the character. Does the character look like there are two people sitting on a chair. Next word, it is eat, which is also a verb. Now look at the character on the left-hand side, having noticed there's a square shapes thing and actually means mouth. This is called the radical with mouth. That's why eat, which has strong relation to mouth, has this radical. The next word means drink. Many people would mix up drink. And which is, and however they are different because her drink first tone and second tone. Have you noticed there is the radicals mouth again, while is drink. Of course, it relates to the mouth. Let's look at how we say coffee in Chinese. It is pretty similar to how we say in English. Cafe. Cafe. Cafe. Now let's learn a noun which is t. Let's see how to say this. Hi. Hi shrew means or. So this is referring to a or B. For your additional information high on its own, actually named Steve. Hi, hi shirt. For this new word, we'll see how to use it first. It doesn't really have a meaning, but it has functions. And these three are the major functions of this word. First, we use this word to show past tense. Second, it would be used as a supporting word. And finally, it would indicate a change of state. Let's practice how to say it. It has no tone. Great, Let's see how to use law to show past tense. First, you would start with saying the verb followed by law. This will show the action is completed. For example, becomes h or Eden becomes drank or drunk. For the second function, the next word we're going to learn would give you an example of how to use it. So we'll skip it for now. While for a third function, it will be discussed in future. The next word, it means two. It's two from too much, but not the two as also. How do we say it? For this pie is usually followed by adjectives. For example, Bowtie. As bull would be not. Pi is two, hop is good. Both high means not too good. However, if we want to form a phrase there with emphasize on the adjective, we would use the combination with law to make Thai adjective law. In terms of English, It's just like when you're expressing its two adjective. For example, means it's too good. Tie. The next new word is this. Thank You or Thanks. Casel. Casel. When people say thank you to you, what would you reply? You would probably say, You're welcome. You're welcome. In Chinese. Board could see. Let me explain the characters in book cutscene one-by-one for you. For bool, it means not. While for I could see. It actually means generous or polite. You could see why we would say bull cutscene, as in, you're welcome. Because we are actually saying, don't be so polite, don't be so generous. It is a humble way that we want to express our gratitude to what you saying. Thank you to us. For cuts. Cuts. The true Lamar. Please SIT. Have you eaten yet? True. Yes, I have. Coffee. Do you drink coffee or tea? Drink tea. Please drink tea. Thank you. You're welcome. 18. 3.3 Grammar: Tenses & 'Can': In this video, we're going to mainly focus on the readmission of tenses and learn how to say new word. Meaning. First. It means, well, can the only four skills? Let's see how we use weight as well. Basically, you would say, and then followed by the verb to make it well, and then do the example. We'll eat. Way dean will enter word about using weight as CAN has we do it basically for this can, it can only be, can do a scale. For example, swim, speak a language, Coke, or whatever thing that you think it's skill. Example, if you say, it would mean can drink. If you perceive drinking is a scale. You may ask me if we just use, how will you be able to know one's talking about whale or ten? The answer is, you will have to know the content in order to know what he's talking about. Now that we know how to form past tense, pressing continuous tense and future tense, let's move to do some revision. Now, would you be able to answer the question in Chinese? How would you say first he drink coffee? Cafe au cafe. Number two. And asking Mom, what's I wouldn't mama. Mama. Number three, her dad will eat the bad, bad, bad, bad. 19. 3.4 Additional Verbs: Today we will talk about some additional verbs. These are the verb set would commonly used in daily life. Let's look at the first one. It means see watch. So basically it's anything with your vision. In Chinese it is can, can, can. Next one. It means listen or hear. The next word. It means read or study. To. The use of tool is basically similar to Ken when it comes to read. Just at this word, can even refer to read something out loud. Finally, for this word, it means say, speak or talk. Sure, sure. Sure. Let's combine the new words that we have learned for this module. For example. Can it means please look, please watch, please read. Please see. While for coelom till it means please listen. Let's move on. For example, coelom dual would mean please read or just me, please read out loud. Now it's your turn. Can you tell me the meaning for stealing? Sir? Please say or please speak. 20. 4.1 General Phrases: Today we will be talking about some general phrases that we use in daily life. Our first new word for today is goodbye. Actually die. It means again. We also learned before that CAN means C implies C again. Cn. Cn. The next word with the sorry, in Chinese that we have three characters. It's delay. As pool in this case would become an unimportant word. We would say no tone. Therefore, it is with C. With C. The way I would see when people will say to you, What would you apply? You would say this matter in Chinese. That is, may see, when we say this phrase, we often say C as no tone. In fact, Mei from this word means not, which means not have to be exact. While frequency, it means relation. Therefore, the original meaning for me, once he is, doesn't relate to me, so doesn't matter. It's okay. Make onesie. Make onesie. Let me introduce you to another new you. This you would be used when you want to show your respect. For example, when you're talking to your grandparents, That's called name. Actually the difference between the respectful you and knee, the normal u is set at the bottom of name. There is an additional character, which means heart. Therefore, now you know why we say mean. That's when we show our heart and show our respect. Goodbye. Hello. Hello. I'm very sorry. Megan, she doesn't matter. Thank you. No worries. This situation. Why this guy will reply, booth, see it as no worries. It's because for bull, it means not. While for a CA it refers to thank you. Actually implies not to thank me. Some people may ask, I really want to emphasize my emotion when saying sorry or thank you. Such that very, very sorry Or Thank you so much. So how do we say it? In this situation? You can add me which is new after sorry, flavor T or thank you, CSEA to emphasize your emotion or in meaning. For example, CSE. Thanks a lot. Delay would see me. I feel very sorry to you. 21. 4.2 Self Introducing: Hi guys. In this video, the topic with these self introducing. Let's start by doing some revision. How do we form binary questions? Remember for binary question, we would use a very important word, which is we would place me at the end of a statement. It would directly form a question. For example, You good. Plus the month. At the end, it would become knee Hummer, which is our UK. For now. Let's learn something new. So how do we form open-ended question? Firstly, there is a tip for you. For open-ended question. Questions will be asked in a way that mirrors how they are answered. With that said, let's look at some examples. For a question that asks, what is this? The English way of asking this question would be, this is what? That's because for the answer, it will be. This is something, for example, this is an apple. You could see that the way you asked the question mirrors to how it is answered. Another example, if you would like to ask, when is the event in the chain wish question that we'd be the event is when? That's because for the answer, you would say the event is, for example, Wednesday. Let's look at one more example. If you would like to ask, Who is she? The languish question would be she is who? That's because for this question, the answer would be she is someone, for example, my friend. First word, It's CL call or shout, or an ask or order someone to do something for you. It is a verb that's related is speaking. So this is quite important that you remember. This character CL, relates only directly to speaking. For example, the mom asked me to finish my homework. You can use the word ask as ZL. That's because S is related speaking directly. However, if you want to say, I call someone on the phone, this call in Chinese would not be cell. That's because it's not directly related to speaking. When you say you call somebody on the phone, it has another firm which is more like a dial. Cl. Next word, it is a question. What what it means, what? Shannon. Shannon. Final word for today? Its name kneeling. In practice. Normally we would say that from me. No tone. Meals. Mo means What's your name? Cl madly codes Mary. With the skills that we learn to form an open-ended question. Let's look at this situation for asking what's your name? That's because when you answer, you would say, I'm called, blah-blah-blah. That's why the English question would be your record what name in Chinese ni jiao shen the means. So we can see the question actually mirrors the answer. 22. 4.3 Where Are You From?: Welcome back. Today's topic is, where are you from? Let's learn a couple of new words about countries. China. To be honest, John Gua sounds very similar to its English. Dongguan. China. Isn't it? From the word draw on its own actually means middle. While for. It is a short form for the word country. Jaw, jaw. Next one, UK or England. And the structure is pretty similar to China. This time. Next word, USA or America, may go for May. When it is on its own, it means beautiful or a beauty. Have you noticed Mei Guo? America? Mei Mei Guan. Next country, France. Again, it's Chinese is a bit similar to its English. Faq. Faq. Next word, how do we say people? A human? Does this character look like a walkie human? Yen? Next word, it is a question word. It means wage or where. Next board, it has two different meanings. It means is or m or r. While second, it means yes in Chinese. Sure. We will talk about the application of shirt in this video real soon. Sure. Let's look at some notes. If you say a country's name plus people went equal to the countries people. For example, China plus R1 people. It forms John Waldron, Chinese, or more specifically Chinese people. Therefore, let's go on to try other countries. The UK people is English. One specifically English people. With that said, Nay. American. For that would be French. In that way. Are you from I'm British. What about you? John? I'm Chinese. Ni. Where are you from? Sure may mean the American. What about you? War? War? French? Do know how we form this question in our dialogue. Form niche, true in Gorgon way are you from be reminded that for open-ended question, the question with mirror to how it is answered. As for this question, the answer would be, I am eggs, eggs, eggs countries, people. Therefore, the question directly translated to English would be, you are which countries people. Hence, you can see the question actually mirrors to how it is answered. Let's further our discussion in grammar. Now let's talk about how do we answer a binary question which we have learned. Those are the questions ending with me. I'm going to tell you an interesting fact in Chinese. When you answer my question or a binary question, there's no yes or no, equivalent to say yes. You simply repeat the question. While to say no, you need to say a negation word followed by the verb in the question. For example, the question, tides Yammer, is Lily at home. To say yes, you would pick the verb, which is dy dt in this case, to reply. Which equals to act. To say no, you would say two negation word followed by the verb, therefore. Not at. One more example. Ni hood comma. You drink tea to say yes. Pick the verb, which is while to say no. We'll say the negation word plus the verb. For her. In this case, you may ask, we learned shirt as yes. In what case we can use shrew as Yes. Okay, Let's first look at binary question. We would say shrew as yes, when the verb is true. For example, Mei Guan. Is she American? Sure. Yes. That's because Shrew is a verb in this question. Next, we can also use shrew as yes when we want to confirm or agree on something. For example, when the boss says, please arrive by the office at nine AM tomorrow, staff replies. Yes, Which sounds like you're confirming. The second example. Person a says, lily is such a kind person. Personally replies, which is equivalent to yes, to show that he agrees on it. While we also learned shirt equals two or m or are what situations and how do we use it? There is a piece of news for you. As an IS, or m or r can only link from noun to noun. Thereby, you can form now and then and then noun. The below two examples will give you more idea about this. First, Mary is smart. In this sentence we cannot use shrew, replace it is. That's because is not a noun. Smart is an adjective. Where is the second example? Mary is a smart girl. This time we can use shrew as is. That's because smart girl is a noun. This gift says more thinking. In that case, what do we use when we want to link now T adjectives. Here I'm going to tell you, we would use, which is very, even in reality it may not be very, we would still say now, very adjectives. So getting back to our previous example, Mary is smart. In this time. That is, we can use hood. Very Here it comes to the last part of this session. Can you do a speaking practice from what we learned for today? Knee Hall. Cl sure. Bosch, drone wars. 23. 4.4 Introducing Friends: This will be the last module for this lesson. The topic is introducing friends. Here are a couple of new words. The first is introduce or introduction. It is both a verb and a noun. Ca, shawl. Next word, friend or friends. For the character punk. The silhouette, like there are people being side-by-side who are friends. Ponyo. The last word for this lesson. Welcome. Whatever baba, mama. Time. They are my father and mother. Hello. What that Ponyo. He is my friend. Joshua, mommy. What is your name? What's called Tom. Welcome. 24. Speaking Practice Lesson 1-4: Ciao. Hi. 25. 5.1 Quick Revision & Say 'Who': Hi guys. Let's do a quick revision and learned how to say or use who in Chinese. Let's start by doing a quick revision exercise. Do you see remember bull, meaning not, and it's a negation word. The below question is a positive sentence. Can you put bull at the right place of the sentence to make it a negative 4M. I am a British. How would you add to make the sentence a negative one? Wall? Both. M naught, British. Number to you. Is he French? Where should you put forward to make it a negative question? Answer. Five quadrant. Is he not friends? In conclusion, if you would like to make a sentence negative foreign, place, and negation word before the verb. Now let's do another revision exercise. How would you reorder the below sequence to form open-ended question. What? B? See? Eat. Answer. We will start with the C. Therefore. What he eats. You can see the languish is he eats what? That's because for open-ended question, the question with me where to how it is answered. First new word, Shea. It means who? Shea. Shea. Q is he? He's my friend. Remainder note for you for an open-ended question. The question with mira to how the answer is like in this situation, because who is he? The answer is he is XXX. Therefore, the chin wish question would be he is h2. Hence the Chinese would be Shay. 26. 5.2 Meeting People: Welcome back. This lesson would be about meeting people. Let's see the first word. It means happy or glad. Go seal. For your information. Gaul alone means high or tall. So you can imagine when you're happy you're really jumping high. Seal, Seal. Next word. It also has two characters. First, friend. Second, its range. It means to know. In practice, we would say the Shrew and no tone. Therefore. Here we're going to talk about a very important information relating to the meaning of red. Which is to know this no, only refers to get familiar with. Therefore, often we would say run shrew a person. However, if you want to say, you know, a fact, for example, you know what's going on, you know how to get there. That no is not wrench. Wrench. Well, let's learn what relating to people. The first one, it's quite special. Yes. Three meanings. First, husband, second, it simply means sir or a gentlemen. Third, Mr. it has two characters. The first is CAN, and the second is shown. Often when we say CAN show the chung, this character is specifically would be no tone. Hence, seeing shrunk. For seeing shown, referring to Mr. How do we use it? In English? We say Mr. eggs, for example. However, the Chinese would be in a reverse way, which we would say X CAN, CAN shrunk. Cn. Shown. Next word, opposite to seeing shrunk is it has three meanings again, sorry. Y. Second. Imagine third, Mrs. tie, tie. When we are referring to Mrs in English, we would say Mrs Y, for example. In Chinese, we would say y. Next word, it means daughter. In Chinese it has two characters. The first is new and second is our new. But when we combine them together, we would say in a quicker pace. So kind of link them together. New R for the character nu. We actually mentioned in lesson two, we said new. The calculator looks like a woman. New on its own actually is a word related to female. That's why new R is a girl. Nu, nu r. Now that we know to Chinese for a daughter, what about sun? In practice, we would often say no tone, which is as it is considered as a supporting character in the word. It has the character o times it means baby. People even voting in this way. This kind of look like a baby's in it. Jiang Zhong Ni. Hello, Mr. Jones. What CAN shrunk? He's my husband, Jack John. He's Peter John Hall. Gioco. Hello, Jack. She didn't she? Very happy to know you. Won you are my alma. She's my daughter. Mom, all the hall. Mau Mau Mau, Mau. Named. Hello. Here is the first note for you in English. When we say a name, we would say firstName and then the surname. However, in Chinese, it is a reverse way. We would say the surname and then the firstname. Therefore, we could see from the dialogue, passion john be the he is Peter John. For Jiang. Jiang, it would be discerning. And B though, it's a firstName. For your information. For most Chinese people, their surname only has one character. Let's see this line. Tatooine knew our model mount. She's my daughter, Mom all in fact, while you are is from war then you are my daughter. But there's a reminder. In practice, we can omit the way we want to speak fast. That's why one, you are still makes sense as my daughter. But mind you, if you're using the form possessive pronouns such as mine, yours, There's hours. Cannot be omitted, otherwise they won't make sense. Let me give you an example. If you wanted to say this apple is mine, you would have to say this apple shoe. If you've just say this apple shoe, what it would mean this apple is me. It doesn't make sense. 27. 5.3 People: Lehman. Today we're going to talk about people in further details. First new word, it has two meanings. First, young lady, second, Miss. Yes, two characters. Za. Hence, when South CA is referring to miss, how do we use it? In English, you would often do miss surname. However, in Chinese, it would be a reverse way. We would do surname. Shouts yet. Now that we know younger ladies is addressed as cell. Yet, how about those more mature ladies or madam's? New? Sure. Again, it's got two meanings. Size, image, horror lady or madam. Second miss as an MS, miss when new shoe is addressing MS. MS. Ms. In English, we would do miss surname. Therefore in Chinese, which is the first way it's surname. Knew she knew she knew or should. Have you noticed from the character Ca, from Saltz yet knew from new shirt, from both characters. They can say nu, which we learned it means female. That's because CA and new shoe both relate to female. Hello, Nestle. Josie. Hello, Mr. Zhang. How to abouta? Long time, no. See, as we just learned, new means, female means people are human. Therefore, i combining knew. It would mean woman. Knew. What about men? We would say dress for red. It means people. What does nan mean? If you look at the character, you can see it is formed by two parts, the upper part and the lower part. In fact, the upper part means field. Doesn't look like a field. Wire for the lower pot, it means effort or power. Does it look like? So? As in the old times, men have to work in the field. This character implies that men have to work hard in the field. Now let's look at husband and wife. While that are three ways that we can call a husband, and three ways we can call a wife. For the first row, it is often used in formal situation. For example, you would see this word in newspaper to describe husband and wife. Husband in a formal way. Full draw for full wife in a formal way. For the second row. This way of explaining husband and wife is usually used in a semi formal situations. For example, when it is in a business setting or you're talking to your customers. This is the one that we learned. Husband, wife. For the final row, it is considered tb, very casual. It is often used in daily life. The husband, Lao Gong. Lao. For wife, Lao. Lao. Lao. For your information, the character lol from both words means old. It's different from the others. You can actually use Lao Gong, Lao poor to actually address each other in a married couple. My love Lao goal, hubby from everything we have learned. Therefore, when we want to address the married couples, it's food. C is from John, husband, and t is from wife. 1414. Now let's learn how we say parents in general, they are two ways. Let's see the first one. It is often used in relatively formal situation. For fourth tone, full. While third tone. In fact, full refers to Father, refers to Mother. Please note that these two words normally would not be used alone. They would combine with other characters to form words. For the second one, it is a casual way of saying parents. The characters are the ones that we have lunch already. Mama, or the short form, baba. Baba mama, band. 28. 5.4 Another Way to Form Binary Questions + New Words: We would talk about an alternative way to foreign binary question. In this lesson, we will also learn some new words. First word, it is quite a common word. It's an adjective. Busy. Mile. Next word, also an adjective. Tired. Here it comes an important part. How do we form binary question with a new alternative way? Let's see our first example. Are you an American? We learned previously? We would usually do a statement followed by a former question. So the English translation will be, you are an American. My knee for make war. For a new alternative way. We would cancel out the map at the end. While when you say the verb, you will repeat by saying the negation word plus the verb. If you see an English perspective, it would be you are not our American. He noticed I repeat the verb, are not, are. Therefore Chinese. Ni shrew brochure, make war. Another example. Will they eat? From the way you would say the statement, quake true plus sigma at the end. However, for the new way, you would cancel the month while you would do for negation verb within the sentence. Just like when you do an English, they well or not well, eat. Yeah. In Chinese common. Quite sure. Final example. Is she busy? We learned to say mama. She busy. For our new way, we would try to say, she's busy or not busy. And in Chinese, Hmong BoolMin. Great. Now it will be your turn. How would you ask? Need the Pong your lame in a new way? Neither Ponyo labor. Very good. Next knew what teacher laws. You may have noticed this law from Lao. Sure. It's the same from law. Husband and wife. Lol. Lol, sure. Let's see how we would say for a student now, it has two characters. For your information. On its own means learn. Does that explain why? Is student who is a person learning? Now as what I've learned a couple of countries name. How about we learned the word country or nation? Goats? Yeah. Do you recognize the goal from God says, it is actually the same goal from China, UK, and more. Therefore, is a country unrelated word for it means home, family house, which we have learned before. Therefore, is country because it's your home. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see how do we say sum. It's time that we learn how to say this and that. Let's start with this. Draw. For that. Man. Reminder that not that it sound and it looks very similar to the wet that we learned before. And that's not which means which are aware to remember that more easier. Which means that is fourth tone. Which means which are where is third tone? As we know, means this means sum. Therefore, this plus some would mean these. Just CA, Just, just, yeah. How about that? Some that plus some would mean those. How about here in there? For here we would say John Lee. In fact, Lee means in their written side, it's a word about location. Often for this squared, we would say Lee in no tone as it is considered to be a more like a supporting character. Jolly. Jolly. What about there? Again, we will often say as no tone. Therefore, what this year? These are my students. Drugs are what allow. Sure. This is my teacher. Do you know those people? I don't know them. 29. 6.1 Count 0-10: Welcome. Be discussing number 0 to ten today. Let's first start with 0. How do we say one? Character looks like one horizontal line. For number two, the character shows two horizontal lines. All right. Three. The character shows three horizontal lines. San San, San for 4567. C, C 89. Ceo for ten. Very good. Let's count 0 to ten together. San, San. See. Very good. Can we now do a practice together? How would you say five? Can you say 0? How about ten? 30. 6.2 Numbers 11-99: Hi guys, welcome back. In this lesson, we're going to learn number 11 to 99. Let's first start with 11 to 19. In this batch, because all numbers is ten plus something. Therefore, the formula for dispatch is plus the digit that said 11 days, which is 1012 is Sure. R, which is 10213103. How about 1415161718? Finally, 19. Hello. Very good. Now let's learn those with ten multiples, such as 203040. As these ten multiples are foreign by a digit times ten. So we would say the digit then followed by shirt, which is ten. Let's start with 22 times ten. So you would say to 1033 times ten is 3104410. What about 50607080? And finally 90. Do know now at this point we can say any number from 1199, Let's start with 21 to 29. Similar to 11 to 19. You will start with saying 20 plus a digit, followed by a digit. How about 31 to 39? Again, you will start say, 30 plus a digit. Therefore, sand followed by a digit. The same happens to 41 to 49. Therefore, you start with saying followed by a digit. And this pattern will go all the way to 99. Great. Now that we know the concept, let's jump right into the practices. Are you able to tell these three numbers in Chinese? Thirty four. Sixty eight. Seventy two T-Shirt. 31. 6.3 Numbers 100-10,000: Hello. In today's video, we're going to cover a 100 to 10 thousand. However, today we're going to start with introduction of another tone rule, which is related to the character. The character. If it is used alone or place at the end of sentence, it will remain its original tone, first tone. But if e is puppet for any character of fourth toe, it will change to second tone. Just like that. If E is PEBO for any character of first, second, or third tone, it will change to fourth tone. Just like how it shows here. Let's learn how to say 100. Therefore, to say multiples of a 100 digit times a 100 in the Chinese way. Digit followed by. Let's get started. For one hundred. One hundred. Be reminded that why E is fourth tone, but not first tone. That's because it is placed before the character by which is third tone. 200 is two, and then 100, r by three hundred, four hundred, five hundred wool back. 600. How about seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred back. Now let's see some examples. The first one hundred thirty one hundred is 31. Therefore in total, eBay save. Let's see, 247247. Shirts see. Therefore in total, I should see. How about 368300? While 68 is little Sherpa. Therefore, the total sand Bye, bye. So what about the below three numbers? They all have one as their tens. Here. I'm going to let you know if the number is over a 100 and the place of tens is one, which is, you would need to say 110 instead of ten. You may wonder, why is it like that? Why would you say 110? Let me give you an example. When you see a, a 120, you say E by R. Sure. When you see a a 130, you would say eBay. When you see a 140, you would do eBay's. Therefore, have you noticed there's a pattern for the tens digit, you always have a number. Therefore, explains for a 110, the digit that we use in the tenths place is one. We would do eBay. Therefore, I getting back to our question, for a 111, we do eBay. He 217 by 318, sand by EPA. Very good. Let's move on to another set of question. For these three numbers. They all have 0 in the middle. So how do we do that? Here's another tip. When there's at least 10 in the middle of the number. Don't forget to use lean 0 to represent that. But remember you only use one Leon 0 regardless of how many consecutive zeros are there. Therefore, 306, sand by Leon, 409 by Leon CEO for a 705 key by Leon. Great. Let's do a practice from a 100 to 1999. Are you able to say the written numbers in Chinese? Srr 809, bye-bye. Bye-bye. Lille TO 713 by seven. By 125 are great. Let's move on to learn the multiples of 8000 thousand is multiples of thousand is the digit times a thousand. So again, it's a digit followed by Tn. Therefore a thousand is one followed by tn. Tn, that ascend two and then thousand, three, thousand yen. Four thousand, five thousand, six thousand. How about seven thousand? Eight thousand, nine thousand? Let's learn ten thousand. Ten thousand. We do not say ten and then thousand. But we would use a new term to represent the whole. And that's one. That case for multiples of 10 thousand, we would say that digit times 10 thousand and that digit followed by one. Let's start with 10 thousand. That's one times ten thousand. Twenty thousand. That's two times ten thousand. Thirty thousand. That's three times 10 thousand. How about forty thousand? Fifty thousand? Sixty thousand. Seventy thousand. Eighty thousand, ninety thousand one. Before we end this session, let's do an overall practice. Can you say these two numbers in Chinese? Ten hundred and three thousand, seventeen. Great. How about these two numbers? 20,183. Ebi buffers. Buffers send 20,019. E3 TO lean, treats you. 32. 6.4 Big Numbers: Hi guys Neiman. This won't be the last lesson for this module. And we will talk about bait numbers. Let's start with a 100 thousand. In Chinese, you would say ten times 10 thousand. Shrew, What would that said? For multiples of a 100 thousand, that's a digit times a 100 thousand. Therefore, the digit followed by shrew Latin. Let's start with a 100 thousand shrew. 1 two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, four hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, six hundred thousand, seven hundred thousand, eight hundred thousand, nine hundred thousand. Seo. Sure. When reaching the milestone of learning how to say million, four million, we will still end with one. But because it's ten times more than a 100 thousand. So we upgraded to buy one for multiples of millions. That's a digit followed by, by when. One million, two million, three million. Sam by one. For a million. Syllabi when five million, six million. The old by when? 7 million, t by 18 million. By when? 9 million. By when. Very good. Let's see how to say 10000000 million is by one 10 million, we would upgrade that to Cn-1 multiples of 10 million. That's a digit followed by Tn when? Ten million, twenty million, thirty million or forty million, fifty million, sixty million, seventeen million, eighty million yen, 190 million. Cn-1. Finally, finally, we have reached a 100 million, will come up with a new term for it. That's II. When 100 million is called multiples of 100 million is a digit followed by e. For example, one hundred million, two hundred million, three hundred million, four hundred million, five hundred million, six hundred million, seven hundred million, eight hundred million, by and lastly, 900 million. Very good. Would you like to take up a challenge and say the below in Chinese? Let's look at the answer. 2,054,173. Battling when? Ebay T-Shirts and by when? So eBay T-Shirt. Next, 92,630,174. Little e. Little e by t first. 33. 7.1 Measure Terms, Months & Weeks: Neiman, welcome to our new lesson. And today we're going to talk about measure time, months, and weeks. First new word. Say question. It can be used as meaning how much, how many, what's the number? However, if it is used in a statement, it means a few or several. See, for the use of CE in a question, it would mean how many, how much, what number? And usually it is followed by a measuring term, for example, kilograms. Therefore you would say CE kilograms question Mic. For z, meaning a few or several. It is often used misstatement. Also, it is usually followed by a measuring term, for example, kilograms. Therefore you would say kilograms, full stop. So what exactly is measured term? Measure term is near for basically every object and matter in Chinese. For different measure terms, they're used for different types of objects on matters. Now let me give you an example. For example, in English you would say a piece of paper. The peace actually is a measure term. The function for measured HRM is to indicate one something. For example, one paper in this case. In Chinese, how do we apply Michaud time? First we would say the quantity which is the mount, and then we would say the measure tone. And finally the now, which usually is an object or matter. Great, let's introduce our first measured HRM in Chinese, which is the most commonly see measure word. That's good. Good, good. Just now we said God is the most commonly used measure, what? It can actually cover a lot of things. For example, we can use it for people. Run most of the fruits, like apples, oranges, bad types like hand bag or backpack, etc. And many more things. Let's look at some examples. One person, we would say a few people, see. How many people see. But this time with a question mark because it's a question. You may also have noticed when we say good within a sentence, we usually do it in no tone. That's because it's more like a supporting word in that sentence. Next, knew what Leanne it means to. You may be surprised, we learned to as R. What is this, Leon? The answer is, we'll use Leon as to when we're talking about something countable. By looking at the character, leon doesn't look like there are two human beings within it. That's why it means too. And it's used for a countable things. Let me recap. We would use Leon instead of r when it's used as a tool for countable things. For example, two people, young girl. This may lead to another question. What do we say if the number goes bigger? Here are a couple of things to remember. We would use Our instead of Leon if the number two is next to when we speak in Chinese. To make it clear, let me give you an example. For a twelv. When it comes to something countable, you would still say Sure, Are. Instead of Shirley. That's because the number two is next to. One more example. When it is countable 20, we would still say R instead of Leon. That's because two is next to it. With that said, there may be another thing to help you apply Leon better. If there are two or more twos within the number. Simply say the biggest two as Leon, while the rest of two, you can just remain in as our, for example, 2200. As from the number you can see it's 2200. Therefore, make it easier. You can just say the first two as Leon, while the other two, you can remain it as R. So we'll call it the young Tn are the four accountable to the one hundred and two hundred. Let's say another example, 20,200 from the number is 202, zeros 0. There are two twos. So we'll just do the first two as the while the second two as just to make it easier. That would make it the young Len Leon by when this number is used in countable things. Great. Let's look at another new word, which means up on above. Shall, shall. Oppositely we have here meaning down below, under. Look at both characters. Does shrunk. Looks like it is pointing upwards. While it looks like it is pointing downwards. They both mean up and down respectively. Right now let's move to learn about months and weeks. Let's look at the first character. It has two meanings. Month, second, moon. Do you think the character looked like a moon? Next word, it means week. For a seal alone. It actually means star. Character scene looked like as a star on top of a Christmas tree. Let's learn about the 12 months. To say it, It's pretty easy. You just start by saying the number and then followed by us for January because it's the first month. We will just say the number one followed by us. Therefore, February, it's a second line, so marches month number three, while April is month number for May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. Sure. Now, if we wanted to say the number of months or counting months, we would need to use a measure word for months. And that's good. For example, one month is ego, ten months. The US. Now can you say the below in Chinese? 11 months, eight months? Answer. 11 months, eight months, a year. Now let's learn something interesting. How to say last month, this month, and next month. Let's start with this month. As this is draw this month drug for last month, it has something in the past. Normally we will point upwards when saying it with our fingers. Shanghai shank. Pay attention to the gesture. Shankar. Oppositely. Next month. You and how do we do for next month? A year, upcoming month. Now let's learn how to say the days in the week. We will start by saying the week sin t first and then plus the number. Let's have a look now. For a Monday, it's sin t followed by one. Therefore, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. For Sunday, it is quite special. We don't say soon T7, but we say TTA or seen T, which Tn and drew both mean days. We will talk more about this next video. To describe the number of weeks. Again, please note that for a steam t, we would need a measure word to say the countable weeks. Therefore, we use, for example, one week, five weeks guessing. See, now it is your turn. How would you say two weeks and 12 weeks in Chinese? Answer. Two weeks. 12 weeks. Let's move on to see how to say this week, last week, and next week. The structure is pretty similar to month. Last week. This week. Next week. Pay attention to the gesture. Last week. Showering guessing. For next week. Sat. One more thing to learn. It is weekend. Draw more. As Joe is actually another way of saying week, while more is dry wall. As to describe the number of weekends. Similar two weeks we send need a measure time to count weeks. And that's good. For example, one weekend, draw more. Seven weekends. 34. 7.2 Years & Days: Heart. And today we'll be talking about years and days. Firstly, how do we say neon? Neon for days? We have two ways to say it. The first way is alternatively, you can also say Tn. To describe the number of years or accounting US. There's no need to add an additional measure term. That's because Nguyen itself is already a measured, which means years. For example, three years, 15 years. Now I started to learn how would you say 60 years? 20 years? Answer six years, 20 years in yen. Now let's learn how to say last year, this year, next year, the year after next will be totally different from months and weeks. Now Let's start Last year to neon. Which on its own means to go, which we'll talk about that in future. You can't imagine last year is gone year. This year. And next year. The year after next hole. And the hole on its own means back or after, which we'll discuss that in future. I can imagine the year after next is at the back upcoming. Let's go over all of them again. Last year to this year. Next year. You afternoon whole NY N. How would you say a sentence? This year is 2017. When it comes to year, we don't say to year as a whole number, but the number by numbers separately. 2017, we would say two O 17. Also. After we say the number, we always have to say the year at the end. Therefore, when we want to say this year is 2017. In Chinese, that's now it's your turn. How would you say last year is 2016? For days, which is tn. Again, please note that while we want to describe the number of days, we don't need an additional measure term because Tn and already is a measure tone. For example, two days, the young TN or leon, nine days. That's dual TN or zeal. Now it's your turn. How would you say 16 days, 30 days? The answers. 16 days or 30 days. Or let's learn how to say yesterday, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The structure basically it's very similar to year only except for yesterday. Now let's start. For yesterday. That's sought. Today. Seen Tn tomorrow meal. Today, average tomorrow. Another knew what a date for. It is actually the root that we just learned, which means day. While for t, h is the same, see from sin t birds, he T. Final new word. It means number, but only the short version of calling number. Hall. Hall. Hall. For a saying a root T, a date. We would first say the year first and then the month, and finally the day. For a day in Chinese, there are two ways to do so. Either hall, for example, the first of a month, you can do. Let's learn by looking at some examples. For example, 31st of October 2017. We would do ETL century he Hall nastier tongue. How would you say second of January 2018? Sir? 35. 7.3 Time: Email. In today's lesson, we're going to talk about time. To say time. That's CN. Shirts. Shirts, yen. Now to say our CEO equals to small. And is the wet from Shruti n, which means time. So CEDAW, small time is our shirt. Next word, minute. Fun, drawing, draw. Draw. Second. Meow. Meow, meow. When you're counting hours or saying the number of hours. See how shirt. You will need a measure word for it. And that's good. For example, six hours, two hours. The angle. On the other hand, when describing the number of minutes. There is no need to use another measure term because Joel is already a measure term. For example, 45 minutes, sushi, true Wolffian, 60 minutes. Similarly, when describing the number of seconds, me all, there is no need to add another measure term to say it, because meal itself is also already a measured home. For example, 12 seconds, thirty-seconds meal. Now it's your turn. How would you say the below in Chinese? Ten hours to minutes, 20 seconds. Answers. Ten hours. Sugar Cl two minutes. The young fun drawing. 20 seconds. Meal. Next new word, o clock. The end. The end. The end. To express time, we would start by saying o clock, which is the end. Then we would say minute, but using the from the whole word thin Joel. Finally, we would say the second meal. For example, 321 second, San Diego in Lille email. Another example, 835. Sasha Wolffian For 1005. Sure. The end. You may ask, how about we express a time in PM and am? Is there anything like that in Chinese? So the answer is yes. Now we will learn how to say the time of the day. Before we start. Let's learn a couple of new wets. It has two meanings. First, it means morning, and second, it would mean early. Oppositely, there is another word. Yes, two meanings as well. First, evening or night. Second, it also means late. Moving on, let's see how to say middle. Yes, it says Joan from Joel wall. By looking at the character, says show you it means middle. Drawing. Draw. Next. It means noon. The same sound as five. For this. Normally would not be used alone. It will be used together with other characters to form wets. With all these learned. Let's see how we would say our first time. Let's start with midday or noon, 12 PM sharp. Drawn. For a morning. We have two ways to say it. First one, Zao Shang. As you can see, the Shang is right after salt. Wild sol means morning. Sharon is on above. It. Mean on the morning. The other way of saying warning, Sean, as shang means on rule means midday, kind of suggests is the upper part of a day or before the midday. Now how do we say afternoon? Because it means lower part of the day. So it's the opposite of shall rule. Hence, cow for night or evening. That's why you Shuang. As we know, what means evening or night and chunk means on or above. So when Shang sounds like on the evening, on a night, when it's time to see how do we express a time opposite to English. In fact, we would say AM or PM at the front. This would then be followed by o clock, which is dN, and followed by minute fun. And finally, the second meow. For example, 345 in the afternoon. San shrew, fun. Another example, 855 in the evening. But now it's your turn. How would you say 1124 in the morning? Sir? Dao Shang. Shang. Dn. Fun. Next question. 12 PM in the midday. Answer. John Bull. Sure. There's one piece of information for you as Chinese Joe Hughes 24 system to express time, it is better to use morning, afternoon, noon, and evening to tell the right time. In fact, there is another simple way to express time in minutes 30. Before we start, let's learn this important word. Half fan. Does this character look light is being cut off in half. Fan. Fan. To express time in terms of 30 minutes. Just like English, you can just say half. For example, 730 in the morning. We can do found war or SOW Shang, TDN, Ben. Great. Approaching the end of lesson, let's learn how do we say good morning. To say good morning in Chinese. We will rearrange the what to say morning, followed by good. Two ways. Shang. Shang. For a good afternoon. The chain, which way is afternoon? Good. Warhol. Therefore, I went saying good night or good evening. That's why Shang. 36. 7.4 Questions: Time & Date: Good morning, Shanghai. In this lesson, we're going to learn how to form questions related to time and date. What's the time now? Way one shins I show my truth yet. What time is it now? What's the time? No. Way to chins high TDS. What time is it now? In general, we have two ways of asking what time is it now? First, CAN Zai Shama shrewd CAN feel free to add after seeing Xa, which makes it now is what time? The second way. Again, feel free to add sure. After Cn Psi to make it now is what O'Clock? As we have said before, for a simple open-ended question, the way to answer it would mirror the way of asking it. Therefore, answering the two questions just now would be, CAN say something, something fun. Now is certain o'clock, certain minute. For example, if the answer is it's 10 o'clock now, then since I Feel free to add sure. Addressing question, what's the date today? Way one. Kmt. Watch the date of today. What's the date today? Way to Kenji. Watch the date of today. Question one. It means today what month, what date? Again? Feel free to add. Sure. After seeing tn, which is the is after today, wouldn't make it today. Is what month, what date? If you would like to ask only about the date, but not including the month. You can just say Kinsey hall. Today. What state? Again, feel free to add the shoot after it's in tn. To answer both questions. As for question one, it is asking today, what month, what date? You wait, reply the same way, saying something. Something help to answer your question two, as it is only asking about the specific date, you will apply the same way. Saying something, haul question. What's a day to day in the week? What's a day today? As for the question, seemed it actually means today, weekday, what? Again, feel free to add sure. After it's in tin. Regarding the answer, the way to answer when mirror the way of how it is asked. Therefore, seen TAs Xunzi something today is we day something? Now it is your turn. You try to say the below in Chinese. Answer number one. What's a day today? Seem chance CMT. Seem TT. Number two. What's the time now? Answer one, sensation the Shruti Yan Shen shirt CAN answer to see inside CTN. See inside CDN. Number three. What's a day if today? Answer one. Answer to seem Chen Gen Z hall. Now can you try respond to the following? And Chinese? Number one. Number two. Number three. Answer number one. Thing Tt given today is Monday. Seem TLC and number two, it seemed can't see you yet see how given that today is the second of may seem tn. Tn number three. Since I'd see Dn, given that now it has 620 in the afternoon. Since I since I lose our final two questions. Can you translate and say the below in Chinese? Answer? Number one, what's a month last month? Shanghai yet. Shonda yet? Number two, what's a year next year. 37. 8.1 Grammar Talk: Hello, all. In this video we're going to talk about grammar. Grammar one here or there is. In English, we always say here is something. They are someone. However, in the Ching boyish, we would always replay that is or are with half or has. Which is your. Therefore, when we want to say here, is, that's really all there is. It may sound new or strange to you. But the rational actually makes sense. Because when we are talking about here is something or in a place there is something. We're actually meaning in that place. There consist of something. Therefore, we would say the place you something or someone. For example, here are eight students. The English way is here. 8.5 students. Therefore, draw Li your bag. Another example, they are to people That's Li Liang go run grammar to measure at home. We had mentioned before for almost everything there is a measure word which the measure wet will show one of the object. For example, a person and Apple, etc. Therefore. And do not require a measure what after it. That's because they already give an idea of the quantity as a few. For example, those people are in my good friends. We can simply say, no war, the whole Ponyo. Grammar three rule of forming a sentence. This is a very, very important rule, so you have to pay attention to it. This part, we're going to learn how to form an actual sentence including who, when, what, where, etc. Let me show you a quick overview of how to form an informative sentence. Would start by saying the subject, then the time, then how one, then duration one. Place. How to action. Lastly, the duration to what are those? Subject means, who or what. So basically it would be a person or a thing. The time refers to when? How one refers to how you get to the place. While duration one refers to the time that takes you to go to the place. The place is obviously aware how to means how you perform the activity. Action refers to the activity itself. Finally, duration two refers to how long the activity last. However, for this sentence rule, it is not T straight for the subject and time. For most of the time they can be interchanged while for duration one and how one. Usually they can be mixed while action and duration to sometimes they can be mixed. Yet, but no worries because the overall flow was still being live with a timeline structure rule. Now let's see an example. In English. I studied Chinese with Lily for two hours at the library yesterday. So how would we ordered a sentence structure to fit the Chinese rule? Based on the rule, the first will be the subject. It is i. Next it is a time and that's yesterday. Next it's how one which is how it takes you to the place. But it's not in a sentence. We can skip it. It is then followed by duration one, which means the time it takes you to the place. Yet again, it's not found in sentence, so we'll skip it. Then it comes to the place which is the library. Then it comes to how to is how you perform the activity. In this case, it's width Lily for the action. It's, they studied Chinese. Finally, duration two. That's how long the activity last. In this case say studied for two hours. Therefore, the full Chinese structure is yesterday at the library with Lily. Study Chinese for two hours. Now it's your turn. And you say the following and the Chinese other, I will take the bus to school to have lesson tomorrow. The Chinese way will be tomorrow. We'll take the bus to school. Lesson. 38. 8.2 Daily Life: Today our topic is about daily life. Let's learn our new words. It means rice. But because Chinese people usually have rise for their meals, Fen has become a word to mean a meal. We often say truth as having a meal. Let's see how we say breakfast means early or morning. South Fen is breakfast. In fact, there is another way of saying breakfast, and that's solids hand, which actually means meal. Sol fan, fan. Let's learn how to say lunch. As we learned noon, lunch or wool. Wool fan, fan. Ten for dinner. We learned what means evening, night or late dinner. When fan or the second way. When fan, when fun. When ten. Next word, go to work. Shang ban. Therefore you can imagine that you're actually going to work Shang Fan. Shang Ban. Oppositely finish work ban. Similarly, you can imagine you're going down finishing work. Sat ban, ban. Just a bit of note, when we use shang ban and sat Ben to refer go to work and finish work. It's referring to a proper paid job. Yet, if you want to say you work your own stuff at home, there is another verb which we'll talk about later. Last new word for today. Return or go back to. If you look at the character, does it look like it's returning? And often, this way, we'd be used to indicate when you return home, go back to school, go back to work, etc. Shanghai. Good morning, dad. The solid shown Hall. Good morning. Any needs for itself? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Yes, I have. Found. When will you go to work or I'll go to work at 830. Needs. Sh'ma. Weights. Yeah. When will you come back home tonight? I'll come home at six. Here are some notes for you from the dialogue. You heard me. Sure. It's all attend the mom. Have you eaten breakfast yet? In fact, it equals to ni, sure, lots out ten. Therefore, it doesn't really matter much whether you put the right after the book or at the end of the sentence. Both way it was still indicate the verb is done in the past. 39. 8.3 How Much & How Many: Hi and welcome. Today we're going to learn how much, how many? Let's start with learning some single character wets. The one on the left-hand side means bag. It could be used for age as well. The word on the right means small, a part from being used to describe size. It could also be used to describe age. Next, what the character on the left means, many, much, a lot. It is used for describing the quantity or the amount. Oppositely, if the amount is just the EU or little shop. Shop. Have you noticed looking at the character c, tau, small, and Shaw, fewer little. They look very, very similar. In fact, because their meaning is very similar. Both mean little. Whilst Yao is for size, while Shaw is for the amount. Yet, when we combine door and Shaw together, it was for me question, what any means, how much how many? That's somehow because it means a lot or a little door Shaw. Usually it would be followed by the measure term or the noun that you would like to know the amount of. Therefore, it's obvious that when you use toy shop to ask a question, it has to be related to amount. Door Shaw. Shaw. Next word. It is a matter of time and it means years old. Sway. Sway. Next character. It is a domestic currency used in China. And you can still consider it as a domestic way to say Renminbi. Given an example, 15 Renminbi, it's shrew. Now let us see how to save money. Shan. Shan. How old are you? Weigh one. Needs. How old are you this year? Seniors are through war. I'm 25 this year. Here are some notes for you from the dialogue. Needs seen Neanderthals seem Nian is this year. In Chinese, it is quite common for them to say siem Nian when asking about age. However, it's not a must to use seen yen when asking how old a person is. Also when replying to this question, you can simply say how old you are at this point. Instead of telling the age you would turn to in that year, How old are you? Way too neat team, the NZ sway. How old are you this year? What seemed? Say, I'm 25 days here. Now it's time to learn the old word with new meaning. And we're talking about door. We used to know it means a lot. Beth, for his new meaning, it means how and how much. Let's see how we use that as how an image can be used in both statements and questions. To use it, it would be followed by third or adjective, which shows the degree of the verb or the adjective. Let's see an example on door followed by adjective. For example, as a statement. Can have door hall. It means see how good he is. For example, in a question. Jirga. It means how big is this one? When door is followed by verb, how to use it and what is it about the verb? To put the verb or after? The verb has to be something that can show its degree. Therefore, it's usually related to senses, condition, capability, etc. What that means. Well, it's like when you express, you'd like someone. You'd want something which makes it how much one likes, how much one wants, etc. But no worries, we will discuss that in future. Now let's learn to ask how old are you weigh three. Needs to attack. How old are you this year? Seeing the NR for wars, say 25 this year. Basically from the question meets Indian thought that that would mean how big, implying how old are you? Before we move on, we will learn the new function of law. We have learned that with law, we can change a tenth. We added after a verb to make it the past. Besides we learned, we can use law as it's supporting word. For example, it's a combination of Pi, adjective. So the new function, that law is change of state. You put at the end of the sentence to indicate the situation is no longer the same and now is a new situation. For example, if we say the sentence, I don't live in London with plus the law after it. It implies that previously I lived in London, but now not anymore. So when asking how old are you, we can use at the end of that question, let's see how we use it. How old are you this year now? Seen the artery wall, c'est la 25 this year already formed the dialogue we often hear. This is because as for age, we turn older every year. So we can use to indicate there's a new situation. New changing of your age. How much does it weigh? Drew a guide to wash off here. And how much money is this? 500 Roman be? How much you set way to go TTN. How much money is this? Quiet? 500 Roman be. From dialogue, both questions. How much is this? Jog odd seats, yen, and jogger? Shots. For the CNE can be replaced by the currency. For example, if you would like to use, then we can say drug a and drug artsy quiet instead. 40. 8.4 'ish' & Measure Term: Today we will learn how to say in Chinese and school also learn a new Misha tone. Gray, Let's start with seeing new function that it would be used as. For a number of below ten. We can put door after the measure term to make it the number and a bit more. For example, send Neanderthal. It means more than three years, or you can say three-ish years. Another example is Liang the door us. It means over two months. We shall conclude that will say the number first and then the measure term. And finally door. It would mean that it is more than that number, but less than the upcoming next number. To make it more clear, Let's see another example. The end-all. It means for each o clock, because the door is plays after the measure at home, it would mean it is more than four o'clock, but not jet five. So a reminder again, if you put a door right after the measure wet, it would be more than that number, but less than the upcoming whole number. Four numbers over ten. We will suggest you to place door before the measure time. Why is that? Let's look at an example. Guanyin. It means 20 plus years. Therefore, 20 plus would imply anything between 21 to 29. For shoot dog a year. It means ten plus months. With that said, ten plus can be any number between 11 to 19. Therefore, I, for bigger number, we would usually do the number five, followed by tall. And then the measure term. It would mean it is bigger than the number, but it is not restricted to being less than the upcoming or the next number. Make it more clear. Let's see another example. So it means 50 plus days. Basically, it can be any number between 51 to 59. Now it's your turn. How would you say the below in Chinese? First, ten o'clock, then not yet 11. Second, 20 plus weeks. Answer number 110 o'clock. Sure. At the end. The end thought Number 220 plus weeks. Daga, daga sin t. Great. Let's move on to learning new vocabulary. Coal. It has two meanings. One it means mouth, and also it is a measure term for family members. See this a character called looked like an open mouth. Coal. Coal. You can also imagine in a family we have to feed everybody, right? Therefore, call would be then the measure time for family members. Neither Yahtzee, cold run. How many people does your family has? What HER your thank Olga. And there are three people in my family. 41. 8.5 Chapter Overall: Yield demon Hall. And the video would be a chapter overall. It is in the form of dialogues. So please enjoy and practice with Neiman. How many people are there in your family? What's Yeah, You'll silicone family has four people. Say a lot. Thou old is your daughter now? She's six years old already. Allow shirt. How old is he? Freely now? Whooshes a lot. She's 50 years old this year already. What about her son? Her son is 20 years old this year. 42. Speaking Practice Lesson 5-8: Gaussian. Hello. Let's see how 43. 9.1 Say 'Speak & Write' Chinese: Hi guys, welcome back. In this lesson, we're going to learn how to say, speak, and write Chinese new words. We will learn how to say Chinese or Chinese language. There are two ways to say it. The first year. As for hand, it used to be the major plant in China. For you, It's a short-form to mean language. It's actually a very traditional way to say Chinese language. The other way to say Chinese or Chinese language is when this job actually represent strong wall, which is China. For one. It's also a short form to call language drawn. In fact, if you say something or something, one way referred to that particular language. For example. Or Ing-wen, it means English language. That's because e1 is actually from the word, which means you. One more example. You psi one means French. That's because fat is from sagwa, which means fronds. Can you speak Chinese? Hi. Yes, I can speak Chinese. Ni baba, yeah. Sure. Hanuman. Can your dad also speak Chinese? Part always will know he cannot speak. Now as we know, Chinese language is called. What about Chinese characters? As for it means character. Hands. Hands. Next word, right? We say ca. Next word. It has two meanings. First, it means how or how to. Second, it means how come. Can you write Chinese characters? Well, yes, I can jog. How to write this character. Put t, sorry, drug war. I can read this character, but I can't write. Now let's take a look at what happened in the dialogue. For the sentence. Jug. Must CA, we put junk good at the front to make it for this character. While some MST yet that follows would mean how to write it. Therefore, as a whole, it means for this character, how to write it. Similar to the last sentence. Jug will white dual, boot twice the air. You put jug and sit at the front to make it for this character. While wool flight dual, full waste, Yeah, means I can read, but I can't write it. Therefore as a whole, for this character, I can read it, but I can't write it. 44. 9.2 Chinese Food: Today we will talk about Chinese food. Our first word, it means make or do. Next word, it means vegetable dish. Cosine. As footstool, it means make. It means dish. Together actually means make a dish which is Coke. With that said, we can also actually switch the type two fun, which is rise or a meal. Together means make a meal. Therefore, it also means to Coke fan. Fan. Now let's learn how to say a country's food. To say it, we would say the country's name. And then plus the ten, which is dish. For example, if we do drum, which is China, and then type which is dish to make, draw. It means Chinese food. Another example. If we say which is Britain, and then it's high, which is dish, it would turn out, which is British food. Now I just return. How would you say the blow? First? French food. Second, American food. Answer number one, French food. Faq, what's high? Number two, American food. May God's Hi. Well, it's high. Is French food delicious. Fog, we'll typhoon culture. French food is delicious. Weight. So all FAQ. What time can you make French bird was quickly. It's all. No, I cannot. From the dialogue. Fact, what's, Hey, how, well, how, how, what exactly is how true? Now there's a new thing to learn. If you say How followed by a verb, it means good to do that verb. In that case, how pleasant verb, the whole term would become an adjective. Therefore, Hall means good to eat. Therefore it also means delicious, tasty. Now let's see an example. How can it would mean good to watch, read, or see? Also it can mean good looking. Therefore, how can is actually an adjective which refers to anything used for efficient, for example, a book, how Camp TV is. How can your appearance, hence, how can Now it's your turn. How would you say the following? Number one, good to drink. You want to say to drink tastes good. Number two, very good to eat. You want to say something is very tasty? Answer number one, good to drink. How her? Number two, very good to eat or very tasty. Hen hen house. 45. 9.3 Grammar Revision: Hello. In this lesson, we're going to mainly talk about revision. Great, Now let us start with Ken and cannot. When you want to say you can do a scale, we would use the word. For example, I can write Chinese characters. Wall highway, CA, hence. Another example. Can you make or can you cook Chinese food? Weights or drunk or high? Oppositely, if you want to say cannot do a scale, you would use the word ball. For example. Can you not cook the books? Another example, I cannot speak Chinese. Bull way for drawing when. Great. Now let's move to another topic, linking known to adjectives and its negation. We have learned that link noun to an adjective. We need to add hung in the middle, which is Ferri. For example, delegates high. This dish is tasty or a good to eat. Let's listen to another example. Han Chinese is good. How would you say the sentence in negation? You would simply replace the hand with full to make it noun, adjective. While bull means not. For example, a type bool, true. Harry coking is not good. So there is no hood in the sentence. Another example, jug I tap on how that's key doesn't tastes good. Finally, we learned that means how and how come. Now let's see how their applications. As for S in how the example is, jug, It's heights. How to make this dish forward summer, as in how come? Let's hear the below examples. Needs a Gaussian Law. How come you're not happy? Additional information. The love represent the change of state. So it kind of suggesting how come you're no longer happy. Another example, neat book truth. How come you don't eat? 46. 9.4 Family Members: Hi guys. This is the last video for this lesson. The topic is family members. Let's do a quick revision for mom and dad. Have learned for mom or mother and dad or father. Now we can start learning siblings. For older brother, younger brother. Di, di, di, di, for an older sister. Ca, ca, for a younger sister. It's just a reminder. The character older sister is actually the same. See it from the word CL, which is miss or young lady. Let's hear to notes for you. Similar to fat back, dad and mom. For siblings, you can also just use one character to represent a whole. For example, you can say, instead of good or the, instead of d, t, instead of z, instead of, May me. This would help you to address your siblings more quicker. Now it's time to learn how to say grandfathers and grandmothers. Grandfathers and grandmothers from mom's side and dad's side. There are two different sayings. Let's first start with mumps side. For a grandfather from mom's side. We call him why goal? Goal. Grandmother from mom's side. We call her. Why pull? Pull. Have you noticed from the word Y and Y pull, both of them include the character y. Y actually means outside. Why is that? That's because your surname actually follows your debt side. Therefore, mom's side is kind of considered as outside. However, in reality, we still consider it all as a family. Now let's see how you would call grandma and grandpa from debt side. For a grandpa from get side. We would call grandma from debt side. It's actually for the word nine. For the character night on its own actually means milk. Therefore, if you wanted to say drink milk, you can say who. Finally, there is a poem which helps you to remember the names for a grandpa and grandma more easily. Let's start. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Night, night. Man at the back, Ban Zhao, white man, not the man. Wipe pull. 47. 10.1 School: Hi guys Neiman hop. This lesson, the topic is about school. Let's start with a couple of new words. First one, go in Chinese. Next board, it has school. How would you say school? Casel. First year on its own. It means learn or study. Final word for this video, it stuck. And that should show you choose your alma. Saturday tomorrow, you're going to school. To CASEL. Yes. I'll go to school. You choose which I'll torture. You going to school for. What? Tcs. Yeah. Oh, can I go to school to read books? 48. 10.2 At School: Hi guys, name and we'll continue talking about things happened at school. New word for today. It's classmate or a schoolmate. Tones. For your information. Toll actually means saying for students, we have set that it means learn or study. That's why tones means study together. She wished she hash or a woman their hand you allow. Our Chinese teacher. Pads Yao Li lower shirt. He's called teacherly. Sure. Shea. Who is this? She is my classmate. Need at home, Shama. What about her? Is she your classmate to Bush or pasture water? Ponyo. Know. She's my friend. 49. 11.1 Want / Think / Miss: Today we'll be mainly talking about how to say, Thank you, Miss want. Now let's start with our first new word. Yes, three meanings. It means want or I would like to. Second it means think, but only think rationally. And third, it means miss. For example, missing someone. There would be one Chinese character that include all these three meanings. We would call it. With that said for number two meaning, which means to think rationally. If you want to say, I think this stress is pretty, I think he's smart. These are appended giving, so it is not considered as think rationally. Look at the character itself. Do recognize the heart radical. Bingo, because yeah, As want or MS. Or think rationally, somehow they're all related to your heart. Great, let's learn about another new word that's cooked rice. Fan. As we already learned, means rise. What's generally we're referring to coax rise while phone meet on his own and actually is uncooked rise. Therefore, Mi Fan Together is cooked rice. Me Fen, Fen. Let's see, using as to want or would like to leave sound huge amount. What do you want to drink? I'd like to drink tea. Nissan Chu Sharma. What do you want to eat? Me? I want to eat rice. Using CAN. Think rationally. Where is Mary Todd? I think she's not going to school today. You think Yang as miss somebody? Hence young water Mama. I miss my mom very much. Sure. Me too. 50. 11.2 Buying: Hi guys, name and we will be talking about buying. Here it comes our first new word. It means by Matt. Matt. Next word, it means cup or glass, or you can say mug. The topic being buying. We have to know how to say store. So for a small shop or store, that's the end. For your information, Shang means Commercial, actually means store. Therefore, we often would say any the end to represent any kind of store. For example, stand-in, which means rise, means restaurant. Next one, which is spoke. So sure we're at the end is bookstore. Will show me. What do you want to do in the afternoon. To Shang the end. I want to go to the store. Michelle Marsha, Ma. What do you want to buy? Once your mice? Yeah. I want to buy some cups. Good. Paisley their voice off here. And how much is this COP? 28 Renminbi. Not good enough. What about that cup? Shoot your 19. Brendon D 51. 12.1 Direction: What we'll be talking about direction today. Before we start, let's do a quick revision. We have lunch before how to say this, that which and where this drill that which are aware. Not a third tone. Now. Great. So today we will learn how to say here, there and where? Four here and there. They have two ways to say it respectively for where it has three ways. Now let's look at all of them. Now we will start with here. The first way. Yes, two characters. The first is exactly the same as this, which is jaw. While the second character is draw our Also for the, which is the second character would then change to a no tone. So in reality, we would do a quicker pace to link the two characters together and make it Jar, Jar. For the other way, we would start with saying jaw again. For the second character, it's for your information. Lee actually means in or inside. When we say the whole phrase, jaw Lee, we often say that Lee as no tone. Therefore, jaw, jaw, leap. Next. For the first way of there, we will start by saying the character exactly equals to that, which is. And again it's followed by. In reality, we will link the two characters together to make it similar to here, the second layer of air is followed by Lee. Remember, in reality we usually do that as no tone because it is supporting wet. Now let's move to where we have learned before. We can say no for the new way of saying where it is pretty similar to how we set here and there. We would start by saying, first, followed by r. Remember in reality we would link the two characters together and make it not. Lastly, the last way for where not. Although we would say the LEA as no tone. Originally, it a third tone character. Now with 2 third tone characters together, what do we do? We change the first one to second tone, therefore, Nali. To practice some listening. Let's do a small practice for all the ways that we learned from Hugh there. And where can you guess which one I'm saying? Let's start. First. Number two. Number three, Jar. Jar. Final one. Where is my son? He's jolly. Where is this place? This place is the school. Where are we going now? Woman, she and I were going home. Now. Where is the cup? Here? 52. 12.2 More on Directions: In this lesson, we will add the further exploring about directions. Let's have a quick revision. This thing, remember how we say up or above or on. We call it. Remember how we say down under or below C At this time, we're going to learn a new word. It has three meanings. First, it means side or face. Second, it means face, like your face. And third, it means noodles. We call it men. Men. Men. Men means side. We call top as shown me in Sean, me in oppositely bottom. You can see Shamir literally means upper part of PR side, while Sam literally means lower pot, lowest side. Therefore, the two words are used as a noun. Next word, it's about animals. Cat, mall. It sounds quite similar to how they sound. Mall. Mall. Next, how do we say dog? Its goal? Goal. Gall. Small animals. In Chinese, we tend to add cow at the front before describing the animal. It's completely not related to the animal's age, but rather adding up before the animal would make it sound more cute. Therefore, for cats, we would often say CL mile ends for dog. Cow goal. Now let's move on to learn chair. What about table or a desk drawer? Great. Now it's time to express how to say someone being at somewhere would start by saying the subject first, which has someone. Always use the Xa, which is n or at to indicate his position or at what place. For example, the cat is on the chair. See all mall. The mall, say the Shang yet Let's dissect, was happening in the part e to the Shang. As this plot means the place, as we just said. And there's a new thing that you have to remember. When you say the place, you would need to say the object first, followed by its preposition, therefore, is the object and Sean man is preposition. So in overall, if you look clearly at the meaning of the sentence, it would mean the cat is at the chairs top or at the chairs upper pot. For your information, if you want to go Quaker, you hit eliminate or cutoff to make it more. Now let's see another example. The dog is under the desk. Sell gold, say, draws me in or sell gold say Seattle. Great. No, I just see our turn. Can you say My daughter is under the table? Answer. One new arts I drew the sham. Or you can say, one knew arts I July sam yen. 53. 12.3 Where Do You Work?: Our topic today would be where do you work? For our first word, its job, or a work, which can be a noun or a verb. You may ask, what's the difference between shang ban, which we learned earlier? For a tool? It can mean it is a paid job or even some important work that you do, but it's unpaid. For example, me filming this video, but I don't get paid unless someone buys it. However, for shang ban, It's often only refers to a paid job. For example, you paid by day or a monthly or hourly? Going soul. Golden saw. Next word. Doctor. Now what about hospital? Have you noticed the character? Is medical related? Un un. How it's your board CAN long time, no. See. Hello job with yet. Long time, no, see in our console. Where do you work now? I see and I'm working at the school now. Gone saw. Where does your son work? Hands-on. Working at the hospital. He's a doctor. Is your dad home? No. He's not at home. I Nali ways he he's in the hospital. 54. 12.4 What's your job?: Hi guys Neiman. Our topic today is, what's your jaw? We will first start with learning how to use. In this lesson. Previously, we learned that for one of his function is to suggest what about or how about like a bounce back question? For example, while I'm fine, What about you? Now? We'll learn a new function of none. For not, it actually can suggest a casual or relaxing tone. If you place at the end of a statement or a question. Let's see an example. I like to drink milk because there is at the end of a statement, which is that makes a whole sentence sound more relaxing. Another example needs Indiana. How old are you this year? Asking about someone's age is kind of a sensitive question. Therefore, you attend to add at the end to make you sound casual, less formal. Final example, what's a true fan? I'm eating now? And again, this would make you sound casual and relaxing. Need the Gonzo are shirt. What's your job? My job is a doctor. My console now, what do you do to allow sure. I'm a teacher. 55. 13.1 Different Sides: Hi guys. Welcome to our new lesson. Let's learn more about different sides in direction. Let's quickly do a revision. Do you still remember how to say up and down? Up, down. Now let's learn something more. Left and right. Left, right. How about front and back? Front, Back, whole. Lastly, let's see how to say out and in, out. Why. A quick reminder to indicate the location. We need to put min after we say the direction. Therefore, a quick reminder for top. Bottom. Can you figure out how to say left-hand side? How about right-hand side? The front or front side? The back or the back side. Home. Home yen. Finally outside. Inside. Now let's do a little game. I will show you the position or direction by hand gesture. And you have to say it in Chinese. Let's start. Answer. The answer. Man. Your man. Men. Men. 56. 13.2 Directions Applications: Welcome back. In this lesson, we're learning how to apply directions into daily life. Great. Let's start a revision. Previously we learned how to say someone being at the place. There are two main points. First, you need to say the subject, then followed by, then followed by the location or the place. And do remember that when you indicate the location or the place, you would say the object bars and then it's preposition. Let's see the first example. He is at my front. And be reminded that that can be cut off to shorten in the sentence. If you want to say she's on my left pads, I would meet. For the next example. They are sitting at my bag. Thoughts I wore the whole final example, t is inside of the cup. Now how about we exchanged a subject and say the place first. This would indicate at somewhere there is something. We would say the place. And then you, which means have or has. And afterwards you would stay the object or anything that's in that place. Now let's see how we can do it. Example one. Well, that's what it means for me or at my friend. There is him for the place. It is war, that's mean in this case, after seeing the place, we would use Yolo and then indicate anybody or anything is there. For a second example, War that's on me and on my left there is her. Our final example. Mall. It means there is a cat under the chair. For your extra information. Sometimes you might want to speed quicker. So in this case you can omit the mean only for Shang. And why? Not for, and why is that? Well, in English, you may say in as a short form for inside, out, as a short form for outside, as a short form for on top of it, etc. But there's no such function for left and right. Right. Therefore similar to English and Chinese for x4 and yo, you can't omit them. Now let's see how the examples can be. For example, on the desk, you can say draws, Shang, dirty chair. You can say in the house, you usually would say sialic. Good. So far now, let's do an overall practice. How to use say, my son is under the table. Under the table there is my son. Answer one a while I draw. Sandman. Sandman. One draws and the piano. Yo yo was question number two. I'm at or in school. Tb. In the school. There is me. Sir. Qa what's Sally would say? Csl Lee, GB, Saudi yo yo wall. And our final question. Three. The cup is on the chair. There is a cup on the chair. Answer three, aa, bb, and strong yo. Yo. This sentence, iga, is recommended to be used because the English translation would be on the chair. There is cup without IGA would just make it on the chair there is cup. With IGA. It would make the sentence sound more natural. 57. 13.3 Comprehensive Directions: Hi guys. In this lesson, we're going to talk about some comprehensive directions. Given that we have talked about directions for a few lessons. Let's see our first new wet computer. In fact, when dim, It's on its own. It means electricity. For now all on its own. It means brain. So it is electrical brain. That's why it is computer. Now. Next word, it's a measure word and it's mostly used for books. Then let's see an example. Sam been full, draws the Shang Yo. What's there on the table? Did now there's a computer and a book on the table. Me and Maggie. Who is that person at the front? Hi, tell one. You are going to he's leaving. He worked in the hospital. Me and NAG. What about that person behind the pong paddle shown the Gonzo? He's Ping Lee. He works in his shop. Hi guys. Here are some notes for you from the dialogue is says, it actually means wall TIME0. So before me, who is that person? You may want to ask? Can we say run ten me? I'm sure the answer is no. That's because that guy rent would turn out to mean in front of that person or before that person. 58. 13.4 'Able to' / 'Can': Hi guys. Welcome to our less video for this lesson. This lesson, we would talk about another hand or able to. Let's learn our new can. In Chinese we call No, no, no. What's the difference between weight which we previously learned and know? While both of them mean can, wait only refers to skill. While for now, it will be able to. Great. Let's see how we can use null. For example, you just have an interview and the boss asked you need immune Pian known Sean Padma, can you come to work tomorrow? Another example. Chong known so what's, Hey, I'm able to cook tonight. You will notice from these examples, the way to use null is not really for skill, just meaning that you would be able to do something within your capacity. In West Java. Yo-yo, Ma. Excuse me. May I ask if anyone is here? No, there isn't. One until which ARIMA can I sit here? Please sit. 59. 14.1 Time - Before & After: In this lesson, we'll be discussing how to save before and after in terms of time. We'd learned time before. But this time we're learning another time. Hall. But often we would say the second character, which is whole as a no tone because it's like a supporting wet. Sure how sure how reminder we learned shrewd CAN as time. What's the difference between Shruti end and shrew? Although in English, shoots yen and shrew Hall both meantime, CAN, tends to be more rigid and represent more about the time on the clock. Therefore, shirts yen is telling more exact about the time. However, can refer to a longer period of time. For example, in this question, needing Tn Shawna shirts yet? Wait, Yeah. What time are you coming back home today? As in the question, we use shrew as time. The answer is expected to be more specific about the time, more exact about the time on the clock. For example, 530 PM. If we change a bit by using shirt as time, for example, Sh'ma shrew weights. Yeah. The answer is expected to be less specific about time on the clock. For example, next Friday. However, even though we said shirts is more specific about the time on the clock, while shrew indicate a bigger or longer time period. Many of the times they can be overlapped and can be used interchangeably. However, there are still times that you can only use Shruti n, but not sure hall. For example, when you specifically say I have time or do have time. Therefore, Do you have time? Neo Shruti engma. The asking this, it means are you free? Now let's move on and do a quick revision. We have learned Chan is front hallways. Back. However, if we use ten and hope to indicate time, tn would mean before or ago would mean after or later. How we do So basically we would say to time and then followed by ten or hope to indicate before or after. Now let's hear an example for using Tn sand Yan's hearing range. It means I knew allele three years ago saying that me and the LEA met three years ago. Next example, wall down, go to law school. I went to China two months ago. Now let's see an example for you saying hold was since he, Warhol way yield goal. Return back to England after Friday. Next. Aiga Saussure, whole way. Chou Xiang Ban, go to work in an hour. That means I'll go to work an hour later. 60. 14.2 How Long You're Staying?: Hi guys Neiman. The topic for today is how long you're staying. First knew what movie or film structure is pretty similar to DNA, which is computer, needs to electricity and yield means shadow. Let's see how we say Beijing. The Chinese sub saying Beijing is pretty similar to its English. Bay. Bay. Bay. Let's see how we say lift Joule. Joule, Joule, bashing. Not sure how his dad coming home. Schiavo, Woody in size PM, woman shall not sure how true current Daniel. When are we going to watch a movie? At the end, Ben, half past six washing, she thinks she's 18. I'll go to Beijing on Wednesday. Messianic Zai Bei to draw a TPN. How long do you want to stay in Beijing? Truths that he had four days. I guess. Weights Yammer. Are you able to come home before next Monday? Num? Yes. Do you still remember the sentence structure rule that we learned and it tells you the order of events. It started from telling the subject, then the time, then how one, duration, one, the place, how-to action and duration too. And from the dialogue, we could see me sound debates. Ttn also follows this rule. It's because knee would be the subject, bay till the place jewel, the action. The duration. 61. 15.1 Revision I - 多duō,怎么zěnme,的de: Why Neiman? In this lesson is all about revision of the past knowledge we learned. The first word to revise his door. It means many lattes. How or how much for the application of how or how much it would be our focus for today. There are two nodes for this application. First, it can be used in both statements and questions. And second, the character door would be placed after the subject. Let's see a couple of examples of using how or how much. First, How old are you this year? Second, pattern Warhol. How good she is. Third, doorway towards high. See how good she can cook. Next door hall. Look how good I am. Finally, giga, CMO. How small is this cat? Next focus is zen, which it has two meanings. How and how come. And we'll look into both in a minute. Let's see some examples of using, such as how number one needs at my wrench. Sure. What Didi How did you know my younger brother. Number two. Meats and mature cell. How did you go to school or how do you go to school? Great. Let's say example of using such as how come example number one needs Gaussian. How come you're not happy today? Number two, needs. How come you don't drink? Great. Let's move to learn the two functions of the. Previously we learned that it could be a possessive word. Today we will focus on two other functions. Number one, can be put at the end of statement or a question to provide a confirming sound. Second, can act as that. Let's see an example for using the S to provide a confirming sound. Needs a wrench reward the data. How did you know my younger brother? Some of the example, because it is already the fact that you know, my younger brother. Therefore, when I asked you the question, how did you know my younger brother? I can freely at the at the end, which is like a confirming sound. Let's see how we can use the mean. When we say using the Stat a form sentence structures like the below. The gift that I bought, the person that I like. The time that I was watching movie. Example, banned the Shrew whole lot, eBay cafe. I drank a cup of coffee when I was at work to dissect, sham banned the Shrew hope the time. That is the at work, shang ban. Therefore, sham banned the Shrew simply means the time that I was at work. You should have noticed for the sentences that use the as that the Chinese and English structures are basically refers. So it's like the other way around. Let's see another example. Jaw. Sure. What saw that's high. This is a dish that I made. Dissect would sort of the dish, hey, that I made. What x4 FR you can see? Well, it's thought that the dish that I made 62. 15.2 Revision II - 想xiǎng: Hi guys, Lehman Hall. Start another efficient again. Let's look at the multiple meanings of it has three main meanings. First, it means want or would like to. Second, it means think, but in a rational way. Third, it means miss. Usually for people therefore missing someone. Let's look at an example of using cyan as watt or would like to. Number one, wall has sanctuary. What's high? I want to eat french first very much. Number two, for sounds here heads. I don't want to write Chinese characters anymore. Reminder for the function of law in this sentence is to change of state. Therefore, it means previously, I'm fine or I like writing Chinese characters, but now I don't want to write Chinese characters anymore. Now let's see the examples of using cyan to mean think rationally. Example one was sentencing law. I think he will not go to school today. Number two was Yao wall, wife. Neiman. Sure. Fan law. I think I cannot eat dinner with you guys tonight. Great. Let's see how we use teaming. Miss someone. Similar to English. We would say directly followed by the subject or object. There would be no verb following. In this case. Example number one, chance, yeah, I miss home very much. Number two, was sound what their manner. I miss my mom. 63. 15.3 Revision III - 很hěn,不是很bú shì hěn,不太bútài: Let's start our efficient three. Let's see how we usually use has. Generally, we would use hun followed by something, while something can include that below. First, adjective. Second. Third, for senses like 1D, like Love. Third, job-related to ability, light can. Finally february condition like No, understand. We have lunch before where we want to link a subject to an adjective. There is a word that we need to put in the middle and that has example one. Judge gets high, halter. This dish is very tasty. Let's see an example of linking HUD with verb for a census. Well, hidden sanctuary FAQ, what's high? It means I want to eat French food very much. How about we link hub to verbs about ability, weights, or it's high. It's saying, My mom can cook very well. While for linking to a condition what like No understand. At this day we haven't learned any website that will get back to this and future. Now, oppositely, if you want to form negative sentences, instead of using hut, now we'll change it to full, followed by something. Again, the something would include adjective for senses, verbs for ability. And if a condition, Let's start with Bu to adjective. Jug a typo. It means this dish is not hasty. Now how do we link bull with verbs for sensors? For example? What's high? I don't want to eat French food. So when you lying, bull with ability, but therefore you're saying you cannot do something. For example, wall mammoth, white. So what's Hey, my mom cannot cook. Again. We'll only discuss bool, linking to condition, verb and future. Great. Today we'll introduce brochure or both high. It means it's not too or not vary. For example, I'm not feeling too good. She's not very smart, etc. And using ********. And both high are two ways to express, say, meaning, not very or not to use bush or hunt or both high in reality. Again, you can use bourgeois hat or both high to link with something. For something, it would include those that we just learned. For example, adjectives. Verbs have senses about ability and verbs for condition. Great, Let's try to make an example with adjective gets high, ********, or with high, how true. This dish is not to tasty. Let's try it with verb for census. Butcher or both high. That. I don't want to eat French food very much. Example with verbs about ability. Mammoth, bourgeois, or both. High HOI towards, Hey, my mom cannot co-vary. Well. Finally, again, we will leave talking about verb for a condition in future. 64. 15.4 Revision IV - New info for old words: In this lesson, we're going to talk about some old words that new information. New where days. Cao Shou previously we learned is small and shrew is time. But combining together, they actually means when you were young or when you were little. You may have already noticed my pronunciation. Although technically it's third tone, second tone, and fourth tone. Yet, we usually would say hold as no tone because it's a supporting word. Example, boys, Yao Shu Huo Zhe Yang yo Akamai. Me. When I was little, I wanted to have a little sister very much. We learnt that. Means teacher. Do you know? Law on its own means ODE. I think we have mentioned that before. You can't imagine lao shirt teacher often are older and more experienced. That's why Lao, meaning all this character is also included in the word Lau Sure. Example. Well, there, yeah. Yeah. Lawler. My grandpa from my dad's side is already very old. Do you remember we learned which is student, which is school from both the wet, there is a common character. And it means learn or study. Mentioned that before as well. So it should be quite easy to understand that as both swish and Swiss out student and school both has a character, is a word that means study or alone. For example, will hunt sounds red. So let's Hi. I really want to learn cooking. 65. Speaking Practice Lesson 9-15: Good. Georgia. Hello. 66. 16.1 How's the Weather?: Lehman hot topic is, how is the weather? Let's start with the word whether we have learned that. Stay. While there is another meaning for tn, which is sky. For C, we often relates to air or gas. Now, how do we describe the weather being hold? What about hot? Next word? It's a question word. It means how we set or how was something my young suddenly, yeah. How do we put into application to make, how is something? In English? When we want to say how is something in Chinese, we would do something. Some my young, for example, the bat, they're young is, how is your dad? Another example needs Zhong bands and the young. For a direct translation. It sounds something like you today work. How is it? So it means how is your work today? It seems you Indian chief, let me yeah. How was today's weather? Very code. May hinge, chief, that Miguel was America's weather yesterday. Boulogne. The weather was very good. Neither a coach NOI hot. Seemed to Indian chief. Let me out. How is today's weather? It's too hot. 67. 16.2 It's Raining!: Hi guys, welcome back. The topic is, it's raining. First character for today. To come. Next word, to rain, which is the verb rain. While CR means down. And you means rain, which is the noun, sad you would become to rein. It means rain as a verb. You can imagine the rain going down. Yeah, You mean TO YOU? Well, it rain tomorrow. Wait. No, it won't. Lie, woman. Well, Miss Wang, come to our house tomorrow. Pathway light, pylon law. No, she won't. It's too cold outside. 68. 16.3 How's Your Health?: Lehman. Topic is, how is your health? First word, it means body and how they share the mutual word Shen. Shen Ti. Next word, love. Let's see how to say water. Now let's see how we say fruit. For it also contains a lot of water. The front teeth. How's your health? Png paella. My health is not very good. The weather is too hot. I true. Shriek Walmart. Do you like eating fruit? Y true? Yes, I do. Niebuhr treaty or equal to eat some more fruit, drink more water. Yes. Thank You. Don't do. Here are some notes for you. You could hear the doctor said, need torture CI for a goal. In fact, if you say door before invert, it would mean do that for more. Therefore, torture means eight more. Drink more. From the dialogue, it says, need torture CA frog or a remainder as CA mean sum. Therefore, door to see a shrink Walk means eat some more fruit. Let's see an overall example. Need dork has CA go when it means read some more Chinese books. 69. 17.1 Negation Words: Hi guys. In this lesson, we will look into the negation was. So far at this point, we have learned to negation word. The first one is full, the second May. In this lesson, we're going to look into the differences and the different applications between May. Firstly, both and may can be used in present continuous tense, which is the ten showing what's happening now. To use bull within present continuous tens, we need to say for sure together. For example, I'm not eating. That would be wall both and say true fans. While using MAY in the present continuous tense, we can simply use may alone, for example, and not eating again. That would be war made a true fan. Second, regarding past situations is not to be used for past situations. While ME can be used for that. For example, I did not go to work. May to shang ban. 0.3 about current and future situation. This time can be used for that, while may cannot be used for current and future situations. For example, I don't go back home or I'm not going back home. While poor whites, yellow. I reminder law has the function of change of state. So it's suggesting you previously decided you wanted to go buy a home, but now you've changed your mind and not going back home anymore. Example for features situation. Not coke tomorrow. Mean Qin board sorts hey, point for if you want to talk about adjective to make it negative, can be used while you put before the adjective. While ME is not to be used. For example, this movie is not good. Jug 0.5 regarding Forbes for senses, ability and condition, you can use both to express a negation but not. May. Example for those flare-ups include C Yang, which is want, which is love, and known, which is canned and able to. Let's hear the examples. I'm not into coffee or I don't like drinking coffee. Bull, I hook Hefei 0.6. And our last point, when there is Yo, which is half or has in the sentence. And you want to make it a negation. You can only put May before it, but not full. Therefore, you can say male, but not. For example, I don't have friends. May your poem. Another example. I did not go to the store. Male Chu Shuang DN. A very important note for you. Male actually equals to mate, which the both of them can be interchanged. Every time when you want to say May. It doesn't matter if you use may or male. Actually for me, it is just a short form for Mayo. Dalits here turn, Let's do an overall practice. Fill in the blanks with full or may. Number one, what would you put in the blank? Gone sore. He's not working. That our 21 bush. Second, May. Overall we can say butchered, say cold sore or handmade psych own SAW. Number two, he didn't go back home yesterday. How would you fill in the blanks in the below? Pads? You can either say May or nail in overall pads or PMA weight yet or pads or PAN nail weights, yeah. Number three, I don't have money. Wool. The answer is ne. Number four. This book is not good job. How can the answer is? Job? Number five? I don't want to go to work. Phone, then. The answer is full. Therefore, CNN travel ban. Number six, I won't go to school tomorrow. Mean Tn? Way to stress? The answer is bull. Therefore, warming. Way to CSL. 70. 17.2 Learning: Female. The topic for today is learning. Let's see, I first word is a word to express a sound way. It means hello, but it's only restricted when you first pick it up the phone and say hello. The second means, hey. Again. This word means hello. Only when you first pick up the phone or you call someone on the phone. You may have noticed this word is originally for tone. However, when you talk on the phone, it may sound a little bit rude when you save fourth tone way. Given that this situation, we talk on the phone and say hello. We will usually do second tone, way, way, way, way. The next word is learn or study, which it can be both a verb or a noun. While Swiss see is learned or study, which is a noun or verb. Do you still remember we have learned. Awesome mean, study or you're alone. You may wonder, what's the difference between C and sewer? Basically, they can be used interchangeably when they're both verbs. The small differences that Swiss C actually has more emphasis than Seward has more characters. However, even as a verb, if study or learn happens to be at the end of sentence, you can only use Suez see, but not sweat. That's because it is the main verb and it has to be followed by some other words. Therefore, to make it learn something. Example, I love learning. Suse. The reason why we use stress see instead of Stuart is because the verb learn or learning is at the end of sentence. Example to study at school. Pads I CASEL. However, I love learning Chinese. You can say what I see. I see simply drawn one way. Hello, What are you doing? I'm reading. I can trauma. What about *******? Is he reading to you? Tommy? He's not reading Worlds, Hannah. He's learning to cook Chinese food. 71. 17.3 I Like...: Lehman. The topic is, I like Let's learn our first word. Like C. C. C. Next, television. Yeah, sure. From the word actually means electricity, while shirt means vision. Therefore, the two combined with farm television. Sure. Sure. Next, let's see how we say sleep. Cl Tiao. Similar to CAC and sewage from Swedes out. The main verb is Sri. So again, SRE has to be followed by some other words. Therefore, when sleep is placed at the end of sentence, the whole verb shades Yao will be used. For example, while Fei Chang see gel, I like sleeping a lot. Toile sugars, yellow ocher as slept for ten hours. The found War need manna. What were you doing yesterday morning? What I showed you all know that I was sleeping. How about you? What's eye candy? Ensuring that I was watching TV. Do you like watching TV? Was, you know, I don't I like watching movies. 72. 17.4 Making Phone Calls: Hi guys, theme and the topic is making phone calls. Let's see our first word. It means to give or for something, for someone. Gai. Gai. Next word, telephone, phone. Dn. We already know that means electricity. While actually means verbal. What's next word? Meetings? The first one, it means to hit or to beat or she strike. Second, it means to call, but only related to phone. So generally you would use that as him to call someone on the phone. Therefore to say making phone call or call someone on the phone. That's that. Regarding that, make phone calls, Let's note a few ways to say make a phone call to someone or call somebody. The first way that the white gay make a phone call for someone. The sentence structure is slight when you say you make a phone call to or for somebody, for example, will wait that it means I'll make a phone call for my grandpa. Nick's example. I have made a phone call for my parents. Second way, we would say gay, someone. That for the sentence structure is like when you say you give someone a phone call, example, walkway, gay, dad. It means I'll give my grandpa from debt side a call. Next example. Obama. I have given their parents a call. Final way. It's actually the short form from the above two. We would simply say that somebody, we can simply take that gay, this board as in call somebody. And that's it. For example, will white baggie. I'll call my grandpa. Another example. What that bam. College my parents. Therefore, please remember if you want to say you call somebody, you always say bag gay. Because if you just save that and hit, but then you can say make a phone call as in bat. Next word, it's an expression. Word has no tone, and we'll talk about how to use it very soon. Now let's see the function or introduction of fat. Isn't that expression? It can be put at the end of statements or question. For statement, the purpose is to light in or soft and the toe when you give commands. Or you want to sound relaxed when giving suggestions. For example, qui mi mama, 4-bar. Listen to what your mom says. This case it's like a suggestion or a small command. So you want to sound relaxed. For the function of question. It is, you assume something and then seeking for a confirmation at the end by suggesting, is that right? For example, may see, one can show you like reading books, right? Bollingen Luciana, download, should I use 8006721, teacher Jones phone number pad again, why should pass? And our no number is six a3 to Boise and zygote hot audio. Great. I'll give her a call now. Di Salvo. He's working now. Call her in the afternoon. Here are some notes for you. The n means phone, but we can also use GIN as phone number. So if you would like to learn the long form of phone number, let's learn the word number now. Number in Chinese Hall. My reminder, do you remember we have learned before in our date chapter. Yes. Is the short form for a numbers how Matt? Matt. Therefore for the long form for phone number, it is thin. Mat. Let's hear an example. The Nong wha, wha, how momma Can you give me your phone number? How mash Lean Sensei. My phone number is 0123456. 73. 18.1 Buying Apples: Lehman. The topic is about buying apples. Let's start our first word. Apple. Peel. Ping, Peale. Next word, how do we say things or stuff? For your information within tonal, see, the first character means East, while the second character, C, Originally it's in first tone and it means West. Yet when it comes to being thing or stuff, we don't say the sea as Barstow, but no tone. Don't see. Gong Si. Let's look at the word. Don't see. It will be used very casually. For example, if you want to say you verb stuff, for example, doing stuff, manage things, then you simply do the verb followed by C. For example, true, don't see, eat stuff. My don't see means buy stuff or just buy things. Don't see means strength stuff, drink something. Next, what it means a little bit. It's used for amount. For either. It's for my three characters. Dn are. Yet when we say the whole thing would change from first tone to fourth tone because of a tone rule of E that we learned. While for the end. To pronounciation, we just connect the two together to make things more natural. Therefore. Let me repeat one more time. Let's look at E, the R. It means a little bit of an amount. Similar to tone C. You can put either after a verb to make it like do that thought for a bit in terms of amount. For example, to eat a little bit. By little bit. Is strength a little bit. In H&R Block. Where did you go yesterday morning? I went to buy an a sharp knee, my Sharmila. What did you buy? I bought some apples. 74. 18.2 Did You See Him?: Welcome back. The topic is, Did you see him? Let's see our first word. It means able to see. If you still remember. Ken means see or read or watch. Wild see it also means C. But together they would mean able to see. When do we use it together is I wouldn't use it when we want to say we actually see something or we properly see that thing. Can see Cn. Let's see what's so special about Ken. See it. It is slightly different from Canada. Which both yearly mean C has an implication of seeing something, actually able to see something. For example, would sort tin can see in the Leila, I saw Lilly yesterday. Kantian would imply that you actually see someone or something. In this case, Lily. You can't say you can't someone in this case because that would imply that you see someone as a new fist sit that person. Also you can't say you see in the LEA because it would mean to C As into meet somebody. And in this case you're not talking about you meet Lilly. Another example, need hand. Can Lama, are you able to see it or did you see it? Next word, come back. Way, lie. As way means return. And lie means come together, means come back. Next character, it means turn on open or start. Next. Let's see how we say car or a vehicle. It's true. Means start and char means vehicle. Together means drive. That's because you start a car, isn't it? Ne Kantian, Saudi Lama. Did you see Sally coxiella can't use your hydraulic? Yes. He has gone to learn driving, passion, the shareholder. When is he able to come back? Pass Lucia syndrome hall way? He will come back after 14 minutes. 75. 18.3 She Bought Many Clothes!: Hi guys, welcome back. The topic is, she bought many clothes. Let's see how do we say clouds? In reality, we often will say the full as no TO. Therefore, ye for clothes normally would not include the bottom. Therefore, it will be referring to the tops or a whole set of clothing. Next word, a lot. Why is that? Because bull is not and Shaw means little, therefore, means not literal, meaning quite a lot. Shot for shot. Now let's see some examples of how we use Photoshop. First example was CLR bushel. Don't see. I learned a lot or I learned a lot of things to be specific. Next example. Well, it surely don't see a lot or I ate a lot of things. Final word for today, It's an expression wet, and we'll learn how to use it. Great. Now let's move on to learn the function of its an expression. And it can be used in both statements and questions. To use. You just have to place it at the end of sentences. When use an if statement, I would actually provide a sense of exclamation or passionate tone. For example. This is very good. Next example. He really liked studying. Final example, Walmart's, what's happened, How true on my mom cooks very well. What about using questions? You can put at the end of question to provide a curious or surprising sound. Example, needs an abortion ban. How come you don't go to work? Ni Mei Tiankai. You don't have money to see the doctor. Final example, n0 boy. You cannot drive. Found that youth with higher PR fangs outfit is so pretty bush. Oh, yes, She bought many clouds. What did you buy? While May just see adultery cell phone that don't see I didn't buy anything. These are all CL songs stuff. Now there are some notes for you regarding the reply shoot. As shrew is used to agree or confirm on things. Which shoe is yes. While for mentioned that when you see misstatement, it provides a sense of explanation. Therefore, should be used in a way that you want to say yes When you agree on something, but with an exclamation or passionate sound. Now let's see how we can use it. For example, Person a says, she hung up. Today's weather is very nice. And B can reply. Yes, which is to agree. Next example, Person a says, target high hotline. She's such a nice person, meaning her personalities. So good. Person B can reply to agree, meaning yes. 76. 19.1 Take the Taxi: The topic would be take the taxi. First word, three characters. For your inflammation. True? Actually means out. Actually means rent. And char, as you know, it means car or a vehicle. Do you remember the meaning for immune sit? However, apart from meaning sit, it also means the action for a take the transportation. Because whenever you take the transportation, usually sit there right? As char is for vehicle, we often use her as a phrase to mean take transportation. Though this phrase, this is specify which type of transportation you are taking. Next word, it means restaurant or in some regions of China, they would call this hotel. Then DN, as you know, means rise or meal. Is store. Fan Dn. Dn. Next word, it means together. And that's within the sentence. Eats. He will be put before the activity because it's like you guys do an activity. Final word, it means arrive or shoot them alive. Agenda. How did you get to the restaurant? Woman should select tool to each trial either. We came by a taxi. Nina. What about you? Pedro lie that I drove to here with my friend. You should have noticed from the dialogue, it often has the phrase, should, blah-blah-blah. That includes Neiman should submit life Auntie Linda. Sure. Her polio BTK to allay. Now I'm going to introduce you to show that the combination. Combination, it emphasized the content right after shirt, while always put at the end. Therefore, any normal sentence, it would start by saying the subject and then shirt, then the content you want to emphasize. And at the end, you would end with the to make him white clear. Subject is the thing that you want to talk about. For example, an apple. While for the thing you want to emphasize, it could be anything like when, how much or how to, etc. In the dialogue. Neiman Shruti, my life. And you could see the subject, which is the thing you want to talk about is Ni Men. You guys. As shrew is placed before to emphasize content. And that's some my life and how to get to the restaurant. Neiman shoots them alive. Anti into the direct translation is, it tastes by what method do you got to the restaurant? Therefore, the question's asking. It says by what method that you guys came to the restaurant. While from the dialogue, the reply says, woman should still a trial to trial either. We came by taxi. Again. You may have figured out the subject, which is the thing you want to talk about is warm, then we emphasize content. It's true to tour Lai came by taxi while men shirts or two to try lie that the direct translation is it tests by taking a taxi that we came. Actually, it is saying it says by taking the taxi that we came to here. Wild next reply says, well, shrew her polio. I drove to here with my friend. As a subject is placed before shirt. That's War I. The emphasize content is her Pong Leo III TK TO lie, drove here with my friend. Therefore, each trial, either direct translation is it's by driving with a friend that I came here. The sentence actually means it is by driving the car with a friend that I came here. Let's see some more additional example. Shirts what I arrive yesterday. You can see the main subject is wall. I emphasized content is tau, yesterday coming. Therefore, water shoots what the direct translation Is. It was yesterday that I arrived. We actually means it yesterday. That's when I came. He does like me. The subject you want to talk about is the emphasized content is C. Likes me. See? The direct translation is it tests the fact that he likes me. It actually means he doesn't like me, or it has that he likes me. Draw usher warm made. This is bought by me. The main subject you want to talk about is this. Drill. The emphasize content is warm. Me buying it. Therefore, warm. The direct translation Is, it was me who bought this. Actually, just saying it just me. Who bought it? Joshua sand by acquire. This was bought at 300 Renminbi. You should know the main subject we want to talk about is this draw. Emphasize content is bought at 300 Renminbi sand bag while I may sandbox quiet man. The direct translation Is it was at 300 Renminbi that this was bought edge. This time it is saying this thing is at 300 Renminbi that's bought at. 77. 19.2 Take the Flight: Hi guys, name and the topic is tick the flight. Let's see our first word, airplane, flight. Phase. For your information. Actually means fly. And C means device or machine. One change. So it's very nice to meet you, Mr. Wang. Okay. We're Gaussian. Very nice to meet you too. Kingstown shelter. Fatty liberating that. I heard missing said you took the flight to Beijing. Sure that yes. Now let's see what team for means. The character you may already know. It means you hurt somebody said. For example, what it means. I heard that your grandma's from mumps side. How this not to well, if you want to specify who the person said it that you heard from, you would say to someone the person's name shore, which was suggests that hurt that person said. For example, while Lao Shu Bu Dao low, I heard Louis said that the teacher is not coming to school today. Last time we have learned. This time, let's learn what is shrewd that we have mentioned. It means yes, when you reply to your person for the it would actually produce a confirming sound when you put it at the end of a sentence. Therefore, shrewd, that means yes, which you agree on what the other person says, but with a confirming sound. For example, when your boss says to you naming Tn tau IDA sham banned, come to work earlier tomorrow. And you as a staff can say shrewd that it means yes, but it has to confirming sound. 78. 19.3 University Schoolmates: Hi guys Neiman. Topic is university schoolmate. Let's have a quick reminder of some words. Small a's, middle drawer. Now let's see how we say primary school. Secondary school. Jones Jones University. Yet? Yet. The Hurley near sure, sure, sure, sure. Yeah. When did you know mislead woman to that Arlene yarn yet? Gioia, you ensure that we met in September 2012? Neiman sayonara. The Where did you guys meet? Woman should I choose geology and issue that? We met at school? Posture would attach you had told me she was my university school mate. Let's see some notes from the dialogues. Do you remember the shirt that the combination that we learned from this dialog? The linear Sure, sure, sure, sure that the content between shrew is Shen. Therefore, it's a focus. It's what we want to emphasize in the question. Overall, the literal translation is, it is wet or it is at what time that you and miss the new each other. Let's see another dialogue. The guy answers, woman should say, I link to your us. Because say, you're running shoe. It started right after. Sure. It is. The content should be emphasized. For the English translation, the literal meaning is, it says in September 2012 that we knew each other. How about next dialog, Neiman INR rennin issue that you may start to wonder, where is the shoe. In fact, it's hidden. Without the shirt. The whole structure would sound the same. Shrew would go into this position. Therefore, the emphasize content is not the literal translation. It is where it is, what plays that you guys knew each other. Finally, from dialogue. While men, she says she ESL read, ensure that you can see that the emphasized content is sized ranch. And the literal translation is it tests at the school that we knew each other. 79. 20.1 Preparing New Level l - 见(jiàn), 见面(jiànmiàn), 一/有点儿(yì / yǒu diǎnr), 多(duō), 少(shǎo): Congrats, we're reading the last lesson in this series. We're going to consolidate what we have learned and we'll add some new knowledge based on that. Let's start with the word. Can. We already know it means C? How do we say, See you next week? See you next Tuesday. Let's see the example. Since dilutes means See you next Saturday. Woman, since he ITN, we'll see each other on Tuesday. Now let's see how we can farm new words by using the old words. Can means C, While means face. In, SMB, eat it, display, meet face-to-face. Do sue, remember the sentence structure rule that we learned before? In fact, CAN men, although as a verb, it is like an activity in that rule. Therefore, when you use it, pleasant at the action position. With that said, please remember when you say ten min, you would say a and B, C N Min, but never say a, T and V. This is a very common mistake. For example, Woman, second thing, TT&C, MEN, helpful. Let's meet next Sunday. Is that good? Losing on e that we know it means a little bit of an amount. However, if we want to speak fast, can be removed when you eat. That follows other words. Let's see an example. True that I don't see that. Eat a bit nice handout. Read a bit more books. After looking at either. Now let's look at Yoda. It also mean a little bit. But what's the difference? It is used to show the degree of things, therefore used in intangible things. Let's elaborate a little bit more. Yoda is to show the degree as in a little bit. Therefore, it will be placed before an adjective, or sometimes therapies for sensors. For example, see when yo Darcy, I kind of like her. It suggests that I like her a bit. Let's see some more examples. While Yoda Shang Ben, I don't want to go to work in Kenyatta. Lay. He's a bit tired today. Final part for today. Verb. First is shawl verb. When we say door before a verb, it means do that for more. Shaw before a verb, it means do that less. For example, need dual harsh way. Drink more water. Knee shall can't watch less TV. 80. 20.2 Preparing New Level II - 没/有 (méi/yǒu), 好啊 (hǎo a): Welcome back. Let's see some more applications for Chinese words and phrases. Great. Let's start with the opposite of male, which we have mentioned that may you all will be used in showing the past situations. Therefore, the opposite of male, which is you-all, also has the indication of showing past situations. Let's say examples. John, for your Shang Ben, my husband, did go to work. Next. While you're true, Tanisha, my son did go to senior doctor. Speaking of past tense, let's see how we can reply no in binary question indicating the past situations. Previously learned, we use a negation word plus a verb to me, No. Now as we know, May you'll also indicate past situations. We can use it to mean no and reply the binary question. Let's see an example. For a question. Knees sway C to as ****. Did you learn to cook? For answer? If you want to say no, you can have two ways. May sit, which is the negation word plus a verb, or simply May, you'll have lunch before to reply to a binary question. To say yes, you wait, repeat the verb, and to say no, you've seen, please say the negation word plus a verb. But I'm here to tell you this is not really the case for pressing continuous binary question. Just a reminder, present continuous mean. Like doing something, for example, cooking, reading, watching TV, etc. Let's actually see some examples on present continuous questions. For example, needs I see a hand cinema. You writing Chinese now, for these kind of questions, if you want to reply with saying yes, you may want to say, as we have learned before. As a reply is used to mean yes. When you want to confirm or agree on a sentence, to say no, you may want to use Bosch or male, which is a negative form for present continuous tense. To act as a reminder, is always a short form of male. For example, needs I can't use your mom. Are you watching TV to say no, it is Bush or no or male? No. Reply in a long form. The first way, we'll blue shirts, I can get The alternative way. Warm mail. I can't insure. Do you remember we have learned shrew. Now let us where we would reply with how. As a reminder, how is good. Therefore, it means sure. Provides a sense of exclamation or a passionate sound. Therefore, is sure. Adding exclamation or passionate sound. For example, when person A's suggest woman, ETC2, hello, Shruti ABA. Let's go to teachers has placed together. And person B replies, holla, it means sure and he sounds very keen. One more example, Nissan Busan to continue. Do you want to go watch movie? If you apply? How? It means? Sure. And you sound keen. 81. 20.3 Preparing New Level III - 怎么了(zěnmele),这么(zhènme),那么(nàme),些(xiē),早(zǎo),晚(wǎn): Lehman, how playing? Well, let's start by learning a new term. Sudden my law. We know that means how is it, what is malloc? It means what's up, What's going on, what's wrong? Let's see an example. Needs seemed can send MLA. It means What's wrong with you today. Let's see new whereas formed by old words. Jama. It means this or that. But mind you it is not the direction this or that, but means vary or so. Just like English. This pretty that much. With that said, trilemma or Nama are usually placed before adjectives, perhaps for our senses or ability. Using Java and Nana would give a sense of emphasis to show how extreme it is. Finally, drama and can be used interchangeably. Let's see some examples to make it more clear. So much drama, manga. How come it's this or so busy today? Next one you are hula non-monotone. You know, my daughter has shrunk that are so much milk. Let's revise the word CA, which means sum or a few. It can be put after verbs, for example, needs or soil association. It means What did you do yesterday, but it also implies y few things did you do yesterday? Let's move on to revise doll ends. Apart from meaning morning and night, respectively. It can also mean early and late respectively. Let's see how we use it. Example, need seemed yeah, wife around at all. Arrive or come earlier tonight. Just that, you know. Plus d. That means early by a bit. Therefore, tau needs a bit earlier. Next. Polio, my friend will arrive a bit later. One plus e, that means late. I did. Therefore, one a bit later. 82. 20.4 Preparing New Level IV - New Use of Old Words: Congrats. You have come to spot to reach and last video of the whole course. Let's start with the character Tom. We learned it from the word homes threat. Yet, when Tom is low, it means same. When we want to say same something, for example, same person, same school, same computer. The English way with the same one, something. Therefore, the Chinese way is pull, measure something. Let's see an example. Same person, Tanika run, same school, tone, egos, GSL, same computer, tone, ICA, piano, and sing one, we simply say total Nika. Now let's learn a new word, cinema, da and yield un. How is this formed? Because the end yield means movie. And you recognize the un, un from e un, which is hospital. And UN is a word that's placed related un. Now let's move to the word Ponyo, which is friend. Let's see how we can form some new whites with it. Reminder, CL means small. Nan means male. Nude means female. Sell POME, which is small. Friend means kits. And then Ponyo means boyfriend. While new polio is girlfriend. Let's see another new word formed. Family people. Reminder means house, home, or family, while gen means people. What is family people? For example? Again, I love my family. Yeah, Iran is specifically referring to people in your family. Moving on, let's see how we say go in, come in. As we learn. Is enter, is go. Lie is come into, actually means go in. While seen means come in. How about go back to or I come back as we learned. Way means return or bag. And we have just mentioned that is go and lie is KM is go back to lie is come back. Finally, our topic using hook, which is end when linking with three or more items similar to English, who is only plays right before the last item. Therefore, for example, my family has father, mother, younger brother, and me. That's yeah, y'all bat, bat, mama. Didi. Congratulations for completing the course. Now you can do more practices by getting an HSK one workbook and then maybe take the proficiency. I hope you enjoy the course and see you next level. 83. Speaking Practice Lesson 16-20: Yes. Hello. Hello.