Chalk Lettering for Coffee Bars & Restaurants | Cristina Pagnoncelli | Skillshare

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Chalk Lettering for Coffee Bars & Restaurants

teacher avatar Cristina Pagnoncelli, Visual artist, letterer & designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      1. Chalk Lettering for Coffee Bars & Restaurants


    • 2.

      2. Where to start


    • 3.

      3. Looking for inspiration


    • 4.

      4. First studies on paper


    • 5.

      5. Choose the best layout


    • 6.

      6. Resizing it to the chalkboard


    • 7.

      7. Adding body to your letters


    • 8.

      8. Adding charm to your art


    • 9.

      9. Final touches


    • 10.

      10. EXTRA - Little Chalkboard Timelapse


    • 11.

      11. EXTRA - Medium Chalkboard Timelapse


    • 12.

      12. EXTRA - Wall Menu in Chalk Timelapse


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About This Class

Are you ready to create your first chalk art? 

In this class you will learn how to plan your art and lettering for small and big surfaces. You will get some tips on how to communicate well in a simple and attractive way, decorating and playing with different colours, forms and shades. You will also see the process on how to project your design from paper to any size of chalkboard and walls. 

  • This class is for beginners: No prerequisite knowledge or techniques required. If you already knows how to draw or letter, it gets easier, but anyone can learn from this video.


1. Intro .  Meet Cristina Pagnoncelli, a designer and visual artist from South Brazil. She has been working with chalk for the last 5 years, specially for coffee bars and restaurants. Check out some of her works and get inspired to do your own - as a hobby or even for a real job. 

2. Where to start . Once you have all the information you need to communicate, the idea is to visualize it by writing it down and listing some ideas you could work with. 

3. Looking for inspiration . The creativity doesn't come from nowhere. Look at some inspiring designs, check into books and websites. Don't hesitate on going through someone else's work to get some ideas. 

4. First studies on paper . The best way to plan your art is to start small. Draw some ideas on the proportion of the final surface. This way you can visualize the whole project before going big. 

5. Choose the best layout . After some studies, it will give you more confidence to decide where to go from there. Draw it a little bit bigger and plan what else could help your art to be more harmonic and attractive. 

6. Resizing it to the chalkboard . You won’t need a projector. The tip on this class is to teach you how to visualize any size of a surface as a puzzle where you can fit all the information you need. Start training your eyes to resize and see visual spaces. 

7. Adding body to your letters . Here you’ll check some tips on how to work on your letters. Using some inner gradients and shadows to give more life to it and to highlight what is most important. Notice that each information has different weight on the whole art in order to communicate what is most relevant to see first.  

8. Adding charm to your art . Learn how to explore the chalk in different textures. Using colours mixed with white chalk and contrasting with the blackboard is a good way to call more attention to some information or to play with some three-dimentional letters and illustrated elements, bringing more style to your whole art. 

9. Final touches . Don’t forget to clean some extra sketches that were left behind. Check some tips on how to erase the chalk and finalize your art.

10. EXTRA - Small Chalkboard. Watch the entire timelapse video of the process. 

11. EXTRA - Medium Chalkboard. Watch the entire timelapse video of the process. 

12. EXTRA - Wall Menu in Chalk. Watch the entire timelapse video of the process. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Cristina Pagnoncelli

Visual artist, letterer & designer


I'm a visual artist, letterer and designer from Brazil, currently based in Curitiba.

I work as a freelancer from anywhere I find myself at the time. I'm always looking for new challenges and experiences from which I can be learning and evolving as a designer and person. I'm used to travel very often, always looking for new ideas and inspirations from around the world and different cultures to put in my work. 

For the last 5 years I've been working mainly with lettering & illustration and it became even more intense after I started to teach an independent workshop at my studio. I love to teach and specially to see my students happy and living from their art and passion. 

Recently I've recorded online classes in Portuguese and English. An... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. 1. Chalk Lettering for Coffee Bars & Restaurants: however, one. And Christina Perri on Charlie. I'm a designer and visual artists from South Brazil. For the last five years, I've been working with chalk, art and lettering. Since then, I've been a lot of child in euros, especially for bars and restaurants. I've been teaching a chalk lettering workshop for the last three years in Brazil. E. I also work with other techniques and love to explore other possibilities. Together with Korea, Cheap was a group of friends that I've been working since 2013. We are all independent designers, and we have found a lot of support and exchange through our work and friendship in thes best years. And I must say it helped me a lot improving my skews on drawing letters. I will show you the process I have used to create most of the projects evidence, including my first well menu at House Cafe, be a big woe for Champaign Loco brand, a live action, then for Lollapalooza, a decorated low for an American bar in an Italian restaurant. And then in this class we will do some exercises to understand and learn how to deliver a message in a simple and objective way. I'm very excited to share some tips that will help you to create your own chalk art. And don't forget to share the result of your class project uploaded to the project's Valerie so everybody can see the results of our exercises. Let's get started. 2. 2. Where to start: So where do we start? First of all, we have to my ball the information we need to communicate. So my advice is to write a list of things and everything. We will be drove. I mean, if I have this information's in my email, I wouldn't just print it, because when I'm writing it down, I can see better. So here I'm putting in the paper. All the contents will be working on, so I have three pieces. Two. So for coffee bar, the 1st 1 is the smallest, a little child boards behind. It has 30 to 40 centimeters, and I am supposed to draw the message. Coffee poses Nike for only $10. The second board is a bit bigger than the first, and I have to illustrate another promotion that saves grabbers, neck and a drink for only $12. And the last one is a wall Manu, with much more information that I will have to analyze the best way to organize and communicate 3. 3. Looking for inspiration: I usually don't start a project without looking at some inspirational works. I have some artists as references, so I always check on their books or even their websites. And sometimes I checked my painters collections where I saved most of my favorites, inspiring images and stuff. The creativity doesn't come from nowhere, so don't be ashamed to go through someone else's work to get better ideas. I'm always observing and learning from others. Since our remain subject is coffee and drinks, I would go for this kind of references. Sometimes, if I don't know how to draw something and it happens a lot, I just google it and see what could guide me. For example, a cup of coffee are caipirinha called to you. 4. 4. First studies on paper: I usually highlight previously what is most important to communicate this way I can keep my mind what must be bolder and bigger. Okay, now that we have an idea off what we have to straight, we will draw some forms and think about the size is off the elements and words to eat surface. And how can we explore all this information together with some illustration or not? Let's start with the smallest piece, so I will be drawing the frame in the proportion. Usually, I would do some companies to study different possibilities, and then I will start to think in spaces as a puzzle to fit the information and elements for this smaller one. I won't be using any illustration because I think it's true smoke and I could explore only the letters and the value. At this moment, I don't even think about the style or boldness off the letters. I just want to distribute the information and see how it can feet and be rich. For the second board, we have more space to work and more words. The second place is a bit bigger, so I will raise to illustrate some elements. Again, I do some difference thirties to see what could work better. I could work with different movements, maybe with a large and straight lines are even with diagonals. Or why not try to give more movement with the waving line? Everything is valid at this point. We're just thinking about all the possibilities and finally, the third and bigger menu for a while, definitely the most. If I in one, we will again start thinking about space is and how to distribute being in an easy and logical way. That's why writing it down before it's so important, so we can start to think and draw the structures. Since we have a larger least off drinks than coffees and necks, we can think of inserting an illustration or highlighting the promo, or even both. The first thirties are super sketchy again. I don't need to think about the style of the letters right now or which cholera will be using at the final art. I just think about the spaces and the size of each illustration and how it would be perceived. The composition is the most important thing at this point 5. 5. Choose the best layout: After drawing some options, I will choose the one they prefer or think we work better. For the first piece, I've decided that the best 30 was the 2nd 1 I will draw it a little bit bigger so I can think about more details, the margin, the weight and the style of the letters, this Plesch or the bubble behind the value to make it more attractive. And the final composition. - Same thing. On the second piece, I chose the last 30 because I think I can gain more attention with an illustrated drink and snake making my choke art more colorants and fun. After drawing this skeletal off the letters, the last thing is to decide the weight in this tie will be, and finally, our biggest challenge. The well menu. As much as they decided paper, he will get easier on the final choke art because you already decided what and where to put each information and elements. So try to they tell you as much as you can 6. 6. Resizing it to the chalkboard: As I said, it's easier when we already have planned. The layout in this space is so now we would just have to think about this puzzle, but be here. We will start with the 1st 1 I usually use state to help me visualize the spaces. And then I start to place each words and elements where I previously have planned a woofers . Catch all my layouts intro for the second piece. Same process. I start with the tape. It helps me a lot not to write it up or down. It helps me to guide me on this bigger surfaces, - especially on Big Wall main use. The tape is my biggest ally. It keeps all the lines is straight and prevent me from writing and drawing it room. After I traced all my sketch, I will start to Redrow stuff that I think could be better or different than the reviews. Studies 7. 7. Adding body to your letters: So it's time to add body to the letters and the create some elements. I can work with the regular white chalk from school or I can use Color Edwin's. This one's our pastas For this mother piece, I decided to work with the brown choke for the coffee words and the yellow tone to highlights the problem. But the main caller in my projects are usually the traditional white choke because I think it gives more contrast to the whole art for the medium size childbirth. I will use colors on the illustration. I will also work with some coloring details on the letters to get some attention. But first I will add body to the main info, making this letters boulder so we can read it better from a distance again for our well may knew the same process. We will start adding weight for the letters and to the title words reproducing this tiles. We previously decided on our sketches 8. 8. Adding charm to your art: I love to work with chalk because we can do some beautiful radiance and at some shadows to add some trade Imation off feeling to it. It also can help highlighting some elements and make it more attractive between so many evils. For example, on the first piece, we can explore some Grady INTs and shadows on the letters. I also like to play with color, contrasting with the white choke to bring more life to the elements to highlight the promo . I always think on how to call more attention to it. Using caller is a good way to do it. On the second piece, we can explore a lot off textures, ingredients and illustrated, snack and drink. For the words and the main information, I can choose some collars and work with radiant inside the body off the letters. And the really nice thing about chalk is how we can create beautiful, illustrated elements with different textures, using our own hand to move the chalk or even the chalk itself to intensify some lines and details for the woman you same Grady INTs and shadows to add a lot of charm and more details to the main elements you can see the difference when we start to add body color and specialty tastes, they are choked, becomes even more beautiful and attractive. 9. 9. Final touches: and that's it. The last paper would give you is to clean the extra sketches that were left behind. I usually use my own hands, a wet tissue or even erases two tiny details. Sometimes I also like to include inner shadows to some letters. If we have space for it. Amazing. Don't you think chalk gets easier with practice? One of the difficult about it? It's how to keep your chalkboard. Please, I have some tapes to remove the choke in a way you won't leave so many goes behind. It takes a little bit off patients, but it's possible you will be able to check more details and secrets off the chalk art on my next video clips. Or even with my instagram. I'm always sharing my newest projects and its processes in my timeline and my stories. So check me at Chris Pine on Charlie or office in a Disease 10. 10. EXTRA - Little Chalkboard Timelapse: 11. 11. EXTRA - Medium Chalkboard Timelapse: 12. 12. EXTRA - Wall Menu in Chalk Timelapse: