Canva for Entrepreneurs : Create an Infographic | Jeremy Deighan | Skillshare

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Canva for Entrepreneurs : Create an Infographic

teacher avatar Jeremy Deighan, Online Instructor |

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Examples of Infographics


    • 3.

      Using Canva to Create and Infographic


    • 4.

      Exporting Your Infographic


    • 5.

      Assignment : Create Your Own Infographic


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About This Class

Learn how to create an Infographic with Canva, a free software platform for designing expert looking graphics in a short amount of time!

Providing information online is useful for anyone viewing it, but reading can be very time consuming for a lot of people. In a world where time is so valuable, infographics really shine. They show an audience visual information that someone can quickly glance over and take in. We as humans also react to images on an emotional level so it helps us retain the information that is being presented.

When you are finished, I encourage you to upload your image to this class for the rest of us to see. Getting feedback from other students is a great way to learn what looks good and what does not. It’s also very motivating to get your creations out there and share them with the world.

Other Courses in This Series:

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Blog Title Graphic

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Twitter Header

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Twitter Post

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Pinterest Graphic

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Google+ Photo

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Wide Skyscraper Ad

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Email Header

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Infographic

Canva for Entrepreneurs : eBook Cover

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Canva : Beginner's Guide

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Jeremy Deighan

Online Instructor |


My name is Jeremy Deighan and I am thrilled to be an online instructor, helping others achieve their own personal goals. I have had quite the range of skills and hobbies through my lifetime. I really enjoy teaching and hope to provide information to others on anything and everything I know how to do! Please take a moment to check out my courses, and if you take any please leave a review and any feedback you have!

Art and Design

I have an extensive background in different forms of art and design. I have an associates degree in Computer Animation and I've worked with various production houses to create awesome content. Adobe Photoshop has been a staple of my arsenal since I was 16 and use it faithfully to this day.

I also have a history in live visual arts, specifical... See full profile

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Design Graphic Design
Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: in this lesson, we're going to be creating an infographic. An infographic is visual representation of information that you want to share with your audience. This can be statistical. It can be timeline based. It can be steps that you want your audience to take, or it can just be fun facts. First, I'll show you some great infographics that you can find on the Internet for inspiration and see how they use certain graphic design principles to create their own infographics. After that, we'll dive right into camera and begin using some of their pre made templates and layouts so that you can create compelling infographics on your own easily from scratch. Finally, will save out that image as either a low resolution J. P G file, ah, high resolution PNG file or even a PdF file based on where you're actually sharing this information, whether be on the Internet, in social media or even as a PdF for people to download and look at later on at the end, I ask that you upload your image and infographic to this course so that both me, the instructor and others can see what you've been working on. This is both very motivating to get your images out there. And it's a great chance to get critiques and feedback on your work and how we can help you make it look better in the future. So if you're ready to get started, let's go ahead and begin. 2. Examples of Infographics: Let's go ahead and take a look at some examples of some infographics. So here I've just typed an infographic inside of Google and I've went to the images section and I love looking at infographics. They're just so much fun. They show visual representation of information, and that could be timeline based. It could be data driven statistics percentages, and you can really get your point across and a lot of great visual ways. So here we see some examples of some info graphics, and you can see that use a lot of icons. Usually the branding and the colors are pretty similar to create some similarity, but you can see the different images here. Some of them are showing categories. Some of them are showing how or how not to do something. Like I said, there's percentage based pie graphs, bar graphs. This one has a picture of the United States showing kind of a heat map look of different things. You can see, um, just ah, whole wealth of information. And basically it can be, you know, two things like the blue and red here, or can be a multitude of information. Even this Infographic shows Venn diagram of all kinds of different information being displayed. Some info graphs are very complex. So, like this power of Pinterest, Infographic has ah lot of different information on it has multiple types of graphs, Icahn's percentages, technical information and then, you know, some of them can be just very simple type of event. Infographic shown you some basic information, and some some of them that work really go good is how to do something so it will be in steps like this one. Over here were shows Step one, Step two, Step three and kind of gives you a guiding line to follow you along a path. Kind of like how a board game works where you just follow that line. You you read the information and you get through it so they are very powerful. Definitely. Take a look at some infographics on your own on the Internet. There's thousands and thousands of them. They're really popular on social media, especially platforms like Pinterest that air that our image based. So check some out, get some ideas of what you would like to create, curate your information, make sure you're using good data, trustworthy data. That's true. If you're, you know, talking about something from another site. You may want to reference that on your infographic, but definitely come through and look at some of these great examples. I think you'll really enjoy these. 3. Using Canva to Create and Infographic: Okay, So once you are logged into your camp account, go ahead to the create a design section, and we will go ahead and create this infographic. So we're going to scroll down here and under blogging and e books, you will see the infographic template. It's 800 pixels by 2000 pixels. Infographics are typically pretty long, and that's why they work really good on platforms such as Pinterest. You can make a custom resolution if you would like, but we're going to use a template. So let's go ahead and just left. Click on this. When we do do it will open up campus design dashboard and on the left hand side, you can see we have a bunch of templates to choose from. On the right hand side, you will see that we are at 29% so we're zoomed out quite a bit of ways, and we might need to zoom in, Makesem edits and then zoom out and see how it looks as we begin making these adjustments. But we can go down and find an infographic for likings. You can see somewhere time based some or percentage based. Some have graphs, some of Omar steps and tell you how to do certain things. Some of them were just basic information. So we'll go ahead and look down here and I'll use this. Ah, I'll use this pie chart here, so basically, I'm going to zoom in. And so we've got this this graphic that has our main header at the top and then shows a pie graph. And then we have our 12345 sections that we can use and then our website at the bottom so we might call this. Maybe we are working on this and we want to say, Okay, these air to text sections. So I'm going to click on the top one, and I'm going to say top websites and let's make sure this is centered for using infographics. So maybe we're making an infographic on the best websites to create infographics in. Sure, we're centered up there, and as we move things around, you'll see these purple lines pop up there guiding lines to help. You just kind of move some different things around. And then maybe this is this is our brand. I don't like this little thing, so I might actually just delete this. We don't need this for right now. So then we could come down and we could decide. Okay. What are the top websites that my yeezys It gives us five options weaken, delete and move these things around. But just for the east of used to show you a couple things that we could do here, let's go ahead and just use the five. So, um, what are the best websites for using infographics? Pinterest might be one. Ah, we could say, um Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Google. Plus, let's go ahead and delete these bottom fields out. And maybe we can talk a little bit about this. Change out these colors to that light grey. So it's not so obvious and ah, just a little nicer on the eyes to read because I like how they use this color scheme here . I think I was using the right color. Let me change these colors here. Picking the wrong gray there, make sure we got the right colors here. Okay, So Pinterest, um image base webs website. That is great for using infographics image based website. That is better for square images. Want one of the top social media networks uses short text and images on this social media platform. I'm just filling in this information so we can just see how it looks great for linking to google dot com and YouTube. Something like that. Just so we have a little bit of information here. So then we could say, OK, well, we've got this pie chart. How do we want to divvy up this information? Um, so these are actually 55 different pieces of the pie and we could just do something simple and basically just make this look like make it look like it's part of, ah graph that we've taken. And of course, when you do this kind of stuff, you are going to definitely want to make sure that you are using good information that you have. I'm just kind of guessing to show you a couple of things that we could maybe do to move some of this stuff around and show you how we might recreate some of these objects and different things. So I'm doing here now is I'm going to use all five fields. They're all gonna be 20% with this specific infographic, we're not going to be able to change around Ah, whole bunch of things. We can't move the amount of percentages of this pie chart, so we're just going to give everything and equal 20% as if it was all nice and neat. Now, with it being, uh, 20% each, What they've done here is they've combined two of the same color so that it just looks like , ah, 40% piece, and you could do that to you could make a 60% 80% peace and so on. But just for the sake of this, we're going to make him all 20%. So we'll call this warm Pinterest and right now and make this a little bigger and move it around so it looks good, just kind of lines up with everything. And then we had instagram and you can see these purple lines popping up. That's helping me get everything nice and even Facebook, Twitter and Google plus All right, then we can just color in these fields so they all kind of use. These words are closer to the numbers on me. Just move these up a little bit, so it looks a little better. So then we can just color in these different pieces of the pie. Facebook uses a dark blue color Google plus use of red also. So we're gonna have to pick something different, which is fine. Facebook. Take a dark blue Twitter is a light blue, but we won't worry too much about that. And then if I really want to be technical, I probably spent a lot of time just kind of organizing this and making sure everything's nice and even which I don't want to spend too much time because you'll get the basic idea of what I'm doing here. But I would definitely make sure this is all align nicely and looks good. But here, with this simple pie chart weaken definitely make all these different adjustments. And then, um, we can go in this Delete this. This has nothing to do with what we're talking about. So we're centered right here, and we might want to change out these images because they have nothing to do with what we're talking about. If we go over to elements, we can go to icons and they actually have some of the some of these icons for these social media platforms that we can use down here a little ways. I could probably search form, see if they're not too far down. Okay, here, they're cold. So we got Pinterest. It's a little big. Bring this in. Okay, It's to Graham. Probably need a make sure they're about the same size when you make a little smaller here. Who didn't mean to copy that? Facebook I copy Button keeps trying to get me. So I'm doing is I'm deciding in these images, making it somewhat uniform, and you can see these awesome grid lines that are kind of trying to make everything lined up nice and neat for me, which is great. Had I use those squares. Might have been a little quicker, but that's OK. You can see some. Sometimes designing is just going through the motions and ah, looking at things, moving things around, seeing how they look, how they line up, okay. And Google do not have a Google. We don't have Google. Let's Ah, let's just change this out. We'll just call this, um what's this circle? Is that Tumbler? What's the team? Oh, no, that's Twitter. Already got that one. Monroe. September. Stick this in here like this. Here's Twitter. I know what I was thinking. Believe that Teesta number. So we'll change that out. I don't know if Petreaus graphics are on Tumbler have never been on that website much myself. But that's okay. This is just going to give you some basic ideas of some design elements. And then we'd want put our website, of course, down here at the bottom. And like I said, with this type of thing, you're gonna have to, like, zoom out, kind of look at it, see how it's aligning. See how everything's looking nice and neat for you. That was a little off. And you can use these guiding lines to try to get everything lined up My since smooth for you. You can also click on on an item and just use your arrow keys on your keyboard so I can hit down twice and just move that down. But very quickly we can come in here and make ourselves a great looking infographic. I'd probably go ahead and make sure that these colors actually did match their platforms. So we take the orange here, let's try to make it that instagram color Facebook is pretty close. We'll leave it there. Twitter is this yellow? We want to like blue color and Tumbler was this kind of great out blue also, which is similar to what we already got going on. But that's not what I want. I grabbed the percentage, and I want this. So looks like when I brought in those logos that actually brought in these colors for me, which is really nice, because now you can pick this blue and grab that exact Facebook blue because it actually brought in these colors for me. But real quickly, I can come in here and make an infographic. And this is just one type of infographic where you can have a pie chart with percentages. Um, the yellow doesn't do any justice for this now, so it probably come in here and maybe change out this yellow to something else. Um, since we're using a lot of blues, I might do a blue Or maybe even that read we could go with a gray. I'm going to click this text field, hold down shift, click the other text field, and when you zoom in to do this, Okay, now I can move both of them together and get them lined up all in one shot and then with ease. Like I said with ease, infographics that a real long and big images. We're gonna zoom out, zoom in, check out things, see how it's looking from a distance and then come in and adjust them. Make sure that they look nice and straight and even everything looks good and spaced. Okay, so that looks good. Hopefully that just gives you, Ah, quick idea of some some different things that you can use here. Um, always use these templates because the templates just make it very quick and easy for you to come in here and start making adjustments. That's why I use canvas as much as I do, because I don't have to be some expert graphic design artist. I can come in here and start making some great looking images with the tools and features that they already have forests right away, and I'd spend a lot more time. I mean, this is a quick, you know, um, under under 30 minutes course, and I'm trying to get through and just show you a couple of tips and tricks here, but of course, I would spend a lot of time really tweaking these and making them look good. And there's so many different layouts that you could use and camera has, ah, lot of icons, images, graphs, grids, elements, all kinds of great things that you can use to really make some really cool looking infographics. So have fun with it, create something great and then upload it to this class because we'd love to see what you've created. 4. Exporting Your Infographic: all right. Now that we have finished designing our infographic, let's go ahead and export this out, and we're going to want to export this as a low resolution J. P g file. And the reason for that is they will just give us a smaller file size when we're sharing this on the different social media platforms. So it'll be a little quicker whenever we uploaded. And when someone views the page, it'll load a little more instant, as opposed to a high resolution PNG, which I believe most social media platforms should be able to handle. But if there is a like a site like Penn, Trust A has a lot of these images and you have the smaller file size. In essence, your image is going to load a little quicker than someone who has a very big, large file. So whenever you're ready, just go up to the top. Now you can rename this by clicking up here in the design title section, and we can call this top websites for using info graphics. And then I can share this on the different social media platforms right away straight from here. If I want to, um I can also say this over in the file section if I need Teoh, but we're going to go ahead and click on the download button, and when I do, you'll see Image for Web J. P. G. And we're just gonna left click on that That will go ahead and save out our design. And if we have purchased any design elements or photographs or used to pay template, this is the part where it will prompt you for your credit card information and you'll need to go ahead and, ah, type that information in and make the purchase. But once it's downloaded, it puts it in our downloads folder on the computer I can left. Click it here and you can see it opens up into ah, the image viewer and the sea. So even if we scroll in, this is a low resolution J. P. G, and you can see it still has some pretty good quality to it, and most people aren't going to views it, View it in this size, the spots are the image itself, so it's still have some pretty good quality, I would say Most people are probably gonna view it around around about right here, so it looks great. I'm ready to go and start sharing on our social media platforms, and that's all there is to it. So go ahead, create something unique. And then let us see what you've created in this course. 5. Assignment : Create Your Own Infographic: congratulations on completing this lesson. By now, you should have a strong understanding of how to do the material that has been presented, and it is my goal as an instructor to make sure that you have learned and have retained the information that I have shared. So if you have any questions at all at any time, please feel free to contact me directly. You can find out more about me at www dot jeremy deegan dot com. If you have a general question, I do ask that you ask that question within this course by asking it in this course. I can address that question, and other students can see that later on down the road. This will help them understand some common questions that come up as they go through this course. Now, if you haven't done so already, please leave an honest rating and any feedback that you have about this course. It helps both me as an instructor know what to do better in the future, and it also helps future students get to see what this course is truly all about. Now your assignment is to take the information that you have learned and upload the image to this course by uploading your image and sharing your artwork with the world. We can provide critiques and any feedback on how to make your artwork better. It's also very motivating to get your artwork out into the world and shared with others and will help you progress in your education and want to share more and more. So thank you so much for allowing me to teach you something new today, and I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.