Canva for Android | Create with Canva on your Phone | Ronny Hermosa | Skillshare

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Canva for Android | Create with Canva on your Phone

teacher avatar Ronny Hermosa, Your Go-To Canva Guru

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      01 Who is this course for?


    • 2.

      02 Course Promise


    • 3.

      03 Why is Canva pushing mobile?


    • 4.

      04 Course project explanation


    • 5.

      05 Discovering the Main Dashboard


    • 6.

      06 Discovering the Canva Mobile Editor


    • 7.

      07 Designing IG & FB Stories


    • 8.

      08 Designing a Facebook Post


    • 9.

      09 Using Video in your Designs


    • 10.

      10 Working with both Computer & Mobile (1)


    • 11.

      11 Working with both Computer & Mobile (2)


    • 12.

      12 Let's Create a Video Story (1)


    • 13.

      13 Let's Create a Video Story (2)


    • 14.

      14 Let's Create a Video Story (3)


    • 15.

      15 Let's Create a Video Story (4)


    • 16.

      16 Let's Create a Video Story (5)


    • 17.

      17 Let's Create a Video Story (6)


    • 18.

      18 Canva is worth installing on your phone


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About This Class

Finally a course about the Canva Mobile App!!

In this course we are going to dive deep into the Canva Android app, I'll show you how to create all sorts of visuals on the go with your phone. 

I think we'll all agree that Canva is a pretty awesome platform... But what you may not know is that the Mobile App is pretty amazing too! 

Indeed Canva put a lot of efforts into creating as good an experience for mobile users as for their computer users. As a matter of fact, after using the mobile app for over a week, I realized you can do around 85% of what you can do from a computer with it! Which is pretty cool.

The objective of this course is to show you how to use the Canva Mobile App to create all the visuals you need on a daily basis for social media and your personal brand. 

We will focus on mobile-first type of content like Instagram & Facebook Stories: how to create them with the Canva Mobile App but also how to impress your audience by adding stunning visuals and video. 

PS: you'll see that all the lectures recorded from my phone are in the vertical format, so best seen on your smartphone.


Class Outline:

  1. We will start with a general overview of the App
    I'll take you through the main dashboard AND the Canva Mobile editor, showing you what every button does and getting acquainted with the user interface & workflow. 

  2. I'll show you how to create IG & FB Stories
    Stories are THE hot thing right now on social and the Canva Mobile App has some great tools to help you create stories that will impress your audience. I'll show you some tips & tricks to become a story expert.

  3. We'll create Facebook posts
    Though stories are all the rage, let's not forget the basics! I have included a lecture about creating a rather complex facebook post with the Canva Mobile App to show you just how much you can achieve from your phone. It's pretty impressive!

  4. Adding video to the mix
    The reason why you should use the Canva Mobile App to create your stories is that it lets you design not only with images but also video! This is a brand new feature and I have to admit quite a game changer! In this lecture, I'll show you exactly how to work with video from your phone with the Canva App.

  5. Transitioning from your computer to your phone
    One of the massive advantages of downloading the Canva App on your phone is that you'll be able to carry all your Canva project with you at all time! In this lecture, I'll show you how to start a design from your computer and then finish it and export it from your phone to post directly on social media.

  6. Tying it all together by creating a Video Story
    I really want this course to be practical and hands-on, so we'll embark on a real-life project and create a video story that will tie everything we've learned previously together. You'll then be able to reproduce similar stories for your FB & IG account.

  7. Conclusion
    I'll then finish the course with a brief recap of why you should not hesitate one more second and rush to the Play Store to download the Canva Mobile App.

Now go grab your phone and let's get to work!

Meet Your Teacher

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Ronny Hermosa

Your Go-To Canva Guru

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1. 01 Who is this course for?: Hi, everyone. And welcome to this course about how to use can va on your android phone. My name is Ronny and I'm your go to instructor if you want to learn how to design with Canda. So for those of you who don't know me, I am the creator of the canvas master course, which is the best set. Of course on you know me have created a bunch of other courses, namely, one about branding when about icons working on a personal branding master course as well as we speak. And today I'm coming to you with his brand new course, which is how to use can va on your phone. So first, let me tell you, who is this course four and who is this course not for because it's very important. I don't want you to make a mistake, purchase the course and then realize Oh, that was for Android. I'm an iPhone user. I don't want that to happen to you. So the courses for android users only. Why is that? Well, because I have only one phone. This is a Samsung phone. It's an android phone and I don't have a knife. So as of today. I cannot show you how to use your iPhone to use canvas. But I might. In the future, if this course is a success, I will invest in an iPhone, and then we can create a course for iPhone users. But as of today, this course is for android Onley. So please be aware of that. And please don't buy the course if you're an iPhone user. All right, So if you're ready to go, if you want to learn about Canada, if you have an android phone, move on to the next lecture and I'm going to tell you exactly what you can expect from this course. 2. 02 Course Promise: So what is this course about? Why should you buy it? And what is the promise I'm making to you as a student if you buy the courts? So the course is about using camera this time not on your computer, but on your laptop or desktop, but on your phone. So mobile content creation on the girl creation. That is what courses about using the app, which is very powerful. And explain that into more details in the coming lectures, using it on to go on your phone on your android phone. And my promise is that at the end of the course, you will know exactly how to create the same kind of content you create from your computer using Can Va. But from your phone when I can tell you after using the app for a couple of weeks now is that the APP is super well done. There's a lot of details. There is a lot of functionalities. I would say that 18 to 85% of the things you can do from your computer you can also do them from your phone. And also another thing that I want to promise you is that The transition between Can va from the computer to Canberra on your phone is pretty seamless, so you will be able to, for example, start a design on your computer and then finish it and export it on your phone in order to publish that content on social media. Because it's easier than be honest, it's easier to publish certain kinds of content on your phone for social media like the stories and things like that, then it is from your computer. So the promise of this course is that I'm going to make you more by creator using Canada on your phone. I'm gonna show you how to create designed from scratch on your phone so no computer needed so you can basically provide toe or your social media needs or your design needs directly from your phone from your mobile device. So that is the promise. I wish that I'm convinced you by now, if you did, I suggest that you purchase this course, and if you are already enrolled in this course, I suggest you skip to the next lecture because we are going to learn Wise can be pushing more by so much and why you should be learning how to create that content on your phone 3. 03 Why is Canva pushing mobile?: So why is Canada pushing Mobile? I think there are a couple of strategic reasons behind his decision off pushing the mobile app. So let me load my presentation here, and I'm going to explain each of these reasons. The first reason is a commercial reason, and it is the fact that Canada is trying to reach out to more consumers. I found this article on the camp a block tighter rethinking our mobile growth strategies. And by reading this article, I learned a little bit more about canvas strategies in order to push this mobile app. The author of this block post called Renee So Models who works at Camp A in the mobile team , she wrote, This volatile Internet usage is set to overtake desktop nothing really new about this. In some part of the world, People's first experience of the Internet is through there no cost smartphone. So if I pay close attention to this paragraph but can't by saying here is that they have global ambitions, right Camera wants to be a worldwide platform used by millions that maybe hundreds of millions of users. So they are observing that their user base right now mostly focused on the western world. Let's admit it. They want to reach out to other countries. That is why they have now translated the platform in more than 100 languages. That is why they have opened offices not only Sydney, where there are originally from, but also in Manila, Philippines, and in Beijing, China. So these moves these strategic moves are showing us that camera is moving more and more towards these developing countries towards thes emerging markets, where a lot of people are actually located. So mostly Asia, because most of the world population is in Asia. But also they understand that people who they are trying to reach might not have a computer . They might not have a laptop or desktop, but their first experience of the Internet will be through a relatively low cost more by phone smartphone. So, this'll explains, and this is the first reason this explains, Why can vice pushing Mobile? Also, let me remind you that canvas moto is designed anything published anywhere. So this decision to put a lot of emphasis on the mobile app it is very consistent with this motor like published anywhere. That means you could publish being anywhere It's not just published anywhere on a website on a video on the design. It's also published from anywhere, so anywhere you might be. You have the opportunity to be designing to be creating content, to be using the canvas app, so using the APP undergo very consistent with their motives. Okay, so the second reason why I believe Canada is pushing more by is because we are living a shift in the way people consume contest, and that is because social media is calling. We asked consumer off. The information are consuming that information Mawr and mawr via social media, right? So if I was to give you a statistic two hours and 16 minutes, so that is the world's average time spent on social media daily, So the average human person spends two hours, 16 minutes on average per day on social media. That is a huge amount of time, and this can vary. This is the world's average. But this, for example, in the country like the Philippines, that is the number one time spender on social media. The average in the Philippines is closer to four hours a day, so that is a huge amount of time spent on social media. Another statistic that I found interesting is that 96% of Facebook users access it on mobile, not saying that they access it on Leon Loeb. I might be on mobile computer, but they access it on more life. And if you look at the latest social media trends from Facebook from Instagram, you will see that they are moving towards a more by first experience. So, for example, if you look at stories, stories are a product from Facebook that is becoming more and more trendy in our days, and these stories are mostly a mobile first experience. So if you look at Instagram, for example, stories has really penetrated the Instagram platform with 500 million users of stories. And if you look at the numbers on Facebook, where stories are a newer phenomenon and on instagram, stories are now actively being used by more than 150 million users. So the penetration rate of stories is really, really fast. Another interesting statistic about stories that I found is that stories are growing 15 times faster than the newsfeed posting, so that means people share content 15 times, Mawr on stories nowadays on Facebook than in a news feed. So that is enormous difference. People are using stories, and Facebook estimates that only 10% of its active monthly users are actually using stories with only 10% of users. So orders to show you the importance off the latest social media trends, namely stories, right? We are living not only a shift in the way we consume information, but also a shift in the way we produce Theis information. We produced this content, and that is the third reason why I believe can vies really strongly. Pushing mobile on the shift is that we are going into this mobile and camera first experience. So let me tell you a little bit more about what that means. Today, 95% of us walk around all day with a camera and an editing studio right there in our pockets, right. We went from half a mega pixel to 40 megapixel camera in our smartphone today, the best smartphones have up to four lances. They should four K and they can store hours and hours of video. So for content creators, it means unlimited ways to create content at all times. and Canada understood that trend and want to enhance the tools that we have at our disposal by providing the best mobile experience possible. They want to offer a suite of services that will be accompanying this portability of our tools that will be with us at all the time, and that is more so. The mobile app is not just an extension off the computer platform. It is a fully autonomous content creation platform. Can VA is willing to pack or the power of its platform into the mobile app? Because they are conscious that as they grow and reach out to more parts of the world, many users will only be accessing their service to Canada platform. The other phone is also very smart from Canada that has Bean able to kind of read the tea leaves on understanding where social media is going. So they understood that stories are the new hot thing right now on social media, and they work very hard to make sure that they didn't miss the train. So stories on Instagram and Facebook are mostly, as I said before a mobile first experience so seemed pretty obvious that can VA need to put them at the center of the mobile app, which they did as you will see later in the course. So guys, there you have it. These are the reasons why can vice pushing mobile? I believe it is in your best interest to learn how to master Camba on your phone as the world is moving towards a mobile first experience. So I created this course to show you how to use the camera mobile app, design all the visuals you need on a daily basis. And this on the go. The course is good for people who have never used the app before. Never don't notice the app on their phone and as well as for people who have already experimented with ab dabbled a little bit with the but maybe feel a little bit frustrated because they don't really know their way around all. They don't really know how to get the most of it way. We dive deep in the creation of stories. I will show you how to use videos in your design with how to work from both your computer and your phone to smoothen and accelerate the creative process. Are you ready 4. 04 Course project explanation: Hey, guys. So a quick lecture to explain to you what this course project will be. So the course project will consist of you creating a story using the camp a mobile app. You can also use your computer, but it needs to be balanced. So you cannot do everything from the computer. You need to use both your computer and the app or the app, like 100% de up. It's up to you. But the the idea is to implement everything that we will have learned together in this course. So I would like you to create a story. Could be for Instagram could be for Facebook using both videos and still images. So we're going to go over this exact process in the section number four. Off this course, we will create a story. We would start from the computer, design everything and then head over to the phone and we have a couple of back and forth like this in order to make the story perfect. Then we will export that story from our phone and published to Facebook in our instant. So this is what the course project is about. You really have to create your own story and you can post it in the project section of this course. I'm looking forward to see your stories. 5. 05 Discovering the Main Dashboard: Hey, guys, in this lecture, I'm going to show you the overview of what the canvas up looks like. So if it's your first time using the canvas up off course, you will need to download the app. So for that, just head over to your place door and you're just going to search for Canada. Of course. So this is the APP. Looks like this. Me. All right. So it says can via graphic design for flyers, logos and posters. Me, I have the app installed on my phone already. So I'm not going toe. Delete it and reinstall it just for the sake of showing you. But you know what to do you have installed before on your phone. So, me, I'm just going toe Open it right now and it looks like this. And this is the landing page like where you will arrive once you log in to your can Va ap. So, of course you need a camp account. If you don't have a camp account, you will be prompted to create one. But I suggest that you use your main can account for the app so that all the designs you have created on your computer, for example, will be showing in your app. All right, so let's describe what we see here. We see first a slider. See like modern resumes for 2019. This lighter has a couple of different course to action, and this is probably subjected to change in the coming weeks. Can will use this to show you different features. But one thing you need to know is that if you click on the slider, you can actually take action based on what the slider was saying. So this one was about creating logos. So I clicked on it or I tapped on it, and I'm here choosing a template for creating my first logo. So if I want to go back, just hit the arrow and let's see what whether they have, like, they have these resumes. Let's see what they have. When I tapped on this banner a bunch of different resumes so I can start creating my next resume right here by choosing one of these templates. So this is pretty cool. Then we have a section that says, Explore Can va and this section is about showing you the different document categories that you can create with canvas. So here we see the first button that says all categories. So if I top this, I will have access to all the categories I think is the similar result. As if I type top this little see all button right here I will be brought to a menu a pretty large menu where they would have or the document types the document categories that I can create with Canada poster, T shirt, logo, etcetera. And I like how they created this logo with the little icon's right here. They kind of highlighted the most commonly used ones, like instagram stories. It's red or actually with the credit color because they want you to use this one. We will come back to this during this course. Okay, So if I go back, I can see here what they propose to me. Different document types. They're not all here, but I can again just tap this. See old button to access all of them. Next, we have a couple of sections here Instagram post instagram story, Facebook Post. So these are the same. Just that they're showing you a couple of templates already, and you can swipe Sorry, you can swipe left and right. You can use the arrow to see more on. Then you have here a couple of instagram posts. So these are the template under Instagram Post. I like that they have sorted them out by keywords. You see, I typed in autumn I could go for, say, Halloween, have a bunch off Halloween theme Instagram Post. So that's pretty cool. Very well done. Let's go back to our main dashboard right here. So these section here with Instagram Post instagram stories and Facebook Post This will not be the same on or the canvas app for for you, for me or for your friends, for example. It's going to be different based on what you have been using a lot recently. So the AI, the artificial artificial intelligence of Can Va will recognize that you have been using a roll of instagram stories recently, so they would show you the templates for instagram stories first. So that's very cool. It's something they have done also on the computer version of Canada. It's called commonly used, most commonly used duct types, so they would show you these types of document first so that it's kind of, like, a short cut for you. You don't have to think too much about it. Can even knows. You know, you create a lot of Facebook post and instagram stories, so they want you to have access to this in just a few clicks. So that's pretty cool. If I keep scrolling down, you just Seymour document types and mawr examples. More templates. All right, whether is, can I see from here? There is this search bar so you can start searching directly here for a specific type of template. Let's say I'm looking for something related to YouTube, so I'm going to type YouTube and see what comes up. So YouTube channel, our YouTube thumbnail beauty YouTube channel arts. So you have, like, document categories like thumbnail channel art, etcetera. But you have also like categories within this document type. So this is pretty neat and you go back. Eso That's the search bar. You can search for the 60,000 plus templates, just like on your computer and then at the bottom Here we have a little circle the black circle. Let me put it over a white section so you can see it properly. So I'm gonna tap right next to it. This black circle with the press button allows you also toe open the different document types. You see, I have here with this very nice and smooth animation, all the document types. And they would actually tell you the dimension off these document types like this blood banner, for example, 5 60 pixel by 3 15 If we take an instagram post, it's 10 80 by eternity, pictures and a couple of things you can do from here. First, you can change the document dimension. So here I can go and completely create a custom document custom dimensions I can use as my measurement centimeters Inches millimeters of pictures. So that's pretty cool. A large, short, off different document types, and this is also quite practical. If you want to make your make your document bigger, that's important for resolution. So if I want to make this instagram post high resolution, I could double the size of the document so I could do this by typing 12 16 instead of 10 80 . So just type in 12 2116. Sorry, not 16 2160 pictures on. That's it. So this is how you create a custom dimension project and I just go for it. And now I'm in the can. Va editor. Let's not take a look at the editor quite now because there's another lecture about this. The next lecture, actually. And let's focus on the Camba main dashboard. So back to the dashboard, I think I have created almost everything on this section. Then what happens if you swipe to the right to left? Sorry. If you swipe left, you can actually switch to the second tab that is here that is here, on the bottom of your screen, you see have templates and designed. So if you swipe all the way to the left, you will access this menu this other tab. But you can also access it by tapping on the logo here at the bottom of the page. So this page right here is the page where you have all your design saved. So this is pretty cool, because what you have created on your can va like on the app from your computer, we'll be showing here in this section in your under your designs. So you have all your designs and you have all the options available to you that are available on the computer version. Excuse me. So, for example, you can stop here on the three little dots. You can edit, view, design, rename, make a copy or delete. So be careful, because if you delete the document from here, it will be deleted from your computer account as well. Of course. So this is pretty neat or so very responsive. I, for example, me. I like to start working on my design from my computer and make everything need. And then if I need to add a video if I need to add a specific photo that I have on my phone or even create a video with my phone I can do this by switching over to my mobile app and continuing the design, finishing it and exporting it from my phone. So you started on your computer and you finish it on your phone because this feed right here with your design will allow you to see or your latest design as long as you saved them on your computer. Then you can start using them from here. Let me delete this one, because that's just the example. I was showing you, but the rest of them are actually designs. Those of you who follow me in the Facebook group, we recognize some of these designs. All right, so what else can we do from here? We have this little like arrow that invites me to tap here under just next. My designs this title right here. And it says your designs or shared with you. So your designs is this is your feet with order design. But shared with you is all the designs that people have shared with you. So people from your team or people from that are not linked to you, the A team or groups of stuff, stuff like that. But who just sent you a link to their design. And they shared it with you this way so you can have access to this feat as well. So that's pretty cool. Let's go back to my designs. And then I have this little person I can right here on the upper right corner. So if I tap this, it gives me a bunch of other options. I can send canvas feedback. Something goes wrong. I can manage my team. Let me show you. So That's pretty cool, because if you have teams and you might have team members, you can managed these members directly from here. So you don't need to go to your computer and manager team from your phone. If you really on the go a person who maybe you don't have a computer, you can really do everything from here so I can change the role of Deanna here and my team , move her from administrator to designer, or I can even remove her from my team just like this. I'm not gonna do that. Whether is do we have here with this little person logo? You can get some help from canvas, so that means if you're stuck, if you have a problem, you can try to contact them like this. You can log out from the APP if you have different accounts or together not different teams , but different accounts. You can log out and log back in with another E mail address on. Then you can see all your teams. You can switch between the different teams, and this is pretty cool because if you're like me and you manage different projects in your life like me, I have this nonprofit called Fair Trade Connection and I have created a specific team for federal connection this one. So if I click here, you will see that my feet will be completely different because these are ordered actually design that I created for Frederick Connection. You see invoices here you see different stuff graphics, proposals for client, my resume, stuff like that, everything which is related to this personal and professional project. So this is very neat that you can actually switch between teams directly from your phone because it allows you to access all these different feel and design that you have created and organized with Campbell. So that's pretty much what you can do with your app to recap when you will look to the app . This is where you will go going to land on the main home page. You can search, you can start design. You can see your most recently come and used duct types. You can create a custom dimension project with the little plus he right here in the black circle. Or you can tap on your design tab here at the bottom to start viewing your different designs, and then you choose the one that you want to edit. Tap on it and it will open in the editor. That's it for this lecture. In the next one, I'm going to show you how toe work from the editor. 6. 06 Discovering the Canva Mobile Editor: in this lecture, I'm going to show you how to use the mobile editor off Can va in the app. So for this, we're going toe open one of the designs, or we could create a new design from scratch. But let me, for example, open this one right here. So the editor looks like this. So at first, this is what might be a little bit disorienting for you guys. How to use the editor, how to get used to or the way of proceeding in the app. Because off course, you're used to use canvas from the form, your computer, desktop or laptop. But how do you use it on the APP to achieve the same results? And to start with, I would like to let you know that you can actually pretty much create everything that you can create from your desktop. You can reproduce this except a few things, but mostly you can create everything from your mobile device. So let me give you a tour off this canvas editor on the android app. So first let me actually show you from this existing design, and then I can show you from a blank canvas. Okay? So the first thing you see is that you have a little bit of a menu here on the top. So you have the back arrow. If you push this, you just go back to your designs on. If you go back in, this is what you see. Then you have this arrow right here, which is not functioning right now because we haven't done anything. But that's the undue arrow. And then we have the redo arrow. So just like if you screw up something you can just undo and redo, then we have these little guys right here. This is actually to share the design with someone so you can share it with your team. Or you can share the design by sending a link to someone so you can always use this option . Then we have the option right here to download your design. You see the magic happening So basically, canvas is exporting this design. I'm going to cancer this for now. And then you have the option to publish as and it is the same, basically, is exporting. Sometimes it would give you more options, but for now I'm just going to cancer. This these are the two exporting. So to Dom noted to export it and you will see that you can export in different format just as from your computer. Then on the bottom, you have more stuff. So you have this one button right here, and this shows you the number of pages so you can use the plus button to create a second page and again 1/3 page. So you can also delete these pages by using the trashcan right here. And you can duplicate one of your pages by using the deprecate button right here. Did it it for now. All right, so that's what's inside this little little button here that says that shows you pages. If you had more than one page on a document like this, I'm creating a second page. The button will automatically adjust and say to page so that meat for now, believe the second page. All right. And then we have a plus button here, so this plus button allows you to add elements to your design. So you have different categories of elements you have text, image illustration, template and page. So let's start with text. If you click on text then you will be prompted between adding some of your own text. If you type here, that kind of that starts with textbooks on and then you can just simply like you would do on the computer. Type in your text and choose your font. You will see that Canada shows you the document front first, which is pretty cool because you can directly use the same funds that are already in use in your document and you will see or the other funds. And then, uh, once you are OK with your funds like the type of 40 want to use, you can decide on the size can make it bigger, smaller with the slider. Very practical. You can a just or justify your text, just as on your computer to the left to the right middle, and you can put it bold if it's available for the specific fund italic. You can put all caps more caps and you can play around with the spacing, so these options are exactly the same as on your computer. So what, You don't just stop the little check sign, and that's it for your fund. You can now buy touching this text books. You can position it somewhere else. You can make it smaller and bigger. Basically very intuitive. Way off playing with this element, right? Once it's done and also you will see that Canada has some kind of adjustment grids. So if you kind of release the text box at some more or less in the middle, it will automatically just in the middle of your page. So there is no like guidelines here like no, the purple lines. But you just feel your bucks snapping to some part of the design because this is Canada trying to help you align your text. All right, so this is what you can do If you type tap on a tap on it one more time, you can change the color off course. So all your colors are here and which is pretty cool is that you actually have your brand colors. If you're can before work user, you can have your color palette. You see, here have run is awesome color. You need me federal connection, etcetera. I have or my color palettes here. I can use them directly in my app. So this is pretty neat. That's the first way of adding text. Okay, If I want to get rid of it, I just tap on the element, and then a new bunch of options will show up on top. Right? You have. First, you have the little this letter circle with three arrows. If you tap this, then you have more options like you have the transparency option on this is just the slider . You can adjust the transparency. You can duplicate this box. Okay? Again, tapping on my element, tapping on the little menu right here. You can play with the positioning. See, I can put it backwards, and I can put it back like ford backward. You see how it goes under my layers? I can show you here, for example. So I want to bring this older way to the front like this. So you can This is how you play with your positioning, OK? Same as on the mobile as well. Then you picked up. Then what else can you do? You can step on it. Use a trashcan to simply delete this textbooks. All right, let me show you the second way of adding text again. I'm going to use my plus button the press button is to basically add an element again tapping on text. And then instead of adding my own text, I just choose one of the presets here, for example, this one Okay, same thing I can tap on it and then I can start moving it. You see that? It's already it's a preset, so it already has a font selected. You have different text boxes, as you can see here. And if you want that, say if you want to run group this, you just want to keep the sale in the middle of the way to do that is that you are going to tap on this element. Tap on the little menu right here, and then you will see a new button, this little circle on the square behind it. This is to group on group, right? So you can UN group. I'm not sure you can regroup stuff because I haven't find a way to regroup so far. But you can definitely group this way. So that's how you group your elements. And then you can delete the ones that you don't need to use. Okay, so now I have this one. I can change the color off this for whatever I need. And I can also individual change the color off these like little bars right here. So maybe it would have been smarter to change the color Waas. Everything was grouped would have been faster. So like this? No, actually not working. So maybe one more If I do like this No, it goes individually. So basically, if you want to change the color of all these, you need to do it one by one. OK, but what I wanted to show you basically is the interface not actually designing inside this section. So let me continue with this. So this is what we have right now in the plus button, we can add more things than just text. We can, for example, at images. So images you can go directly to your camera right here. So I'm going to use my camera and you're probably going to see my computer. There it is. So with the outline off this course so I can take a photo like this. Okay. I had my photo type. OK, And then, as you can see, can va adds this photo to your document? Of course. it's not relevant here, but I just wanted to show you how it works. You can also go into your gallery and start browsing through your content that you have on your camera. Roar in your phone. So that's the other way of doing it. You can find the right image, and then you can insert that. For example, if you want to insert that pizza right here, that was delicious. By the way. You can just do this simply like this. So let me delete this again. The plus button images and then I can go toe images pro. So if you're Canada for work user, you will have access to a bunch off, um, stuck photos directly from Canada. The ones with the little crown right here. These are the stock photos available for Canada for work users they call This image is pro . So feel free to browse some of these. So you have this bar right here that allows you to search for I don't know for flower. Then I would find flour images like this pretty cool. Then you have the setting button right here that allows you to choose images pro. So that's the free stuff that comes with the camera for work. Then you can have. You can toggle that off if you don't want to. If you're not a can before work, user. And if you want only the free stuff, just leave free right here and then do the search again. And these are older, free images, so they should not cost you anything. So that's pretty cool that you can actually filter your searches for images right here. I'm going to leave everything open because I like to have the choice, since I'm a can before work using. All right, So that's adding photos, images you can. You can play around with ministrations as well. So illustration could be a little bit misleading here because you see these Bunches off actual graphics. But you can go ahead and find more stuff like you have sub menus here, like shapes, taipan shapes. You have all your usual shapes, which is pretty cool. You have a bunch of stuff here, like your bubble speeches. So if you are looking for bubbles speeches, for example, like I usedto use on my designs, So bubble speech. Yes, let's find this. You would have a bunch off these bubbles. Peaches. So that's pretty cool. You would see the crown ones are for Canada users. Kind of work user. Sorry, but you can fit her again for free stuff. So again, let me show you more stuff that get out of my keyboard. Yes. So we are under the second manual admission. Let me show you. I got out of the APP. My document. So it's using the plus button using illustration, and then you have or your different categories here. So shapes, administration frames, lines and icons. If I go into frames, you can find these placeholders. Remember all these cool place orders. So let's see, in Canada actually added a few of these recently, You have the letters, which is really cool. Let's other letter like this. So I'm not sure if this is going to be working at the state, but if they are, they're probably that can vies, trying to figure out a way to make it work. It seems that they're not working right now, but you might have a different story the day you are watching this tutorial, So just know that they are there and they're they're going to be coming very soon to your can be more by, So let me see what other registrations. If frames are working at all, let's try it. More common one. This one right here. It seems like the placeholders experiment. A little bit of a difficulties at the moment, but I'm sure can vies working on this. Anyways, let me continue to show you what's in there. You can choose another template or together, basically. So what I'm gonna do, I'm going to create another page. I'm going to add a page, okay? And on this page, I'm going to add a different templates. Okay? Just to show you how they work, I'm going to use this one. They're very easily I can customize this one specific template. Now by, for example, I add another image instead of this lady. Our input Deanna here. And then you can customize this one image and again just choosing your images quite simply . Okay, So this is the pizza right here. You can play. For example, if you tap on this icon right here, you can make it forwards backwards, You see, push it forward or backward with these two buttons right here and Yeah. This is basically how you use template. You customize them. You see this one, for example. I would like another color. So it pops on top of everything. Something, something like this. Yeah. So this is really easy to create with the canvas editor right here. Let me see that. I didn't forget anything in terms of what I can show you. So these are the colors adding elements. Yeah, Maybe one thing I can show you is here. So yes, the filters. See, we've talked about counters. We've talked about the gallery, but the filters. So once you select a element that contains an image, you can actually play with the filters. Okay, So you have all the filters that you have in the can va computer up, and they are pretty much, yeah. Called the same thing. I'm not mistaken. And then you have some advanced features here, so these are like the manual settings, right? And these are the same stuff as on the computer. I can play around with the saturation making black and white. I can play with the vineyard. I have been yet the blur make it more sharp like it. Make it blurry. So basically everything that you had on the computer app, you find it here on the mobile app. All right, so this is pretty much what I have to show you from the canvas editor. You need to play around a little bit in order to really make it like more. It needs to come more naturally to you. But for this the only way to do it off course is to have somebody to show you like I'm doing right now. But then is going to be practicing a little bit. It is intuitive, but at the beginning you will feel a little bit lost. So don't freak out. This is completely normal. After playing around with the app for maybe 30 minutes, it will feel much more, much more easy, much more convenient for you to use and much more intuitive as well. So that's what I had to show you for the camera editor in the next lecture. We are going to start designing guys and we will be designing different types off documents directly from the mobile app. 7. 07 Designing IG & FB Stories: Welcome back to the course, guys. In this lecture, I'm going to show you how to design Facebook and instagram stories. So stories, in my opinion, are the most important kind of content that you can create on Facebook and Instagram as off today, because these two platforms are really pushing these stories. So they gave the stories a lot of visibility in the news feed in the APP in general. Like, for example, on Facebook. When you log on to Facebook, you see these stories at the top of your screen. When you click on one of them, it would show full screen. So it's an interrupted kind of experience with stories and and Facebook is really going this direction. They gave numbers recently that approximately 400 million people were using stories on Facebook already. So it is in our advantage to start creating these stories and can va off course understood that? And that's why they give such an important in the app for these kind of content for stories . So the way to stay to create stories is just a scroll down. Go to the section that says Instagram story, and so you can start from scratch, or you can start from a template for this example. We are going to start from scratch from a blank canvas. So I'm going to select the blank canvas, right? One of the things I would like to do is to start using these photos of myself that I have no background. So for those of you, follow me on social media, you know, in my Facebook group and other other different platforms, I use these photos of myself that don't have a background, and I use them in different situations. So it would be nice to be able tow access the folders that you have created on your computer in the candle up on your computer. If you can vote for work users, you can access these folders. You can create folders and organized element into these folders on my computer. I do have a folder on my camera account with all these photos, but I cannot access these folders as of today. So that's end of April 2019. I cannot access these folders from the mobile app. So one work around we could find would be to use messenger toe, actually import and transfer these images that we want to use from our computer to our phone. So let me show you how that would work. Yeah, I'm sending myself, like you said, This is my computer. I'm sending myself these images of me the messenger. So I just took this from my computer right here and see these photos, and I send them toe myself via messenger so I can actually send a message to yourself via messenger. You just need to know the name, like your urine on messenger. You can send it to yourself, and then that allowed me to download. Let me show you turn this off to download these images from messenger saved on my phone. And now I can have access to these. Here. Usually. Must be somewhere here under my messenger. Yes, here they are. So these three photos that I just don't noted because so far can vote doesn't allow you to access def orders that you have created. So if you are Canada for work user, you can create if order put some element in these folders and store them, organize them. So I like to put the photos of myself without a background in my folders. But then I cannot access these folders from my phone. So I needed these. I needed these visuals because I want to insert them in the example I'm going to show you. So this is a quick tip to get around this. So it's a work around in orderto access the documents that you need to send it to you via messenger. All right, let's go back to the canvas app. I want to create a story that shows some of my students testimonial for for the Canada Master course. Right. So I need to grab a testimonial somewhere. Eso probably on my you Timmy course on my facebook page on Show it to you so you can actually see what the students are saying. I'm going to use this story to just basically try to promote my courses. So for this, I'm going to go grab this on my unity. So, um, just going to go to you to me. And here I have my students reviews. Right. So I just going to select a few of these conceived Yes. I'm going to screen shot this. I'm going to reframe this directly from my phone, so I'm going to crop the parts that I don't need, for example, this. Make sure I'm in the white part of this. Okay, so I saved this toe My phone. I'm going to go back to Canada and I'm going toe insert this into a frame. So let me go to illustration, find a frame, try to find a nice frame. Yes, maybe something like this kid going to my gallery and insert this. So now I have this thing right here. Let me see if I can double tap to actually scare this. I cannot see the whole thing because I need a bigger friend. I can make it smaller, so this is not gonna work. So I'm going to delete this and add another shape, which is more appropriate that we see what I can find. Maybe I don't need a shape. Maybe I can insert my image a XYZ as it is. So I'm going to enter an image to insert this, Maybe make this bigger like this. And what I can do is to have something behind it, to make it look nice and maybe have the photo of Loretta. I don't know if you ever times in my group. If she is, I could try to have her photo. But for now, what we can do is to have I could also Oops. Sorry. Let me go back. I would also like, add another image of myself instead of having me underneath. I could just use this one. This is something I always enjoy doing from my computer like this. So I couldn't did this one. So this is pretty cool. Let me move in a little bit. So you can still read her name? Yes, something like this. And make sure. Yeah, this is pretty nice. So the last thing I want to do with this is to actually explain what this is so I can insert some kind of text. All right, so I'm going to go plus text gonna move this here and say what my students se about that can. Nice to quarters. Okay. And I'm going to use, of course, another funds selecting these and I know the fun that I want. It's called Prompt Board. Going to use this make this bigger spacing this to be much less Kate. And now maybe it would be very nice if I could group this and this don't know how to group things never tap. How can I select? I guess I can't. So I would have to do this separately, which is OK. No, Didn't hurry here. Something like this, Just like this and would be nice to have a little bit off more colors here in the background. So I'm going to add Is shape that go to illustration? Maybe type ingredients. If you can find something nice in this one, See if I can add a counter. These are not working yet. No illustration. Its final shape. That would work for me. Maybe a buffer speech, Bob. Speech. Maybe something like that. Okay, that's pretty interesting. Maybe I can flip this. Is it possible to flip things around, just like in the top? It seems like it's not possible to flip things around for now, but maybe make it slightly bigger, keep and then this. All right, this is looking pretty good. Now, maybe this down a bit, something like this. And then I need to move my texts to something like this. Okay, this looks very decent now. So what my students say about the kind of the best? Of course so this is pretty cool. I think I can work with this. I can export. This may be the last thing I could add. Here is my logo. Learn to design with running. So again, I don't have it here. So I'm going to show you how I can do this by adding this to my with me Quickly show you with this camera. Right? So you can see my computer here. Just going to go back to my folders here, okay? And go to my logo. So I have this here. My dog goes are here. I'm going to use transparent logo like this one is going to be nice. Yes. So I'm going to send myself this image be a messenger like this, sending it. See? It's loading right here. All right, it's here. So I'm going to turn this camera off and go get my logo from messenger. So going to messenger right here? I'm gonna refresh and you see, the logo is right here. So now I can don't know. This saved my phone, go back to Canada and I'm gonna simply tap here. Add Adam image and see the beauty of or of this boom My logo is right there. So not can resize it. Make it to the appropriate place. And there we go. I've tasted my logo. I didn't have to transfer anything. No cables. Know anything involved? I just send it from my computer. My phone via messenger. I respect the resolution of everything is not compressed. It looks good here. Now this story is ready to be downloaded. So I'm just going to download this from my phone like this. Choosing save as an image can successfully saved. Let me go find it. Close this close. This Let me go to my gallery right here to show you where it is. There. So this is how it looks like from my phone. I think I think it looks very decent. Maybe I could have customized line colors here to really adjust with my colors, but this is good. I'm ready to share this as a story. So what I have to do is to go to Facebook and create a story from this. So this finishes this lecture. Guys, I hope you enjoyed it. And you can now start creating your Facebook and Instagram stories from scratch 8. 08 Designing a Facebook Post: Hey, guys, welcome back to the course in this lecture. I'm going to teach you how to design a Facebook post entirely from the mobile app. So first things first, we need to find a Facebook post templates. So if we scroll down from the main dashboard, we will quickly find Facebook, both section. So I will click on see old like this, and start from scratch. I don't want to use a template. I want to scratch. I want to start completely from scratch. All right. So blank. And this is my blank Facebook post template. So the i d here is I would like to create some kind of post I will be using to promote this new course that I'm creating the course about how to use Can va on your Andre Android phone . So for this, I'm going to be using a couple of graphics, and I'm going to show you one trick that I learned recently with letters. So let's go. First things first. I will need to import one of the photos of me with my phone in my hand. So let's go ahead and find this, so I'm going to tap the plus button right here and add an image. And this image is in my phone. So I have to go fetch it in the appropriate for their It is in the photos, and it is this image right here. So I'm going to make this a little bit bigger, making sure I'm not going too much. Ah, outside off the frame. Because if I make this bigger than my friend, that it would become a background. So about this size seems about right. So this is good. Next thing I will do, I will put something in that phone. Right? You see, my phone is kind of empty because I cut actually the screen in another software. I did that in for a shop in order to be able to insert anything I want inside that phone. So the idea here is that I want to represent the Facebook mobile app into this phone. So how do I do this? Well, I noticed that when I open the camera app on my phone, there is this nice Grady in screen with the canvas logo in the middle. So I would like to try to screen shut this screen when I open my camera app. So for this, of course, I need to get out of the canvas up. So I'm going to just go back. My design this saved and I'm going to turn off this app so like this, I'm going to reopen it again and very quickly screen shut at the same time when it's opening the up one more time. So let's try to do this screen shutting rights. It worked. So now I will go back to my design. So hitting the design tab right here opening the design and hopefully I can insert an image from my getter. You see, it's here the can va like homepage, so that's pretty cool. That's the effect I was trying to achieve. I would make this Moeller. I tried to fit this into this phone right here so I can click on my design, not on the photo, because you see the frame of that photo. If I click on this and then try to pinch my fingers to zoom in, it will actually zoom in on the photo, so I have to make sure I click. Why tap where there is nothing on the document and then I can pinch my fingers in order to in order to zoom it and maybe move the document a little bit. So I'm going to do like this, and I need to make this smaller still try to make it fit in my phone right here. So I need to zoom in to see what I'm actually doing. It's a precision work, this lecture, guys going to be about precision alignment patients for positioning your elements like I'm doing right now. So bear with me, please. Guys, I just need to make this very well a line. And now it is pretty much a line. But as you can see, it's over my fingers that mean zoom in slightly a little bit more. Okay, make this list less big, and you see the image. The camera image is in front of my figures up fingers. I want this to be inside the phone, so I'm going to Sorry. Tap on the elements, click on the menu right here with the three dots, and then I'm going to push this back like this and you see how my finger actually popped on top of it. Let me do this Back and fourth you see the little bit of my finger right here. So that's what's happening right there. So I want this to be inside the phone. So once it is inside the phone by position, they get back, I'm gonna click on Don. And now you see this comes to make this bigger. Now, this looks quite good already. So now I'm going to add some text. I'm going to write. Learn. Okay. I'm going to insert my phone text here, so add some text of yours. Okay? So learn how to use. I want to I want to write, learn how to use Can va on your on android phone. That's the text I want to use. So learn how to use Can va on your android phone. Let's start from here. Learn how to use. Okay, learn how to use. I'm gonna change this font for my favorite Funt. Prompt. Bold This. I'm going to change the size for something around 60. Make it big. Okay, Like this and I'm going to change the alignment to be like this and the spacing. I want the words to be closer to one another. Learn how to learn how to use Okay, Maybe separate the words like this. Learn how to use. Okay. And then I would insert. This is too close to the edge. I can do this. I'm going to tap on a white space and then the plus button and go to illustration and search for candle. And there I should find the can. Vanilla go. There it is. Make this smaller. Try something like this for now. So I would have been too big. I kind of want this to be aligned with my text for a year. What I can do there it snapped. So going to use this for now, make this closer a little bit, but learn how to use can va on your android phone. Okay, so I want to have something special for the word phone, which is kind of like the key word here because it's course about learning how to use camera on your phone. So I'm going to use something I've tried to show you. In a previous lecture. I didn't quite work. So now I figured how to do it. So I want to show it the right way. I want to show you the right way to do it, and this is using the frame letters. So I'm going to hit the press button here and insert administration, which is a frame I'm going to scroll down and find the letters. I want to write the word phone with these letters. So I start with a P right. I make this smaller and then here still with this letter, which I cannot see so far selected, I will go to the images pro, and I research for Grady Int because this guys great aunt. All right, search. And now I have a bunch of grade Ian's here. I'm going to select this one and you see what's happening. What's happening? The letter was actually there. It's just that I couldn't see it. But when I put something inside that letter, it becomes visible. So I have to continue. So I will add another letter until I get the whole word phone completed with same technique . So I'm going to do just this. All right now I have all my letters, of course, but I need to do is to resize them and align them so they look good together. So for this, I'm going to use so far. I haven't find any way of grouping the elements, which would have been nice, but I don't think there is a way to do this yet on the mobile app. So I'm going to go old school on this and just do it one by one, manually. And for this, I'm going toe insert some kind off aid, some kind of off lines that will actually help me align my element. So I go to let me show you again. I go the plus button right here. I go to illustration and Gavin, I'm going to select a line here by using the line category. So I'm going to use a plane line, change the color to black, and I'm going to position this line wherever I want to align my elements. And then I'm going to use the menu right here. My line still selected. I'm going to use the three dotted menu and copy this line and face the second line here. A to the bottom off my word. So this will help me align my letters. All right, so first I'm gonna pension to zoom in, and this needs to be Let me zoom out of it. I need to have enough space to write the word phone, and I need to do it correctly, because if I don't align it well, I will have to move. The more one more time, which I don't want to do this. So let me start this the right position. Okay, let's say about there. So I'm going to stick it to the lower line first like this, and then I'm going to stretch it so it touches the upper line just like this. And I'm going to do this with all the other letters until they are perfectly aligned. All right, I'm done with re sizing the letters. But as you can see, the word phone is now touching my hands. So it's a little bit too close to the actual phone, so I need to move everything to the left. So let's go ahead and do this. Okay, so that's the results so far. It looks pretty good. In my opinion, maybe the age letter needs to be slightly bigger, Let me see. Or just a little bit up. It's a precision work, guys, and this could be quite a problem on your phone, but we are up for challenge here. So this is pretty good now so I can tap on my lines and just delete them using the trashcan button and look at the results. So learn how to use can va. And then the word phone is there correctly written. So what I need to do now, I would like to have an arrow pointing from my phone to the word phone. So let's try this illustration. I would find an arrow by typing the keyword arrow. This one looks pretty good. I'm gonna change the color right now. Make this smaller. Let's see. Still a little bit too big. Something like that going from the phone to the word phone. And I just need to write one more thing on this graphic is the word on your android phone. So that's what I want to write. I'm going to copy this text books by by tapping on it first. Then the menu right here and then the copy bucks. All right, I'm going to input my text. So on your android. So that's the text I want to use. Of course, I'm going to change the size of this text, uh, to about 20 case of 20 there and going to change the positioning off course as well. And I want to change one more thing. The Funt. I'm going to use another fund from the prompt family. So prompt light. So we have. I have this contrast between the prompt board and the prompt light, and I want to align this on this side off the line. And like this, I want to align this with the E right here. Kind of like this lets me see, so learn how to use can va on your android phone. So this is pretty good guys. The last thing I could do is to add a color in the background of this design. So I'm going to top somewhere or there is no element. Click on color and I'm going to laugh to add a light gray like this one. And now this is the final graphic. It is ready to export that you One more thing I could do is to two de saturate my photo have me on in black and white. Let's see if they used a filter. So I tapped on my photo, use the filter and used advanced fitters and take out the saturation. So if I take out saturation, maybe boost the contrast it a bit so I pop a little bit more on. This is the final results. So this is pretty good. I kind of like things graphic. Maybe the word phone could be written a little bit smaller. So here would be very useful if we could group these elements so I could actually resize the word phone everything together, every letter together. But, well, there's no option to do this as off today. So let's export this graphic push here exported and now it has successfully take safety. I can find it in my gallery. Let's go find it. And this will finish our lesson, guys, that just have a look at the final result. All right, so I go to my can before order, and this is the final graphic. As you can see, this is pretty cool. I think we did a good job with this one. Guys, it's ready to publish on Facebook to promote you, Of course. So that's it for this lecture, guys, In the next one, I would show you how to use video in your designs 9. 09 Using Video in your Designs: Hello, guys. Welcome back to the course in this new lecture, I'm going to show you how to use video in your designs. And this is going to be entirely done with the camera app. So on your android phone. So in order to access these features a Zoff today I think not everybody can have access to the video features yet, though I know that can vies rolling them out to pre much or users on Android, but also an iPhone. But this course is about android. So I know that Canada is rolling them out slowly. So if you don't have this feature yet, please be patient. Don't get all crazy and write me a bunch of messages because it will come. This is something they are running out progressively to all their users. But they have so many years is that it takes a little bit off time. But I'm going to show you how to use this feature because this is very powerful. You can now create video stories on your camera app, and this is a game changer. So I'm going toe use an instagram story template in order to do this. So let's find the instagram stories there are right here when I need is something with. Basically, I think I could start from scratch. But you can also use a template, if that's what you what. You are used to me. I like to design my designs from scratch. So let's go for blank canvas. So this is the Instagram story template. So it's nine by 16. I think it's 1920. No, it's 10. 80 by 1920 1920 long 10. 80 large. All right, so the first thing I want to do is to insert a video. Okay, so I have just shot a video with my phone using the front facing camera eso I'm just going toe insert that video into Canada. Right? So the way to do this, I just kick the plus button, go to image, and you see, it's right there. So that's me with the glasses right there. So just gonna push on this and the video is playing without sound right now, but it will have sound once it's exported. So let me just frame this a little bit better. I want this to be four screen basically, so I want to make it fit my screen like this. So this is pretty good. And then the next thing I want to do is to add some kind of effect over this video. So I could I could play with the filters. I guess eso didn't me see black and white could be interesting. Not so much in this case. So you can play around with the filters, like maybe epic or I just go with no filters because I'm going to add a layer on top of this. So I'm going to use, um, a gradient. You know, I by now you must be knowing that I love grading, So let's go ahead and find ingredient. And for those of you who are not camp before work users, you might have less choice in terms of images on. You can also play with this option right here in toggle between the free images and the non free images, the images pro. But what's important to know that you can always import your own visuals from your camera roll from your library. Let's try this one. Okay, so this is not bad. I'm going to adjust the transparency now one more time to give it a warmer feel something like this, maybe 65 that we work. Okay, so now one last thing. I need to do this. Sorry. I went out of my design. So going back to it, I'm going to move the move them the great inter little bit and click on tap on my video because I want to add a filter to make it pop more so advanced fitter. I'm going to decrease saturation and boost the contrast so I can see myself more contrast e through that. Great. So now it looks pretty cool. Look at this. And what I need to do is to add a little bit of a graphic here so that I can have a real story, not just a video of me, but I will add something. So I want to add maybe the image of a phone, So I goto illustration and look for phone, See what Canada has in store for me. Yep. So maybe I could use this hand showing the phone. Um, let me find something cool. Let's try this right. Put it here. Right. Why not? Can I change something? Oh, yeah. I can just all the colors actually. So this is pretty neat. I'm gonna change the color off the phone to something pink like this. You're all right, white nuts. And, um, I'm gonna add a little bit of texts, so press button text, and I'm going to use I'm going to use a preset right here. I'm going to use this guy right here like this, tapping on it. I want to change this to write a new. Okay. You Well, I'm not typing this in the right box. Sorry, guys like you like this gonna change this font, which I don't like. Tap on this. And I want this to be, uh, front prompt. Let's do prompt black big, fat letters. Okay, I'm going to you remember, I showed you how to group elements, so you have to select it. You can see it's grouped. I'm going to on group using this button right here. So let me go back to show you, you have to tap on your elements than you tap on the menu. And then you go this round and square right there on grouped elements. So I'm going to delete this one. It's unreadable, is too small, but this one going to use, actually. And right? Course. You Course, I'm going to make this a little bit bigger. It's too small. Cannot read it longer. New course, Kind of like this looks good. It would be nice if it was another cover. It may see how it looks in white. Looks good in White's new course. And then if I really want to be a perfectionist, I would change or off these two white as well to take me a little bit of time. Not too much there. And then maybe what I could do is to change the color off this one guy right here to my pink. Not really so new course. All right. This is pretty sweet. The last thing I want to do is to add a canvas logo inside that phone. So let me go. Toe illustration. Search for Canada rights. Find a canvas logo. Make it small and position. We What did I do? I go on. Do do one more time. Something like this. Now I have to bring this to the right position Online. This with my phone right here. This is still a little bit too big. So I think this smaller. Okay, just this correctly. Oops. Precision work, guys. This is very intense for the eyes and the fingers, Like Okay, whether they do it, crop this slightly. So I go back. Back. Why's Croat? All right, so this looks legit. Let me zoom out. Okay. And we can now have a peek at this. So this looks pretty cool. What I'm gonna do, I'm going toe export. That video could take a little bit of time, so I'm gonna fast forward to view. Okay? So can been tells me that it successfully saved. So I'm going to go back to my library to my gallery and find this video. So let me quickly go to my library. Okay? Right here. My gallery going to my canvas for their rights here, and I can see the video already, so I hope everything went fine. Let's listen to it. Hey, guys. Running here. I would like you to check the brand new course. Learn to design with canvas on your android phone. It's coming to you very soon, and you are going to learn how to design exclusively from your phone. Good. So I think this was pretty smooth. The video player was a little bit buggy here, but it's not a problem of the app. It's a problem of my phone being a little bit slow at the moment. But basically I wanted to show you how to use the video feature so I can do this one more time to really show you I can add a page and to add video is very simple. You just step on this. And if Canberra rolled out the functionality off off you, letting add video to your stories and to your camera designs, then it will show both the photos and the videos on your gallery that are in your gallery on on your camera roll. So it's very easy. You will find them here, you just tap on them and they will match your four scream. So the only thing that I'm not sure off is what happens if you export two videos in the same project. So I'm going to try this to see if Canada actually exports both pages as two separate videos, or what happening? What's happening there. So let me try this. I want to export both of my pages, so let me see how I can do that. Okay, So can That has me. It is successfully exported. So back to my gallery, right here. This is the previous one, and it seems like it made one video out of the two videos. Let's play this. Hey, guys, running here. I would like you to check the brand new course. Learn to design with canvas on your android phone. It's coming to you very soon, and you are going to learn how to design exclusively from your phone. Hey, guys, running here. I would like to you to check the brand new course to learn to design with Canada to pause this just to let you know what happened here is that can put my two videos like end to end . So if you are exporting to different pages, can we tie these two videos together to make one longer video? So that's what's going on. I just wanted to show you how to insert videos on your design from Canada. You see, I have two pages and Canada wide exporting tied these two videos together. So if you are going to publish this as a story on Instagram or Facebook, then what would happen if each of the chunks of your stories I purposely did it on purpose to make it like 14 seconds so that it fits the 15 seconds that Facebook allows you in only one screen of the story. But if you go longer than that, then the platform will automatically kind of shop your video story down two slices of 15 seconds. So just for you to let just to let you know that this is what's gonna happen if you upload it on Facebook. Alright, guys. So this finishes this lecture about using video in your design. In the next lecture, I'm going to show you how toe work from both your computer and your mobile in order to smoothing your workflow. 10. 10 Working with both Computer & Mobile (1): What's up, guys running here we are back to the course with this new section, and we are going to tie everything we've learned together with the project. So the project will consist of creating a story that we will publish on Facebook, and this story will contain five different screens. So if you're familiar with Facebook stories, you know that each screen can last up to 15 seconds. So we will create five different screens, and two of these screens will be fixed images. So still images and three of these screens will be videos. And for the videos, I have already recorded three videos with my phone screen capture device. So I have this software I'm going to show you which software used to record the screen of my phone. This is how I created this entire course, as a matter of fact, except from these videos that you can actually see my my computer screen. But using this screen recorder, I was able to capture my screen, and I created three different short videos under 15 seconds that are related to Facebook stories. So I want to create a story about Facebook stories. So we are going to start designing the stories from the computer and then once the layout and everything looks good and then tidy, I'm going to save this switch over to my phone at the video from my phone, do the final, the final touches and then published from my phone export from my phone. And then, from there I will be able to publish this story on Facebook. So there there is the program for this section from this project that we are going to do together. So let's start. So in order to create a Facebook story, we can use a template that says, instagram story right here. So I'm going to click on this, and I have my blank story, as you know me. By now, I like to work with blank canvases. I don't really use their templates unless I'm really in a hurry. But I want to show you how to design from scratch. So we're going to do just this. And so the idea is to have five different pages. So I'm going to add these pages right to three, four and five. So now I have my five pages. All right. 12345 good, and I'm going to use my signature color. That is the yellow. So there you go, the yellow and my stick signature, I would say Imagery style where you see a photo of me without a background, holding up a phone or being like pointing at something. I'm going to use these photos of me because people associate my brand with these types off visual elements. So I suggest you also try to find a style of your own. But this is the site I'm using. Any style would work, but a key word here, guys, is consistency. If you want to create a strong brand, you have to think in terms of consistency, like repetition of the same visual style. All right, so that being said, let me go and fetch these images of myself. I was telling you earlier in the course that I have a Ford ER right here, and these are folders only available to can before work users. So if you don't see this on your canvas, don't freak out. It's perfectly normal if you are not a paid user of Canada, but one of the perks of being a paid Canada user can before work user is that you can access these folders and organize your elements into them. So, me, I have all my photos here. As you can see, these are all the photos that I use all the time. So there are stored into this folder. So the 1st 1 I want to kind of say on the first page here of my story, I want to say why stories are important for marketers. Okay, so I want to find one of these, um, guys right here. Let's say this one, like, I'm thinking about this, like, why are star is important for marketers. OK, so I'm going to use this. I'm going to use the text. Why are stories so important to marketers? Question Mark. So I'm going to make this bigger and I'm going to use That's make it bigger firsts. And I'm going to use prompt Okay, Prompt, bold. Reduce this basing something like that. Why our story is so important to marketers. Okay, So this is Ronnie kind of wandering. Why are they so important to marketers? And I'm going to use another one of my signature elements, I would say, is the the bubble speech so bubble speech. Something I like to use recently. So maybe this one, like, I'm kind of wandering, you know, like it's not like a hard bubble. It's like a think a thought that is just coming to my head. Like why? Why is it that stories are so important to market to? So let's reduce the spacing a little bit more on this text between the different words. So it fits nicely into my bubble. So, like this, this whole thing looks pretty good. I'm going to select the whole thing, not my photo, but the the text and the bubble and reduce it a little bit like this. All right, this looks good. I'm going to make my photo bigger, slightly bigger like this. All right. And I will also group these two things slightly turned them around like this. Maybe a little bit up. All right, so this is going to be our first page off the story. Okay, second page, we're going to have the first video, so there will be video one on page two, video two on page three and video four are on video three. Sorry on page four. So three pages with video. And then the last page would be again a graphic using the same color. So we will use the yellow color. We will again use one of the photos off me just showing something. Or maybe this one like this and this last page will say something like, So go make stories with can va Something like that. Eso let me use my text. So one thing I can do is just copy this text box right here. So in order to do this, I'm going to show you how I work for being very efficient with canvas. So I copied. Is this page right here? I would drag it over to the last one before the last one right here. I would close this overview of the project one group copy my text so I can just drag my text because this page here is going to be deleted anyways, So this is me making sure My texas, on the same size with same properties, I'm using the same exact one. Okay, so now I need to put some kind of cardboard here behind me, like in my hands behind this text. Let's find something like some kind off. How do you call these things? Like cardboard? Cardboard. Let's see what comes up. Yes, that could work, then received. That would work. Maybe something like this. I will use the arrow to adjust and position this backwards so this could work. It's not super classy, but so I'm going to find something else. Maybe sign that. See what they have for signs. Our filter for the graphics on Lee. Uh huh. So there are some interesting stuff over here, but not like amazing things. So still not very satisfied with this? What kind of keyword could I use in order to find the proper element? Maybe Billboard. Let me try Bill board. That's not how you write billboard to as Yes. Billboard. What about this? Some kind of wooden plank? It's not that great. Oh, yes, I know. Maybe I could use some kind of iPad and iPad like a digital device. Yes, that looks decent. Something like that. Yes. Look at this is going to look nice. So positioning it and I will push it back with the position button. All right, now I need to reduce its size slightly. Okay, Center it and actually enter the actual text I want to write. This is not the actual text. So the text is so go. So go create stories with canvas. So I would use that can va logo instead of writing. Can va and I will give this a little bit of more spacing just slightly. And I need to insert the canvas logo, so I'm gonna search for it. Can va. Right? So this I'm going to use the same color. Maybe I can use the Canada color two lively up this graphic a little bit. Okay, so something like this let me see. You need to give this more spacing like this. All right, so this looks decent. I will center this text to and maybe add some spacing here. Okay, this looks good. Now, I'm going to do the final adjustments, so go create stories with Canada, so that's pretty cool. Maybe I can add something mawr in order to make this more interesting. Visually, Yes. Maybe I could add this brush right here and put it behind me by positioning it backwards. Something like that looks a bit weird, So maybe yeah, let me delete this. And instead of a brush that doesn't seem like a brush, to be honest. Doesn't look like a brush. I'm going to use this canvas pensar right here. Oh, Kit, Try the same thing. Let me see. I can put this year cup it and put another one here. Both of these backcourts. Okay, maybe this one a little bit up like this. Why can, maybe eventually just flip it? Yep. Create something like this. Doesn't have to be exactly symmetrical is a symmetrical aspect of it Will actually give some kind of interesting field to the visual. OK, so go create stories with Canada. And you know what? Still not convinced about this. So this is the process, guys, I'm not pretending to know it all, but I want to create an interesting piece of graphic, so I'm trying different things. So backwards. Okay, let's say this, Okay, So go create stories with Canada. All right. Um, the last thing I want to do is to add my logo, learn with runny on this page. So again, I have this stored in one of my folders. So if you go to foreigners logos, I would find here or my noble so I can use this one position here on the bottom and use the grid to help me position this at the right place. All right, so this needs to be centered. It looks good. Eso That's the last page of my story. This is the first page and the three video pages. So now when I want to do before we finish this work from the computer and before we switch over to the phone and continuing working on the same design, I want to kind of see where, Okay, the videos are going to come here, so maybe I can just add the yellow background. But if I use a yellow background than how Well, let's try. I'm gonna put the euro background on each of these pages. So there is one thing I would like to add from the computer before we switch over to the phone Is some adjustment when I'm going to be showing the video? Okay, so the thing is that when I was recording this video after it was recorded, actually, I did a screenshot by screenshot it my my screen from my from my mole iPhone. So I had the actual layout on how the video is going to look like. So I sent this screenshot toe myself via messenger. So now I'm going to go get it and import into canvas so I can actually see how the video is going to display. So this is a screenshot. Okay, So I'm going to save this to my computer download. I'm going to import that into Canada. So there it is. Grab the screenshots and bring it to Canada like this. I'm going toe Insert that on page two once it's uploaded here, all right. And I I need to make this full screen so I can actually see how it looks like. OK, so this is how it looks like the scream. And I remember from this video right here, I'm going to be showing thes elements right here. The actual stories right here. So what I want to do now, I want to push this. Sorry. I want to You see what happened here? Is that because my my picture that I uploaded into Canada was bigger than the actual canvas size. It became the background. So I want to go back because I don't want this to happen. So what I'm gonna do, I'm going to insert a frame and then insert my A story. Might my visual here inside that frame, that would be easier for me to work with. So let me go back to upload, put this here and now I can move this. The background is still there. So I'm going to make this position. I would like to create some kind of yellow solid that comes all the way to here. OK, so I'm going to go with a rectangle that is going to cover the whole screen like this and basically coming all the way toe here. This needs to be, of course, yellow. You will understand what I'm doing now, And you will also be completely free to create something similar for your experience. But you would see that what I'm doing once we are there. Okay. So we can do something like this, and hopefully this whole thing will work. But, Miss c, maybe I need another photo of myself. Let's see if there is another one where I'm pointing. Mm. Could try to use this one perhaps like this. Make it slightly bigger like this. That would be perfect if it works. If what I'm trying to do work. It will be an awesome story. So let me let me do this. Let me first get rid of the saturation of this photo. So just saturation to zero boost the contrast a little bit and there, Okay. And I'm gonna add a little bit of texts. It's not a rectangle in a bit of text that says, Let me grab this here, and it's going to say right here, and it's okay if you don't understand everything I'm doing now. I'm just trying to show you how you can work from both your computer and after this, your phone to kind off design your stories and you will see everything coming together in just a second prompt light. So we are being consistent right here with the with the fonts that we're using. Let's add a little arrow. Okay, Maybe this really work Fine. No, maybe No. Let's find an actual arrow. Ah, like like this. This is good. Make it black rights. Live it smaller. Something like this. All right, that's good. So that's my second screen, right? And I'm going to have a video coming here in the background, so let's see if I can actually insert the video in this frame right here. If not, I will have to tweak this a little bit more. But for now, let's say this is what's gonna happen next. I'm going to leave this as it is, because on this page I'm going to add the video without any graphics and for my last cream , my last video screen. I'm talking about the full screen experience you'll see in the video in a second, So I want to add a little bit of a graphic here that says that, like, four screen experience. So that me for scream experience? Okay, make this bigger from board, I would say, and I would compete with same. So that's 59.2. It's a 59 forest green experience. This is nice. Something like this. And I will have yeah, Bubba's speech again. Maybe barbers beach like this and have some kind of a rectangle. Maybe this one. Maybe like this position. This backwards center, my text. Okay, that's pretty cool. Now I need to maybe group these two elements. All right? I'm gonna group all this as well. Maybe here in a group. All this see if it works. All right, I'm I think I'm ready. I can now switch over to my phone and see what can be done there. I just have to make sure I save this document. Give it a name. So that's dying it or together Facebook story with video and still's all right. This is saved. I am now switching back to my phone. 11. 11 Working with both Computer & Mobile (2): Okay, so I'm going to open the camera app on my phone. Hopefully, my design will be here waiting for me. So clicking on the design tap tap Sorry and see Tying it all together Facebook story. So that's the one opening this. All right, so I have my pages right there. They look pretty cool. Our rights are right. This looks good. Now, what I'm trying to do here is to add the videos where they need to be. So I'm going to tap here and do ad and add my first video, which is this one, right? It fits perfectly, guys. So that's perfect. That's the first thing I wanted to do. All right. Switching over to my second page, I'm going to add my second video. So going back to my images on this, I guess, is the second video. Which one is the second video? Um, I think it is this one. OK, but because I didn't put any place holder on this page, the video doesn't fit for screen. So I'm going to delete this, and I'm going to go back to my computer to see if I can actually add a place order on this page in orderto fit my video writing. So let me just try to do that 12. 12 Let's Create a Video Story (1): What's up, guys running here we are back to the course with this new section, and we are going to tie everything we've learned together with the project. So the project will consist of creating a story that we will publish on Facebook, and this story will contain five different screens. So if you're familiar with Facebook stories, you know that each screen can last up to 15 seconds. So we will create five different screens, and two of these screens will be fixed images. So still images and three of these screens will be videos. And for the videos, I have already recorded three videos with my phone screen capture device. So I have this software I'm going to show you which software used to record the screen of my phone. This is how I created this entire course, as a matter of fact, except from these videos that you can actually see my my computer screen. But using this screen recorder, I was able to capture my screen, and I created three different short videos under 15 seconds that are related to Facebook stories. So I want to create a story about Facebook stories. So we are going to start designing the stories from the computer and then once the layout and everything looks good and then tidy, I'm going to save this switch over to my phone at the video from my phone, do the final, the final touches and then published from my phone export from my phone. And then, from there I will be able to publish this story on Facebook. So there there is the program for this section from this project that we are going to do together. So let's start. So in order to create a Facebook story, we can use a template that says, instagram story right here. So I'm going to click on this, and I have my blank story, as you know me. By now, I like to work with blank canvases. I don't really use their templates unless I'm really in a hurry. But I want to show you how to design from scratch. So we're going to do just this. And so the idea is to have five different pages. So I'm going to add these pages right to three, four and five. So now I have my five pages. All right. 12345 good, and I'm going to use my signature color. That is the yellow. So there you go, the yellow and my stick signature, I would say Imagery style where you see a photo of me without a background, holding up a phone or being like pointing at something. I'm going to use these photos of me because people associate my brand with these types off visual elements. So I suggest you also try to find a style of your own. But this is the site I'm using. Any style would work, but a key word here, guys, is consistency. If you want to create a strong brand, you have to think in terms of consistency, like repetition of the same visual style. All right, so that being said, let me go and fetch these images of myself. I was telling you earlier in the course that I have a Ford ER right here, and these are folders only available to can before work users. So if you don't see this on your canvas, don't freak out. It's perfectly normal if you are not a paid user of Canada, but one of the perks of being a paid Canada user can before work user is that you can access these folders and organize your elements into them. So, me, I have all my photos here. As you can see, these are all the photos that I use all the time. So there are stored into this folder. So the 1st 1 I want to kind of say on the first page here of my story, I want to say why stories are important for marketers. Okay, so I want to find one of these, um, guys right here. Let's say this one, like, I'm thinking about this, like, why are star is important for marketers. OK, so I'm going to use this. I'm going to use the text. Why are stories so important to marketers? Question Mark. So I'm going to make this bigger and I'm going to use That's make it bigger firsts. And I'm going to use prompt Okay, Prompt, bold. Reduce this basing something like that. Why our story is so important to marketers. Okay, So this is Ronnie kind of wandering. Why are they so important to marketers? And I'm going to use another one of my signature elements, I would say, is the the bubble speech so bubble speech. Something I like to use recently. So maybe this one, like, I'm kind of wandering, you know, like it's not like a hard bubble. It's like a think a thought that is just coming to my head. Like why? Why is it that stories are so important to market to? So let's reduce the spacing a little bit more on this text between the different words. So it fits nicely into my bubble. So, like this, this whole thing looks pretty good. I'm going to select the whole thing, not my photo, but the the text and the bubble and reduce it a little bit like this. All right, this looks good. I'm going to make my photo bigger, slightly bigger like this. All right. And I will also group these two things slightly turned them around like this. Maybe a little bit up. All right, so this is going to be our first page off the story. Okay, second page, we're going to have the first video, so there will be video one on page two, video two on page three and video four are on video three. Sorry on page four. So three pages with video. And then the last page would be again a graphic using the same color. So we will use the yellow color. We will again use one of the photos off me just showing something. Or maybe this one like this and this last page will say something like, So go make stories with can va Something like that. Eso let me use my text. So one thing I can do is just copy this text box right here. So in order to do this, I'm going to show you how I work for being very efficient with canvas. So I copied. Is this page right here? I would drag it over to the last one before the last one right here. I would close this overview of the project one group copy my text so I can just drag my text because this page here is going to be deleted anyways, So this is me making sure My texas, on the same size with same properties, I'm using the same exact one. Okay, so now I need to put some kind of cardboard here behind me, like in my hands behind this text. Let's find something like some kind off. How do you call these things? Like cardboard? Cardboard. Let's see what comes up. Yes, that could work, then received. That would work. Maybe something like this. I will use the arrow to adjust and position this backwards so this could work. It's not super classy, but so I'm going to find something else. Maybe sign that. See what they have for signs. Our filter for the graphics on Lee. Uh huh. So there are some interesting stuff over here, but not like amazing things. So still not very satisfied with this? What kind of keyword could I use in order to find the proper element? Maybe Billboard. Let me try Bill board. That's not how you write billboard to as Yes. Billboard. What about this? Some kind of wooden plank? It's not that great. Oh, yes, I know. Maybe I could use some kind of iPad and iPad like a digital device. Yes, that looks decent. Something like that. Yes. Look at this is going to look nice. So positioning it and I will push it back with the position button. All right, now I need to reduce its size slightly. Okay, Center it and actually enter the actual text I want to write. This is not the actual text. So the text is so go. So go create stories with canvas. So I would use that can va logo instead of writing. Can va and I will give this a little bit of more spacing just slightly. And I need to insert the canvas logo, so I'm gonna search for it. Can va. Right? So this I'm going to use the same color. Maybe I can use the Canada color two lively up this graphic a little bit. Okay, so something like this let me see. You need to give this more spacing like this. All right, so this looks decent. I will center this text to and maybe add some spacing here. Okay, this looks good. Now, I'm going to do the final adjustments, so go create stories with Canada, so that's pretty cool. Maybe I can add something mawr in order to make this more interesting. Visually, Yes. Maybe I could add this brush right here and put it behind me by positioning it backwards. Something like that looks a bit weird, So maybe yeah, let me delete this. And instead of a brush that doesn't seem like a brush, to be honest. Doesn't look like a brush. I'm going to use this canvas pensar right here. Oh, Kit, Try the same thing. Let me see. I can put this year cup it and put another one here. Both of these backcourts. Okay, maybe this one a little bit up like this. Why can, maybe eventually just flip it? Yep. Create something like this. Doesn't have to be exactly symmetrical is a symmetrical aspect of it Will actually give some kind of interesting field to the visual. OK, so go create stories with Canada. And you know what? Still not convinced about this. So this is the process, guys, I'm not pretending to know it all, but I want to create an interesting piece of graphic, so I'm trying different things. So backwards. Okay, let's say this, Okay, So go create stories with Canada. All right. Um, the last thing I want to do is to add my logo, learn with runny on this page. So again, I have this stored in one of my folders. So if you go to foreigners logos, I would find here or my noble so I can use this one position here on the bottom and use the grid to help me position this at the right place. All right, so this needs to be centered. It looks good. Eso That's the last page of my story. This is the first page and the three video pages. So now when I want to do before we finish this work from the computer and before we switch over to the phone and continuing working on the same design, I want to kind of see where, Okay, the videos are going to come here, so maybe I can just add the yellow background. But if I use a yellow background than how Well, let's try. I'm gonna put the euro background on each of these pages. So there is one thing I would like to add from the computer before we switch over to the phone Is some adjustment when I'm going to be showing the video? Okay, so the thing is that when I was recording this video after it was recorded, actually, I did a screenshot by screenshot it my my screen from my from my mole iPhone. So I had the actual layout on how the video is going to look like. So I sent this screenshot toe myself via messenger. So now I'm going to go get it and import into canvas so I can actually see how the video is going to display. So this is a screenshot. Okay, So I'm going to save this to my computer download. I'm going to import that into Canada. So there it is. Grab the screenshots and bring it to Canada like this. I'm going toe Insert that on page two once it's uploaded here, all right. And I I need to make this full screen so I can actually see how it looks like. OK, so this is how it looks like the scream. And I remember from this video right here, I'm going to be showing thes elements right here. The actual stories right here. So what I want to do now, I want to push this. Sorry. I want to You see what happened here? Is that because my my picture that I uploaded into Canada was bigger than the actual canvas size. It became the background. So I want to go back because I don't want this to happen. So what I'm gonna do, I'm going to insert a frame and then insert my A story. Might my visual here inside that frame, that would be easier for me to work with. So let me go back to upload, put this here and now I can move this. The background is still there. So I'm going to make this position. I would like to create some kind of yellow solid that comes all the way to here. OK, so I'm going to go with a rectangle that is going to cover the whole screen like this and basically coming all the way toe here. This needs to be, of course, yellow. You will understand what I'm doing now, And you will also be completely free to create something similar for your experience. But you would see that what I'm doing once we are there. Okay. So we can do something like this, and hopefully this whole thing will work. But, Miss c, maybe I need another photo of myself. Let's see if there is another one where I'm pointing. Mm. Could try to use this one perhaps like this. Make it slightly bigger like this. That would be perfect if it works. If what I'm trying to do work. It will be an awesome story. So let me let me do this. Let me first get rid of the saturation of this photo. So just saturation to zero boost the contrast a little bit and there, Okay. And I'm gonna add a little bit of texts. It's not a rectangle in a bit of text that says, Let me grab this here, and it's going to say right here, and it's okay if you don't understand everything I'm doing now. I'm just trying to show you how you can work from both your computer and after this, your phone to kind off design your stories and you will see everything coming together in just a second prompt light. So we are being consistent right here with the with the fonts that we're using. Let's add a little arrow. Okay, Maybe this really work Fine. No, maybe No. Let's find an actual arrow. Ah, like like this. This is good. Make it black rights. Live it smaller. Something like this. All right, that's good. So that's my second screen, right? And I'm going to have a video coming here in the background, so let's see if I can actually insert the video in this frame right here. If not, I will have to tweak this a little bit more. But for now, let's say this is what's gonna happen next. I'm going to leave this as it is, because on this page I'm going to add the video without any graphics and for my last cream , my last video screen. I'm talking about the full screen experience you'll see in the video in a second, So I want to add a little bit of a graphic here that says that, like, four screen experience. So that me for scream experience? Okay, make this bigger from board, I would say, and I would compete with same. So that's 59.2. It's a 59 forest green experience. This is nice. Something like this. And I will have yeah, Bubba's speech again. Maybe barbers beach like this and have some kind of a rectangle. Maybe this one. Maybe like this position. This backwards center, my text. Okay, that's pretty cool. Now I need to maybe group these two elements. All right? I'm gonna group all this as well. Maybe here in a group. All this see if it works. All right, I'm I think I'm ready. I can now switch over to my phone and see what can be done there. I just have to make sure I save this document. Give it a name. So that's dying it or together Facebook story with video and still's all right. This is saved. I am now switching back to my phone. 13. 13 Let's Create a Video Story (2): Okay, so I'm going to open the camera app on my phone. Hopefully, my design will be here waiting for me. So clicking on the design tap tap Sorry and see Tying it all together Facebook story. So that's the one opening this. All right, so I have my pages right there. They look pretty cool. Our rights are right. This looks good. Now, what I'm trying to do here is to add the videos where they need to be. So I'm going to tap here and do ad and add my first video, which is this one, right? It fits perfectly, guys. So that's perfect. That's the first thing I wanted to do. All right. Switching over to my second page, I'm going to add my second video. So going back to my images on this, I guess, is the second video. Which one is the second video? Um, I think it is this one. OK, but because I didn't put any place holder on this page, the video doesn't fit for screen. So I'm going to delete this, and I'm going to go back to my computer to see if I can actually add a place order on this page in orderto fit my video writing. So let me just try to do that 14. 14 Let's Create a Video Story (3): so back to the computer. Right here, guys. Sorry for the back and forth, but this is the whole point of this exercise. To go back and forth between your computer and your phone toe actually design this perfect story, right? So I was in my on my phone. I saved the document, so I have to actually could go out of the document on Canada and re open it again to see how it looks. See, my video is now here, but the thing is that here, there's no video. So I need to add this place holder on this page. This frame, this grid, if you wish. So this is going to be all right. And here I need to add it as well Put it backwards like this. And now it should be totally fine. So I'm going to save this again, save and head back over to my phone in order to show you what I did. In case you didn't follow. I noticed that when I inserted this video from my phone. So from the app on my phone, it fit right into the placeholder into the grid. And when I tried to add a video to the page number three right here that didn't have the grid. It didn't fit toe full screen. So now I'm hoping that because I inserted a placeholder, Agreed. When I will drop my video on this page, it will show for screen and same on this one with this bubble speech coming right on top of the video. So let's save and head back to the phone. Okay? I'm gonna or so like, turned this like, like, close this window. So there's no conflict. All right? And refresh the Canada dashboard. Okay? Back to the phone. 15. 15 Let's Create a Video Story (4): So I'm back to my phone right here, and I'm gonna refresh the canvas feet before I opened this story again. So this is the first page, Second page, third page and fourth page are supposed to have grates on them. We don't see them from here, but I'm confident that they are here. I'm going to add my video, my second video to this great boom. And this is working guys. So this is perfect. My second video is now where it should be, So that's good news. And then what I'm gonna do is to go directly complete the last page, which should welcome my last video. And this is this one perfect. So we have the bubble speech on top of it. So now everything looks pretty cool, and I'm pretty sure that now we can publish this story. But there is one more thing I would like to do, and I would like to kind of give a yellow, overly over this video capture. So I'm going to say from here, I'm going to exit from my phone, exit the app from my phone pick up from my computer one last time, and then you would see, We will see if we can add this yellow overlay on top off the video. Come back to the phone and exported. So I'm not sure this is gonna work, but let's be crazy right here. So back to the computer. 16. 16 Let's Create a Video Story (5): So I'm back to the computer one more time. I'm going to refresh the canvas feed. I'm going to open the latest story right here. Now, I should have still images in my grades if everything went right. Yes, they're here, and everything looks right. So what I was saying is that I want to try to add another layer on top of this to make it to give it, like, a yellow. Overly. So in order to do this, I'm going to add a rectangle on this page and I'm gonna make this rectangle yellow, and then they would give it some transparency. All right, so that make it Let's make it yellow. Give it some transparency. Great. So let's say 60% sounds about good, and I'm going to reproduce the same thing on this page. Number four. Not on page two, because I already have some kind of effect eso page for going to duplicate this rectangle right here. Position it correctly on my page number four. And I'm gonna push this backwards because I want the full screen experience to be, like, on top off the overly. Not underneath the overly. So that's what I wanted to create guys. If this works out, it would be a pretty nice story for our Facebook s. So let's go ahead and and figure if this thing worked out. So I'm going to save it one more time from the computer, like close the window and switch back over to the phone. 17. 17 Let's Create a Video Story (6): So this is me picking up from the phone one more time. I'm going to refresh again. The canvas app opened this story and see what happens here. Do I have my overly? Yes, I have my overly This looks fantastic, guys. So now I think the last thing I need to do is to simply export that story. But one thing I noticed eyes that if I exported like this, I think that Canada is going to to tie everything together in one long story so I can try. Let's try to export it like this. But I suspect that we will have to export each video individually. So let's try and see what happens. Thanks to speed up the video until it's exported. All right. It says that it successfully saved. I'm going to head over to my gallery right now and see what happened with this story. So heading over to gallery makes six suspends here, guys and head over to can va right here. So what I have here is 1 52nd video, So let's play this. Hey, guys, I want to show you why Facebook stories are so important. And the main reason is that Facebook gives them a prime real estate in the absolute. When you log on to your profile, it's the first thing you're going to see. It's a bunch off stories. And the other thing. I wanted to show you guys that if you scroll down your news feed, you will see that Facebook is serving you the story section one more time. This is the second appearance of the stories in my news feed. So and the second reason why stories are so important is that once you click on them, they give you a full screen experience. You see, Now I can see the content of my friend right here who he just for screen experience. So that's a lot of visibility. Okay, I think this is pretty good, because I have like, or the different screens off the story put together by Canada in a nice video. So I wander, Can I just export that import that into Facebook? I think I can, and this will be sliced up in five different screens by Facebook. So that's what I'm gonna do just now. I'm going to publish this phrase book and see what happens. So let's head over to my Facebook. All right, Facebook. I'm going to publish this on my page. So I'm gonna head over, toe my page like this and create a story. So I need to go to the post like this. And this is how you create a story I'm going to add. Not my face, but this 51 2nd Hey, guys, I want to show you why Facebook stories are so important. And the main reason is that Facebook gives them I'm going to post. This is a story not opposed. So let me see. Going to publish this? It's going to take a little while while it's uploading, but it should be uploading on my page right now, So I'm gonna positive video, and then once it's uploaded, I'm going to show you the result. Okay, so I just did the test. I can show you. Well, I just deleted it because it didn't work, actually. So what happened? Because I uploaded a story which is a 52nd video. Facebook didn't manage to slice it down exactly as I wanted. So this is what I had suspected from the beginning. So what I'm going to do to fix this. I'm going to go back to Canada and make sure I export every page, every single page of my story individually, so that I have different fives. And I can upload these fires into my story on Facebook in order to create that multiple screen story. So let's go ahead and do this. I'm going to actually duplicate this design, so I need to duplicate it, I think four times or three times. So one original and four copies because I need to export these three videos in three individual fights. So let's go ahead and do this. Heading back two can vie right here. So let me close these windows. So this is the can va Fi. So what I'm gonna do, I'm going to duplicate this, make a copy, and I'm going to rename these as we go, so I will delete the pages that I don't need. Okay, so here, namely five, four Andi? Yeah, when I want to do is export the first video. So I'm going to delete page hopes. I'm going to delete the page number three and page number one, So I want to export just this one page. Okay, So, like this. This is perfect. I'm gonna export this. Now we pause the video. You don't need to be watching or exports. All right, so the first story has been saved. What I'm gonna do now is to go back basically to where I waas. Okay, so I have all the stories I need to get toe print story number three right now. So let me go back to my pages here. So this page management here is pretty useful. So I go back like I touched the last one deleted and then then do the same thing. I tap on the previous one deleted. And then the 3rd 1 this one like this, I deleted as well. First page, the leads. I just need to export this page right here. So I'm going to do just that. All right, So this page is now exported successfully as well. What I can do is go back one last time and export my last video, which is number four right here. So I'm gonna be deleting the other pages like this exporting this page. All right, this last page is exported. So what I need to do now is to actually go grab my photos like the stills from this story. So again, I'm hitting the back button, and what I need to do now is simply export page one and five. So I'm going to delete pitch four page three. Oops. That not fish. Three page. Maybe I do like this. This one is well, so I need to get rid of these two like this. I am going to export one and two save as an image. All right, so now I should be able to publish everything. I think I have everything here that I need. Let me go quickly to my gallery and make sure we have everything that we need. So heading over to the gallery, heading over to the canvas section right here. So let me see. We have the first page, which is this one. Then we have the first video, which is this one? Have the second video third video on the last page. So now we have every screen of the story individually, and I will be able to publish this on Facebook. Okay, I'm back on my phone. I've seen that I've successfully exported all the different screens of my story and I'm ready to publish that story on my Facebook page. So I'm going to go ahead and create another story. So for those of you who don't know, let me show you from the Facebook news feed. So when you open Facebook, this is what you get. So in order to publish on your page, you have to first go to your page. If you don't have a page you can publish from your personal profile, that's fine. And once you're on your page, you will see this you are. You will be in the page, Manager. So you actually click on your little profile picture right here on the upper right corner and then click on view page Once you here, you will see this section that says your story. So the second tab right here is your are archived stories. So the archives stories are passed stories that are not visible anymore because stories will disappear after 24 hours. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna hit the ad to story. And then Facebook will again. Hi, guys. Show my camera and then I can browse my camera and see what's in my phone. So the order is that this comes first. All right, so I'm going to click Done, and I want this to be a story only because if I click on Post and we will have different posts under because each screen of the story created different post on my timeline, and I don't want to do this just want this to be the story. I will then record my screen so you can actually see the entire story how it looks like. But this published his first. All right, so that's the first it's published again. You won't see anything with just click on Story again. And the second screen, which is this one right here is the first guy I want to show you again on check the Post. You just want this in your story for now. So, like this is going to be published and again, you repeat this until you have published or your screens. So there's third screen. Is this one on the other thing? I wanted to show you guys be aware that the screens are going to be respecting the order in which you upload them. So start with your first cream and then go all the way to the last one. So again adding my fourth screen, which is this one. And the second reason why stories are so and check posts. It's uneven, tedious. But that's the way it works so far on Facebook. Okay? And the last one is gonna be this one course of action done and check. This one published this. So now, in a couple of seconds, I guess this will be available on my Facebook page. So once it is fully available, I will capture the whole thing on video so you can see the final results. Okay, I'm gonna refresh my page and you will see that the story is now available. So let's go ahead. Let's click on that story and see if it's perfectly I floated right now. So this is the first cream and you see those now five screen you can see by the Hey, guys, I want to show you why Facebook stories are so important. And the main reason is that Facebook gives them a prime real estate in the absolute. When you log on to your profile, it's the first thing you're going to see. It's a bunch off stories and the other thing. I wanted to show you guys that if you scroll down your news feed, you will see that Facebook is serving you the story section one more time. This is the second appearance of the stories in my news feed. And the second reason why stories are so important is that once you click on them, they give you a full screen experience. You see, Now I can see the content of my friend right here who we just full screen experience. So that's a lot of visibility. You see, it's perfect. I think we did a good job. This finishes our project. Guys, this is how you tied or together by using your computer to start your project to start your design in tow, adjust to add the little tweaks that make your story really amazing. And then you use your phone. Basically, add your videos if you have access to the video feature already for instagram stories and for the camera app for android. So you that feature from your phone. But once you have set everything up on your computer is so much easier. And then, of course, you download from your phone and you upload that to Facebook or Instagram for your stories . So that's how you do it. That's how you work with both your computer and your phone to create amazing stories. So I hope you like this project and I would see you for the conclusion of discourse. 18. 18 Canva is worth installing on your phone: Congratulations, guys. You made it to the end of this course. I'm very happy that I have accompanied you in this journey off discovering and mastering the camera mobile app. I believe the skills that you've learned in this course are going to be very useful for your career as a social media marketer for maybe your career as a virtual assistant and how to help your customers. How to have your client design better stories designed better Facebook post. Now you would have the opportunity to work not only from the office or from your computer, but also from anywhere you are. Because you will be able to design with the mobile app. So I believe we should take advantage of all this knowledge. We should go out there and create better and more native social media content. Experiment with stories. I'm telling you guys, Facebook is going to continue pushing stories. Only 10% of its user base are actually using stories. So if you start using them and if you start using them in a different way because all I see out there pretty much garbage, I see a lot of bad stories of badly design stories So if yours are actually good looking, this will be a very strong competitive advantage. People will notice you potential customers in prospect. They will notice that your stories are actually very well designed. There are actually interesting. So go out there, produce stories and you would see you would attract more customers if this is what you're looking for or you will get the attention of your audience if this is what you're looking for. So I am 100% positive that you should run to the play store right now and download the camp a mobile app, get this thing on your phone and start playing around with it. The main reason why you should do it is because Canada didn't hold back on anything they try to really create. The best years of experience is possible. They gave you a maximum of feature, and I'm sure there are working on implementing all the other feature that have not quite yet made it to the mobile app inside that app, so that you can do absolutely everything you can do on your computer from your phone. So that's all I have for you guys today. If you appreciate it. This course I would really be grateful and thankful if you could leave me a review. Reviews are really what Make a break, Of course, you know. So if you appreciated my content, I would really appreciate that. You go over to my Facebook page, learn with runny, so that's facebook dot com slash learned. With runny, I relieve the link. In the description of this lecture, you can click on it. You can scan it with your phone or relieve a cure cold. Also for you. Just cancel. I make it very easy for you to leave me a review on my Facebook page and please let me know and let the other people know the other students who are maybe hesitating. Should I buy discourse? Not by this course. Let them know what you think about this course. Let them know what kind of inside what kind of improvement the force made to your life. And if you didn't like the course, feel free to express yourself as well. Just leave me a bad review. If this is what's on your mind, I completely accept that I cannot please everyone, but at least I wouldn't know what to improve on. So head over to my Facebook page. I am. Please leave me your review