Canva Basics: Launch Your Creative Business | Cheryl Chan | Skillshare

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Canva Basics: Launch Your Creative Business

teacher avatar Cheryl Chan, Brand Designer / YouTuber

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.

      Sign Up for a Canva Account


    • 4.

      Overview of the Canva Dashboard


    • 5.

      How to Find Stock Photography


    • 6.

      How to find Custom Fonts


    • 7.

      How to Source Custom Graphics


    • 8.

      The Importance of Branding


    • 9.

      Set up Your Brand Kit on Canva


    • 10.

      Overview of Canva Design Space


    • 11.

      Add & Styling Fonts


    • 12.

      Adding & Styling images


    • 13.

      Adding & Editing video and audio


    • 14.

      Style with shapes, graphics and animations


    • 15.

      How to get inspiration for your Designs


    • 16.

      Design a Business Card


    • 17.

      Design an Invoice


    • 18.

      Design an Email Signature


    • 19.

      Design an Instagram Post graphic


    • 20.

      Design an Instagram Carousel & Grid


    • 21.

      Design Instagram Stories & Cover


    • 22.

      Design a Scrolling Video Graphic


    • 23.

      Design a Pinterest Pin


    • 24.

      Design a Workbook


    • 25.

      Make your Workbook Interactive & Fillable


    • 26.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

You are ready to finally launch your creative business, but showing up confidently and cohesively in the online space can be challenging when it comes to designing for yourself. In this class, learn all the basics of branding and designing on Canva and launch your business with professional and unique graphics that match your unique style. Trust me- you don’t need any design background to complete this class!

What will we explore?

  • Understand the importance of branding and the key questions you should be asking yourself to create a brand that reflects who you are
  • My secrets to sourcing stock photography, custom fonts, and graphics for your brand
  • How to get inspiration for your unique designs
  • All my professional tips & tricks to designing on Canva with ease
  • My process of designing professional business graphics like Business cards, Email Signatures, Invoices, Instagram posts, Workbooks & more!

Our Class Project

I’ve prepared pre-designed Canva Templates to give you an awesome starting point for each business graphic that we will be designing together. Throughout each lesson, we will learn how to customize each of these to your unique brand and business. By the end of the class, you’ll have all your branded graphics ready to launch your business!

Is this class for me?

Yes! This class was created with new entrepreneurs in mind, but everyone is welcome. You don’t need to have any background in design or branding to complete this class. The only tools you need are a computer, Canva (Free or Pro), and an openness to learn and be creative!

I can’t wait for you to join me in the class!

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Meet Your Teacher

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Cheryl Chan

Brand Designer / YouTuber

Top Teacher

I run a design studio called Made on Sundays and my ultimate vision is to inspire mindful and creative living. I truly believe that we write the most fulfilling chapters of our stories when we feel in complete alignment with our life, business & purpose. That's why I'm here to help entrepreneurs tell their most intentional brand stories with clarity and confidence through brand and website design, education on YouTube, and other helpful resources.

But really, who am I?

I'm a Canadian gal, born and raised in Vancouver but decided to quit her cushy Brand Manager job to pursue a bigger dream in Amsterdam. My husband and I sold everything from our first apartment together, packed 5 pieces of luggage and never looked back. Now I run a creative studio... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Showing up in the online space as a new creative entrepreneur can feel just a little bit overwhelming sometimes. I get it. You want to show up professionally and creatively and in a way that feels really uniquely you. When you finally figure out that perfect business idea, whether it is a product or a service based business of some sort, you realize you need to actually design and create graphics in order to launch and market your business out into the online space. Problem is, you may have never done graphic design before. Whether you have dabbled with Canva or you've never heard or even used Canva before, in this class, I will be showing you all the basics of how to design on Canva so that you can create all of your essential graphics to finally launch your creative business soon. Hi, everyone, my name is Cheryl and I run a brand design studio called Made on Sundays. I help mindful entrepreneurs create intentional brand identities and websites to help them confidently share their business ideas with the world. I've worked with coaches and copywriters and home builders and even a mobile beverage company, helping them create systems and Canva templates that are both eye-catching and easy to use and saves them so much time. I'm also on YouTube where I teach many new entrepreneurs on topics all about branding, design and creative entrepreneurship, as well as a little glimpse into my life as an expert in Amsterdam. In this class, I will be teaching you everything from how to get inspiration for your designs, the importance of branding, and how to create your own essentials to styling fonts and graphics and video, all on Canva. Finally, my step-by-step process of how I create unique and professional designs to launch your business, such as business cards, and invoices, and email signatures, and social graphics, and interactive workbooks. What makes this class especially unique is, I have actually pre-designed some beautiful Canva templates for each project that we will be working on together. I can't wait to see you in the first lesson. 2. Class Project: For the project for this class, I have prepared a ton of Canva templates that you can start downloading right away. Feel free to pause this video right now, head to the Projects and Resources tab, and download the PDF that comes with this class. On this PDF, you'll find all of the links to the Canva templates that I will make reference to throughout this class. I have actually made up a fictitious brand to create all of these Canva templates. But I would love for you to challenge yourself to use these templates and customize it and personalize it for your brand and business. At the end of the class, remember to share your work, I cannot wait to see your creations. [MUSIC] 3. Sign Up for a Canva Account: In this lesson, we are going to be signing up for your Canva account. Now I am just on the Canva pricing page right now so that we can look at all of their different plans and see which one is best for you. Now Canva does have a free plan which allows you to create many, many simple graphics. They include free templates and a little bit of storage. For most business owners who are just starting their business and just wants to create some simple graphics, the free plan is more than enough. The Pro plan, however, is around 10 to $15 a month depending on whether you're paying monthly or yearly. There are so many perks and benefits to being on the Pro plan. I do highly recommend checking it out and seeing if it's right for you. You get access to so many more premium stock photos, videos, and audio, and graphics. One really cool thing is they partnered with Epidemic music, which is a very popular stock audio membership. With your pro account, you get access to tens of thousands of different stock audios. If you're making any video-based graphics like Insta stories, reels, or even YouTube videos, then you get all of that music licensed for free. One other amazing thing or feature about Canva pro is their brand kit. Basically all of your elements can be stored in one place so that it's easy to reference to. Every time you create a graphic, you can reference to the same colors, and elements, and your logos all in one place, just making sure that everything is branded. The next best feature about the Canva pro account is Background Eraser. Guys probably this feature alone makes Canva all the world worth it. You see how there's like, if I took a picture right now myself, there's background. If you want to remove that background and just have a cutout of myself, there's literally one button that you press on the Canva pro account where you can just easily remove the background and then you can place me on top of any other backgrounds. Really amazing feature and I highly recommend it. There's also a ton of other great features. In this class, I'm going to be showing you exercises that sometimes will require the Canva pro account. I highly recommend maybe just signing up for the free 30 days trial, which allows you to do this whole class in full, do all of the exercises in all of the lessons. Then if you feel like you can just create more simple graphics, you can always downgrade back to the free plan when your 30 days is over. Let's sign up for your account, and let's get designing. 4. Overview of the Canva Dashboard: In this lesson, we are going to be going over the Canva dashboard. Once you log into your Canva account, you're going to see something like this. Let's go through it. I know it can be a little bit overwhelming when you first log in for the first time, but it's pretty easy to navigate. Let's just go through it really quickly. At the very top bar here, the thing that you're going to use the most is probably templates. If you want to start off your design with some template, then feel free to go through what you're making. Let's say you're making a poster, then you can click into poster and start with any of their in-house Canva templates. This is a really great way to just get started on a piece, and then you can edit it and customize it as much as you need. But in this course, we are providing templates to use, so no need to start in the Canva template section. The next section, there are also different features that Canva is promoting. Not super-helpful on a day-to-day basis, it's just telling you what features they have. But if you want to check out like let's say what free photos they have or background options they have, this is a great way to go to that directory just to see what graphic elements you might want to use in the future. On the left here is a quick dashboard. There's a home area where you can see all of your most recent designs, as well as a couple of templates, not design templates, but dimension templates. Let's say you're making a flyer, then they will provide a blank flyer template that is in the size of 210 by 297 millimeters. You can also start off with a blank page just like this. The next section you can check out all of your recent designs, and then we have all of your projects. This is a very important place, where you can actually start creating folders. As you can see, I'm a graphic designer and I do a lot of Canva designs for my clients. For each client, I create a different folder for them so that I can organize all of their graphics into my account. You can go right into folders and then you can actually create, right here, a new folder. You can create a new folder or just upload into that space. Let's go back to my projects. These are all of the different folders that I have, the different designs that I've been working on, all of my images and videos can be stored in this area. To make it easier, I actually recommend just putting everything in folders. For example, you can create a folder for your own business and then maybe create a folder yourself of your brand elements, your brand photography. Now, on the free account, I believe you only get two folders maximum, so you might want to maximize that by just having brand photography and brand elements. But on the pro account, you can create as many folders as you like. This section is the templates that other people share with you, and then if you accidentally deleted something, you can also check out your trash can there. The next section is your brand kits. We are going to be talking about that in a future lesson. This is a pro feature, and so you can create multiple brand kits. For this class, I have created a fictitious brand called Meisha Consulting, and we are going to be going over how to create this brand kit in a future lesson so that every time you create a new graphic, you can reference the same colors, the same logos, and the same fonts. A really amazing feature. Next up is your content planner. Canva has this new feature where you can actually schedule your graphics right into Instagram or Facebook or wherever you are posting it. That's a really great feature, if you want to create everything in one place. I don't personally use the content planner because I use a different website to plan my content. But you can actually do this right in Canva now, so that makes it very convenient. I've also had these stared folders. When you are creating a folder, you can actually put a star on it. If you click into it, let's say my folder right here, you can actually click on this little star right here, and that will make it available on the dashboard so that it's easy for you to go to that folder right away. The most important thing is creating a design. When you do want to create a design, you can just type in here in the search function what you're creating. Let's say you're creating an Instagram post, they will provide you with a blank page with the Instagram post dimensions already pre-installed for you. It's a really great way to just start. Every time I'm creating a new graphic, I usually start there, and that is the Canva dashboard. 5. How to Find Stock Photography: In this lesson, let's talk about how to find stock photography. As a brand designer myself, I actually recommend shooting your own brand photos if possible. If you are the star of your brand, let's say you are a service provider it's always best to have your own [NOISE] branded photography. But let's just say you can't afford brand photography right now, what are some ways or different places to find stock photography so that you can start creating your graphics today? Within Canva, you can actually get access to a lot of photos already. As I showed earlier, if you go into the feature section and you go down to photos, if you have the free account, you'll get access to some free photos so you can go here and see all the free photos that you can get access to. There's actually a lot of beautiful photos already. Then you can also go into, if you have the pro account, then you can check out both free and pro photos. If you want you can star the photo just to have a little reminder of what photos that you love using. Another way to find photos is to go to Pexels. There's three different websites that I recommend. I do know that Canva does pull photos from some of these websites, so you might find the same photos here as well as on those different websites. But I don't think they have all of the photos, especially if you are on the free account, they may only show you a certain amount of them, but all of these photos are actually free to download on these websites. Even if you're on the free account, you can access these websites for free. The three websites that I recommend is Pexels, which has beautiful photography. A way to find free photos, you can just Google something like, let's say [NOISE] tropical trees. Find some sort background. Then maybe if you just look up something like tropical trees, you can [LAUGHTER] find a beautiful background. This would be a beautiful background for something. They have amazing stuff here. The next website is Pixabay. Very similar. I think the photos in Pexels is probably the best quality. But Pixabay also gives you some more options. You can actually look up different illustrations as well as videos and music as well. Lots of options here for a lot of downloadable royalty free audios and videos and such. Then the third website that I recommend is Unsplash. They also have amazing photography here. I recommend just going through all three of these resources here, especially if you have the free account on Canva, all you have to do is just download the image. You don't have to give any credit at all or anything and just upload them into Canva to use into your graphics. 6. How to find Custom Fonts: In this lesson, we are going to be talking about how to find fonts and upload custom fonts. So Canva already has a lot of free fonts included. So if you have the free plan, if you just open let's say any document, I'm just going to open a blank document. When you add some texts, you go to texts error and you add any of these texts or any of these ones doesn't really matter. If you click on the "Font List" right here, you can just scroll down and you'll see this section called popular fonts, and you're going to be seeing a ton of fonts that are already preloaded on Canva. Now, if you see a little crown beside the font name, it means that that is a pro feature, meaning if you have the free account you won't be able to use these fonts that have the crown on it. But the free fonts there are tons and thousands of them, so go wild and go through them to see what fonts you want to explore. Now, if you do have the pro account, then you do have a lot more selection and all of these different pro fonts, but you also get the perk of uploading your own custom fonts. If you want to discover outside of Canva, a couple of websites I recommend to you is first off, Google Fonts. So if you just google fonts, google Google Fonts, [LAUGHTER] you'll get to this website right here. And Google Fonts are all free, so you can just check out Montserrat Poppins. These are really, really popular fonts that are used for graphic design. So definitely highly recommend just going through their platform and see what fonts you might want to use. All you do is just click on it and you can download the family. You'll get an OTF file, and that is the file that you can upload into Canva. In the brand kit class is where I'm going to be showing you how to upload those fonts into your brand kit. In this lesson, just download a font that you like. If you have the pro account, you are able to do this, just download any font you like, and then in the later lesson, in the brand kit lesson is where I will show you how to upload them. The next website is Font Squirrel, also tons of free fonts. Actually everything on this website is commercial-free. So we can just go through and see, maybe in this section, if you're looking for something that's more narrow, then you can go to these narrow font section and find something. Again, you just download either the TTF or the OTF file and both can be uploaded into Canva. Now, these two options are free options. What if you want to get to the next level and do something even more custom and maybe purchase a paid font? Now, my favorite website to do that is on Creative Market. Every week, if you actually get to the Get Inspired section and go to Free Goods, every week Creative Market actually uploads a ton of free graphics and fonts for you to get for free. This week they have a font called Merlove. So if you click into it, you can check it out. It's actually a very beautiful font that I downloaded myself. As you can see here, I already downloaded it. But if you go to their font section, you can also see like all of their other fonts that are available. so let's say we're looking for a script font, you can go to the script font section, and let's say you love this one, you go into it. And you can see all the different licenses that are available, and that might be a little bit overwhelming, but let me explain. Desktop license will allow you to use it on platforms like Canva or Adobe, any kind of design platform, this is the license that you need. E-pub is publications. So if you're creating a book or something, then you can use this in the book E-pub license. App is if you're using an app, web is if you are using on your website. So if you're using a WordPress website or Squarespace or Showit and you're embedding your font into your website, then you also need a Webfont license. So that means you could possibly be buying multiple licenses depending on how you are using that font. So make sure that you are not just purchasing the desktop license if you are also going to be embedding it into your website. All right. So that's how you do it, add it to cart, you buy it. It's pretty cheap. Most fonts around 10-30$ each license. Once you purchase it, you can use it for years on end. And you will really like be way more unique by using a paid font than any of the free fonts that are used by so many people already. So once you buy it, you'll get a file format, either an OTF or TTF. Keep that safe in a folder somewhere. And in the brand kits lesson, we are going to be going through how to upload that custom font into your brand kit. 7. How to Source Custom Graphics: In this lesson, let's go through how to find custom graphics. On Canva, there are already thousands of free graphics that you can use. Again, let's open a document and just take a look at all of the graphics that are already available there. If we go into the elements section right here, you can go into the graphics section, and here you have a plethora of different graphics to use. Now, note that a lot of these are for the Pro account. If you see again this little crown symbol, it means that it is only used for if you have the Pro account, but you can look up anything, icons, backgrounds, little stickers, everything. Let's just say, I'm creating an Instagram graphic and I need an arrow to point to the right, to the next slide. I can just type arrow. Then here you go. You see tons of arrows, animated ones, as well as static ones, but also Pro ones, like paid ones. Just make sure you note that if you only have a free account, just pick the ones that are without the crown. How you can actually make it easy for yourself, is you can filter. If you click on this "Filter" button, you can just filter for the free ones. That's where you can just make sure that you are using the free graphics there. That's one way to find graphics. The other way is a paid option. My favorites is to go on Creative Market again. Again, they have tons of free graphics every single week, so I would check back every week to see if there's anything here that you would like to use. But in their graphics section, you can find anything from little abstract art, you can find photography, you can find Collage Creators, flowers, icons. You name it, pretty much everything that you might imagine. Let's say you just need a picture of a lemon, you can literally just look up lemon. Let's look up lemons. You'll find different graphics or illustrations of different lemons that you can purchase. Let's just say, this one looks really beautiful right here. Just look at what you can get. All of these will be separated graphics. Let's just read and make sure. If you can see right here, they'll tell you what you get. You get 39 elements, fruits, leaves, branches. It says, PNG files with transparent background. When it says PNG files with a transparent background, it means that what you're getting is, let's say, something like this. But it'll be all separated and there'll be no background. It means that the image will be cropped out. Then that means you can place that image on top of anything. Make sure that if that is the look and feel that you're trying to get, like a sticker to put onto your graphic, make sure that they are providing PNG files. That is where you can add to cart, and buy the graphics that you need. Then you can save all of that into a folder. You can then upload these graphics onto your Canva account to use. You can do this even on the free account. Let's just say again here, but this is where you can upload all of your graphics, and then you can just drag it into your document to use. There is an upload restriction on the free account though, I believe. I don't know, it depends on how big your files are, but there's only a certain amount of graphics and photos and space that you have to store your graphics on the free account. On the Pro account, it's almost nearly unlimited. That is how you get graphics and upload graphics. 8. The Importance of Branding: Now in order to create a cohesive brand presence for your business, it's really important to clarify the foundations of your business like what do you do? Why do you do what you do? Who do you serve and how you solve your ideal clients problems. Now from that, creating a brand identity that consists of your logo, colors, fonts, and other brand elements that you can stick to before you design any graphics. It acts like a business and brand manual or what I like to call, a brand playbook that helps you keep consistent with everything that you do for your business, so that every action and decision that you make aligns with that initial goal, vision, and mission for your business. There are a couple of ways to go about creating your own brand playbook. Now the first one is probably obvious, hiring a professional brand designer or graphic designer. Now, a professional brand designer is trained to really understand the true essence of you and your business, so that they can design identity and a system that is a true representation of you, and most importantly, will speak to your ideal audience. But if you're just starting out your business right now, I totally understand that hiring a brand designer could cause hundreds to thousands of dollars, and you may not have the budget at this very stage of your business journey. In fact, I don't really recommend shelling out that much money when you are just starting out your business for the very first time. What are some ways that you can create your own brand identity or brand playbook without hiring a professional. Now one way is to checkout pre-designed brand kits online. There are so many websites out there that offer pre-designed or semi custom brand design kits out there that you can probably pay a very affordable price for. One place to buy these templates is on Etsy. If you just look up pre-designed or semi custom branding kits on Etsy, you will probably find a ton of different options. I would sort through them just to see if any of them really reflect those foundations that you've set for your business, and see if it really reflects the brand tone or vibe or aesthetic that you're trying to achieve with your business. Now if you want to go for a completely free option, then you can also decide to create your own. Now if you're going through this route, I encourage you to ask yourself these four important questions before you start creating your brand identity design. The first question is, what is your vision statement? Think about why your business really matters. Why do you do what you do and why does it exist? Question Number 2 is, what is your mission statement? Think about how you want to deliver your benefit to your ideal client. What is this benefit and what makes you different from others in your industry? The third question is, what is your offering? These are the actual deliverables that your client will be walking away with. The fourth question is, who is your ideal client? Now write out a detailed profile of who they are. Pick one persona, what do they value? What problem are they trying to solve, and what stories are they telling themselves? After that, identify five brand tone words for your brand and business. These are very descriptive words that really describe the tone, the vibe, or static of your brand. Here's an example of how I answered these questions for my business made on Sundays. My vision statement is to inspire creative and mindful living by helping others feel alignment with their life, business, and purpose. My vision statement is to help female entrepreneurs feel more alignment and create a flow in their life and business. Helping them confidently and mindfully share their ideas with the world. Our offering, made on Sundays, offers mindful brand identities, website design and brand education and resources. Finally, who we serve, create a female entrepreneurs in their late 20s to 30s, hoping to clarify the person they have become and realign their business so that it fully reflects their personal and professional growth. Finally, Made on Sundays brand tone words include warm, mindful, elegant, organic, and calm. With all that solidified, I want you to head onto Pinterest now and get some inspiration for color combinations and font combinations, as well as imagery that really represents that vibe and aesthetic that you're trying to achieve. It's time to take all of that and get created and create your own brand identity design. You're going to need at least one logo. You're going to need five brand colors. You're going to need a font combination for your headings, subheading, and paragraph, as well as a couple of brand elements or illustrations to begin with. For more information on brand identity you design, Canva actually has a really great article about it so I'm going to provide it to you right here right you can head over there to check out more information. [MUSIC] 9. Set up Your Brand Kit on Canva: In this class, we are going to be talking about how to set up your brand kit. Now, as I've mentioned before, the brand kit feature is a pro feature, so you need to be on the paid plan in order to do this exercise. But if you're on the 30-day free trial, you can also play around with this and just test it out. I highly recommend it. The brand kit is something that will help you make your design process so much easier, so much faster, and making sure that every graphic that you create is on-brand. If you go to the dashboard on the left-hand side here and you click on brand kit, you're going to see probably nothing there right now. But I have my brand, made made Sunday's plan as well as the brand that I created for this class. If you go in here, you can see the things that I have already uploaded into this brand kit. But for this lesson, we're actually going to be creating this kit together. Let's go on and add a brand kit. I'm going to call my brand Meisha Consulting, but you should put the name of your brand in there. Once you get in here, you can then upload into three sections. The first section is your brand logos. If you click into that, you can add your logos and I have three of them, so I'm just going to open those in there. You definitely want to upload a PNG file of your logos, which makes sure there's no backgrounds and they're high resolution so that you can now put your logo on top of anything. Next up is your brand color palette. Your brand color palette, you can name it. How you add your colors is through the hex codes. If you worked with a brand designer, they probably provided the hex codes of your brand colors so you can just go ahead and copy and paste those hex codes into this area one-by-one and upload those in there. If you created your own branding, you probably also have those hex codes. If you just created your branding and you have no idea what the hex codes are, just grab a photo of the colors that you picked. You can go to this website called Coolors and you can just start the generator right here. This generator, you can go up here where it says, create a palette from a photo. Let's actually create an example. I went on Pinterest and let's just say this is the palette that you picked. I'm just going to download this image so that we have an example. Then we're going to drop it into this area right here. I'm going to go to my downloads and pick that palette. Here you can pick the pallets. Right here is where you can pick all of your colors. We're just going to do that for all of them, right there. Then you can go to next, open in the generator and now you have all of your colors with the hex codes. Right here is where you can click on this and just copy the color. Then you can put that right into your brand kit right here. Perfect. Once you have all of those colors loaded, you're good to go on the brand color side. Next up is how you're going to be uploading your custom fonts. Your brand fonts, you can either just go right in here and just choose any of the free fonts that is already loaded in Canva. Or you can remember when we downloaded those OTF and TTR files from the font class, you can now go into upload font and just click on any of those fonts that you download and it will upload into this section. Then you're going to be able to find it when you search for the name of them here. For me, I actually just use a free fonts that were already included with Canva. These are the fonts that I've picked. I think we use cormorant medium, and then you can also style them. Let's say this is supposed to be always bold, you can have them bolded or you can pick a size. This will just make sure that every time you open a document and you click on one of your brand fonts, it will open it in these settings so that you don't have to restyle them over and over again. That is how you set up your brand kit. Once you actually get into, let's say a document, let's say you're creating a flier again, this is where you can access your brand kit, let's say in the text area, this is where you can see your headline font that we just created, sub-headline and body font. That's where you access your fonts. Right here, you can access your logos. These are the logos that I uploaded. Let's do that again. [LAUGHTER] You just click on it and it will appear. Then we also have your colors. Let's just say you're creating an element like this. You see it's already in one of the primary colors. If you click on the color, your whole brand color palette will show up here. You can just pick any of your brand colors. That's why the brand kit is so important. Imagine having to copy and paste your hex codes again and again every time you use one of your color palettes, or every time you create a new font section or contents section, and you have to refine that font over and over again. Just having the pro account and setting up your brand kit just makes designing so much faster. I highly recommend just trying it out on the trial section and just see if you like it and if it saves you time, I say, it's something worth investing into. That is how you set up your brand kit and use it in your graphics. 10. Overview of Canva Design Space: In this lesson, we are going to be going over the Canva design space. I've just opened one of the templates that I've included, but you can open any Canva document. We're just going to look over all of this design space and just go over all the tips and tricks, and functionalities of the space. I know the first time opening this document, it can be a little bit [LAUGHTER] overwhelming because there's a lot going on. If you've never designed on any platform before, some of the language might be a little bit hard to understand. Let's go over it bit by bit. First, up at the top here is your first navigation bar. Right on the left here is file. This is where you can create a new design quickly if you've just started a document, and you want to create a new one, then you can just go ahead here. Rulers is actually very helpful, especially if you're creating a document that is a physical piece like this PDF right here, then you can see all of the rulers come up, and you can have actual measurements beside your document that you're designing. You can also include show guides. How you can do this is you see nothing happened after I said show guides, you can go to one of your rulers, so either the top one or the left one. You can pull a guide down. If you needed alignment of something, then these guides might be really helpful to just let you know where things are on the document. These lines will not show up on your actual document that you export out or print out. Don't worry that they're just there to act as guides. You can do that for the left one as well, and if you want to remove them, you can simply just move them out of the page and they will be gone. Next is margins. Example, if you're doing this document right here, and it needs to be within a certain margin, let's say you have, this is going to be hole-punched on the left, then you want to make sure that all of your graphics are not going to be cut off by the three-hole punches. Printly, this is if you are printing, and you want to make sure that nothing will be cut off at the printers. If you have multiple brand kits set up on the pro account, then you can switch to another brand kit. There it can save even though it's auto saved every time. You can check right here, all changes saved. You can move this document to a folder. If you created a folder, then you can go ahead and move this to a specific folder after you've finished your documents so that you're always organized. Result comments, version history, again, only a pro feature. You can make a copy, download, and if you have the desktop app, you can do that as well. Then resize button, so this resize, this is a pro feature. If you want to use this document and create, let's say, something on social media that looks the same but has a different measurement. For example, it might be really helpful for you to create a presentation out of a PDF like this. You can actually just go ahead and put the measurements of your presentation document, and then copy and resize. It actually magically puts all of that content and resizes it into your new size. This could be extremely helpful if you're creating something that is very similar but has different dimensions. Let's say, an Instagram post, but you want to create it into InstaStories, then this is something that might be really helpful for you, can just copy and resize, and you have all the same content in a different dimension. This is if you want to undo something or redo something, and then you can share here. This is where you would go if you want to share this document with another e-mail address. Or if, let's say, you want to create templates, let's say for me, I have an Etsy template shop, this is where I would. Again, a pro feature is to share link as a template. Then I can copy this, and I can share a link that will never actually change the original. It will only always be just a copy of what it looks like right now. Then people will have a copy of whatever you are sharing with them. Very helpful. Insights, I never use this because again, I don't share these through Canva, and then download. This is where you would export your documents. For example, this page, I would export it as either a PDF Standard or PDF print if you're printing it. This is also where you can export like video formats as well. You would simply just go to that space, and then just click on download and you would have your document. Then on the left here is another navigation. This navigation is mostly for the actual designing and editing of the document. If you go into here, you can start off with templates. I'm going to go through each of these in-depth in the next few videos of how you use elements, how you upload, how you add texts and fonts. That will come in the next couple of videos. But here's where you would be able to find everything. Then all of your folders will also show up here, so you can go ahead and find your folders here. Then if you have your brand kits set, your logos will also show up here as well. There's a couple of add-ons or widgets or different applications that you can integrate with Canva as well, and you can find them here. If you know that there's a feature that's not showing up, it will probably most likely be here is where you will be able to find it. That is two navigation bars. On the dashboard right here are also a couple of things that you can do. If you, let's say click on any element, whether it's a font, a text, or an image, you'll also get a bar here where you can further edit and customize that content. But we will go over that again in those separate lessons. But a very helpful thing that you might want to do is to go to one of the documents and you can either click on this to add a page, and this will add a blank page to the next page. Or you can click on this one which will duplicate actually the one that you just clicked on. This is very helpful if you are hoping to create multiple pages that have the same layout, but maybe you want to just change out the texts or the photo. You can also delete a page right here. Or these buttons will move this page to the bottom. Let's say this page is actually supposed to be page three, you can go ahead and click on this and move this down to page three. There's also other features where you can make comments. If this is a collaborative document with another person, then or let's say you're a VA or design assistant, and you're doing this for a client, then you can go ahead and add comments on the side. You can add the person or tag the person to make sure that they receive this note on this shared document that you're working on together. If you want to zoom in, look at this a little bit closer, it is quite small. You can go ahead and do that right here, and that will help you zoom in or out as you need. Then right here is where we can look at it in grid view. Let's say this is a 50-page document, sometimes it's really hard to be seeing the whole flow. Putting it in grid view will allow you to see it in a bird's eye view. This way, you can really see all of the pages all at once. If there's a page that you are looking for, that you need to delete, you can go ahead and do that here, duplicate or create a new page out of it. This is where you can also see it in full screen. Let's say you are presenting this to a client, then you can go ahead and do that as well. You can just press escape to escape [LAUGHTER] from that view. That's pretty much it. Right here is one last thing. This is just extra features and stuff that you can already find the rest of the page. You'll probably not need that section right there. But yeah, that is your quick overview of the design space in Canva, and the next few classes, I'm going to go into detail about how to use the font section, the element section, and photography. Let's get into it. 11. Add & Styling Fonts: In this lesson, we are going to be going over how to add and style tags on your Canva document. I have just opened up the workbook or worksheet template that I've included in this class. If you want to follow along, then go ahead and open that Canva template right now. Why don't we edit some of these texts? If you click on any of the texts, you can actually just double-click it and go into it and just edit the text as you need. Then if you wanted to change how this text looks, you can actually just go into this top bar right here where you can find lots of different ways to stylize and change this text box. You want it to change the font, you can go right here and choose your font from the list. On the left, you can change the size of the font, the color, this is where you can click on the color wheel and either choose a color right here, or you can punch in the hex code and this is where you would be able to do custom colors. You can go ahead and some fonts might be able to allow you to bold it, or italicize, or underline, or do all caps, which is a very great way to, typically for me, I like to do all caps for san-serif fonts like you see right here. I just think it looks really classy like that and you can also add spacing here. If you want to make the spacing of your text a little bit wider, letter spacing will put spacing between the letters and then line spacing will add space between the lines of texts. If you have multiple lines and you can add and remove the spacing around there, you can also change the alignment. Right now this is in center alignment as you can see right here. But you can also do left-aligned, all stretched aligned, right-aligned, or middle aligned, as you can see here. Next thing you can do is bullet points. As you can see right here, we have this numbered list right now, but you can also do bullet points or numbered list, which is super convenient if you want to just copy and paste a bunch of lines and then just make them all bullet points. You can just copy and paste all of them and click on one of these, which is very convenient. Then there are also a lot of effects that you can add to to text. If you go into effects here, you can add a shadow to one of them, you can add a lift. It's lots of fun things that you can play around with here that you might want to check out and see, that's fun to add and stylize your fonts. One of the favorite things that I like to do is to add curvature. Let's say you want to add a curvature that's like a smile to this text right here, you can go to effects and right here is a curvature tool. Right now, it's automatically curved like a rainbow, but we can also reduce the curve to it or do it the other way. For this text right here, I think this looks really good. We'll just move it down a bit, and there we go. Now we have a curved look to the text. You can also, if you want it to be on the edge of a circle or something, you can do something like that or let's say this goes right here to curve around this little element right here, we can also do that. It doesn't look that good on this element, but I can see this is looking really good, let's say, on a social template or something to add some creative effects to your fonts. Hopefully, that gives you some fun ideas on how to stylize your fonts. You can also use some of these positions to align it to the middle really quickly or top or bottom of the page. Let's say I'm putting it right here, but I know it's not center-align, I can quickly go into center-align and make sure that all of the elements are center-aligned. Another really cool feature is to copy a style. Let's say I want this text to be the exact same as this one. You can actually click on this copy style and then paste it into this section and now this text is exactly the same as this one. That's really convenient. Another great thing to do is to add hyperlinks to some of your texts. Let's just say this website needs to link to your actual website so when you export this PDF people can click on this and it will actually lead to your website. Then you can go ahead and link it to your website right here. This is where you would type it in. You can go to link just to make sure that it's linking to the right place and then it's hyperlinked. Really, really easy. If you want to copy a certain text, actually I'll just delete this one and let's say you want this text to be right here as well, you can go ahead and click on option. Hold down option and just move this over and it will create exactly the same texts. We just want to make sure that this says five, or you can use the numbering option right here. But sometimes for styling options, I think it looks better to just type it out. In this scenario, I have typed it out. I want to do that with this one as well. Those are all the different ways to style a text that's already there. But what if you wanted to add text? You can either just copy and paste a section and just add text like that or you can go into the text section right here. If you have text that are already loaded in your brand kit, then you can go ahead and click on that to begin typing. Or if you don't have that, you can just go ahead and use any of the font combination options you see here. You can start text like that as well. You can just go ahead and click on any of them. Or if you see any text here that canvas shows, you can literally just click on any of them and even if you don't like it, you can just use a method that I showed you right now to change the font. You can just go into here and change the font and how you style it. Right now you're like, why is this grouped together? Is because they are grouped together. If you click on this, you'll see right here is where you can ungroup it and then these will now become separate text boxes. That is how you would add new texts onto a page. One other thing that actually forgot to mention is animate. You can also, on a PDF, it wouldn't make sense to animate. But let's say on an instance story post you might want to think about different ways to animate certain texts. You can actually go ahead and click on animate and play with all of these animation options that are already included. Some of them are Canva pro features, but there's so many, like this cool typewriter effect I think I use probably the most, is a free effect that you can add. Play around with all of them and maybe you can even add some cool animations to your fonts. I hope that was really, really helpful and I can't wait to see all of your work in customizing your fonts. 12. Adding & Styling images: In this lesson, we are going to learn how to add and style your images on your Canva documents. You don't want to miss this lesson. I'm going to be showing you some really cool techniques and tips on how to make your graphics come to life with photos. Let's get into it. I'm going to be opening this document right here, which is the Insta story templates as just a base so that we can play around with images on these templates. Let's just go ahead and create a new page right now. Go to Elements right here and look at all of the stock photography options that Canva already has. They have beautiful photography. We talked about this in the How to Source Photography section. But let's say I really love this girl right here, and if it's your own image, that's perfect, but I want to remove this whole background. In Canva Pro, you can go ahead and click on "Edit image", and with one click, you can remove the background. It's really amazing. This is probably the number 1 factor why I get Canva Pro is because of this feature. It takes literally seconds for you to remove the background as opposed to using something like Photoshop, which takes a lot of practice. We can go ahead and see how the image is looking. It did actually a really great job. I'm going to zoom in a little bit. Maybe something was cut off here a little bit. I'm not really quite sure, so I'm going to restore that part right there. I can see that it's actually background, so I'm just going to undo that. I'm going to go to Command Z. Just double-check if any part of this image has been cropped off too much. You can go ahead and go to Restore and just restore that part. Or if there's parts that you feel like they didn't cut off that well like right there, you can go to Erase and adjust your brush size and remove it yourself, like that, to clean up the image a little bit. But I think that looks really good, so I'm just going to go to Done, and now you have an image with the background completely removed. It's pretty amazing feature. I'm just going to add that right there. Let's see what else you can do with the Edit image feature. You can adjust the brightness level right on Canva. You can add contrast and saturation. There's also plenty of filters to play with, so if you want to go ahead and do that, it's really convenient to do that on Canva as well. There's actually some really cool features like blurring your background as well. Again, why don't we play with another photo and see how we can use that feature. Let's go into Elements. How about this one? Let's say we want these girls to be in the forefront and we want this background to be blurred. You can go ahead and go to Edit image and go to this Blur right here, or we can try Auto Focus. This is actually a new feature. Why don't we try to autofocus it and see what happens to the image? Wow, that actually is really good. But it looks a little artificial right now, so I'm just going to remove a bit of the blur and just make it a little bit blurred as opposed to how it was before. You can actually change the position of it too, which is interesting. I think that actually helps a lot. You see how that girl's hair is very blurry right now? By adjusting the position of the blur, it allows more of the space to be adjusted. Why don't we go into the image and just adjust it here? I think that looks pretty good. Then I'm going to apply, and there we go. Now we have a blurred background. That looks so great, actually. Look at that. That is a great feature on Canva to test out with. If you want to create that really cool cinematic look, then go ahead and play with that feature in the Edit image section as well. There's also a lot of really great things here to play around with, especially drop shadow. Let's just say we want a drop shadow on this image right here. We can go ahead and click on drop shadow and you see how it creates a drop shadow here now? But I think actually a white drop shadow will look better with this, so let's change that color to white. Why don't we offset it a little bit more and add more blur to it in that way it gives it a little bit more of a natural blur or natural drop shadow? That looks so good. What else can we play with? This is so fun. Let's open Edit image again. There's a lot of other things we can play with like glow feature and angle and backdrop. Definitely click into all of those and see how you can play with some of those shadow features that they have. There's also frames that you can do. This is a really great option if you want to showcase your website or a page on your mobile or whatever it might be, a tutorial, let's say, and you want that frame, you can do that right into your Edit image feature. In another class, I'm going to show you how to do this customized way just because there is a better way to do this, but in Edit photo, you can do it really quickly as well and choose one of these frames to put your image into. Definitely play with that, but it's very restrictive. There's literally only 20 different options here. In another lesson, I'm actually going to show you how to custom do it. Let's say you found a laptop image that you really like and you want to put something into that specific laptop image, then I'll show you in that lesson. I'll also show you how to do a scrolling image in that lesson as well. I won't cover it in here just because it takes a little bit longer, but just know that this is also a really great feature. Let's see what else you can do. There's also like duotone and different editing features that you can do. There's also a bunch of different apps and you can actually integrate with Canva and play with those as well. Definitely, if there's something that you need to edit within the photo, this might be really cool add-ons that you can add like pixelating. That's pretty cool. Let's try to pixelate this photo and that might add more like collagey feel to your photo. That's really cool. Definitely play with these features and see if there's something that might be useful to you. The more important feature here is crops, so you can definitely use this to crop out a certain part of the photo. Let's going to say you just want this part, you can go ahead and click on "Done" here, make it bigger, and now you have just that part of the image. You can flip it horizontally or vertically. This just gives you more information, but you're able to add this to a folder. Let's say you found these images that you really love and you want to put them and organize them all in a folder, you can go ahead and do that here as well. There's also animation features. If you want to add certain animation to the photos, then play around with that as well. I really love some of these animations. Let's say fade, it might be a really cool thing to do here. Let's say you're doing an Insta story and you want to have multiple images here that have different animations that come in a certain way. Click on Play. Here it is. You can see the different animations of these photos coming to life. Definitely play with the animation features that you see here. One thing that I did want to show you is transparency, which is a really great feature, especially if we want to create some muted image backgrounds. Let's say we want to use this image right here and we want to make this a nice light background, you want to make sure that you are adjusting the color of this background first. Let's say this is your brand color and you made it green. Let's span this image out so that it spans across the background, and then click on transparency at the top right here and just lower the transparency. As you can see, now, we're creating this really cool background effect where you can clearly see that the image is part of the background like this. Now you can put text on top and you can easily read what is in front of it. For example, this color background is quite dark, so we want to make sure that with some contrast we have some lighter colors on top. Let's say Sunday News. Now you can see that this creates a really beautiful background where you can clearly see the image but it doesn't interfere with the content on top of it. Now you can add other images on top as you wish. One other thing I wanted to show you is image frames. As you can see here, this is a circular image right here. In order to create that, if you'd go back to Elements and you go to Frames right here, you can choose a bunch of these really amazing frames, like the circular frame. Just go right into clicking the circular frame, adjust the size of it. You can always adjust it later too. Then find your image. Let's say let's go to Photos again and we will add this photo inside, and now you can see this image inside this frame. If you double-click the image itself, you can then adjust it to wherever you want the image to crop to. Let's say you just want this part of her arm, then you can now see that we have a beautifully cropped image. That's a really great option to stylize your photos. If you want to make even more layers, you can make this layer transparent as well and maybe add another layer on top. Actually, what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a duplicate of this and I'm going to make it smaller. I'm going to make this layer slightly transparent, and then I'm going to put this one on top. Now, as you can see, there's an even like a meta effect here that I've created with an image, transparent image of the back, transparent framed image up here. Then I'm going to make this even more transparent, and then the actual image in front. It creates this effect where it almost looks like there's multiple layers on top of each other. I just really love that effect and I think transparency is a feature that a lot of people forget to use when creating and designing their images on Canva, so definitely check that out. That's how you add and stylize your images. 13. Adding & Editing video and audio : In this lesson, we are going to learn how to add and edit video and audio onto your Canva graphics. Let's get started. I have actually opened up the InstaStory template that I've provided as part of this class, so if you want to follow along, feel free to open that template right now. If you actually go and play this first one right here, this first one is actually a video background, so it's a really beautiful way to add a subtle touch to the background of an interactive social graphics such as InstaStories. I really love adding videos like this to InstaStories just because it's not as flashy and it adds a little bit of more interest into your graphics. In order to do that, let's figure out where to find videos. If you go back to your elements section, you can actually scroll down to videos and if you're on the Canva pro version, you'll get access to a lot more premium footages, but there's actually a lot of free footage as well. Let's just say I really love the beach and I want something really beachy and calm, this is a beautiful video. I can click on this one right here and we can spread it out into the back. Actually, before we even go into making this a background, I just wanted to show you a couple of options to edit the video as well. If you go up here, you'll see a couple of options to do certain edits. With this option, first is the scissor edit, which is allowing you to cut down the length of the video from the beginning or from the end, so if you go ahead and just do this, you can chop down the video from a certain point. Let's say I don't want the shore to start so high, it wants to start from here, then you can do that as well. Let's say I say that's good, and then I click on Done. Now the video is shorter at 16.3 seconds. You can also crop the image just as you would with photos and then you can also flip, which is really awesome with video. Let's say you want the shore to go the other way, then this is an option as well. Then there's animation features, but honestly, I wouldn't add an animation feature to a video just because there's already animation in the video, so it might just be a little bit confusing. But one other option is also to have the video no sound. These videos, I don't think they have sound already, there's no sound to these videos. But if there's a video that let's say you're uploading that has audio, but you don't want the audio to be in it, then you can always go click on No Sound or adjust the sound level right here. Then we are going to pull this out and create a background out of this and right now, this video looks great, but if I were to put text on top of it, it would be super hard to read. It's just not the best background because it's quite busy. What if we made the background a little bit more transparent? This option will allow us to make the text a little bit easier to read, you can make it as transparent as you like, just like we did before with this image here, and just allows a little bit of animation in the background while your content in front is still shining. Again, really great option to create InstaStory reels or whatever video animated thing with content in front and a video at the back. That is how you can add a video but what if you wanted audio? This video right now has no sound. What if you wanted something like beachy vibes to it? You can actually go into this audio section right here, again, most of the audio here will be paid but if you go into the free section, let's see what we can find. I'm going to look for beach, this is probably [MUSIC] that's cool. Let's say you wanted to add some funk, let's have some huge funk into it. Then now, you see how I'm moving this clip over, means this video right now is 16.2 seconds, the video that we edited. Now you're going to pick which 16.2 seconds of this audio we want to use. You can scroll through and listen to it, maybe right here is a good place to start. If you've never played with audio before, you can tell where songs begin and end by looking at the little scratch marks and the edit section here. As you can see, this is probably beginning in the middle of the song but if you go all the way here, it's probably at the beginning of this section of a song, [MUSIC] so that's pretty cool. Why don't we pick this section right here? Now, one thing that I forgot to mention is that your audio is linked to your whole creation right now. When you're in this view right now, the audio is linked to the whole creation. This is considered one full video right now. Let's say you want this as one graphic linked to this audio, then you actually do need to create a separate file to add that audio specifically to that section. I'm just going to make a copy right now and then I'm going to delete these ones right here. Then now the audio is linked specifically to this section and this makes more sense now because it should be 16.2 seconds and now if we watch this video, [MUSIC] we the beach video, as well as the audio in front of it. Now one thing is the audio is quite loud so we can adjust the volume right here. If you want to make it a little bit more background music, you can do that as well. Let's say you have a voice-over on top of that, then you can do that as well. [MUSIC] That's how you add audio into a clip. Now as you saw before, when we were adding video, there weren't actually that many video editing options. This is great if you're just making an InstaStory video or reel that just needs to be cropped at the beginning or end. But what if you're making, let's say, a YouTube video or something that requires a little bit more editing and maybe you want to edit clips inside of a video? In order to do that, you actually have to create a video design. Go into here and type in what you're creating. Let's say you're doing a YouTube video. By opening it as a video file, it gives you more editing options. Let's say you bring in this, let's bring in a clip of some sort. Let's see if I have any video clips. Let's say I'll bring in this clip right here. This is a little clip that I created, like a scrolling video of my client's website. I'm just going to remove the audio because I didn't realize there's audio in it. If I wanted to, let's say remove this section of the clip, you can actually go into that section right there and you can do way more editing options here. You can go here and right-click and just click on Split and then let's say this clip ends, I'm just going to play it by hitting Space Bar and I wanted to and right there because I don't like that testimonial section. I can go back to right-click and split and then now, you have the option to delete this section. See how now it's become two split videos with that section removed, that's how you can then edit these videos with a little bit more detail, just like you would with a video editor. That's how you get more editing options is by opening your video file within a different Canva video document. Now, after you have created, I'm just going to go back to our InstaStory right here. It looks like I closed it, but I'm just going to use this one as an example. When you're ready to download it, just go into download and you would export it either as a MP4 video or as a GIF and that's how you add and edit video and audio on Canva. 14. Style with shapes, graphics and animations: In this lesson, we are going to learn how to add shapes, elements, and animations onto your graphics, so let's get into it. In order to add certain shapes, let's say a circle like this one or these line elements, or even like square elements like this, you can go right into elements section, and go to lines, and shapes, and this is where you can find a ton of different shapes, and patterns, and line elements that are all editable as you need. The most common ones are probably the circular, and then you can change the color here or the square one is probably the most popular as well. I just wanted to just create a new page right here, and show you how you might be able to edit some of these. If you go in here, you can change the color of it, but you can actually also drag them out, if you don't want to square and you want more of a rectangle, you can actually drag them out like this or diagonally to make them bigger as well or let's say you want this to be a thick column, you can just basically drag out those sections right there, and make that a column instead. There's tons of other shapes, and patterns to play with like borders. One tip about borders is if this looks too thick for you, and you want something that's smaller, you might be tempted to go like this to make it smaller, but it's still very thick. I have to make it thinner is actually by going diagonally smaller, you can see that the line now is getting thinner, and thinner, and now you can drag out the box as big as you need, and it'll stay it's box thinness, so the more you do this, the thinner that box will be. That looks pretty good to me, and that's how you would make a thinner box with the original Canva borders. There's tons of other shapes to play with here, so definitely check them out, there's some beautiful shapes here that I think we'll create really beautiful graphics. Other things that I would play around with is lines, so you can add lines anywhere on Canva, it can be diagonal or wherever you want it to be placed, and then you can actually change the color of them, as well as the line thickness. Line weight is how thick the line will appear so you can make it thicker, and thinner, and then you can also change how it ends, so do you want it to be a straight end like that or do you want it to be rounded edges like that or do you want it to be dotted or even smaller dotted? These are all really cool options to play around with. I'm going to change this to a normal line now, and just make it a little bit thinner. You can also add arrows to either ends of it, so you can either add a circular one or an arrow or whatever it might be that you want. Let's say the arrow is supposed to go this way, and you want it to end like that, then you can adjust one side has the stop, and the other side has the arrow. That's something that's really fun to play with, and you can also animate any graphic that you like, just like we did with texts, and with images, you can also add animations as well. That's a really cool option to go with. I'm just going to delete this graphic right now. Let's look at the other graphics that Canva includes. If you go into graphics here, you can actually find a ton of stickers, illustrations, gradients there's so many things to pick from, icon. You can literally just go into search graphics, let's say you need an icon of a house, you can just type in house icon, and there we go, that is super easy and a lot of these are free to use. Go ahead and play around with them and see how this might elevate some of your graphics that you are designing. Now, do remember that a lot of these, again are pro so if you want to filter out just for the free icons or graphics, you can go into free right here, and then it'll only show you the free ones. Now, as you can see here, Canva also has really beautiful animated stickers, this works just like the stickers that you see on Instagram. If you want to look up animated stickers, it's the same section right here, but you can go into the sticker section, and look out all the categories that they have. There's actually a ton more, so I recommend literally just typing in what you're looking for, but the ones that I tend to use the most is probably the arrow stickers. This can be really helpful when you are creating an Instagram story, and you want people to keep flipping through, so you might want to add something like this at the end of your story like this. Even for an Instagram post, you can also make those video-based, so you can tell people to keep scrolling through. This one might be cute too. Very subtle animation there, and then we have just a ton to pick from. One other thing I wanted to show you in the graphic section are these beautiful gradients that I've found. In this example right here, this gradient is actually created by element that Canva offers. I'm just going to delete this, and try to recreate this graphic right here. If you go into gradients, Canva has a ton to choose from. This one actually goes from a color to transparent, whatever your background color is, this will transition to that color. Let's say we like this one, we're going to go with this one then, right away we have created a beautiful gradient here, and here's where you can edit those colors. If you want this color to begin with, let's say your brand color is the green color, and then you want it to transition to a beige or a red, then it gives us cool vibe right here where it transitions to invisible basically. Then there's also other options. If you don't like that option, you can also have it transition from one color to the next, or three colors. Let me just go back to graphics, and we go to gradient, there's this option which allows you to transition from one color to the next, and then there's this option which transitions to three colors. Those are really cool options there, there's also circular versions of this, I actually love this one. A few to play with here. Feel free to rotate these as well. Let's say you want the color to transition from left to right instead of top to bottom, you can also just manually do that or you can flip the image this way or this way, so you want the specific colors to be transforming from whichever side to whichever side. That's something that you can do as well. There's also line versions of them. If you want to create a line instead, that's a really cool feature right there, and there's tons to pick from. Definitely check out some of their other gradients here. They also have these cool video gradients, that's a really cool option if you're creating an animated video-based Instagram post or even an Insta story, I can see this being used in certain corners. If you like a graphic here, and you want something that's similar, I'm going to show you an example. Let's say you're building your brand elements, and your brand elements is all about plant-based things, you just love little plant animations like this, and let's say, let's pick a plant animation that we really like. Let's say you want it to be quite subtle, and you want something like this , that's really beautiful. Let's say you want to have something like this in the corner of your images, and you add some text here. But you definitely want to stay on brand, so you want to make sure that you are using elements that look the same, and in the same collection. If you go, and look at right under the image that you just open, Canva will actually recommend you objects from the same collection. Now, you can find all of these images that are actually very similar to what you just first picked out, and then now everything seems to similarly look like they're from the same brand. That's a very cool tip. If you are creating, let's say, a brand kit for yourself, and you want to find elements that look like they're custom created for your brand, then this is a really cool option to start with one graphic that you love, and then click on the magic recommendation, and Canva will recommend you graphics that look similar, like they're part of the same collection, so really great tip there. Next is charts and tables. If you go back to your elements, you can actually go into this section right here, there's also tons of different charts that you can add. If you're making a PowerPoint presentation, definitely play with those, I'm not going to go into detail because they are pretty straightforward to play with, they are just like any other platform that you're using. Then there's also tables. Again, I'm not going to go into detail on how to edit these because we can talk about that in the workbook and worksheet exercise. But I just wanted to show you where this is available, it's in the elements section in the tables and charts section. Definitely check those out as well, and see how that might be able to elevate some of your graphics that you're creating. [NOISE] 15. How to get inspiration for your Designs: All right, now that you have your arsenal of tools and tricks for how to style fonts and images, and video and audio, and elements, and animated graphics, and all of that, it's now time to put everything you just learned and create your own designs. In the next few lessons, we are going to get creative, we're going to open up all of those project templates that I have provided and we're going to be customizing them for your business and brand. But first off, you might want to start off your design journey with a little bit of inspiration. Obviously, my favorite place to get any inspiration is on Pinterest. But places like Creative Market, Behance, and even Instagram itself is a great place to start off with seeing what trends and post are out there right now. But one little note on inspiration, while it is an amazing place where we have the Internet right now to get all of this inspiration, we want to make sure that we are not copying other people, right? There are so many ways where you can take a design or a piece of art and make it your very own. That's why it is so important to have your own brand identity before you start designing because those are the elements that are really going to set you apart, even though you're taking inspiration from other people. Go on to Pinterest or wherever you'd like to get your inspiration and get creative and pin all of those different ideas together before you start your designs. I will see you in the next lesson. 16. Design a Business Card: In this lesson, we are going to be designing your business card. So go ahead and open up the business card template that I have provided you. Once you open up into Canva, you're going to see something like this. Now, typically for business cards, there's going to be two sides to it. The first side is going to be your logo and maybe some other brand design elements, and then the second side is typically going to be where all of your contact information is going to be. Now, the thing with business cards is we really want to keep it as simple as possible and as straightforward as possible. When you are giving out these business cards to potential clients and customers, they have probably already met you. It's really important that once they open up that business card and they're ready to contact you, that information is readily available and easy to read and also correct. [LAUGHTER] You want to make sure that when you're printing these physical business cards, you're really double-checking all the information is the right one. [LAUGHTER] First side is where your logo is going to be at. This is obviously not your logo, so make sure to upload your logo in the upload section. For example, if you have already set up your brand kit, then it's going to be in this logo tab right here. But if not, just go to the upload section and go ahead and copy and move your logo over. If you see your logo getting cut off like this, you can just go ahead and extend it until you see the full logo in the space that you need it to be and make sure that it is centered to the middle of a card, unless you are doing the side as well that's also where you might want to do it, just depending on how your logo was designed. If it was aligned to the left, then maybe you want to put it in the top left or bottom-left, wherever it fits. My logo is centered, so it just makes more sense to be in the center. It's also change it up. If you have a different color for your brand color palette, then go ahead and change up the background to whatever color suits best for your brand. In my case, I just want to make sure that there is lots of contrast between the content and the background. Having this lighter background with a darker logo makes sense in my scenario. But I'm actually going to go ahead and use my primary logo example, primary logo here and let's go ahead and go to the second page. On this other side, is where all of your contact information is going to be. This is the most important side of your business card. Here, you just want to make sure that you are updating all of this information to what your needs are. For me, I like to keep this side quite minimalistic. You can see that some business cards might say: Phone number, website, and then socials, maybe with some icons. You can go ahead and add those as well and just type that in here, just go ahead and do that if you'd like. But for me, I like to keep it quite simple. You see some numbers there and you obviously know it's phone number. You don't really necessarily need to tell them it's a phone number, but if for aesthetic reasons, you feel like it's better to just type it all out then go ahead and add that in as well. Usually, I would start off with the name or the company name here if you want, you can also add more simple brand logo here and then I would do a quick, if you put your name here, then you probably want to put your business name here. If you put your business name up here, then maybe some 2-3 words explanation of what your business does, let's say for me, it would be the [inaudible] on Sunday's logo and then I would say brand design agency or something like that, just to remind people what your business is all about, especially if your brand name is not related to what your business does. Then we have all of your contact information here. If you'd like, you can also add icons in your social handles. Usually, social handles, keeping it the same all throughout all different handles will keep it simple like this, so you can just do one art sign and then whatever your handle is. If you want to add icons, go ahead and go to your elements and just search up whichever social platform you're using. If its Instagram, then you can just type in Instagram and just makes sure that you're choosing icons that look the same, they're part of the same pack, just to make sure that they look consistent. Let's say you're doing Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. You want to make sure that the icons are the same stroke, thickness. For example, this and this one look like they're probably in the same pack, they're both thicker lines. Those will look good together. Maybe we add Facebook as well, you want to find something with slightly thicker lines. Hopefully, if we find something like this one is pretty good. I would say this looks like it's from the same pack, and then you want to make sure that all of the colors are changed. I'm just going to make this a little bit bigger, you can zoom in here and then you just want to make sure that they're all the same size. There we go. Just align it and then do that. Then you can drag over all of them, actually no you can't, [LAUGHTER] you have to change the color one by one. I'm going to change it to the brand colors and then I'm going to make this a lot smaller. What you can do is you can move this over and then move your icons over here and just make sure if this isn't small enough, you can go ahead and zoom in even a little bit closer and then you can make it smaller. I'm just going to space them out a little bit. I think that looks all right, there we go, and then we'll move this over here and let's zoom back out and see how that looks. That looks really good. If you wanted to add icons, go ahead and do that as well, and obviously, these are the brand elements of my example brands. Go ahead and swap those in with your brand elements. You can even add patterns, let's say you have a pattern for your brand, go ahead and repeat them all along the edges, maybe as a border, really explore and customize this to your branding, but just make sure that the content in the middle, the contact information on your business card is the highlight of this side of the business card. We want to make sure that you're not making this two patterny. If this whole background has lots of pattern to it, then it really takes away from the content itself. Really make sure that you are prioritizing the copy on this side of the design and you should be good, just keep quite minimalistic and that's my recommendation. Now once you have this all designed, this is, by the way in a normal US sized business card. If you're going with a certain printing company, you want to make sure that the size is correct to that printing company. What I like to use is actually MOO, I don't know if you've heard of them before but MOO is a digital printing company where you can print everything online. You basically just submit your design into MOO and then you can get it printed. They have amazing customer service, the quality is amazing, and the delivery is really quick, and the prices are super affordable. MOO does have their own MOO size. You want to just make sure that you are resizing, let's say 55 mm-84 mm, you're going to go in and resize this document. If you go into the Resize, just make sure that you are adjusting the sizes to the actual size and then go to Copying Resize or resize it, and then just adjust all of the elements to make sure that they're in the correct place. Once you have it in the correct dimensions, you want to just go ahead and go to PDF print and that's where the highest quality that you can get for print and you can download it and then just making sure that the printing company accepts the correct file format. PDF print is the highest quality of file that you can get. If they accept PDF print, just make sure that they accept PDF print. One thing is a lot of times you're going to be printing the front and the back so they need to be separate files. Unfortunately, when you're downloading on Canva, you can't have a setting where it downloads it in separate files. You just want to make sure that you are choosing one, download that and then choosing the other and then downloading those separately, and then you can upload them one-by-one on your printing company website. Canva also has her own printing services. I've never used them before so I can't recommend it myself, but I'd recommend just looking at the different qualities and pricing and just see which one best suits your company and where you live as well. I hope that was really helpful and I'd love to see your designs for your business cards, so remember when you are completed with this exercise to upload it into your projects area and I'd love to see them. 17. Design an Invoice: In this lesson, we are going to be designing your business invoice. Now I know an invoice is typically something that is pretty standard and a lot of times, a lot of new business owners will probably create this on a Word document or a Google doc, but I actually think that every part of the experience of working with your business and brand should be branded. There are only so many places where the clients, especially online clients, will get to interact with you and your brand, why not make it branded at every part of the way? So I think that an invoice is a really great document that you can make branded on Canva, so why don't we hop into this template and see how we can create your invoice. Go ahead and open up the invoice template that is provided as part of this class. When you open the Canvas document, it will look like this. It's pretty straightforward. There's just a lot of things that you might want to customize to your own brand and business, obviously, so first-off is your logo. For a lot of documents, I recommend using the most simple version of your brand logo, a lot of times it might be called the word mark, so one that is basically just your business name. There's a lot of other information on this document that's related to your business, so you might not need them both. Full flushed business logo here. Just use the most simple one that has your business name here. If you'd like, obviously, you would want to change who it's built to and the address, invoice number, date, anything that needs to be included as part of your invoice. If you're in the States or in Europe or wherever you live, there are certain requirements in terms of what needs to be on your invoice when you're doing your business taxes. If they ever ask for your invoices, then you want to make sure that all of that information is on this document, for example, I live in Amsterdam and in the Netherlands we require our BSN number as well as our VAT number and an indication of where your client is located, and that will depend on how much tax that I need to charge to my clients. All that information, including the invoice number, needs to be on the document. Make sure that you know what your business requirement is and make sure that all of those are reflected in this area here. Just make sure you update all the content here, there's really nothing to update here and customize if you don't need to. You might want to add a tax line here so that the total can reflect the tax. But other than that, just add in your own elements in these areas. Again, I'd like to keep these quite minimalistic in terms of the design side of it when it comes to adding elements and stickers. This is a very professional documents, so in terms of design, it's more on the minimalistic side and that's pretty much it. Change all of the fonts to your brand fonts. I like to use the most simple fonts here, so if you have a body font, then change those to your body fonts. Very quick video, just update this document with all of your brand elements and you have a branded invoice. 18. Design an Email Signature: In this lesson, we are going to be designing your email signature. The design that we're going to go with as a base will be one that looks like this over here. This is an example of one that I've already pre-loaded into my email. This is specifically for Gmail. For other design email platforms, this is a little bit more difficult to do but on Gmail, it's very easy. I do recommend using Gmail for your business emails and makes your life a whole lot easier. But this is the design. It will look like this at the very end of the project. First off, what we do need to create is all of these different design elements. As you see here, this right here, and these three icons are all individual images. This makes sure that you can link all of these all individually. When you click on "Instagram" it will link to your Instagram page. When you click on the "Facebook" it'll link to the Facebook page, your logo as well as also an individual logo image. First off, we need to create all these individual images. I have included an email signature template on your projects so make sure to go and download that and go upload it into your Canva account. Once you have this open, you'll see a few files here. First off is that profile image that we looked at, this one right here. You can go ahead and just click on this circle here and change the color of that to whatever your brand color is and then you want to upload your profile image in here. I highly recommend using some professional brand photography or a headshot of some sort. When people are emailing you, they really want to be talking to a person personally. Having a great photo headshot of yourself here is best in my opinion. Then we have all of your social icons. Whatever social icon you want to include here, you want to look for the elements in this section here let's say, well, right now I have Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. But let's say you wanted to add Twitter and go ahead and look for the Twitter icon. Again, just like the business cards, I recommend making sure that all the icons look like they're part of the same set. Let's say something like this will not really look like it's part of the same set because these are all outlines of the logo, so maybe something like this or even something that's a little bit thicker. Let's see if we can find something like this. Let's see. Yeah, I think those two might be your best option. I'm sure you can keep scrolling, this one's pretty good, and probably find something similar. But make sure to look for something that looks like it might be part of the same logo set. Go ahead and duplicate this and delete this, and then add this in, and then change it to whatever color. Make sure that all of the colors are the same and then just add it into that space and make sure it looks in the center. There we go, we have a Twitter icon. I'm just going to delete that for now but once you have all of your icons created, make sure to change the color of these two to your brand colors. I specifically use this blue color here but change it to whatever your brand colors are. A fun thing is you can actually change these to some of your brand patterns as well. If you have textured patterns as part of your branding, then go ahead and drag those into these circles as well and you can create some really more unique icons there. Once you have that, you want to download it as PNG files. Just make sure that this says PNG and then just download it and download to wherever your folders are for your branding. I've already done that so you go ahead and do that on your side. Then you want to make sure that you now create this in this grid fashion. You unfortunately can't create this directly on Gmail or G Suite. You need to create this two-column grid in another template I've provided in Google Docs. Both templates are provided here, all of your images as well as the grid format that you see here. Just open up that Google doc, it's going to be called email signature template, and it's going to open up as a Google Doc. You can see here that there are two columns created here. This helps you put where your profile image will go and then all of your content will go on this side. I want you to change up this content to whatever your business is. I would either change this to your business name even though your logo will be up here, so maybe change it to a 2-3 word description of what your business is. In this case, I put creative consulting services and then put any of your contact information in this area. You might want to include your website and then make sure to highlight it and change this insert link to your actual business length here. Then if you want to add a phone number or whatever it might be you want to add into the space, go ahead and add that in here and make sure to change the link of it to wherever it needs to go. That's it. I want to make sure that you are copying [inaudible]. Just copy over the space right here including this column as well as this column, and then go to Command C and that will copy that, this right here. Then I want you to head into your Gmail and then go into this Settings area at the top here and click on "See All Settings". If you scroll down, this is where you're going to be able to create your signature in Gmail. I've already created these ones, but let's create this as a new signature. Let's create new, call it whatever your business name is: Meisha; I'm just going to call it Meisha Consulting Test. Create. Then you're going to now copy Command V and that will paste what you just copied from the Google Doc into this G Suite area here. Now you can see those two columns are now created in this area. First up, you want to go to the first column and you want to add an image, the profile image. Go into Upload here, select a file from your device and click on that profile image that you created. You're going to upload it into this space. Now, you see this image is really big right now so you want to just click on it and click on Small. I know the spacing and the sizing of it doesn't look quite right right now but trust me, we're going to adjust the size, customize later on. Just click on Small so you can see everything right now and then you want to go to this side of the space. Go to the first line right here on the second column, and this is where you're going to insert your logo. You're going to go to Upload again and then go look for the logo. I'm just going to find it right here. Again, I usually like to use quite a minimalistic logo here so the most minimal logo you have, just go for that one. Again, click on it, go with small. I know, again, it looks really weird right now, but we're going to adjust the sizing of it later. Trust me. Then we're going to make sure that all of this information is still correct; make sure it is going to the correct link. Then right at the bottom here is where you're going to be adding your social icons. You want to go into Insert Image here and then upload again, and then go to your icons. I'm going to click on the "Instagram" one first. Upload that one. Again, it's super big, just make it small. Go to the next line and then add the next icon, so on and so forth. You just want to make sure that any icons that you want to include, you are uploading it into this section, and then you're making it smaller so you can see everything. Last but not least, I have Pinterest here. That is the last icon of the set for me. Just make it small and again, it's going to look super weird. That's all right. We're going to change that later. Now, we just want to make sure that you're highlighting each one here and then adding the link to wherever this needs to go. Copy and paste your Instagram link and then add it into this section and then just make sure that you link all of them. I'll add mine just so you can see here slash made on Sunday studio, just as an example. Now we're going to go down here and save changes. Now, let's create an email over here and create an email. I'm just going to make it bigger and then let's go into this right here where you can insert your signatures. Insert that signature that you just created. Now this is where you can adjust all those sizing of everything. Let's make this a little bit bigger. We're going to make these icons a lot smaller. Adjust it to however you want it to look but just make sure that they're all the same size. You might just want to tweak it to make sure that they all look the same size and then let's make this logo bigger to align it with the text here. Then you might want to just add some more spacing in between each one. Sometimes it adds a period there, so I don't like that. But we're going to make sure that we adjust the spacing to be the same on both sides right here. Oops. That's an example of making sure that it links. There we go. We know it works. Then you want to just make sure that these are spaced however you like them to. Maybe we want to add a little bit space there and then make this however big you need it to be. I think that space is unnecessary there. There we go. I think that looks pretty good. Once it's at a size that you think it looks good, you want to just copy the whole thing over again, Command C. Then you want to go back to your settings. Now we're going to paste this into this space here. I'm just going to delete all of this and then I'm going to Command V and we're going to paste it in and it's going to look exactly like you just assigned it on the email side. Again, just make sure that all of them are linked correctly to the right places and then you can save changes. Then we're going to go back and just double-check everything looks good. Let's go back to the test here. There we go. We have your email signature all spaced out correctly. We have it all with your new customized images and icons. It looks really good. You just want to make sure that you click into each one and make sure that everything is linked to the right places. That's pretty much it you guys, you've created your own email signature on Gmail or G Suite and I can't wait to see all of your work here. This one's a little bit harder to share, but if you like, you can just go on and just create a crop this section here, and then just make into an image and upload it into your project section. If you'd like to share your new Gmail signature, can't wait to see all of your creations. 19. Design an Instagram Post graphic: In this lesson, we are going to be creating your Instagram posts. I do have templates for this lesson, so go ahead and open the Instagram Canva templates and let's get started. I'm just going to put my head over here. Once you open up the Canva template, you're going to see 1, 2, 3 templates here. Depending on what content you're planning to post, one of these templates might be a great place to start. Obviously, there's hundreds and thousands of different kinds of posts that you might be interested in posting, but I thought I would provide three starting points for you whether you are deciding to launch something, whether it be a masterclass, or a workshop, or anything really, your website, if you're just launching something you want like a face there, if you have some testimonial; maybe just content forward or texts forward content, whether that be a quote, a testimonial, and note to self, any post that requires mostly just texts in the middle with a plainer background then this is a great option to start with. Then last but not least, is a template that's great if you want to showcase something that is on your phone. A mobile layout of let's say a website that you're launching, or you have a class that you're launching, and you want to show a little graphic of it, what it will look like when they open it on their phone. An example like that. This would be a great template to start with. Pick one of your three and go from there. Obviously, with any of the templates, it's so important to change up all of the colors to your brand colors as well as all of the fonts to your brand fonts. We already learned in a previous lesson how to style your imagery on how to create an image like this without a background, so go ahead and replace this image with maybe one of your brand photos or another stock image and just remove the background to create this really cool effect where it looks like you're in this bubble. It's so easy as well to change up this. Let me just actually duplicate this, and maybe we'll just play around with updating these in lifetime, so we can do it together. For example, if you want to change this to another color, why not even play with another shape? I really love this shape here. I'm going to change this to this color, and I'm going to actually do it upside down, and then I'm going to put this back, and then I'm going to make this thicker. Really love these half arch shapes, so I think this would be a great example to show. I wonder what happens if we actually make it all the way big like that, and then maybe we add this in here, and we change this to a white. This is just an example of a way that we can use one of the templates and then customize it to your brand, Join The Waitlist. This could be a great color to a waitlist link. Let's say New Skillshare Class. [LAUGHTER] Definitely make sure to change up the font to your fonts. I'm just going to change it to this one and make this smaller so that it fits in this space. Then why don't we go through that exercise of finding a new image for this? Maybe I have an image of myself, what about this one? [LAUGHTER] This is an image I use for my YouTube video, so why don't we go through the exercise of editing this image? We'll remove the background. Let's see how well Canva does this. Not too bad. I'm going to apply it, and then I'm going to make this bigger. This photo looks weird because my head is cut off, but what if we do like this? Then it looks like it's cut off intentionally to see the Skillshare word right there. How about that? I think that works. Then why don't I put this here instead? It looks like I'm pointing at something, and I'm not just pointing at nothing. [LAUGHTER] Definitely could be better. Let's see how that looks right now. I think this needs to be way bolder because I can't really see it that well right now. How about that? It looks better. I think in reality I can probably put some background around this, and it will look better. Actually, you can do that right here in Effects. There's a really quick button right here. How about that? That looks not bad I think. There we go. That looks cute. There's that effect there, and right then we have created a new image. Actually, I want to make this bigger like this. How about that? That's cute. I like that. Really quick way to customize it to your brand. How about like this? There. That looks nice. Definitely better if I use the photo without cropping my head out, [LAUGHTER] but I'm sure you can find a better photo than this. This image right here, let's duplicate this. Always duplicate either the file or at least the document here, so that you're not changing the template itself, so you can reuse the templates. This is a graphic that I introduced to you in one of the previous lessons as well, so I'm not going to go through this in this tutorial but feel free to change the colors here to something that matches better to your brand. There we go. Then you can change up the colors here to create different variations, and then we can change up the texts obviously and all of the fonts. You can even remove this and just have it as a little more minimalistic note here or maybe just down. I make this more centers, so it looks better. That looks really beautiful, I think. You can even make this a little bit more transparent. You can still see the text, but it fuses into the background a little bit better, or maybe make this a little bit lighter color and then do that. That looks really nice. You can also change this to different shapes, so you can go to the Elements section, go to your graphics. This shape right here I think will look really good, and we change the color of this. That looks really pretty. See, just having one template you can create so many different variations out of something like this, and I think that looks really pretty. Is it an outline? Yeah, that looks really good. Then how about this one? We can definitely play with this one; let's duplicate this one again, and we can add an image into this space. Let's find an appropriate image. This is a trip to Spain that I went to, that looks really cute. Let's just say you want to showcase a little image; that looks really cute on its own, but you definitely want to change it to your brand, so why don't we switch it up a bit? Let me change the background to a lighter color, and then why don't we change the text to a darker color? That's looking really cute. There was some text here as well, and some texts here too. If you want, you can also place these in different places. Let's say you didn't like it up there, you can add it up here and maybe swap out those placements of it. That's starting to look really cute, but I'm thinking this might look better as pinks. How about that? That looks really cute. Again, from one little template right here you can create so many variations out of these templates, so really have fun. The first thing is to really think about what you're trying to communicate in that post. Think about the description of this post. For example, if this post is primarily for the launch of my website, then you really want to think about what you want to showcase on your website. For example, you could go to your new website; let's say you type it in into your phone, so I'm going to go to my website made on, and then let's say you really want to showcase the front page. You can go ahead, just press On to screenshot the page. I did not screenshot it. Let's screenshot the page right there, and then you can crop it to the right size. I'm just cropping it right now. Send this to your computer, and then you can basically drag in that screenshot into this section right here. Then you have a beautiful screenshot of your new website, and then you want to make sure you showcase your website URL and talk about here, hey, say hi to my new website or check out my new favorites page or whatever it might be. Really make the content of it visually communicative whether it's through words, or imagery, or whatever it might be. Really think about the goal of this post and then start designing is my most important tip when it comes to Instagram posts. Hopefully, that was really helpful, and I'll see you in the next class. [LAUGHTER] 20. Design an Instagram Carousel & Grid: In this lesson, we are going to be designing your perfect Instagram carousel or sliders or whatever you want to call it, as well as Instagram grids. Why don't we get right into it. Before we start, we need to head to a website called Right here is where you're going to be able to basically split up your images into the perfect amount of grids or carousel images. That makes it really, really easy. Why don't we head on over, keep scrolling down until you can get to this space right here and see what grid or carousel you want to create. You can create a carousel with three images here or if you want to create a grid by three-by-three, that's possible. These are probably the two most popular ones. Let's start out with a carousel, so why don't we do a three slide carousel? This is the dimension that you need to punch in into Canva, so 3240 by 1080. Why don't we go ahead and create a design and punch in a custom size. I think it was 3020 by 1080. I think I did 1080. What was it? 2340. Perfect. Let's create a new design. Just as a reminder, this will be split into three different slides. I'm just going to really quickly make sure that I'm on the right brand kit. Let's design this. I don't have a template for this one, but go ahead and follow this tutorial and we can create it together. First step is we should actually create some grid lines so we know where the cutoff is going to be. I'm just going to create some rulers and guides. If you just click on the ruler right here, you can drag out a ruler line here. We're going to need two of them, 3240 divided by 3 is 1080. That's correct. I should have done this at 1080, and then we want to add another 1080 to it so we know where the next line goes. The next line goes at 2160. Perfect. Then now we have this split up into three, so we know exactly where the image is going to be split out. Why don't we add a header to this one. Let's just say 10 steps or I should say, two ways [NOISE] to live a healthier lifestyle. Just really quickly here, I'm going to change the color. I'm going to actually make this a little bit bigger like that, and then I actually want to make the two stand out more. Why don't we actually split this out. I want to make the 2 bigger so it looks a little bit better. Something like that. I like it like that. Let's just say this is here, and then we're going to add in some of our elements. We don't have them here. You know what I'm going to do? I am going to find these graphics again. Here they are. Perfect. I'm just going to take this graphic here and then maybe this one and this one, just to have some options here, and then maybe we'll do this one as well. Let me change these to my brand colors so that they all look like they're part of the right collection. Amazing. Now, this isn't going to be the most amazing design like I really just want to basically show you how to create these grids or carousels. I'm not going to spend too much time on the design and we will make them as pretty as possible with the time that we have. Next slide I want to add some text here. Maybe we'll do Step 1, [NOISE] sleep well. [LAUGHTER] I'm sure your Instagram posts will be a lot more helpful than my mock ones. [LAUGHTER] Step 2, eat well. [LAUGHTER] We'll do that. Please make Instagram post a little bit more helpful than mine. [LAUGHTER] But this is just an example. I want this to be at the center, so that's pretty good. Let's just say that's what we're doing, can we bold this? Yes. That looks not too bad. You see how when someone is scrolling past this imagery will flow into the second one perfectly, and then this imagery will flow into the third one perfectly, and that's the effect we want with carousels, so that they look like they're all part of one big image. You know what? I'm just going to add a quick arrow as well so that people know to keep scrolling. I'm going to add this little one right here, and then I'm going to add one here as well. Make this one white so I can see it. Now they know to keep scrolling and then they'll go to the next slide. We're going to download this as a PNG file. Let's download it and I'm going to save it back into my documents here. I'm going to name this to Instagram. [NOISE] Perfect. Then we're going to go back into My Social Boutique, and we're going to upload the image into this section right here. Perfect. Select image. This is the one. There I go. Now we can choose how many columns that we want this to be. If you have more, you can definitely add more. But right now we only have three columns and we're going to click on Carousel. If you want to make more of them, feel free to keep going, but make sure to do the calculation correctly. But for this purpose, we're going to be doing three because that's what we calculated out. Then it shows you what it will look like, and then we're going to split the image. Now you can download them each individually, so fast, so easy. I'm just going to drag them out here. Now as you can see, they have been split into three different images. You can see the first one here, and then the second one there, and then the third one there. All you have to do now is upload it into Instagram and it's basically done. If you want to create grids, again, you can create all different kinds of cutouts here, whether it'd be carousel format, on the grid format that we showed you before. Why don't we take a look at the grid format. Again here, this is the dimensions that you're going to punch in when you're creating our Canva document, and then you just want to make sure that you're calculating out how big each box is and then add those ruler lines like we did here. This way you know where the split out is going to be and then you download that PDF, you upload it into here, and then I'll split it all out for you, and all you have to do then is just upload it into Instagram. Super easy, super fun. Now you don't have to create this manually because it's pretty hard to match them up manually yourself. Hope that was helpful. 21. Design Instagram Stories & Cover: In this lesson, we are going to be designing your Instagram Stories. Now, it's very similar to the last lesson when we were designing our Instagram posts. I also have templates, included for this lesson, so feel free to open the Insta Story templates for Canva. Then you'll again see three templates here. The first one is focused more on word-focused template or design, whether it would be a client testimonial or a quote or whatever it might be that you want it to be more text forward, then this would be a great template to begin with. Then we have a second template that is just like the last one from the Instagram post. It's something to post about your website or some image that you want to showcase from your mobile phone. This would be a great template to begin with. Then the last one is actually a template for Insta Story covers. I always have trouble saying that Instagram Story covers. We'll talk about that in just one second. But the great thing about Instagram Stories is usually it's quite video forward. For this example, I'm going to show you two templates that are more video-based. We just watch this first one. This one has actually a video background to it. I did show this quick tutorial on how to do this effect in the last lesson we did about creating videos on Canva. I'm not going to go through that in detail in this tutorial, but if you would like to just update this template, you can go ahead and find different videos. Let's say we go into elements, and we go into videos here. I'm just going to duplicate this template. Let's say we want to do something more beach-oriented, then this might be a great video we can replace it with. You can go ahead, just replace it here on the edge here, and you can see this video come to life. You can change the color of this and make this a little bit more or less transparent. Let's say we want to make it a little bit more transparent, so we can see the ocean a little bit. This actually looks really good. You can go ahead and change the photo in here to whoever is leaving that testimonial. Make sure that that's centered. Then you can change out the fonts here and the color of the fonts here to your branding. Let's just watch this new one. Let's go to the next slide here. Here it is. That actually looks so beautiful. I think that's a really great way to make your Instagram Story a little bit more video forward and interactive. Then for the next one, definitely, if you can showcase some video from your phone, maybe take a clip of it, that would be a great idea as well. In the next lesson, I'm actually going to be showing you how to create that scrolling video effect so that I can show it more in detail in the next lesson. But go ahead and use any video you'd like in this section as well or a photo. Let's just say you want to showcase a commercial, then this would be a great way to showcase that. Let's just watch that right here. That looks really great, and definitely edit out these and make sure it's on your brand colors. Again, you want to make sure that there's lots of contrast as well so that you can actually read the text. I think that looks really good like that. You might want to make this a little bit bigger. I'm just noticing it's small. That might look really good. Then for your Instagram Stories, so this might look a little weird, for your covers, what's going to actually just show is where the circle is right now. Go ahead and change this to your brand colors. What I recommend for Instagram Stories is to actually keep it quite simple with a photo example of what the collection of those Instagram Stories will be. Let's say it's an About You section, then you might want to put a picture of yourself here because the About you or About Me is already going to show up at the bottom of your Instagram cover area. Let me see if I can show you an example on my phone really quickly. If you look at my Instagram, there's actually already the texts right below it. It's repetitive to put the text twice on the photo as well as on, it's going to show up underneath it anyways. You might as well use all of this real estate to showcase a beautiful image instead, so that's my recommendation. Then all you need to do is let's say if this is a video, then you want to download this first one as an MP4 video and then choose which slide you're talking about. If it's this one, then you just download that. If this is just an image and not a video, then you can go ahead and download it as a PNG and then pick your page and download it that way. Do note in the last previous video, I forgot to mention this, for any social media digital downloads that you're doing, always download it in a PNG and not in a JPEG. JPEG is way smaller size format, and it's just lower quality. If you want your images to be high resolution and beautiful, make sure to download it as a PNG if it's an image-based graphic. Then for the last video or cover here, you also want to download that as a PNG and all you have to do is just upload it into your Instagram covers where you can edit your highlight cover. Then all you do is just put this image in, and you're good to go. It's already pre-sized perfectly and that's super easy. I hope that was super helpful to create your Instagram Stories. 22. Design a Scrolling Video Graphic: In this lesson, we are going to be creating a scrolling effect for Instagram posts, Instagram stories, or any kind of video-based graphic, even for your website. Let's go into the Insta story templates just as a starting point for us to create this scrolling effect. This is just one example, you can definitely use, like the Instagram posts template as a base as well. But I love having this mock-up here to put the video into. All you have to do is really simple. Let's say you want to showcase your website launch, then you can just go ahead, go to your website on your phone. If you're on an iPhone like I am, I'm on my website right here, you can just pull it down here, and you'll see a little record button right there. I accidentally just started one Let me just stop that for a second. Again, you can pull that down right in the top right and then go to Record. If you can't find this on your phone, then you might just want to do a little search on your mobile phone and just make sure that your website is already opened on the background right here. You can click on Record, and I'll start a countdown. All you have to do, it also start recording. Now you have to just scroll through the screen, however fast you want the scroll to be when you are uploading that video onto your graphic. Let's say you want it to go all the way to here, then you can just click on this right here to stop the video. That video will be saved onto your phone. Now you want to send that video over to wherever you're opening your Canva account or Canva document, that could be on your phone as well. That will be really easy. But I recommend using Canva on desktop just because it's a little bit bigger and easier to design on the space. All you have to do is now upload and drag that video into your uploads. I've already done that here. Now you can just pull this video and literally just drop it into this space right here and the video is there. That was super fast. But one thing I do recommend is when you are uploading this video, you'll see how this record button is showing. I actually, I don't like how that looks. You can go ahead just double-click, and you can actually edit that part out. I would just make it a little bit bigger and move it over a little bit just so that record screen isn't showing, and now it's gone. Let's play it one more time and see how it looks from the beginning. That looks really, really good. I'm just going to play it from the full-screen mode, so we can see how that looks. There it is. Then you can see the scrolling action there. One little tip is if you have two hands, I was holding it like this, so I couldn't do it properly. But if you have two hands, you can slowly scroll with two fingers like this to make it a little bit more even and less like that motion. Just a little tip there to make the scrolling action a little bit more smooth and professional looking, I guess. That's basically how you create a scrolling video. All you have to do now is download it as a video. Again, pick the slide that you want to download and then just download it. You can upload this anywhere. You can upload this onto your website, onto Instagram stories or reels. It's just a really, really great way to showcase anything that you want to scroll through on a website or YouTube video or whatever it might be. Yeah, if you even want to showcase a tutorial, like let's say you want to showcase how to do something on Instagram, you can just record your screen, do the tutorial, and maybe do an audio, walk through of it, or even record it. If it's a reel then you can record the audio right on your phone when you're uploading it. That's a great way to showcase a video screenshot of your phone onto a graphic like this. I hope that was really helpful and that's how you create a scrolling video. See you in the next lesson. 23. Design a Pinterest Pin: In this lesson, we are going to be designing your Pinterest pins. I also have a template that's provided in the project section. Go ahead download and open up the Pinterest pin template. Then once you open up on Canva, it will look like this. There's only one template here, but this is a really great starting point if you want to pin any blog post style linked pins. This blog post template here will allow you to write some sort. Whatever your blog title is, you can add that right here. You can also add tags or categories. For example, if you want to change this to, let's say you have a wellness category and your blog, then you can just type wellness here. Or if you don't have categories, this can just indicate what blog post it is like, let's say it's a DIY [NOISE] tutorial or something then just gives a little bit of a clue for what they are clicking into. I always find it very helpful for Pinterest posts to give an indication of what the link will lead to because it's the worst when you see something that's very interesting on Pinterest, you click into it and it's not what you expected. Giving that expectation when they see the pin really allows for more retention of people staying on, whatever length that you're bringing them to. I also find that Pinterest pins work thus when there's a lot of beautiful high-quality photography. In this case, I have used this really beautiful free stock imagery that I got from Canva graphics and just basically put it in the back here. But feel free to swap out this photo for whatever your blog post is about. If you have your own brand photography that's even better, that makes it a little bit more customized. But then just adding a little bit of elements here, there, it really creates a little bit more brandedness to it. Definitely want to change out the fonts as well, as well as all of the colors. I just wanted to show you one One here can create so many different variations for you. Why don't we duplicate this and play around with it and see how we can use this as a starting point and then create variations out of it. Let's just say we wanted to change out the photo first. Why don't we go look for some photos? Why don't we make this blog post about wellness? This is a really beautiful photo, but I think it's better to use a vertical photo. I'm just going to literally type in wellness. Why don't we make a post about yoga or meditation? You see now, this image works here, but it's just going to move it a little bit more over and you see how it cuts off her head and I don't really like that. A way way can adjust this is maybe we can just put the title on the left-hand side here. Why don't we try to do that? I'm going to left-align this. I think this might actually look better if we can make this bigger. I actually don't mind. Maybe we can line up, like space it out a little bit more even. I think naturally it looks better if it's spaced in a little bit, just easier to read. How about that? Then we can change this to, I think actually having this straight will be better. Right now this is animated. This has an effect that creates a curve, so why don't we remove the curve here? I actually think that looks pretty good. We need to left align this one so that aligns with this. That looks really good. Now we probably want to swap out some of these graphics because I'm sure your brand doesn't have these same graphics. Why don't we just play around with it and see what we can do, why don't I change out the colors? Let's say to this new brand that I have, change up the colors and see how that looks. I think that looks really cute, but I actually want to move this up a bit now. What if we move this board then? That looks really good. What actually works really well is to have your URL link at the bottom. I'm just going to copy and paste that and I'm going to move this forward and I'm going to make that white, then you can type in your URL here, your Then let's make this all Caps.That looks really good. When people see a website link on your Pinterest pin, they have an instant knowing that this is going to lead to some website or blog posts or some sort. It's actually quite helpful to add that into that section there just so people have an understanding where they're going to be led to. We have one completely different variation and it works well with the photography choice. Why don't we do that one more time? Just to provide a little bit more ideas of what you can do, I'm just going to do this again. Why don't we make this a different category this time? Why don't we make this about, let's say you are a cook. Why don't we do healthy food recipe? Let's find something that looks really good. This looks really good. I don't know if that looks super healthy [LAUGHTER]. I want to find something that has a slightly different position. I'm just going to type in recipe, actually. Maybe we'll find some better photos. How about this photo? That looks really beautiful. I like this photo. Let's say you are launching a new recipe cookbook or something. Then let's name this to daily healthy recipe cookbook. Then you might want to change this to shop now, you can also have this as a call out, or in stores now. That's cute, I like that. Let's change up the colors of this.That's really cute. Now, I don't really love the positioning of this, why don't we move this around, see if we can find a better. I like the area that has a little bit more photography. That looks a little bit better. I like that. I can actually also make it bigger and just get a better cut out, maybe left-hand and more book. Like that, love that. Why don't we actually change the shape of this, this call out? What if we make this, let's say like have rounded corners instead? Then we'll make it this color and then remove that. That looks pretty cute. I like that. I'm going to move this forward, a little bit more space, actually, I'm going to move where these go. Then I'm actually going to do this at the very top, I just want this header a little bit smaller so I see more of the photo. That looks really cute. I have an idea. What if we make this like this? We use this shape like that. What if we do that? That might look cute and let's move this down a tiny bit. Why don't we just remove that completely, and then I liked the idea again of having the website, add the website in here, do it right there. Actually, you know what? Will look good, maybe a border. Let's try that, but I want the border to be quite thin. Again, use that hack that I showed you in a previous lesson. Then I think that might look really good. I'm going to position this in the center and move this to the back. We're getting somewhere here. It looks really good but I think this might look better if it comes out from that thing. Something like that, that looks really good. It is a little bit hard to read this, so I'm going to add another background to that so that you can see it better. Maybe we'll do a darker color. Then shall we center this so it looks better? There we go. Here is just some ideas of how you can literally take one template that you got from me and then you can adjust it to your colors, change it to your different fonts, and move around the elements a little bit and you can create hundreds and thousands of different variations of the these Pinterest pins. Just in probably five minutes, we created two different pins, three, including the template itself. But I hope that was really helpful just to see my workflow of how I create different variations of one pin into multiple ones. You really don't need that much to start designing on Canva and it makes it so easy. I hope this was helpful and I'll see you in the next lesson. 24. Design a Workbook: In this lesson, we are going to be designing your worksheet or workbook or e-book or anything that's really in this PDF in a half by 11 documents style. I do again have a template for you, it's all there for you in the projects area.. Go ahead and download the workbook templates, and it'll open up in Canva just like this. Once you open up, you'll see that it includes three pages. There's a cover page, there's a page with half content and half photography, and then there's a third page that's more of a workbook style where there's areas for someone to fill in their answer or whatever it may be. Let's start off with the cover page. One note is, obviously there's only three pages here, and for most workbooks, there's probably more than three pages included. Definitely use these as a starting off point and again, making duplicates of them and then adding in your content and just rejigging that design layout a little bit to fit what your content needs are. But we'll do that right now and see how we can make variations out of these starting off points. For your cover page, this one's pretty straightforward. I would say just swap out these elements with your brand elements. I have a space here where you can write down the title of this book or worksheet and then a little subtitle. A great space to give a better description. Let's say your workbook title is Daily Essential Living Tips or something like that. Then your subtitle can be one-step a little bit more descriptive. Maybe like A Seven Day Plan for Successful Entrepreneurs or something like that. It just gives a little bit more insight into exactly what you're going to find within this workbook or worksheet. Then usually I would put either my business logo here or my name here if that's my business name, and then a website link. Now remember that on Canva, we've talked about this in the font styling lesson, but you can add links to any texts. If you hover over the text or click on the text that you want to link and you go to this link section, you can then add a link here. Then with that linked, once you export it as a PDF, it will be interactive where the person can click on that link right here, and it'll lead to your website. Again, just some styling tips. You can definitely play with this, add your own shapes into it. If you want, you can actually use these shapes as, by the way, right now they are locked. If you ever find that you can't move an item is because I've locked them. Just go up here and unlock them. Sometimes I lock them just because it's a little bit hard to copy over certain things if I don't want to copy over the element. That's why you might find them locked. Let's just play around with this design and see how we can do different, that looks really cute, styles with it. I really like that. I'm going to put this up front and move this a little bit. It does make this obviously harder to read, so I'm going to make this a white. Then I want to make this line a little thicker so you can definitely hover over the line and increase the width. That looks really good. I don't know how I feel about this just yet. I think we need one more element here. Why don't we go into the elements section and look at some graphics that we can use? Why don't we pull another one in? I'm going to bring in a new color. Actually, I think maybe a light yeah, like that. I'm going to make my head a little bit smaller so you can see the design. Oh wait, that's too light. We can definitely play around with this all day. But here's just some examples of how, if you want to make your graphic little bit more interesting to look at, we can have more graphics like that. You can even copy and paste over the same element and play around with different corners of it. Let's say like this one but maybe you want this side of it, and then you want to change the color of it. There we go. That looks pretty cute, I would say. Here's instantly another variation. You can definitely play around with this and see how you can adjust the different elements. But again, I always like to keep covers quite minimalistic. If you want actually, you can actually add a photo to the back of this as well. Let's find a photo. This photo is really beautiful. That's cool. What if we add that? Wow. That definitely changes things, doesn't it? Wow, look at these ones. Oh my gosh, I love that. I like this on actually, it's a little bit more minimalistic. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with that. I'm going to remove these green ones because it doesn't really match the style anymore. Still really like that. But what if we just literally have this. That looks really beautiful too. Again, you don't have to play with elements. But you can see instantly that I just changed out the background and it already looks really cool and beautiful. I'm going to change these to a more neutral color since the background is quite bright. I really like that. Honestly, I love it. What if I change this to white too? I love this. This looks really beautiful. No, I don't like those blues up at the top. But just like that, again, I added another completely different background, but we have the same text in front and we have another variation of this workbook or worksheet template. Next up is your content pages. This one's really important because this is really dependent on what content you are putting into this space. Maybe you don't need as much photography space and you can make that smaller. Actually, I'm just going to change the color of this like this. Then maybe you want more texts. I'm just going to copy and paste this over assuming that the text is the same. But you're going to type in your text. Maybe for this next section, it's easier to read if there's two columns. You can definitely make two columns of text here. Let's say your text isn't as long as this, maybe it's just like this. Then you can do that. Or if you want to add a subtitle, you can also do that. Why don't we add a subtitle here in between these two sections? Let's see. Let's style this a little bit better. Let's do letter spacing. Five hundred but the text needs to be really smaller. There. I do want this to be bolded, there we go. Now we have a subtitle section. That looks really good. Cool. Let me just zoom in a little bit so you can see a little bit better of what I just did. I actually want this smaller. That's fine. Great. We see just within seconds you can create a different space here. It really depends on what your content is. Maybe you don't want this right here, and you want to add a photo instead, then you can go ahead and do that as well. Why don't we look for a photo that I think might fit in this space? What about this one? Let's adjust the size like that. I'm going to make this so it is like that. Literally, I can just crop the photo instantly, so easy just like that. Then there we go. Now we have a space where there is content and photography. We can make this smaller. There we go. That looks really good. Maybe you want to put a border into it. Play with things. Really explore on Canva. There's so many things that you can do. Why don't we go to Edit image and see what we can do with this photo? Maybe it's not bright enough. We want to make it brighter. Or maybe there's a certain filter we can play with. Let's see. Maybe we want to make it warmer, oh, this looks really cool. This gives it a little vintage vibe, I really like that. Definitely play with it. If you want to add a border, you can go ahead and add a square behind it and just make it a little bit more prominent. Let me show you what I mean by that. Again, this is really just some examples of what you can do, some creative ideas on how you can customize templates in a way that will suit you and your brand. Position it to the back and now we have this little border. Oh, that looks really nice, and there we go. Now we have a styled photo that you can add anywhere on your page, and really just play with this. But first, focus on your content. What exactly do you want this page to be saying, and focus on. Then make the layout out of that so that you want to make sure that when you're creating a workbook or worksheet, or ebook, you want to make sure that the content is king, and the design and layout should be secondary. So start with your content and then create the layout out of that. The last sheet here is more of an interactive page, where you might be asking questions where people can fill it out. If you're a Nutritionist and you need to create a contact form, or you need your clients to fill out something before they come to the consultation, then this is a really great way to create a workbook or worksheet of this sort. There's different ways to do this. You can create boxes here. These are just simple boxes, and I've reduced the transparency down to six because this was the original color. I just took one of my brand colors, and I reduce the color down to or transparency down to six. That creates a little bit more of a shaded color so that they know where they are filling out this information. It just creates a nice effect there. You can go ahead and type in your question, and some of your headlines if you want. If you don't have that many questions you can go ahead, just copy the ones that you don't want and just delete it or add a photo there. Really play with this. If you don't want a box like this, there are other ways to do it. You can maybe, let me just duplicate really quickly, maybe instead of a box, you can play with a border. Again, you can use a border instead. I'm going to make the line thinner, move this out here, and then drag out the box lines. Then now you have one variation where it is a line instead of a filled-in box. If you want to make this even thinner, you can go ahead and just move it in diagonally, and then move it out with wide strokes. Then another idea is instead of having a box, we can do lines like let's say this one right here. We can make the line super thin, and you can just create multiple lines here. You can hold on option and then drag it out and create multiple lines, so there we go. We have three lines here now for them to fill out. Let's see what other ideas. Maybe you want to do a rounded border instead, there's this one right here that you can choose. There we go. Then we want to change the color. That's too dark, so we're just going to move the transparency down. There we go. Now we have rounded borders. What other ideas do we have? So many things that you can do really. You can make these into checkboxes. Just make them into little boxes right here, and then you can add your questions. Maybe I'm just going to copy this over like you have option 1, oops, and then you can copy these over, hold down option, and then now you can make different boxes here. Now you have checkboxes. I'm just going to make this a little bit darker because I almost can't see it. There we go. Now we have checkboxes, and you can type in your options. If this is being printed, then go ahead and download it as a PDF print. Then you will download as a PDF, that's for printing purposes, and then you can share that PDF to whoever you're sharing this too. Now on the other hand, if this is a digitally filled document, then this requires these boxes to be interactive. Let's say you want to send this PDF to a client, and they need to fill it out on their computer, and then email it back to you. Unfortunately, you can't do that within Canva. But I do have a secret website that helps you create interactive PDFs from your Canva designs on a separate third-party website. Just create your designs as if these are interactive as if you can click on here and start typing. Let's say you have these checkboxes and we have these form fields here, and then I will show you in the next lesson how we use that third-party website called PDFescape to make your Canva documents interactive. Why don't we go ahead and download this right here. I'm going to download as PDF Standard just because this is a digitally filled document. I'm going to just download the last page here. "Download", and then in the next lesson, I will show you how to make this document interactive. Because when you open it right now, you can see that it is not clickable, you cannot fill it in. I'll see you in the next lesson. 25. Make your Workbook Interactive & Fillable: In this lesson, we are going to be creating an interactive PDF workbook or worksheet. Let's say you've created your design on Canva, now you have exported it and you want to make those form fields fillable digitally. Let's show you how to do that for free. I'm just going to make my head a little bit smaller and place me right there. First off, you have your PDF, so make sure you download that and save it somewhere in your documents. Then you're going to head to this website called pdf It's a free website, so just head-on, it's right here. Just type it in and you land on a page like this. We are going to be using the free online version. Just click on that area right there, and then you want to upload a PDF to PF escape. I have my document right here, so I'm just going to drag that into this PDF area right here. Then you see your PDF open up here. With this in mind, I will now need to make these areas all here fillable. Why don't we go ahead and add form field right here. On the top-left, you can go into Form Field and you're going to see a couple of options right here. Let me just talk through every option here, text is if you have one line of texts to fill out. Let's say it's a very short answer. There's only one line to type, then that's what you're going to be using. Text paragraph is a whole section. You see here on my PDF, there's a whole section. It's going to have multiple lines that allows you to type your answer, click on Enter, and it will go to the second line. That's what a text paragraph is. Checkbox is self-explanatory. This is going to create a little check there. You can ignore radio drop-down is it's going to be a drop-down field. Then the rest is pretty much irrelevant for our purposes today. Because this is a whole paragraph section, I'm going to go to Text Paragraph and click on Select. Then you're going to drag over the area that is going to be typeable, and there we go. We have a text box here. Now you can customize what the texts will look like when people are filling in this section. You can go ahead here and choose your font and then font size. Usually, I personally like smaller fonts, so either a ten or 11 is preferable for me. Then we're going to go ahead and do that for the next section as well. I just clicked on here and it already did what was said last, which was text paragraph. Perfect. I needed text paragraph here. Now for this right here, it's not exactly a text paragraph, so this is a one-line answer for me. This was probably a bad design. We're not going to have three lines of answers. Let's say this was just one line of answers. Let's pretend that's what you see here. Then I'm going to go into Free Form and go to Form Field, and then go to Texts and Select, and then we're going to choose this space right here. Now we have a one line answer there. Next up is another Text Paragraph for this section right here. Just make sure that you're really selecting and being very specific to which section is where the text's going to lie. Next up we have checkboxes. Why don't we add another form field here and go to Checkbox, and then we're going to select this area. There we go. We have some checkboxes added. Super easy. Once you have that all perfectly customized and interactive, we're going to go ahead and click on this button right here to download the document. I'm just going to save this document here, and let's open that document now and see if it's interactive. Look at this. Now they can type an answer, and that's really perfect. You can type in your answer. As you can see, this is going to be the text paragraph so they can click "Enter", and go to the next line. Whereas for this one, that's not possible, it's basically just a one-line answer. Then they can also tick these and checkbox. I wanted to note that if you want these unchecked, pre-unchecked, then when you are creating it on PDF escape, you want to make sure that you click on them so that whatever they appear right now is what they'll appear when they're downloaded. If you want them to be pre-check then pre-check it. If you don't want them to be pre-check, then uncheck them. Perfect. That is how you would design a workbook or worksheet on Canva, export it and bring it into PDF escape, to make it digitally fillable. I hope that was helpful. 26. Final Thoughts: You did it. You've reached the end of the class. I want to thank you so much for joining me here today. I hope you learned something new. With these new-found tools and tricks and templates that I provided, you can now go on and design your own unique, beautiful designs to finally launch your business. Again, I encourage you to share all of your designs and work in the Projects Gallery down below, I cannot wait to see all of your creations. To stay in touch, I want to welcome you to join me on Instagram at madeonsundaysstudio or head to my website at to join my newsletter, or you can find me on YouTube where I film tons of free tutorials all about branding, design, and creative entrepreneurship, and a little glimpse into my life in Amsterdam. I'll see you next time. [MUSIC]