1. Introduction: Content creation is a
time consuming process, taking from a pro
content creator myself, in which I have generated
thousands upon thousands of pieces of content across various platforms
over the years. It's not easy. It
takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of effort. And surely you need to make
sure that you understand what you're doing in the first
place to see some results. What is there way to actually enhance our productivity,
saving us time, saving us effort,
yet capitalizing on the valuable pieces of
content that we have created. Actually, I found a way, well, not just one way, a couple ways, a
couple of tactics that I'm going to be sharing with
you in this current class, at which we are going to
combine the power of Canva, Cha GPT, generative AI, all of them in an
innovative approach in order to create beautiful
pieces of content, whether posts short form
videos, for various platforms, for any platform,
whether TikTok, YouTube, Instagram,
Pinterest, it's up to you. These tactics, these
strategies are very, very powerful, in
which we are going to transition from one
level to the other In order for you to
fine tune, repurpose, regenerate both content create
based on your preference, in order to get optimal results with fraction of the time,
increasing your productivity, increasing the amount of valuable pieces of
content that you release and put out there
without the hassle. The tactics we're going to be learning in this
current class, they are very powerful, and in order for you to elevate your content
creation game, it's very important that
you master these tactics.
2. Your Project: Your project for
the current class revolves around the
combination of creativity, plus tactics and strategy in order to bulk create content, whether for TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, it's up to you. Feel free to choose your
own platform of choice, based on the theme of your
profile, channel or account, based on which you're
going to utilize the tactics I'm going to be teaching you in
this current class, in order to create
content in bulk, making sure that every single
piece of content that you release is actually unique and special and meets your
own requirements, after which you
will share it with the rest of the
community for feedback.
3. Setting Up Canva: Welcome to this current
lesson in which we are going to set up KVA in order to utilize it for our bulk content
creation tactics. Let's navigate the menu,
first of all, in case. This is the first
time you're utilizing Canva to have a basic
idea how to use it. On the left hand side, you do have the
vertical menu and on the top side, you've
got the horizontal. The horizontal side simply
represents the categories that you need to use Canva
within cert for education, a business, whether you're operating as a
company, an agency, for marketing
purposes, for sales, what for real estate, whatever domain that
you're working at, you could just
simply navigate to business or education and select the template options
that we might be helpful within your industry. Then you do have the
design spotlight. These are the go two options
for many industries, whether visual documents, such as presentations,
whiteboards, you get photos and videos, video editor, YouTube video
editor, photo editor, print, Mugs, shirts,
marketing, logos, posters. So all of these elements which are utilized by many businesses, they are classified
into criteria and categories on the
horizontal menu and Campa. On the left hand side, you do have the vertical menu. The home, which is
the main landing page in which you get to see
your recent designs, and you get to see the
suggested option by a Canva, whiteboard documents,
Instagram posts, things that you might be interested in based
on your usage and the usage of other
content creators and graphic designers, as well. You could try these for the
sake of experimentation, but we're going
to take a look at the search bar as the go to option to help us get what we
are looking for with these. So while we are going to take
a look at the search bar, just simply type in TikTok, and you do have options
for projects or templates. And once you scroll
to templates, you're going to have
a drop down menu of the various
elements for TikTok. How about Instagram? Now, we got the
templates for Instagram. You click CO at the bottom
right. And here you go. You got various
templates that you could use based on
your preference, and you could apply some
filters for the domain or the category and any certain
style that might suit your brand or any
theme that might suit your application
and any animations or for various age groups, for example, you get all
of these filters that you could use to help you
pick the right template. And the same logic follows for any social media
platform content that you could create on cama. For example, Facebook. Here we go. You
got the templates, and we click CO. And we could see
the same display for various Facebook posts, flyers that you could use. Some of them, they are free,
some of them, they're paid. So you click on filters as well, and you could navigate for
any criteria or category that you're interested in or the domain that
you're operating at. Now, this is just simply a
basic overview of Canva, to help you get things started. Now, the setup phase, which is the core of
this current lesson, revolves around this segment exclusively, the
projects folder. What does that mean? Once you click on the projects folder, you are going to
click on Folder Tab, and then you're going
to click on Ad new. And once you click on Add New, you're going to click
on Ad New Folder. Now, once you click
on Add New Folder, you'll end up having a
folder just like these, which I've created beforehand to save us some time
in the process. For example, test images or
lods. Let's click on Project. Now, project includes
various images or uploads that I
would be using, or I will be using
within my projects, within my tactical approach
to Bulk content creation. Let's say you are
creating or you planning on creating bulk
posts for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, whatever it is. You're going to
collect some content, whether your own videos, whether posts, pictures
that you have taken. You're going to collect all
of them and just simply add them to the folder which is considered
to be like the hub. This will be the main library in which we are going to draw from within Canva to help us in the bulk
content creation process. This is very crucial. Why? Think about it like
the resources pool. This projects folder, in which you have your
own created folder. You click Add New, and then you have a
folder over here. Then you're going to be
adding all of the images, all of the videos, all of the material
that you would like to add in terms of using it for the
tactical approach to bulk counting creation. Simply you drag the file
and drop it over here, and it will be aploded just
like these sample photos. You could add videos,
you could add clips, you could add your own footage
that you have collected. We are going to utilize them. As raw materials. These raw materials will serve us along the way
as we're going to see in the upcoming lessons when we approach bulk counting
creation tactics.
4. Setting Up ChatGPT: Welcome to this current
lesson in which we are going to set up Chad GPT and prime it in order
to help us with our content bulk
creation approach. First of all, if you're not
familiar with Chad GPT, we have created the
following lesson in order to help you pick things
up quite easily. Just simply navigate to
open AI on Google and just simply type to land
at the following page, where you have on
the left hand side the option for new chat. And this is simply
where you click on this button in order to
have a new display window, which looks like this. Now, the following window has
a message bar in which you are going to utilize it
to engage with Chad GPT, artificial intelligence
through an NLP model, which is natural
language processing where we utilize actual
language in order to, let's say, prime
artificial intelligence to give us certain results. Take a look at some of
the examples over here. For example, make me
a personal web page, tell me a fum fact,
help me study, create a counting calendar. Now, these are very
basic prompts, what we call them as prompts. Now, once you go over here, there's a way to prompt engineer your way through Chad GPT to get optimal results. Now, for the sake of
bulk counting creation, what we need to do is,
we need to get creative. We need to prime Chad GPT to act as if it's a professional
counting creator to get us some information tools
and insights that we could use within our
bulk creation tactics. So let's prime and
set up Cha GPT. Now, when I say prime,
it means we are actually transforming C chad GPT to behave in a certain
way. And how do we do so? Try to implement the
following prompt. Put on your content creation hat and act as a professional
content creator. Now, if you are using this
for content creation, you could just simply follow
the exact same prompt. If you are using
it for marketing, you can change it to put
on your marketing hat and act as a professional
marketing manager, for example, think about it as the
role that you would like Chad GPT to behave as in order to give you its experience and its insights from that
professional perspective. So I put on your content
creation hat and act as a professional content
creator in which I will give you some instructions to
create content in bulk. Now, you could be quite
specific with this. You could just simply name the platform that you're going to create the
bulk content for, or you could just
simply keep it generic. Four various platforms,
and then you click enter. Now, take a look at the feedback that we get from Chad GPT. What does it say?
Says, Sure, I'm ready. What specific
instructions do you have for the content
you'd like me to create? Are we focusing on
a particular theme, platform or format? Now, at this stage, it means had GPT, has shifted its perspective to act as a professional
content creator, and now it's ready. It's primed to give you output, which matches the
theme that you're trying to get from a Canva. If you are using Canva to create content for a
motivational channel, travel oriented, a
certain platform, CJ GPT now is quite ready to
support you along the way.
5. Fundamental Tactic Using Canva and ChatGPT: We are ready to launch our bulk content creation
tactical strategies, let's say, I'm going to teach
you a couple of powerful tactics
that you could use to get creative in terms of your bulk content
creation approach. So we have prime Chad GPT, and now we are at Canva. We have went through the general menu categories for Canva, for the sake of
demonstration purposes, to help you understand how we are going to navigate Kanva. Keeping in mind, we said
it's very important to create the projects folder, once you click on it in order to be able to think
about it as a pool. You have your test
images, you got uploads, whatever you'd like to name
your folder, it's up to you. You just simply go to add new, and then you're going to
create a folder in which you are going to
add all the images, footage, video, audio,
anything that you would like to use to come up with
your finalized content, especially if you're
planning on creating a book. Now, so in this current class, we are going to apply these key tactics which could
be mapped to any platform, whether TikTok, YouTube,
Instagram, whatever it is. Now, for the sake of
demonstration purposes, let's go to Instagram, and we're going to bulk content, create an Instagram post. Go. So let's go for
Instagram post portrait, 1080 by 13 50
pixels. Here we go. Now we're going to click Create. Now, this is a basic tactic, a basic approach in
which we are going to utilize GPT and Canva for
buk hunting creation. Now, if you scroll over here, you can just simply examine
various templates that you could select from
for your own theme. Let's say you have a
motivational channel, you do have a travel channel, food blog, whatever it is. Let's go for something
which is motivational. Here we go. For the
sake of simplicity. Now, once you click on it, here's a pro tip, once you
click on a certain template, Canva will display
more templates, which you might
find quite helpful. So every single piece or
every single element, I would like you
to think about it as something that you
could create in bulk. For example, over here,
we got a text box. Then we got another text
box over here, right? And this is this
is where you have the handle for your
social account, whether for Instagram,
whatever it is. So let's change it for
demonstration purposes, let's call it at X Y Z. Here we go. X Y Z. Then I got two pieces
of content over here. I got me a template, the template seems enough, and I'm going to use it. Let's consider that we have
a motivational channel. Now, what I need to do, I'm going to utilize
the template to bulk create Instagram posts
by changing these texts. How do I go about this? You're
going to go to apps and then type bulk
create. Here we go. Once you click Bulk
create, you click on this, then it will open for you a
sequence of steps, one, two, and three, in which
you either enter data manually or you
upload your data. So when you click
enter data manually, it means we are going to get some information that we're going to add to these columns, and these columns will be
populated on the posts. So how does that work?
Let's take a look at this. First of all, I'm going
to jump back to Chad GPT. This is where we integrate
Chad GPT with Cava. And now since we have primed it, I'm going to tell it to create
ten Instagram posts for a motivational account in which you need to create a
table of two columns, keeping in mind that
I'm going to go back to Canva to populate these. This is my intent. I'm going to populate this and populate this. So in order to do so, I gave Cha GPT the
instructions that I'm going to you need to create two
columns that you're going to have separate
texts within them. So create tency gram posts for a motivational account in which you need to
create a table of two columns in the first
column, state a code. And in the second column state a piece of advice.
Let's take a look at this. Now, here we go. So we
do have Cha GPT creating for us a list within two columns where you have a code and you get
a piece of advice. Now, these are basically posts which have been
primed to Instagram. So what I'm going
to do right now, I'm just simply going
to select all of this. Okay. Copy it. Jump back to Canva. Enter data manually and just simply paste
them. Here we go. We're going to paste this. Here we go. We're going to click a copy. So
we've copied this. Copy this. Jump back to Canva and paste them
and voila. Here we go. Over here, you got the code, so I'm going to
label it as cote, and over here, I got the advice. You get the idea now, right? We got a cote over here, and we got the advice over here. Then what I'm going to do now, I'm going to click Done. Now, if you notice,
this has changed. I got me the first label for coats and the second
label for advice. I'm going to jump back to the post itself,
right click on this. See this option. Connect data. Click on it. I'm going to connect the upper
part to the cote. And the second part,
connect data to the advice. Now, look what happens? The color has changed. It means both of these
now have been linked. Okay. The code has been
linked to the post, and you got the advice, and you can see this from
the label over here. You get the idea
now. Now, this opens a lot of doors for creativity. You could just simply add
extra pieces of text. You could add a text over
here, a text over there, and then you get creative
with the way that you prompt Chad GPT in order to give you the
columns that you need. You could just go
for three columns, four columns, five
columns, it's up to you. Even better, you could ask
it to turn it into rows. Here we go. Turn it
to rows of data. Here we go. Look
what happens now. So I just simply shifted the whole thing from
having a column to actual rows of data where you go for a
code and an advice, and it's up to you. How are you going to use them? Simply put, you could
just simply copy this and paste it over
here, it's up to you. But the room for
creativity is endless. And this is what I'm teaching
you in this current lesson. How could you use these
tactics for your own benefit? Now, click Continue and
generate. Look what happens now. Now, by doing so, take a look at the result. We
have pages now. Take a look at this. So every
single one of them has been shifted in order to
match these ten results, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten. But keeping in mind, you might do some fine tuning to make sure that they fit the
template that you have. Here we go and reducing
the size and the fonts. Again, you're bulk
creating content, of course, sometimes it fits
perfectly from the get go, but sometimes you
do need to have some tweaks here and
there to make sure that you're getting the
results based on your own intent and
based on your own case. Like I've mentioned,
the way we approach these classes by being
quite realistic. Now, this is one tactic, very basic tactic that
you could use to help you create content in bulk
for various posts, whether for TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook,
it's up to you. This is the basic strategy, very basic in terms
of creating content, and I'm going to teach you a couple more advanced
tactics up next.
6. Advanced Tactic for Bulk Content Creation ( TikTok , Reels , YouTube Shorts ): Back. Now, since we have learned the basic
strategy in terms of connecting Canvn Chad GPT
to create posts in bulk. Now, this quite doable for
short video content as well. But unfortunately, you do
not have the ability for Shorts video to be changed in terms of changing the back end. This is the text like the actual template at
the back over here. It's quite difficult to
change for Shorts video, but I found a very powerful way, which I will be
teaching you throughout this current class to help you alter even the
short form video. So what is the goal of
this current lesson? In this current lesson,
we are going to show you How could we add the element
of uniqueness? In the previous lesson,
we have just simply added change the text
to the actual post, and that was mainly it. So it varies based
on the template. But could we do
something more to bulk create content and make it
our own in a creative way? Actually, we can. First of all, what I need you to do
is go to Apps again, type the word magic media. Here we go. Click on
the first option. Now, this will open for you a display in which
we are going to utilize artificial
intelligence generative AI to add a prompt over here. Then, based on the style, whether you'd like it to
be watercolor, dreamy, or you'd like it to
be quite filmic, a photo, and then you pick the aspect ratio
based on the device. Let's try to apply this and
see how could this work. Keeping in mind, we have
a very basic template, and I need something,
you know, unique. So since we're going
for Instagram, let's go for a vertical
in this current case. And then I'm going
to go for filmic. And then we need
something inspirational, since we're going for a
motivational channel. How about? Let's go for horses running in the wild heading towards sunset, for example, as random
as that sounds. I'm going to click
for a filmic effect. Generate the image. Now take a look at the
loading bar over here. It's going to prompt for
me four different options, four different images.
And here we go. Look how unique, how
powerful this is. Simply by adding a basic prompt. In a couple seconds, I'm able to generate such powerful images. Let's go for this one,
for example. Here we go. It's going to map it to my text. Now look at this. Here we go. Then position, push
it backwards a bit. Let's change the phone
colors about white, for a bit of contrast, and white as well, for a bit of contrast over here. Let's get this to the bottom, and we could change
the color for this from green all the
way to black, for example. There you go. Just a basic edit here and
there for you to get the idea. See how unique this is. Just with a couple of clicks, you're able to actually shift the background for your post to something completely
different. And not just that. If you like a certain image, see these red dots over here. If I need more of those,
I'm going to click on it, generate more like this. So it's going to alter the output to match
such a requirement. And by simply doing so, by having a certain basic
template that you have created, you are able to keep on endlessly
modifying your content. Let's take a look
at this over here, and v. So I'm going to just simply drag this, drop it again. Change the colors, within
a couple of clicks, and you get yourself
a brand new post, quite different
from the first one, but gets the job done. So if you notice,
our approach to bull counting creation
at the stage combines some advanced tactics
and strategies which could create endless
limits for our creativity, whether for posts, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, whatever it is, you're able to harness
the power of C chat GPT, harness the power of Canva
artificial intelligence in order to come up with these
creative end results. Now, let's say I
don't want this, or I need something which is
quite completely different. I'm going to go back and then I'm going to
try something else. Now, based on your theme, how about create a a scene for a sunset across the ocean. Let's get really creative where the sun is made of diamonds. Now, the whole purpose of these prompts is to
simply show you that there are no limits to your creativity in terms
of creating content. Here you go. Take a look at these images. Very impressive,
right? This is one, two, this is three,
this is four. Every single one of
them could be used for your own post for a unique
post by itself. Here you go. I truly hope that you
get the power of this. Now, change it to the color. I'm not giving the text some excessive attention because I don't want to waste time
on the basic approach, but I would like you to
see how powerful this is. So I was able to with
a couple of clicks, create a post, which
looks like this. Now, I'm going to
apply the same tactic. Let's use this image over here. Here we go. This
is another image, simply drag and drop. So instead of taking hours, collecting footage,
collecting images, collecting media content,
to create your post, I'm teaching you
techniques that could get the job done for you
in a couple seconds. Let's remove this. Here we go. See how creative we get. Very powerful. Your limitation, it's only your imagination. Such a very powerful
coat to land at this exact right moment
within the current class. And now, take a look at this. We've got one post, two post, three post, four post
with fraction of a time, and I could go back and just simply change the
style of the image. Let's go for moonlight, over the ocean with a unicorn. Look at this now.
Completely abstract, but we are able to actually get powerful results that will
help you get the inspiration. Take a look at this. See how powerful this is. Now, I'm changing
the font limit size just simply to help you save
some time in the process. Take a look at these images. This is very powerful. Now, I'm going to add it, and then basic
resizing There we go. Let's delete this.
Change the color to white. There we go. The only limited realization of tomorrow will be our
doubts of today. Very powerful, and feel free to add any elements
that you would like. And you could just simply
follow the same approach for any post that you
need to modify. See how powerful this is. Instead of consistently
creating and collecting images or
footage or photos, for your accounts,
you are able to actually create various posts. Powerful posts, unique
posts with a couple clicks. Now, I truly hope this powerful hack that combines artificial
intelligence, Canva, and Chad GPT has helped spark that inspiration for you to
draw some creativity from, whether for your own accounts, travel, food blog, cooking, home appliance, or
whatever it is. There are endless
limits in terms of bulk content creation
with these tactics.
7. Powerful Transformation from Images to Videos: This current lesson, we
are going to take it one level further in terms
of creating our posts. In the previous lesson, we have learned how to create bk content using artificial intelligence
generative AI within Canva. But what if I would like to
create some unique videos? Well, let's take a look at this. We're going to navigate
back to magic media. And now, since we have creative sample posts
from the previous lesson, we are going to pick where
we have left off in order for you to get the
proper inspiration. Now, take a look
at this. We have generated lastly the
images for a unicorn. What if I would like to
shift this to a video? Click at the three
buttons over here. Take a look at this option. Generate video and voila. Now we are able to actually shift our posts
from being static, whether for
Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, shorts, videos,
and not just that. So of you might be wondering
that this is quite basic. Well, we could not use it
for shorts and TikTok reels, because we need
something longer. Well, we are leveling our approach to bulk
content creation, where we are going to learn in this current lesson how to utilize generative
AI for videos. But in the upcoming lessons, in the next lessons, we are going to learn how could
we actually create solid, powerful, short form
videos using these tactics explicitly to help us have an endless pool of
purposeful content. Now, let's take a look
at the final result. And hopefully, we are getting
what we are looking for. Now let's take a look at this. Keeping in mind. The
more complicated it is, the more time it takes. Now, this is the
loading bar usually within one to 2 minutes,
but keep in mind, there are users who
are actually using Canva as you are
going through this, which might cause it to
have a bit of delay, but it depends on
the prompt primarly. Now, let's click
Play. Here we go. We got the result.
Take a look at this. So you have the
motion of the clouds. You get the motion of the water. Now I'm going to add it. And let's see how
does that look. Okay. Let's have a basic edit. This is one. Let's remove this for the sake of simplicity. You got your own account, for example, X Y Z at
the bottom over here. We got the label,
and click play. Here we go. You can see that. It's actually moving. And it's a very short video. Now, whenever you're planning on exporting this,
you click on Share, you could download this as the
whole thing as an MP four, where it's going to play
everything back to back. Or you could just simply download every single
one of them as pages. You go for JPEG, ten pages. You simply export every single one of them by
itself as a single post. Just with this basic
demonstration, we got ourselves like tam posts, which are unique and special. Every single one of them is
different than the other. Now, let's take it
one level further. And I'm going to show you
a very drastic example. Let's delete this. Here we go. And I'm going
to say, create a superhero. Made of diamonds,
which are black with a golden crown zooming
in on the hero's face. Look how abstract this is, yet we will get
something which is very, very similar to our prompt. Now, the whole purpose of this current lesson is for
you to draw some inspiration when it comes to
creating posts for TikTok YouTube Instagram reels from a generic point of view, where you're able to
create static posts, or you're able to transform
them to actual short videos, clips, especially on TikTok or reels for Instagram
YouTube shorts. These are very powerful. If you combine like three
to four of these, which are about ten to 15
seconds long, back to back. You get yourself a short video. And as we have learned so far, repeating the
process or doing so, it takes a couple minutes. Like within a few minutes,
we're able to generate tempos. Some of them were images, some of them they got text, some of them they got video in them. Imagine if you spend
an hour doing so, you could have months worth of social media content
that you could use. Now, take a look at this. Look how abstract this is, but somehow it
gets the job done, and it matches the abstract
prompt. Here we go. Now, let me extend this. Okay. And I'm going to change the color to white and hit play. Very impressive,
right? Here we go. With a bit of an effect as well, it starts very clear
then fades away. Let's play over here. Very, very powerful. You got diamonds, you
got the golden crown. You got the diamonds over
here, very superhero like. Now, I truly hope that
you're able to see how this fits perfectly
with your theme, whether for cooking, travel, fitness, it's up to you. So at this current lesson, we have learned how to
shift the basic posts, which are static images
to actual video posts, which could serve us in
our content creation, whether for Instagram, TikTok,
YouTube, amp interest.
8. Advanced Tactic for Short Form Bulk Content Creation ( TikTok , Reels , YouTube Shorts ): In this current lesson,
we are going to shift to a completely way
more powerful tactic for short form content. In the previous lesson, we have learned how
to actually utilize the artificial intelligence from Canva to create some
short form videos, which could be
added to our post. It's keeping in mind, you
could add audio to this, you could just simply compile
it with other videos. Now, for pure short
form content, we got something up our sleeve, which is way more powerful. We are going to
go back to Canva. And then take a look at
the option over here, Magic Studio. Click on it. Now, if you recall,
we have created a home fuller for all of our
collected footage, right? Here we go. Magic Studio, then navigate to Magic
Design for Video. Now, try Magic Design. Now we have shifted to
something completely different, which is primarily dependent or related to short form video. Now, it will open for you. Select at least three files
to add to your video. Now, once you click over here, you're able to just
simply add drag and drop all the
files as you please, or it will open by default, the items that you have
added to your folder, things that you have collected, uploaded, to be used. So what we are going to be doing in this current case,
let's say we do have, for example, we got ourselves
a cooking channel, okay? And this is a short form
video related to cooking. And I have uploaded a couple images which will
help us in this current case. Let's select this one. It says three, but
I'm going to add as much as possible for you to understand how things work out. About this, then this, I'm going to add
this one as well, and about this one as well. How about This one as well. Okay. Now, what is
my video about? This is where we have
the prompt window, which tells us, what are you
creating this video for? How would you like
to use the footage? Again, this is for
demonstration purposes. This could be travel videos, there could be fitness,
there could be food cooking. The options are endless. Video gaming, it's up to you. Now, let's say, I'm
going to create a vibrant short form video about the benefits
of cooking, right? Let's click Generate. Now, as we wait for the
video to be generated, what you notice
is, it's going to create a video which
matches your prompt. So one powerful tactic that you could keep
into consideration when you are creating content in bulk is actually
varying the prompt. Let's take a look at the result. Very powerful, very impressive. It matches our requirements. Now, some of you
might be wondering, it's 14 seconds long, 14.8, exactly, which is
very suitable for TikTok, YouTube shorts, and reels. Within a couple of clicks,
we're able to add our footage for the sake of
demonstration purposes. It was about cooing, and we're able to
create a video. So how could we bulk
create this, right? This is by itself, it's
a powerful tactic. You just simply
throw in the videos, right? And click Generate. Well, either you
got two options. Either you just simply
go about editing the transitions as you please, or by actually shifting
the footage itself, if the footage makes
no difference. You could add and create, let's say, add an
additional page, and then throw in
a couple images, if you'd like or
a couple videos, if you'd like, or you could just simply change the prompt. So how do you go about this?
Let's take a look at this. So I'm going to back
to a Magic studio. And then once again, I'm going to go
for Magic Create. Let's select
different videos now. Again, I'm bull creating
this video is one, two, three, four. Here we go. Now, by simply
changing the prompt, you are actually creating a completely unique video
with the same footage. So this creates endless
possibilities for bull content creation by
adding different prompts. You're able to create
different videos based on the same footage. Let's say how does this work.
Create. A fast paced video about safety rules in cooking. Look how extreme and
different this is. What I'm going to do
right now, same footage, different videos with
a couple seconds simply by varying the prompt. This is a very
powerful tactic to help you create content in bulk. Let's take
a look at this. Excellent. It's a
completely different video, Let's compare them. Here we go. Now, we intend to notice, there are certain
similarities in terms of how the footage
has been arranged, but the text, the
graphics, the frames, and the audio are different, hence it makes it quite unique. But if you'd like to make it extra unique, like I've said, you could just simply switch
one footage with the other, swap the text, and here you go. You get yourself a
brand new piece of content that you could just simply release with
a couple clicks, you can repurpose it or release it as a new piece by itself. These are very powerful
tactics to help you create short
form video content, in bulk through
Canva. Are we done? Of course not? We are
going to take it one level further to help you
bulk content create. Like I mentioned, we're
teaching you powerful tactics. You could start with
the basic level and you go to the
super advanced level. It's up to you. Now,
let's transition to a more powerful approach
to bulk content creation.
9. Ultimate Tactic for Short Form Content Creation and Repurposing ( TikTok , Reels , YouTube Shorts ): Welcome back. Now we are going
to go one level further. And now you might be
wondering, really, are there any more
further levels for customization in terms of
bulk counting creation? Well, yes, there is. I'm going to teach you
in this current lesson a very powerful tactic that
you could use to twist, repurpose, recreate
any piece of content, making it quite unique
with fraction of the time, hence enhancing the efforts
for both content creation. Now we're going to pick
up where we have left off with our basic
example in which we have utilized some sample footage to create a short form video. What if I would like to
make this video unique? Bulk create various options from the same footages
that have collected, sample video, sample images. I don't want to take
something extra and waste some time collecting different
footage for a new video. Is there a way for
me to be able to do so based on what I have? Well, yes, there is. So
what I'm going to do is, this is where we need
to get creative a bit, and we're going to
combine the tactics we have learned
earlier. Click on app. Now, this page, think about
it as an injected page. We're going to inject
as many pages as we like within the clips
of our video in order to either add content or remove content from the video,
making it unique. What does that mean? Let's
say I'm going to delete this. How about this as well?
I'm going to keep this. Now what I'm going to do is, let's take click
at this clip and this clip, something
food related. How about what makes sense? I need to get something
which is food related. I got two options in
this current case. First of all, we are going
to head to magic create, change the aspect ratio, and how about we go
for something filmic? Let's say, I'm going to go
for an image right now. Create an image of a happy chef flipping a
burger. Look at this now. So what I'm going
to do right now, simply utilizing the power of artificial intelligence
and the things that we have learned earlier, I'm going to inject the
missing pieces of content that I would like to use or I have forgot to take
within the footage, saving me an immense amount
of time. Take a look at this. Here we go. I'm going
to click on this. Let's say drag and drop. Excellent. Now let me pick
this text, throw it over here. We got ourself a new text. Let's say, have fun
in the process. Then I throw in a
good transition and then add in
another transition. Here we go. Now,
let's play the clip. Excellent. Now you get the idea. I'm able to actually
inject various pieces of content within my
short form video, even without altering
the duration to make it completely unique. Let's take it one level further. I'm going to delete this, add another footage. Here we go. This is what I
call what I'd like to call as an injected page. I'm going to go
back. Here we go. How about a flying burger? As weird as that sounds, and as abstract as that is, but the whole purpose is
for you to get the idea. This works for any
type of content, not just simply
the general stuff. I didn't pick a theme, I didn't pick a style, but it seems it's getting me some really powerful results. So this looks nice. Let's take a look at the other
two. This one looks great. How about this one? We
said a flying burger. This looks like a flying burger. We got this one as
well, but this is quite cartoonish in nature. How about for the sake of convenience? Let's
go for this one. This one is way more
powerful, look at this. You got a plane behind
the burger. Very unique. Here we go. Excellent. Now,
I'm going to copy something. Cooking is great. Here we go. Copy and paste. Takes you to a different world. And I'm going to change the size of the fonts about
this to make you 100. Excellent. Change
the color to white. Or here we go. Now we go ourselves a
completely different footage. Now, some of you
might be wondering, Well, great, this
is a static image. What if I would like to
actually inject a video, a short form video
within the video? Well, we got you covered. So let's say, I don't want
this to be a static image. I'm going to delete this. The same stuff that we
have taught you before. Go over here, generate video. Now, look what's going
to happen right now? We're going to shift an image. That we have created with
artificial intelligence to an actual short form video that we could use
within our content. And this applies to any short
form video that you have. You go powerful options. When you are going to Magic studio and adding
the pieces of content. First of all, you could vary the prompt to get
unique results. Second of all, you could
inject these blank pages and add static posts using
artificial intelligence, the same way that
we have taught you. And then you could take it one
level further by injecting short form videos within your short form videos
to make it unique, either by adding or removing. And simply this will give you an endless pool of content
that you could repurpose. You could reuse, you could twist and shift in any fashion
that you'd like possible. And once you're
done, you can just simply click play over here. Take a look at that duration, suitable for shorts, TikTok, reels, will help you
get the job done. Let's click Play.
Impressive. Now, somehow, it looks like a commercial,
right? Here we go. I'm going to drag this and
drop it over here. Click play. Takes you to a different world. It's like a flying slice
of tomatoes somehow. Now, you could change this. It's up to you based
on the prompt. How about we get more
detailed with our prompt. A C chef, cooking and smiling. Here we go. So instead
of the static image, we got ourselves,
we're going to have a dynamic image,
a dynamic video. That way, we could have
complete full form, short form content instead
of having any images. I'm showing you both options. It depends on you, what
would you prefer to have. So let's just simply clear
the image from over here. Here we go. And as
we get the video, we're going to
utilize the output, such that we have a
complete short form video, which is unique compared
to the original video. Look how impressive this is. Ariistic and actual chef
cooking inside the kitchen, completely generated by artificial intelligence.
Here we go. Now, let's click play. Let me alter this
a bit. Here we go. An actual smiling
chef. Here we go. Now, the image might not
be as realistic as it is, but with a couple
enhancement to the prompts, with a couple of basic
edits, it gets the job done. Now let's look at
the end result. Excellent. Now you have a unique
short form video, which is quite different
than the actual footage that you have used to create the video in
the first place. So I truly hope that
you find the benefit in this where it opens a lot
of opportunities for you, a lot of room for creativity
with endless limits. You could inject a
short form video, you could inject a post, you could inject an image, creating unique pieces of
content over and over again.
10. Wrapping Up: Oh, what do you think?
Hopefully you found it helpful, the same way I did find it quite helpful in terms of
creating content. Surely will take your
content creation game to a different level in
which you'll be able to create different
variations of the same pieces of content
that you have obtained, whether pictures,
images, videos, you could combine
them, repurpose them in creative fashion. By all means, make
sure that you follow my profile for the
latest updates, and I'm looking forward
to your feedback, and I'll see you
in the next class.