Camtasia Beginners - Basic Camtasia & Video Editing Guide | Andrew Pach ⭐ | Skillshare

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Camtasia Beginners - Basic Camtasia & Video Editing Guide

teacher avatar Andrew Pach ⭐, PowerPoint, Animation & Video Expert

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Download Resources


    • 3.

      01-01. Camtasia Screen Recorder


    • 4.

      01-02. Screen Recorder options


    • 5.

      01-03. Screen Recording


    • 6.

      01-04. Settings


    • 7.

      01-05. Resources to use


    • 8.

      02-01. Import Footage


    • 9.

      02-02. Terminology


    • 10.

      02-03. Timeline


    • 11.

      02-04. Audio Line


    • 12.

      02-05. Trimming


    • 13.

      02-06. Clip Speed


    • 14.

      02-07. Grouping


    • 15.

      03-01. Favorites


    • 16.

      03-02. Annotations


    • 17.

      03-03. Visual Effects


    • 18.

      03-04. Transitions


    • 19.

      03-05. Zoom n' Pan


    • 20.

      03-06. Behaviors


    • 21.

      03-07. Mouse


    • 22.

      03-08. Audio Effects


    • 23.

      04-01. Project Settings


    • 24.

      04-02. Trimming


    • 25.

      04-03. Adding sketch


    • 26.

      04-04. Zooming in


    • 27.

      04-05. Fading in


    • 28.

      04-06. End Screen


    • 29.

      Exporting a Ready Video


    • 30.



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About This Class

Hello, in this class I will teach you basic Camtasia usage and help you create your first, fully edited video. 

What will we learn?

  • Using the Camtasia Screen Recorder
  • Most important Camtasia Features
  • How to fully edit a video, from empty project file to exported Mp4

Why learning from you?

Let the videos speak for themselves - watch the introduction of this class, or any lecture from this or other classes on my profile. If you like how I edit my videos then this class is for you. I often add keystrokes, sketches and other helpful annotations for viewers.

Why this class over any other Camtasia class?

Practical approach and guidance for beginner users. The videos are put together so any aspiring video editor will be able to follow. The knowledge gathered here is unique and is gained through real-world experience. You can count on tips directly from real user. I'm an experienced educational video creator and course creator with over 3000 videos edited in Camtasia. From Camtasia Studio version 9 to the latest version my Camtasia video editing knowledge has reached expert level.

How are we learning?

There are unique resources created just for this class and the video we are going to edit. You can either make your own recording with the Camtasia screen recorder, or use my resources. The editing will be done from the perspective of a real video editor who regularly uses the program. 

Let's go!

Start watching and enjoy this little Camtasia journey - Let's start!

Meet Your Teacher

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Andrew Pach ⭐

PowerPoint, Animation & Video Expert


Hi! My name is Andrew Pach and if you want to learn PowerPoint you are definately in the right spot! To my friends I'm known as 'Nigel'! I am an After Effects / PowerPoint / video / graphic design junkie eager to teach people how to utilize their yet uncovered raw design talent! I run a YouTube channel called "andrew pach" which I do with absolute joy and passion. Here on Skillshare, I would like to share interesting, project-based classes that will make your design workflow a greater experience. If you look below you can select any of my PowerPoint classes to learn from them! 

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Do you want to get introduced into Camtasia and learn Video Editing? If yes, welcome to my Camtasia Basic skillshare class. A beginner, friendly, hands-on experience with Camtasia. Topics that will be covered include recording your screen. Of course, with the Camtasia Screen Recorder. Camtasia Features. I will explain the software to you in the simplest possible way. Once you know how to record your screen and how to use the software, we will use that knowledge to create your very own first video from start to finish. Hello, my name is Andrew. I will be your host, instructor and little Camtasia helper. I'll take you by hand, show you what is what and complete the project alongside you. If you are looking to learn Camtasia and start to edit your own videos, enroll the class, and let's go see you inside 2. Download Resources: Hello. In this lecture, I want to show you how to download the skillshare resources and how to actually download Camtasia. If you want to use my resources, head over to Skillshare. Click on Projects and Resources. And summer on the bottom where it says a download Resources, there should be a zipped package. Click on it, download it to UPC and unpack it on your system by right-clicking and extracting the zip file. Inside of the zip file, there should be a video and audio file you can use throughout this entire class. Downloading Camtasia. To download Camtasia, you need to make an account on TechSmith here on the product, you can simply select Camtasia and you have free trial. And by, you can absolutely start with the free trial. You can download it for Windows or format insulated, and you'll be able to use the trial version. And you will have absolutely plenty of time to complete this course 3. 01-01. Camtasia Screen Recorder: Hello and welcome into this section where we'll talk about the Camtasia recorder itself. I will teach you how to record your screen. We will make an example recording. And then we can move forward exploring Camtasia as the program itself. See you in the next lecture. 4. 01-02. Screen Recorder options: There are plenty of ways to open the Camtasia recorder. You can open the Camtasia recorder directly as a program. You can open it with this welcoming screen. Newer versions of Camtasia have this welcoming screen where we simply click on New recording. Or you can even start Camtasia as the software it is. And from inside the software on the left side, there is also a button called record. You can also press Control R, so you can see plenty of ways to enable the Recorder. Alright. This is the Camtasia recorder. What we have here. I will turn off my microphone for a second. We can choose the region that we record. We can choose the webcam. I can, for example, enable my C99 pro stream or my can link. I have currently two connected. You can, of course, select your microphone. I'm currently recording with the shore and my ensure SM7B and make sure PG 42, USB. So we have two microphones connected. For the sake of this tutorial, we can enable or disable our system audio. This is basically it. At this point, I could click record and record my screen. Before we do, I want to show you just a few options that you need to keep in mind. Here, you can select and deselect one of the four options. Usually, I have everything but my camera selected. It all depends on what I'm recording from the tools. There are preferences and there aren't many preferences. I'll very briefly explain to you. You can show the Recorder count on because normally if you record, it goes 321. Start. I don't need that. So I want to save 3 s. So I'm deselecting that restore cursor location is very important because if you are Recording, then you hit pause by pressing F9 and you're doing something else, and then you want to continue your recording. This will automatically put the mouse to where it was. Not capture the Recorder. This is the Recorder. And if you don't want it to be visible in the background, you certainly want this option. The last two things exit the recorder or open Camtasia itself after you're done editing. I don't like that. So I have that de-selected. Nothing complicated in the rest of the options from the files. I prefer my file to be stored on the desktop because this way I have full control over where to copy my files. Inputs. I'm usually recording at 60 FPS. You can of course go for 30. If you have a slower computer or don't need a higher frame rate, you camera settings are here. And for the shortcuts, there isn't anything complicated. You need to memorize F9 and F time unless this isn't a conflict with the program that you are using. If not, F9 of ten is perfect. You can add also markers, but this is for more advanced users that already know where they're videos will have markers. For now, that's completely fine. That's it. This is how the Recorder is set up. And then the next lecture, I think we can start recording 5. 01-03. Screen Recording: In this lecture, we will actually use the recorder to create a sample tutorial on how to create a new folder on your desktop. This is just an example. I want to show you how the recorder works. Usually you'll go for your entire screen. If you want to record this yourself, you can go for the entire screen and enter moment. You can press record before you do so. I want to show you how I record this. I'll go for something smaller, full HD, since I have a big monitor. And I'll put this to the side. Okay. I can move the Recorder wherever I want. And maybe even to the side above the recording itself. I have my microphone selected to my short digital, and I'll hit start to start my tutorial. Okay, 321. Let's go. Hello and welcome. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a new folder on your screen. You can right-click, select New and press on a folder. That's it. Now you can select a name for this folder and you are ready. Thank you very much for your attention. See you in another tutorial. I'm finishing my recording by pressing Stop. And Camtasia is asking me where to save this file by default, selecting my desktop. Let me call this Camtasia free tutorial. And I have a new file on my desktop. This is a special file, a track extension. In the next lecture, I will explain to you what advantages does Using the Camtasia recorder has an walked that TREC file is capable of. See you in the next lecture. 6. 01-04. Settings: In this lecture, I'll explain to you the track extension. Let me simply drag and drop it into Camtasia and this dregs like any other Footage File. But the difference will be, Let's look at that. If I drag and drop it onto the timeline, we already have two different things. We have a separate audio file and a separate video file. Row. Not only dead. Look at the mouth. If this would be a normal Mp4 file, you wouldn't be able to move the mouse because Camtasia would treat it as an MP4 file SAE video, and we'll just read the video. But since this is a native Camtasia recording, you can actually go to the mouse options. You can change the cursor or change the scale of the cursor. You can see it's blurry now, but in the newest versions of Camtasia, you are able to use different cursors. For example, I usually use the Windows cursor, this one or this hand. And you can see it becomes really nice and crisp. Let me reduce the scale. And you can see this is the little tutorial that we recorded about the folder. We will go later on into editing. I'll show you a couple of tricks. But for the sake of this course, within the resources, I'll place an MP4 file and the WAV file that you can use, because you can have a different version of Camtasia and this recording might not work in the future. This is the little problem with the track files then when newer versions of Camtasia come out, it becomes a little difficult. They always need to convert. But here I wanted to show you that he TREC file has those powerful capabilities of having everything separate. Like the mouse is a separate little liquor recording. The screen is a little recording. The audio is literally recording. And you can see we can split and separate everything and sort things out that way. I think this is a very convenient and additionally, this has only 5 mb. I recorded a full HD video, 60 FPS, 20 s of video, and it has only about 5 mb. That's wonderful and fantastic because videos might be bigger. Keep that in mind. And I hope this will be very useful when going forward. In the next lecture, let me explain to you the resources that you will use for this course. And we will continue from that point on where I'll try to explain to you a few of the features we have here in Camtasia. So you'll know your way around 7. 01-05. Resources to use: This is a Camtasia Basic scores. At this point, you have learned a little bit about the Camtasia recorder, how to record your screen. And I also showed you how I made an example recording. I will share those two resources with you. I will share an MP4 file with the video and the WAV file with the audio off my recording. This way, we will be able to both work on the same files. And no matter what Camtasia version you have, Mac or Windows, Camtasia 920-21-2023, doesn't matter. Mp4 and WAV files should work. I could share the TREC recording with you, but with the trash recording, it will depend on what version of Camtasia you have. You'll have to convert it. And it might work, might not work, and it really won't make much difference at this point. In the upcoming lectures. Let me explain a couple of features here. Let me explain to you how to actually edit a video. See you there. 8. 02-01. Import Footage: Hello. In this section, I want to explore the timeline section, the bottom section, and the general appearance of Camtasia. At first, I want to show you about important media. I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Either. In the media tab, you click on Import Media. It will simply take you to your system and you can double-click on NFL. You want Mp4, JPEG and other types of files or uterus. Take them straight out of your disk, you click, drag and drop them into Camtasia. Once you're there, you can of course, drag them onto the timeline, like this and like this, but that will come in a second. Important media is pretty simple. Alternatively, you can start learning shortcuts like Control I, to import media. At this point, it would be important that either you have your own recording or you will use my files, open the resources that you download it, and try to import those two files, the example tutorial video and the example tutorial audio. If you done that or if you have your recording, just drag and drop it in and we will see each other in a second. 9. 02-02. Terminology: Since in the future you want to professionally edited videos, you need to start working with the correct nomenclature. When it comes to Camtasia, whenever I will tell about the media bin, I will refer to this part here on the left from all the options that we have. Selecting media is always on this second tab. The media bin is here. On the bottom. What you see here with those timestamps is the timeline. You can navigate the timeline. You can put items on the timeline, or rather Footage because this is not an item. This is Footage that you use to edit your video. And you can select different parts of this Footage on the timeline, you can change the tracks, you can make the tracks smaller or bigger. You can put this on different tracks and so on. In the middle, we have our Editing window. I think this is pretty self-explanatory. I don't need to tell you anything else, but it's important that you understand that this is exactly where you establish your actual video size. And if I scroll out, you can see the Editing area is very important when it comes to the resolution of my video. Because I can open the options, open the project Settings. And here I can change the resolution. Later on will reduce the resolution to full HD. But right now, I want to show you that we can make this smaller or bigger as we please. On the right side, however, we will have properties. We can close and open properties within Camtasia. Each Footage file that we select here on the timeline, now it's selected, will have its own properties. Now this video file that we selected has its own visual properties and its own audio properties. If you, for example, go into Camtasia annotations, you drag and drop an annotation into Camtasia and that annotation is selected. You can see it has different options because there's also visual options, but it has now some texts options and some design options. We can reduce the opacity, we can change the color, and so on. So each object has its own properties on the right side here. One last normal collateral thing I want to tell you about camtasia is that we have animations and behaviors. Animations is something that was long, long ago established in Camtasia and buy animations. Camtasia means making something smaller or bigger, aren't moving your camera. With behaviors. We mean animations, like you think about them. Like you have animations and Microsoft PowerPoint or in other programs, for example, a fade animation dropped onto this little item is you can see would result in this object fading in and this object then at the end fading out. So animations in Camtasia are actually called behaviors. And you need to be just aware of this nomenclature a little bit later. I'll of course tell you about those options for now. This is it, this is the basic terminology I wanted to make you aware of and we can continue from this point on. And every time I see properties, you look to the right. Every time I say timeline, you look down. And this will be correct. See you in the next lecture. Let's continue. 10. 02-03. Timeline: In this lecture, let us work a little bit with tracks. At this point, you need to have your resources imported or make a quick recording. I'll put the video on the track and I'll put the audio. Tracks on the left side, can be made smaller or bigger. There is this adjustment handle and you can make all the tracks at the same time higher. Or as I prefer them as smallest possible newest versions of Camtasia, partly due to my feedback, allow us now finally, to make it much smaller. You can make the audio track bigger, but I prefer to keep it that way because we have more space there, same with the timeline. You can extend it the way you want. I usually keep it a pretty extended because it's easier to see the audio files on the left side. And this is very important. You can double-click on certain tracks. For example, if you want this to be the video or the music or something, you can make certain tracks visible or invisible. And be careful because if you make an audio track visible or invisible, if I press space now, okay, 321, Let's go. I have my recording, but if I make this recording invisible, this audio track invisible, no sound will play. Sometimes you have plenty of audio tracks and you put them here, you put them here, you put them here. And if you accidentally deselect one track that you don't want at this point, make sure that you are not by mistake disabling any sound. The other options are logging a layer. I think this is pretty self-explanatory. If if this is locked, you can basically not move anything around here and there's magnetic track. Magnetic track will always keep everything to the most left side. If I enable this, if I drag something into the second track, it will be always connected to this part. But if I have magnetic track disabled, I can move it and put it wherever I want. What does important? You can make as many tracks as you want. You just click on this plus sign and you have plenty of practice to work with. But obviously, the more tracks that less space, this is why I usually keep the tracks as low as possible. This way, I have simply more space to work with. This is everything I wanted to tell you about, the timeline and the tracks. This will be very handy later. See you in the next lecture. We will continue 11. 02-04. Audio Line: Everything we've learned so far will come together in this lecture. Click on an audio track. If you don't have one, just take my older drug and put it on the timeline. You can see both of them. As I click on them. On the top right side, within the properties, there are the sound options that audio properties and Endo sound options. Let me extend this a little. I can take and reduce or increase the gain. Now, this little line, this line, shows you approximately what the normal levels of the sound should be. And I recommend whenever you record to always reduced again, so it gets a little below this line. You have two ways of changing audio. You can hear, changed the game. Or you can simply take this line and put it higher or lower, but this will simply multiply the sound and the quality may get worse. I recommend for your own recordings at first, try to find a recording volume. Come as close to the microphone as you can, but not too close. So no plosives we will go in. And the ideal situation would be when you put your recording that you're recording will be somewhere below this line. Everything above this line. I would recommend to be clipped. There's one other thing, but this is more for advanced users. And let's say that you have the gain that high. You can always go to the audio Effects. And you can use audio compression, but compression is something difficult. You can compress the audio and you can reduce the threshold to get your audio lower. But as I mentioned, this is for advanced users that know what they are doing with their audio. In this lecture, I wanted to show you that each track has a possible audio track within it. If you click on it, from the audio properties, you can change. Change, I mean, reduce or increase the gain of the audio itself. Here I have, of course, no audio because there were no system sounds. And here I have only order because this is just an audio file. This audio file can be made quieter by just squishing the audio or by reducing the gain. You can do what you want. I'll deselect the audio compression. I'll reduce the gain and we should be good to go. This is how we work with audio in Camtasia 12. 02-05. Trimming: In this lecture, I wanna show you how you can trim Footage in Camtasia. Lets go. Okay. If you have my Recording important, let me press Space to preview of one time. Okay, 321. Let's go. Hello and welcome In this tutorial. And we absolutely do not need the three-to-one. Let's go. This was just an introduction, so I know I get my voice a little bit prepared. In Camtasia. You can take any track from the left side or from the right side, of course, and you can just trim it down like that. Alternatively, you can click on a track and press S on your keyboard. Instead of pressing S, you can of course make this manually by clicking right here and making split selected. If I split selected, you can see I have split this into several parts. Let me now delete the front part and I have effectively got rid of the first few seconds of this clip. You can of course, select multiple clips and trim multiple clips at once. Or you can of course press S while having multiple clip selected. You can then just drag this out to make it a little shorter. You can then bring this forward together and you have effectively cut some piece of audio. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe this was something not worth mentioning and you just wanted to make your tutorial shorter. It doesn't matter this way. You can make your clip shorter or simply trim your Footage 13. 02-06. Clip Speed: In this lecture, I want to show you how you can accelerate certain clips by adding clip Speed to it. I think this is an important feature. Let me just take one clip of here. We have something to work with on the side. And you recorded something, you explain something, and it is too slow. You can right-click and add clips. If you add clip Speed, you can see within the Properties panel, you now know where the properties panel is. Within the Properties panel that something new has appeared. And this will repeat itself for different things that we put on something. They will appear in the properties. We have clip Speed and we can, for example, make it three times as fast. Now, this clip, we'll take much, much shorter. You can see it runs a much, much faster, but the clip itself is much shorter. And sometimes it's convenient to make certain parts that you want to show just quicker, just speed them up. This is everything about clip Speed. You can see when I click on this, I go to the properties. And actually if I click on this little arrow, it will show Effects that are on it. You can see one effect is on it. The effect is called clip Speed. You can of course, reset or remove this effect like any other effect you would give here. If you go to visual Effects, you can, for example, select border. You put a border in it and you can see Effects edit. Now, the border effect is here. If you additionally at clip Speed, now the clip Speed is here. You can see you can have multiple effects on one object. This is it. This is what I wanted to explain within this lecture. Let us go to the next one. 14. 02-07. Grouping: In this lecture, we'll talk about grouping. There are far too many little options to explain, but grouping is essential. Let's say that I will go to annotations and I will put two objects here, object number one and object number two. You can see on the timeline, there are two objects, is okay. If I duplicate them, they become four objects, six objects, eight objects. And this comes like very difficult to edit. What you can do, you can of course select all of them. If you are done editing, for example, you can press Control G. Alternatively, you can right-click and you can just select group. It works like an any other program. A new group has been added here on the timeline. And you can see we have six items within this group. You can click on this plus sign to enter into this group. And newer versions of Camtasia open this group in a separate tab. Previously, the group was always opening in the Main tab. But TechSmith thought that it will be more convenient if we can go into this group right away whenever we want. You can see we have the properties on the right side. And here, if we click on this group, there is something interesting. Let's maybe leave only two items in this group because we had the two original items, we group them. I'll close this group and something convenient that the newest versions of Camtasia brought to grouping is showcasing older properties grouped together on the right side. So without going insight to the group and selecting the object itself, I can change their properties right here, for example, the callout should be read, this left call out should be blue, and the texts should be 123. And here 456. Without going inside of the group, I was able to change plenty of the properties that they have. The probe by properties, I mean the text and the color. That is the most important part. If you still need to go inside, no problem, you just go inside, you select the appropriate object, and you have all the other options that are here. But the main options, the main properties regarding, especially the colors, are in a new tab called Quick Properties. I think this is a very convenient both grouping is convenient and having those properties here. So this will definitely be something that you need to be aware of 15. 03-01. Favorites: In this section, I'll go over all the features on the left side of Camtasia. I'm not usually a person that goes feature after feature. I prefer to apply knowledge practically on examples, but this is a basic Camtasia course that should explain Camtasia itself. And my more advanced courses will definitely have more information how to practically apply it. Now, Let's start with the media tab, the media type, the media bin is something that you already know because every Footage file that you dragged into Camtasia will appear here. Since newer versions of Camtasia, we can finally make that smaller. If you have too many items here, then there is the library. I especially liked. Library. Look at how many items I have, for example, for PowerPoint or for other courses that are used. I have everything in the library. Why this is so important, because let's say I created a text, I created a text, I wrote something here, then I edit a nice behavior to it. And everything is perfectly set up. Go into the screen. And I really liked that for myself. I could right-click and select, add to library. From now on. Hello, hello, great text. From now on. Inside of my library, I already have this text. I have the font selected, the animation selected, everything, just drag and drop. I could put it here. I got to change the text and I will be ready, saving plenty of time. This is why the library, in my case has plenty of items because it is simply convenient to use everything like that. So we have the Media Library and the last step there, favorites. The favorites is also very convenient because older options you see here in Camtasia, like for example, an annotation. Let's say that you very, very often use a simple text annotation. You could press the star icon and from now on, this ABC texts will be within the favorites. Is very convenient if you use this very often because it will be already here. I will deselect this because I'm not using it that often, but you know what I do very often, paroxysmal my camera, I remove the green screen for my camera, or I insert fade transition, or I insert a shadow, or I insert a fade out for my audio. Those are all things that I use very frequently. This is why I like to have them in my favorite at any given point. If I no longer want to have them in my favorites, I can just click on this star. Once you work a little with Camtasia, this all gets more understandable. Here, I just wanted to show you the possibilities that you can give items into your library that you've predefined. And you can put certain Camtasia Features within the favorites to have them convenient in one place. This is it for the first lecture. Let us continue to the annotations tab 16. 03-02. Annotations: In this lecture, we'll talk about annotations. I will tell you how to create a sketch, how to save it as a template. So we can use that later on when we edit our video. Let's start. In Camtasia, you can go to annotations. Under annotations, you have several tabs. The tab I want to focus in this lecture will be sketch motion callout. When it comes to annotations, we can select all annotations. We have objects with text, we have arrows, we have shapes, we have different blur effect, and we have our sketches. Please select the rectangle sketch to put it on the screen anywhere you want. And now I can press Space to preview it. You can see a normal red sketch gets animated onto the screen. I would like you to go to the properties here on the right side. I want you to increase the thickness, Let's say to maybe eight point. Let's decrease the Draw time to maybe hold for a second. Change the color to something, maybe green, green, or blue, depending on what you prefer, I will go for green or something like that. So we have a unique sketch. Nice. Now I'll make this a bit smaller, Something like that. And let me preview how that looks on the screen. When I press Space. And normal sketch gets animated for 5 seconds. I think 5 seconds is a little long. So I could take my play head. I could go to 4 seconds. Let me enlarge this. I can go precisely to 4 seconds. I can decrease this to 4 seconds. Perfect. The last adjustment I want to make is going to transitions. Typing in fate. Just taking the phase transition and putting it at the end, you can take the transition, make it longer or shorter, but I think something like that will be completely fine. Now we have a sketch motion that gets animated in an animated out from the screen. I think this is worth saving and we will use that in our video that we will edit later. Right-click on this select add to library. I would recommend you, if you're completely new to Camtasia, to make yourself a name, for example, sketch underlying green. And going now, what I usually do, I usually save the parameters thickness eight T DT 0.5. For myself, I will know what that means. I'll save. Okay? And under the library, you can see I have a bigger library, but you have to start somewhere. Now, whenever you need a sketch, you can simply drag and drop it onto the timeline. And you will have a beautiful selection that you can simply enlarged, possibly make a little longer, and you're ready to go. Thank you for paying attention to this lecture. Try to create a template of this sketch animation for yourself, and we will see each other in the next lectures. 17. 03-03. Visual Effects: In this lecture, I want to show you the visual Effects that you can apply within Camtasia. Let's go. Visual Effects in Camtasia is nothing complicated. And with new versions of Camtasia, different new visual Effects will be added. For now, you should basically click on the step and take a little look around. The most used Effects for me personally is the corner rounding because you can drag-and-drop corner rounding onto anything, for example, on the video clip. And you can increase the radius of the rounding. I think this looks pretty beautiful on some type of videos. And always, when you add something onto a clip, it will appear on the right side within the properties. Very often, I use remove a color to remove the green screen of my camera. I use vignette to make a nice vignette around here. And we need is a relatively new feature. We can change the size, change the roundness, and change the feather of the vignette itself. You can see from a normal video clip, we can deselect and select those effects from a normal video clip. We went into something like that, nice feathered clip. What else? We also have drop shadow, for example, this yellow object. If you would like to drop some shadow, you can select drop shadow. You can put it here and you can see now this object has this little shadow here. You can of course, change the blur or reduce the blur. You can change the opacity depending on how visible the shadow should be. And you can change the offset to move the shadow as far as you want. I think those are the most realistically useful features. You can, of course go over the different features that are here. Like colorism is also nice color tint. You can change the color clip Speed. You already know a little bit about clip speeding, blue region. It's also interesting that you can blur just a little part of this, but you could do the same by using an annotation, not by using this blue region effect. This has an effect applied directly onto it. And I prefer to use annotations, blur and highlight, and simply select there because I have more control over it. This is a separate item here on the timeline. It's a bit more convenient to use, okay, this is about visual Effects. There is nothing more about them. 18. 03-04. Transitions: In this lecture, I want to show you how you can apply transitions to objects on your timeline. Now, let us start. Let's go to annotations. I'll go to the third tap and put any annotation here, for example, a circle and a rectangle. It doesn't matter, just put them here. Now you can see on the timeline you have two different objects. I want you to go to transitions, and you can preview some of the transitions by hovering your mouse over it. Newer versions were Camtasia have plenty of those transitions. What I do recommend to you, please type in fade, go to this phase transition, and edit to your favorites. I'm sure you will be using it. Let me take the fate and actually drag and drop it on one of the shapes. You can drag it to the beginning, you can drag it to the end, or you can put it in the middle. So it will get applied to the beginning and the end of this shape. Let's add first, take a look at the white shape. Now the white shape has a normal transitions at the beginning and a fade transition at the outer. I'll extend the fates transition like that. And let's see what happens. It transitions in. And then I have a very long and slow transition out. And this is exactly how transitions work in Camtasia. You can basically apply and then transition to an object. But some transitions only work on the anterior screen and they don't look great on a single object like we have here. Let's for example, try cube rotate. Let's see how that looks. We have a nice rotation, but in my opinion, fade will always look the best. It is simple, it is soft, it is very slow. And for example, something like that. It was added to Camtasia. Those are rather transitions that you would like for your entire screen. Now, look at the result. This is an entire screen condition, but it's transitioning. This one object. I don't think this is the best choice, so you need to test those transitions out. I think there are at this point to many of them. And I'm not using Most of them. The linear blur should be fine. Okay, Let's test the linear blur. And this is a very nice transition we could add to this circle. There's nothing more to tell about transitions. They are kind of animations that you put directly here on the timeline. And you can extend, reduce, or simply click here and press Delete to delete those transitions if you no longer want them. I recommend setting the fate transitions into your favorites. So you have it here whenever you need 19. 03-05. Zoom n' Pan: In this lecture, I'd like to show you how you can use the Animations tab to zoom into part of your screen. It's pretty simple, but it needs to be understood. Within Camtasia. If you have some clips selected, some clips, some visible clip selected, you can go to the Animations tab, and you have two tabs here. I'll explain only the first one because this is a simple Camtasia basics class. If you want to zoom in, for example, to your mouth, you will take this and you will zoom in. Alright, you can see on the timeline, if I come a little closer, there is a new arrow. This arrow represents the start and end of the zooming in. Keep in mind that if you make another movement here, another movement and new era will be added because this is treated as a new animation. So you need to be very precise here. For the sake of this lecture, I would like you to take any part of the video, zoom it in here on the timeline, go a bit forward. Press Scale to Fit. This is a, this is everything that I want you to do within this tutorial. Let me split this, let me delete everything. The result I want you to achieve is having two arrows here. If you press space on the preview panel, you should have something like that. You should have a little zoom in. And then as zoom out later on when we added this little video, we will use this more efficiently and I will show you how to use this practically, so it makes sense to the viewer. And generally in a video 20. 03-06. Behaviors: In this lecture, I want to show you how behaviors work in Camtasia. Let us start. Let me take another annotation at normal simple rectangle and let's add a behavior to it. I want you to select a simple behavior like for example fate or review and put it on this rectangle. As you can see on the right side, and the properties a new tab has appeared, that is called behaviors. Behaviors are essentially animations applied to objects. We have an in animation and during animation and then out animation. If I make this a bit shorter and I hit space in animation, during animation, out animation. Everything looks really, really nice. I think we can tweak it a little. I will not go into all the details because in my longer courses, I explained animations in detail. But here I want you to select in animation, direction left is perfectly fine and maybe decrease the speed to 80%. Let's see how that looks. Now the animation comes in a little slower. I want you to click on that during animation. Select None. And for the out animation, Let's select a simple fade out. I'll increase the speed to around 80 per cent. And let me preview that. It is a bit slow. I'll increase it even further to maybe 90%. And beautiful. We have an animation that you can apply to objects that starts with the reveal and ends with a fadeout. I want you at this point to select this little plus sign, this little plus sign. And you need to give this a custom name so you will understand it. So what I'm doing, I'm for example, pressing N, reveal in, Revealed, 90% Out, fade out, okay, they should be fine. I'm pressing Okay, and under the behaviors, I have now a new animation. We need to find it. Where do we have it? We have it here in Revealed 90 per cent out, fade out. I can even add these two favorites. And I want to recommend this to you for the sake of this course, because later on, when we will go to the video editing, we will apply everything that we've added to our favorites. We have our fate, we have our behavior, and we will no longer have to search for that because we have predefined a very nice animation that you can use over and over again. Additionally, we have our sketch in the library, so we are perfectly prepared. Thank you very much for listening. I hope you are on the same page and we can continue working and exploring the features here. 21. 03-07. Mouse: In this lecture, Let's go over the cursor effects. And the cursor effects will work only if you have a native Camtasia recording. Because here in the example tutorial video that I prepared for you, this is a video, so Camtasia no longer knows where the mouse is because those are only pixels. But if you make your own recording with the Camtasia screen recorder, let me just drag and drop it here. If you make your own recording like I did here, for example, you can see the mouse. Camtasia knows where the mouse is. So if you are doing your recordings with them, with Camtasia, you can use something like a cursor effect. I usually, I usually use color because I think it's very subtle and very simple. Here in the mouse options, if I increase the scale, you can see it only changes the color. I can of course change the color. Many people use black. Many people use black, but this depends on the background that you are using the mouse on. And of course, I need to change the mouse cursor. I'll go to all, I'll go to Windows cursors, and they'll go for the simple mouse for higher-quality. Older versions of Camtasia didn't have this possibility. Newer versions have it. Okay, the cursor is now a little bit better. Of course, you can preview all those options here. You can add a shadow, you can add a spotlight, but I'm not a big fan of this. I'm not a big fan of this magnifying. Some people use this highlight, but in my opinion, this looks a little bit obsolete. In the modern day off a video editing. Another cool feature is adding rings. Adding rings allows you to add a pulsating ring whenever you click your mouse. For example, here I was clicking my mouse when for the folder, and this was actually not left-click, right-click. I will take the rings. I will put their right-click rings here as they should appear on the bottom, they should be yellow. And whenever I right-click at yellow ring will appear, you can of course, change the size and the speed of the Rings. But you can see that the default options are pretty okay. Maybe there are a bit too slow, but I can reduce the duration here. Whenever I will click my mouse. Let us previous screen. You can right-click, select New. And you can see here I was right-clicking and here I was left clicking because the left-click was red and the right leg was yellow. This is the advantage of using the Camtasia recorder and when you record your tutorials and plan to edit them with Camtasia, I definitely recommend to use the Camtasia recorder because of such beautiful Features. 22. 03-08. Audio Effects: I know we want to edit the video, I want that as well, but last feature I want to show you are audio Effects. In the audio Effects, There's nothing complicated. Usually when I put music on my tracks, I want to fade in the music. And I want to fade out the music. You can see a little dot appeared here. I can double-click, double-click, double-click to have more dots like that because I could, for example, oh sorry, I didn't select the dot precisely. I can precisely, again, I can precisely reduce the sound here if I need more dot, no problem, I can do it like that. I can also select parts of my clip and press Shift S. This way, I will silence the entire area that I have selected. Sometimes you make mistakes or you want to cut something out, but don't want to delete the video, you will just silence it. You can always select right-click and silence audio. The last thing, but this is, as I told for advanced users, you can use audio compression if for any reason you are not satisfied with the audio that you have recorded and you want to squish the higher tones a little bit down. You can use audio compression. I usually go for a lower ratio, so I don't lose my dynamic range of my voice if you know what I mean. And I'm just reducing the threshold a little just to squish those higher-end sounds a little bit because I tend to emotionally say something louder and sometimes backfires. Army, then we can make it up with the gain. But this all depends on your microphone, on your recording environment, and on your order knowledge. If you know what you're doing, you can definitely use audio compression. Camtasia has not the best audio compression. It would be better if you have a separate audio compression, but that's another topic for itself. So I'll definitely not go into it yet. Now, you know a little bit about almost every useful feature here in Camtasia. And from now on, we can use that to edit our video and make it a little better. In the next section, let us work on a very simple sample tutorial that we can edit ourselves using the features that we now know a little bit about 23. 04-01. Project Settings: In this lecture, we will import our footage and set up our product settings. Let's go. Let us start from scratch. When you arrive in Camtasia, either you make your simple own recording or you use my resources. If you want to use my resources, just download them, go to Import Media. And from the resources, import the example tutorial audio and the example tutorial video. Perfect. Now we have it here. I'll drop the example tutorial here, and I'll drop the audio above it. I will press my left Control key, scroll wheel down to zoom the timeline in. What do I have here? I have here a big screen, and I need to change the project Settings. I want you to open this little tab. And here on the bottom we have product settings. I would like the project Settings to be adjusted to full HD and the frame rate to 30 FPS. I will select apply. And you can see here on the right bottom side, we have 30 FPS. Now in the next lecture, we can start editing our video and make your first tutorial 24. 04-02. Trimming: In this lecture, I want to show you different ways of trimming videos in Camtasia. Lets go. You can preview the video by pressing space. Let us preview what we have at the beginning. Okay, 321. Let's go. Hello and welcome. We definitely don't need that. 321. Let's go so I can take my playhead. And I know that everything on the left of the play head should be deleted. So we can do this on several ways. We can take this foot it and just click and drag it towards our playhead. This is option number one. Option number two is to select the area and just press here on Cut. It will automatically delete this and move everything forward. I'm using Control X to cut it like this is option number two. And option number three is to simply have your play head here. Select all the media that you want to split and press S on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can right-click and select Split, selected. This will make a cut here between them. So you can just take the left things, delete them and bring that forward. This is everything I wanted to show you about trimming. Normally, if you have a video like that, you have countless edits and trims within it. So onetime you are editing by pressing Control X. One time you press S, one time you are trimming it down like that. It all depends on the situation and where you are in the video. You can practice this a little bit. Please delete the first seconds of the video and we can see each other in the next lecture when we make some other fine edits here 25. 04-03. Adding sketch: In this lecture, we will take a couple of sketches and position them properly in our video. Okay, Let us go. I have this tutorial here. Here I'm making some explanations and at about 6 seconds, I'm making my mouse-click. Let us listen to what I'm saying here and what's happening. I will select this and I'll press space. You can right-click select New and press on a folder. Select New and present folder. Why don't make this nicer by extending this a little and from the library Using our scratch green thickness eight drawdown half a second. I'll put this here on the timeline right here. And now I can find unit to where it starts. You can see it already starts on the screen, but I will go forward. And the moment I click, I know that I will select new. So you need to take the sketch, position it a little forward and try to perfectly positioned it over the new texts. I think this should be fine. And let's press Space and let's preview what's happening here on the screen. Select new, beautiful, select new. I think here it should end. It's completely enough and press on. Now, press unfolded. Take this sketch, press Control D to duplicate, bring it a little bit four, and position it over the folder. Now, we should be completely set and our sketches should be ready. Let me preview this entire sequence. Once again, I'll take this red bar. I'll extend my selected area and I will just press Space to preview it a couple of times. Let's press space when you can, right-click, select New and press on folder. Okay, we are almost perfect here. This folder appears a little too quick. So what I'm doing, I'll just make this a little shorter. Now, what should be perfect? Let me preview this one last time. Right-click. Select New, and press on a folder. Beautiful, this is everything I wanted to teach you in this lecture. I'm glad we made this, our templates because we could use this in our video 26. 04-04. Zooming in: In this lecture, I want to show you how we can zoom into part of the screen. Width, the zoom and pan feature. Okay, let's do it. This is where the tutorial ends and let us take one lesson here. Now you can select a name for this folder and you are ready. Thank you very much for your attention. And basically here, I'm moving this folder to the middle of the screen. And I think it would be nice if we zoom into this to show the viewer what we mean and what we created. So around here, around, in my case, this is 15 s. You can start at 14 s, for example, and go to the animation tab. Open the animation tab. And here you have a preview of your screen in the zoom and pan. Just make that smaller and bring that higher. Now the folder will be somewhere here. The folder will come here. Okay, perfect. And this arrow appeared. You can take this little icon, this little circle, click on the circle and extended. This will simply make this animation longer. If you are perfectly on the circle, you can reposition the screen. A little soda folder is in the middle and let us Preview. Now the end result. We will have a nice zoom into the middle of the screen, width, the folder in it. Let's per space name for this folder and you are ready. Thank you very much for your attention. See you in another tutorial. Okay, beautiful. We have made all the edits for the video. In the next lecture, I want to show you what else you can do here to make this video a little nicer, to make the video editing a little better. And you will again learn something about Camtasia. So see you in the next lecture. 27. 04-05. Fading in: In this lecture, I want to add a fade transition to the beginning and end of the video. Let us start doing so. This will be very simple because we have this video and simply abruptly start. I think we can go to favorites. Since we have fade in the favorites, we can take faith. We can put it at the beginning and preview that now, hello and welcome In. This video opens up much nicely. We could end with the same by taking the fate. Putting it at the end. I'll zoom a little closer on my timeline. Here I will extend the fatal little, fades out a little longer because here at the end, I would like to give some credit. Let me preview how this looks. See you in another tutorial. Tutorial, we have a nice slow fade out. This is it for this lecture. Please try to replicate the steps. Please try to apply a fade in, fade out animation to this video project. And in the next lecture, we will add some credit to finalize this entire video. So see you soon 28. 04-06. End Screen: In this lecture will make a little thank you for watching card. Let's get right into it. Normally, you would probably have some kind of outro for your video, maybe if it's for YouTube, but the idea is the same. Let us do an annotation. Let's go for the first type and select an annotation with texts. It can be only text or a shape with texts, Altaic only texts. And I'll put it here at the end. You can select a font that you have your on your PC. I have selected doses, but you will probably not have this font. Let's go for something simple, Arial or Calibri. Let's select Calibri. So it gets familiar for the font size. I will go for a bolt and a little bigger for the texts. I will simply called, thank you for watching. No problem. I'll extend this. If you press your left Control key, you can extend it both ways. Okay, thank you for watching. I think this is perfect, a little shorter. And what do we want to do here? We have our animation presets. So I will go to favorites. Here under behaviors, I have my N reveal 90%. I'll take this and apply this to the text. So I don't have to do anything else because I made sure we have a nice In and Out animation here. We could of course, also use a transition, but I wanted to show you a different way of animating things here in Camtasia. Let us previewed the end of the video now in another tutorial. Beautiful, it displays the text. Thank you for watching. The text disappears after a couple of seconds. We can of course, extend or reduce the duration here. So the entire video is around 23 seconds long, and I think we made a perfectly nice, well edited tutorial here within Camtasia. We made now a couple of edits on this simple video. And since this is a basic Camtasia course, I think this is completely enough. Let's see each other in the next lecture. We're, I'll show you how to package everything up for publishing and how to actually export a video here, Stay tuned. 29. Exporting a Ready Video: We are completely ready with the editing. We can export our video in Camtasia. We have multiple ways of exporting a video. Here in the export, we have the legacy exporter, the old exported that was available, and the new export for, I want to start with the legacy. We had the possibility to use custom products settings or adding presets. I will mostly make it one preset for me and use it for all of my videos. But here I want to show you custom production inside settings because the settings on the new expert or will be almost the same. I'll go next. And I am not producing the control of Recorder. This is for HTML, for web use, I have simply always de-selected this controller. I've established my size, established my Video Settings. I always raise the quality to around 80 per cent. I decided whether I want 30 or 60 FPS, depending on the video and audio settings, I mostly let them as default, or I switch to 192 to have a possibly higher-quality in the audio encoding. By pressing next, next, you can basically finished an export your video, and it will get rendered the same for the new exporter. Pressing unexplored, pressing on local file, we have all the same options. There are simply, just now on one screen, we have the encoding options, which means the quality file, for example, go for 30 frame rate, 80 per cent of quality, the audio 192, and the product dimensions. I have full HD, and it will automatically set to current product dimensions. I could force in other resolution if I wanted. But since my recording is any way full HD, so I would be stretching this video anyways, this wouldn't make any sense. By pressing export, we will start to export and render our Video. I'm pressing export. It's rendering rather quickly. Camtasia me that it has finished and I can view my media or open my file location. Hello and welcome. In these two. If I play the video, you can see we have 20 s in video two, and this is our tutorial, completely ready and edit it. We could watch it, but you completely understand what we did here. The nicest thing we did, I think, was with the sketches. Let's preview that. You can right-click, select New and press on a folder. That then we had this nice zooming in a moment, older and you are ready. Thank you. Beautiful. And I zoom in at the end, we had those credits. I think those are simple Camtasia edits that you are now capable of doing and you will understand them. I will recommend you my advanced Camtasia courses that go a lot more into video editing that we did here. Because here we made just a few basic things, but they are enough to make your first couple of videos. Thank you very much for watching and let's each other in the next lecture to round everything up. 30. Conclusion: At this point, there is nothing else left for me to say. Then, thank you very much for spending time with me learning. I think camtasia is a wonderful program that can be used properly if you know all the tools that it offers. And if you are getting into the video editing world, it's the perfect program to start. And this is my primary driver since many years and it seems it will stay like that. This course was also meant to prepare you for my more advanced Camtasia courses. Because if those would be too difficult normally for you, then after this course, you should have absolutely no problem because you now know and understand the basics about Camtasia. Thank you very much for your time and I hope you enjoy Camtasia now a little bit more