Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 11 Business Plan Synthesis | John Colley | Skillshare

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Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 11 Business Plan Synthesis

teacher avatar John Colley, Digital Entrepreneurship

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 11 Business Plan Synthesis Course Introduction


    • 2.

      BUSINESS PLAN SYNTHESIS - Introduction


    • 3.

      Business Plan Synthesis


    • 4.

      Business Plan - Executive Summary


    • 5.

      Business Plan - History and Background


    • 6.

      Business Plan - Management


    • 7.

      Business Plan Appendicies


    • 8.

      Business Plan Key Questions Checklist


    • 9.

      Business Plan - Audience Targeting


    • 10.

      Business Plan - Type of Business Targeting


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About This Class

Welcome to my Business Strategy to Business Plan Course

Discover MBA Level Business Strategy and Create your comprehensive Business Plan simultaneously. Everything you need is here including a highly detailed Business Plan template.  


Bring your Business Plan together.  To the drafts you have completed in the Assignments we now add the remaining missing sections to complete your business plan.

About this Course

Discover Business Strategy to MBA standard - from an MBA (with Distinction from Cass Business School, London) - and simultaneously create a comprehensive Business Plan guided by an award winning 30 year London Investment Banker.

I guarantee that this is a unique course: the only course that teaches you Business Strategy and shows you how to create your Business Plan - at the same time!  The 21 Assignments in this course draw on John's unique experience, including bespoke strategic exercises of his own which you will not see anywhere else.  Step by Step following the incredibly detailed Business Plan template, John will guide you to apply the Business Strategy lessons to create your Business Plan. These will help any students of all levels and in any industry.  

This course has over 160 lectures, over 14 and a half hours of detailed instructional video and nearly 180 downloadable materials (available from a dropbox link you will find at the start of the course).  Despite its complexity, John has created a detailed course matrix for you to use to navigate through the course and understand the synthesis of Business Strategy 2 Business Plan.  There are over 20 Assignments to make the course fun and highly interactive.  The 2 Quizzes will challenge you too!  Every section has an introductory video explaining the learning objectives and lessons in that section.

This course will be published in 12 Parts - One part per week  

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 1 - Fundamental Strategy and Analysis -

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 2 - Leadership, Products and Services -

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 3 - Competition, Industry and Markets

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 4 - Operations and Customer Value

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 5 - Sales and Marketing

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 5a - Digital Business Transformation -

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 6 - Financial Statements

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 7 - Financial Analysis

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 8 - Goal Setting and Performance

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 9 - Growth Strategies

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 10 - Valuation, Exits and Returns

Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 11 - Business Plan Synthesis

Enjoy the Course!  If you have any questions or issues, just reach out to me here

Best regards


Meet Your Teacher

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John Colley

Digital Entrepreneurship


Exceed Your Own Potential! Join My Student Community Today!


Here is a little bit about Me...

Cambridge University Graduate

I have a Bachelors and a Masters Degree from Cambridge University in the UK (Magdalene College)

Master of Business Administration

I graduated from Cass Business School in 1992 with an MBA with Distinction and also won the Tallow Chandler's prize for the best Dissertation.

British Army Officer

I spent nine years as a Commissioned British Army Officer, serving in Germany and the UK in the 1980s, retiring as a Captain. I graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (Britain's West Point) in 1984.

Investment Banking Career

I have spent over 25 years working as an Investment Banker, advis... See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Part 11 Business Plan Synthesis Course Introduction: Welcome to Part 11 of my business strategy to business plan cause. And this is the final pot. And we're going to be looking at the synthesis of your business plan and those were bringing it all together. So we're going to continue that discussion. And this is now Part 11 of 11 parts. And we're talking about the business plan synthesis, which is the final stage where you bring all the different templates and the different drops that you've been putting together step-by-step through this course into a final business plan. So we're gonna consolidate everything you've learned so that you get the most amazing business plan for your business. My name is John Kali. I'm a 30-year investment banker. I have an MBA with distinction from Cass Business School in London as well as a couple of degrees from Cambridge University. Don't forget to follow me here today to make sure you didn't miss any of my new content when it's published. I love sharing my investment banking and business experience with you. So this is 0.11 of my business strategy to business plan calls, which does what it says on the tin. We start with business strategy and you lead you all the way through until you've got a business plan. And the whole purpose of this is to incorporate the knowledge you learn about strategy into a plan that is applicable and relevant for your business. In this particular part, which is standalone, we're looking at the synthesis that the consolidation that bringing together of your business plan. So all the drafts you've put together in the assignments for the previous ten parts of this multipart course are brought together here. And of course, at the end, you will have finally created your business plan and you can be confident that it's based on thorough and detailed preparation. Now this Clausius for every finance or business student, it will enable you to understand growth strategy at graduate strategies and apply them to a real business. And the course project is going to help you to incorporate those great strategies to by finalizing your business plan after all 11 parts. So this is completely standalone, but it is also part, as I said, that this multipart course, all parts, this is the final parts, are all parts are now published here. Say you start with the business strategy and you end with a business plan, and you got loads and loads of templates. And I take you through step-by-step. So join the class today. Great to have you on board. Make sure you check out all my other classes here. And of course, make sure that you cover all the parts of this course. So finally, Business Strategy two, business plan part 11, the business plan, plan synthesis. Welcome to the course, and I'm very thrilled to have you here. And I hope you very much get a lot out of this particular element of the course.