1. Business Management Recruiting Promo: Hi, My name is Greg Banner. Ford and I have been a teacher and a student of business management for my entire adult life, and I have also a managed businesses. And so one thing that I've learned throughout my career is the importance of recruiting, training, and selection of workers is becoming more and more important. And it is. Indeed, it's now vital to having a successful business. It didn't used to be emphasised so much on for good reason. That is changing. It's now becoming one of the most important aspects of a successful business because people are realizing having gray players on your team having great people in the organization makes all the difference between success and failure, and at the heart of that process is recruitment. So this course is all about how to recruit, select and train workers in an effective manner. Basically, you are picking the team that is going to play for you or organization, so whether you are managing a very small business that you own yourself or you are a manager in a large organization looking to update your skills and knowledge of the recruitment process, this course will help you guys to, uh, first of all, appreciate the importance of recruitment and secondly, could do it in a very effective manner and have a big impact on your organization. So I hope he has during the course and get a lot out of it, and we will see you inside.
2. Lesson 1 Recruiting Introduction: on the last business management, recruitment, selection and training. Recruitment is now seen as one of the most important, if not the most important function that an organization can do, even being more important, perhaps in sales and marketing. Which sounds kind of crazy, because if we can't sell and market our products having to make any money. But the thing is realizing that the H R department people that recruit and basically pick a team for the company, it's all important because your company is made up of people on the better people. You have a better performance they're coming is gonna have over the long term and a little tricky because it's kind of a hard thing to measure. How good of your people. You can't immediately just do a survey or use some sort of a test to see how high quality your team it's. It's a complicated thing. It's much easier to measure sales and profits and things that accounting can look at, and it is to measure the quality of your team, especially the management team. But professors and of course, people industry are realizing more, more or less a decade or so in order to have a truly outstanding organization, get really good people on your team. And you could see this with companies like Google who make the recruiting process very, very arduous, difficult. And they do it kind of in a different way. And a lot of other companies to make sure that people they're getting are outstanding and also have the right attitude to fit the culture of the organization is not just a matter of okay, let's look at your resume of CV. Let's do interviews. SUVs can questions and blah, blah, blah. I'm taking a lot more than that now, so it's C is one of the most important activities of any organization. Because of that, H R managers and the H R Field are getting paid more, and there they themselves are getting recruited harder. And so, if you are thinking about going in to the human resource management feel, especially once you get to the higher levels as an executive, there was not a lot of money and human resource is. And as we're gonna talk about later in the course, you're actually insulated to a large degree from downtimes being fired because the HR depart department itself is the department that does the downsizing. So sort of an added bonus when you're in HR manager that you probably never going to get downsides of fire and just maybe a really low whole. But while you're downsizing people across organization, including other executives and other management, little people, the same levels you. Since you're in the HR department, you are protected to a very large degree. That's something 11 will think about, but it's a big factor now. It's another benefit of being HR manager. Human resource is measure, so the great recruiting, you know, it always many future problems, so it avoids the problems with having to train staff. I'm scratching to get someone who's already really high quality and can learn quickly having high turnover, which is a really big costing. You hire someone and then retrain someone and do that over and over again, and you have a high proliferate across your organization, which many companies do, and they don't really seem to have a way to fix this. They just consider to do business as usual. They have really high, constantly high turnover in a very bad culture because of it because of course, you've got high turnover that needed something wrong with the culture where people leaving so much and it's gonna be a huge cost. And if you do, uh, the hiring process really well, we've got a really good culture, which is directly related to recruiting and retaining your staff than over time. That lower cost is a huge difference on the bottom line of the business. As you know, higher profits can be reinvested for more girls. There's a really big deal. It's another thing that is hard to really measure. So once again highlighting the importance of his activity with the difficulty of it as well . So not having congruence in the culture because you don't have good, higher taxes don't have good training practices. And maybe you just don't have a focus on the culture of your organization. Causes of big problem You need people to be working together. Well, that sounds obvious. Most large companies as well a small companies. You have the typical things you have from human psychology of jealousy, rivalries, you know, people that just don't fit together. They are two different. You gotta take us up into account when you hire people are. They have fit for the culture and in business. A lot of times we say that you hire for attitude, you train for skill. A lot of people think that's counterintuitive, that you should, you know, hire someone that's already got the skills you need for the job. But actually they don't have the right attitude and they're not. Getting a good fit for the culture is gonna cause a lot of problems. And if you do that across the board, if you have dozens or hundreds of or any thousands of employees in your company, it's gonna cost him really big problems. And while a lot of the stuff is geared toward maybe a sort of larger company, this stuff is totally applicable to a small business that only have a couple of employees as well. Because you want people working together really well, especially if you only have a few employees. It might be even more important that they have congruence, and they're going to be working together well as a team. So that is. Some can be more than its parts, so it's really important. No matter what size your organization is in a kind of you know this old Benjamin Franklin saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You hire really well in the beginning, you're going to avoid all these problems that way. And while that may not be easy to measure, how well you're doing in terms of your hiring because you temporary measure things that didn't happen all the people that you didn't hire that you know, you almost higher you would have hired if you want me quite as careful or if you weren't following some of the prophecies they're gonna learn about in this course. So, you know, if you do a really good job, really careful at the beginning, you're gonna put all kinds of problems down the road. And the very least, it's something to always have in your mind when you are recruiting and thinking about the cost, doing it poorly. You know what organizations made up of nothing with people basically so having organization , full, high quality, talented individuals greatly increases the probability of above average success is stuff that has been overlooked consistently throughout time by companies large and small. And in this hyper competitive environment in which we live in our capitalist society. We can no longer afford to overlook the importance of this. Plus, recruiting is really fun. I think you know, you get to going to pick the team, you meet people and find out what makes him tick, and they're gonna be a good fit for the company. And it's a pretty fun activity. Go to job fairs or to do some head hunting activities and do interviews and stuff. So it's a very social activity. So you're a people person. This is a fun job. Have as well. Research shows recruiting for attitude, training for skills, a winning formula. Are you mentioned that really important? It's one of the things I wanted to take away from this course. You can train people to do things in your company, but really hard to change people's attitudes. Someone already has a bad attitude or even just a block okay attitude. It's really hard to change that when you're hiring adults that are pretty fixed in their ways, especially as they are older and so you want people with go get em attitudes and then if they but lots of energy and they're willing to try new things and they can learn almost any skill, or they can improve the core skill. Do you want them to have tremendously? If the company provides training and opportunities for learning with, the attitude is harder to change, so just remember that's an important point. Also, research shows that emphasizes skills and attitudes mawr than degrees and certificates is a winning formula as well. So this is another thing that might seem counterintuitive, because, of course, I mean, if you're gonna hire an engineer, you want to see that they're well trained, you want to see their diplomas and stuff, but all you're looking at, what people is their degrees and the graves, you're missing out a huge, huge part of that person and who they are, how they're gonna interact with people, how well they're going to perform on a daily basis in organization. So it's another reason what companies gonna keep using Google as an example because they have original hiring practices that kind of done things their own way from the beginning because they early on recognize a lot of these things. You wanna get outstanding people, you've gotta have an outstanding recruiting process, and you gotta look at things from outside the box and you understand psychology. You recognize that there's a lot of some intangible things, but a qualitative factors that first blush are not easy to measure but can be measured. If you have a good interview questions, good interview process. Have them do things that maybe they wouldn't normally have to do in on interview. You can see a lot of aspects of a person, and I get to know quite a bit before making a decision on whether or not do you hire them. Of course, we also want to look at their degrees and certificates, whether with school and all those things. But it's really just a starting point now. It's not as important as some of these other things. Actually. What we're learning from some of these innovative companies is that, you know, all that really matters is if someone can do the job well, they can do it. So in some cases you might be hiring people if you can find them that don't have many degrees or diplomas of all. I mean, if someone knows how to code really well, it is a really, really good programmer in a certain language, but they didn't get a computer science degree. But they can show you. Look at this program. I mean, look, how could I have a Cody? That's all that matters to a company. Companies trying to make money, anything good people. And so you could find someone you could do a steel that doesn't even have a degree. Then that's something you should be looking at as well. So all that matters is that someone is gonna be able to do the job for the company and this sort of traditional idea that, you know, you look at people with university degrees, you fit him into a slot that fits what they look like on paper. We have to be careful with that. Now. We don't want to make any assumptions what really analyze the person that's in front of us . Organizations that prioritizes pretty process have outperformed those that treated as a normal everyday activity rather than a particular importance. Prioritize stilling air. Okay, so you really gotta emphasize this your organization. Even if you're just a small company, let's say you're a manager. Your moment pop shop really got a few employees. It might be even more important than you white employees to be pumped up motivating. You want them to be working together really well because if you only have a few employees are probably doing a lot of things that probably like doing some sales and maybe some inventory and maybe some accountings and bookkeeping. Who knows? Probably lots of the kind of things. And so you really want to emphasize getting good people you don't want to be hiring. So you know anyone that comes to the door on anyone that you could pay at least amount you want trying to get really good quality people to make a huge difference on your organization. And I already mentioned a couple times. Google has a famously difficult interview process where prospects must solve oftentimes difficult logic, puzzles and other problems right from the interviewer and that will show the interviewer how well they can think under feed. How will they do under pressure, whether or not they really know this stuff. If you really know something, you're gonna be able to demonstrate that usually right away. But it is something you need to go take home. Spend a lot of time thinking about a special coating problem, it might demonstrate. Maybe you're relative lack of skill. They did things like that. But the people on the spot and people that shine those moments, they're going to stand out and there could be much more likely to get a job. So well, you may not want to go to the great lengths that goes to the higher the you know, the best programmers in the world and stuff like that. It's still worth noting coming, Do it and it's a good lesson for us and thinking about how we can kind of use at least part of that approach in our hiring process for our company. So with that may know how important is, you know, I think is shifting. The human resource is I'm gonna be springing a lot of information throughout the course based on my experiences stuff. Now we'll get some basic human resource things. Move for some of you guys will be reminder, and for some of you it will be new. So sometimes it's best it go back to the basics and start from there
3. Lesson 2 The Recruiting Process: So the basics of human resource is that we're gonna cover. Basically, you have improvement and selection. We're gonna focus almost all the time of the course on this particular era because it's so important. You have wages and salaries. You have all the training programs, you have health and safety. You have downsizing and dismissal, and you have industrial relations otherwise known as internal communication. All of these things are really important. And all of these things are changing over time. As organizations adapt to new trends in business, to new research from universities and to new data that we're getting from the real world. Things are changing, and the biggest change that is being made is trying to figure out how we can really emphasize the importance and give more skilled at recruitment and tring of workers that we're gonna mostly focus on in this course. Okay, so mostly probably know what or chart is just review if you don't an organization chart that shows the relationship all employees, employees in the company. So wherever you are in that matrix, you'll see the lines of reporting the lines of command as we're and you know, it might even be useful, even if you're is a small business with a few employees to know in show to show your employees the order chart show you to show them where they are in the organization. And it could help for in terms of reporting authority, but also the kind of help. Maybe you make them feel important to look at your one big part of this organization. Without you, we'd be big trouble. So you're important. And, um, it makes a big difference when you give it your all and do a good job. But you definitely need to have an organ charge to make sure that you can see any gaps in the organization. Maybe there are some roles that need to be added to this. Maybe there are some rules that could be eliminated, especially with a lot of the large companies. If you recently get hired in your middle ever middle level or high level manager, a lot of times we just take the or chart for granted, and we assume that you know all those jobs are needed and that all those jobs are something that are important. But sometimes you can look at that and say, Um, maybe we can eliminate this role and give it to two people. You can a streamlining organization and make it more efficient. Or that you identify someone who's particularly outstanding in an organization. You can give them a responsibility and eliminate other rules. You say that the company a lot of money, but in any case is going to know that in or charges how we organize all of the jobs in the organization. And so you see the positions, and then each position will have a job description with what the role is. And then they also will have a job specification, meaning what skills the person needs to have exactly what they will be doing in that rules has some of the stuff you do as an HR manager on bits all related to how you crude getting person to fit for that role and maybe even a person that can, if they're outstanding, can do more than one roll. And then, instead of paying into salaries, you can pay them one salary. You can combine some of these together business. Now we're having to learn to be really flexible. Think outside the box a bit early in this case and be creative so that don't be a slave to the old protocols, the business or the or char or the job Descriptions of urine. HR manager You may want to update losing and change those things. You definitely want to look at your personnel to see how you can upgraded with more training for your staff or, ah, hiring new and better people. Okay, so human resource department, you know, it's It's now seen as probably the most important apartment in an organization because organization is made up of people and companies are getting better at getting data in terms of being able to measure the results of the recruiting practices is not more and more software and things like that. They could help manage out of points like how much time people spending a certain tasks of the computers and that what kind of results is tasked with leading Teoh? They can track the hiring what schools people came from, what job? Because he had how much experiences to have. There's no software out there in different systems that are helping them to see the results of hiring practices. So this is going to become even more important. And the future and wages for HR managers are going up. You start as HR manager now, even this freshly out of college or starting in the $60,000 up rate just pretty good for entry level position. And as you move up, the ranks of your easily gonna go into the six figure level of pay and then you're also insulated from downsizing. As I already mentioned because of your HR department, you know, it's gonna be the head of HR. That's probably gonna making the downsizing decisions. And they're gonna be much more reluctant to cut people from their own department. This has been shown tons of research. So it's a benefit that probably a lot of people don't even realize when they become an HR manager, that they have a lot more job security than most other positions, even though that's not really fair. Even if you're not like the best manager, you still have Ah, much lower likelihood of being let go. Someone has a better before for the business in a different department because cuts just end up happening outside of HR departments. A good thing to know so recruiting, motivation, teamwork, training. They're all being recognizes the most important functions of an organization. So it's a really good feel to be going into. Right now, it's growing. Pay is going up and it's exciting, including finding new methods, new ways to recruit. It used to be things like, You know, we just advertise for a job. People call you. You get people's other applications of coming. Look at them now. There are a lot more innovative ways to hire. You have things like leaked in. You have a lot of different types of job fairs, get a lot of them types of events. We can meet people because of the Internet because everything information so fungible. Now there's a lot of different ways to meet potential Canada's. You can kind of be recruiting all the time, and it's a lot easier to find town. I think that it used to be, and so the industry is gonna be changing. It's gonna be exciting, whereas I think human resource is is always seem kind of like as a boring department, right? All you do is you handle, you know, training of new staff on boarding induction and you've got to give people their their salaries and benefits kind of seem like this. This is the minister, this administrative, the department, but especially with the recruiting parts of very, very social department, there's a lot of social activities going on. You're dealing with people. I mean, human resource is nothing but people. So a lot of the stuff that you're doing, I'm depending on your position in the HR department is still gonna have some paperwork and have to do with, I believe, laws and things like that. Recruiting especially eyes really fun. And you know, you're helping the company pick team, and it's a very social activity. So it's pretty cool if you like that kind of a job, especially if you're a social person. Lots and you get pushed towards like sales and marketing. But not everybody wants to be in sales and marketing. So if you think that you're a people person, you like business, you like management. Well, um, you should know or think that sales and marketing is gonna be making you a lot more money. HR department actually end up making you more money if you rise through the rings in the HR department as opposed to other departments in the business. So just give you a review of the basic recruitment process something can see will arrive in a business. There will be a job analysis done that will say this is what the job is. What the company needs from the candidate will write a job description. Do a job specification, which is basically it's a more detailed job description. Advertise a job in various different places, applications and forms and short listing will come in and then you'll have interviews and selection. And if they can see what we feel, this is a traditional process that you go through. I'm in HR. You fill a slot now they already kind of mentioned. Even this is changing. You don't necessarily have thought fill out or follow this exact process In this way anymore, you find somebody good and your small business or the organization's flexible. Sometimes you can skip over some of this stuff, or sometimes a vacancy can arise. And you could look at that and say, You know what? Actually, um, maybe we don't need this position. You more. Let's spread out this working on the people in the business that are excellent, and we could do a better job. It depends on the kind of company work for you, for really large organizations, that really strict, rigid rules that you're gonna just you definitely following this process. And it's not gonna be as but it's interesting. Have you got a business that is Maybe it's a new company, small company or the culture is just one of, you know, all we care about is getting the best people than maybe it won't be such a rigid, strict following of this exact process. But in one way or another, this is basically should be doing. Is we job opening and look at what you need. You're gonna try to be finding someone, fill it, and then you're gonna be doing interviews and such. But how you do the interviews and how you advertise these are things that you could maybe be creative with. And where do you put those job postings used to be? You put off the newspaper, right, people to the classifieds job posting. But now you have social sites like linked in all of that. All these other types of websites and APS that can help you to find people. You can meet people in the real world. You go to all different kinds of trade fairs and job fairs and all types of ways to meet people. Sometimes the best way it's just through word of mouth and meeting other associates of friends and family that are suited for the job might be the easiest way to fill a job. Sometimes it's easy to get a lot of references on people that way, so don't be bound by this one strict process. But this is traditionally the way that we will go about recruiting somebody for a U job and again, as I've already mentioned a couple times. Some cases, management may not you to fill vacancy because it's an easy way to cut cost for a company, especially if that employee that left was average or below average. You can spread out the work, and so you're actually gonna be improving the performance of the company while reducing the cost of the company. While it's hard to let people go and use liability issues, sometimes you fire someone. It may think that they're fired for wrong reason. Even if they weren't obviously but they could still sue you. And so when people even organization, it's often opportunity. Teoh naturally downsize the workforce if you can, and save the company money. Of course, in some cases, you may even look at it as opportunity to expand the department say. Maybe we should add an extra role here. We've got a lot of business coming in. We need more people that can do such a such So you don't want to take anything for granted and make assumptions. You want allies that position and and what's needed for the company on on going basis. Sometimes the job description is altered. If extraordinary applicant comes along, you yourself out of this and you may even expand, you may even expand the job description or change the job completely. If someone comes along, it's got a lot of skills. May be overqualified for that job instead of to say, Well, you over ball find this is a good fit for you, but you recognize that this person is outstanding in some way. You want that person in your organization, so maybe you can you find a new role for them or you could expand that role for them because It's hard to find good people, you know, as I've been mentioning, It's so important that we recruit a great team. But it's not an easy thing to do, especially in a tight job market with most good, talented people already working for another company. They already have a job, and so, in a tight job market, sometimes you have to go above and beyond and be creative. Do you get good people in the organization that really talented person usually do lots of different things? I mean, you feel we've been trained to do one thing like be a lawyer or engineer or being manager. That means that you're really good at learning and your discipline. In order to get those degrees and the training you have, you could be used in lots of different roles. A lot of people that have a lot of these engineering degrees make really good managers. Seven people like military backgrounds. They really good managers because they've been taught about leadership and how to organize and manage people. And it's so sometimes need to be flexible is really easy if you're a small business and you're the boss, but sometimes more difficult if you work for a big organization, and you have to justify hiring someone that didn't have the traditional qualification for something or if you need to, like, expanse on role. There may be more red tape in a larger organization, but we definitely want to be flexible, you know, in order to succeed in today's super competitive landscape, being too rigid with a pretty process may boot. You know, turn off certain applicants and you may lose opportunities to hire so really good people. Also, you should treat the improvement process of the two way interview. Don't assume the organization can afford to treat applicants as expendable. I know I was found it in the past, and knowing when a company was interviewing me at always seemed like, You know, we're picking you when you're not picking us. It's very condescending, and it shows you the culture of an organisation. How HR goes about interviewing people and interacting with potential job candidates. It affects your reputation, goodwill in the community, which are two really important, um, intangible things. So we definitely want to have ah, policy and emphasis on making sure that the person who's interviewing you is interviewing the company also have some questions. Also has the questions answered and feel like there are valued and respected, even if they're not ultimately selected for a job. It's a really important they to do. And with that, we're gonna look at how to do a job analysis in the next lesson.
4. Lesson 3 Job Analysis: doing a periodic job analysis. Make sure that each job description investigations are up to date. So especially your new manager. You want to be looking at those job description that somebody else wrote in the past and say it is really the right things. Are these really the right things? Right? Task that we want this person's role to be with that we want them to spend their time because each human being right, you only have so much time in the day. We only have so much time in the office. We gonna make sure that we're designing jobs to be very efficient. And then there's no work that people are doing that is wasted. And if you read too many tasks too many things that do up a job description or the job specification, then it might be confusing for the new, higher thinking that they should be doing things that maybe you know, are actually that important. There's really only a few things that are most important that you're doing most of the time and that we should be emphasized. That happens during the job analysis and, you know, things may have changed over time. Maybe some of the duties of the position unnecessary. That used to be necessary and things may have changed. They keep saying that make the entire job sometimes unnecessary At my old company of that, I found it with some partners. You know, somebody people would leave to move on to other opportunities, and we were just leave that position unfilled because we realize that you know what you know. That person's salary was kind of high and they were doing an OK job. But we could give their work to other people and save a lot of money for the company and its just again. It's a natural way, sometimes to cut costs and sometimes even increased performance while you cut costs. Because sometimes you realize after you give the work to other people that they get study even better then before. So it's kind of interesting thing Do you always want to be doing on doing job analysis and it may be a good idea to improve the duties of the job just to make the organization more efficient. I mean, it's so competitive today you to make sure that all of the parts of your business are humming along efficiently, especially with big organizations. Sometimes you get complacent and is a lot of waste that goes on because people just doing their same day to day thing, you know, humdrum work and somebody's it's not really motivating. They could be producing a lot when they are. Or maybe they're wasting a lot more time they should be. And it's a lot of that has to do with a job analysis and what their official rules and responsibilities are. So you wouldn't constantly streamlining everything an organization to making it more efficient, saving money, increasing profits if a new emulating for business on expansion, then Ah, a new role is created, of course, and you go through the hiring process and you know more thought we usually have to go into the job, announces of a new position to make sure you get right and, uh, also you don't wanna have to be updating it all the time. So when we really careful when you do a new job analysis and you get you get you person in the organization to make sure that we're actually going to be need needed to do all those things and that that it's really important. That's kind of harder to do a job analysis for a new position. But after thoughtful nails is of the skills and task necessary for the job. Management will need to produce a job description in preparation for advertising that vacancy. And so that's a really look at, um next. It's very important to think carefully about the position, its responsibilities in order to attract the right type of candidate. Okay, so you don't want to be like, oh, here the task they're gonna do uh, this is their responsibilities. I mean, now, HR management is trying to even make job description specifications even less boring. Make a job sounding sighting was selling the job. Actually, you want to get towns and people that want to come work for your organization, so make the job of the job description sound like it's important work, that it's interesting work. Don't just list off the task. Okay, so that's something that now you can kind of juice up the job description to attract high quality people. However, the role also may change over time, and you get feedback from the real world. That's some task may end up being more important than others. So you know, the real world often calls flexibility that can't be written into a job description. And that's something that, as HR managers, we need to understand. As business people in general, you need to understand, especially now the world is changing so rapidly. Are organizations least successful Ones have really flexible, And so we made it to be changing things more often than we like. We need to be on our toes to make sure that you know we don't go the way of the dinosaur and start to lose ground to new and more ah, depth firms terms that are more adept at changing, and next we'll look at the job description.
5. Lesson 4 The Job Description: so the job description tells can. It's exactly what the job entails, what they'll be doing. It will allow the job specification to be John up, which helps match up people with the right skills for the job. There's a lot more details after selecting a new employees deserves bright feedback as to how well the employees living up to the details of the job. So after someone's been with you for a while, you can look at what they're doing. Look at the results and make sure that you know what they're doing is fitting. They're supposed to be doing in the job description job specifications. So it helps you to manage people by having everything written down in detail and such so the exact contact, the job description in various, from business to business. But usually it will contain at least these basic things that John title with apartment in Who is responsible Teoh in terms of the chain of command of what will be responsible for doing the main purpose of the job overall theme. This is your main job main duties, and that somebody will have occasional duties and those will be specified as well. So the very least, a job description may have this. A really good job description nowadays, as I mentioned, will have, like maybe even reasons for this. And this is really important. The organization. This is it. This is a key activity for the organization that's gonna drive the organization's profits. And you could even put some of, like your incentives and even some of the like commissions or pay into the job description historically, that you don't do that. But now you're you're seeing HR Departments have to be more creative in attracting high quality people, and so they're kind of augmenting the job descriptions to make them more attractive and provide more information. Then perhaps they used to. And so it may also contain information about, you know, conditions of employment. So salary, working hours, pensions. There's lots of flexible types of benefits now, a lot more than there used to be like on site day care for your kids were being ableto I work from home, uh, part of the time or all the time. There's all different kinds of benefits packages now that attract different types of people with different types of situations in their lives. Some people are single, some people have families and so on. A lot of those different conditions of employment or different different benefits options might also be in the job description. That's up to you as a manager. What you put in there, you will include what training will be offered. Oftentimes it'll just be, you know, induction training. So you know, we get hired, and then you introduced your introduced to the company and what your jobs entailing with people in your department. Or it might include much more training, say, for the first year, you're gonna get a lot of professional development training. A lot of the best organizations do this. Google was a lot a professional development, training, love, social activities, that kind of pair teamwork, training with social activity, which makes it fun and exciting, and not just some some boring regimen that you have to do. It also may include the job description opportunities for promotion. This is something like What I mentioned a moment ago is that if you include the job description that you have opportunity to be promoted to these certain maybe specific higher rules than that tells the candidate that they have the opportunity to advance, and it's not a dead end job, and it motivates them to maybe take this job. And otherwise they wouldn't because a lot of you know, ambitious people for one, those the people you want in your company because you want people that want to work hard and earn their stripes and up. And two, it helps us sell the job by showing that it's not a dead end job. And a lot of people are motivated by opportunities for advancement and promotion more than money. In the short term, if they're smart, you realize that there's a lot more money down the road if you get into the right organization that promotes from within. So this is a good place to highlight what opportunities, if any, there are to be promoted from the current rules. That's a good example of things that is starting to happen more often and how you could be a little bit innovative with the job description and next we're gonna look at the job specifications
6. Lesson 5 Job Specification: so a lot of times we would get a little confused distinguishing between the job specifications, job description but the specifications. It focuses more on the qualifications and qualities necessary to undertake the job rather than the job itself. So the job descriptions this is what the job will entail. Specifications. These are the skills and experience that we need to fit to. The jobs comes with two things go together, and so that's a list of desirable and essential requirements for the job that make up its specifications. So they'll give you usually things that are absolutely necessary. Like you need to have this degree need to have this number of years of experience. But then there will be some things that a desirable that will help you stand out against other candidates. If you have, this is a plus issue of this. It's a plus. So just give you a lot more information about who they're looking for so that you know whether or not you're gonna be a good fit for the job as well as you know how likely it is that you're actually gonna succeed in getting the job. When you think about the competition and what not? You know, if you're applying for jobs, you want to apply for maybe a lot of jobs. But you don't wanna wish time filling out a lot of applications for job. That's gonna be a long shot that, you know, you're probably not gonna get so you don't want Oh, you spend precious time on a job isn't really a good fit for you. In many cases, the job specification usually include the level of education qualifications, mountain type of experience that they want to see. Any special skills you have, or knowledge or aptitude that may fit with the job may help you, the job and even personal characteristics and personality. And a little talk about things like leadership skills, communication skills. And most people are gonna say, Yeah, I got there Stoops stealing a person, I got communication skills. You were skills that those soft skills are hard to measure. But if you have any actual experience in terms of like leadership positions that you held or clubs that you were in that were under that topic or examples that you could give from your past employment that show that you demonstrate those personal characteristics of personality. That's the kind of thing that will help a lot of you volunteer. If you believe you say you believe in service and you could show proof that you do a lot of volunteering. That's the kind of thing that might make you stand out among lots of other candidates because most people that apply for the job, they're going to have the essential level of education and qualifications. We're gonna have the experience thats designed. Otherwise they probably won't be applying. So some of the things that will make you stand out and make you seem interesting will be the special skills and knowledge. It will be some of these personal characteristics and how you demonstrate those personal characteristics. And as a recruiter in the past, when I look at people, I want to see something that makes him stand out, something that shows that taking initiative, some unique skill they have that can add to the skills that we have in an organization. You don't want everyone in the organization to kind of be the same. You wanna have a diverse range of people. You wanna have a diverse range of skills, diverse backgrounds and lost some of things you can do so that your company has flexibility . It has rained and has depth. It's just like when you pick a team for sports, you wanna have a lot of depth and you want to have a lot of skill on your team. And so, a lot of times a traditional job description, job specifications, they don't necessarily always do a good job of finding. You need people of people with special skills. We kind of look, you know, people that have sort is conformed to just a sort of maybe even mediocre level of qualifications and skills. So that is something that becoming more and more important in separating the wheat from the shaft as it were when selecting people, and is a real quick example, really simple. One. If this stuff is new to you, is that let's say you're hiring for a hotel housekeeper, so you have a job title. Housekeeper department is the housekeeping department details of the job, what they're gonna do responsible for domestic service in the hotel, keeping accommodation clean and maintain for guests responsible for cleaners and room attendants taking a supervisory rules that tells you okay, you're gonna have a supervisory role, as the housekeeper will tell you that they want something that has to have a certificate of housekeeping for people. Institutions of Julia bother applying. You have this because it says it's essential. They want desirable experience to at least one years minimum work, experience hotel. So that's pretty easy to attain. Probably skills communicates effectively. People ability to manage people. So they say the only one. I have one year's experience Working hotels. You have to have a certificate, but you're gonna be managing people. So it's a low level manager positions. This might tell you that maybe there is opportunity for advancement. Usually, if you're in any sort of a supervisory role, you're doing a job. You could be used at a higher level in the organisation because madness goes are hard to come by and people are actually good at it usually will end up getting promoted, so this might be a good place to start if you are in the housekeeping business. But you've got to be a good, good shape, physical fitness. They need someone to be able to stand on your feet all day, and you need to be able to do that. Another detail. They want someone willing. It's honest, friendly and organized, so there's a kind of general basic things. But if the HR manager is higher is good, they will check to figure out. You know, give me an example that shows you're honest. Give me some examples from your life for your past work that shows you have his characteristic. It's pretty easy to find maybe some people that have such a because of housekeeping that been doing it for a year. It may. It might be harder to find people his whole entire package and that'll be a really good fit , have a high probability of being really good in all aspects of the job. So as recruiters, we want to be very, very thorough. Don't take anything for granted. Don't be in a rush to just hire and fill this spot because, you know, we have a lot of work to dio. We're hiring someone we might say, OK, that's versus pretty good. I mean, take the first person that comes along and then check the box and say, OK, this position, Phil. But when it comes to recruiting, it oftentimes is worth it. Teoh recruit A very large number of candidates, even for a job like that seems like a low level job. Like a housekeeper. You want people that are honest because if they steal or if they do something that hurts reputation, the company, it could be very, very damaging. And that reputation can you know it's hard won that it can be really difficult to recoup after it's been lost. So even the smallest tires, even people you know in the mail room you want people to be working for you of integrity. And sometimes it's even more important than skill. Once again, you can hire for attitude and you can train for skill. But things like integrity and honesty. Those are characteristics that are kind of hard to measure, but they're totally worth the extra effort to identify in hiring. And in the past, we would maybe look at those things. Is being like you. That's not part of the job. You know, I don't really care if the housekeeper is friendly. There is there to clean hotel. Well, that's no longer the way should look at you should care. They're friendly because each person in the organization is a touch point, interact with customers and clients and the public. People see them and they do something that represents the organization has a consequence. So every single position in the company matters from the very lowest to the very high. It's really important that we recognize that. So next we're gonna turn to advertising the vacancy.
7. Lesson 6 Advertising the Vacancy: so there are two types of recruitment is internal recruitment, and there's extra room. It's usually best to get higher for inside the company because that person already is familiar with the culture of many cases. They may even already know role that they would be moving to having worked alongside some of that money doing it or working with that person directly or indirectly, so usually will say it costs. It will save time, and it's a good message to send other people. The organization that look at you have the chance to be promoted. So if you work hard, you can move up through the ranks of the organization. So it's just a really good policy to try to fill roles from inside. Some companies. Strangely, don't do this. They're always bringing in new people, thinking that maybe they're underestimating the talent of their company. Or maybe they just don't see anybody. That would be good for of the new job. And that's problematic on two levels. One, maybe they're not recognizing the talent. You know, the thinking. The grass is always gonna decide. They want to bring in new blood. That's demoralizing for the people in the company. Maybe you have talent that's there, and you want other people to see that you have the opportunity to be promoted. So matters may think this kind of like once they want to motivate people to look it, we don't do a good job. We're gonna hire people from outside the organization for new positions. But that creates, ah environment of fear and mistrust, and that is not motivating in the long run. That kind of thing may be motivating in terms of p, keeping people in line in a way in order to not lose their jobs. That is not good management. And this is one of a kind of a small thing. If you mostly recruit eternally in the advertised to the rest of your staff that this is a policy that you haven't reasons, why it could be very motivating, energizing have a positive effect on the culture. So the vacancy may just be advertised on the company notice board or a company newsletter or maybe email sent out to the whole company say we are recruiting for this new position. Anyone who's interested, please send in an application so it's suitable for employees of six promotions in the business, and the advantages include save the company very scarce time and money through the advertising and interviewing process. The person is already known to the business in theory, if they're being recruited from inside, so we know they're reliable, we know their skill, and it's sort of you to skip the interview process in large part because they're known quantity, and that is a good thing on multiple levels. Yeah, the person, those organizations way of doing business and they could be motivated. I was only mentioned for other employees. To see someone be promoted, however, has with everything. There are some disadvantages. One of them is that you know, if someone is not being brought from outside the organization, maybe no new ideas or experience or coming into the business. That's one thing that can be good if you hire from outside. Maybe someone have some fresh ideas, different experience of new blood. Basically, that can be a good thing in some cases, but you definitely want to be a policy that were always bringing people in from the outside , so you definitely want to be looking at on a case by case basis. Also there may be jealousy rivalry among existing employees, and so you've got a problem like that. Recruiting from outside, uh, might solve that problem. However. You do have a problem like that, then that's a bigger issue with your culture. Why is there such a feeling of rivalry? Maybe didn't hire variable the first place. Or maybe the way that you managed the company of isn't optimizing. You figure out a way to solve that problem because that's usually not a good thing to have in your business. So for external recruiting, you know, it says here that according to research, most vacancies actually feel do external recruiting, which is interesting. It seems like it would be the opposite, but maybe maybe we don't want to move people around. Sometimes, too much polarization of everyone's already in the good role in the right spot that hiring someone new come in brings new skills and organization. And, uh, yeah, it allows everyone else to stay where they already are doing a good job. I think it's surprising that most vacancies to fill this way it seems like you want to recruit, you want toe, move people around more inside the organization and move them up. That's definitely what we did in my organization. Second sports academy that we launched several years ago had subsequently sold it a few years after that. But we definitely tried to recruit from inside and move people up organization. You could see it was possible how motivated people get. But if seeing people be moved up especially, I think it moved up quickly. If you're in one rule for six months and then you get promoted, you get more money and everyone authorization sees that. It's very motivating, is galvanizing, and people start to work really hard, and they want that promotion to. And so when you're constant promoting people from inside the business do internal internal recruitment, it really, really is a powerful thing, and it could be really good policy. But for some reason, other most vacancies are actually filled this way. And this is when you have to advertise somewhere like and local newspaper, a national newspaper, depending on the position A maybe a specialist magazine or journal in your industry, maybe just a recruitment agency, government job centres. And of course, now things have changed so much. Mostly you're gonna be using the Internet or some app you've got linked in. You got monster ANC you've got there's indeed dot com. I mean, you've got dozens and dozens is new websites all the time that help match candidates with jobs and head hunters that are out there looking for executives, the head businesses. So what when I put on this side of these are mostly the traditional ways that you recruit for a job, you're probably all going to be decreasing and importance, and mostly you're going to find some sort of technology that's going to help you find that Canada that you're looking for everyone spending so much time on a Facebook on the Internet . That's where people are going to see these things. And also it's more efficient and can save money. So mostly, companies now are using the Internet to hires on advertised for jobs. But it really depends on the type of position from the level of position. If it's a big position, like a CEO or other high level executive, that it could be worth it to invest money in marketing to a targeted market, for example, this might be a place to look for the specialist magazine or journal. Um, you may want to spend take out a payday. Is he looking for executive might even post salary. Or you might post something that will attract the eye of towns and people because, as they say, it's lonely at the top. There's there aren't that many people out there that are really qualified to lead an organization or that have the skills and the experience for a lot of those top job. So it really depends on the job that you're hiring for. It was just a regular run of the mill job to fill a position you can use whatever you think is appropriate. Maybe just used the Internet. But if it's something that's really high level and they're gonna have a big salary, you may want to hire a recruitment agency otherwise known as a headhunter. To go out there and actively seek the person, the type of person looking for you're not gonna be wanting to send out like job descriptions for the CEO role. It's gonna be a really important position and a turning point in the organization. You get some some things that you won't accomplish over the next year, too and it's worth it to hire someone of full time to search for that executive because it's worth it. Is there gonna have such a huge impact, presumably on the company's future? Okay, so next we're gonna look at application forms and CVS, otherwise known as resumes, depending on where you are in the world.
8. Lesson 7 The Job Application: So I'm an American, and I grew up always using the word resume sense. When you resume, you make a resume. But now that I live abroad, everyone abroad payment says your CV, which means curriculum V techs, which is sounds like Latin to me. But what other case maybe may use? Resume you, May, you CV, they're both the same thing. And, of course, the first step of the seeing an advertisement for job vacancies, usually to fill out the application form and send in your CV or resume. Sometimes this procedure is it to write a letter of application. A man in cold your CV. If the job is not requiring actual form you filled out of buries, it will tell you when the vacancies advertised on the company's website or wherever. Enter the saw. It will tell you how to apply, and sometimes it doesn't tell you that. And that's the case. It might tell you a little bit about that organization. It doesn't have really clear procedure for this. We want you to do send in this application form and send in these things on which I've seen a lot, and it tells you that that organization that maybe is a little bit too disorganized. Maybe you actually don't wanna work for them. You know, this goes back toe say that it's a two way interview. When you're seeking a job, you shouldn't have the attitude on this. Of course, if you really, really need to work a lot of times we just need to work. So we take whatever job you can, but it's not good if you have the attitude that I need this job and you're basically like a bigger. You go into the interview and you try to pump yourself up and you you maybe you embellish your skills, experience and you kind of Kau tau to the managers. Just not a very good place to be in. And it's not very good for either side. So you always try to look at the recruiting process is a two way street. The job candidate is interviewing the company just as much as the company's interviewing the job candidate I find, or in the past, when I've gone in for interviews, you know, just be yourself and be confident and don't think that you need the job so badly. What you want is to find a really good fit. And you want to find a company, You know where you can work at for a very long time, something that you have enjoyed. I mean, I'm just gonna go work just for the money and because you need the money. Probably not gonna enjoy that job. And so it may be worth it. You can do it to hold out and wait An interview of losses from places somebody You gotta turn a company down if company offers you a job. But you didn't feel right about the interview. You like the way that they went about recruiting you. You get a bad vibe from the culture there when you turn it down. You know, just remember that it's a two way street, and, uh, anyway, you can tell a lot sometimes just from things a small as how they advertised vacancy and how explicit they are in the process. Don't think that you're crazy because you don't know exactly what they want In terms of how to apply for the job I've seen companies are really, really bad about this as he comes in really, really good about this, and usually these kinds of small examples will tell you a lot about how good the company is . To be honest with you, kind of like an investigation about what you're gonna be working for. So, of course, the business will compare the CVS and resumes to the job description. In the job specification will see which candidates are the best match and the ones that they deem to be the best match. Lily contacted or shortlisted, set up for interviews. So again, if you think about one of you I made our manager of your candidate. You gotta have something that makes you stand out. I mean, if people are playing for the job, most them probably gonna have the basic qualifications will have some experience, will have some degrees and diplomas. So what is it that you're gonna do that is gonna make you stand out in the past, when we sent in physical resumes, often as people who may be used colored paper or like hard stock paper, little tricks like that might help to make your stand out. I think now it's really down to the special skills or unique things that you've done something that will make your CV pop to the HR manager. I know that those things attract my attention while I've been in positions where I'm recruiting my last company, and so you've got to try to do something like that once you get to the next step of me, wants you to a face to face interview. That's really when the person is going to see who you are, and they can tell if you're good quality. But if you don't even get to the interview, well, then it's kind of a waste of time to fill the job application. So do something be creative of shows, something that you can do that's different than other people. Um, and of course, it's important that the candidates resume is willing out, and it's clear, concise. You know, a lot of times, if you work for a large organization, these managers, if they're getting like a huge number of CVS for a job, they're just gonna you know, they all kind of look the same. They all kind of blend together, so there's gonna be like if you make any mistakes in the resume or is and look good automatically goes in the toss out pile so you have to have no mistakes. That's a look clear as the efficient. That's look good. And then you also have to stand out. So you think about how you can do that. If you're applying for jobs, your letter of application, it should show why you want the job. They should show why the applicant is suitable for the job, and Mr Will also highlight there, there, riding skills, how good they are communicating on paper. So every little thing that can does You're the one that's recruiting. It shows you their level of ability, you know? How professional are they? How good of a writer are they? How well did they follow the instructions of the improvement process where they didn't go out of their way to do anything proactive and contact you directly? You know, it gives you an idea of how they're gonna operate once they're inside your company. You know, like, what was the tone of their letter? What was it telling maybe of their email or whatever other writing was included in the application. Was it cheerful? Was it really serious? Was it maybe a little bit too expressive? These are things that give you a sense of the personality of the person's gonna work for you. You really want to try to find a person. There's a good fit for the organization in terms of their character, their attitude and personality and those things that we don't actually ask for explicitly very much in a job application. But we really need toe get a feel for because they're so important, as I've been saying throughout these lectures. So, of course, good stevia resume should include obviously name, address, phone number, date of birth, of the top nationality, education, qualifications, work, experience, positions of responsibility if there are any, some of their interests and names and addresses of reference is really important to dig into the references. I mean, a lot of HR managers are too busy, maybe a little bit lazy on. Do you just, you know, read the letters of recommendation and a cursory fashion. Or maybe you don't actually contact those people to ask them. This might be like the most important step of the whole process. Is contacting their old bosses, asking questions to get an idea of how good of a job that person actually did and also In some cases, people have had a bad experience of the previous employer, and then we make the assumption that it was something wrong with the employees and not their boss. But oftentimes that's not the case. So, you know, sometimes we have to do our due diligence and look into the situation. Why did this person stay there for only one year? And they complained about their boss A lot of times we're trained to think that if an employee bad mouths their previous employer, that's bad. We don't want them. But what if it's true? And what if they were treated unfairly? So I think this is the part where you look at the references we look at their past work history. Um, it needs to be investigated really important. So especially after you've gone through the interview stage, good down few candidates that's really tough to choose between them. Then look at the references and look at their work history and then contact those people and really get a good idea for how well they did. That should be the thing that tells you who you should hire case. That's a little little trick. There might be more time with you and then you want. But it can be the thing that gets get you the right candidate for the job, and now we're gonna look at the actual interviewing process.
9. Lesson 8 The Interview Process: so that because that destroys it for interviews, they'll have the references provided and check before the interview seal. Check all the references before you choose people they're gonna interview. You don't want to interview too many. You want any of you only the ones that have already been screaming. You think we'll all make really good candidates so far? And then if he was really important, is a chance for you as the employer to assess the personality and the character. The Afghan see whether they're gonna be a good fit for your organization, and you can ask them all different kinds of questions and things that cannot be analyzed on paper. So interviews Super important is probably like Google emphasizes it so much. And they have people do things like on the spot. And so some companies do group interviews so they can interview a lot of people once, which is an interesting process. I think one of one of these were better personally, just because you could really talk to people, get some honest answers without them being in front of this whole entire group and really get to know someone a little better, cause you know, you want to get to know people as much as you can before you wanna hire them. Once they come to your organization, they presumably are gonna be working there for maybe a very long time, and they're gonna have an important job to do. So you want to get to know who they are as much as possible and get a sense of their attitude, that personality and what kind of a person they're gonna be kind of energy they're gonna have in the organization. So the interview is is critical. And nowadays we could do a lot of interviews online through Skype or Facebook Messenger or whatever if they're not in the same location, is you. But there's still no substitute for having someone be able to come in or even maybe go out to meet them for a 11 interview in person. So impressive interviews, In my opinion, one of one is still the best. But sometimes you still have you two on one. You can have yourself another manager interview somebody. That could be a good way to do it as well. Get two perspectives on what the you guys bull thought about the candidate But a panel of people, in my opinion, is it's kind of intimidating, but also it changes the way that the person is going to respond. So I think one or two interviewers is the best. And, of course, interview. It may include a skills test specific task. That's what Google does, they say. Write some code. Let us see what you can do. An aptitude test, which would be, like general skills, their ability to learn ability to learn the skills quickly so they didn't want to see how well you could think on your feet what some of your general knowledge is. And I give you a personality test to help us see if you know Chris now is a good fit for the organization's culture, as I've been talking about or a group situation to have to see how an applicant works in a group. So it really depends on what position you're hiring for exactly what kind of tests you may give the Applegate. But that's a good idea. To use some of these because it gives you is much, you know, information that you can get about how a person works, how they behave, how they try to solve problems, how they react to things that you asked them to do. It really gives you a flavor for what they're gonna be like when you're working with them. So you want to do is many of these things as reasonably possible thing and how much time you have and how much. Man, how are you have this kind of thing is easier with smaller organizations, usually. And, uh, you don't want to waste too much time of your working for a large organization. You get like 1000 applicants for a job. It really just depends on what level the job is, how important it is. You may not want to go through all this stuff for a little level position on. Then again, maybe you Maybe you do. Maybe you do, because you want to see how they reply, Teoh. You demanding them us of so many things in the interview. So it's really up to. You gotta use your judgment when it comes to that kind of thing. But again, the enemy should be viewed it a two way exchange. The applicant is also interviewing the organization to see if they would be a good fit for you, So don't assume that you know they need the job. And don't be condescending in your interview. I think a lot of us HR managers sometimes tend to come across as being kind of standing because we're in a position of power where we are offering, you have the power to offer or not to offer a job, which is really something lively, right? I mean, you're offering someone money and work, and it's a very emotional thing. It's very easy for us to sit there in our chairs with our secure job as a manager and ask people questions knowing that we're in a position of power. So, you know, I think a good policy to first of all, treat all applicants with a lot of respect and and think about position that there would be very kind to them. But also remember that you don't know that person that is interviewing is either. You don't know who they know. You don't know how it will affect your company's reputation if they're not treated with respect, and so there's always something imports to keep in mind. The applicant should, of course, come prepared with questions for the organization as well questions related to anything that's not providing the job description specifications. This tells you a lot with how prepared napkin will be things that they couldn't find on the website or things that they're gonna want to know about the job. It shows you that there thorough, the thoughtful on, especially they study the company. They did do a thorough reading of the website or any other publications of the company has . This will tell you a lot how prepared they are for the interview. How well they will do in their jobs is give you as much information as you can during the interview process. I mean interview might be 30 minutes might be an hour or longer, but it's a limited amount of time. You have, you know, face time with this person. So you really want to get as much information as possible as you can from the interviews, probably the most important aspect of the recruiting process, in my opinion. And that's also why oftentimes there are multiple interviews, so you may do two or three or more rounds of interviews again that will depend on how important the rule is It's a higher level position in the company. You're going more thorough background checks and more thorough with the interviewing process, and then what you have selected someone that he knows will be great addition to your staff . Then you gotta think about what kind of contract of employment are you going to offer them .
10. Lesson 9 The Contract of Employment: one really good policy that is not followed by a lot of organizations, but should be is that unsuccessful? Applicants should be contacted and notified that they were not selected for the rule. This may produce extra work with each other apartment, but it's a very nice touch to show that you're thoughtful, that you let them know that you know, they were considered for the job. You appreciated that they came in for the interview. You appreciated that they sent in an application, and we hope that maybe there will be an opportunity to work with them in the future. It feels really good for someone to be treated with the respect that shows you respect them . When you do this, a lot of companies don't do this. Just ignore applicants that you know they don't hire or they don't want to select for the interview process. And it could hurt that company's reputation. And a lot of these things that companies do may not always be thinking about the fact that you're interacting with public, your reactive riel people out there and people talk and reputations really important. It's one of those things are the measure but has a huge impact on company long terms, whereas HR managers, we need to always be thinking about this. We want to be treated. People respect me also what the couple never really reputation. So you should always contact and notify unsuccessful job applicants the best practice. And you know a long way toward creating goodwill in a community, especially since a lot of companies don't do this anymore. So you can really make your company stand out even if you're really small. Coming in most countries, it is a legal requirement. You have an actual contract of employment, that it's signed by both parties, and this will depend on where you live. Sometimes there is no actual contract. You just say, OK, I'm gonna pay 20 bucks Now this is your job. Here we go. Do the job. If you work for a large company, almost always have some sort of a contract. But it's a good idea to have a contract because then has everything in writing. So there's no misunderstanding. It makes these clear. And if a text both the worker and the employer so there's ever any kind of a disputed, you say, Well, hey, look what we talked about this. We put in the contract that went all red. So you know it's right there in writing. If you don't do that, that is really easy for misunderstanding, happen or for one side to take advantage of the other. Right? We can say, Oh, we talk about this and use human people could make things up. Some people are dishonest, so it's really important. Have a very clear and fair contract. Conflict is not to be super long or anything, but it should show what is the room in your ash in a remuneration or pay package that they're going to get or the hours that you have to work with. This possibility that they're gonna have and everything should be clear. Everything should be signed by Bull Haris. Just a voice, a lot of miscommunications that make her, which is even more important today with the really litigious society that we live in, where you know people are suing each other for frivolous reasons, trying to get money out of so having a clear contract is really important, and the contract might include, you know, the name of the employer employee job tile, the date when the employment will begin hours to work, rate of pay, other benefits when payment we made was really important, right? You want to specify that you're going to get paid on the first of every month or whatever so that they know what to expect there. And then the employer can't do anything fishy either. And say what we say. We're gonna pay you, you know, once a month, we didn't say when. That could be a big deal for a boy. They need the money, as most people now are. Basically working paycheck to paycheck according to research, is pretty scary. But even managers and people of high level jobs they're going to be spending all the money that bringing itself. So this could be a big deal for their cash flow. What holiday? The Ottomans they're given. And also, what about him? Notice he's beginning on either side to terminate employment. All that stuff should be and the contract and shouldn't really really clear. OK, and next one look at induction training
11. Lesson 10 Induction Training: That's our managers. We want to make sure there's a smooth induction process. Wants me. Hire someone that there are clear objectives for training place. So you want to introduce a new process or new equipment. They need to be clear way of doing this you want. If you want to improve the efficiency of the workforce, you want to have a really good induction training, provide training for the unskilled workers to make them more valuable to the company and decrease the need for super visions. That's all about increasing efficiency, streamlining things and also improve the opportunity for internal promotion. So induction training and other types of training is really, really important, especially for people who have been with the company for a long time. They may get complacent, and there may need to be upgrade to their training with new technology, new skills, new processes that are happening in the company, depending on what type of a company it is. Training is really important, and if you do on site training in a house can also save you a lot of money and time instead of having the highest amounts that organization to do over the first type of training um, the employees get is their induction training when they are on board into the company to get an orientation and they get induction training. Teoh what the standard practices of the company are seeking to communicating to employees of benefits of the trains. We take it seriously, right? We're giving you increase skills. His knowledge. Hopefully, we can get them oriented to an attitude where they are excited about the work and motivated , raised their awareness about you know exactly what the company does internally and also to improve customer service. So the induction training is really important. And, um, I can do a lot. Teoh increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the workforce. And, of course, it's carried out when employees brand new, they just get hired, helps him get selling to the job quickly and get comfortable of in the new workplace, but also may be a legal environment to have some sort of induction training, depending on where you live. And it also means workers are gonna be less likely to make mistakes even though it can be time consuming. It's really important to do it right, just like some of the other stuff that eventually time assuming, like really digging into the references and do the background checks on people with a really thorough interview process. This is one of those things that can make a really big difference and save you time and money down the road. Everything that we can do now, um, saves time and money down the road. We want to do. Even though it seems like more work up front again goes back to that old quote, announce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Anything that we do to avoid problems will definitely pay off sometime down the road, even though wages wages are being paid during this time. But maybe no work is being done because they're only doing training. This isn't, you know, a downside to it, but again, it's worth it in the long run. So the induction training really important and then ongoing training for your staff? Overtime is another thing that's super important but sometimes falls by the wayside. We assume that people know they're jobs, that they've been working for a long time and everybody's really busy and so why we want to spend extra time doing extra training But if you want to succeed as organization, if you want to out compete theme competition, that ongoing training is ah these These days it's a totally necessary thing you have to do . So I'm gonna turn now. Teoh on the job training.
12. Lesson 11 On the Job Training: on the job training as an implies when a person's trained by watching another employee do their job. Usually. So you're doing on the job. You shadow somebody else. You see what they're doing is kind of like a little mini apprenticeship, as it were, kind of like free tuition. It doesn't have to be sent to a school to learn to pay fees, so it's it's lower and costs that having to train someone outside the organization, it ensures stone productivity from the worker. So unlike maybe induction training, where you're just doing training out doing you work while you watch the mills to the job, not able to participate in help with job. So it's a little bit more efficient, and it saved money. So it's also training this for specific needs of the business. So on the job training is a lot of plus is that sometimes off the job training doesn't have its more efficient and specific, and you're actually doing work while you're at the company doing the off the job training. There are some disadvantages, though Sometimes the trainee will not be as productive as usual because obviously they're being trained, but not actually doing a full amount of work. Yet sometimes the training may have bad habits that are passed on to the new worker. So you know the trains and only music. It is the person who's doing the training, so that can be sometimes a downside, depend on the circumstances. And it may also not be necessary if I may not necessarily be recognized training call of cases outside of the business. So if you're getting this training in the business because he always all this training in the last job. But he didn't get the certifications or, you know, it's not recognized by the next company that someone that can kind of seemed like it was. It was wasted a little bit, but you know that dependent situation as well. Basically, it's like you're doing a little mini apprenticeship, but that's good because you're learning by doing research shows, this is probably the best way. Learn anything you're learning very valuable. You know so called real world skills, and we're learning by doing its effective because it's very easy to measure productivity. You know, you can actually see in most cases. But work has been accomplished. Whether learning is taking place or not, whereas just by getting exams getting tested, give me homework. You know, you may be able to check some boxes you know, take test, but doesn't actually show that you know how to do a job in the real world. So on the job training, learning by doing it's really easy to see whether someone is actually progressing. And that's one of the biggest advantages of doing it. And it's also you used to be the primary way of training people for the workforce in apprenticeship used to be. Instead of going to university, you would go and watch them to do the work. You'd spend time in their office to pay and what kind of work they did, and then eventually you would be ready to do it. You see, it does so much expensive much time around it. You just naturally start doing it yourself. Whereas now we do all this training in schools, universities and you take tests and you do all this reading and stuff and you go out on the actual real world workforce and you still don't know what that could do. So on the job training is very effective, usually it's good for both the organization as good for the employees. Well, so is HR managers. We wanna make sure that we provide this, that we provide off really effective good on the job training and make sure that we apply it across the organization off. The job training also has its benefits on its weaknesses, and so we'll kind of compare the two or the next lesson.
13. Lesson 12 Off the Job Training: as the name implies off the job training training's when the worker takes training outside of the workplace, so this could be a broad range of skills. You can take any kind, of course. Is that anything that might be related to doing your job better? So maybe you take night courses at a university. Maybe you go to some other type of institution of if it's taught in the evening and the cost is lower, actually, because the employees could still work the business during the day. And then you're doing the extra training at night times, you know, actually spending a lot of time that you would be spent working. So that's one of the benefits of off the job. Training. If it's the being multi skilled, makes you employ more. Bristol and I have companies. The more training that you could give to an employee union. It's not like 100% directly related to what it is they're gonna be doing at their job. It can increase the value to the company because they could. You lost in the kinds of things, and it often uses expert trainers who have up to date knowledge of best business practices and skills. This is what is the problem of the on the job training that sometimes passes on the bad habits of some employees to other people. And so you're often and getting very, very best and most skilled people that doing the training so that could be, ah, benefit of off the job training. Although it can also be more expensive for both the employee and the employer because you know the cost can be high in terms of tuition, you also may have to commute. Employees may have to commute and drive some distance to get to the location of the training is going to be. Sometimes wages are being paid, but no work is actually being done because they get the training is taking place during the day and you gotta go out and get the training, so that seems like it might be something really expensive, but it could be worth it. If it's really good. Training is going to you over the upgrade, the skills of a really important, important employees on Do you know it's gonna have a big impact on the bottom line of the business, then sometimes the investments worth that we would do it also additional qualifications and means that it's easier for the employee to leave and find another job. So this is a downside. Sometimes we train people really well. We investable added that there's nothing to stop them from quitting and then going looking somewhere else. Sometimes contracts have a non compete clause in them, but you know those pretty easy to get around. I mean, depending on the nature of the job, you get the nice somebody, their livelihood. I mean, if you're an engineer working for Google has a non compete clause saying you can't quit and then go work for Apple in the next year, OK, that could be enforced probably. But a lot of non compete clauses I mean, you simply aren't gonna know that your employees what where they went to work for. This is a high profile position, like your high little manager, engineer or whatever s O. This is a risk. You take train your staff and it highlights that that you want to have people of integrity and character in your organization that stay with you for a long time. So the things that I mentioned back when I was talking about. The interview process is stuff like when you hire for attitude character. It was a long way to avoiding a lot of these problems in future. You don't want to spend thousands of dollars creating your staff, giving all these new skills and the skills or basic gonna be used on the competition. Or maybe you have a bad culture there and people say, You know what? I'm fed up with this. I'm overworked, I'm gonna quit And they could work for your competition even though you have been training them. So that's one of the downsides of of either off the job or on the job training. Frankly, they can take their skills and go somewhere else. So you know, we always want to be recruiting people that have a high likelihood of staying for a long time in our company and by offering flexible benefits by being a good employer and by having a good culture. Hopefully we can have really low turnover and have people that will stay with us for many years, and it is worth it to invest in them and train them and give them a lot of new skills and then the the business will will benefit will profit for many years to come. We always gotta be thinking long term when it comes to this stuff, especially now, because the job market will type and the landscape out there is just so competitive in general. We need to be raising our game when it comes to recruiting and training. Okay, and then in the next lesson will this kind of do an overview. But we learn and highlight once again the most important links of
14. Lesson 13 Conclusion: So, as I have been talking throughout the course, recruitment, selection, training are now being recognizes. Some of the most important functions of any business or the large or small recruiters themselves were insulated from downsizing for a large way. HR departments are the ones in charge of making cuts. This is a big, mostly unrecognized thing that people think about so everything about a career in business using my general management career and you want job security when the H R department is about at stake, as it can get in terms of job security and you're doing work that is really important, having a huge impact on the business. If you are in charge, over, have a hand in recruiting and selecting and training workers. You know, having a talent team are working and lawyer employees. You could have an enormous impact on the bottom line of the business, and it does take some faith because we can't actually see in some cases in many cases the actual results on the bottom line of our work. We can still see how much more productive the employees we have hired and trained are then ones that we could have hired and trained, but we didn't. So you know, because of the omission of information, by not hiring someone really hard to measure this. But that doesn't mean that it's not important. This is what the reasons why were. We are recognizing it as being so important because it has been difficult to measure in the past. So it's a big, big deal, and especially if you're listening this in your a small business owner yourself, you know, think about what you can do. Teoh. Hire and train the best people. Maybe you need to raise your wages. Maybe you can offer some sort of really cool benefit and training. It doesn't cost a lot of money, flexible schedules, whatever it is. You people are happy and your people are talented. Stay with you for a long time. You're going to enjoy a lot of success and there's nothing like that. The headaches of having to retrain rehire people over and over because you have high turnover in your company is just a pain in the neck and I've seen it. I've been on both sides and work for places where we had high turnover of a bit of manager at my own company where people were really satisfied. I've seen the impact of having really good HR practices, having a really good culture, and so you know, it's really, really important. Can't emphasize it enough. And one reason you know it took time to recognize the importance of activities again is because it's so hard to measure them. And how do you know how much more money that businesses making you didn't hire? It's a really hard thing to put your finger on. And so, yeah, it's just one of those things that's really difficult. And but it's more and more important over time. You know, whether an employee or employer, you know, this knowledge is useful to you. If you're trying to get a job is useful and they're hiring people is useful. You may want to consider appear in HR. Salaries are going up. They're gonna be going up for a really long time. Uh, statistics showing this, you know, the average Taliban HR manager in the U. S. Right now, 2018. $66,000 a year. That has include any commissions, bonuses or other benefits. Sometimes HR managers and head hunters get commissions for big higher. So just be hiring New Executive, for example. And so you end up making easily. Could be the six figures as HR manager. If you become a high level executive, you could make 100 of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars a year. You even write it through the rings of the HR manager and end up being CEO of a company on the CEO's come from all different types of backgrounds. Marketing, accounting, you know you name it, engineering HR. You could become an executive, a company. End up making a lot of money. You're inside the management of the business. As I've already mentioned multiple times. You can be charged with hiring, firing, your insulated from a lot of those cuts. So just a really safe general business career. And at the heart of this business career is the activity of recruiting and training may be the most important activity that there is now in a business besides the obvious things like sales and marketing. So if you're not quite sure what career you want in your young, you listen to this. Be always been interested in business or management, then going into HR commute. Really good way to go, and especially if you're a people person because you end up dealing with people all day long and managing people inside of the business could be really, really fun. And it's one of those jobs that has actually really high satisfaction rates and really low turnover. So hopefully I've touched a guy's some things in this course about the importance of recruiting. How go about doing it, how to go about training. And if you're interested in a career in HR and hopefully motivated you guys to go in that direction because really good opportunity, you look out there.