Building Structures in Spanish - Structure 2 | Kieran Ball | Skillshare

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Building Structures in Spanish - Structure 2

teacher avatar Kieran Ball, Learn a language in 3-minute chunks

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Spanish Structure 2 Introduction


    • 2.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 1


    • 3.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2a


    • 4.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2b


    • 5.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2c


    • 6.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2d


    • 7.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2e


    • 8.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2f


    • 9.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2g


    • 10.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2h


    • 11.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2i


    • 12.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2j


    • 13.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2k


    • 14.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2l


    • 15.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2m


    • 16.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2n


    • 17.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2o


    • 18.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 3


    • 19.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 4a


    • 20.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 4b


    • 21.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 5a


    • 22.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 5b


    • 23.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6a


    • 24.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6b


    • 25.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6c


    • 26.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6d


    • 27.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6e


    • 28.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6f


    • 29.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6g


    • 30.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6h


    • 31.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6i


    • 32.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7a


    • 33.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7b


    • 34.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7c


    • 35.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7d


    • 36.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7e


    • 37.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7f


    • 38.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7g


    • 39.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7h


    • 40.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 8a


    • 41.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 8b


    • 42.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 8c


    • 43.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 8d


    • 44.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 9a


    • 45.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 9b


    • 46.

      Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 9c


    • 47.

      The Happy Linguist


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About This Class

The whole of the Spanish language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any Spanish book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.

I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in Spanish, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.

Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole Spanish language. Once you’ve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.

This course introduces you to structure 2. I’ve limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the Spanish language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.

Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.

This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what you’ve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. You’ll learn how to make questions out of structure 2, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.

The Building Structures in Spanish series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute Spanish courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn Spanish, no matter how little time you have.

If you would like to move on to Building Structures in Spanish: Structure 3, then click here:


Once you have finished this course, you can continue onto the next course where you’ll learn all about structure 2 in Spanish. Here are the links for all the Building Structures courses currently available on SkillShare:

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 1

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 2

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 3


I have a second series of courses available called “3 Minute Spanish”. This series builds the Spanish language in small chunks and shows you how to put the chunks together to form your own sentences. With the 3 Minute courses, you’ll be speaking lots Spanish from the very start. Here are the links to the 3 Minute Spanish courses on SkillShare:

3 Minute Spanish – Course 1

3 Minute Spanish – Course 2

3 Minute Spanish – Course 3

3 Minute Spanish – Course 4

3 Minute Spanish – Course 5


Finally, if you want to explore the Spanish language even further, I have some Spanish grammar courses available. I’ve used the same method in these courses as I have in the other courses, so hopefully you’ll find them fun and interesting

Spanish Grammar – Quick Guide – Verbs 1


If you would like to learn a different language, I have the same courses above available in French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Just head to my SkillShare profile page to find them all:


Happy learning


Meet Your Teacher

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Kieran Ball

Learn a language in 3-minute chunks


Hello, I'm Kieran and I'm a language tutor based in the UK. I have created a series of online courses that you can use to learn to speak French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. (I also have some English and math courses)

3 Minute Languages series

3 Minute French - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14 | Course 15 | Course 16

3 Minute Spanish - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute Italian - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute German - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6

3 Minute Portuguese - ... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Spanish Structure 2 Introduction: Allah e v en minutos. Hello and welcome to building structures in Spanish, Structured to I'm Karen. Andi. I'm a language to you two based in the UK And I wrote this course to help me, to learn to speak Spanish. The whole of the Spanish language is made up off a number of structures. I remember one weekend I was writing some lessons for the week ahead. When I suddenly realized this, I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in Spanish and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures and I wrote them all down. Don't you know what all the structures are? You could begin to learn them. Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, and all the structures together make up the whole with Spanish language. What you've learned all the structures or you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence. These structures also helped propel you to fluency. If you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to think about it. This course can be used as both a reference course. Andi as a workhorse. As I said, each structure enables you to say a huge amount, so I've limited each cost to one structure so as not to ever been you. By looking at just one structure at the time, you can really get to grips with it and understand this usage. It will help to clarify the Spanish language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think everything through like it's a math equation. Before you start this course, let me share with you an extremely handy learning tip that helped me to progress quickly and effectively in language learning. When most people start studying for anything, they tend to spend the first day or two studying for hours and hours on get through loads of work. However, very quickly this begins to dwindle. You might feel like spending hours studying Spanish, which is great, but you want that feeling of motivation to continue, and it won't continue if you actually spend our studying. Limit your study time to trunks of just three minutes. No more. If you limit your studying to just three minute chunks, there are three things that will happen. Firstly, you're maintain enthusiasm. If you want to learn anything, you have to maintain enthusiasm or else you won't continue. If you limit your study to just three minutes, you'll keep Spanish fresh and exciting and you'll be eager to learn. If you spend hours studying very quickly, you'll get bored with Spanish and it'll turn into a chore. Secondly, you'll achieve more consistent studying. It's much better to city for just three minutes once a day. Ben to study for three hours once a week. A spare three minutes is relatively easy to find, even in the most hectic schedules. If you make sure you complete at least 13 minutes to decision every day, it will quickly become a habit that you'll do without thinking. It's much easier to fit in a day. Three minute Happy that a weekly one hour of it. By doing this, you will become a much more consistent letter, and consistency is the key to success. Thirdly, you'll achieve more effective memorization is my favorite reason as to why you should limit your study just three minute chunks. If you study something for just three minutes every day, you'll trick your brain into memorizing the information more quickly than if it were to see the information for hours each day. It will think I see this information every day, so it must be important. But I don't see it for very long, so I better hold onto to make into a memory fast. You'll be amazed at how much more easily things tend to stay in your brain if you limit yourself to just three minutes a day, so three minutes is the key to a three minutes to recession. Then give yourself at least half an hour before you do another three minutes. You should aim to do at least 13 minute chunk every day, any more than that is a bonus. But one is fine. Just work through this course and completely exercises, and you'll be amazed at how much you learn. Gracias 2. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 1: structure to the whole of the Spanish language is made up off different structures of words . If you know the words and you know which order to put them in, you speak the language. Let's get on and learn. The second structure structure to use is the present tense to form questions and statements in a very similar fashion to structure. One structure, too, is probably my favorite structure in Spanish. Although I do like them all, it consists of just two parts, and here is an example of it in use. Okay, Call me. Okay. Call me. Means what are you eating cake on me? That's break the structure down into its core components and give each component and name just like I did for the last structure. So OK, is a question word. It means what? Okay, and call me Is the present tense and this means are you eating? So the question weird on the present tents are the two parts off structure to okay, Call me. What are you eating? Structure to will be easier for you to pick up, mainly because you already know, or the question was Let's have a quick recap. How do you say in Spanish? Where don't they? What? Okay. At what time? A K order. When? Wendell. How coma. Which or which one? Quiet. Why? Por que? How much cuenta? How many? Cuentos? How long will it really? How much time? Cuenta temple. And who? Or him? Gin. What weaken now do with the second structure is start to build up questions using the two parts. The question would and the present tense. You can change any of the two parts in this structure. For example, instead of saying K at the start, which means what? We could change it to Dundee. Meaning where so? Okay, call me means. What are you eating that will become? Don't they call me? Don't they call me? Means wary waiting. Or we could change it to Qandeel. Which means when Cuando call me Cuando Comey means When are you meeting? So get Call me. What you eating? Don't they call me wary Waiting and quando Comey, When are you eating? Just like with structure one. You can change the question word without changing any of the rest of the question. The Comey part at the end doesn't alter just because you change the question with at the start 3. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2a: using structure to There are just two parts to structure to the question weird on the present tense. And we already know the question was, But what about the present tense? Well, in order to use structure to, you'll need to know how to use the present tense. I'm not going to too much depth and how to use the present tense in this course, but I will give you a quick recap force structure one. We learnt lots of infinitives. That was the whole verb. We can take those infinitives and turn them into a present tense. If you're not sure on how to form the present tense, you can learn all about it in my success with Spanish grammar book, the present tense. In this course, however, I'll just congregate. All the infinitives we learned in structure one Onda put them into the present tense view. I'll just say this basically what you do to form the present tense. It's getting the infinitive and take off the last two letters. Then you add a specific ending, depending on what the verb ended in on what person it is in Spanish, verbs will either end in the letters a R E R oh, I, for example, a bladder ending letters A r That means to speak. Come here. Ends in the letters e r. That means to eat a scream here ends in the letters I r that means to write. So let's start with the verb Avelar. It ends in the letters a r and we start by removing the a r And then we add the following endings. Your avenue means I speak so important o on the end for your and your means I two ab less means you speak. So you put in a s on the end for door, which means you l Abla means he speaks a Yeah, Abla means she speaks no. So truss Abil Amal's means we speak for starters of lies. Means you speak a us Avalon means they speak a yes, Avalon means they speak as well. Status. Avlynn means you speak now. You might have noticed that there are a few words for you. Well, four, actually in Spanish, we've got to or stead more photos on your status. The word for you that you use depends on who you're speaking to. If you're talking to a friend in Spanish. So somebody you know well or somebody younger than you, then you can use the word to because to means you in an informal situation. If you're talking to somebody you don't really know, we want to be a bit more formal. Then you would use or step. So to is informal and Austin is formal and the best mean you in English. We used to have the word vow. Vow was used in informal situations, and you was used in former situations. Well, two is the equivalent of vowel, and all state is the equivalent off you. You can only use two on door step if you're talking to one person. If you're talking to more than one person and you have to use the plural versions instead in American English, they use the word your but in Spanish. If you're talking to more than one friend, he would use Vaasa toes. So far, so throws is the informal, plural version of you. So when you're talking to more than one person, you say most address. If you're talking to more than one person and it's a more formal situation, you would use or status. So all status means you in the plural formal situations. So do you stayed, Vaasa. Throws and status mean you in the informal formal, the plural informal on the plural formal. 4. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2b: So it just looked at you in the four forms in Spanish, too. Well, step both Potro's on your status. The informal, the formal, the plural informal on the plural formal. You might also have noticed that there are two words for the in Spanish. A use and a yes. Well, the difference between these are masculine and feminine. If you're talking to a group off men, we're talking about a group off Maskin objects in Spanish. You would use a yours, a U s. If you're talking about a group of women or you're talking about a group off feminine objects in Spanish, you'd use a Yes, A. Yes. So a yos is the masculine version off they and a yes is the feminine version of they. If you're talking to a group off men and women, so a mixture, even if there are 200 women and one man, If there's a mixture of men and women in a group, you always use the A use form. So a US is used for just masculine or masculine and feminine, and then a yes is used for just feminine. So they're all the persons in Spanish your to and a Yeah, you, Steve? No. Salt Rose, Mossad rose. A use a yes and status. And the endings are an O for your so your avenue A s for two. Two are less. I do notice that l A on doorstep all end in the letter A in their forms a Abla. What we can do is group those three together no sutras, Endon Amal's so Obama's of our photos and then eyes. So I'm lies and a Joo's when a s and will stay This all end in a n Ablan so we can group those three together to If we lay this out in the table, we have your to en a postive no sutras Boss addressed a U. S. A s status. And in actual fact, your Which means I is crust as the first person to which means you is classed as the second person and on a yeah, which means he and she are classed as the third person and they're all talking about one person. So I on one person, two So you are one person l and a Yeah, about talking about one person. He and she on doorstep is talking about one person to. We can call these the 1st 2nd and third person singular. Similarly, if we make your which means I plural when if you get more than one, I we become we and said No, Soto's We is the first person plural. I already said that votes Otero's is the plural version off to save you talking to more than one person. Then you use those. So that's the second person plural and a yours or a yes, which means they well, if you get more than one, he or more than one she, then you get they a group of people, and that's plural, too. So we call that the third person plural. So your toe Ellen area are the 1st 2nd and third person singular. No photos of Assad Rose and a U. S. A s are the 1st 2nd and third person plural 5. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2c: Now, if you go back to the web, Vlad, I've grouped together the l A. Yeah, on doorstep forms because they all have the same ending and the a. U S A. Yes and status forms because they all have the same endings. So really, we've got just six different endings in Spanish. Your abloom means I speak toe aglass means you speak and ahah or state abla means he she or you speak no soldiers. Alamo's means we speak voters are lies means you speak and a yours a yes, on Bruce Davis. I mean, they or you speak because the different persons in Spanish have different endings on the verb. We don't really need. The subject pronouns the subject. Pronouns are the words your toe l a Boston no sutras, sutras, a U. S. A. S on do status. And so, in actual fact, in Spanish, you can remove those on they hardly use them at all. So instead of saying your Abou for I speak, they simply say abou because the O on the end off avenue means I can only mean I in English . The word speak doesn't change except for the he on DCI forms So we get I speak, You speak, We speak, they speak. But then he speaks and she speaks. So he and she re add an s to the end in English. But for the rest of them, the words speak doesn't change. So we need this Ridic programs to show who's speaking I speak or you speak the word I changes to you to show it's a different person speaking in Spanish It's the end off the verb that shows who speaking so abloom is I speak Ah, bless can only mean you speak There's no other person that ends in an a s s o ablest can only mean you speak so you don't need to say to have less Obama's means We speak And so you haven't got saying no Sotelo's Alamos You simply say Obama's the only ones that can get a little bit tricky with is for he she and the instead form of you. For those three you can if you want, leave the words for he and she l or area or leave the Austin because Abla can be translated as he speaks, she speaks or you speak. And so in that one occasion it is easier to say L. Abla a Abla, Ondo State Abla to differentiate between he, she and you. But generally in Spanish you leave this project permanence off. So we get Abu Fabulous Abla Problems of Lies and Avlynn. 6. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2d: So now what we can do is put those endings into the table. And so, for all those that end in a are such as a black, we take off the a r. And then you add an O for I and s for you an A for he or she or the host and vision off you a m o s or Amal's for we an AI s with an accent over the a for the Vasa transform off you and then an a n for they or the status vision off you, Ablow, Abla, Abla, Obama's allies Avalon. So in the table, we can show that we haven't Oh, for your and a s for two and a for he she or you AMAs for we ice for Watros and on for they or status. Just one more thing to note in Spanish is that you tend to stress on all these verbs, the syllable before last. So Ablow is only two syllables anyway, So the syllable before last is the h A B pot are below. So we pushed down in that part more than we do in the endings. They are blue rather than Ablow. This is very important because Ablow can mean something different to Ablow. So Ablow Ah, bless Abla. In the next village, we've got three syllables. Are blam Morse on the one before last is the l. A m. Part. So we got a blam Morse. Ablow Ah, bless Abla have lambs. Then This next VIP has an accent. Whenever you see an accent in Spanish, you stress that letter more than anything else and you ignore any of the rules. So abl ice. So you stressed the a abs lies and in the last verb has two syllables again Ablan And we stress the one before last which happens to be the first syllable here. So Avlynn So we go Ablow Ah, bless Abla have lamb als of lies and Ablan. So for all a are verbs We end the verbs in O A s a ramos ice and then a n the next verbs are those that end in e r. For example. Comeere means to eat So we take off the e o and we add the letters. Oh, for eyes are normal means I eat e s for two. So Thomas means you eat e for he she Or instead, call me means he eats, She eats or you eat e m o s for we becomes calm Memos e i s with an accent over the e becomes Khamees That means you eat We're talking to a group of people that you know And then for they we add e n common means they eat Carmo Thomas Go me co memos Committee is common and the stress rules are the same You stressed the syllable before last accepted There's an accent. So Gorme Gomes call me corn memos Khamees call me so in the table we can add Oh yes, in Amos, Ace and Ian New Lotus that these endings are identical to the a r endings except wherever there's an A you change it to a new E. So is that a adding a s for to you add yes or instead of adding Amal's for we we add Amos 7. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2e: Finally, let's have a look at IR verbs, for example, s creepy year means to write It's a little bit like to scribble describe esque Arabia and again we start by taking off the i r from the end of the verb and for I or your reporting only end s Kriebel for to be put in E s on end Esque Revis. So it's Kriebel means I write esque Revis means you right then for he she or the state form of you way putting e s creepy for we we end the bourbon. I am always s Creavy mus For what? A truce The Web ends in I s and as an accent over the I esque release And for a horse or a s or status the bourbons and E n esque. Or even so, the endings are Oh, yes, I m o s. I s with an accent over the I and then e n and this stress rules again are you stress the syllable before last. Unless with an accent s Kriebel a scream, this s Creavy. So all these verbs have three syllables on the syllable. Four last is the middle one. The second syllable. So s Grieb esque Revis s Creavy. And then when we get to we that's four syllables And the one before last is the I or the I am s Kribi Mohs s Cree BCE is an accent on the last ice So we stress the last syllable and s grieving s Kriebel esque Revis is screaming escalate Bemis s previous esque or even means I write. You write he right, she writes, or you right we right, you write and they right And so back to the table We can put in the letters O yes, in i m o s i s with an accent over the I and e n They all noticed the endings for this one are identical to the e r endings. Except for the no Sotelo's on Vaasa transforms instead of e m o s. You put i m o s on instead of e i s You just put I s so throughout all three bibs, the your form always ends in an O. What I do now is put all the infinitive that we've learned into the present tense for you along with their meanings and seating. Start spot the patterns 8. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2f: come here means to eat. Gorman is I eat or I'm eating. Promise Means you eat or your eating in the informal. Call me. You mean he eats. She eats or you eat in the formal core memos. Is we eat or were eating? Khamees means you eat or your eating in the informal plural and common means they eat all that eating or you eat in the formal plot. So, comma, Comey's call me co memos committee is common. So notice the pattern for er verbs. The endings are Oh, yes, in e m o S e I s on d n. The same goes with his next bib baby, which means to drink. We get Babel is I drink, run, drinking Babis you drink or your drinking baby? You mean he drinks? She drinks or your drinking in the formal? Ben emos is we drink or were drinking babies. You drink or your drinking in the plural And Babin is they drink or they're drinking or you drink in the plural formal. So again you can see the er endings are Oh, yes e e m o s e I s on Ian. His next verb is petty year, which means to order petty year. And this is what we call an irregular verb. Irregular verbs are verbs that don't always follow the pattern. This one does follow the endings for normal ir verbs. But what happens to this one is the E In PE. The year changes to an I for some of the people. So we get P though. Be, though means I order or I'm ordering. So is that a saying? Pando. We change the eat when I it becomes be, though, Beavis is you older for your ordering PV? Is he orders or he's ordering pay the most? Well, that goes back to the E before we order or were ordering. Hey teeth all seven e for you order your ordering. But then back to the I in even they order or they're ordering when verbs change part of that spelling when you congregate them. But this one the e becomes and I it only ever changes for the I you he she or you form on the lay form. So the 1st 2nd 3rd person singular it changes. And then the third person plural it changes. That means for we and then you in the plural. It doesn't change, and it's all to do with the stress rules. Remember how I said that? You always stress the syllable before last this one, it becomes paedo p this Peavy. It's the I that you're stressing, and in the pay year when you stress the E, it's turned into an I. So it's always a battle we say. Be, though. But then, for the we on the U form in the plural, you don't stress the We stress the next syllable, which is still the one before last. But because we has three syllables, the syllable before lasted the second syllable Papademos. So the E doesn't get stressed. Papademos Vidro's has an accent of the eye, so we stressed the last I babies so that he doesn't get stressed. And when the E isn't pushed down or the isn't stressed, it doesn't turn into an eye. So in all the visual, start to notice that whenever there's a letter that changes its own changes for the I you and he forms on the lay form, it doesn't change for the week or the U In the pro beetle, be this be they baby, most babies and even 9. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2g: no, by pro by means to try, We get the word probe from it. If you probe something, you're taking a sample of it or you're trying it. So probe are to try In this Feb, which is an A Arbib, the O turns into a u E. If you say the I you or he form or they form. So when you push down on the O when you stress Theo, it splits into eu e. So part of our is to try for wearable. Programmable is I try. I'm trying for a wave Us programas is you try or you're trying prueba is he or she tries or your trying in the formal? Then when we get to we, we don't push down on the oh we stressing the next syllables Every comments put Obama's so it goes back to an open air. Obama's means we try or we're trying the same for this one. Pro bias is you try or you're trying in the plural. But then, for they we go back to pushing down in the programmer and it's fits into a u E that they try or they're trying. Prue able pruebas prueba Obama's paradise and pro wavin. My God! Well, this very is just a normal. There's nothing changes. So Pagar becomes bag or for I pay or I'm paying my guess. You pay or you're paying Baga. He pays or he's paying or she's paying for your paying by Gama's we pay or we're paying. Bye, guys. You pay or you're paying and bag in. They pay or they're paying bag o bag us Baga bag almost by guys wagon. So notice the normal endings for AOL verbs O a s a a m o s A. I s on a n affair affair means to do or to make affair. And this is just a normal regular verb except for the i form for the I form the sea Tencent org So becomes angle. I go means I do. I make or I'm doing, going, making I go. But the G disappears and goes back to being a C for the rest of them. So Argo is I do office is you Do you make or you're doing or you're making office a fee. Is he or she makes or you make? No, he or she does or you do are famous a famous is we do or we make a face. You do all you make and often they do or they make. So this one is a normal. Very except for the I I go office affray a famous face off in 10. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2h: our killer Al Kilar means to hire ocular. This is a normal regular A off it's a spot. The pattern Al Kilo is I hire. I'm hiring Al Kilo. I'll kill us. Arche last is you hire or your hiring calcula Akila is he or she'll you hire our kilometros algal ammo's is we hire or we're hiring alky lies alky allies is you hire or your hiring and Alkire Alkire. They hire all their hiring Al Kilo Calculus calcula I'll kill Ammo's alky allies Calculon. This next vibe here is an extremely irregular verb that doesn't look anything like the pattern. In fact, all that is an ear change completely when you can get this vote. So this one is just one that you have to memorize here means to go and it becomes voi for I'm going Go! I go vests for you Go or you're going that for he she goes or you go. Vamonos! We go away, going vice, you go or you're going in the plural and van for Vega. Well, they're going so it's very regular. Voi vass va vamoose, vice bun. But in fact, you can even see a pattern in this one except for the I, which is Voi. The rest of them following a are ending So a s a a mos a i s and a en voy vaz vamoose. Vice van back to a normal regular verb Dhamar no matter it means to take tomorrow Normal is I take Domus. You take Doma he she or you take don't mammals. We take demise you take and Domon for basic because they just take off the a r from tomorrow And you put the normal a are endings O a f a a m o s A I s on a n on the end and you've got Dhamar to take normal Domus Dhamma Thomas Demise Domon 11. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2i: Now this next verb 10 year is a little bit irregular. The iPhone gets a G in the middle on for the rest of them the e. But because first Ian 10 air changes to an i e. So you get dangle tingle is I have what I'm having single t Ennis the Ennis means you have or you're having the Ennis, the Andy, the Andy. I mean, he has she has or you have they enamels, the animals. I mean, we have We're having the name 10 days. It means you have or you're having on the end, Deanna, it means they have all their having so single de Ennis, Danny the animals mayonnaise gnn. So the e turned into an i e for the u he she form on the lay form and then the iPhone gets the goal on the untangle tengo TNS dandy. The name Austin A's Deanna Come. Yeah, come be odd means to change And it's a normal a our web. So can be our becomes cam. You cam you. I change Come B s Gambia's for you. Change Gambia. Kambia. He changes. She changes. All your change can be animals. Camby. Amal's We change can be ice can be ice for you chains and Gambian Camby in for they change or that changing and then another regular. No move comprise. Cobra means to buy compra. So we take off the A R. I mean, put the normal endings on comparable Komproe means I buy or I'm buying. Compress compress means you buy or you're buying compra compra. It's he buys or she buys or you buy in the formal. Com Paramus com promised Means we buy. Comprise comprise you buy or you're buying and comprehend. Is they by competent so compro compass compra comme Promus Comprise complain. 12. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2j: common side comenzar means to start comenzar It looks a bit like to commence coincide this web the e change it to an i e when you push down on it. So comedians call me in So his eye starter I'm starting comedians, us comedians Us You started your starting comienza Comey insta he starts or she starts or your starting comments. Samels comments Samels We start or we're starting so again, for we know Sotelo's or you Vaasa throws the he doesn't change. So comments Samels. We start and come in. Size is you started your starting in the plural informal and then call me Anson based on all their starting comedian, So comedians us comienza comments Thomas comments Size Commie Anson. Just one thing notice well, is that whenever you use the he or the she form of the verb comienza, you can also put a noun in front of that. Any now in Spanish is classed as feminine or masculine. For example, pelicula la pelicula means the film. It's a feminine word lab pelicula. If you want to say the film starts well then you just use that she starts form of the verb because you the word film is feminine lack Belacqua comienza means the film stars la pelicula comienza. So whenever you want to use a noun, you can use the hero. She form off the web after that. So like Caligula Comienza, the film stars like classic Commie Answer. The class is starting even names. You can say Maria Comienza manana Maria is starting tomorrow or Miguel Comienza Miguel is starting so you can put the he and chief form off the web after any now nor any name. And that works for any web. So Maria Gami Maria is eating Pablo Baby Pablo is drinking. Mediator, give a l Veena. Miguel is ordering the wine. If you have more than one person will want more than one now Then you would use the they form. So if you said Maria and Miguel are starting tomorrow, well, that's the Maria in again Cammy Anson Manana that they he and she form and of a form come used with any mounds or names. 13. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2k: now This next verb is very irregular. Probably the most directive said Say it. It means to be San. We get soy is I Am it iss You are IHS. He is or she is Or you are If you're being formal So most we are so it's you are in the plural, informal and son is they are or you are If you're being formal in the plural story Anise s so Moses so ease Son, this is a very irregular Feb. So just like with year which meant to go, should just memorized this because it's very irregular They're in Spanish. There are two ways to say to be We've got sale that we just looked at and say er is used when you're talking about a permanent quality. So, for example, soy Inglis means I am English. I'm always going to be English because I was born in England. Whereas if you use a temporary quality, for example, I am tired or I am busy. We're not always going to be tired. You're not always going to be busy for those wanting to use this next Web. It's start its star is to be. When you're talking about a temporary condition, and this one is another slightly irregular verb. Estoy s story means I am or I'm being when it's temporary, for example, historical battle. I am busy. It's only a temporary thing. It's not gonna be forever. It's thus means you are or your being. If the US A star is he is or she is or you are in the formal, it's Thomas means we are or were being It's dice you are or you're being in the informal plural and it's done for. They are so you use sale when it's a permanent quality. For example, Soy Keegan. I am Karen. I'm always going to be carrying soy in lists. I'm English. I'm always going to be English. But then estoy can saddle means I'm tired. So I might be tired now. But I'm not always going to be tired. So it s the way. Cancel. So a temporary wants to use a star when you're talking about temporary qualities. So estoy estas is that s Thomas STAIs estan 14. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2l: sell years. Sell year means to leave or to go out cellular. And this one is a regular verb, except for the first person, which gains a G. So Salgo salad ago means I leave or I'm leaving. Silas. Salis means you leave or you're leaving Sally, he or she leaves or you're leaving Saleem us. Really well. We're leaving Sally's. You leave or you're leaving. And Salin they leave or they're leaving. Salgo, Sallis, Sally Solimoes Seles Salan So it could mean to leave or it doesn't mean to go out. Dessert could mean I leave or I go out. I'm going out. You go out or you're going out. He or she goes out or he and she is going out. We're going out, You're going out or they're going out. So it's either to leave or to go out Salable. Sal is Sally Sandy Moose, Sally's Salin that I am that I am means to bring. We get the verb to attract from this if your tracks and things that you're bringing it to too, you dry air to ring and again, this is another regular verb, except for the I, in which, against a G triangle triangle means I bring I'm bringing Brian. Do you bring your bringing dry? He or she brings on your You bring that I am most we bring away bringing price you bring or your bringing. And Brian, they bring all that running dry Go that I s that I that I am was price Brian. I guess that means to spend as in to spend money. Guess stuff. And this is a regular a a verb. Take off the AOL and you put the normal endings on gasto I spend or I'm spending gas. Thus you spend all your spending gas that he spends or she spends or you spend in the formal guess thermals We spend always spending gas dies. You spend all your spending and guess done they spend or their spending gasto gasps Best Gaspar gas Thomas Gas ties gas Done 15. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2m: So I guess that was to spend money. Best means to spend time bazaar like to pass time. And this is another regular A are verbs. You take off the a r and you put the normal air endings and we get basso for I spend bus us for you spend Bassa for he or she or you spend bath Samels We spend by size you spend and Basson they spend That's to spend and spend time for example Bassel Last McAfee onus in Espana. I'm spending the holidays in Spain. Pass on no semen as a key. They're spending two weeks here. So if you have an amount of time after news besa basada to spend time and guess that was to spend money there van means to see man, let me get Vale for I see or I'm seeing this for you. See, they he or she sees or you see in the formal Vamos! We see vase you see, and then Basie or their scene Vale. This is a vamos vase vendor. This next verbs starts with two l's on when you have two ales in Spanish that pronounced like a y yemma Yamada means to call Yemma. And it's a regular A orb. Yeah, yeah. Means I call her and calling. Yeah, must Yarmuth you call or your calling? Yeah, Yamma means he calls or she calls or you call. Yeah, Mom, Most we called a weakling. Um, eyes you call or your warning in the plural. And Yemen, they call for their calling. Have a normal ao veb. Yeah, mo. Yeah. Hamas. Yama? Yeah, Mom. Most, um, eyes and Yaman means I call you call. He or she calls on you. Call we call Nicole and vehicle, um are to call 16. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2n: this next verb is another regular A a verb. Okay, that get out means to stay. Get out. So we removed the a r from the end and you add the normal endings. Gabel Gandel I stay or I'm staying. Let a D in Spanish is a lot softer than the English d, so it's not cared. Oh, but Gabel Gable, I'm staying gave us. You stay on your staying together he stays or she stays. When you stay in the formal, give almost we stay or wasting. Give eyes, you stay or you're staying in the brutal Given they stay or they're staying. Gavel gave us gay. Va. Gave Amal's give eyes and gave them Incontrera. Incontrera means to find. We get the word encounter from it. If you encounter something you find, it's Incontrera. In this web. The O Incontrera, when we push down on it, becomes a u e. So we get in. Cuenta, I find are finding in Quentin in cuentas. Do you find our your finding in the informal in cuentas in cuenta he find or she finds or you find formal, then for the weak and the U forms the nosotros and transforms the o States isn't oh, Incan travels. We find a way finding Incan tries you find or your finding And then for the very form it goes back to you e in Quenton they find or they're finding in Gwen Dro in Gwen Dras in Gwenda, in Guantanamo's Incan Tries in Quinta. And then the last verb is the three year this year means to say or to tell. And this one the e turned into an eye for the I you he she forms and the they form. So this year the e becomes and I and for the iPhone the your it actually gets a g again safe. Have you noticed that quite a lot of verbs in Spanish get the letter G when you're talking about eye so we say D go Diegel is I say, or I tell what I'm saying. I'm telling Diegel defense. You say all you tell defense defame Depay, he says. All she says or you say, Or he tells what she tells where you tell the females the famous we say or we tell death this the you say or you tell and defense defense, they say, or they tell. So Diegel defense deeply. Then it goes back to an E for dft most and death ease. And then deep in Diego defense defense the the most, the peace Dixon. 17. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 2o: so that's used. Those present tense verbs on try and form some questions. Have any say in Spanish? Where are we going at only mammals at on the mammals? Now, in this question, the word don the changes to add only none. Date does this if it's used with any form off the Web here and nothing else. This is because the Web here is always used with the little proposition, which means two year means to go to Well, if you're not going to put way, you're going to You're just saying Where you going? The R goes to the very front and joins with the word non day ad only literally means to wear to Where are we going? Add only vileness. How many saints punished? How are you paying Cuomo Braga's Cuomo bag us. When are we going out? Cuando solimoes Cuando solimoes What you're trying. Get the Weymouth. Keep with us. What is eating? Get go! Me Get Comey. What are you doing? The office. Get off this. How is he paying Coma Parka. Cuomo Baga. What are they trying? Keep women caper Webvan 18. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 3: just like with stricter one instructor to there is also an optional part. You comport on the end. The extra information. The extra information is all the noun, adjective, time words, etcetera. We can add the extra information onto the end off the questions. For example. Okay, office means what you're doing. Gay office, if they're not, means what you doing tonight long The Communists means Where you eating? Don't they promise? Manana means Where are you eating tomorrow and on the bus means where you going, Adul Navasota means. Where you going now? Here's a list off extra information, words and phrases that you could use on the end of any of the questions Manana means tomorrow. Boy means today is Donald Means Tonight I order now. Masterly means later, literally. Must thoroughly means more late. Must start early. Um, Madrid means to Madrid in Madrid. In Madrid, I'll restaurant can mean either at the restaurant or to the restaurant elbow. You means the chicken. A Abrego ruffle means the red coat. Ownby yet means a ticket, but I paid little means for Pedra AKI means here. So now you're armed with some extra information words You commit your questions a little more adventurous. How would you say in Spanish? What are you doing now? Gay office order. Gay office order. What do you buying for popular? Que compress, Pablo. Okay, complex Para Pablo. What time are we eating? Later. A Que aura Co memos. Mustardy a que aura. Co memos must algae. 19. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 4a: manipulating structure to you can manipulate structure to in many different ways. For example, you can take certain bits out to make different types of questions. You don't always have to stick. A question would on the stopped. Let's see what happens when you don't put the question word on. How would you say in Spanish? Are you eating Gomes Gomez? So it's just the very this present tense itself, Gomes. Or how would you say, Are they eating here? Call me lucky. Come in a key. How would you ask? Are you paying the bill Bagasse like wind bagasse La Quinta? Or how would you say, Are you buying some cheese compress case? So compress case. So the word some in Spanish. You could just miss out you to say. Are you buying cheese? Complex guests? How would you say, Are you going now? Vasa Woulda Vasa Aura. Um, I paying the bill by will acquaint biola cuenta. Now, one thing to note is that with the he and she versions off the verb, for example, call me, which means he eats or she sees. It can sometimes be a little tricky to figure out who you're talking about. Whenever you say that he or she form of the verb in Spanish, it's always the same. So if you get a question like que asi gassy, that could mean What is he doing or what is she doing? It's hard to know which one is which. So there is an extra words you can add to the he or she versions of the verb to help you to differentiate you can add in, which means he or you can add a yah, which means she you can put the L or area anywhere in the question. So cake call me. L means what is he eating gate gourmet area means what is she eating? We haven't got to put the l or a year at the end you could say gay l call me or l kick on me So the Elkan go anywhere but usually inspires you. Do put at the end. I don't divide means. Where is he going? I don't even a year. Where is she going? Pork. A stallion. Why is he leaving Porky Sally area. Why is she leaving? The same is true for the word or step because the he and she versions off. The verb can also mean you when you're talking formally, you can also add or step, which means you to any of thes verbs. So get gummy or step means What are you eating? And on the of Apple? Steve, where you going? Forget Sally was there. Why are you leaving? So for there, he or she or you version off the Web. If it's unclear as to who you're speaking about, you can add l a year or step to the question to make it clearer. 20. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 4b: So how would you say in Spanish? Is he buying some cheese complicates So ill. Come back s o in. Well, how would you say? Is she buying some? Jeez, Compact eso area complicates. Oye. Or how would you if you're speaking formally? Ask, Are you buying? CMGI's complicates all stiff complicates all. Steve, how would you say? Is he going now? Vowed I that our I Or is she going now? Avaya? About our Yeah, Well, how would you say, using the formal version of you are you doing now What? I will stay that our I will stave. How would you ask? Is he paying the bill bag I, like went bailed, Baga like, went behind. We'll have to ask. Is she paying the bill back? I like went there. Yeah, back. I like wind. Yeah, well, how about if you're being formal? Are you paying the bill back? I went there Will still bag eloquent those days so you can add l for he a yeah, for she and will stave for you to any of the he she or you versions off the to make it clear. So you're speaking about but that is optional and you haven't got to do it. It's only of its own clear. And you can put the N A Yeah or step at the very end of the question. That's the most usual. We're doing it, or you can put it at the beginning or in the middle. It doesn't really matter. They're l. A or instead he she or you. 21. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 5a: Let's do a quick recap off. Aled. The question words Andi, Some of the more common present tense verbs in Spanish. How do you say in Spanish? Where don't they? What? Okay, At what time? A K order. When Cuando how? Goma Which or which one? Quiet. Why? Por que? How much cuenta? How many? Cuentos? How long or literally? How much time? Cuenta Temple? Who or him? Kian, How do you say it in Spanish? Are you eating promise? Is he drinking baby or baby? L Are you ordering? Be this. Are we trying? But Obama's? Are you paying bag us? Is she doing Athey? Or half a year? I'll be hiring are dilemmas? Is he going va or Vyrill? Are you taking Thomas? Does she have Danny or DNA? Are we changing? Gambia knows. Um I buying company. Are you starting? Call me in us. Are they son or is done? Are we going out? Solimoes? Are you bringing tries? Is he spending money? I guess the or Gaston for the word for money Is dinero seconds aghast? A el dinero Is he spending time Bessa or beside are we seeing Vamos. Are you calling? Yeah, Emma's. Are they staying? Give him. Do you find in Quinn drahs 22. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 5b: How do you say in Spanish? What is he doing? Get at the end. Okay. A fail. How are you paying the bill? Go back. Goma. Pious Iaquinta. Which one is she buying? Cual compra Quiet, compra. Why we having call Por que Al kill Amazon courts pork A l kill Amazon. Corti, how much are you eating? Quanta Gomes Quanta Khamis Wary hiring a car. Don't they calculate on quot don't calculus from court? When are they eating? Cuando common Cuando come in? What time you going? Like a lot of us. Okay, One of us 23. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6a: do versus ing. Now English has more ways of things. Same thing as Spanish stores. So sometimes things can get a little confusing. When you're asking a question using structure to in English there are two ways to say, What are you eating or what do you eat in Spanish? He's about the same get go myth. Okay, Gomez, this is because firstly, there is no ing in Spanish. And secondly, the little question would do doesn't exist either. If neither of those words exist, we have left is what you eat. Okay? Promise. So because the thing doesn't exist, we can say that in Spanish. There is no, um, ing is in our for example. Where am I going? Where is he going? Where are you going? In Spanish. The, um, ing is in on arching Don't exist. Therefore, whenever you see that, just look at what the verb is. Where you going? We'll get rid of the law and the thing and you're left with where you go and only bus. I don't leave us. Similarly, that little question would do that often appears in English. Questions doesn't exist in Spanish, so just ignore it. When do you leave. But if you get rid of the do you're left with when you leave Cuando salis Cuando Sally's So there is no ing or no do in Spanish questions. And there are two ways to ask questions in English, where there is just one way in Spanish. Get Gomes Gate Gourmet can be translated either as what do you eat or what are you eating? Cuando Silas Cuando salis can be translated into English either. As when do you leave? When are you leaving? Quando Vien in Quando vien in even means When do they come? When are they coming? Quando vien in. So how would you say in Spanish? Where are you eating? Done the calmest. Don't they comets or how would you say, Where do you eat? And on the comet? Don't the comet. So it doesn't matter where you say, Are you eating or do you eat in Spanish is always just core myths 24. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6b: How would you say in Spanish? When does he finish Wendell Akaba Oquendo Acaraje. How would you say? When is he finishing? Cuando a camera? Oquendo A camera. And so the l is optional. You could put it on the end. We can put out beginning also l Cuando Akaba Well, quite in the way that cover. How would you say, When do we arrive? Cuando you Gama's Cuando yo Gama's Or how would you say, When are we arriving? Cuando you ganamos Cuando yo Gama's Oh, how would you say, Why'd you say that? Poor Katie process So porky details Eso Oh, how would you say Why you saying that? Por que de eso? Poor Kate defense. Eso What are they doing pay off in K f in what do they do? Que often que off in what do they drink? Gibbon Kate Bevin What are they drinking? Gave even get Bevin. What you eating? Get Gomes. What do you eat? Get Gomes Gate. Gomes. Where is he going? I don't even or you can say I've only viable. Where does he go? And on the va? I don't even l or again. You can put the edl at the beginning or even the middle. L a believer. Oh, I've only Ilva. So no matter whether you say, where is he going or where does he go? You always say in Spanish at on the van, and you can put in l in there to To make it clear I don't even 25. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6c: How do you say in Spanish? What are they saying? Can defend Qatif in What do they say here? God. Ethan AKI Que de finicky. Does he speak English? I've lying Bliss. Yeah, Black Inglis. We can put the word l in there somewhere. L a blameless. Oh, I'm lying. Inglis. Well, im Langley cell is he speaking? English are landless. And again, you can put l anywhere. In that question, I'm lying. Glasses or applied. Inglis just arrive tomorrow. You got manana? Yeah, manana. Or you can put the word a Yeah. In there somewhere to me. She you got money on a yah or a yoga banana? Is she arriving tomorrow? Yoga, manana, or you go Manana area. What time did they leave? Tonight? A K Arora. Salin is the naughty. Okay, What if Alan is? Don't you? What time are they leaving tonight? Okay. What? I fell in its entirety. Okay. What a Stalinist. The naughty. How many pizzas are you ordering? Qantas pizzas. Beatus. Qantas beats us. Be this So here the word for how many is cuentas. And so it's feminine because the word for pizza it's feminine. So Quintal and cuenta are the masculine and feminine words for how much? And then Cuentos and Qantas within s on the end are the masculine and feminine words for how many is that how many of the with the plural and how much is always singular? 26. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6d: How would you ask? In Spanish. How many pizzas do you already usually on the word for usually in Spanish is hitting on men today generalmente which literally means generally hinder on men today Qantas pizza Speedy's him element Qantas pizzas P this generalmente How much wine does he drink? Cuenta vino baby or quanta? Vino baby l How much wine is he drinking? Cuenta vino? Very Or quanta? Vino, baby l What are they making Que off in que off in what do they make gaffe in que off in? How would you say in Spanish? Are you trying the wine per wave outside Vienna? The way of us A you know. Do you try the wine Savino Pruebas a veena? Are you making a reservation? I think not. As head of a I think so. Let s head over. Do you make a reservation? Usually I faced another setback in the moment. I think you know what I said about in a moment. What do you having get pianist, get the Ennis. What do you have? Get the Ennis. Get the Ennis 27. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6e: motivating tomorrow. Kikkoman Magnon. A common manana. Are you eating with me today? Gomez called me. Go away. Grommets communal way. So corn eagle in Spanish is one word it means with me cornmeal. When is he calling? Cuando yamma Oquendo? Yeah, made Cuando yama. When does he call Cuando yama under Yamile. What you ordering for us? KP this para nosotros KP this baroness otras is she ordering for me as well? On the word for as well in Spanish is the same as the word for also that me in be the Parramatta me in be they better meet immune where you can put the word area in there somewhere and say something like be they a perimeter immune? Why are you here? Poor case Tasaki por que estas aqui? So you would use est us here rather than heiress. It starts comes from the Web star, which means to be when you're talking about a location or a temporary state. Where is saying is a more permanent characteristic. So why are you here? But it's talking about where somebody is. They would use a star rather than stare as the therefore to be poor. Que estas aqui Why are they here for guest? Anarchy Por que estan aqui? What you doing here? Que office a key K f s sake. 28. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6f: How would you say in Spanish? Which one is she buying? Cual compra? Oh, quite competent. Yeah. Which ones do you have? Quality. Ennis Quarless. The Ennis. So the word for which or which one is quiet. And in the plural it becomes Quarless and means. Which ones like Wallace, The Ennis. Which ones do you have? Are you being stupid? So here, being stupid is only a temporary thing. Hopefully so are you being stupid? I will use a star. It's That's a stupid it starts is to Bill. Are we leaving soon? Sally Most Paronto Solimoes Paronto. Do we leave soon? Solimoes Paronto. Solimoes pronto. Are you drinking the wine, Baby? Silvina babies El vino! Do you drink wine? Berris el Vino Baby Silvino in Spanish. When you're talking about food and drink in general so do you drink wine means do you drink wine? In general, we always have to use the word for the in front of the food and drink. That's why it's babies. L Veena rather than just bear with me. No. So everything you know Do you drink wine literally? Do you drink the wine? How you going to Spain? Go move as I spaniel. Go! Move aside! Espana, When are they going out? Cuando styling. Cuando Salin 29. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6g: How would you ask in Spanish? When did they go out? Cuando styling Cuando salin? Are you going out later? Sallis mcstarley Sallis Master, today. Is he leaving today? Sally, We Sally Well, Sally Oriel Taken Put l, Dennis, Sally l or l Sally, we? Is he here? A stocky, a stocky Oh stock. Yet are we speaking with Maria having a mythical Maria Abla Moscone? Maria, who are you calling G and Yarmuth Key in Hamas? What do you take him with? You tomorrow. Get Thomas Contigo manana. Get Thomas Quantico manana. Quantico means with you. So we had a condom. Eagle was with me at one word. And similarly Montego means with you. And that's one word. It's the any time in Spanish that you'll have these it'll go words on the end off the con. So cornmeal and Montego mean with me and with you, whereas with him with her are just con el con area And it's two separate words. Or the other way of saying you instead is going instead with you there It's two separate words whereas gone mingle and Montego I mean with me and with you and it's one word. So what you're taking with you tomorrow is get Thomas Gandhi. Go Mulyana, get Thomas Condo Monye 30. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6h: How would you ask? In Spanish. What do you take with you? Get doughnuts. Cardio. Kate Thomas Conte Go. How would you ask? What are they changing? Take Ambien cake. Ambien. Why are they changing the reservation? Por que Camby. And let a server por que Gambian. Where are we staying tonight? Don't Economos ethanol T no. Nicodemus is Delonte. Are you staying here? Gaeta sake. Give us a key. Does he stay here very often. On the word for often, often in Spanish is actually two words at May noodle. I am a noodle. So very often would be more amenable. So how do you say it? Does he stay here very often. Get hockey. Moya Manila gave at a key moment where you can put the word l in there somewhere. Que? That a lucky more Him in a little. What time you eating a Que? With a communist act? A what? A calmest. Which one are you taking? Quite Thomas. Quiet, Domus. Why Going with them? Forgive us. Kanellos forgave Ascani use. Why did you go with them? Forgive us going. They use forgave Ascona use 31. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 6i: Why are they going to Madrid? Pork? A ban on ivory por que van a memory? Why did they go to Boston now? Book even in Barcelona. Por que van about is their own. Why you're taking that porky Thomas? Eso por que Thomas eso. Why do you take that? We'll keep Thomas s poor Kate Thomas Eso Who is he telling? Ki nd fe. Okay, Andy, fail again. Did they? Who are you seeing? G? Invest key in this. What are they bringing? Get Ryan. Get Ryan. Where is she going tonight? I only vice the naughty at on the van Basten. Naughty where you can put the wood a year in there. I've only got a yes or not. Why are you getting now? Will give us our water. Forgave us our 32. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7a: as a non question. So far, we've only looked at structure to in a question form. However, you can also use it in a non question. Let's start this chapter with a quick recap off the structure in the question form. So structure to in the question format consists of just two parts Gay Thomas, what are you eating or what do you eat? It's OK. Is the question with and then Gomes is the present tense. What are you eating? Remember we said you couldn't add the optional feared part. Also, the extra information Okay, Gomez is Donati What are you eating tonight? To use the structure when you're not asking a question is quite simple. You just take the question would off. Let me show you what I mean. Let's compare a question on a non question in the structure to form it Kikkoman Kikkoman means what are they eating? If you simply say the verb common. Come in. So you take the question would and the question marks away. That means they are eating common elbow. You means they are eating the chicken. So the word com in means are they eating? Andi, They are eating so it could be a question and a non question. It's all a matter of how you pronounce on how you stress the word. So come in means are you eating whereas common they are eating. If you raise your voice slightly, it will make it into a question. Babin means they are drinking. But Bannon means Are they drinking? Avlon gone? Pablo means they are speaking with Pablo Afghan combat. Are they speaking with public Van Magnon? They're going tomorrow. Van manana. Are they going tomorrow? One thing to note is that, just like with the question format, the non question format can have two meanings, too. Every present tense verbs in Spanish can be translated in two ways. In English, for example, coma coma can mean I eat or I'm eating Cuomo. There's one way with an inning and another another way without anything. So I eat while I'm eating normal. Alamo's Obama's means we speak or were speaking silent. You mean they leave or they're leaving? Be this you mean you order or you're ordering. So every verb in the present tense in Spanish can be translated in two ways into English, one way with an ng Andi. Another way without earning 33. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7b: as I mentioned with the question format. When you're talking about he, she or the formal wear thing, you stay. You can put L. A Yeah or Steve with the bed. Now when you say that he or she or the former view version of the verb, you don't have to say the end. Yeah, posted. But if you do, you can put it either before or after the Web and go Me L. Comey means he eats or his eating Call me and can also mean he eats or his eating. It's more common to put the L or a year or step in front of the verb when it's not a question. So l call me. He's eating Ahah Abla a. Abla. She's speaking where she speaks. A Abla. We can say Abla area. There's always one way with an ing on another way without earning a Abla, she speaks or she's speaking. So how would you say in Spanish? She's buying something here for president compra al awlaki. But Pablo comprar algo aqui para Pablo or even say a Yeah compra algo aqui para para they're buying the wine later. Competent el vino master today, competent vino master. Today I see Maria Vale Ameriyah Vale. I'm Maria in Spanish. The wood here is called a personal and it's used in front of people's names. So veil at Maria. So when every user name in Spanish on the person is the object of a sentence. So in this sentence I see Maria I on the subject because I'm doing the seeing. Where is Maria is the object? She's what's being seen Whenever you have the net a name of a person as an object in a sentence, you put an ad in front of it. Vale Maria. I see Maria that you don't translate it as anything in English. It's just something that exists in Spanish. And it's called the personal video. Uh, Maria, I've see Maria. 34. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7c: How do you say it in Spanish? I'm buying something here. Compro al awlaki compra wild, wacky. We're buying something at the supermarket. Compromise Algo el supermercados compromise algo supermercados. I'm buying some cheese. Compare. Okay, so compro case So the word Sumida have seen Spanners you just literally I'm buying G's compro guests. I'm buying something for my mom here. Comprado para mi math Rocky comprar algo para mi madre key. He is very tired and the word tired is can saddle And it's a temporary state. So you use it with the verb estar so he is very tired. It's that Morgan saddle It's that my counsel I'm there tomorrow. So again this I'm there tomorrow explains where I'm going to be on when you're talking about a location you use the estar as the very to be Instead of saying I'm there tomorrow A story A G Man Yana A story of Human Yana He's bringing everything for Pablo. Try a total para problem. I'm bringing some food tomorrow. And so again the word to some You don't say in Spanish to you to say I'm bringing food tomorrow. Drago. Camila, Manana Drago Commedia manana. I'm saying something Dio algo Diegel algo 35. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7d: How do you say in Spanish? They're bringing some wine for hosting Ryan Vino Ryan Vino. She's starting student Comey in separate or camion separate area. A comedian Separate. We're eating at the restaurant. Co memos a restaurant, co memos restaurant You're leaving tomorrow? Sallis Manana. Silas Manana. He's buying something in Madrid. Comprar algo in Madrid or l comply ago in Madrid. You're going to Spain soon. Vast. I spaniel pronto. Vass I spaniel pronto. They're leaving tonight. Salin is Annotti. Salin is there not to? They're eating at mind tomorrow. Will it be there eating at my house tomorrow? Woman I mi casa. Manana Goldman. A Mika Salmon Yana. I'm seeing Maria later. And so this time Maria is the object off the sentence again. So you have to put the personal in front of the name Maria Vale. Amaria Masterton e Vale. A Mariama start. You're eating something. Calm is valuable. I promise. I'll go 36. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7e: How would you say in Spanish? We're bringing everything with us tomorrow that I am a stolen car. No suitors, Manana that I am a store. Oh, Corneau's address Manana. I'm doing something. I go arable, I go, I'll go. You're spending too much money. Gas. Thus they must Seattle The NATO gas That's them A Seattle Be NATO. I find the hotel terrible in Gwent Row l hotel there legally in Quintero Hotel Terry, I'm changing the reservation now. Cambio, let s settle back Cambio, let s head over our You're buying too much Kombouare's demasiado compress demasiado I'm buying something here. Comparable walkie compro elbow AKI, We're going to Barcelona. Vamos a Barcelona! Vamoose! A Barcelona! He's drinking something, baby. Arable. Oh, l baby algo. I'm bringing Pablo tomorrow. And so Pablo is a person, and he's the object off the sentence. So you need to put a personal ad in front of his name. Drago. Pablo Manana. There I go. A Ravalomanana 37. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7f: How would you say this in Spanish? I'm buying something for Maria. Compro algo panna Maria Compro Alico para Maria. We're speaking. I'm mammals have limos. We're starting now. Communism Apps come in some ways our I'm ordering a bottle of water for the table. Be the one about a agua battle amiss. Be the one about the agua I'm ordering for you. Paedo! Bharati paedo! Bharati The word you in for you depends on who you're talking to. And so bad at D is for you in the informal. But Steve is the U in the formal, but have also toes means for you all in the informal, plural or bad up rustiness is for UAL in the formal Plural. So, Patty. But it will stay. What battle status She's calling Sephia. And so Sophia is the object in this sentence. And so you need to put a in front of her name. Yamma Sophia Yama s Sophia. We can even say a Yeah Yama a Sofia to make it clear that she who's calling Maria area Yama Sophia, I'm calling Maria tomorrow. Yeah, Mo a Maria Manana. Yeah mo a Maria Man Yana, I'm spending three weeks there Bassel dress Imanishi Passel dressed semanas e so literally Basso means I'm passing warm spending time so Bassel dress semanas e. 38. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7g: How would you say in Spanish? I'm ordering the chicken for Pablo Paedo elbow Peter. Well, Ponyo para Pablo, I'm changing the reservation. Cambio lattice era cam You'll ascend. I'm going now. Voy ahora voy Iowa He's eating something. Call me. I'll go Call me algo where you can put in l in there and say l call me algo or Camille. Go in. We're eating here today. Car memos like you coma Masaki Oy! I'm doing everything later. Algo Toto mastered e I go total my start. You're in Malibu tomorrow. It's thus in Malaga. Manana is thus in Malaga. Manana? They're starting soon. Comey, Anson Pronto. Communism pronto! You're going to the hotel? Vast Hotel Vaz A lot. I'm buying something for Pedro. Compro algo para Pedro Comprar algo para Pedro. She's changing everything. Gambia! Dodo Ahah, Gambia Dodo! We can put the area at the end. Gambia Toto area 39. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 7h: How do you say in Spanish? They're calling Maria Yaman a Maria Yemen. Maria, how would you say? I mean, I've let tomorrow a story in a villa. Manana. A story in Ivory LaMagna She's here today. It's vacuity. A stop, A key Oy or a U S stock You. We're drinking the wine, baby Most el vino baby. Most el vino. So there you have it. The second Spanish structure in a non question form Common AKI they're eating here. Common AKI. So it's made up off the President Temps Gorman for their eating. Many can add extra information if you want to. The end of that, AKI means here common AKI. And just remember that every verb in the present tense in Spanish can be translated into English in two different ways. One with an ing on the end on one without being. So they're eating here or they eat here. Would both be government. A key 40. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 8a: Let's have a quick recap off all the question words. Some of the more common present tense verbs on some extra information. Words. How do you say in Spanish? Where? One day? What? Okay. At what time? Que order? When Cuando how Goma Which or which one? Kwan. Why? Por que? How much quantum? How many Cuentos, How long will Italy How much time Quanta Tiempo. Who or him? Kian, How would you say in Spanish? Are you eating Gomes? Is he drinking baby or baby in? Are you ordering? Be this. Are we trying? Paramus? Are you paying bag us? Is she doing after a or half area? Are we hiring Alky llamas? Is he going that? Or violent? Are you taking Daamoth? Does she have the ending or DNA? Are we changing? Damn memos. Um, I buying Tampa. Are you starting coming in us? Are they son? Who istan? Are we going out? Sorry. Mohs. Are they leaving? Salin? Are you bringing Bryce? Is he spending money? Gasca or gas died. Is he spending time Bessa or beside, are we seeing Vamos. Are you calling Yeh meth? Are they staying given? Do you find in Quintas? How would you say tomorrow, Man Yana, today we tonight is there No t now I woulda later must aladi to Madrid among three in Madrid, in Madrid to Spain. I Spagna in Spain, in Espana, at the restaurant or to the restaurant, A restaurant, the chicken elbow you the red coat, A laboratory. A ticket would be a day for Maria Battle Maria. And here AKI. 41. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 8b: How would you say in Spanish? What are you bringing? Get the rise. Get price. What is he eating? Get! Go! Me! Okay, Kamil, we're spending too much money. Gas Thomas Demasiado De Niro Gas Thomas them a Seattle. What do you see? Give us. Give it. When are they going out? Cuando salin Cuando salin? I'm bringing some wine for Pablo tomorrow. Dry agovino para Pablo manana. Try Agovino para Pablo manana are eating at the hotel tonight. Come in with a lot less energy. Car memos. I loved a list. Are you calling Maria at quarter past four? Yeah. Mama's a Maria Callas. Quattrocchi cuarto Yamase Maria I lost. Quite true Required. Is she paying the bill bag a la Quinta bag? Eloquent That? Yeah. How are you finding the film? Cuomo and Gwen Tras la pelicula Cuomo in cuentas la pelicula. What time you're starting? Que what? A comedian Us a que aura? Comment us 42. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 8c: How would you say in Spanish? Which ones are they trying? So the word for which one was quiet to make it plural and get which ones you said Wallace. So which ones are they trying? Quarless. Webvan. Cuales proven. What do you doing tomorrow? Gay office. Manana Gate Office Magnon. He's buying the food later. Kamba la Komiyama, start or L Kamba La Comida Master, I'm going out later Saturday. Master Today, Saturday, Master today. Are you going out later? Sallis Mustardy Sallis McStarley. Do you see the restaurant? This in a restaurant? Vests in restaurant. Are you trying the wine pruebas el vino pruebas el vino. Which qari? Hiring que coats. A calculus. Que coach calculus in Spanish. The word for which is quiet as we've seen when you put a noun after the word which in English, Like which car? In Spanish. Instead, you say what car? Que courts or, for example, which wind you prefer. And it's financially say what wind you for gave you? No, But if you notice so in Spanish instead of saying Kwale when there's a noun after the word which in English you say gay instead and say what? What? Corey hiring get caught a calculus 43. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 8d: How would you ask in Spanish. Who are you seeing in Barcelona? Gin vests in Barcelona Key invest in Barcelona. Who are you seeing in Madrid? Key investing Mother Kian. Based in memory. He might, according in Italy Key. And you Hamas Genitalia. Gin. Yeah, Mama's genitalia. Now what you can see on the screen now is a table containing all the question words, and then a select few off the present tenses on the extra information. Words in Spanish. What you can do with this table is use it to try and achieve fluency. What that means is be able to use this structure without having to think too much about it . To do this, what you can do is pick one sentence or one question and say it out loud to yourself, over and over, for example, Don't make comments. Manana. Where are you eating tomorrow and say it again and again. But then, after a few times, try and change one element without stopping. Don't make promise manana, don't they? Calmest man una don't make a mess. Manana, Don't they come is away. Is there a change money on a toy and do it without stopping because What that does is it makes your brain think whilst you're speaking so you haven't got to spend too long going from How do I say this? It does it automatically. So don the comments we and then do that a few times, changing one thing at a time. None. The calmest manana. Don't make a mess. Manana Don't make comments. Manana don't become as only don't they come as a way. Don't make a mess away. K Comments away Keiko mess away. And as you change things, try and think in English in your head. What does this mean? So Keiko mess away. What are you meeting today, Andi, as you start to think what it means, then you're matching the Spanish with the attack with the English, and eventually you'll be able to hear and use the Spanish without having to translate each time into English. 44. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 9a: turning it all negative. There's one more useful thing that you can do to this structure quite easily. Make it negative. You can change the present tense questions from positive to negative really easily in English, for example, Why are you going to Madrid? Becomes Why aren't you going to Madrid? Or is he staying here? Becomes? Isn't he staying here? And are they leaving tomorrow? Becomes? Are they leaving tomorrow in English? It's simply a matter of putting a little n apostrophe t after the is or are when it's even more simply in Spanish. All you have to do to turn the present tense questions negative is put the word no, in front of the bed, for example. Breath Beth means Are you going? No. Us No s means. Aren't you going? You can do this with any present tense in the question form. For example, no committees means Aren't you eating or don't you eat? No. Maybe. Or no Berrian. Isn't he drinking? Well, doesn't he drink? Not be this not be this means Aren't you ordering or don't you order No provenance, no program. ALS means Aren't we trying or don't we try No Athey or no FAA area means. Isn't she doing or doesn't she do? No. Pious? No, Paige, us means Aren't you paying or don't you pay? Let's have a quick practice with these. How would you say in Spanish? Why don't you try the wine? Poor Kate, not por que no pruebas Silvina. Isn't he making a reservation? No, I fake whenever said over or no, I think we'll never said about you on their buying. Something for Maria? No competent, algo bottom area, No competent Alico para Maria. Why don't we call Diego Por que? No Janos at the Eagle? Por que? No. Yeah, Momus at Diego. So Diego is the object in this set question. So we put a little in front of his name for gay? No. Yeah. Memos on Diego. And that's the personal 45. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 9b: How would you stay in Spanish? Why aren't you doing it now? Por que? No officer water, but a canine officer Water. So the it in Spanish is law and in Spanish it goes immediately in front off the web. Whereas in English it becomes after the verb. Why aren't you doing it in Spanish? Put the it or the law in front of the web. Por que? No lo office our But again, not a wife is away. So the law goes in front of the Web and in the know goes in front of that. You can also turn the non question present tense and negative. And you do this in exactly the same way. You simply put no in front of the bed. One thing to note is that if you want to put n or a yah in front of the bed and you have to put the no after this, for example, n va Eva means he's going in Nova. A nova means he isn't going. You can do this with any off the present tense verbs in the known question form, for example, No common no comma means I'm not eating or I don't eat. No office, no office means you're not doing well. You don't do no, maybe. Oh, and no, baby, he isn't drinking or he doesn't drink. No, Abdullah for a You know, Abdullah, she isn't speaking well. She doesn't speak no compliments, no complaints. We aren't buying where we don't buy no solace. No, Salis. You're not leaving where you don't leave? No Salin, no silent. They aren't going out or they don't go out. Nope. Where on? No pro women. They're not trying. Well, they don't try. Just like in the positive present. Tense. There are always two ways in English to translate something from Spanish. In the negative, you can either say in English Don't or, um are is not in, for example, no comma means I'm not eating, but it can also mean I don't eat. So no common. I'm not eating. I don't eat in normal Inglis. In normal, Inglis can mean he is not speaking English or he doesn't speak English. 46. Spanish Structure 2 Chapter 9c: How would you say in Spanish? I'm not doing that today. No, I go waste away. No, I go s Aly. He's not eating the chocolate. No. Call me l totality or end. No. Call me a total anti. They're not spending too much money. No Gaston demasiado the NATO No Gaston demasiado She's not calling Pablo No Yama Apollo or a no Yama A Pablo. So you've got Pablo, which is a name. And it's the object off the sentence e in front of it. So area no Yama up. Pablo, you're not leaving until later. The word until in Spanish. Is Asta a jsda? Asta? No. Sallis. Ask Thomas started a no solace asked them a star game. We've seen Asta in the three minute Spanish courses. In the phrase asked, Allah will ask that illegal which can be translated as see you soon or see you later or even see you then. Because Louis go means then and so asked Holloway. Go see then. But literally. It means until then so Asta is until ask Thomas totally until later. But you can use ask Thomas started by itself to mean. See you later asked a mustardy as an alternative to ask Stella Wavel, How would you say it in Spanish? I'm not hiring it, I'm buying it. And so just remember that the word it which is law always goes in front of the verb in Spanish. No llevar kilo Look compra no level kilo low Komproe. 47. The Happy Linguist: If you would like some hints and tips on how to make the most out of these courses on how to accelerate your language learning, you can read through my articles on my blawg called The Happy Linguist. I have written almost 400 articles on their full of ideas to keep learning a language fresh and exciting, and I'm constantly updating it with new articles. For example, you can listen to some foreign language songs that I have translated into English. For you, this is always a great way of learning new vocabulary. You can find lots of foreign language films and books that I recommend, or you can find extra language and grammar points that reinforce the content you've been learning in my three minute languages courses. So if you want to read all my articles for free, just head to my blawg at www 0.3 minute dot club forward slash bloke. As well as being able to read hundreds of articles on my block, you can sign up to my mailing list. Andi. You'll get a message sent straight to your inbox to let you know whenever I publish new articles or publish new courses so w w w 0.3 minute dot club forward slash blawg is where you can find the happy linguist. I hope you enjoy unhappy learning.