Building Structures in Portuguese - Structure 1 | Kieran Ball | Skillshare

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Building Structures in Portuguese - Structure 1

teacher avatar Kieran Ball, Learn a language in 3-minute chunks

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction to the course


    • 2.

      1a - structure 1 outline


    • 3.

      1b - changing the question word


    • 4.

      2a - the three parts


    • 5.

      2b - some practice questions


    • 6.

      3a - extra information


    • 7.

      3b - some more practice questions


    • 8.

      4a - removing the question word


    • 9.

      4b - what is a verb?


    • 10.

      4c - all the question words


    • 11.

      5a - qual & quanto


    • 12.

      5b - practice questions


    • 13.

      5c - practice questions


    • 14.

      5d - practice questions


    • 15.

      5e - practice questions


    • 16.

      5f - practice questions


    • 17.

      5g - practice questions


    • 18.

      5h - practice questions


    • 19.

      5i - practice questions


    • 20.

      6a - some useful verbs


    • 21.

      6b - changing the different parts


    • 22.

      7a - as a non-question


    • 23.

      7b - quero & vou


    • 24.

      7c - practice sentences


    • 25.

      7d - practice sentences


    • 26.

      7e - practice sentences


    • 27.

      7f - practice sentences


    • 28.

      7g - practice sentences


    • 29.

      7h - practice sentences


    • 30.

      8a - recap of question words


    • 31.

      8b - recap of infinitive carriers


    • 32.

      8c - recap of infinitives


    • 33.

      8d - more practice


    • 34.

      8e - more practice


    • 35.

      9a - turning it negative


    • 36.

      9b - negative non-questions


    • 37.

      9c - negative practice sentences


    • 38.

      10 - structure 1 outline


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About This Class

The whole of the Portuguese language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any Portuguese book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.

I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in Portuguese, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.

Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole Portuguese language. Once you’ve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.

This course introduces you to structure 1. I’ve limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the Portuguese language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.

Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.

This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what you’ve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. You’ll learn how to make questions out of structure 1, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.

The Building Structures in Portuguese series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute Portuguese courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn Portuguese, no matter how little time you have.

Meet Your Teacher

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Kieran Ball

Learn a language in 3-minute chunks


Hello, I'm Kieran and I'm a language tutor based in the UK. I have created a series of online courses that you can use to learn to speak French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. (I also have some English and math courses)

3 Minute Languages series

3 Minute French - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14 | Course 15 | Course 16

3 Minute Spanish - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute Italian - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute German - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6

3 Minute Portuguese - ... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction to the course: Hello and welcome to building structures in Portuguese, structure one. I'm Karen and I'm a language tutor based in the UK. And I wrote this course to help you to learn to speak Portuguese. The whole of the Portuguese language is made up of a number of structures. I remember one weekend I was writing some lessons for the week ahead. When I suddenly realize this, I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in Portuguese and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures and I wrote them all down. Once you know what all the structures, or you can begin to learn them. Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all structures together make up the entire Portuguese language. Once you've learned all the structures, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence. These structures also help to propel you to fluency. If you can manipulate these structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to think about how to say it. As I said, each structure enables you to say a huge amount. So I've limited each course to just one structure so as not to overburden you by looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the Portuguese language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think everything through as though it's a mass equation. Before you start this course, let me share with you an extremely handy learning tip that helped me to progress quickly and effectively in language learning. When most people start studying for anything, they tend to spend the first day or two studying for hours and hours and get through loads of work. However, very quickly this begins to dwindle. You might feel like spending hours studying Portuguese, which is great. But you want that feeling of motivation to continue. But it won't continue if you actually do spend hours studying. So limit your study time to chunks of just 3 min. If you limit your study to just three minute chunks, there are three things that will happen. Firstly, you will maintain enthusiasm. If you want to learn anything you have to have enthusiasm or else you won't continue. If you limit your study time to just 3 min, you'll keep Portuguese fresh and exciting. And you'll be eager to learn. If you spend hours studying very quickly or get bored with Portuguese, and it'll turn into a chore. Secondly, you'll study more consistently. It's much better to study for just 3 min once a day than to study for 3 h once a week. Aspire, 3 min is relatively easy to find even in the most hectic schedules. If you make sure you complete at least one 3 min study session every day, it will quickly become a habit that you'll do without thinking. It's much easier to fit in a daily three-minute habit than a weekly one-hour habit. By doing this, you'll become a much more consistent learner. And consistency is the key to success. Finally, you'll notice you achieve more effective memorization. This is my favorite reason as to why you should limit your study to just three minute chunks. If you study something for just 3 min every day, you will trick your brain into memorizing the information more quickly than if it were to see the information for hours each day. It'll think I see this information every day. So it must be important, but I don't see it for very long. So I'd better hold onto it and make it into a memory fast. You'll be amazed at how much more easily things that tend to stay in your brain. If you limit yourself to just 3 min a day. 3 min is the key. You should aim to do at least one three-minute chunk every day anymore than that is a bonus, but one is fine. Just work through the course and complete the exercises. And you'll be amazed at how much you learn them 2. 1a - structure 1 outline: The whole of the Portuguese language is made up of different structures of words. If you know the words and you know which order is put them in, you can speak the language. In the whole of the Portuguese language. There is only a certain number of structures. So let's get on and learn the first one. Structure one consists of just three parts. And here is an example of it in use. Google sick care, Camila. Camila. It means what do you want to eat? Oh, Kawasaki, come air. Let's break down this structure into its three components and give each component and name. We have UGA, which means what? That's a question word. Then we have Vasicek care was sick care. That means do you want and it's an infinitive carrier. Then we have come here, come here, which means to eat. And that's called an infinitive. We have a question word and infinitive carrier. And an infinitive was say, cared. What do you want to eat? Now, in this course, we're going to be looking at European Portuguese, and Brazilian Portuguese at the same time, I'll show you when there is a difference in the pronunciation or if there's a different word that they use in the different parts of the Portuguese speaking world. In this first example, the only difference is the word what? In European Portuguese, you pronounce it? In Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced more, okay? Okay. So in European Portuguese, okay, in Brazilian Portuguese, the rest of the sentence is pronounced the same in both places. Will say care commander, who gave OSEP care compare. Now you might be wondering what on earth is an infinitive and an infinitive carrier? Well, an infinitive is just a verb. A verb is a word. You can put two in front of e.g. to eat, to drink, to speak, to smoke, to go, to be two here, to arrive, to leave. They're all verbs. Or more precisely, they're called infinitives. An infinitive carrier is any word. You can put an infinitive on the end of. In English. We have things like, I would like, do you want? And I'm going because you can put infinitives on the end of these. E.g. I would like to eat, I would like to drink. I would like to go. So I would like is the infinitive carrier. To go is the infinitive of the verb. Do you want to leave? Do you want to call? Do you want to eat? Do you want as another infinitive carrier? And to eat is another verb or another infinitive. I'm going to arrive, I'm going to go, I'm going to dance. So I'm going, is another infinitive carrier 3. 1b - changing the question word: Let's have a quick look back at the example sentence. We had to introduce this structure. It was a question and it was OCHA will say, care, come here. Come here. Meaning, what do you want to eat? Well, we can change any of the three parts in this structure, e.g. instead of saying occur at the start, which means what? We could change it to. Under, which means where we get on the vasa care compare on the Vasa. Where do you want to eat? So Oko vasa was, what do you want to eat? And on the Vasicek care Compare Means where do you want to eat? Or we could change it to quantile. Quantile, which means when kwon do was take care compare quanto vasa care compare means when do you want to eat? We'll cover state catacomb. Air on the Quanto will say catacomb here. You might notice that the rest of the structure stays the same. The vasa care compare part does an auteur just because we changed the question word. It's the same in English. What do you want to eat? Where do you want to eat? When do you want to eat? The do you want to eat part stays the same throughout. We've also now seen three different question words that we can use at the start of structure. One on the, on, which means where OCHA means what? Quantile cuando means when. Let me just also point out that the word for where on the, is pronounced differently in European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. In European Portuguese, you save on, in Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced on G, on G. So the d, e on the end is pronounced g on G on the European Portuguese, on G in Brazilian Portuguese. And we've already seen the two different pronunciations of the word. It's ocher in European Portuguese, and okay, in Brazilian Portuguese, the word quantile is pronounced quandl in Portugal and Brazil. So there's no difference in that word quantum. So under or on G. And then quanto is always quandl. As you delve further into the Portuguese language, these differences in pronunciation will start to become clearer. And you'll even be able to guess how they're pronounced in both regions. Whenever you see a, D, E on the end, e.g. you will know that in European Portuguese, it's due on the, Whereas in Brazilian Portuguese, it's G on g 4. 2a - the three parts: I'm going to give you a list of a few question words, a few infinitive carriers, and quite a few infinitives. What we can then do is use these lists of words to get used to structure one by making up some questions. So firstly, we've already had owned, owned, which means where I said in Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced on G. Then we've also already had, which means what. And in Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced. Okay. Then we have AKI or ash, ikea, what Asch, which means at what time? Akio wash. So in the last word or ash, the S on the end is pronounced like an SSH, key or ash. But in Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced like an S at the orders. So in European Portuguese, ikea brush, in Brazilian Portuguese at gail with us. Then we've already had quantile. Quantile, which means when. Then finally we have column, column, which means how cuando and column only have one pronunciation. So that's five question words. Owned or orangey, ocher, Akira, Akira, cuando, and calm. Then let's have a look at some infinitive carriers. The first is boss. Boss, or a boss whom? It means can I? Now the reason why I've put the AU in brackets is because it's optional. The word means I, and it's a subject pronoun. But in Portuguese, subject pronouns are optional. So you can say parcel or a apostle. Either way it means, can I. In fact, the same thing is true with a word that we've already seen was say care. What self-care. Which means do you want? The word was saying means you and it's a subject pronoun and it's optional. So you can just say care, care or vasa care. Both mean do you want we've got postal and care. Can i and do you want and then let me just give you one more infinitive carrier, vi. Vi. This means, are you going? So again, the word vos say is optional. So you can say both, say Vi or Vi. It means are you going? So that's three infinitive carriers. And now let me give you some infinitives. Come here. Come here. Means to eat. Then we have bare, bare. Bare, meaning to drink. Pay dear. Bed here means to order. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, you'll hear it pronounced PGI, PGE. Brava. Brava means to try. Paga by God, to pay fuzzier and fuzzier to do or to make alga. Alga, to hire ear. Ear is to go. Tamar. Tamar means to take, dare. Tear, means to have and mood our mood, our means to change. So all of these verbs, except for petty here, are pronounced the same in European Portuguese, and Brazilian Portuguese. It was just paid year. In European Portuguese is pronounced page year in Brazilian Portuguese. There is just one little thing I'm going to point out about the pronunciation of verbs in some regions of Brazil. There are some regions where they are. On the end of these verbs is pronounced like a hedge. So instead of Gmail and page here, you might hear Peggy. So that's just something for you to listen out for. You might have noticed that I've put the word to in brackets in all of these verbs. And that's because in English, sometimes we say the word to, but other times we miss it off. E.g. what do you want to do? What do you want to do? But then, what can I do? What can I do? Both of those questions are the same structure in English, but in the first question, what do you want to do? We use the word to. But in the second question, what can I do? You don't use the word to. So that's why I've put the two in brackets in that finalist. Here's the list of the ways that we've learned so far. What you could do is write them down on a piece of paper, split the piece of paper into three columns. But the question words on the left, the infinitive carriers in the middle, and the infinitives or the verbs on the right. Then you can take one from each column. So where can I eat on the bus? Who come air or in Brazilian Portuguese on G, parcel compare. What can I drink? Could pursue better. Okay, pursue better. When do you want to order? Kwon do was say care better ear, quanto VO, say care page here. So as long as you have a question word, infinitive, carrier, and an infinitive, then you have structure one in Portuguese 5. 2b - some practice questions: Let's practice building some sentences using structure one in Portuguese. How would you say Where can I pay? On the budget super car or onto a super, super hard? So don't forget that the EU is optional. It means, I say, you can say on the possible By gar or owned AU possible Bogata. And don't forget that in Brazilian Portuguese, on the is pronounced on G, on the Postal By gar, on GAO, possible bugger. How would you say what can I eat? Boss, to come here? Luca AU post to come air. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will keep also compare. Okay. Where do you want to eat? On the on the vasa care come air. Or in Brazilian, Portuguese, only care compare. Orangey will say, Come here. What do you want to drink? Who could get better? Or in Brazilian, Portuguese. Okay, Vasa care, better. Care. What are you going to order? You will go for say viper ear or in Brazilian Portuguese. Okay, VPg here. We'll say webpage here. How would you say, what are you going to do? Vi fuzzier. And fuzzier, or in Brazilian Portuguese. Who gave us say vive fuzzier. By building questions using structure one, you'll not only get yourself more familiarized with the vocabulary and the structure, but you'll also, without even trying, reduce the time it takes for you to string a sentence together in Portuguese. So let's do a few more questions. How would you say, how do you want to pay gama Care Bagger. Bagger. How are you going to pay comma y PAGA? Como was saved by God. What can I try coupons to prove that? 6. 3a - extra information: So far, I've said that the first structure is made up of three parts. However, there is a fourth part, but it's an optional extra. The fourth part of structure one is simply extra information such as nouns, adjectives, time, words, etc. And we can add the extra information onto the end of the question and to add, well, extra information. E.g. what does this mean? A care worker will say care compare. It means what do you want to eat? But what we can do is add something to the end of this question. E.g. who will say care? Camille orca was annoyed. That means what do you want to eat tonight? So etched annoyed means tonight. What does this mean? On the vasa care command? On the Vasa. Here. It means where do you want to eat? But let me add some extra information on the vasa care ammonia. Ammonia. This now means where do you want to eat tomorrow? So you can see how by adding just one extra word, it really embellishes our questions. Let's do one more. What does this mean? We will cover seek care, fuzzier. And fuzzier. What do you want to do? But now let me add an extra information. Word will cover Sacre fuzzier Agoda, divorcee care, fuzzier Agoda. This means what do you want to do now? So Agoda means now, let me give you some extra information words that we can use to embellish our questions. So ammonia, ammonia means tomorrow. Ammonia also means today. In Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced more like OMG. Also in European Portuguese, Zhe. In Brazilian Portuguese. H2. H2 annoyed means tonight. In Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced es Dann Neu CI, standard HE. So the S in front of a T in European Portuguese is pronounced like an S, H, H star. But in Brazilian Portuguese, its SDA. And then in European Portuguese, it's noisy. So it's etched, annoyed. But in Brazilian Portuguese it's pronounced noise, G, S, G. So that means tonight, or literally this night. H, That means this and know it means night. Then we have a Gora. Gora, which means now. My style. My style means later. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced my strategy. My strategy. Then we have Alice. Alice bar means to Lisbon, or at least boa in Brazilian Portuguese. English boar. Boar means in Lisbon. Our h Tau round down. Round means either at the restaurant or to the restaurant. And in Brazilian Portuguese, it's pronounced our histogram. Our histogram. So the R at the start of it is pronounced like an H in Brazilian Portuguese. Historian, Frank. Frank means the chicken. Coup vermilion. Okazaki. Value means the red coat, literally the coat, red. Okazaki means the coat. And the male is red and blue yet, in blue yet means a ticket. Or in Brazilian Portuguese. He. So you might have started to notice the patterns in the Brazilian pronunciation. When you have a T, E on the end, it's pronounced at CHI. When you have a D, E on the end is pronounced g. Then we have a while loop pattern, which means for Paolo and icky. Icky means here. So that's just some extra information. Where's that you can add to the end of your questions in structure one, just to make them a bit more exciting 7. 3b - some more practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese, what are you going to do now? Will say, Oh, in Brazilian Portuguese, you would pronounce it. Okay, we'll say vi fuzzy arugula. What are you going to do for Paolo fuzzier? Luca, we'll say y, z, or in Brazilian Portuguese. Okay. What time do you want to eat later? At DoorDash? Much data. Do I go what I should get started? Or in Brazilian Portuguese at Guevara. My strategy, my strategy. What can I take for Paolo? Cup of soup tomorrow? Tomorrow? Or in Brazilian Portuguese. Okay. How would you ask, what are you going to order at the restaurant? Restaurant will say Viper dealer or hashtag or in Brazilian Portuguese. Okay, we'll save iPad here, our history, rhonchi. Okay, bye barrier, our histogram chief. What can I do in Lisbon? Coupons for English, Bohr, who could a apostle fuzzer, English poem. What are you going to do in Lisbon? Will go by fuzzier English poor. Say vie for their English power. Where do you want to eat tonight? On the, on the vasa care. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, on external HE on devo seek care. External. He, what are you going to do now? Who will cover, say vie for Zara Gora? 8. 4a - removing the question word: You can manipulate structure one in many different ways. E.g. you can take certain bits out to make different types of questions. You don't always have to stick all three parts together. Let's see what happens when you don't put the question word at the start. How would you ask in Portuguese D1 to eat? Catacomb air will say catacomb, where do you want to eat here? Are you going to pay? Provided by God? Will say, Why? Do you want to pay the bill now? We'll say carrot Bogata contact order. Now let's see what happens if you don't put an infinitive on the end? How would you say, what do you want? Who could get? Now, I said earlier on in this course that the word infinitive just means verb. However, it's specifically the whole verb, which in English usually has the word to in front of it, but not always. In Portuguese, infinitives always end in either the letters ER, IR, or AR. So far in Portuguese, we've had command, which means to eat, bear, bear, which means to drink. Pay the year or page year, meaning to order. Brava, which means two tri, meaning to pay far as air, which means to do or to make. Alga, means to hire. Tomar, means to take their means to have. Muda means to change. So if you look at the list of verbs, you'll see that they all end in either the letters ER, IR, or AR. And this is the type of verb that we call an infinitive. In English, it's the verb that has two in front of it. In Portuguese, it's the verb that ends in ER, IR, or AR 9. 4b - what is a verb?: We've just seen that infinitives of verbs that in English have the word to in front of them, like to eat, to drink, to order. Or in Portuguese, they end in the letters ER, IR, and AR. And we saw that list of ten verbs to show you some examples of infinitives. Infinitive carrier is basically a word or an expression that can be followed by an infinitive. I've only given you a few Portuguese infinitive carriers so far we've had Boss suit or AU parcel, which means can I say vi means are you going and care? Or vasa care means do you want? You can put any infinitive on the end of the infinitive carriers to make your question for structure one, in English, e.g. you can say, are you going to eat? Are you going to drink? Are you going to pay? Are you going to go? Are you going to try? The RU going part stays the same. That's just the infinitive carrier. And we can change the infinitives that we put on the end of it. There are a few more infinitive carriers other than those three that we've learned. And we look at those in later lessons in this course, and they'll open up a whole new world of Portuguese questions for you. So hopefully now you've got a clearer idea of what infinitives and infinitive carriers are. And then there's just question words. Now the question where's don't really need much explanation. It's easier just to see what they are. So far, we've looked at five question words, but there's only a small number of questions, whereas altogether, so let's learn them. All right, now, the question words in Portuguese or owned or orangey in Brazilian Portuguese. And that means where. Hookah means what, or in Brazilian Portuguese. Or ash means at what time. Or in Brazilian Portuguese at gay orders. Quantile. Quantile means when. Column. Column means how coil? Coil means which or which one. Now, in European Portuguese, you can hear the L on the end coil. But in Brazilian Portuguese, it's more like a w sound, Cao, Cao, Cao, but they're very similar. So they mean which or which one. Then portico. Portico means y, or in Brazilian Portuguese for k, k, q1, q2. And quantity quantile. Quantiles mean how much quantity is, how much and quantiles is how many? In Brazilian Portuguese, the S on the end of quantiles is pronounced like an S. Quantiles. Quantiles, quantiles in Brazilian Portuguese. Then Kwan to tempo. Quanto tempo means how long. Literally it means how much time quanto tempo. Then game. Game. It means who or whom now came ends in the letter M, but you don't say came. The m on the end of a word in Portuguese is a nasal sound. It's almost like you're closing or throat at the end of the word game. Game. And you don't close your lips at all, so it's not an m sound at all. Gain means who or whom. So that's all the question where it's in Portuguese 10. 4c - all the question words: We've just seen ten different question, whereas in Portuguese, we had owned or orangey, meaning where? Oh, okay. Meaning what? Actor or ash or UK aortas. Which means at what time. Quandl means when. Cocomo is how? Wow or Quo means which or which one. Board. For K means why. Q12 is how much and quantiles, quantiles is how many? Quanto tempo means, how long? And game means who or whom. How would you say in Portuguese? What do you want to do? Who could care? Fuzzy. Set, careful there. We would pronounce it. Okay, in Brazilian, Portuguese. How do you want to pay the bill? Come back arrow icon. Go move or say care Bogata content. Which one do you want? Quality care? Well, we'll say care. Why do you want to hire a car? Polka Kara who got sick care algorithm, cow? Or in Brazilian Portuguese, you would pronounce it, will say get a look. How would you say, how much are you going to eat? Quantile. Quantile will say vi compare. Where can I hire a car? On the possible algorithm guy who owned the tuples to Aligarh in Calhoun or in Brazilian Portuguese on Je pose to algol, on GAO possible algorithm cow. When do you want to eat? Quanto care compare, cuando se, good, Come here. What time can I go? I go or I should pause to ear to ear. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, Akira as possible here. So that's all the question words we've got on the orangey ocher. Orange AKI auras, cuando Como. Upper quantile. Quantiles, quantiles, quantiles, tempo, and game. So what you can do is write those down on a cue card. If you write down the Portuguese words down the center of one side of the cue card, and then the English words on the other side of the cue card. And then you can practice building your own sentences in Portuguese using the different question was 11. 5a - qual & quanto: The question word can change in Portuguese depending on what it is referring to. So quiet means which or which one means which, or which ones in the plural. Quiet, or in Brazilian Portuguese, twice. So you use when you're referring to a singular noun, when there's only one of something. And you use quash or quiz when you're referring to plural nouns when there's more than one of something. Similarly, the word quantile. Quantile, which means how much, has four versions and Portuguese. So Q12 means how much and that's classed as the masculine singular version of the word quantiles. Quantiles means how many, and that's classed as the masculine plural version of the word quanta. Quanta is how much in the feminine singular. And quanta. Quanta means how many in the feminine plural. So quantile, quantile, quantile, quantile, or in Brazilian Portuguese, Q12, quantum quanta. Quanta. They mean how much and how many. So it's the masculine singular, the masculine plural, feminine singular, and feminine plural. So what would this mean in English? Kwan to care or quality care. How much do you want? Quantile? Quantile was sick care. How many do you want? Now you can use quantile in front of masculine words and quanta in front of feminine words. So what would this mean? Q12 venue care or quanto venue will say care. How much wine do you want? Quanta comida was sick care. Quanta comida care. How much food do you want? The word comida is a feminine noun, it means food. And so we have to use quanta, the feminine version of how much. Another example is with the word bowls, which means cakes. What will this mean? Quantiles, Borders care. Quantile shovels will say care, or in Brazilian Portuguese, it would be pronounced quantiles. Bolus will say care. How many cakes do you want? So we use quantiles, which is the masculine plural word for how many. Finally, the word so no, dash means carrots, and it's a feminine noun. So what would this mean? Quantities than what I will say care. Quantities to new rash will seek care. How many characters do you want? And in Brazilian Portuguese, you would pronounce it quanta. So numerous was they care? 12. 5b - practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese, what do you want to eat? Will cover, say care, come here, come here. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, votes they can compare. How would you say, what do you want to drink? Who could care, better? Care barrier. Or obviously in Brazilian Portuguese, you would pronounce what as, okay. How would you say, what do you want to order? Who could get better? You say care or in Brazilian Portuguese. Okay, we'll say care PG. What do you want to try? Who could care provider? Was a care provider. What do you want to do? Who could get fuzzier? And fuzzier? What do you want to make? Could get fuzzier and fuzzier. So the word fuzzier can mean to do or to make. How would you say, what do you want to take? Good care? Tamar. Tamar. What do you want to have? Their book over seconds there. What do you want to change? Could get them or that OCHA will say care model. Where do you want to eat? On the get-go mayor, on the Vasicek care compare. In Brazilian Portuguese, OMG. Omg Vasa. Where do you want to drink? On the care they bear on the Wasatch, care better. Or in Brazilian Portuguese on devo, say care better. 13. 5c - practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese, when do you want to eat? Quantile? Quantile will say, When do you want to drink? Quanto Care, Bear, bear. Cuando was Take care, Bye bear. When do you want to order? Quantile? Quantile will say Carpentier, or in Brazilian Portuguese, quandl votes, they get paid you. How do you want to pay? Como kept Bagger. Bagger. Why do you want to eat here? Portico. Portico seek care. Kumara key, or in Brazilian Portuguese. Will say catacomb, Iraqi. Why do you want to take the car? Tomorrow? We'll cover say Carol tomorrow cow, or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say tomorrow. What time do you want to eat? I could come here. Come here. In Brazilian Portuguese Act gave us, was they care compare? Which one do you want to try? Healthcare provider. Was they care provider? Which one do you want to have? While they're there? 14. 5d - practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese? Which ones do you want to try? Question care provider, quite sick care provider. Which ones do you want to have? Quite get there. Once they get there? How much do you want to eat? Quantile. Quantile will say. How much do you want to drink? Quanto care. Baby. Quantile was sick care. How many do you want to eat? Quantiles. Quantiles, we'll say care. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, quantiles, we'll say compare. How much pizza do you want to eat? Quanta. Quanta piece of OC catacomb air, or in Brazilian Portuguese, quanta pizza. How much wine do you want to drink? Quantile venue, get a better. Quanto venue will say get a bevel here. What are you going to eat? Ocha will say, Vice Mayor. What are you going to drink? Who provide the bear? Will cover, say vi by there? 15. 5e - practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese, what are you going to order? Who provide video? Will cover, save iPad Air. Or in Brazilian, Portuguese, who gave us say webpage here. What are you going to try? Provide, provider will go, will say vi, provide. What are you going to do? Fuzzier. And fuzzier. What are you going to make? Life as a wife, as air? What are you going to take? Vitamin C. Vitamin. What are you going to have? Who provide their we'll go, we'll say right there. What are you going to change? Moody? Who will say via Moodle? Where are you going to eat? On-device? On the Save icon mayor, or in Brazilian, Portuguese, RG, Viacom air. Where are you going to drink? On the vine? On the vasa by bad air? Or in Brazilian Portuguese on de Vie better. When are you going to eat? Quantile? Quantile will save icon mayor. When are you going to drink? Cuando Vie better. Cuando se vi better? 16. 5f - practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese, when are you going to order? Quanto bipedal? Guandu will save iPad year. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, cuando se VPg. How are you going to pay? Comma y? Comma will say vi by gar. Why are you going to eat here? Book of like omega key, book cover say Vi comma key. Why are you going to take the car? A Porsche, vitamin, Luca, whole Burka will say Vitamix. Who got who? What time are you going to eat? I called Vico man. I got orders received by conveyor or a gay or us via email. Which one are you going to try? Qualified provider will say vi provider. Which one are you going to have? Quite right there. We'll say right there. Which ones are you going to try? Quite sure why provider? Quiet, she was saved by provider. Which ones are you going to have? Gouache white there. Was saved right there. How much are you going to eat? Quantile. Quantile will save icon. There 17. 5g - practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese, how much are you going to drink? Quantile by bad air. Cuando se vi by bear? How many are you going to eat? Quantile. Quantile, we'll say by how much pizza or are you going to eat? Quantum visa vi compare quantities of osteosarcoma or in Brazilian Portuguese, quanta pizza vi compare. How much wine are you going to drink? Quantile. Quantile we knew was saved by better. What can I eat? Who could pose to compare? Au pursue, compare. What can I drink? Boss, to better? A bottle better. What can I try? Postal provider, hookah, a apostle. What can I order? Boss to Betty ocher, a apostle, bad year or in Brazilian Portuguese. Okay. Possible beds here. Okay. What can I do? Hookah, AU possible fuzzier 18. 5h - practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese, what can I make hookah AU boss over there? What can I take? Postal? Tamar. Tamar. What can I have? Who could pursue their hookah AU puzzle? What can I change? Apostle more data or a postal mood are where can I eat? On the Postal command, on the AU possible command, or in Brazilian Portuguese, orangey postal code. Where can I drink? On the bus? Who buy their own the AU possible there? Or in Brazilian Portuguese, orangey, boastful better. When can I eat? Quandl possible command, cuando AU possible command. When can I order cuando possible? Or cuando AU possible, better ear? Or in Brazilian Portuguese, quandl, possible by g. What time can I eat? What am I supposed to occur? Or a possible command? Which one Can I try? Quiet possible. While a super, super far? 19. 5i - practice questions: How would you say in Portuguese, which one can I have? Quell a apostle? How much can I eat? Quantile. Quantile AU possible compare. How much can I drink? Quanto pause to bear. Q12 AU, pause to bear. How many can I eat? Quant push pause to compare quantities that you post to come air. So when the S on the end of quantiles is placed directly in front of a word that starts with a vowel. The S sounds like a z. So normally it's quanto. Whereas when you have AU after it, Tuesday you quantiles, quantiles that your boss to compare. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, it's quantiles. Quantiles they will pause to come here. In European Portuguese is quantiles. In Brazilian Portuguese is quantiles. But in both Brazilian and European Portuguese. If you place it in front of AU, the S, sounds like as I said, on Tuesday you how would you say, how much pizza can I eat? Quanta, opposed to come here? Quantum visa, AU possible command, or in Brazilian Portuguese, quanta pizza tuples to compare. How much wine can I drink? Q12 venue, pause to bear. Quantile. We knew a super, super rare 20. 6a - some useful verbs: Seeing as we've now learned all the question words, we might as well learn a few more infinitive carriers and some more infinitives. Then we can start to make Corp questions for structure on to our heart's content. So the question words, where, where which is owned or orangey? What? Which is okay? At what time? I could crash. Or a worse. When quantile, How? Which is common? Which or which one is? Why is burka or poor k. How much is Q12? And how many is quantiles? Or in Brazilian Portuguese, quantiles. How long is quantile? Which literally means how much time? And then who or whom is game. Then we have some infinitive carriers. Basu or a apostle means can I pod. A pod means can you. And you would pronounce it biology. In Brazilian Portuguese will say biology. Then kel or vasa care means, do you want vi? Vi means are you going? Devil? A devil means do I have to or Maasai? And then dev. Dev means do you have to or must you. And then Brazilian Portuguese, you pronounce it more, Debbie, Debbie. And then we have some infinitives. We've got calm air, which means to eat. Better, means to drink. Pd or pg means to order. Bravar is to try. Paga, means to pay. Fuzzier means to do or to make. Aligarh, means to hire. Means to go. Tamar is to take tear. Means to have more. Means to change, is to buy. Commissar means to start. And HDR means to b and h star is pronounced S star in Brazilian Portuguese. Part here, or here means to leave. Psi here, is to go out there as a means to bring gosh star or guest star. Means to spend as in to spend money. Pasa means to spend as in to spend time. There is to see. Legal means to call. God, is to stay in control. Means to find these air, is to tell or to say 21. 6b - changing the different parts: How would you say in Portuguese, when do you want to leave? Cuando care per tier? Cuando se care part here. In Brazilian Portuguese. Cuando was eight care per year. Whom are you going to see? Came vivir. Vivir. What can I bring? Who could possibly a tuple. So where are you going to stay tonight? On the effect on the velocity vi, vi cached annoyed. Or in Brazilian Portuguese on devo save hyphae. Car is done witchy. Whom can I call? Came again AU, possibly God. What do you want to say? Who could care? Does air this air? What can I say? Who could pursue this air? Parcel, these air? Where do I have to start? On the devil commissar? On the AU devil Komisar, or in Brazilian Portuguese on the devil Komisar. When do I have to leave? Quandl? Devil part gear, quanto Part D, or in Brazilian Portuguese, cuando Evo Devo party year. How much do you want to spend? Quanto care gas star, quanto a character star, or in Brazilian Portuguese, Q12. Was they care guest star? 22. 7a - as a non-question: So far, we've only looked at structure one in a question format. However, you can also use it in a non question. Let me just recap the question format. So we've seen that structure one in the question format consists of three parts. E.g. who will sit? Good, Come here, means, what do you want to eat? Oka Is the question word vasa care is an infinitive carrier, and compare is an infinitive. We also learned that you can add the optional extra information, e.g. who will say get annoyed? What do you want to eat tonight? Well, to use this structure when you're not asking a question is quite simple. You just take the question mark away and get rid of the question word. The infinitive carriers change in English, but they stay the same in Portuguese. Let me show you what I mean. Let's compare a question and a non question in the structure. One format. Au possible command. Au possible. What can I eat? A new post to compare my star? Au possible compare my star. I can eat later. So in the question, the AU possible means can I? In the non question, the AU Pawsome means I can. So in English, can I changes to become icon? In Portuguese, AU parcel stays the same. So you can say a apostle and a question to mean can I, or as a non question to mean I can e.g. A0 possible commands, a possible compare. I can eat AU possible where possible, where? I can see Paolo AU possible ear ammonia. Ammonia. I can go tomorrow. Let's have a look at the infinitive carriers as we've already learned them. And then we'll look at them as non questions. So we've had a apostle, which means can I say pod? Will say pudgy means can you say care? Means do you want say vi? Are you going? Au? Devon means do I have to or must? I will say dev or we'll say Davey means do you have to almost you? As a non question AU possible means, I can say pod will say biology. Means, you can say care. Was, say care means you want a vi, vj vi is you are going you Devin? Devin means I have to, oh, I must and will say dev or vasa. Debbie means you have to or you most 23. 7b - quero & vou: There are two more infinitive carriers that I want to give you in non question formats. And that's AUG. AUG. Which means I want a novel, a Vo, which means I'm going. And the a is optional. So you can just say for I want or vote for, I'm going. You can put any infinitives onto the end of caribou or how would you say in Portuguese, you can buy something here for Polo. We'll say Paul, the compression algorithm, keypad apparel, or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say project compression algorithm. You can buy it later. Now, if you want to use the word in Portuguese after a verb, e.g. to buy it, to see it, to do it, what you have to do is take the verb, remove the letter R from the end, and then add a hyphen with an L, Lew on the end, e.g. which means to buy will become comparable. So how would you say you can buy it later? Both my star will say both compile my star. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say body compile my strategy. So comparable means by it or to buy it. And you can see how there is an accent on the a. So when you have an AR verb, you remove the air from the end. You put on a hyphen and then the word Lou onto the end and you put an accent on the a. Comparable. So we'll say board comprised with my star. You can buy it later. How would you say I can see it? Possible, well, AU possible value. So very little means to see it or just see it. So we've taken the verb, which means to see, removed the r from the end and then added a hyphen and the word Lou. And with E-R verbs, you put an accent on the E and it's a circumflex accent. In the last example, we had an acute accent over the a. In this example is a circumflex accent. And so all AR verbs, after you've removed the R, you put an acute accent on the a. And with all 0s are verbs. After you've removed the R, you put a circumflex accent on the E. Means to see it 24. 7c - practice sentences: How would you say in Portuguese, I can buy something here. Both to your boss to compare Albuquerque. You can buy something at the supermarket. Bold, comparable out of Macedon voice, they both compatible with Mercado or in Brazilian Portuguese. Vasa apology comparator, ALU, output Mercado. I can buy some cheese. Possible combat occasion, possible complication. I can buy something from my mom here. Postal compare algebra, iminium menarche, AU possible comparable group but our iminium a AKI. You're going to be tired tomorrow. Via star canceled woman. Yeah. We'll say via static canceled 1 min. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say via static canceled. Who am I now? I have to be there soon. Devilish that allow logo a would ever we started our logo in Brazilian Portuguese. And you would never start a logo. You can bring it for Paulo, Brazil, but I will say powder. Or in Brazilian Portuguese Vasa a budget. You have to leave tomorrow. Dave about ammonia will say David. Ammonia or in Brazilian Portuguese will say David per chair ammonia. You can buy it tomorrow. Both compiler ammonia will say both compile ammonia. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say biology compiled lemon yellow 25. 7d - practice sentences: How would you say in Portuguese? You can buy it later. Both to compile much data. We'll say pod compile my star. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say project compiled with my strategy. I must say something. Devil, a devil desirable. I can bring it for Josie. Possible Brazil, parents, Jose, I have to start soon. Devil a devil, a logo. You can eat something at the restaurant. Bold comer algo are hashed out and we'll say political morale Wu, our hashtag around. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, budget comer algo, our histogram will say political morale Gu, are histone and I have to leave tomorrow. Devil part here, ammonia. Ammonia, or in Brazilian Portuguese, a devil parochial ammonia. You can buy something in Lisbon. Bold comparable English bore will say bold comparable English bar, or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say project comparable English. How would you say you're going to be there soon? Via startle a logo, a virus that a lot logo. You must go now. They have a year ago to Vasa devil era Gora, or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say Davey ear, Agoda 26. 7e - practice sentences: How would you say in Portuguese, you must say something. David is that algorithm will say David Zara, or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say Debby Wu. You can bring it with you. Bordered. Converse, say var, say Paul the conversation. Or in Brazilian Portuguese. Bulgy. A look on, let's say, I want to eat something around a eukaryote camera. You're going to spend too much money. Vi dash, dash them as the allodynia will say, vi dash star demos. I must find the hotel. Devil. Devil in contract hotel. I'm going to change it now. Mood ALU and a revolt, Moodle one water. You'll get them to buy too much. Viacom Brad them as well. Save icon. Demonstrate how do I want to buy something here? Wacky. Compare Albuquerque. You can buy it in Lisbon. Both compile English bore will say pod compile English bore. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say budget comparable English, bulla 27. 7f - practice sentences: How would you say in Portuguese, you must drink something. They have a better algorithm. Will say they have a bad algorithm. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say Davey, better outcome. I can bring it tomorrow. But for Brazil, ammonia. Ammonia. You can buy something for Maria. Both the comparator out-group Ana Maria, was able to compare our Panama area or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say budget competitor algebra Maria. I can buy it today. Possible comparable or a postal compiler or Azure. I can buy it later. All possible compile my started to compile my star. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, you would say AU pause to compile my strategy. I can buy it tomorrow. Boss, to comply with ammonia. Ammonia. I want to see Lisbon tomorrow. Where are these polar ammonia? Ammonia? You have to call it in that they heavily garrisoned, that will say devil rigorous than that. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, you would say, we'll say David Legolas and not she will say David ligers Inaki 28. 7g - practice sentences: How would you say in Portuguese, I'm going to call that tomorrow. Vole gathers enough ammonia. You vote Legos, not Timon. Yeah. I want to spend three weeks there. Thresh Samantha's law, a eukaryote bizarre thresh manage law, or in Brazilian Portuguese, a UK robots are Thrasymachus law. I'm going to order the chicken for Paolo. Vote by Franco. Franco PayPal, or in Brazilian Portuguese, a volt per year. Franco para parallel. I must change the reservation. Devil mood that you would ever move that at acetyl-CoA? I must go now. Devil, year ago, a year ago, Laura, you must eat something. Devil commit. We'll say devil commit algorithm, or in Brazilian Portuguese will say David commit algorithm. You can buy something here. Both the comparative Albuquerque, we'll say both comparative Albuquerque or in Brazilian Portuguese will say biology completed alga key. I'm going to do it later. Fas L and I started a vote as much data. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, you would pronounce it a oval Fas L, my Starkey 29. 7h - practice sentences: How would you say in Portuguese? You have to be in Lisbon tomorrow. David Starr, English bot ammonia, will say devilish that English bull ammonia, or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say dv x star in this board ammonia. You have to stop soon. David commissar logo. We'll say they have a common style logo. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say David Komisar logo. You can buy something at the hotel. The hotel will say both compression algorithm. Our hotel or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say biology comparative algorithm out of them. You can bring it forward your theme. Hello. Josie will say Paul, that Russell Ballard, Josie, or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say budget. You must change it. Now. They have a modality. Will say David modality. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say Davey Medallia Gora. I have to call Paolo devil the devil legal battle. I have to be in Porto tomorrow. Devilish data import to ammonia. Would ever wish that important to ammonia? You have to be there soon. Delta H star lot logo will say dev Ashdod lot logging in Brazilian Portuguese, will say Daddy Star logo. I'm going to buy it today. Vote comparable or AU will compile or Azure or in Brazilian Portuguese, a Yuval compiler origin 30. 8a - recap of question words: So there we have it. The first Portuguese structure in a non question form. We'll say both. A Key Vault, say both Omega t, It's made up of an infinitive carrier. In this instance, we'll say bald, meaning you can, an infinitive, go mer, meaning eat. And then you can add extra information on the end, such as a key, meaning here, we'll say bode command Alt key. You can eat here. Now let's do a recap of all the question words, all the infinitive carriers, and all the infinitive that we've looked at so far. How do you say in Portuguese, where? On or what? Okay. What time? I go orange or a keyword us. Win. Cuando. How calm? Which are, which one? Cow? Why? Burka? Or how much quantity? How many quantiles? How long, or literally how much time? Quanto tempo. Who or whom? Cain. Can I? Boston or AU possible. Can you say pod or a pudgy? Do you want vasa care? Are you going? We'll say Why do I have to almost die? Devil or a Aldebaran? Do you have to almost you will say devil will say Davey. I can post to, you can board or a board. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say body 31. 8b - recap of infinitive carriers: How would you say in Portuguese, you want? We'll say care. You're going. I will say vi. I have to or I'm most Devin. Devin. You have to, or you must say dev. Or we'll say Davey. I want I'm going vol, a oval. To eat, to drink, bear, bear. To order. Or bad year. To try. Bravar, to pay. By God, to do or to make fuzzier. To hire Aligarh. To go here, to take tomar, to have to change mood, to buy, to start. Commissar, to be sad, or Ashdod, to leave parties or party, or to go out a year to bring to spend, and then to spend money to spend as in to spend time to see. There 32. 8c - recap of infinitives: How would you say in Portuguese to call leaguer? To stay to find. In contrast to say or to tell. Tomorrow. Ammonia. Today. We're all busy. Tonight. It just annoyed. Or ethanoic G. Now, I go into later my style or my strategy to Lisbon. At libor. In Lisbon. English bulla at the restaurant or to the restaurant. Restaurant. Or in Brazilian Portuguese. I'll hit Start and cheap. The chicken. Frankly. The red coat. A ticket. Yet. Or HE for paolo. About a parallel here. Aki. How would you say, what are you going to bring? What can you eat? Bought conveyor, belt conveyor. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, who gave or say, you're going to spend too much money. Vegas data. We'll say vi gosh, that the mesial to the nato. How would you say, what can you see? Coupled where? We'll say pod, where? In Brazilian Portuguese, who gave or say biology where? 33. 8d - more practice: How would you say in Portuguese, when can I go out? Quantile? Quantile AU possible. So here I can bring some wine for Paolo tomorrow. Possible. Venue per pound woman. Yeah. Au postal preserving new parabola man. Yeah. Can I eat at the Hotel Tonight? Both to compare our hotel washed annoyed. You post to compare our hotel. Or in Brazilian Portuguese. Au possible Camille, our hotel is don't wait. Can you call Maria at quarter past fall? Probably gone maria ash, quite true. We'll say polygon Maria R-squared through weekends. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, will say pudgy legal Maria, as quite true. Kinsey, can I pay the bill? Boss to buy garlic, aren't you post to Bogata count? Where can I find it? On the possible and control on the AU possible and can travel in Brazilian Portuguese, Angie AU possible and can travel. What time do you want to start here? Commissar. I got what I should say, gear commissar. Which ones do you want to try? Gouache care provider. Will seek care provider. What are you going to do tomorrow? Ammonia. Ammonia 34. 8e - more practice: How would you say in Portuguese? You can buy it later. Both compiler, my style State Board comprised of my star or in Brazilian Portuguese VO, say budget compiler. My strategy. Can I go out later? Post suicide here my style. You pause to say here my standard or in Brazilian Portuguese. And you pause here my strategy. I want to go out later. My style, my style. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, a eukaryotes a year. My strategy. Do you want to see it? Get available? Will say care, well, do you want to try it? Good profile. Which one do you want to hire? Care. While we'll say care, Aligarh. Whom do you want to see in Lisbon. Can't get where English Bohr came once they get their English Beauvoir. Whom do you have to see in Porto? Game dev, very important to gain will say data they're important to. Or in Brazilian Portuguese. Can you say Davey, they're important to? Whom are you going to see in Portugal? Can you, why they're important to go? Game will say vivir, input to gown 35. 9a - turning it negative: There's one more useful thing that you can do to this first structure quite easily. And that's make it negative. You can change the infinitive carriers from positive to negative quite easily. In English, it's simply a matter of putting a little N apostrophe T after the verb, e.g. why are you going to Lisbon? Becomes, why aren't you going to Lisbon? Can I go with you, becomes contact with you. When can you do it? Becomes when quantitative it. In Portuguese, it's even more simple. All you have to do to turn the infinitive carriers negative is put the word noun in front of it. E.g. vasa, care will say care means do you want we'll say Now care will say Now care means don't you want? So if you have a subject pronoun like bossy or AU, then the word noun comes after that. So here are six infinitive carriers. Au possible, which means can I, will say PODD over, say apology means can you take care? You want? Say Why are you going? Do I have to or must I will say dev over say Davey, means do you have to almost you. So what I'd like to do is to pause this lesson, See if you can turn those six infinitive carriers negative, and then press play to see if you got them right. So a Obasanjo means can I now parcel means conchae. We'll say pod means can you say now pod over say an apology. Means can't you take care? Was do you want we'll say Now care of or say Now care means don't you want we'll say vi was, are you going? We'll say now, why will say now vi means Aren't you going? Devil? Means do I have to or must die. A noun there means don't I have to. Then we'll say dev over, say Davey means you have to almost you will say No Davie over say now, devil means don't you have to? Then all you have to do is put an infinitive on the end of these, just like you do with the normal infinitive carriers. And you've formed a negative sentence in structure one 36. 9b - negative non-questions: How would you say in Portuguese, why can't I go with you? Can now pause to ear converts say, now possible ear converts say, what can't you bring? Now? We'll say now pull the threads air or in Brazilian Portuguese. Okay, Vasa now Budget Tracker, there. Aren't you going to buy something for Maria? Now by computer algebra, Maria will say now Vi complex algebra Maria whom con Ty, Cool. Now possible legal gain, a will now possibly God. Why can't you do it later? Both going up all the possible. My style to say now port for Zillow much started in Brazilian Portuguese. Bought K will say now pause if I sell my strategy per se now positive as L0, my strategy. Now you can also turn non question infinitive carriers negative in the exact same way as question infinitives. You just put the word noun in front of the infinitive carrier. E.g. postal or a apostle means I can now possible. Now possible means I can't. And you can do this with any of the infinitive carriers in the non question form. So here are four non question infinitive carriers. Boss or a apostle means I can bode. Bode or pudgy means you can. Vasa care means you want and vi, vj, vi means you're going. So once again, I'd like you to pause this lesson, See if you can turn these four infinitive carriers, negative, and then press play and see if you got them right. So a apostle means I can now pass through a will now possible means I count. Will say pod. You can see now pod will say now Pucci means, you can't say care means you want. We'll say Now care means you don't want. And we'll say vi means you're going now. Why will say now vi means you aren't going? 37. 9c - negative practice sentences: Here are four more infinitive carriers. Devin or a word devil means I must say div over, say Davey, means you must. Schedule, means I want and Vo or a volume means I'm going. Pause the lesson, See if you can put those for infinitive carriers into the negative and then press play to see if you got them right. So AL devil means I must. Now that means I must not say dev means, you must say now Dev over say No, Davie means you must not. Do. Is I want now care or a will now care means I don't want Vo, is I'm going and novel. Or a novel means I'm not going. How would you say in Portuguese, I can't do it today. Now possible for sale was now possible fuzzy yellow ocher. You can't eat the chocolate. Now both Gmail or so-called will say not bode command or chocolate. Or in Brazilian Portuguese, vase say now political mayor. How would you say, I must not spend too much money? Now they've all got started. There must be handled in a room. Now that we've got star, them, Asiago the nail. You must not cool Paolo. Now, definitely got bowel. Will say now they have leaked out bowel. Or in Brazilian Portuguese will say now David Ricardo, I don't want to eat here. Now carry a noun. I'm not going to hire it. I'm going to buy it. Now. Vo allo gallium vote comparable. Now Vo ALU gallon, you vote comparable 38. 10 - structure 1 outline: Now, here is an outline of structure one in Portuguese. As you can see on the left, we have question words, then we have infinitive carriers, then we have infinitives. And finally on the right, we have extra information. What you can do is use this outline to build your own sentences and your own questions in Portuguese. Just take one word from each column on the possible Camille ammonia on the post to compare ammonia. Where can I eat tomorrow? Every time you make up a new question, say it several times out loud. On the possible Camille ammonia. Ammonia on the postal cameraman? Yeah. Because by repeating it over and over, you're getting your tongue familiar with the structure. Another thing you can do is as you're repeating the question, try and change one element. So instead of saying where can I eat tomorrow? After you said it a few times, say where can I eat today or what can I eat today? Or what can I drink now? Try and do it without stopping. On the possible cameraman Yeah. On the apostle camera ammonia. Ammonia onto possible comment on the post to comment on the possible commerce. Osha. Osha, who Kaposi sarcoma, osha, who could possibly their origin. So by changing one thing at a time, you're getting yourself used to this structure and it will make it easier in the long run to say things without having to think them through. So copy down this outline onto a piece of paper and use it to practice structure one