1. Intro: Hi guys. My name is Elizabeth Hague. I'm so excited that you decided to take this class at Skillshare with me and Wildcat Echo. So, before we dive in, I want to introduce you guys to a small definition of what new marking landscape actually is, because I'm going to say it quite a bit over the next few videos. So, our definition of the new marking landscape,are customers demanding personalized touch points on personalized products and genuine real conversation, and they want all those materials yesterday. So, great brands are really leaning into this concept hard. They're incorporating trust, and loyalty, and just personality in everything that they do. I can't wait for you guys to dive into this course and learn so, so much. We're going to have a blast. Can't wait to see you in the next video.
2. Overview: So, I want to introduce you guys to a new way of looking at your brand. Previously, brands were built as a separate function of a business or business persona, and people have a very big problem with connecting things cyclically. What I mean by that is, people see their business model as separate, people see their brand as separate, and people see their marketing as separate, when really all these three ideas need to be harmonious in order to actually produce powerful, impactful, enterprise level marketing campaigns, and just general communications as well. So, your business model is directly connected to your brand because your brand leans heavily on the concepts that build the foundation of your company. When your brand is developed, it has visuals, it has emotion, it has guidelines, that feeds directly into how you'll develop your marketing, and along the way, these three things need to be solid, and together, and they need to be well balanced. Unfortunately, brands, in the traditional way brands were created, they sort of make the connection, but a lot of times a brand or a company ends up with sparse guides. Like, it's not enough to say that we're bold in our emotional or communication voice and tone anymore, how does that actually work in our new landscape, facing new marketing challenges every single day, how does that actually show up? So, we're going to talk a lot about that. I'm going to start you out with some foundation tools and it's going to be really exciting. I can't wait to see you guys in next videos.
3. What Is A Compelling or Unique Idea?: So, we're going to start tackling the branded tools that you're going to need to build successful and fluid marketing in this new crazy marketing landscape. So, this section we're talking about our first thought exercise, which is to help you guys get ready to authentically communicate with your current audiences and nailing down the very first concept of what a unique and compelling idea is. So, we're going to start at the very base of what makes an incredible branded marketing campaign. So, if you guys haven't already go ahead and pause, download the PDF worksheet. Don't worry I'll be here when you get back just go ahead and grab it. So, before we get started let's chat about what exactly a compelling or unique idea actually is. A compelling or unique idea according to us, Wildcat Eco Crew over on this side of the fence, so it's all about passion and drive. That's the core of everything your business does. The passion, why did you start this company? Why does it exist? It doesn't have to be a Uber complicated idea. It doesn't have to be a groundbreaking compelling thought. Sometimes it will be but oftentimes it really isn't. It could be something as simple as being the only company in your market that has incredible customer service, for example. Just thinking through some markets that have terrible notoriously terrible customer service like say for example, an Internet or television provider of cable company. Think about how radically groundbreaking a brand would be if they emerged in this technological landscape and they were like, "Yeah, we provide the same thing as our competitors only we are nice guys. We actually do great customer service." Do you know how many people would sign up with that brand and just be all over their marketing. So, the idea doesn't have to actually be complicated, but yes let's let's take a look at a real world example, something we've all experienced before. So, Target. Target is my favorite example to use for compelling idea. So, the US Target shopping experience is all hooked us into their unique and compelling ideas. So, their tagline is expect more pay less. It's public knowledge. We all know that. The compelling idea behind that is so good that when we go and shop at Target, we're not even actually aware that the compelling idea is happening to us. So, as evidence I'm going to probably all thinking about maybe a time that you've walked into Target and said I only need two things and those two things are deodorant and I need paper towels and that's it. I'm only going to get these two things and then somehow you magically end up at the cashier station with a buggy full of a $100 worth of stuff that you had no intention of actually buying when you went in there. Just somehow, the compelling idea compelled you to fill your cart up. That's Target's unique idea. Their idea is that when you walk in, they tell you what to buy not the other way around. So, you have intentions to buy only two things, but Target's expect more, pay less unique idea of showing you top design ideas for very affordable prices compels you in a way to trust them and buy in to their unique idea and the shopping experience. So, let's take a look at the PDF exercise. While you're looking at that, let's explore some simple strong ideas that drive your company. So, think of a unique way your company connects to customers. Do you do something that maybe nobody else in your market does? Maybe you do something that everyone does. You produce a similar product but maybe you do it way better than everybody else. Maybe you're providing a unique hook that no one else, no other competitors is actually providing. So, think about these incredible ideas, maybe some simple concepts that can be your true compelling unique idea to really authentically relate to your audience. So, in the PDF itself, to help you along you'll find a very simple formula to help you guys find your own unique or compelling idea of what your company's brand really stands for. I encourage you all to, in the comments section below, share your ideas, ask questions. I would love for you guys to start being a part of the discussion. I'd love to see what you're working on and hear about some of your challenges or some of your triumphs and I will see you all in the next video.
4. Brand Environment Design: I hope you guys had a blast developing your compelling ideas, your unique ideas. Today, we're going to move on and talk a little bit more about Environment Designs. We're talking about brand design and how to build your brand beyond your logo. So, in this section, you and I, were going to be working really diligently to examine your overall brand design. So, a great brand has a really comprehensive, great environment of design to pull from. So, a typical brand is always delivered in a logo, maybe a secondary logo. You've got some primary colors to use for your brand. If you're lucky, you've got some typography samples. If you're really lucky and you went full on with it, you've got content guidelines, patterns, icons, text, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So you're looking at all of these items, you're going to get stuck when you're creating marketing campaigns with the question of, "I have three brand colors. How do I use this in marketing? What's the reality of putting my brand into visual environment design?" The reality here is that a lot of brands are being built in an old school way. They're static. They don't really give you any clues on how to continue to build an environment that speaks to customers. It excites them. It delights them. So, the idea here is that we want to think through, how we're going to build an environment while staying branded. That's the challenge. How do we build a cohesive story using the brand that we have, while also, making sure that we have freedom to create new campaigns. The reason we want to tackle this concept now, the reason why we're pushing on this concept so hard is that the reality of it is is that customers are inundated with ads every single day. I mean, they see hundreds of your competitors, brands all over the place. There are constantly looking at commercials, and the more you can build a look, a feel, a story that appeals to your audience and really has a compelling conversation with them, the better off you are going to be. So, your customers, they're faced with multiple buying choices from sometimes hundreds of competitors and sometimes hundreds of competitors a day. If you've ever walked down the bread aisle at the market, I'm absolutely sure you know what I'm talking about. It can be really frustrating because there's literally 50 breads to choose from, or if say for example, you already know your brand of bread, they did something. They did something along the way that caught your eye, and now you totally trust them. It's all about making it easier for your customer to choose you, choose your brand, and you do that by having a design environment you can work with to really create fresh content. It's your inspiration, while also, continuing on building trust and not designing all sorts of wacky stuff but staying consistent and staying compelling. So, go ahead and gather all of your current brand assets. We're talking logos. We're talking colors. Also, if you have access to it, anything in the past that you've used in the brand like if you redesign the logo seven times. Let's take a look at all of that together. Put it all in one place for review it doesn't matter if that's in a Dropbox folder or you print everything out, it's just really important that you have everything in one place. Pull out the PDF worksheet. Let's work together to check off the design environment assets you need, some that you may already have and maybe some that need a little extra polishing. So, branded design environments build trust with your audience. That's a no brainer, right? It builds familiarity without being super boring. It also gives you more freedom to try new and interesting things all while simultaneously not leaving you high and dry because you do have some rules put in place. You do know exactly what you're trying to do, but you have freedom to be more creative, you have freedom to experiment. So, whether you're designing a new website, or you're designing a social media campaign or in a photo shoots, you know what the core compelling, most important visual pieces are. But, the rest we can kind of work through. Let's tap into this emotion. So on this campaign, it's going to be much darker because our message is very serious. We're on this campaign, we're talking to younger women and we want to use a lot of trend based colors and ideas. Let's see if that fits in our brand. We're going to make it fit because we're going to use our core colors in a bright and light, and fun and airy way. Let's go for it. So, the idea is to stay consistent, to stay focused. Weave a larger visual story into every single thing that you do, marketing wise, and it's not about using the same three design tools over and over and over again. That's all about stagnation. We don't want that, we don't want to be stagnant. Your brand needs to be present on all of your platforms, and it doesn't mean that you're just reusing your logo and stamping your logo on it and being like, "It's branded enough." We have to think about how we're really telling compelling stories. So, at the end of this segment, when you're walking through the worksheet, what you really want to have is a clear roadmap of what you currently have, what you'll potentially need in the future, and what areas maybe need just a tiny little bit of polish to really make them shine. So, I'd absolutely love to hear your thoughts on this section. Let's do a discussion about it. Do you see areas of improvement in your own brand? Do you have questions about what a fluid brand may even really be or mean? Let's discuss it little bit further and live a one on one conversation. I'd love to hear more about what you're up to, and I'll see you in the next video.
5. Consistency on Every Platform: I hope you guys really enjoyed creating a larger branded environment and focusing on some interesting techniques to bring you beyond your logo. Today, we're going to talk about consistency and how consistency is really important in storytelling. So, we touched on that a little bit in our last video. We gave you a sample item of design elements that are really important to have to create a larger visual environment, but we do have to make sure that we're putting a cap on that and revisiting sanity, and consistency to make sure we're not overdesigning or overexplaining, or overemoting. It's all about staying focused and consistent across the board. So, unfortunately consistency sometimes gets a really bad rap in the marketing world because it's incorrectly compared to repetition. So, the audience that you're going to be talking to through your branded marketing efforts, they're craving consistency, but they also want new content. So, how do we balance between those two things? Definition of repetition is really simply just repeating the same ideas, same images, the same words, the same campaigns over and over, and over again. Nothing fresh about it. Repetition isn't really storytelling. It's just yelling into the void and hoping that people somehow pick up on it and don't notice that you keep yelling the same thing over and over again, and let's put it in a real world context. You guys don't text your best friend the same sentence over and over, and over again. You guys have real conversations. Maybe you talk about the same things but you mix it up every time you talk about maybe one topic, and then add a little bit, or hey, I learned about this, or hey what do you think of this concept? Consistency on the flip side is all about tapping into that core compelling idea, just like we talked about in video one. It's all about cooking up some interesting ways to showcase that idea and keep it fresh but in a logical way. So, there's a pattern to what we're doing. We can definitely pick something out that's consistent, that's a theme that we're constantly promoting, but we're not saying in using the exact same sentence to describe that over and over again. Every time we post about or create a branded campaign, or really push a concept, the core concept from our brand, we're adding to it. We're adding a little flavor or telling more of the story, or giving depth, or giving meaning to something. It's all about building trust. It's about showing customers how your company will fit seamlessly into their lives without breaking trust with them. It's all about focusing on, hi, I'm consistent. You can trust me. You can trust my company but I know what's important to you, customer. So, I'm going to keep it fresh. I have a full visual environment to leverage to keep my concepts interesting. It's all about engaging. It's not about necessarily repeating, repeating, repeating, repeating. It's about building and focusing on what strategically works and maybe getting rid of the things that strategically don't. So, you have to leverage your core message and make a fuller environment experience in a strategic way that's logical without losing your sense of fun and availability, and conversation, and fluidity. So, it's a little bit of a difficult concept to grasp, or really wrap your heads around. Before you move into building consistency in your new campaigns, whether you're trying to rush into this or not, let's pause and take a look. Just like we did before in our last video, let's take a look at all of your past content. So, instead of looking at all of your past branded experiences, we're going to be talking about past content. So, gather up all your social media links, any print campaigns, maybe TV spots, or Google ads you've done in the past, put it in one place. Your goal is to see if you see any consistency or any patterns. Are you using the same style images? Do you have consistency there? What was the most successful campaign you did? What was the least successful? What does your copy look like? This is a great opportunity to really be honest with yourself as well. Are you seeing a lot of repetition? Are you reposting the same exact photograph or same exact sentence over and over again, because you found out that it worked and you're afraid of letting that go? You're afraid of building on it. You're afraid of using consistency. You're afraid of letting go of some concepts that are just, honestly quite frankly, holding you totally back right now. So, let's walk through this exercise and see your content with fresh eyes. Let's see if there are some opportunities or areas of improvement, and let's see if you're doing something really, really great and you want to carry that forward. Again, we've gone through the creative process, we're building a larger environment, but it's also about making sure that you're not going overboard. Make sure you're not designing 60 colors and then it's an uncompletely unusable environment. It's all about modesty but building trust and fresh compelling new interesting ideas as you continue to roll your brand forward. I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Again, always post them in discussion. I love hearing what you guys are up to and I can't wait to see you the next video.
6. Real Conversations With Real People: So, now that you've practiced developing, honing, articulating, you know what your compelling idea is, how to build a brand beyond your logo, we've also talked about the all important key of consistency and raining some of those creative ideas in to create an environment that's logical, it's now time that we add in human touch, which is so so important. So, before we move into creating an actual living campaign anywhere out there on the Internet or in real life, we need to examine who it is we are actually speaking to? So, who your company is speaking to? It's vital in this section to focus on creating two customer personas. So, a customer persona is a data driven, quote unquote, perfect personality of your ideal customer. It's a higher concept but it's not really that difficult. Pull out your PDF worksheet, we have a great section called Target Market. Navigate to that and we'll help you out to develop your personalities. So, just like in real life, the more you know about the person you're talking to, the stronger you can bond and relate and have a good conversation with them. So, our goal today is to help your business truly bond with the customers that you have, and interweave your brand into their everyday lives by really making a social impact with them. But you need to connect with them in order to understand them. You also need to understand them by getting to actually know them. So, using the PDF worksheets, again, go to the Target Market section. In that section, there's a short exercise detailing the very most important items you are going to absolutely need to have, to really actually know your customers wants, needs, desires. It's not just about gender, age, or gaps, or where they live, or how much they make. It's all about the details, and that's how you can build a campaign, or build a brand, or build a voice, and build a tone, that's really compelling, have actual conversations. So, asking questions like, how do my customers spend their weekends? What are their hobbies? Or asking questions like, what other brands do they actually truly love? Those items help you to know the truth about your audience. Some of those questions you can fill in probably automatically. It's very natural to you. You've probably already dealt with customers for years. You almost have an innate ability to really hone in on who they are. You have a rapport with your customers. That's great. But not everybody has that. So, if you're one of those people that have a lot of blanks in this section, don't feel bad. Fill out what you can, and then from there, let's talk about getting the data you need to really build a strong customer profile. So, if you have access to an audience already, it's totally fine to poll them, and you don't even have to make it super formal. If you want to put the blank questions you have on an Instagram post with a poll, if you feel that's a great place to get connected to your customers and you'll get really good customer feedback, go ahead. Not a problem. You may even take it to the next level and jump on type forum and just go for it. Make a formal questionnaire, incentivize them with maybe a coupon, or discount, or a gift card and really get people pouring in to fill out this little bit more comprehensive research or survey. No matter what you do, it's important that you have access to an audience that you'd actually get real information from. So, if you are sitting here going, I don't actually have an audience yet. I can't actually do this, or maybe you're practicing on a made up company just so you can get your feet wet and really become an expert in this topic. It's totally okay. Don't shy away from Google. Don't shy away from using Facebook's labor statistics or shopping habits. They have incredible market research data tools in their ads campaign sections. So, go ahead and dive in and maybe get connected to Facebook and ask them how you can use their tools to really pool actual data from people that are buying things online. There are a lot of ways to grab information you need for free, so don't be afraid. So, focus on understanding your customer, what it is they need from you? The PDF worksheet will definitely help guide you through that process. I cannot wait to hear what you guys think. What did you learn? What did your customers say? Post it in the comment discussion below. I can't wait to hear and we'll see you in the next video.
7. Voice And Tone: In this lesson, we're going to be talking about what the concept of voice and tone is, and how to utilize it to create stronger, more authentic conversations. Oftentimes, companies have voice and tone guidelines that aren't really truly connective or really robust enough for everyone to actually grasp. Whenever the topic of voice and tone comes up, there's an immediate aversion to it mostly because of a fundamental lack of understanding. While you're looking at these slides, it's important to think about how voice and tone work together in the real world. We all utilize this technique in everyday speech, especially when we're talking to different types of people throughout the day, so your voice is the embodiment of who you are as a person. Now, whether you're a big toughy or you're just a big nice warm inviting person, those qualities show up in how you speak to literally everyone no matter who you're actually speaking to. The essence of who you are dictates how you generally treat everyone you encounter, but tone, tone is contextual. How you speak to your grandmother when she actually calls you asking you a question about her computer, it's going to be so vastly different than talking to a teenage boy about a "technical problem." Who you are as a person stays the same whether you're talking to your grandma or a child, but your tone alters to fit the person you're talking to. You're looking at that person immediately assessing, "Okay, they're this age. They probably know this." You're making some assumptions, but you also know that they've got experience here, et cetera, et cetera, and that's why your target market profile is so important. So, I'm so glad you guys built out already. So, you won't be using slang terms with your Grammy, and just like you won't be using oversimplified terms with that teenage boy that has technical prowess, probably much more than we all have. Voice and tone is just as simple as that and it's now totally easy to see the value of what voice and tone really is and start applying it to your actual business, and it's a great way to stay consistent and help build branded copy in your marketing or any of your campaigns or even just social media. So, if you want to stay on brand, you have to establish the voice of your business, and how that will feel in active marketing out in the real world. The best way to actually do that is to think back on your compelling idea. You can connect that concept to your unique or compelling idea and really ask yourself, "If my mission is to tell people about being helpful and everything that I do, what will my voice sound like? Is it going to be warm? Is it going to be informal?" Maybe it's going to have all of the answers, and anyone can feel like they can talk to me at any time. When you're ready to create a campaign, look back to your target market. You've crafted two perfect customer personalities. So, it's time to think when you're actually stepping into a marketing campaign and wanting to utilize real voice and tone who are you going to be speaking to in that particular campaign? What kind of language do you need to use to relate to this perfect person persona? Is it simple language because it's a campaign for children? Is it trend based language because it's a campaign for young women? It's all about focusing on how you sound to customers. So, think about how you want your business to speak to people. What should they feel when they finally leave your brand or stop engaging with that one particular campaign? Allow your copy to follow that feeling. In the pdf guide, I have a very short exercise on how to define voice and tone, and get you going in the area that matters most. Can't wait to hear your thoughts, and as always, post in the discussion down below. Tell us what you're working on and I can't wait to see you in the next video.
8. Talk With Customers, Not At Them: Welcome back. If you've walked through the PDF, you've now successfully created five branded pieces that directly shape your marketing as we move forward with the new marketing landscape. You also now have a fully documented guideline where you can actually refer back to or send out to other agencies to let them know what you're up to and what's important to your business. Congrats, by the way, it was a lot of good work you guys did. But before we dive into actually putting some of these practices into place, I want you guys to step back, take stock, and also set some realistic expectations on what to expect back from this new brand plus marketing equals speaking to the new marketing landscape. So, the three things I want you guys to look for as results from posting this work, making this work active, are thus, the first thing you need to look out for is conversation. The second thing you need to look out for is listening, and the third thing that's very important is making sure that you are actually staying fluid through trends, soon not being trapped by trends. So, what does all this mean? What exactly do I mean by conversation, listening, and staying fluid through trends? So, conversation especially is important to engage interactivity with your audience versus the marketing efforts that you're doing, is the brand foundation that you've put forward actually beneficial to them? Are they engaging? Are they leaving comments, likes? Are they sharing your information? Marketing to the next wave of customers really is all about encouraging them to engage with you and have a conversation. So, what your company is saying and it's social media, or maybe it's other marketing activities, really should entice customers to give you those likes, to follow along with what you're doing, and if that's not happening, you really need to step back and say, "Am I having a conversation with my customers or am I just shouting at them and they're not appreciating it?" So, again thinking through your compelling concept, your unique idea, the very first thing that we worked on, make sure that that thought or that idea, or unique piece, is showing up in everything that you do across multiple platforms. When a customer visits your Instagram, that maybe connects with you from there, or jumps on your website, there shouldn't really be any massive radical changes in the visual, emotional, or the idea that's driving this style of marketing. Anything that you're putting out there really should be staying cohesive to help encourage trust and get them talking to you. So, if you continue to show interest in your audience in this way, by providing them content that they're really engaging with, then that will actually end up repaying itself in kind to you. The next step with that, the companion piece to active conversation, is listening. Active listening is all about hearing your customers. So, it's also about gathering what they say and how taking a look at how they're actually interacting with us, and working to continue to make sure that you're actually holding a conversation with them and giving them the things that they want. You're paying attention to what works, what doesn't. So you're keeping the things that are great and ditching the things that aren't based on what your customers are telling you. Your customers don't have to speak words to you. Sometimes the likes alone are enough to gauge whether your customer actually enjoys what you're putting out there and there's lots of ways to tweak things as you go, so maybe it's the photo wasn't quite right, or maybe the copy wasn't quite genuine enough. Start experimenting while you're putting these pieces out there. The last part is staying fluid through trends. So, if you're able to absorb a trend or not, I want you guys to look at an example from Rit Dye. They kept the same logo but they updated their full brand environment to walk with the times, and they did that on their 100th anniversary of Rit being around, which is amazing. So, while they didn't changed their brand assets, they actively absorbed a trend that they felt was in line with their compelling idea of creativity and creating unique pieces, and things DIY-ing elements, being crafty, and really dove headfirst into trends that are really relatable to millennial audiences, younger audiences. So, if say for example glitter is in but you decide that it looks cheap on your brand because you're a luxury brand, it's okay not to absorb that trend. You're actively looking for things that complement your brand as you move forward, so you can jump on bandwagons to grow your audience, but you're not jumping on every single bandwagon that exists. So, hopefully that helps you along the way as we move into our mock social media post coming up in the next video. As always, post your thoughts, I can't wait to hear what you are up to, ask questions, and we'll see you in the next video.
9. Create A Social Media Post : Okay, congrats everyone. You guys are now ready to use everything that you've learned to apply it to a little mock social media post. So, what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to use Wildcat Echo, and I'm going to show you guys how we're going to set up a post that's cohesive, tell us a little bit of a story, reflects our compelling idea and who we are so you guys get a really good idea of how your social media mock post should be. So, one of the compelling ideas we have at Wildcat Echo centers around just being transparent and using conversational language so people can relate to us on a more one-on-one sort of personal feel. So, we decided to go ahead and hone in on the topic of mistakes. So, as you can see, we started with a copy, first thing we did was develop a really fun headline, "Screw it. Celebrate the mistakes too". Something that reflects our value and also uplifts audiences to just kind of help them see that the little mistakes that they make are a learning opportunities more than anything else. That they're important to running a business and developing a brand. So, the next thing that we ended up doing was we collected some branded photographs. So, let's go ahead and see if we can find one that reflects these particular mistakes happen, it's all okay, and there's nothing to worry about. So, this one looks pretty good. We're going to go ahead and use this one in our mistakes campaign, fits pretty well. So, let's grab it. I already have a little template set up in Photoshop, so we have a little Instagram template. You can see some photos here already in sample layout of text. So, we're going to go ahead and drag and drop our photograph into this sample little layout. So, here you'l let me grab my photo, pop it in. Great. It's fine. Then let's go back to our document with all of our copy. So, this is the headline that's actually in the design itself cause we were really into graphics. So, you can see here we just copy and paste it into the graphic itself because our style is very graphic, typography, and photo heavy. I'm going to size it and move some things around and it make it look a little bit better. Okay, that looks just about right. Perfect. All right. Now, we're getting it ready. Let's go ahead and save our older one it's just a little thing we did before. All right. Looks good. Looks good. So, the rest of our copy that we've written is ready to go, in the actual post itself. So, we have all of these nice little mock up little incentive to feel really good about your mistakes, don't worry about it, it reflects our brand, it feels authentic to us, and we're ready to post it and see what the reactions will be like. We already did that. Let's go ahead and update this and see if we've gotten any. We did this about maybe a couple seconds ago so we're doing it all live. Oh, we got five interactions already in the 10 seconds it took to actually post it. So, and you can see everything looks really cohesive and there's a thematic theme going with our Instagram. So, the concept here is that you can literally do this across any of your platforms now that you have the knowledge you can replicate the same idea over and over again and start tackling some of the communications places and making sure that they're all connected. Does your website look the same as your Instagram? Does your Instagram reflect what you're saying on Facebook? Does what you're saying on Facebook reflect your ads that you're running. Just a really great places to explore. Make sure that everything is cohesive, looks good and don't worry about the past. If you've made mistakes in the past, forget about those it's all about moving forward and creating something great. Thank you so much guys. I can't wait to see your mock social media posts. Post them, I want to take a look, I want to see what you guys are doing, and congrats, you guys are almost finished. Yay.
10. Conclusion: Guys, thank you so much for being such great students. I'm really excited to see all the things that you've posted. We did some amazing work today, and you guys have a completed guide, as well as a practice piece for social media, to get you rolling into that direction of creating authentic, emotional, relatable experiences with your customers. Never forget that you have everything you need at your fingertips, it all takes practice. I can't wait to see the beautiful things you guys are going to do. Post some of your examples, I'd love to see them. Good luck. I wish you all the very best. Bye.