1. What you will learn in this Design System Class: Welcome to my class about
design systems using Figma. In this class, we are going to learn what are design systems, how we make up our
design system, and how we convert that or
design that into Figma. And we can reuse that into
our projects with developers, with our teammates and
different designers. Before we dig into
design systems, we are going to learn
a little bit more about what our
design principles. What are the purpose statement
of your design systems? What are different components? What are their qualities? How a component should be? What are tokens, rules, themes? So a lot of stuff we're
going to learn before we dig into actually designing
our design system. So stay tuned with me. We are going to work on grids. We are going to work on
icons, illustrations. We are going to work on
different grid systems, lay out a lot of stuff,
including our buttons. Then we are going to create simpler components that
we're going to create. Bigger components are
called molecules. If you know about
atomic design system. That is all we're going
to cover in this class. We are going to create
a whole dark theme, often app learning
app using Figma. And we're going to build
its design system. And I'm going to share
with you my techniques, how we're going to
use auto layouts and how we're going to use
different components and how we can easily swap
different components with each other or we can
easily manipulate them. I hope you will
learn a lot with me. Let's learn together and start this design system
class with me. I will meet you soon in the
class. Till then, take care.
2. Intro To Design System, Benefits And Outputs Of Design System: In this video, we are going
to talk about design systems. Now the first questions
that arise even in our minds is what is
actually designed system. So think of everything that
makeup off in any product. You have, any mobile
app or any company, for example, let's say Google. Whatever the layout they
uses, colors, icon, topography, tone, and voice. What are their styles, different style of designs. Then we have coding conventions. So all these actually
make up a design system. Keep in mind that design
systems are going to be the part of all these things. Your tone and style, your grammar, your personality, product, personality,
that is going to be your style or voice
of your product. And then we have
typography, colors, different animations, even
the micro animations, these are also part of
your design systems. How the button is going
to be clicked when, what is going to happen when you are going to
click the button? Or what is going to, what animation is going to
play there for a whole long. So all these are actually the
part of your design system. We're going to study some of the pillars of design system. A lot of you, they
misunderstood design systems. A lot of us, they think that just the component library
or the pattern library, or just the style guide
is your design system, but it is not. So we're going to look
at five pillars of design system and then
we're going to look at different benefits
of design systems. What are going to be the inputs, sorry, the outputs
of design systems. Let's get started and see
what are those things. First, we are going to look at the pillars of design system. And those are actually
brand guidelines that are going to be your first step. Brand guidelines are mostly
developed when you are designing the Logos
or the brand image. It includes tone and voice,
your brand personality. Then we have actually, what what it says is that it is your overall presence of
your brand or your product. For example, if I am a person
and I go out in the market, My whole dressing, my tone, my style of speaking, my style of walking, all these are going to be
the part of my personality. So these are the things
that are going to be defined in your
brand guidelines. Then we have style guide. Style guides is going to
contain all your typography, your icons or illustrations. All these things are actually going to be
into the style guide. Mostly these are
atomic level design. You mean that the basic and
elements of your design, the smallest elements
of your design, grids, grids are
also part of it. Then we have visual language. Visual language is actually the whole feel of your product. If I use just one word, it is going to be the
feel of your product, how your product
actually feels like. Then we have CSS library, although it is going to be
at the end of your process, but it is a very important part. Css library or CSS
framework basically is the coding style or coding
library you are using. Whenever your coders are using a specific library, you have to, as a designer, you
have to stick to those rules or you have to adopt those into
your own designs. For example, if you
look at Bootstrap, all the apps or websites
that are built by Bootstrap, they look almost the same. Similarly, we have Foundation. Recently, we have tailwind CSS. I really love that designer. I have purchased some of the
courses from that developer. Actually he's a
designer plus developer heavy as a developer first
and then he went to design. I have learned design
from that from him too. Then we have foundation,
bootstrap, Bulmer, the CSS and other, many other CSS platforms. Or you can also call them
front end frameworks. These are actually going
to help you lay out your whole interface in
HTML and CSS format. The last is pattern library. Actually better library is
actually the second last. But right now, whatever
comes to mind, I'm going to tell you the
fifth one is pattern library, which is going to be your
components, for example, your cards, your repeatable. For example, you have blogposts. There are paragraphs plus some
buttons and some headings. So you are going to combine those and create a
component library. Now let's talk about the
benefits of design systems. A lot of people, mostly
bigger companies, if you are a new designer, they are going to resist that we don't need a design system. And how you are going
to convince them. Design systems is actually
going to eliminate all the inconsistencies
in your interpretations. For example, I have designed something and that
is going to be, for example, I have
designed a button and The button hover
state is going to have animation of
the drop shadow. That is my own, you can say, perception of that design while
I was designing. Now when that design
goes to a developer, he might think that
even don't even notice that mild
change in the shadow. So these problems are going to gather time to
time and within one year or two years
there will be a lot of inconsistencies and this is actually called UI design depth. That depth is going to
keep on collecting. And design system
actually can't reduce that design depth and also
the interpretation problems. My developer might be thinking
that it is something else. I might be thinking that
it is something else. These interpretations
are going to be reduced. Then we have a single source of truth for developers
and designers. Developers know that this is the block they
are going to use. They're going to pull that CSS code block and
they are going to use that most of
the design system. They also come with coded
examples of those components. This is another thing
which a lot of, a lot of designers
they don't understand. Then we have
consistency, uniformity, cohesive design approach in
all our different products. Most of the things like you can see you are using Facebook, Google, all other apps,
bigger companies, they are on multiple
platforms or even if your app is just a
website ammo Anna, and a mobile app, just to product
app or two product to facet product are two
phases of the same product. Still you can, this design
system can help you a lot. So if you have two phases, you can show the
same personality in both the directions of your. So for example, if I am a
person and I'm I'm wearing a t-shirt and some pajamas
or maybe some sneakers. And when I turn the other side, I am wearing a tuxedo. This is really irritating
for the users. For example, your website
design button spacing is different and on your
mobile app it is different. This is going to create
a lot of problems. So cohesiveness, consistency among your
different platforms. For example, a
similar app look same on iOS and almost the
same on Android phones. So this is basically can be
achieved with design systems. Then we have one more thing is that developers and designers, they don't have to fight again and again for
small design issues. For example, I want this
orange and the developer says, I want this orange, this tone of the orange. So this is a very small problem. Once you have designed
us design system, these problems are
not going to come up. You have to solve the actual user's problems or the bigger problems you have to look at the bigger picture. Rather than sorting out small
changes and small problems. That is all about benefits
of design system. And let's look at what will be the outputs
of the design system. A lot of us, we don't know what
will be the output. The output is actually a clear, up-to-date documentation where
everything is explained. Then we have guidelines,
design guidelines, rules, styles, everything
that is easy to understand for the developers
and for the designers. Second is documenting
reasoning why we actually chose this
design or this animation. This is actually, you
can easily justify. For example, after,
after six months, your CEO or your manager calls you and says why this animation
is happening like this. You can show them that this
was the reason behind it. The users actually loved it. Maybe something else. Then we have tools
and processes that help you implement the design
system on daily basis. That is actually, for example, if you have chosen a
Figma or you have chosen a specific CSS
framework or specific, you can say naming conventions. These are actually different
terminologies that can have very big impact on when you are going to
collaborate with your designers and developers. Similarly, we can, in different processes
like for example, we, we can, for example, if I want to change the whole theme of
my app, for example, I want an update or my CEO calls me and
say that we need to update our design system to a more modern look or
maybe something else. We can, we can implement
that in many different ways. We can implement that within just one product and see what is the
response of the users. There are many processes you can develop to implement
that design system. And you can tell your developers
or the product managers that this is how we are going to implement this design system, this design terminology
or something new. If you are bringing something new into
your design system, we're going to
have it like this. This is going to be
the our process. These are all the things
about design system. Then we have, we have learned the design system pillars or main parts of
the design system. What are the benefits
of design system? I hope you have
enjoyed this lesson. Till then we're going to learn a lot about design systems. We're going to build our first design system in this class. And I'm going to see you
soon in another lesson. Till then, take care. Bye bye.
3. Purpose Statement in Design Systems: Whenever we start
our design system or building as a design system, the first thing we have, we need to do is we have to build a purpose statement
of our design system. Now, for the purpose statement, we are going to ask just three or four
simple questions to all our stakeholders. Designers, developers,
product team managers, CEOs, or product
manager or whatever, the person who is
invested in that app. So the questions will be,
the first question will be, what is the goal
of this product? Then we have, why
is it important? Why are you creating
this design system? And then the third one is, how will it help us? And the fourth one is, who is it for? There could be different
answers for different teams or different apps for the
same, same these questions. The answers could be that
our design system will help us free our time for our product designers
and developers. And they can focus
on major problems by the users or
the major problems facing and the users are facing. The second is why
is it important? There could be many
answers to this one, but one example is over here. If we are not going to innovate, our product will be eaten
by our competitors. Or it could be that
our users can be confused with the inconsistency
in our product design. Third is how will it help us? So how will it help us? Actually, it is going
to save over time. We are not going to do the same. You can say discussions on the button color or button size. This is going to save a
lot of time and money. So we are going to have
repeatable patterns. We can reuse them
again and again. It is going to save a
lot of time and a lot of headaches for our
developers and designers. Now the fourth is who is it for? Normally it is it for
our whole product team. And they are going to
use it, excluding the, I think the CEO or the
owner of that company, mostly the designers,
developers, even the product managers. Maybe they might also need to use them time to
time when they are developing some wireframes or some mockups or
something like that. So these are the questions
that you are going to ask your stakeholders,
your developers, or your designers before you are going to start making
a design system, make sure you create
these questions. You get at least
the direction that this is going to be
our design system. This is the purpose
over design system. Why is it important? How it is going to help
us and who is it for? So I am going to share
with you all the slides. There are two
examples over here, so make sure you download these PDF files and all that nodes along
with this course, you can revise them and
whenever I post that, you have to submit
your assignment, you can easily submit it. That is all about purpose
statement of design system. I hope you have liked this, learned something new, we
will meet in another lesson. Let's move to the new
lesson. Take care. Bye-bye.
4. Design Principles And How To Come Up With Them: In this video, we're going to learn about design principles. What are their two
major types and how to hold a design
principle workshop. How you are going to get all your teams together
and what questions, and how we are going
to come up with those principles,
design principles. So let's get started. First, we're going
to introduce what is actually design principles. Design principles are basically guidelines that are
going to help you along your whole design process
from start to the finish, where you have where the design
direction is going to be. So why? Because we can have more
aligned experience or similar experience across
different products or, or platforms. Now, this is going to become clear when we are going to
see some of the examples. And that is delightful
and simple. These are just words, but they matter a lot. These are called
universal principles. Delightful is going to apply
to whole set of products. But if you want to get
to a specific products, specific design
principle, for example, like Intercom design principle, they have something like
design transactions, Design Conversations set
that then transactions. So it actually means that transactions
are very robotic if you go to or visit any bank or any of that
kind of institute, the people are going
to be very formal. They are going to require
a lot of document, documentation and
things like that. They are not warm and very
welcoming, are very friendly. Design conversations rather than transactions is one design
principles, static, very specific, that
we are going to have a very welcoming or very warm
feeling from our product. Now, why do we need
these design principles? This is actually
your whole design, your product behavior, your tone and voice, everything is actually going to be the part of your
design principles. Now, the major reason behind
this is that we are going to use these design principles to make better design decisions. This is actually, you can say, you can say the sword
of design principle. So why do we need that? We, we are, for example, we have two set of
buttons or Buttons Styles and we have to decide on
one of them or theme, one of them we have to multiple
themes and one of them, it reflects our
design principles like delightful simplicity. And the other one is a bit, you can say formal or you can say a bit dull
in their theme. So which one we're
going to decide we're going to go towards more delightful and simple
theme or simple button rather than the complex
one or the formal volume. These design principles
are going to guide our design decisions. Let's talk about how
we are going to hold a design principle workshop and how we are going to come up
with these design principles. Now the first step is
that we are going to gather all our team members. That includes developers, designers, copywriters,
SEO experts. Then we have product
managers or anyone who is invested in the product who
is linked to this product. Second is we're going to get an hour all materials,
for example, post-it note or sour Sharpies, markers or whatever you need. Then we are going to
give those papers to our team members and ask them to write at
least five principles. We are going to gather
all those principles and we're going to
post them on a board and we're going to rearrange them and make a theme converge. And theme is the next step. So once the theme is formed, we are going to
combine them into, by voting them and ranking them that these are the
best principles. These actually, these are the principles that
reflect our product. This, this feels like
this is our product. So this is actually
about feeling rather than concrete design solutions. This is actually, however, tone will be what will be the, you can say, personality
of our products. So we can easily rank them and then vote
them and we're going to select five of them. More than five people are
going to forget them. So make sure they are less than five design
principles for your product that is going to be part of your design system. I hope you have learned
a lot and enjoyed this lesson about
design principles, how they help make
our design decisions, and how they are going to be
part of our design system. So let's move on to the next lesson and
learn something new. Bye-bye.
5. 7 Steps To Building Your Design System: In this video, we are going
to discuss some of the steps, how we are going to
build a design system. But before that, before
we move into that, we're going to look at different
things we already have. So whenever we are going to start building our
design system, we're going to start with
what we already have. So there are basically two or three stakeholders groups that are going
to be present for, for looking into what already we have and what problems
we already have. So start with your CEOs,
your product managers, your marketing manager, and also with your developer
team and your design team. So ask them all of them
what they already have, what they need, what
are their problems? We are going to ask these stakeholders what
they already have. So what they already have
is called UI inventory. You have to build that. We're going to see some of
the steps in the next slide. So before that, we have to look at all the different
platforms or surfaces, basically, surfaces that are going to be the part
of our design system. For example, you might need e-mail templates for marketing you might need and blog posts, templates or blogposts
designs for marketing. You have to understand
that your design system is not only going to be
your web or mobile app, but it is also going to touch
all different surfaces. For example, marketing,
for example, acquiring new customers
from Facebook ads. So there will be a
lot of different, you can say, surfaces attached
to your design system. So let's move to
the next one and we're going to see
all the steps. Now we're going to look at
seven different steps that we need to take to create
our design system. Again, as I already said, that we're going to start
with what we already have, so we are going to take inventory of what we
already have today. We're going to take
our UI inventory. There is a lesson
on UAE inventory. I'm going to show
you how to do that. The next step is getting everyone on board with
your design system, your developer, in
your design team, your CEOs or managers,
or other stakeholders, you have to get them on
board that we really need to develop our design system. Third is established the
baseline components. So baseline components are basically the major
components that are going to be the building blocks
of your a system, your, your mobile
app or your website. Without that, you
cannot build anything. These are the
baseline components. We are going to build all that. For example, your buttons, drop-downs, all
that things forms. Then we have billet,
ballots, topography, scales, typography, and
colors is I think, the main major
teaming component of your design system that is going to define
your brand language, your your design design outline. So it is going to decide
where your design is actually going,
in what direction. The fifth is Strand, right? These standardize these
across your products. Don't try to overdo
your design system. The start, you have to
create just simple things. You don't have to
create a lot of complex design system are
very big design system. First you have to
standardize doors, all colors, color palettes
that those topography, typefaces across
all your platforms, your mobile lab website, they should look
almost harmonious, I think not identical,
but harmonious. And they should look
like they are part of same system or a
product or a company. Then we have to integrate the design system
with our process. We have to build
a process of how we are going to create our design system on how we
are going to implement that. How our designs from figma
or from our design system in our design tool is
going to process towards the developers
in which format. Rather we are going to use JSON language according language or CSS or HTML, whatever. You have to create a process. Then the last one is
maintain your design system. We have to maintain it. Because design system is
going to be ever evolving. You cannot have a design system that is static for
like five years. You have to create
new components. You might not need component or a button
you have to create. Maybe after one or two years, do you have to create new theme for your whole design system? Maybe you need a dark theme and lighting for
your design system. There will be changes that
you have to maintain. So there will be a team of designers or maybe one developer that is going to
help you build or keep or maintain
your design system. That is all, these
are all the steps of building a design system. Seven steps. We're
going to discuss a little bit more in
the next few lessons. And then we're
going to Figma and we will start our basic
design system in Figma. Till then take, let's see you and meet you soon in the next lesson. Till
then, take care. Bye.
6. How To Audit UI Inventory?: In this video, we're going
to learn how to audit your UI design inventory
or what you already have. You have to start
with virtue already have an MOU or building
a design system. There are few steps. I am not going to be very elaborate about it or make
it a very long lecture. This is going to be a short
two or three minute video, and we will look at what, how to audit our UA inventory. So the first step
is that we have to take the screenshots of
all the different screens. Now, what we are looking, we are looking for
inconsistencies. Keep that in mind. We're looking for
inconsistencies in color, in diaphysis and Typhoeus
sizes, font sizes. Then we are looking
for inconsistencies in styles, maybe your gradients. You have to take those,
all those inconsistencies. Take the screenshots,
you have to look at every screen we already
have designed or built. If your company or
your product is new, you haven't built anything. This is not what you need. This is for if the
company has already built something and you have to
audit the UI inventory. So take those screenshots of
all those inconsistencies, then we are going
to group them into different categories
like navigation header, drop-down, cards or whatever those different categories are. Then we can also sub-categorize
them Like button States. There might be differences
in buttons states. And then we have to show
these inconsistencies to CEO, your developer team or your
design team that these are the inconsistencies across
your different products, across your different platforms. And that is all. We have to work from
those inconsistencies. We have to limit them. We have to unify them
into one design system. I'm going to share with
you one article written by here we have the article I think it is written by
I'm not sure. Brad Frost. Brad Foster is a famous guy. That is a about these molecules, atoms and all that
design systems stuff. You can see here is the
example of my bank's website. And here you can see the ANS inconsistency
in button designs. There are like I think they have like ten
different types of button. There are different styles, they are different sizes. There are multiple inconsistencies
in all these buttons. So you can see these are
just the screenshots. He has taken. Another one over here. You can see just
the Learn More or Get Started button
with this arrow. It has like ten
different variations and this is really frustrating. Here you can see for each C, you can see here they have all different insist can
inconsistencies in button. You can see the sizes, the, even the gradients,
they are different. This is total gray, this is grayish
gradient and this is a bit different than
we have two different, you can see the sign-up
and the suggested they have two different gradients. One is a bit darker and
one is a bit lighter. You can see the checkout
with PayPal or add to cart. They are I think the
signify different actions, but they have the same color. You can see these are how
you are going to find out different inconsistencies
and you have to report them. You have to start
with these UI audits. So you have to create
a separate file in Figma or whatever
software you are using. Take those screenshots and
group them together into different categories and
present it to your management. That is all about how to
audit your UI inventory. I hope you have enjoyed this
lesson and got something, some good knowledge from it. We will see you soon. I will see you soon
in the next lesson. Till then, take care. Bye bye.
7. What Are Components Of Design System: This video is all
about components. Are the, what, our grid components or how to
build a good component, and how to sort them, how to categorize them, and what should be present in
a component that it is the, it gives the most value. Let's start and see how we
are going to name them, how we are going to
categorize them. What should be
present in component? First thing is that there are two major types of components. How we're going to
build a component. Try to see which is the
most highly frequent Lee used thing or design
element on your design. For example, buttons,
they are going to be used again and again, tax that is going to be
used again and again. Headings, they are going to
be used again and again. All these are, can
be components. There could be
smaller components, there could be major
composite components are bigger components that
are called molecules. So first we're going to look at high frequency components, the components that are going
to be used again and again. Second is we're going to see which component is that is going to show the essence
of our brand or show. You can see whenever a customer, they look at that component, they are going to guess that
this is Google's product. This is Airbnb. We have to, this,
these components, they have high value components because they are going
to show your brand. They are going to tell
the story of your brand. So you have to also
categorize them. You have to, you have
to create high value, high frequency components also. What are different? You can say different
properties of a good component. So first is purposeful. Whenever you are
creating a component, it should solve our
design problem. If it is not solving
a design problem, then I think it is
not a component. Second is that reusable? Reusable doesn't
mean that we have to use the same button
again and again. Reusable mean that we can easily change its
color and shape. It is not good for
a single use case, or it is not used just in forms. You can use them anywhere. Third is that it
must be flexible. Flexibility comes from,
you can change its color, you can change its size, you can change its style. So these are three things that are going to make it flexible, size, color, and style. Maybe you can outline that same button and
use it somewhere else. So that is, I'm going to show you some
examples over here. Let's see, Let's
see one example. Here. You can see,
let me show you. You can see over here, if you look at this Airbnb
page, this bigger component, this top header
component where we have Show All Photos that is
very specific to Airbnb. Whenever you show this, just this whole product,
this whole component, the bigger component, anywhere anyone is going to guess
that this is Airbnb website. Then again, this
component over here, this 1 $13 per night, this whole block of
card pricing card or check-out card is actually showing the essence
of this whole brand, this hole company or firm. One. This is going to be very, very unique to this product. So these are
high-value components. Let's come to the reusability of flexibility of a component. You can see over here, here
we have check availability, a button very nicely designed. And if we cool down over here, you can see this is again a
button show all 11 amenities. And it is same
shape, same height, same curves of the borders, roundness of the borders, corners, and the same style,
same size, everything, even the text size is the same, just the colors are
different and there is style different
softwares, thin border line. This is called the
flexibility of a component. So this is actually
a same component, but with different style. So these are what you
should have in a component, reusability, flexibility
in solving a problem. For example, you can
see here this button is actually showing all this
place is going to offer. It is actually hiding
some of the features. So if you click on it and
this is going to show. In all different 11
amenities over here. Similar, but this button, this is actually solving a
problem that is very unique, that is actually
unique product feature that is actually check
the availability. This is actually
going to book or show you the availability
of this place. Similarly, you can
see this button, this is totally different. It has smaller
size, it has icon, it has less spacing
around it because it is serving a
different purpose. Altogether. It is going to
show you all the photos. These are different
button styles and these are they have
different purposes. Okay, So that is it. Let's move to the next slide. The next question is how we
are going to group them? How we are going to
name these components? This is a very big question. First thing is always categorize them on
basis of purpose. So if you have
headings or texts, they are going to be
sit on a single page, style guide page where you are going to
style all the texts. Then we have purpose
is like for example, we have a checkout page. They are, we have an
Airbnb property page, for example, let's say
we have property page. We're going to sorry. We're going to group
all those cards or all those related components
that are going to sit on are related to that specific page or
that specific feature. You are going to
group them like that. So it is going to
help you create larger or group larger
components like we have cards. We cannot schedule those
cards on different pages. For example, all cards that
are related to product page, we have to keep them
on a single page. Next time, whenever a
new designer came in, he can easily see that this is, these are all the components
related to our product page. This is how you are going
to group your components. Next, let me show you some
of the naming conventions. For example, headings. We can have mega
heading H1, H2, H3. We can also name them related to what the coders actually use. Our familiar with
heading dash blog. You can see this heading
dot dash blog is very related to the purpose of this heading rather than its size. I'm categorizing
or using the name based on the purpose
of that heading, that it is going to
be the heading of the blog, blog post. Then we have cards, lending cards, signup
card, footer, large. These are different
cars that are going to be paid specific or you can say name specific
that this name shows the purpose. Third is Button. Never name your buttons
like blue button, red button, green button. That doesn't show or tell
the story of a purpose. You have to name them
primary action buttons. Secondary action buttons. Drop-down buttons are maybe you can also call them checkout buttons or checkout page button,
something like that. That is going to show the
purpose of that button. So let me show you the example. Let me show you again
the same page over here, Airbnb you can see over here, if you look at this
pinkish red button, it is actually the primary
action button over here. So it is the primary button
over here on this page. If you look at all
other buttons, they, they don't show
that much of a bop. Bop means that they
are not very visible, or they are a bit subdued, or they have been
limited in their style. And you can say saturation. You can see this
is a gray button, white and gray again over here. If we look over here, this is again a grayish white button. It doesn't have any colors. Then if we go down
contact host this again. Button that is dull
and gray mixed with, almost mixed with
the background. But you can see over here, if we let me bring it down, you can see the check
availability is still at the top and it shows you
that it is a primary action, but you have to name them that this is a
primary action button. And you can see over here
this style is actually our secondary action button
or tertiary action button. So this is, this is the hierarchy and purpose
built into your design system. I hope you have enjoyed this lesson and
learned something new. I will meet you soon
in the next lesson. Till then, take
care and bye bye.
8. How Hierarchy of Components works in Design Systems: In this video, I'm
going to talk about different levels or
hierarchy of components. Hierarchy doesn't mean that
which components are going to be more important. It is about what are different classes of components
from basic to advanced. The first one is actually your basic or stationary
components that are going to be your buttons forms your input fields
that are actually, you're also your icons. These are going to be at the
very basic or base level. Then we have
composite components. These are the components
that are going to be a little bit
bigger components, but they are going to be made by combining two
or three components. For example, we have a
header on navigation that is going to combine different links and maybe a button and a logo. This is a composite component. Then we have containers. Containers are actually,
you're for example, a section, for example, I have a
container of news cards. So it will be a container, it will have 1234
different news. I'm going to show
you the examples. Don't, don't worry right now. So then we have layout. The last is layout. We have to show the developers
are others that how you are going to lay out all these containers
into a page. This is going to
be the last part. Make sure whenever you
create a component, you have to tell its purpose, what it is solving, and what was the
reason behind it. You have document that also. Let me show you some
of the examples. And here we have
the New York Times. So you can see at the top
we have this subscribe now. This is actually a composite, a component or it is a big
component and it has a button, text and logos over here. If we go down, you
can see over here, this is the top one. This is again a
composite component. Or you can see our container, maybe a container because it is a header and it has some space. A lot of styling are
like this navigation, this is actually navigation
is composite component. And then we have two buttons. Then we have this temperature, date and everything over here. So it is actually component, composite component, and it is also part
of layout container. It is actually a container. So this is actually our
header or masthead. Then you can see on the left we have very big
featured news that is actually very specific component that is specific to this
brand or this New York Times. And you can see this
dye fears the styling. This small text, great x. It already shows that this is
a news from New York Times. On the right you
can see again we have a feature
news on the right, and it is a totally
different component. On the right we have a separate container that is containing all the
different news. On the left we have
a container that is actually like 60 or 60%, 70 percent of the width
and just containing different news in the
top to bottom layout. Actually, this is going
to help build the layout. The layout will be that we have a feature
name is over here. Then we have a small component, small news live,
something over here. Then we have to news
or bad news headings. Then we have again a featured small
feature news over here. I think it is again, the
feature same styling, you can see almost the same. Just the text. Dex treatment of the
heading is different, everything is the same. You can see this is
actually the layout. You have to tell
them that feature. Then we have to show some text, text news, then
again a featured. Then you can see again we have some graphics
and graphic element. This whole composite component
is actually a container. This is actually the updates. You can call them update
container updates off all the the
coronavirus news. And then we again have another news that
is again featured. This is just this left side. Now if you look at
the right side, the layout is totally different. We have this first
component that is our feature
news on the right. Then we have again
text so you can see the similarities in
the repetitiveness of the same bedroom. So again, we have
two texts news, then again we have. One opinion use. Okay, so one more
thing is on the right, you can see the typeface
used is very different. It is very tall. And again, we have something
featured with an image. Again, a few more news
or maybe articles. Then again, another one which
is again with small video. Again to the feature, the feature or
something like that. And then we have this
can also type of thing. This is actually, this is
you are going to tell them in the layout part of
your design system. This is a bit advanced. If you have a very big product
of very major products, you have to show them that
this is how you are going to lay out your landing
page or the first page. Then if you go to this business, it is going to have
a different layout. You can see the layout of the top section
has been changed. You can see this has
been squished up. Very small. Top navigation. Then we have this new
component business deck, where we have different
categories of business. And you can see the layout has been
changed, totally changed. You can see now we have
three columns on this page. So we have this feature news as a bit smaller feature news. Then we have on the right side, we again have two
different news that are related that I have a small image and
styling is different. A little bit of
arrangement in different, but the basic component, the textile, that text
treatment is almost the same. Then we have this
container over here. This is again a container of feature news or
things like that. It was also present
on the biggest wage. Let me show you if we drag down. Let's see here we have
the same component. This is a common composite
component or containers. You can see it contains four guards that
are basically news. It is going to repeat
at the bottom again, if I go down, you can see again it has
been repeated over here. And again, put it over here. And again. The same has been repeated
over here, four areas. And that is all. So this is how you are going
to create your components. This, this button is actually
our basic component, the basic starting component. This again this link, you can see this
links treatment. This is again a basic component. And this whole navigation
is a composite component. This whole, this
section is a container. It has a lot of
components arranged into layout to create this
matched hetero header. I hope you have industrial all these different
layout container, basic components or
composite component thing. Let's move on to the
next lesson and then something new. Till
then, take care. Bye bye.
9. Tokens, Roles Values in Design System: If you want to start
building a design system, you have to understand what are tokens and their values
and their roles. So this is the
lesson about them. This is the most
important lesson, I think in this whole course
or in this whole class. So let's get started
and see what are those tokens
and their values. Okay, So just to
understand that token is actually a code, actually it is extracted from
what developers use to do. They used to assign a
variable to a value. This is actually the
same concept that has been imported into
the design system. What we do is, for example, we have a token of texts. So text token can be applied
the rule of primary texts, it could be a button text, it could be anything. So each rule or each token
role could be different. So there would be five or
six or maybe 20 tokens in your design design system. And there would be like two or three different
roles for each token. For example, we can give the rule of primary
texts to the text. Similarly, the value is actually
the variable or static. I'm sorry, the value
will be variable, name will be static, which is actually the same
concept we use in programming. If you are from a
programming background, you already know that, that we have a static name of a variable and then the
value actually change. Design tokens. You can see we have table, background, page, background, lighting value,
dark theme values. Surface is actually what is on the top of
that background. Component BG or you can
say it is a card BD, you can name it
according to what your developers or
your team uses. Maybe your team uses cards, use card BG for
background, light theme, dark team, texts value, text token is going
to have primary text. And then we have light, the light and dark team. Similarly, we have muted texts. Interactive action is actually the button you can also use. Rather than having token
off interactive action, you can use button instead. That is not a, not a very, you can say, this all depends on what your
team is actually using. Or you can also use buttons
and links separately. That is up to you,
interactive on texts or button on text,
that is up to you. So you can see we have almost understood the concept
of tokens and their roles. Now let's talk about how
we are going to name them. There is a very
simple method that we have to use category
first, then type, what is the type of that
component or token, then item and then its state. For example, we have
category of button. And the type would be what
type of button it is. It's a call to action button or muted button or whatever
it is, a disabled button. So we have button dash
or small dash CTAs, CTAs for Call to Action button. Then we have dash,
what is the item? It is actually a background. Then we have item
is actually state. So here we don't have state
because it is a color. So color is actually going to have just roll off
background color. We're going to name it button
CTA, background color. This is going to be our name. Similarly, you can use a lot
of different other names. For example, if you
are just naming a section or a button or a text, or if there is a button, it will have a
state of active or disabled or pressed,
something like that. So state will be at the end. Here is some example of the code that will be
used by developers. Just I paste it over here so you can understand
what it will be. You can see here we have a
token of background color, then we have another value
or rule applied to it. Background color light. Background color light is
actually a light theme. And then we have border, border, hairline, border radius. It could be regular
border-radius of roll or something like that. Maybe over radius
something maybe we have three or two different roles
we can apply over here. So it is very easy to change
a theme to something. Similarly, you can
see over here Bill reverse is actually
background color, dark border color is
actually background color, dark color, text color light. So this is reversed scheme. This is really, really
easy if you know how to appoint tokens and they are variables
and their values. Here is actually the
visual representation of what we were talking about. This is the background. Then we have surface on the top. Then we have text which is our you can see the text is our heading
or paragraph heading. Then we have texts muted, which is a bit of a dull text. It is not very sharp or
regular text, it is a delta x. Then we have interactive action, which is a button, which
is button background. And then we have
interactive own text on text means that it is
the button on the text. You can use button
instead if you want to. This is another thing. On the right you can see we have customized your
shipping method. It is reverse theme of the same thing so we can
change the values as we like. This is the simple most concept of token roles and values. How we can use them to change a whole theme into
something else easily. And we can also shorten our labor of
keeping a lot of variables. Tokens are actually the solution
to all this design mess. So we have like 15 or 20
different colors to use. Different surfaces, different
shadows, different. You can see spacing. All you can do is
just assign them a token and change the
rules. That is all. I hope you have
enjoyed this lesson. We're going to move
to another lesson to learn something new. Let's move on to
the next lesson.
10. Typography for you Design System: In this video, I'm
going to simplify your design system where
we talk about typography. So where will our topography falls in design system and
how many sizes we will use? How will, we will name those
diaphysis and their sizes? So let's get started. Now the first step
will be we have to select and start
with a base size. So you have to select
your text size, which is your base size. For example, 16
pixels, 18 pixels, 19 pixels, that depends
on the TI phase. And if you want to
learn more about it, you can take my
typography class. Once you have decided your
base size, which is readable, easily legible, unreadable, you are going to generate a
type typography scale. On the next, we are going
to decide our line-height. So if we want our design to
be very area or we have, we want to have a modern layout. It is going to be have more space between
the line-height. If you want a dance design
where we have, for example, a news or a blog where we
want to show it like we have a newspaper or maybe
some other website that uses a very dense layout, darker layout, we have
to move them closer. Line height will be less. Next question is, how we have to name our type scale or
different types sizes. What I actually do is I actually use for maximum four or
five different categories. Like we have a mega
heading that is going to be present on our hero
image area at the top, very top, when you land on
a website landing page. Then we have at these
three headings, headings 123, biggest heading, second heading,
and third heading. Then we have normal texts, which is paragraph
that is our base size. Then we have captions or small text or metadata where
we have our, you can say, if you read red, you have read any blog posts
you have seen that it is written by author name and the date that is
actually metadata. We actually use very
small size for metadata, or small typhus size for
metadata or captions. That is going to be
our small category. Then we have, maybe
we might have a different size
for our buttons, whatever the text is going
to be on the buttons, maybe I'm using 18
pixels for my text, paragraph text, and I might be using 19 pixels on a button. That is how I actually
divide the size. There are different
methods, people different. Maybe they might, your
company might use size 123456 or size extra small, small, medium, large,
mega, something like that. It is up to you how you
name your type scale. Then you can also name them or categorize them on the
basis of their purpose. For example, we
have story titles, headings, body copy
page section headings, metadata, Caption button
text which we actually have discussed that how
I actually name them. These are different categories. This is how you are going to
name the typography system. We're going to do all that
in our last section where we're going to actually design
our first design system. So stay tuned, keep with me and we'll see a lot in
the next few lessons. So till then, take care. Bye-bye, will meet you
in the next lesson. Let's go ahead.
11. Define Spacing System: The next step in design
system is that we have to create a spacing system. You can see this is actually vertical and
horizontal spacing, both of them in most of a
website or most designs where we are not
designing a design system for and very, very big app. We might normally need
the vertical spacing. How you are going to
start your spacing first is that you have to
select your base number, just like your typography. You have to select
your base number like four pixel grid or eight pixel for pixel
is a bit more flexible. It can have sizes like
12 pixels if you want to have a gap between very
small elements on your, maybe you are designing a table
full of data information. You might need four pixels. And if you are
creating a website, I think eight pixels
is more than enough. Okay, so the next one is, once you have
selected your base. Besides, you have to
select your scale, you have to grow your
scale, for example, for, then we will be jumping
to 16 or maybe eight, or maybe up to whatever
the size you go. We will have like seven
or eight different steps. This is just, it is just
like building a ladder. So you specify one step
and then you go to up. And like we will have
eight step ladder. The next is less or more
contrast with spacing. It's the same dance or aerial design if you
want a very redesign, modern design where we
have a lot of empty space, then we are going to have more gap between
our spacing system. For example. First is maybe our first
start would be 16 pixels, then the 32, then maybe 64. More than that, we will have more bigger steps of spacing. Now, let's come to how we
are going to name them. There are two ways. First is that you have to
name them with their tie. For example, if it's
vertical spacing, the horizontal spacing
whatever it is. And you can also do that, or you can mix the whole spacing into one system, one letter. And you can say that
we have space 01234, up to ten or 15, whatever you want to use, but I think up to ten
would be more than enough. Second part is
that, for example, if you are designing for
mobile to your design, spaces are going to change or shift to smaller
spaces when you are going to shift to mobile
app or mobile size. For example, if you have a
website and you are designing a responsive or smaller version on how it would be viewed
on a mobile phone. The sizes will shift. You can also specify
that space 0 is like 16 pixels on desktop. Space 0 is eight
pixels on a mobile. So you can generate this system into two
different branches. So it will retrieve, it would mean the same that
where we have used space 0, it would shift to it
on a mobile device. So this is how you can achieve
a harmony in your design. And you can have a spacing
system that is going to and went up your
whole mobile apps, your iPads, and
your desktop views. If there is some app
or some website that spans from desktop
to tablet to mobile, you can have a spacing system where the whole spacing
system is going to have three branches for
desktop, tablet, and mobile. This is how you
are going to have your spacing system and
this is how you are going to name it space 01234. I normally what I
normally do is I actually don't have
much separate spaces. What I actually do is it would be easier if the
system is smaller. So if you have a
very large system, you are like two or three teams of development and developers, or maybe four or five
different designers, then this is not going to work. What I actually do is
in my freelance work, I actually name or
tag the space in it. So first, category spacing. Second is vertical, how the item with a spurt
vertical or horizontal. Then I actually write the space. You can use maybe
space vertical one. And that is all. But I normally try to mention that it is 20 pixels, 32 phases, 40 pixels, 64 pixels, 44 pixels, that is up to you. So there are these, These are two methods. So I would suggest that space 01234 is a
bit better approach because it can develop both your desktop designs and your mobile app
designs as well. So it is going to
develop or apply to both of them and will
reduce the confusion. That is all about
spacing system. I hope you have
learned something new. Let's move on to the
new lesson and see some more things
into design systems.
12. Color System and how to name it properly: In this video, we
are going to study another particle
of design system, which is color, color system. You have to define
your color system, how your colors will work
on different background, different themes, darker
background, lighter backgrounds. Let's get started
and see what we have in our color systems. So the first step is always experiment in colors
you cannot be right. You have to first test your colors on
different backgrounds. For example, if
you have a darker background or
lighter background, you have to test the colors
which have more accessible, accessible colors,
which have more. You can say darkness
or lightness. I will show you Figma plugins that actually
do that automatically. So we don't need to, You don't need to
worry about that. Second step is that
you have to have at least four,
basically two colors. One will be your primary
or accent color, where we will actions, and secondary colors for
backgrounds and other stuff. And then we will have
success or warning colors. Actually, we only need two colors that are basically for backgrounds
and your accent color. Or maybe you can
introduce a third one. Success warning colors
will be green, blue, or maybe red or some
variant of those colors. Then we will have another
category which is BG, colors, that is three different
colors for backgrounds, we have dark backgrounds, we have light background. So we might have neutral colors, which might be some tone
of gray, grayish blue, or maybe some tone
of greenish yellow, or maybe some creamy kind of yellowish color
that is a bit dull. So these could be your neutral colors that
can also come in handy when you try to create a different team
inside your design. I will show you my design
how all these colors I have created. Now, naming those colors. So first thing is that you have to group your colors
into different categories. For example, action
colors will be different. Your links, elections are
actually closer to each other. They are a separate group. Then we have text colors. You need to know that
we have muted text, we have headings, we have
subtitles, we have title. So all these are going to
have different colors. Similarly, we might
have text for input, text inside our input, where we have, we have
to type some text. So there would be a lot of
different texts colors. Then we will have muted colors. We already have discussed de-emphasize emphasis
where we have bold text. Maybe we want to change the
color of the bold text. Then we will have backgrounds. Backgrounds will be different. Action backgrounds,
emphasis, de-emphasize. Links are also very
close to actions. Maybe lists, list,
item, bullet points. They are also, I think in
the emphasis category. Text texts will have, I think three or four
maximum categories. One is disabled text, your normal text, paragraph
texts, you are headings, and maybe some suggestive
or caption texts that is on three or four different
types of texts, colors. Then we will also going
to define color rules. For example, on black primary, what will be the primary
color on a darker background? On black secondary, what will be the secondary color on
the dark background? We are going to have all those
different different rules. I'm on black accent, which is going to
be our tags are supplementary texts on black
hover on deck borders. If there is something
that is going to change on a black
maybe border color, hover color or
maybe accent color. We are going to
define those roles. Let me show you the
color system of actually my favorite
closed system, Google Material Design. They have very, very, you can say, solid
kind of color system. And you can see here I have
a simple color scheme and on the right you can see each
source 1234, different areas. Then we have primary, fff, which is white color. On Secondary is our
this dark black color. Then we have on background, then we have on surface, surface actually discard on
error, we have a white color. So you can see if we go
to this five over here, this is also five,
this is also five. If we correlate these, you can see this red error is actually having a white
color on top of it. On error means on adult, on NLP background, we are
going to use white color. Similarly on background, we
are going to use dark black. Background. Background
is actually, let me show you here. This is our background. Background is white, surface
is also white, error is red. Similarly, we have primary, primary variants, secondary,
secondary variants. So two colors to
primary to secondary. And you can see over here, this purple color
is actually used. Primary color is used. The analytics,
analytics over here. And this green secondary color is actually our excellent
color where it has, has been used for the action. This is the, you can
say methodology. You can get ideas from, you can use in your
own design system. That is all about color
system in design systems. Let's move on to the next
lesson and I will meet you in another lesson till
then, take care buh-bye.
13. Grid System and Layout: Now the next part of
your design system is actually your
gradient layout. Grid is different and
layout are different. Grid is actually how your whole system is
going to use the grid. Different columns,
different width of different spacing between
column that is cutters. And your layout is actually how different your
molecules or different. You can see areas of your design you are designing
are going to come together. These are two different things. You might have the
same grid system, but you can have a
totally different layout. You can generate three or
four different layouts. I'm going to show you
one example that will be more easier for you
to grasp the idea. First thing is that
you have to select a framework bootstrap or any custom framework your
coders or developers are using, try to communicate with them. Start from there. Then we are going to
decide on the number of columns on larger desktop size. It'd be 12. Medium sizes might
use 12 or eight, and smaller devices might
use two or four columns. So you have to define your grid, that 1284 or maybe two, then how much area
should be your design, okay, So this also
depends on your grades. So if your grids have a lot of gap between your two
columns like that, it will have more space. It will look more
special and modern. And if they have gap which
is very less like this, it will look a bit more dense. So this is how you are
going to use grid to make your design area or change the theme of your design
area versus dense. Now layout will help that how the design is
going to be cohesive. How it actually, you can say, reveal itself in the
presence of a user. I'm going to show you
some designs over here. Here you can see we have
a very simple wireframe. And it shows that we have top section which
we have over here. So if we define this, this is actually
our top section. Then we have section
where we have two bigger information chunks. And then we have
our next section. We have our this tab bar. Then again we have some
records for different records. Then we have this layout. So you can see this can be arranged in many different ways. But once you specify
that this is how we are going to
lay out our design, it is going to be like that. You are going to define
your layout on a mobile. And for example, this one, this is actually dashboard. And you can see Dashboard half specific regions for
specific things. For example, your chart, pie chart is going to be on the right side and the second, in the second row. On the left, you can see we have very bigger visual presentation of different countries
and things like that. On top, top right, we have a section where we
have two different errors, messages or something like that. So this is how you
are going to define the layout that will be a hair. You will show this thing, this thing, this
thing and this thing. For example, we have news
websites, time news, and they have very specific
layouts for each of their different pages or
different categories. This is how you are going
to use different layouts. You are going to specify different layouts that
this is how you will follow create your
design or create, or you are going to bind different design items are
areas with each other. So that is all about grid
layout in your design system. I hope you have understood
the idea behind it. I don't want to go and show you a hundreds of
different examples. We will do this in the next
lesson, in the next section. I think that is all. I think you have
understood the idea and we will be moving on to the next lesson now.
Till then, take care. Bye bye.
14. Theming in your Design System: Now let's talk about teaming
in your design system. How much teaming
should be allowed. You going to give you a
developers that they can change your type with tiles or they can totally
change the typeface. For example, if you
have used Roboto and they want to use Open Sans, would you allow that? So these are the
questions whether you are going to just have black or dark to white theme
where we have light and dark themes and you just want them to
change the colors. For example, from
darker background to a lighter background, light theme or dark theme. Or maybe you want to use
totally different theme, that is autumn theme
or spring team. That is up to you. Different designs or
different projects. They have different
requirements. So in this video, we are going to discuss
how much theming should be allowed and what are different things you should be taking care of
when you are going to give them a lot of
design independency. The first thing is that
dark versus light. This is actually just
the change of current. So this is the level where most of the
designs are going to be. I think 70 to 80% are
going to be over here. We just need two
different themes. Everything else will be same. Spacing will be same line
height will be same. Text, style or Fort face or typeface is
actually going to be same. Now the next is, for example, if you have a system
where it is going to be used on Windows, MacOS, android, iOS, on different systems, there are some specification
of some things or system settings that
you cannot change. You have to adopt to that. So to do that or to do, to create this whole theme, you might have to change your original design
a little bit. You have to keep that in mind. Sometimes your
design customization might not work on Windows, so you have to change that. Now the next level is
content structure or style. Whether you are just going
to change the styling of your colors or your diaphysis or do you want to
change the structure? For example, the title
is above, or maybe you, in the next design, it is at the bottom
of the image. That is a very big change. Make sure you have
to be very specific. I think you should not
go for too much change. Maybe users or users are mostly familiar with the
similar design patterns. So don't try to switch a lot between
structure and content. Content could be changed. For example, if we have maybe an email or we have
an Instagram templates. So maybe they are going to
follow the same tokens, design tokens or same
design structure, but the styling will
be totally different. That is, that can happen. Here is an example on the
left you can see we have two different color colors where we have two
different themes, light and dark, where actually the typeface
is actually change. It is both built with
material design guidelines, but you can see they are
not using material design. Specific diaphysis, for example, Roboto or something like that. They are using their own style. This is one thing on the right. You can see we have again, the same thing
going on over here, but standardized forms,
dark and light teams. Now let's see some more
variations over here. You can see here we
have color variations, muscle versus tech
spacing and coloration. Spacing is actually
going to change. So if you try to
change your typeface, for example, you try
to use a sans-serif. You were using a
sans-serif and you started to switch between
a serif typeface. Line heights are
going to change. Typhus is a totally
different line heights, their letter sizes are
totally different. So you have to take care that your whole spacing system
is going to be adjusted. Once you change your typeface, the whole spacing system, your line-height, they
should be adjusted. That is what you have to
consider in your theming. Because if you give your developers or
your design team a lot of independence that they can use and change anything
that is going to be a mess and you have to
be worried about it. That is all about
theming and what should be taming in
your design system. I will meet you
saw in the lesson and the next section we're going to start designing
a basic design system. And we'll use it to create
an app or something similar. Till then take care, Bye-bye.
15. Design Principles and Purpose Statement: Before we start
our design system, we have to make our
purpose statement. And for that, we have created this design principles and
purpose statement document. And I have created another page, separate page, and
this is very simple. I'm going to gloss through them. And you can see here we have the basic logo on
black and white. And then we have our
design principles. Practical rather than theory. Show rather than tell. It means that we should be
more practical and we have to show everything in our design rather than telling
a lot of story. Showing means that videos
is actually the part of this design system
which has learned in learning is part of videos. Show them rather than telling
them the whole thing. Everywhere accessible
means on every device, iOS and Android, it
will be accessible. You have to create the design so it is adoptable
on both of them. Focus on learning experience. You have to focus
on the learning. So it means that
the video players that everything controls
will be more accessible, more easy to use, more resistive tap
and things like that. Then we have this
purpose statements. So you can see we have
gold, why benefit users? We have seen all that, but I've created this
for this particular app. Goal is to save time and
quickly build design, add new screens
features drove our app. If we don't generate
design rapidly, why? Every new feature will be
delivered two weeks minimum. So we were going to face delays benefit for solving
repetitive similar problems. So product team can
focus on really shows users who will be the
users of this purpose. This design system will be used internally
within our team. This is, we already
have discussed this in our purpose
statement lecture. This is what you should be
creating for the first time, and this is going to
be your assignment. This is going to be
your assignment two. That is all. Before you move into
your design system, try to create some design
principles that are going to be deciding factor for your whole team and design. Then we will have a
purpose statement that why we are building
this design system. So stay with me. We're going to build
a design system. Will meet you in another lesson. Till then, take care, Bye bye.
16. Figma Auto Layout and Variants 01: If you want to build your
design system in Figma, there are two concepts that
you really need to master, and one of them is auto-layout
and second is variant. In this video, I'm going
to share with you some of the techniques you can use
in auto-layout and variance, using variance to create
your components in Figma. Let's get started and see
what we can do with these. If you look at this screen, you can see we have
this navigation and if we tried to squeeze it, it is easily expandable that you can see everything
is staying over here. Similarly, we have
these two buttons. They are actually
component and variance, but before that they were
actually auto-layout. They are created
using auto layout. Similarly, you can
see over here, here is an input with label. And you can see this is also
created with auto-layout. So if I try to change it, for example, my name over here, you can see it is expanding. Okay? If you don't want to go
and wanted to expand, you have to go into this inner
auto-layout arrangement. And we're going to set this
text to fill a container. You can see now it
is not expanding. So we have fixed it. Okay, so here is a text input within the
action or button over here. One more thing is the
arrangement over here. You can see this
is in auto-layout and if this label
is at the bottom, so if I try to move
it at the top, you can see it is going
to be at the bottom. This is actually
reversed in Figma. The bottom one will
be at the top and the top one will be at the
end of this arrangement. I'm going to move
it back over here. Let's get started and see
how we can build all these. So first we're going
to build this, this text input
box with a label. For that. We're going to use just a text. So let's move it a
little bit on side. Let's try to expand
the frame bit more. Move it up. Zoom in. Here we have the
canvas and I'm going to press T for text. And let's use your name. Let us use regular bit of
grayish color over here. We're going to add auto-layout
to this one, Shift a. You can see we have
our auto-layout added. Let's call it text. Let's duplicate it
pressing by holding your alt or option key and
dragging it like this. So I'm going to drag it to like, let's say 60 pixels apart. I'm going to name it now action. Or maybe you can use upload. For example, if you are
creating an upload button, I'm going to use different texts color because we are
going to have link. And let's stick both of these. Again. This is not actually
text. Let's call it. Select both of them and
again, press Shift it. Now you can see we have this border around them
and another frame, Let's call it input. If I expand, expand this input and you can see we have action and text. So you can see action
is at the top, which is actually on the right, and text is on the left, which is at the bottom right. Now, if we click on Input, you can see over
here on the right we have 60 pixels separation. So this is, this is
actually the spacing between items inside
and auto-layout. Input has actually
two items inside it. And this auto layout, you can see it is in the
horizontal direction. So two items horizontally, they are 60 pixels apart. Just get the concept. And if you want to add padding
around them, for example, this whole section,
we want to add padding around this input box. We can use something over
here like ten pixels. You can see now it added
101010 on all sides. Let's use eight over here. I will show you why I
used it at the end. And this is actually the
arrangement. Right now. It doesn't matter because
we have just two elements and they are aligned
properly already. Let's use in the middle. Next is we are going to, you can see I have selected this input rather
than the inner. In the items. So this whole input is selected. Now I'm going to
put a fill on it. And white is great. Let's add eight pixels
roundness over here. You can see our basic item
is ready, input is ready. But the problem is
once I start typing, it is actually expanding. Fix that we're
going to use click on text rather than
than hot contents. We are going to use
filled container. I think it is going to fix this. Another way of fixing
this is few slipped on. Select this input. You can see we have packed
and space between options. If you try to use space between, it is going to fix this option. It will always be this upload is always be
on the right side is going to space everything using this spacing over
here, this padding. It is going because
we have two items. One is going to be on the right and one is going
to be on the left. I think that is. All right. Now let's see. If
I try to change. Let's select input
and try to expand it. So you can see now upload
is moving with the right. If I try to expand it, it is going to move like this. We can also add a
label over here. So let's select text. Let's create a label. Again, we're going to put an auto layout on the
label to shift a. And we will treat
it a little bit and add it to the input. Now this label has been added
and it is also a frame, so let's call it label. You can see it has a
padding of ten over here. We're going to use it. And let's align it with
the label over here. The text inside of our input. Again, we are going to
select all of this hint. We're going to use shift
a to create the frame. This frame will be
input plus label. This is how I actually
created this. Now you can see if
you look at this one, the direction of the
auto layout is vertical because we have no two
items inside this. Let me show you. One is input and one is labeled. And you can see labeled
is at the bottom, right now it is on the
top. Here we have it. Let's use 0 because we want
the label to be very close. This label has actually
eight pixel padding, so it is eight pixels apart from the bottom input text area. This is how you create and use this technique of auto-layout.
17. Figma Auto Layouts and Variants 02: And next thing would be that
if you have created this, we are going to create,
create a component. So let's create a component, Control or Command Option
K or Control Alt K. Let's click this and you
can see now we have this. We are going to add a brilliant. So let's the property
to be state. Let's keep it simple. Here is our default state, and this one will be, let's call it active state. Here we will, we can
change the text to be more black and change
this one to name. Make it a little
bit more lighter. Just to have the difference
between these two states. If you vote, you can also
add a stroke over here. Let's make it like this. Okay, so here we have
another variant, this is active variant. And let's add another variant. Click over here, and add another
variant and new variant. And this will be
actually stayed, three would be disabled. So let's make this white
color to greenish color. Use this gray. I think
this way would work. This Upload would be
now a grayish color. Maybe like this. Label would be sin. Now you can see we have
created three variants of this, input plus label. You can do the same
with any component, any button you have. For example, let's create
a button over here. We will again use auto-layout. Let's create a text first. Let's just shift a
to add auto-layout. I'm going to use
a padding of, um, that's use a padding of 12. Top right, 16161612
at the bottom. Like this. Use this
in the middle. Everything will be same. Huc contents. Yes. We're going to add a
fellow warrior fill color. Let's change the color
to something like this. The text color will be white. Here we have the basic
button with our auto-layout. Let's add eight pixels over
here for the roundness. For me, I think on the
right and the left, I want more space. I would add 2020 over here. You can see this is now the simple button
with auto layout. You can create variance. Now if we want to add, let's call this button. If you want to add
an icon over here, that is another story. So let's use Control or
Command forward slash. I have this plug-in
installed lucid icons, and I am going to use, let's use some micron. Let's use this icon over here. This is where the
icon over here. Let's bring it inside the frame. Drag it over here. Here's the overburden. Let's try to drag this
inside the button. Now you can see
once I dragged it, it is at the end of the button because it is actually
what do you call it, the bottom and the top. So whatever is at the top, it would be at the
end of the button. Because our layout is actually
horizontal direction. This is our gamepad. Let's try to use a
white color over here. So here is a register
button with an icon. Now, if you want to increase the space between
these two items, click on the button, and
this is the space between. So if I try increasing it, Let's use 40 over here. I think 36 would be good enough. Now you can see it
is looking great. What is the padding
on the right? Let's use 1818. Here. This looks like better now. Okay, so we have this button. Now let's create a
component out of it. And we're going to
select our component. Now. It has been turned into a
component within auto-layout. Let's create a variant. Now here's the second variant. And for the property
we are going to again use state right
now. Make it simple. This is distance between
the two variants. So if you want to decrease
it, you can decrease it. But I think 24 would
be great. 20 will be. To the second video. Let's change the colors
of the second variance. Let's make it a
bit more brighter when you are going
to hover on it. And that is it, I think right now I'm just going to change
the color right now. Here we have the default. This is the second
variant state would be hover or active. Let's call it active state. So this is default,
this is active. Let's use a capital
case over here. Here is another radiant button with variance are
using auto layout. This is, you can say the
essence of your design system. If you understand
these two concepts, you can do anything. You can see this is a
button with an icon. If you want to move
the icon at the start, let's move it over here. Let's move it over here. Now, it is at the start
or on the left side. Make it to bring it back. Now if you want to change the
distance between the icon, Let's make the, for example, if you wanted it like this, and I want it like this, 30. You can see now it is shrinked
in this direction. 1818. Here is a simple video
about auto-layout, and this is the power of Figma. These are the two things
you are going to use the most to create different
variants and everything. If I tried to change
the text over here, change the text now you can see it is auto
expanding over here. If you want a fixed one, I think the V is that you have to use fixed. I think. I think you have to do
the setting in the start. Let's see if I can have
a fixed size button. Okay, So this is all about this. Hug the contents and
fixed width items. Mostly we are going to use the content contents.
That is all. So this is my simple video about sigma variance
and auto layout. I hope you have understood
and learn something new. We will use this
technique a lot in our next lessons
when we are going to build our layout,
topography, and everything. So till then, take care. Bye-bye. We will meet
in another lesson.
18. Auto layout Resizing done right: This is a very basic concept
you have to understand, which is what is hot contents and full
container and fixed width. This is difference between the resizing of an auto layout, which is very confusing for me. It took a lot of time for
me to understand this. I'm going to share
with you two ways. One is that you want the
whole layout to auto expand. Second is you want the fixed with maybe input text or something like that
using Auto Layout. We're going to use this example. You can see over here
how content is actually your parent frame or parent auto-layout or frame
that is going to expand according to its child. So if the children
are going to expand, it is going to expand with it. Filled container is actually
for used for the child. So the child object actually
fills the container. Whatever space is left it
is going to fill that. These are a little bit
difficult concepts. How content is also going
to work on the parent? The child objects are
going to parent is going to expand with
a child objects. This is a bit difficult. So just a simple tip. If you want an auto expanding
button with the text or labels or you can say icons. You have to use hot
contents on everything. For example, here you can see this is actually our input in an input and I have set
it's to hug content. So it is going to
expand by hugging its content if I tried
to change its content. So let's try to change this text over here so you
can see it is expanding. This is the parent is expanding. Whenever I'm trying to
change its child text, child object is changing its size and parent
is expanding. If we go down to text and
inner child children, you can see they are also using Hulk contents and link is
also using hug contents. This is very, very important. You have to use hot contents
if you are creating a button or input text where you have
to expand it with the text. You have to use hug contents. Now in the case of
this over here, this text over here, which is actually
our labeled area. I'm not going to
use hot contents, I'm going to use fixed width. Fixed width. Try to change this. Now. You can see now I have
switched to a fixed width. So this text is going
to affect and my whole label or this whole
input is going to stay. The same. Action is going to
be on the right. So another way is let me
show you one other way. You can see if you click on this input over here,
this is actually, it has two elements and it's auto layout is
set to spacing of 40 pixels apart eight pixels is the padding and
direction is horizontal. If I try to use
rather than bagged, if I tried to use space between, it is actually going
to have that effect, which is if I try to
expand it like this. So you can see it is moving
with this one like this. And now if I try to change it, it is again going
to be the same. Now, one more setting
is that I'm going to, rather than using fixed width, I'm going to use fill container. So now you can see it took
this space over here. Between this and this, we have an auto Spacing. So let's try to expand it. So you can see now, now you
can see this fill effect, filled container has taken
effect it actually fill the container whenever
I expanded it. So this is our container. And if I try to
expand or squeeze it, it is going to change the
size of the text field. You can see now, and let's try to make it a little bigger. So now you can see this
is set to full container. It is actually filling the
container up to over here. I'm not sure what
is this distance between them? It is again 40. The distance again 40, which we set initially
the start or dried now it is set to
OK, So it is set to 40. It is keeping that distance. So let's try to use space between over
here and try to expand it. And C. Now, what is happening? Now you can see it is
filling the container. And it is filling the whole
space because we have set it to have set it to
auto. Space between. Space between is
actually automatically adjusting the space
between these two items. And you can see it
is spacing it like this and filling the
whole container. So normally I would
not use space between, but I would use bat. Now it is messing up my
whole section over here. So let's try to squeeze
it, set to pack. The problem is this one. Let's squeeze it like this. For the text, we're going
to use fixed width. This is going to have contents
and this is fixed width. So this is how you are
actually going to use fill container and
hot content and fixed-width using
your auto layout. If you have any
questions, please ask me. I will always be here to
answer these questions. This is the most
confusing concept, which one you have to use
on child or the parent. So make sure if you have
an auto expanding button, everything will be set
to hug contents and the parent will be set to
the spacing between them. For example, this
layout spacing, I'm going to set it
to 40 or 30 or 20, whatever the spacing
I want between the items and this
is the padding. So that is all. I hope you have
understood this concept of contents filled container, auto-layout, spacing, resizing. Tell them we will meet
her in the lesson. Take care. Bye-bye.
19. Responsive Navbar in Figma using Auto Layouts: Welcome to another
Figma tutorial where we are going to create a responsive navbar using Figma and we will be
using auto-layout. Let's get started. I'm going to show you how
you can use auto-layout to create responsive
navigation bar in Figma. Now let's get started and
create this responsive navbar. Press T to create a text. And we're going to type home. Let's replicate this
by holding Alt key. And let's use Command D
to have another copy. And we're going
to name it about, Let's call this one contact. And let's select all of
these and we're going to distribute horizontal
spacing between them just to make sure
the spacing is accurate. So right now it's 19, we have to increase it. Let's use 46467. Between these. Now we're going to select
all of them and we're going to add
auto-layout shift k. First we created
three texts layers, simple texts layers, and we have created a
frame around them. Here we have the frame just
to control these items. Right now the frame direction is in the horizontal direction. So if we try to add, you can see if we open
up this frame and try to add something new command D. So you can see it is going to add in the horizontal direction, so this is the right direction. Okay, so here we have, let's call it links. Let's hide this navbar right
now, the bottom button. Okay, so here we have this one. And next step is that we are
going to create our buttons. So again, we are
going to prestige. This is going to be our button. Let's call it login. And we're going to
add an auto layout to this one shift, a
auto-layout added. So we're going to add a fill color of this
button to this button. Let's use this green
or maybe this blue. And the text color
will be white. So here we have
the button ready, and let's add some padding
over here of eight. And from here we
are going to use different padding on all sides. For a button, we are going
to use eight at the top, 16 over here, 16 on the right, and eight at the bottom. This is going to be our pattern. Let's call it. Let's call it TTN.
Keep it Gideon. And we're going to
replicate it by holding the Alt
key or Option key. And we're going to
separate them 16 pixels. So you can see press, hold Alt or Option key
to see the spacing. And we're going to
call it sign up. Now you can see it is expanding
on its own because we have set the resizing
to hug contents. So whenever the
contents are going to expand the overall container, it is going to hug
the content by keeping the space
we have specified. You can see if we
click on the button, we have ten spacing. So Dan is the spacing
between two items. This is the margins or
paddings we have applied. It is going to
always keep these. Let's click this one
and we're going to, let's use some other color, maybe orange for sign-up. Let's use orange. We have two buttons now. And this is also, we have actually
three auto-layout. One is links to our buttons, one button, second button. We're going to
select all of them. Again, we're going
to press Shift a. And you can see we have
this auto layout frame, so this is going to
be our NANDA are. And before that I think we need to have another
frame for the buttons. This is actually z. Let's align these buttons first, shift a to have an auto layout for these buttons and
we're going to call them, but because we have to arrange the layout
of both buttons too. If we want to control
the spacing between two buttons now we can
do that over here. Let's use 12 over
here right now. And so now we have buttons, both buttons into
another layer frame. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to
select all of these. You can see on the left, this is very important. We have buttons. Then again, inside the buttons we have two different
button auto layout. And then in the links we
have three texts layers. Now we're going to
select all of them. Shift a. And you can see we
have this navbar, almost nav bar
that is completed. Now you can see our
text is moving up. So whenever we create
something like this, sometimes it happens
that our text moves up. You can see this is the
spacing between items. So if I try to reduce it, you can see it is going to
get closer to the text we have over here. To fix that. You can see I have
selected this navbar. This is very important. And I am going to go in
the middle like this. This is the alignment options. So if I use this, you can see the text
is aligned at the top. Bottom. And you can see it
says at the bottom, and we're going to select this. It is going to be at the
left and the middle. Now we are going to add a
fill color to the snack bar, which is going to be white. Let's use white. And from here we're going
to use eight pixels radius. And over here we're going to
use some padding at the top. Let's use 16. At the bottom. Let's use 16. Let's add 24 at the right
and 24 at the left. Now you can see we
have our navbar ready. We have applied all the paddings around it by using
this panel over here. Now if you can see if
we tried to expand it, it is not expanding, the content is not expanding, it is not responsive. Because you can
see over here that this spacing is set to custom. So right now we
have to fix that. So to do that, we have to go over here. And we are going to shift to, let's go back wherever our original settings
and write down. You can see I have selected navbar and we're going to go to space between what
it is doing is it, you can see now this space between items is
actually set to auto, so it is automatically adjusting
the space whenever I try to drag or make the
navbar larger or smaller. This is the trick behind
this responsiveness. So you can see now if I try
to drag something like this, you can see now it
is fully responsive. So this is the last step. Now you can see a responsive
navbar is almost complete. Now if we want to add something
over here, for example, I want to add notifications. So let's call it
notifications over here. Or maybe some messages. If I want to or drag something over here on
the top, for example, I have a small red dot
for notifications. For example, this one. And if I try to drag
and place it over here, you can see it is showing
me that it is going to be dropped inside this auto-layout. So it is adopting
automatically the auto layout. If I try to drop it like this, it is going to be over here. If you don't want it to or you want to
escape this behavior, you have to hold your space bar and just drag and
drop it like this. And it is going to be
like this over here. Let's try to make it a bit done. Here we have the messages. You can move it like this. This is how you create a responsive navigation
bar in Figma. I hope you have
enjoyed this video and make sure you watch
the next video too. So till then we will
meet in another video with another Figma
trick and Tutorial, take care and bye bye.
20. Responsive box modal window in Figma: Welcome to another
video about Figma. And today we are going to create a responsive modal window. Or you can say a complex
auto-layout in using Figma. Let's get started. I'm going to show you
first what we will be building and I'm going
to show you techniques, how you can achieve responsive window or a card UI guard you can
build using Figma. Let's get started. So you can see on the screen we have responsive modal
window auto-layout. And this is the modal
window we have built. So if we try to squeeze
it from the right, you can see it is
fully responsive. The buttons and the clothes icon is staying at the top
and the bottom and their fixed positions
and text is actually squeezing with the box. This is very easy to create. I have to show you what are the actually the
layers inside it. So we have buttons
to buttons are inside auto frames and then they are combined into
another Auto Frame. We're going to create that. So let's get started. First, we're going to
create our button. Press T. I'm going
to have this delete, add an auto layout
to this one shift. We have auto-layout added. Let's add fill color over here. And this time we're going to use this red color for the text. We're going to use white color. Here we have our basic
button and you can see this is the padding around the item and this is a spacing. For the next item. Let's try to use a padding
of 81620 at the right. Let's use 28 over here. This is going to be my button. Let's add some rounded corners, eight pixels over here. Let's use four. Here we have our descent button. I'm going to use 1010
at the top and bottom. So we have some good
sized but button. We have our button. Let's call it btn. Let's replicate
it by pressing or holding on Alt or Option
key and replicating it. And I'm going to place it, let's say 16 pixels apart. And this time I'm
going to change its color to this color. And this is going to be cancel. Right now you can see we
have set it to hug contents. So that is why it is actually expanding by changing
its content. So it will always accommodated contents
and expand and contract. When we have this setting, which is hug, hug contents. Okay, so we have
are both buttons. Let's wrap them in, inside and other auto-layout. So Shift, I have selected
both of these shift a. This is really important. This is buttons. Till now we have created to auto-layout buttons within
another button's frame, which is auto-layout frame. And we have combined
them into both of them. So you can see here we have the auto layout direction
horizontal. So if we added a little bit and it's going to be on the right. This is the space between them. So if you want to
control the space like 12 pixels or ten
pixels between them, that you can do that over here, we have our buttons ready. Okay? Now we need text and one icon. Here we have our button. Let's use some heading. Heading. Over here. Tried to use bold. Let's use 24. I'm going to replicate this. Again. This is, let's try to
use better graph so d, So I'm going to use a frame
like this, like this. And let's try to see if we have, this is a box. I'm going to use Control backs
as far slash Lauren. Plus. Let's try to add some
texts over here. English verbs, graph. Let's add two
paragraphs over here. This is our paragraph. Let's use 1616. We're going to use regular. Let's use one paragraph. I think I should
delete the second one. I'm going to skip
all these settings. This is just, let's use
something like this. Maybe something like this. Okay. We have our text paragraph, which is this one. This one, and
heading to pretense. And now we are going to add a, an icon over here. Let's add an icon,
icons, cross icon. We're going to add another icon over here for the close button. Let's use flows. So this time let's use this one. This is our button. Let's try to use this
color, maybe this one. To close this window. We have this circle over here. Now we're going to
select all of them. And breast shift and
add an auto layout. You can see now auto-layout
has been added. Let's call it ordering. We have to add a fill color, which is going to be white. We need to have some
padding over here. So 16 at the top, let's say at 24 at the left, 2416 at the bottom. You can see we have the basic
layout of our modal window. Let's use some rounded corners. Let's use some shadow around it. Percent shadow is
going to be two. This one, we added a very
light shadow around it. Now you can see we have to use something that
is going to be this layout. I have selected this model, model and we are going
to use right layout. So to bring these buttons
and everything at the right, you can see these buttons, this text, this bottom
buttons and this corner. One has been moved to the right. This is how you are
going to achieve that. First step is this. And then if we try
to squeeze this, you can see the text is not responsive because going
outside of the box. So to achieve that, we have to click the text
and rather than fixed width, we are going to use
fill container. Similarly for this one, this is going to be
filled container. You can see now it has already been filling the container, so we have to just use this. And you can see there our responsive box and our tax is actually
squeezing with it. You can see the distance
between these two is actually controlled
from here, we have ten. So if I tried to reduce, whoops, not the buttons,
but the model window. So we have 23, Let's use 16. And it is going to be like this. This is the, if you want
to control more things, you can give them
another layout. So I've selected both
of these texts and I'm going to give them
more auto-layout. And rather than hot contents, we have to use the
full container again. And here we can control the spacing
between just the text. So you can see if for example, I want it to be like this. Now if I try to select
and squeeze it, oops, what is happening? The frame is actually the frame. I think the, the text
has been shifted. Again. We have to do the
full container. And you can take on again. This is another way. So right now my text
is actually inside. Both of these texts are
inside another auto-layout. You can see over here text
within another artery layout. You can do the same with
without this auto-layout, but I love to, you know, control the spacing between
my different items. This is how you can do that. This sums up our modal window, where we are creating
responsive modal window, which is going to
be squeezed and expanded and texts we'll be wrapping around with
all the borders are the spacing or
padding around it. I hope you have loved or
enjoyed this auto-layout video. Make sure you watch
my other courses, glasses, video classes,
and YouTube videos. I will meet you in another
video till then, take care.
21. Typography System - Scales and Styles 01: The first step in
your design system is going to be typography. So we're going to select
typography and then its scale and
different categories. Title, title one
heading, subheading, caption, all that
different categories. We're going to define that
into our design system. So let's get started and this is going to be where you start. So let's create a new frame. And we're going to call
this frame Bob Murphy. Now, we're going to
select any Typhoeus. You have to experiment about it. There is another
class, my class, which is about design
directions, selecting typefaces. We're not going to go through how you are going to
select this typeface. Right now, I am going
to select any typeface, let's call it portal. Text. Base, base font size
is going to be 18. Try to zoom in so you
can see properly. So here we have Roberto texts, and now I'm going
to use a plugin by pressing Control or
Command forward slash. And that is called scales. Let's see which one is
scale equals type scale. This one type scales. Here we have it.
And you can see it is showing me the
scale value which is 1.25 and line height is 1.2. I'm going to set it to 1.4. Six scales in the
forward direction, or small to bigger, bigger sizes, too small sizes. Okay, So I think I need
these many, these are good. I'm going to click on Generate. And here we have our
scaled right now. You can see it has created
a very nice scale. Let's delete this. And I'm going to delete this one and I'm also going
to use this frame biography. You can see it shows
me that this is our base value is
18, scale is 1.25. And then these are
our different sizes. Normally we are going
to actually name them properly because
this is not what we need. So this is going to be our heading or title or title,
something like that. Let's call it one. Let's just call it,
let's call it H1. If we have more
styles, for example, desktop slash, one,
that is up to you. So if you have two or
three different scales for desktop and mobile apps, different scales, that is
another story. Right now. You can see, yes, keep these. And I'm going to,
what I'm going to do is let's first name them. Let's call it. Right now. What I'm trying to
do is I'm trying to name them properly. Let's call it subheading. Let's call this one subtitle. Subtitle. Let's call it a subtitle small. This is called let's call it 4D. I'm going to show you why
I'm naming this caption. Let's call it over line. This one is going
to be our caption. 12 pixel is our caption
text and this is our line. So I'm going to change it style. All gaps. Gaps. This one, all caps like this. And also I'm going to increase its spacing character
spacing to be 10%. Let's use 5% or 1% Okay, so you can see
this is an online text I'm going to share with
you why I am doing this. Here is human interface
guidelines from Apple, and you can see they have
these different styles. Large title, Title
One, 23 headline, semi bold, body callout, subheading, footnote caption
one and caption too. So this is actually their scale. These are different categories
that are going to be implemented in Apple
design system. If we look at Material
Design System, you can see we have Headline
One, 234566 headlines. Then we have two
subtitles to body sizes. One is body 116 pixels. Also let us spacing
is mentioned 0.5. Here we have 14 pixels. Button is a bit bigger. Protein pixels, medium weight, medium, and caption
is over here. And then we have an overlying. Overlying is basically
let me show you actually. Okay, so you can see this is
how actually it is using it overline is actually the line
at the top of any heading. We chose maybe some category,
something like that. Headline and body. This is body text. This is how you
are going to apply your design system or type scales into your design system. Now, let's go back to Figma. And now we're going to create
type styles over here. I'm going to, I'm holding
Control and Shift. Command and Shift
and clicking on only these headings
or tax over here. No, I have selected all of them. I'm going to run another plugin, control or command forward
slash type styles. This is a very nice plugin
which is called type styles. And you can use
either font family, font size, whatever
you want to use. Example, I'm going to use
font family in the name. Let's use font size. And let's use. I think that would be great. So I'm actually
renaming, naming them. Let's make type styles
and you can see it's issues created
nine type textiles. If I select over here, you can see it is, it has created Roboto. And inside Roboto I have
this whole textiles. Let me see what
happened over here. So actually, the name
we suggested it, we suggested the name of the
type is. Click over here. You can see if I delete all
these by pressing Delete, I can recreate them. Let's try to recreate them. I'm holding my command and shift key or
Control and Shift key. Again, I'm going to run the
same plug-in type styles. Now you can click
on Text custom. Let's call them type styles. Over here. I'm going to use
font family size. And click on Make type size. Now you can see it says again
nine times 10th graded. And if we click over
here now you can see we have type style and in
that we have Roboto. And these are
different type sizes. And you can see 140 is
actually it's line-height.
22. Typography System - Scales and Styles 02: This is going to be
your first step to create your type size. So once we upgraded
our type size, the next thing is that we
are also going to create some other things that can
show you what is happening. So these are actually frames. Next, try to make
it a bit bigger. And why this auto-layout
on this frame, I have to remove auto layout. Layout. Okay, so this is
a regular frame. Now, let me try to add
something over here, which is going to be our usage. So we have to show
our developers or other designers that this is how you are
going to use this. Let us say heading paragraph. Here we have this one. And if we move to the assets over here, we have to use these styles. Let's try to use
this with paragraph. Again, we're going to
replicate this and we're going to have a
distance of 1828. Let's use 24. Rather
than using 44, we're going to use 18, which is our paragraph. Change the color of
this paragraph to a bit darker gray like this. Let us use another lorem. Plus. We're going to use English
paragraph or two paragraphs. Here we have it. Apply what textile, which
is 18, change the color. Now you can see we, we are showing them that this is the sample usage of
heading with a paragraph. So it will also have the
spacing between them. You have to show the spacing also that this is
going to be spacing. These are going to be the
colors of the heading and the paragraph colors
we're going to create in the next lesson. Right now we are more
concerned about this. So also over here, you can also create a text
link over here if you want to. What about a paragraph over
here with some overline? So let's create that overline
feed or texts over here. Let's call it overline
category, category product. Now we are going to select
over line from here. Okay, So this was 14, actually. We have it. We also going to show the
spacing between them, which is going to be eight. Oops. So right now it is nine. What I'm actually
doing is I'm holding my Alt or Option key and clicking on one of
the item and also moving to Microsoft
to another one. It shows that it is
eight pixels apart. This is how you are
going to show them. Also, you can use
some color over here, for example, let's try
to use this purple. Purple. Let's try to use this. So this is how you
are going to show your developers and
designers that this is all you are going
to use my text with overlying and headings and this is how the
paragraphs will be. You can see the line-height. So if you want to change the
line height or something, you have to go into your click on any empty
area and you have to further go into this textile and try to change
settings over here. For example, here we have
8% and I want to have 10%. Now you can see it
has 10% of spacing. In this over here in this style, this is how you are
going to name them. You can also name them. For example, if I have this, I can just click over here. And rather than having 14, I can also use this is
actually overlying. This is caption. So make sure you
name them properly. This is our body. This was let's call
it subheading. Yes. This is subheading. Name them properly. This is big title. This is heading one. Let's call it heading
one Each to h3. So you can see now
the names are more meaningful and
easier to remember. So this is how your text
file is going to be. I'm going to share
with you my project. Let me show you what I have done in this textiles over here. Here I have the type scale. You can see here I have the
Type Scale heading 123. I'm not showing the
sizes over here because they are
inside this text. I have different texts
for desktop mobile, board, three or four different bold text treatments links. And you can see here
we have color styles. If you look over here, you can see I'm showing my tax treatment on
both backgrounds, darker and lighter ones. Let me show you. So here we have the
components of texts. So you can see here's the texts with the
heading and then we have the body text,
then we have a button. I'm actually showing that this is how you are going
to treat your texts. Similarly, you can see
if you see here this is a list item with
some paragraph. It is also showing the the
distances between them. This is again a big heading. So you can see if
I click on this, you can see it is heading 75. So this is how I
actually name them. So this is how I
actually name them text slash desktop slash heading. And it is showing for
different headings. Then again, text slash
mobile slash heading. Why I'm showing you this, because you need to
know that there are many ways you can
name them properly. So I can just guide you how you can start building
your design system. Rest is up to you that how you actually select the TI phase. Different typeface for heading, different typeface
for the body text. You can see I'm rather than using body, I'm using paragraph. You can see this is desktop
paragraph 14182430. So I actually this was
for a web design project. So I didn't use captions or small tags are footnote
or something like that. So I'm using these four sizes. Make sure whenever you are
building your design system, you are also showing
the type usage. You can see over here in
the corner type usage. This is very, very important
how your developers are going to know that how to
use this component are, or how to space things out, how to use this paragraphs. You can also, what you can
also do is, for example, this whole, this whole
paragraph with your heading, you can create a component. And you can see over here
this is a component. So whenever I want, I can try to drag my
component out of it. So here we have component text. Here we have it component texts. So I can just drag
and drop it anywhere. And it is going to create a
component text over here. These are, you can say the keys of creating
a design system. You create type scales, select your base typeface. You create type scales, then you create types of styles. Then you create components
using those type styles, using your heading and your paragraph and your shared
it with your developers. And they are going to
just drag and drop it. And all your other designers
and they are going to use it in your design system. That is all about text and
type scales, tap text styles. I will see you soon
in next lesson where we're going to
discuss about colors.
23. Color Scales and Styles in Design System 01: Welcome to another video
about design system. Today we are going to
handle our colors. We're going to generate
colors, scales. Then we are going to give late purposes two
different colors that this color is
for this purpose. This color is for this purpose because if we are going
to create scales, we might have like 4050 colors. But we're not going
to use all of them. We're going to use maybe some
selective ten or 12 curves. We have to specify
that this color is for this specific purpose. So let's get started
and see what we can do. Now you can see I
have over here, Let's zoom into it. This is going to be my
starting color palette. And I actually used a
web server web tool, which is called this
one, coolers dot CEO. And I use Generate and created the color
scheme from here. The first color, which was a purple one I
selected myself and the others are actually supporting colors that you
can generate over here. Just have to, for example, if you want to lock this one, for example, this, Let's suppose that this one
is my primary color. If I press space bar, you can see it is
going to generate a different colors
related to this one. Maybe I want to use
purple with some Sian, which is a very
good combination. Also green. I'm
going to lock them, I'm going to rotate others. Let's use a dark 12. And let's use this one. So this is how I create a
color scheme and export it as an SVG to start
building my design. So here we have
very sharp colors. Here we have like 12345
colors, five colors, and one is going
to be our blacks, one is going to be
our primary color, one is going to be
our secondary color. So let's start with this one. Here we have it. Ungroup this, and
let's delete these. This one is going to
be my primary color. This one is going to
be my secondary color. You have seen that
in the buttons. Let me show you. If I go over here, you can see this is
our primary color, this is purple and this is
the secondary action explore. This is a second one,
secondary action. And we are using that. You can see this is our
tertiary color when we have an active field, you can see we have a
very bluish, bluish, greenish blue kind of Spanish light Spanish
color over here. So let's go back to style guide. So this is our actually it
does trigger or let us say. We can also call it
an active color. This will be our black. Let's keep it over
here like this. This is our, this is again,
our supplementary color. We are going to use it somewhere in somewhere we're
not going to use it. Other than that, we
might need a red color. For adders. Maybe. Let's try to replicate this one
because our status, status colors are actually
called semantic colors. Semantic cars are going
to show the sterics of different objects,
different elements. So let's try to move
to this bluish. Red. Saturation is too much. Let's make it closer. Saturation is too much, so I'm going to reduce
the saturation. So here is a saturation
in the middle. Let's try two, make it less
saturated and let's try to increase or decrease
its brightness. Hue. I again wanted
to be a bit more red. This one seems good. Let's try. 99 hue. Brightness would be 7490. This is going to be my
color for my status. So let's expand this artboard. Have colors. Let's try to expand it to two. Now we're going to reduce
the size of this one too. Let's select all of them. Select all of them. Let's make it a 100
by a 100, like this. We are going to
arrange it like that. First we want the
purpose of color. So let's call it. This is going to be the
color follower text. So this is going to
be our texts black. So let's name over here. Text colors. Maybe these are
just black colors. This is too small. I'm going to use it
over here, 18 or here. And I'm going to use Roboto. Maybe you can also
bring this over here. This is info box. I'm going to
replicate it or hit. It would be easier for me. Do you know, use everything. Let's move them down. Let's make it like this. Here we have our color scales, so you have to rename them. I'm going to skip this. We have our color scheme. Now we need to
create some skills. So for that we are going to use a plugin control or command, forward slash, color scales,
color scale generator. So I'm going to use
there are many plugins. I have a full video on
how to create these. Right now, I have
selected this green one. So if I click on,
I'm going to select, Let's select a dense steps
and just click on Create. Going to create this
whole color scheme. You can see over
here, this is what we have right over here. Similarly, we are
going to repeat the same steps for all of those. I'm going to skip this because it will make the
video very long. Now you can see we have
generated our color scheme. You can see these are
our color scales. These are looking really great. If you want to have
a neutral color, you can have something
over here with the black, maybe some light green color or maybe some light in dull bluish color
that is up to you. Right now I am going to
use these blacks for my black and white
for my DAX colors. And these are going to be our primary, primary action color. This is actually our
secondary action color. And we're not going
to use all of them. So let's select the colors that are going to
be used over here. So maybe if you want to, you can expand this or
you can use something, the space over here,
let's try two. We're going to
check our app now. So this is our primary color, which is 775 CFF 77, which is, I think this one, this is actually
our primary color. This is our action button color. So maybe we can do a lot
of things like maybe we can add a stroke around
it off like five. This is going to be our
primary action color. Then our secondary color was 79 FEC 47979 tickets. Let's try to bring it over here. So we want to see if this
is going to be feared. It actually matches. I think it is very
close to this one. This color over here two, fc 98. Let's zoom in. I think it's closer to this one. This one is going
to be our color. Let's add a stroke
of five over here. So this is our color. You can highlight the colors where you think that
this is going to be our main color for
the same purpose, primary and secondary colors, then we have greater than black. So let's try which is the
background color 1 sixth, 1 sixth, 1 sixth. So I think this is
closer to this one. Maybe I think it is
closer to this one. So let's try to see if the
background color is one e. Let's try to open it. It's in the blue, 209 to 516. The hue is 209. So let's try to see 209. What is the hue for this 1188? This is 250. Maybe what we need to fix that, we're going to use this
color, maybe this color, or maybe we can use
this color, this one. Let's try to create more color scale for
this darker shade. Or maybe we are
going to use red. Replicate this over here. Let's move the slider over here. I'm going to use this
color for the background. Move them. So this is going to be
our background color. Let's highlight it with
a stroke of white color. Let's use red over
here because we cannot see it like this. Maybe if you want to, you can name them properly. So let's try to move
this right now. Let's try to remove. You can see you are here, this is again a 100,
this is again a 100. We want to call it. Let's call it 1 tenth. We need to name them
actually properly. So let's select all of them. I'm going to show you
how to rename them. So Control or Command R. So
we're going to rename them, do primary slash to use, let's call it purple. And then we're going to
use a number like this. You can use something like this. It, you can also try to use number pattern like
adding a 0 at the end, like this, then 20, and we're going to
press the rename. This is how you are
going to rename them. Primary colors slash purple,
purple, purple, purple. So this is how it
is going to be. Let's try to ungroup them
and select all of them. So this is how you are
going to rename them, and this is how you are going to create color styles out of them. So I'm going to use also, you can do one more thing. So let's try me show you
Come on our current name. Before that we're going to use colors slash primary colors. So this is going to
be more, better. Next, rhenium them
like this colors slash primary colors slash
the color you have. Similarly for these, we
are going to ungroup them and let's
select all of them. And again, we're going to
rename them to Fellows. Slash, secondary color slash. Next quality, sharp green. Green. Then we're going
to use a number. Number will be at the end, we will add 03, remove
this n, rename. This is how we are
going to rename them and then we're going
to select all of them. We're going to run
another plugin called bad Schuyler, I think. Let's try to run it. Oops. We have to think there was an option to
create multiple styles. There was this one generated. Okay, so this one is the
plugins Tyler generate styles. Click on that. And
it is going to generate all the
styles, 21 styles. And you can see over here, if we go over here, Let's delete all these. You can see I'm going to
delete the previous ones. Primary blue is also
going to be deleted. Let's delete all the
textiles over here. Color style, and you
can see here we have colors and inside we
have primary color. Then we have our secondary
color like this. You can see we can apply
all of these like that. This is how you are going
to create your primary, secondary and all those colors. So I'm going to do
the same for others. So we're going to skip that.
24. Color Scales and Styles in Design System 02: Now you can see we have created all the colors, styles
and everything. And you can see here our
colors are nicely done. Primary colors are
going to be these ones. Secondary colors or this scale. Then we have blacks. This is our blacks and whites. Then we have semantic color. These are semantic
blues, red, and green. These are going to be our status scholars of
semantic colors. That is all you have to create, your whole color scheme, color style,
everything over here. And next step is that you
have to show the purpose. You have to select different
colors that are going to be for the purpose
of these colors. So let's try to
expand it like this. Let's try to first select these and scaling the art board. Let's call it left. And don't normally
have to expand that. Again, this one is also scaling. Let's call it left top. All these also left and top, we're actually constraining
them so they don't scale with our expanding of this box. We have created this. So let's try to give the
purpose to our colors. This color was actually, this color was for background. And I think this color was
following our primary action. This color was our
secondary button. We're going to write all that. Let's select this. Copy it over here. Like this. Crown. And we're going to use a bit
smaller scale plot, this 24. Oops, we have to
use 24 types size. This is going to be
our background color. Like this. This is how you
show the purpose. Then we are going to show
that this is going to be our primary action. Cannot see what is the
distance between them. This is going to be
our second reaction. We have defined the purpose. You can also align it
over here like this. Similarly for blacks, we have to see where we have
used, for example, this one is for backgrounds, for the text fields. And this one was for
the background of, we have already done that. This is what we are
going to look for. This is going to
be our background. I think it was something closer. Let's try to grab
this over here. C and paste it over here to see which color is
actually matching. It is very close to this one. This is the color. So we have to replicate. It, controls us
art pressing Alt. Let's replicate it. And we're going to use the same over here. We're going to call it the background color. And let's see if we have more. This is also, I think
the same color. Same that has been
used over here. Same color. This one is different. 353344, and it is
in this purple hue. We are going to
define all these. This is our input background. And this was also four. This is actually the first, let's call it dabs background. This is also for the
tabs background. This is how we are going to
generate different tokens. So this is the
purpose and token. We have to use these colors. So if we reverse the team, then we are going to
reverse these tokens. Make sure that you have, you have specified that this is the rule that this
color is playing. You got the idea. And then we have. A few semantic color. So let's see, I think it
was this one or this one. Let's use this one. Oops, aren't optional here. This is our active
or active input. This is actually showing
that this is active input. Now we have to, we had another one. Let's replicate it over here
and try to change the color. I think we have used something like this or here,
let me show you. So here we have another pillar which is dotted greenish color. I think it was this one. I'm going to grab this color. Let's delete this
one. Like this. This is our this is our percentage bar or progress bar. We can also call it progress. Background. Isn't anymore
color we have missed. Here. We have analytical, which
is bluish green, kind of. I'm not sure which
color is this one. Let's try to bring that color. I think we have used
it a few places. This one, I think
this is the color. This is another color for
we have used over here. So let's grab it. This color is actually progress. Let's call it progress,
dark color, progress. This is going to be our
progress bar for the errors. I think let's try to see if
any color over here applies. Let's try to use
border over here. Stroke and try to select
the color from here. Let us see which one
is going to match. This one looks good, read 50. So we're going to use that. Oops. Let's go back to
our style guide. Read 50 is this one. This one looks
great on an adder. We are going to use that mortar. We have to use the
input market, okay? This is how we just matching the distances. This is how we are going to
define all the purposes. So I think our our
color scheme is ready. One thing which we have missed is actually
our text color. So this is our text color, which is Create Account. This is actually
this purplish color. So this is actually this color. This is our text color. So let's move it over here. And you can also create a separate section or
here for texts colors. Let's grab this. Move this a bit lower. Like this. Let's move it over here. Let's call it text. This is our paragraph
text color. This is a heading, heading. Heading gonna, because we
know that this is text. We have one color, text color over here. And let's try to find we have muted
text color over here, which is a bit dull kind of
grayish color over here. Also this input text, this is the same color. So let's try to bring it closer to and see which
color it is going to match. I think it is going to
match somewhere over here. I think this color,
or maybe this one, this is going to work better. So let's try to create a rectangle over here like this and apply this
color over here. I think it is
closer to this one, this color we're going to
use for the muted text. Let's grab this color. We are going to use it
over here for muted text. Text, muted. Okay, so here we have
two texts colors. One is heading or
our primary color. Let's see if we have
used one more color. So this is same. We have one more color
which is in-focus, which is a bit more darker, where we have just
small info section. So let's try to use
that over here. This is muted texts, which was BW 50. Let's try 60, BW 64. The other texts
for the info text, small in full text. Now you can see we have
all the sections prepared. We have different primary
and secondary colors. Then we have our texts
colors or texts colors. You can make them
properly aligned. Or Triumph, right now this
lecture is already very long. So here we have input
background tabs, color. Then we have our status colors, different semantic colors. Like you can see, we are using almost 1234567891011
colors over here. I think. Dental 15 colors is going to build your whole design system
that are going to be used. Other colors are
just for supporting. Maybe we need a new
color somewhere, so we might need to use that. So that is all this is about how you are going
to use your colors and everything and create
your whole color system in your design system. So I will make sure
that you learn, I'm going to share
this file link to you so you can see
what I have done. We will meet in another
lesson till then, take care. Bye-bye.
25. Button Components and Icons System 01: Before we get started with bigger components and building
bit bigger components, we're going to start
with smaller ones. We're going to create different
buttons, different chips, different small text of text Informations,
things like that. We are going to dig into these buttons section
and we're going to create buttons with
auto-layout and different variance.
Let's get started. Now you can see
what here we have this button, we just
create an account. There is another style
which is ghost button. These are two styles,
the same button. Then we have this problem. This is an unrolled
know featured button. This is a bit different button. Then we have this
Explore button, green ones that are four
different smaller courses. Then we have this
top navigation. Navigation is going to have one active state and
one normal state. This is another one. I think these are
all also this one. This one is also
drop-down button. We're going to create that. And then we have this. This is also a
progress bar, bar. It is not going to be
we're not going to use auto-layout for this one because this has three elements. But we are going to
create a component out of it so we can easily update it and rename it and change its texture will hit.
I think that's it. So first we're going to
go with the buttons. So right now we have our
pages to design system. This is another frame and
I have calling it button. First, we are going to
see that this button is actually 327 by 48 pixels. Let's try to replicate
that in our design system. You can also command C or copy, copy Command V or Control V
to create a copy of this one. And now we're going to
select this buttons and press D and all that
we're going to use. Make sure you have selected this topography BD
and textual here. Right now this is selected and this is what
we're going to use. Let's press Shift and Shift a to add auto-layout to this one. And the first thing we're going to do is we are going to add some padding
over here too. Let's add 16 and the
top 16 at the bottom. I'm going to add 58 or 57.5. Let's call it like this. 57.5 over here. Maybe we're going
to call it 5757. This is our main structure
and I'm going to tell you why I why I have added 5757 before. Let me let me tell you what what will be the
problem actually, let's add a free pillar. So we are going to
use a fill color, which is this one, purple 50. So purple 50 is
the color which is very close to our actual color. We're going to add eight pixels of roundness and open this. And we're going to use
corners smoothing. This is our actual
layout of a button. But right now it is not
equal to the size 327. We have to make it fixed
because we are going to use the same size
for all the buttons. Now we are going to select this text layer
inside this frame, and we have to make
it fixed width. We are going to make it larger. Because for example,
if I add text, it should not expand. I'm going to use like 200 and let's use the
height width of 212. And now if I drag
it closer to this, so you can see it's 27 is 326, so it is one pixels apart. So I think this will do
for the text over here, I'm using this white color, so I have, I have added
this to my colors. Styles. Select, selecting from here. Now, we have replicated this, so we're going to delete this. And this is our button. Let's call it btn notch. We have 3D enlarge, and now we're going to
create a component out of it Control Alt K or Command Option K. So we have
been compressed that. So you can see we have
this button large. We have successfully
created our button. And if I try to change its
content like login, it works. It is not changing its Smith. This is what we need. Now, moving on, we are going to create some
variance out of it, at least three variance. So before that we're
going to click on this this whole component
and try to set the property. For example, we're going to set the property of
the button style. This default will
be normal button. And this one will
be our cost style. Now we're going to change our styling that we're going
to click on this coast and remove this fill
color and a stroke, which is going to be this color or it was
lighter than 50. So we're going to use
this 40 over here. This is how these two buttons
are actually going to. This color is coming over here. See, I think we have selected the colors
from our color palette, which we have created
color styles. So this is how we have
created the second one. And now we're going to
add another variant. Let us click over here,
add another variant. And this would be
called disabled. So right now we're
just going to change its color from this
one to this maybe. Yes. And for the white color, we are going to use a bit
of grayish color over here. So this is going to be disabled. So for these 3
third button style, we are going to have disabled
or here, this statement. We have three buttons
styles actually, this is our PDN lot and
disabled, ghost and normal. So these are three buttons, or you can also call it failed and normal
failed or whatever. It's up to you. I'm going to call it
normal right now. This is one set of
buttons we have created. Now we're going to create
other buttons too. For example, we have this one. This one, this one. Let me show you this one is
also created using frame. We need to not worry
about how to create it. So let me show you the
settings over here. So top, bottom aid, right and left ten. So let's recreate it if
you want to copy it. And we're going to create another set of
buttons over here. Oops. Let's recreate it. Is it? Let's copy this.
Copy this frame. I'm going to paste it over here. Here we have this frame. Here, we have this frame. Right now we're going to
call it dot dash item. Make sure you name
them properly. This is really,
really important. We don't want it
to be fixed width. So it is going to
float with the text. If I try to change it, It's dextro here, for example. Business, community
education should expand. We don't need to worry about the fixed width
aspect over here. This is going to be like this. We're going to create a
component over here like this. And this is our top nav item. And we are going to create
two videos for this one. Why? Because someone
have to click on it. One is going to be,
let's select property. Here. It is going to be steered
and one is going to be 40 is going to be
basically active. You can call it false, let's call it false. This one is going to be
our true or active state. This one is actually
active stage, so let's try to change its
color from this one too. This is going to be use black and white pointy and
follow the text color. I'm going to use reverse. So I'm going to use this one. Black and white VW nine. This is how these
two are to look. One is active and one
is inactive state, or you can also call
it false and true. So I think active or
inactive makes more sense. I don't want to
confuse my developers. So this state is
going to be active. This one is going
to be inactive. This one, this makes more sense. We have created
this successfully. And now we can, we are going to
create more or here. Here we have this Enroll button. Let's copy it and paste it over here because we need to
replicate its settings. So it is 48152. This is actually 50 sum. We're going to use 50 right now. This is also going to be fixed. I think we are going
to use Enroll Now. This is this text vertices
is going to be fixed 152. So again, we're going to use the same technique we used
over here, fixed width. We're going to use Enroll. Now. Shift a. Auto-layout has been
added eight pixels or corners smoothing
we are going to add, let's add fill color, which is going to be the same, which we use this one or 50. This is our main primary color. This one we're
going to use white. Now. We are going to add
some padding over here. So top bottom is
going to be 1515. Use 4040 were here. I would like to see
how much sizes. 38. Okay, so first we're going to
select this text over here. Rather than using
this, this over here, we're going to use fixed width, fixed width, and I'm going to
try to expand it like this. Maybe we might change
the text a bit, maybe change it to
something else. So I'm going to have
some padding around it. So let's call it 100. I think this one will work. Now we're going to add, change the padding over here. Let's use 3030. I think 2424. Right now we are at 148
with this one is 152, so we need two more
on both sides. 4626. We have replicated this
button using auto-layout. Also, we can change it to
something else, maybe just now. Okay, So this one is
also coming inside this section or
area. This is great. This is great. Let's delete the other one. Here we have our
and btn and rule. Again, we're going to
replicate the same thing. We're going to have one more
state which is purchased. If you have already
purchased the goals, it is going to show up at
chest shift a minus z. So right now we're going to
convert it into component. And now we are going
to add a variant. So let's click on
the variant and right now will be
state of the button. This is default stick
one is default, one is going to be, Let's call it purchased. This one is going to be, Let's keep it like this. Default in purchases. Purchased is going to have
different purchased or here, the color would
be different too. So let's try to use
some color from here. Let's try green, something
green over here like this. Maybe something like this. We have to test it
on that background. Actually. I'm going to
choose this one, green 70. I think this would look great. Also, this text color
should not be white. I'm going to use
green demo here, or maybe green plenty. Like this. This is
going to be two steps. We're going to test it. We might change it off crawl. If we try to see that the background color
is not looping, right? We have three sets of buttons. You can see this one
is actually disabled, but this one is actually
different state. It shows that it has
been purchased already. So we have let's You put it over here
and chips over here. One more chip we have, I think where was this one? This is just an
information chip. It is going to expand
or to experience. We don't need to
worry about its size. So this one, this one, I will need actually
this one, this one, this one is actually
this one drop-down. So I think, I think
we already have made it using this auto layout. So I'm going to show, share with you my technique, how I have used
this with the icon. You can see this icon. Okay, so before
moving to this one, you have to create a document where all
the icons would be. We will be adding
icons from there. So let me quickly share with you how you
are going to do that. Let's lock this background layer actually should not be
moved accidentally. This icon actually is going to be a component first before
you add it over here. So you have to make a component. Let's call icons. What we used is actually we
have used phosphors, icons. You can also write over here that you have used
phosphor icons. We have used one back
icon bars and all that. So these icons you
have to add over here. So click clicking on it. For example, we might
need these in the video. Arrows. One arrow was used, this one I have used. So I'm keep on
adding these down. Down arrow is actually get it. So I went to get it, this one, I have used this one. You can see you can add all
these icons which you need. So let's use play. We might need display
or display, or display. So keep on adding all the icons
you might need over here. Cause I think I
have used this one. We have added all the icons, so I'm going to show you
what we actually need to do. So this background should be, We're all these icons, these have been added somewhere
else outside of this. I'm going to bring
them all back in. Selecting all these and
dragging them into icons. Here. We have all the icons, so let's use the fill
color to be this one. Oops, not like this. So you can use the fill
color if you want to. Try to arrange them. I am going to keep it like this. And select all these. Distribute horizontal spacing. I'm going to keep
them like this. So one thing is that you have to keep the size of 24 million. So you can see it has been 3232. You might need 3232 pixels
or you might need 2424. This one is actually using, has been used as 24. So I'm going to reduce
its size to 24. This is what we are using. So let us see if the
vector around it is 24. Okay, So this one
is got it is 24. Let's see what others
would have over here. So I'm going to use the
color to be this one. And for the vector background, I'm going to remove
this color because this vector background is just for the boundary of this icon. You have to do the same
for all these icons. And the next step would be that you have to
create component. Let's call it icons slash. I get it. Keep it like this because we already have this
icon over here, this whole carried down work, create icons like this. So let me see if we
have this back arrow. It is also 24. Let me see if this one,
this one is also 24. So all our icon that's
download the settings. These are all 24 pixels. Also you have to use these
icons to, these are also, I'm not sure, very hard this, but I have to search for them. Anyhow. In your design system, in your icons, these are all 24, so let's resize them to 24. Select all of them. 24. These are all know, fixed. We have to change
the color next. I'm going to skip this.
26. Button Components and Icons System 02: We have all our icons,
so you can also, what you can also do
this one has been already created into component. Select all of them. Click over here, create
multiple components. This, these are going
to be components. Keep them like this. Also, I think we need one
mole, which was settings. I think settings.
I think this one, maybe this one, I
don't remember, but let's use this
one over here. I'm going to use this. We're going to use 24 over here. Like this. Do the same thing. Select all of them,
change the color, and create a
component like this. Create all these icons like this before you add them
to your buttons. We have this icon over here. Has happened. Rather than adding
carried down over here, what we are trying to do
is we're going to use actually Command or Control
D to create an instance, and we're going to drag that
instance into our component. You can see I have dragged and dropped it over
here like that. You can see this is
actually the one I created. This is the one before. This is what I'm using. So it's very easy just create
a type text tool over here called a year to 221. Shift a to create this. And you know, the drill, we're going to have
a bit more space. And this would be in the middle
because we might need to change that year or
something, maybe text change. So here we have it. Let me double. Now
we are going to, what we're going to
do is add a fill. Oops, we already have
ended up fellow here. For this frame, we
need to add a fill. Actually, fill will be this
purple color we are using. Oops, not this one. This one for using our patterns. And this top and
bottom would be, Let's, let's use
eight over here. This is looking great. I think. Let's try to add this
into this like that. Just drag and drop
and you have to change you have to
change the spacing. I have fixed the button, so the setting was
actually over here. So this movement actually,
it was like this. So you have to be
in the middle like that to create this
kind of button. Because we have two elements, so we have to
auto-layout, fix them. So posting is that
I actually reduce the distance between them so you can increase it if you want to. I am keeping it at four pixels. For the top and bottom, 66810. On the right eight padding is because we have this
icon over here. It should not look
very big on the right. Like this. It is looking good. You can use seven or
six if you want to. Six also looks great. So 10666, like that. And here we have
our button so you can see ear is at the bottom, carried down is at the top, so it will be on the right. Make sure you click
on this frame. So we're going to
rename it to drop down. And this is the auto-layout
setting of this dropdown. So click on this drop down
and we have for this one, and for this mixed we are actually using the
arrangement over here. So this is actually going to fix that text moving up and down. So you can see
this is a problem. Make sure it is in the
center or on the left. It is up to you. I think
centered Looks great for me. This is how I will be
creating this bill. Now I'm going to delete this and create
component out of it. So creating a component. And if you want to create a drop-down action or maybe selection or
something, It's up to you. Like dried now I'm going
to keep it like this. So there is no
state for this one. This is going to be my dropdown. I think I would
keep it over here. Now we're going to create this, this, this is actually
already created. Nothing ready difficult. This is actually next fall
in full force in full chip, chip cores and four,
It's up to you. This is actually using
the colors from, let's try to use the
colors from here. This gray looks great, and we will have the stroke
color to be this screen. I think this looks great. Already looking great. This one. Make sure you choose
the colors from here. For example, here if we have
this scatter down an ear, tried to use the colors from
your color styles over here. So if you try to change
something already is going to reflect it in your
whole design system. Similarly, you can see why I have added this
scatter down over here. So if you want to change it to anything else, for example, you want to change it to labor, then you can do that just by selecting an incense
over here, rewind. So all your icons
are actually now. All your icons are over
here because you have created them into a component so you can scrap the
components over here. So this is the beauty
of this design system. Here we have goals chip in full. And I think this is again, I have used the auto
layout over here. I think I should keep it
in the middle because if I try to add an icon over here, it is going to be disrupted. Then is the distance
between the padding, but we need it. So I'm going to create
a component out of it. And it is auto expanding, so we don't need to worry. Control or Command Alt Option K. Here we have chip
component over here. We have created like
different buttons and chips. Let's see if we need one more. Maybe we can create
this progress, but we need to. This is not very hard and let's use it and try to replicate it into
our design system. It is not button, but I think it's a progress bar. So let's call it buttons, plus chips, plus progress bars. Just to make sure
attack we had using everything over here.
Here we have it. You can see this is actually
in the middle and center. If I try to change it, we should not expand it. It should be same like this, so it will stay like this. This one should be moved easily. Like that. Setting would be same. I'm using the same
setting for this one. And I think that is on. Let me see if we have a different
progress bar over here. This one is using a
different settings. So I want to use 11 over here, make it similar to this one. So we will be using
the same progress bar. So the vert is 199. Let's make it 200. Just to be on the safe side. This is a bit bigger
one. This is 213. So let's try to use 200
and see if it fits. Yes. So I'm going to use
200 over here again. Let's make it a bit bigger than two hundred and
two hundred and ten. This one also 210. This one also progress bar 210. So MIG size of each
of them similar. This is going to
do in the middle. Let's create the same thing
with our design system. It is going to be 210 pixels. So I think we're not
going to be more complex. So let's try to rhenium them. Fill BG for background, green quality in BD, and select this command Option
key to create a component. You can see we have created
this component over here and we can easily
access it into the assets. So you can see we have, you can see over here in the assets, if you move to assets, we have this chip in for login. Small button. I think we missed one
button over here, which was this one. We have missed
this one. Explore. Next, copy it and
drag it over here. And we're going to replicate this button into our
own design system. And you already know
the drill how we created this enroll
no login here. So I'm going to
skip this quickly. And we're going to create
two states for this. One to, one is purchased and
the other one is Explorer. We have successfully
replicated that button. So right now what I'm trying
to do is I'm trying to have a bit more space
in the text so we can change it to something else, and the size would be 102. So we are going to
reduce like 16 pixels. Now. Let's try 16. In 16. Very close. 1515
would do the trick. Here we have the button
and we are going to call it smaller. Here we have it and create
a component out of it. We are going to
create a component. Let's create a variant. The second variant would be, but I think we're going to
use the same team for that. What is happening? Here? We are going to
use the property. We already had status. Steve. Let's do extinct. So we're going to
use button state. Oops, oops, oops, what happened? State. And this default state, this is going to be purchased. It was purchased. So we have to fix
that by going into here and try to replicate this. Tried to have it like this. Now we have 213 and see if we have the same size,
10210411 over here. Here we have it, but GIS and explore two states are dried. Now we need to change the background color
to something else, which is going to be a scholar. I think we have used green 70, yes, green 17, green
point before the text. Green to green. This green point D, this one. If we have purchased the course, it is going to be so
it's to this one. So two buttons, red. We have done and
completed this task of creating all these progress
bars, chips and buttons. And I think let me see if
we have missed anything. No, we haven't mixed
missed, missed anything. So you can see we have one icon over here which
is check circled. You are also going
to copy this to your icon or icons over here. This one is actually 32 by 32, and we are going to create a component out of it like this. Keep it with your
icons or your icons. And we're going to mention
the sizes over here later on. I'm going to show you a few tricks on how
to keep your icons. Don't try to do that. It's going to mess the
size of your icons. Here we have all the icons. And what you can do is you can also try to copy these
over here from here. Like this. Copy this because this one is not there in the design system. Click over here. And this is actually try to zoom in like this component. Download simple. Let's try to see if we have
this freedom is horizontal. Try to copy these
from here because I think it has been okay, so EQ on the icons, this one is different,
this one is different. So squalor, not feeders, but we're going to
call it Settings. And this one is settings. This makes more sense. You can see we have all
different icons in 24 pixels. This one is starting
to, if you have 30 to keep them in separate rule. And I think that is all. We also need these three icons. Let's copy these from here to here we have it How simple
student and circular. So let's copy all these three. Next, try to go to
this design system. Click on these icons, control V. And we have our icons over here. Right now we're
using this color, which is why we have this. We are going to use this
color, these icons, BW. So for all these, I'm going to use vw.
Here we have it. Bw. Bw can follow these icons. These are actually 32 by 32, so this should be
kept in this line. This is 32 by 32 pixels. Here we have it. How symbols to use
a circle gear. Let's keep them like this. We have to create multiple
components like that. And here we have our 32 by 32 pixel icon set and 24 by 24. What I'm going to do
electron is that I'm going to add something
like this or here, which is our info bar. This one, this one is going
to be added to our icons 3224, and that would be it. I'm going to make it happen and I will show
you in the next lesson. This lesson is very long. So let's move on to the
next lesson and study something more about our creating more
complex components. They'll then take care, Bye bye.
27. Bigger Components 01: Now before making you
a bigger components, we have to use another frame to have our
illustrations on that. Let's do that quickly. So here we have it
designed system. Let's replicate this
icons like this. Rename it to move this, move all those. And these are going to
be our illustrations. Have big plus small
illustrations. So let's use the head just
to have it a bit simple. So I'm trying to
copy this happening. So what is illustration? So this one, it has been locked. So I'm going to come out
Command C, Control C. Just paste it over
here like this. This is one illustration. What do you have to do is just create component on
topic that I'm going to have a bigger do the
same for the other ones. This is a smaller one. We have used progress
illustration. I'm going to keep it like this. There are few more
things we have used. For example, this small
red and blue dots. I didn't use them as background illustration
or something like that. So what I have done
is I have used them in this whole component. So we're going to add them to this component rather than
keeping them separate. Now, I think we
are ready to move on to create some of the we have lined up
our illustration. So now we are going to
create bigger components. Next. Use this one. Next,
call them components. I'm going to remove these. Let's call them components. These are going to be our list items, something like that. And let's see, for example, this is feature horse and this
one is the normal course. We have one more,
which is this one. So we have actually three
variations for these. Let's try to create
this first, this first. Here we have them. You can see we have this featured image. You can either keep it
like this because we have already added
linear gradient to it. This one is our course
title. This at all. They've been selected
for this one. And the button we
are going to use other components
that we created. Let's go to Assets and
five-hour lecture video. We are going to
drop it like this. What lap it over here. That for chip is over here. In our layers, we're
going to add it. It was inside this
featured course. This is the input shape. I think. This one
featured course. We have to open it and add
this pools chip inside it. This is actually
this dude nation. So I'm going to rename it to q duration. This is
our future demand. We are going to keep it like this button we have to replace. So we are going to use our Enroll button over
here, the same one. And this one we
need to replace it. Let's first move it at the top. Btn rule, and let's remove this. Now we are going
to have this one, which is going to be
our bigger component. We have it almost ready. Let's see if we have alignments. Alignments are perfect. And you can see we have
multiple instances of different other buttons and different other smaller
components to build a bigger one. Now we are going to create our component out
of it featured posts. Similarly, we are
going to do the same with these smaller ones. Now, why I'm not using auto-layout because we have
to have different spaces. For example, eight pixels over here and 16 pixels over here. This is not possible
because it is going to have the same padding. This is going to be a massive. We tried to create it with that. Again, this one course title. We are going to do the same. This is going to be our image, our course image called
quality course image. Like this, duration
and students, this is going to be
our same, this one. I'm going to repeat
the same or here, so we're going to skip it. We have the dude nation. Let's try to replicate it. It should be removed. This one, this one is students. So I'm going to replicate
this Monday over here. And now I'm going
to remove this one is student stories 450. Then. The problem is that it
should be kept on the left. We can manage it. Here,
we have not explored, but then we have to get
the explorer button from here and add it
over here like this. This is going to be
able to explore button, scroll back through the ears. Explore small. So gunners, students duration. Btn course image. We have made. Let's try to see if we have
a course title is perfect. Everything is a component
inside a component and styles. We're going to create a
component out of it like this. This is going to be
our course item. This is our bigger component. For that course component, become one, smaller one. Okay, So for this one
we have to create, also create these two. Let's grab them and
bring them over here. Command V, control V
to paste it over here. This is already been selected
paragraph plus muted text. So we have to replace
this because we have made a progress bar in our
own design system. Let's go to Assets. And where is our progress bar? So I'm going to
bring it over here like this and go to layers. This is actually my
featured course. It should not be featured board, but it's the list. Forces. Force. I can. So I'm going to drag and drop
this progress over here. This one, this is going
to buy my featured image. These are actually
scribbles and if you want, you can create a component out of it and keep
it somewhere else. Let's create a component
on top scribbles. And I'm going to Command
D, duplicate it. Control X or Command X. We are going to paste them
into our illustrations. Here we have it. These are going to be
my scribbles like this. I'm going to keep it
for here somewhere. In my illustrations. Now if I wanted to change the
color of that background, we have to do that over here and it will be
reflected in all of them. This is our featured image. Okay, so let's call
it Image, Image. Image like this. Here we have it.
This is complete. We are going to create
a component out of it. So we have these
components ready to add them to our
design systems are three components
we have created. And let me see if we have created other
components for the text. Me zoom out. Here we
have another component, which is for the text. So let's and grab that. I think it should be over here to our design system
and should be present in the bigger
components like this. What it does, it has
actually created. Let's come on D and use
this master component. Master component and
bringing it over here. Posture component.
We need a master. We have, we are trying
to line up these. These are not course components, so these are actually
taxed components. We're going to keep
them the bottom. Like this. I have created a few
components over here. The best thing is that you can change them to
whatever you want. For example, like
this one over here, I can have a chip
and for example, this progress
illustration, I can use them both so you can drag
and drop it like this. Also, you can see we have
this player over here. What is happening? I haven't Claus VG. I have named them properly. What is happening? Why we
have this behind this? So we have to delete it. Control V G, This
is video image. This is review progress. We can create a
component out of it. So this is logo. This one. Would you caption? If progress is progress bar, read your caption
shouldn't be over here. We have this LAN G, control G and video. You can create a component
of video player. And you can have me show you. We're going to create a
video player over here. What we need over here
is let me tell you, whoops, happened, just
happened. My icons. Okay, so these are not the part of let me just
bring them to this. Where do you get this one? Now? The other part of it, make
sure you try to hide and choice Command C or Control C. And we're going back
to our design system. Here we are going to
have this video player. What we have to do
is we have to add our icons or severe on my icons. This is false icon. They have to add it over here. Download icon, this is download. This is for settings. This one has been used. Now. Just try to overlap
it. This is icon. Yes. Lap it. Nobody ever going to
go to the layers. These on my icons. And I have to delete
these symbols. Simple. Keep it like this. We don't want to create
a component out of them. This is okay, so this
is video player. So let's try to
create a component. That is why I have
used over here. So let me show you, for example, if I want to use blue here, I can use play over here. If I want to use
rewind over here, I can use reminder William. So this is the magic
of creating this. Using these component icons. I want to teach
you what are the, you can see the
essence of these, this whole, what
you should call it, this whole idea of using
your design system. Why you have to create
a design system? Because you want it to be
easy to change or modify it. And you should have more options to create
and control things. For example, you can see here, this is my bottom
nav and I want to create something for this one. What I'm trying to do is I will create different
states for this 13 states. One is home active, my class active and
account active. So let's try to do that. So for that, I am going
to use a color from here to make it normal. Not like this. I'm using black and
white 60 right now, I argue can use 52. I think 60 is looking good. Black and white 60.
And before we move on, we have to bring our
icons over here. So here we have our assets. Here on our icons, where is my home symbols? So this is my home symbol icon. And then we have rather
than icons, this one. And this one. I'm going to overlap them just to save the time of positioning
them again and again. Like this. Here we
have it like this. And delete the rest of
the backgrounds. We have. Let's move them inside it. These oops, what happened? I let her scribbles. Okay, so I'm not going
to believe those that we have text
and we have this. Let's try to use the same color for the text to, for the icons. 60. Also for these vector, I'm going to use
black and white 6060. This is going to be my
state for normal state, where nothing is
going to happen. Select all these
black and white 60. Select on this one. We are going to, what
we're going to do is we're going to
hide this like that. This is going to be on
bottom NAB, normal status. This is going to be normal. And we have three icons. Why we have used this? Because if I wanted to
change an icon at anytime, I can use drag and
drop over here and I can slap it 2032 pixel icon. That is one thing. Okay, so now we can create
a component out of it. This is our component. We need some variance. So I'm going to
click on variance. This is how we are
going to use this. In. This first video is
going to be not default, but it is going to be
active, active state. And the second one will be, third one will be a video, it will be active. We have these, let's click on this one to describe
the property. And it is the nav bar. Just call it status.
I think that would be created rather than
calling it like that. Okay. First, we are going to
click on this and let's change the vector to not. We are not going to
snap that instance. What is happening? Keep it like this. And we are going to change
the color to black and white. And the home will
be black and white. This one is going
to be active and null for the second state. This is going to be active, but it is going to
be moved over here. Like this. Black and white. You've gotten the idea of how I'm trying to achieve my goal. And account would be, again, this all the others I'm going
to use back and watch 60. Let's see if we have
US plan and wide 60, black and white 60. So if I try to shift the color, I can do it in just
a single click. 606060 Dan. Here we have to do is we
have to use this leg. Here. We have the three
states ready to remote. And we can just drag and drop it and select which
state we want. And it is going to be like this. Good. We have
created our navbar, which is bottom nav button. Now we are trying to create more complex layout. Go ahead. Whoops. We have left
something over here. You can create this
component with different, multiple avatars, but I think I'm going
to skip it right now. You can also create
a chip over here, which is this one, which is
about progress of a student. You can create that and
you can also create that. So we're going to
create 12, these two, and we're going to drag
and drop them into our, into our design. This one is another one. This one. Let's start with
this design system. And I'm going to do this. Here. We have it at Avid dot frame. It is somebody to buy
72 and squalor 72. Due to the rectangle. You can also, you can
see we have this effect, which is for this whole
content on this trip. Let me see whether the
drop shadow, okay, So we have drop shadow
elevator door here. Anyhow. This is the content and
this is the background. So let's call it. This is the content. It's up to you if
you want to create a component out of it or not, it's up to you because
I think it will be mostly this fixed width. Normally. It's up to you if you want to
create a component, that's that's, that's
your decision. Right now we are
going to create, let's start create a component, but we need to drag an
illustration over here. Here we have the illustration. Drag it over here. Let's
see if we have the same. The book is a little
bit above this. Purple book is above over here. Like this. It is almost this file from here. Now I'm going to create
a component out of it because I need to have this. Let's keep it like this. Ungroup it. Now I'm going to
group them and we're going to create a component
out of this whole one. You can use auto layout, but it will make things complex. If you have two, I'm going to select all
this and create a component is going to be my user info, our user, let's call it user progress. Oops, what happened? We need to add the effect
over here, which is this one. Perfect. This is my master component. We can drag and drop it anytime.
28. Bigger Components 02: Let me see if we can
create more components. Whereas the last one, we can also create this one. This is actually
our top navigation, and the distance between
them is actually 16 pixels. If we can also have different
states for this one. Let's try to bring
it from the assets. This is our chip. It already had those
states, I think. Let's see if it has
inactive, inactive factor. What we're going to
do is we're going to replicate it like this. 16 pixels would be the
distance between them. Before that, we are going to use and create
auto-layout for this one. And utterly or direction
would be this. The distance would be 1616. Let us try to replicate this. I am pressing Command D or
Control D to duplicate this. To create this one, we are going to use,
let's say user. Then we are going to, again, not, not like this,
I have to select this. And here we have the full
navigation user interface. Okay, so you can click and you can change inactive to
active, SAP to you. Before going into
something else. We are actually going to
use rectangular here. Let's try to see if we
can add a fill over here. Which is not going to be this. But actually we
need like this one. The problem is actually the
boarders coming over here. Let me see if I
can it from there. Here we have it.
This is a rectangle. This is the gradient linear
fill, the mask group. Let me see if I can
replicate this over here. Same thing as obvious. This is the problem. All. I have added
another color here. So that is the problem or this is happening,
that is happening. I am adding now, reversing it. This, this one is not going
to be a 100%, but 80%. We're going to keep it 100%. We have to change
the color so you can see if I try to
change the color. So maybe right over here. This shouldn't be like this. This one should be
100% like this. We are creating actually
linear gradient which is from 200% percent because it is
totally going to hide it. So twenty-five percent
will be created. And then this one is
going to be a 100%. You can see this is
our Masters group. This is our mosque. And we're going to
create a component. Let's call it. This
is our component. If you want to change the mask, you can make it full like that. This is how we are going to
create more navigations. And if you want to have, I think we don't need to have two or three different stage for this one because we can
turn anything on and off. Let me show you how you
can use them over here. So we have a distance
of 41 pixels over here. Let's delete this one. And we're going to
use from assets our own created. Whereas my So here we have the components. Open this. Here we have the bottom neck. I'm going to drag and
drop it over here. It would be 4000 pixels. 47, I think it was 47. Let us see what is
the 50 sound 48. That's colored seven. Like this. It seems 30 years from here. The height was 48.
So this one is 48. It doesn't matter. No problem. This one was 3s orbital. This one is 305. I'm going to move
it in the middle. Thirty-five. Thirty-five. Yes. Let's choose 44
or one head null. Okay, So it has some
other problems, so I'm going to use it. Let's try to use 4444. Bottom is starting to. That is great. This is my navbutton. If I want to change the status to home active class active, I can do that too. One more thing is that you can also the prototype section. You can also create a prototype. We have this whole navigation that is going to
shift to other one. So you can have this change
to on dapp, on onclick. Onclick. It should not be
instead but smart animate out and do the same
farther one. Like this. And also from this
discipline, back. From this, it is going
to go back like that. You can create something
like this and it would look great in when
it will animate. I have fun. I think I have one
prototyping tutorial on my YouTube channel
that is showing this one. How to animate this. I've been showing you in
this setting instead. This is how we're going to
replace our bottom nav. Let's delete this
tomorrow and see and Martin V. Similarly, we have this over here. Again, we'll bring
to delete this. Oops, what is happening? Okay, so I have to
select the frame. Here. You can see we have
to make the other one. It is going to be
next quarter design. Bottom nav is going
to be my classes. This one's status class active. Here we have, let's
call it my classes. Click on this active
would be glasses. This is home. Let's try to go to
prototype and I will show you what
I actually mean. Let's try two. Let's try to run this. You can see if you
click over here, you can see how these
actually are moving. The darks are moving and
everything is shifting. So you can see
this looks really, really cool animation of, so actually I haven't connected this one back to this one. You can do that in
your design system and you pull over here. You can also select item. I think we can go
back like this. This one goes over here. This one goes over here. This one goes back
to classes actually. Anyhow, this is how
you would wink to have this animated effect
of your here. So let's try to add
from my assets. I'm going to add this over here. Like that. From my layers. I'm going to remove or
hide this right now. So you can see this is how
I'm going to do on that. One more thing is you can
also remove these and keep on adding your
components from here. Let's go to Design. Let's try to have them. 50, so I'm actually
keeping 6044. Here. We have more
components like these, so you can create
different categories. For example, I have this video. This is, these are food
text, these are navigations. I'm going to have them
into different sections. For example, these are my you can also add, you
can see you can add description of all these
components if you want to. For example, this is
actually a playlist. Would call it a
playlist over here. And you can also add a documentation link if
you want to link it to some documentation
page where you will show how to use that
or how do you know? More detail about
this component? This is how actually I have, I'm trying to manage
them into groups. We have completed all our
components averaging. I have shown you how to
create different variants, different components, different bigger components to use those smaller components. How you are going
to use those icons? How to implement those icons, how to replace them into your design system
if you want to. How you have to build
your illustrations and icons and everything,
the whole system. You can also create different
links in your icons, for example, you can also tell
them that these are false. Icon writing. These were for phosphor icons is
false for icons. These are phosphor icons. You can also link, create links. For example, if you have, you can see we have this
topography and we are using this these two typefaces. And I am going to
create a link for them. To do that, you can see
if you select an index, you will have created link at the top Control Command key. What I'm trying to do
is actually I will be moving this like that. And I wouldn't be
download bond load. Click on this link and you can see I can paste
the URL over here. So I am going to go to and I'm
going to paste the link of this bottle
or such formula. I'm going to use this link. Copy. I'm going to paste it over here. This is how you
can base the links in your hair. Let's try it. Change the color of
this one to something else so it looks like link. So I am going to use, let's try to use this one. This one looks great.
If you want to add links to different
portions are different. Different webpages or
different things you, your designers or developers
need to download. You can click on that
and it will move to, for example, these
are phosphor icons. You can create a link
for phosphor icons. To go to that page. Developers can download all the specifications,
everything. For example, these illustrations where we record
those illustrations, you can have the link
to these illustrations. That is all. So this is, I think
another tip I would like to give
you that you can add different different links to
your whole design system. There are one more thing people tried to do is
they try to create different pages and have your buttons and
everything separately.
29. Grid System and Layout System: One more thing we forgot
is actually grid. You can define your grid system in your document over here. To do that, we're going
to create a new frame. For frame. Let's try to create iPhone, which we have used, I think iPhone allowing Pro Max. And we have used a grid. Let's see if we have
created a grid style. Let me, let me see if
we have this grid. We have the grid now. We are going to
create a grid style, let's call it food column. To use that we're
going to go over here and select this
and this is our grid. You can define mode like what is the distance on the left
and right on your grid, and also the colors. For example. I want to have different
colors or properties. For example, let's try
to change the color of the background to
something like this. To show the grid. Grids. Also, if you want to have
the layout, for example, we have a layout of all
these elements like this, laying out like this. And for example like this, you can create a layout too. We have one big
element over here, then two elements
over here like that. You can create this layout
also, the grid stool. So right now, we're not
worried about it, who? We are just going to
develop our mobile apps. We have grids for mobile. If you want to. Design system where
we have Web T2, then we are going to
have a grid system for web design to
let me do that. Create another frame. And this time I'm going
to use a desktop 1440. This is going to be my desktop. Let's create a grid layout. And we're going to use
a column grid layout, 12 columns. Center line. Should be 72, let's call it
72. Cutter wouldn't be 30. This is how you would
show a desktop grid. You can also save it over here. This will be more
easier than handy for your developers desktop grid. And that would do the trick. I think this is all
about the grids. I think I left this. You have to create a grid system to where you are going to
show all the different grids. Better if you have created
this grid styles that can be easily applied when you are trying to create a
new page on new layout. I think we have completed everything grid
scholars, topography, button chips, progress bars, icons, illustrations
and components. I think that is going to end
up and some of the scores. If you have any questions or if I have anything remaining, if you have any questions,
you can always ask me. You can create and make
this as complex as you can. But I tried to simplify
it and I tried to teach you the essence
of design system, what you actually need, and why you actually
need to build a design system which is going
to make your life easier. And all the tips and tricks
I have given in this class that are going to help you
a lot when using Figma. I will meet you in another
video and another course. Make sure you download
the resources for this course till then, take care Bye-bye, and we
will meet another time.
30. Creating type combo components: The last lesson, we have created our typography section
of our design system. Now we're going to see
some of the more things that you might need in
your typography system. These are additional. So
you can see here we have our design system where
we have a title heading. Then we have section
I have described all over here with the
sizes on the left. And every one of them is
actually a type style. You can see, you can easily
guess what it is now we have, I have also applied all of them to my design learning app. Let me show you.
Here we have it. So if you click over here, it is a typography
section heading. And if you'll click over here, this is topography
paragraph plus muted text. If we click over here, this is small textbook plus
bottom navigation. We have applied everything
where it should be. I'm pressing Command or
Control to click on Slack. You can see textfield
and labels. Similarly, if you
click over here, this is paragraph
mutate inside the text. So this is the filtText. Actually apply that
style over here. Then again inside these,
all these buttons. So these are actually
buttons or controls. In all these controls we
have or buttons we have applied the button text if you click over
here and button text, if you click and btn text, these are all button texts. Similarly for this text, this is just an information,
smallest information. So it is in full-text. Let's check distances. Again. If you go over here, this is paragraph plus muted. So every title below over
here is actually paragraph. So if you click over here, this is also
Paragraph plus muted. Similarly, we have this one. This is small text. If you go over here
at the bottom, this is small text plus
bottom navigation. So you can see this is how you apply your whole typography
to your design system. Now, if you want to show them the combination of
different different typefaces. For example. Here you can see we are
combining two of them. Is a difference between them. You can copy from here. You can go to style
guide and you can see that steered into this
section over here. So fast-paced them. This is the distance
between them. This is one text we need to get both layers over
here separately. What happened over here? Let's see where it is. Okay, so here we have it. We are going to grab
these two command C. And let's see if we
can call people. The more here.
Yes, Now they have been overhead cost actually, it copied the text only. Try to use a background color
over here, which is Docker. Dark background. This one, I think we
have used this one. Tried to show everything
on a dark background. It's easier for them. Here we have it. Move it down. Copy these two also. We're going to press Alt and
drag over here like this. And we're going to
call them type. From leftwards 88. You can share your typeface
combinations over here. It will also tell the kudos that how much distance would be
from one text to another one. You can see here we have
the distance of ten. Similarly, if we have
more like this one, this section where we
have lecture titles, and let's copy this. And we're going to go
back to style guide. And let's use that over here. Like this. Next, extend this
background a bit more. Here we have it. Let's talk on this background. I think we're using this one. This is how your developers are going to know
that the distances between these typefaces, they want to create component. You can do that too. So for example, if
I wanted to create a component of this over here, I can just go to here. It is going to be a component. So you can change it later on. So you can create a component
and call it, for example, section, Section Video list, something like that. Similarly, you can have, you can select both of them
and create a component. Let's call it user info. You can see this is
how you are going to create some of the
components that are going to help your
developers quickly grab those and use
them in their design. If there is a shortcut key, if you want to grab
these, just press Shift. Slash. There was a shift I. You have to press Shift I. You can see here we
have typography. We have to Section Video list. If I click over here, it is going to grab it. Or here you can see this
is what we have over here. Similarly, this is our section. Similarly, if I want
to use this shift I and I can search
any component. For example, these
were few we created. And you can also create, use these, for
example, userinfo. And it is going to pay
something like that. If you want to create
more components, like maybe this whole featured goals component
and all these. We are going to create these
in the next steps back, no, we're more concerned
about typography. So let's go to our style guide. And I think here we had, we're going to leave
this fight now. We have two components
over here, which is, which we are going to use on our developers or designers are going to use in
their typography. Section. Let's move this group. We have two or hip. Let's call this background. Just know if you want to
extend it over here like this. That's up to you. Like this. Now you can see we have some usage components
where we are showing the user the distances between paragraphs or titles or
something like that. Also, we are showing the whole design scale where we have all different
typefaces and their styles. And their purpose
is what purpose is linked to that type style. That is all you have
to apply all these, we have already applied them. Let's move in the next section ness next lesson
and we're going to look at color combos and
generating other color scheme. Let's get to the next lesson.
31. Using Icon System in Input Fields 01: Now in the last
lesson we created the icon system and
buttons system. Data are few things we
are going to use now, which is our input. We're going to create videos
and hour input fields. Let's get started and why we
created the icons before. I'm going to show you now
so you can see over here, if you look at this button, so I have labeled them
buttons with states. So these are our buttons. Then we have progress
bars in pushups where we have to infer chips
and progress bar, and then we have
this progress bar. So this one is actually in Port. Use drop-down. Here we are going to
use this drop-down. And now we're going to
recreate our input fields, which are this one. We have these. So let's copy both of them. We will see if we can replicate them using
our design system. So here we have one
and this is one, this one is active, so the
width is three quantities 7. First thing is that we
can use the same width, which is 346. We're here. Let's try to replicate that. First, we're going to
use and create this pressing D. And I'm
going to use this. This is my input. Maybe we can use email shift a to create
an auto layout around it. And the height is 48. So we're going to use, let's use 88 over here. The height is 34
right now I think we would lead the 1212. Okay, So one thing
is that we're going to have double-clicked
on this text. We are going to align
it on the left. This is going to be
always on the left. As you know, we're going
to have them fixed height. So I'm going to click
on that middle one. I'm going to make it
at least this long. This long is enough. I think this is good enough
for the text. Important, I can have
email or anything in return inside it. That is all. Maybe a bit longer than that. I'm going to use 260 word. Let's add a fill
color on this frame. Fill color. And it is going to be
something like this, small darker than this one. So this one, BW E9, this is the color from our designs are some that is
going to match this color. Okay, So I think from
left we have 16. So I'm going to keep 16
over here, like that. And also from here I'm going
to keep 16, the middle. We're going to keep it in
the middle because once we going to add this icon, that's going to
mess up everything. That is all. So let's try to see 42. This one is 48, so we need a bit more padding on
the top and bottom. 46. Let's use 15 over here
and see if it looks great. Let's Yes. Fifteen, Fifteen,
Fifteen, 161648. Now we are going to
make this white. This is going to be 330. So not like this. So we are going to
use the click this frame and try to see. Now, try to add this
icon over here. So we are going to
go to our icons. We're going to go to Assets
from here and go to icons. I'm going to add this and drop
this over here like this. Oops, you can see it has
already been equal to the size, almost equal to the size. Now go back to layers and we're going to
check for your things. For example, top, bottom. We're going to reduce because
this 32 is actually having a lot of adding
width to this one. Go to this frame one, which is, let's call it input. We will have at the top
and bottom will be 12 to, let us see what
is the height 50. This one is 48.
It's again a lot. Let's try 88 over here
is actually adding. This is 48. Perfect. And
we forgot about this. Adding the corner
radius like that. Let us see what is the
width is 327, this is 334. This icon looks a bit
too far from this edge, so I'm going to reduce the
size side from this side. So the padding would be, let's try to reduce. It. Looks great. Or here. This 330 and this is 327. Let's try to reduce this size. Two hundred and fifty six. Fifty seven. And now we will look at
the size 327320 seconds. So this is perfect. Now you can see I can add an e-mail address
over here, I think it is going to be
easily for the whole e-mail. This is going to be
unfilled state actually. So let's try to use something
that is okay to have this. And we have to do
something else. Design system and these icons, I'm going to replicate this. This is going to
be my empty icon. No, not like this. I'm going to create
a box of 32 by 32. And this one is
actually going to have loafing fill color. Let's try to use opacity of 0%. For this one. I'm going to call it empty. Or let's call it no. No. I'm going to create
a component out of it. Let's make it
closer to this one.
32. Using Icon System in Input Fields 02: This is our new icon. I'm going to show you
why I created this. Here we have this failed state. We have created the field. So you'd actually forced
One more thing is missing, which is this e-mail address, which is the label, which
is tax-free data labels. So let's try to add
that over here. I went to port D. It is going to be the
label, label, label, label with a label, text labels. This is the label and the color is actually
something closer to this. Yes. Now we are going to drag
it into this auto layout. You can see it has
been added over here, so we want it to be at the top. Okay, So now we have a problem. Before adding this one to this. We are going to use
another auto-layout. This one is six pixels. Let's keep it Six. Apart from here. We're going
to select both of them. Shift. Okay? Here we have another frame
and I want it to be, this is going to be my input. Plus labeled. You can see the auto-layout
is vertical direction, so it is keeping this leg that spacing between
items is six, which we have set right now. And on the left we are going
to add some padding of six. It is adding padding
on both of them. This over here. This is actually adding
everything to this whole. Let's try to create an
auto layout for this one. This e-mail will remove
the padding top, bottom. This is getting very complex. Bottom 0 and this
is going to be 16. I think it is going to
match it like this. So 15, I'm going to
keep it like that. What I did is I actually reviewed auto-layout
for this one too. So I normally don't like to create those many auto
layouts and things like that. So we're going to go back
and keep it more simple. So let's remove auto layout. Let's remove the frame. Ungroup like this. So what I'm trying
to do is I'm going to also ungroup this. To keep it simple. We're just going to
group them together. Command G, and this is input, enable, input plus label. You can do a lot
with auto-layout, but I don't like too many complex auto-layout
mingling together like that. This is not a good way
to start your design. So I am going to custom
align this from here. This is actually six
pixels apart from here. This is how my email
field will be. Six pixels. Yes. What I'm trying to do is
now I'm trying to create simple component that is this. Keep like this over here. So this is actually, we're going to need some
variance over here. And let's keep it
simple right now. We are going to use
label over here. Let's call it. This is
going to be normal. Let's call it label again. Here. Let's call this is going to be, let's make it empty. We cannot make it empty. So let's call it input text. Now we're going to
replace this to our icon, which was new icon. Symbol is that this text is, we want it to be
something like this. We don't want to be very
highlighted because it is just a filler text
before anyone enters. This is our normal state. So let's call it state. This is our normal state. Input state. This is actually our state. And we need one more
which is active state. So we can move them like this. I'm not going to add
auto-layout to them. And let's create one more. Which is going to be where
we have this border. And the background
is, I think lighter. I'm not sure. I'm going to add stroke. And stroke would be
actually on this colors. This is not a color. I think this is very close. I'm going to use another
color, which is this one. Blue 50 is actually our
color for this state. And icon would be as we
are trying to fill it. So we are going to use in the
icon right now input field. This, this is actually active. This is how I tried to use create components
for my input fields. If you have more input fields, you can create a lot
of other things. This is normal texts. This is you can also, if you want to hide this text, you can just make it 0% and it will hide like this
if you want to have an input like this. We have created our
input text drop-down. This is let me see if
we need anything else. Okay, so here we
have the avatars. If you want to create
an avatar frame, I think you also need a
32-bit 32 pixel icon. Go to this icon. And this is actually
here we have it. We are going to use an ellipse. We're going to create an ellipse by holding Shift and the width
and height should be 32. This is going to be our
Here we have empty one. So let's have another
one over here. Keep the empty one over here. We're going to use, which is the same for these. This is going to be our outcome. For the fill. We are actually
going to use an image. For the fill. We are going to use an image
and keep it like this. I'm going to use avatar and we have to make a
component out of it. Solve. We have almost created all
our smaller components, and now we are going to go towards the larger
ones like this. Bottom navigation, this
top navigation for these, following them on
these over here, these and also these. I think we have
already created them. So we are going to create
these components now. For example, this video player, we can have a whole component
of this video player and we're not going
to use too much of the complexity of adding too many auto-layout
and things like that. We are going to use, combine
these and create our system. We're going to do that
in the next lesson. We're going to move on
to the next lesson and create some more
complex components. We can add them into
our designs easily. And also we are going to
have the illustrations copied to another frame
called illustrations, so we can drag them and
drop them over here. I will meet you in
the next lesson till then, take care. Bye-bye.
33. Creating Spacing System 01: Now in today's video, we're going to discuss one very important aspect that actually I forgot while
recording this course, which is spacing system. In your design system, spacing is going to
be mostly vertical. Or sometimes we can see
rapid space that is going to be around your whole
layout or page. And there are different
categories of spacing. So we're going to see what are the spacings we need
spacing system, we need in our design system. Let's get started. Now you can see I have created
one art board over here, the vertical spacing system. And we're going to go to our learning app and we're going to see some of the spacing's. For example, you can see here
from this logo to the top, we have 34 pixels. The spacing it is almost, I think it was 36. So we're going to
use 36 over here. Maybe we can use 32. Let's use 32. Again here we are
going to use 32 again. Over here. It was b equal on every side. Similarly, these two
have a spacing of 24. You can see these are the few
different spacing system, okay, So on the left and right, our grid system actually have 24 pixels margin
on the left and right. So you can see, if
you look over here, we have 24 at the top. 24. Like this. Similarly, we have
24 on the right. Let's make it 24. So this is actually
our wrapper space. We are actually using twenty four, twenty
four, twenty four. So at least we are using 24
space around our design. So let's get to the bottom and see what is the space
we have leftover here. We are going to have
something like this. So this is our bottom navigation and it has spacing of around. Let's try to make
it a bit bigger. I think it's 32 most. Here we have it. Let's try to zoom in and see. Is it at the bottom? Yes. So the spacing is 0.77, so yes, it's 32 at the bottom. Now spacing is almost matching. Our smallest small spaces. One block is 24,
other one is 32. So these are the two sizes. So we are going to
write over here, same way we actually did
for our topography here. I'm going to copy this. I'm going to paste it over here. The first is 24, we have, second is 32. These are the two spaces. Oops. Let's go back and
see if we are using any more space
between these two. I think it must be. One is 36. Let's see what
is this 20, this is 211. Spacing is actually 20 pixels. So you can see over here 3621 more step we
are going to use, which is less than
24, which is 20. We have identified three
spacing between our design. Here we have 40 between
sections, bigger sections. And similarly we have, the problem over here is that
we need to see the spacing. This is basically a block. We have 16 spacing over here between this heading
and this block. So let's try to see here should, it should be 24 from the top. Similarly, these 224.5,
this is actually at 101. This should also be
01, like this, 2424. Okay. We are going to use
specimen of 16 over here. And from here it's 28. I think it should be
something like 32 maybe. Let's try to see. We have one more
spacing, which is 16. So let's add 16 or
here we have 16. So we have identified
four steps. 16202432, I think we had, okay, so we have four. Let's try to see if it's 3232
we have already identified. Yes. One was 40, which was between
these two sections. So this is 40. We have for spacing. Now, let's try to see if we
have anything as 20202024. Okay, That is good. 12. You can see very adjacent items. They have 12 spacing. Let's try 12 over here. We have now 123456 spacings,
vertical spacing systems. And let's try to
see if we have 36. So this is 24. This is 40. Yes, I think our whole
design is based on these four or five spacings. 1216202430 to 40. Let me see if we need
spacing between. We have a spacing of
16 between two items. So the horizontal
spacing is also have the same same step. And let's see if
we have anything as what is the spacing
between these two. So I have used two or
three times this 27. I think it should be
in some even numbers. 27 is not a good thing. It is actually based on this. Okay, so let's try
to see this eight. Smallest one, is it? Here it is eight between. You can see these are
three lines texts, so we are using eight over here. Let's add it to add
some more flexibility. So if we have the smallest
space between our items, it would be 881216202430 to 40. And I think that would
complete our design system. 36 should not be 36, but it should be 32. Here we have, let's try
to adjust these to one. We can also use 40 over here, but I think I would
use 32 over here. And the distance between
these is trendy. And this one is also
going to be 20. Fact that that is, let's try to see the
distance between 168 layers. So this is good. Let's try to see that this system,
it should be 16. And let's try to see ten. This is not good. We need
to have it over here. And let's try to see the
distance between these two. That is good. And this must be actually 16. Here. This looks great. You can see I'm shifting
my design to accommodate, so it should be eight. Then again, it and then
it's 16. Now it's perfect. That is all I think these
are the spacing systems we want to use in our designs. Let's start building them. So what I'm trying to do is we're going to build
some blocks of the spaces. Let's get our rectangle. Here we have it. It should be 40 height. Let's try to use 45th. Normally what I tried to
do is for vertical rhythm, I'm going to use the
width of this one, so it is 375 pixel wide. What I'm trying to do is I'm
going to use 375 over here. So I'm going to write by
pressing T 40 Bx, like that. I'm going to align
it in the middle. Combine them. You can color them
if you want to. For example, I might want it
to be something like this. For this color, I will
be using something. This is going to be my spacing. This is going to be, I'm
going to create a component. Let's create a component. And we're going
to call it space. This is going to be my last
scale, 1234567, Space seven. Or you can also call it section, space, space that dash section. Let's call them by
some meaningful names. This is going to
be space section or let's call it Space seven. So it should be the biggest one would be easier to
remember seven, we have seven over here. We're going to repeat
the same thing again. And for that we're going to
ungroup it D that instance. So this is again, I am going to solve, I'm doing the same
thing again and again. So we're going to skip this 32. So I'm going to reduce the
size of the height, 32. Like that. Let's align
the text in the middle. Whoops, I actually like this. Let's move it up. Now I'm going to again
create this one, and we're going to
call it space six. This is going to
be my space six. Similarly, we are going
to do all the others.
34. Creating Spacing System 02: Now you can see we have
created our spacing system. And I'm going to show
you how you can create a new screen by dropping
these spacing systems. Now, you can also name
them, for example, you can name them like this
is going to be our margin. I know that this is
going to be my margin. This is going to
be Section space. So I know that this is going
to be my section space. And similarly, all these, this is going to be the smallest between something like that
or just call it space one. This will be the smallest. This is going to be my margin. This is going to be my section, sections spacing or next
quarter section margin. Just to keep the same
naming technique. So now if you come over
here, so for example, I'm building a new
screen or I'm building a new design over here. So let's copy this one. And let me show you. If I don't have
anything over here. And I wanted to
start my screen so I would quickly do
is shift, shift. I once I press Shift I, you can see I have
different things over here. I can drop buttons. I can drop illustration. Here we have the spacing system. So let's start with this
space margin or space six. Here we have it so I
can drop it like this. And now if I try
to type something here, Let's Sally grade. So I know that I need to keep this margin over here
before I start something. This is going to be my space. Similarly, if I want
to add a new text or I want to add
something below it, Let's call it subheading. I know that I need eight
pixels of space between them. So I can quickly press Shift I, and I can add my spacing. And you can also show your developers this spacing system. You can create one document
and show them that this is the spacing system or this is the spacing that
is going to be used. For example, let's put I, shift I, and this is going to be my spacing system space T2 is actually being used
between buttons. So developers are going to know that space two is 12 pixels and it is the space
between when you have two adjacent buttons. I'm going to prepare
one document to show all my spacing system. I think space for was used. Here we have used
the biggest one, I think Section space. Let's add the last one. Space seven over here. So you have to prepare
something like this or this. So you can see here we
have the spacing of 3624 actually shift I.
Oops, not typography. I'm want to go to Spacing system and I'm
going to add space three, I think 16 space food. You can see you can name them. It's difficult for me
to draw it over here. You can also name
them by their sizes, temporal, I'm going
to use 2020 or here. And 43, I'm going to put 16. This is more easier
to comprehend and more digital guess
you can see over here, when I click over here it says Sexual 40 section marginal. Similarly, I can add 32, which we need 24 ways, so we are going to use. You can also search over here. So let's grantee for
what is happening. Space. Here we have space and miss 24. Maybe I have I haven't
named it properly. That is why it was not coming. Again, I'm going to search Shift I to search inside
my components. And I'm going to type 24 is
going to quickly go to that. And I'm going to prepare a
document for my developers. Similarly, you can
see we have spacing. We cannot comprehend spacing. It is 32. So let's add 32 over here. This, this is how you are going to show your
screen to your developers. So this is 43, but I
think it should be 40. So let's try to add
for the screen, I think we're going to
keep it a bit higher. So let's try to add Shift I, and let's add 40 over here, at least 40 pixels
when there are buttons so users can
easily press them. This is accessibility issue. So here we have it. Maybe we can add some shadows
or something like that. So this is how our
whole screen is. You can also shift
it a bit down this whole screen, sample 123. Then we can this up. Here we have a perfect
screen layout. This is how you are going
to use your spacing system, systems into your
design systems. You can also specify if your design system have
tables and a lot of data, you can also specify
a horizontal spacing. Maybe you need four pixels. So for horizontal spacing, you are going to create
a smaller blocks. Smaller blocks to show
the horizontal spacing. Rather than creating these. For example, let me show you, Let's create eight pixel block. And I'm going to show
you that's dy dt at it. And I'm going to type
in here eight pixel. This is going to have a
separate height would be, let's keep the height 40
and we're going to use it. It would be, let's remove the pixel because
it's very difficult. Oops, we have. Let's put it over here. It's not necessarily that you always need to put
some text over here. You can rename them. For example, I'm going to
call it horizontal space. Let's keep the edge small space. This is going to
be at space pool, which is going to be eight. Let's keep it in the brackets. Size. This is how we're
going to create. Let's create component. What is happening? Command Alt or Option K.
This is our ad space. And this will be
one spacing and we can also create for
1216 horizontally, the spacing would be
not to watch great, it would be very small-scale. But you can create
that and show it to your developers that this is how we are going
to use that space. So you can see this is at space. You can also use the space over here like
this and the naming. So it's easily, easy to understand that this
is vertical space. Something like this. Naming should be very compact and meaningful so
your developers can easily understand or any
new designer if they are going to come or join
your team design team, they can easily understand that this is how your spacing
system is going to work. That is all about
spacing system. This is how you are going to Control Command Shift
four to hide my layout. And this is how you are going to show this one to your developer. And you can also put
all of these into a group and call it spacing. And you can hide and
show it like this. Let me zoom just
into this screen. You can just hide it
and show it like this. It is easier to manage
this like that. Guys, this is all about your spacing system in
your design system. I have seen a lot of designers
that they don't use this and they don't know how to use this whole space
in systems scale. This is how you are going
to name them properly. This is how you are going to create components
out of them and quickly drop them into your designs while creating
your design system. Till then we're going to learn
a lot and then Take care. Bye bye.
35. Links and documentation in Figma - Linking pages and frames: Now we have finished
our design system. Let's talk about few of the
tips I'm going to give you, which you can use in Figma. And one of them is you
can see in the screen, on the screen you can see that I have used
some. Over here. You can see this is a
design principle document, and I'm using small
icon over here, which is called emojis. So you can use emojis over here. What do you have
to do is just go to more G's, copy and paste. So here we have it. Get So let's try to
use one from here. Let's try to use, Let's try to use any of them. For example, like this one, this is going to be
such one such or here's why I'm not able to
select it. Let me see. Yes. Okay. So I'm going to select this. This is not such actually, it's sometimes it is
difficult to select them. I'm going to select that, select this one,
command C or control C. And I'm going back to Figma. You can see for example,
this purpose statement. I can get at the end and I can just paste it
over here like that. You can see it is showing
me now emojis over here. Similarly, you can, you
can do is you can paste it over here in the start if you want to remember like that. This is how it is
going to look like. You can copy an emoji. And for example,
I have this one. I like this one, so I'm not sure why
I'm not able to copy it in this browser. Let's try another one. Here. It is easier for me. Okay, so again, the same
thing is happening. Let's try to make it smaller. And here we have it, for example, like this one. I'm going to select
this command C. And let's go back to this. And I am going to use design
principles like that. And also over here I'm
going to remove this. This is a very simple
trick to use these. So this is a nice trick to
use icons in your design. Similarly, for example, you can see I have used over here. What I did is I
actually did it copy, just copy from here. You can use any image
if you want to. And I have seen people, they try to use icons
and other stuff. For example, they
have seen people using this check marks,
ticks for example. And let's use this check. And I'm going to go back
to my design system. So here we have it, for example, you can see this is the same
thing I have done with this. You can see other
than using this, I can drag and drop
over here like this. So you can see not
visible like that. These are actually links
and you can go to, and link to another
page or inside Figma. So the trick is for example, I want to go to this page design systems
or right-click Copy link to page and write
any texture over here. For example, go
to Design System. Click on this link,
paste your URL, press enter, and that
is all you need. You can change the color of it, whatever color you want. And you can also use an emoji. Maybe I can try something
like this heart over here. I'm going to use that and paste, just paste it in the beginning. Oops, so escape. Here we have a very nice link. So if you want to
move to that page, just click on, go to that page. It is going to go over there. I have seen a lot of
people that they tried to have different categories, different grids and everything
and linked over here. So on every page
they have the link to this documentation or
design system and everything. So you can go back to design system design
principles from here, you can also use these links to other pages too
if you want to. So this is actually
a navigation. You can also create a
separate frame over here, call navigation on navigation. Like this navigate design
system, something like that. And you can also
link, for example, if I want to link this, so I think I can also
copy the URL of this one. From here, I can copy Copy link. So you can see over
here inside this copy, Copy link button chips. And if you want
to add over here, Let's zoom into this navigation
so I can replicate it. And I can call it In button's
chips, form elements. I can paste my URL over here and it will go
back to over there. If I click go to frame, it is going directly
to that frame. So there are many
ways you can use these links inside your Figma. You can link our frame, you can link our whole page and create this whole
design navigation system. Right now I'm not going
to click link this. I'm going to keep this
one over here. Like that. Try to minimize the size. Let's try to select
both of them. Move them outside so
I'm going to keep it over here like this. Just closer to my first
screen. And that is all. These are a few tips to
maintain your design system. Also, you can see over here, I'm going to give
you a last look on how we actually,
I have teamed it. This is the color. This is a background color we
are using in our whole app. What I'm trying to do is I'm
trying to use and match. The whole team is using
the same background for every element over here. So you can see icons, buttons, Everything is using
the same colors. Let me zoom in. And I'm going to show
you here is the link to download the Barlow typeface. Here are our colors. These are the three colors
used by our texts colors. And also their purpose that
this color is for this one. So actually we are
trying to use, I think 12345678910 or 12 colors maximum in this whole design. I hope you have
learned a lot and enjoy this whole
journey with me. Ups and downs may come in
this whole January journey. And I would love to embark on and others are
generally due soon enough. So right now we're going to see off each other and we're
going to say goodbyes. Because this is going
to be the last lesson. I want you to create something
similar to this one, a simple design
system of your app. You can use light version
and dark version. It's up to you. That is all. I hope you have
enjoyed this course and stay tune with me, check out my other courses
till then, take care. Bye bye.
36. Color System Assignment: Now the time is for
your first assignment. Now your first assignment
should be create a color system for
your design system. And before that,
you have to create at least four or five, at least four screens of your mobile app or website or anything
you are developing. One screen or two screens, at least two pages
of your website and at least four screens
of your mobile app. So give me, show
me a color scheme. Create a color system like this, and show me your primary,
secondary colors, your colors for your
texts colors, the colors, your grays and blacks you or any supplementary colors or states or invokers
you are going to use. And show me everything
defined purpose, give them purpose, and show
me what you have quad. So I'm looking forward to
show, see your screen. You can create a screenshot. You can click on this, for
example, this is colors. You can create a click
over here, export. You can export this, export colors on
your desktop and upload this and show
me this color system, your whole color system. I'm waiting for a closed system. I will meet you and reply you whenever I can
for your assignment. Let's get started.
37. Typography System - Scales and Styles: Now is the time for
your second assignment. That would be your
tech system or your type scale and your different type
styles you are going to build for
your design system. So I'm looking forward to
seeing your assignments. You have to create
a typography scale and typography design
system just like I did. I'm going to show you. So this is how you
have to present me. You have to show me that this is your typography system
or your typefaces, different scales and
assign them the purpose, what this style would
be doing like this. This is my title, this is my section
heading or subheading whatever course title assigned purposes to these type scales. And you have to show me you
can also share your document, for example, clicking Buy here. You can copy the link
and just send me the link rather than
showing me the whole thing. You can show me the link I end. You can keep on
updating that link. I'm going to see it. Just send me a
message that we have. I have updated and I have added my icon system or my grid system or anything
into my design system. And I will have a look at that. Make sure you create it and show me and share
with me the link. And you have to also create
some type combo combos, like you can see I have
created over here userinfo, and this is my
section, video play. So it's up to you. You have to show
the combination, how the components will be, what will be the distances
between different. We have already
covered those into our in complex
systems over here. Course components.
Don't need to worry, just create a typography scale. That is all you can
find the link of this file I'm going to share
with you in the resources. I'm also going to
share the Figma file, the actual Figma file
for this whole exercise. Make sure you download
and import it. And you can do that by
clicking over here. I've gone back to Home, click on the import file
and you can open this file. Let's go back to
our design system. This is your second assignment, typography scale system,
and show it to me. Take care, Bye bye.
38. Buttons and atoms assignment: Now your third assignment
is that you have to create the atoms of
your design system, which is actually your smaller
components like buttons, a small chips in four
chips, something like that. Navigations. This is the document
I bought from you. Button chips, progress
bars, form items. So create a document like this and show me in different
using different states. You can create
different variants and show this document or
share the link with me. You can click over here on
the share and share the link, copy link and show me the
link of this document. Make sure you name it properly. You can also write
your name over here. For example, my name,
dash UX, designer. I can create and use the
biggest one over here. Or I can choose this
layer and I can use 48, something like this,
and use black. This way I'm going
to know that this is your file or this
belongs to you. Sometimes I open up a
lot of design systems are a lot of assignments to
check and I forgot what, who actually, or who is the
student or who designed that. Make sure you put
your name over here. Okay, so here we have
this is what I need. You can create this
and show it to me. I'm looking forward
to your assignments. Let's get started now.
39. Icons illutrations and Grid System: Now your next assignment
is that you have to create your icons and illustration
system and show it to me. Icon system is also going
to have your logos. You can see what he
and I have two logos. So you can create logo, logo small and make sure
these are components so you can easily add them into
while you are designing. Similarly illustrations,
you have to resize them. You have to size them
properly so these can be inserted into your
design system easily. These are two things
I need from you. Also, if you can manage to create this grid system desktop, mobile tablet, that
would be a plus. So I need three of them, icons, illustrations,
and grid system. These are the three you
are going to create next. And in the next assignment
we will see you, I am waiting for
your assignments. Just get started now.
40. Class Project - Design System using Figma: Now is the time to create
bigger components. So you have to create a
component section over here, an art board and show me what are the
bigger components of your design system and how you are going
to implement them. Make sure they are easier to navigate and they
have variance and proper everything if
they have any overstates or any active states
tried to create variance. This is what I need from
you, your picker components. So this is going to
be the last, I think. Meanwhile, if you can
create a spacing system, this is the last two things I think remaining
spacing system. This is the core of your
design system spacing system, grids, typography, and colors. These are these four things are, you can say the base or the pillars of
your design system. Every other thing is
going to base on them. For example, the
buttons, they are going to import the colors and the text and also the spacing from your
vertical spacing system. Similarly, your icons,
they are going to use a spacing system like we have 3224 pixel like on your
bigger components, they are going to use all of it. That is all this is going
to be your last assignment. You can share the
whole design system and also tried to
create different pages. So I can see that you have got the idea of separating
your design system. And you can also create a link. For example, over here you can see I have a link over here. So I can go back to the design system by
clicking over here, go to page, and I can also go backwards
over there from here. That is all this is going to
be your final assignments. Show me your complete
design system and I will be more than
happy to command and reply and see what
you have accomplished. That is all I think we have covered a lot of
things in this class. I hope you have enjoyed and
learned something new for me. Make sure you send me some
commands and reply back. It would be my pleasure to see your comments
about this class. We will meet in another
class till then, take care.
41. What's Next: Thank you for staying
with me during this whole class of design
systems using Figma, we have learned a lot
about design systems. I hope that you are going to
check out my other classes which are about color scheme,
typography, layout design, and a lot of other things that are going to make you or turn you into a professional UI
and user experience designer, del, then I will meet
you in my other classes. Take care, Bye-bye.