1. 1 Fiverr Intro Trailer: Hello everyone.
Welcome to the class. My name is Santeria
Childs Southwick and I have made over six figures on the fiber freelance platform, so I can teach you
definitely how to make money on the platform and
build a thriving business. So I went for making 5,000
an hour to $500 an hour. Average on line and fiber
has been a big part of that. I made over $9,000 in a
month in freelance sales. And I bought my mom a home with my freelance earnings in 2020. That article is from Yahoo, and it is all about me
buying my mom a home in 2020 with my
freelance earnings. So I've worked with
Harvard University, panting, and so many more. So within this course you
will learn about fiber gigs. That's one of the greatest
things that you will learn, which is pretty huge and that's how many people are able to see. You're the only way to be
able to get success on fiber. So I teach you how to actually create your first fiber gig. I will also teach you about
your fiber dashboard, search engine optimization on your gigs, order fulfillment. I take you through that process. Custom offers how to fulfill your orders,
milestone orders, as well as fiber's
Choice orders, which are huge and will help you see more
success on the platform. The seller program, I'll
take you through that. As well as promoted gigs, which is huge and will help
you get directly in front of those potential clients that are looking for what
you can provide. So all of these
things that I teach you will lead to success. So this is the system that
I've created or that I've gone through to get success for myself on the fiber
freelance platform. I also provided a
bonus video for you, which most people
won't talk about. But it is exactly
how you will be able to get repeat customers over and over again
so that you see great success on the
fiber freelance platform. Now in this class, what you will need are pen paper computer and
a fiber account, which is not difficult to set
up, it's pretty easy to do. The class assignment will be to create your very
first fiber gig, which I take you through
the process to do that. So without further do,
start learning and start getting that success that you want on the fiber
freelance platform.
2. What to Sell on Fiverr: All right, so before
I get started with teaching you how to
build a thriving, successful freelance
business on fiber, let me let you know about
something that will be really important when
it comes to fiber. You want to sell specifically skills and
skills that are in demand. Now this is something
that I don't know that necessarily everybody
else will teach you this. But this will be really
helpful for you so that you can see success on the
platform a lot faster, a lot faster than
I did for sure. And so that you can have
success long term as opposed to just a
little short spurt of somebody purchasing
something from you. A few people, and then just
nothing you want to learn, an in demand skill. This will be really, really helpful because
you want people to purchase what it is
that you have to offer. So you want it to be in demand. You don't want it to
be just something that people aren't
even interested in. So it has to be in demand. Now let me show you
how you can just easily find in demand skills. So let's go here real
quick and let's just type in hoops on
in demand skills. As you can see here is a set of ten skills real quickly
from Forbes magazine. Forbes online, generative AI, sustainability skills,
project management. Those things aren't necessarily things that I don't know that people would really clinical
health care skills, that's not something
that people would offer on fiber necessarily. Interpersonal
networking, not so much. But if it's something such
as, here we go right here. Software development,
this is Corsera. Let's check this out. Seven highly income, high income skills
worth learning in 2023. Let's scroll through
real quick data. We got a, sorry about that. We got data analysis, which people do offer that as virtual assistance on fiber. So that's something that
people are looking for. Software development
now that is big, if you know coding and all
those types of things, you can earn quite a
bit of money on fiber, a lot user experience. So this is like websites and
different things like that. Research design help market
a product, web development. Another thing with coding, of course project management. So these are also virtual
assistant type skills as well as you can tell
account management, content creation and management. There we go, right there. Content creation. Social
media is really big. Everybody is on social media and businesses will need people
to create content for them. So constant creation is
something that you can learn a skill and you probably
already know how do it anyways, because you're
probably active on social media as
you are currently. So you can show them that skill, that you actually can do
content creation and they may hire you for that job.
Whatever it is it they have. So let's go back. So that was a short little article from
Coursera and linked in. Let's see, Can find, let's see. I'm trying to think there was a better way to find
it before previously. And I'm trying to
find, let's see, online in demand
skills. All right. So this is maybe better
in terms of something that services that you can
specifically offer on fiber. If you just search for
online in demand skills, here are online
in demand skills, you can, you can learn
from the comfort of your own home and
then you can start making money with via fiber. Web design. Of course,
again, that's coming up. Social media marketing,
project management, Dodge analysis, search
engine optimization. So you want to,
companies and businesses want to show up on the first
page of Google Search. If you know how to do
search engine optimization, that would be a
great skill to get paid for video editing. That's one of the things that I do actually is video creation. Video editing, that is
definitely an end demand skill. Mobile app development,
software development, and apps are huge these days. Marketing, every business
wants customers. So if you know how
to do marketing, you can earn a lot of money, whether it be online, on fiber, or in person with companies and businesses that
you might work with. Coding, another one, coding, web development, all those types of things on the internet. You can learn how
to do those things and start doing them for
companies and businesses and individuals from
all over the world via graphic
design, writing. If you're a great writer, then you can actually start
making money as a writer. And a lot of these things
some of you might even know how you might even
know how to do already. All it is, is you have to learn how to utilize the
fiber platform. Which you will go
through the process of in this course,
in this class. And it will teach you how to utilize those skills that you have learned or that you already know to make money with online. It's something you already
know, so why not get paid for. You want to have that
little side hustle and just build it up
to where it can just. Blow up for you. Cybersecurity
copy writing, of course, it goes also of writing analytics, new
product development, web development,
digital marketing, social media marketing as well. Data science, machine learning
design, subs e commerce. A lot of people want
e commerce stores. Nowadays, it's doing
pretty big leadership. I'm not sure about leadership. I don't think that that would
necessarily be something you can offer on fiber. It's probably a one on one in person type of situation with leadership or with companies
programming language, of course, that's online as well with websites
and things like that. So these right here are examples of demand skills
that you can learn. You can learn these
in demand skills and start making money
with them on fiber, we might say, how
could I actually learn how to do these
different types of skills? And all you have to do is search for a specific
online course. Let's choose a skill that say you want to learn how to do search
engine optimization, that's in demand skill, you want to learn how to do that online. And you could just open
up another tab and online course for search
engine optimization. Okay, So that's a ad, I think these fewer ads, so let's skip the ads necessarily
know that well, okay? Okay. Skillshare
actually does have, it says SEO classes online, so let's not skip the ads.
Let's check that out. Google career certificates, digital marketing certification, you can get that with Google
SEO marketing course, become certified in six weeks. That's huge. De Vrad
University Online, it doesn't necessarily
say search optimization, of course, Sarah shows that. But we'll teach you
how to optimize website content for the best possible
search engine ranking. So there we go, right there. There's a few websites where
you can actually go to them and learn how to do
search engine optimization. And then there's
courses right here that show you from University
of California, Simply learn University
California as well via Coursera. So you can simply just go online and search for
these things with and a lot of
different options will come up. You should go through each
one usually on the first page because they've done some
search engine optimization themselves to actually
get on the first page, so they're doing pretty well at what they're
actually teaching. And then find one
that you think works and we'll teach you
exactly what you need to know to actually be
able to utilize that skill. So let's check out skill share real quick and see what
it says for SEO classes. So SEO in 2022 for creative
entrepreneurs, Amazon SEO, Pinterest Marketing, C listings, Introduction to SEO tactics and Strategy for entrepreneurs. Tips and tricks for your
creative business success. So I'm sure she obviously has
to be teaching SEO as well. So here's a few
classes right here. First steps of SEO, SEO today. Strategies to earn trust
rank high and stand out. So it's not too difficult
and it's not too complicated or complex that
you can't figure it out. You just got to be resourceful. And when it comes to being
resourceful, you know, you just get on the Internet, obviously you're tech
savvy because you wouldn't be in this course
if you weren't tech savvy. And so you just find out what find a in demand
skill that you're willing to learn that you would
actually be excited about learning and doing for clients
from all over the world. If you're excited about it, then it's something that you
will definitely want to do. But if it's something
that you're like I'm on the fence about, I wouldn't necessarily
want to do that long term. That's not something
I'm that interested in. Then check out one
of the other in demand skills that you
can possibly learn. And this isn't it.
Form. There's more than just thes where these
are kind of generalized. And currently what it's showing online right now
are these skills. And you can just, like I said, search on find
one of those websites where you actually can learn
that in demand skill. And then the rest of the course, you will learn how you can actually make money online with those clients on So you learn the skill
in demand skill, not just any skill
in demand skill. Make sure that you learn it or that if you already have one, then just apply it and learn how to maximize fiber in
the best way possible. And yeah, you can
build that thriving, successful fiber,
freelance business online. But you got to start there. It has to be something that
people are looking for, Something that they
specifically want and are already out
there looking for. You don't want to, you
know, recreate the well or whatever you don't want to
just all of a sudden be like, okay, I'm going to
learn how to do this even though it's something that people aren't interested in. Because where will the
customers come from? There won't be any
customers there. You want to make sure that
it's something that people are already looking for so
that you can fill that void. You can be that person that
they go to to complete that, Whatever it might be, I mean, it could be social media
posts that they might need. It could be creating an e commerce store that
they might want. Web design, all those
types of things. You could be the
person to do it, but it has to be in demand. So important because a
lot of people get onto fiber and they don't get sales. And a big part of that is
because they don't have a skill that potential clients are looking for or
that buyers want. And if you don't have
something that they want, then how are you
going to sell it? So don't forget that
in demand skills, it's really important
to make sure that you learn one and apply it and build that successful
freelance business that you want and deserve. All right, I will see
you in the next video.
3. Fiverr Gig Basics: All right everyone,
So thank you for enrolling in the course. So this is going to
be tourist video and this will teach you a basic of the main reason why actually people
get on fiber. And they quit after
about a week or so and they don't see
anything happening, no progression, they
ended up quitting. And the reason that is,
is because they don't know how to work or
utilize the platform. And the best way to
do that is with gigs. Gigs are really important and that's the way that you can offer what it is
that you can provide, the services that you can do, whatever business it is that
you can do for somebody. That's literally
what it is a gig is. So it's you putting that gig
up there so you can be seen by those potential clients and actually doing
work for them. So let's get into the basics
of actually what a gig is and what it means to
have a fiber gig on fiber. So what that actually entails. So this video was recorded a few years ago in the course when
I had it before. Everything changed,
everything changed on fiber. And my entire course
that I initially had online was irrelevant. You couldn't utilize it in
the way you could before. So I had to create the
course all over again. And so this one, I feel like this video was really important when I
recorded it at the time. And it's still very relevant
and important today. So we will stick
with this video. And I recorded this
video when I was in my actual duplex that I am part owner of in Illinois.
I live in Las Vegas. This background
that you can see, let's go back actually
to the main scene. So this background behind me is my actual balcony
view here in Vegas, which is pretty awesome. And so this video
that I recorded, talking about gigs, was recorded in the actual duplex
that I am part owner of. I own 22.2% of that duplex. And the money that came
from that or how I was able to invest in that
was by freelancing. So fiber is one of the ways that I actually earned that money to invest in that duplex and where I get rental income
every single month, which is pretty incredible. Excuse the audio, I didn't
have a microphone at the time. I was just going with the audio from my
actual computer then. But it still is very much relevant and will
be really well and really well put
together and explains fiber gigs and the
basics of what they are. Let me make this
bigger for you real quick and play that for you. They step up is $100 and
that's 1 minute Soto. Let's go back. Okay. All right, so in this video, I'm going to explain to
you the basics of what an actual gig is on fiber
when it comes to gigs. Here on this page,
as you can see, these are the gigs that
I have available now. A gig is a service, or a product, or whatever it is, that you can provide for potential clients
to work with them. This is my best
seller right now, so I will click on this gig
to show you inside of it. Now when you come
to your gig page, this is what it will look like. And as you can see here, I have seven orders in my que, and that's for
this specific gig. Many gigs or however many
orders you have that are pending to be completed by
your potential clients. I may have delivered
some of these already, but my client hasn't either seen it or they haven't
completed the order. That means there
are seven orders that are in the E for this gig. In particular, potential clients
come to your actual gig. They will see that right there. They will see also the amount of feedback that you
have there too. Right here is what I
offered for this gig. Initially, the initial
price is $75 and that's for $130.05 footage
video, two day delivery. And then for the standard, you can do a three package deal, which means that
they have several that they can select from. They step up is $100 and that's 15 footage video
with voice over. And then the premium
includes script writing, so they can know right off the bat what it is
that you offer in the prices that are available
for them to choose from. Then they have this
convenient button right here where they
can actually pay for it, compare the packages,
or just contact me directly when you
scroll down the gig. As I just did the first
limitation about this in order, when potential clients
come to your gig, they can see what
you have offered. I put up these first
three images myself. That's something I put there. I put there here too. Now these are actual orders that I have completed for my clients. They can just scroll over
and then they can see what it is you have already
done for clients already. That's great. So they
can see what you can do. It's like your portfolio
is on your gig page. You scroll down and this is
about the gig description. I've added these for what it
is I can provide my clients. It shows what I've done
previously and what it is that I offer in my
packages right here. It helps to actually have quite a bit of information
in the description. It will help them to
be able to read more, get a better understanding, or they can also
contact you, as I said, either here or
contact here as well. As you keep scrolling down, you will see about
the seller area. There's my description again
of who I am and what I have done as a voice over
artist, as a video producer. Then here are the
packages here as well, so they can get a bigger
view of what it is I can provide for them or what
you can provide for them. Also, sometimes it helps to have that extra fast
delivery so they can pay $50 extra for this
package and actually get it with 24 hours as opposed
to within two days. But that's just
for the first gig, which is $75 Then you can see, they can see the
actual feedback that people have provided
for you as well. It actually is really helpful because then they
can decide to either work with you or not based
on what other people have experienced by
working with you. You also can reply to their feedback as
well. That's great. Yeah. Especially when I love when clients provide
feedback such as this, Oh my God, I'm over here crying. This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much. You heard
my spirit and answered. That really touched my heart. So I responded to her by
saying all your words. My heart. Thank you
for the opportunity. I absolutely appreciate
each opportunity that you get to work with
a client on fiber is that it is an
opportunity every time regardless of if the
transaction doesn't go so well. It's still an opportunity
because you're making money for yourself from home by working with those
potential clients. Always see it as an opportunity. Relish that. Be
excited about that. Yeah. You see the feedback that people have provided and what
you have provided for them. If you scroll down, then you can see the other services that I have provided and can provide for potential
clients as well. It's like whatever you click on someone's gig at
the bottom of it will show what
they also as well, if you want to
continue working with that seller or if someone wants to continue
working with you, they can see your other gigs
at the bottom of your page. This is the basic of fiber
gigs and its services, its products, whatever it is, because some people
even sell ebooks, some people sell
courses on fiber. But usually it's some
type of a service. Like I do voice over, I
create videos for my clients, and those things are services
that I offer to them. I love working with clients. I love providing my voice. I love creating videos
for them. It's fantastic. So you get on fiber,
you put up a gig, and you actually can get
to working with fines from all over the world and
have a lot of orders in. Just like this says right here, this gig has really been blown up a lot lately
and it's fantastic. I'm excited for
that, to see where that is going to go up. It's only going up from there because when I first
started out on fiber, it literally was just
five bucks an hour. And that was so hard to do. It's great that I stuck with it. It kept getting better
at it and building up, and building up,
and building up. Now we'll see you
in the next video. All right. As you can see there, that was a quick little
fiber gig walk through, so you can actually
know what that is. So you won't feel overwhelmed
when it comes to fiber. Because a lot of people,
they simply don't know how to work the platform. They don't even know
to put up a gig. There's a number of people
that have reached out to me on the box and they're
trying to work with me, but yet I can't
see any samples of their work because they
don't have a gig up. So the gig is a basic
thing that you have to provide on fiber so that you can actually sell your services, sell what it is that
you can provide, and do for potential buyers that are looking for what it
is that you have to offer. All right, so I will see
you in the next video.
4. How to create a Fiverr Gig: All right, so welcome back. In this video, I'm going to
show you how to actually create your very first
fiber gig on the platform. And this will be a great video and it will be
extremely helpful to you. And it's a complete walk through
to show you from A to Z, how you actually can get up your very first fiber
gig on the platform. And obviously you can duplicate that process so you
can add multiple gigs. And as time goes on, the ones that are
performing the best you will want to keep
and the ones that aren't doing so well
either you will want to do some search
engine optimization, which I will teach you about
later on in the course, or you might want to delete it. It depends on you and what
you would like to do. So let's get into
that real quick. All right, so this is also another video from previously when I first created the course. And this one I was
a lot younger. You hear my voice sounds
more higher pitched. I'm quite younger in
this, but I did use the blue Yeti microphone
to record this video. So the audio is pretty well and it's a great
walk through from A to Z in terms of
creating and putting up your very first gig on fiber. And so let's get into it. This is how you will be
able to do that pickup. Let me make for you real quick after you go through the whole process
of creating your profile, adding your picture and all
those different things, your payment account now, then you will have the option
to create your first gig. And the way you get
through there is you click on selling and
you click on gigs. As you can see, my page is already open to
gigs right now. These are my current
active gigs. Right now I have six. I just
added these three videos, three video gigs recently with the other ones I've
had for a while now. You won't have any because
you're just starting out. You click on this green button that says create a new gig. Then as you can see here, you add a gig title. Then the category I'll just
run through for a quick one, real quick. Let's
see, animation. Video. Okay? And then video
on animation is the category. It's like the subcategory here. You don't want to
just animation video, I will create an
animation video. This is just me putting
a quick sample up though there will be
obviously little things. I'm just trying to put up a
quick sample gig for you. But it would say something like, I will create an
animation video. So whiteboard and
animation explainers. I'll just click that. I'll hit a whiteboard and file format. I'll put in before you got to be specific about what
it is you're offering. And then you could add tags. But since this is
just a mock up, I'll just click
save and continue. Okay, there's an error. It says, gig title
should contain at least four words animation
video within 24 hours. There we go. Okay. And I click save
and continue Tags. All right. You have
to put tags as well. Video, HD, video, animation. It depends on whatever it is, the services that
you're offering you. Click on Save and Continue. This is just a
quick run through. I'm not actually really
serious about putting this, but you have to be
more serious and pay more attention to what it
is that you're putting in. When you put up a
gig, you have to be specific about what
it is you offer, what it is you're
offering right now. They have three packages. Fiber offers three
packages where you can change the price of each
of there's a range. Whatever you offer,
this is for the videos, voice over recording,
background music, logo revisions, the package, package name, and the details. But you can easily turn that off by clicking
that button there. Whatever it is you
offer as extras, when you click on something, we'll add the number of days in the amount that it
will take for that extra. This is where the real
money starts to come in because you can initially offer
something for five bucks. But with your gig
extras like if people really rack up on these and start purchasing
a lot of these, then you really will make bank, you make quite a bit voiceovers, you can offer a certain price
for the background music, logo, all those
different things. Extra fast delivery, so
I'll put up a quick one, real easy animation video. Video within 24 hours. But be specific, be
serious about it. I'm just taking you through
the process and just showing you everything
on revision. I'll put background
music logo in the price. I'll just put five bucks
because I'm not actually going to publish this gig not, but be sure to add gig
extras based on what you can offer your
potential clients. Then this is where you
put the description of what it is that
you offering them. I will deliver an
animation, do 1020, 4 hours, but add as much information as
you can in description. Then you can add
frequently asked questions that you think might be great
for your potential buyers. Click cancel there and
Save and Continue. Description must be at
least 120 characters long. See, it's really good. Okay, I am a video
producer, but we. Okay. I'll be more specific
about the actual gig. You can deliver in 24 hours. That is, think your needs, order now or message me. Okay, let's see, that
should be enough. Okay, change is saved. Fantastic. So we're
just moving along. The overview was the first one, then was the pricing,
the description. And frequently asked questions announced the requirements and will be the gallery
and the publish. All right, sorry about
that. Pause there. So as you can see, I pretty
much just put a little bit in the description for this
quick little walk through, but in the previous
video where I showed you the basics
of fiber gigs, as you could see in the
description for my actual gig, there was a lot of information
available such as that. I offered them a voice over, I offered them HD footage, all those types of things I
put as like bullet points. So that could be really
good for showcasing what it is that you can provide
for that potential client. Because they want to
know everything and putting things in the
description is really, really important and that will be really great
for you to do that, as opposed to with this sample what I'm currently
putting through. Now as you see, that's not much information, but you will want to
put as much information as you possibly can
for that client. You would actually
publish your gig so that sellers can find it. The requirement is to attach their script, then
you click Add. That's the
requirement, they will attach or type in their script. Here for you, that's pretty
much what the requirement is. And then you'd get
started on the gig. Now here is the gallery. You can put a gig
video shorter than 75 seconds and smaller than
50 megabytes for myself, I always make sure I put a video there and then you
put gig photos. You can take pictures
from the gig video that you put and
upload them here. That'll help people to see
where you are offering them in gig PDFs as well. It depends on whatever gig
it is that you're offering, that is what you will put. So that was kind of
just a quick run through of publishing, a fiber gig on
So in the next video, I will show you how
to apply for jobs, because in this video I actually
went to my real account. All right, so let me go back
to me here in real time. All right, so obviously
I mentioned in that video that I will show you how to put in applications. That's because it's
from previously when I created the course where you actually could so called put in
applications on fiber. So it was a whole process
which is similar to other freelance
platforms where you can get directly in front
of potential clients. Because you actually would put in applications, so to speak, so that they know that
you have what they are looking for, fiber that away. They completely eliminated that. That was the buyer's
request section. And so that's why I
had to completely redo my whole course because they no longer have that
on their platform. So they have a system
of where they will send potential buyers to you as opposed to you
being able to get directly to them and in front of them. So I had
to change that out. So obviously the next
video will not be about putting in
applications at all. That's totally done. That's not something that fiber offers and will never offer
again, unfortunately. But yeah, So but there's obviously other ways that
you can get in front of potential clients and
that's why I've created this whole new course
which will teach you how you can do
it today in 2023. And as time goes on, I'm sure that the platform will
evolve and change. And I will continue to update this course because that
is really important. I want to make sure
that everything is still relevant for you as you continue to see
success over and over again. And build upon that success on fiber and other
freelance platforms. So right, hopefully that was helpful in terms of
creating your first gig. And as you keep going, you will learn about
search engine optimization to make your gig even better
and things like that. So I will see you
in the next video.
5. Navigating the Fiverr Dashboard: All right, so welcome back. In this video I'm going to actually show you
the fiber dashboard, what it looks like via
your actual desktop and also via your actual mobile
or your actual pham itself. Let's get into it. All right, so now you will see my actual
dashboard right here. This is active
orders, of course, this means how many orders
I have in my queue. This is the price
of the orders of those that are available from
these different clients. Right here, this is
the delivery time. Now when it says, obviously
this says longer, seven days, 13 hours. When it says here, it says seven days late, it's
not actually late. So what it is is that
it's in revision. So when it's in revision,
that means that it's been seven days since they actually put in the order. But I've delivered a revision
to them or I haven't yet, but it's not actually
seven days late. Fiber actually should fix that because it's kind of
weird, might be confusing. It's not seven days late,
it's definitely not. But it's just like from the
time that they ordered. So when they request a revision is what that actually is for. It's kind of strange
but that's that's how fiber actually does things. But to the left you
will see my username. The level I'm at, one of the things
you don't have to worry about is your level. If you're at level two, that is really fine because
as you can see, the orders will still come in. Obviously, my inbox
response rate. You want to make sure
that you respond quickly to clients when they
message you about something. Inbox response time 1 hour, really quickly,
Order response time, 100% there, which means I'm pretty quickly
to respond with orders. What it means,
revisions, whatever, it might be delivered
on time, 100% as well. Obviously, these
stats will fluctuate. They won't always be
at 100% but don't beat yourself about
it when they're not. Don't get down about it. I mean, you can obviously
raise it up again, I keep saying obviously. But you can raise your
percentages up again over time. You will get better
and better at it. If it drops, that's okay.
Don't freak out about it. Order completion rate is 100% When it comes
to order completion, that means that I have not
had any refunds within that. I think it's 30 day period, might be 60 days,
it's 30-60 days. These stats are they could go down and go up based on
those 30 to 60 day period. When it comes to
delivery on time, which is something else
you'll need to know about. That means that obviously
these are due within one day to day seven days. They have to be due within
that time period because there will be a timer on the
actual order page. And when that timer runs out, that means that it's late. So your deliver
on time rate will go down if you deliver
after that time. So make sure you
deliver on time. You respond appropriately. Complete orders in time? Of course, Yeah. Those things will be
important for you when it comes to freelancing
on fibers platform. Next up, I will show you your dashboard on
your mobile phone. That was a dashboard on your desktop or your
laptop computer, and these are examples of actually your dashboard when it comes to
the mobile phone. Again, here, the one in the
middle, as you can see, order completion rate and on time delivery rate
has gone down. But still the positive rating, 55 is the same. It's an average of the
orders that you have. And when clients provide
you with positive feedback, if it's five star
majority of them, then you will have this there. But yeah, like I said, your response rate, order
completion rate, and on time delivery, it may drop at some point in
time, but that's okay. You can fix it and
make it better again. Now, as you see on mobile, on the dashboard, things
are different here. Your earnings are all here
in each one of these. Now this one, I took screenshots at different times
during my fiber journey, during freelancing my
freelancing journey. So this one says
October 14, 2021. Now, as you see, the
personal balance is $311 Now that means that that much has cleared in my actual
fiber account. So I can just make that go straight over to
my bank account. Same as here and here. Average selling point
here was $67 That means all the orders that you have
done with people on fiber, I believe actually
you keep going. When you first start on a five, your selling price
will probably be $5 I've been on fiber
for quite some time now, and obviously that has gone
up in terms of the amount of orders that people place with me and how much each
order actually costs. That will go up over time. Here, it was 67 here, 69, 40, and then obviously, $86 here, it goes up, as I mentioned. Now when it comes to
pending clearance, that is how much is
going to come into your account that's currently orders that you have completed. And they will be clearing into your account so that you can then transfer it over
to your bank account, your payioneer pay, Pal,
whatever it might be. Whatever form of
payment that you have connected to fiber. This payment will be cleared
and then it can go into your bank account
earnings amount each month they have
on here obviously. So sometimes you can
make quite a bit on fiber and as I mentioned, level two seller, level two
seller, level two seller. Each of these times I have not had top rated seller
yet on fiber. And some people
might be like what? Yeah, it's surprising
to actually make these amounts on fiber when you're not even
a top rated seller. It's definitely possible and it depends on obviously
how well you work, the quality of your work, and what you actually offer, the gigs that you
offer on fiber. So these are were my
earnings for September, October, December, just different times throughout my fiber Freelancing journey. Active orders here means the number of orders
in your queue. So on the last one on the screenshot before
which formed the desktop, I showed you the active
orders that were in my queue. So this is, this here, this is the number or
the amount of orders, and the number here, 10109. And then cancel orders. So this is obviously
when an order is canceled during
that 30 day period. I believe here it is 30 days, based on these stats,
I think it is 30 days. So within those 30 days, I had two orders that
were canceled here, which mounted to be the
price of $100 This one I had six orders that
were canceled which was $432 And that will
happen sometimes too. Do not freak out about
it. It is. Okay. Just sometimes you have
either difficult clients or they're asking for
something that you can't really deliver
or they decide to change in the middle of the process of you
creating something. And then you have
to actually whether be pivot or decide
that you have to give them a refund because
you can't deliver what it is that they need.
And that happens. And that's okay,
because obviously my reputation was still
not ruined based on that. And here there was two orders, and the price of those
was $140 So things will fluctuate up and down on your fiber
freelancing journey. And your dashboard will look
different, change over time. But that's okay,
Just keep going. You will keep earning
and keep doing better. You will definitely
get better and better. All right, so here
let me go back first. All right, so when you
click on View Details, as you see right here next
to Earnings View Details, it will take you to this page right here
via your mobile phone. Now what this shows
is a chart of the funds or the orders that
you have done on fiber. Obviously, it
changes each month. This is August 7 to September 5. It will go up and it will
go down and up and down. This chart says from $0 to $100 1,000 was the highest
that I made in one order during
that month period. And it shows your earnings
again in September. You average selling price, active orders that are
in your queue currently available for withdrawal
and your completed orders, obviously, which is the same as your earnings in September. As you can see, your
dashboard is the basic of what you will
need to know on fiber. It will be the navigation tool
for you to be able to know what's really happening overall so that you stay on
track of things. You want to make sure that
you complete the orders. You want to make sure that
you deliver them on time. You want to make
sure that in your inbox you're getting back to clients within a
reasonable time frame. For me, it's been like an
hour, which is really great. And a lot of times, you know, clients that you work with
might be from other countries, but that's okay because
as soon as you wake up, then you can message them. And I've worked with
clients from all over the world and my average
has not gone down, which is great,
still around that, about an hour of time. But you can also
set presets within the box in which it will send
them automated messages. Within this box right here, you could set automated
messages that can send them something
generic right away to say, hey, I'm not
available right now, but I will get back to
you as soon as possible. Something like that. And that would definitely work for them. Hopefully, this video
was helpful about the fiber dashboard and gave you a more in depth view of it. And I will see you
in the next video.
6. SEO for Fiverr Gigs: Welcome back. In
this video I'm going to talk to you about
the importance of SEO, or search engine optimization via fiber is actually
really important. You might know about search
engine optimization. If you don't, then you
will learn it here and you'll see why it is
really, really important. All right, let's
get into it, okay? So this is the fiber. This is a web page on fiber
where you actually can search for whatever
it is you need. This is actually a screen cast recording that I
was excited about. Again, like I told you, I was
on the first page of fiber. Here you can see the words explainer video is
in that search bar, you want to be on the
first page of fiber. In whatever search, whatever
it is that you offer, there's a fiber short
order right there as you can see right there. This is me here. This is my gig on the first
page of fiber search. That is important. That's really important
because you will get so many more orders by
being on the first page. A lot of people don't want
to just keep searching. A lot of people are lazy. They will find what's
on the first page at a reasonable price and
they will decide to order. I was on the first page for
the keywords explainer video. As you can see, these are all the other gigs that
are on the same page. As you keep scrolling,
it's like, huh, you got to find something, you got to find one that
you're going to like. The sooner that you're up there
or the higher up you are, the more possibility that
you have of getting pig. Look at all those pages.
That's ten pages. And then there's
more beyond that. You want to make sure that
you are on the first page of fiver search for
whatever keywords it is, whatever it is that you offer, whatever gig you offer, whatever service you want
to be on the first page. So that means when people
search for explainer video, they will literally find
my gig because it is on the home page of the first page of fiber
search for explainer video. And that's pretty
awesome, isn't it? Obviously, this is at the time, the price was $75 for
this stock footage gig. And there's about 30, 30 feedback that I've
had 30 clients that I'd work with that they
give me this feedback. So this was when my gig was very new because obviously it's changed now, My
pricing has changed. So yeah, it was pretty awesome to me to actually get on
the first page of fiber. I was excited about that. It was something
new and of course, I took a screenshot of it
because to me that's pretty awesome to be able to
say that you were on the first page of fiber, search for the keywords
that you put in. The way you get there is by
delivering high quality work. Of course, making sure
that your clients are completely satisfied and just continuing that cycle. Continue that cycle, deliver
that high quality work, make sure your clients
are satisfied, even over deliver in
the best way that you possibly can over
delivery is really key. And to have those clients continuing to come
to you for business, for whatever service
it is that you offer. Now let's see. Okay, this is another one. This is the gig itself. Now, this is when I
first put the gig up. Obviously they see the
price is different here. The price is in 75 like it was. That means that I was on the first page of fiber
in the search twice. This is when it first. I should have done it backwards.
I did it backwards. I should have shown
you $35.01 first because this was when I first
got into the home page, the first page search, That's the great thing about
search engine optimization, you can get on the
first page, you get on the first page, you're great. Like you'll have so many orders in your queue by being
on the first page. I started out on the
first page and I was at, my gig was $35 Just $35 and that's a
great thing, obviously. You see 99 feedback and the one before
was more than that. This was my gig. Four orders in the queue
that went up significantly. I want your gig.
You want a video. You want pictures.
These are pictures of stock footage videos I have done for my clients and
created for my clients. And these are actual samples
of videos I have created for my Can you hear that?
Maybe I won't let it play. It's loud, but yeah. So this is one of
the videos that I have created for my clients. But yeah, on your gig, you want to make sure
that you have pictures. These first three are
pictures right here, and then these are sample videos or videos that I've
created for my clients. That's how it will work. But obviously, it depends on
whatever service it is that you offer. The delivery time. One day I put in there 30
seconds for the video, which was very low. 32nd video for 35 doubles, and this was me
just starting out. When you first start
out, you want to have a lower price point
because you want to get those clients
that are coming in and you'll have
positive feedback. So people will see
what you can do. You have samples of your work. Things like that's
really, really important. You can just start at this
really high price point. When you're first
getting on the platform, you got to start somewhere and then just build your way up. Because obviously, like I said, it was 35 here. First got on the first page of fiber search for
explainer video, which is huge keywords. By the way, explainer
video business is searching for
explainer videos and you're on the first page. Can you imagine
that that's huge. Obviously, I had more orders in my queue than this
as time went on. But I just happened to take
a screen cast of this one, but then obviously I
raise it up from the 35 because so many
orders were coming in. I'm like, okay, let me raise it. So I raise it up to
the 75 which you saw. Keep touching his microphone. I raise it up to 35. The 35. 75 which you saw. Let's see here. It went from the 35 to the 75. That's what happens when you have all the orders
that come in, like gig, your
service is in demand. That means you have people
wanting to work with you. People actually wanting to
purchase and buy from you. Yeah, you can raise your price. And as time goes
on, like I said, we just put your foot in the
door on the platform and then get better and
better at it and then raise your prices
and just go from there. It's just a whole cycle. The system, you get into
it and you're really good. Yeah, that's importance of
search engine optimization. Like I said, you would love to have all those
orders in your cue from being on the first page for a search of
keywords on fiber. It's a huge thing
to be able to say that search engine
optimization worked for you. Obviously, of course, I'm sure it hasn't worked
for everybody, but if you're going to, it also depends on the quality
of the work that you deliver. Many times, fiber can notice what you're
delivering to clients. If it's high quality, they
will put you up there. I was so excited because all of a sudden orders
started to come in. And I was like, huh,
that's interesting. And then I just search
for explainer video and found out that I was
on the first page. And if I were searched
for explainer videos, yeah, think about
those keywords. Think about what it is that
people will search for. That's the important thing. Because obviously I
wanted to people to find offer explainer videos to
me that was easy to know. I figure people would
search for explainer video, clearly they did,
which is great. Whatever service or
product that you offer, you want to have those specific
keywords that you know, people will search for in the
search bar because that's what's really important
is those keywords, the keywords that
they will search for, try to get into the
mind of that buyer to know what it is that they want based on what
your service is. As you see, they also have
ones that are suggested. Animated explainer video,
why Board explainer video, animation explainer
video script. But explainer video obviously is included in all of those. The main basic ones are explainer video and all of these gigs have
that in their title. Your title will have
to be something that is search engine friendly, something that, you know,
people will search for. Because say for example, if I had put something like, let's see, Work video. Yeah, Work video.
Something like that. Like, you know, because
it's for their work. Whatever work it
is that they do. That's, that's very
strange, right? That's not something that people would
actually search for. They wouldn't search
for work video, so I wouldn't come up in the search because nobody's
searching for work video, so my gig would not be found. So you want to have
those keywords that people are
actually searching for as opposed to
something that's just out there that
people won't search for. You want your gig to be found. So search engine optimization is really important to
make sure that your gig is found and that you're
getting in front of those potential clients
that want to work with you and want you to
provide the service or the business it is that
you offer to them. So yeah, search engine
optimization is really important and it is key to getting more sales on the
platform itself. That was the basics of
search engine optimization. Hopefully, it was helpful in you in terms of
trying to get onto the first page of fiber search for the keywords that you have. Yeah, that would really, really help you long
term via the platform. I will see you in
the next video.
7. Fiverr Order Page: All right, welcome back. In this video, I'm
going to show you an actual order page on fiber so that you can recognize
things when you see it. Like if someone places
an order with you, it will first come
onto the dashboard. And you go from the
dashboard to the order page. And this is where
it would take you to where you actually
have to fulfill that requirement
or that order that that client has placed with you. So let's get into it. So this is an actual web
page, Web page, sorry. This is an order page from fiber for a client that I'm currently working with,
one of their orders. So let me show you this. Obviously it says you
have a revision request. This little timer,
this is a timer that I mentioned previously about. It will wind down and
when it winds down, you have to deliver at
least the very first order. Revision mode is different, so gig isn't affected, your profile isn't affected. If there's a revision request, it won't matter if it starts up again from
a revision request, your profile won't be affected. This is obviously the order page and if you click on here, says your order details, it shows you what was ordered. This was up to two minute video, ten day delivery for $600 Yeah, it says what is
included as well. Recent inbox conversations
with them will be here, but obviously you
can just go back to the inbox to find those things. Here's obviously more
information about it. Order number, price,
delivery date, all those things
are here as well. And so obviously, this is
where you will want to keep. Any sort of
communication that you have with this client and the job that you're
fulfilling for them. You want it to be
on the order page because it's very
inconvenient to go, to go back and
forward to the box when you want to stay
here on the order page, because this is where you will deliver the order
actually to them. So when you have completed it, you will click on this
Green Delivered Now button that will open up a box, which I'll just show you. It opens up this box
right here and you can upload the work right there. And then obviously you
type in what it is you need to your client to let
them know what you did. And this will pop
up as a sample that will be at your gigs gallery, which is important because you want people to see
what it is you can do. You want to deliver
your best work so that potential
clients will know what you can provide
and have provided for other clients
you have work with, and you just click on Deliver. Now there's also
here on this page, you can extend the
delivery date, which usually I would just
go to the Resolution Center. When you click on
Resolution Center, they have the option where
you can actually ask them to cancel the order here and
you select the reason, whatever it may be,
then you type that in. And obviously it
lets you know, see, cancel orders can
affect your earnings. You'll lose earnings
from the sale. Obviously, completion rate,
your status will be adjusted, which they will be lowered, unfortunately, and gig listings, too many cancellations
might make your gig appear lower
in search results, which is really bad. So it's difficult when it
comes to canceling orders, because your gig will be
lowered in the search rankings, your completion rate
will be lowered, which can bump you down
to a level one seller, or even potentially
a new seller. But that's okay, you can
raise those stats back up. If it comes down to
it where you have to cancel an order
with the client, it's unfortunate, but you
might have to do that. They've changed it to where the resolution center
doesn't have it, to where you can extend
the delivery date. Now, we wouldn't click that unless you need to
actually cancel the order. That's resolution center there
is for canceling orders. Here is where you would
extend the delivery date. I would click on that, but I need to extend
the delivery date because whether it
be the client may not have provided the script in time or they didn't
approve the script. If I actually had to do
scriptwriting for them or if they didn't provide the voice over which they were supposed
to be providing in time. So you just put in the number of days you need to extend it, put the date, and it says the original date they were supposed
to be delivered. And then you would help
the buyer understand, explain why you need more time. Obviously, if it's something
that's on their end, they would understand anyway. But if it's something of
where you've been too busy and you weren't able
to get around to it, sometimes they might actually
end up canceling the order, which is very unfortunate. You want to make
sure that you can deliver whatever it is
that you can provide to them within the time frame set before they either
place the order, if they're messaging
you in the box and ask for a custom offer or order, or right, as soon as they
order, let them know. If you're not able to deliver it within that
time frame, say, hey, can we possibly extend
the delivery Because I'm not going to be
able to deliver it within the time
frame that you need. And most of the time you will find buyers that are
understanding of that. Because obviously life happens. Life happens for everybody. But sometimes you
have those that are not very understanding. So this is how you would
extend the delivery date, so you won't feel overwhelmed if that time is winding down and you can't deliver it
within the time frame. So yeah, as you can see here, this is a delivery. And If they request a revision, it will let you know right here. And then they said they
got back to me with the revision doc after that. So yeah, this is where you
keep everything nice and neat and on file and you
will want to do that. And every time that you
deliver something to a client, make sure that you hit
this deliver now button. Don't deliver it in the inbox, because if an issue
comes up of where that client is asking for a refund and yet
you delivered it, there will be an issue for them, that buyer that is
trying to get a refund. But if you don't actually
deliver this on the order page, you don't hit this Deliver now button and there's
no sort of delivery, whether it be a picture
where there'd be a video, whatever it might
be that you need to deliver fiber will have
an issue with that. So it's like you're
not providing proof that you actually did it, which is very
unfortunate because even if you put it
somewhere else, like the box or say for example, I had a client that I was delivering their
videos within Von, which is the animation software. And so I didn't download
the videos and put the videos up here
in the deliver now order page, which
is unfortunate. So that meant that I didn't
have proof that I created the videos for them because I created them within
their Viond account. It didn't download them
and upload them to fiber. There was an issue
there. But yeah, just to give you a heads
up so that that won't happen to you because
it is a possibility. But just safeguard yourself. Make sure you deliver everything here on this order page
that is really important. That is a safeguard for you. And so Yeah, so that there won't be any issues between you and that buyer and fiber and this is where the
activities happen. These are the details of the
order, the requirements. Again, as I mentioned when
you were creating your gig, these are these are
optional fiber. Put those up there recently. But this is what I
put is my question. I put to attach or
add your script here along with your logo if you
ordered logo replacement. And so this is, they
attach the script here. So yeah, it's very simple. The requirements
aren't difficult, they're not complicated
to put up there, just what it is you
need in order to deliver them what they ordered. Yeah, they they have
stock media now, which I never deal
with. All right. Okay. So that was a quick
little walkthrough of the actual order page on the fiber to make
sure that, you know, you're delivering in time, on time and everything
works out in terms of making sure that
you specifically deliver on the actual
order page itself. Because there can be issues
with that unfortunately. But yeah, so hopefully this will helpful and leave
some of your stress in terms of if you have
a order that comes through and not really
necessarily knowing what to do, you just go straight here
onto the order page and just input details of
what it is they need, the requirements, and
you just work from there and deliver it right
here on the order page. It's not too complicated. All right, so I will see
you in the next video.
8. Custom Offers for Clients: In this video, I'm going
to show you how to send a custom offer
via the inbox. Obviously, you will
have your gig. And your gig will have
a set price of what you offer based on whatever it
is. It could be length. Because I create videos, I'll say length based on
the length of my gig. I have that set
amount that people can order just
right away from me. They can just place to order. But sometimes they need more than just what I have
to offer on my gig. They may need to
be a longer video. Sometimes it can be 235, 10 minutes long, whereas I offer 32nd videos and I
offer 1 minute videos. And with the 1 minute video, I also have the package where I also offer script writing. So if they want like
a longer video, they'd have to contact me via the box and then we
could go from there. So let me show you
how you can send a custom offer via your inbox. So here it is, right here, you will see my actual box. Now this is a custom offer. So I've already sent
this to my client, and as you see it
says offer accepted. So they have accepted
this offer already. So the video was up
to 13.5 minutes, 13.5 minutes in length, and it's an animation video, and the price was
$1,700 Obviously, I don't have that on my gig. I obviously sent them a
custom offer via my inbox, and this is what
my offer includes. It includes eight revisions,
four day delivery, which is a short time for a 13.5 minute video
voiceover recording, which I offer human voiceovers because I'm also a
voiceover artist, illustrated background
characters included, et cetera. This custom offer right here is what I
provided them with. Now let me show you how you
can create your own offer. Here, right here in the boxes, you can see at the bottom
it says Create an offer. You click on that and that will show you the gigs that you have available to offer to
those potential clients. And you find the
gig that you want to offer them and
you click on it. You can either do a
single payment or you can do a milestone order. Actually, I'll go into more depth about milestone
orders later on, which obviously
in another video, so you will see that as well. But let's just click
on Single Payment, which most of my orders
are single payment. Then you would describe
your order right here. Obviously, the package has
already been selected, which is this one
Actually, you know, maybe that my three
packages that I have available that I offer
is probably what that means. I'm not offering a package, I'm offering a
custom offer itself. You can switch to milestones
if you need to discounts. You can also offer coupons, but there's a specific
program you have to be a part of in order
to offer coupons. If you're not a part
of that program, then unfortunately you won't
be able to offer coupons. But I will tell you more about that program later
on in another video. Revisions is how many revisions you would offer are
optional as well. But it's always a
good thing to offer revisions because your
clients don't want to just have the first first thing you deliver to them and be like, okay, I have to be satisfied
with this regardless. Like I'm not going to get a revision for it.
They want revisions. Revisions will keep your clients happy and keep them coming back, and then the price goes right here when the offer expires. I never do this. There's no reason to have
the offer expire for them. Requests for
requirements, of course. Request for requirements mean that they have to
input the information of what it is they need for the order to begin requirements. I'll show you that also as well, If I haven't shown you already via the order of the
videos in the course. The offer includes
voiceover running time, scriptwriting as all text human, voice over 15 minute
zoom consult, whatever it is that you
need to provide them with. You can add these
as extras as well. Yeah, you just put together that offer for them and
these are all custom. I put these on there
myself for the gig. I can select which ones I
need to provide them with. Yeah, just go from there. And then when you click in the offer like I showed you here, this is what the
offer will look like. The name of your
gig, whatever it is, the services that you offer, whatever extras you
provide as well. And then that's pretty
much how it works, which is pretty simple
and straightforward. And it's not too
difficult obviously. But as I mentioned
on your gig page, there will be times where you'll have clients that will reach
out to you that need more. They need to be
provided with more. So you will have to send them a custom offer which
is pretty easy to do. Yeah, you just do it right
here in the box. All right. Hopefully that was
helpful in terms of explaining custom offers and why they are important and why you need to know
how to send them. Because there's actually newer
sellers on the platform, I notice that don't know
how to send custom offers. They will say to just
order on their gig page. Whereas they could lose a client by saying something like
order on their gig page. Because maybe the client
doesn't want to go back there, maybe they want to keep
communicating in the box. And so you can just send
them that custom offer here as opposed to telling them
to go back to your gig page. So this is quite helpful for sending higher
priced orders, of course, and yeah. All right, so I will see
you in the next video.
9. Milestone Offers for Clients: Welcome back. In this video, I'm going to show
you how to send a milestone offer to a client that is ready to
buy and why it is important to actually
send milestone offers, which is something that
I learned recently about the importance of why
you should actually send a milestone of order. All right, so let's get into it. So here you will see
the box once again. This is an order that my client has accepted already and
I've completed done it. It's been delivered.
They provided me with five star feedback. Everything is done
for this order, but this is a custom offer. This is when it comes
to milestone orders. This order here should have
been a milestone order. But I didn't think
about making it into a milestone order because
when I got the script, it was, it was the
script was altogether, but it was two for two videos. And so I pasted the script into and
got the word count. And so I forgot about the fact that it
was for two videos, and so I sent them to offer
for the total amount, which was 1,700 for the amount
of 13.5 minutes of video, but it was split
into two videos, and so this is what happened. Let me open it into a
new tab so you can see. Let's see. Okay, so here's the order details.
The order details. So the orders placed
on September 8. But because I did not put in a milestone order or make
it a milestone order, then what happened was
it was for two videos. Milestone is it's where things
are delivered in pieces. So since it was two videos, there should have
been a milestone one and a milestone two. So that when I
delivered video one, then they could
complete that part. And then the funds would start to generate into my account. And then when video
two was completed, then those funds would be
generating into my account. But because I made it
as one whole order, and the first video was
about 4 minutes, I believe. And the second video
was a lot longer, the 400 or whatever
amount it was. For that first video, I
did not receive until all of the revisions
and everything were completed for
the second video. And that was terrible because it's like you have
to wait so long for your money to come
through the first video. Obviously, I did it and
they needed revisions, which is obviously a
thing that I offer is a great and important thing to offer revisions
to your client. And all of the revisions needed
to be done and completed. I did all of those
and I delivered them. However long it took,
then I was completed. But because of no
milestone order, I didn't receive any
of the money from it. And so I had to work
on the second video, which was a lot longer
than the first video. And so I did that delivered,
it had revisions. Had to complete all
of those revisions and keep coming
back for revisions. And in this client, it took them a while to get back
to me because they're a team of people and so I
had to wait quite a bit. So the order was placed
on September 8 and the order was completed
on September 3. I meant October 3. Order was completed
on October 3. So from the time frame of September 8 to October
3, that's almost a month. That's pretty much a
month with a few days off. That's literally a month. So the work that I did
and all the time that it took them with their team and everything, usually
it takes a lot, a shorter time for
them to get back to me and for revisions to be
done and things like that, But because they were
in a team environment, it took them a while
to get back to me. So it took me a while
to actually get paid because I didn't do
a milestone order. And so that was a
great lesson about milestone orders and
why they are important. Because you want to get paid right away for
the work that you did, the hard work that you put in, you want to get paid
for it right away. So let me show you how
to do a milestone order. Okay, let's see. You'll just
click on Create an offer, just like you did for
a custom offer itself. Again, you just
find the gig that you need to send to them. Click on Milestones. Right here, it says,
Working gradual steps and get paid for each
completed milestone, which is what I needed
to do and did not do. Then you just
describe the offer, what it is that you're
going to provide them with. You can put the milestone name. I'll crap, hopefully that didn't change
anything on my recording. Okay. Did. I'll just put video. I want to put one but I hope
it doesn't change my camera. Okay, good. Didn't
change my camera. Okay, Video one. And I'll just put four days
delivery and I'll put 400. Let's see. Okay, and I
don't have to describe, says optional there,
obviously you put it up here
describing your offer, so you don't need to put it here or you can put some
more information about what that video
is or its length of video length and you
just click Save. And then for use on two, I just put video two. But this is obviously
just an example of what I might put for the number
of revisions or whatever. This is just a
sample, this is not something I will
really send out, but it's helpful for you to see this since the entire Let's see. Oh, I did switch. Okay, let me go back. Okay, perfect. You
can see that again. All right, so 1,300 I
have my hot keys on for my scenes to switch three,
changed to scene three. Okay, then I put in that. And then I click on Save. And there you have it. So
there's first milestone for video one and the second
milestone for video two. And obviously you can
edit it as you see these little pencil
icons that come up total number of days. The amount for the actual
videos themselves. Yeah. And then you can
select all of these extras that you need to add on to that. It's pretty
straightforward. It's simple to do, but it's one of those things where if you end up not sending them
a milestone offer, then you'll be stuck
with having to wait for a long time
to actually get paid. And that does suck.
You will want to do a milestone offer when it
is necessary to do that. And that was something
that I needed to do and didn't think about it
because like I said, I copy pasted the script
into and wholly blank on
the fact that it was for two videos instead
of one that happened, but it won't happen again. And yeah, I just
wanted to let you know about that so that it
won't happen to you. Because it does. It sucks. So yeah. Make sure that
you send milestone offers when you need to and
keep track of everything. Yeah. And update your clients
on everything that you're doing so that they know and
they're informed and Yeah. Keep things going going up. All right. I will see
you in the next video.
10. Fiverr's Choice Orders: All right, so in this video I'm going to tell you
about the awesomeness, that is the fibers
choice orders. This is a pretty cool thing,
so let's get into it. All right, so now here you see these are
fibers choice orders. As you can tell via
this mark right here, this little mark right here. These are two separate orders, obviously two different prices. I think just throughout my freelance journey,
I've been, uh, my freelance journey, I've just been taking screenshots of stuff because I've just been excited about the whole
journey of everything. Because I went from
making just $5 an hour online to making
as much as I do today. And it's pretty incredible
to actually go from making nothing to
something substantial. That became my full time income. And I've been able to travel and do and work with clients
from all over the world, wherever I am on cruises in different countries
and things like that. So it's pretty amazing
and exciting to me. So I took screenshots of these
two fibers choice orders. Now a fibers choice order means that fiber has
literally chosen your gig as one that is standout and something that
people should actually order. So it's like them suggesting you and your gig
to other people. So as you can see on the left, this is my animation gig that they suggested
for this one. And this is a stock footage gig that they suggested for
this one right here. So it'll literally say fiber's choice when they
want people to order it. It says fibers choice. And obviously when
searching for it, I couldn't see fibers
choice myself. But actually, maybe I didn't
search for my gig then. But obviously, I took
screenshots of these here so you can see what they are and what it means to have
a fibers choice order. And it's pretty exciting
to actually have that. And like I said,
you don't have to be or beat yourself
up about not being a top rated seller
because I have not been a top rated seller yet
and I'm not hoping on, hope that it will happen. That's okay. I'm a level two
seller and to actually be chosen as fiber's choice is pretty remarkable and an
incredible thing to do. And it's happened for
me multiple times now. So that's pretty great. And so fiber obviously
has seen what I can do and they know the feedback that my clients
have provided for me. So they're willing to put
that trust into me and suggest my gig to other people.
So that's pretty great. And so you would want have fibers choice orders in your cue because that's
a really great thing. And if you have a success
with that client, then fiber will continue to
have you as a fibers choice. It's a win win, it's a
total win win all around. Just do your best, deliver high quality and I think
you will do totally fine. So this one was 675, and this one was just
110, but that's okay. It still went really well. And it was a fish choice order, that's definitely
something that you will want to aim for. Always deliver high quality. Make sure that your
clients are completely satisfied and things will
go really well for you. Platform, Just continue
to do better and better. Always get better at your craft. Next you will see here is just notifications from
my Fish Choice orders. And this was a night
on September 8. And I was actually maybe
I wasn't at the time, I was thinking, I thought it was in San Diego at the time. Because this is me
and Billy Jean, the world's greatest marketer. Billy Jean is marketing. He's one of my mentors
that I follow. I've taken a number
of his courses. It says here, you received a fish choice order from
this client right here. Deliver superb work to get
more orders like this. And then right after, after this one,
actually you received a fiber choice order
from this client. Deliver superb work to get
more orders like this. Right after this notification, I got this notification. I don't think I don't believe these are the jobs from those fibers choice
orders at the time. I don't believe they are
actually, But this notification, I just happened to have it and I took a screenshot because
I was excited about that. I'm like, wow, that's awesome. Like two fiber
choice orders back to back probably at the time. That might have been rare and it was great to take a screenshot
of that and be like, oh, that's pretty awesome. Yeah, I'm just showing
things throughout the course that
would be something that you may want to know about and something that
could be great and beneficial for you along your
fiber freelancing journey. But yeah, fiber
choice orders are definitely something
you should try to have in your queue because they're great for
getting high quality clients. They're great for fiber to see. And recognize that you do
great work and that you're reliable and it's really helpful for you all around for
your entire profile. Yeah. Try to aim for fiber
choice orders and yeah, I'm sure you'll get
there some day. Just keep delivering
high quality work and just doing really
well at what you do. All right. I will see
you in the next video.
11. Seller Plus Program: All right everybody.
So welcome back. In this video, I'm
going to provide you with some information
about the seller program and why it could be a plus
and becoming a part of it on fiber and how
it could help you help make things better
for you on the platform. So let's get into
the seller program. Okay. Switch this
over. All right. So if you can see that right, there is obviously
the fiber page. This is where you would be, this is where you would go to be a part of the seller program. Under growth and marketing, it says here, seller
plus program. So I just clicked on
program page so you can get a overview of everything that is a part of the seller program. Now I would suggest joining it because it has
been helpful to me. But based on the benefits
is whether or not you can decide if you want to
become a part of it or not. It's not beneficial
for everybody, but I think it has a lot
of perks overall and you have to decide if
there's more perks than there are downsides to it. So this is a seller plus program and it costs monthly as well, so it's not actually
free, but that's okay. So obviously I get
a success coach, So this is my fiber
success coach. This is Adrian,
so I can schedule a meeting with him or
send him a message. We actually communicate through
e mail, which is great, as opposed to having to
communicate S25, so he's there. I can contact him whenever I
want to. I can e mail him. I can reach out to
him. And so he's like an intermediary
between me and fiber. So that can be really helpful, especially when you have issues with clients and
things like that. Well, with the
platform in general. So these are some
of the benefits and it shows
performance highlights. So your key metrics, you also get coupons
which you can actually give out to repeat
clients, which is great. I've never actually
use a coupon, which I guess is
pretty bad on my part. I should actually use coupons so that my clients feel good
about getting a discount. I don't know why
I don't use that. I need to use it at
some point in time. So you have that and you can utilize that average
conversion rate 0.3% but that's based
on whatever gig that is that they're showing.
Explain your video. Top keyword is obviously my top keyword
which I showed you with being on the first page of fiber, which is pretty huge. But even with that being low, there's so much traffic
that comes onto fiber, you can still get sales. Obviously, optimize your gigs. There's advanced analytics
so you can track your gigs, understand your orders,
and explore keywords. Dedicated success
manager, obviously, as I mentioned, that is my
success manager of the Adrian. Get guidance and advice, highlighted reviews,
chooser reviews, the future at the top
of your gig page. That's pretty incredible. Negative keywords
prevent your gigs from appearing in irrelevant
search results. And that's a part of SE, oh, you want to make sure
that your gig is appearing in the top for
those search keywords and not for negative ones that
you don't want to appear for convert and retain customers
buyer activity insights. So you get insights onto each
buyer that you work with. And obviously the coupons, again, coupons are really great. I need to really
give them out to my repeat clients or new
clients faster payments. So for me, this is the greatest
perk, faster payments. So my earnings clear in
seven days instead of 14. See that's one of
the downsides also as being a freelancer
on freelance platforms. I keep saying obviously, but one of the things is that it takes longer
to receive your money. So it takes two weeks,
it takes 14 days. If you are not a
top rated seller, I'm not sure about pro
seller but type rated seller you can get your funds
within seven days. But if you're a
level two seller, level one seller, or
just a brand new seller, your funds don't generate into your account
until it's been 14 days after the client
has completed the order. So they have to take all the time to do the
revisions and all of that. And only after they complete
the order or it's been three days and they
haven't completed it and Fiber automatically
completes it, then the funds start to
generate into your account. Then it takes that 14 day
cycle for it to generate. And so when you are part
of this program though, you will actually
have the ability to have your funds generate
within seven days, which is a much shorter time. And for me, that's the
greatest thing and that's a big part of why I continue to be a part of the seller program. It's great to be able to chat with Adrian every
now and then and I work with him to try and get to get to top rated seller
which never really worked out. Even though I followed
everything that you mentioned, I don't know what
their process is for deciding who is a
top rated seller, but I'm not worried about it. Like I said, you can still
make money on the platform. Do not stress yourself
about that at all. So mostly, like I said, it's the seven day getting paid within seven days that
matters the most to me. So I keep the program going. Priority TRS betting, Mosel, you'll be at the
top of the list for a top rated seller status, which I think is BS. I don't think that's
correct at all because I tried everything
that I could to become top rated seller based
on the information provided to me from my
five or success coach. It didn't happen.
It did not happen. And I'm at the point where it's like it's not
going to happen. But that's okay because
I'm still making money on the platform and that is
what matters most to me. Requests to order require customers to contact you
before placing in order. So you'll have that ability
to do that as well. So they can just order it
directly onto your gig. They have to reach
out to you first if you feel like that's
what's important. Access support and new skills. Priority support. Get a
response to your health center. Takes in under 5 hours, which is pretty huge seller
for swap strategies. And discuss messages came through from a client,
swap strategies. And discuss the
best practices in this exclusive forum and
develop your skills. Access your free one month
creative live membership. They have online courses that
fiber creates that you can actually learn how to better yourself and your skills
and things like that. So this is a seller program and this is some of the stuff
that is included with it. And let's see tips and insights. So these are some
of the videos and webinars and articles that
they have available as well. If you click on
Managed Membership, see it shows you the price
for the seller plus program which is only $29 a
month. That's not a lot. That is not at all a lot. Especially when you have a
dedicated success manager, a seven day payment clearance, which to me is huge
priority support, which you want to make sure
that whatever issues you have are addressed in a quick amount of time
as opposed to feel like, okay, nobody really cares. And that was kind of how I felt many times throughout my
fiber journey, unfortunately. So I get priority support now. Advanced Analytics,
Buyer activity Insights, 20 buyer coupons each month
which I need to utilize and maximize webinars
and articles. And there's additional
features as well. So obviously it's
a monthly payment and I can cancel it at any time. There would not be an
issue with doing that. So it's only $29 a month. I think it's really
helpful for you and your profile to get as many insights as
you possibly can from your five or success coach about how you can do better
on the platform. And if you have any issues, you can contact them right away. But then you have a difficult client and they want to work things
out in a certain way. Like you can also offer
partial payments now. But you have to contact
that success coach first or obviously reach out to customer support about
those types of things. So fiber has added a few things on the platform that
have been helpful. Initially, I did notice that it didn't seem like anything, any issues that we had as sellers on the platform that
they were being addressed. So they've done things
that are better now. And the fiber success
coach is helpful in terms of kind of
being a sounding board. You know that this is a program, the seller program is one that I would definitely say something you should become a part of. And obviously as a new, new seller, you don't
want to do it right away. Because you want to make sure you're going to make money on the platform first before you jump into
something like that. But when you start
to make money on the platforms, on the platform, then you can decide
if you want to join the seller post
program or not. But yeah, it definitely
can be helpful for you in terms of making
your profile better, making sure you're getting more sales and things like that. It is definitely helpful. Yeah, so hopefully that was
a good enough explanation of the seller post program
and what it can provide you with long fiber. Yeah, I will see you
in the next video.
12. Promoted Gigs: All right, so welcome back. In this video, I'm
going to introduce you to this new feature on
fiber that is a really, really great feature
and it's very, very helpful for you in terms of getting in front of
those potential clients. Previously they had the buyers request section which they
got rid of and eliminated. Well, this here is what kind
of replaced it, so to speak. And let me show you
what this is about. This is promoted gigs, and this is a really, really great and important
thing that fiber added because it's
like running ads. Is running ads
specifically to your gigs. And previously I mentioned about the fibers
choice orders, right? So it's essentially suggesting your gig to potential buyers because they believe
that what you have to offer or the work that you do is really good work. So they're willing to actually
bet on you that you will actually provide great work for these potential clients
that are on their platform. And so that's really great. The fibers choice orders, but promoted gigs goes even
further because it's like, you know, whether
it be Facebook, Instagram, social media, either those
platforms, you know, running ads to whatever it is that offer is that you have. So this is my promoted
gigs section. So currently in this, I
have it for this year. So can you imagine spending
$835.64 cent and making 6,000 $606,647 in
sales from that. That is huge. That's not even 1,000
that was spent, and that's over 6,000 that
I got back from that. And that was with 26 orders. That's huge. That
is huge, right? So 26,756 impressions,
640 cliques. 26 orders $835 6046, spin $6,647 in sales. This gig that I have
that I'm actually running adds to, I'm
promoting this gig. Currently my animation gig
cost per click $1.51 Spend $533.92 Sales $5,535 Now you can't tell me, that's
not a really good deal. That's an incredible,
incredible deal. I wish that there was like social media platforms
in which I could put in that amount and
make back that much. That is phenomenal.
That is huge. That's massive. So that's the power of promoted
gigs on fiber. And then you can manage
your daily budget, what it is you want to
actually spend each day. And they don't take
the money up front, It's only at the
end of the month when they actually take that
money out of your account, however much it is that
was spent on those ads. And I would actually
suggest like checking every single day when
it comes to promoted gigs, because there could
be times where, you know, not enough people
are actually ordering. And so you could be running
the ads or to your gigs. And yet you've spent money and yet you haven't gotten
anything out of that. And there has been a
time, I think last year, I believe it was where I had them running and nothing
was coming from it. So I ended up losing
$100 but that's just $100 Especially
when the spin is 835 and I'm making 6,647 So that's literally
nothing based on this. So yeah, But I would definitely suggest that you try
out promoted gigs because it could be substantially huge for
yourself and your gigs, and actually making
money on fiber. And it is definitely a great way to earn more on
the platform. I would say. When they first came out with promoted gigs, I didn't
know much about it, and I just saw it came
up in the bar above, in the menu, and I just didn't really
think anything of it. And this is where you get
to it. Growth in marketing. And you click on
promoted gigs right here. It's easy to get there. You just come here and you have the options to check
the month last month, 30 days, 60 days the year, maximum custom, all those things and it will let you know. Let's see what it
says for maximum, look at that, look
at that spend spend. It was $1,379.79 cent. The sales were $10,202 Is there any social
media platform where you can get on and possibly
spend that much and be like, wow, that's incredible.
Hopefully there is. But yeah, it's literally like running ads to your gigs because fiber will
promote your gigs. It will literally
say promoted gig. Let me see if I can actually
maybe find one of those for you right now. Let's see. Okay, let's see,
switch to buying. Let's type in virtual assistant. Let's see if there's any virtual assistance
that they have that are promoting their gigs. I don't see promote a gig yet. I do see fibers choice
right there though. Type I don't see promoted.
That's surprising. Maybe they don't know about the promoted gigs
section. Let's see. Let's see, how about
lead generation? The buyers keep returning, but it doesn't necessarily
say promoted gig. I don't see any of these to
say promoted gig anyway. Usually it would say
promoted, I believe. I'm pretty sure it says
promoted, they're promoting. What about AI services? Let's see, I video Art. Let's see, maybe there's
some promoted gigs here. Fibers Choice, you see there. I guess people aren't
running promoted gigs that much recently. But anyway, it can be
helpful because it'll get you on the first page
also when it comes to, yeah, when it comes to promoted gigs,
you want to do that. This is the promoted gigs. Gigs you have available. You can switch on this promote option and
it can auto do a budget, a cap, or you can manage your
daily budget right here. And I'll provide you with the impressions,
the clicks, order, CPC, spend, and sales. All right there. It's a
pretty incredible section. Yeah, it's definitely
helpful. All right. Hopefully promoted gigs will be something that
you will utilize in your fiber success journey
because it will be definitely, definitely helpful for you
seeing more sales long term. Yeah, I will see you
end the next video.
13. Positive Feedback and Tips: Welcome back. Let's now talk about tips and
positive feedback. These are two important things that you will need
to pay attention to throughout your
favorite journeys. Mostly though,
positive feedback. Of course, tips can be great. Obviously they're great,
but they're possibilities. But they're not
necessarily things that people have to provide for you. Whereas positive
feedback is something you will definitely
want for sure. So let's get into that
real quick, shall we? Okay, so these are some of the clients
that I've worked with, of course, but let me
go to the actual page. So this is a tip that a
client left me and it was $55 That's a pretty good tip. And so the total ended up being $330 That's a really
good tip to me. When I first started
out on the platform, obviously, I was just
making five bucks. Five bucks per video and
voice over that I created. So that was nothing. So to actually have
$155 tip is incredible. And the tip can range, It depends on whatever the buyer wants to
provide you with. Depending on the service
that you have provided. I've had $5 tips. I've had $100 tips. So there's no set amount that they can provide
you for a tip. I mean, think if you're
going to a restaurant, you decide to tip what
you want to tip, right? But there could be a percentage, of course, obviously, based
on what they ordered. So positive feedback is really important because you
want potential clients to come to you and see what other clients
you have worked with thought about what
you provided for them. So if they're leaving
positive feedback for you, that is fantastic. And that will give you a
greater chance to succeed on the platform long term by having all that positive
feedback coming in. Getting those
clients to come in, they provide you with feedback. Then you get repeat
clients, and then you get new clients based on
those clients that provided you with that
positive feedback in the first place. So that is really,
really important. Positive feedback is
something you should ask your clients for after they have gone through the process
with you and they really loved what you have done and
everything is completed. Just kindly ask them if they can provide you with
feedback on the order, because then it could
help you also reach new and other
professional clients similar to them to work
with in the future. More than likely they'll be willing to actually
do that for you. It's just, feedback is not
difficult for them to do. All they have to do is input
the text and keep going. This is feedback she left. I am eternally grateful
for your amazing work. I feel honored to work
together with you. Thanks for being so attentive,
responsive, and creative. Hope you see my review I
posted until next time, which is pretty awesome. And then she left
me at $55 tips. And I did say thank
you to her in the box. I don't know why that
button is still there, but it wants to remind you
to say thank you. Of course. You have to be grateful for any tips and
any opportunities that come along with fiber
because it's a new age thing. Obviously, before working
online wasn't even the thing. And so it's become a huge
opportunity and possibility for people that are utilizing the platform and actually
making money with it. That's a huge opportunity
to be able to do that. And it was unthought of
obviously when I was growing up. Yeah, she left
this nice $55 tip, which is pretty awesome. And then really great
feedback for me. Here, you want to make
sure that you get positive feedback.
Here's another one. She left me $148.70 $5 $48.75 cent tip and
five star review. Great. As always, even
if it's something small that's on the feedback,
even some of the small, that still matters because look, it's sell five stars across
the board, that's great. You definitely want to
make sure you're getting positive feedback and you're continuing to deliver
high quality work. And the total price
for that job was 37375, So there's quite a lot. And then here, here is, he left $164 tip,
which is amazing. Of course, just like the others. Thank you for your fine work. Amazing job. Great feedback. I appreciate that.
That's awesome. You know, actually I think the feedback
feedbacks up here, she, Terry, did an amazing job when she had the voice over. She was able to deliver
the video in short order. The initial video
was near perfect. There were only a
few quick edits, and the result was perfect. She delivered quickly, and
the result is exceptional. I love that five stars
across the board. And that was a $384 order. And they left me $164 tip. I truly appreciate
that. I really do. And here, $67.50 cent tip. Another amazing tip. They left a 4.7 start feedback, which isn't obviously
as great as a 555 across the board,
but that's okay. So they said I had a
tight deadline and Shia came came through the deadline. I guess I met the deadline. They got the provided
the written script and she provided voice
over in the video. She got the right stock photos and videos and matches
with the script. And we had a few
changes of edits and I got what I needed from
my project deadline. So that was great.
I will definitely accept a 4.7 star
feed back any day. And then they left the
$67.50 cent tip and the total price was
51750 for that order. That's a lot I truly appreciate
any opportunity I get. This actually was
the same client different day, different order. March 10 for that one, June 20 for this one. And they left another
$67.50 cent tip. The total price was 51750. Once again, it must
have been the same, The video, this
client left $145 tip. Let's see their
fee back up here. Awesome working with interior. Smooth transaction, with
great communication or collaboration. She'll be doing more
work for us and I highly recommend her for
your video needs. So positive feedback
is so very important. I cannot stress that
because you want that success cycle of, you know, those first initial
clients to come in, providing you with that
positive feedback. So that those new clients
that are coming into you will see that positive
feedback and be like, okay, I want to work
with them because they deliver really high quality
work and that matters to me. Total price 345 for this
one, and then one more. So this one was a $100 tip. $100 That's incredible. That is incredible, and it's feedback five
across the board. Excellent. Deliverable.
Excellent, yeah, so that was pretty amazing. I was so excited when
I saw that $100 tip, which I've had a few
times $100 tips. The total price for this
ended up being $600 So the video cost 500 and
they left a $100 tip, making it $600 total. I appreciated that. Yeah, yeah. You will want to make sure
that you are politely asking your clients
that you have worked with to provide you
with positive feedback. So that you will getting
that success cycle of new clients coming in and providing you
with positive feedback. And other clients
coming in and seeing that positive feedback
and continuing, and continuing and continuing, that will be really important for you to
see success on fiber. And yeah, to get better
with your deliveries. To continue connecting with your repeat clients and
working with new clients. It's all a success cycle. And you want that to build up. You want the momentum
to get going. And those initial positive
feedback will be really, really important for you to get your foot in the door and keep your foot in the door
and keep going forward. And keep going forward,
that will be important. So just politely ask your
clients to provide you with positive feedback and some of them actually may provide tips, so they may not,
and that's okay. I mean, they come and
go. They come and go, but as long as you delivered
the best that you could to them and they recognize that that is what
matters the most. So positive feedback,
make sure that you are trying to get that
from your clients, because that will really,
truly, truly help you. All right, so I will see
you in the next video.
14. Fiverr Seller Levels Overview: all right. So as a seller on fibre for the past four years, I will say that initially when it comes to the seller levels that they definitely matter because you want to rise up the ranks so that people will see your credibility, you'll get positive feedback. We're customers and we make more money because each level I thought I was saying, What use live with it. So initially on the platform, you start out as a seller, just a regular cellar. And then when you rise up the ranks to become a level one seller that you become a level sue cellar, then you can get nominated to become a top rated cellar, which is the very top. The highest off the ranks on fiber of cellar levels easily waas own guidelines to achieve so that you get to that next level. So you have to deliver high quality work. You have to make sure that your customers are absolutely satisfied and that you're actually making more money, and the way you make more money is each level provides you with something new so safer as a seller. You have a certain number of gigs that you can provide or put upon the platform when you become a level one seller than if you put up more gigs. And you can also add extra Syriza's well, so extras are something that it's it actually is up selling your gig. So, for example, as a video producer on fiber, so I create videos for my clients. But it could be just a symbol video like a tutorial video, for example. So I offer those at 15 bucks for 30 seconds. So if somebody ordered a tutorial video a woman video, that would be 30 bucks if you 60 if they if they need a script writing. And so it could just be a simple video of just me recording the voice over and then recording the video and putting the two together. So with extras which is up selling my gig, I'd offer music. I don't for arrows, Zoom in highlighting, adding their logo takes over late. Those different things are extras, and they each cost something cause a different amount. So for arrows is five bucks for music, it's five bucks Zelman 10 highlighting five their logo. Five for logo, 10 text overlay. Five. So it depends on what you want the charts for each different extra. But that is in addition to your gig. So you have an initial mount for your gig, and then you can add on those extras. And so the extras would make the gig even better or the delivery even better than what they initially want to purchase. So you always want to up sale that way. So when you become a level two seller and in a top rated cell, you'll have more things that you can offer to your clients in terms of gigs and in terms of extras. So initially, Yeah, being a level up or making sure that you rise up the ranks in terms of levels is a really good idea. You absolutely should focus on that, because that would be important. But you must know that rising up the ranks in terms of levels is not just dependent on you delivering high quality content or delivery sear clients. It also depends on the amount of money that you make on the platform. So if you're making elaborately research clients and they're only paying like five bucks per per picture video, whatever waas, whatever it is, audio what not Then you won't won't get up the ranks in terms of level as quickly. But we start on a platform. You're kind of gonna have to do that and then just raise up your prices and keep delivering high quality work, and you will get there. But there are great perks, as I said to being a level up higher from what you were before, as it's hard to sell her. The best thing that you get as a top rate of selling, which is different than the other levels, is the fact that you would get paid in a week, whereas with the other levels you get paid within two weeks, which does kind of suck because, you know, work you only there's a week that you get paid unless maybe this because I'm a tougher So I've been a top rated seller on up work for a long time, so I get paid within a week. But with fiber, it takes two weeks. I think up work has always been a week, but I could be wrong, so I just looked it up. But yes, so the seller, the seller levels can pay a role and you know you're getting business and I But if you've been on a platform for long enough to deliver high quality deliveries to your clients, then the seller levels won't really matter so much. Well, really affect you as much so. But, I mean, you can try to get up the levels in make more money because I think that is important, of course, making moment and platform because it is for making money. So thank you for watching. And may you have a wonderful freelancing day.
15. Case Study: Making $115 for 5 minutes of Work on Fiverr: This video, I'm going
to show you how I made 115 bucks in only 5
min. That's right. 115 bucks and only 5 min. This is the $115 job right here where I actually it only
took me 5 min to complete. So what it is is fiverr has we as a voice-over
artists on Fiverr, I record audio files
for my clients. And that means that they can do whatever
they want with the file. But we'll of course, to Upwork. They have the opportunity to do whatever they
want with the file. Doesn't matter if they
have rights suit or what, but if we if we record it for our clients and
give it to them than they have the rights to do whatever whatever it
is they want with it. Fiverr recently incorporated
the commercial rise and the broadcast rights for files on Upwork for
voice-over artists. I'm not sure if they do it for logo production
or whatever else, but for voice-over artists, we are backed by that. So we have the option to offer
commercial rights that are audio files and broadcast
rights. So our audio files. Now commercial rights
to me means that you can use the audio
onto your website or something like you put it in a video and you can just post it on your website or
your social media sites, social media
accounts or whatnot. But for, for broadcast rights, broadcast rights means pay
channels such as radio, such as TV commercials, also Internet, paid, paid advertisement, and
different things like that. And so my client actually use this audio file
for a Facebook ad. And I had actually very, a very honest client because this is what they
actually came to me and said I said first-day ordered the $15 voiceover right here. And it was only about 51
words for the voice-over. And I only my the
lowest amount that I except for a voice-over
is 15 bucks now, actually refused to do $5 orders on Fiverr anymore.
I'm done with that. After three years, I am
totally done with that. So anyway, my client initially
purchased the 15 bucks for the 51 word voiceover and
they wanted it to be a total of 15 s. So after doing that, they messaged me and
said, one more thing. We are looking to use this
on a video for our blog, but also possibly
using it on Facebook, as is it said, He says here, is there an additional
charge for that? And of course I come back and
I say yes and or tissues, the voiceover in a Facebook ad, the full broadcast rights
must be purchased. The price is 100 bucks. Would you like me to send
the custom offer now? So the, the amount that
I told I charged total for full broadcast
rights is 100 bucks. 100 bucks for a full
broadcast rights. So for paid advertising, paid marketing, 100
bucks plus the 15 bucks. And it only took me 5 min to complete this audio
file from my client. So now they have the full
broadcast rights to this file. For commercial rights, I
only charge about 15 bucks. Total difference there. Well, this is how I
was able to charge 115 bucks and get the job
done in only five-minutes. And it was five-minutes because even though it was
a 15-second file, because I tried to provide the best quality audio that I possibly can for my clients, which is smart because
as a business owner, you have to do that is always about quality,
not quantity. You have to make
sure that you're about quality not quantity. And of course, my client
could have just gone back to somebody else on
Fiverr and been like, Hey, I want this file done. I want the broadcast
rights because some people actually
offer that for free. So they could have done
that, but because they specifically wanted my voice, they knew that I offer
high-quality files. They wanted me for the job. They chose to pay for the
full broadcast rights. And when you have,
when you have, when you've been in an arena for so long and you've done so much to provide a quality
customer service, great content for your
clients, great deliveries, and you deliver on time like you actually put yourself
in the position where you will make more
because you'll have repeat customers that
come back over and over again and it'll
start to pay more. And so you just have
to make sure that you stick with that
in your business, that you are on time, that you offer good, high-quality content
and you will get there. So that is how I made 115 bucks. And only five-minutes as a freelancer who
works from home. That was actually on
16. Wrap-up for Fiverr Success: Congratulations, you have now completed
the fiber success course, which will teach
you how to build success on the platform. Now that is an awesome thing, like pat yourself on the back. But don't just pat yourself
on the back too hard, because you have to take action. Now it's about you putting in the action that you need to. You've just learned
how to do it. You've learned how to make sales online, like freelancing. Now it's up to you
and your action. You have to bring
forward what is needed. You got to put
forward the action. If you don't, it's
not going to happen. You just learned it. Why let it go to waste? Like
that, makes sense. Do not let this go to waste. Be serious about
it and apply it. So what you learned in the
course was about fiber gigs. The basics of what a fiber
gig is and why it is important to actually have a
fiber gig on the platform. Because if you don't and
you're supposed to be selling, then you're not selling
anything because no one's going to see what you have,
what you have to sell. So the basic of the fiber
gigs, that was important. And then you created your
very first fiber gig because I took you
through the process. You should have, you should have created your
very first fiber gig. If you have not, you have to
go back through the course. Pause, stop the video where you need to to
make sure that you actually retain and just
implement as you're watching. Like you can watch the video on your phone and implement
it on your computer. That's what you should do. Watch it on your phone,
which your phone is a mini computer anyway, but watch it on your phone. And then implement
on your computer your actual desktop or
laptop, whatever it is. But make sure that you
implement what you learned to create
your first fiber gig. I'm saying this
stuff because it's important to note that you actually can't
make money online. Because when I first started, I had no idea that I could
make this from something, from nothing into something. It was really unbelievable
because where I grew up in a lower
income community, like I didn't know anybody that worked from home
on their computers, on their laptops,
nobody I knew did that. So to actually do that today and make a living out of it with a platform
that's called Fiber. people think is
a lower price platform. Which you might start
out at a lower point, but you can build that up to something greater and greater as you get better and better and keep delivering
high quality. So that is really important, that success cycle
that can come about. But you have to first create your fiber gig to get it going. And I'm speaking from, I went broke in 2013. So if I can go from having nothing to you having
a job currently, and actually able to just
do what you need to do and invest in what you need to invest in to get yourself
to where you want to be, then you should be doing that. There's no reason why you
shouldn't be implementing this. So you learned about
the fiber dashboard, which is very key to you actually having a
business on fiber. Because you need to know how
to get around the platform. You need to know what's
in your dashboard, what this says, what this means. And so I went through
that with you so that you know at least how to get
around on the platform. Because most places, most websites today
have a dashboard. And so I felt like
that was important to let you know, oh,
this means this, this means that so that you're ready for that and you don't
feel like anxious like, oh my gosh, I don't
know what this is. Like how do I do this and stuff that's important for
you to know that I even had a client that I
was working with and she said she was nervous
about the box. Messaging people back in the box is just like a regular person, like just somebody you're
going to do business with. Okay? So just messages in back like no anxiety
is needed to do this. It's pretty simple
to do just, I mean, this is my way of easing
some of that pressure, that anxiety off
of your shoulders. So hopefully this has
been really helpful. You learned about search
engine optimization, which is big, and when I first
started out freelancing, I didn't know anything about
search engine optimization. I mean, I didn't
think anything of it. So I'd heard about it
before, but I didn't think. But let's take you
through the process of why that is so
important for your gig. Because you want to be seen. That's why it's search
engine optimization, it's optimized for
the search engine. It's now user friendly, search engine friendly,
something that people want and you want them to
find you in particular. So you want to make sure that you have those specific keywords and their search engine
ready for them to find you. And what you do, your
gig, order fulfillment, the actual order page,
I took you through the process of that and
what each thing meant. You know, when you
deliver orders, make sure that it is actually on that order page
that is important. And I didn't realize
that that was that important to fiber. But it is. Some offers I showed you
how to do those as well, so you don't find yourself
in a bind when it comes to orders and the length,
things like that. Milestone orders, I
showed you how to do those as well,
which are similar. Obviously it's where you
place the orders as well, but you do a milestone, so
you have to break it up. If you actually need to
fibers choice orders, those things are really great and it feels
really good to get them. It's like you're
being rewarded with fiber whenever you get
a fibers choice orders. Because they're saying
to people, hey, let me suggest this
to you because it's really good, It's great quality. So I will suggest this to you
and that's pretty big for a platform like fiber where
they have money come in, in, in, in and out, in and out, in and
out, in and out. Like so much money is being made and so many transactions are
being done on fiber like. So that's huge to
actually have your gig picked out of everybody's
as their choice. Okay. That's a huge
accomplishment that you want to go towards. H, the seller plus program. I told you the benefits
of all of that and why. I feel like that's really
important for you. It could be, you
know, it also depends on where you're at
in your business. Like I said, if you're
just starting out, you don't want to just
automatically be like, okay, I'm going to get into
the seller program because if you're not
even making money yet, how do you know that's
going to help you? But if you have the
money to spare, then yeah, invest in it. But otherwise you don't
have to pay anything to begin working and doing
business with people on fiber. You don't have to pay
anything and nothing. It starts out where you
don't have to pay anything. What it is, whenever
you get a sale, they take a percentage of
your earnings and that's just 20% The rest is all yours, 80% So that's great to
be able to connect with people who you wouldn't normally connect with
through this platform. And then lastly, I showed
you about promoted gigs, but I also showed you
other things too. But the promoted gigs is really, really huge and fiber I think recently rolled this out like within the last 23 years, I think it was maybe
the last three years and they didn't
have that before. And so that's in partnership
with Fiber's Choice Orders, like them recommending you. And then with
promoting your gig, you being recommended
yourself based on how much you set up in the
promoted gigs section, how much daily you want to
actually spend on that. Just like ads, it's simple, but it's through fiber. And you get business from people there to doing business
on fiber specifically. Whereas, you know, with social
media platforms there's a wide range of people
and you don't know how to get to the ones that are looking for what
it is that you have. I mean, there's keywords
and stuff like that which I need to learn
how to do, but I don't, obviously, I don't
know how to do that, that's why I'm teaching about
fiber and not about that. So I definitely don't
know about that. But so these are the things
that I taught you so that you can actually see success
with the fiber platform. So this is the system that
is needed to achieve success on fiber in 2023 and beyond. So I had to update this
entire course because it was irrelevant everything because I re used some of those videos. But a big part of
what I taught in my original fiber success
course is obsolete now. Like fiber took it away, it's no longer useful because of what they took away
on their platform with the buyer's
request section. And so I had to redo
this entire course. But this is 2023 when
I'm creating it, and it will be up
in 2023 and beyond. And I will keep updating it
because that's important. But this is a system. And systems are important because not everybody
is talented. Everybody has a lot of talent or has a specific talent that they can actually
get paid for. Whereas with skills,
and we're learning a system that you can
utilize those skills with. Obviously you can learn a
skill that's important, you can learn any type of skill. But this course is generalized
for whatever the skill is that you have learned
with my students. I teach them to learn in demand skill that is really important. So that's something else I
want you to know that if you are going to apply this to whatever business it
is that you have, apply it to something
that is in demand. You want people to really be
finding what it is you do. You want it to be in demand because you want them
to order from you. If it's not in demand, it's not something people
aren't going to buy, then it maybe is not worth it. But his course, regardless
of what it is that you do, you can make money with fiber by just doing that
thing in particular. But you have to put in
the action, like I said, that is really
important for you to see success with this system, because this system
absolutely works. I was broke in 2013. I literally went broke. I had left from Illinois. I was working in Illinois for 5.5 years at Walmart.
I quit my job. I literally quit my job, and I wanted to move out west. I moved to Los Angeles. I went broke in three months. All the money that I had,
I was just enjoying. I didn't really have job. I was a nanny in
Beverly Hills for just a little bit. I went broke. I did not have a job. So I went either from
I was going to go to Vegas or to Los back to
Illinois where my family is. I chose to go to Vegas and to try to see if I
could live in Vegas. I got two jobs pretty quickly in retail,
so that was great. And then that next year, I
ended up meeting my fiance. My husband, he told me about this platform called and I always want
to work for myself. When I first started out, it was it was just me playing
around with things. We had this old microphone. Okay. This old
microphone from ebay, that was $15 and I took that and tried to
do voice overs with it, hang on my computer. I got to plug this
in real quick. Wait a second here. Okay. Uh. Oh, sorry about that. So, yeah, my battery
is getting lower, but hopefully you all can
still. I'm sure you can. Yeah. But so I went from having nothing going broke in Los Angeles and to moving
all the way to Las Vegas. Being able to see
success when it comes to the economy was far better in
Las Vegas, in Los Angeles. And so when I met my husband, who's my husband now, he told me about this
platform called Fiber, And so I tried it out. I was just like, oh, you know, let's try
this little thing. The microphone, I hated my
voice when I was a kid, but I was like, let
me try this out because we had a
Youtube channel. And so I used that
microphone and it was interesting that actually I can't even remember
my first sale anymore. It's been so long ago. But I just remember, I know that feeling
of being excited, like thinking, wow,
this actually is real. This is real. You can actually make money on the Internet. And with my voice, like it surprised me because
I first started out doing voice overs and then it just continued to get
better and get better. And get better and get better. And I saw more success
and more success. And then I went from just doing voice overs to doing videos, and voice overs, and videos. Together was a great
partnership of two skills to have that
were very in demand. And so it just built upon itself and upon itself more and
more and more and more. And I'm good at saving money and I think
about investments. And so with my husband
who actually has taught me a lot about
investing and a lot about, you know, things that have gotten me into a
better position in life. And I appreciate that
so much about him. And so in 2020, he and I went half and half
and bought my mom, my house. And it was half of my net
worth which I had saved up, and I never was never
worth that much before. And I'm worth even
more than that today. I've invested in duplex, a duplex he and I have in Illinois that I mentioned
previously in the class. So all of this stuff is being
paid for with freelance. My freelance earnings,
me working online. Like people don't know this. Do I love my family
and everything, but I don't know that they know how important this could be, how amazing this actually is to be able to
get paid online. But yeah, I teach it and I hope that this has been
really helpful to you to see that you can actually
earn income online and with It is a really
great freelance platform. It was the very first one
that I became a part of. If I had to do it
all over again, I would do the same thing. Time has passed. The platform
isn't as new as it was now, as new as it was back then, but there's still
people able to get on the platform and make
money online with it. You should definitely
try it out. Implement everything
that you have learned in this class that is important. Make sure you apply the
knowledge you have just learned and yeah,
just get it done. Just get it done. You
will see success. Make sure you create your gig. Let me know that you've
created it so that I can check it out for you and
give you some pointers and things like that and Yeah, just make just do
it. Just be focused. It's a side hustle.
It's a side hustle. Just spend some
time, take out some, don't watch TV all day. Like take 2 hours of
that TV watching or even just one and just sit
down and work on that side. Hustle. And keep doing
that every single day, just 1 hour, sit down
and work on that side. Hustle, Try it out. You might see the success that, that you think is possible. You should think
is possible. Okay? All right. So I appreciate
you for wanting to learn how to do this and I hope that you implement everything
that you have learned. Let me know if you have any questions,
definitely contact me. Reach out to me. I
will be available. And yeah, I look
forward to seeing your fiber freelance
success, happy, freelancing.