1. Introduction to Course: Hey, guys, Welcome to a new course. This course about is about building at Xanga Project. So we're going to use the jangle framework to build a Web application that is going to expose us too much more advanced and, uh, intermediate concepts on how cool developer website More extensively. Don't worry. We're gonna go from the beginner stretch to that once of stage. So you don't have to worry about learning any new things about our any basic things about Django all off the stuff that is from beginner. Tread Branch is right inside this course. Okay, so what are we going to learn in this course? So let's dive into the introductory part of this course. So the first thing is, you're gonna understand the fundamentals of jangle. What are the fundamental concept that are involved in Sango that are very, very important for us to learn when we actually take on this course. The next is setting up a development environment. All right, so Xanga requires us to development in requires a syrup it environment. There is a dedicated to developing this application alone because if you want to develop or create something new you don't want to do it in an environment where everything else is working, right? You want to compartmentalize that part of the environment because if anything wrong, if anything goes wrong, you want you don't want it to affect other parts of your application. So this is very important. And next to designing that pages. So all those angle mostly focus on back in. We're also gonna learn about how to actually designer webpages because part of the developing webpages is to actually designed them. We don't want to show any kind of a big just so we don't want to develop applications that does that doesn't show websites were needy and elegant. You you want to make sure that our pages also display Ah, correct and proper design wardens were gondola. So next thing is, we're going to deal with the database because, ah, part off application development, particularly in Web application development, is very important concept of data bees. So we're gonna learn about it. So what database involved is my skin? So it don't worry about it. We're gonna go trick in this coast rights. So we're gonna learn about integrated Arabists to their project out of run commands have stored their know how to achieve their all the basic operations, all the fundamental stuff that is involved in setting up databases. Everything is detailed in this course, and next, his servant static puts this is staring plans is nothing but the which team It ceases images. So we're also going toe. So study finds in this course. So you're gonna learn about how to actually do that thing also. So don't worry about it. Next days, Bill Project from map module. So this is another concept. There is particularly related to jangle because Django develops APS by actually dividing them into applications. All right, you're gonna learn about this too. All right, So this is a major part of jungle development because jangle deals with project in terms of perhaps you need to divide specific parts off your project into individual applications and then collaborate all of them to make a final project. And next his bootstrap. This is a design framework mostly focused on CSS. We're going to learn very extensively about Bush that, like we have laid out a simple part off her course to dedicated to bootstrap so that we can learn how to develop the upsets that are gonna help us to design them and then integrate search features. Search is a very, very important element in any any, any basic to the advances that sites because search has just to find things very more easily than like a refering inside a book. All right, we can just talk about the key. What that we want. We can find out stuff that we that our insider database are the website. All right, so this is a major important thing. And next is Vega nine degrading due to alleged to complete the project. So I had, I'm sure. So this stage of what it will do is it will bring all the applications super of dollars, dropped the course and build them, integrate them and show the complete and final outcome. And next year's one of the prerequisites that are involved for learning discourse there. Not much prerequisite, but we need a few of them. What are they so basics off fight on? So you need to learn how to write, fight, encore syntax and semantics. What are the variables? How the data types the patent doesn't involve that is because it it ah identifies Darryl is by itself based on the value stood in the variables off that you need to learn what the four loops if conditions all of that and wants basics off HTML and CSS. So not extensively, just basics so that you can actually show some design on the website side threatening understanding how Web goods because we are developing a web application. So you need to know how the Web books or the Internet actually communicates how it actually makes the request. And since their response from the server to the client, all of the stuff all right, And the software start a used inside the scores a Django by dawn J query, bootstrap, html and CSS. All right, so with this, we're closing the introduction part. So this is a major, major, major courts, because you're gonna learn a lot off stuff in this, that you can actually go ahead and develop their need website that you want. All right. This course is an ultimate coast for jungle. While we have said part one because we're laying it out in two parts so that you don't have to deal with a lot of time inside this coast. All right, so with that in mind, let's get ahead, and we'll start learning or course
2. #222 Softwares: Hey, guys. So these are this off? First of you're going to use extensively to develop a project. The very 1st 1 is the language. We're going to use the pipe on language. This language is very easy to learn. Housing you piper language course, uh, inside this so that you'll be able to fight off languages bill and then jangle it is a bad thing. Were developed this in the language fighter. So xango is a main part off our project. And Jacob Jacob is nothing but a JavaScript library. It will help us toe right core easier. Then if you don't secretively have right along and more runs off court JavaScript. So jiggery eases the task. And bush that Bush trap is a design cream which will help us to create designs easier and and more authentically so that our design is is very good for user to attract and hitch de Valencia Street steam and she is are used for friends and languages. And Bush stop is integrated with these language this so that we can create a more designer intern project so that users I'm warning Christian use our project for bootstrapping design from book which is integrated with which, to my tears is great. More dynamic image driver type. So that's it. So these air, this office that we're going to use it is very important that you use it's office very this off. This have to be, uh, compatible. Yeah, because Zankel jesus washings microaggressions law at the time. So everyone in my possible the language Russians so by donors list in many Russians, Zang was released in many versions, These both might be compatible if you don't look offered. So you need to make sure that this border compatible. All right, So by the time of making discourse, the Russians might be different from your time, so make sure that you use the right questions, So let's get
3. L 2 Install Python: Okay, So in this video, we're going to download and install Python. So this is the time where we're going to install pipe down from bite on 3.6 point five. So when the time you're watching Discourse, the installation division of this off there might be abated. You're fine. And village four point. Oh, or anything less than that. But until the major vision, the number three here changes your okay to use with that. So we're here? Don't know. Don't fight on 3.6 point five. So go ahead. And don't worry. If you get down here, we will get the files that we need. So I'm working on windows, so I'll be using this x 86 64 executable installer. So I'm don't during this fight. So before be install it. We need to take off wanting. So if you have only installed python on your computer, I recommend you to uninstall and reinstall it, using the method that I'm going to do in this video. So before you do anything like that installation, so please uninstall your python on your computer and follow along with me. You see, the fight on file has already been dollar it. It's not a very big cry. So once it's downloader, open the file. So here it is. So now we need to do something that is really very important. We need to check this ad fight on 3.62 buck. This is very, very important. So after taking this instead, off install now click, customize, installation and see where the people's checked or not. We always want to check, because people is the very useful to install some other necessary things and autumns angle itself. So make sure the pastry and these other things useful for you or not for our purpose. We're checking Python is gender knock and next. So when you come to this, this part of the installation it installed for all users because we want every user on our computer to be able to use python and then hitting store. Okay, the second most successful, all right after the set of was successful, we should be able to use python from anywhere on our computer, So let's get to the next list
4. L 3 Installing Virtual Environment: Okay, so we have installed fighter. Now it's time to install a good tool in government. What is it? A virtual environment is a sort off a safe room inside a building so that if we blow it up and do something wrong, it doesn't hurt the rest off a computer. It allows to install different persons off things, making much easier than installing them on our main computer. So to do that, we need to open a commend lantern. So go ahead and open command line Doom we haven't here. So what we need to do is we need to install a virtual and rapper. So if the heat big freeze way, we have a list of the things that are already in style using. So if you observe here, the second line sees ritual and rapper so I have already installed it. So I don't need to install it again. But if you want to do it for the first time, all you can do is keep install ritual and rapper That's win for lead us. You see it since requirement, already satisfied because they are already insulted. So after installing it, what we need to do is What we need to do is we need to create a virtual environment. So how do you do that? The command is make ritual in, and now we need to give a name to that so that it creates a virtual environment based on deck names. What we're going to name it is xango Dash project. So you know, it's creating the little environment. Now, if you see here, the virtual environment is activated. How do we know Decide with based on the name here jangled as bad projects, Phil, Inside the parent, this is This is how you know you're inside over to environment. So if we want to get out of venture virtual environment, all within two is practical and deactivate and they're out of So how do we know one other between governments that we have? We can create a bunch off, not only one. So how do we know what other trillion run its present in our computer? So he work on and you get the list of them have already created feel off them. So I'm having multiple between run. It's So how do you activate a single ah one specific between run hit work on and given him , I'm going to give Bangladesh projects. So this is how you getting getting sided. So I'm going to get out of it again. Yeah. Yeah. So this is how you handle virtual environments. So that's it for this lecture.
5. L 4 Install Django: in this video, we're going to install its angle so true that open a browser and tied Sango like this and you're going toe. Get that that site he had xanga project dot com This is the mean them safer, Django. And you can always don't know the lyrics from your desperation from here. But I don't recommend doing that while this one side is great for the documentation poppers and to actually kind off look it from time to time, but installs angles. We're going to open the command line, Turner. Yeah, here is And we're going to in stones angle right from here, not from the website. So to do that, First of all, make sure that you're inside your virtual environment. Yeah, you're inside of a train, Roman. So to install it, I think installed Zandl. Make sure that these captain and he didn't you see, Now it's installing it, downloading this angle. You see, it is also collecting some fizi finds, which it always does. So after this installation will become better, we will have xango in our virtual in grand me so we can play around and complete any kind of project using xango inside our virtual environment. Yeah, the installation is completed. So three type now frieze, You can show all the Softwares that we have install inside this virtual environment. So when we did you see any chance and ask Zankel Bidzina scrapers. These are the versions off the southwest of here install and our listen storms off fears prison in our own virtual and ground. So for this lecture, we learn how installs angle. Thank you.
6. L 5 Start a Project: Okay, now let's start a project. So we're in a virtual environment, and now we're going do our directory. They were going to start a project. So to start our project, just simply type xango dash it Mean start project and then covered with your, uh, site name Bangladesh mean started. And I'm gonna call you my site. Just keeping it to. And now, if you see it will create a directory, and you go into the directly. And now you see two files being grated. Man is got by and my site. So manager pies they filed it, which is used to manage all the operations that we're going to perform. It'll project on my side is the actual degree where we have our project fights. So let's open our project. Using Adam, I'm using Adam. You're free to choose whatever the kind off environment that you want to say. I'm going to open a project, go to the place and open my dear creek. So any got by and many other bunch of files that have been created when we use the command start project. So setting start by. This is the way all database password authentication settings are prison. You're all start by and this is the file way. We're not going to use this at any level, but managed by that one. Victory is to manage. So these are the pages are find that we get after creating her project. So yeah, come here and before you writing it in command here, I'm going to tell you need to stay in the managed by directly so we execute this connect. So when you're in this place, the Derrick River managed our pies present. No type in what I'm going to do. Bite on. Managed by run Sever this we allowed to run a server like white Web server That jangle provides us. So if you run it, it's going toe run the server the starting developments over at that port and that place. So open whatever browser that you want. And after that, hit local host and give the port number 8000 and this will open Disrupt It is the default website which will be provided by Xango to make sure that our installation has successfully worked. So you test and shall work successfully. Congratulations. So head over here. And if you see here, there are 17 on applied migrations. This is, uh, another which is visible and at any beginning of the project. So we don't have to worry about this because migrations our database aspect ing So we're not going to do anything that is related database, but for the sake off understanding were going toe finish off. Does that show we're going to stop us? Ever? And this refreshment not allow? Really? It says the site can be reached. So what we're going to do know is bite on mani, start by migrate. So those of migrations on a played migration. So I'm performing migration. So it's going to perform everything. All are OK and everything is my greater. And now I believe the screen and one the server game. And if you don't know, there are known on applied migrations and no errors and no issues. So now again, refreshed of upside. And now you're good to go with this. So with this, we have created our project the next really over. You're going to learn how to create an app and what is in happens angle. So let's learn that. Thank you
7. #223 Fresh Virtual Environment: Okay, Right. So now let's quit a fresh virtual environment. Federal project. So I'm in the Dre. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to agree. Oh, great. A new quick with name as e commerce. Yeah, I'm going to going to that Derek re. So what? I haven't done nothing. So what I'm going to do now, Days I'm going to create a virtually so engaged in. I'm going to give the same name as today so that I don't have to remember again and again. I know. What's it worth? What? The true environment. If you see this park, you have completely the process off creating, which may run. So So now let's see. What are the it this big threes command and see what of the library's say nothing. So get over it. And now, cradle, exude this comment. And I didn't see a bunch of thugs. Yeah, see, that's the difference. We have our finds. A lot of labour's installed upside off the botulinum. Here we have our own particular separate from our machine so that we convened a new tool libraries today for it. Any tune necessary finds and everything that is necessary. So we're maintaining its operating environment for our own process. So this is how this is going to work. So if you want to activate the virtual Inman and we're going to come here and work on and this that you're inside the veteran runt, all right, so let's go ahead and start by installing general. So what? I moved. It always is coming. And victory complete, installed. It's downloading. Yeah, it's downloaded. The only thing you know is installing it. It will do by itself. We don't have very much. It's kind of a traditional clients. Yeah, you starting. It is what movie takes a time. Every patient, a few more 17 it completed in gardening to mobilise we're installing dangle inside the which were moving so we don't solution despite outside of which were wrong it So if we know, it frees the last time we have seen and the list After installing this, if they seem you feel give the command could freeze if you a complete list off the, uh, instrument packages. Yeah, this successful instructor. No. Let's see what other packages inside? Yeah, the photos that I've been install a visible here now, all right. So this is over. They're going to start a pie. So in the next part were actually will get stopped. So let's get ahead.
8. #224 Hello: the main reason. Uh right. Even this command, you should've space. Bring the bush and we get the frequent delivering fight. If you observe here, we've got the version 3.0 point five. All right, Even though we did not mention Russian here, that is the reason because you come down here. 3.0 point five is the latest release, and it's got the most support until the April 2021 extend of extender support. So this is the one that has been supporting right now, and it gets It is the latest official version 3.0 point five. So this is the one that we need to install. Even though, if you want to mention it, you can. But if you feel do not want to mention it, we'll get the same vision is so let's go to the command. Are So what I'm gonna do now is, um I'm going to give a command single Rajhi e commerce? Yes. No. So, what is dark? What this does is it will clear depositor here. You should have creating, afforded excited and again. So yeah, the commerce. So what I know is quite on I on So if you give this command will recreate the developments over up and running so that we can access the website. So I do this. So what I'm gonna do, nobody's I'm gonna get command hated or it's going to do is going to give this developments of a friendly and this path which to dp on Sanders in this book. If you have something, Israel in this court cannot satisfy it. So, like 80 it will create a development server. And this right now I don't have anything on comes in. So what? I wondered how you you just come in and it's just go here. 80,000 on the local host and one Listen, Reginald, do about one bootsy. So if you see this part of the vaccination appear on your screen so that it says install were successful. So if you got here, you have agree successfully stole everything and use angle. Got it is up in So from here, begin going. Do whatever you want. Let's go ahead
9. #225 New Render HTML: are you guys? So I'm open our closet using Adam so you can use whatever edited that you like to use or I'm going to do now. Here is do creating. You're fired. Game as use. Not by Yeah. So what I'm going to do is I'm I try to change what we have seen. Uh, website So first of all, dangled our http. No short goods, then you So I'm going to give you Ah, function here. Speaks the request. More tickle. We're gonna fish responds. Oh, work right. Seeing this file. And how come to yours? Look by here, what with under new knees, I'll explain what, This year it's not. Find this later. So right now, your focus more on only one thing. She's changing, uh, design or changing working, assuming the stream of beach off over because so we're good excrement And seeing how Patrick works. So what I want to be here is And what no news import. So here, corporate, this spot. You sure it will not say that your friends will ever see homepage? You sure it is? So you see here closer running the game, your use. So now from God can use book. Who? Which saving? Yeah, I know. I'm using the inch. So what are these? Yeah, you see? Oh, shoot if you see successfully scene. So this is how we can change. What blessing? Here, you can use our heart so you can also see papers This team will be to see you. So opening jag ending unofficial. You can observe there is a changing culture. If you want to see 20 years, you're so this is how you can modify, change and use it. So this we're going to go for that and make some more adjustments and you go to learn some basic point And then after they were going to go forward and ran director html pages insurance which normal lines of strings. So now it's clear that we have the immediate over in the hitch demon, so that's go ahead
10. #226 Django Templates: Okay, guys know that we have seen how to render and hitched email cold to the website. Now we're going to see a different part of it. So now we're going to use Bootstrap, So get to the bootstrap Green website and get about started and play. Now here is the starter templates. This contents called a lot is he desired Cord is used for both. Stop here. We're getting the link for bootstrap and G. Query. This is from Papa GIs and London from the bush up disaster. So these are necessary. If you want to use bush rap and another than you can observe it is displayed. Emitted is the same thing that we're doing, but in a more comprehensive way. So lets you warned us so I'm were copied this thing. I copied it. I came here in short, off this. I'm going to right that your so what I'm going to do. You see html cord and now this. Yeah, I used triple questions because this is a multi multilane string. Yeah, that works. So issue of giving this court, I'm going to write which human in the School Court Seven. I think if this is running? Yes. So I'm going here. If you do, this is a change in the very high level is a present. So this is how it does. So I went to do something else. Uh, what a murder, you know, is insured off this super giving I'm going to do so. Do glass. You could do. I think there's on here. I'm going to close due back. All right. Seven days on the refresh this is Yeah. You see the Bush Trappist book full. This is how you can render Bootstrap pitched him and go here. But this is more, uh fixed. Me. This is not how we want toe you hit shame or cold with our website. So let's do one thing. So get to the city, sort by. And if you come down here, there is a partner. We can use templates. So there is a second for templates here. Excuse Which asked do Chris? This is the most important part for us for now. So let's call it a break on this and start off everything. That so they're us. Does betweens Derek race from the? The templates are being brought into the website. That's called the country Decker. So we need to give a pat two distinct. So how do we get back? If you see here, we can use this part on cropping. Distinct. Um, pressured here. So what it does is how nothing but based directly joins the base. Their current distance, where this collieries located, that is the business. So if you come here, you can see the e commerce. This is where the David our school ladies. So this is the best. So what I'm going to do now is, uh I will greet on your folder with templates. Yes, uh, giving you five. I'm really good. As which team will underscore beach hitched home page. Not extreme it? Yeah. Now crop it is. And I corps and Basit here. You see, now it makes more sense. All right, So what we can learn from here he is. The html page can be. So I'll try the buse. So you should have come here, So let's remove this. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going toe written that beach. The whole beach return in Sure of. It should be response. No. Very good. Use this jungle shot Birendra. So do it. Mender Here we're doing since the question. And now what we're going to send you are going to send the homepage almonds, scott page dot html. And then the context, We can learn it with this condition other things later. But right now, what we need to know here is there's rendering this page and returning it further questions . So this patient being rendered so save it, come to Hitch Demon. And if you refreshing great, there's some Yeah, we need to change this to templates. Templates? Yeah, and I'll Siri, come back here. This is Ryan. So I only need to do now is refresh it. Yeah. No, this is working. So let's change something in a general which now we can close this on here. We're going to write as this part. Hello. This is e commerce, and that's it for food. Stop. Save it. And now come here and refresh it. You see, this is working. So this is how we can really html page from their use to the local website. So what is happening here? Let's take a view. Let's take a view on how these things work. So here we're question for your so this year I makes every question you're asking this girl so many things. Do you want it? He comes here. You see, Sandy coolness you have The ureter part comes here. This is the one. All right, distorting. So it takes the home page as it's reflect whenever this kind of thing is appear so wide simply because local host call in 8000. This is the bass part. Every you are off. This one tip starts from here. Whatever. After this is present, who will take it is a reference. So after it doesn't there is nothing. It is simply so. It will take empty as its reference. So this is empty apart. It will take home page and come to the views and will make the home page view work. And when this is executed so what good Aries will return this part. It will render this whole page about HTML and goodwill, Oregon. This is what is happening here. So that's all for us now. If you did not understand a about a deposit crying, we find it and do this video again and check how it is working. So that's it for That's it for now. And let's get ahead with the next lecture
11. #227 Template context: Hey, guys. So now that we have learned how to learn under the hoods each day my home page Now we're coming to the state where we can learn how to use context. Context is nothing but something. The scent of a general page from this part. So this is a dictionary, but we can send some messages that are individual to each of the home page. So that a particular home page might, sir, our needs regarding to the message that we have sent. So let's do that. So, uh, let's just do coffee this black. So this is a boat bitch. This is contact Bridge. Yeah, all of the Missouri. See image? Demon Beach. But how can we show the difference? We're showing the difference in misconduct. We're going to send it. I do. As whom Bitch. Have you been to copy these basted in every function? So this is the about page his conduct, which have you ever descended here? Context in context. So now that we're sending each the home page with this context tight, it's so each off the context and title keys are saying But the message, it's the value whole page. I would be this different. So how can we show this message here? So now what we're doing here is Jesse. Um, in paragraph. We're going to you this way. They're going. Just give the key title here. So another thing that you need to take care of it is we are serving home page for this. All right, So what we need to do him this you about Oh, religion. Quote them here. Bage Beach. All right. And here. Yeah, but I was going to send some water. Could Yeah, we're sort everything. So when the home page is question, we're going to it to get dysfunction. We're going toe render the home page Just email with this context. And then ever my boat is our contact is a question. You come here. If they about is a question, we're going to render the same home page statement, but the different contact He had the same home patients dreamer with different context. So let's do that. So let's check whether ourselves running on rds is so come here. You see? This stays home, bitch. If you look at the source score now it says home page. This is the part where we have given the title part. So if I repressed about you use about breach. If you see here is that boat beach to see all of the court for these two are saying all right if you see, then Acker court for both of these pages are seen, But only this paragraph part is changed. That is because we have made it a dynamic way We're not setting it. Requesting it with context if I must. Contact is the same, but the contact page is different. So what happens here is the ascending each off their context in a different way. So we can either send message as well. I'm going to e commerce home page rush me first. Who's drunk? I would have called with C message, but I'm going to change the message here on one of the seas. Uh, learn about us. Um, be free to visit our contact. This is he not working. I'm going to do I do, Doug? Yeah. Here. 100 degrees. I'm going to give and I'm going to see message. Yeah, Sandy, if you want to come here fresh it, you free to visit a contractors is about Paige knows more about us and you fix albeit it says it comes home base must be first. So you just maybe we can modify our whole context with the different titles. The thing is, we can put more than one message here. So this is the way we can use context to dynamically powerful website HTML pages. This is where jangles very, very helpful. So let's get to the next lesson and learn more about them.
12. #228 HTML Forms: we're guys now that we have no never context variables and how to use them to dynamically displaced message on our website vacancy and understand the power of xango on how to pair up the websites. All right, so if you want to use this skins to the private saying and show your cool work with users you can put a stop here. But how could you? This is not the one thing that you wanted to regulate such, because there are a lot more things that you must be able to do. So unless you want to deploy it into a server bracketed, you lose us more than this to make them feel that they're working with some kind of software is troughs just displaying some information. You need to learn a lot Muslims than this. In fact, pretty much my dishes were consistent. All right, so context variable. It's very consistent with all of the Xanga website, so you need to use it. So that is the reason we have learned before. All right, so not what we're going to learn. Here is a statement forms and how comparative attempted instrument forms using example. All right, so I wanted to use this part. All right, On lead these two things. I will give it a new address. Conduct last speech. So I knew this and go back to the website and refreshing. It gives an error. Because although we have specified this contacts, a speech started here man, it says does not exist. The template does not exist. Why? Because we're uncredited. But it does give a simple hand. But checking the engines just the throws does not exist, gives a link. And we need to create this like the previous one. So what we need to do is come here inside the templates, greeting you for the name has contact. And inside this contact creating your find, the name is speech. No html. All right. I want a copy of this thing. Mvs it here. And now if you come here and Freshii, this is good to go. So now what we're going to do is we're actually going to build a hitch. Hemofarm here. So let's grant it so this will be off class danger. So right now, stay with me and you are going to do, and we're going to learn about it later in the course. But right now, just do it. I don't really get a good picture off how to write false. So right now I don't agree to do, Dad, uh, called Sendai six and colder struck and inside before on the phone. It's pretty much good to go. And all I need to do is you. More disdain inside the phone number to cure. Did you do today? The class on this group? These glasses are from Booster. All right, so here, the input type is text in this class, please warn Dash can cruel in the name Livy drooling. And we need to get a place with the way. And it could be name. All right, below this, we're going to give a button, which is the types of meat designs off press form, dash control. The name is barren and the labour off, it could be something. All right, so let's just see me and come down to the bedside and efficient ce looks pretty much good. Oh, already into this get a little gap and changed his color off the submit button. So let's just do that. Come here. Uh, I'm going to do it in your glass We didn't dash primary. It will give you a good color. And here I'm going to give it Be up to the degree Clear tradeoff. A small gap, your freshness upside and it looks cool. You're right. If you come here and this whole name and submitted, it's just forbidding why I just see a sort of verification feed. You see, the method of using here is post so posed. What it does is eat something the better through the website. So their confidence one is getting another issue. If you come down here to our commanding and I'll you see it shows get, get, get, get These are the ones that we have repression from the website to show us the phone whenever you give your first button What do you want? I would bring the history have been store apps store Broza So does it get me? I'm getting the data. So think from use a prospect. So whenever the user is feeling a farm and hitting the sub me, it is giving, the user is providing us with That pushed me a posting the dead through the service. So So the floor street most gives us some dinner. So this data has been 10 ticket, and it must move otherwise. Unless you are very confident that the user will do not submit any kind of malicious get because Because militias data is very, very harmful for overtime. So what we going to do here is we're actually going to make the SS? Yes, out of talking, available for our website. So Django provides us with discomfort. So if we miss a series of talking, it will not allow us toe make a question this coming here. Andi it continue. Let's go and secure. Closing? Yeah, I get the John and I submitted. It doesn't nothing. You see why? Because we have said this is a post request. Let's stop it and run it again. No question, it will get a get a question. But if we submit it, it was supposed all right. This is how it works. Like if you change this method to get all right. And now if you give John here, I'm sorry. I'm gonna run this again. He's a get request. Get happen, John. You see? You see some message here. So this is a CSR really talking and the full name. You see, the data that we have entered here is shown here. So the number of using a form it is really, really important which method were satisfying to use, whether it is get or post, because absurdity, if it is a log into question, All right. The user enters his name or email or user number rallies, and below is yours. He's going to give us the password. And if the password is appearing here in the you are, it is a very, very damaging thing for a little bit for the user authentication. So whenever the Ural is passwords, it is not good to go. So it is up to you to decide where you need to tended to post and get so if I changed, opposed, and a John just a commander on this game and if given name John when Chris This. Yeah, If you see, there is no message here. This house here sort of talking in the post method. All right, all right. We know where their eyes when they're making a get request, it is really really visible in the you are. But what is it that are realistically creating a postman So we are going through this matter. So the data is somewhere around here, so let's just do that. So if brilliant, they're inquest doored method equals wolf. What? I'm really spring metta Get the name is fruity. So Syria, you're she said Minute. Wait, I should know because no, I reviewed get but out here getting an attributes of our soul. A scoring chick here. Okay, There's not meant this is pushed. All right, now come here fishing and continue. Let's come here into you. You see it says John, The data that Vince admitted is appeared here. If you go ahead and give you something like leader, submit it either. Here is Peter So Ah, the important thing here is the post repressed will hide the definitely were for visibly. So let's add some things here. So the county beach has female in something else to say. So I'm going here the page and I'm adding some things here. You But this will be here. The name will be the past will be form Dash can cruel the police will be you may next exterior. The name will be, uh, next Syria. The class will be And what this water score outs. Girls place would be my message. Yeah, that's you. Yeah, I know. It looks fine. We'll get any doubt of the day here. Yeah, so let's get here and our justice. But we're going to print all the data that we're getting this year. Um, what others would be this? That's a It's a message. All right. See this thing? Come here. Proficient outside. I'm when you has, um, King. Hello, sir. Of Gina. Dark on. That would be high. This is first. And I would hate to suddenly began. And if you come here, you test the key, the real and the message. The only difference between other function disease. We can't find any errors here all night. If we see something like in Schruff name, we hit like teen at gmail dot com. And you said me there is no enter here, all right, Because we're not verifying whether it is a truly male or prove the name or whatever it is . We have not been defined. It simply say its name and user. It's email or name doesn't make any difference where so the next part where I Children leave with that problem for a nominal for now, let's just stop this part here. Let's get to the next one
13. #230 Django Forms: Okay, guys for an hour were created to form. This is completely ridden by using chemical. Okay, we have the form every time we can create this phone every time we need by writing each time a page. But we we have another veins angle Natural Danamon Philip creative form and put it into the HTML page. It doesn't in your writing hits to my core, so there is nothing but xango forms. So jangle forms allow us to create farms in an easier the an Ansel toe. Make sure that none of the Deva being entered into the elements of the farm are anything other than what we expect them to be. All right, so it's an email it must be naming. It's a character field must macaque ropy. So it checks for the are not, uh, chicks for the mistake data And make sure that the user and it's right better. So, insurance, using this kind off, uh, the we can actually create jungle forms. All right, now, let's come here. And pretty new. Fine. I'm really limitless forms by and here we are going to import xango board foams. Okay. You know what? We're able to these very good. A critic class for the farm's good contact. And inside the parents is we're going to get forms dot form and here we're actually going to give What are they Mr you need. So we're taking a name. What? Miss Meade here. We need the user underneath. So it is a character. So care field. And here in it it must me. And you mean being on the next years, actually, the message. So here it must be also caffeine. All right, this is enough for us to create a phone. All right, So what we need to do is we need to import this form into a view start, but So here's what I'm going through these prime dog forms Contact fall. Yeah. So we're using this form creative form, you know, contact. So here we can actually pass the instance of this conduct home into the context. So here, contact underscore form equal contact from and here, the actual undescended. So All right. Okay. We've got our contact form into the context message, and we're passionate to the contacts left. We started to extreme it. He right here. So what we need to do is get here. I'm going to greet the phone Similar to this right about here. Warren do created right here. Yeah, but this time, what I'm going to do is I'm gonna get into all of these things. I'm just going to see one day underscore. Yeah, that's so from here. Let's get to our website and refresh it. So just Yeah, what did you see? Um, seems like do is some stick? Yeah, my suit. Good. Here. Yeah. This is the Refresh it. Yeah, if you see you got a phone right about those phone created waged in court, but in honestly, this one doesn't really know anything like this one, So we need to make modifications. But dream thing is, we also got some labels for our HTML inputs. So let's do something that will help us. Toe could obtain this kind of feels. So what? I'm window sexually. He's Zankel free classes. So there are some building field glasses for our phones. If you see here, you can know what other field classes that are available have used. Careful here is bullion field on the try Stipe choice. Their date, the time. This will many types of various careful If you see here, we can actually modify our careful by using some distance. Just this different strategic destruction. If you see here the texting group near the building ridge it so he can use down to actually make some changes to what I want to know is actually get here. I am one of the form. Start by. I can hear his forms. Door text fiend inside It attributes equality here. What is the place that you need? Phone dash control. All right, so no, save it. Get your website and a fish. It What kind of reached being his forms? Former text book. Maybe it's gonna work. So the one thing that I forgot to reject Is it going? Go home. The next group inside this we have that. So I think this must work. Yeah, this is working so good here. Refreshing. You see, Actually, this one is as signs off the other thing. All right, so let's go ahead and go see nothing's for them too. All right, So do this in looking into other homes as well. Other includes, so sooner but a smarting gays. Yeah, You're actually using next area. All right. I think this must worker is fine. So I'm also going to give a police with you. Don't need a placeholder because we're actually giving your neighbor here. Since I'm home, she's has no 60. And so that's come here. Okay. This morning. Yeah, this work. So let's come here. And freshness, is he? Our home looks quite good as the other phone. So this is how we can create a form in a dynamically. Now, this one can be used in any place we want. Unlike the previous one that we have a damaged him in court. We can create the instance of a conduct fund by just importing it from the bonds of that pipe ill. And we can create instance off it, and we can put it in in part of the pace that we actually need to do. That's how good it is now that that's how good jangle phones are helpful for us. They're so are. Now we have this phone because let's just get rid off this form that we have written in html. So that's come here, baby started to Yemen. Mm. Before I do anything, I want a copy this and we sit here so that my farm has a button to submit, actually. Mm, yeah, committed on this part. So right now we have a firm that has these elements. All right, good to go. So So another thing that you need to do here right now is actually no. Come here. You see, we have the contact form we have graded. But unlike this part, we don't mention any questions posed because the contact US form can go the way. So let's just say the best. Not cool. Sh r None. All right. And I'm going to come and to start. All right, I'm going to see gris. It's a great start. Coolest met guard equals Who's sorry. I'm just going to say, might have done it if contact on the school funded ease on the school. Valid. All right, then we can bend corn on the phone, clean on the school data. All right, Let's just see here. I want us to see Yeah, just learning. So the first things and now I'm going to do does, uh, my mind and submitted on. Let's see what happens. Yeah, you have the name, email message, everything here. But another thing that we need to make sure is the data is prison, even after somebody in the phone. All right, we need to make sure that the data that we're getting here is curbed. And also, it gets a fresh and else hole. We need to make sure they detect any error in the data. Me too. Short message to the use user. So let's just come here. Go to the form stop. I hear what we're going to do is deaf. Clean underscore. He made here it will. You have the variable cells. So in the similar way we can actually create for each of the elements. So right now I'm here. That's finally frame it. So if all right here what the matter is e mail equal to self. Lord leans underscored. Detto no get here. Oh, demand. All right after that. If not Gmail e mail. So I know we're only writing called verifying whether the email that the user enter is D'Mello. No, we're only going to prove users that have a Jimmy whatever it is, we're gonna breeze forms, dog validation and see only do me is did through Sunday. If not, we wondered nd me. You see This is how the about and let's see what happens now. Andi, if if the data is similar like this, it will be supported. All right? Yeah. Suddenly, did you see Do these here? All right. Ever change something off it like yeah. And submitted. It is only Ji militant group. In this way, we can actually create messages that what are inform uses did actually see under a mistaken data. Let's go ahead.
14. #231 Login: Okay, guys, by now we have learned how to create a form and access to data. All right, we have seen how auto accident and create these forms that can check with any of the data is not correct. And we have also slowed how toe in the context. And also we send some rendering some html pages as well. While we have done some contact page forms, but we and we're actually doing unit in particular, But the data So we're not doing anything with data here just reading it. So let's do something that can help us to learn a lot about hope for handing data when the user submitted. So no. So let's just go ahead and create a log in page where we can actually use data submitted by the user. Alright, What I'm will do now is get here diff long in page crashed and what I'm going to do, you use and chef conduct. It would be this on here. It will be our slash log in dot html and I'll just something similar like this, but he sure flogging register on a school. Pidge, here is the register. All right. I think this works fine right now, so we haven't actually created the speeches. But now let's just see the in this way. We're going to serve our authentication. So logging is firing. Corinthians started blogging and register, please actually read the user for our website. So before we do anything, let's just create a long four come here. Class longing form and parent glass get so the user name that would be form star. Uh, password four star. All right, so this way we can actually get the information from user. And right now, if you're very actually going to serve this pages, so let's just go and create templates on the new for will be inside this. I'm going to create the file long indarti html. Yeah, we're not actually what occurred in their hedge Trim a page, but actually, we're going to copy this form part. Really? This part right? Let's just copy this and you go here and sit. All right, now, this looks fine. All right, but we stood off conduct form. We're actually going to put the longing for that. Let's come here. Here. What we're going to do is it's just really didn't put it clogging form here. A strong equal floggings for similar to the previous one request dot Post or not? Yeah. So if form not he's underscore rallied, then we're going to bring to the data. Dork tuned underscored there. Yeah, and but they actually wanted creamed. The user is authenticated or not? Yeah. Yeah. So let's just copy the same form, and basically, there were gonna be maybe change it. But right now, they're just going to use just all right. As you know, it looks fine. So what we need to do their ease. Um, So right now, what is left of any to create the You are in here, So come back beach and sooner to this, we could create another one walking beach. Yeah, this works fine. So let's just see whether Apple will not So run it. Yeah, it works. Fine. So let's just come here. Works that. Yeah, We got the farm here. Yeah, but actually yeah, way don't see our farm, actually, because here is in contact, but actually really into native format. So that's just right. Know what we can do here is, uh we need to create Sindhis phone to the conductivity analysis. Greedy context equipped room warm. I would say it's from Yeah, I think it works on We ever in descended. All right, so in the modern place is full of conduct from really to change it. Yeah, I know. It looks fine. Let's just come here. It is running, So refresh the page and now you can see this. All right. Ah, so if you Freshii all right, the forms sent me day. And if you see, we see is here falls here. So why does Where does this Air force? Because we're printing it. We are actually asking whether the user is authenticated or not. It says days. It is not indicated this way. We can actually do you mind. The user is not indicated are not all right. We have the form here. So you know what I really need to do here is we need to creating user so that we can see the logic. You see, before we do anything, we need to check this. We have something on a played my aggression. So we need to clear this thing. So card of the sever. Stop this over here and take a bite on many start by my great. Yeah, Everything is that all Migration started flight. All right, now you need to do this state by create super user. Yeah. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to do a named it. I'm going to give e commerce email address and we believe password. Not much necessary right now. So I'm leaving it. Okay. It's request past women. Definitely. So I'm going to give something. Gets the passport? Uh, yeah. Okay. Does not, actually. I would buy. Yeah. This weapon use it is created. Now go ahead and run the server you don't see. Every city has no honor played migrations. So let's just go to the website on refreshing. You'll see there is a false message because things that is not as indicated. So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to give me confidence and the past world. I give this deceive and you submitted you get the data you get, did it? It just falls. And also the user data is coming coming here. But the North is noticeable. Thing is, we can see the passport here as Brisbane the text for But we wanted to be not if you see most of the websites. In fact, all of the website have the physically off hiding the password with black dots so that the user, you know, the password while intricate, but then another. You just get a sound in the system Might not actually catch it unless there fishing on the keyboard. So let's just do that. But that we need to learn some password field. You come here. I'm sorry. Growing big hits. You can actually see password input here. Yeah, this will hide whatever it is in tow. Password. So let's just go to the court and from Sir Pie here, we're going to give it as rigid Gualdo Farms. Password input, sir. Visting. Yeah, come here. And refreshing. I'm going to press the log in page. What is to say I'm in here, does e commas. If you see anything that I do now, it is in black dots. You see, this is how we can actually make it disappear. So Okay, guys are checking whether the user is not indicated or not. We need to actually perform some operations so that the user can actually log. So we will do this stuff right here. So let me do something. I'm going to bring this thing up here. Yeah, right after greeting the farmer stance on what I'm going to do here is, uh, context form looking for Yeah, I'm actually going to create any stand so that the user is actually actually submitted the day, right? What it will do is it will create an empty form again instead of having the better right there. So let's go ahead and check. It actually works of Mark. So if I do something here submitted dis actually not working because it has saved the data . So if I come here and so logging and if I do something like e commerce on some passport and submitted, it's gonna indeed the thing. So whether have this thing is in private, you can actually get here in your in pirate window, and you can access it. So what we're going to do now, here is we're actually going to make sure that we're performing an operation so that the user authentication is done so you can actually come here and seeing the using the Danglard indication you go to hotel love easier, and we have exact crosses so how we can actually perform in logging operation. We're not going to use this part. You can have all but they're using this because this is pretty much what we are doing here . So copies. So before that, we need to copy this thing. Come here and place it here. All right. So what we need to do here is we actually can copy this thing. Yeah, copy it on. Good. Into the long wooden. And they're actually Would you perform it here and And this part that should be here so that when it happens, these there is distributor. Who? Such a speech. So now let's get the use of new in the past. Where soon All What do you have here nurturing your That wasn't even password. So let's come here. All right, so this before authenticating it really to get the data. So what we have is a name equal of song dot underscore data dog get is a name. After that pass, rule the school bed at all. Get all password. All right. So we can use Theisinger and password here to authenticated. And after that, we can actually print that. The user is that indicated or not right to get. And now they crushed and user really sent to the logging so that we can actually log in the user after that. Okay, Toe, actually reconnect Instrumental showing the farm you can actually read Eric use. So we do. We want to reduce the user. So for now, let's really him to the logging bitch time from here. Blood? Yeah, I think this looks fine. And if there is an ever we want to see Okay, so we have finished the entire loving peach form, and I remember to remove braces after he's in the squad indicated, because that will give you an error. There's not a function that we call. This is a very below or an argument that we can call. All right, so let's test it out. So I'm giving what are what other these e commerce. After that, I'm going to give the password and hit, Submit it executed. So let's come here. It says no crew and it accepts the passports and everything. It is true. So the user is logged in. We can actually going to the Edmund actually see our user. Yeah, If you come here, you can see the user get into the users. If you see the commerce, this is the work. So you can actually create more Users from here are from the commandment of man and also create user database and store them here. All right, so that all the users were gaining access to the database not to change and make images, but actually creating accounts to create and comfort themselves in started in the Arab ace but us So the e commerce here is a super user. It's like the pigment for everything. So whenever you create will use any website, there is one maintaining the website on the back end. And that person is called a super user right now, the other people who are managing a website and a database. So we are the super user here, all right, busy by staff terrorists by super is a service by active status by staff in the sense the Berkus or the employees and organization that create or provided applications to actually function that related to the database and users based super user status. Which means the person who is the number one close to the database. All right, so no one is giving access to the databases unless super user is permitted to. So this is the kind of status it's super user has by active in this. In the people who are using the database, it can be user staffs. Opelousas, Anybody? All right. So, uh, the next video actually want to learn how to create a youth at Richmond's user registration , so let's get ahead.
15. #233 User Register: Hello, guys. So we're finished. How to make a long and use it. So right now, our music is lovely if you see, but really, to create a mechanical so that users can register as well. You see, Right now, all the content on the website, it all. Is there anything? He's visible for everyone. But sometimes you need to show only some things and fuel the information. That's probably to uses that are actually on your database. So blue there. Let's just examine what we're having now. So if you come here and she primary message and you does these things were loving use this . All right. You need to get your coma here. And, uh, this We could be invisible for users who are actually, uh, not loved it. So let's just it's that, But let's just give us with He was just going to see the whole village. The message. I'm just OK, so what? I wanted to know these. I'm gonna give Dag this through, called and here I'm going to give the message as private in the score under schooling message. You sure you can also see private message? All right. Who save it? Come here and finish it. You can actually see the message. This is real users loving. Okay, so let's just go in now. Going to use it, all right? And you can still see the message. This must be supposed to be your only by the logged in users. But we've been still seeing even the real longer. So let's just a baby. So come here. You could get into the views I actually went. Carpet is Okay. So what? I'm under news. If request not use it, you're gonna screw up indicator? No. If the user is authenticated, Didn't look, we're going to do you, uh, convicts with private message on right now. The user must be authenticated to see. But this has come here and fishing. The message is not It's a the private mission. But the message is not so if you come here so I love you. Thank you. I love these days. No, you and I got a little bit and we can see because they are not being able to view. So this is how we can actually money if you guys. But there is another way you can actually do it too. So if you come here. You can see what? Uh, well, private on the school message. And it you come here. Um, part of the loving page. Uh, let's just leveled and see what happens. Well, no, because used job dog, because the user is logged out and we can't actually put this message in the context, so there is no way we can see. And you can also make sure that use it. It's hard under 100 in this way on is, I think, gave the couple fantasies. Yeah. And now, then go ahead and refresh it. No, but loving you can see the message because he was really loved it. So this is Well, you can do it also. So what we do, what we need to do now is really to actually create and finish the use of the destruction. All right, so let's go ahead into that. Hello to the farms. About 55 So similar to this, we're actually going to create something, but you should have longing. We're going to say register. All right. Um, they're actually going to make sure that password is into two times. So that use, um, creates the person that he can actually understand. And very, very password. Christ, make sure he's driving the right, all right? And we also need to do have an email, man. Yeah, All right. And next thing years. We also need a password. Do All right, look at this. So but we're going to change the liver because we need to say different from a password to You're going to say control has worked on right Syrian. And now what we need to do is come here on or what you have created in. They're just a form I come down. I'm actually changes to related to the homepage about next year. What we're going to lose change this to we just took home and similar to hope. Teoh, go send the farm in context. We're going to do a scene here, and yeah, I think it works, but I think you need to do here is we need to actually reviewed html page. So come here. We just got hitched. I just have a copy. What's in the logging? Yeah, on the next thing is, you want to start by so restraints with Paige Compere. You sure? Long interviewed about seven. Justo, you should have destroyed his age. Yeah, along in school Beach. We're going to try to score beach. I think it looks fine now, so let's go ahead and district. Yeah, it comes here, so everything looks fine. All right. So not where we need to do is we need to make sure one of it is getting put into this. Feels looks fine. Let's go ahead and do that. All right? We have finished that. We can actually see the data, so let's go ahead and gruesome. Uh, I'm going to get as John John dinner, dark room, And the password will be something like No. 7 30 And I go here, you can see all the as Mrs Very good. It's not ivory, but you need to make sure that these two years have seen type together. So next go ahead with speech, forms it up high. And here is what we will do is you're actually going to great function. Has South Yeah. Data green. Yeah. Here. Past your equals, not screen. Understood. There. Get our password. All right. And passed through this. It seems like this exit. Yeah. Now we need to make sure that we after the great chicken. Yes. Password not in Quito Hasn't do. Then you can grease see passwords, much match. If not, look in return. The debt that we have got here. All right, so I think this looks. That's great. I'm going todo gather That is not matching so something. Admit it here. Why is Mark Let's go. Smart wants Oh, so let's come here using data you now. What's the problem here? Yes, we can, but I am cross Miss Saigon. We need to change this clean. Let's come here. I want to do something right, John John Adu Jima's brought calm. And here something on years it's his passage must match because these two about matches. But if I do something like sooner I hated it was, you know, a little, actually. So what's we're giving it? So this is how you can actually make sure that the pastor's matching and if it gets But we have already learned this part, but I make sure that you don't miss it. So let's get ahead. Alright, guys. So we have finished. How toe Take the passwords that would path within the confirm password us matching. And now we need to make sure that we create user object so that we can save them. So let's go ahead and look at the xango documentation. So if you come here and look at the Xander at the education system and we had our user object, you can see there is a way of creating users. Django tells us. All right. The most air ready create uses is to use the include a user created industries, their function. This is a helper function which is provided by the Xanga itself. All right, Right now, we're not actually going to use exactly this, but we're going to use dis command. All right, so let's go ahead and good. All right, I'm coming here. Go to the top. Off it and from the contract Art art. I'm going to write get user underscored model. All right. So I'm going to use this morning to create the user objects. When I come here in the register, I'm going to create a user object. Yeah, so I created the news about it. I'm gonna come down here, and whatever it is, I'm going to create the new user here. Yeah, he was their dog. Oh, objects dark. Create underscore user on like here. We're actually going to get details that are necessary for us. Yeah, simply like that. We're going to do it free male as well. Yeah, that looks that looks fine. So we're going to give the user name you made and the password. This looks firings. So let's just print out a new user and see what actually skating. Yeah, I think it looks fine. So check with us. I was running. Yeah, Let's go ahead and get to the richest apart. Yeah. Thing is feeling with the details already, I'm going to go here. Yeah, I'm going to give that John John Deere, jimin dot com Passively, *** learn hips of me. So if I come here, you see, the entire leaders with are shown here and the new users, John, So we can make sure that our user has been created, so let's just do it again. Ones who? So now the rating for the local host? Yeah, there is the matter. Unique constrain thing. Okay, so the user name must be unique for every user. So if it fears is going for a never So this is more often that we need to hand it because we need to check with the user, serves entering a user name that is unique, that has never been used before. So let's go ahead and do that. All right, let's go ahead and make the quite changes to make sure that it is there. The center doesn't. So let's go to the front door pie. And the very body thing is really for Xanterra. Corn cream. Dark off board yet using model. All right, So what I'm doing here is I'm going to create user object. Yeah. So when I come down here, who instead of just form here deaf, clean, underscore, user name said so here, I'm going to change the user name is equal to so door clean and the score data dog, get user name. Okay, so now we're going to do something that we have. No, we haven't done until now. It's the query set. So what is it? We're going to discuss about it in later classes right now. Just do or I'm going to do. And you would see a result happening. Sure, it is in everybody's name. What I'm saying all the top off it off. This works is the user objects of the filter by business using them. So whenever there is a usually matching inside the user objects, it will result. All right. So if result dark exists, okay, then we can graze means dog. The allegation around saying, Here's a name he's ticket. All right? If not gang written. Who's in there? All right, so let's just do something sooner for the email as well, Because we don't want them to use an email that that has been used 10 year. You want a unique email as well? All right, I think different. Fine. You just need to change this. No. Who do every meal as well. Hope? Yeah, I think it looks fine. So let's see our Yeah. How cell is running So fishing the given user and and must be Sepp to right here. I'm really creating new users. This scene I'm willing to give has burned Well, you ever created on the school giving us an emotionally set? What is that it that we're getting here using See, the elderly are finding Here is from you. Stop. I must be Oh so next right now. So I'm going to give the user name John and Amy Really jaw at the refugee. Murat. Calm the password could be anything, he says. The usually mistaken and they really is already used. Even if you try to do it for individually, like user name is separate and the email is not already taken. It will show this ever. So let's just try it out, All right, so I'm going to say John, But it will be John toe the red off Jimmy the passport. It says he was any mistaken if I tried to do joint, too. And John, we'll get anything with the password, I tell you, the email is already used now. The basic principle is we need to maintain consistent in the database so that users do not collide with each other. Okay, so by this little have learned how to grow the user and how to check whether the match with each other or not. So, in this way we can actually create an authentication system, and it's autumn eyes for the users are individuals who have unique account. All right, so by this we have learned a lot. So the main question you might have is where the hell is this. And what the hell is this? So these are pretty sets, and we're going to learn about them. Little lectures. So right now, this is what they have done, so that's good ahead.
16. #237 Serve Static Files: Okay. We have learned how to, uh, show a user registration and learn how to clearly user object and everything. So let's learn how to survive. Study finds. So study fronts as a little bit different from extremophiles like CSS JavaScript or any images, words, anything like that. So a very important thing to note series we cannot so static file seen as this template. So we need a different mechanism. All right, So, uh, jangle does not do the part for us. Really? Perry, that he is in a patty or Amazon Web services or anything like that. But we must make sure that jangle does not do this thing. It is very, very important. So you cannot use their go to serve. Your study feels like dispatched. So unity Keep that in mind. So let's go to sitting. Stop, I And if you get down to the end, you can see this study fights. It's all CSS javascript, any majors. So if you come down, here is the link. So copies get here, go to the spot and you will see here. This is a very commanding study. Five so general prizes with some information. So if you see here There's everything that is necessary for us. All right. So serving the fight So what? We will lose. We're going to copy this time on? Yes, it here. I want to move this. So what is going to say is exposed to space fighter Dichristopher? A study finds will be so my on the school I'm going to give this name as this. So I need to create a directory, This name in the best there. So where is our best there? All right, so this is our base there. So I really creating new folder. Yes. Yeah. You know, this is the Yeah, this is very degree. Yeah. I don't know anything on. No, what are you to do? Is I need to create my SD in part. So this is where um it's about my ecstatic, static Syrian, right? Exactly. Manish? Yeah, What a way to do Here is Stop. Yeah. So you're hysterical? Yeah, we're here right now. So why were these? I'm gonna get Southsea and yeah, not what I moved to Please. I'm going to copy these indicting into that saucy. - So here. I'm going to create static on this course. Cdn has he now? Yeah. Really? Doing with Stamford inside the associate as well. So if you see, I moved my own according to this part, all right. And a static Syrian is here. So what I need to do now here is create the root fire. Who static on the school route You can do, Uh, where is not had. So let's just copy the one that's about here. Yeah, studying in this school. CDO insure base near I want to share. Say path dog Good, right? I wanted to do is it's going to bring the name that is Derek right off this base. All right. I didn't You made clear here. Alright, guys, after you fi sitting of this thing is not a blender for deployment of the party use, as in the general documentation accepts is you see? Come. We come down here, but certainly decided fast is the last step. It says this is not suitable for protection. Lose The jangle condition itself states that so if I have to say it anymore, times have to say it is not suitable for the protection use. So But you still want Oh, see them standing Finds being served and the deployments. Or right now, we're going to do that. All right. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna carpet on these two things on carpet. I'm not here. I'm going to the You're by. What I'm gonna do is on pace done here, and then a water murderer is I'm going to get this team, Carvey and and come down here. Three things don't debug. So sure are this. Yeah. No, it just fine. OK, second of all these things. So you might wonder, what is this sentence card? If you go to the settings 0.55 and get to the top of eight, you can see there is a debug available with True as its value through the security door ground with diva turned on in production. So when you actually put the project into production, you you have returned this into parts. All right, when this is false, your eurostar pie here convince for, so these won't be in the final straight off your project. So this is where we can limit our static set up inside the deployment, testing, deployment, go out getting into the production. So let's go and see another. So there's not running. So bite on grannies dark by TV. Saucy. And here we have. Yeah, and run, sir, He's running. So what I'm going to is local horse. So now this time, what we have wondered is we're going to do for the ed Me? You see your Edmund mayor exactly like mine. But the thing we're looking for here is what you see. It is looking for the static fights. No, there is the most important thing because you're doing my differ. From what? My knees. But if you actually get these things into your static city in it will be as normalize. It's a zit have done previously. It might have looked for them previously or might not. But all that medicine depleting right now. So what we do know is exit from the server and type this wall in command pipe on manager pie, collect static. And now yeah, study plans copy. So, no, let's go ahead and a pressure. You see, all the static files have been copied. So now the only thing that's doing is this So really the static lights you come down here and if you go to the static cdn, if you see. You see that, man? You see all of the things that are part of this product. Admit, admit. All right. All right. If you observe, you have signifies all on the static points about their it projects are inside the statics again. But we already something else. All right, So let's growing and deliver this part. Yeah, yeah, the part distributed. So what I'm going to do right now here is getting the studies that get to the bottom. Yeah, I'm going to do something here. I would give another part. Static underscore route. All right, because basically, they have something else necessary. What is it? It's the Medio. So all the media five instead of mystery, will you come here early? Media under school? Look, Yeah, I'm going to give media. You are for this as well. Media. You are? Yeah, that looks fine. So go to the yours, but pie and harvesting. Yeah, sure. Static. You're going to say you are starting on school group media. I think it looks fine. So that's kind. So now again, the collect static. Yeah, you're finished it. So if you come down here inside the status quo, Yes, you did So we need to also create a new folder Media on the square root. All right. We'll never be applauding in media fights, pictures or something, Girls, all of them goes in here. All right, all right. We're suitable. Static would. And the video routines of the static Syrian. There's more of, like a strategy server rather than the Syrian. So how in Apache you are a native you soon this months. This is similar to that. So to do that, let's go out and get distracted. My project. So here's the part where our project, Sarah friends are safe. So I'm going to do I'm going to create in your folder CSS and inside it will create, given your fight between me. God CSS So I would have something here. I'm gonna see if this thing see you have this year. But we don't have it here. So what I'm gonna do, you know is come down here. Thank you. From this commander game, it's easy to long, right? Yes. During you see, we have got to CSS and demean that CS is fine here. Is he Warrick? Will do is it will simply a 1,000,000 million features like Apache and Amazon. It'll be a service. What Do what those servers do. They eso the static files. The similar rate distinct. Emulates exactly how those service do. So if you're glad and get a new folder like I am G on, someone does. Yes. And I go ahead and get some unis like I want to get the nebula. Good in. Outrageous. So I was a big distinct. Yeah. Why did you save jazz? I'm going to go commerce. I saw. See, you started my budget images, and I'm seeing here. All right. I didn't say so. We go here, there is individual. All right, all right, we concede, but we don't have it here, so let's go back into our command and my static gonna study. Did you see here? We've got here in the similar. Really? You could relate the futures off his static server. All right, Although we have make sure that the static city and gets all of the started finds of a project in the evening and everything we need to make sure that it serves exactly how we needed. So why are you going to do here? Is let's go templates on Let's see how we conserve them. That's a road on the homepage. So if you come down, this is a template deck mood static. This is a conflict. Argues to load stat. All right, so what we're gonna do here? So coming back here, copy this thing and pissed you so similarly. Yeah. So what is the picture? Stati. And now did you see a slash made dot CSS? Yeah. Similarly. Let's get down to here. Oh, give image. Sassi is a quantum static. You may just slash rating. So his name is a little bit strange for us or why I want to do I mean, we're going to do this, just slash nebula G. Okay. Before we do anything that's been college static to make sure everything was all night Yes . Come down here. Yeah, maybe a g p g. Sure. Come here. And now around the world. Yeah. Go to the homepage. Yeah, I say something that next season gray color and we have seen our homepage here. Our image. So this is how it helps us all right? Connection. So if you inspect this thing you see, it's a static class in its a slash muna Cheers static slash immediate slash nebula. Deputy, if you come down here, go to the euros. Stop No bullet. The setting stuff high. Come here and change. Do it was seen and come back here and refreshing and the source of the static slash b c. There is a reason why it is very body. So this is very, very crucial in the development staff strategies. So this is very important in development park. So development distinct because it depends on what the EU essence are and how we have served. This is going to be really different from the production stat strategy because important changes the whole out of the game. All right, but right now for the development testing, it's good. So that's what are long and do this thing.
17. #238 Products Intro: American guys by now you have a very large example. So the ending, what we have learned in now and get to this next step. So now we're going to start building our projects First company, which is products company. Basically, we're going to display a number of items on the webpage, either list or individual fashion. But underlying thing is you even learn how to store data in a database and retrieve and display them on the page while you're calling. This has a competent off our project, zam, because it is not so. We've been looking to the specifics off hope actually create an app so without anybody, let's get stop.
18. #239 First App: So now we have to learn one thing. The xango. These with replications in the form off APS. All right, basically, what it means is Django dev