Break free: 5 steps to break out of your comfort zone | Yvonne Lines | Skillshare

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Break free: 5 steps to break out of your comfort zone

teacher avatar Yvonne Lines, Mindset Mentor for Lovin' Life!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Break Free Intro


    • 2.

      What You'll Learn


    • 3.

      Unsafe Zone


    • 4.

      Design Thoughts


    • 5.

      Build Resilience


    • 6.

      Manage Change


    • 7.

      Minimize Risk


    • 8.

      Take The Leap


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About This Class

We know we should push our limits and discover great opportunities, but it's hard to break free from our comfort zone. In this course you'll learn why it's becoming more urgent to break free now, and we'll go through 5 steps to make it easy to take the leap. 

Feeling vulnerable is part trying new things. This course will help you build the mental toughness, and set up the environment that will give you the confidence you need to push your limits with gusto.

Don't get caught out thinking everything will be fine. The sooner you break free from your comfort zone, the better your life will be.

Meet Your Teacher

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Yvonne Lines

Mindset Mentor for Lovin' Life!


Years ago, I used to go home, flip on the 'toob, watch hours of mindless tv, go to bed, get up, go to work, repeat. Finally, I got sick of it to the point that I decided to do something...

I read every leadership and development book I could grab. After 236 books, my mindset had changed so much, I was able to leave my steady job, build my own business, and still avoid an all-ramen diet. And now I can finally call myself a surfer and a motorbike adventurer.

I’m loving life and want to share what I’ve learned, so that you can live your best life too. 

I spend my time researching and learning nuggets of wisdom, give them a personal test drive, and if I find it useful, I’ll share it with you. My co... See full profile

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Personal Development Mindset
Level: Beginner

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1. Break Free Intro: e. I want to share with you the scariest thing I've ever done. It was absolutely terrifying. Two weeks ago, I jumped out of a plane. Now there's a instructor on my back and he took care of everything. You just kind of hang on it like you're in a baby carrier or something. So physically, super easy. All I had to do was scream a lot, but mentally, that's a whole different story. A lot of people have asked me what was going through my head right before I jumped. Now getting out of that plane was well beyond my comfort zone. I'm not saying that's how you should push your limits. But if you're thinking of changing up your career or picking up some new freelance work, shaking things up in like a little bit, you're going to need to build some mental toughness to shake things up and get out of that comfort zone. And I want to show you how. During this course you'll learn why your comfort zone is no longer safe, and the sooner you break out, the more opportunities will have. You'll also learn how to control your thoughts. You can stop holding yourself back. Building resilience. This is a big factor when it comes to mental toughness. We've gotta exercise that muscle regularly. You'll learn to manage change. A lot of people forget about how you need to align your values and help those around. You manage the changes well, and if you're going to change, then you want to minimize your risk. And we'll do that by setting up some small experiments, and then you'll have what it takes to go for it. My name's phone lines and I am the blogger behind Smart Life, not tips. I am on a mission to share useful knowledge with people like you so you can start making smarter decisions and live more fulfilled life. I've read hundreds of books, listen to podcasts, watched interviews, consumed all kinds of media, and I want to take the nuggets of wisdom that I found really useful in my life and share them with you. I hope you'll stick with me through this course so I can show you how to get more out of life, create better opportunities for yourself, be happy and get back to that secure place that your current comfort zone is no longer providing. Stick with me in the next video and I'll tell you exactly what got me out of that plane. 2. What You'll Learn: Okay. As promised. This is what was going through my head as I got to that plane door. The biggest thing was I doing past experiences, right? Overcome life here before now I've bungee jumped. I've challenged myself. Dirt biking. I've even walked with lions. Lions realise lions. So I thought about those moments and I already know how to calm myself down. I know how to trust an expert and I know how to choose like thoughts. So I knew I could get to that plane door. Mental strength is like a muscle. We have to exercise it regularly to keep it strong. Now you're here learning. So you already know the importance of pushing your limits and exercising your mind. State. But there are moments, every single day, opportunities for us to push our limits and grow that muscle in small steps in tiny increments. They may seem unimportant to you, but I promise you, if you become disciplined or practicing the small stuff, you'll be able to draw on that mental strength when you need to perform under pressure. Maybe you're committing to a new endeavour like a new job, or you have to promote yourself. Put yourself out there and show off your skills and your expertise. Those things are needs to do public speaking. That's another big one. We often have to give presentations or pitches. You want to be able to draw on that mental power that you've built in those little increments. I want to give you five steps to help build that mental power In the following videos will discuss how to design your thoughts so we can stop sabotaging yourself. We'll also look at building resilience and change management, minimizing risk, and then we'll go for it with gusto. We live in a world where we want everything instantly. We want mental toughness to be instant to, but it's not instant. We have to build it over time. I encourage everybody to give our mind state a workout regularly. You'll feel good about the experience and your growth. I'm definitely not recommending everybody jump out of a plane, but I do want to help you develop that mental discipline needed to face your fear. You can start by pushing yourself a little bit out of your comfort zone in some small way every single day, 3. Unsafe Zone: it's time to reevaluate our comfort zone and our safety zone. Now these used to be thought of us somewhat interchangeable terms, or at least your comfort zone. WAAS somewhere within your safety zone. But our safety zone has shifted, so it's time to move our comfort zone as well. Thought leader Seth Godin in his book, The Ickarus Deception. How high will you Fly? Talks about the tech age and how is bringing in new opportunities and pushing out old ways . And it's happening fast money. Other regular habits are no longer safe, and I don't want you to get caught out things that we've done repetitive Lee in the past may feel safe because historically, everything's been fine. But that's not going to be the case into the future. Maybe you goto work and you do your eight hours, you collect a paycheck and then you do it again. And that's fine in the past. Or maybe you've been expected have a similar family life as he had growing up, assuming that if it worked for your parents, it'll work for you. That's an assumption that's not really secure right now. Or maybe think that going into retirement at 65. Everything will just magically work out and be fine. I think you can see from those examples how this comfort zone is giving us a false sense of security, conformity and living. The status quo may have worked well for us and industrial times, but they are not fit now in this current tech culture. Instead, we've got global influence. We've got artificial intelligence, we've got less privacy, and we've got robots that will come and take a lot of our job. So we have to rethink how we're doing things. We need to be more than just competent and able to work the norm for somebody else's company. We need Teoh instead. Have more vision. We need unique values. We need things that technology can't take over. So more human things, like creative ideas and specialized abilities, things that require human interaction and building relationships. Let's look a little bit at the brain biology behind. This is well when it comes to giving out of your comfort zone and trying your things, Joe dispense a in his book Evolve Your Brain talks about when we're young. We learn fast. We have new experiences all around us, constantly regaining independence, starting our careers, partnering with somebody, having Children. All those things. And those events keep our brains moving and our minds active. Somewhere along the way, we tend to settle in, get comfortable, do things that air repetitive and predictable. Our brain and our biology. Like this mode. Our brain is conservative. That wants to make sure that were ready for other things, so it takes the easy route. It recognizes patterns and repetitive things, and it latches onto those things and likes it. In fact, ourselves tend, Teoh crave the chemical balance that comes with the norm. Our mind, however, wants to do more than repetitive stuff, wants to evolve, it wants to progress. It wants to grow. It wants to learn. It's in our nature as human beings, to want to learn and grow. So we're minding our brain can be in conflict of each other. And if we pre empt this conflict before it gets to a crisis mode, then will be much better off because when we make decisions before their urgent before weird overwhelmed by these decisions, then we could just play make better decisions. You know, when your head is clear, and you thinking rationally. So it's important to shake things up regularly so that we don't get to that crisis mode. So now you know why it's important to break free from my comfort zone. Let's get into the five steps of how to do it in the next several videos. 4. Design Thoughts: e Have you ever said these words? I can't. I could never. I always or I suck at that. They're pretty common phrases, right? You've heard them before. You probably said a couple of them. I have everybody has. But they are phrases that start sentences that become our limiting beliefs. So are limiting beliefs are things that we have created in our minds that are causing us to avoid certain experiences because we think that we're not going to be good at them or that we can't do them. But these experiences could actually enhance our life. Jensen chair Oh, in her book, You are about us talks about how even though we may want more in life, we often avoid vulnerability by internalizing personal characteristics that we've either made up or that's been told to us. So labels and things that are are limiting beliefs and worse. Sometimes we don't even realize that we're holding ourselves back where our own worst enemy . Let's look at some common examples of how limiting beliefs can hold us back. Have you heard a single friends say all the good men are taken or all the good women are taken. It's an excuse to stay single and stay comfortable, not take a risk. Or maybe you've said I can't quit my job. I've got a family to support. Well, if it's a dead end job that you're not really doing your family any justice. So again, it's an excuse to stay in your comfort zone. Or how about saying you're so lucky? You're good at whatever it is thinking. Somebody's naturally good at something like public speaking, as opposed to thinking that, well, they've developed that skill over time, and you can as well again. It's excuse not to try it. So these false stories are something that we should really pay attention to. We should rethink them and find opportunities to develop in that area. If you've grown up with these thoughts, then I know it's not going to be easy, but it can be done. Let's start by looking at some questions that help us kind of dig down into what our own limiting beliefs might be. Are there any skills that you think you're not good at yet, or do you have a phobia, or is there some success that you haven't achieved yet? Maybe you think you're too old for something. You're too young for something. What do you think about why you think that? And consider if it's actually a ballot reason, or if it's a limiting belief and I'm Not want you to notice is well, in those questions, I added the word yet in a couple of them. That word yet is an easy way to go from thinking that you are born a certain way with a fixed set of traits. And you can't change them to thinking that you can have more of a growth mindset and thinking you can grow into something, learn something and develop it. Because most skills are not something that we're born with. We all have to develop our abilities. Once we're aware of what our limiting beliefs are, then we can start to replace them with better thoughts. We can start to design our thoughts. It's like planning our day. We're planning our thoughts. It's something that we don't generally think of, but we're the only ones that can control what we think. So it's worth putting some effort into it Now. This is a concept that I heard from Carry Green when she did her Ted talk, programming your mind for success. Want to think more positively? Or maybe we want to be more present in the moment. Or how about a stronger appreciation for what we have? If we first know what we want our thoughts to be and why I don't want to think that way. Then we'll have a goal to focus on. Remember, always go back to the wide. That's the thing that's going to help you stay aligned with your values and stay on course . Next, let's look at how to achieve this switch in your thoughts. Now, for some people, meditation will work. If you are into meditation, you're ahead of the game on this one. You're already into the paying attention to your thoughts and for other people consciously checking in with the thoughts throughout the day, maybe breakfast, lunch and dinner. You just take a little review about what you've been thinking over the past little while and then evaluated at night before you go to sleep. Here's another approach you can ask a friend to help. Often, what we're thinking comes through in our body language and their words the way. Rephrase things and it may not be apparent to us, but it's more obvious to other people. So ask your friend to point out what they think you might be thinking is a good way to make sure that were in line with what we want to be thinking. So much of what we do stems from our thoughts, our words or actions or habits. Who we become all comes from our thoughts. So it's really worthwhile to pay attention to what we're thinking. Design what we want to think, plan it out and stick to that plan. 5. Build Resilience: we're at step to building mental toughness. It's building resilience, and I think this is the most fun step in this journey. Other people might think other ones are better, but for me, this is where we are taking action and creating experiences, putting yourselves in situations that are going to give us that brain training that we need to develop the mindset that weaken drawn in the future. But even though I think it's fun, it does take discipline. Like I said, it's mental. Toughness is like a muscle. You need to exercise it regularly. So just like going to the gym and building your muscles, your strength needs some discipline. This does as well, so small increments regularly every day if you can. Visualisation does help, but nothing beats action when it comes to being able to draw on past experiences and having the neural connections already set in your mind. Visualization is going to help, but really action is the way to go, so don't start at the top. You want to do small steps, for example, in that skydiving situation, a friend of mine said she'd really like to do that and she, you know, asked How do I get to that stage? Well, part of it. One of the questions I asked her is, Have you ever been on a small plane? And she said, No, simple start there because we haven't done that. Just getting in the plane could be scary. You know, forget about jumping out of it. So start with small steps and work your way up to the top. Don't don't start jumping out of a plane. Start with a small plane ride. Let's look at a more relatable situation. So I'm teaching this course. This isn't my first course, so I didn't start here and I go a long way to grow. But this is not where I started when I came to trying to put myself out there. If you're into public speaking or just trying to speak in a meeting at work or something like that, then it's the same process of how do you put yourself out there? And I started with a small group when I used to work full time. I led a small group that groom grew and grew and finally got to the stage where I was getting really nervous. Speaking to them as in a leadership role. So I went to Toastmasters. That's a volunteer organization that helps me with that sort of thing, and you go once a week and that really helped that. They put you in situations where you are going to feel a little bit nervous. But they give me a lot of feedback and it is really constructive, and it's supportive and it helps you. So then I got to level where I could feel more comfortable speaking to a slightly larger group. I started to bring more things like Facebook lives. The first Facebook live that I did, there was nobody watching, so it was pretty much like pre recording and putting it out there. And then I got an audience later. So then I got more and more used to what it feels like to do face but lot Facebook live and then actually have some people watch and respond and ask questions. How do you respond to that? And I'm not saying that nervousness. That excitement never goes away, but it gets easier every time you do it. So again, you start with something small and work your way up. You build that resilience now a lot of teachers that do this sort of thing online teaching . We also have online groups where we can discuss, you know, things that are important to US reviews. Good reviews are very important to us, but building that resilience over poor reviews, that's another thing where we can start at the bottom with an easy person to give us feedback. For example, my first course, nobody was in it except for my friends and family, and I solicited their feedback. Sometimes they don't give it to which can actually be feedback in itself. But talking with my mom and my sister, my close friends, about their feedback for the course, that's really help, because I know they're not going to be, you know, hating just for the sake of hating. They're going to be really supportive. And me getting used to that sort of feedback is where a great place to start so that when I open it up to more people or build another course and put it on this platform, then the feedback I'm going to get there is going to be a broader range of feedback, and some of us still be constructive and some of it, you know, you can't please everybody. Sometimes you just have to let go of it. But how I deal with that How I figure out in my mind not to let that really weigh on me is from starting small and building up. So the more you do this morning grow, the more you're going to be able to deal with that feedback, especially if you're starting anything new. It doesn't have to have to be where you're putting yourself out on the Internet somewhere, anything new and you're going to get some feedback starting small and building up your mental toughness. Get that discipline going from the small stages so that when you get to hear it, then you've got your past experience to work from. There's a book called Organized Tomorrow Today. In that the authors talk about how we all have mental battles to fight on her way through life's journey, and if we know how to win these battles physically, it can actually be a detriment because it leaves us to avoiding the mental training process . Going through the tough stuff makes a stronger because it builds our fight through mindset . I really like that term, a fight through mindset, but it doesn't apply. Taking action. We're teaching your brains which neurons to fire. And then later, when we needed in that high pressure situation, our brains are already prepared and we can go there. But is that discipline that builds momentum? So we have to pay attention to doing it, doing things regularly, building that discipline regularly because every time you get just a little bit easier, that next battle will be easier. And then if you're already one a bottle than your brain already knows how to do it. Conversely, though, if you skip out, it can actually work against us because we'll be training our brain to do the opposite of what we wanted to do. It will be firing the neurons that we don't want it to fire. This is why, when you're beginning a new habit, it's so hard is because we haven't taught or bring yet which neurons to fire. But it does get easier. Here's a little tip that might help with it. If you can recognize when you're entering that fight through headspace, just that awareness might help your brain flip a switch so that it gets into that battle mode and gets a little bit easier. But remember, you gotta build the discipline on the small, step the tiny increments and started the phone and work your way up. As you grow continuously, your comfort zone will also expand. 6. Manage Change: way. Fall on change scale. Do you resist change or you one? Do you fight against it, or do you seek it out and relish changing your 10? I'm probably about a seven. I enjoy change. I find it exciting, but too much of it all at once. Don't stress me out and get me a bit overwhelmed. No change, of course, is part of breaking free of your comfort zone. You can't avoid change, and I think that you're gonna stay safe. But some people really struggle against it now. They'll take the time to analyze the situation and look at all aspects of it, which is fantastic. But sometimes they do get to the point of stalling, and they're resisting something that's inevitable. Remember, safety zone is shifting, so change is going to happen. It's inevitable. They could be spending their time better by steering the change to work in their favor and making sure that it aligns with everything that is important to them. Other people, people who relished change, they love it, they seek it out. Sometimes they forget to look at how that change aligns with their values, and so sometimes it's not always going in the direction it should be going in because they've kind of lost track of that. And often the other thing that they forget about is how that change will affect people around them. And change is only going to be really successful if everybody involved is aligned and it's benefiting everybody's values, so think of it as good change affecting both yourself and others around you. Let's look at both of those starting with yourself. We want to make sure that the changes we're making are lying their values. And do you really know what your values are, The ones that are specific to you? People haven't done this analysis yet. They haven't really dug down. So they think family's important health is important career on wellness and old spirituality all these things, but they haven't really done down in the layers to figure out what is specifically important to them. So let's say that you are to break out of your comfort zone. You're thinking about a new job, and you're one of your values is to be a good parent. So let's break that down a little bit, like lots of people want to be a good parent. So what does it mean specifically for you? And how does that new job a line with it? So if it means being apparent means you're going to have more time to play with your kids, especially if there's a certain stage that there really dependent on you. Still, if is that job, allow you to have more time with your kids? Or does being a good parent mean that you're going to be able to bring your kids better opportunities? Things like good schools are good clubs and all kinds of different sports opportunities. Those things cost a lot of money, right? Does that new job line with that? That's important to you? To some people, being apparent means bringing the best version of yourself to their family. They want to be home and be happy and not be stressed. Does that new job allow for you being that best version of yourself when you come home to your family? So there's a lot of things to consider when you think about your values and making sure that what you're considering is specific to you. Now let's look at the other aspect of it. If you're leading other people to be aligned with your change, so you want to make sure that they're prepared. Give them as much notice as possible so that they can think through the process as well. Don't just surprise them with it. It's not a birthday party. And if it affects them in any way, if they can also be a part of the decision making that's going to help because there were not going to want to steer their own journey through this life as well. So if you're change affects them, then that you want to give them time and preparation so that they can make their own decisions there. A lot of uncertainty. You can come of change, and that's what a lot of people find. Scary certainty is not a good place, so the more you can communicate, you know, if you don't know all the answers. If you communicate that you'll know an answer at this certain date or you'll be able to figure something out once you know this part of the equation. No, the more that you can communicate, the less uncertainty that will be there will be that will really help, but significantly if you can align other people's values with your change is going to really help them. So let's look at the example of when I left my full time job. That's a big change. Now they're several different groups of people that it affected. When I think of my co workers now, I hope that they miss me and they miss everything that I brought to that position. But at the same time, me not being there means different opportunities for them, since to sitting down with them and discussing how that opening could affect their career. Growth is going to help him get a line of that change. Part of their values, my friends and family. Obviously it affected them now. They had a lot of fear for me because when I left, I really had no idea what I was going to do next. Took a little a little while to get going, so their concern is obviously not going to make my changes Castle. But what is part of their values? You know, they enjoy spending time with me thinking this, and they want me to be in a gift mood when I'm spending time with them, so I'm going without the full time job. I have more time, and I'm happier when I am with them. You know, I'm not stressed about work when it's supposed to be, you know, spending time with them. So again, aligning what's important to them to my change now. But boyfriend, he is an incredibly supportive person, so obviously it affected him a great deal. Now, right from the start, before I have made the change. When I was considering it, we're thinking through different scenarios. He was involved in all of us. That communication was really there, and he helped with the decision making so that he could help steer our relationship in a good place. So not just what I was doing, but our relationship, which is important to him. It's one of his values now, knowing that I wasn't really growing to the same level that I would like to be in my full time job. Taking that leap created all kinds of opportunities for growth, and my growth helps the growth of our relationship So he can really get behind my decision in that way and help that be successful because he knows that, Okay, Even with growth comes those growing pains? Yeah, that's for sure. But we got through that together because we're growing our relationship together. So just to recap, change is really helpful for other people. When you can help them prepare and they know what's coming up, there's no surprises. You're allowing them. If it affects them, you're allowing them to be part of the decision making so that they can stare their own life, their own journey communicate as much as possible. So there's little uncertainty and make sure that everybody's values are aligned so that everybody is joining forces and that change could be successful. 7. Minimize Risk: okay, looked at designing our thoughts. We looked at building resilience. We've looked at managing change, but you're thinking getting out of my comfort zone is still kind of scary. Well, let's try and get rid of some of that scariness by minimizing some risk. And a great way to do that is by trying some experiments Now. I love experiments. It's taking action. It's trying things out. It's trying new things. They're fun. They're exciting. They're small. They're all about discovery. So it's not about success or failure. There's no pressure on it. There's no wait. You don't have to, you know, make something work. It's just about discovery. I think we should all be doing some sort of experiments every few months or so. Maybe every time the season changes, you try something new, but experiments are going to help us learn and refine what we know before we take a big leap. And that way we're going to know is what we're heading towards worthwhile or not worthwhile , what's going to work about it and the parts that aren't going to work? How do we cover the dime downside and do even really like this? So I enjoy it enough to get through the downside if you want to know more about experiments made in America. The story of Sam Walton is a really great book to read. He talks about the experiments that he did when he was building WalMart. Let's look at an example that I know a lot of people think about leaving a full time job now. It's scary, right? Because you feel like your full time job is safe and secure. I mean, you know, it's not any more safe and secure than anything else, but it feels that way. So if you want to get some exposure outside of that, I think you know, what would another lifestyle be like? Freelancing is a great way to do it. If you are a writer or a coder developer designer, there are many careers that can transfer into freelance work where you can test things out on the side, which is really helpful already could try volunteering somewhere like maybe you want to get into social work or, uh, your wanna work with animals, you can volunteer at an animal shelter. Volunteering is a great way to get your foot in the door and get some first hand experience . Some knowledge trying things out while things are still feeling safe with your full time job. So let's look at another example. Maybe you've got the dream of opening your own coffee shop. I know several people who would love to do that because it's a great lifestyle is a great environment. Getting a part time job in a coffee shop gives you so much exposure to the upside and the downside of what running that coffee shop would be. He's going to give you some business inside is going to give you some customer insight. It's going to expose you to so many aspects of it that you just can't read in a book. It's going to give you that realistic point of view and don't feel like you have to hide your motivation. It's OK to say, Hey, I'm doing this because I'm trying to get a better understanding of what it's like to own a coffee shop. Most people are pretty helpful in that way, and they're going to want to help you out and give you their opinions and their suggestions and talk to you about it and share their knowledge. And if you're not finding that, then try a part time job in a different coffee shop. You definitely want this to be a good, informative experience. Now, if you're talking about something as an experiment, you framed it as an experiment. Then you're more likely to be curious about and the people that you're talking with, we'll more likely want to ask you questions about what you're learning, and they'll give you questions that are going to help you learn. So that's one of the reasons why I really like framing something as an experiment. There's no pressure about failure. There's no fear failing because that just isn't the goal. There's no success on this, just about learning. So even though failure is becoming more acceptable in our society and it's less of a a block for a lot of people, it's still carry some negative connotation. So if we're not expected to have all the answers along the way, then it just becomes a lot easier. So framing what you're doing as an experiment is really helpful, because then you've got at the end of the ex friend. You've got the choice of all. Do I build this up or do I drop it? And speaking of knowing when to quit something or when to go the distance, you know that phrase winners never quit. Well, that's just simply not true. Winners quit all the time. They're just very strategic about it. They want to know where they should put their effort, and if they do everything, then their efforts not being spent where it's really worth glass. If they quit one thing, they got more energy to put somewhere else. So their strategic about where they're what they're quitting. Seth Godin in his book The Dip talks a lot about when to quit and went to go the distance, he says, to quit pursuits that lead to a dead end. If there's no light at the end of the tunnel and get out fast or you'll be missing out on more worthwhile opportunities, for instance, if you're in a job where you're just not enjoying the daily grind and there's no bright future in it than I mean, where you heading only towards mediocre, who wants mediocre, right, so it doesn't mean you need to quit the career. It just means it's time to reassess the job. Do you need to quit the job or just parts of the job? What can you do there and how do you know when to stick it out? Because we're gonna go through tough times. Everybody goes through tough times. Things aren't always easy. How do you know if you want to go through that challenge? Well, if you can assess that challenge ahead of time in the early stages and look at the possible results, then you have a better idea whether it's worthwhile or not. And then if that reward is enough for you to stay motivated and just gonna give you the desire to get to that light at the end of the tunnel, then also look at Do you have enough resources to get there? And can you do something about that? And do you have the ability to get there? And if you have all those things in place, then you know challenges. Good. It's going to help us learn agro was worth it to stick it out. Now, speaking of challenge, every time we try something new, there's going to be some skills that we can transfer from our past experience and some new ones that we have to pick up. So let's look at those transferrable skills. The more that we can bring into it, the more we can minimize our risk. So a lot of people, I find they overlook their ability. They don't realize what they're really good at and what could be broadest new things. I know of some people who are really good storytellers. When they're putting their kids to bed, they can come up with imaginative, creative things. And they've already got the structure of the story, the character building, the emotion, the excitement that goes with it. Well, those things are all fantastic when you're giving a presentation. So when I talk about transferable skills, I don't want you to just think about what you've done in a past job that you can put into a new job. What do you think in a broader spectrum? What have you done in other areas of your life that you could put into whatever it is that you are experimenting with now, in my career background, I've worked in graphic design and branding and advertising and a lot of content development , So even though I had never done on my courses before that work in content development that helped me really build some skills that are easily transferrable into this into what I'm doing now. So minimizing the risk and transferring my skills. And, of course, the skills that I don't have the skills that you don't have. You can get some outside help for that. You can go to a mentor or coach or read books, take a course, get an accountability buddy. There's there's all kinds of ways that you can use some outside help to minimize that risk as well. So think experiments to help us get, get some hands on knowledge, think about when to quit and went to go the distance. And then those transferrable skills and all those three things together will help us minimize risk. When we're trying something new, I'll see you in the next video 8. Take The Leap: e posted an article on Linked In a While Ago. It was called Take the Leap and Learn How to Fly in your way Down. Now somebody was message of me about it. We're having conversation back and forth, and he said, sometimes he takes the leap without looking. I thought I could relate to that, and I have learned some tough lessons because of it, so I wouldn't recommend that. But I have to tell you every time I've taken the leap some way, somehow I have figured it out. Figure it out. There's a thought leader. Her name is Marie for Leo, and she is known for her phrase. Everything is figure out a ball, she says. If we want something bad enough, we should have the faith that we could go after it and figure out how to make it happen. Now, if you think of a time when you want to something so much that your heart aches and you figured out how to get that thing, then you can still do it. Now the skill is already in you. Maybe you have to think back to when you are a teenager because teenagers are really good at doing this. They don't worry about excuses. They they want something to go for it. They don't worry too much. They figure it out. So if they want to meet someone who they're attracted to, they figure it out if they want to go out with their friends. But they don't have any money. They do it somehow if they want to go to a party. But yet they still have to do their exams. Somehow they get that balance, they pass the exam and they wouldn't going to the party anyway. You know, you probably did some of those things. I know I did. Well, we figured it out. So we've got that skill in us. We can still do it. I just won't stop for a moment and remember to remember or why our purpose, our values, and make sure that we're staying connected with, um and that's going to help us stay motivated through whatever we're doing, so that when we hit a roadblock and need figure it out, we'll keep that our values and our goal in ermine and well have that motivation to get through it. Now if we can preempt. But those excuses and those roadblocks might be that's going to be even easier. So if you know yourself well enough to think down the road, you gonna be considering Well, I don't have the money. I don't have the time. I don't have the skill. Whatever excuses usually is start now before you hit those roadblocks and start brainstorming ideas to get around those excuses. Now, you never going to know everything 100% before you start. So what I recommend is have your your goal in mind your end goal or at least you know, have a very strong direction. And then take the first step, let the next step reveal itself. Once you've done this, you're going to be able to have more information for you next up than figure that out and then that will give you some more information for the next step. You figure that out and you just build it along the way till you hit your goal. I know you can do so. I hope you know you can do this is felt. We've discussed why it's important to get out of our comfort zone. Let's do a quick recap on the five steps that it'll take. So number one is designed. Your thoughts Make sure you don't have any limiting beliefs that are holding you back number to build resilience. You know that mental toughness, the muscle that you've gotta exercise on a daily basis Number three managed change. So make sure you're staying lined with your values. And then if other people are involved, bring their values in as well and keep everything aligned so that you can support each other and number four minimize risk. Remember, experiments are really going to help you in this area and number five take believe, knowing that you're going to figure it out as you go along. Now I would love to hear from you really would. I'd love to hear your feedback. You want to leave a review or you want a message me or connect on LinkedIn or send me an email any way you want to connect. I would love to hear from you in this lesson. We've talked a lot about taking a leap. You already know my diet Leap Waas, Tell me all about yours. I want to hear about what your comfort zone is and how you're going to break out and then you progress along the way. Thank you so much for spending your time with me. Congratulations on completing this course. And I wish you all the best on breaking free from your comfort zone and living your new exciting life.