1. Botanical Watercolors: guys. My name is Melissa called an artist, an illustrator from Brazil. Welcome to my skills sharp in this class. We're going to do some flower and leaf works using watercolors and a little bit of think. It's a very simple process, very soothing. I walk into the steps and the results are very elegance. Look at me. Happy's nice eucalyptus leaves. You can make cards while art patterns you name it timing, really.
2. What you will need: Okay, So here's the materials that we will need. Watercolor paper. Your choice off watercolors. I like this one better, but it's up to you. Feel free to use whatever you like. Water. Paper towel. I have here two sizes of brushes. I have a number eight and I have a member. Six. I will if you have to choose. I recommend you use the six for our exercises. This is, Ah, flat brush. We're using one of our lessons. Any frat fat brush? Cool to Doesn't have to be that one. And we're gonna have some ink details in a couple of lessons so you can use black ink with ink pen or if you're not used to it. If you don't have it, that's OK. You can replace it with the micro pen. I suggest number eight or number one and that's it. That's good toe. Our first lesson
3. Warm up practice: Okay. Okay. Let's start by mixing Cem moderate greens and blues to get the cool green color. This is just for practice. So it's time to feel free to experiment. Use whatever color you like. I'm going to start with this. So we're gonna use the tip of the brush because they're the line. And then we're going to press the brush. Sly, lift. Live Teoh, Right. I prefer to start with light, very water club colors so I can always come back with more colors. I want to remember that the water colors always dry, lighter, but this is the time to practice. Experiment. Make your mistakes. Just remember these. They line the tip of the brush and press it's line, not enough water. Let's go back, slide and lift. I think it helps say it's breath. Slide and lift. Forgive me for the watercolor market. The GED, Um, the next videos move not happen. Eucalyptus leaves are very elongated and elegant, so don't be afraid to make a really long, different shapes. Different sizes, small, long, big ones. Colors. Feel free to throw some pink or purple. Mainly, this is just a practice sheet. Have fun, relax and then you'll be able to pick and choose the ones you like best. So we can do them. We produce them in the actual artwork. I changed my brushed for a size six. Now I think I like it better. These are a little slimmer here. I put, um, watery on the black water color paint. I like the gun gray. Make them overlap each other. See the transparencies. Just play around. You're gonna want to feel this whole. She so you can practice, control water and collar and be more confident on your breast strokes. When you you're doing the actual work, - you should have the practice shake looks something like this. You see different colors, different shapers and sizes, and now it can move on to the actual artwork.
4. Watercolor Eucalyptus: Okay, Now we're going to start with two lines using breast number six. You choose the colors you like best, and let's get started by now. You know the kind of colors you like best, and you don't have to do all the leaves. Exact same crawlers. So I didn't. Now you should be feeling more confident. Give some space between one leave and the other. If you think that's too much space than you can always come back and add another one. I'm trying a little bit of poker with the green. See what it looks like. Yeah, I didn't like that. So gonna go back with more green there. That's better. Slide lift. Slowly. No need to rush. Just relax. Have a good time making this. What shot? The your hand doesn't touch the what leaves. I didn't use a tape on my watercolor paper cause there's not a lot of order in this project , so I didn't use it. But if you feel the need, you can't see overlapping here. I really like this transparency and then going up to the top, I'll make last once a little smaller than the ones in the face. Especially these to here. There I could use it would have been more green stems. See what I mean? You can always come back. Admin Kohler and I had another one here. And then there's this little details. The seeds, which I think makes it really sweet, makes it both. See where you think it goes. Better in the composition. Don't overdo it. Just a little bit here and there. Oh, here. That the Okay. Hopes. Okay. Same thing over here. - What color is not about making it perfect. You know, the imperfections, the water running. That's the beauty of it. That's what I think. And it always looks a little different after it dries. Yeah, Don't overthink it. Just go with your instinct. That's it. Now I'm just gonna sign my name here. The now you like the way it turned out? You should have something like this.
5. Watercolor Flower field + micropen: Okay, lets start mixing some blue tones with a lot of water. It was tested on paper before. No, too dark. Just add my water to the fresh and start policing these watery white light spots random like so you can choose any quality Want. I'm gonna do these blue very transparent. You want this to do this quickly because you don't want them to dry. You see why in just a moment, try different sizes and shapes. Now go back to the color you chose and add more paint than water. Place it at the bottom off the flower like this. That's why you don't want them to dry. It's the so called wet on wet technique. I decide that I want more flowers. Who again? The same process. What a response. You there, little ones, big ones. Then again, with color at the bottom after it's dry. Now the micro pen use whatever size you have. This is a low 0.1. I think it's a little too thin, but it will do, and he just started doing only around the base of the flower. Like this. Mine is not dries. I'd like it to be that I'm doing any. You pull a thin line downwards doesn't have to be straight. It's better not and keep going along by one. Careful not to over that one's in from that's pretty much is. I like to call them minimal flower fields. Very dark kids on Alex. In the next video, I'm going to show a with think Ben pretty much the same process, just adding minor details just for fun. You couldn't do them different colors, just one color, your choice.
6. Watercolor Flower field + inkpen: All right, now we're going to do the same flowers, but different colors. And this time we're going to use the ink pen to do the details again. Roderick Colors placing them randomly. I'm using a brush size eight on the watery Oakar paint. I chose to do this about a month. The flower green this time just placing it there. Very gently. Flowers. I decided this time to pull down, uh, line using the same color that is there, least of the bottom. Very tip of the brush. Gently pulling down this language. Show a little bit under the ink pen and give it some movement. So the result be a little different. - Now , I'm gonna add some tiny little leaps and kind of like butts here and there. More flowers, uh, again, placing the green crew in the line just for sake of competition. Okay, now, with the ink pen and we're going to go over the bottom on the lines. Doesn't have to be exact. I like when shows there a bit of a car behind it. I think it gets a little movement, you know, Just keep going in a few details here and there. Just for fun. You see some of the Fars or not quite dry? I don't mind it, but if you wanted to be completely dry weight more, huh?
7. Watercolor Wash Background: So this is the artwork we're going to do in this lesson. If your paper doesn't come all glued together like mine, advise you in order to avoid bending to tape it all around the borders because we're going to use a lot of water for this background, you're going to need a flat brush. Andi Water. A choice of greens. I just mix them all up. I tried different shades and start making leave shaped forms doesn't have to be perfect. Start light and the shape of a defined later on with the ink that we're gonna your own talk . So this is the time to experiment with colors. Lots of water wet on wet, loose strokes. Just be playful. Don't worry too much. Don't overthink it. Remember, it dries lighters, so don't be afraid to. And a few touches off different colors. T I like that at the water. Do its thing, and that's pretty much it
8. Inky Loose Leaf drawing: So here we have our background already dry, and I'm just going to show you a little bit of the different results that you have using ink 10. Pretty much the same work that we did with micro pen. Just a little bit mess here. He had one child for your hands to touch this one. I to to do a few lines along to leave just to get some direction. Not that I'm actually following them. And just repeat no, I'm going to accelerate the video because, you know, this will take a while that you on your own to it patiently and practice your line Drone. What child did your hands doesn'T Inc can get messy. Well, you can always fix it. Try to avoid now make sure that that side is dry before you thought it and keep on doing this side, I choose to do some organic lines, curvy and round just for sake of composition to counter the other one. That's pretty straight and hard. This one I choose to do softly and organically. There's no right or wrong. There are C. I touched my hand, but I'm just gonna leave it. I don't mind It doesn't have to be just like this. You do what every feel like. OK, it's important that you have fun. Enjoy, enjoy the process. I choose to finish its blushing something to give it this kind of look. But it's your choice. Do it as you wish.
9. Wrap up: Well, I hope you had a nice time taking my class and follow me for next glasses. We show work. I'm excited to see what you made in a project session of the class. And if you share it on Instagram, you can use the hash tag. Malcolm. Gee, skill ship. Thank you for watching.