Bookbinding: Make a Japanese-stitch album! | Olga Riebeling | Skillshare

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Bookbinding: Make a Japanese-stitch album!

teacher avatar Olga Riebeling, Book maker / Art director

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Bookbinding materials


    • 3.

      Simple stitch


    • 4.

      Simple stitch with a twist


    • 5.

      Tortoise stitch


    • 6.

      Assembly book binding


    • 7.

      Now you have a new album!


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About This Class

In this class we will learn how to make three different yet easy kinds of stitches to sew a Japanese album. Japanese stitching can vary in its form; it can be as complicated or simple as we want it to be and with some patience, we could even create our own kind of stitching. This kind of binding comes in handy when we have lots of single paper sheets that we want to bind together, but not fold into each other.

We will start by reviewing materials and some examples of stitches and books, later we will practice each one of the stitches and at the very end, we will assemble an album with the stitch each student likes the best. Japanese stitching is the best way to start learning how to book bind because the stitches are on the outside of the structure and not on the inside. Also, the stitching can be done with different textile materials and be used as a decoration element for the cover.

Meet Your Teacher

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Olga Riebeling

Book maker / Art director


I am a book binder, art director and over all, a maker of things. I love taking pictures, joining embroidery projects and even watercolor a bit. In real life, I am in charge of the media and communication area at an academic publisher where I learn about editing, as well. I also teach book making and design at my studio Acampando en la sala, a cozy place that lives inside a cultural and educational project I share with my best friend in Guadalajara, Mexico: Casa Teodora.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: this less. We're going to make a definite stage like this one. You can use this for writing, drawing or scrap it before we're going to make three practices like this one. This one, this one. At the end of this last, you will be able to make books like this one. This one even last one. Like this one. Definite Stich. Funny, it's really see speaking. Just don't worry about experience. We're gonna have a lot of fun, so please 2. Bookbinding materials: I'm gonna show you older materials that we're going to need for our Japanese album project . First of all, you need to pieces of finding board. You gonna find this online or at your local paper. So I'm gonna leave links for older material so you can buy them online if you need to. Also, three additional binding word pieces. You're gonna meet a ruler, a pencil, an eagle without a point. And I recommend having to just engaged one of these bricks. We're gonna use some threat. I usually buy it by the school. But if you need less, you got all survive like this. You will need a brush for blue. You will need either a drill or a punch. But I prefer using a drill. And until you why, when you have these many pages, it is so much easier to just drill through them that having to punch each one of them. But you can use either one. You refer, you will need paper for the insights and so cute paper for the covers. Also a paper corner, a PVC card that you don't use anymore or a bone folder. So look 3. Simple stitch: This is a first issue. It's a simple stitch. You can find all the materials and instructions in the pdf in the common section. You will need to take the first template on drawing on your binding board. You will need to measure your threat. You will need five sizes off this link, so one to tree four five. You will need to put the threat into the needle and we will start on the back of the second hole. Remember to leave a little tail on the back and you're gonna hold it with your finger so it doesn't. First, we're going to start doing all the columns and then the lights. Remember to keep your threat talked. Said that he doesn't move even though this is just a practice. Japanese finding you will make the same figure on the back as you do in the front so you can see we're doing things wear done, Teoh. Send us right back to the back. You will need to pass a needle through your threat and back through the first hole. Now you can make a small not with detail that you left. That's right, that you have like this. That's it. You're done 4. Simple stitch with a twist: this is the second sit. We're going to make its a simple sit with it. You gotta fight all the materials and instructions in that idiot. In the comment section, you will need to download a template and draw it on your finding work. Now, you will need eight legs over your threat like this to three, four, five, six, seven. You will need to put it through your needle and we will start on the back of the second. You will need to leave a small tail on the back. You're gonna hold it with your finger. First, we will do the columns and then delights. Remember to keep your threat talk so that you don't have to do it over again. And this is a twist. Will do little if you already beat the first finding. You will realize that this is actually very, very simple. Like I said, we're drawing exact same for years on the front and in the back, first to the Collins and then the lines. The more you practice, the faster and the easier you will become way . We're almost done to past threat. Back to the back. You want me to says you're Neil under to this threat back to the first hole where we started. Now you can use a tail on the threat to make us more were that 5. Tortoise stitch: This is 1/3 state We're going to learn. You can find all the materials and instructions in the pdf In the competition, you will need a piece of finding board to download a template and drawing on your finding work on bank particles. You will also need eight lengths of threat. Teoh, before 56 seven, eight you will have to start on the middle hole on the top, on the back. So leave a little tail on the back and you got Hold it with your finger so it doesn't. First, we will do the columns, then they and then the lights you can think of this is making a house first. You later columns, then the ceiling. And in the end, let's we will work our way to our left. Remember to keep your threat. That now with Now we're back to now. We have finished the first half, so we go back and we work our weight to the right from here. We're going to move to the center of the whole again and we start by the first lady. Large closed. Easy. The column Did they know way Turn close to send your threat back to the back. You will need to pass your Natal under district and then back through the first call. Now, with tales and the trust you have, we can make a little like this. 6. Assembly book binding: start putting together. You can find all the materials and instructions in a pdf in the competition. First, you will need to take all your patients and make them even. You gotta get some help with some cleavers. You take your brush and Sangu and we will apply it to the edge. It doesn't really matter if you get some stains on the tough or the back, because that's gonna be covert. We the binding work to make our friend cover. We will first need to make some signals here. The highest offer binding is two centimeters. So here we will leave three centimeters and we will make a line at three centimeters and align at two point fights centimeters, and then we're gonna cut these little space. Now we have three pieces. Don't trouble this away because we're going to need it. This is the paper that I'm going to use to cover it. The finding. You can either buy the paper with the design or you can make or via the sign and print it yourself. I like using some of our stuff. It's a bit thick, and it works because he doesn't ruin itself so quickly. So first, I'm gonna take the finding aboard the three pieces that I already caught. And I'm gonna put some I'm gonna please it on the back of my design and then either with my bone Fuller with T B c card. And I'm gonna apply the small part of the binding board. We know this is just fall on his face. Now I'm gonna take the large piece aboard that I had and now I'm gonna loot to the paper, making sure that all my lines are straight. And now with my own folder for my PVC card. If you have any bubbles, then you can take your bone folder or your card. Just gently press to that here and now. I'm gonna take the second piece of finding board. I'm gonna apply some glue and I'm just gonna place it. I don't need to cut this one because this one is not gonna be opening and closing, but this one will be. I can already take these little bit off by report up. And now I control. Now wait my corner. I'm going to cut all around the finding. Please remember that you don't have to cut insight this guy. You have to go rent frustrated. Now Take your back cover, place it their boat. Even so, I have my drill and I have my two covers. I'm going to punch with my drill. Just be careful that you don't because you don't want any accidents on. Make sure that both covers are even and that they don't move while you're I will take our front cover and we'll turn it way will take our paper from the edge where we put the glue. We're gonna center it. Remember to align the edge of the paper with the edge. We're going to drill the same holes using these guys. Please be careful now we're ready to start mining way. Have for board paper cover. You're ready to start with your favorite sticks, please. When you're finished or if you have any comments, take a picture of your projects and upload it to the common section so we can all see. We can all answer your questions 7. Now you have a new album!: So how was your project going right now? Did you have an apple just like this with your favorites Ditch? And you should also have three practices. Something like this. If you have any questions, please go to the common section. And right then I will reply together. Your book starlet goes to my school. So if you want to change the size But if you want to have some cute paper on the inside, you can totally do it. Please take a picture of your project and share it with the rest of us. Thank you so much. First, describe into my class and I'll see you soon.