Blogging SEO: How To Rank Blog Posts on Page #1 of Google (Q4, 2022) | Matthew Metcalfe | Skillshare

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Blogging SEO: How To Rank Blog Posts on Page #1 of Google (Q4, 2022)

teacher avatar Matthew Metcalfe, Be More Visible Online

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the Class


    • 2.

      Blogging Basics


    • 3.

      Step 1: Keyword Research


    • 4.

      Step 2: Optimize Content


    • 5.

      Step 3: Optimize Headings & Sub-headings


    • 6.

      Step 4: Add Images & Videos


    • 7.

      Step 5: Insert Links


    • 8.

      Step 6: Add Meta-Data


    • 9.

      Step 7: Optimize URL


    • 10.

      Next Level Blogging


    • 11.

      Bonus Section


    • 12.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Do you want to rank your blog posts on page 1 of Google? Who doesn't?

I know how frustrating it is...

You spend all that time doing research, writing your blog, editing it, then publishing it live on your website... to have almost no one read it.

You are not alone!

Only about 5% of all blogs get traffic from Google. That means that 95% of people who publish blog posts, don't get any traffic from Google.

Do you want to be in that top 5%? You are in the right place!

You can rank your blog posts on page 1 of Google, you just need the right process. Even if you have no experience with SEO, you can still use this process.

In this class I am going to teach you:

  • 7 step process to rank all of your blog posts on page 1 of Google
  • How to find the right keywords to rank your blog posts for
  • 3 next level tips to make your blogs more engaging for readers
  • Bonus method for making your blog posts rank for multiple keywords

If you are ready to rank your blog posts on page 1 of Google, welcome to the class. Let's get started!

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Matthew Metcalfe

Be More Visible Online


Hello, I'm Matthew.

Thanks for checking out my profile.

My goal is to help you or your business be more visible online with the power of digital marketing.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome to the Class: Hey, thanks for checking out this class. Let me ask you a question. Do you find it difficult to rent a blows on the first page of goo? Well, maybe just getting any kind of traffic from Google is hard enough, you know, like in fact, on the 5% off the world, Klopus actually received traffic from Google. 5%. That isn't 95% of people who published blocks never see any traffic. I personally know how difficult it is to spend all that time researching a block west, riding the content up, learning it and send it along to get absolutely. I've raked over 100 blow post on the first page of Google, and I can tell you that there is a step by step method that you can follow. Even if you have no experience in s Yodo. You can use this method and your book posts will right in this class. I'm going to show you exactly how to rank. Blow close all the optimization required. I'm gonna show you how to find bright keywords toe thankful and I got a feud. Bonus tubes is well, if you're ready to start getting more traffic from group on your block us, you're in the wrong place. Let's get started 2. Blogging Basics: already. So before we jump in and actually get started with the optimization process, there's a few basics that I want to cover when it comes to blogging. If you've been blogging for a while, these things probably pretty straightforward and you've done it before. But if you haven't been looking for a long time, or maybe it's just a good refresher, there's really seven things that will make your blog's more engaging not only for humans, but I definitely give you a chance to rank higher in Google as well. So everyone is. The first thing to do is identify your audience. You need to know who you're speaking to at the start of every blawg. Typically think about right. Who's the person trying to reach you, whom I trying Teoh to deliver my message to and right this bloke for it. It helps you keep out the bloke. A lot more in sauce on will help you really create a piece of content that's very valuable for a specific audience. The second thing is no your purpose. What are you trying to achieve this blogging If you're going through and saying how I want to write a piece to help people. So maybe how to God, then that's that's your goal. That's your purpose with this boat close. Or maybe you're actually trying to sell a product. Well, maybe you're trying to build your own authority and build your own reputation through the block that these are world reasonable goals or purposes toe have when writing a block. The third thing is you want to solve a specific problem. So once you know who your audience is, you know the purpose of the block. It's a lot easier than to say, Hey, this is the specific problem that I want to solve. Blow post. Yes, they kind of can solve a couple problems at the same time, but in reality, it's better to just have one specific problem that you're solving. So when that person finishes reading your bloke post, they've got one massive take away on makes it a lot more valuable, and it also does the thing of building your reputation in helping that person se connected with. Because I get things. Particular person has really given me a lot of benefit in this block. They've solved the problem. They've given me the information I need there's someone that I want to follow. So gets them coming back again and again. Number four. We always want to rot unique content. I think it's pretty standard these days. You definitely don't want to be copying someone else's content. Copy and pasting is obviously out of the question is, well, it's OK to be inspired. Typically, when I'm writing my own bugs for a client or even for myself, I always go into a bit of research. That's that's not uncommon. Um, but always make sure that your your content is 100% unique and its you saying those things . The fifth thing is 500 plus words. You need to make sure that you have enough content for Google to be able to read. Ideally, 2000 words is out go, But BookScan rank 500 plus words in my experience of reading other other cases, it's 300 but I definitely make sure that 500 words, at least to the altitude up the Muslim rank your content. Six. Thing is right. Killer headlines This is, ah, big thing to get people clicking through to your blood close. Being able to write headlines is definitely a skill, so I encourage you to kind of do a bit of work in that area. Number seven is no large chunks of text. Typically, when people read on the Web there scanning this, skimming in their skinny, it's not. They don't really start at the top, and I can read the full blow post first. What they want to know is, Is this going to solve my problems? So they're skimming and scanning to see if your blood post is actually solve the problem. Once they do that, once they see Oh yeah, this is it. They then will probably go through and read majority off the post. But if you have large chunks of text, it makes it a lot harder to skim and skin, and then most likely they'll miss it. And they won't bother reading the whole thing. So that's really seven blogging basics to just keep in mind as you write. As I said, you may be doing most of them if not all of them already. But if you're new to blogging, these these with seven basics that you just need to make sure that you do every time you write your piece of content 3. Step 1: Keyword Research: already. So once we've got out book blogging basics out of the way, the next thing to do is really the first step in the optimization process is fine the keywords that we want to rank for. Do the keyword research to find those keywords that we want to optimize our blocks for and then obviously rank on the first page of Google for so to help us with our keyword research that I have a few tips just to keep in mind and a few things to help you with your research . Just know that keyword research is probably the most important step out of the optimization process. If you get this right and you find the right keywords, you really will have continuous traffic for months and months and even years if you keep that block updated. That's doing the keyword. Research now really has a strong a long term ramifications and positive aspects to it for your business in the future. When it comes to Cuba research, there's a There's a few different tops of key words and words that we want to look at when we optimize their content to the 1st 1 is the primary keywords, So this is the main key work that we want to rank for. Typically, this is a quite a specific keyword what what we call Mitch and long term, which means it has more than just a couple words. It's usually a phrase that is made up off four or five different words, which makes that keyword or that search phrase it will have good amount of traffic and usually the S E O difficulty or the difficulty of ranking for that keyword is not so high so that we can obtain those rankings and get that traffic very, very quickly. So we have out a main keyword, and that's the woman, obviously, that we want to find first. The second point is we wanna have 2 to 3. So the secondary key would so these a key roads that are related that we will also optimize for But it's not our main focus, but usually these are very close or very related to our primary key word that we choose. The last point there is we want to add supporting synonyms. Google about about two years ago, a year and 1/2 ago, they made a change with their algorithm and they updated it and they call it ranked brain. And the way that this algorithm works now is it ranks articles, and it ranks websites based on context. So five years ago, you could literally just put in keyword lots of times into your article and give it two or three weeks and you'd be on page one. It really was that easy. But nowadays, Google doesn't just look at T would as the main thing. It looks a context. What's this article in its whole about and who does it best serve? So putting synonyms in there in the article in the block absolutely helps give context. Now I've got a free tool that I want to show you how to use. That's really gonna help you with the keyword research. So we just flip over now to Google and, well, you'll notice up topped in, Hoover suggests. And that's the name off the keyword tool that we're going to be using. The first link is over suggest it's by a guy named Neil Patel. Hey, really is a big player in the digital marketing and particularly CEO space on expert. Definitely a great guy to follow if you if you want to look at anything to do with digital marketing, but he's got this free tour that we're going to use, I'm gonna click on that link and we'll go through to his website. So here we are, on over suggest, and there's two things that we need to fill out. The 1st 1 is the key word that we we think, maybe relevant, just to start off the research. And the second thing is the country that we're targeting. So there is a lot of countries that you can choose, and basically, when we say country, it's the Gruebel's version for that country. So if you have a different language other than English or maybe you have your target in the UK or the United States, you could definitely find your country here. So make sure that you're using or you're the results that suggest give you is for Google in that particular country. So I'm gonna go ahead his top in the United States, and now we need to add the keyword. And so what keyword do we use to start off well, really will have our block topic and we've probably got a working title or something that we're doing. So we need to just think of the key word that we think is related, and that's that's the best place to start off. So let's say we're writing an article on seven tips to wash your dog. Or maybe it's an article on how to wash your dog. So what I would go with originally is just a part of that and just top in wash your dog and let's see what uber suggest brings back so it click search and the information will load in for us. All right, So here's the overview off the keyword that with topping. So we didn't know it really know where to start. We thought this keyword is relevant, and what you gotta see is all of the information related to that keyword. So the first thing is the search for him to this 400 searchers, on average every single month in the U. S. For the keyword, wash your dog on the key phrase, wash your dough. The second thing you notice is the s your difficulty. So this gives us a rough idea of how competitive this keyword is or how hot it's going to be to rank out article for these two boxes here, actually, out lawn the difficulty in terms off Google ads. So if you were paying to rank for this keyword, you'd be looking at a cost per click roughly off $3. 86 cents on the difficulty or the competition in that market is about 36 out of 100 it's giving a medium. So the two most important stands for us when choosing out keyword our primary keyword first and then our secondary keywords is the search volume and the difficulty. So 480 searches, although it says low eyes actually not too bad for a block. If you were trying to rank the home page of your website, for example, maybe you want to go for a bigger keyword. It really depends. But for a block post, my advice is anything that sort of even above 70 80 90 searches a month is going to be a good amount of traffic because if we can get on to the top page and there's not that much competition, that's 70 80 90 people that are relevant to our audience and relevant to our business relevant to our blawg that it going to be seeing that bloke post of the top. So that's that's the way to think of it. So 400 ladies, actually pretty good. That's not too. It's quite high for it. For an article, you can see here that the CEO difficulty. So this is how much competition, as I mentioned before, that we're going to be up against and how hard it is going to be able. Teoh Rank upload on the first page 24 is not too bad. I would say anything under 30 with this school would be okay to target. It really depends if your brand new block if you're just starting a bloke and you're like accounting to get traffic, it will be a lot harder because you haven't built that authority in Google. If you've been going for a couple of years with your blow and it's gonna be a lot easier if you've just started off, I'd be looking at even less than 20 as an SCR difficulty to be targeting a keyword. If you have been going for maybe a year or more on Bean putting out content consistently, then you could definitely sort of target that 2030 maybe even a little bit more in terms of S E o difficulty. So that's the overview off this keyword. That's great. But we really need more ideas. I want to see what's available. Maybe there's a more specific here that we can target about washing your doctor. If we scroll down, you notice this section. Here's his keyword ideas, and this is where the tool actually generates ideas that might be relevant for us or maybe easier to target. So I want to highlight this one here that says, Wash your own doctor. This is the key word that we talked in her originally. But just by adding that would own look at the stats, that s, er difficulty is considerably less and the search volume is the same. It's still relevant. It's, you know you want toe talking to people that want to learn how to watch their own dogs, but the volume is the same amount of people is the same, but the difficulty or the competition is significantly less so. This is potentially a key word that we might use as opposed to wash your dog so you can see them here. They give you a whole range of other keywords that might be useful. Some of them will be relevant. Some of them will. You can see that it's definitely bring up a lot of sort of keywords that are more commercial. If you look at something like wash your own dog, me and me made it to the name of the business or wash your dog near me. Eso They're trying to find someone to watch their dog for them. That's obviously not what we want to be targeting. Now. If we click view forward ideas, it's going to bring up murky words on on the side here. So if we scroll down and you'll see that there is now a lot more keywords and it's ranked in volume, So the benefit of this let's say we got my main keyword is now going to be washed your own dog. So we're gonna be targeting this 480 is good volume. The difficulty seems relatively easy to rank four, so that's great. Now we can actually scroll down and see if there's any secondary keywords that might be beneficial for us. to sort of rank four. So with the secondary keywords, we want to be looking at search volumes that there are a lot less and less your difficulty . That's a lot less eso this one here. Can you wash your dog with this soap? It might. We may not have thought about this in writing this in the article, but obviously there's 90 people every single month that want to know can usually dish over the unity. Use other sites. Well, the search volume for this with such difficulty Sorry is only six. It's very easy rifles, and maybe we end up putting another paragraph in our block post and targeting this cable, it really just play around with it. Get some ideas. Obviously, I've just shown you one, which is wash your dog. You can definitely be topping. And as other ideas come into your mind that you might be ranking for, you can just put him on here. It's gonna give you all of those results and a ZAY said the top one is always going to be the key word that you've kind of chosen so that you can kind of see the results and it for keyword research. It's a bit of, you know, time. It might take some time, but it's very important that you do get right One last thing that I just want to har lot about this tour before we kind of wrap up the key word research section. Is this this section over here? Now I've talked in wash your dough, and what the two does is that it will give you some results. I'll show you the so the websites that are actually ranking for that search phrase currently so you can see that Washington got net. Ford slash well can release it. But whatever the article, the domain is that shrinking adult time dot com These ones here. These are a websites that are ranking 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and you can get away down here so you can continue to kind of get a feeling off your competition and what those are. You can definitely go and check them out. Might give you more ideas for your bloke post, but it's just a good idea that haven't understanding off where your competition is about on so you can see what you're up against and what your article was potentially going to ranking goo. So that really wraps up the keyword research section. Very important. I always encourage you t go through and find that one primary key word that find 2 to 3 secondary keywords and then then you'll be able to go through as well as fired some symptoms to help with context that we're going to be using in the future. So if you're following along this course and you've got a blood already in March encourages to kind of pause it, he up do the research because the next steps are actually going to be the optimization quote process and implementing these keywords into the content. So under the keyword research, write them down in Excel or just around down on paper. Just so you know where you're going to be, where you're gonna be focusing on the key, would you wanna rank your block for 4. Step 2: Optimize Content: all right. Now that we've got our key roads, we've got out a primer keyword We've got 2 to 3 sort of secondary keywords that we can also inset. And then we've got an idea of some of the symptoms we can use in our content. It's time to actually go through and start the optimization process. And the first thing is obviously optimizing the general content. So something's Teoh. Keep in mind here when you're optimizing content, the 1st 1 is keyword density. So this is something you may have heard. If you learn anything about S CEO in terms of optimization, off content, keyword density, so it's usually a percentage and the key word density percentage that we want a target is roughly 2 to 3%. So what that means of every kind of 100 words that we write in a blogger now on article. We want to make sure that we insert the key words 2 to 3 times. Now you notice here that I put one keyword for every 100 words. I'm assuming that your keyword on average is sort of made up of 3 to 4 small words. You search phrase with the target phrase that you want to be ranking for his made up off that 3 to 4 words. So that would mean that it's 3 to 4 words out of every 100 words, which is how we get that 3 to 4% now you'll read different things. If you do more research into this, this is what I've found that personally works best. There is this thing called over optimization, where you insert the key words too many times, and then Google will actually punish you for that. So if you if you sort of thinking or there might be too many times have added those keywords in, it's probably best to kind of change those words out. Eso you don't over optimized. Just getting punished door or in trouble with Google is definitely a big no no, no. So once we've you kind of worked out your keyword density and you can work how we can add that keyword or search phrase I for every roughly 100 key words, we then want to go through and also insert as secondary keywords. So putting in those other secondary phrases into into the content is obviously going to help us have the opportunity or build relevance between those secondary keyword phrases and our content, and they four gives us a chance to do that. And lastly, as I said, we want to use synonyms toe. Add more context to think about when you're reading through that content. But even editing stage. Or maybe as your writing is, well, think about one of the symptoms that I can add in here just to give a broader context to my article on appeal to different search phrases and things like that. So when we go with optimizing content, it's not that hard. I just wanted to talk about when and how to kind of add your keywords into the content and think about it. The last thing that just want to mention in Extremely important, Don't just add keywords into the psych of adding keywords in make sure they fit and make sure it sounds natural. Read back through the sentence where you put the key work and save yourself. Does this really sound natural? Doesn't sound like it would be used in everyday conversation or depending on the tone or voice that you use with your block. Does this sound natural? I definitely don't just want to be stuffing keywords in there just for the sake of putting keyboards in. As I said before, Better to actually have less keywords in then. Too many keywords in eso You don't risk getting in trouble from Google. So that's really it. With optimizing the content with first part of optimizing your content, definitely go and do that. 5. Step 3: Optimize Headings & Sub-headings: already. So the next step is really to go ahead and optimize our headings and subheadings. Well, what headings and subheadings and whatever actually help us do well in reality headings and subheadings help break up the content and form a structure on the page. And this isn't just for search engines. This is for people as well. So you need to make sure that you have headings and subheadings in your articles and in your blog's because, as I mentioned before that skimming and scanning this, people will often scan through the page and read the subheadings first before they read the text below. So this is very important not only for search engines but for humans, and search engines take sub headings and subheadings into context when ranking articles as well. So it's very important that we do optimize these with the appropriate keywords. So few little tips here to focus on. We want to add the title tags. I'll actually show you in WordPress in the second how to do that if you have another website. There is always a way that you can do that, but I'll just share with WordPress kids, obviously the biggest, um sort of website hosting a website build up at the second thing we want to do is at the main keyword into our H one. I'll show you what the hate one is, but it's basically the title off the article. We want to make sure that our main keyword is in. That's when Google is kind of crawling through that. That page of that blower article they see or bang is that there's a keyword. This is relevant to that keyword and now other subheadings, which is out hate to and now hates three. We want to add out supporting keyword. There are secondary keywords into them as well as as we can add on main keywords. But it's very important that you do optimize your headings and subheadings so that the Google can really gain that context or really draw that relevance. From your article to that key words I'm gonna football over onto actually want one of my websites and show you what I mean by headings and subheadings. So here we are on on an article on my website, and he's an article that I've written called the Seven Best Ways to Make Money while traveling the world full time. My this particular website that I have is focused on being a digital nomad and kind of travelling and working at the same time s o. This article is obviously very, very specific to that audience. Now, my heights one or my main heading is this section here so automatically, By adding this in, it's going to get that hate one tag that heading one tech Now my target keyword for this particular low post is make money while traveling so you'll see seven best ways to make money while traveling the world full time. My keyword is inserted in to my my heading one. My main headed off the article. Now, if you've got a WordPress site to, it's very easy to create hate twos or heading twos and subheadings and hate stories as well . So my hate to which is one of my subheadings, is actually this one here. See how to make money while traveling. You can see again. I've inserted my primary keyword. My focus Q. Judges make money while traveling, and the way that I've given it that heading to tag or told told WordPress that I want to display this as mice as a secondary heading is by giving it this tag here so you can see that we can actually add these tags very, very easily and tell them Tell WordPress in. And obviously Google was well, just by high riding the text and then choosing the heading that we want, which in this case is a hate tooth. Now, if I keep scrolling down the page, I will show you a height Street said this one here again. What I've done is I've given it the heading three tag and, uh then what? This I've also then going ahead and added my keyword into that any tax so you can imagine Google or anyone for that matter, that comes on the you're going to see the main, uh, the main key would and said it into the article at the top of the heading one. And then they've got in the secondary heading of also added that key worded and then in the third heading or subheading. I've also added that key would in now I've got a lot of content in between these these headings. If I didn't have these headings, it would be very difficult for someone to actually go ahead and scan this content and really understand what they're about to read and decide whether it's worth then reading. Now just go down a little bit further because you can see about number one number two and then number three. It is okay to have two headings. If you wanted to start to hate to headings if you want it, you only ever wanna have one main heading for the article That just makes sense. But it is okay to have a couple off h to hasten. You noticed. This time my keyword is a little bit different. So make money while traveling is my main keyboard. But what I've done is I've added make money while you travel. I noticed these is something that people also show. So that's why I've added in. It's a secondary keyword to in this particular article. And now if he keeps growing, you noticed that we stop with the heights threes again. And I've even going as far Azadi, a hate for you can see that this so I've got lots of different levels in my article in this actual article I think is about 3.5 1000 words. So if we need to make sure that we make it as easy as possible for people to kind of skim and scan on day four, more likely to rank only rank, but then hold their attention. Have them read the whole article. So headings and sub headings are really just a great way to break up the text, give the bloke sort of structure and then add keywords and draw relevance to those keywords . So we make sure that they break. I'll show you one more example. These guys Ah, hub spot, huge In the in the marketing, you will inbound Marketing gate. The reason I'm showing Teoh is not because I'm affiliated with them in any way, but mostly they just do really great content. So you'll notice he up six elevator pitch examples to inspire your own. This is their hate one. This is the main heading off their their their articles. Now I don't know exactly what he were there. Tired in here might be something like elevator pitch examples. That mob is the kind of keyword, but that's just their hate one. If we continue to scroll down, you'll notice that this is actually their hedge to what is an elevator pitch. So they've added their secondary or a subheading there in the hatch to continue to scroll down. Here is another subheading. This is a hate to his. Well, if we scroll down, here's their hate. Three years of the actual six tips and these are all hate three, so you can see that they're structuring it. Look at the main title. They've added a page to that. I did a secondary age two, and then they've got their hate three. So as you go down, you're actually look what's very easy to skim and scan it and get the content and information you need. Where they can continue the scroll. They've added some more content in. This is a great example, because not only have they just gone through and written their original broke post, but they've added an example that you can follow, and this is a hedge to as well. And this is a hatch three. So I just wanted t give you ideas. I don't want you t get to write about it. If your if your blog's air only sort of 500 words, you probably will definitely have your main hate one. You definitely have a hate to you may or may not have aged three and four in just a small Michael, if you riding to 3000 words on a blow coast, you definitely want to be using this structure more so and ensuring that you've got a lot of the different types of subheadings to add in. But this is a very important steptoe. Optimize your content to make sure that you go through and at your main key with at least two your hate one and even a hate to and then had secondary keywords into your hate three again. When not stuffing keywords in, we want to make sure that when we riding those headings, it's very natural. You don't want to over optimize your content. Otherwise you might get penalized by Google. That's really it to headings and subheadings. So if you're following along, go ahead now and go to a bloke post and start inserting those keywords into your headings and subheadings. 6. Step 4: Add Images & Videos: all right. Now it's actually time to go through an ad in what I'd call Rich Media, which is really just images and videos. And this is very important that you do this for a couple of reasons. One. Google nose. If you've got an image or video on your page on two, it's much more engaging. Article two Reader. A blow to read for people that come and visit when you've got images there to break up that text. It's boring particular if you're writing longer articles 12 3000 words. If there's no sort of images of videos to make it interesting and more engaging, it's a lot more boring and you're going to get a little engagement from people. So Google does has made it a ranking factor that you have to add in images and videos. That's very, very important to do that. The other thing on this is who can actually understand what an image is about. Eso I'm gonna show in a second, go back to that bloke post that I was talking about in the previous video on my website and show you what I mean by this. But basically Google doesn't know what in the image, so you have to tell them. And there is a way to do that, which I'll I'll show you now. So if I freak over back onto my book post here, this is the original blow close that were on the seven best ways to make money. While you travel the world full time, I scroll down to my first picture. He up obviously of added in a main picture. If I scroll here, you can see in the featured image, but this is actually in in text pictures. It's in the article, and so Google won't know what this is about. So it uses two different factors to kind of try and work out what the image is about. The first factor is it looks at the content above and below and kind of surrounding the image to kind of understand what this particular image is. A battle in my head. Anyway, look at some of the text that I've written about up above and below, and the second thing it does. Is it it? It asked to it once you to putting all text to tell them specifically what the image is about. If you don't do this, you're missing out on lots. It's very important that when you add images, which is a great thing to do, you also add the old text. I'm gonna click he up and show you where that is. On wordpress. There'll always be an option almost for every website builder of use with its squarespace or even go daddy or Shopify. Whatever it is that you're using to run your website, you blow. There will be an option for this. I'm gonna quick this edit button here and you notice you've got alternative text here and you have to kind of add that text in. So what I've done is put Mike money while traveling the world full time. So is obviously that's my key word. Here is make money while traveling, which is great because we were optimizing this image, optimizing the article from my keyword, and it's kind of kind of tell them what we're doing. So in this particular picture were traveling and 90 money, So it's kind of relevant Well, so you need to make sure they add all text in to tell Google what the image is about. It could be specific or not so specific. It's completely up to you. The thing to remember is you don't just want to add your key wedding for the sake of adding a key would again. We're not trying to stuff the keywords, and I keep saying that, but it's very important. You want to make sure that whatever your images about is that you make the old text development. Don't just add your keyword in after the sake of it, but I will also point out that it's very important that at least one of your images on your website of your your main image Sorry on your log could be your main image. You could be other images that you add in text has your keyword in the alternative text. That's very, very important ranking factor. But this is an important step, so make sure that you do include images and even videos in your articles as you can, and then make sure that you do use this alternative text. It will definitely help your article rank, but not just this. If you add alternative text when people do a Google image searches, your image will also rank in the Google images, and that might be another way that you can get traffic on to your block. So get through now back to your post if you're following along like that and stop adding in alternative text into your images. 7. Step 5: Insert Links: Okay, so now and next step, The next thing that we want to be optimizing our articles for is links. The whole Web is connected by links, so links are extremely important to make sure that you're adding into your blokes and into your articles. Now that's really two tops of links. The first couple link is an internal link. So this is a link from your blog's to another page on your website. You're linking internally in your website. The second type of link is external links. So this is when you lick from your blogger, your article to someone else's website or to some other type of website. That's an external link and both are important to include in your articles and in your blokes, because it helps connect your blogging your website to other websites and other pages on your website. So Google has never really confirmed or denied whether this is a ranking factor, but through a lot of lots of research that has become very important ranking factor and having links from other people's websites onto your website run to your post on the Radical is definitely erect ranking factories, something that Google takes very seriously, so linking out, which is what I'm talking about right now, is an important step. Now when it comes to a guard, it's hard to give a rough guard of how many, I guess, links you should be having. But typically what I am for is somewhere between 2 to 5 internal links will be looking at trying to add at least two links in every article that goes to another page on my website and, uh, probably for external, actually probably looking again around 2 to 5 links that link out from your blow your article onto someone else's website. Now another great aspect. Another benefit of linking is that if you when you got to add these links in, let's say you've got your blogger, your article and you talking about a specific service that you offer in your business, or if you can link to that service and that person is come on, they're searching. They're trying to understand whatever the topic years, and they're also interested in your service, and they see a link that can just click on that link and bang their on your services patient. What you've done is then take that person who came on to get information and you've actually got them to take that next step into finding out more about your services, which gives you a chance to kind of maybe pitch them or get some business that way. So drinking is a great thing, not only just for connecting your website on DCA necked into other websites, but also for potentially driving real business. So I'm gonna jump back through and I'm going Teoh to go into that blow. Got that? We've been looking at the last couple of videos on my website to show you have included some links. So here we are on on this block again, and I want to point out this link here. So if you're serious about working and traveling full time, you're in the right place. Let's get started. So what I've done here is I've added a link to another blood that I write, which is about the digital nomad last, also working and traveling full time and the digital nomad lost style. He's relevant. So note that when you're linking, you don't just want to be adding at a random link to someone else's website or in an internal Lincoln to another page on your website just random that you want to make sure that whatever text you link is relevant to the page or the other post in this case that you're linking two. So this is an internal link that I've added into into this particular article. If I scroll down a bit, I'll show you an external link or away that I've used external links. So this one here is talking a bit about a freelance fee as away and I've linked to to freelance based site. So this is linked to five off. I've come and up work worked, outcome of linked out to them as places that people can actually build profiles and start getting a freelance clients. It's extremely relevant, obviously, of linked their names. That's that's going to be relevant. And it's relevant to these people that would be reading this. It might be, I think, that they want to be leveraging or using. So that's just very simply, a couple examples of how abused internal and external linking again. It's very, very important that you do that because the whole Web, the whole off the Internet, is connected through different tops of links. So it's important that you become part of that community, become part of the Internet by linking internally and your website and also linking out to others. One of that point that I might make here is if you a great way to do external linking is if you're doing research and your writing a blood that may be involved. Some sort of numbers, percentages or figures effects. If you state a fact rather than having to kind of source that at the end you can just put an external link to the persons website or to have you managed to get that fact from. So if people are worried about that, are worried about the fact they could just click through and see where you got that information from. Its a great way toe have external links coming out from your bloke, and it builds the authority off what you're writing. So if you're following along, go through and have a look out, block your bloke post and think about our way. Can I link externally and where can I link internally? And you probably want to add roughly 2 to 5, depending on how long or how big your bloggers of external links and internal leaks 8. Step 6: Add Meta-Data: all right, he said. Now we're up to step six of our optimization process Seven steps that we're taking We've found the key words the secondary keywords and the symptoms that we want to use. We've optimized the content with, then gun down our headings and subheadings without it images we've done our linking. So that really is the main sort of core on page elements or the content based elements off . Optimizing our article as a whole said ranks on page one of Google. Now we want to take it that extra step further. And so in this section and for metadata, as you can see, there is actually our it's almost like our ad into the Google search results. I'm gonna flick over to the search of results, uh, to sort of say can kind of get an idea as I talk through these next few points off. What? What metadata is. So I'm here on Google off added. This had a wash your dog. I also start Googled how to wash your dog continuing with that thing. And these are the search results. These are all of the results that have come up on Google that I could potentially click on . This is the first page I could go through. Most people don't. That's why the first page is so important. But these are all the different results that I can click on. So if I scroll down these videos and other things that when probably jump into at this point, but just in terms of articles, you can say he is a couple of articles that ranking in in Google for this research time. How to wash your dog So a medic data is made up off to the three elements. The 1st 1 is your meta title, which is this year's The Dogs Wanna one bathing your dog and then it's got Dark Tom, which is the website, and your meta description was just this section of text here. Now most meta descriptions aren't this long. Google does get to show how much met up description it shows, but typically it's not that long. This is more of a realistic are so of meta description length, and this is very, very important that we get these right because, as you can see, this is like out ad on do on the search results that will get people to click through to our article, actually read out contents. And not only is it important to optimize both metadata eso both meta title and meta descriptions with the keyword we also want optimizing for humans. Because this is how we're going to get people actually click through and read now articles and get that traffic onto our website. So when you jump back through into the slides that I got with the point, I just wanted you to understand what the metatarsal was, which is this part here and the meta description here s so you can visualize it as as I talked through the points off, optimizing them. So the first thing is the meta toddle and obviously the way we want to optimize. This is without primary key. But now keyword has bean inserted into the tile about block and typically no, always, But typically a meta tato is the same as out blow article title. So you can literally just copy and paste it and then have that as the metadata. Sometimes you might go OK, this is this is the title that I want on my block. But when in the search results I want to change a couple of words to make it more enticing it quick. You can definitely do that too. Obviously you don't wanna be quick, baby. Which is where you just kind of just trying to get the click you want make it natural and very relevant. But typically it's very, very similar, if not the same as your blow total. The last point there is that you only get 60 characters. So if you have more than that, you run the risk of Google actually cutting off your meditative. And so rather than having the last word or a couple of words, it'll have dr dot to get cut off. So you want to make sure that you adhere to this kind of 60 characters rule. And don't put any more than that in your metadata on again. I'll show you this in a moment on my website for that article. How have done that? But just keep in mind 60 characters. Sometimes Google will show 65. That might interest 70 but if you have that many characters, you do run the risk of it getting cut off. So that's really all you've got to remember in terms of meta title. When it comes to meta description again, we want to insert our primary keyword. The main keyword that we want to rank for with them want optimizer that secondary keywords or a secondary keyword is Well, just add more relevance in context, remembering that the meta description is kind of a brief overview of what your articles about So you do want, obviously, add the keywords in there and optimizes bees research. But you also you wanted to sound very natural and kind of give a very strong overview of what your article is about. Because if you can meet some at this point, they're searching for this particular topic. They see you met a description, and if they read him at a description and go, this is You know, this is something that I'm interested in your more likely than toe. Have them quick and spend longer on your blocks. You get more value out of that are the 3rd 4th point there at a call to action. It's important for any aspect of writing or online marketing, really. But particularly first year, particularly in meta descriptions at a simple call to action, could so it could be easier is quick now or see now of you now. But just at the end there you make sure that you've got your telling them the next step to take two to find out more to get more information. And the last point there is a maximum of 155 characters if you notice on that one that where we just looked at on this search. This is more than 155 characters again. Groom may or may not show more, but basically we want to make sure that we are adhering to that 155 character rule on on Google just so that we make sure that we don't get cut off again because they will at times see if I can find so you can see this one here. It's got that dr dot point, So although this is optimized that they have done that, they've added too many characters and now it's getting a dot, dot dot so it's being cut off. Same with this one. It's very common, So a great way to stand out is make sure that you've got a clean cut like this one here where it is optimized. It fits the character limit and therefore you get the whole description show. Now I'm gonna flick across to my actual website and show you for this article, Where or how to add these meta descriptions in and what I kind of look like in terms of this. So the first thing I want to point out, we're on this this this big, long article that I wrote with seven best ways to make money while traveling the world for top. Now, to make my meta description entirely easier to optimize and edit, what I've done is I've installed a plug in called Yost s CEO. Now, if you've had your website built by a Web developer, it's very likely that they will have installed this plug in automatically if not on. You have ah wordpress website minutes. Dude, he's got a plug ins. Add new look for Joost sdo. It's still a plug in. And then what? Every on every page and every post in your website. You will then have this plug in and this option to make sure that your right to edit the edit metadata description that title if you have another type of website? Squarespace Shopify. There are options. They've already built that into the system or into the platform. So you just need to locate that and you will be out. But it also edit these. But this year there's a few things. That's why I just want to go through. It's very, very great tool into free playing for you to use. So if I scroll down, what I'm gonna do is click edit snippet and it's got Title to that met, a total that I get to add in here so you can see seven best ways to make money while traveling the world full time. That's exactly the same as my blog's title. It's very relevant. It's what people are going to be looking for, and it's got my key word in it. So a lot done is I've just copy and paste that title. If, for example, um, I take out this here, I delete these ones and you'll notice it saying, With this orange is saying you don't have you don't have enough words, so you need to Edwards if this was my title. Seven best ways to make money online while traveling. What I could then do is at a bar and then top in my name or the name of my websites. And so now it's going green. I've got top make money while traveling, and I've added my name there to sh and where it could be a website name of your business name. And the reason we want to do that is just because it sort of gives you the authority. So it kind of says, Hey, look, this article's coming from such and such now they may have never heard of you, but it just looks good on Deacon. See in us, it's giving us a sniff. It previous off what that's going to look like now. I think it's more. In this case, it's better to to kind of have these these words in it. That's quite that. Were the world full time. I want to add that in, and I've added that enough. Got my keywords. That's my meditate. If we scroll down to my meta description, you can see here it gives me this bar again. If there's not enough keywords in the orange, if it's too much, I'll just show you what it looks like it's too much again. It goes orange. So I want to make sure that I've got got that that optimize that for the right length of 155 characters. And my meta description is discovered. The seven best ways to make money while traveling, plus men, how much money you can make and how long it takes to do it. See now. So I've added my make money while traveling. There's my main keyword. Really, I didn't I wasn't able to add a secondary keyword into meta description. This Tom. There are other key words or words in there that give context to the article. So that's the kind of why have opted to to write this description again. I'm trying to make it natural. I want to put you out there, But if I can't, it's obviously better to have it natural than it is to had to many keywords in. And lastly, of out of my call to action, which is really just see now this is saying hey, coming up, Look now, and for someone who wants to make money while traveling, particularly if they want to travel the world full time then This is gonna be great article because they know that they're about to see seven of the best ways to make money while traveling. And they're gonna learn how much money they could potentially make as well as how long it takes to do it. Now, just water on this section that really use meta Tahsin. That description summed up very easily. Very simply, I just want to show you a bit more power or how you can use this tool to to make sure that your articles are well optimized. If I scroll down, you see that I've got my readability, readability analysis and my focus key phrase. If I click on the focus key phrase, you see there's a drop down. So what it seemed to me is, insert that the key word or the phrase that you want a toe. What's your main phrase again? This is all fruit, so make money while traveling. That's a key phrase up out of this in. And if we scroll down a bit further, this shows me all of the different aspects that you can actually often my source. It makes it a lot easy to optimize. For now, It's saying that my keyword density isn't quite right. Yes and no. Let's say that I should have it at least 13 times. I've got 10 times, so you're not gonna always be able to reach those limits. But it's just the general general. God, you can see these are all the ones that I've done right according to the tool. Have added the ult Patrick attributes. I've got the key word key phrase in the title, so these they're saying, You've got those, but you could You could try and make it better. Basically, with this tool, it's very hard to get all of these elements right, so don't want you to stress over that too much. But as soon as you get this little light bulb here, says Green on, and I think if we scroll up, you can see that here it is good with the green. If it's not right, it'll be orange. If it's if it's bad, it'll be read. So basically we're just trying ti get the green light. Once you've got the green light, Yost is saying how you may not have everything perfect as we put it, but it's it's good enough it, Ken rank. So you're looking for that green traffic lot? Just cover the readability analysis to so this the ghost tour will actually goes through the plug. It actually goes through scans for your content, and it checks it out on a few different factors again. What we're looking for is the green lot readability analysis. It can be valuable. I don't focus on it too much. I really just focused on this keyword phrase and making sure that I get the green light with that one with the Oh, so if you're using yo specifically, it offers a lot of value to you, but if you don't have it, that's fine. Just follow through with making sure that you get your s your title, your meta title sorted and your meta description ready to go. So if you're following along and your optimize your book post as you watch this cross, go through now and optimizing men's Tato and he met a description and I'll see you in the next video 9. Step 7: Optimize URL: already. We are almost there on the steps. Seven in our optimization process and that Step seven is toe optimize your you are out. So if you think of your domains that your domain dot com ford slash and then comes your you are else. That's the part that were actually optimizing now. So it's very simple. Very easy to do is a quick video, but it's also very important to the first thing that you want to remember is that you've got optimize it for your private key would basically your you are l should be. Your primary key would all right. That's just as clear cut as it is. The second point there is to remove stop words, So stop words are simple words like putting a or two or something like that so you can remove those those stock words if they are part off your primary keyword. Typically they shouldn't be, but they may be in some some kit, some context. So, for example, how to two would be a stop would, so you don't want them in your you are. Oh, you don't need to have them in your you are up and the last point, there is two to forward. So generally if you have a primary key word, which is kind of five or six words, which is fairly rare. But if you did have that, then you might want to sort of short in that offsets any sort of the maximum four forwards . You can also shorten you if you've got a prime, a keyword that's forwards and you want to make it three or two euro. You can do that, too. So the reason that we want to optimize our euros is gonna make them very clean, very easy to see, because people typically click through from Google when they see optimized You RL's that look clean and very simple. They know where they're going on and, as well as obviously inciting at key would. It's a ranking factor. So we want to make sure we do that. How do we do that? I will flick across to my website were back on that blawg, and I'll show you how to do that. So if you've got the yo Stasio too, you can see that it is the slug. This is what they call the girl. There is another way to optimize, too. If you scroll up to the top off the page, you can see it's called a family. This is the link here. I could click, edit and then edit that link so to four words, and we want to insert key words and make sure there's no stubborn. So my my focus keywords make money while traveling. So that makes it very easy, because that means that my you are oh, in this case can be make money while traveling. It's four words that fits that word limit, and it also doesn't have any stop words is a all main word. So if I was to update this one or add that as slug, we then go through the actual article itself and you can see my domain. Matthew Medcalf dot com ford slash make money while traveling. So that's that's it that's really, really used to. You are always It's very important that you do this for each you are out. If you just let WordPress do it usually work or any sort of website hosting or platform. Usually they'll do it as the whole title of the articles of In this case, If I hadn't have optimized that women. Matthew metcalf dot com forward slash seven best ways to make money while traveling the world full time. That's a mouthful and white too long, and it's not gonna get to Google. It's not gonna be good for humans, and it's very complex. So that's it for euros. If you're following along, going up the Mars your girl right now on your block post and I'll see you in the next video . That does cover the seven steps. But I've gotten a sort of some more tips around blogging in general that I want to show you in the next video. 10. Next Level Blogging: already. So we've covered a lot seven steps to optimize your blood post. There's a couple of other extra things that I wanted to share with you to really take your belonging to the next level. And this is really for people that want to make money out of that. Blood with Tristram is is pretty much everyone. So if you have a business or if your blow gives your business, this is gonna be very valuable for you. So the street tips he had to really take your blogging to the next level. The 1st 1 is you want to use an active voice. That's a voice that's very ton or stall of rotting. That's extremely encouraging. And not only that, but it really gets people t inspired them to take that next step. So that's the kind of time and passion that we've found have been the most important without blow. And that is to these that gets people to take the step that we want them to do, which comes into play, but later, and it also makes people through positive and happy to be reading your content, keeps them engaged and often builds. Ah, great support on your blogger and followers of your business, which is very good. The second tip there is right for an eight greatest statement. Now My best example of this is the U. S presidential election campaign with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. They say that Donald Trump spoken eighth grade level, so every un understood exactly what he was talking about. Hillary Clinton spoke it more like 1/12 grade and even sort of a college level people some people were unable to sort of. I understand what she was about nuts. I don't want to get into a debate about who was rotten, who's wrong and all of that kind of thing. But that was just one factor that I saw. The experts kind of pulled out of that campaign, So it's the same for us. When running a block, you want to speak as if you're speaking to an eighth grader. So when you write your content, you don't want to make it too difficult to understand. If if it's an industry, that's that's, you know you might need some sort of formal education to really understand, try and change out the words so that an eighth grader would understand your topic. That's really just the main thing. It means that people, everyone that comes on your blood, therefore will be able to understand the topic and is a chance to kind of get them to take that next step. The last thing on the last point. Very, very important. With every single blow cause you rot, we're wise. And with the Colt action, the quarter action is really just something that you put on the end and tell them what the next step is For the next step, after reading your bloke post after they get some insights and information may be to get in contact with you. Or maybe you've got some sort of download that you want them to take. Always end with a call to action. It can be a simple if you're not sure why. I don't know what I want my my res to do, yet that's fine. Uh, spend some time thinking about it would be what I'd encourage you do. But maybe it's a simple is getting them to fill you in on social media. So that way, when you release a new blow when you're released, new content that that there they can read it. You could pick it up. So always end with a call to action, cause people will like your post. But if you don't tell them what the next step is, then you're gonna lose that kind of that person that would have maybe followed you. Or maybe even being a customer voice of this sort of three tips there to take into account to really take your blogging to the next level on. Definitely. If you're blogging, Teoh sort of get sales or or potentially growing a business. Implement these three steps speeches They very, very only three points because they are very important to taking a blow to the next level. 11. Bonus Section: already. Before we just close down this class, I've got one bonus section that I wanted to share with you. That I think is very important. You might have heard me before when I mentioned that long form content. More words typically means that you achieve higher rankings Foster. So that of the minimum is that 500 plus a za rough God, a riding kind of 1500 or 1000 words really means that you cover that topic more in depth and you will achieve higher rankings. Ah, lot quicker as well. So toe help you might go. You know, I've covered the topic and I don't know what else to write about. Itt's only 700 words on I just don't know what helps to write about. So I wanted to show you a place or a strategy that you can use to actually find out what you should be. Ah, sort of what what more people are asking or want answered associated to your topic or your bloke parts. And the great thing is, Google does all of this for us for free. So when a football of up to Google now and you'll notice I'm back with washing dog as the topic that we've chosen. And so maybe I've written sort of five or 600 words and giving some tips on how to wash the dog. But I want to find out what people are interested in or more interesting or questions more that they're they're interested in, related to this specific topic. Off. Wash your doctor. If I scroll down, you noticed there's this section here, it's called People also asked. So one of top to my keyword Google's going okay, so related to this keyword or to this topic, people are also asking these questions, so what you can do is take these questions and how many times maybe I didn't cover that in my topic. How many times are supposed to wash the dog? That's a common question that people ask. So now you can go on right? A whole other paragraph, maybe that 100 words 150 words. With How many times are you supposed to wash your dog? This also become the subheading, so you actually able to add another heading in, which helps with this structure of your article. So this is a great tool. One other thing about this is if I click on this, you'll notice I'm gonna shut this one down. And Google's actually added more questions related to the specific question that that I just sort of answered this question here. So there's literally unlimited. If you notice I'm just gonna keep clicking. And Google is just gonna keep adding more and more questions. That is literally did you a huge amount of information associate ID with what people are asking on your topic, which helps you build out a big article. And not only is it just longer and helps you rank for the primary keywords, your now offering more value so potentially your article can rank from more keywords. So this is a great tool, a great bonus. That's something that I do with almost every article that I write just to expend it on. Its I, too, have written 500 or 600 were articles of blog's and gone. You know, I just don't know what else to run about, and then I jump on and this gives me trail for more ideas and not only gonna be relevant, and I don't even have to write all of them but some of them will be, and I can just take them into the questions and you'll notice that Google has already taken a snapshot from this particular block here, in this case of how many times it's best to wash your dog so you can even use this and use this his inspiration to answer that question. But I just want to show you that because it's very, very effective way of expanding your block topic, appealing to more people and end up having more content, which typically means faster and higher rankings on Google. 12. Final Thoughts: Hey, congratulations on completing and finishing the class. I hope you really enjoy it, and you've got a lot of value. If you've got any far questions we need to do is navigate to the discussions tab on this page and you can pop question There are more than happy to answer it. If you enjoy the course, I would really appreciate it if you give me some positive feedback in the reviews. If nothing else, all the best with optimizing blow post ranking on Page one hope that you have a lot of success with that and get hated traffic until next time. I'll see you later.