1. Introduction - Create blog content ideas: Hi, in today's class, we are going to create content ideas for your blogs for the next three months, and that is just within one hour. We will use some tools to make it very simple for you, for example, Google Suggests, Google Keyword Planner, and also another tool it's called Answer The People. With these three tools, we're going to make your content ideas very simple. We are working also with themes, so every month will have a theme, and I will help you to create these themes in the first lesson. Then per theme, we're going to do some research for your blog ideas. I give an example of my own, my own themes for the next few months, but in the last video, I will also give an example for an illustrator for three themes, and then also with a few blog post ideas. That's what we're going to do today. I hope you want to join this nice class, and maybe you guessed already that the project is that I would like to see your three themes and 12 blog post ideas. It would be great if you could just write it down and then make a picture of it and upload it. That's always the nicest thing so I can see your handwriting, and feels very personal. I hope you will join me in this class and that you create a very good start for these three months of content ideas. Hope to see you in the first lesson.
2. Creating themes per month: Welcome today at this class to look for your next three months of content creation. That's great because we're going to create all these ideas for at least 12 blog post that you can easily write. Because that's what you have also knowledge about and it's not just some blog posts and ideas but the ideas will also be good for the people because they are actually searching for it. That's what we're going to do. First, we are going to take three themes for the next three months. I will take myself as an example because I also need to create content for the next three months. I would like to blog these next three months and I also schedule. That's why it's good to do it in three blocks that you actually have some themes that you're blogging around. It gives yourself a lot of structure. It also makes it very easy and fun. Lately I am creating a lot of content also for my clients. I have office, it's called Beautiful Gold and its base in Amsterdam. What I do is I create content that is created but also it ranks well in Google because people are searching for these topics. That's what I will teach you today, that you're going to find around these things, these themes, some topics that you can write about and if you have knowledge about. Let's dive into that. What's my first theme? What's my first theme for my first month? Well, let me check what I can handle. Yeah, I want to learn more about content creation because this what I'm actually doing that for a lot of clients that I'm really creating creative content four months in a row. I'm thinking off a theme and then that's what I do. My theme for my first month is content strategy. Then later in the next video, I will show you which blogs I will make around a theme because you can actually see your theme as a flower and inside the flower, inside this hard that's actually a theme. Around the flower they are the leaves and the leaves are the blog posts and then you're starting to link to that basic theme again. This theme is important and your writing around it, that's how you can say. I want to take something that I want more of in my life, which is content strategy and then you think about the theme as a flower. These are the first two points that we've talked about now. Then it's important that you take theme of things that are involving what you do every day and what you have knowledge about. For me, for example, it's social media. I do it every day and I love it. For example, I love especially Instagram who doesn't? For this, my second one will be about SEO and social media so that in the next class, I will start to research more on this. Then the last topic, maybe take a theme that also scares you a little bit. What scares me a little bit is to start to think bigger. That I'm going to be a bit more than just a solo entrepreneur which I'm already. I'm already having some girls writing for me so they write the blog post. I'm delivering the ideas, they are writing and then I'm taking it again on SEO, adding some pictures to it. That's how we work. My business coach told me that I am then an agency but I had no idea what agency is so what I'm going to do for my third month is I'm going to explore the idea of agency and maybe I can even write about being an agency or how to become an agency. These topics I would like to create blogs about in this first month. Maybe you can also take a fee that scarcity will either be, but it's good. Another thing that you can do is to think about something that's going to happen in three months because SEO take some time at least three months until you're really steady on top. Therefore, it's good that you take a topic. For example, in Amsterdam, in March, there will be the Amsterdam fashion week. If you're in fashion, it's good that now I'm making this in December, that you're making a ready content for the Fashion Week in March. These topics are also good to think about. Maybe you have some events that are coming up in three months and you want to write something about that then it's the best to do it right now. To start right now or at least three months before. Okay, let's dive into the next class where I will show you how you can find at least four topics for your month. Because you can write more than four blog posts but at least this is feasible for most people that you write four blog post per month. It's better, of course, to do it more like if you really want to become a blogger, you should write at least three times a week. That'll be the best but I know this is a lot, so you keep it a little bit low profile and that's how we do it. We are going to start in the next class with the three themes and searching for blog areas.
3. Start with theme 1: These are my three themes: content strategy, SEO and social media and becoming an agency. My first theme, content strategy, we will start with that one. With this first theme, the often strategy, I will start to use Google AdWords Keyword Planner. If I don't know yet so much about a topic or a theme, or you need more input, I can also start with other tools, but it's not necessary. Maybe I'll show that later for any other ones. The AdWords Keyword Planner is a one of the tools that's changing a lot in the last few years, because Google's changing and they change all the time their tools. Therefore, how to set up Google AdWords without too many costs because you want to the use in a good way, therefore, I made a PDF and you can download it. Because it's changing so much, I created PDF because I can change it more easily than a video. Then I don't have to change it all the time when this tool's changing. That's why I'm making a PDF out of it and then you can just download it underneath here or at the About. I will put it in all the places I can do so you can easily reach it and just print it, put it next to your computer and start to use this Google AdWords Keyword Planner because this is a perfect tool to get your blog creation started. Okay, it's not for free. I will show you a way that it might only costs you $2-$5 or € in the time that you are searching and it can even be less because you have to create campaigns in Google AdWords. But you can just do a maximum of €1 per month or $1 per month. Then you just set it on three days because the tool needs a few days to set you up so you cannot start right away. That's very annoying, but that's how it works. Let's not care about that. I'll make a PDF for that, you can download it. Today we will just start with using the tool right away.
4. Research for theme 1: To start the tool, you need to have some other words. So I can add content strategy, but I can also add other synonyms or extra words like SEO content, online content, lock strategy and content marketing. I will add also these words. Just think of how many words that could involve your theme and just also put the in. There's a maximum of 10 on the tool that we're using here so that's all you can do. Just keep it to 10 max and now we really going to use it. Just Google ad Words, the keyword Planner. Sorry, it starts with me in the browser. It's kips to the browser to hearing dozy, ad word, keyword planner. Then you click on that link. Then you can login if you already have an account and that's what we're going to do in the PDF together. I will show it here. When you're logged in, you go to Tools and then you get this under planning. There you see keyword planner. So that's how you get there. Then you start with this left block and there, I can add the words and also content strategy because that was not yet included and then I just click on get started. We're not going to look at these search volume trends. We make it more simple and go down. First you see the terms that I inserted. So content marketing [inaudible] Here you see other relevant content so you can also look into that. But I will first show you what this data means. This is the search terms or keywords, keywords sets, that's how I will call them. Then here there's the average monthly search. Here will be explained, but average monthly, how much is search for content marketing in one month? Next to it, you see a bit how it's growing. Here you see SEO content. I think it's extra good because it's really see growth there. I like them. Then you see the competition. So this competition is meant to be for Google ad words. So Google ad words is really the paid Ads that you see on the top in Google. This competition, we say that it's the same for now. We say now. That it could be a little bit the same as with the organic search that if people are like offering a lot when they're bidding, it's a very complicated story, but they'd be a lot and they do have a lot of competition on content marketing so there's a lot of people that do that. Then we assume that in the organic results, there's also a lot of people that are trying to get high in the search results in Google. The less competition you have, so the lower the competition is, the better it is for you so the quicker you can get to the top in Google. Therefore, today, we will insert here the terms that you think that are relevance. There will be a lot of other relevant terms shown here below. What we then do, what I always find interesting, nice, we click on this one and actually we click again on it because now it's sorted from high to low. But we actually want to see it from low to high. One more time. Then you see, so you have to click twice. Then you see from low to high. This is assumed not to have so much competition. But maybe you see, well, in this rows, there might be some words or keyword sets that you think are very good for you to blog about. I will also take a few out of fear. This is all in Dutch and because I have a company that's in Dutch, so my bloggers in Dutch so most of the times I also make sure that on top here you see Dutch, at least. Then you can also click on all locations. So you want all the people in the whole world searching Dutch. But I know that actually it's not so good. I don't think that it's all because still, if I put this on Dutch, sometimes they're too many people searching for some words. If I would put this only on the Netherlands, the results are a lot different. Did I do it? Yes. You can see there some. Everything will be probably lower. This is for yourself what you want to do with it. If you would like to see for the whole world or you just do your own country. For now, I will do the whole world but do Dutch. That's what I do now. I sometimes just take a look without and with, and then I check it. Then you're going to see, for example, this needs this definition in Dutch. Well, this is the same definition it's like a meaning. I don't think this is very relevant for my content strategy theme. What I would like to write about. I'm looking through this list and for example, you see the blog strategy. Well, it's 480 and there's a low competition. That's certainly one I can work with. I can write a blog about. Then I think content maker could be also a good on tests 720, and it's low. But it's also good to look at this with a Dutch one of course. But which one's more? If there's not so much. Like, for example, what is a marketing strategy? SEO blog, these things that's good for me I can do. I thought content creator is also good and what I then also do is that I check in Dutch. If people also in the Netherlands search for this. I saw that they do search also for content creator a lot and content marketing tips are also a very good one. Those, I've written them down. I have, for example, indeed, content marketing tips, what is content marketing? Content marketing specialists should also somewhere be here. I already did some preparation and then I have already made this list. But you can see for yourself that there are some words that you think, oh yeah, she right about that and I know. Well, I could write about them because that's exactly what I can write about. For that, we're going now to see. You wrote down your four or five or six of your keywords and then now we will go and look at the competition.
5. Competition + Google Suggest - Theme 1: We're going to take a look at the competition and for that, I take three keyword sets: the content marketing tips, content marketing specialist, and SEO content. Those were the three ones that I found. I can check more, of course, because you actually need four or you can actually check six because then some will not make it through because the competition is too good. Just choose more than I chose not here, but for you, you can follow me. I mean, we could just keep it to three. I will also show how you can use Google Suggest here. Let's start. I just googled on one of the things that I could write a blog about, so content marketing tips. But then what I see is that I know this company, is quite a big one. They have so many readers so and they're doing it already quite good because this content tips, content marketing tips, content marketing, content marketing tips. If you already see it in there, had in this title in their URL and in this description, then it means that they are already very well thought. They thought about it, which is normal because they are content marketers. They probably did something good there. For me, it's also very hard to find niches where the big companies didn't think of yet. But that's actually what I like to do to really find these niches. Then for example, content marketing specialist. These are all the ads that we scroll underneath and then you see here, this one has it here, it has here, it has here but then here's my content that's not in the URL and it's also not in the description so I might be better than that. is quite a big company, but they don't have it in their title and not really together in their main description. Here they have it, have it there, but maybe not in the URL, I have to check that you never know if there's something. I don't think so, because here you don't really see the URL, I can check it like, no. You see that they don't really have the URL so no. If I would think of a post, so if this would be like, my go, like my first one is going to be content marketing specialist. Then I will write about what is a content marketing specialists, and what do I do. I will try also to create a creative post around these themes so that it's also a bit different than what's already there so that if people see this row and I am somewhere here, of course, then they [inaudible]
6. KeywordPlanner - theme 2: Number 2 is SEO and Social Media, and I'm going to show you a few tools again, how we can do this. It's also interesting here again, if you work with English and Dutch or another language, How you can do that and what it gives you back from the Google Keyword Planner. We will use the Google Keyword Planner and also Google Suggest. We go to the AdWords Keyword Planner and we click on this Find keywords. There you see that I already did some preparation and I already added SEO and social media, SEO social media, Facebook SEO, LinkedIn and SEO, Facebook and SEO, and also some Instagram. I've been thinking more about the subject of social media in detail. So I'm explaining how SEO could be with old different social media. I think it's quite interesting because it's all going up in the chart. Most of the times for Facebook SEO not so much anymore, but social media SEO, yes, and Instagram's going up. That's quite interesting that there's more people searching for this. Then if we search again for this more low competition questions or searches, let's hope it stays low, I click too many times. Then you see sometimes also things where you think, well that's not really associated to what I would like. You have to find some words in this that might be interesting for you. There you see again the ones that I thought of, social media optimization, social media zoekmachine. That's search engine, Instagram SEO that's the one that we got. Then let's search further. What I would like to search for is really some content that I think is interesting to write a blog about. I know because I already did some research that there should be something about, for example, social media plan, which could be interesting as well, to write about? No, because I hadn't done there was another search. There was something with Instagram bio. Because I know that you can optimize your Instagram bio tips, for example. I think it's also an interesting one, because that's also Instagram SEO inside Instagram. So you can be searched for words inside Instagram if you write your bio good. But there's also other tips that will help your websites SEO. These two things I would like to talk about. This one, I think it is something that could be interesting. Here you also see the Instagram profile picture, Facebook hashtag search. These kind of things, you see that this low volume, and we can think about it. What's the difference? Actually with hashtag searches and SEO. You see Twitter SEO, might also be something. Most of the times, you'll find something here that Google Analytics Instagram, that's also something that I want to write down my list. I have already five, like LinkedIn and SEO, Facebook and SEO, Instagram and , but also extra ones that I found through here, which is Google Analytics, Instagram, and the Instagram bio tips. I'll add all those ones to my list for my second month.
7. Google Suggest for Theme 2: And also Google Suggest again. I can still use Google Suggest because you never know. So you see here social media trends, but we want to do something with this. Social media SEO. So you see ranking tips, social media SEO strategy, that could also be something, or Instagram SEO tips. Then you see Twitter SEO tips. So that's a crazy one. Then we see LinkedIn optimizing tips. LinkedIn SEO image. So these are searches that you can also add again to your list. Just go back with these suggestions to your Google AdWords Keyword Planner and see. For example, with this one. If we add it we have to get rid of one. Then we add it because we first want relevant keywords. A little bit and then you see there is not so much search for. So that's a bit of a pity, but it could be that there are now more other relevant things underneath. So you really have to look through this whole list. LinkedIn keywords, for example, might be something to write about that. So go and start to get yourself going with all these kind of relevant things.So that was theme two with using the keyword planner. Your own ideas of what you think of the smaller things that are inside this general theme. So with social media, the Facebook, the LinkedIn on itself and together with SEO. So that was already quite good, that was easy, but you can always start digging more, you can always look at all the relevant other keywords and as you saw also, you can use this Google Suggest tool to see if there any relevant other keywords there for you that you could write about. So now, let's go to the third theme about the scary agency.
8. Answer the public - Theme 3: This last and third theme is agency theme. My business coach told me you might start an agency and then I thought sounds very good, sounds cool. I like to become an agency, but how do I do that? How do I get there? What is it actually? Before you actually can start with sometimes with a theme, you have to do some research when you have to already start to see what is it about. Then, I also came up with, for example, that you can call yourself SEO agency or content marketing agency or content agency or digital agency but that's actually if you see those digital agencies they are really big and I don't want to get there yet. For me, I would like to stay small, so many I can call myself SEO, creative agency, which I actually do already, but then in Dutch. I could add also these keywords into the Keyword Planner and start to make content around them. But what I would actually like to do and make this agency topic, is also see how to the become an agency. What I searched for was, just in Google how to become an agency and actually Google should just also finish it off with how to become an agency business. I found an article about it and the article said within a few steps. This is how you become an agency, it's very easy. Second step was one thing that I really think is very important and that's found in niche, be a niche, so that's what I am already because I'm this SEO content marketing niche, but I would like to write more about niches as well. What's now my next question is and that's what I want to use another tool for. What do people ask when they're thinking about niches? If you also want to start an agency, but you don't know what a niche is or you have another question about niches. I can now look into these answers or actually into the questions that people ask on Google by using the tool to answer the public, so that's what I'm going to show you now. This looks very scary always, this guy screaming at you students. It's a nice tool, so I will keep the language in English for you and then I will type here niche and get questions. These are questions that are asked in Google about a niche and you will get here like a spider of questions, so I will click on data. There's questions if are, there the questions with can, there is question how? You can think about which one of these are interesting for you. These questions are asked in Google. It's not that they are all asked for so much, but they are asked so find the most interesting niches here that you think that are interesting and then you just paste them into the Google. I already did some in Dutch base appear. Only 10? I don't know which questions these are, these are just crazy questions, maybe. What niche should I pick it's the only one, one niche to choose. This doesn't seem so relevant. If you copy, if [inaudible] , but these are not truly relevant, well good. Then you paste I mean. They don't seem to have so much questions for that because it's Dutch. We have to find it in English. Then we'd probably find more, not so much. But well, you at least see here that there are more ideas. For example, niche market, niche business ideas, niche marketing ideas. You can already get lost in this best niche websites. I mean, that's such easy things to write posts about and people are searching for it. Why not give it to them? Of course, you have to also check again, if you want to write about this best niche websites. How is my competition? Yeah, the funny thing that I'm searching on an English terms in Dutch. Google would like to show me Dutch websites first. Sometimes people search in Dutch. Dutch people search for English phrases, and then we as the companies that are closer to this searcher, have an advantage because we're shown higher than the English ones, and so that's a good one. You see here that again, the competition is not so good in Dutch because there's only one Dutch company, that's also talking in Dutch. I think that these at least the best niche websites for sure be one of the things that I'm the one of the blog post, I am going to write within my agency topic next to maybe the SEO agency. This is what we did here, that we searched for the answer in the public also but was not the best example for answer in public. That's why I want to show you one more example to give you, to use for getting ideas. That's what I will show you in the next video, for Illustrators. I have to be quick because you see that the light is going down and I would like to round up these videos today. I mean the lights going down, it's getting dark. See you in my next video.
9. Answer the public for Theme 3: This last and third theme is agency theme. My business coach told me, "You might start an agency." I thought it sounds very good, it sounds cool. I'd like to become an agency, but how do I do that? How do I get there? What is it actually? Before you actually can start with something with a theme, you have to do some research. We have to already start to see what is it, what is it about. Then, I also came up with, for example, that you can call yourself SEO agency or Content Marketing Agency or Content Agency or Digital Agency. But that's actually if you see those digital agencies, they are really big and I don't want to get there yet. For me, I would like to say I can call myself an SEO creative agency. Which I actually do already, but then in Dutch. I could add also these keywords into the Keyword Planner and start to make content around them. What I would actually like to do with this agency topic, is also see how to become an agency. What I searched for was just in google on how become agency. Actually, Google suggests also finish it off with how to become an agency business. I found an article about it and the article said within a few steps, this is how you become an agency. Very easy. The second step was one thing that I really think is very important and that's found in niche, niche. That's what I am writing because I'm this SEO content marketing it. I would like to write it more niches as well. What's now my mixed question is, and that's what I want to use another tool for. What do people ask when they're thinking about niches. If you also want to start an agency, but you don't know what the niches are, I have another question about a niche, I can now link it to these answers or actually into the questions that people ask on Google, by using it to answer the public. That's what I'm going to show you now. This looks very scary always, this guy screaming at you. But still it's a nice tool. I will keep the language in English for you. Then I will play it here niche and get questions. These are questions that are asked in Google about a niche. You will get here a spider of questions. I will click on Data. There's the questions with are, there's the questions with can, there's question how? You can think about which one of these are interesting for you. These questions are asked in Google. It's not that are all asked for so much, but they are asked. Find the most interesting niches here that you think that are interesting, and then you just paste them into the Google. I already did some in Dutch. Paste in here, only ten. I don't know which questions these are, these aren't just crazy questions maybe. What niche should I pick is the only one, what niche to choose. This doesn't seem so relevant. I'm already sure these are not truly relevant. Then you paste the mean. They don't seem to have so much questions, but that's because it's Dutch. We have to find it in English. Then we'd probably find more. Not so much. But you at least see here that there are more ideas. For example, niche market, niche business ideas and niche marketing ideas. You can already get lost in this best niche websites. There's such easy things to write posts about and people are searching for it. Why not give it to them? You have to also check again, if you want to write about this best niche websites, how is my competition? The funny thing that I'm searching on an English terms in Dutch. Google would like to show me Dutch websites first. Sometimes people search in Dutch, Dutch people search for English phrases. Then, we as the companies that are closer to this searcher, have an advantage because we're shown higher than the English ones. That's a good one. You see here that, the competition is not so good in Dutch because there's only one Dutch company that's also talking in Dutch. I think that these at least the best niche websites for sure be one of the blog post that I am going to write within my agency topic next to maybe the SEO agency. This is what we did here the answer to the public or so. That was not the best example for answering the public. That's why I want to show you one more example to give you, to use for getting ideas. That's what I will show you in the next video, for Illustrators. I have to be quick because you see that the light is going down and I would like to round up these videos today. If the light goes down, I mean it's getting dark. See you in my next video.
10. Extra example for illustrators - Answer the public: So in this last video, I'm showing you how you can plan. That's what I will finish with. But also one more fast example about how an illustrator can schedule for three months with themes. Then from one theme, I'm going to take off something. I'm going to give you an example of one theme and then use Answer The Public. So that's what I'm going to do today I will give you quick information about how to plan your keywords. In my research for paper for Illustrators, I searched for best paper illustrator for illustrators. You see here drawing paper, Bristol board, watercolor paper, illustration board, canvas paper. I have no idea what they're talking about. So what we can do is that we add this into new Google Search results. Okay and then we see that they are quite okay. What I think is funny the illustration board is medium, but still it has a good search volume, so that's nice. So you see there's not so much. So what you can do is you can add more ideas about paper and illustrations or you for example, can copy one of these, and then you go again to Answer The Public and scroll down. Add it, and then we click again on the data. I think this one is very interesting, how to use canvas paper. We go back here and then we add that one, and there you see how to use canvas paper. This is going down, but there's low competition. I think that this is quite a good keyword set because it's a very long set still they have 50 searches. What you can do, you can also add how to use canvas paper for painting, how to use, how to canvas paper, we can also do canvas paper bag, canvas laser printer. So there's all these kind of things that you could use. So the answer to public tool or the Google suggests tool, or the keyword there. All of them together could create some nice questions that you can add and then you can write your content about. You can go on with these kind of things to think about, and also look of course underneath. But it doesn't give in this time so many results that's why it's easy to search into this Answer The Public. So I hope this helped a lot for you. To find your stories, to find the blog post for at least three months that you can write about so that you at least have 12 blog post ideas that people are searching for in Google. So you will have traffic from that for a long time.
11. How to publish your posts: That was the example of phone illustrator. I hope I helped you a lot with creating ideas and content for your next three months because that's important, right? I love to do this. I will now tell you about scheduling your posts because, what you should do is that you create a post, for example, on one day but if you know your four subjects, you write it in one day or maybe you can also do it once a week. Then you publish once week, but if you write it in one day for one month, then you should schedule your posts. You put them, for example, WordPress and then you say okay, on that day I will publish it and a week later, I will publish the next one and a week later I will publish the next one so that Google sees that you stay active because that's important and that's also important from blogs, that you stay active. Start writing your blogs, start scheduling your blogs. I love to teach you about how you can create your three months of content. I hope you learned a lot from this. I hope to see you again in another class. Bye.
12. What next?: Have very great day as you follow this class. I just wanted to tell you that, if you now find all these ideas and you are going to write a Blog, of course, you need some ideas to write these Blogs then you have to write them. But it' s also good then to optimize your posts for the keywords that you chose. That's what you can learn in one of my first classes that I put on skills. Here is the first step of SET. It' s keyword research and optimizing pages. So you can find it also within my classes, so what you do is you optimize your posts with the keywords. I also optimize how the search results look. or you can also call low and other class that I made. For example, how you can promote your Blogs on Social Media, , but then also give it a boost for your S. So, these things you can all learn in other classes, I hope to see you also there.