Blender 3D UV mapping ultimate guide | Widhi Muttaqien | Skillshare

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Blender 3D UV mapping ultimate guide

teacher avatar Widhi Muttaqien, CG expert & entrepreneur

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      UV mapping basics


    • 3.

      Project: Barrel UV mapping


    • 4.

      UV-Unwrapping basics


    • 5.

      UV-Unwrap process


    • 6.

      Straightening UV


    • 7.

      UV Snapping


    • 8.



    • 9.

      Smart UV project


    • 10.

      UV selection


    • 11.

      Stitching and Welding


    • 12.

      Project: Polygonal tree preparation


    • 13.

      Project: Polygonal tree modeling


    • 14.

      Texture atlas


    • 15.

      Project: Polygonal tree texturing


    • 16.

      Project: Fish submarine UV seams


    • 17.

      Project: Fish submarine UV-Unwrapping


    • 18.

      Project: Fish submarine texturing


    • 19.

      Symmetrical UV mapping part 1


    • 20.

      Symmetrical UV mapping part 2


    • 21.

      UV Maps data and Live unwrap


    • 22.

      Texture tiling


    • 23.

      Seamless texture using Krita and Gimp


    • 24.

      Magic UVW mapping


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About This Class

This course we will teach you UV mapping techniques from the most basic ones to the more advanced UV mapping methods using Blender. UV mapping is a method of placing 2D image textures to 3D object’s surfaces. It is an important skill every 3D artists need to learn to create beautiful and believable 3D artworks.

What we will cover in this course:

  • UV mapping introduction and overview
  • View projection mapping
  • Cylindrical projection mapping
  • UV unwrapping
  • Straightening tilted UV layouts
  • UV image editor snapping features
  • Pinning
  • Live unwrap
  • Smart UV project
  • Advanced UV selection
  • Stitching
  • Welding
  • Texture atlas
  • UV mapping symmetrical models
  • Texture tiling
  • Use real world size for texture using Magic UVW add-on

We will also have hands-on projects in this course such as:

  • Modeling and UV mapping a Barrel
  • Herbal tea product packaging
  • Create a low polygonal tree from a to z
  • UV mapping a fish submarine model with texture atlas

Although you can take this course directly. If you are very new to Blender, I suggest that you take these preliminary Blender courses first before taking this one:

These courses will prepare you with a strong foundations, making sure you can follow all of the lessons in this course without any problems. If you are ready, JOIN NOW and take your 3D skills to the next level!

Meet Your Teacher

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Widhi Muttaqien

CG expert & entrepreneur


Widhi is an entrepreneur in creative industry. He has master degree in information technology and business management from Bina Nusantara University. Beside doing business he is also a lecturer in computer graphic related disciplines in President University Indonesia and Lasalle College International.

In his more than 20 years of experience in the CG industry he finished hundreds of projects with clients from all over the globe. He has been producing thousands of CG images and animations. His deep passion with computer graphic leads him to dive into 3D visualization, animation, game development, video and motion graphic.

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: assalum aleikum. My name is really ma talkin. I am an entrepreneur and also on Akademik lecturer in computer graphic disciplines. In this course, we will cover blenders, you fi mapping techniques from the most basic ones to the more advanced methods you ve mapping is essentially a method off placing to the image textures to three D objects surfaces. We will start on discussing different types off. You feel mapping. Then we're going to learn on how to do simple few projection mapping and cylindrical projection mapping while having a hands on project modeling and UV mapping this low Polly barrel model. Next, we're going toe cover, you fi unwrapping Bessie Concepts and then another Hands on Project, which is creating a youth IMAP for his herbal tea product packaging. After that, we're going to cover different methods off straightening, tilted, you feel layouts. Learn about snapping features inside the youth image editor, learn how to be infertile, sees and then together with life unwrapped too easily and organically. The form you feel a out next, we will come for smart, you, for your project method. Different advanced techniques off creating UV selection. Learn how to stage and world you three elements. Learn about Cheshire Atlas and correct strategy to use it in games. After that, we're going tohave a project from start to finish, creating this low polygonal three. We're going to start from stretching the idea in photo shop, important the sketch to blender and then use that as a reference to model the three to the model from scratch and finally at UV mapping and texture to the treaty model. After the three project, we are moving on to another project where we need to create you female for a more complex multi parts to the object which just this fish submarine model. The challenge off this project is to have optimized UV map for both symmetrical model and non symmetrical model in one texture. Atlas, we're going to start with you ve seems assignment, unwrapping the model and then finally adding texture, details and shadings to the object. Next we're going toe cover even more methods for creating you female on symmetrical to the models. This is because there are many scenarios off symmetrical you fi mapping based on different needs and conditions after that will be focusing on terrible textures. We will explore how to create similar steak shares in photo shop than in creator and then finally in game and at the last lesson, we're goingto kaffir. How to specify an exact dimension off a texture against real world measurement using magic U V W at on including how to easily project pressure on tilted faces. Now, although you can take this course directly if you are very new to blender, I suggest that you take this preliminary blender courses first before taking this one. As this courses will prepare you with a strong foundations, making sure you can follow all off the lessons in his scores without any problems. If you already joined now and take your three D skills to the next level, see you on the other side was Salam alaikum. 2. UV mapping basics: Unlike procedural texture, which can produce dynamic images into the space image, textures are always two dimensional. They only have acts. And why co ordinate you might be asking, Why should we care about this? Well, because if you think about it, if we model an object in Lender a three D model, for example, a monkey head it has with height and depth or X y and z size value, then we have this image pressure off a break, for example, which is our flag to the object. It only has X and why access? There will be so many scenarios to place this to the image onto this through the object, right? Just imagine that this through the object is a gift, and the to the image is a GIF paper wrap. We can wrap the gift like this or like knees. Or like these so many scenarios, so many possibilities. These methods off. Placing to the image onto a three D model is what we call you fi mapping. That is why when you try to add an image, texture, toe a three d object, but you haven't specified the UV mapping on that object lender will produce ugly results. This is not blend us fall as it has no idea off what kind of scenario or UV mapping that you want to use. No entry. The world. There are so far all methods off UV mapping. Some of them are you fi unwrapping projection mapping and P. Tex, the most commonly used UV mapping technique, especially for game. The flagman is you fi unwrapping, which we are going toe coffer in the next lesson. For now, we're going to focus on projection mapping. First projection mapping, as the name implies, works like a projector. It will project a two D image onto a three D object projection mapping used heavily in architectural visualisation and also in visual effects. Industry in game industry projection mapping. It's useful also to create a starting point for further editing and refinement. It is also used a lot for texture in terrain or environment. Inside the game world, there are sufferer projection map ings, commonly used in computer graphics. Plainer projection mapping will project texture in one direction. It's like how a film projector works in movie theaters. Plainer projection works great for flatly. The objects, such as floors, walls, street signs, etcetera. It will look awful on curved or complicated geometry. There are other plainer like projection mapping, for example, camera or few projection mapping, which project texture based on the camera feeling angle. This is useful for meth painting and visual effects. The next projection mapping is box, all also known as cue projection mapping in Lender. This kind of projection mapping is commonly used in architecture industry to quickly test your walls or buildings. Basically, it will project texture from six directions. Front, back, laugh, right top and bottom. There is also cylindrical projection mapping, which will project texture based on cylindrical shape. Sabbatical projection, which use medical shape and sharing re projection mapping, which will use fear ship but with only one poll. So it's like wrapping a candy and tidied up in one side only. No blender actually does not support shrink or a projection, but it does support cube, cylinder sphere and few projection mapping. The last type of projection mapping I need to mention here is the try plan or mapping. It is almost identical to the cube mapping, except it only projects texture from three access front, side and top try planner, Maybe unusually blend the texture nicely on sloped surfaces, as it is originally designed for a texture. Indurain's or environment objects such as rocks, ground trees, etcetera, basically anything that is study and has repeatable texture. It's a good candidate for try planner mapping. Unfortunately, at the current state blender, does not support. Try planned are mapping out off the box. There is a free and on that will make blend are able to generate. Try planner mapping. But for game development. Workflow because try printer mapping our dynamic projection mapping. If you are planning to use unity game engine The new shield use. Try Planner mapping inside unity, not blender even in unity. By the time a record this video does not support, Try Planner mapping. You need to have additional paid passage to do this kind off texture. Projection. Mapping Max Ace P. Tex We just stand for butter Face pressure mapping Pretax. It's a new UV mapping system. First deaf locked by Disney animation studios for production quality rendering. The main goal off P. Tex is to avoid tedious, UV unwrapping process so that really artist Cece can pain directly on through the objects we don't having to create any UV mapping manually. Basically, what pretext do is creating texture for each face existing artery models, although P Tex Mex treat actually easy and fast. But it was designed for movie production in mine, not for game industry. The amount off texture of data generated by P. Tex is not suitable for real time Randall applications such as games Orphee are, although this might be a subject to change in the future. Currently, there is no game engine support, Pretext mapping system because off this, we're not going to discuss pretext in our course. 3. Project: Barrel UV mapping: in this video, we're going to discuss how to you from apart really object using projection mapping and some basic you fi editing for this lesson, we're going to create a simple barrel like this because we're going to focus on the mapping techniques and not on texture painting. I already provide a texture for you to use. I met this texture using photo shop. Off the record, we will cover textual painting inside Lander in leader videos. Let's start with modeling. First go to Santa and make our unit preset to metric. We move all of the object and let's add in a cylinder for our barrel because this is for game asset. We don't want to have too many polygons, so change the first assist value in here to 12 for the size change the radios toe 0.6 and the DEP toe 1.5 meters. Let's move this up a bit so it doesn't penetrate the ground plane. Go to edit mode and in control are and add to loop cuts at the side. Then scale these on the axis just a tiny bit and then scale a gain roughly about the size. Make the shading to smooth. And then, in a data tab, turn on auto. Smooth option. I guess 30 degree should be fine for our barrel. And that's it. We have a simple barrel object now, to add texture to our three D model. We need the material. Make sure we are using Brenda. Render engine now and not cycles. Next. Go to the material panel and create a new material. Name it Barrel. They make this material shameless so we can see the texture clearly in a treaty few, even without any lighting. Next Goto texture panel create a new texture. A name it barrel also. Now you can name this to any name you want. It doesn't need to have the same name with the materials name. Make sure it was said toe image or a movie. Then don't. Here in the image section, click on this open button. Just the image file I provided for this lesson. Okay, If we go back to the material panel, we can see that the texture is already applied. But if you go to the treaty few and switch the display mode to material mode, we only see this solid color again. So I mentioned before. Image, texture needs property. You feel mapping for it? Work. And this is the time we're going to learn how to do it. First, we're going to do plainer projection mapping on the top off the barrel. To do that, go to edit mode, select the top face and then press seven toe. Go to the top few parts. This is important as plainer projection mapping is applied based on a few port orientation . Okay, no press. You toe open the UV mapping window. Notice we have two options in here. One is project from few, and another one is project from few bounds. Big project from few for now. OK, if we go to the UV image editor, we can see our top faced in here. Okay, You might be wondering by now what is the difference between project from few and project from few Bounds. Well, the only difference is that project from few bounds were scared. The UV island. So it fit this squarespace. Let me just show you what I mean. Here, let's go back to the pretty few and then make sure the face is selected and we are in the top few parts press you and then juice project from few bones. If we go back to the UV image editor, we get this large UV island. Fill out the entire squarespace for our case. Both options will be the same as later. We're going to scale the UV island anyway. Now you might start asking another question. Now, what is this square space? This square space is one by one ratio representation off our texture because we don't have any texture opened in the background blender will assume it is square shaped. Okay, Now let's open our texture in here so we can align this UV island precisely because we already opened a barrel texture image in a texture panel before that image already exist in the memory. So you really don't need to click this open button. Simply click this image police button, and we can see our barrel texture image already listed in here. Just click to open it, zoom out so we can see the whole texture. Okay, No press as the scale, then G to move, then just do suffer a scale and move. So the UV island off the top barrel face fit the textual layout. Okay, now, if we go back to the three d few, we can see our barrel now. Half the top face correctly. Texture. Let's do this again. For the bottom part, select the face at the bottom. Press control, Stephan toe, Go to the bottom few. Alternatively, you can press seven and then nine to go to the bottom. Few, then press you. Then choose project from fuel. Go back to the UV image editor and your scale. These are movin. Issue the island, but notice what just happened. Blender, Suddenly close our barrel image. Why is this happening? Well, by default, blender will thing that we want to start to work on another texture. Each time we do a UV mapping command on a new object or mesh selection. That is why it tries to reset it. Now, I don't really like this default behavior and there is an option to disable it. You can click this button in here that looks like a pin that's re open our barrel image again. And then click this in button this way, regardless on what selection we are doing in the UV mapping process, Brender will always use the image we have in here as the default. Now, if later we have more objects with complex UV mapping and with multiple textures in our scene, you really one render toe automatically load the assigned texture. So you might want to make this button inactive. Most off the time for now. This make sure the spin button is active so we don't need to reopen the texture image again and again. Why? Working on this metal object? Okay, let's just do so for our scale and move to reposition this UV island. Next, we want to take share the battle site for the barrel sight. Plainer projection mapping will not be suitable because these faces form a cylindrical shape. We should use the cylindrical projection mapping instead. So let's let them all out and click on this age Control Plus to grow the selection, then press you then select this option setting the projection. If we go to the UV image editor, we get this ugly, distorted three salt. Why is that? Well, you see, when doing cylinder projection blender actually taking into account are fueling anger. That is why it is distorted like this. So let's do this again. Press you, then cylinder projection. Now, before we do anything else at the two shelf in here or if you press F six toe access, the last commands parameters. We have this direction. Few on equator. Just change this to align toe object. If we go back to the UV image editor, we know half nice straight lines like this. Okay, so what is the difference between these three options in the direction parameters? Let me explain this real quickly. Let's go back to the ready few and make sure we are in front. Few port by pressing one. If we are fueling the cylindrical shaped like this frontal, then pressing you, then cylinder projection, then juice. Few on equator. The resulting UV island will be fine. Okay, So few on Equator is designed to work in front few or side few. But if we are in for a few or in but on few unusual choose few from Paul's. Okay, Now, if you have cylindrical object and that the locals the axis is aligned with the cylindrical access, the inducing a line toe object method will always work regardless, the few or how you look at your treaty model. Okay? next, let's press as to scale, then hit. Why this will scale the UV island vertically. Now remember, in UV Image Editor, we only have acts. And why access as this editor works into the this way it's acts, and this way is why that's movin. Issue Fee Island by pressing G, then why and just do suffer adjustments until it fits the battle texture. If all is good if we go to the treaty, few. We have something like this. Ah, fully textured barrel through the object. 4. UV-Unwrapping basics: the next UV mapping technique we're going to discuss is UV unwrapping you ve unwrapping is the most common technique and I believe the most important UV mapping technique in the game industry to explain how you ve unwrapping works. Let's take a look at how a doll is created to create a doll. A doll maker will first create suing pattern like this. He must be able to imagine what the final result will be introduced form when designing his swing pattern. So basically, they're workflow. Is converting this to the pattern into this three D object, which is the final dull product. Now, as a truly artist, when we UV unwrapping, we work exactly the other way around. We need to comfort a treaty model like this stuffed doll into this to the swing pattern. Do a two duties. For example, we have this hamburger three D model. All we need to do is to define where the seams will be. For example, we might be fine Seems to be on this ages executive, the UN World Command And now we have UV map like this. Off course, our treaty model geometry will not actually turn into these flat objects. Everything happens spiritually, just like how we do. You feel mapping before using the projection method. What you feel mapping actually do in term off NATO processing is just adding additional to record in its data to each off the treaty for theses. Because inside our geometry data, we already have X, y and Z variables for determining the to the co ordinates. We need to use other latter's for two. Recording it very boss. That is why we use U and V letters. U is for hurries on your co ordinates. It's like the X axis into the Cartesian system and we have a V for for tickle co ordinate similar to the Y axis into the Cartesian coordinates. We actually have W access also which is perpendicular to the U. N V plane, but generally we only use the W access later for professional access. That is, if you need to rotate the picture. At this point, we really only care about you and fee co ordinates when unwrapping again Later in the treaty few editor the you will be the X axis and V will be do I access after unwrapping with an export to you the layout toe to the image editing software such as creator or photo shop. We can then add color or texture easily, and that's offer. After finished, we can bring back the texture toe blender. We can also pain the texture directly inside Lender as we're going toe coffer in later video lesson in Charlotte. Okay, we're unwrapping we can define. Seems on any ages we like. We can go crazy on this and there is nothing to defend us from doing this. But you must be aware that if we cut the treaty, object blindly without any rules, will end up with these kind off. UV mapping result. Small chance off UV islands This is about practice. Why? Because when we export the SUV layout toe for Russia, for example, we will have a very hard time to test your it. So a good practice off Hubie unwrapping follows this criteria. First, they need tohave, the smallest amount off since possible, because the bigger the UV island, when Tasha rings is better. Second, there should be no offer lapping on the UV islands. This is especially true if we want to do texture painting later. Third, there should be less stretch on the treaty model, so the flatter, the better for create seems where they are less noticeable. Try toe at the seams on areas that will mostly hidden from the camera or the fewer eyes, and five try to optimize the textual space. It means we need to try to make new UV islands fill out as much off the space available in the texture so less anti area is better. There are still a lot of things we can discuss about UV on wrapping, but we'll discuss them in the next follow up, hands on projects. 5. UV-Unwrap process: in this project lesson. We're going to create a product packaging like these from a cube. I already prepared the texture so we can focus on you fi unwrapping process for now. In this scenario, let's just imagine that our client already have the packaging, the sign for the actual product. So our job as a truly artist is only to re create the packaging in three D with the correct dimension and then put the existing texture onto the treaty model using UV on wrapping technique. If you start a new file in Blender, just removed everything except the cube will be working on a small object now. So let's change the unit two centimeter and then go to the treaty Few property panel and change the great scaling toe 0.1 So now each off the greed is one centimeter square. Okay, we know from our clients brave that the product box will have the size off 12 centimeter with by five centimetre depth and six centimeter high. So go to the Dimension panel and input 12 Price Fab five. Step again six. Then enter. Apply the scale by pressing control a and in juice scale Okay, We know half the box in the correct size, but it sits in the center, so part ofit penetrating the grown plane because we have integer even number value in the objects high. And also the grid is one centimeter square. And we also have snapping by inclement value. If we direct this object in the Z axis while holding the control key, the increments snapping will kick in and we can precisely movies on top off the ground plane. Okay, next, we're going to unwrap the box. The first step off unwrapping is to define the UV. Seems to do that, go to edit mode and then make sure we are in age mode so we can select ages easier this way before we start defining the scenes, let's open the texture image and study the layout first, as we discussed earlier. If you need to open on image to see it in lender, we can use UV image editor. Open the image. We can click these open button, Then select the image I provided for this course. Now this image is actually a packaging design project. I did a few years ago for my client a horrible product company here in Indonesia. Of course, I cannot use the original design for this course, so I changed the design a bit here and there, mostly the logo off the company. This way we can safely use the image in our course. The actual design is in this area I created about take signature pattern with a company logo on top of it. I just did a quick replace with my own logo. And just for your information, these images you see on the backside, which are for surfing suggestion information this imagers are not photos day after the graphics. I made this in vendor and render them using cycles when the engine my point is truly skill can be useful for a lot of things, not just for three games or architecture fields. If you are a graphic designer, truly skill can help you replace the need to take actual photographs. If you do photograph E, you'll understand how expensive professional equipment can be, and also how time consuming it is to do a product for association Pretty still can help you speed up the workflow and reduce the costs. Okay, now, if we look at this design Oh, yes. If you want to maximize an editor in lender, you can press control and up arrow key. We can see the six sides that will be feasible outside The front is here. This is the right side. This is the left side. This is the bottom and this is the backside. And finally, this is the top side we can ignore All off these areas that won't be feasible in rendering . Now if we put this together to form a box, we can imagine where the seams will be. We need to replicate those seems in our box object. Let's go back to our for the few. Okay. The front side should always facing the negative. Why access? So this is the front side. This is the right side now. So at this age and this age and all the way to this age next we need to tell blender that this ages are you Fi seems to do that. We can go to the tool shelf goto shading you fees and then click on this mark Seem button are you can also press control e toe open the age commence window and just more same in here Okay, Press a to this. Like all notice, the ages are no colors in red. This indicates that Bender already marked these ages. As you fi seems, rotate the fuel select this age then these two ages down here Mark them also as you fi seems okay. I know that the ages are all mark correctly. We can start the unwrapping process to unwrap. We need to select the faces that we want to unwrap first because we want to unwrap the whole mash this press a twice just like all. Then press you then choose unwrapping here. Okay, It looks like nothing has happened to hear, but notice if we go to the image you fi editor we can see the UV layout off our works model on top off the image we opened before. So again, you ve unwrapping will flat on our mesh object. But it only happens virtually inside the UV editor in the 30 few are objects. Your memory is exactly the same before and after. Let's go back to image. If the editor okay, our box. It's now flatten out with the correct seem locations. But the lines are not match up with the texture. Let's fix these by anything the further sees. Click the spin button so blender will not reset the image. Press A to this, like all let's fix all off the rose First press B to use book selection. It's like this top role de to go toe move mode. And then we want to constrain the movement of vertical. Remember, vertical is why and horizontally sacks. So press. Why on direct this further sees to this location. Okay, lets fix the second role. Press A to this, like all breast be G. Then why move them up here and the next until all off them aligned correctly against the textual layout. Next, let's fix the columns. Press be to select this ages at the laugh G to move X to constrain horizontally. Move them to this location and next on his columns, move them to this location and his column and so on under all of them are correctly placed against the texture. Okay, I know that the UV mapping is properly set up. Let's go back to the treaty. Few Editor, change the display motor material. If we go to the material panel, we can see that we already have a default material that's rename this material toe tee box make its headless go to the texture tab. We already have a fracture in here, but it is currently empty. So change the type toe image our movie because we already open the image before. We don't need to click on this open button in here. Simply click on this image lease and just this tea packaging texture goto mapping section. And in this Gordon, it pulled on lease. Make sure we settle UV. Now we can see in Italy, a few editor are pretty model is already properly textured. Okay, guys, sometimes when we unwrapped our initial UV island, it's not straight. In the next lesson, we're going toe coffer. How to fix this kind of problems? 6. Straightening UV: normally when we unwrapped an object and our object is not tilted in anyways. The results should be self a line like these. But in some cases Blender decided to tell the result like this. It seems that this problem happens randomly. But I found out that this tilting problems usually happen when to access off our objects. Dimension have identical values while the other axis have way higher value. What I mean by that for example, it could be the Y and A Z axis dimensions have similar values Are the axe and Z, or the X and Y values are similar to show you what I mean, let me duplicate this box, then change the Z dimension Value toe five. So basically now we have both the y and Z axes at five centimeters and the ex alone has a very high value Off the office and the meter apply the scale by pressing control a and juice scaling Here. Now watch when I goto addict mode and like all of the faces impress you, then unwrap. If we go to the UV image editor, we get this filter three salt again. This is because the y and A Z dimensions have similar values. If we go back to object mode, change these Z dimension to six again like before. Then apply the scale. Go back to edit mode and real around the on work command again in the UV image editor, we get our you feeling out straightened again. It seems that if we have to off the dimension value, similar blender unwrap algorithm will struggle to determine which one will be the horizontal and which one should be the vertical. I'm not really sure. And I hope this condition get fixed in the future version off blender. Okay, so now what if we actually need to access dimension in our object to be the same? How can we fix the tilting problem then? Well, that is what this lesson is for. We're going to cover off the techniques in lender that we can use to straight on the you fill it out. Let me rotate the UV island to simulate the tilting problem. If our model consists off court polygons or at least mostly court polygons, we can use the follow active court technique to straightened you fees. To do this, we only need to fix one polygon or face. And then we tell blender to follow that face or intention for the whole faces. So let's select this face on Lee. If we go back to UV image editor, we only see this face. Well, this is because we have this pattern turned off, which basically not synchronized the selection into the few. And in the youth image Editor, if we turn this on, blender will synchronize the selection between the two, the few and the UV image editor with the side effects off the feasibility off all of the elements in the UV image Editor. Okay, Now we want to make this face straight. We can rotate the face like this, for example. I know this is not perfectly straight, but just bear with me now go back tothe ready. Few. So, like all of the faces by pressing a twice. But make sure the front face we just the one we rotated before is the active face. We can see why awfully color on his face. While other faces have yellow or orange color Overly. If this is not the active face to make it, the active face simply holds Schiff rightly and then right, Click again. Okay, now breast you, then justice, follow active quad in here we can just the algorithm for the alignment. Just used to They fall and hit the okay button if we go back to the UV image editor, the whole UV island rotator following the active face. So now we know what the follow Active Quat will do. It will force all selected faces that is being unwrapped, Toby oriented like the active face. Now, the only problem we have is actually making this front face to be straight. One easy and fast way to make the active court face straight is by using plainer projection mapping. We've talked about playing a projection before basically to do these goto pretty few. So, like only the front face again. Goto front, few poor and impress you then Justice project from fuel. This will create a UV map for the front face on Lee based on a front viewing angle. If we go to image every editor, we can see the selected face already. Straighten. Go back to a pretty few. So, like all off the faces. But make sure the front faces active and impress you. Then click on the follow active court option. If we go back to image UV editor, we can see now the whole MASH or UV island is straighten up correctly for court based models. Follow active court technique works great, but what about non court models? Are complex models, which have both triangles and court faces all over the surface. We can fix the UV a tilting manually using these three methods. Oto line pinning and snapping that's discuss out of line. First, let me rotate the UV island again to simulate the tilting problem. Just like before. Okay. To use the outdoor line method, the first step is we need to try to rotate the UV Island manually to make it straight as best as we can go to for tex mode by clicking this button down here, make sure all of these UV purposes are selected so press a to select all to rotate. We can press are and just try your best to make it almost straight. Then, if we want to straight on this line in here, we need to select this for theses. We can press be to use the book selection direct to select them now notice there is something strange happen here. These two first theses gets like that. Also, Why is that? This is because we have our sync button in here it on dawn in a very few or in the actual geometry. This for tax is actually the same with this for tax. And this one is actually the same with this one. So with this option turned on, if we select these for text, for example, this one also gets like that. I'm sure you get the idea here. So basically, we need to turn this off for now. But notice if we don't have any selection and turn this off, we see nothing. Because in this mode, blender will only show selected elements in the treaty. Few. And we don't have any selection currently in a treaty fuel to fix. These were not having to go back to the treaty. Few simply turn this back on, press A to select all. Then we can turn it off. Press a to dislike all. Now we can see all of the fertile sees. We can impress B and select this role without these further sees. Get selected. Also, I know it's kind off are quote for the first time, but once you are getting used to it, you'll understand the important off hiding in an hiding UV islands and his behavior is actually beneficial later down the road. Okay, next press W in UV image editor pressing W will open up new well, align window, just line, although in here with your mouth, or did express a letter key line. Odo basically detect which access is best suited for the existing Vertex selection and then used that access to align them all. This is faster than having to pick a line, axe or align. Why so again, another example. Let's pick this fertile sees W than a we can do. It is also with the vertical versus a toe on select All. So, like this fertile sees at the left side W and in a just duties until all off the lines are straight. You might be wondering by now if we press w we can see we have this option called Straighten. We have straighten, straighten acts and straighten. Why now? These straight and command only works best on 34 theses, so let's pick this one and make it not aligned with the others like this. To use the straight and command we need to select this one. This one and this one So again, 3/4 assists. Press W And in just straighten, we can see the center. Vertex will get aligned based on its two neighbors. Now straighten can also be used for multiple for theses more than 34 theses. But they need to be spaced out evenly. I almost never had a need for these straight and commands. So honestly, I really used them. But it is there if you ever need them. Okay, now some off. You may not like you sing w shortcut or you may forget the shortcut in the future. Another way to access the out or line command is by going to the youth is men you don't hear. Then choose well lining here. We can also open the two shelf panel by pressing t If it is not already open, we can see the align and straight and commands in here 7. UV Snapping: Blender profiled us with a lot of tools for you fi editing in this lesson video. We're goingto go for how we can use snapping features inside the UV image editor. There are three methods off snapping that we're going to discuss in this video increments. Snapping pics are snapping on Vertex snapping. First, let's see how we can do great snapping or income and snapping in the UV image. Editor. We have talked about MASH snapping before inside pretty few in a previous model injection. Mostly the snapping feature in the UV image editor is almost the same with the three D few editor Notice. We have this snapping. I can just like what we have in Italy fuel. But when you click on the snapping by police in here, we can see we only have two types off snapping. Well, this is understandable. As we are working with to the space, which is much simpler than the treaty environment, we have enough pretty fuel western on snapping button in here, and then just make sure increments option istan don in here Now watch when I right click and hold and reckless for tax, we get this great like snapping behavior, but notice how this for tax is not snapping correctly to the existing grid. This is because, unlike the treaty, few snapping in the UV image editor is always relative to the original position. And in youth image editor, the income and snapping is actually using the amount off. Big sauce exists in the active image. So basically to determine the number off great to be used in increments snapping, we simply need to look the image with a month off pixels that we need now a new fee. Mitch Editor If you don't have any image floated, render will actually display this square Futural texture size off 256 by 256 pixels. Resolution the origin or the X zero and Y zero co ordinate is at the left bottom corner in here. So it is like the Kardashian system that we used to see back in school. The more we go to the right, the bigger the X value, the more we go up the bigger Dwight value. Now notice if we press and toe open the UV image Editors Property panel. We can type in the value off zero in the X press tab and zero again in the war input field than enter notice. Now our vertex is at the bottom left corner location. If we directness to the right, the most right position is 256 pixel. Okay, if we drag this up to the top, we also get 256 in the Y coordinate field. So again, basically, if we don't have any image loaded, we will get a generic virtual to the space off 256 by 256 speak sauce. Now, each off this default. Greed is eight picks us. And when we move like this, we can move it, but a 16 pick sauce at a time when snapping income in Eastern dawn? No, honestly, in most cases you will never need to use this increments. Snapping the real power off you fi snapping is when you have the texture image laid out and you have snapped a pixel mode turned on. Let's see how we can do this. We need a new image, so click this plus new button in here. We want to create a dummy image off, then pixels bite and pixels for color. That's fill it out with generic color texture, so at least we can clearly see the pixels later. So picked this color grid in here. If we only have solid color, we won't be able to see the pixel great later. Turn off the Alfa as we donated. Right now, click the OK button. Zoom in as our image is relatively small. Now, as we can see, we have 10 pixels bite and pixels image. We want to snap to this existing 10 bite and pick sauce to turn on the Pixar snapping feature. We need to open the You face menu and in turn on this snap two pixels option. When we drag this vertex around, you can see that it's not precisely to the pixel grid. When we snap these Vertex to the right top corner, we can sit according it in the property panel, are can pick sauce X and then pixels. Why, with this big so great snapping, we can align the fertile sees easily to the texture and also can be useful if we just want to straighten them up. The last thing I need to mention here is that this snapped a pixel option in the U fist. Manu in here is actually has nothing to do with the snap motor button in here in header. So if you turn off this snapping mode button UV image editor well still, snap to the picture of greens. Another way to snap UV vertex is by using snapped overtax method. This is useful, especially when we want to straighten the U fi using the pinning method which we're going to discuss in the next video. Puttin on the Vertex snapping Justin on the snap button, then choose overtax option in this go down list. Now notice we not try to direct this for tax it. Always try to find the other nearest Vertex location and snap to that for tax. This might become in handy when you have multiple UV islands in your you feel a out and you want to snap the fertile sees around from one UV island to the other, you fi island. But what we want to discuss in this video is to use for tax snapping along with access constrain So at me under this for now, for example, we want to move this vertex so it aligns to this vertex horizontally to do that, make sure the Vertex is like that first, then press G. Then why, then move the mouse cursor So it is near the center. Vertex, as we can see this for Tex, is a line perfectly with this vertex horizontally Now, just like with the treaty few editor, Usually I prefer using the control method to turn on snapping temporally. This way we won't get distracted too much when moving and editing the Fertile sees as the snapping only happens when we need it. And that will be when we press the control key for this workflow. We need to turn off the snapping button first. But make sure the snapping option is still in Vertex mode now because snapping is off. We can move any Vertex freely to any location we want. And when I need to align this for text to this for tax, we can move it and then hold control while doing it. Now I want to show you another trick here. Before we used G shortcut followed with the X or Y Axis letters to move for Texas along on access. We can actually do access constrain using right click drag method simply rightly and recognize for Tex and impress Why to constrain it. Why access or eggs So constraining toe X access. Then to turn on the snapping, hold control key toe temporally turn on the snapping and then move the cursor to this vertex again. This method is my favorite method, as it is faster to execute, so you may see me doing these a lot in the future projects. 8. Pinning: The next UV editing feature we're going to discuss in this video is pinning. Pinning is basically looking further assist location at certain chord in it in a youthfully out. This is useful. If you already edit the UV island, for example, and we don't want to have any changes happen toe that you ve island Cleaning is also useful if we use it together with Vertex snapping two straight on the whole UV island. And we can also use spinning together with life unwrapped feature too easily distort UV island with minimum effort. Let's see how we can do all off these things. But he started the file. So we have a fresh new star just like before I felt that this UV island intentionally so we can practice to straighten it two straight in the UV Island with painting method, we simply need to align toe for theses, so make sure the snap type is set. Overtax directness were thanks, press why and a line into this for text by holding control. Okay, after we have these two for two assists, perfectly aligned like these, we need tope in both off them, so select them then to pin them we can press b. So again, the shortcut in UV image editor is for pinning. If later we want Owen, pin them. We can press out P If you forget the short cuts, you can always go to the office. Man, you don't here, and you can see the pin and un pin commands in here. Okay, If we press a to dislike everything, we can see that pinned further sees our color in ran. Okay, Now go back to the treaty. Few editor. I didn't so, like, all press you and an unwrapped. If we go back to the UV image editor, as we can see because we have these two first assist spend like this, the rest off the island will use these fertile sees as the reference to orient the whole UV island. Now it was like this focuses again. Then do. For example, 45 degree rotation press are then pressed, minus 45. Enter, then go back to the city. If you do the under a process again, like before, notice our youth. The island is now tilted at exactly 45 degree angle. Of course, Normally you will want your UV island to be straight and not tilted like these. But essentially, with this method, you can have greater control. Torrey in UV islands toe a certain angle beside for straightening and or orienting UV islands. We can also use spinning method toe organically reshape you the islands. If you used capital before in for a shop or in after effects, you should have a good idea on how this feature works. Because essentially the concept is very similar. Now for this feature toe works, you need to go to the tool shelf in the UV image. Editor in the options step, you'll see these life unwrap option. Turn this on. Okay, Now, before we move on, if we go to the treaty few editor in a tool shelf inside the option step we also have this life unwrap option. Now, you must understand that both off these life unwrap options are not the same. Although they are both have the same name, they are exists for different purposes. We will discuss about this life arm wrap in a TV few later. What we want to discuss now is the life unwrap in the UV image. Editor Not in a treaty few editor OK, so let's go back to the UV image editor to do life dragging on a certain verte sees we need toe pin does further sees force, for example that's like this for tax and this one and then this one. Okay, now press P to pin them all at once. After we have these 34 theses spinned, we can use wild click and drag method to any off the spins. As we can see, we can distort the UV island organically. This way. In this mode, if you try to move these free or non paint Vertex notice when I drag any off the pinned for theses again, this free further exposition will get reset. So again, to recap in this small, you need to open the fertile sees that you want to move and so we can use them to control the overall shape off the UV island 9. Smart UV project: in this lesson video. We're going to learn yet another UV mapping technique called the Smart. If you project essentially smart, you Fi Project will create automatic UV unwrapping using multiple projection based on the angle threshold. So faces that are angled not more than the angle threshold value will be grouped together as one you fi island. With this technique, we can get almost comparable result with the UV and wrapping method. But without the need off defining the youth, he seems manually now you might be thinking, That's great. That means I don't need to do the tedious you fi seems process anymore well, that it's not exactly what you can expect from smart UV project out of the box. Mostly the U female payouts produced by Smart. You feel project. It's not ideal if you want to create the texture in external software such as photo shop, but it's not You. Fi project can be very helpful for the scenarios for us. If you want a texture, pain, a truly object, I need to create the U female profess, and you really don't have any plan to edit the texture later in external software. Second, if you only use smart, iffy project for quick initial you feeling out and later added the you feel a out for more refined hman turn. You might want to use smart UV project for not important object. Yet the geo matter is too complex and time consuming toe. Unwrap them manually, for example, by grown architectural machinery, rock formation, etcetera. Basically things that are not the main focal point in your rendering or in your game. I believe you can find other reasons for using smart if you project, but these three reasons should be enough to give you the basic ideas. Using some archaea fee project is very straightforward. You simply choose the faces you want to process, hit you and in choose Smart TV Project. Let's see how we can do this with a monkey head object. Go to edit mode. We can see by default off. The faces are already selected. If not Desprez s. A. To select them all impress you. Choose smart UV project. The smart UV Project Dialog window will open in here. We can specify a lot of things. We will discuss these parameters later. For now, just click the OK button, go to UV image editor as we can see our monkey had model already have few female play out like this. Now let's discuss the perimeters. If you haven't done anything else, pressing F six will open up the less command parameters, which is the smart, iffy Project Dalek window we saw before. If you already moved the first assist around or any other staff pressing, F six will not open this dialog window, so you may need to go back to the three D few editor and rerun The smart You feel Project Command again. Okay, The most important parameter in Smart You Fi project is this angle limit value which basically determine the tres whole. This default 66 degree means that if a face Forman angle more than 66 degree with its neighbouring face, that neighbor face will be disconnected and become another you three island. Basically, the lower the number, the more small chunks off UV islands that you will get. As the result, the higher the number, the less amount off you fi islands will be produced. For example, if we import 30 impress ender, we'll get more UV islands but smaller in size. If we put 18 here. We'll get fewer but larger you three islands. But using large number like this will make your you filling out more prone to stretching and offer lapping. Next is this island margin. This value, literally in the spaces are the gaps between UV island's. Zero means that the UV islands will be touching each other. If we put 0.5 for example, we can see we have gaps between the islands at the course off making the island's size smaller island margin is useful tow. Avoid textual bleeding if you don't know what textual bleeding is. Basically the color from one UV island show up in another UV island when render or when in gameplay mode. Let's say we have this island picture color in Lieu, and this one is right. If the island is too close to each other, the blue color in here can show up in here Orefice. First, the red color can show up in here. The structure bleeding can happen because a lot of reasons in game development, for example, it can happen due to beat my filtering, meet mapping Elodie or level off detail algorithm at CETRA. If you don't know any off these terms. Don't worry. Essentially, the point is it is better that you have a small value in island margin and not set it to zero. Okay, I'll use 0.1 for now. Next ace area. Wait. This value will determine how much large size faces dictates the result off the layout. We can see the difference by dragging this value from 0 to 1 like this. Now, honestly, I never had a need to use this value as mostly I rather added, and lay out the UV map myself. So I just leave it at zero most off the time. Next is the correct aspect. Option to see what this option will do. We actually need to have a non square image active. If we have no image active, we get this genetic square area with square area like this. Activating is correct. Aspect. Option on or off will have no effect at all. So let's create a dummy image with a non square size ratio. Click on this new image button down here. Make the size toe 1000 pixels by 500 pixels or any size you like a so long as the with and height values are different for the color. Just leave it to black and turn off Alfa as we don't need any offer channel for now. Okay, as we can see or you feel a out become a stretch like these following the active image ratio. Now go back to the treaty. Few Editor press you again. Smart UV project. Go back to the UV image editor. OK, now press F six toe open the smart UV Project parameters window If it on the correct aspect , option blender will create the UV layout without stretching or squashing based on this active image aspect ratio. If we turn it off, the UV layout will get stretched or squashed. Who fill out off the space available. The less option is this stretch to UV bone. This option, if active, will add additional stretching to minimize the empty area on the texture. We can see how this affect the UV. Lay out what the correct aspect option is turned on, and this is while the correct aspect is turned off. Most of the time, I just leave both off the settings turned on when doing smart UV project now before we end this video, I need to point out one off the biggest careful when using. So, Mark, you ve project on complex three D models. Smart movie project will often produce offer lapping you fees here and there. Especially if we use large angle threshold just to show you the proof. If it zoomed in on this area, for example, we can cities. Vertex is crossing this line, making this face in here off slapping his face. You can find more offer lapping faces like, yes, if you look close enough. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, although some argue the project can give you a quick and instant results, you will still need to tackle this offer lapping you feast afterwards. 10. UV selection: in this lesson video. We're going to explore the methods that we can use to select you fi elements in the UV image. Editor. In here, we have our you feel a off the monkey had object from our previous pleasant. Now the great thing about vendor is that the methods off selecting elements in the UV editor are basically the same with the selection methods we can find in a treaty. Few editor This way, we don't need to memorize too much commands or shortcuts when dealing with UV editing inside the UV editor. First, let's discuss how we can. It's like you fi islands. Who Second island. We can hover our mosque cursor over any off the island and then press l leather key. So no need to creak or right click with our mouths. If we, however, to another UV island, then press out again. That island will get selected and the previous one will get un selected automatically. If we want to select multiple UV islands, we can hold Schiff and then, however, to another UV island and then press l. If we want to de select certain UV island, we can hover the mouse cursor on a select that you ve island and then hold Schiff and impressed the l letter key. So basically she if l a s a pogo selection function. Okay. Now, sometimes we need to tweak certain fertile sees or ages or faces. And after that, we want to select the island where the elements belong. Basically, we already have selected elements on that island. I need to select the whole island. To do that, we can press control l as you can see, the whole island. It's now so like that another way off selecting UV Island is by using this button down here . We already discussed some off these buttons in this group previously. This is for overt extraction mode. This is for age selection mode, so we can select ages. And this one is for face election mode, so we can slake faces directly. All off, these three selection modes exists in a treaty. Few editor when we are in addict mode, so we should be already familiar with them. Well, we don't have in Italy a few editor is this selection mode, which is the island mode. If this is on, we can simply rightly on any elements that we one and the whole youth, the island where the element is belong will get selected. In this election mode, we can also use shift modifier key to add more selection are to reduce selection. So shift modifier key in this mode is like a total button. Also. Okay, now a new fee Image editor. We can also perform lasso box and circle selection, just like in Italy. A few editor, for example. We can hold control and then drag with our left mouse button to access the lasso selection feature. Now in the island mode. Lasso selection can only select for to seize it wants, like the whole island. So let's just use Vertex selection mode for now. Okay, Next, we can use the pain or circle selection tool by pressing C and then drag on the screen. Finally, we can use the border or box election mode using be shortcut as you have used it in suffer lessons previously. Okay, Now, for all of these three methods, we can use the shift key modifier to re first the effect. For example, we know that holding control and drag will add selection but holding control and shift and wrecked will actually reduce or remove the selection. Okay, pressing C and then holds shift while dragging will reduce the selection. Also, the last one is B after a pressing B. If we hold shift and wrecked, it will reduce the selection and finally, just like the city few we can also grow, ensuring selection in the UV image. Editor Togo the selection we can use to control and the plus symbol in the NAM bed and the sharing the selection. We can press control in the minor symbol in an armpit. If we look at the header off the UV image editor, there is an option. Listen here. Called the sticky selection mode, this sticky mode will come in handy if you want to tear apart you fi elements from its island without having to go back to the treaty. A few editor to reassign seems and are redoing any UV mapping command as we can see by default, it was said toe share publication. It means if we direct this for tax, for example, because this Vertex shares the same location with this face, this face, this face and this face it will be treated as one Vertex in the u Feeling out okay, again, this is the default behavior. Now watch. When I changed this to disabled in this mode, each faces will be on their own. So if I try to move these for tax again, it will split apart the faces. You may notice that it is hard to select Vertex or ages in this mode, as sometimes it picks the Vertex or age on the wrong face that we don't want to move. Therefore, this mode is best suited for face selection mode, not for Vertex or age selection mode. For example, if we want to tear these face apart, make sure we are in face mode and just right click drag to separate it from its original island. Now, if we want to separate suffer or faces, we cannot do this with the right click drag method. We can use the G shortcut for these source like this face hold shift, and then it's like this one and this one also, for example, then press G and move it like So Okay, now, the last option in the stickiest selection mode is this share a vertex now shared Vertex is more suitable for Vertex mode. So goto Vertex mode and notice. If I select these for text, for example, not only these Vertex gets like that, but also the Vertex or the first theses who shared the actual three D geometry in the treaty. Few editor will get selected also. Okay, so again, this fertile seas are actually a single vertex in the treaty. Few. If we try to move one off this fertile sees the other fertile sees will follow also, mostly, you will never need this feature when anything a you feel a out. The power off this shared vertex mode is actually not in Vertex transformation, but it is best used for stating the UV islands, which we are going to discuss in the next lesson video. 11. Stitching and Welding: in the less lesson we learned how to tear apart you Fi Island into a new, separate island. Now, in this lesson video, we're going to do the refers and that will be sitting back UV islands into one larger UV island. There are three methods we're going to discuss for this topic, and that will be stitching world ing and finally remove W fees. Let's start with stating first for staging, as you mentioned earlier in a previous lesson. It will be much easier if we set the sticky selection method toe share. Overtax. This way we can preview where the Jason for theses are located before we perform the stitching notice. If it's like this one, for example, this one gets highlighted also. Now there is another way to pre few shared overdoses other than using these sticky mode. And that will be by using the Sync mode in here. If this is on weekends like Overtakes and the other shared Vertex or further sees will get selected also, and if we move it around, the other ones will move Also, basically it has the same behavior with the shirt Vertex sticky selection mode. But as we discussed earlier units, like all off the U fi elements before going back to a non synchronize mode. Otherwise you will not see any youth is feasible afterward. So So, like all by pressing a then turn off this thing button, I found that using the shared Vertex sticky selection mode is more convenient as we don't need to do that selection process back and forth. Okay, After we can see the shed vert asses off are selected Vertex toe stitch them. We can press the V letter key or you can access it in the UV menu stage are you can access it from the two shelf in a two step you can find stating here. Okay, now, one advice that I want to give you before staging up for theses is trying not to psych corner for theses like this, for example, because usually they have more than two shared versus stating more than to further assist. At the same time, we likely give you offer lapping you face problem. So try to stage corners like this much later in the process. After you already stage known corner for theses. Okay, So So like this one, for example, Bless V nor does blender will give us this green highlight of pre few off the island that will be moved. Basically, if we confirmed this staging this island will move to this location. Now what if we want to do the other way around? We want to move this island instead to this island. Well, to do that Noticed If you look closely, don't Here in Header blender. Give us this information on different shortcuts that we can use during the staging process . The letter I in here can be used to switch island. So press I notice now this island will be the one who is going to move to this location. To confirm the staging we can either press enter, are simply laughed leak. We can also stage suffer overdoses before and after we pressed the fish orca, for example Let me under this first. Okay, we can select this for Tex Hold shift on this Vertex, for example. Press V, as we can see both for theses are being staged to their corresponding shirt for theses. Now, in this mode, we still be able to select this one. For example, by holding shift and right click on it we can un select. Burgess is also using the same method, Schiff and rightly, you'll get the idea. If you want to cancel the staging process simply right, click the mouse. Another stating, like feature in UV editing is world ing. Unlike stating, which will move the whole You Fi Island close together, world ing will only move the corresponding Fertile sees. Let's see how we can do this. Select this for tax, for example. To access the world in command, we can use the W shortcut and impress w again or clicking on this world option. You can also use the UV menu well line and then well are over the tool shelf in a tool step . We can see the welcome button in here as we can see the two further sees moved to the center and march into a single vertex. Now, welding should only be performed on a single pair for theses. If you select multiple for theses Empress W. Then W again we get this single vertex from all of those initial focuses. Of course, this is not correct, as this will give us ugly, distorted pasture mapping. As the result, the next method we're going to discuss is the remove W Fi Command. Now this technique is pretty much similar, with the remove double for theses in the treaty. Few. When we are walking inside the edit mode, basically, it will try to find Fertile sees that are the exact location or close together and then march them. But you need to be aware, though, that this feature is very limited. Why? Because unlike removed double for theses in the three D, a few editor which essentially can march any fourth assists we like in UV editor. We cannot just march any vertex that we like we can on Lee Marge Share Further sees, which are vert assists that are actually a single vertex in the original treaty geometry. Which makes sense because, of course, we don't want to make the texture flow in the UV editor but jumping around in different locations in the treaty. Few. So if, for example, we select the default sticky mode, then turn on overtakes, snapping and dragged these vertex to this Vertex control drag to select them both, then just remove WV in a tool shelf. This will not work. Notice if we select indirectly is Vertex again. You can see it actually didn't march again. This is because these two for taxes are not belong to the same Vertex in the actual treaty geometry they used to remove w fi command. Usually we need to move the UV Islands, close together manually first and make the shared verte sees close together. They don't need to be precisely in the same location, and then you can select them and apply the remove W free command. For example, let's use the share for text in a sticky selection method, then click on a vertex to see which other for Tex is being shared. I think I will just this island on this island here again. This is just for example, we want to merge these overdoses press l was like this island moving here. Force well dated like so then press L on this island moving here rearranged them so the for theses are as close as they can get. We can change the stickiest selection mode to share location. This is so we can move the first assist independently. We can also use the control shortcut method to use temporal for tech snapping. Next, select these verte sees. Then just remove WV in a tool shelf. Now, if we have the virtuous is not in the exact location, but just close together and they want march. We can press F six to access the perimeter. This distance Trecia will determine whether the fertile sees will get much or not. If the first assist distance is higher than this value, it won't get march. So you may need to increase the value. I'm sure you get the idea here. 12. Project: Polygonal tree preparation: in this project lesson. We're going to create this polygonal style tree while the products focus is actually on how to UV map and texture Low polygonal game asset. I will cover the whole process from designing and modelling until we finally you female and textual treaty model to give you a general offer a few off what we're going to go through in this project for us. We will create a sketch in for a shop Then bring that sketch to blender. Then we will model the object using the sketch we drew before as a reference. Then we're going to come for the basic concept off texture atlas create the texture then you feel map the treaty model to apply the texture If you are aiming for more complex, realistic object and not so into polygonal style, I still recommend you to try out this project as an exercise. I believe the experience you get from this project will help you build a stronger foundation when you need to model and texture more complex model. Okay, let's start with sketching process in photo shop. Okay, guys, for sketching. You can actually use blender in lender we can use Greece sponsor for pretty sketching. Or we can also use to the painting tool in the UV image. Editor. We're going to cover all off this in later section in Sharlow. For now, I will use for a shop. The big advantage is off. Using graphic editing software such as photo shop or creator or gimp, for example, is the ability to create selections and also using picks or transformation tools when growing the sketches. These features are not available yet if he used to, depending tool in lenders. UV image editor. Now I must warn you guys that this is not a complete beginners guy toe photo shop. I will explain the process, but I won't be covering off the basic concepts behind it. Okay, I am now on Photoshopped juice. Create new for size. I will use 10 24 by 10 24 p sauce because I have used this size previously. That is why the values in here are defaulted. Toe 10 24. After we set the size, just click the create button down here okay for sketching. I'm not going to use the background layer for more flexibility. Let's create a new layer on top off the background layer. We're going to draw the sketches in this layer. It will be more convenient if later we need to move or transform the sketches that zoom in a bit. Pick the brush tool and for sketching. I already have a custom toe precept specific for this task. You can just use the default brush preset or create your own if you want to. Let's start with the basic curvature off the trunk. It is like the bone off it. Just toe. Have an initial guide to start drawing the trunk, and this will be the actual or the surface off the trunk. If you see my mouse cursor jittering lot more than usual, it is because currently I don't use my mouth. I'm using my welcome tablet. It will stop jittering only if I hold the pen up high. Okay, this will be the leaf canopy. Our treaty model should be a low Polly model, so we're not going to worry too much on a lift. Details in the sketches that's at a small branch in here. I don't know if this will be feasible. Leader. Okay, Now, at the left side and in front off the main trunk and the main canopy. We're going to create another brain and canopy for this. I think we should use another color so we can differentiate them much easier. OPIC Red color for this front canopy for a big cannot be, let's use blue color. These will be the brain just at the back and next for the front branches. Let's use red color again. Okay, so readies for the front objects and blue is for the backside objects. Next, we're going to add stripe details on our tree trunk and the branches. Basically, there will be a darker color in here. Then in here. I need here for this twig that's just at one stripe for the bad brains. There's will be one in here, also behind the trunk, than in here and in here, and one in here in a week. The trunk should also has stripes. A pick the default dark gray color. Again, this will be the base off the trunk. This is one stripe, another one in here and so on for the lift cannot be. We're going tohave color variation also basically a darker color at the bottom areas, so approximately This will be the border off the dark area. The same also with the big canopy in the front canopy. Okay, guys, I think we ought to finish now. Oh, sorry. I think I need to make this bottom part ticker. So the three looks stronger. Okay, I think we finally finished the sketch. Let's have this image as a PNG file and name it three reference or just three. Underscore raff for short. Okay, bet in. Lender. We have a new fresh file here with one unit set, one meter. Let's remove everything. Okay. Now we want to import the image we drew before and place it in the background. Off are few part to do that. We can press and toe open the treaty. Few property spent all scroll down until you see the big grown images section and then click this ad image button in here. We now have a new background image saw, but it doesn't contain any real image. Click this open button and just the three ref, not PNG file we saved before in the access optional east choose front. This will display the image only if we are in the front. Few part so press want to goto front? Few poor as we can see, we have the image in the background. Now if you think the image is too dim Well, this is because by default blender apply 50% opacity to the image. We can drag this value to make it more opaque or more transparent. I think I actually want to make it more transparent. So 0.3 should be a good number. Okay, let's discuss some off the parameters we have in here. This back and front option in here real. Determine where the image will be rendered back means it will be rendered behind it through the objects. Front means it will be displayed on top or offer laying into the objects. Let's just front for now. Okay? Next. His values don't Here can be used to transform the image. This will direct the image in X access or left and right. This will direct the image up and down. These two are for flipping image. And this one is for rotating the image. And finally, this one is for scaring the image. Okay, now we wondered. Three model later, Toby, fourth meter stall. If you look closely at the greed. These thicker lines are one unit or one meter square. I hope you can see this in the video, but you should be able to see this in your own monitor. Okay, essentially, we want to place the base off the three image at the ground plane, and the top of the canopy is at five meters. First, make sure we set the location to zero and let's adjust the X so the route is at the center . I have a mind set to 0.3. You may have different value depending on your image. Scary down to about eight meters and let's move it upto 2.2 unit and that's it. We have finished preparing our reference self the file, and we will continue to the modelling process in the next lesson. 13. Project: Polygonal tree modeling: in this lesson video we're going to start modeling are three objects. We will start with a strong and in later the branches. Then we'll move on to the least canopy. For splits. Create a base mesh object because our tree trunk is similar to a cylinder. Let's create a cylinder for our base. Mash. Schiff. A mash ceiling never for Low Polly model 32 sides for a tree trunk is too much. Let's change these focuses value in here toe. Eight. Go to edit mode. Press Z to goto wire frame mode and scary down a bit and moving so the base off the tree is correctly aligned with the reference image. And so I only the top area move it up and scaling down. Next, Let's at Luke. Cut and place it at the center stripe Scalea and rotated until it fits the reference image . Then control are again below the previous one and then do another scale and move to reposition it so it aligned with the stripe. Okay, guys, this will be a repetitive tasks, and I don't want to bore you, so I'll just speed up the video and they're all off the loop. cuts in the trunk are created and line perfectly with the image reference. Okay, now we can go back to solid mode and this is what we have so far. Next, we're going to add the stripes using H before technique. You might be wondering by now why not at the stripes as texture? The answer is yes. You can add the stripes s texture. That will be one option which we are going to cover in leader lesson. But for this project, I'm going to show you another approach, which is a very optimized method and also commonly used especially for polygonal style. For now, you just need to know that having several more polygons, but with a small size texture is cheaper in the performance than having fewer polygons, but with large textures. Okay, so go back to front. Few. So, like this age, loop control, be toe bear fleet. Make it roughly the size. I think I want to make the bear full amount toe 0.9 for the stripe. It's like this age, Luke Bear. Fill it again. Input 0.8 for the amount. So it is smaller than the previous one the next, make it 0.7 and so on. Basically, the more you go up, the smaller the bear full amount, which will make smaller stripes for the less stripe. That's just at Alucard. Okay, next, let's create the brains. The process is similar with the trunk. First, create a cylinder for the brains. We only need six sides as it is smaller than the trunk. Go to edit mode and move it to the base off the brains, Scary down and rest off. The process will be similar to how we create the trunk, so I just speed up the video for now. For the three, we can select these fertile sees on brush if d to duplicate and the position toe the tweak location Dress off. The process is basically the same for the right brains. I just copied the left one to the right. Make it smaller, too much the reference image. And finally, we need to remove all off this faces because there will not be feasible in the final rendering or in a game play for the lift canopy. We're going to use an Aiko sphere as the base object. Let's make the subdivisions toe for I know this is a lot for Law Polly model, but we will take care about this later. Now we want to deform the sphere so it conform to our design in the reference image. Let's add lattice object Scale this up so it comforts the sphere. Object perfectly for this laddies. I want to have three by three by three control points. Select the sphere, object at the latticed money fire. And then with this eyedropper tool pick Gladys, that will control this object. Okay, now these two objects are bind it together. Select the lattice object again. Press tab to go to edit mode, press A to select all of the control points and move them up. So the sphere is at the center off the canopy reference drawing to walk faster western on the proportional editing mode and just project the two d tweet the control points. So the sphere is closely resembling the canopy design. Okay, let's say this in perspective. I think we need to scale off the control points in the Y axis. I think two or 200% will do. No. Let's add the final touch. Turn off the proportion of editing mode first, and let's grab these to control points and drag it down like so. Then select the center point and move it up like this. We can keep tweaking the lattice until we like what we see. Okay, I think the first cannot be already looks good for the other two canopies less just used. This man cannot be as the base object selected. First applied the lattice. We don't need this lattice object anymore now so we can save related. OK, select the canopy and press shift D right click to cancel the movement. Go to edit mode, move it here, scallion and let's turn on the proportional editing again. You see the projected toe the mode use for text mode and just drag around. The fertile sees so it aligns with the sketch drawing. Next go to object mode and wrote. It is canopy 45 degree duplicated and rotated 180 degree. Let's make this one smaller about 80% and move it up a bit. You can wrote it in position both off this canopies as you like after we have the canopies position where we like we can do the same with the branches brought at this part 45 degree and every position it. And with the brains length. So it touch just the canopy. We need tohave another stripe at the base off the range. For this, we can use the knife tool. Okay. Now for the other range. Basically the same process of lies. Our speed up the video as there is no new technique we can discuss. Okay, the shape off our leaf canopies are already good, but currently we have too many polygons for a low Polly model asset to fix. These were going to do two things. First, we're going to combine all of them using Boolean. This is so we don't have any unnecessary interior faces that won't even be feasible. Leader After that, we're going to lower the polygon numbers. You see the decimate modifier? Okay, so I'd start with the bully and money fire first. I know we haven't discussed about Boolean operation in depth just for a quick explanation. In really application, Boolean operation can be used toe add so track and intersex off romash is to form a new mash. There are two methods to do this using their foot banner stools and also several additional matters. Using at owns is at ons can be used to create 1,000,000 modelling process faster and easier , but that will be for another section. For now, we're going to use the basic method. We just using just a bullion modifier. To do that, select the main canopy and at the bullion modifier, we want to combine mash. So just union in its operation lease, Use the picker tool toe big this canopy. Okay, now again at another bullion modifier just union, if the other cannot be. Let's apply this one and then apply this one. Okay, Now, currently, the modifier only affect the big one. Meaning the original object off this to canopies are actually still exists. We can safely delete them now as we won't be needing them anymore. Okay, If we go toe wire frame mode, we can see that we just remove a large amount off interior faces from our model. Next, let's at the decimate money fire. Direct this ratio value down until you like the shape and the amount or faces in the model . I think I will use 0.5 on second thought I think 0.6 will be better. Okay, Apply the money, Fire and for the final step, just like everything with Mack. Sure, that Strong is the active object Control Jay to join them all. And that's it. We finally have our low poetry model. In the next videos, we're going to learn about texture atlas and then add texture to our low polito remodel. 14. Texture atlas: before we continue adding texture to our low polity model. Let's discuss the basic concept of texture Atlas first. So what is texture? Atlas? Texture? Atlas is a method off putting textures from multiple objects into a single image. This technique is commonly used in real time rendering applications such as game Or they are now. You might be asking, Why should we create extra atlas? Will that be more hassle to create, then this a regular one texture for material or one texture for object? Well, the answer is because having those multiple textures inside one image will reduce the number off bro calls significantly. Okay, so what is DRO Call dro calls our instructions. Send from the game engine to the graphics hardware to draw something in the screen, Bro calls are calculated or frame the last Brokaw's we have per frame. The more frames can be rendered per second, thus making our game looks more fluid. If we have too many dro calls that need to be calculated per frame, the number off frames that can be rendered per second will drop this. You make our game like or a starter commonly in game. The Flateman, 60 frames per second is considered to be the ideal frame rate to create smooth and fluid gameplay experience. Of course, if we can achieve higher frame rate beyond 60 frames per second, that will be even better. If our game can only achieve low frame rate we just below 60 frames per second. The player will eventually feel a dizzy or no Sha. Of course, this is not what we want. That is why it is very important to keep our grow calls as slow as possible and creating texture. Atlas is one off the many methods that we can use to reduce the dro calls. Okay, now, the next question is, what is the strategy of combining multiple textures into one texture atlas? Well, the answer this question. We need to understand how again rendering actually works. There are a lot of things to cover when talking about rendering. But our cars. It's not about the needy, greedy science and or about computer graphic programming. We are only focusing on a design or the artistic aspect off it. So just to make things simple when the game engine render again seen, Most game engines used a technique called few culling. Basically, if you calling is a way to render only objects that are visible to the camera few or to the players few and ignored the rest of the objects that are not visible in the fuel. So again, only objects that are inside the few or feasible by the player that are actually contributing to the dro calls by knowing this concept the best strategy to create texture. Atlas is based on a few clustering. What I mean by that. If the player looked with his corner, all of these objects, their textures should be grouped together in one texture atlas. If the player looked the other direction, for example, this corner, then these objects textures should all be put in one single texture. Atlas also. Okay, so that is the ideal scenario off grouping multiple textures into a single texture atlas. Now, creating pressure atlas without the correct strategy can actually lead you too much force performance than before using texture Atlas. Why is that? To give you a better understanding off the situation, let's say we have this objects. All of the textures are combined into a single texture atlas, so we have a large picture like these when the player is looking at this direction, the texture atlas helps to reduce the dro calls because the game engine only needs to load this one texture to be used for all of these objects. But notice if the player is looking to this direction. There is not much objects in his corner, only one object. But because the texture off this object is located in a texture atlas, the game engine still need to load. This plot texture, which contains all of the other textures, belonged to the other objects, although we're not going to see them in a few or even worse, let's say we have three objects in a few, but each object share texture with other objects that are far away and or not exists in a current few. You can imagine that we need to provide Brokaw's and memory consumption for all of these textures, although the player won't even see them in a game plea. So again, this is something that you need to be aware when creating pressure had less. Now for optimization techniques like texture atlas ing, there are dozen off tools and plug ins that we can use to generate them right inside the game engine. We won't be covering these tools, but we will learn the basic off creating pressure atlas. In the next lesson, we're going to create simple texture atlas manually using for shop and lender for our low polito remodel and in later for our fish submarine model. 15. Project: Polygonal tree texturing: in this lesson video. We're going to continue our low polygonal three project. We're going to add texture to our model. First, let's open photo Shop. Let's create a new image with 64 pixels with by 64 pixels height. Okay. Now, when designing textures, especially for games, there are at least two best practices that you should follow. First, it is recommended that we use dimension values based on the power off to, for example, 16 32 64 128 256 512 10 24 2048 so on. Why? Well, it's kind of a long story to make it short. It is because computers in machine level actually only understand values zero and one. All of the data a location such as files, data on disk and are on the memory are all based on the power off to values. So basically, if we use these numbers, we are using the slots for the data in a very optimized way, not less and not more. Okay, The second best practice that you should follow is try to always use square image size, so we have the same values for the with and for the height. Why? Well, as we discussed in earlier lessons, having square textures will make sure that the UV maps have the correct aspect ratio. Even if we have the aspect ratio option turned off When unwrapping with uniforms square pressure textures, we will be able to save a lot off development times because later, down the road, you can easily swap textures without having to worry about texture stretching. And we all know revisions happen. If you have different sized ratio across teh shares, you're then have to readjust the UV map each time you change or so up texture. And that will be a nightmare now for the three. We actually only need for colors bright green and are green for the lift canopy and then bright brown and dark brown collars for the trunk and the branches. But this imagine that if we can put the whole low polly environment textures in tow, the single image that will be great basically, if we can go the colors for the grasses, rocks, water clouds, flowers, etcetera all into on Tisha Atlas that will save US bonds off broke walls inside the game engine. So let's see how we can do this. We're going to create the color for the leaf canopy, use the rectangular mark Ito quick drag and then hold shift so we have a square ship selection. Make it 16 by 16 picks us. Then, while the marquee selection tool is still active, move the cursor in this area and then dragged so it is positioned at the top left corner off the image. Create a new layer. Jews bright green color for the foreground color and impress out the lead toe. Feel the selection with a green foreground color. We pick before moving the selection. Put this area Jews dark or green color, and then feel the selection with that color. The rest off the process will be similar, so I just keep the video. Here is the final result off the texture atlas, which I actually made before recording the video. These brown colors are for the trunk and the branches. These great colors are for the rocks or waters. These blue colors can be used for water. These white colors can be used for the clouds, these red colors and also the yellow and the purple colors can be used for fruits and flowers, etcetera. Okay, now you might be thinking, Why 16 picture of size? Why not just use one pizza by one pixel size isn't that will make our game even more optimized? Well, I wouldn't recommend you to create one picture of square color area because you will have high risk off getting color bleeding and also blurring. I found that 16 pixels in most cases is the smallest size you can get away. We don't any blurring affecting the image texture. After we have something like this, we need to export the image as a PNG file so we can use it in lender and are in any game engines such as Unity on Really or good Oh, Goto file export export ass. Now the current version off Blender blender can actually open PST file and use it as a tax your directly. But for usage outside lender, such as for game engines, PSD file will not be a wise option as not all game Indian supported. So make sure the format in here is said to PNG. Turn on smaller file. I'd be option in here as our image contains limited amount off solid colors. We export all rename the file toe low, Polly environment texture, not PNG. Okay, now, you can also see if this image s a PST file for Baker purpose if you want to. But I assume you already understand how to do this. So let's just go back to blender and start the UV mapping process. Bacon lender. We need to open our previous low polito remodel. Select the three model and an open the material panel. Create a new material for these and name it. And vitamin as this will be a general material for our low Polian vitamin. We don't want our material to look shiny. So turned down speculum intensity in here all the way to zero next goto texture panel at a new texture and load our attention that we have created before. Okay, now, if we press she if z to render pre few are seen, we have black color tree like this. This is because we don't have any light source in our scene. So she if z again to go to solid mode. Schiff a lam hemi for hemisphere lamb. If you wonder what hemisphere land is Basically it will generate lights from an infinite hemisphere object. So it is best suited for simulating skylights and just like the sun lamp, the position off, it does not matter. You can place this hemisphere lamp on any location, and it will generate the same life. I put this on top not to change the lighting behavior, but there so we can select it much easier later. What really matter for hemisphere light is the direction or the orientation off it. So let's rotate this a bit. This is so we can get some shadings. Variation on our three model. Okay, press shift z again, and we consider our three model already has the material and the texture. But the UV mapping is still mass. So let's fix that. Change the display mode to material instead. So it is easier on the system. Go to edit mode. Make sure we are in age mode now. So, like this age and in this age and so on, speed up the video for now. Okay, after we have this nice age selection circling the leaf canopy, press control e and n choose mark seem press a to answer. Like all as we can see the ages that we selected before are no color in red, indicating they are already mark as you've he seems now go to face mode, have her own any faces on top of the canopy and impress our notice. The selection will be confined by the seems parameter. This is because by default the limit option in here is Satu Seems which is exactly what we need now press you then just unwrapped. Go to UV image Editor as we can see our image. It's not loaded by the fall. So click on this image this button and just our image texture. Okay, now quickly spin button. So this image will always be available later when we are working on the other area off our three model. Okay, No press as to scale and n g to move, Place it in the library and color area. Go back to the three D few Editor, As we can see, our top canopy area are all colored in light green. Now press eight once, like all, however, the mouse to any face at the bottom area. Press l them press you and juice unwrapped. Go to youth image Editor Skelley down and move it so it is located in a dark green area. Go back to the very few editor un select all. And as we can see, we already have. This nice looking leave cannot be next. Let's fix the U female off the trunk and the branches. However, the mouse on this area press l then on this area l again and so on until all of them are selected. Okay, Now press you and pick Smart UV project Just used to default values and hit OK, go to youth Image Editor and scale these islands down. Place it in the light brown color. Go back to the treaty Few Editor We agreed to unwrap the stripes area press eight once, like all hold out and rightly on this age, then on this age and so on until all of the faces at the stripes are all selected. Press you and some art UV project again. Go to UV image editor, scale them down and place them on a dark brown color area. Currently, we're not using any off this colors beside the green and the brown one. You can model the ground, the river or lake clouds etcetera and then used the same material so you can use the same texture for all of them. But at this point, because the process will be identical, I believe you already understand the concept and should be able to do this yourself. Okay, let's go back to the three d few editor. Go to object mode, Schiff Z to see the render preview. And I think we already have a nice looking low polygonal three with a very optimized texture atlas. 16. Project: Fish submarine UV seams: in this project, we're going to add UV mapping and then at texture to our fish submarine model that we have created in the previous modelling section. If you don't have the model yet, you can simply download the file from the project files. I provide it for this lesson. Just open the file and you should have something like this. Okay. A brief explanation off what we're going to learn in this project. First, we're going to come for how to add UV mapping on symmetrical object. Second, we're going toe kaffir, creating texture atlas again. But now we actually going toe have different objects using the same texture. Next, we're going to cover the workflow off exported. You feel a out toe excellence affair, create the test you're using for a shop on, bring the texture back to blender. I will also show you some advanced tips on your feet transformation in this project lesson . Okay. In our file, we have this pretty model which actually concedes off two objects the body and the tail. They are low polygonal models, men Toby used inside a game for this model. We need to separate the body and the preparer tail because later, inside the game engine, we need to add rotation animation on the propeller tail. You seeing a simple scream if we have them as one object. The rotation animation will affect the body model also, which is not what we want so again. Later, the tail will wrote it independently and the body will not. Basically, we cannot merge these two objects into one object. We're exporting them to the game engine, but also we don't want to separate their texture because they always seen by the player together as one object separating their texture. We'll produce additional, unnecessary dro call. The next thing I want to point out is that the body is symmetrical while the propeller is not so. This gives us another level off challenge toe. Create the UV map. Let's first start with the body object because the body object asymmetrical. We can simply remove the half of it. Create the UVM airport, it half part and an admiral money fire later, the other half of it, which will be generated by the mirror modifier. We also contained the youth image from the original half object. I got the model in half. We can use the auto mirror and on for this. If you don't have this out a mirror function, then you need to goto file menu user preferences and on type out on here, make sure or a mirror and aunts is turned on and just click the safe user settings in here . So out a mirror. We always available when we open lender. Okay, Now, auto mirror will work based on your region location. I have said the origin off this body model correctly at the center off it. But if you have your own custom model this. Make sure the origin is located at the exact location off where the mirror will happen in a tool shelf in the auto mirror section. Measure acts and positive is the active option because we want to retain this positive. Excite off the model and remove the negative. Exide. Then make sure the apply mirror option in here is turned off. If this is on blender, we create the mirror modifier. But then apply that modifier right afterwards so we wouldn't get the half off it. Okay, click the auto mirror button up here Now, as we can see in the modifier panel. We have a mirror modifier. If it on this modifier off we get half off our original model. Click this X button to remove the modifier. Why the way After we used the auto meter command and then removed the mirror modifier we have all of the ages at the mirror Plane gets elected. Don't change any off the selection as we need to mark all off these ages, as you face seems in a two shelf open the shading you fit tab and click this mark seem button Now we can safely press a tow Answer Like all of the ages as we can see you face seem ages are marked by this red color By default Let me change the madcap toe white one so we can see the red color Age is better Now you might be wondering What are these light blue color ages? Well, as we discussed earlier in the modeling section, these are the ages that we mark as sharp if later we need to mark this age is also SUV. Seem you only able to see the red color as the blue color will be drawn on top off them to overcome this issue. We can hide the sharp ages color to do that we can press and that is if the property Spano is not already open. Don't. Here in the mashed display section, you'll see sharp option in here. Turn this option off now. All of the shop ages will not be feasible In a few parts, they are still exists. But the light blue a notation color will not be feasible in a few parts. Now, if you don't see this match display section, you may not be in the end it more currently, if you are in object mode, you won't see the match display section in the treaty. Few properly panel. So again, you need to be in addict mode to be able to see these options in here. Next we want to create you. Fi seems on all sharp ages. We can go toe edge mode and select the ages one by one manually. But that will be too time consuming. Press aide once like all, one way to select shop ages is by going to the select menu down here and just sharp ages by default. It doesn't have any short cut. So that is why we need to use the menu. Click on it and we can play around with the sharpness value in here. Currently, all of these lines at the cylindrical elements gets like that. Let me change the madcap again. So this a dark gray color so we can see the yellow selection lines easier. You don't need to do this if you can see the lines. Clearly, I'm just trying to make this lesson video as clear as possible. Okay, let's increase these sharpness value on there. We don't see any ages at the cylinders. Get selected. Okay? I think 40 degree should do it. Click Mark seeming here, or you can also press control e and then click marks him in here. Most off the UV seems work are done. Now we just need suffer are fine tuning to finish the body model one off The rule in defining you fi seems is to create seems on color, border or on material border. We will have different color in this area compared to this area. This will be read and this area will be dark gray. So hold out and right Click on this age mark them as Sim on the cylindrical faces. We need at least 18 mark as seem so they can be opened up correctly in unwrapping process. So it's like this age below the eye on this age below Did your bolt Marcy him? So let these three ages at the top off the theater and clearly seems we're doing this because we want to reduce the UV island number. The same goes with talk Finn so, like this ages and clear the same. Then if we zoom into the I object, this same in the inner ring off the I will separate the small rings you the island, which we don't really need. So let's select it and then clear the seem. Also next, we need to clean up the geometry from any faces that will never be feasible by the fewer or the player. This will ensure none off the texture. Space is wasted goto face mode and select this face behind the eye rest eggs and in just face to remove it. Next, we need to remove these faces inside the head, the jaw below the head and below the thin. To do this simply, however, the mouse on one off the faces in here. Press l in here press l again. Then on this face press l again. Then on this face at the bottom thin press l again, As we can see, we just select all of the faces correctly. You might be wondering, How can this be possible? Well, this is because by default, the limit option off Select linked operation is said to seem in here. That is why the selection will be constrained by the U. V. Sims, which in our purpose is very helpful, but as acts and just remove the faces. Next, hold out and right click on this age movie. So it is near the author area. This way we get last hidden Ragen in our picture of space. In the next video, we're going to define the seams on the propeller object and then UV unwrap the whole model 17. Project: Fish submarine UV-Unwrapping: from the previous lesson. We already have the youth. He seems on our fish submarines by the object. Now let's at the youth. He seems also on the propeller object. The tale of the popular object is to be different. Well, the body is symmetrical. The propeller is not so. We cannot use mirror modifier on it. And because the propellers blades are identical, we can simply fix one rates you female and then copied the blade. So basically, we can delete these two blades, create the euphemism for this one and then later copy displayed to replace the other two bleeds. Okay, make sure of the object is selected. Go to edit mode. Make sure we are in face mood. It's like everything hovered amounts on this blade and then press l on then do the same with displayed press X and into his face is okay. Next, we won't see these faces, so let's remove them. Select these face ring control Plus to grow the selection and just delete them. We need to remove these faces also So, like one face in here. Hold control and right click on this one. The lead them now we need to select the sharp ages on displayed. We can use the Select Shop Ages method like before, but I want to show you another method on how to do this first. Hold out on right click on his age so we have all of the ages at the sides like that. Now go to select menu and then click on this select boundary loop notice. We are in age selection mode automatically on the selection rage, and we have before it's now converted toe only select the H boundary, which is exactly what we need now. Mark this ages as seem. After we are done with the youth, he seems assignment. We can move on to the next process, which is unwrapping the model to create the you fill it out now because we have two different objects, the process will not be that straightforward. To create a fee mapping for multiple objects, we can use several different approaches. We can select them both and do an object left for smart. You feel project. This is one way to do it. Another way to do this is to use a free ad on created by Andreas, a so called multi object UV editing, but for our project lesson. Now we're going to stick with the default and basic method off unwrapping multiple objects , and that will be by joining them first as one object and then later separate them again after the UV map is created. So let's like the propeller hold, shift and in the body. Remember, we need to select the body object glass one so it will become the active object or domain object in a joining process. But as control J to make the tail object joined a body object. Next go to edit mode, make sure we are in face mood. And so, like all of the faces rescue and then choose unwrapped. If we go to the UV image editor, we can see that lender already create this nicely out. But I still think that the islands are too close to each other. So press f six and change the margin toe 0.2 Then press enter. Okay. Now, unlike the previous projects we've done before, where we import the texture first and then create the youthfully out based on the texture in this project, we actually going to do it. The other way around. We're going to create the you feel a out first exported layout toe Accidental graphic software which is for a shop create a texture in for shop based on the you fill it out and then later bring that back into blender. Okay. Now, to make the texture creation process later in for a shop easier, we need to make sure that you ve islands which belonged to the same texture color are grouped together. What I mean, a work group together is that they are positioned close to each other. If we take a look at this reference image for your information, this image is actually are truly model that we have currently with rendered in cycles using so for a simple principle materials and also by using a free actually airai image as the light source. Now off course, in this section, we are focusing on UV mapping and not cycles rendering what I actually want to show you is the color lee out for our three D model. As we can see, we have red color as the dominant color and then we have dark gray color in the jaw and at the back. Then We have yellow color for the thin life gray color for the jobs join any ice frame and finally the inner eye or the glass. We know based on this reference image, we want to grow the youth, the island's location so the faces which have the same color, are close to each other. We can do this in several ways. One way to do these is by using the pack Islands Command or control P for short cut. I'm not going to use this method at the end, but I will show you the process anyway. In case you need this method for your own three D model, let's go back to the treaty. Few editor. Let's say we want to select the red color area, however, to this area and impress L. Then on here breast cell again and finally this area go back to UV image Editor. As we can see, only the selected faces in the treaty few editor are shown in here to use the Back Islands Command. Simply press control P. R. Goto this menu back islands in here press F six and in here you can change the margin value , then place this island's toe dislocation temporally. Next, for example, we want to take care of the yellow color. Go back to a treaty. Few editor again. Select this area. Then this one at the top on this one, go back to UV Image Editor and Control P to pick them again and then move them to this location. Temporally. We can just duties for all the remaining color areas. I'll speed up the video for now. Okay, Now go back to three D few editor. So, like all off them, go back to UV image editor and rearrange them so they fit inside the text of space. There is one thing I dislike about this method is that island command will distort the proportion off the UV islands. So now the island sizes are not in proportion to each other anymore. This is a bad thing. However, you can use another command called average island scale or control A for shortcut to fix the proportion. This command issues herbal, but it will destroy the pack. Island lee out we have before. So again, I prefer not to use this approach because although it looks fast and automatic at the end, that is actually too much additional works to be done to get it right. What I prefer to do is just manually fixed the position off the islands after unwrapping without repacking or scaling the islands, lets reset the unwrap plea out. First Goto Treaty. Few editor. So, like all of the faces press you and then unwrap press f six and just make sure the margin is said toe 0.2 Okay, Now I want to select only direct colored reagents and move it outside temporally. Now I know this island, and this one and this one are the red color radiance. But let's say we're not sure which one is the red color faces. We can do the same thing as before when we are doing the packing island method. Basically, we need to go to the treaty. Few Editor, select this face area and this one on this one. Go back to UV image Editor and move them to this location at the left bottom area. Then select the yellow faces, move them to this location at the top, right? And finally, the light grey faces. Let's place them at this white location for a dark gray color and the eye center because they will be the last one in a texture space. We don't need to move them anywhere. We simply need to arrange them. So go to the three D few editor and, like all off the faces go back to you, the image editor, and let's arrange the dark gray islands so they all fit at the bottom area off the textual space. I need to speed up the video as there is no new techniques we can discuss. But before that, I want to show you a little tape on how to move and constrain automatically. This method actually can also be used in a truly environment, and I believe I haven't show you how to do this before. For this, we can use the island selection mode so we can slack and move you three islands easily. So, for example, we want to move this island down in straight vertical. Usually we can press G and impress why to do this. But sometimes in on invents editing station, you just kind off forget which one is why and which one is X. So another way to constrain the movement is the press G and then move it to the nearest vertical or horizontal direction that you like and then press release the middle most button. As you can see, because our movement are closer to vertical movement, it will snap or constraint to do I access. If we press G and move it this way instead, then press release the middle most button, it will be constrained to the X axis. Now, this method also works on right click dreck method. So, for example, if we right click and wreck this one to the right and then press released the middle most button, it will constrain the movement to x access. You can also duties vertically. I'm sure you get the idea. Okay, let me rearrange these UV islands and speed up the video after we have arranged the you feel a out. It is stunned to export it as an image so we can create the texture in axle graphic software such as photo shop, orc, rita or gimp, for example to export to you feeling out, goto the you face menu and then click this export you feeling out? Make sure it is a PNG file format and for the file size we can use 10 24 by 10 24 pixel. But ideally, it is always safer to walk with the texture twice off the target size later, we can export and resize them back to its intended size. So, for now, let's change the image size 2048 pixels. How are the mouse on his value? Press control C and in hover over this value and impressed control V. Okay, Now this fill opacity value will determine how opaque the resulting you feel. A orch leader. Let's just use the default value in here. Name the file toe You feeling out or any name you like, Then click export. You feeling out in here in the next video? We're going to create the texture in photo shop, using the you feel a out that we have just exported 18. Project: Fish submarine texturing: Let's open photo shop and open the UV layout image we have exported before. As we can see, the image is semi transparent for creating the base color. We don't want to use this layer as it contains to you the layout that we need for our reference. So let's create a new layer and then place it below the layoff layer juice or red color and feel the layer with the color. Using out the lead shortcut, it's renamed Layer Tau Bay Scholar and renamed The Layoff Layer Toe layout changed a blending mode to multiply, so we only see the dark lines and not the white you fi island areas. Okay, next, we don't want any changes happen to this layer. We can look. The edit ability and transformation in here are simply just look everything using this padlock icon in here. Next, we want to add dark gray color, use the polygonal lasso tool and then create a selection surrounding all of the islands. Belonged to the dark gray color Ragen. Pick a dark gray color hit outlet again to feel the selection. Just do the same with the light gray, yellow and a glowing area. Our speed up the video for now, as the process for each coloration are fairly similar. Okay, I know that we have all of our base colors ready. Let's safe beast as a PST file. Name it. Fish. Submarine texture. Okay, back in lander, just like before when you need to. A texture to an object. You need to create a material for it for us. So select the object. Go to material panel. Create a new material. A name, it fish. Submarine. Make it shameless for now. Goto texture panel Create a new texture. Name it fish submarine. Also, make sure it is said to image or movie. Now, one of the great things about blender is that it is ableto open PST file directly. So click on the open button in here and in just the PSD file we have saved before. Okay, Now, if we go to rendered few mode or use the material mode, we can see the base color and also delay outlines visible in our three model. We're going to take care off the texture later in photo shop. For now, let's add mirror modifier on the fish body and also copy the propellers blade So we have three blades just like before. Make sure we are in face mode and that none off the faces are selected. First, let's like the tail core by hovering on it. Impress lt shortcut. However, on this face at the blade and impress L again now notice the selections is limited by the youth he seems to avoid. The UFA seems limiting our link selection in the two shelf. Don't here just use material? So now the whole blade gets like that. Okay, now press B and two selection to separate the tail to its own independent object, go to object mode and select the tail of the propeller object. Go to edit mode again. Select the blade again. Only the blade. Now without the car now to rotate displayed correctly, we need our treaty cursor located at the centre and used it really cursor as the center off the rotation. First to send them the treaty cursor do express Szefc and then, in a pivot point option, choose to the cursor. Okay, No press chef de to duplicate and impress our to rotate. Then why and an input 120 then hit Enter shifty again are why 120 then enter again. We now have three blades again on the propeller, rename the object to tail and then next go to object mode, select the main body and then at a meter money fire. Okay, guys, we now have a complete symmetrical treaty model and another model with shared picture atlas , but the texture is still lack off details, so let's see how we can create textual details and shading in photo shop back in photo shop for our fish submarine model, I actually don't want to add too many texture details, such as scratches or dust or rust, etcetera. Personally, I like to have clean, cartoony like colors on this model, but you may need or want tohave texture details on your own three D models. Because of that, I still need to show you how it can add picture details. For example, let's say you want to add great painted metal textures on the red coloration for these, I already don't loaded a texture from Cheshire's dot com. You can use this texture or use your own texture if you want. Oh, again, I need to mention that I didn't create this texture. I just don't load it from testers dot com. The express control A. To select all of the image and in control, see toe. Copy the image. Open our main texture file and in control V to paste it in notice for the shop will create a new layer in here. Make sure the new layer sits on top off the base color layer, but be loaded layout layer. Let's duplicate this layer first just for baker purpose and then just hide this layer. For now, select this one press control T to use the free transform tool and just position the texture in this large island next to cut the texture so it doesn't bleed toe other UV islands. Create a selection. You seen the polygonal lasso tool, then hit this button down here to create an image mask. If a selection exists, it will create the mask based on an active selection. Okay, next for the other red color island, duplicate this layer again. So we still have a backup just in case we need it again. To do this, we can hold the out key and wreck this layer. Um, hide the layer control T again to use the three times from tool move it and scallion. So the rest details are approximately at the side. Okay, Now we want to scratch detail toe Ben, following the UV island curve, we can do this. You see, in the proper toe up tool, go to edit menu and choose poppet uar clicking here and then in here to add two pins in his far side. Then at the side curve, we can add three pins. Okay, Now, just move the spins around so that the rest details are nicely aligned with the UV island curved border. Okay, Now, to finish up the puppet warp information, just press enter. You can do this also for ending rush details on this side, the process will be similar. So I just speed up the video. After this is done, hide the layoff layer, and then we can see if the pst file goto blender in a textual panel scroll until you see the image section in here where you see the file target, click on this button to refresh or to reload the PSD file. As you can see in a pretty few editor, we now have the metal texture details on our model. But again, as I mentioned before, I actually want tohave clean, cartoony Look on this model. So I will remove this metal texture from the model and instead at Subito shading colors and subtitle details on it. Let me turn off the Indian occlusion force. So essentially, I want to add subtle shading on this head corner and then in the CREF ASUs at the top fin. Then on this values at the theater, etcetera Also, I want to add some other details on the jobs join to make it looks like a bolt. So let's go back to photo shop and we want to hide all of these details Layer. Okay. Now create a new layer, rename it to shade, and then change the blending mode to multiply. For example, I want to make this area darker. Create a selection with the polygonal lasso tool. Okay, press be to use the brush tool and then piccolo hardness brush tip change the opacity toe. Only 20%. I'll use dark red color for now and then just drink like this. Do this several times until we like what we see. Okay, I think it looks nice already for the rest off the process, there will be no new techniques involve, so I just speed up the video for now. - For the bolts details. Basically, it is the same process. Create a circle selection. Use the brush tool to add dark color details surrounding this circle Selection. Next, create a rectangular selection at even more bar colors inside it, and that's pretty much it, the less one. I think we need to add some smaller boats on the right body. For these, I will create a new layer. Create a circle selection, pick a grayish color and feel the selection with the color by holding out and then press the delete button. Pick a darker color and just brush the border off it. Okay, next, let's add some highlight color. Hold out and Recto copy this boat layer to this position and then I'll drink again. Toe disposition. Select all of the small boat layers and then control e too much them all. You can add more details as you like. The workflow should be similar to what we've already discussed. For now we'll consider this texture is finished, so just shave in the file and then let's go back to a blender. Reload the file. And as we can see, we have the shadings and the small details we created before Nice replaced on a treaty model. Now, off course, this texture is just a basic color texture. Because we are focusing on Lian Yu fi mapping in this section, we're not going to create any additional textures such as bump or roughness, etcetera. We will discuss all of those in the future sections in Charlotte. 19. Symmetrical UV mapping part 1: in this lesson video. We're going to explore more ways to make you female for symmetrical objects, because more often than not, we need to create symmetrical treaty models such as characters, vehicles, weapons, etcetera. Also, in this lesson, we're going toe cover. How to use to the cursor normalized according it, and you'll be back in command as an offer of you. There are at least four methods that we can use to UV map symmetrical treaty models. Now you need to know that these are just names I created to difference. Yet between them first is offer lapping half we just basically doing you fi mapping on only the half site off the model and an at mirror modifier on the treaty model afterward. This is exactly what we've done in the previous project. Reston. Second is fixed offer lapping method where we think the you feel a out from the previous method and then make it known. Offer lapping Third is out. Affix off a lapping. This method is the same with the 2nd 1 but instead off copying the you fill it up manually , we will be using a UV mirror feature in the mirror modifier and the less one is according it, you fi mirroring this method will mirror you feel a out based on the treaty cordoning off the three D model. Let's see each off this methods one by one. In a previous project lesson, we learned how to you female, a symmetrical object by removing half off the geometry, work on on Lee the existing half side off the treaty model, and then use the mirror modifier to complete the other half side. This method is fine if you want to create condemns. Such as for mobile games are for flat, low pollen game style for the scenarios. We can use this method without any problem, but this method will not work if we need to have different color variation or details between the left and right side off the model. For example, if you want to make the left eye broken or we want to have bullet holes on the right side, we cannot do this with the first method. As to you, feeling out for the left and the right side is actually shared or offer lapping now because we already discussed the techniques for this method in the previous project lesson. Let's move on to the next method. What this method do is basically take the offer, lapping you feeling out from the previous method and then fix it so it doesn't offer like, look a theater for this method. And the other next three methods is that because the left side and the right side are independent, non offer lapping UV islands, you need to create textures for both the right side and left side. Basically, you have more control over the right side in the left side texture, but also you have more works to be done. Let's open our fish submarine model we have before At this stage, we already created the You fill it out for this half side and add a mirror modifier for a body object. The tail object is already an independent object now, and because the tail is not really a symmetrical object, we can just ignore it for this lesson. So select the tail object and then press age to hide it. Essentially, if you need to make the UV map on the tail object known, offer lapping, simply perform the methods with discussed in the previous lessons. Let's focus on the body object for this lesson As this is the only object that is symmetrical in our fish submarine model. Select the body model, go to edit mode. And so, like all of the faces, go to UV image editor For now, if you have the texture feasible in the background, just click this X button to close it as we are going to change the you feeling out the previous texture will not be applicable anymore. Currently. Because we don't include the tail object we have more unused space in. Are you feeling out now? Ideally, you need to tweak this layout so it is more optimized before we proceed. I believe you already understand how to organize you feeling out at this stage for now. To save time, I will use the pack you free command instead. Solid all of the islands and impress control be are we can go to you the menu and then back islands press F six toe, open the perimeters and change the margin toe 0.6 So we have some gap between islands. Okay. Now, when creating symmetrical you feeling out later, we will have the center line as the mirror plane. So generally you want tohave you feeling out? Fill out only the right side and make the left side blank. Orefice first, sir. Have it on the left side and make the right side empty. Good. Only because we use the pack Thailand's command the you feel a out istan actually ideal anymore as they are not grouped based on their texture color But they should be enough for our lesson purpose. Now, before moving on I want you to save this file first for back up later in the next method, we will open this file again at this current stage. Okay, apply the mirror money fire. Now if we have nobody objects selector and go to edit mode So like all of the faces and then go to youth image editor we can see it looks like we only have one side off the you feeling out But notice if I use vortex mode and then right click drag this for Tex at the teat or any off this fertile sees we can see that we actually have offer lapping you fi staking on pop off each other to separate the you fill it out and so that the flip you fi islands not flipped anymore. Let's go back to the treaty. Few Editor Goto front Few press Z to goto wire frame mode. And so, like everything. First, press B and select left part off it. Our left hand side there is We need to select this part because this is the part generated by the mirror modifier. Basically, this is the part that is being flipped. Okay. Now, while these faces are selected, go back to UV image editor next year. Everything is selected. Now, before we flip the UV island, make sure the to the cursor is at the default. Zero by zero location. If not, press end toe, open the side property panel on. Just make sure the cursor location X and Y values are both set to zero. We can do this fast by simply right click on X or why input field. Then choose Reset all to default values. Next, we want to mirror using the toady cursor after center reference to do that, change the people option from bounding box toe to the cursor. Okay, now to mirror really go to youth, his menu mirror and in just X access. We know half the youth. The island's flipped. Go back to three D few editor. So, like all of the faces, then go back to the UV image editor. We can now see you both the left side and the right side. You three islands, of course you don't want tohave UV islands outside the texture space like these because this outside area will be filled with repeated or tile texture. So So, like all off them scary toe 1/2 by pressing s then type 0.5, then enter Now to move this whole island to the right because we have blenders. Generic texture, size. Remember that the generic picture size is 256 by 256. Speak sauce to move these UV islands to the right. So it is located at the centre. We can press G than acts and then type 128 then enter. Okay, Now what if we have custom sized pictures open in the background, but forget about its size or we simply don't want to care about the real pixel size of it. We just want to move the UV Islands to the center we can do this using the normalized coordinates instead. Let me undo the movement. Okay. Now turn on these normalized option in here. What this normalized option do is actually re scaling the coordinate values to spend from 0 to 1. So this location is x zero, and this location is X one. This is why zero. And this is why one basically, no matter what exercise we use in pixel, the center area is always considered as 0.5. Okay, so now to move the u the islands to the center, we can press G than acts. And then I I 0.5 or let me a notice again. We can also type in according it off this you the island's selection up here in this UV vertex Xcor ding a input field toe 0.5 we know have symmetrical yet none offer lapping you feeling out. As we can see, we have this large and the texture space not being used now this is actually on purpose because we're making texture atlas for both the body in a popular object. We need to spare the station space for the propeller object 20. Symmetrical UV mapping part 2: in the briefest lesson, we learned to methods off, creating you female for symmetrical object. Now, in this lesson video, we will cover that that method, which is out off its offer, lapping and finally, the less method which is co ordinate based you fi mirroring in the start method, we're going to fix the offer lapping issue, using a fisher inside the mirror modifier. Also, we learn how to make use all off the texture space while mirroring the UV layout. Let's open the file we have saved before in here. We still have the right side off the model and a mirror. Modify our Now let's go to edit mode cycle faces, then go to UV image editor. Before we do any mirroring, we want to fix the layout so that later it fills out the entire texture space. For now, let's just pretend that we don't have the tail object or we don't want to create a texture atlas. So essentially we want all off the texture space for a body object. First, make sure we have normalized coordinate system in a cursor location co ordinate type 0.5 on the X in good field and then 0.5. Also on why Input field. We just positioned the two d Corso exactly at the centre. Now we only use this to the cursor as a guide to tell where the center line is located again. We want to put all of the youth the islands at the right side and not on the left side. So sell it all off them. Press as to scale press G to move it to this location, used the island selection mode and just move the islands around. I speed up the video for now, as there is nothing new to discuss. Okay, After we have all of the islands position at the right side in a modifier panel notice in a mirror modifier, we can see these textures you and fee. Now the issue cheque books in here. It's actually for auto mirroring. The texture in you co ordinate and Vienne here is for auto mirroring In recording it as we discussed earlier you is similar to x and V similar. Why? Except well you envy are actually for surface while acts and why are for space. Basically, if we want to mirror the texture horizontally, then we can turn on these. You check walks in here. Okay. Now we can hit the apply button to flatten the mirror modifier because we turn on the U mirror option notice if we go to the face mood. And so, like, all off the face is then go back to UV image editor again. We have something like this. The youth, the islands at the right side automatically mirrored to the left side using the center line as the mirror plane. Okay, so that is the third method that we can use so quickly. UV map. A symmetrical object. The last method off creating UV map for symmetrical object is using the copy mirror. UV coordinates command in the UV menu. But you must be aware that this command at the current version off blender has a bug or at least a limitation. And that is it wouldn't work properly onto the object that has intersecting or penetrating faces now, because our fish submarine model has so many intersecting faces such as the thin the eyes, the jobs, bold, etcetera, all penetrating the body surface. It will not be a good example for this method. So we will use a monkey head object instead for its method after creating a monkey had model go to edit mode. So, like all of the faces at the right side, basically we're goingto unwrapped and organize only the right side off it and then tell blender toe copy mirror the you feeling out for the left side Press you then unravel, Go to UV image editor. Now, I know this is about you feeling out. As we can see, the ear gets very, very small, but for our purpose, they should be enough. Next we need to make the you feeling out exists only on the right side, off the texture space. So let's do some scaling and some reposition. Okay, again, this is not the best you really out example In the real production process, you should take some time to make you fee seems and optimize the you feeling out For now Just imagine that we already have a perfect you feeling out for the right part to make the last part. Copied right part. Go to treaty few editor, select all off the faces and then go back to you for image editor press a twice So all of the faces are selected. Remember, you need to strike all off the faces in the UV image. Editor for it work. Selecting all off the faces in the treaty. Few editor will only make them visible in the UV image editor, but not necessarily making them select that. So again. So, like all of them, But the you face menu. Then click on this copy mirror. UV coordinates button. What this command actually do is comparing the treaty co ordinate off each for theses. And if it finds the mirror for theses, it will copy paste the youth according it from that mirror. Fortis's okay. Now, if no result shows up press F six and and make sure it is set to negative, then we can see the left had you feel a out mimic the right one correctly, but notice something wrong with the R u fi Island in here. Also, we get this error or warning message up here indicating that the mirror operation found duplicates. Why is that? Well, as I mentioned earlier, this method usually will not work correctly on pennant threating faces. If we go to the three d few editor and then go to solid display mode. We can see that the eye faces don't here are actually penetrating the base had model. This is what Griffin lender To correctly detect the mirror coordinates. I'm not sure if this is categorized as a bug or not, but this is what I have in my current version off blender. When I record a video, the work around for these is to make the I not penetrating first. So So, like, all off the face is belongs to the eyes. And then just move it forward to the front like these. Okay. Cycle of no faces again. Go back to UV image editor. Make sure all our selected also in here go to you the menu and let's do another copy mirror you fi co ordinates command again. Now we don't see any error message up here and the left You feel a are already mirrored correctly from the right. You feeling out? If this is done, we can go back to the three D few editor and off the ice back to its original position. Personally, I don't like using this method due to its bug or its limitation, but lender is being developed rapidly, so this feature may get fixed or updated in the future. Release 21. UV Maps data and Live unwrap: in this lesson video We're going to discuss about UV memes data or often referred as you fi Channel. After that, we're going to cover one cool UV mapping feature inside Lender. And that will be life on work. Fisher. Let's remove everything and create a new cube notice when we create a new cube or any new to the object in lender, we have this option in a two shelf generate you fees. This option will generate a default. You feel a out for our newly created object For now, do not turn this option on. Okay, Now, if we go to the edit mode And so, like all of the faces notice we cannot see any UV layout in the UV image. Editor, why is that? Well, we learned before that we need UV map for adding image texture two or three d object. Right. And we actually don't need you. Female, if we only use solid color on the material, are only use procedural texture that can be generated in three D space. So by default blender, don't add any default. You female on a newly created object, unless we specifically want tohave it. In our case, When we created the Cube, we didn't turn on the generator. You fees check box. So that is why it doesn't have any UV map. If you go to the data panel and then scroll down, you will find a section called UV maps in plural form. Blender will leave all off the UV maps available belong to the selected object in your section. So essentially we can put more than one. You female on an object. Now you won't be wondering. Why do I need more than one UV map? Well, it can be used for a number off purposes, but in game Jeff Lageman, we usually need at least two UV maps if we want to bake lighting information. So when you female used for pasturing at another UV map is used for light maps. If you don't know what light map is, it is almost like an image texture, but it only contains shading colors. Later in game engine, it will be offer laid on bob off the image texture to fake the lighting condition. We are not going to discuss light map in this section. I just need to point out that we can actually have multiple UV maps in one object. Now, when we unwrapped the model or do any UV mapping command on the object blender actually create a new you female for us automatically, for example, we can select all of the faces in the treaty. Few editor hit the U key and then just choose any off the UV mapping command in here. For example, Project from few notice. We can see this. You feel like out in the UV image editor because the object now have a new UV map we can see in here. It is named UV map as today Fault. Genetic name. If you want to have multiple UV maps, then you might want to rename it to something more meaningful. Let's double click on the name and rename it toe few projection, for example. Okay, now, to create a new UV map, you can click on this, plus bottom in here, and blender will create another UV map. Data on our Curran object now in other software, UV maps data is often referred as UV map channel. Okay, so if you heard people saying or write on article, the term UV maps channel or simply UV channels They are basically referring to this. Multiple UV maps data on a single object. Okay, Now, notice when we click this plus button blender, actually create a new UV map by duplicating the first UV map so we can see if we switch the UV map by clicking on its name. We don't see any. You feel a out differences in the UV image editor. Now let's select the new UV channel, which is named you female by blender. Then go to the three D few editor, press you then less big, smart UV project. For now, As we can see, the you feel layout is now change. And if we switch back and forth between the UV maps, we can see each has its own. You feel a out? Okay, One last thing I need to explain is this Camera Aiken at the right side, off the UV maps name this. Aiken will determine which one will be the default UV map when we render the image. Now, we're not going to discuss rendering yet in this section, so just keep this in mind for now. Let's select the first you female channel and move on to the life unwrapped feature. Now I personally don't use these life, and we're feature toe after, but you may find it useful for your own work, especially if you are trying to troubleshoot a certain UV mapping error and or want to see the UV mapping process step by step before, when we discussed meaning we already cover life unwrapping a youth image editor. But this is not what we're going to discuss. What we really want to discuss is the life underwear feature located in a pretty few tool shelf inside the option there. So, yes, they are both located at A to chef and both located inside the option there. But this one is in the treaty few editor, and this one is in the UV image editor and they both do different things. Oh, yes, almost forget. You can only see these life unwrap options If you are in edit mode. Notice if I switch back to object mode. You cannot see the life unwrapped checkbooks anymore in here, and you cannot even find an option tab in the two shelf. So again, make sure you have an object selector and impress Steptoe go to edit mode to get the most off the life unwrapped feature. We need to be in sync mode in here. Why? Because if not, we can only see what is being selected in the treaty. Few. By turning this sync mode on, we can see all of the elements off the UV islands in a youth image editor, even though we don't have them selected in a very few. Okay, Now, remember, life unwrap is actually you fi unwrapping, so we need to define eight. Seems go to h mood and select this age on this age until this one. So we have for ages selected control E and Jews. Mark Sims in here we can see brander instantly unwrapped a cube when we make any age seem assignment. Okay, now we can even make these age seems assignment process even faster by using the age attack . Seem mode to access it first Go to the option tap again. But if all it is settle selection, change these toe. See him? Okay. Now take an age as a youth. ACM quickly. We can hold control and right Click on on age notice by simply hold the control key and right click on on age that age will be tagged. As you ve seen, we consider it color on that age. We can hold control and right click on this one. Let me rotate this stoop so we can see the right side off it. And then on this one also, if you want to clear the scene, then you can hold control and rightly on it again. So basically, it is a total functionality. We can see in the UV image editor that the you feel layout is being generated in real time as we change. The UV seems assignment on the ages, and that's it. That is how you create you feeling out using the life unwrapped feature inside vendor. 22. Texture tiling: in this lesson video we're going to discuss about texture tiling When you are working on small objects or characters or vehicles, you may never need to deal with textual tiling. But imagine working on a very large ground or wall or rock formation. Basically any large structure you can think off that exists in your scene. If you try to put a single texture who covered a large area, you'll need a very large image toe. Cover it. Otherwise it will look blurred or pixelated. But if you do use a very large image for the texture, you'll end up with huge memory usage and not to mention the performance hit, which is not always a good idea. If you are making games, especially for more bios, in some platform, there is a texture size limit that we are allowed to use. That is why, for large objects such as foreign vitamin mostly, we used terrible textures. Essentially, fallible textures are small or medium sized images, which look good when they are arranged repeatedly styles. Usually these textures are called seamless textures, because when the right side off it had joined with the left side of it or when the topside off it had joined with the bottom part off it. We cannot see any noticeable seams now. You might be wondering by now how can we create you fi mapping for this kind of textures? Well, we actually don't need to do anything beyond ordinary UV mapping techniques that we already learned previously, because the texture tiling is actually the default behavior for any lecturing or you fi mapping. And this is true for every three D saw for in the world and also game engines, not just in Lender. To give you a better understanding about this matter, let's create a plane object, scale it up and make it quite bigger. Control A and apply the scale, create a material for it, make it shed lis and at a texture, bigness, herringbone flora texture that I provided for this course. Now I don't create this texture. I just don't load it from textures dot com. Okay, if we switch to render display mode or the material mode in a three d few editor, we get this wonky texture in our plane object. This is because we haven't specify or create any UV mapping for it yet, so go to edit mode and select the face Press you. Then you again toe unwrap it. Let me create a new U I area at the side. Change this to UV image editor. Next opened herringbone floor texture we used for the material. As we can see, our you feel layout is already extended to fill the hole texture space. Now watch. If I select the face in the UV image editor and then scale it up, all of these areas outside the texture space will not become empty or black. They simply showing the repeating tiles off the original texture. And so the texture size in the treaty. Few editor will become relatively smaller in comparison with three D object or the three D world space. And you might want to turn off the great for now and also the X and Y access lines so it doesn't get in the way. Okay, you might be wondering by now why can I see the tiring? Also in the UV image editor, Why, we only see this dark gray color. Well, you can actually, but by default render height the tiling, so we don't get confused when trying to position UV islands against the original texture space. If you want to see the tiling, you can press end toe Open the UV image Property panel in a display section. Turn on this repeat option in here. Now we can see the tiling. And now we understand why it is off by default in this condition, especially if we have similar stature like these, it is very hard, if not impossible, to spot the original texture space border. That is why most of the time I set this repeat option off unless I need to see the tiling effect. So now we are moving on to the next question. How can we create seamless texture like this herringbone floor texture we have in here? The answer is by using graphic application, such as Photo Shop Preta or Gim Off course. We need a starting image first, and usually we use a photograph. If you have hand painted textures, that will be a different story. For now. Let's start with this san image, which I intentionally pick from Peshawar, calm and crop it so that it is not seamless because we want to practice making it seamless in this lesson. Now you might be thinking, because all of this time I've been using textures from testers dot com that perhaps I have some business agreement with the side or that I have some affiliate links for that. The answer is no. I don't have a fill it Ling's or any type off profit from the side. I'm merely stating the stores off the image as a disclaimer that these images are not made by me. Having copyright issue is the last thing I want to have in this industry. Okay, now notice. If I used this image as the texture for our plane object and resume in close enough, we can clearly see the texture water In here. The texture is not seamless. So let's fix this problem in for a shop now and later in the next lesson. How we'll show you how to do this. Also in Creator and Gin, open our sent texture image in photo shop. The basic idea off, making the texture similares is first. We need to push the image to the laugh, but make the part that get pushed show up again at the right side, something also vertically. We want to push the image up or down, but then half the image part that get pushed show up again on the other side, off the image. By doing these, we can work on the same area easily. Okay, Now, off course, we cannot do this kind of image pushing or offsetting. Using ordinary move tool, we can use a special filter called Offset. But first, let's duplicate the layer simply by dragging this layer to the new layer I condone here. Okay, so at least we have a back up off the original image. Next, go to the filter menu. I'd better offset notice in the offset dialog window. If we click on this horizontal input field and then scroll our mouths, we get to see the image move left or right, and the big sauce that went off the screen. We always come back to the other side off the image. This therefore, behavior is controlled by this wraparound option known here. So don't change this option because the default behavior is already correct. Okay, Now I know that our image size is 10 24 by 10. 24 picks sauce. So to make all off the tiling seems at the center we can simply type in the half of value off 10 24 and that will be 512. So type 512 press tab, then type 512 again, then hit. Enter. We cannot see this border areas clearly to make this area seamless. We can use tons off techniques in photo shop for our lesson. Let's just keep things nice and easy. What we can do now is to actually erase the center vertical and horizontal areas, but we want to do it non destructively, so make sure our layer is the active layer and then click on this image mosque button in here to create an image mask for our layer. This image mass controls the FIS ability off the layer, using a grayscale image so our original image in this layer will never actually get raised . Black color in his image mosque will make it transparent, while white color will make it or bake. So pick black for the foreground color and use the brush tool rightly, and just this blurry or low hardness brush. Step in here. Press three in a keyboard to make the opacity toe 30% and then just brush the same areas. Our speed up the video for now. So you don't get bored. Now. When we make this area transparent with the brush, the image from the background layer will refill itself. So basically, if we hide this big ground layer, we get to see these transparent area. I'm sure you get the idea here. Okay? After this is done, we can save the file as a PST file, go back to blender and then apply the texture to our plane object. Just like before we cannot see our repeating texture. Doesn't have any noticeable seams anymore. 23. Seamless texture using Krita and Gimp: in a brief US lesson, we learn about texture, tiling and how to use for the shop to create cinema stack share. Using for a shop for making similar stature is great, but not all off. You guys may have Adobe license and or prefer to use other graphic software that is free, such as creator or gimp. So let's see how we can do this. We create our first now a bit off disclaimer here. This lesson is not meant to be a complete tutorial about creator nor gimp, so you should have a good basic understanding of how the suffer work. I am planning a course about creature in the future, but at the time I recorded video, the course is not finished yet, so you can do in other courses about Preta or learn the basic from other sources in Crete er, after we opened the file, basically, we want to do the same thing like we did in four shop, and that will be offsetting the image halfway horizontally and vertically. So copied his original layer first by pressing control J. And let's lock this bottom layer so nothing will happen to it. Okay, now, in creator. We don't use a filter to offset an image. This is because there is a special interaction mode called wraparound mode in Quetta, which behaves exactly like the officer filter in photo shop. To access it, we can use W for shortcut are by going to the few menu and turn on these wraparound mode notice when in Remeron mode it is hard to see the original image. Border excreta displays the image in repeating tiles, just like what we see in vendor before. So in this mood, I suggest that we turn on the grid by pressing she if control single quote are by going to the few menu show great in here. Okay, this is the original image border. Now. Notice what in the right around mode. If we use the move toll and move around the layer, it will not actually move the image, but instead just offsetting the image inside the layer. Now to move precisely 512 pixels on X by 512 pixels on why axes? We can use either the free terms from tool or the move toe, then in a tool option spent all, make sure we have big so as the unit and just type in 512th in here and type 512 also and then just hit. Enter, Go back to the layer panel or layer docker as create a corset. If we hide and show this layer, we can see we already have the upper layer image. Get offset it press W. Turn off the wraparound mode and then shift control. Single quote. Turn off the grid next to add an image mask or Transparency mosque in creators term, we can click on his character button and then choose transparency Mask. This mask layer works exactly like the image mosque in photo shop, so let's speak black for the foreground color and just a soft brush such as these air brush preset. Maybe the opacity around 30 to 40% and then just brush the same area to make it transparent . After finished, you can save the file toe dot craft file. We just a native create a file for Becker purpose, but because my current blender for version they're amusing, that's not support book craft files we need to save or export this image toe a different format such S P and G or J pick or PST file. Which blender support? Okay, now for game After we have it opened, just open this and texture file on. As always, let's duplicate the layer first, so we have a back up. We can do this by right clicking in here and in just duplicate layer. Or you can also use these small button down. Here are. If you prefer a shortcut, you can press she of control D. Okay, now, in gimp, there are two methods that we can use to maximalist a share. The first method is the automatic method. On the 2nd 1 is Do manual method. First, let's see how the automatic method can do for us. Toadies simply go to the filter menu than map, then to make seamless and viola. Our image is now a similar stature. It is that easy now. Some people may not like the result because it is a bit aggressive. We can see the pink sauce near the image Border is burke quite a bit, so if you don't like the result from the first method, you can't use the second method instead, which is basically using the same workflow as we did in photo shop and increase. Let me just duplicate the original layer now and hide the previous result layer. Okay. To offset this layer Jim used earlier transform command. So inside game offset command is not categorized as filter. To access it, go to the layer menu, then just transforming here. Then to offset, we can see in here there is a default store cut for it, which is chef control. Oh, the offset window is open now, and in here we can type in custom values ourself. But GIM already has this cool feature, which is this button. If we press it, GIM will automatically calculate the half size off our image and use it for the offset values. A very convenient feature. Just click the offset button. Don't here to confirm and let gim or form the offset process. After that, it is the same drill at an image mosque by right clicking on layer and shoes at Layer Mosque and just wipe as we want to start with full opacity. Then click the edit button used to brush toe and make sure the foreground color is set to black and just brush on the same area again. Basically, it is the same process as before, so you should get the idea by now. 24. Magic UVW mapping: in this lesson video. We're going toe guff for how we can specify a real size for our texture. Using an official at on called Magic you fee. Usually, if we are working in real world scale object, such as for architectural model, we need to specify the exact dimension for attacks. Jealous, for example, I provide two textures for this lesson. A roof that Scherer and a break take shelter. And just like before as a disclaimer, I don't load it both off them from textures dot com. Just imagine that we took this roof image with our own camera, and we know exactly that. The size off this roof image is three meters with by three meters high on this brick texture, for example, is actually two meters by two meters in the reward. Essentially, we want tohave to control in render to specify the special size correctly and skip the guessing work by default in render. There are no tools that we can use to specify the texture dimension. That is why we need magic. You feed on to solve our problem. Now you need to know that magic you feed on contains so much features inside it, then just the real world. You Www mapping but for this lesson will be focusing just on the teacher. Okay, since Blender version 2.79 magic you Fee has already become part off blenders, official and honest. But the included fashion office and on which is 4.4, unfortunately, still doesn't have you www mapping feature. It was added later in Magic, you fi version 4.5. If you are watching this video lesson later, when render already in 2.8 or higher, you may not need to install it manually. But for those who a few still using version 2.79 you can follow me on how to install the latest version off magic you ve had on. So basically, here are the things we're going to do in this lesson. First, we're going to download the latest version off Magic you fee, which is 5.1 by the time a record this video. Second, we need to remove the old version, which comes with dinners, default installation. Otherwise, if we have both versions installed, blender will give us ever message, installed a new version and finally activate the add on And, of course, learn how to use it. Okay, again for those off. You watching the course when Lender already surpassed version 2.79 You may not need to do this insult process and escape to the next part. First, to download the latest version just opened. Linking here. Scroll down until you see the latest stable release, Click the download button and then download these zip file. Okay. Next, we need to remove the old existing magic you free folder. If you are not sure where it is located in your system this open lender first goto file menu user preferences that owns type magic in the search box. You'll see magic UV at on shows up. Click on the carrot button to expand it in the file information. We can see the file path for the magic you folder. Just close blender and open the file path. Remember, you must exit blender now so we can restart it later without any error. Okay, I know that we are in the correct path off the head on. Select the UV magic you fi folder and then let it You can also cut it and paste it somewhere else if you want to have a backup, OK, now stop blender again. Goto Far Menu use of preferences and on no click the install and on from fire button down here and locate the zip file. We just don't load it before and then click the install button up here. Okay? Now, magic you fee is already installed, but it is not activated yet to activate it. Make sure you see magic you fee in this list. If not, you can type magic in the search box. And then after you can see it, just click This tech walks in here, I'll be using this. Add on a lot. So I need to click these safe user say things don't hear So the ed on always turned on by default for throwing out the U V W mapping features inside the magic you fee it on. Let's get a symbol. Oh, Polly, House model for that now because the main strength off you www mapping that we're going to use is in defining the texture size in real world measurement, we need tohave our sin set up to use a real measure. One unit. Okay, so make sure it is said to metric and for our house model, let's create a plane object as the base mash. Change the dimension toe five meter by meter Apply the scale Let's go to edit mode on extra piece face for three meters, then extract again 0.2 for the roof playing area. Okay, now select this face at this side. And also this face on the other side two extra These two faces both at once Press out e toe access The A stood commands panel juice raging Vertex normal and type one for one meter distance and then hit Enter Okay Next select or face at the top area then to select all of the neighbouring flat faces, we can hope shift out and control case altogether An Empress f press e to accept region and extruded for 2.2 meters and then hit Enter next out, right Click on this age and then shift out Right Click on this one Press XTO open the delete panel and just eight collapse We know half hour low Polly house model. Okay, you might be thinking that this kind of pretty model is useless for any real project on the contrary, this kind of model actually very useful for architectural project, especially for large size Ragen or aerial few type project. For example, this is one of my project. I did like 10 years ago for a client. Here in Indonesia, you can see these small house us. These are just simple low Polly model with roof pressure on top of it. If I were to create a full detail house model then duplicated to suffer or hundreds off them, that will be an offer kill to render with hardware specification available at the time if it will render at all. Besides for architectural projects, this kind off low Polly model can also very useful for game day Florman, especially for creating Elodie or rifle off details. Basically, Elodie is a method to replace complex three D models with more simple ones when it is located far away from the fuel. Let's move on to discuss on how we can put textures on this model quickly yet precisely with magic, UV and on. In this example, we want to put the brick tax shelter to the walls off our low Polly House model. But we want to make sure that the size off the structure exactly at two meter by two meter size, based on the real measurement unit off our prison. To do that, just like before. To put a texture, we need the material. So let's create one. Rename this material to break. They make it shameless Next goto texture panel and then create a texture. We can name this texture Break also, if you want to make sure the type is said toe image or movie, open the brick texture that I provide for this lesson. Okay, Now, if we change the display more in a very few from solid to material, we only say this plane color on our model and this is expected, as we have in, create or specify any UV mapping for this object. Now go to edit mode and make sure we are in face mode. Select all off the faces. If we install magic, you feed correctly. We will see this new magic you via tab in a tool shelf, expend a UV mapping section and in turn on the U V W option in here. This will actually open the U I for the U. V W commands what we're going to use now. Is this box in here? Just click on it right away. We can see the big texture already applied correctly on all access direction. The U VW Box Command will project the texture from six directions and by default it is set to one meter by one leader To change the size off the texture, we can access the bottom area in here or by pressing F six shortcut. We can see size of value in here. If we change these two to the brick texture, we look bigger because now blender scale one textual tile at exactly two meter with by two meter high. Okay, so now we know what this size parameter will do. But what about the rest? Well, this rotation will rotate the tax shelter. These first value we wrote it, the textures on faces that are perpendicular to the X axis direction. This will rotate the textures perpendicular with the Y axis direction on this one to Z axis direction. Okay, if we want to reset them all to the default zero value just right, click on one off them and choose a preset all so, therefore, failures next these values are for moving the texture. This is along the X axis, this one along the Y axis. And finally this one along the Z axis. Okay, let me reset them all again. Max is the texture aspect. Raise your value essentially this value. Determine the scale between the wit against the height off the texture. If our texture is a perfect square, meaning the width and height has the same value. You don't really need to change this texture aspect value. But if you do have known square texture for example let's say you have 800 pixels by 400 pixels texture size. Just calculate the with, which is 800 divided by the height, which is 400 equals toe to, so you can type two in his input field. Okay, now, since the brick texture we have now a square. We really don't need to use value other than one. The last check box assigned you female. Just keep this option turned on all the time. Basically, if we don't have any u V channel yet, it will create one for you. The less method we're going toe coffer is this best planner mapping command This is very useful for applying texture on slope areas or filtered faces. For example, if we want to place the roof textures on the roof area because the faces on the roof are not straight, they will be a good candidate for the best plane or projection mapping. Let's create a material first toehold of Taysir. Rename the material to roof and in changed material to shade list. For now, go to the texture panel and create a new texture. Open the roof. Cheshire file. Remember, when having multiple material on a single object, we only get the first material used by the whole object. We need to assign the second material manually. To assign this material, only the Douro faces simply. It's like this face and also this face and then hit the assigned bottle in here. Okay, now, to create the you fee for this face, for example, select the phase and then click these best plan or command. Now we consider of texture on this face without any distortion. Basically what it does, it automatically detect a normal angle and project the texture perpendicular to that normal direction. In textual space, normal direction is equals to W access. So that is why we have double you in the name up here because the tool detect w direction. Also, it enables us to rotate the texture using the W access as the rotational access. Okay, first, let's fix the size off it. Change the size value in here to tree. Next. Let's fix the rotation. Just turn this value to 90 degree. Okay, We don't need to change the offset nor the texture aspect ratio in this case. Another example. Let's do this again with the other side off the roof. Select the fees. Click the best plainer mapping button. As we can see, it uses the less size setting we have before, which is very convenient. But the double your location is upside down. So change these value to minus 90 then hit. Enter. Okay, guys. So that is how we can use the U. V W production mapping with magic. UV it on