Blender 3D essentials | Widhi Muttaqien | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Blender UI


    • 3.

      Customizing the UI


    • 4.

      Mouse viewport navigation


    • 5.

      Keyboard viewport navigation


    • 6.

      Basic object operations


    • 7.

      3D view settings


    • 8.



    • 9.

      Advanced transformation


    • 10.

      Coordinate reference


    • 11.

      Interaction modes


    • 12.

      the origin


    • 13.

      Unit and measurement


    • 14.

      Object duplication


    • 15.

      Pivot point


    • 16.

      Display modes


    • 17.



    • 18.



    • 19.

      Creating symmetrical objects


    • 20.

      Project: Simple table


    • 21.

      Inset extrude bevel


    • 22.

      Project Kindergarten chair


    • 23.

      Next step


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About This Class

[ Note: This course uses Blender version 2.79, if you already use version 2.8 or above please check this course "Blender 2.8X Fundamentals" instead ]

3D skills are very important! Why? As 3D technologies developed rapidly, the market demand on 3D contents is increasing exponentially day by day. There are so many industries require 3D expertise. Architecture, interior design, product design, animated movies, visual effects, advertising, virtual set, game industry, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing industry and so much more, they are all rely heavily on 3D.

If you want to learn 3D from zero, meaning no prior experience needed at all. Then you’ve come to the right place. This course will teach you the fundamentals of 3D skill and that is “3D modeling” using the most trending and popular 3D software in the world “Blender”. Just check google-trends and compare Blender with other 3D software, Blender is on top of the leader board. Blender has so many features that beat other 3D software out of the competition, but better yet Blender is free and open source so you don’t have to pay a dime for software license.

After finishing this course, I recommend you to join my advanced courses on Blender to sharpen your 3D skills even more. So join now and take your first step into the 3D world!

Meet Your Teacher

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Widhi Muttaqien

CG expert & entrepreneur


Widhi is an entrepreneur in creative industry. He has master degree in information technology and business management from Bina Nusantara University. Beside doing business he is also a lecturer in computer graphic related disciplines in President University Indonesia and Lasalle College International.

In his more than 20 years of experience in the CG industry he finished hundreds of projects with clients from all over the globe. He has been producing thousands of CG images and animations. His deep passion with computer graphic leads him to dive into 3D visualization, animation, game development, video and motion graphic.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: assalum aleikum. My name is redeem attack in I'm an entrepreneur and also on academic lecturer in computer graphic disciplines, three D skills are very important. Why, as pretty technologies de flopped rapidly, the market demands on through the contents is increasing exponentially day by day. There are so many industries require through the expertise architecture, interior design, product design, animated movies, physical effects are fertilizing, finical said. Game industry, virtual reality augmented reality, pretty printing industry and so much more They are all rely heavily on three D technologies . If you want to learn pretty from zero meaning no prior experience needed at all, then you've come to the right place. This course will teach you the fundamentals off through the skills using vendor from understanding how benders you I works Vieux Port Navigation, Basic object Operation Basic and Advanced Transformation. Learn about recording it difference and objects, origin and so much more. At the end, off the course, we will have to three d modelling projects. First, we're going to model the simple table, and then we're going to model these Children chair. You might be wondering by now why learn blender? Well, currently the most trending and popular to the solver in the world is Lender. Just check Google trends and compare blender with other to this offer. Blender is on top off the leaderboard. Brenner has so many features that beat added to the software out off the competition. But better yet, blender is free and open source, so you don't have to pay a dime for software license. After finishing the scores, I recommend you to join my next advanced courses on lender such as blender, advanced remodeling blend rendering with cycles as Phaedra to sharpen your truly skills even more so doing now and take your first step into the world off Treaty. 2. Blender UI: in this lesson, we're going to familiarize ourselves with blenders, user interface blenders, you. I is unique compared to other software you've seen before. Unlike other software, the you I consists off multiple areas that can be tiled as you wish. But before we get into the nitty gritty, let's talk about what the default has to offer. When we first launched blender, you get the splash screen showing up, telling us in what version we are now some artwork from Lender Foundation or Bender community in this area and recently opened files Down here. You can escape this splash screen simply by clicking outside the splash screen window. Now, if you use blender in a shared computer such as in classroom or library, you may have different new island outs from what I have in here. If that is the case, you may need to go to the far menu up here and then click on these load factory settings. This will set everything to the default, so we have the same starting point. Okay, up here we have the menu bar. What we usually call, um, a new bar in other software is actually called the Info editor in Lender. In the in for editor, we have file menu where we can save file. We also have friends or menu where we can render image or animation. We have window menu where we can total blender to full screen or to duplicate the window toe a new instant off blender station. This is helpful. For example, if you have multi monitors set up. Okay, then we have play out seeing management and rendering engine. We're going to discuss some off these later in this video and some in the follow up less and videos in Charlotte For now. Let's take a look at this. You I lay out option in here. You feel click on this button. We can see that lender ship with so far away out presets. We have three D few full. We have animation, compositing, etcetera. You'll get the idea. The You I preset system in blender is very powerful and very useful. You can customize your own You I, which were going toe coffer later in this video and after customizing it, we can save you. Name it and then we can easily switch between those you are presets by a shortcut so Let's do that now press and hold the control key on a keyboard and press left or right Arrow key . Yes, you can see we can broads between window layouts easily. Okay, let's get back to the default. For now, the middle area is the Treaty few editor where we can see our three D world from different angle and perspective. This is where we do most off our works in Vendor at the bottom, we have the timeline editor, where we can play in powers animation, set starting and ending fame and other task related toe timing. An animation at the right side, we actually have two areas. The top one is the outline. Our editor. We're all objects in the scene are listed. We can select, hide and show objects in this editor. Less, but not least, is the property editor. This is where we can set parameters, whether be global parameters that affects everything or contextual parameters, which will affect only on selected or active object. Okay, when working inside vendor sometime, we want to escape from the U I complexity and focus on one editor only. We can maximize an editor to take up the entire blender window by holding control and impress up or down arrow. But you must remember the short carb works in conjunction with your most cursor position. So, for example, if your mouse cursor is over this treaty few editor pricing control up, we'll make that really few editor maximized press control up again or controlled down. We returned the maximized editor to its original area or size notice. If I hover my mouse cursor toe this outline er area pressing control up key will make that outline our editor fill up the entire window control up again to minimize it so important. Listen, that I want to explain force here. Is that all blenders short cards woke based on where your mosque cursor is located. Okay, I repeat again asked. This is very, very important. All blenders, short cards walk on the editor where you're massacres are currently positioned. So just remember that when you try to execute a certain shortcut, you need to place your mouse cursor in that correct editor that you want to target. Otherwise, the short cuts on work or it will work in another way, meaning it will produce a different result, which you are not expecting at all. We learn a lot of shortcuts or hot keys in his course, as in my experience. As far as I know, Blender is the most shortcut oriented software in the world. You may feel a bit discouraged. Toolan Blender at Force I feel that way to the first time I learned blender, but trust me after knowing how Blender works, you will one all software to work like Brender, so just bear with me now and keep moving forward. 3. Customizing the UI: in this video, we're going toe cover. Suffer always to customize the blender. You. Why now? When we look at our you, I lay out we actually have something like these. Each off these color box is called area and in the area we can define the editor. Now each editor must always have an element called header. It's a horizontal strip full off buttons and menus. Sometime the header is located at the top off the area like this out liner in here, for example. So this whole area is the outline of editor and at the top of it, we see the outline. Er's header, the Properties editor which is this one also has the header placed on top. Now, sometimes the head of is located at the bottom like this treaty. Few editor we see at the center this whole area is the editor and this strip known here is it's header The timeline in here as the header on the bottom and finally the info editor up here. If we drag like these as we can see, the Info editor is actually just a regular editor. The main function off the Info editor is to display console log. Which are these attacks we see up here when we do something in lender. So the main menus we see all off this time is just the header off the info editor. OK, now why are we talking about header so much? Because in the header, there is a special pulled on lease where we can pick any editor we want to show on that current area. For example, we want to change this to the few editor into a UV image editor. We can do that by clicking on this button and notice that blender pro fight a total off 17 types Off editor Click on is UV Image Editor in here, for example. And as we can see, this center area previously occupied by the treaty Few editor it's now occupied by the UV image editor. To change this back to a pretty if you editor simply click on this button again. And just pretty few now, artery few is back. As we can see in our default you, I lay out, we have all of these headers and on each off this header, we can switch the editor to any editor we want. No, let's talk about Rhys icing the editor areas. Each off this area is recyclable, precise them Simply hover your mouse over a border which exists between areas until you see the Aero mouse cursor and then just drag it up and down for resize It we can do is also in a vertical border to Resi sit horizontally, for example. We can make the properties editor much wider by dragging this border to the left like this , busy changing the editor and rece icing it, we can do a lot more with banners Area. We can create our own custom layout by splicing enjoining areas, so supplies an area or create a new area. Notice that each area has this triangle notation on the top, right and on the left bottom part off it. If, for example, we want to create a new area on top off this three d few area, we need to click on this corner triangle on top and dragged down. Nor does we have a new area. We can then change this to other type off editor as we please. For example, it's changed these two dope shit. If you want to close this area, go to the top right corner off this area. Then click drag and move up like this. You will see in our color awfully. And what aero? Indicating that the area will be closed or comfort by the area below it. I teach blender for quite some time now in the university where I teach and also on offline war shops. And very often my students have problem when splitting in joining areas. And most often these problems happen due to mistakenly taking wrong corner toe drag and also some time to ah, wrong direction. So, based on my students experience, I need to explain this very, very clearly. First about the corner position. If you want to create a new areas on top off this area or at the right side off this area, then you need to click and drag on this corner. Not this corner. Okay. If you wanted to be on top, then dragged down like this Okay, let me join this again. If you wanted to be on the right side, then drag this to the left. Okay? Now, if you want the new area appear at the bottom or at the left off the current area. Then you should pick this corner instead. Okay, Not this one, but this one. So drag these to do, right? So we have a new area at the left side. Our let me doing this back again. If we direct this up, we know half a new area below the current area. Just remember this and use was good to go. Another problem my students usually encounter is that they are trying to join areas that are not at the same level. Let me give a graphical guide on this. In his diagram notice this area and this area. They are at the same level so we can write these toe close to the other one. Okay. Now we can also drink something like this to join these two areas. But if you try to join this one toe this one, it wouldn't work because they are both located at different levels. So what if we want to join all of these areas? How can we do that? Well, you need to join these two areas first. Then during these areas at the laugh, only then you can join both off them together as they are now at the same level. Just try to experiment with it and I'm sure you'll get the idea. Let me create some random you I lay up in here after you have your own custom layout that you like. You can save it as a layout precept by clicking this plus button up here, then click on the name to rename it to any name you like. Later we can call back this layup again by going to the pull down Lius and click on the name you specify before. Okay, Now, I don't really need this layout, so let me just remove it to remove a layout, simply click on this X button and that layout will be removed. Something that you need to be aware, though, when you say for layout preset, that precept will only available in your blender file when you open or start a new file that you I precept will not be available. If you like the you I preset and need to make it always available. When you start a new file in lender, then you need to say if your current lender as though they felt starting file so that you can go to the farm menu in info editor, then just safe stop up file in here in these cars, I want to make use the default layout as much as we can. So I don't need to say if this current file as the start of file the last thing I want Toke offer in this video is the tax and a button size off the U I. If you use high density monitor that is beyond standard monitor, you might see small texts and buttons in the benders. You why this happens to some off my students before to fix this issue. Blender actually comes with two features that can recites your you. I elements easily. First is the display scale setting toe access it. We can go to the file menu. Just use of preferences. In the interface tab, you will find a display scale setting in here. Notice how the you I become bigger or smaller aside, Erectus value left or right now, if you are using older version off blender prior toe two points off a nine, you won't find this setting in here. Instead, you need to go to the system tab and you'll find DP I setting in the top left area. You won't see that in here in my screen. Yes, I have version 2.79 Currently, another way off. Changing the U element size is by hovering with your mouth on top off a panel that you want to rece ice and impress, plus key on the number pad to make it bigger R minus key on a number of bed toe. Make it smaller. What's unique about this method is that you can pick specific you. I panel that you want to rece ice. The changes will not happen globally to make it the default size again. That is according to the current display scale. We can press the home button and make sure your mouth is over the current panel when you press the home button in your keyboard. Okay, I think we call for enough for this lesson. In the next lesson. We're going toe cover. How to nothing. Yet the treaty few 4. Mouse viewport navigation: in this video. We're going to learn how to navigate that. Really? If you It's I mentioned before three D If you will be the editor where we do most off our walking lender, especially when doing three d modeling. Therefore, it is the first editor that we need to call for before anything else. Okay, When we start blender the first time you will have these three objects available inside your scene we're going to remove this tree objects and create a monkey head object force. Why? Because we need something in a few port that has a sense off direction, toe practice, the navigation. Oh, yes. When I say a few port, it is basically that relief. You okay? So don't get confused. In other city software door few poor is a very common term toe named the you I areas where we can see the three D objects in blender. However, the office your name is pretty few. But if you checked blenders documentation, you will find a world few poor here and there, which actually referring to the three D few. Okay, so press a twice to select all off the objects in the sea and then press x toe. Delete them. Just the lift in here. Now we have nothing in our scene. Next, let's press she if a tow add a new object to a smash, then choose monkey in here. I know we haven't talked about object creation, but just bear with me for now, Okay? Now you wrote it around a three d few. We can press and hold the middle mouse button and just drag around. Now you must remember that we're not actually rotating are objects in here. The objects are unchanged. We simply wrote it around on how we see the object. Now. Some off, you might ask, Hey, I don't have a middle button in my mouth. How can I wrote it? My few part? Well, if you use standard mouse with a scroll wheel, you actually have a middle mouse button. Simply click on the scroll wheel, and that will be a middle most button click. But if you have some kind of fancy touch mouse like the Apple Medic mouth, unfortunately they don't have middle button by default. You need to walk around this limitation by installing customs, offer for it, or use more complex keyboard shortcuts combination. But anyway, if you're planning to learn blender or any treaty saw for in general, you better infests on the good mouse with Middle Mouse button as blender. Or also other 30 software that I know off, such as two DS Max Maya, etcetera. They all use middle most button extensively for a few port navigation. So my short advice is, if you are serious getting into three D, just invest on a good standard three button mouse, OK, to zoom in and out off the few part you can use the most Scroll wheel scroll Optimism in and scroll Down to zoom out. Now when zooming with the scroll wheel, we get this step is, um, in and stepped ism out motion. If we don't want this step effect meaning we want to zoom in and out smoothly. Then we can use other method, and that is by holding control and then press the middle most button and move the mouse up and down as we can see the zooming motion. ISS more and not stepped as before. The next navigation control we want toke offer is to pen or a drag around. We can pan around a few port by holding the shift key and impress the middle mouse button and just move the mouse around to pen or a direct a few. Okay, so that is how we cannot forget that relief. You using our mouth to recap middle most button to rotate, scroll wheel to zoom. You can also use control and middle mouse button to zoom smoothly and finally depend a few poor. We can press and hold Schiff and direct with the middle most button. You really need to memorize and practice this navigation techniques as they are very, very important when working in lender. 5. Keyboard viewport navigation: another important aspect off navigation is switching between few port modes. To do this, we will rely on the number pad on our keyboard. For those of you who used laptop computers as we know most, laptops don't have any number of bad. There is a walk around, and we will discuss that later in the last part, off this video in shallow. First, let's talk about how to use the normal non paid or the number of pad to control the few part first is the number one key in a number pad. This number one button will change our few port, so we are seeing it from the front few. We can see the front tax at the top left area off the treaty. Few. The number three will change our feeling angle from the side fuel and last but not least, number Surfin will change our few port toe top few for okay, you might get confused by now. Why in the world blender to those numbers for switching the few. I mean, why number one and three and cell phone To answer this question, let's take a look at this graphic first. Remember, when we are In high school we learned how to draw simple technical drawing on paper, for example. Let's say we want to draw a car. Usually we need to start with the front view. Then we take our ruler and create these guidelines so we can draw the top area precisely like this. Then we create horizontal lines like these to guide us to draw the car from the side view. Okay, so this is the front few. This is the top few, and this is the side few. Now, if you just remember this image, just put this image in your head. You will remember the number 13 and seven shortcuts as we can see if we map this to our number pad layout number seven Key position is at the left off corner, just like this. Stop. Few drawing number one is for the front few located at the left bottom corner. Just like this. Image off our cars from few. And the less one is number three located at the right bottom part off the number pad. Exactly Like the position off our cars aside. Feel drawing. So again, Just remember this layout in your head and you will remember the short cut much easier after you changed a few toe front or top or side view. How can we get back to the free angle few mode that we have before? Well, that is very easy. Just rotate the few port with the middle mouse button and we are back. Okay, Next is the number two for six and eight in a number of bad. Number two and eight can be used to wrote it. The few port vertically like this. This is number two on this is number eight. And for number four and six, you might already guess it. Number four is for rotating the few port to the left, and number six is for rotating the few port to the right. I think we can memorize this keys easier as we can actually see the aero symbols on a keyboard buttons. OK, although, honestly, I almost never used these keys for rotating few. Poor as using the middle most button to rotate the few poor is way more faster and accessible. Okay, next is the number five this key. Well, Togo, the few port, but in perspective and photography perspective means that we have vanishing points in our few part this morning is more precise as this is how we see objects in the real world. Orta Graphic, on the other hand, doesn't have any vanishing points, so there will be no perspective distortion. As we can see, all of these greed lines in here are all perfectly parallel to each other. This morning is not realistic, but it is very useful when we want to see object from front or a side or too few in a perfect straight feeling angle, just like the to the drawing off a car that we used before as an example. Usually we need to press five when we are in front side and tough you. So, for example, we can press one who see the object in front, then press five to make it orthogonal. When we go out to our free angle, a few more you see the middle mouse button. We might want to see it a few port in perspective again, so you need to press five again because most off the time we want to see the few part in a ta graphic mode when looking at front, side and top. Few and most off the time you want to see the object in perspective mode when in free angle few there is an option in lenders. Preferences Toe automate this task. Let's go up here in the file menu and just user preferences Goto interface tab and turn on this auto perspective option. I always turn this thing on. If you also want to always turn this option on, then you need to click on this safe user setting down here With this saved user setting, this preferences will become permanent. It means it always like this when you start, render Okay, So what is this out of perspective? Option due to are a few parts if the odor perspective option is on when we hit number one in a number pad as we can see the few poor change toe front few and notice we have flat fuel like these. It doesn't have any vanishing points like we have before and orders We also have these tax also indicating that we are in Ortho graphic mode now what? When I wrote it, a few port with the middle mouse button as we go back to free angle mode, the few port automatically changed the perspective. We can see the world pursed up here, which actually stand for perspective. So that is what the auto perspective option does to our few part. It will use Ortho graphic mode in front and side and for a few more automatically, from this point forward, I will have out of perspective options and on all the time. Okay, Now you might be wondering whether or not we can still use the number five key. Now that everything happens automatically, the answer is yes. We can still use the number five key to toggle back and forth between perspective and orthogonal, just like before, which is very nice. Next is the number nine key. This number nine key can be used toe flip, the few port 180 degrees. This is super helpful when we are in the front few, for example, and we want to see the back few instead. So simply press number nine. And now we are in the back. Few. If you're in the top few by pressing seven, for example, in this few when we press nine, we will be seeing or through the world from the bottom we can see the work bottom up here just to make sure. Also, the same concept applies to the side fuse press tree and we can see the world pride of here If you press nine now we are looking at the left fuel We just the opposite off the right fuel There is number zero also in a number pad. But that will be for another lesson. As this issues in conjunction with camera object The less to shortcut keys in the Nam Pat we're going to discuss in this video is the plus and the minus key in Anam Pet If we press plus we are zooming in If we press miners, we are assuming out honestly, I never used this to short cuts for a zooming in and out as using mouth is much more convenient. But they are there if you ever need them in this last part off the lesson, we're going to learn how we can use the number of magnification methods on laptop computers . Off course, the setting is not for all laptops because some left of computers, usually the high and ones they have number pad keys on their keyboards. If you have number pad in your laptop, then just skip ahead to the next video. Okay? For the majority off laptops, we don't have number pad keys. So to solve this issue on the standard laptops, we can emulate the number pad keys using the number keys on top, off the letter keys by default. This number keys are set to layer switching. But switching layer is not as important as few port navigation. So we can off right this number key setting by going to the file menu. Then choose user preferences, go to input tab and then your cities option emulate. Phnom Penh just turned this on. And to make the changes permanent, we can click the safe use or a settings button down here again. Now, if we go back to our treaty few editor, we can now press number one key that sits on top off the letter cuchi and we have front few press three to go to the right few and impress Surfin toe. Go to the top few 6. Basic object operations: in lender to select an object, we need toe klik, the object using the right mouse button. Okay, so in other words, we need to right click on the object that we want to select. I know it's kind of awkward at first as we are used to left click to select objects in other software, but it has many benefits when walking with different editing modes in lender. We'll discuss about this later. Inshallah, For now we can select this cube for assemble by right clicking on it. We can tell that the object is selected by this orange color border that zoom out of it. This object is actually a camera object. We can right click on it also to select it. And these this is actually a light source object in lender. We call it lamp object. We can right click also to select it. Notice when we select on object, the previous selected object will be the selected automatically. Okay, so right clicking will get you one object selection Now what if we want to select multiple objects to select multiple objects? We can use a shift key modifier So press and hold the shift key then right, click on another object notice. We just select that object and the previous selected object is still selected. She fried click again on this one. So now we have a total off three objects selected. So this, like all objects, we can press a for short ca now the A shortcut not only works for the selecting all objects in the scene, but it also works to select all objects in the scene. So the a shortcut works more like a total button. Press a ones then nothing will be selected. Press a again then all objects in the scene gets like that. Now what if we want to de select on just one object in the scene? Let's say we just like all off them by pressing a before. But then we want to dislike this one on Lee. Well, we can do this. You seen the shift key modifier like with it before. So Schiff and right click and this one notice nothing has changed, but the colors are now different. This one's border color become yellow while the others become orange. These yellow border indicates that this object is now the active object. If we assume that these objects are Wolf's. This is like the awful wolf it is. The leader off the back blender will set the last object. Select that as active object. This active object concept is very important later, when we discuss more advanced topics such as advanced transformation, joining objects, rigging, etcetera. This active object concept also exist in other software. For example, in Adobe Illustrator, we have what is called the key object. The name may be different, but the concept is the same for now. We just need to know that this yellow color selection is the active object after this object is said as the active object. If we hold Schiff and right click again on that object, that object will be the selected We know now that just like object in lender we used rightly. The question is, what left clicking do in lender or intrude if you to be exact. You might be aware by now that when you left clicking on the treaty, few nothing happens, except the circle target that looks like a sniper scope is moved to the location we clicked . The small circular target is called the Treaty cursor. It is basically a pointer used for a lot of things in lender. Before using blender, you might already be familiar with. At least two type of coursers mouse cursor and tax cars are mouse cursor is the point of that moves around when we move our mouse back. Scars are exists in text editing environment. It is the blinking lines where the letters will come out. When we type, we can move text cursor around, using the arrow keys in the keyboard or by clicking directly with the help of the mouse cursor. Well, now, in Lender, you just meet the third type, of course, er the treaty cursor. If we click around on our scene like these, the treaty cursor position will be not at the center anymore. If you want to center the treaty cursor again, simply press Schiff. See now, as you can see, that really course are centered in the three D world. We will be using Schiff. See a lot, because one usage off the treaty coarser is to specify where the new object will be created and for modelling process. You generally want to create object at the center off the three D world to create a new object for Sweeney to specify where the object will be created by left Clicking in Italy. Few. Let's say we want to create another object in here. We don't want to create a new object at the center. For now, as it will offer, left the existing cube next to add on object with impress she if a If you prefer menu, you can go to this at men you don't hear are. We can also go to the two shelf at the left side and choose the create temp in here and just big the object you want to create. Now any off these object creation methods will do the same. But I will stick with the shortcut method. It's I find it much faster to execute, and that will be by pressing Shift a notice. We have so many options off object types that we can create in Lender. If you want to create three D geometry, then you need to go toe mash and select one off these objects to create. Let's speak monkey in here. You might be wondering by now Okay, cube, sphere, cylinder max sins. But why? Monkey had well, this Monkey Head, which is called Suzanne, is the mascot. Off blender, we can see its name in the outline er in here as we can see that her name is Suzanne. Having Suzanne as a geometry that we can create off the shelf is very useful, for example, for quick casting, lighting or material. Basically, we can use Suzanne every time we need a more complex object than just a regular primitive objects. Let's create another object again, left click in his location first to move the precursor. Then she if a mash and just cylinder in here, I'm sure you get the idea by now. Just play around with this for a while. Just experiment with different type of objects that lender provides when our sins starting to get crowded. It is a good time for us to learn how to delete objects to delete an object, simply right click to select it first, then press X key or the delete key on the keyboard and just lit in here. Now, for those of you who use Mac machine, you need to use the X button because, as probably most off, you already know the delete button in my computer's is actually a backspace button B. C. So blender we'll pick that as a big space. Also, if you want to delete multiple objects at once, simply select those objects with the help off shifty modifier. After we have them selected like these Press X and then choose the lead when we create a primitive objects such as cube, cylinder sphere, etcetera, we might want to change certain aspect off that object, like the radius or the depth, or how much segments you want tohave on certain sides. In other three D software, usually after primitive objects are created, they still hold those parameters so we can always go back and change the parameters In Blender. However, that is not the case. Blender doesn't have any construction. His three. What we can do is change the parameters exactly right after the object is created. So, for example, let's create a cylinder press shift. See first tow center, the precursor, then she if a tow upon the object floating panel mash and cylinder notice right after we create a cylinder, we have option. Don't here in the bottom part off the tool shelf. If you don't see it, make sure you click on this carrot button to expand the panel are perhaps it is hidden like so. So then you need to click on this, plus simmer toe, pull it up notice. In here we have far theses parameter where we can define how much sides off the cylinder. Then we have radius to change the circular size off the cylinder, and then we have depth, which basically control the height off the cylinder. We also have some other staff down here. What I really want to point out right now is that these parameters exists only after you create the object. After you do something else, such as moving the object or create another object or many other things in lender, these parameters will be gone forever. For example, I will click in here to move the three D cars. Are she if a at a monkey head, we get radius to control the monkey head. If we go back to the cylinder object again. The parameters that we saw before, such as over to seize and radius and dep, they are not there anymore. Okay, you might be thinking that this behavior is one off the floors or disadvantages in blender over the other three software. I can assure that this is never be the case I have used a lot of truly saw for before. And personally, I like how Blender walk If you have been doing to the modeling before in other attributes offer, you know exactly that 99% off your time, when modeling will be tweaking for to seize moving ages, excluding faces and many other modeling tasks, we don't spend too much time tweaking primitive objects. Parameters. Therefore, for three D modelers, the way Blender Walks is exactly as we expected. As it is more straightforward. We'll be covering more in depth about remodeling later in his cars, and you understand more about this issue as we go along, inshallah. 7. 3D view settings: in this video, we're going to see more options and settings for a treaty. Few navigation The first important setting When working with three D few or few port is the field off you field off. You can be defined as how wide the fueling angle off our few poor we can assume that are pretty few. Port is a real camera. The wider the fueling angle, the more objects can be seen at once. But at the course off. Strong perspective distortion, the narrower, the fueling angle. Less objects can be seen, but we will have less perspective. Distortion now. In other three D software, few words filled off you usually measured in angle degrees in blender, however, it doesn't use angle degree. It uses plans focal length of value in millimeters. If you come from photography background, you might feel right at home, as real world cameras will. A few are driven by the lens focal length. The longer the focal length, the narrower the field off you will be and vice versa. The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle will be. To access the setting, we need to open the properties panel off the relief you. The shortcut for it is an. If you forget the shortcut, you can go to the few menu and click on this Properties check box. Don't here. So this is for the properties at the right. And this is for the tool shelf at the left side. We'll discuss this more in there later. Okay, Now, at the properties panel, look for few section in here. You'll see lands perimeter in here. We just default. Toto 35 millimeters Now in photography, 35 millimeters is a very common lens, focal length. But in term, off pretty few poor. These value create a very wide field. A few that's creating strong perspective distortion. I usually set the lands Miller Manders, toe higher values such as 60 millimeters. For me, it is much more comfortable to work in this field off you, especially when in modelling process you can just any number you like for its value. Okay, Now that we're using that really few properties panel, we might as well discuss about this panel. This property spaniel is different than the properties editor we have in here. This one is a full editor where we can set global and local parameters. This one is not an editor but actually part off the chili. Few Editor Now three D few editor actually has two side panels. The two shelf, which is three spinal at the left side and the property Spend all which is this panel at the right side. We can Togo the feasibility for both off this panels from the few menu, we can see these two shelf check box in here. As we can see, the shortcut for the tool shelf is the in. A short cut for the properties panel is an So Presti to show or hide Total shelf and press en Toto Go the properties panel. Another way to show or hide this panels is by clicking on this Samal, plus signs in here. Click this plus sign to show it and to hide it, weaken, drag the border until the panel collapse Like this, I rarely use this clicking and dragging method, nor the menu option method as using keyboard shortcuts is way more faster when walking with large sin filled with multiple objects, we often need to zoom in directly to a select that object or see everything in the scene quickly we can do all of these things with shortcuts. First, to see all objects in the scene, we can press the home key. Okay, So home key is for extending the zoom automatically to see all objects in the scene Next to zoom extend to a selected object. We can press the key on the num bed, but this require us to select an object first. So just right. Click on this cube, for example. If it is not yet selected, we can see the orange border off the selected object and impressed dot on a number to zoom it. As we can see, the few port will automatically zoomed in or out. So the selected object that we have currently cover the whole few port space press home again to see the awful objects in the scene. Okay, guys, I really need to stress out that the shortcut is very, very important. Why? Well, if you're walking on a complex scene, you will often zoom out the few port way back and sometimes zoom in very close to see the small details. Now, this condition will often bring problems. Sometime you're a few board just stuck because we zoom in or out so far, and this problem is not just in blender, but most release offer that I know off has the same problem. If you ever experience where you're a few port one zoom or zoom, but very, very slow, you need to select the object you want to focus and then hit the number at dot key to reset the zoom. Factor off your few part. Now because this dot key shortcut is very important for laptop users, you may want to create a custom shortcut for it. Usually, I said que later key as the shortcut to replace number pet dog key on laptop computers. You might be wondering why you're skew later because by default, that is no command assigned toa que later Kian vendor. Well, at least not in the version I'm currently using. And also the cuchi position is near our left hand position, making it more convenient to reach to create custom shortcut for these go too far menu in the Info editor User preferences go to input tab, then pretty fuel very few global. Find a fuel selector with number lord shortcut at the right side. Now click this button and then press Q. Now the few selected command is buying to the two key shortcut. Dis click on the safe user settings stone here and close this we know. So that is how you create custom shortcut in lender. For those off you who used full keyboard with number pad, you don't need to do this. But in my set up, although I used to stop PC with full keyboard, I still said that Yuki as a few selected command shortcut as it is easier for me to reach now, let's talk about local and global few When working with complex scene sometime, we want to focus on certain object and just want to hide the rest. In other software, this mode is often called isolation mode. In lender, however, it is called local few mode to access it. First, we need to select an object. They're impressed. The forward chalets button in a number of bad notice. When we wrote it around, we don't see other objects except the skew. Also, we can see up here in a few poor tax information. It stays loco, meaning we are now in local mode to go back to standard or global mode, we can press the forward slash again. Now the world local is gone, and we can see other objects again, as before the rest of for all settings in lender that will be very useful when navigating the few port. To access them, we can go to the far menu User preferences go to the first step, which is the interface tab. Then in here in a few manipulation section, we have history options turned off. Let's turn on all of these options. A quick explanation about the settings first is the auto dep. Basically, this option, if turned on bender, will detect the depth off the object surfaces beneath the most coarser and use that for reference. Okay, you might be asking reference to what the answer is the next option, which is zoom toe most position. When this option is enabled the most point, our position becomes the focus point off, zooming instead off the few port center. Now with the auto DEP option turned on a blender will be smart enough to sense the three D surfers under our most pointer so that the zooming process become more precise. The less option is rotated around selection When this option is turned on, the few port center off rotation will be at the location. Off are selected object or some object. This is helpful when we are walking on a small scale, object any to rotate the few port to see that object from different angles. I usually off this tree settings on all the time. 8. Ttransformation: the term transformation in computer graphic is anything to do it position, rotation and skill. So basically, in its lesson, we going toe coffer, how to move, object, how to rotate object and Leslie How to scale Objects size in blender We can transform objects using at least three methods for us by you see manipulator second, by using short cards and third, by typing in values. In this lesson, we going toe cuff or how to use the manipulator. If we select an object, we will see these three a rose at the center off the object This is a rose is what is called the manipulator. The blue arrow indicates the Z axis direction. The green one is why access and the red one is the X axis. If you forget, you can always look at the bottom life. You port. We can see the color along with the axis letters in here. The nice thing about these colors is that they are generally uniform across CGE related software in tree DS Max Maya model unity on riel Treaty code, etcetera. They all have the same color convention for access read. Always used for X access. Green is for why Access and Blue is for a Z axis. So memorizing these colors will not only help you and using blender with also in using other city software. Okay, so how can we move the object with this manipulator? First, we need to define in which direction you want to move the object. Let's say we want to move the object along the X access to do that. Move your mouth off the red arrow, click and wreck with your left mouse button. And as we can see the object, we'll move along the X axis. If you want to move it along the Z axis, we can click and drag over the Blue Arrow and the same thing with the green Aero. If we click and drag on it, the object with move long do I access. So it is very important to place your mouse cursor correctly over these access arrows. Toe. Get the correct result. Okay, so now how about Rotation two wrote it. An object using the manipulator. We need to switch the manipulator toe rotation manipulator first. To do that, we can go down here where you can see this button that looks like 1/4 off circle. Click on it and as we can see the manipulator change in tow, the rotational manipulator. The same concept still applies over over the blue circle and click and wreck with your left mouse button to rotate around, using the Z axes as the rotational access used to read to wrote it, using the X access and green to wrote it using the Y axis now beside the eggs Y and Z axis . We also have a viewing access, which is this white color circle. If we drag this white circle, the object we wrote it, using our eyes for our viewing direction as the rotational access. Okay, so that is how you wrote it. With manipulator for scaling, we can click on this button, which looks like a line with square. At the end of it. We know half the scale manipulator. Click drag the red one. The scale object only on the X axis, the green one to scale object on the Y axis and a blue one, the scale object in the Z axis. Now, mostly when you have a complete model, often object. You need to scale the object to make it bigger or smaller, but you don't want to stretch or squash it. We want to do uniforms scaling so that the acts and Y and Z are scaling together at the same time. We can do that by hovering over this white circle, Andre. As we can see, the scaling happens uniformly in all directions. Okay, Until now, you already understand what these buttons do. This is for movement. This one is for rotation, and this one is for scaling some time. You may want to hide the manipulator and prefer the shortcut method. You can hide a manipulator by clicking on this button. It is a Togo button. So if this button istan don, we can use the manipulators. If this button is turned off, we cannot see or use any manipulators. Some people may dislike using shortcuts and prefer you see manipulators. But using manipulator by moving your mouse back and forth between the object and the buttons Don't here for position, rotation and scale manipulators is not that convenient. We can solve this problem by turning on off the manipulator buttons. We can do that by pressing shift and click on all of these buttons so they are all active now. As we can see, they are all show up in a few port. We can access the arrows to move the object, the squares to scale and the circles to wrote it personally, I prefer to turn on the translate or position manipulator only. And if I ever need to do scaling or rotation on the object, I used the shortcut methods which will cover in the next video. But before I end this video, I want to show you a little tape on how to move objects on a plane. In lot of cases, you may need to move objects on a plane, meaning we have to access active while the other one is locked. For example, when moving or on furniture objects inside an interior scene, we sure lead on one toe. Make a chair floating on the air or seeing inside the floor. So we want to move it on eggs and why access only and not on the axis. To do this with the manipulator, we can use the shift key modifier, Then move the mouse cursor over the access we want to lock. In this case is the blue one or dizzy axis and then just drag around with the left mouse about then, as we can see the object No able to move in X y plane and not on a Z axis. Okay, of course, we can do this with the other access to create playing constrain Schiff and direct Why access to constrain the movement toe xz plane our shift and rang on the X access to constrain it to the Y Z plane. I'm sure you get the idea. 9. Advanced transformation: in this video, we're going to discuss transformation. You seen shortcut and value input. The move object. You can use G for shortcut. Let's see how we can do this. First, make sure the object we want to move. He selected then press D in the keyboard and noticed this object now moving following the most movement took him from the new position. You can laugh, click, but if you change your mind, I need to cancel the movement. You can right click. So again, press G to move the object left click to confirm and rightly to cancel. Okay, now moving object with the shortcut. We let you move. Object within the few port plane, meaning that it will move based on your few port angle direction. What if we want to move object along the X or y or Z axis? We can do that by simply tapping the access we want to use. So, for example, make sure this cube is selected then press D Togo to grab or remove mode. Then, while in this grabbing mode press and release X in the keyboard Notice we have parade line indicating we are constraining to the X axis press. Why now? We are constrained to the Y axis. We can see The green Line now is active. Press Z Now we constrain the object movement on Lee to Z axis And just like before, we can laugh, Click to confirm or right quick to cancel the movement. Okay, when you do modeling in lender especially precision modeling you off the need to move objects in a certain exact value such as 10 centimeter or five inches, etcetera I know heaven. Discuss about my German unit yet we will discuss about unit and my German in the next video by default. Blender has a generic unit. In other words, it is unit lis. It is not based on meters or inches. So for now we're going to use these genetic unit. Okay, let's say we want to move these cube up in three unit. We can do this via short car To do that first press G to go to move mode press Z to constrain it to Z axis. Then type three, then hit enter or space bar. We can do this toe other access easily. For example, we want to move the cube toe minus acts access in, then units forest, press G, then X, then type minus, then hit. End of I think you get the idea already. The cool thing about Blender is that we can type the minus after the number. We can also press big space toe under the value. Just as we are typing the value in attacks field, we can even change the value later after the object it's moved. So blender is very flexible when it comes to transformation. Using input values, for example, we want to move this cube along the Y axis in 10 units. We can press G. Then why then type then now in this situation, if you change your mind, you don't want to move 10 units anymore. Instead, you wanted to move. Only five unions notice we have the then number. Don't hear that we type before. If we hit backspace, it'll become one hit backspace again to clear the input. Now we can type five if, for example, we change our mind again instead off five. We actually one minus five simply hit the miners key in a keyboard and lender will automatically change the value to minus five. Thus re first the axis direction. Okay, now, if we press enter to confirm the transformation, don't do anything else now. Nordeste, don't. Here at the bottom off the two shelf, we still have access to the latest operation that we did before it say's translate the vector. Why minus five If we change these two minus three, for example, the Cube latest movement will be corrected toe minus three instead off minus five. Just wanting that, you need to keep in mind these parameters you see in here only appear ones right after the operation executed. If you do anything else after the operation, such as creating object or any other things, then this area will display that newly created object parameters, not the transformation parameters anymore. So basically, anything you do in blender blender will display the parameters in here after that so you can make changes or corrections. I'm pretty sure you get the idea here. Another method to grab and move an object in blender is to use the right mouse button. You can do this quickly. Even we don't selecting the object First. I'll press A to dislike everything to select this cube and move it right away. We can right click and hold, And then just drag this around, as we can see is Cube. We'll follow the mouse cursor. Even if we release the right mouse button, the Cube were still follow the mouse in this condition. To confirm the new position, we can laugh, click, and to cancel the movement. We can rightly. So again, right, click and hold to direct the object, then left click to confirm or right click again if we want to. Cancer. Okay. Now, in many situation, this left click to confirm method is just not that convenient. Just imagine if you have so many objects that you need to drag around, there is an option that will help you speed up this dragging process. We can access it from the file menu user preferences and then goto the editing tab. Notice we have released to confirm check box. Don't here make sure it is active. I didn't just see if the use of settings I always turn this option on. And I think you should do that also. Okay. Now, if you're right, click and hold on an object. The object will move along with the mouse when we release the right mouse button right away . The object. We will stop moving in this way. You don't need to do left click token from ritual as before. To rotate object using shortcut, we can use the our shortcut as just like the move operation. We can also constrain the rotational axis two x or Y or Z using the same method. Let's delete this cube first and replace it with a monkey head. As the cube looks identical from all direction, we can tell the rotation better with this monkey object. Okay, So for example, we want to rotate. This monkey had 90 degrees counterclockwise using the Z axes as the rotational axis. Make sure the object is selected. Press are Togo to rotate mode, then press Z to use Z axis as the rotational axis, then type nine and then zero. If we change our mind, for example, we thought we want to rotate it counter clockwise. But it turns out we actually one the other way around, which is clockwise. Simply press the minus key on the keyboard. Now the object will re first the angle press enter to confirm and just like in movement right after we wrote it on object. We can still change the rotation angle value from this bottom panel off the tool shelf provided you haven't done anything else after it. Next is scaling to scale object you seen shortcut. We can use the S shortcut. Let's see how we can do this. Select the object first, then press as Togo to scale mode. Right now, the scaling happens uniformly on all axis. So the object does not stretch or squashed toe a certain direction. If we press Z now, the scaling happened on Lee on a Z axis direction. Pressing X will make it happen on the X axis on Lee. And why also, with the same concept applies. If we click to confirm the scaling, we can still change, are correct The value in a two shelf down here dislike the movement and the rotation operation we have discussed before for scaling. If you want to type value, you can do that. Also in lender, the scaling value used 0 to 1 ratio, not 0 to 100 as some other treaty software which uses percentages. So if we want to make it half off the size as before, we need to type 0.5. Okay, lets see how we can do this press as to go to skill mode. Then press zero, then dog, then five. I noticed the size off. Suzanne is no half off the original one little tip from me when doing scaling, using shortcut and mouse When you want to scale, make sure your mouth has enough distance from the object center that you want to scale. The objects center or known as the origin is indicated by these small orange dot If your mouth is too close to this origin when you press asked to go to scale mode. Norris It is very hard to control the scaling. So back away a bit toe, have some distance, then press s in this way. You have more room for final control over the scaling value. Sometime you need to move an object, not in just X access, or why access on Lee, but both in X and y axis. This is what we call plain constrain, as basically were not constraining toe access but toe a plane defined by to access. At the same time, we learned how to do this before you see manipulator we can do this also with shortcut using a shift modifier key and the axis later that we want to deactivate. For example, we want to move Suzanne here along the X y plane. So press g Togo to move mode, then press she if Z Because now the Z axis is the activator. The only to access remain is acts and why access? As we can see, we can move around the object freely on x and y, but it won't move up and down in the Z axis. We can do the same concept for X Z plane by pressing Schiff y or two y Z plane by pressing shift acts. Okay, Now, plain constrain also works for scaling, but not for rotation. As we cannot actually wrote that object, you seem plain as the rotational axis for scaling. Let's say we want to stretch the monkey head along the X and Y axis at the same time. Press s then shift Z. Now, as we can see, we are stretching the object on X y plane. Well, the scale in the Z axis remained unchanged 10. Coordinate reference: all of this time we've been using global access to move, rotate and scale object. What I mean about global access is the access off the three D world we see don't here basically Z always pointing up acts, always pointing towards the right few. And why always pointing that way towards the back fuel? Now what if we want to move an object forward? But the object orientation is not straight? Let's say this monkey I wrote it is a bit using shortcuts are then Z and rotate. It is a bit like so Okay, what if you want to move the monkey that way along the direction where he is facing now? This is often required when you want to any meat moving vehicles such as car or spaceship or boats or any object that has a particular orientation. Okay, before we move the object plus discuss about local access first, this monkey object actually has local access, which pointing towards this direction when we look at the manipulator, we cannot say that access as by default, the manipulator will display the global access which is identical to this world access. If we go to the header and click this global pulled on lease, we can see that blender actually provide us with different type off axis references or officially called transformation orientation. Global is just one off them. Now pick local in here Notice If you look at our object, the manipulator access is aligned with the objects orientation. So in this way we can click and wrecked the Y axis and the monkey will move forward using its local access as the constrain. Okay, let's change this back to global. We can use local access constraint also with shortcut. For example, we want to move this monkey object along its local y axis just like before, but via keyboard shortcut to do that first press G Togo to move mode, then press. Why twice the first? Why keep rest will only constrain it to the global. Why access? The second time we pressed the Y key will activate local Why constrained mode notice in Haskell in colored access. But the orientation off the access is different with the world or global. Why access now? What if we want to cancel the constrain and go back to free dragging mode? Well, we need to press why again the third times. As we can see, we are not bound to any access anymore. So to recap after pressing G to grab mode press why once that will constrain the object to the Y axis press? Why again the second time we are now in Why local access mode If we press, why again? The constrain is off so we can move the object freely. Okay, we can do this local access constrained to any axis. The method is basically the same and it's method applies also to rotation and scale operation. After we do a lot of transformation toe on object, we might want to reset them back to its original transformation. Let me skill this monkey non uniformly and add some rotation also. So we have lot off transformation happening on this monkey position, petition and scale. You see the transformation value off a selected object. We can press end toe open the TV, few properties panel. This is the positional coordinates. This is the rotational angles in agree and this is the scale values. We can also access these values to the poor parties editor at the right side, click on his objects. Our panel which looks like a cart box. You this you I area shows the position coordinates identical to this one. This is rotation just like this one. And finally the scale which is identical with this one. Remember that you need to select the object first to be able to do this off. These values are contextual. So if you select other objects, for example, this lamp object, then all of these tax fields will display this ramp objects, transformation values and that the monkey head object anymore. So select our monkey had again we're going to reset the transformation off this monkey object. Now in lender, there are at least two methods that we can use to reset the transformation for us. We can rightly, on attacks field in here and chose Recep single to default value. This will reset the value that we right click to the default four position coordinates. The default value is zero. We can also likely and just this one which is reset all to default values. This really said opposition coordinate values at once the x y and Z values. We can also do this method in rotation, values and in scale values both in this panel or in the properties editor at the right. You may already know by now that Blender is very short cut oriented. And you might be wondering, Is there a shortcut for resetting transformation? Well, there is. And that is by holding the all key and then the shortcut for the type off transformation we want to reset. For example, pressing all G. We'll reset the position often object, basically the object. It's now at the center, off the world pressing. All are we reset. Any rotation angle to zero we can see in the TV few properties panel that they are all reset to zero and impressing out as well reset all off the scale to their before value, which is one. 11. Interaction modes: in Lender When working with the three D few Buddy Fall, we are working in an interaction mode called the Object Mode. In object mode, we can select objects and do some transformation and other object based manipulation. Now, Object Mode is actually one off the many interaction mode available in Lender to see our toe access. Other interaction modes we can click in this pulled on lease that has the world object mode . As we can see in here, we have added mold sculpt mode, Vertex pain mode, weight, pain mode and texture. Pain mood. We will discuss all of them in time, but just a brief explanation about what each off this most do edit mode is where we do the three D modelling process. In this mode, we can access the sub objects or the elements that make up a three D object. We'll discuss more in depth about edit mode later in this video. Next is the sculpt mode. Scott Mode is used for three D modeling, also just like the edit mode, but it uses a very different approach. Scott Mood mimics how real sculptor work with Klay. Okay, next is vert explain mode in this mood, we can paint colors toe artery model. It is called the Vertex Pain, because the color information that we pain will be saved on each off. The third takes off our three model. If you don't know what for tax is, vortex is basically a point. We'll discuss more in depth about the Vertex later in this video. Next is the weight of pain mode. This mode is used for editing the influence off bones to the skin object. You might be wondering now, what is bone and what is skin object? Well, in the role of computer graphics, we need at least two types off objects when doing three D organic character animation the bone objects that can be animated but will not be feasible by default when rendered, and the skin object that will be driven by the bones. And we'll actually get rendered basically, if you do through the organ in character animation, after you have created the treaty model or the skin off the character and then the bone structure, also known as the armature In vendor, you don't need to goto weight pain mode to treat the relation between the bones and skin model. Okay, the last one is texture pain. This is the mode where we can pain on three D object using brushes just like how we do it in creator or for a shop. The big difference between this mode first, us the Vertex pain more is that texture. Pain mode will safe the texture that we pain in raster image format, so you can later save the texture Spn G or J Pick or any other image file formats. We will not be able to cover all off these modes in a single lesson. So for now, let's focus on the fundamental concept off mash editing in the edit mode Assam mentioned earlier edit mode is the mode where we can add it. The elements often object. Now, before moving on, we must first understand that there are many types off object in lender. If you go to edit mode while you have a match, objects like that you will get mashed editing tools available for you. But if you go toe edit mode with a cough object or attacks object selected for a simple that will be a different story in edit mode, Each object type will have different set off editing tools for this lesson. We're going to use this cube for an example, and it's cube a smash object. So for us, make sure the object is selected. Then Goto added mode by clicking this lease, just edit mode or you can press tab for the shortcut. I prefer a shortcut method as it works like a total button pressing their ones will eggs if it the edit mode pressing tap again will bring us back to the object more. It is much faster than having to move your mouse over this area and try to find a mode that you want to use. Okay, After we see this edit mode tax, don't Here we know that we are in the edit mode Now, if we have a match object selected will have these three buttons down here. Vertex age and face Vertex is basically a point. OK, if you have a cube like this, we have 12345 Sikhs 78 for theses for the seas is the plural form off Vertex. It was like this vertex button down here against like only Vergis is off this cube. The next button is the H button. If this button active, we can select only the ages off this cube ages are basically lines connecting the first assist. We have 12 34 ages at the top for ages around the sides and lastly for ages at the bottom. So we have a total off 12 pages in our cube here. If we only slight one age by right clicking on it, we can see up here on the status. Take that. We have 18 selector off total 12 existing ages. If we press A to dislike them all, then press a again to select them all we can see up here 12 ages selected off 12 ages total In other words, all of them are now selected. Okay, next is the face button. Your face is basically a flat plane formed by three or more ages in other three D software , they are usually called polygons. If this face about an active, we can only select faces off this cube. We have a total off six faces In his cue. The black dots you see in the center off each faces are the representation off the face. This way, we can select the face easier. Just hover your mouse near one off these dots and then right click on it to select the corresponding face. Okay. Now what if we want to be able to select every type off sub objects or elements? Basically, we want to be able to select vortices, ages and faces at the same time. Although I don't recommend you to do this for suffer of good reasons. But yes, you can to do that, simply hold, shift and just turn on all of these buttons. Now we can select all of the sub object types we can select for theses ages and faces again . I don't recommend you to do this, so I will pick Vertex for now. The last thing I need to mention in this lesson is that edit mode is always local. What I mean by that let me go out first to object mode by pressing tab leaking here to reposition the treaty coarser. And then she if a create a monkey head. Okay, If I select this monkey had then go to edit mode by pressing the tab key, we can select the for theses ages and faces off this monkey head as you can see it here. But notice if I try to select this cube blender won't let me do that. Why? Well, as I mentioned before, because edit mode is local, it's like you are in a room now and you cannot pick objects inside another room without getting out from the current room. So if you want to pick the sub objects off this cube, for example, you need to goto object more first by pressing the tab key or choose object mode in this list. Then select this cube, then hit tab key again toe go to edit mode. Now we are editing this cube so we can access the sub objects off this cube. But we cannot like fertile sees or ages or faces belong to other objects. So basically, to select object, you need to go to the object more first, because if you are in edit mode, you are locked toe edit. Only the current active object. Okay, I think you'll get the idea here 12. the origin: in this lesson we're going toe coffer The objects origin Every three D object in lender has origin. You can think off origin as the center often object When we select an object, the position off the manipulator will be located at the objects origin. So basically the origin is the reference point off its cording it in a three d world. These values you see up here, the X y and Z coordinate values. They are all based or referenced to this origin point origin point also used for the center off rotation at the centre coin. When we do scaling by the fall, if we hide the manipulator by clicking on this button down here, we can see that blender by default display the origin often object with orange dot like this. So again, this orange dog that you see when selecting an object is the origin off the object Sometime we need to change the location off the origin. For example, after modeling off furniture, you always want to place the origin at the bottom off it. Why? Well, so you can place the furniture later on any interior scene with ease on the floor object. We will discuss about snapping in later video. For now, let's see how we can change the origin position. We can do this in several ways. We can use the precursor to help us reposition the origin. We can use the set origin command center, the origin. We can move the sub objects instead, so the origin is moved relatively to the geometry, and we can also use an add on called quick origin for a first origin manipulation. Let's check them out one by one. For us is using the treaty cursor to set the origin position. For example, we want to move these objects origin to this position. Simply click on it with the left mouse button as we can see that really, cars are now moved to that location. Now go to the two shelf in the tool step. We can see this button that say's set origin, Click on it and then choose origin. The treaty Carcela. Now we can see that the origin, which is the Orange Dog, has moved to the Strykers or location. The manipulator. It's now located in this position. When we do rotation like this, or scaling like these, all of the transformation happens. You see, in the new origin position as the center to center the origin, we can click this cell origin again and just origin to center off mass. Okay, so by now you already understand These two options don't here. But what is geometry toe origin? An origin to geometry option in here. We'll do to see the difference. Let me under the previous origin center command. Okay, If it's like this German treat, origin or option, this will actually move the geometry. We just the further sees ages and faces to the location off the origin. The result is almost the same with the origin to center off mass. But the final position off the object is different in terms off the global coordinate. Okay, let me undo this again. Now the second option is the set origin pulled on lease which is origin to geometry. This option is almost identical with origin to center off mess command. The difference is it will detect and take into account the density off the geometry. To show this let me go to add it mode at a loop cut in here you see in control are for shortcut. Click direct this to decide and click again to confirm. Next. I'll add more loop cuts again in here. Use the mouse scroll wheel to increase the loop Cut amount. Okay, Now we have a very dense geometry at the side while low density geometry at the side. I know we haven't discussed modelling yet, but editing geometry is not our main focus right now. We'll cover three D modeling later. Okay, if we go back to object mode and Goto said origin and just origin to geometry. Nor does the origin is now centered but slightly lean towards the side because again, this side has more fertile sees than this side. Honestly, I never had any need to do this. And when I need to send of the origin, I always use the origin, the center off mass option, the next method we're going to discuss on how we can move the objects origin. It's by not moving the origin at all. But instead we moved the geometry in the edit mode. Let me delete this cube first and create a new one. So we have a fresh start. Okay? Now go to edit mode by pressing the tab key then select all off the fair theses. You can also select ages or faces as long as use. Like all of them. Go to front few poor and move this up until the bottom part, touching the ground plane slightly. Now go back to object mode. As you can see, the origin off this cube is no located at its bottom. What just happened is that if we move elements inside the edit mode, the origin location off the object will stay at the same position. Because we moved the geometry up, the origin relatively moved down against the geometry. Sometimes we need to move the origin toe a phase or toe on age auto. Vertex. We can do this with the help off the precursor. It can also do this faster with a quick origin and on which we going toe coffer later, after the spark. Right now let's discuss how we can do this manually with a three D cursed our first, for example, we want to move the origin for this face at our left side. To do this first press tab to go to the edit mode, make sure we are in the face morning here so like this face. Then press Schiff s and then choose cursor to select it. By doing these, we can see that the three deckers are jump to the face center location. If you forget the shorter, you can always go to the mash main you don't hear and then snap and then cursor to select it. We can see the short cut in here, which is Schiff ass. Okay, Now go back out to the object mode by pressing the tab key again. You might be wondering, Why do we need to go back to the object mode? This is because the set Origin command can only be executed at the object. More level, not inside the edit mode. So after we go back to the object mode, press Schiff control out and see and NGOs origin toe treaty cursor. As we can see, the origin indicated by this orange dog moved to the location off the three d four. Sir, if you forget the shorter, you can always go to the object menu, transform and choose origin toe precursor in here are just used the set origin button that we used before. I'm just showing you different methods on how you can execute these self origin commands. Okay. Now, using the precursor to move the origin toe a certain saw object is not that convenient as we need to do so far, all steps in different interaction modes. If you want, we can make this process faster by using on and on called quick origin the quick origin at on this one off my must have at on when walking with Lender. It is a free ed on and you condone Load it from this ling. So how's the video now and download the file. We'll discuss how to install and use this ad on off the days. Okay, after you don't look the file, you can install this ad on by going to the far menu User preferences Goto Add on stab You can install most at on using this method. Click this button install from file. Just the file. We don't know that before, which is quick origin, then not by the current version off this ad on when a record a video is version, then click install from file and now the add on is already inside blender holder structure , but it is not active yet. So such quick origin from the search box. You need to click this check box in orderto activate the add on click the safe use of settings Button down here. So the end on always activated each time we opened lender. Okay, If we go back to the treaty few and toe the tool shelf in the toe section, we can see a new section in here called Quick Origin. And inside it we have this set origin button. Now, if you don't like the you I placement, you can actually drag this around to any location you like by dragging this small dot greed in here. Okay, I actually like to place these at the bottom. So let me move this back known here. So use this quick origin tool. We need to go to the edit mode and choose any sub object. It can be for theses ages or faces. Let's say I picked this age. Next, click on the set Origin button. Now, as we can see the origin off, this object just moved to the age location. I noticed. Also, we are back in the object mode. We can also use quick origin with multiple selection. For example, let me create a monkey had first go to edit mode. Let's say I pick this face, this one and then this one also. So I have three selected faces. Now click the set origin button. Now the origin point moved to the center location off the three selected faces we pick before you can select any number off faces or for theses or ages as you like. And the quick origin at on will calculate the center position for them, something that you need to be aware. Now if you are in object mode in the two shelf, we have to set origin buttons. Now, this is the native order default set origin button from lender. And this one is from the quick origin at on. 13. Unit and measurement: by default. Blender used generic unit for measuring length When walking with architectural data or project, we should always use real measurement union so that we have consistent size and skill. This consistency is super important when you need to manage your seen across multiple team members a pending or linking to external library, transferring data in or out external software and other benefits. Even if you're not working on architectural project, for example, a stylized animation. I still suggests that you always use riel measurement units because using real measurement unit from start will help you structure your work better and avoid you from troubles later down the road. Okay, so how can we tell blender toe work with real Measurement unit? To do that, we can go to the Properties editor and find us our panel called Scene. It is the third tab from the laugh Goto this units section and click on this pulled on lease Norris blender Provide us with different type off presets. In here we can just meter precept in here. For example, notice this precept will set the length unit two meters, an anger unit, two degrees for those off you living in us. You're probably more familiar with Aegis or feel for measuring length. Blender also recognized this imperial standard you can pick from the precept in here, for example, fit our inches Oregon just imperial directly from here. I live in Indonesia, and like the rest of the world, we use metric system. Therefore, I will stick with metric system for this course. Okay, if you always your certain measurement units again and again, you might want to consider saving your file as the start of file so that every time you open blender you'll get the same unit set up. We've talked about how to save to start off file before in the u I fiddle essence. But let me show you again. You can go to the file menu and use this safe starter file button in here. Okay? When we select this cube and open it, Terry, a few properties as we can see the coordinates values now use em, which is a shorthand for leader, as most of us already know, you might be thinking. OK, so blender put the letter M behind length values. What's the big deal? My answer is blender not only just put letter M in there. It actually now able to process other related metric units such as Centimeter, Millimeter, etcetera. We're going to use this measurement unit in later videos intensively. But just to give you a quick brief, you off how unit works. Let's say we want to move these cube up for five centimeters. We can do this by pressing G to go to move mode, then press Z to constrain it to Z axis. Then type 0.5 and then hit. Enter Now this cube just went up five centimeter, as we can see in a coordinated off the Z axis. So typing length of values will be considered by blender s using the main unit which in our case, meter Let's say I want to move this cube now to the X axis for 10 centimeter began type 10 then see and in m press, enter now This cube just moved then Cindy meter along the X axis. So to recap, when using real measurement unit typing length values without unit letters will be considered as meter because we defined the main unit as leader in here, blender will also be able to recognize a dramatic units Such a centimeter when we talked in the value followed by the unit initial letters. Okay, let me reset the position By pressing off G when modelling object, we often need to set the objects size to a certain value in blender. We can do this easily using the Dimension panel we just located in the three d A few properties so you can press and to show it if it is currently hidden notice below the transformation values we can see The Dimension Panel Currently the cube object, has two meters with two meters depth and two meters height indicated by these X Y and Z values. To change the size, we can type the new size directly. In this Dimension panel, for example, we want to set do with Toby four meters. Just change the X value toe five, then hit Enter the cubes. Dimension now has changed. We now have a cube or rather, a box that has five meters. With using this method, we can set any object toe, have any dimension we want easily. But there is something that you need to be aware when you change Dimension blender actually scale the object, so it fits the target size value that we input. Notice up here. The scale. X value off the object. It's not at its default anymore. It is now 2.5, while the scale Y and Z values are still the defaults, which is one when doing position modeling or creating rig for animation. You always want your objects skill, Toby at the default values. This requirement applies to every three D software that I know off, not just blender. Why? Well, it's kind of a long story, but basically you get troubles later when doing certain operations in blender. If you're objects, scale is not the default or even stretch known uniformly. To avoid these problems, you need to apply the scale value. Often it object. Now applying transformation is different than resetting transformation in term, off scaling, resetting the transformation will change the scale of values, including the dimension. Don't here, while applying confirmation will change the scale values, but it will retain the objects dimension. So, for example, we can apply the scale transformation off this object by pressing control a notice we have option in here for the type off transformation that we want to apply big scale as we need to apply the scale transformation. Now notice the scale values up here has been revert back to the defaults, which it's one, but the dimension that we have before is maintained. You can apply any transformation such as position and rotation also, but mostly you will need to apply scale more often than the other transformation, especially after changing the dimension. So a little tip from me here, after changing the dimension, always apply the scale. If you follow this tape, it will avoid you from getting troubles later. 14. Object duplication: there are two methods off object duplication in lender. First is the standard copy object, also known as duplicate in vendor and second, the instance yet method, also known as duplicate linked in lender. Let's see how we can duplicate object first to duplicate object. We need to make sure first that the object we want to duplicate is selected. So select this cube Now, then press shift d notice a new object is created and immediately we are in grab or remove mode. Now, if we want to move this newly created duplicate along the X axis because we are actually in most mode, simply press acts, Then place this object at roughly disposition by pressing left click Something. You need to be aware, though, if you select this cube again, Press chef de the object is already duplicated and we are in move mode now. So pressing right click to cancel will only cancel the most mode, not the duplication process Notice If I select this Cube and Dre, we actually already have two identical cubes at the exact same spot. So again, if you do she f d then right click toe cancer. You need to press control z again toe, actually, and do the duplication. A lot of my students have troubles with our flapping objects due to this behavior. Okay, Another way to duplicate object without using a shortcut. It's by clicking on this button in a tool shelf called Duplicate. Basically, it will do the same thing with the shift. The shortcut. Okay, Another method off duplication is duplicate link. We can see the button for this command in the two shelf, just below the duplicate button. The shortcut for it is all d in other computer graphics software. This kind off duplication mostly known as instance ing. Unlike ordinary duplicated objects object instances, which is objects produced from duplicate linked operation, we'll still be connected with its original object. Let's just see this in nation first leak in here to reposition the cursor she if a and then create a monkey head. Now you can press this button Orient Shortcut out. D Move this monkey head to disposition. Press R d again and move it toe about this position. OK, notice if I go to edit mode, grab please Vertex, for example, and move it like this. The changes that we may also happen to the other instances of the object. This is very useful for creating a large amount off identical objects in a scene, for example, creating hundreds off friends, columns or identical chairs in the conference hall, etcetera. Using instances when we need to riff ice or change the model, we only need to tweak one object, and the other objects will follow automatically. Just imagine if we have a project where we need to create theater, scene or stadium. With hundreds off chairs and a cryin oneto, tweak the model of it. It will be a nightmare toe. Have toe added hundreds off those chairs one by one, or even to read, Implicate them from start. So this instant concept will help us a lot. In scenarios like these, another advantage off, using instance or linked duplicates is memory off the initiation. By using instances, blender can save huge memory consumption because although they look massive in numbers, Brender only need to store the geometry data. Once in the memory object instance, ING is a very common method in rendering massive amount off objects in the scene, such as trees in the forest or houses and buildings in a crowded city seen etcetera. If we look at the outline, er, the monkey heads that we have in here are all named Suzanne. By default, we have Suzanne, which is the original object Suzanne 0.1 and then Suzanne 0.2 If we click on the plus sign to expand, we considered Suzanne object. It's using the Suzanne mash or geometry, but if you look at Suzanne 001 and Suzanne 00 to, they don't have their own geometry. They are both using the same Suzanne MASH data, just like the original Suzanne object up here. This is very different with the cube objects. If we expand them all, we can see that each off the cube objects has their own geometry or mass data. None off them share the MASH data. This is because we use ordinary duplicate method for the cubes, while for the monkey heads, we use duplicate linked method. Okay, so from this explanation, we can felt whether an object is an instant off, other object or not by looking at the MASH data contained by it. In some cases, we need to make the instant object unique and not linked to any other object anymore. For example, we want to make some random initiation to our scene. So we want to pick one or two objects from the instances. The further tweak them individually. We can turn on instant object, Toby Unique object by first selecting the object. Remember when I mentioned select object? It means we are supposed to be in object mode, not in the edit mode. Ok, then press you This will open up the make single user window the Jews object and data. By doing this, we can see that editing this object again will not influence the other objects. As this objects data now become independent, we can see in your liner. Now the data off this object which is the mash named differently compared with the original one. So again, to make an object become independent, we need to press you and then select object and data. If you forget the shortcut, you can always go to the object menu and you can find a commanding here. Okay, In some very rare cases after you handling or make the object single user, you want to make it linked again. Can we do that? Yes, we can. We can of course, simply press R d again. But that will require you to move the object and reposition it Another way. To do this, we can select the object that we want to re link. Go to the properties panel and just data tab. You can see the name off the German three data is now Suzanne 001 We want to report this back to Suzanne. We can do this by clicking on this list. Button notice. Blender will display all German tree data available in the scene. If we click this cube, for example, are object will use the cubed your entry data, thus changing it appear Ian's so cute, which is not what we want. We want to adjust these Suzanne data block. Now if we go to edit mode on drag this face, for example, the other objects will follow as they all actually used the same mash later 15. Pivot point: when doing transformation Blender use a reference point called The Pivot Point to access the pivot point options. We can click on this pulled on lease in here. Now, if we only have one objects like that most off this profit point options will be ignored except this option treaty car, sir. So if it's like Active Element, median point, individual origin and bonding Walk center, none off them really matter. And Lender will use the origin off the object as the pivot point. Instead, if we left, click on the spot so the treaty cursor jump to that location, then choose to the cursor as the prophet point Notice the position off the treaty manipulator is now at that really car, sir. Not at the origin anymore. If we rotate, the rotation will use the treaty cursor as the center off the rotation. If we scale the object the scaling. You also use that really cursor as the scaling center. So again, if we only have one object selected, the only option matters in the Pivot Point lease. Is this treaty cursor option. If other options use them, lender will just use the objects origin as the pivot point Okay. Now, if we have multiple objects selected, this is where profit Boyne start to shine. Let's discuss the biff it point options one by one. The first option is called Active Element, as we discussed before. If multiple objects are selected, the less one gets elected always looks different from the rest. If others act that objects are colored in dark orange color, the active object is colored with bright orange color, almost like yellow color. If we have the active element, said as pivot point, then this object, which is the active object, its origin will be the center off the transformation. So if I wrote it, all of them by oppressing our as we can see, the rotation will happen circling around these objects origin. If I hold sheriff and right click on this one, this object now is the active object indicated by the orange yellowish color. If he wrote it like so, the whole selection now rotating around this object instead, the median point and a bounding box center options are almost identical, and in certain cases they are the same. What makes them different is that bounding box will create imaginary box surrounding the object tightly, then use the bounding box to calculate the center off. The point median point, on the other hand, will calculate every element in the geometry to calculate the center position. Basically, this is how they offer it in object mode. Now, in edit mode, however, they are very different in edit mode. The median point option will use the density off the geometry to deter. Amend the location off the basic point, while the bounding box center option will not use Vertex density. So, for example, let me pick this cube and go to edit mode Control are in here. Click and rightly. Then I'll add more. Luke cuts in here Control are again school up a few times. Click and then right click Okay, if it's like all of the far theses and just bounding box center for the pivot point, notice the location off. The manipulator is always at the centre off the cube. Regardless, the right for theses are more dense than the left area. If it's like the 1,000,000 coin, the pivot point is shifted to the right of it. Due to the density off the mash we have at the right side. Okay, Let's go back to the object mode. The less one is individual origins option. This option will create multiple prefer point on each objects origin to show you the difference. For example, if we select the Boning books center as the perfect Boyne and do a rotation, we get something like this. Now, if it's like individual origins as the pivot point, when we rotate, we'll get this result. Each object rotates independently. 16. Display modes: Berner Street. If you can display to the objects in many ways, the default display mode in Blender, which we're currently using is called solid. Basically solid mode will display objects. Surface. We don't any texture or material property to change the display mode. You can go down here and click this pulled on lease notice. We have bounding box wire frame, solid picture material and rendered for. Now we'll discuss these three options solid wire frame and bonding box. We will discuss these other three options when the time come, so let's like the wire frame mode for now. Besides accessing it from this least, we can also use Ze for short cut. The Z shortcut can also be used to toggle back toe the solid mode. So pressing Z ones well, take us tow wire frame mode. Pressing Z again. We'll take us back to solid display mode again. Okay, in wire frame mood, all of the surfaces are not rendered. We can only see the wire frame off the objects. If you wonder what is the term wire frame means. Basically, they are the lines or the ages that make up the geometry. The last display mode we want to explore is the bounding box mode. If we select this display mode, blender will display objects in the treaty. Few as simple boxes like this. This is useful when you're seeing becomes too complicated, making your few port or very few become unresponsive. I never actually had a situation where I need to use this bonding books display mode because if you use proper object management from Start, you can avoid this offer complex in situation. From the beginning, we will discuss object management in time. Besides solid wire frame and box, we have texture material and rendered. The common rule is like this the more you go up, the hired infidelity off are few part. What I mean about Fidelity is how close your few poor to the final rendering quality fracture will display texture on the treaty. Few. But we don't any Material properties Material display mode will show the material properties off our objects, such as roughness, speculate or ity, etcetera and rendered mode. We'll actually make blender trying to render the image in real time on the city. Few. Now, as we haven't discussed gesturing nor material nor even rendering, we have to escape these three options for now, we'll cover all of them in time. In Charlotte. For now, let's discuss how to set up display mode for object basis before we discussed on how to change this play mode for whole truly few. Now in Blender, we can actually set up display mode for object. To access that feature, you need to make sure that the object you want to control is selected. Then Goto Properties editor Goto Object Tab, which has thes icon that looks like a cardboard box Scroll down on. We will see a display section now. Most of these things are self explanatory. We will discuss Onley several options for now. First, the wire option by default. Blender only showed wire frame or the age lines often object when we are inside the edit mode. In object board, the wire frame are hidden by turning this option on, the object will show the wire frame regardless, it's interaction mode in the city fuel. Next is the draw. All ages option down here. You may not be able to see the difference with our current objects to show you the difference that misuse this cylinder first and press tab to go to edit mode and just add some loop cuts in here by pressing control are and then scroll up several times. Now if I go back to the object mode, then Goto Properties editor. If I turn on the wire option in here, we can see that blender only showed a wire frame at the top and bottom corners on the vertical ages. Why is this happening? Well, this is because there is a smart algorithm in Lender, which detects known important ages and then hide them to reduce few port loads. Because the ages I created before really not contributing anything to the awful form off the geometry. I mean, if I remove those ages the cylinder, we look the same in solid mode. Lender decided that those are important and then hide those ages automatically. This is where this grow all ages. Option comes into play. If, for example, you want to see all of the ages, you can turn this option on. Now we can see all of the ages, including those that are considered by a blender, as a known important ages. Now let's talk about this option. Don't hear that say's maximum bro type to explain what this option do. Let me change the treaty. Few display mode. The bounding box first. So all we can see now in the treaty If you are these boxes on Lee. Now, let me change these two bones. This one, the wire. And finally this 12 solid. Okay, if we move up our display mode from warning boxes tow wire frame notice what happened? Every objects become wire frame, except this one. Why? Because the maximum quality off these objects display mode is only bonding box. As we have said it before in here, if we go to solid mode, you can see that only this object we look solid because we have set this object tohave wire frame as its maximum display quality. So even we said that really a few display moto solid, this object and a probated auction as it is already passed his maximum display mode. 17. Snapping: in this video, we're going to discuss snapping techniques in blender. We can snap two different things. Turn on snapping. You can press this button down here at the TD. Few header the snap buttons. Aiken looks like a you magnet. When this snap option is on, we can change the snapping type in here. We can said Lender, to snap the volume, face, age, vortex and inclement. If we select volume, for example, we have option for these such as active median center closest. If we select face, we have identical option in here. Also age and ver packs. They all have the same auction as volume, but not us. If I select in Cremin, we don't have any option except the absolute greed alignment toggle button in here because in Cremin, snapping is different from the rest. Let's discuss this snapping force. But before we do that, we need to cover one off the most important elements in increments snapping and that will be the grid. So what is actually great? I think most off you guys already understand which one is great just by looking at it. This is the grid basically a great Issa plane constructed by lines that followed why and the X axis direction. If you don't want to see this grade, for example, when you need to model and few an object from the bottom area, you can press end to go to the treaty. Few property spend all expanded display section Notice we have great check box in here that says, Great floor, Turn this option off if you want to hide. Agreed. You can also hide the access display in here. Notice if I turn off the axe and why access in here dread line and the green line disappear from the few part. Let me turn them back on as we will need them in this lesson. The next thing we're going to discuss is the lines scale and subdivision off the grid. First is lines. This value will determine how many lines will be drawn for the great this value on Lee except even number as the greed needs toe act the lines both ways. So if I increase these 2 21 for example, because 21 is our number, it will only show 20 lines in a few poor as 20 is the smaller even value. If I increase this to 22. Now we can see 22 lines in the great. Next is the scale value. This is perhaps the most important grade values in term, off working with incremental snapping because the incremental snapping will use this value when doing transformation by default, it is, said Toe one, which mean each off this great square will have one unit with and one unit length. If we said the unit two meters, then this great square size is one meter. Now. If we set this to, for example, 0.5, it means that this grid square size are now 50 centimeter by 50 centimeter. The less everything we want to discuss is thes subdivisions. This value will determine how many lines between the ticker grid lines. If it's crawled is down, you will see some lines become tika. Let's change these five notice in every five lines. We will have taker grid lines. I don't know if you guys can see these in the video, but you should be able to see them in your own monitor. When increments snapping is on, movement will snap to grid size. Flotation will snap toe five degree in Cremin. You can see these number at the bottom left corner off the treaty. Few and scaling will be rounded toe one digit after point. Okay, now this button, which is the absolute great linemen. It's only available when we are in the move or a great mode for this explanation. Let's go to the top few part by pressing seven in a numb pad. Then let me turn off snapping first, duplicate this object by pressing shift D and just move this a bit so that the origin off this object not located at a great point. Okay, now let's turn on snapping again. Notice. When I move the center object, it will move in the in, cream in off the grid size because this object origin waas at the great point, it will move to the next grade point. But notice when I move this one, as we can see, it moves in the great income and also but because the original objects origin was already moved, which is not in any great points anymore. When we move it, it will never try to snap to any great point. It just moving in increments off the grid size. But if it on this absolute grit, alignment, button objects, increments, snapping will happen absolutely to the greed and not relative to its original location. So if this option is on, objects will snap to the grid points when we move them. Probably the most important snapping feature in lender, especially when we're doing architectural world, is a vertex napping. Now Vertex snapping feature basically has the same concept, with volume snapping, face snapping, an age snapping. The difference will be what type off object we want to target. Vortex snapping simply means we are targeting overtax to snap toe a snapping means we are targeting on age for the snapping process. And so long I think you get the idea. So although we are going to focus on Vertex snapping now, the methods we learned will be applicable to the other type off snapping. Okay, let's turn on snapping. If it is not already on than in here to Vertex Norris Blender, provide us with several option in here Closest center median and active. Let me explain all off them briefly, then moving on to try them in action. Closest means that blender will determine which of Vertex from the selected objects closest to the target and use that reference to move the object. The center option will basically use the current paper point or transformation center as the reference to move the object to the target. The median option will use the center off the selection as the reference point. Finally, the active option. This option will use the active object or element as the reference to snap to the target. Let's see some examples off these snapping target options. In here we have these two cubes. Let's say we want to move this cube so these of our tax in here will be placed on the exact location off this overtax on the other cube. To do that, we need to select the object that will actually be moving. If you want to move this one, then it's like this one. Next dis make sure the snapping is on, and it is said in Vertex, snapping juice closest for now and then just move the object. You seen the G for shortcut, or you can also right click and hold the mouse button. Then move the mouse cursor to any Vertex location in this object. Remember It is the mouse cursor that matters in snapping process. Some of my students having a hard time to snap objects because what they actually do after pressing g short cut instead moving the most cursor to the target Vertex they try to move the object so they close to each other while the mosque ursa its way from the target. This is not how it works. It doesn't really matter where the object is. What mirrors is the most. Carcelle. We need to move it to the Vertex We like to target. Okay, in closest option like these, if you want, for example, snapped this Vertex to this for tax, you need to move the object first manually so that this for tax on our selected object is the closest for tax to this target for tax. Okay, then press G to go to move mode and then move the mouse cursor. But its vertex let me move these away first. Okay, The next option is median. If it direct the object to this for Tex, notice the origin off the object will be used as the point off reference. Currently, the centre option will behave the same. Asked the median because the pivot point is Seto median point in here to see the difference That's clicking here to move the treaty coarser and changed the pivot point Totally cursor . Now watch. As I snapped this object to this vertex, it is now using the truly cursed our relative position as the point off reference. The last option is active for these. We need multiple object selected So chef de to duplicate this cube and then she f d again. It's like this one called shift and this one and this one also. So now we have three objects selected with this one said as the active object. If you press G, I didn't move arm Oscars or to his location. The whole selection will move and snap to this overtax, using the active object as the reference point. OK when snapping objects, sometimes we need to move toe only a certain direction. We can do this using snap and access constrain at the same time. For example, let's say we want to move this object this way in X axis direction. So the vertex in here align perfectly with Vertex in his object. The debt. Make sure the snap is active and set the Vertex just closest. Oh, yes. Make sure we're not using pretty cursor now as the pivot point. Let's change this back to the default, which is median and grab the X axis manipulator and dragged this tow this Vertex. Now, if we go to the front few as we can see the cubes lined together at this location, we can also do this with shortcut. Let me move this cube back again. Okay, so press g to go to move mode, impress acts to constrain the movement toe only X axis. Then just move the mouse cursor on these Vertex. We get the same result as when we are using the manipulator. The last thing we're going toe coffer in this lesson is using keyboard shortcut toe temporarily Togo snapping. We can press control key in a middle off transformation toe activites snapping temporarily . But you need to have the snapping off first or otherwise person control will actually turn off the snapping. So basically pressing control will enforce the snap button. Let's see how we can do this first. Turn off the snapping button down here. Next. Let's say we want to move this object in X access and then snapped this Vertex to this one . While doing that, select this object press D to move them breast acts to constrain it to X axis. Then, while our mouse cursor is over this Vertex location press and hold the control key. Notice how it's snapped to that for tax. If I release the control G, the snap built enough. If you want to confirm the snapping, you can click the left mouse button. Okay, so that is how we use orca to do snapping. If you do a lot off architectural modeling or making in labor force or other similar tasks , I recommend you to always use Vertex as snapping l men and closest for the snapping mode, and then just turn off the snapping button whenever you need to move, object and instead to other object, simply press and hold the control key while doing the transformation. From now on, I will assume you already understand this snapping techniques, so I don't have to repeat the explanation again and again in later videos 18. Modifier: you can think off a modifier as a function or a plug in that can be attach toe on object. To add a modifier to an object. First, you need to select the object. Then Goto Properties editor opened the modifier panel, which looks like arrange symbol. Currently, there is nothing on this panel as we haven't add any money fire to this object bleakness at modifier button. This will open up the list off modifiers that we can add to our selected object. In this lesson, we're going to focus on the basic concept off modifier, so we'll cover only several off them. I'm hoping that after this lesson, you will have a good understanding off how money fireworks so you can explore the rest off the money fires exists in lender by yourself. Let's add wire frame modifier in here. Norris that adding a wire frame modifier, will alter the monkey objects geometry every ages in the monkey head Now change toe a cylindrical form. If you look at the other monkey head noticed there appear. Ian's have not changed at all. On Lee. This one is changed, and if it's a like this one, we don't see any perimeters off the wire frame, money, fire like the parameters we see in this object. So basically, the first thing we need to know about modifiers is that they are unique. It exists only on the object that we had the modifier onto. The second thing that you need to know about modifier is they are known destructive. So it against, like any object that has somebody fire and then changed the values in here, for example, we can change the thickness of it any time we need to. If you don't like the modifier, you can always hide it. Using this, I button up here or if you want to remove it completely, you can do that easily simply by clicking this X button at right. And now the modifier is gone and our object back to its original form. The next money fire characteristic we're going to learn is that modifiers are stackable. We can stake modifiers on top of each other and also change their stacking order as we like . For example, I'll add a subdivision modifier in here. Subdivision modifier were multiply the amount off polygons our faces with the power off for thus making our object look smoother. We have to type off sub deficient values in here few and render the few value is used for a few parts. Moving and render value is used for final rendering by default. The render value is said to two meaning. When we render the object, blender will smooth out the object by multiplying the faces mount by four to the power off . Two equals toe 16 times off the original face amount. For now, I will just turned a few toe to. Also, as we can see, we have so much faces now in our pretty model. Okay, now let's add oil frame money. Fire again. Notice. We have denser wire frame from the previous example. This is because we had the wire frame modifier after the sub deficient modifier. So basically the wire frame modifier is working based on a more denser geometry produced by the subdivisions or first modifier. Now watch. As I switched the modifier order, we can click these up baton to move the wire frame modifier to the top. As blender will process modifiers from top to bottom, it will process the wire frame modifier first, so we have something like days. If we hide the subdivision modifier, then the subdivision modifier will be calculated after the wire frame modifier. So in conclusion, modifiers can be steak on top off each other and we can also arrange their stacking order. Just be aware that changing the modifiers staking order my produce different final result. The last thing we need to know about modifiers is that they can be applied. What I mean by this is that we can confirm the actual geometry toe. The result off the modifier you might be wondering by now is in the object currently already change. Well, the answer is yes and no, visually. Yes, because if you render the object, what we see here is what will be the result but no in terms off irritability. Because, for example, if we want to select these fertile sees or faces, you cannot They are bound to the modifier. If we go toe adit mode by pressing tab notice we can Onley edit the original geometry, not the final result off the modifier steak. To apply a modifier, we need Toby in object mode or otherwise. Blender will give warning message and then hit These apply button on the modifier. We want to apply. Okay. Now, when you want to apply, stack off modifiers like these. You need to apply them in sequins, top to bottom. Not random. Not bottom to talk. If you don't do it in the correct order, the final result will be like having the modifier steak not in accord recorder also so applied this one first at the top. Notice that applied modifier will be gone from the steak. Next is this one okay? After applying the modifiers, if we go to edit mode by pressing tab notice now, we can actually added the elements off this geometry. 19. Creating symmetrical objects: in this lesson video. We're going to talk about several methods on how to make three D model symmetrical. This is important as a lot of three D models. We want to create our symmetrical such as cars, characters, furniture, etcetera, certainly creating one side. And then we creating the other side men really from scratch is a ways off time and with no guarantee that it will be perfectly symmetrical. The first method off mirroring an object is by using SIMA tries measure operation to see how we can do this. Let's say we have this monkey head if we drink the right eyebrow like this. Okay, now we want to make the left eyebrow like the right one. Basically copy everything from the right side to the left side. First go to face mode. So, like everything repressing a then go to mash menu and then choose cement rice. If you prefer shortcut, we can also press W W. Shortcut is for special operations, and one of them is similar price. Now, while the specials window is open like these, we can either click on Cima tries in here or type leather. Why, as we can see, the leather. Why has underscore indicating that the letter y is the shortcut we used to call the Sima tries command. Okay. Now, as you can see, the monkey had model now is symmetrical. The right side is identical with the left side. Something you need to keep in mind when doing sima tries operation like this. Is that the mirroring process? Always use the origin location as the mirror plane position. So you need to make sure that the origin off this object correctly positioned at the center . Otherwise the result will be broken or come out not as we expected. For example, let's select all of the faces, moved them to the left side. Our left side, that is notice. We can see this orange dot Floating alone. We have discussed this before That this orange dark is the origin off the object? Now Move the faces so the monkeys left eye is aligned slightly with the origin. Okay, Now watch as we apply, the Sema tries command by pressing w key. And then why notice that the monkey had now looks like a conjoined twins. Okay, so just watch where you place your origin when doing Sima Christ operation as that will be the center off the Sima tries operation. If you forget how to reposition the origin, just watch the video lesson about origin again. Okay, now, in many cases we may start modeling the left side, often object and then later want to mirror it to the right side. Or perhaps we model the front side. I need to mirror it to the back side, our top side to the bottom side fights for sir, the question is, Correa's Sima tries operation. Also for these scenarios, the answer is yes, we can. Let's say I pull this monkey ear. It's laugh here. Now we want to see motorized these to its right side. So, like all of the faces, W then why noticed? The SIMA tries operation mirror the right side to the left side, therefore the left. Here we tweak before it's gone. Now we actually one the other way around from this side to the side in order to Rudy's go to the bottom off the two shelf and changed the direction from minus x two plus x, who plus X two minus X. As we can see, we can mirror to any direction we like with these Sima tries parameters in here provided we haven't done anything else to the object as these parameters only show up ones right after the operation. We've discussed about this before, so you should already understand these lenders unique behaviour. Okay, Now being able to create symmetrical object using Seema tries MASH operation is great, but it has one disadvantage and that will be the ability to mirror the object in real time . For example, we're modeling a character while tricking the left side. You on the right side toe follow right way. This cannot be done using only Sima tries operation. But we can do this. You see in the mirror modifier instead mirror modifier. As the name implies, we'll create a mirror version off the object so we can create symmetrical object easily in real time. For example, in here we have a cube to add mirror modifier simply go to the modifier panel in the Properties editor at Monday fire and then to mirror at a glance. Nothing has happened as our original object is already symmetrical. But if we goto added mode and pick these for tax and move it around as we can see we actually have toe cubes. One is the original cube that we can add it. The 2nd 1 is the cube generated by the mirror modifier. Most off the time. We don't want these objects, Toby offer lapping like this. So the ideal workflow when using the mirror modifier is you need to cut the object half exactly at the origins location and then delete the faces or verte sees at the left side or at the right side. And just like Seema tries, Operation Mirror modifier will create the mirror plane at the origin location. Also Okay. In a modifier panel, we can see that mirror modifier comes with several options. The X Y Z tech boxes in here determine the direction off where the mirror will happen. By default, blender will use X access. So the direction off the mirroring is this way. If we choose why this is what will happen. The mirror will happen in the Y axis. If Z is on, then it will be like this. Okay. We can actually turn on multiple access at the same time like this. I'm sure you get the idea Here. Let me change this back to X axis on Lee. The next important option that I usually turn on is the clipping option. This clipping option will constrain the position off the for theses in our object so they won't bypass or cross the mirror plane to show you what I mean. Let me uncheck this clipping first so we can see the difference later. Go to face mood and just this face, and then move this toe about this position so we can see the gap. We can conclude that with cleaving option turned off, we can move this face or any elements across the mirror plane without any constraint. Now let's let this face as this face will become an interior faced later when we apply the mirror modifier. Now having interior faces is bad. We're going to discuss about good versus bad geometry in later. Less, inshallah. For now, let's just remove it. Okay, Now let's turn on the clipping option. Notice we the clipping option turned on. If he's like this Vertex, for example, and move these to the left side, it will never be able to bypass the clipping plane, no matter how hard we try. And this is nice so we won't have any offer lapping geometry later. We can select multiple for theses at this whole border by holding the alky and then rightly on one off this ages. If you move them to the left. None off the selected for theses able to cross the mirror plane so again, this clipping option can help us create three D object with good geometry. There is a very useful at on for walking with mirror modifier. It is one off my must have at on when working with blender called out a mirror. Previously, you need to go to this link to download the add on. But since vendor two points after nine, this head on already included in the official blender installation we've discussed how to install told party at on before for installing official at on the process is actually much simpler. Just go to the farm menu user preferences had on and type out or mirror in the search box. You will see mesh auto mirror at on this. Make sure you check this check box to activate it. You might want to click this safe user settings button down here, so the auto mirror and on will always be available. Every time you open blender, let's close this window, OK? If we go to the tool shelf at the tool step, you'll find the auto mirror section known here. Okay, so how is this autumn mirror at on works? Remember I mentioned before. We need to cut the object half and removed 1/2 side of it in order to use mirror modifier correctly. Well out. A mirror will do that for you. It will cut your object in half at the origins location, then the little half site that we don't need and then at mirror modifier to the object. Let's see how we can do this. Let me remove these cube object first. Create a monkey head. Okay, make sure it is selected. Now, before we click this auto mirror button, we need to make sure that the settings don't. Here it's Craig for us. We need to determine in which access the mirror will happen. Normally, acts is the axis commonly used for mirroring. In this case, it is that way. Okay. Next winner. To define which site we want to retain positive in here means that this site will be retained and this side. We just the negative X axis direction will be removed in our case, we want to retain the positive side. So this is already correct for our needs. Next, make sure all of these options are on except the apply mirror. If apply mirror is active, you will not get any mirror modifier as the result. Why? Because after it was created, the script will apply the modifier right afterwards. So this option will make it behave just like the Sima tries mesh operation. And if it the purpose off half a mirror modifier at the first place. So again, if you want tohave, the mirror modifier exists after this. Then you should turn off this apply mirror option. Okay, Next, just click this out a mirror button at the top. And the result we have Suzanne with the mirror modifier. And if you hide this modifier, we can see that the actual geometry already cut in half without us having to manually cut the object. I believe by now you should already understand how this out a mirror at on can help you for modeling symmetrical objects 20. Project: Simple table: in this lesson video. We're going to create a simple dining table like this image. I know this is very simple, but this is the first custom to the object we will be creating in blender, and we always need to start from something simple toe will. Our foundation for more advanced lesson, although it may look simple, will cover several techniques at once from the things we've learned in previous videos such as Dimension applying, transformation, snapping, duplicating objects and also a new technique to join objects together. Okay, so let's start with determining our measurement units. First, go to the Properties Editor and then choose metric in here. We want our table Toby 170 centimetre with 80 centimetre depth and exactly 75 centimeter height measured from the ground to the top surface off the table for the tabletop itself. It should be 10 centimeter thickness to say the dimension off our cube. First up on the treaty few properties panel, by pressing and on the X dimension type in 170 centimeter press tab to go to the next input field type in 80 centimeter, then hit enter for the height off the table. We're going to take care off it later. But as I mentioned before, it is a good practice to always apply the transformation. After changing the dimension we can see, we now have known default scale values in here. These values will give us troubles later. So let's apply the transformation first so that we can press control A and in juice scale. Now the scale of values are all one, as we expect that before moving on until now, you might notice that our object is way smaller than the great. But if all the great use one unit which is in our case, one meter. So these squares at the great are exactly one meter by one meter. If you are modelling a building or large scale object, this great my be sufficient. But for interior scenes and modeling for each other like what we are doing now, it is probably a good idea to scale the grades 10 centimeters squares. We can do this by going to the display section at the treaty. A few properties and change the scale in here toe 0.1. So now the great is smaller, more prevalent to the size off our table. Next, we want to place the top surface off the table at the exact 75 centimeter position along the Z axis. So go to edit mode and make sure we are in the face mode. So, like the top face and then in the property spinal type 0.75 and then enter okay now before moving on notice. If we are in edit mode in according at values, we have global and local mode for in putting coordinate values. Global means that the coordinate off the selected elements will be based on the center off the treaty world. Local means that it will be measured based on the objects origin instead. Now currently are objects. Origin is located exactly at the centre off the world. So right now, either global or local mode in discord in that panel has no difference. Okay, Next, remember that we want then said the meter thickness for the table toe part. So select the face at the bottom type 65 centimeter in the Z coordinate in here we now have the tabletop finished. Next. We want to create legs for that. Let's create a cube change the dimension to seven centimeter by seven centimeter and 65 centimeter for the height control a and choose skill to apply the scale. Next, we need to snap this like object to the table object, using this Vertex and its Vertex as the reference. So just make sure this is set over tax and this one is that the closest? We don't need to turn on the snap button as we're going to use the control key to snap. Now, if you're confused at this point, you're probably watching this video at random order, so please be sure to watch the previous video essence in order. Okay, now we can simply press and hold the right mouse button and move or Musker sir to this for Tex while still holding the right mouse button. Hold the control key toe. Activate Vertex snapping. Temporarily noticed the leg will snap at the correct Fortis's release the right mouse button to confirm the new location. Remember, we can do this because we have released to confirm options and on in the use of Preferences Window, as we discussed earlier. Now we need to create the other leg we can simply duplicate this one by pressing shift D, and right away we are in move mode, which is school. Just move arm Oscars are at this Vertex and hold the control key were near the vertex toe. Snap it. Click a mouse weapon again to confirm for the other two legs. You can select both off these existing legs for a chef de to duplicate and then move the mouse cursor at his first X location. We're holding the control key. Click the mouse button again to confirm, and that's it. We know half a table with four legs before we end this video. I like to show you a new technique to join objects. You might be wondering, Why do I need to join these objects? Can I just use them like this? The answer is yes. You can just use them like this, but by joining them all as one object, you can select it easily. And if later you want to add it, the object you can goto added mode, toe access. All of the table parts we don't have in tow go back and forth between the edit mode and the object mode. Basically, if in the real world, the object is considered as one object. Then it will be more convenient to join them as one object also in the really world. So to join them, we must like all off the legs first. Then select the table tall. The order off The selection is important. Why? Well, it doesn't really matter for the legs as long as the tabletop is the less one gets like that. Because as I mentioned earlier, the last selected object will be considered by blender as the active object. And when joining objects, the active object place a very, very important role. Basically, when joining the objects off, the selected objects will join the active object. So these legs will join the table top object. We need to do this because the origin off the table top is already correct. We just at the center at the bottom, off the ground. So making the tabletop as the active object when joining this objects will afford us from additional work later to reposition the origin. Okay, So to join them all, we can press control J. If you forget the shortcut, you can goto object menu and just join in here. Now, finally, we have our simple table object finished and joint together as one object 21. Inset extrude bevel: in this video we're going toe coffer More basic mash modelling techniques in render which are inset, extrude and therefore first is inset inset only works in face mode. OK, so let's select this cube here. Go to edit mode by pressing tab and and make sure we are in face mode To insert a face, we can select a face and impress I in the keyboard Move your mouse away or toward the center off the face to define the insect thickness broken from the inside process You can laugh Klay but if you change your mind and want to cancel the insect process, you can right click OK, you can type in exact measurement when doing insects or right afterward. For example, we want to insect this face in here 50 centimeter. Select the face press I then type 0.5, then hit Enter We know half inset face for 50 centimeter If you wonder which line is measured. 50 centimeter. Well, it is this length from here to here. Ok, now, after you create an insect like these, you can still change the many German in a two shelf Don't here provided you haven't done anything else After the insect command, for example, You want to Orefice the value to seventies in the meter we can type 0.7 or just 70 centimetre then press enter. Just remember if you want to use measurement unit make sure you said lenders Measurement unit first in the Properties Editor We've discussed this before, so we won't go over it again. If you forget the inside shortcut though I don't, you will ever forget it as I later for insect is very obvious. But just in case you forget the shortcut you can access insect from the two Sheriff in here we can see the world in set on this button All we can go to the mash menu faces insect faces Notice blender actually grouped all off the face Modeling command inside these faces may new which you can access via control f shortcut. So any time you want to access the face modeling menu simply hold control and impress half We can see the lease off face modeling commands and we can find insect faces in here. Next is extruded Although we can use extra in Vertex H or face mode Do I extra behave is different for each mash element type. For now, we'll be focusing on extra function in face more only not in Vertex or in H mode, So just make sure we are in face mode now. Two extra or face. Simply select a face and then he e in the keyboard. Then move your mouse to define the extrusion. Depp. We can have positive value, which will make the extrusion rice up from the initial surface level. Or we can also have negative value, which will make it sing from the original surface. Just like in set, we can specify exact extraction that value by typing the number on the fly or later afterward in the tool shelf. For example, let's choose this face press e to extrude, then type 0.5 toe extruded up 50 centimeter, then press enter. If you change your mind, just go to the tool shelf and change these Z number in here. For example, typing one will make the extrusion that riff iced toe a leader. If you forget the shortcut, you can access the extra command from the two shelf. You can see extra operation in here are from this extra Italy's and juice Extra Ragen in here, or you can also access it from the MASH menu. Extrude extrude region. Okay, until now, you probably already noticed that extra command comes with suffer or variations. We can see this variation in the tool shelf. When we click this extra police are from the mash menu and extrude in here or by pressing all e to access the extrude menu, we can see that we have extra Ragen Extra Ragen, Vertex normal and extrude individual faces. Let's discuss the difference between these extra operations. One by one, the ordinary extra is actually called extra Trey Jin. Why? Because you can select multiple faces and exclude them all at once by oppressing the shortcut. Now, extra Ragen may not be a perfect fit for every situation. Let me create a cylinder. Refers go to edit mode and for Luke, cuts at the site by pressing control. Are and scroll the mouse up three times Left, click and then right click OK, if we go to face mode, hold out and right click. On this age, we have this loop face selection like this in here. We want to extrude all off these faces to their own perpendicular direction. If we only use e to extrude notice e shortcut which is excellent region command can Onley extra all off these faces toe one direction only. This is not what we are looking for. If you press r e toe access the extra menu, we can choose this extra raging Vertex normal notice Each faces will get extruded together but each moving to their own perpendicular direction in computer graphics, this direction perpendicular to a face is called a normal direction. OK, so this example should explain the second type off extraordinaire Let me undo this. Okay? The other type off extra command we just called extrude Individual faces will explode each faces separately to their own normal directions. So to see this in action, press out e and n choose extra individual faces then move the mouse away from the centre off the selection. Lastly, to confirm notice how each faces extruded independently as we describe before the last modelling technique, we're going toe coffer in this lesson, video is Boever. There are actually two type off baffles Vertex Bear four NH bever. In this video, we're going to focus on H Bethel Force. That's like a cube and then go to edit mode. Because Bevel works on ages, let's select the H mode toe Advair photo on age. We need to select the age first, then press control be Move the mouse away or toward the center off the selection to control the baffle value laughed leak to confirm notice that bear full command well, supplies the age into two ages, making sharp corner become dull or a smoother. Let me undo this. Now watch when I was like all off the ages and hit control be therefore command will double all of the ages at ones in his condition. If you scroll up, the mounts will get more than two ages at the Bethel area. We can also type the bear full value, just like how we can do this in insect or extra command. And if you left click to confirm, we can still adjust the less baleful parameters over here at the tool shelf. I think until this point you should already be familiar with this blenders concept off doing things, an able to explore these yourself 22. Project Kindergarten chair: in this project lesson. We're going to model a simple kindergarten chair like this. So let's begin. First. Goto Properties editor and go to Sin Tab measure were using metric for now. Next, go to the Treaty Properties panel on Goto This place section. Change the grid size Toby 10 centimeter by in putting 0.1 in here. Next. We don't need these light and camera objects. It will get in the way when modeling, so let's select them and lead them. We want to create the chair from this cube Select the Cube said the dimension 30 centimeter for the With that will be the X value 34 centimeter for the depth that will be the Y value and for the hype. Actually, we don't need to specify the height for now, but let's just make it 30 centimeter for now, as we discussed before, every time you make dimensional changes, you always need to apply the scale so press control a and then juice scale. Now, before we move on, there is something important that you need to remember, and that is your object should always be facing the negative y direction. So a positive Why will be the back off the object. Positive X will be the left side off the object, but our right side, a negative X should be. It's right side and left side. From our view, this is the best practice off doing any modeling in blender. Why? Because when you press one in a number of pad to go toe front, few you will actually seeing the front off the object, not the site off the object. If you press three in a number of pad to go to the right few part, you will actually seeing the side few off the object, basically, by making your object facing the negative Y direction. This will make it lined with vendors to the few defaults. Also, when later we need to access mirroring features in blender such as mirror, modifier, texture, pain mirror or are much are mirror etcetera. All of the default vendors mirroring function is based on X axis by default, not the why access so creating a model that is facing the X axis instead off. Why axes? It's like asking for troubles as you will need more additional steps to fix things up later . Next, we want to make the top area off the seater Toby. Exactly. A tortoise and the meter. I know for our doubts. Chair 30 centimeter is too low. But this is for kids. So 30 centimeter is a good number for the seat or height. Let's just go to edit mode, select the top face and changed the Z. Coordinate in here to 30 centimeter. Then select this bottom face. Now we want to thickness Toby four centimeter. I know you want to type 26 centimeter in the Z co ordinate, but I want to show you guys that blender can actually do the math for us. Type in a C chord in an input field 30 minus four and then see an M for the unit letters. Then hit. Enter. We have 26 centimeter as the result. Next, we want to divide the seater this way for three age loops. We can do this. You seem to control our shortcut. Scroll up two times left click to confirm the cut and then right click to cancel the sliding. Do this also for decide control our scroll up twice left leak and then rightly Now let's like this face and this face Notice. These faces are at the left side, not the front side press I toe inset and impress 0.16 then hit Enter. Unfortunately, the insect command cannot recognize unit letters on the fly. So every value input should be in a default unit, which is leader. That is why we need to type 0.16 instead off 16 centimeter. Okay, now press e two. Excellent. The face. We know that the height off the bottom part is 26 centimeter. So just type in 0.26 impress enter. We don't need to create the right side legs manually as we're going to use the mirror modifier. So basically, we let Brender handle the right side toe, create the right side with a mirror modifier. We're going to use the out a mirror and on we have discussed before. Yes, like the autumn mirror and on in here. And now we have to right side automatically. Okay, Now let's focus on the top area again. So let this face press. I toe insect by 0.16 excluded for 0.1 meter, then extorted again for 20 centimeter because we extrude it twice. We get one h Lupin here. Next, Like this face extreme it for two centimeter. It's like this side and I stood also around this position. We need to remove these face first, suppress acts and your face go to H mode and out. Right click On this age, as we can see, we have clipping too long. So if we move these to the laugh, it won't penetrate the mirror plane. Now go back to face mode. Extrude these side face for two centimeter like this place is at the top. Extort them for two centimeter. The chair almost finished. We only need to bend the back grass a bit and at some bevel to the corners off the model so it doesn't look too sharp. Sharp ages rarely exist in the real world unless they are knives or Swartz a tetra adding beveled ages to alter the model will make it looks more realistic. Okay, so go to the right few port. We need to select the whole upper area off the back rest, as we discussed before. We cannot do this in solid mode. On last return off the limits of action toe fishable button down here. But this require us to move our mouths and trying to find a button which is not that convenient. I always prefer switching tow wire frame mode by oppressing Z. So now we can select these whole virtuous is. We can do this by using box selection method press be on click drag like these. Now we need to wrote it. So press are to go to rotate mode, press one and then zero to wrote it 10 degree clockwise hit. Enter press G to go to move mode, press why and impress four centimeter than enter. Okay, let's go back to solid mode by pressing Z as we can see, our to the model is actually complete. But you may notice that the corners are very sharp, giving the impression that our chair is fake. It looks like a craft made off paper. There are actually two ways to fix this problem. First, we can manually select all off the ages and impress control be toe at the bear foe or the second method which I prefer more, and that will be using the bare form modifier. So go to object mode this way, you can see the effect. Better go to the modifier a panel at modifier, and then just bear full in here. Change the wheat toe two millimeters and increase the segments. Toto. And that's it. Now we have a kindergarten chair model finished. 23. Next step: Congratulations. You just finished the course. I really enjoy making the scores, and I hope you feel the same way when learning through these cars. Although you have learned a lot in his cars, this is only the beginning off. A remarkable journey in learning blender. If you like to advance further, I strongly suggest that you take the next step course designed to be the continuation off discourse. And that will be Blender three D modeling fundamentals. In this course, we will learn the fundamentals yet very important things about remodeling. We're going to learn advanced mesh selection methods and advanced methods. Also on tweaking the selection. Learn how to quickly set custom shortcuts on modelling commands. Learn how to tweet, really model using a lot of tools such as the knife tool, inset, extrude, bear ful, loop card and some anymore London difference between deleting the solving, collapsing and how to patch holes in the geometry. Using various techniques, we will discuss in there about the industry standards off what is considered to be back practice versus best practice in term off three D modeling. We will also cover normal direction for suspect face direction, then move on to face moving techniques to make our treaty model looks great. While still maintaining the polygon count, we learned how to sew, split, separate, enjoying objects. Learn how to use the madcap correctly, an immune occlusion for extra realism in a few port. We will also discuss the under system in Lender, which is very unique compared to other software beside basic three D modeling knowledge. This course also provides you with a lot of hands on projects. We're going to revisit the previous two projects, which are kindergarten chair and a simple table. Then we're going to create wardrobe using precise real measurement unit. Then we're going to model is coffee table object. After that, we're going to create the security outposts from scratch, also with precise real measurement unit. And at the last project, we're going to escape from reality to fantasy object. We're going to create this face submarine model for almost fear object and several plane objects until finish that is all from me again. Thank you for taking the scars. If you have time, please write a good review about these cars because that will help me a lot. I really hope that this course will benefit you assalum aleikum