1. Introduction: Hi, everyone. Welcome to Blender 2.83 Interior design Beginner's course. My name is Vito, and I'm going to be your instructor throughout the schools. Blender is a really powerful application, and the best part is that it's absolutely free. In this course. We will begin by downloading and installing Blender on our computer. Then we'll set up a project structure for the interior design. After that, we'll explore the basics of blender and get familiar with the tools we will be using in this course, Next will model the entire into your design, including furniture, curtains and more in blender. After that will set up lighting and betrayals and finally render photo realistic images out for blender. And, as a bonus content will cover some tips about UV mapping, and we're to get resources for your projects. So let's go ahead and get started.
2. Downloading & Installing Blender 2.83: this first video will go ahead and download answered. A blender on her computer lender is a really powerful application, and the best part is that it's completely free and a pincers, said $2 Blender. You can open Web browser off your choice and then head over to blender dot org's. And then here you can see that we have blender to around 83 available so we can go and click on download blender. This takes us to the download peach, and here we have download button. We can also download the portables IP version if we want to. In this case, I'll go ahead and select Windows Installer download. And then it says Blender is now yours to keep forever and you can see the art down. Though it has started states about 235 megabytes, so you should take a minute or two to download. Okay, so you can see that a download has completed. We can now go ahead and install blender, so let's go and click on the downloaded blender set up and this opens up blender set up with it. We can go and select next, and then we just have the public license here. We concluding they accept the license subject next, and then we have a blender and it's libraries and didn't have location where this will be installed. So in this case, it's under program files under foundation. You can go in and change the location. If you want to. I'll go ahead and click on next, and then we can select install. So here we have lender installed. Let's go and click on finish. Let's go ahead and launch blender. So here we have Linda. I can let's click on it to open blender and then when we first time open blender, we get this quick set up and dialogue or window. So here we have a language. We have hot keys. If you're coming from other three D modeling applications such as three DS Max Meyer, you can select industry standard. If you want to use those hot keys in this case, will use blunder default hard keys, and then we have select with prior to Brender to wind it. Blender used to have where you would select with right mouse button, but with the police off 20 and a buff, we can use left not butt into select objects. And then we have a space smart to play two or search in this case, believe everything in default. And you can also change the team. So you have blender, dark light and some of the teams, and then we can select next. And this is the welcome screen of lender. You can start by creating a new file by clicking one of those files, you know, Or you could just simply left click in this interior, and this will get rid of the welcome screen. So this is the default interface of blender. Okay, so now that we have blender installed, we can go in and set up our project in the next video.
3. Setting up Blender Project Structure: Let's take a minute and set up a blender project. Now you might ask, Why would we set up a blender project and orders form when working in Blender? When we savor three D objects, we saved them in a file luminous dot bland file. And in three D modeling. We also use images from our computer known as Texas. So if we save our blender file and our taxes in different directories and then later, we decided to move the blender file, and when we open our blender file from its new location, we might get an error saying that you have missing textures or we might get a random pink colors on our objects. Soto White Any trouble later on, we can set up an organized project from the beginning so you can create a blender folder. So this is basically a structure that they can keep track off, and it's easier to work with. In a moment. I will be setting up a blender project, so this is the kind of structure that I will be using for this course. If you would like, you can also follow along with something like that. So let's begin by creating a new folder. So I'm creating this on my desktop. You can select a different directory and weaken Name this something like blender projects and then within this folder can go ahead and create a new folder. In this case, it's an interior design project so we can name this interior design. You can also use a different naming convention set within into your design. We can create some folders. So if you want to sort of images, we can create a folder called Textures. And then when we render photo realistic images, our calendar, we can save them in Rangers. We can ask to create a folder for the blender files, sir. Dark blend. Now that we have these folders, it will be very easy to organize your files so we can save our blend files. Here we can save our final renders and we conceive textures here. And if we have additional files, we can create additional folders. And then when we need to move this folder, we can just move our interior design folder toe a new location or computer and blender files will remember that Texas were for taken from these folders so we won't have trouble. Iran
4. Exercise Files: in this course, you're provided with the exercise files that you'll need to follow along so you can download the exercise files. In the resource is section of this medium. When she don't load the exercise files, you'll have a ZIP file that you can extract. After extracting the ZIP file, you're gonna Texas folders. So these are the Texas that we've used in this course, and you can see that all of the textures are within this folder that you can use to follow , along with the course for the interior design, you'll be building at yourself in blender so you don't need blend files. You can build into a design by yourself and then use these textures. Or you can also use your own Texas if you want to.
5. Blender Interface Overview: before we begin working on the interior design itself. Let's take a moment and get familiar with in trophies a blender lender mean interfaces made off water called adages. And if we move a cursor to the top left hand corner off each window, we have what is called editor type. So we can click on this to open this menu and then within this, we have all of the different editors that are available in Blender. So currently in this window, we're using our three d view port. So this is the three D view put that we will be spending most of her time in working on our three D models and then here on the right off her interface, we have another editor. So this is called out liner. This sort of fault lines, all of the objects in our scene we can select them here and organize them below. This we have Another editor said, This is our properties and itude Properties Editor allows us to access additional data about our three D optics and then within this we have to set of groups here. So we have this first set of buttons or taps and then below this. We have another group. So the top group is forced changing the settings off her entire scene and then the Lord sort of set off groups or these buttons allows us to change optics specific settings. Now, we will cover this in a lot more detail, as we will be working with different areas of her optics and building our interior project . So in this video, I want you to remember some of the mean or metal parts of the interface. So this is our three d view port in the center, and then here on the right, we have her out liner and then down here we have our properties panel at the very bottom. Here we have what is called timely. So this helps us create animations. We have some additional controls. For example, are toolbar is located here on the left off interface. We have some additional tools on the top here, and we have some menus along the top here. And then finally, we have these big buttons in the middle offset of top area and these air called workspaces . And these air arrangements eso different arrangements of these editors. For example, if I'm modeling. I don't need to animate my objects. So this timeline gets into my view so I can switch to the modeling world space and you can see that our timeline is hidden in this workspace so we can go to sculpting. So this is a different type of editing. We have you re editor Second, see that our editor and arrangements sort of change, and we can easily work on that particular task. For example, if you're painting or textures, we can go to this for animation. We can select this so we have a lot of work spaces already created for us. So this is sort of presence. We can also customize the interface one liking. For example, if I want to create a new panel down here, I can just hover my cursor in this edge off the interface. Second, see that our windows or panels are separated by these borders. So when I have a microsecond, see that it changes to a plus symbol, and then I can left, click and hold and then drag it up and you can see that it creates a new panel and then I can select a different type of editor, and you can see that it changes. I can do something this way around. So if I have Ramaekers appear left looking hold and then drag it, you can see that I have another panel created. I can go and select a different editor type. So now I have to three d reports and you re editor. And to get rid of these panels, you can just hover your concert 11 of the panel. So, for example, if I want to hide this panel, I can have her microchip in this one to this sort of eight year left licking hold and then dragged towards this side. And you can see that my cursor sort of changes. I can release my click and it expands this then and then I can repeat the same thing. So I want to expand this one down here. I could just have remind Kirsten in the lower sort of fried corner off this panel. When Microsoft changes to the plus symbol, I can left, click and hold, and then you can see that are cursed herself. Changes here released the click and it expands our view port. So these are some of the initial controls off Blender In the next video, we'll spend some time and getting familiar with the navigation. So how you can navigate around in your three d sort of space here, and also some of the basic controls that we will be using to want this course.
6. Blender Basics & Navigation Overview: Now let's take a look at the navigation controlled in blender. And these are the most important controls that we will be using throughout this course. Also, when I use my mouse or keyboard, you'll see the hard case or should gets listed down here. So, for example, if I'm holding down shift key, you continued its listed down here. And if I press something like shift Plus A, you can see that it will show you that I've pressed these honkies so you can keep track of the heart kids that I will be using down here. I will also mention the harkis as we progress through the course. So the first controls are a navigation controls. So how do you move around in this three D space now to orbit your view by our bidding? I mean, if you want to rotate your view and have a look at your optic from different angles, you can hold on middle mouse button, and then you can move your cursor and you can see that it allows you to move your view up, down, left, right, and so basically convene your object from any angle. If you want to zoom in and out. You can use their mouth scroll wheel, so this is more sort of incremental. So if you want to zoom in and out smoothly, you can hold on control on your keyboard, and then you can hold on middle mouse button, and then you can move your cursor up and down, so this allows you to zoom in and out, and it's more smooth Resume. And finally, if you want to pay in your view around, you can hold on shift on your keyboard and then middle mouse button. So this allows you to paint the view. So this is a combination off three different controls, so toe road it your view. You can hold on middle mouse button and rotate your view to zoom in and out. You can use your mouth school real, or you can hold on control and pendulum aspirin and then move your cursor. And finally, if you want to paint around, you can hold on shift on your keyboard and then Miriam aspirin. So this allows you to paint the view also when you select an object, either in the report by left clicking on it, or you can also select your objects in the outsider by simply left clicking on your objects . And then if you press period on the num pad, it zooms in your object, and you can also wrote it around that object more easily. So, for example, if I move my view out something like you and I went to quickly zoom in on my object, I can quickly selected from the out finer and then move my cursor to the three D View port and then press period on the Nam pat, and you can see that it's called Zoom into this object and I can orbit around it. Okay, so these are the navigation control. You can practice these for a little bit, and I would recommend doing that. It will get. You will get more comfortable with it, and it will settle. Become your second nature, and you won't have to think about these you when you're using the's hard keys. Next we have our moving controls, said we have removed toe rotate and skin tools. Now you can select the tour here, and then we have three different axes, so we have X y and Z axes. X is the red colored one green is for the UAE, and blue is for dizzy, so you can left click and hold on one of the arrows, and this allows you to manipulate your object. Now this is a pretty good matted, but it can be a bit time consuming. Imagine doing this like maybe 100 times a day, so you'll have to switch between different tools and it can. You can spend a lot of time switching between mutuals, so the more efficient way would be to use the keyboard shortcuts. So to use the shot gets, you can press G. So it means that you want to grab your object and you can see that it's sort of freely moves. And if you want to constrain the movement with specific axes, you can press that axes so G to grab an object. And then, if we pressed X on the keyboard, you can see that it constrains it to the specific axes, and you can switch between axes. So if I persuade on the keyboard, it continued its which is through the Y axis. And if I present it switches to the Z axes admitted really easy to quickly on grab your object and move it around different axes. You can do same thing for Skilling so as to skill your object up in down, and you can specific this to again. Lock this to a Naxi, for example, Z, and then you can see that it will only shrink on the Z axes. You can right click to cancel your action. And if you want to commit to the action, you can. For example, let's say that I want to move this object. I can prodigy, and then I want to move this along the X axis, and when I'm moved this object and I'm happy with it, I can press left click and it sort of finish the movement. You can also cancel your action by pressing escape key on the keyboard. So if I grab this and move it here and then I can pursue escape to cancel that movement. Now we have to a different type of editing modes in blender, so we have her optic mood, which allows us to add it an entire object. And then, when we want to add it to parts of that object, we use what is called edit mode. So it's located under this menu, you can see we have our object mode selected. We can select edit mode here and then we have some additional months. Now we can click here and this select editing, but more easy and quick way to access This would be pressing tab key. So it switches between object and when you press tab again, it switches to the edit mode. So when you're in an object mode, you can press tap and it switches to edit mode Now are pretty models consists off three different components. We have what are called vortices. So these are the little points here on each corner. So when two points combined to create what is called an edge So this is the line that you see here on the object and then when three or more or more edges are connected together, the created what is called a face seeking selectees. Now, these are three different modes. You can see the icons for them up here. So this is your vertex over disease more. Some people call it points. Next you have your edges mode. So in Vertex Martikan, select these vortices My left looking on these you can select edges by clicking on it here in this morning, and then this allows you to select these lines, and finally you have faces more, which allows you to select faces. So these are three different components, and you can use these components to edit your object. Now you can quickly switch between these modes using using a shortcut keys on your keyboard . So if you press one, it switches to the vertex more. If you press to, it, switches to the edges mode. And if you press three switches to the face, is not set one for selecting Vertex to for selecting edges. Three for selecting faces, and then you can use your standard movement controls. For example, if you have this face selected, you can use the move to look here and use this manipulator to change the size of your object. Or you can just use the hunt kids. If you press G on the keyboard, you can see that it start moving your object freely, and this is our Y axes, So free press why it constrained the movement will lock it to the Y axis. So if you select this tough face, let's say that I want to change the size of this. I can press s on the keeper to scale the object. And if I want to constrain this to a single axis, I can press X on the keeper and you could see that it constrains here. And if you do something in three D applications for the most of computer application, you have a heart key called Undo. So this is control plus e. So this allows you to go a step back. And if you press this multiple times so you can go many steps back against you that we can go back all the way set, for example, if I have this face here and have resized it and I think I shouldn't have done that so I can press control, see, So it goes a step back. OK, so these are the controls that we will be using throughout this course again, I will be mentioning all of the controls that we'll be using so that it's easier for you to remember these now. There are a few minor settings that we need to treat before we savor file. And then in the next video, we can begin working on the interior design. So if you press end on your keyboard again, hard keys listed down here. This opens up our transform panel secure. We have a location off the object rotation and skill. So this is more precise value if you can enter nomadic values. So we have our X axis. So if we want to move our object, we can left, look and hold here and then move it. Or we can just type in a specific value. So in this case, let's go ahead and press zero so that it moves back to its origins to the system of the origin off our three d world. Okay, so let's go out in press and on the keyboard to hide this menu. Now we can click on this arrow up here, and this allows us to change the shading off RV. So our view objects are displayed in this free TV. Um, so we have a couple of moves here for now, we'll just focus on the default mode. Let's click on this down pointing arrow, and then down here we have a setting called cavity. You can click on it and then for the type of Let's select birth and we can increase these values you. So this makes our objects look more interesting and it's easier to work with them. You can see that it changes the look off our object. And finally, the most important thing for architectural scenes are the magic Mint units. So if we click on this button here also, if you have any question on any of these burdens here, you can see that Israel puppets name. So these are seen properties. Let's go and click on it. And then we have this tab here for units. Let's click on this triangle to open it up and then down here we have a free system units, so we can click on this. Drop down. We have none, which means that it will use blender generic units. We have metric and Imperial. So for now, we'll just go out and change the length value two centimeters. So we have our measurement unit set up. We have our people setting set up, and we know the controls to navigate around in a blender and some of the movement controls . Okay, so now we can go ahead and save or file so we have all the four settings completed. We can go and click on the file menu and then select Save as then we can navigate to the director where we have our file saved. In this case, we have our desktop off my father saved on the desktop, so I'll go to desktop lender projects, and then we have our into your design project and then within the blender file, which in great and rename this find to something like maybe 01 initial settings. Now, when you're saving your files are recommend saving your files in incremental safe, for example, we have completed our settings, so we're saving this as 01 initial settings in the next video. When we started building the base ship off the interior design, you can see if that file separately as zero to modeling the base shape or something like that. Now, this will help you avoid a lot of tramples as you as you're working and saving your progress. Incriminating in incremental seems. If something unexpected happens, your file becomes corrupted, or if you mess something up in your three d scene, you can always start from the previous version. But if you keep overriding a single file and then something happens, and then you'll have to go all the way back to the beginning. So it's up to you how you want to save your files. I usually save my finds in incremental sort of progress, said. We have or initial setting set up will go out and save this file. And then in the next video, we can go to the file menu and select open, and then we can navigate to the directory and you can see we have our blender find saved. We can open this up and continue from there.
7. Modeling the Base Shape: and now we're ready to begin working on the interior design. And there are several methods to create the interior design. Now, here I will create, want sex, and you don't have to follow these steps. This is just to demonstrate the different methods that we can use to create thing to everything. So just go ahead and create a copy of this object, and then I'll select and delete this part of the object. So here you can see that I have very identical cubes. Now I have deleted a part of this object and were able to see both inside and outside of this object. But in three D modeling, we have thes three D objects that can only point in a single direction. So we have these faces or polygons these only point in a single direction. To see the effect of that, we can click on this and on pointing arrow appear and then enable back face culling. Now, what you'll notice is that our object is invisible from the inside and it's visible from the outside. Now we can create our interior design into a different ways. The first way would be to create an interior design, which doesnt have exterior so we can use this kind of object for that. And if you're creating and interior design, which has both interior and exterior, then we can use and this mattered. Both methods for creating into your design are very similar in when it comes to molding the objects themselves. But it's a little bit easier to work with this kind of method if, and it also helps to save some computer resource is now to create interior design, weaken, get an object like this and then under much menu here, we can just quickly flipper object inside out. So what we did there is that we flipped our object. So inside eso, the outside is now pointing inside and inside is pointing outside. The object is visible from the inside but invisible from outside so we can create an interior design this way or we can create it in this way. So let's say that I want to create all so I can do it. Just go ahead and create something like you. So in this case you can see we have coup faces when for the outside and then one for the inside now, if we compare this to the other object, we just have a single face that is pointing, inwards said. There's no face food outside, it's invisible. So this was something that I wanted to point out. Now we can begin creating the base ship for the interior design. So let's go and select these objects and then delete them. Now to add a new object. We can click on the add menu along the top here and then and Ramesh, we have some primitives or weaken Desprez shift. A service opens up that same add menu and then and Ramesh, we can select Cube now to change the dimensions of this. We can press end on the keyboard. This opens are transformed panel and then down here we have our dimensions. So let's go with 620 meters for the X axes and 500 centimeters for the Y axis and then 300 centimeters for the Z axes. We also want to make sure letter object is created out at origin. So we have to make sure everything is at zero. Now it impress end to hide this panel and we need to flipper object inside out said. We can go ahead and switch to edit mode and then to select the entire object. We can press a on the keyboard and it selects our entire object. And then we can go to the mesh menu and the normals. We could select Flip now to open the flip menu directly. You can press old so you have to vote and and you can see the hot down here plus end and then you it opens of the normal many, and you could select flip. Okay, so an object is now flipped inside out. Now we can go ahead and separate our object into three different parts. So let's go and select the top part here, and we want to separate this. So let's press P on the keyboard to this opens up the separate menu, and then we can click on selection. So we want to separate this. My selection this orbiter view. Select the floor object, press p on the keyboard and select. And so we want to separate this. My selection now appear, you'll notice that we have free cubes now. It's always a good idea to stay, stay organized from the beginning. It makes it really easy to avoid confusion later on, and it's also easy to select and recognize your objects. I said. This is the mean object and then we have our roof and floor optics. So let's double click here. And then we can rename the subject to something like Floor and then we convene in. This is something like a roof and finally we have the walls left. So let's cut into a click here and typing walls, and we can go and select the default light and that we have in our seen and then we can press and delete key. And we want to leave this actually less garden right click here and then select elite. So they release the light from our scene. Now, we also want to separate on this of all here, So this will be sort of a hidden wall and demonstrate this later on. For now, just press p on the Keeper and then separate this my selection and then you can double click here and type in something like hidden away. Okay, so we have our objects separated into different parts. Let's be in working on the base ship off the interior design, so we want to work on the walls. First. Let's go and tap into edit mode, and then we want to work on this area. So if we go ahead and press control are on the Keeper, it activates Luca toe or you can select it here, and then we can have our workers on edges. So if you have her on this edge against a vegetable and detailed this way, and if you want to add diesel this way, you can hover your cursor something like care. And you can also use your Moscow wheel to increase the number of aunties. So in this case, we want to add to anges left click to start adding these edges. And then, if you move your cursor, your notice that you're able to change the position off the edges. Now, if you click again, this will commit the change and you'll add the's edges. But if you have accidentally moved your ideas and you want to place them exactly in the center, you can press escape key on your keyboard. So this, as these two answers here now, we want to make sure that our edges are aligned. Teoh on both sides with even size between the wall. So for this we can use what is called snapping. So we have these control for the snapping at the top here, so we can click on this magnet icon to toggle on snapping and we can click again to Tuggle off snapping. So we want to turn on snapping, and then we have a number of different type of snapping soon. Now we can snapper object to the Vertex points. So these are the point that we have in corner off these edges. We can also snapped them to edges. Weaken, snap. Two faces in this case that we want to snap are just to the vortex. Now we can go ahead and select this edge, and then we can press G on the keyboard. So this means that we want to grab this object and you can see that removing this along the Y axis so we can press lie on the Keeper so that it's locked to the Y axis. And then you can move a cursor up here and you can see that it will snap to this work X point. So let's go out and left. Click set eso remove their hands from here to here. So it's exactly flushed with the previous edge. And now we want to move this slightly to this side so we can go out and press G sit means that we want to grab this edge and we want to constrain this to the Y axis. And now we can type in a value on our Nam Pat. So we want to move this about 50 centimeters. They can see that it's moved about 50 centimeters from its current location. And now we want to move on this on the opposite side so we can go in and press negative on the Nam. Pat said this will do exactly that. Now, if you look up at the top here, eso when we type in something, you can see that we typed in negative 50. We can go ahead and back this off, and we can type in a different value if we need to. So we're gonna go with something like maybe 100 centimeters and against that girl still affect that we can remove the negative or add the negative sign. So let's go around back this off, and then you can type in 50 so we want to move this negative 50 centimeters from his current position. Now we need to repeat this process for the other edge. So let's go and select it G to grab and then we can move a cursor and it snaps into place here. Now we can grab this again, lock it to the Y axis and begin typing 50 centimeter Press interview. Can completely change service will make sure that we have even size on both sides off the wall. Next, we want to add in edges on this area. So let's go To impress control are to activate the look on two and have rickerson near this topic and then increased the number of edges left click to start adding these edges and then mover I just slightly to the right here, left leg to finish adding these edges. Now we can go on a switch to the face election mode and select this face and then we can press E on the keyboard to system at the extrusion, or we can also use this button here. So let's go to impress, E said. This allows us to extrude and then we want extra. This about 10 centimeters interjection from the change and again we can press control are to activate the look into user Maskell real. To increase the number of entries left, click to add the edges and then press escapes. And then he's you added exactly in the center. And with these as loop selected, we can go ahead and press control be or you can select in this tool here on bevel, so control be, and then we can type in the value. So about one centimeter. Or we can go it like maybe 0.5 centimeters into chicken from the change, and we want to extrude these. But if we use the extract, you'll hear it just extraordinaire object in a single direction. So if you go ahead and left, click and hold here, inconsiderate is extruded along normal or to access this menu differently. You can go and impress scope plus E to the serpents of the same many. Now you can get impressed extrude along normals. Now you can move your crystal to get the effect here, or you can type in a value, so let's go with maybe negative 0.5 or so or maybe we can go with Mike Negative once in two meter. Let's interview confirmed the change. Next, using the faces mode, we can go ahead and select this face here, and then we can hold on shift key on the keyboard. Click on this face so it allows us to select multiple faces. And then we can extrude this about 20 centimeters. Press enter to confirm the change. Okay, so we have the baby shape completed. We can go out and save your file. And then in the next video, we'll begin working on the window in this area. So let's go and click on the file menu. Select Save as. And we want to save this something like zero to Okay, so we can go in and see if they says
8. Modeling the Window: and now we can go ahead and create a window in this area so we can go in and I begin by hiding some thumbtacks that might distract us while we're working on the window. So let's go ahead and click on this. I I can next to the floor and the hidden mall roof. So this makes all of these objects invisible. Interview put, and then we can begin working on the window. So whether Wall selected, we can go ahead and press tab. So the switches to edit mode and then using the faces mode, we can go ahead and select this face and then crispy on the keyboard toe, open the separate menu and separate our object by selection. Now we can tap out off edit mode, and we can go out and rename this new object to something like window frame. Next, we want to create a copy of this object so want to duplicate this object. To do this, we can just press shift and D on the keyboard, and it allows us to create a copy of the object, and you'll also notice that if you move your cursor, this also moves to nearly duplicate object with your cursor, you can go to the press escape key, so this will snap it back into its original location. Now we can go out and double click here, and we can rename this to something like window loss. Now we can go ahead and hide the walls and window glass and work on the window frame. We can go in and select it and then press tab on the keyboard. We can zoom in a little bit here. You can also use period on the number to zoom in on your object. Now, we'll go ahead and add some details. So let's go out and press control are toe selector Luca too. And then we can have our workers and this on this topic here and then using the mosque rules well written, increase the number of entries now here. I would recommend that he changed the design a little bit so that in final render you have something a little different than what I'm creating here. So you can had maybe two edges, maybe three inches, just to change the design of the window. Also, you can send your final rangers to me at actually I veto and gmail dot com, I might add your final renders on my website. So let's go out and double click. Thank you. So we want toe user left mouse button twice to end these his lips Now we can go out and press control are to activate the loop control This time we can we have a recursive on one of thes antes here and then we can increase the number of aunties using the mosque girl. Well, let's double click here. So user left most button twice toe And these edges now with these edges, added weaken gun in position them so we can just also you might notice that when you click on an edge loop here. So when you click on an edge, what you'll notice is that it only selects the single edge sort of the segment here. Now, if you want to select all of these edges and this is called an edge loop and because it sort of flu surround your entire object, Sir, To select this, you can hold on both key on the keyboard and then click on it so it selects entire loop. Also, if you want to use what is called ring selection. It means that if you want to select Angie's in this sort of position, where there are not in a sort of parallel and direction so we can go and select, we can hold on hold and control keys, and then we can left. Click on one of that, and it selects what is called a ring selection. Now, to add to your selection, you can use the shift key. So if you hold on shift key and then click on multiple inches, this allows you to add into your selection. So let's go in and hold on. Elke. Click on this edge loop so that it's Alexis as loop, and then we can press G to grab. And we can lock this to the Z axis and the mover cursor down here to the verdicts point so that it snaps weaken left click to finish the movement. Now we want to grab this object and move it up so we can go ahead and grab along the Z axes and maybe about 10 centimeters. So let's repeat the same process for this Tabish holding down old key click on the edge loop so that it selects this Angelou up, and then we can grab this and lock it to the Z axis. Snap it up here, grab this again, lock it to the Z axes. And this time we want to move this about 10 centimeters in negative and then concluding press enter to complete the movement. Or maybe I want to move this a little bit further down so we can go out and grab this again , and we want to lock it to Z axes, and then we can add another 10 centimeters. Negative. Okay, So I'm happy with the design. Now we can grant and select these edges. So holding down Elke, we can go. Then select this edge loop, hold on shift key and at war selection. And now to add or make a ring selection, we can go ahead and hold on control key. So old and control keys will allow us to make a ring selection. And shift will add to selection that so that our previous selection doesn't get de selected . Let's click here, and it makes it really easy to select all of the's as loops. Okay, so we have all of our I just selected we can go ahead and for us controlled. Be toe bevel these edges, and we want to Beverly's about two centimeters press enter to complete the battle. And now, using the faces mode, we can go ahead and select some of the faces here, and then we can go ahead and press delete key on the keyboard. Or you can also use X key on your keyboard. Safe. You press X. It opens up the same delete menu. Select faces from here. Now we can get into a non visibility for the wall and to enough the snapping assortment of you just a bit here and congrats. Impress a on the keyboard so that it selects all of the components. E two extraordinary and these components, and we want to extrude these about 18 or 20 centimeters. Let's go with 18 centimeters, we can press enter here, and then if we orbit out of you, you can see that we have a frame created for the window. Weaken got into an on the window glass, and it can also turn on the roof and floor objects, so we have the window created there. Now, if you add a different style off edges, you will get a different kind of window design. So it really depends on what kind of design that you would want to create. So I can go ahead and experiment with that. Now we're gonna go ahead and save her file, and then in the next video, we can be in working on the roof.
9. Working on the Roof: and now we can be in working on the roof. So let's go and select the roof and we can press tab on the keyboard to enter into the edit mode, and we can First control are to add in a low cut and we have to move a cursor to the edge, left click to starting the edge, and we can move it closer, something like here, and then you can add another has looked so this will be sort of about here. You can also rotate your view if you want to view your object a bit more easily. Okay, so now we can use the same technique we use for the window so that we have precise movement off are just on the roof here. So let's go and hold on. Lt. Click on this to select an edge loop due to grap, and we want to move this along the y axis also to quickly and easily gin on the snapping snapping. You can get in for a shift tab. It isn't work, so but let's right click to cancel The movement actually did work. So shift tab to you can press shift tab so this activist snapping shift tab again, and it toggles it off with their snapping enabled prodigy to grab lock it to the Y axis and then move closer to the center. Snap it into place and we want to grab this object again. So let's crab along the rye axes and we want to move this about negative 100 centimeters or so said negative 100 centimeters and enter to confirm the change. Now we need to repeat the process. So Lescott and select in this edge while holding down old Kissel and it selects an entire loop, do you to grab along the X axes and move a cursor so that it snaps into place. And now if we press G to grab and then lock it to X axis and then move a cursor So we want to move this about 100 centimeters. So let's go with 100 centimeters and then enter to confirm the change. Using the faces motor, weaken great and select these faces while holding down shift key. We can select multiple faces e to extrude and then we want to extrude this down to say about 18 centimeters and then press enter to confirm Now we want to select this face, and we want to insert this. The institute will allow us to do what extra does but a sort of inside of object so you can look it down. Insert down here. So this is inside faces. Or you can just press I on the keyboard, and when you move your cursor, you can see that it still moves in. So we want to move this about 20 centimeters, and then we can go ahead and press enter. You can also go ahead and press as to skill this object and then along the y axis. So if you want to create more narrower, look to the Syria. So let's change the value a little bit. So maybe about, uh, 10 centimeters. Actually, it's got an erased that, and we can do this more interactive. Lee. That would be a bit easier. Something like me be here, and then we want to extrude this object on the outside. So let's get in first and then you want to extreme this about negative 10 centimeters. Let's go ahead and zoom in a little bit here. Now we can get an engine under extrusion so negative about two centimeters and you know, we want to say skill, this face outside. So let's press s on the key boat. And we want to skill this object. So something like maybe about here. And then we want to grab this object along the Z axis and move it just a bit down here. Something like it Also let make sure to turn off the snapping. Okay. And now we want to add in under extreme agents you to extrude about negative 10 centimeters . So now what we did here is that we added an extrusion off about 10 centimeters up here and then re extruded another two centimeter and then using the skill to with skilled or face outside and then grab it down a little bit with the grab tool. Then we added in the extrusion to this creator of this bump in the roof. Later on, we can add lighting effect to the strip that we added here, and it will reflect on the roof, and it creates a beautiful effect. Okay, so we have the base ship off the roof completed later on. If we need Teoh, modify some of thes areas or we might need to add lights to this strip. We can do that later on that we can get and savor file. We have our roof completed. We have our window and the basic walls completed.
10. Creating Baseboard: and now we will create a baseball for the SENTIR design along the walls down here. And there are several matters to create the baseball. But we'll use a really easy matter now if we zoom out a little bit here. And there are few control that I'd like to go over before we begin creating the baseboard. So if you look here in the top right corner off your three. D V, we have couple of moments here. So if you click on this 1st 1 this is called a viral framer, so it allows you to see your in here design or, I mean all of your antics in a wire frame. Next, we have our solar cheating, said This is the mode and that we've been using so far. And then we have two additional Moz these air for a rendering. We will take a look at these later in the course. Now you can access the same menu by pressing C on your keyboard, and this opens up under your mouth and we can click on white frame solid, and you can do this more quickly if you just quickly move your cursor. So if I prison quickly moved to the direction. You can see that it's even quicker. Okay, so with these controls also, if you want to quickly change your view, you can see that we're using our user perspective. If you want to know, for example, that they want to move your view to the front, you can just press one on the num pad and you can see that it switches the view to friend Ortho graphic. And if you press seven on the nampan, it stretches the view to the top photographic. You can 1st 3 on the keyboard and it switches to the right and nine for the left. Okay, so with these controls, we will be able to create it really easily. So to create the baseball we can. If we use the mash method, it can take a lot of time because we will have to create a measure. Now we can create a pot down here, and then we can add an object on top of that part. And the part can be either from one of the is that we have for the walls so we can attract that. But you can see that there are this edges a little bit complicated down here, so it would be difficult to select this. It would be more easy if we just create any part. So to do this, we can discredit into a non are snapping, and we want to make sure that we have vortex snapping turned on. And then you can go ahead. Answer to the solid view. Hold on Shift key. Right click in this moves a three D cursor. So when we add new objectors, Air added here now we can go to impose shifting to open the ad menu, and then we can add in an airplane object. Now tap into edit mode Press X on the keyboard to open the debate menu. And then down here we have collapsed edges and faces. Let's click on it and not about off the edit mode. And if we press due to grab, you can see that we're just left with single Vertex point. So now we can go ahead and switch back to a wire frame mode and we can grab this vortex pointed move, workers say here, left click to snap. This work takes onto this another word section. Now we can tap into edit mode and make sure that we're using Vertex mode Press be to extrude. And if we move a cursor Callister two, they said, you considerable snap here and then we have repeat this process you to extrude snap. It's extraordinary. You can snap it here so it really it makes it really easy to just create a pat down here. So just keep pressing e and then snap it to the edges here, down along the walls, arbiter of you to step it, eat, extrude and move a cursor. Here, Hopes control Z to go a step back e extrude and then here so you can see that how easily we were able to track down this path here. So we have this path created, and now we need to repeat this process to create the profile. So we will be using or cold curves so that we will convert this into a curve and then we can create another curve that will sort of define the shape off our baseboard. Now it's really easy to do so you can assist to the top few and because it's a little bit easier that way. So if we go ahead and switch to this edge. Here we can hold on shift on and then right click years to move about freely. Kirsten, shift a and then add in any clean object again. We need to repeat the process, assert tap into edit mode. Press X collapse as just tap out If I did mode and move the word X point. Now, if you move this out, it would be a bit easier to see, because if you give this within this through the cursor, it's been difficult. Now tap into edit mode using the Vertex mode press each extrude, and we want to constrain this to the Y axis. And we want ah, height off about 10 centimeters for the baseball. Okay, so now we can go out and press into extrude again and lock this to the X axis and we want the depth for the base. Put about three centimeters and then if you just press e to extrude along the Y axis and if you move your cursor to this, he considers will automatically align and both edges, and now you can select these bottom partier press F to make a segment between these now This is the kind of design that I will be creating for the baseball, So this will be a block you design. I will show you how you can create more a sort of add more style to your baseball design that we'll go ahead and press shift D to copy this object and move it over here. Happen to edit mode, select this sort exe point, and then I'll go ahead and delete this vertex. So when you create a shape like this and then you want to create more stylish looking baseball, you can hold on control key on your keyboard. And then, if you right, click with your right mouse button. If you see that it allows you to add new points. So using this technique, you can create more. Add more style to the baseboard design. So, for example, something like here and then. Finally, you could describe this point, lock it to the y axes and align both work disease and make a second between these. And then you're able to just turn off the snapping here, and you can select any of these points and use G to grab along the X axis. Second there on with the sheep. And if you're using Top Photographic Ridge, you can also just grab and move without constraining to a specific axes. Something like here. Now we can go out and rename our optics, and so we have the plane object. Weaken a. Rename this to something like baseball underscore bevel profile. So BP for the bevel profile. And we also added a plane object said, This is the part that we created for the baseball. So let's double click here, and we can rename this to something like baseball. Finally, we have this plane object that I will delete later on, so I can just leave this as a plane object. Okay, so now we can going to select the clean both baseball and it's profiles, and we can click on the object menu here and then towards the bottom. Here we have convert to occur from mesh. So this change is the type of object you can see that there is different between the mash and curve I can hear. Okay, so now we're gonna go ahead and select the baseboard and then click on the settings here for the object data, properties, geometry and then down here we have a bevel profile section. Now we can go ahead and click on this area, and this opens up the list off curse we have in our scene. Or if you have a lot of cars, than you can use this eyedropper I can to pick the curve from your C so insulated highlights. And if I click here, you can see that it adds that profile on down there. For now, we'll just go ahead and select this one here. So let's close out of this click again here and select the plane object. You can see that our baseball is added, but it's as added a bit on the other side. So its opposite of what we want. So to fix this, we can go ahead, impress a tab, press a to select everything and then right click and ending down here. We have three direction. Let's click on it, and it will switch inside. Next. We need to do see anything for its profile, so that's kind of select the plane here. So we're using this as a bevel profile. We can tap into edit mode press to select everything right click and then select switch direction so you can see that we have that shape here. Let's grab this and move it along the y axis and we can play around with the shape and also see how it's changing the shape up here. So the ways created it would be better if we just wrote it the shape. So let me just quickly wrote it this along the Z axes and then grab this along the Y axis. Okay? And then we can also grab this a little bit here on the Z axes so you can see that this is the sort of back part and that snaps to the back off the wall. And then this is the front. Part of this is the front, and we have this sort of curve shape added. So if we just orbit, you can see that the curve shape applies here. That's press period on are the norm pass, and it's easier to work with and you can see this is the bottom part. So it's interactive. You can go ahead and pleasant tab, and then you could select these points here. Grab these along the X axis and it gets how it changes the shape. You can also add additional points a solicitor that I want to add a point down here. I can go and select two points and then right click subdivide it as a new point between currently selected two points. Describe and move it out on me. Maybe moving in seconds. How it changes the shape so you can play around with these going up along the X axis so you can see that it's extruded in this area. Okay, I'll go ahead and press. Ah, delete this. Let's right. Click it on the plane object and press delete And then we can just use this boxy looking shape. So let's selector baseboard under object data a panel. We can go and click on the list. Select baseboard Bible profile and then we need toe or a wrote it our profile. So let's go and select the bevel profile. Tap into edit mode A to select everything, my click and then select sweet direction. Now we can go ahead and grab this and move it on to side here. Something like you. Okay, so you can see that it was really easy to create the baseball and it automatically sort of tracks around the world, stand here using her part that we created and that we can go ahead and save or file, and then in the next video, we'll begin working on the furniture.
11. Modeling Coffee table, Tv Cabinet and Tv: we have the room completed and now we can begin working on the furniture. So let's begin by orbiting review a little bit here and then we want to move with three D cursors. So let's hold on shift. He and then right click here and then we can go in for a shift. Me to open the admin, you and then and Ramesh we can add in any queue project. Let's press and on the keyboard to open the transform panel. And I've seen some of the dimensions here said 180 centimeters for the X axes and then about 50 centimeters for the Y axis and 30 centimeters for the Z axis. And now we can just go ahead and thrust end on the key boto hide the transform panel. We can grab this and move this along. The Z axes a little bit here now to snap this onto the floor. Here it's really easy. We can turn on snapping and then we want to switch your snapping to face snap. And now, if we move a critical issue to the floor and then press G, you'll notice that it will automatically snap down here on the floor, which impress left more spirit, and this will make sure that it snaps down here. Now we can press seven on the number, and then we can just press and G on the keyboard to grab it. Actually, let's cancel out of the last movement. So let's press escape and we want to make sure they're snapping, is turned off and a McCain presidency, and then we can drag it about here. Later on, we can use face napping, toe snap this flight or make it flush with four walls here. Let's first period on the number so that it zooms in here and now we can tap into the edit mode using the face Election one. We can select the front face and then press I on the keyboard to insert the face. Let's go to press the right mouse button to cancel the concert. Move workers a bit out on the side here, and then if we press I it will give us more options, sort of more space to complete the in search function. So let's move it down to something like maybe about here and then you can skill this along the x axes. And now here we can just add extrusion about 10 centimeters and negative and press engine. Next, we can activate the Luca tool so this kind of press control are. And then we can add in a loop here in the center. And we need to add two more blueprints. So something like, you know, holding down Elke. And then also the shift key. We can get in selectees and its first controlled beetle bevel, and we can type in a value for about 0.8 centimeters. And then you can extrude this along normals, soaker multi to open the extreme menu extrude along and normals. And two, let's move it down to something like me being negative one centimeter or maybe, like negative three or so. So we need to experiment with the value Negative five centimeters. Okay, I like negative. Five. Solis got impressing true, and then we can tap out of the edit mode. Yes, we will create a coffee table, so let's go and move on. Three D Christer to about here, shift a and then adding a Cuba object press send on the Cabo to open the transform panel and for the X axis Let's go with 180 centimeters and then about 100 centimeters for the Y axis and about 30 centimeters for the Z axis. Let's close the transform panel again. We need to repeat the process to. So, due to grab Z to move it along the Z axis, move cursor closer to the floor and then enable snapping. Okay, So with snapping enabled, move a cursor closer to the floor, press G to crap left click to finish the movement. Okay, so I think we can grab this and then move it along a little bit up here. So make sure to turn off the snapping its creator designed down here because I don't want this to be completely flush with the ground. So having to edit mode and then using the feast selection most select the bottom fees here into this about maybe 20 centimeters or so, and then extrude this about maybe five centimeters. Miss back this off a little bit. So let's try. Try. Maybe three. Let's go with five centimeters. Okay. I think we need to change the design a little, little less press controls the couple of times, and then we consider this again about 10 centimeters and then extrude this about five centimeters. Okay, and now we can turn on snapping due to grab and snapped this to the floor. Next, we want to tap into edit mode, press control arm and in a loop here, and then add another eyes loop around this this way around and then holding down the control key and holding down health and shift keys. We can click on this Luke here, control be to bevel these about one centimeter all t two up in the extras menu and extrude along normals. Negative, maybe three or so. Step out of that it mood and let's grab this along the Y axis and move it a bit on this site also turned off the snapping. Next we will create a TV, so let's go ahead and move a cursor about something like here. Hold on, Shift key, right click here to move the three Dickerson shift, they took in the ad menu and then add in a cube object, and we need to scale this object so it's open or transform panel by pressing and under keyboard. And let's change the Z Y axes to about two centimeters okay, and then we can play around with the other values. So let's go with. Maybe we can also a left looking hold here and then tweet this value. You can also hold down shift key. And then if you left looking hole here and drag, it will be a bit smaller. Number changes here. They will make it more easy to get the size that you want. So let's go with about 250 centimeters and then for the Z axes. We want a wider sort of look to the TV. So let's go with maybe 100 centimeters and that can read and grab this ingrate down slightly. Tap into edit mode control are to add in a loop, so we'll move this to us the bottom. Here. You can also make this full screen TV. If you're just using certain function on this entire face, I will be adding sort of stripped down here now, using the face like selection mode, weaken greatness, select this face, press I to insert and let's inside this about one centimeter. Next, we can go ahead and press each extrude and move this slightly inward. So let's go with maybe a point and five negative, maybe even less than that. So let's go with maybe 0.3. Let's step out of credit more. Grab the object along the Y axis and move it out so we can work on the backside of the TV. You can also get rid of these faces and because these will not be visible in the final render. But I will give it a simple shape anyway, so that's going to select the face and then press I to insert Let's go with about maybe 20 centimeters or so. And then we can just grab this along the Y axis and grab it just a bit. Here, you can also create handle. If if you want to create of this, understand that you can either create new Cuba objects and then attacked those here, or you can just add another inserts so about maybe 50 or even like maybe 70 centimeters and then you can use extrude function to create the handle down here. So go ahead and press control to a couple of times. I'm happy with simple design next week in turn on the face snap and move a cursor closer to the wall G to grab, and it will snap here, left click to finish this Onda movement. And then we can adjust this a slightly so due to grab along the X axes something like here . And we can also turn off snapping. Okay, so we have Ah, coffee table TV cabinet, anti beats off models. We can go in and savor file. And then in the next video, we'll work on a couch in this area, so that's going to save the file.
12. Modeling Sofa: and now we can model account in this area or a sofa Selous cut and the shift see on the cable So it moves Earth. Really crystal back told Origin, and it also resets on camera. We can go ahead and hide everything. So let's left click and hold here in this area and drug across all of these I Aikens. So it hides everything and we can easily work on the sofa. Now we can go ahead and press shift any to open the ad menu and then under mesh Select Cube . Let's play around with the settings. So for the X axis, I think I'm happy with 200 centimeters this press period on the num pad. And then we can also change some thieves sizes here. So for the y axis, let's go with about 80 centimeter and then for the Z axis. Let's go with around 20 centimeter. Now tap into edit mode. Press control are to activate the Luca to add Inez Luke in the center of this object. And then we want to delete half of this object because rather than modeling everything on both sides, we can just model a single site and then mirror this on the other side using mirror modifier. So let's go ahead and switch to the face selection mode, and we can make a selection here. Now we have to make this selection in the wire frame selection mode in the sharing mode, because if we make a selection by simply left looking and holding and then dragging out. So when we select our object an orbiter view, you can see some of the parts of the objects are not selected because this will only select those parts that are visible. Tow us so we can go ahead and switch to the wire frame mode and then make a selection. And now, if we switch back to solid B, you can see everything is selected. So let's press X on the keyboard. Select faces so faces are now deleted. Let's tap out off edit mode, and now we can go ahead and click on this rent. I can hear and click on add modifier, and we want to add in middle modifier. So let's go and click on it and you can see that it mirrors are object on the other side. So we have the axes here we are working with the X axes, so that is already selected. But if you were to work with, why accidents with that here? Now? If we tap into edit mode using the Vertex mode, select this word X point and grab it. You can see that will open our object. So that's something that we want to wind. Its got into a non clipping for that natural. Make sure that that doesn't happen. Now we can add in another modifier said. This is called subdivision surface modifier, the smooths air object and down here, if you look under our subdivision surface, we have our subdivisions. Increase the number of subdivisions in the view boat toe about two next week in my clicker . Select shared smooth. Now tap into edit mode, and we're able to see the kids off the three D object. And then we need to add some as loops and to create our keep the shape of the object. So press control are to activate the loop canto, add in a blue cut, move it closer to about here, and then we can add about two as loose this way, and then we can process to skill these and then along the Y axis. And to keep the ship of the subject. We can also add about two as loops. And this way can also scale these along the Z axis. If we want to. Something like Maybe sure. Next, let's add another object. So under admin, you we can add in another cube object. Let's change some of this settings here. So for the X axis, we want to create about 100 centimeters, so half of what we had already created. So we had about 200 centimeters for the base object off the couch. Next, we want to change the Y axis to about 80 centimeters. Actually, let's go with about 60 centimeters, or we can just go with 80 centimeters. And then for dizzy, we can go with about maybe 15 centimeters or so. Let's grab this object and move it along the Z axes grab again, Move along the X axes. Okay, Now we can add mirror modifier, and for the mirror object, click on the eyedropper Aiken and select the base object. Next, we want to add subdivisions. Surface modifier increased the number of subdivisions to about two. You can also collapse your modifies by clicking on these triangle Aiken's right click selection smooth tap into edit mode. And then we can start adding details something sad about two as loops this way. Control our to activate the look at home and at about two s lives this way. Now to keep the shape of the object. We can also add in as loop down here, and we would all the way down closer to the bottom edge. Here I use is using the free selection mode. We can select the central face, grab this along the Z axes, move it up just a bit, and this answered of this bump here, let's add some more detail, so left. Click here and then drag it closer to the site. To that object can keep its shape at an in the rise loop around here. And we can also add about one as loop here and then another one here. Okay, tap out of the edit mode. We can play around with the shaping of a minute. Let's create arms first, so shift a add a cube object chanson with settings here. So for an X axis, let's go with about 20 centimeters What does he access? Let's go with about 60 centimeters and for the Y axis. Let's go with about 80 centimeter. Grab this along the X axes and move it closer to this side. We can zoom in here and little bits, and it is easier to work with this object. And we just need to basically grab our object and align it. Probably grab this along the Z axes and move it up here, and then we need to add some of the modifiers. So let's go and click on Add modifier and we can add meter modifier and select mineral object and concede creates copy on the other side. And we can also add subdivision surface modifier. Increase the number of subdivisions to about two for the view port, right? Like shit mold have been 20 more and we can go to impress Control are had about two as loops. Skill these along the y axes. There's something like maybe about here, and then we can add another two as loose this way. So what? Couldn't hold on? Hold key. Click on this as loop. Grant us along the Z axis and move it all the way down here. Okay. Now, from here, I would recommend playing around with the shape so that you have something different from what I'm creating here. So you could do something. Like for example, go ahead and select some of these faces at the top here. And then you can grab these along the x axis and drags of these out a little bit at maybe another edge loop here. Skilled. It's along the x axes, so you can see that it allows you to create this around your ship at the top here. Now, I will be creating more boxy look ah, culture. So I'll go ahead and press controls a couple of times, and that I can use it is more to grab through this edge along the Z axes and remove this closer to the top. Here. I'll also go ahead and Gramp this edge look. And then this one and that skilled is along the y axis. We're gonna have more boxy shape. Okay? I like the look of itself is good. And grab this object and create the back part off the couch so you can go ahead and press G to grab along. Actually, we need to create copy. So right click to cancel the movement. Shifty to create the copy of the object along the Y axes. And then we can rotate this object so are on the keyboard for rotating the subject. Lock it to the Z axes and about 90 degrees. Let's grab this along the Y axis and move it closer. Grab along the X axes. Now we can get rid off the modifier. Or if we want, we can also use to optics in the background here. So let's go and skill this along. The X axes grab along the x axis. We just need to treat the size a little bit. Something like here. Grab along the x axis just a bit here. Okay, so I like the design. Now we can go and select the Christian objects here ship due to duplicate along the Z axes and then tap into edit mode. Using the face selection motor, we can select this top face. Grab this along with the axes to get rid of the bump here and then miniature rotate this soul espresso are on the keyboard and we want to rotate this along the X axis and about 70 degrees should be enough, I think. Okay, let's play around with this. Grab along busy axes and we can also change the scale off our object on the Z axis. So that's press s and then Z something like, ah, about here. Grab this along the wine exes and moving towards the back here. Okay. I like the look off the couch. We can add some final tweaks. For example, we can go ahead and select the questions tap into edit mode and using the face selection would weaken. Select some of the faces here and add in some gap. Maybe around here we can move it a bit closer on the backside. So it's up to you how you want to sort of change the shape of your objects. You can also use Vertex mode to select some of these what is it? And move them up and down to add randomness. You can add in some additional detail, for example, you can add an edge loop about. Maybe here even also add in another is about here. So it's up to you how you want to create on the couch. I think I'm happy with it. Let's create the legs for the couch. So I said in another Cuba object, and then we can scale this down. Grant this along. The X axes grab along the Y axis and move it down. Here I have this along the Z axis and we can scale it down even further. That's right. Click and weaken typing the valuations. So let's go with maybe about 10 centimeters for all of the dimensions. Here, grab this along the Z axis and align it to the top off the couch. Actually, bottom off the couch and we can then tap into edit mode using the faces mode. We can select the bottom Facer, grab this along, the Z axes moving up here, and then we can scale this down grab again along the Z axes. Okay, I think I'm happy with the design press period on the number to zoom in here, and we can distract this down along the Z axes and then we can you snapping techniques. So with face type of snapping, we can turn on the snapping over, cursed a closer to the bottom off the surface, this arm and president to grab, and it snaps up here We can also use wire frame mode if we need to. Let's grab this along the X axis so that it's more easy to adjust. We can also re scale this object along the Y axis of the respectful, wider towards the bottom Here. Okay, I like the look. Now we can go ahead and use mirror modifier, so add in a mirror modifier, select the base object, and we can also enable the y axes. So we have our bottom part at ease. We can also grab the top part here, and we need to just move this slightly down. So let's grant this along. The Z axes we need to turn off the snapping grab along the Z axes and movie just slightly down here. Okay? I'm happy with the look next weekend. Gradin select all of the's objects shifty to duplicate them along the X axis so we can also create a single couch. Let's change some of the things here so we can go and select the couch. Ah, Christians here and to lead the mirror modifier, we can select the base. We can get rid of the mirror modifier, or we can just skillet and down along the X axis Grab along the X axis. So a skill it down even further Grant this along. The X axes It's about here. Scale this along the x axis. We just need to play around with the value a little bit here. Okay, we congrats the cushion along the x axis and move it to the center and then for the back part. We can also get rid of the mirror money fire and drop this along the x axis. Then we just need to treat this killing on the X axis. Okay, I think the sizes No fine grab. Actually, let's scale this a little bit further on the X axis. Grab along the X axes skilled. It's just a bit down here, like a tiny point. Okay, so we have about two cushions created, or I think we can go like a little bit even on the size here. So let's go ahead and grab the bottom part here and top skill this along the x axis a little bit and then select the Christian skill along the X axes and we can also grab these objects along the X axis scale. This along the X axes here skill and then along the x axis. Okay, I'm happy would look and we also need to move the legs here to select the legs, grab along the X axes and move them slightly to the right. Okay, so now you can go and add some final tweaks. Says so if we need to change anything in the design because once we apply the Ma defiance and all of the changes that we have in the modified will be baked into the objects, so we won't be able to access these settings later on. So to do this, we can go ahead and select the optics and then click on Apply. So mirror modifier is now a plight subdivision surfaces also applied. Select the best part, apply the modifiers and then for the back part that's good. And applying these for the back part, it looks good and expand our modifier and then apply the modifiers. Also the order off the modifiers there are very important. So if your morning something else, make sure that you have your modifiers in correct daughters. If you add something in the new you add second modifier. So anything that the first modified. It will be affected by the 2nd 1 So you have to make sure that and then we also need to select the legs here and apply the mirror modifier. Okay, so let's go out and make sure that we have applied off the modifiers. And then we can just repeat the process here for single surfer. Let's go ahead and expand. Select the back part here, apply. And this base part here. And finally the legs. Okay, so we have all of the's. Now you can see that this is kind of an object where we might need to disassemble this trick around with some of the things. But if we want to move this object, we need to select all of these pacify holding down shift, candid, selecting. So it would be more better if we could just join this or combined into a single object. So let's go and shift. Click here on this object, so you need a You need to make sure that you select in the correct order. So selection order is important here. Let's go and make a selection to select everything and then he can shift. Click here to de select and then recently sums it so that it selected last. Now you can get in First Control and J on your key books. It joins these objects together. You can also go to object menu, and then you should be able to join your object. You can see that it's available here. Okay, so we have our object combined into a single object. Double click here, and we can rename this to something like a sofa, and we can repeat the process for this single sofa. So let's good and select all of the's objects and then de select this bottom part. Or you can just hold on shift again, click and when it's a bit different color. Second, see that it's a little bit less orangish color, as it means that it's selected last and you can go to object menus. It left join here, and you can rename this to something like so far 100 score seal. Now, if you want to edit anything in your object, you can just press tab and you can see that it will jump into the editing mode. And now you can just hover your cursor on top of one of the object element and then press L on the keyboard. So it means that we want to select the link that part so you can hover your cursor on the base here for sale, and you can see that it selects this part and you can grab this room and move this around if you want to. It's on tape, out of entered more and now we can read and enable visibility for all of our objects. And you can also see that we have our collections at the top here so we can go and click on this triangle and we can add new collections here so we can just click here on this. And then we can rename this to something like a room, and we can create and you connect a collection so you can right click here, click on New Connection, a collection you can click on this button here. You can also right click here and then select new collection. Or you can just select your objects and then you can right click here. Actually, we need to right click in the three D people so you can right click here, and then it says moved to collection and you can create any collection down here and we want to call this something like furniture. So what happens is that it creates a new collection here and move or objects to that collection. Now benefit of using collection is that it will keep your scene organized so we have all of our rooms, structure objects in this collection, and then we have a furniture in this one, and we can use this I bought into turn off and on the visibility for different objects. And when you want to add new objects, make sure to select the correct. Make sure to select your correct collection. So when you select something like here and then add in a new object, you can see that she will be added here. So it was going to lead this cube right click and select Delete. Okay. And you can also drag your objects between collections by simply selecting your objects and then dragging these into the new collection. I'll get impress escape to cancel that, and we can also move our furniture down to the ground here. So let's go ahead and turn on snapping with our object selected press G to grab and it moves closer down here. Let's move in here. And we also can hide the hidden wall for now due to grab. And it's sort of flesh tones to the floor. And we can move this around here and let's repeat the process for the other ones, so g to grab. We can also wrote it this along the Z axes about maybe 45 degrees. Okay, I'm happy with the placement. For now, we can move this slightly on the X axes here, right click to cancel to enough snapping and then grabbed us along the X axes. Okay. So, literally, we can change the placement before we and and render a final images. So finale. Think I'm happy with the placement, so we have our couch models. We can go to save the file and continue in the next medium
13. Carpet and Curtains : Now this model a carpet down here and also the curtains. So let's begin with curtains at the new king. Model the carpet later on. So let's per seven on an impact to move to the top U boat and we can create our curtains in this area. So let's shift right click to move a three D cursor shift A to add in a new object, and we want to end at a plane object. Tap into edit mode extra open the delete menu, select collapse and his end faces. Step out off the edit moment, grant the point and move it slightly to the side here so that we can easily see the point type in 20 more. Make sure to select the vortex mode up here or just press one on the keyboard. Now we just need to hold down the control key, and then we can just keep right clicking to add new points. Now, if you don't get this right in the first try, you can try this couple more times, and you should be able to get it. So just hold on the right control key and then keep clicking with your right hospital So we want to create around your sheep here. You can also create big, boxy shape. You don't have to worry about you confined to in the shape off the curtain later on in the entertainment because these are just regular vortex points. You can also add bit of the boxy look. There are multiple Mantis to create the curtains if we can use cloth simulation. But this is more a sort of a simple mandate to create curtains. Also, it has more control over the look off the curtain because you can add it. Individual points. Okay, I'm happy with the look here so you can grab the points and move them around. You confined to in anything. You can also add division points by selecting two points and then dividing them. Okay, so I think I'm happy with the one I've got here. Let's create another object here so we can go out and trust a to select everything and then it to extrude along the Z axes and mover Kirsten up here. So we want to move this about maybe 280 centimeters. Weaken Tweet the final size legend by selecting these points here at the top and then grabbing thes. So let's good and add in a new clean object and then tap into edit mode, collapse the edges, tap out of a bit more, grab it and move it to side. Here. Now we can get in, select both objects in the people in the outline er and then tap into edit mode so that we can see the shape of the object. So begin press seven on the Nam pat. So this will allow us to create as even signs for both curtains. Now we convert in, select this point here, and then we just need to hold on control key and start using the right mouse button. So we just need to create a curtain similar to what we have here. We need to treat some of the points here because of missed some of these points so you can add some larger points here, and then we can tweak the shape later on, so was quickly create, shaped like what we had before, and then for fine tuning. We can easily do that and that this will allow us to have randomness in both curtains because if we just copy and created implicate off what we have here. It would create a very similar curtains, so we want to add a little bit more randomness. Okay, I think the last point is added like a little bit extra. So Control Z to undo that, and then we can get in a fine tune. This set list may be at a point here. We can just It was slightly here selection of these points and moved them down. Maybe so we just need to play around with some of the points here we can read and at a subdivision in here. Grab it and move it down here and repeat the same thing here. So right clicks of divide. So, like the point and move it up here. Why? Click subdivide And we can also do same thing here. So was grab it and move it down a little bit slightly. Here. We can also add in a subdivision point here. So the benefit of working with this method is that you can easily find to the shape. So if you need something and you don't like it, you can just grab the points and move them around to something like here. I think this is is a bit more sort of rough your soul. This select the point and move it slightly to the side here along the y axes. And then you can also grab this along the Z axis. So if you're working in the perspective, you But it's a good idea. Toe a lock, your object movement to a certain axis. But if you're working in the top, few put, then it will be automatically locked so it won't go under on the Z axis. Now we can press Ah, tap out of the edit mode and then just select this curve tap into edit mode. Select everything by pressing a on the keyboard, you to extrude along the Z axis, about 280 centimeters. Now we just need to graham birth curtains. So let's go out and grab these here in the out finer, we can move to the top you put, grab the curtains and moved them about. Maybe here and then we just need to wrote it. This so are two, wrote it along the Z axes and let's go with about negative, actually 90 degrees, and then for a singer and ever since should smooth these curtains. And we also need to add in a subdivision modifier if we want to sit less, move the curtains and aligned them properly along the Y axis. So maybe something like here, and then we can grab these along the X axis a little bit so slightly to this side and then same thing for the other ones. So grab along the X axis, moving out a little bit here, and then we can play around with the wine axes. So something like maybe here we can also add in a cylinder at the top here. So this would be sort of a rod here at the top, and we can tap into edit mode and scraps of the points and move them around if we need to go out and price controls. E. But I think I'm happy with the look what we got here. We can also go ahead and add in a subdivision surface modifier, maybe about two subdivision surfaces, and then apply and see what we get here. I think we can just keep it without the subdivision surfaces. Let's get rid of the subdivision surface of used control. Z a couple of times, and I'm happy with what we've got here. Let's create a carpet down here. So shift right. Click here, shift a and then adding a plane object. Tap into edit mode, extrude the face about one centimeter and then tap out off the edit mode. Moving up here a little bit to another snapping. Make sure that we're snapping two faces. Grab this. Answer that. It snaps down here to enough snapping. And now we can go and change the size. So scale this along the X axis rab along the X axes. So we just need to play around with it. Okay, grab the coffee table and move it slightly. Here, grab along the Y axes. Okay, I'm happy with that. We can add in material later on, so we have a curtain and carpet created. We can go and save your file.
14. Modeling AC & Light holder: Now we'll model femur objects. So said this wall here, fields but empty. We can add in air conditioner unit or E C on this wall. If you don't want to add that, then you can add something like maybe a painting or something like that. Also will be modeling a light holder that we can add across this stripped on a strip on the roof, and you'll also notice that we have some objects with random names. So we have Cube one key, 101 so we can rename these objects once we're done modeling. So let's begin by adding in a new object so we can add in a cube object. Grab this along the Z axes and then grab this along the y axis this tree some of the parameters here. So for the dimensions we can go with about maybe 130 centimeters for the X axis and maybe 30 centimeters for the Y axis and about 40 centimeters for the Z axes. Let's use this to about 35 centimeters here, though, here on the Y axis, and now we can grab this along the Y axis grab again along the Z axis and let's press period on the number. Okay, I think I like decison, not happen to edit mode and then using the edges mode, let's go in and select this bottom and share control beetle bevel, and then just add a random bevel. We can change the settings so you can click on this button sort of this black betting here , the symptoms of the settings for the bevel, and we can change the battle centimeters. So let's click here, type in 45 centimeters, and then we also have our segments. So if you hold on shift key and then left mouse button, you can change this number in the smaller changes. So this makes it easier to work with or even just type in the value. So in this case, we want to add about six segments, and now we can go ahead and switch to the face selection mode like this bottom face extrude along the Z axes, and then we want to skill this along the x axis, okay. And in this case, we won't be animating this issue unit. But if you want to a creative flap which opens up and closes, you can select these two fences and then separate these and then later on, you'll be able to open and close this flap. So this will sort of closing to this empty area. But in this case, it is just for the okay, Aesthetics. Eso We can't We don't need to animate object. We can just leave this as it is. Okay? Now we can get an ad in a light holder. So shift right. Click up here and then shift a to head in a cube object. Let's play with the settings here. So about maybe 20 centimeters for light and dimensions pros period on the num pad. Actually, we are typing that in here in the location. So this press escape to cancel that left click on the object, and then we can first prove yet on the number the strike, uh, move this along the Z axes and then we can change some of the settings or tapping 20 mode with a selection enabled. Select the face here, grab this along the Z axis, and to move it up here to something like maybe this size. And now we want to insert this so insidious about maybe something like here and then you can extrude this up and we can also scale this down a little bit. So let's good answers to the wire frame selection mode and make a selection also used. The word is he's most so make sure to select the bottom work disease, and then we can scale this down. So skillet down to something like maybe around here using the solid mode, we can grab these along the X axis and move it up. Okay, I like the look off the light now. You can also use the fisma to grab this face along the Z axis to change and the sort of inner part off the light if you want to. Okay, now we can create additional copies later on when we actually add the light in here. And then we can create the copies of this light. For now, I think I'm happy with the look and I'm Congrats. Renamed these objects for the light object. We can go out and create any collection so less a right click here and then create a new collection. And we can call this something like lights so we will be adding and the light objects in this case, the holder and also the actual light and blender in this collection silk skirt and select the light object and drag this over into the lights collection. They were quick to rename and rename this to something like light told her. And maybe we can also add in a number Solis add in number. We have this another cube optics. So this is the A C unit. Let's double click here and rename this to something like a sea. Then we have this plane object. So this is the curtain in the background here. We also have this another curtain double click here and we can bring in this Do something like curtain underscore one and then we can rename the second curtains. So curtain underscore June and then we have the carpet down here. So let's double click carpet. Okay, so most of these objects were renamed properly. Let's go ahead and look in the room collection. So we have this cube object. Let's have a click here and rename this to something like TV cabinet, and then we have the coffee table. And finally we have the TV talks Alaska and rename that okay with that we have our objects completed. We can treat the size of the 80 unit Lee run. If we don't like the default side that we just created here, we can now go ahead and save the file. And then in the next video, we can add some props in the background here, maybe, and work on some of the lamp objects.
15. Modeling Lamps & Props: Now we can go ahead and model a lamp down here in this sort of corner and also had some props in the background. So let's begin by selecting the floor object and then press period. So that's easier to zoom in on this area. Next, we can shift right click here to move the three D cursor. If I'm going to go ahead and press control Z because I think I've accidentally moved in object here. Okay, So with a physical store here, we can add in a new Cuba object, and then we can change them off the dimensions here. So let's go to about 30 centimeters or we can go with about maybe 15 centimeters. Okay. Now, for the Z axis, tlhis increased that to about maybe 50 centimeters or so. And then congrats. This object along the Z axes press period on the num pad. So if we look from, like, further away, I think I am happy with size. We need to increase the three signs. So let's go with about maybe 70 centimeters, or, like 60 and then we can begin working on itself. That's happened to edit mode, using the bottom facing We can insert this by pressing I on the keyboard and topping the value. So let's add about maybe five centimeters or maybe about 30 centimeters or so Winning streak around the value. Let's go with about maybe 80 centimeters. Okay, now we can go ahead and press each extruded and move this down to something like ground here. Add in the extrusion, skilled his face up control Z. We can go ahead and select these faces up here and then we can extrude these along the normal so all t to open the extreme menu extrude faces along normal. And we can extract this to something like maybe about here. And then maybe you can scale these down along the Z axes to something like I think the base size is a little bit sort of bigger here so we can treat that. Let's go and skill this down. Select the bottom fees here and grab this along the z axis. This more sort of flatter object. Okay, I think I like the design. Now we can go to snap this to the floor. Celestron on snapping with snapping types that to face and we got in select object mover closer, closer to the ground. You to grab left click to finish the movement and never compress seven on the number and grab this object and move it. Doctor, we need to actually cancel the movement to enough snapping first. And then we can grab and move this. Okay, cesspit, into the eight year. So let's crack this one more time. I think we can also just grab this manually, or in this sort of this kind of area, where you can just activate the move tool and use these arrows to move it more easily. You can also use this ground plane so it moves object on the ground using the three D perspective you so it makes it easier to move your object. Okay, I think I like the design. You can play around with the size, so resetting your object is really easy. You just happen to edit more and then using the wife remote used to seize to select the object. And then you can just grab these along the Z axis to resize the object. In this case, I'll go ahead and castle. But this for now, I'm happy with the design we can create a copy of this later on for the other side. When we add lights, let's go to rename the optics. So double click here and we really in this to something like Limp underscored one later. If we add in the limp and that's gonna be limp, just go to Let's shift, frankly, care and then shift. Eight. We had an object Cuba object, and we're working with our y axes you. So let's change that to something like maybe about 10 centimeters for the X axis we can go with about maybe 50 centimeters or so. And for dizzy. Let's go with about 10 centimeters. That's press period on the num pad to zoom in here on this subject, and we can move this down using the move gizmo, and we can move this out of this a bit. Here. Let's treat the signs here. So for the Z axis discovered about maybe five centimeters and then we can increase the accent access. So let's go with a lot 80 centimeters or so. Well, maybe like 70 and then you can just create a copy of the subject shifty along the Z axes, and we need to change the XXY size to something like maybe 50 or so. We could go even further down here. So maybe about 40 centimeters move this slightly to this side here and now. You can add some book optics shift, frankly, care shift. A add in a cube object with this up here, and then we can scale this down to something like 20. So this is a random size. We can play around with the size here in the three D view, so let's hold on shifty. And then you can left click and hold here and change the value. So let's go with about maybe three centimeters for the X axis and then for the y axis weaken play around with the book size. So again we can hold on shift key and then left mouse button to change the size. More interactive Lee. Let's go with about maybe 10 or 11 centimeters for the Z axis lists. Tweak it down to something like maybe around 15 centimeters. Okay, and now we can tap into edit mode. Select some of these faces appear again, weaken inter isolation mode by pressing the forward slash burn so it makes it easy to work with your object. So let's go and select some of these faces here, and then you need to insert this so I to insert it and move a cursor just a bit. And this will be in the background. So these air basically a proper object s so we don't need to add a lot of detail. Now we can get an extra along normals. So lt, to open this menu extraordinary, long normal. And we can play around with the valley, you know, step out of the edit mode and which in the isolation ward, by pressing forward slash button, grab this long, dizzy axes in roughly moving down and look from a bit further away. I think we need to re sign this a little bit. So let's go and change their Z axis to about maybe 10 centimeters or so. Or maybe let's go with about 12 centimeters and then for the y axis. We can change this to something like maybe eight centimeters or so, and we can also treat this size here less grant this along the Z axes. We can create a copy of this object along the X axis, and we can change some of the parameters who had been more randomness. So let's change the thickness era created under copy. So along the x axis and region change the height of the book. Or maybe just used the random size again here. So let's go and maybe 2.5 for so And we want to move this on this side here and then we want to wrote it some of these other books, So let's move them. Pleasure to each other. Select the books are two wrote it along the Y axis and then we just need to root. It's these slightly. We can move these closure, create additional copies off these objects. So down here. So like this one and used the green arrow here to move these on this on this axis here. So let's treat the location of the book a little bit here, something like around here later, we can create more copies of these objects when we have our materials and textures at it. So let's play with this sort of position off the book, and we can also trying things down a little bit, says something like around here. So like these books here and moved him out here and we can create some random objects down here. So shift right click and then we can go ahead and add in a new object. So this will be a Q bomb ticked. Let's resize this to about 20 centimeters. Or maybe, like 10 centimeters on all off the axe. Easier were this up here? I think we can move or make it a bit smaller. So let's go with about five centimeters for all of the axes and then, using the move, told we could just move this down ship. Let's create a copy of this object along the X axis created under copy. Grab along the Z axes and we can rotate this object along the Z axis. So let's add a bit of rotation here. And another copy along the Z axes wrote it along the Z axes. So adding some basic problem ticks and then we can create additional copies of these books down here. Once we have materials applied. Now we will have a lot off objects here with random names so we can go and grab all of the's random cube objects and creating new collection. So let's go right click here in three D View moved to collection, and we want to create a new collection. So let's rename this to something like props, Okay? And if you want, you can go out and rename these optics. I will get and renamed these ones eyes stop the video and also safe to file. I will go ahead and spend some time fine tuning some off the position, so I'll just make sure that everything snaps, probably with a while, using the face snapping, and I will also spend some time renaming these objects.
16. Setting Up Lights & Materials Overview: Now that we have a room completed, we can begin working on lining and some basic render settings. Lighting is very important for adding materials and because when you have proper lighting set up, you can really easily add materials. So let's go through some basic controls on how we can add materials and set up some lighting. And then in the next video, we'll begin adding materials. If you remember, I said that a longer top. Here we have four different most. So we went through these 1st 2 months of my frame and so chilling. Next we have what is called a diff looked of mode, and if you also call it a preview, mode it. If you click, you can see that it changes the look off your entire scene. So it ends 360 degree image around your scene, and based on that image, it provides lighting to your scene, and you can also see any material that you replied to your objects. If you click on this drum down, you can click here and then you can see we have some presets Yah so you can select a different image and it provides lighting based on that image. Next we have our render a preview. So when you click on it, you can see that it's ah, render image. But we have no lighting in our scenes, everything is too dark. You can also access the same menu again by pressing Z key on your keyboard. And then you have rendered material preview solid and one frame Now to access our render settings. We can move here, and we have this type here. So if you just have worker second, it says Ranger properties, and then we have a render intent. So by default, we're using every render engine. If you click it, we have three different render Indians in blender. We have E V. I believe it came with Blender 2.8 and above. Now this is a really fast, real time. Render engine on, and you can get some amazing results with it. Next, we have benchmark Workman's Orender engine, and this is a very basic render engine. This is the one that you use in your people by default. But if you select workbench here and tweak with settings here and that those settings won't mess with your people sending. So if you want to experiment with that next we have the cycles. Let's go back to the solid cheating and in cycle Orender engine, you'll notice that we have a device down here so you can render your images using CPU. So this is your processor, and you can also use deep. You said This is your graphics card Now, if we go ahead and select GPU, compute it until it just becomes great out. So if this happens, it means that your graphic colored settings and not properly set up so you can go out and click on the edit menu and then open preferences and then under system tab, you can see that it is none under cycles. Render devices if you have a NVIDIA's graphics Scotty Kinsella Cuda, and you'll be able to select that here. If you're using R TX graphics card, you can also use optics. And if you're using a name, these graphics card you can use open seal. In this case, I'm using invidious graphics Consul Sweet screwed up. You can also combine your process it in a graphics card. Let's close out of the settings and you can see that it becomes available here. In this case, I'll be using CPU for the ranging in the previous model. And if you have a CPU, which has limited number, of course. For example, let's say that I don't want to use 100% of my CPU for rendering in blender. So if I if I have something else happening on my computer, I can go ahead and open this performance tab down here and then under Prince, you can see that it says auto detect. So let's get a select fixed number of friends. So let's say that I have a processor with 16 friends. I want to use 50% of my processing power on blender rendering and then leave process 50% for rest of the applications. So let's type in a trade here, so it means that I want to use it 50% of my processing power in blender. Okay, so if we scroll all the way up here and we have food, render engines. TV. This is real time. Render it means in that it's really fast, and But if you want to get 40 realistic images, you would want to use a cycle to render engine, and then you can select the render a preview mode appear now we need to set up some lighting. So if we got and select the light holder press period on the impact of Zoom in here, we can shift right click here to move that Freddie cursor shifted to open the admin you and then under light. Here, you can see that we have four different type of flights. We have a point like it means that it emit lights in all direction. Next, we have a sunlight, but we can use Energia image instead of this. Next, we have a spotlight. Associates flare pretty self explanatory, and then we have an area light area Light is really good for this kind of flight, so where it emits lights in a single direction. So it's got an ad that and let's go through some of the settings for the area light. So if we go out and orbit or every just a bit here, we can switch to the vendor preview mode, and you can see that it adds light into the interior scene, and also you can see that this image is really noisy and because it gets cleaner as it rangers and multiple a positive pregnancy that it sees a path tracing sample 20 out of 32. And if you move your image, it will start rendering from beginning. So it means that it needs to render 32 samples. So it's pretty good for experimenting, radio lining and stuff like that. Now to access the settings for the light, you can see that we have this button here. Now this button will change depending on what type of object you have selected, so you can see that the teens is down here. So let's get and select the light and then opened the light settings. And then here you can see at the top. We can change the type of flight were using area light below. This may have our color so you can go and select a different color if you want to. That's good and recent, the color back toe white. Next, we have the power of the light, so you can treat that if you want to, so you can lower or increase the power. Let's go with 10 for now, and then he had the shape of the light so you want to use a square rectangle on disk eclipse sections and use different kind of shape for your light, and then you have the size eso Let's go and say this line up properly. List a switch to the sound of cheating. Or actually, we're free machining for 700 practices to the top U boat and then making good and move this into the sort of center off the light holder skillet. Done using the skill to. And we can press a press one on the num pad. So we are in the front autographing view and then we just need to move this slightly down here. So this is the shape off the light, and we can also go out and grab this along. The x axis will be slighted to the side. Scale it down a little bit down here. So something like you. Okay, so the light is added. Now we need to create additional copies of this light across the strip. Now, we don't have material of night to the holder yet eso if we create copies later on, we need to apply material to all of these optics, so let's go out and we've all the way down here that we click on the area light, and we can really in this to something like ceiling light and then using control key. So if you hold on control key, select the light holder and light switch to the solid view. We need to create more copies of this optics, so shifty to create a copy of this object along the Y axis, and then this type in 100 centimeters on the num pad. So we want to create a copy of the subject 100 centimeters away from the original light left click. To finish that. Now we need to repeat these steps instead of doing it manually. Weaken just across shift are so this repeats what we did last so you can press shift are again Satrapi's that step again shift are and you can see that keeps adding or repeating that step. And then we can tweak around with the positioning off this light. So let's press period on the num pad, and we can move this slightly here. Actually, I've noticed that a light is bit into the ceiling, so we might need to use snapping to correct that so Let's press controls the couple of times so that we can go a few steps back Control Z control Z and then we can treat with Somalia here. Okay, so let's press period on the num pad to zoom in here. Now you can manually adjust this or you can also use snapping. I think I'll just do this manually. OK, so with that, let's repeat the process so shifty to duplicate an object along the Y axis 100 centimeters away from its current location. Inter to completely change, shift our couple of times. And then let's move this slightly into this sort of center off the strip. And that means repeat the process so shifty to duplicate and object along the X axis about 100 centimeters away from its complication. And then we can just go and repeat the steps so shift are a couple of times and it adds these lights. Okay, let's move our view about here, and we can go ahead and enable the render a preview mode, and now you can see that we have much better looking scene because we have a lot of lighting in the scene. Let's go through some of the basic self materials. Now, from here I would recommend saving your scene file, and then we can make changes here in the scene and later. And don't save those changes. So it will allow you to experiment with your scene and then before closing. You don't want to see if you're seeing and you'll be able to revert back to where you save . So this will be sort of a saving point. Okay, so I went and saved the file. Second, see that I've saved my file with names, setting up lights and materials overview. Now, if I make any changes from this point and then I went to close the blender, I will get a dialogue thing that do you want to save your scene? I would select No, I don't want to say that solicits back to the render a preview mode and let's say that I want to add a material to this object was gonna select the coffee table. And then down here we have this item for adding a material. So material properties, let's go ahead and click on it. And this opens up the material panel. You can click on this new button here or you can click on this plus, but in here it as what is called a slot, it means that it's an empty slot and we want to create a new material in this lot so we can click on the new button and you can see that it adds a new material now, don't you? We have our settings for the material, but you can also open a shading menu. So if we move my cursor in the corner here, we can go out and left and left, click and hold and then drag out to create a new panel. And we can going to sweep the type of panel to a shooter editor. Now, if we go in and zoom in here, controls for zooming in and out is really simple. You can use your mouse scroll wheel and then middle must be dippin around. You can see that this principle B S and D F is a shader node. So we have the same settings that we have here in this panel, so we can use either this panel or we can use in these settings here. So we have a lot of settings here for setting up our material properly to this is photo realistic rendering or you can. This is also called PBR. Okay, so let's say that I want to change the color of the object. I can go and click on the base color and I'll this color down to something like dunkers. Let's move the view a little bit down here now if I want to use an image instead of this basic color, I can click on this button here. Or I can just drag and drop my image into Shater editor and then plug sort of the note agency that we have this sort of connection here. So we will have a very similar connection into the base color here. So a lesser that I want to make this Arctic shiny. It means that I need to get rid off the roughness off the object. Second, see that we have roughness here, so if we go ahead and dial this down, it will make our object really shiny, and you can see a little bit of that defect here on this object said. We will need to play around with different settings and to set up the materials and depending on what kind of material do we want to create? So if we go all the way up here, we can also add multiple materials into single object that drag this little bit down here so that we can easily work with this panel area plus on click on this close button and it, as in you slaughter here. And if you click on this button, it shows the list of materials that you have created. Second, See, we just have a single material. So it shows up here. Now, if you click, it means that we're using this existing material. So if we go ahead and change the setting here for the material, you can see that you will change both material because these air same thing. So we're using same material twice. It's going to click on this minus symbol and then add a new slaughter. So if I want to create a new material, I can click on new button. Now this these are two separate materials. So if I go ahead and click here and select something like more reddish color, you can see that it will thes are both separate materials. If I add in a noose long here and then click on this drop down. You can see we have to materials. Now you can rename your materials by simply clicking here on this area where you can just type name in this area. Also lesser, that I want to use one of these materials as a starting point so I can go ahead and select Maybe this red material. And let's say that I want to tweak the settings. Eso If I use on a changing color, it will change for bed. So that's what I want to start with these settings. And then I went to tweak the settings. Now for that, you can click on this button here that says new material. It creates copy of desperate or previous material. And now, if we go ahead and change something like blue Color, you can see that there will be a different material. So we have three materials at it now. Okay, so these are some basic controls, and also you'll notice that we have this preview panel. You can expand it and you'll be able to see the material here, and you have a number of different optics and that you can select and have your material applied on top of that, and you can also go to treat the setting. Still, to say that I want to go through the roof, a roughness and as I get rid of the roughness, he conceded, makes this object more shiny and from went to work with a metallic object, I can go and increase the metallic value and you can see that it's a metallic object. I congratulate of the roughness and you can see that it will be a sort of for chrome object . So we have a lot of options. We have spec clarity here, so you can tweak around with that and you can t have it and speculate really around the object. So we have a lot of options to play around with. We have multiple changes as well. So under surface, you can click here, and these are basically sort of process that you can use. So, for example, if you want to make a quickly a glass object, you can use this class B s the A shader and can see changes your object with glass object. Okay, so these are some basics of the materials you can go out an object playing around with some of these settings and then when you er ca and then when you have a little bit idea on how some of the things work here, you can just go out and closed a blender and you can see that it is. Do you want to change a savior? Changes in this case we want to select. No, we don't want to say, because we were messing around with their scene. And if we don't see if this and later open the scene, we will be at where we saved it before. Okay, so that's how we set up some basic render and material settings. In the next video, we'll begin adding materials on tour objects.
17. Adding Materials to Walls, Roof, Floor and Window: and now we can begin adding materials to our objects. So let's begin by saluting to the vendor preview mode now that we have a lighting set up. Okay, so let's begin by adding and materials to the room itself. And first and then later we can have material to the furniture and other objects. So let's begin by selecting the roof object. And then under the material Tampere, we can go in and add in a new material. So let's rename this to a roof, and we want to use a completely white texture for the roof. Still, this trick that and for the roughness, let's go in and increase this to something like point it so we don't want our roof to be really shiny. Okay, next, we want to add material through the world's has got an ad in and you material So a trainee in this to something like walls, and we want to get rid off the roughness. So 0.8 for the roughness and let's click on the base color and dial it down to get more referred. Graystone. Okay, I think I'm happy with what we have here. Later on, we can treat around with this next week and go ahead and select the baseball. Add in a new material and call it a baseball. Okay, again, we can need to repeat the process for the roughness, I think, where we can just go with the default value. Let's change the color to complete with weight color. And next we want to work and Adam Israel, here on the floor now floor for the floor will be using an image from our computer. So let's get an open our note editor. So we'll expand our view and selector share editor, and we can select the floor object and then add in a new material and rename this to something like Fool. Let's use our Moskal real to zoom in here in this view, and then Middlemarch sprinters do much. Now you can go, and the easiest method would be to just simply drag and drop your imager. But if you want to add this in a different way, you can click on this ad menu and then under texture, you can go and select an image texture. So when you click here, we can see that it as this note and you can click on Open to open an image from your computer, and then you just need to plug this connection into the base color. You can see that it matches here on both sides with the yellow sort of color. Once you make a connection and you want Teoh disconnect the connection, you can just drag it from the material from this site. Okay, so let's go to Julie this note by pressing X on the key boat and we can go out and open the file Explorer and you can see we have these images from our exercise files. So we want to drag and drop this immature. So this dragon drop it here in the Shooter editor, and then we want to plug this in here and you can see that it's applied down here on the floor. Now let's go to tweak some of the settings for the material. So if we go ahead and tweet the roughness to something like 20 point to yourself, so there's a bit more shiny, and I think we have the default color, okay? And we can also add in a new note here. Now notes are really powerful because he can combine multiple notes to get the result that you're aiming for. Set US adding open the ad menu by pressing shift A and then under. I think it's under color, so we have a hue and saturation, so let's click on it. And then if you move your note on one of the connection, you can see that it gets highlighted. It means that we want to add this between this connection, so that's left liquor, and then we have these controls here. Now this control will be more easy to control if you hold on shift key on the keyboard, and then you can tweak around with the value. So we want to dial down the brightness value so that we have more darker tone here on the wooden sort of texture. I think we can go with maybe 0.5 for some later on breaking Treek. Maybe add some final tweaks. Let's also add material to the window frame here in the background, silicon and selected where you can just use your seen on explorer for selecting the window frame. Add in a new material window frame and then we can make it completely dark. But we want to make it really shiny. Celestica would point to or so for the roughness and let's orbiter review to see how effective it is. Okay, so we can see some off objects to play afflicting down here later if we need frequent and garden to eat that. Okay, so we have some basic materials completed. We can go and save our file, and then in the next video, we can begin adding materials to some of the other objects. Also, when we were working or adding the chills, we might need to tweak the settings because it's kind of a work where you tweak the setting , and if you like it, or if you don't like it, you can go in and to get again. So it's back and forth, Process said. Weaken good and savor file. And then in the next video, we'll add a texture or materials to the furniture objects
18. Adding Materials to Furniture: and now we can begin adding materials to the furniture that so let's begin by adding material True, the carpet, celestial and selected. And we can add in anyone trail that's good and rename this to carpet. And then if we go ahead and use their Schiller editor. Also, we can go to new Pinar exercise files and you'll notice that we have a carpet folder. Let's go and open it up and we have three materials here. So this is the albedo. This will be the base color off the carpet, and we have normal and bumps that this will add in for for the carpets. It will give it that feel. We can also use a different method for this if we use particle modifier, but it will be a bit more. Resource is intensive, and plus it's really simple to use these textures, so that's got in select bump and albedo or just dragged them one by one. Here into the share a richer we don't need the normal map. Okay, now let's go and zoom in here on the carpet objects. So if we look it from this sort of angle here, what you'll notice is that it's a completely plain object there to make it look like that it has sort of for on top of it or drugs, said We can add a both map. So with a bump map, you who can get in for a shifty to open the abdomen, you and then under under victor, we can add in a bump map. So let's go and click here like the color into the height value off the normal map and then plugged the normal into the normal of be a principal BSD of here, and immediately you'll notice that we have this beautiful looking effect added on top off the carpet. Next, we want to plug in the albedo or the base color. So let's get and drank this from this point into the base color and you can see the texture is added. Now our material is shiny because we didn't a dial down or and roughness, and it's it's a shiny object. So let's go to an increase, a roughness to about one, and okay, we have something like here. Now, if you want to rotate ah, the sort of the angle off the carpet, you can go ahead and open up the area. And so if you move your crystal to the corner, Connor and you can go and drag this on the other side. So let's move the cursor cursor and drag it on this site here. And then it changed the type of Predator TV editor with the carpet object selected press tab to enter into editing more school out using your Muskal real in the editor. So we're using this carpet texture. So if you see a different texture, for example, the floor texture, it means that you can switch it from this parent here. So that's going to select the carpet albedo and then along the top. Here you have your mouth moats for switching between Vertex faces, and it is so this press three on the keyboard or selected up here. You can also select your object face here in the three D view, and you can see that it gets elected. So let's press a to make sure that it's selected and then are two wrote it, and you can see that it affects ah in three D view, and we can 1st 90 degrees to rotate this all the way around And if you just want to rotate this to a certain angle, then you can just go and select the face and press are on the keyboard and just rotate something like maybe here I got impressed. Control Z Okay, I'm happy with what I've got here. Next we need to collapse this panel solar skirt and move the cursor to the corner here and left looking, holding, then dragged over next week. An ad material to the TV Cabinet and coffee table. So let's begin with comfortable Ted boat off the edit mode. So, like the coffee table and in a new material. So this will be the coffee table, and we need to change some settings, so let's make it completely black. Next, we want to make it shiny, so let's go with roughness of about 0.2. Let's go with a bit more lighter color, so maybe something like this light up here Next. We need to add material to the TV cabinet, so let's add in a material TV cabinet and let's expand this area little bit. Add in another slot and and you material and we can name this something like TV cabinet, Black said this will be the black material. Excellent white materials, Phil. That's good. And let's rename this to something like White. Certain also like the TV Cabinet material and make it completely dark or a slightly Graystone increase the decrease the roughness to about 0.2 so that it's more shiny Object, and then you can also switch to the preview mode or just a switch to a soldier feeding and then zoom in here or just press created on the num pad. Next, we want to tap into edit mode using the face selection mode. Let's go and select these faces in this area. So we want to apply a different material to this portion off the TV cabinet, cellophane and select these faces. Okay, with all of these faces selected, we can go ahead and select this different material and click on a sign said. What we did is that we selected these faces and we assigned this different material to this part and then for the rest of the object. We're using this black material and we can go to zoom out. Tap out off. That is motive. Switch to the render a preview mode and you can see that it's white from within, and then we have black material on the outside for the white material. Let's go in and change the roughness to about going to so there's shiny. Okay. Next, we want to add material to the TV itself. So Liska and press period on the impact to zoom in here. And then we can assign a new material. And let's rename this to TV, and you can keep your material lines. Or you can make it a darker color. The sad roughness off about 0.2 so that it's shiny. And then we can go in and change this to something like more darker. Turn now for the screen we can if you want to keep it black. A. So, for example, if you want to make it look like that, it's switched off. You can just keep this black or if you want to add an image from your computer, this also really easy said Let's go and click on new material, and we can rename this to something like TV screen, and then we can make this a bit less reflective. So 0.3 or so and then using or exercise files where you can use an image from your computer , so I'll be using this city image was drag this into the share a richer and we want to plug this into base color. And then to assign this material, tap into added mode for a select your TV and tap into edit mode. Select this screen face here, select the TV screen, click on a sign. So we want to assign this part to this year. Now you'll notice that our images been distorted. We can go out and fixed, and it's really easy. So let's cut and bring up the UV editor. So we'll split the view down here and select TV editor. Tap into edit mode. With this face selected, you can see that this is in the face here. So let's go and use the faces mo. To select everything here, and we can scale it up. Or you can just click on this every map and every menu. And then you can click on Pack Island so it's sort of packs it down, and then you can rotate the view if you want to, so let's cancel out of this and move it to the side here. Okay, I think I'm happy with Look, you can also use the Vertex mode and select these were to seize and then just grab these and move them. Interested of this area up here you can also use and the constraint access safe. You press X. It means that you want to constrain it to its X easier and then grab along the x axis and we were slightly here. You can really adjust where this texture will be applied. And then you also have this additional mark here and that says you re an island selection much. So you conclude. Go ahead and click on it, and it allows you to select the sort of entire face and you can grab it moving toe a line is probably You can also use your scaling tools to scale it down a little bit if you want to, and then tap out off the edit mode. Okay, so you can see that our image is probably a pliant over there and we can go out and orbit out and it's a pliant next. We can go ahead and apply the material to on these surface here and also this a C unit at the top here. So it's gonna select a C and press period on the num pad and you can see that it's bitch out off the wall. So let's go straight to the solid shooting mode and use the snapping technique. So snap it on the wall. Later on, we will adjust the placement, so don't worry about that. We can turn off the snapping, and so it's back to the render a preview mode, and now we just need to assign materials so adding and you material and call it a C, and then we can go ahead and make it a bit more reflective. So let's go with about 0.3 or so for the roughness. And we also want to assign a black strip on this little front area. So that's adding a new slot. And in your material, hey, see underscore Black. You can also add in a strip or something like that, but I think I can keep track off the black material. Okay, so let's go ahead and switch to the solid cheating, and then I think I'll go with this strip here, so this is selected tap into edit mode select the face. Select. They see black and click on the sign. Now tap water, Fight it more. Switch back to the render Privy mode, select the black material and make it really shiny. So 0.2 or so and then we can change the color too darker turns you. Okay, let's as you mount and see how it looks from this sort of angle Here. I might need to add this material to this sort of a proper strip as well. So let's go out and switch to the 2nd 1 Here's a preview look. Happen to edit months like this face and assigned the black material. Step out of the edit. More sweet of the render a preview mode. Okay, I think I'm happy with look okay, and now we can work on the couch. You can use the basic color or if you want to use an image, it we can also use from our exercise files. So let's go and select one of the couch and in a new material. And we can rename this to something like Sofa and we can get rid off the you re editor for now. So that's mover closer into the corners here and move this on the side and let's open our exercise files. And then we have the sofa folder. So we have the LBO. This is the base color. We have the bump maps of to add the bump. You can also bring in the roughness and a normal man if you want to. So let's begin by dragging and dropping these into here. We can also drag in the roughness, I think. OK, and now we just need to plug these in so that albedo will be plugged into the base color. Let's zoom in here so that it's easier to see uh, our texture. Okay, so to add ah, bit more, a sort of look off fabric, we can use the bump map. So what's going and move this up here, Shift A to open the ad venue Victor Bump, and we want to plug in that into the height value and then plug normal into the normal now to change the strength agency that it's like, really bumpy. You can go and play around with this value until you're happy with what you get on the fabric care set. Let's go with maybe about like 0.1 or so. Okay, I think I'm happy with how it looks. Now we can tweak around with the material Iran also teaching their beauty color. You can go ahead and at in a you and saturation and then for the you can get and hold on shift key on the keyboard and tweak around with the hue to give it a different look. So if you want to use more sort of purplish tone, greenest ones that you can have different colors, you can also ah, change the situation here. ST Ants and different saturation. For now, what I'll do is that I'll just keep everything at Base and Aiken bomb down the brightness to something more grayish. So maybe, like 0.2 or so and then we just need to applying the same material onto the other couch. So it's gonna select it, and we can click on this button here and we can scroll down and get you. We have the sofa material, click on it and it applies the same material. Now it's been Chinese soldiers guarding select one of the self object, and we want to change the roughness value to maybe about 26 or so or like even further up a little bit. Maybe let's go with point it, and it will change and texture on both objects because they're using the same material. And I might go ahead and tweak around with this value here. So it's going to be one for the saturation, so there's a bit less darker okay, and we can also go and apply the material on the curtains here. So I switched to the solid sheeting press period on the num pad, and I've noticed that there is sort off the space area a bit of extruding out of the curtains. So let's use and grab along the X axis to move it. Get out here on this site, So grab along the X axes and we're about here. And let's have a look at the other one. Okay, I think I'm happy with Look, we can also go to select this one and grab it along the X axis and moving it closer down here and let's add in a material so let's go, Then switch to the render a preview mode, add in a new material and we can call this curtain curtains and let's make it a bit transparent, weaken school down here and increase their transmission to about maybe a 0.3 years ago so that this is more off a transparent material where light can pass through and we can apply the same material over here on the second curtain. So let's click here and select curtains. We can also treats them off the standings down here. So we want to increase the roughness. There is no shine on the curtains, and, uh, we can go ahead and save our file. And then in the next video, we can add some final tweaks, as it will be creating a glass material for the window here. And we will also add lights to the lamp. Okay, so we have ah, most of her materials completed. We can go ahead and save our file and then continue in the next video
19. Adding Materials to Lamps & Setting up HDRI: Now we will spend some time adding materials to the glass window in the background here. And we will also add material to the lamp down here and some of the background props. And we can also add or fine tunes off the other settings for the material. Now, the first thing that we will do is an ad in its your image around their scenes so that it improves the lighting off the scene. So that's going to click on this object drop down menu within our state editor and we have the world option here. So this will open up settings for the world. I can see that we have this great stone so I can click here and select a different color for the background. So if we don't want to use the background color, we can select this note press X and get rid of fridge. Okay, So to add an s to your image, you can go out and press shift A to open the admin you and then under texture, we can get in select environment texture, click your select open and then we want to use our we can go ahead and back up from this folder. So under our interior design, we can go ahead and open the Texas folder and then within our Texas folder, we can go and select this str image Select Open and it opens up this image in the sheer editor and we can go ahead and plug this into the surface here and you can see that she'll add in this s your image so you can see that it has lighting to the scene. Now we can go ahead and change how this image will be applied on our seen using two more notes here. So let's get in for a shift. A and then under input, we can add in a texture cordoning node coordinates. And then we can also add in a director mapping note. Sexual gardens plug are generated into the vector here and then vector into the texture. And then if we change, the location, rotation or skillet will apply to this image. So we want to change the rotation off the Z axis so that it sort of wrote, It's around there seem doing this will be a bit more easier in the evening engine because it's more real time So let's go and select a render settings and switch to even render. And we can also get and select the glass object here in the background. Still, we want to hide our glass window for a moment so that we can see through it. Okay, so our final render will be sort of from this angle. Maybe so. Maybe around here. So we want to change what will appear behind this window, soundless a change in the valley and you can see that will inter actively move around? So let's say that I want to keep this area. And then for the y axes we can go out and change this value to something like you. So for about five degrees for the y axes and maybe 180 ah, 98 for the Z axes weaken. Tweak around with this before we render the final image. So maybe something like you. Let's go with maybe about 183 for now and then we can go in and switch back to the cycle render we might need to treat The idea remains literal and you can see that it sort of policies lying through the curtains here and now we can get an Adama trail for the glass window set. If we turn on the glass window, it will block the light from the Xterra image. And if we go ahead and switch to the material tab adding a new material and we can rename this to something like window Plus, we can use one off the presets. So let's use glass. Be STF now. This ah shader will make your object a glass eso It will add this glass material. You can dial down their roughness so that it clears the blower from the window. But what happens is that it will also block any light coming out off your environment maps RSD awry lines will want be affecting our interior scene. So to fix this less gonna switch back to the object settings and you can see that we have a glass Ah BSD of applying to the window. What we want to do is that we want to mix this shader with transparency shooters. So let's get an ad in a new share, said we want to add a shooter and we want to add a transparently stf. So we're combining these two shooters eso that half of our glass object is transparent using the shader. So that's got impression 52 up in the admin you and then under shelter, you can get an ad in a Mikita. Let's click here and move this material output a bit to the right here and plug this in. And then we want to combine both shooters so plugged these down here transparency and be STF, which will make sure that our object is reflective. And at the same time it's also letting the light into the scene here and we can play around with the You are values. Let's go with maybe about 1.5 So it changes the refraction on the window, but in the in the background. Okay, so this arbitrary abuse so that we can have a bit better look second, see that it's indeed a glass and we can see some reflections and stuff. And we can also see some of the light coming in from STR Image. So how much this light will come in? It will be determined by the slider you convert an increase this to increase of the slider and you can decrease this to let him less lines to have come in. So let's go with maybe 0.5 for now. Or maybe 0.3 or so. Okay? And now we can go ahead and work on limp here. So let's get to select the lamp and in in new material called it lamp. We want to make it a bit transparent solar Scott, and increase the transmission to about maybe 0.3 or so, and we don't want this to be shiny objects. So this increase the roughness, and that means we have to the solid skating press period on the number we want to add in lights here. So shift A to open the admin you actually let's go and center three acres on this object. So shift as to open this menu and cursor to selected so it moves are cursor in sort of center off the subject. Shift a to open add menu and then under lights. We can add in a point late, which emits light in all directions. We want to skillet down a little bit, so it's gonna skillet down. Let's use this slider here to change the size of the light, and we can turn on the render a preview mode. Click on the light color and I'll go ahead and select more often orangish tone here for the light. You can experiment with different light size and color, so let's increase the sight of what, maybe five centimeters. And we consume out a little bit and see our object from further away. Okay, so let's go and select the point. Like to be added here. And we want to create additional copies of this light, so shifty to create a copy along the Z axes and move it up about here. And we need to repeat the process shifty and then along the Z axes and move it down to something like around here. Next week, we can go to select the lamp itself and change the base color off the lamp to more office sort of rose gold color. Okay, I'm happy with look, and we might need to move over. Limps slightly to the right here, so let's switch to the sheeting view. We can get in, select the lights and the lamp itself. So let's go with my selecting the left wrist and then, under a lice week, invented select all of these pointless by holding down control key and then using the move to weaken just one was slightly to the site. And let's turn on a render a preview. We might need to move this slightly to the side here. Okay, I'll get a press controlled cycle of times. I think the default location looks pretty good. Or we could just move it slightly to the right here. So something like you. Okay, I'm happy with the lamp. We can also create a copy off this lamp on the other sites of a select lump one. And these objects shifted to duplicate. And then along the Y axes and moving all the way here in sort of this area, using the solitude ing begin Good and see if we need to treat the position a little bit. And I think we have most of our objects completed. Let's go down as some textures to the objects in the background here. So some of the props so that gets elected and switch to the texture. They've looked more looked if and appropriate on the num pad and zoom in here Well, garden sweeter. 80 Ramos, choose the default one and I think it looks better. Okay, so let's begin by adding textures to these two shells here. So let's add in a material and let's change the base color to a darker color, and we can also go ahead and dial down the roughness about point or so. Next, we want to select the down and this another shelf and less rename this to shelf large. I guess you can use different names if you want to, less than a loner roughness, and we want to use completely. Why Texture for this so smoothly make it completely white. And then for these blocks, I would go with some random colors. SLS create some random colors red, and we can also create a different color. Service will be selecting discrete copies of that color so that select the first object here, and we have a red color added. I think the default roughness looks fine. We convince, still, like the red color, and then we can going to select this a second object and adding the red color and create a copy of that material. Rename it to something like blue enlisting, the color said. We want to add in more off a bluish color. Select the top cube and he was blue or red. Texture and rename create a copy of this object, and we can rename this to something like Maybe green. Okay, now let's go and click on the base color and change the color to green. And let's also add materials to the books up here. So for the books will be using a white material for this inner part and then some rand McCullers on the outside. You can also you re map these books and then add images from your computer. And these are some of the background props and weakened issues. The random colors said it was good and isolate one of the book here. Or maybe you could just hold on control shift key and select all of these books. And then we can enter into the isolation mode. Select this book here, tap into edit mode and these faces should be selected by default. But if not, you can go out and select. These using shifty has got an ad in a new material slaughter. So this will be the default material is creating new material. This will be the This will be the white material for the book. We can go and type in something like White I underscore book, or we can reverse the names of book and just go White would be more easy to look at. So something like you and we can go ahead and add another slot, and we can use one off the materials we've already created. So let's go with maybe this greenish or for this book, we could just create a new dark over black material. So let's go and create a new atrial, and we can rename this to something like Book Underscore Black. So screening this just something like here, and we can click on this error to move it up. And we can use White for the inner part civilised code and assign its to the selected faces , and we can increase the roughness, so make sure to increase toughness all the way less school up here, select the black material again, increased the roughness and change the basic alert to a darker color. Now we can talk about off the edit mode back in to edit month within faces selected, assigned the white Micheel and to reverse their selection. We convert and click on select inverted Means that we want to select opposite of what we had selected and select the Black Book and click a sign type out of that is okay. I think it looks OK, and now we could go and repeat the process. So for this, we can go in and add in a new material slot here and then use one off the materials. So let's add in a blue material and then tap into edit mode so these faces should be selected. If not, you can go and select these, adding a new slaughter and then from one of your previous Michiels. Let's go and look white and then we want to assign it here. And then we just need to repeat the process couple of times. So select another book here, Adan in Yuma. She'll slot, and if you move your because they're here and then you can use their Moskal real to school through the list of materials you have, and it's got an ad in a red material at another slot and use your book white material in this large type into edit mode and assigned this Michelle to a central part of the book and then just repeat the process. So Scott and use one of the previously created material. So maybe book black and then we can add in in your slot. Well, quite type into edit mode. Assign it Tapout off the editor and this and then select the last book here and let's go in and sign a new material here. So let's use the green material new slot and usable Quite man. She'll tap into edit mode, assigned the material and chipotle in the shell book. Okay, and now we can get and press forward slash on the keyboard to end isolation mode. We can also get and select these books here and shifted to duplicate these books along the Z axis down here and then wrote it The's a little bit here. So we're rooted in these around. Why axes about on Let's go with maybe about 70 degrees, or like, 60 degrees, Okay, and then we just need to move them done. You can also use the face. Nothing technique, but I think I'm happy with this, and then we might need to adjust. He's slightly here. Okay, let's quickly grab some of the books here and move or adjust the position in this little let's drag it over here. And we can also drag in this one. Let's grab all of these books and moved them slightly up here. You can also sign a random color to this, so I'll use one of the black materials. So book black. Okay, so let's get and enable the render mode so you can see that we have our lamps added. We have most of farm. It feels completed. We have the lighting set up properly. From here. You can go ahead and tweak around with the materials to your liking. So if you want to change the color of the carpet, you can tweak around with the wooden floor. You can use a different word material. So you have a lot of options from here s It's just the final treating and stuff like that. I'll go ahead and spend some time working on some of the tiny things, like tweaking the colors of the interior a little bit here and there and also go ahead and save the file.
20. Roof Light & Final Tweaks: and now we can spend some time foreign tuning the position of her objects for the final winter. We can also add in an RGB light on the roof. So let's begin by adding delight here on the roof. So let's get in. Select the roof on tick press period on the num pad. We can also collapse this shit Redditch of panel. So let's go and do that for the quickly and also good into an on the screen cost keys. Okay, so we need to zoom in here and they need to select this part of the objects press tab on the keyboard to jump into the edit mode. And then we want to make sure that we're using her face election mode. So let's go and select this face well done. Shift key and select face over there. You can also zoom in if you want to, and make sure that he selected below this area. Because if you move your camera self up here and then try to select your object, you can see that usual. Select the town part of the roof so good and for us control and then click on it. Okay, so Let's zoom in here on this side and zoom in. Shift left. Click here and then finally, we need to select this face over here. Groups. Settlers zoom in here and sit like this one. Okay, so we have this sort of loop is selected and to show it better, I can go to straight to the wife Remote. Okay, So with the Strip selected, we can go to impress API on the keyboard to open the separate menu and separate this by selection so that it's easier to work with this later on instead of selecting it again and again. Okay, so let's go ahead and take a look at where the subject is. Okay, so we have this roof one here. Let's go to rename. This is something like roof light or you can answer rename. This is something like roof rgb light. Okay, so with that, we can get and we were view down here and let's turn on the report render mode. Now we can go to an ad in a new material. So let's go and get rid of the material that we have here and then using this lottery Canadian and new material. Let's rename this to Roof RGB, and we want to change. This officiated to something like Emission, and then this is the color of the light. So let's go ahead and pick. Maybe this bluestone. For now, you can select a different color if you want to, so you can see that we have that light at the top here. And then for the strength you can go and play around with the value. For now, I think I'll go with maybe, like, five for the strength. Okay, so we have a roof light at it, and from here we can just use the top U boat eso by pressing seven on the name pad. We can just position objects as we like them. So go ahead and spend some time moving objects a little bit here and there so that it's a bit fine just to add some final touches and at some, like final movement, spent some time arranging your optics for the final render. And then in the next video, we can go out and spend some time setting up our camera and render settings
21. Setting Up Camera & Render Settings: rendering in any three D modeling application is just like photography in real life. We need to set up camera and run the settings before rendering our final images. So if we zoom out here in our seen, what you'll notice is that by default, blender creates this default camera, said Weaken, selected by simply left working on it, and we can also use their manipulation tools to move this camera around. You can also use D to grab the camera and move this around this way. So this is the default camera. You can delayed this and under shift a menu you can add in a new camera so it's under located under camera. Here, you can just click on it, and new camera will be at it now. To look through this camera is pretty simple. You click on the View menu and then under cameras, you can select active camera. You can also go to people, too, and select camera here. Or you can use the heart Kate in them pants zero on the keyboard. So if we go ahead and press is your on the number that you can see that it zooms into the camera and then we have this window. So this is the area that will be rendered in the final image, and this is sort of extra area. Now. Moving your camera is really easy. If we use what is called a flying mode to activate this money, have to hold on shift key and then press the tiller, King said. This key is located right below your escape key next to one. So when you press these case now, you'll be able to look around with your camera. If you just move your mouse, you can see that we're able to move the camera. And if you have played any shooter games, you'll be familiar with and w a S d for the movement, so I'll go through those to go forward. You need to press, deadly said just whole w. And it goes forward as to go backwards it to go left de for right que to go this air down or dissent, he to assent or go up. Using these controls, you'll be able to find to an end, adjust your camera to any angle your mike. Now, if you don't want to confirm the change, you can right click here or if you're like the movement of your camera, you can left click to finish the movement. Now you can select your cameras appear And if we have more than one camera, then you could see that we have this tiny I come next to the camera. It means that this particular camera is active. So when you have multiple cameras, make sure that the correct camera has this icon next to it. Now, to access the settings for the camera, we can click on this icon down here and then we're able to access the settings here, so we have a focal length. If you've used any DSLR cameras, you'll be purify a. It will be really easy to recognize this number. You can also use field a few value if you're not familiar with lens focal length. Okay, so in this case will be using millimeters. So the idea is, if you want a wider angle, you need Teoh lower this number to something like 35 or 16 millimeter and if you want more sort of telephoto lens and then you bumped up this number. So, for example, we can go with like 35 centimeters and you can see that it covers more area in the interior design. And if we go further down like 16 you can see how it sort of adds more area in this case, will be using 50 millimeter and then don't. Here we have some additional settings, such as people displaced. If you want to hide this area that distracts him, you can just expand. This passes bart out area, and then you can just increase the opacity. You can see that this is the final area that will be rendered in the final image. And you can also press home key on your keyboard on this will zoom in on the that area so it makes it full screen and what you'll be seeing in the final render. Now, from here again, we can press shift plus Tilda, and then we can zoom out using s key. We just need to align the angle properly. You can see that it makes it really easy to align. Your cameras are unless it But I want to the final render from this angle. So I'm happy with that. I'll just left click to complete the movement now to get out of this camera. You can just press and hold middle last button and then move your view and considered it says user perspective again if we pressed zero on the number is zooms into the camera and then it says camera perspective. Okay, sir, camera is now set up properly and we have our settings down here. You can explore these if you want to. We have adopted field located in these settings and some additional settings. Now, before rendering of images, we need to go through the render settings. So let's go out and look through the camera and then we can enable our render PV mood. Okay, so you can see that we have this room rendering. Let's click on a render properties And then here we have our vendor engine. We will be using cycles and then we have the device for rendering CPU. You can also select DPU don't. Here we have our sampling. Now this is the most important parameter for rendering said that here we have a render and deport. So it means that when we're in the people, we have this number affecting. And for the final render, this number changes 228. So the way it works is that the higher this number, the better image quality you'll get at the cost of more render time. So you need to adjust in between high quality and reasonable render time s. So we have our people Simple said 2 32 And so you can see that we have a lot of noise in this image. If we increased this number, more render passes will get friended and we will have less noise But in exchange for more render time. So I think we're good with 32 for the people for the final render, we can render an image and if we don't like or it has a lot of noise then we might need to increase the number. But for now, we can just go with the default number below this we have some additional under settings such as a performance tab and if we want to render a transparent image instead of this s t r I in the background and we can go and open this film lumped and select transparent So this will render transparent and we will be able to add any mission in photo editing application. So these are Some are under settings, and under this we have what is called output settings. So when you click here, you can see that the these air your resolution settings. So we have our full HD resolution selected 1920 10 80 with aspect ratio of 1 to 1 thesis, um, settings. If you want to render an animation, you can select your frame written range here and then down here, you have settings for your animations. So this is the director where your animation will be seemed so. These will be multiple images. You can override these images. You can select the file format at compression, and these are some settings for rendering photos. And these settings won't be applied on because you'll save individual images to render images. We need to click on the Render menu along the top here, and then we have render image or honky F 12th rendered animation control effort of hockey. Now, before we render images, we need to enable the hidden all that we added set. Let's go to enable that and you can see that it blocks our view into the interior set. We'll go and select the hidden Wall. And then if we click here on our object properties down here, we have our visibility. Let's go in and expand it and then underrate visibility. We want you to enough camera. So what it does is that it make sure stand. This one is visible in any reflection or anything like that. But it's transparent for camera to see through soon our camera is able to see through this one, but if we have any reflection in the room, it will be able to see the wall from the inside. And we also want to applying to seem walls material. So let's go and click on the material and then under walls. We can go ahead and school down and we want to add in the walls material to the hidden wall . Okay, so with Mr for setting set up properly one last thing. Now, if we need to get rid of all of this noise, we need to really increase the number of samples to something like 2000 or something like that. But then it would take, like, forever to render an image. So, another way to get rid of this noises by using. AI denies Ing Blender supposed three different type of idealizing it has built in a idealizing. It also has internal open note, a idealizing and finally, no videos. Optics denies ing to use these. You can go and click on this button here that says view layer properties, and then he can scroll all the way down here. And then you can see we have this area for the knighting. You can cut and enable it and expand the settings for the most part of the settings. Just work. Find you don't need Teoh change anything here. If you have any media's R TX graphics card, you might also see an option here for optics. Denies ing. In this case, I don't have that, so it's not visible to me now. I think the until open a idea nosing works better than this built in Blended denies ING soldier and turn this off to use until denies ing weaken school up here. And then you'll notice that we have denies in data. We need to enable this before rendering her image so that it also renders the agonizing data. Okay, with these setting set up, we can now go ahead and render image. I'll go ahead and select a deep you for the rendering. And also switch back to the solid, waiting for the report s O that being easily render the final image. Okay, so now we can go and click on Render medium and then we can select Orender image. Okay, Sorry. Images rendered. And you can see that it took about two minutes to render this image. And we can go ahead and close and the render a preview for now. So we have a lot of noise in this and Orender we can use and the denies ING data to see whether we can get rid of this nice or we need to bump up the settings. We can also tweak on the background image. You can see that it's not properly adjusted, so we can go to and treat that as well. Okay. Says you get rid of the noise we need to create a new panel down here. And then we can change the editor to composite er and enable use notes so you can see that it shows us the render leers. So this is our final rendered image, and we have immunizing dinner. If we uncheck the option under view earlier properties agonizingly that you can see that it gets Roaches off. This stinks. Okay, so let's go to any enabled us. And then we can shift a here to add in and you know and let's search for denies. Okay, let's add that in here and then under noisy image. We want to click that into image, denies in normal and then denies ng l. Beato. Also, we can go and sweetness and viewer a three d view into image image editor. So we're able to see the final image. Let's click on this button here and then select Orender result. So this is a render result less user Maskell well to zoom out and now we want to plugger denies note into the final composite note. So see up here as we plug this in and you see magically all of the noise disappeared So it's really amazing and you can see that by just using ah, 128 symbols. We were able to render this beautiful image so that's how we render our final images. Now we can move our camera two different angle or we can create multiple cameras and then said those cameras up in different angles and start trending or images. You can bump up the sample. You can also treek the materials off your walls to render different colors and stuff like that s o. You have life options from here. You can also go in and tweak in the background image by simply opening up your share register and then selecting world here. And you can see that you have your mapping set up here. So you can just good and, uh, changed the rotation here for any of the axes. You changed the Y and Z axes to update image in the background. Okay, so our images are rendered now to save this image. It's really simple. We cut and click on the image menu, and then we have our safe as dialogue here so we can go and click on it and you can see that it's under into your design. So let's go and select our Now we can get him back up from this folder and then under renders we can go and saber file to something like Maybe test render. So it's going to save this file. We can go out and savor file, and then we can rent a different images by playing around with different things.
22. Rendering Photorealistic Images: Okay, so now we're ready to render a final images. Let's begin by collapsing our shooter editor and to switch our view or three d view to our three d V. Okay, so we had our cameras set up in this area. We can go ahead and create additional cameras, less press shift, A to open the admin, you and then Andrew camera. We can get in selected now to look through this camera, we need to make sure that it's active camera. So if we go out and look down here, it's added under our lights. Let's go out and quickly drag this to a different collections. So let's right. Click in on a treaty view and then select moved to collection, and we want to move this to the room collection. Okay, so here we have a camera and then camera one and next to these cameras, you'll know the test. We have these two icons now, the one that has this background means that it's active cameras. If we pressed is your on the NAM pad, it will zoom into that camera. So to make and make this other camera active, we can disclose here on this button, and you can see that it switches to the camera. Now, let's go to impress shift plus tilde key. And then we should go out and mover camera and to move your camera more quickly, you can hold on shift key. Okay, so with that, we can go and sort of set up this in a different angle. Okay, so we need to just adjust the camera and the smoothest up slightly. Okay, So I think I'm happy with sort of this angle here. Left click to finish the movement and, you know, for the rendering, we can go ahead and render images. So let's go out and switched the rendering too deep you compute. And then under a render window, we can select render Okay. So you can see that her images rendered and using the idealizing and the noise is removed. And we have pretty realistic looking image rendered out. Now, from here, we can just tweak around with the angles of four cameras. Weekend changed the textures on the walls and create multiple colors we can expand onto. This said we have a lot of options from here and we can start saving our images also If you want to compare different ranges, you can click on this Lord one area here. And if you select a different slot and then render an image that will be rendered in that second slot, you'll be able to switch between these and compare different renders. So if you want to check whether in denies ing is working properly. If you want Teoh Cheng between two different colors, you can also do that. And another thing that you can try out is that if you go ahead and and increased this number, if you just want to quickly, like, render your images, you can just learn this down to something like 10 or 20 samples, and it will make it really easy to render really misses. But it will be a bit more noisy, and but it's really good for computing different textures and stuff like that. Okay, so from here I would recommend just playing around with the materials and stuff and then rendering different images. And so that's how we create this into your scene. Okay, so you can see that we were able to create this interior design blender really easily using some of the basic tools. So from here you can create a different and designed for the interior and then rendered that sets. And that would be really helpful because as you practice more, you'll be able to discover new ways to create certain things. For example, if you create curtains this way next time, you might learn a better way to create this more easily and quickly. Okay, so from here I would recommend practicing. So go ahead and create may be your own room design in Blender, using some of the tools we've seen in this course and along the way, explore new tools to create some things more easily over in a better way, and then for the textures and machines you can play around with those. So from here I would recommend practicing eso. A great exercise could be in your room. Begin by creating your own room in the blender and then create something that resembles your a real room. And once you have that, he can send those renders to me at Actually, I veto at gmail dot com, and I'll try adding those renders on my website under student part for you
23. Change Color Scheme: Once you have the interior design completed, you can change the color scheme. If your interior design to change the look dramatically is to give an example or garden, turn on the render a preview and by just changing few calamity, will see how we're able to change the entire look off into your design. So let's begin by selecting the walls and then under material tap, we can go in and change the color, so got an increased the brightness, and then I'll go with more off sort of a rose gold color. You can also go with more of for Yellowstone color, and then we can go and select the baseboard down here, and we can change color to plaque next week and go ahead and select the furniture here, some selecting the couch and then for the base colors. We can get in select remove to remove the texture, and we just want the world white color. Next week I'm going to select the coffee table and let's go and changing color, see something like white. And then for the TV cabinet. We want to change the color so they're thes colors are opposite, so gotta selectively cabinet white material, and we can turn this into black. And then for the black material, we can go to turn this into white. Okay, so you can see by just changing. Few colors are interior design looks completely different, so you can go ahead and play around with the value for the Texas. You can change the curtains color. You can add more Texas from your computer so you can have a lot of fun. Here. You can create a lot of different color schemes for the single interior design.
24. UV Mapping Tips: when working in blender with architectural objects. It's really simple to use remap your architectural objects. Most of your objects can be re mapped in a minute or two, so let me show you some tips that will be helpful for working with architectural objects. So let's say that I want to add in a texture on this a comfortable instead of the default color in Blender. So let's go and switch on our render a preview mode, and you can see that we have this table. If I go ahead and select it and then under material sittings, we can add in an image. Or we could just create a new panel down here, endless wish to appreciate an editor. And then we can add in an image file. Or we can just adding and you texture notes. So let's go to end at an image texture, Select, open, and we can back up from the folder under textures that's gonna select our floor, emits that that would be our would fine, and then we can plug this into the base color. Okay, let's switch back to the texture of preview up at the top Here. We can also resize this panel estimate. Okay, so you can see that this image is added, but it's really distorted. Satya. Quickly, you re map and fix this destruction. We can use quick unwrapped technique, so the first step would be to applying the transformation. So if we burn, go ahead and press end on the keyboard and the serpents apart transform panel and you can see that under dimensions or actually scale, it's you can see that it's not in uniform sit when you were unwrapped, and this can create trouble. So we want to make sure that all of these values and reset it to, ah, uniforms skill and that it doesn't affect our objects without Skilling or object. We want to fix these values. So to do this we can go and click on Object menu and then under apply, we can apply the scale, rotation, old location. In this case, we want to apply the scale so it's got an up line and against those makes these values uniforms without affecting her object. Okay, so we that out of the way, let's get in a switch, are shedding a little to UV editor, and then we can select one off the image from this drop down. Let's go without a texture for now and then we can tap into the edit mode, press A to select everything and then press you on the keyboard toe. Open your remapping menu, and we want to make sure that we're using Q projection and you consider to fix all of that distortion. To see it better. We can go ahead and plug in in different image, so let's go ahead and create a new image here. So let's go ahead and click on this button here. New image. And you can rename your image to something like maybe test or anything like that, and generated time should be set to color, Great or you regret you can use either of these and select Okay, now to display this image, your honor, object that we need to sit back towards sharing a teacher and then under a structure clicker and then select the test image that we just created and you can see that there is no destruction in this image. And to further refine this, you can use your you ve manager. You can go and use the face election more to select any of the face, and then you can skill those up or down. Or you can select your entire object, even map down here and then process to skillet up or down. So it makes it really easy to, ah, change your object skill to make it. Make sure that there's no distortion on your object, and this should work for most of your architectural objects and same thing goes for the walls. So, for example, if we go ahead and select this wall, so first we need to get out off the edit mode by pressing tab, and that's like the wall object. And then we can go and switch to share your editor and we want to applying to see me a mysterious illness could and in and, you know, image texture like that into the base color off that walls. And then for the image. We want to use the test image so you can see that this image is quite this torch. Less press forward slash on the keyboard toe, isolate the balls and it is easier to work with these. Okay, so again, we need to use the same technique. Let's go and click on Object menu and you apply, applying the scale to make it sure that it's uniform and then tap into edit mode. Press to select everything, press you on the keyboard to open the remapping menu. And then we want to make sure that we're using Q protection, and you can see that it makes sure that all of degrees are even and we have proper texture applied. And then after that, you can supply your image so you can click here and use. Maybe this wouldn't texture, and you can see that it's applied. And if you want to change the signs, for example, tiling off your object and you can just add in a vector note. So under a factory, just add in a mapping note like that in here, and then you also need to add in a input texture quarter note and then plug that generated into the back to. Actually, you need to plant that into you. The mapping so you re mapping should replied into the truth, and then you could just change the tiling by simply re sizing or changing the scale of your objects. So let's go with something like maybe 0.5 for. So let's left looking, holding, then drag over these values so that it's easier to change these or change all of these values at once. So to increase the tiling, let's go with something like maybe five or so, and you can see how it increased the timing of here again, we can get end something these type in something like maybe three for the tiling, and we can also change in the Rotich in. So if we want to change petition off the texture again, we can do that. So it's really easy to clear around with your texture, using sort of this structure off the notes, sir Texture coordinates plugged into mapping, mapping plugged into the texture note and then that collect into the base color. And for the remapping. Just make sure to use Q projection, and they should work fine for most of your architectural objects.
25. Useful Websites: in this video and wanted to go over a few websites that you can use for getting some free resources for your three D projects. So if you need as Deora images like the one that we used in our interior scene, you can and go to SDR have in stock camps that this is a great website that you can download and that he can use to get download free as your images so you can go and you can see that at the top. You know, we have asked your eyes you can cut and click on it and then you have categories at the top here, and if you scroll down, you can see that you have. And they have a lot off. Different as you're right images, the one you like. You can just simply tap on it or actually click on it so you can click on the one that you like. And then you can see some preview images at the top here and then, after scrolling down, will be able to on download. So down here you can see that it's different. Resolutions are available. You can download one K two k forking it, and even 16 K image and the sciences are listed here. You also have the license down here, so you're able to use this both for commercial and personal years. It's against you that in other words, you can use that to your images for any purpose, including commercial work. And you can also use another great websites. This is the cult blender kit. It has a lot of assets for blender and that you can just You can add their flag in into a blender and you'll be able to import these ants. It's so at the top you can see we have materials. We also have models brushes, and they also have a premium database. Second, see that they have a lot of materials available with the free plan. So I would recommend checking on this website, and finally, you can also use and textures dot com, and they have both paid and free materials or Texas, so they have, like, really large collection of textures. You can use one of the categories or you can search for an image. For example, let's say that I want to look for brick and you can see that they have about four around 5000 and textures for the brick, and you can see the previous of different textures. And then when you click on it, you can see that we have different textures, and then down here, you can see that it is free free. So we condone what up to a 10 24 X 10 24 image and for free. And you'll get about 15 credits every day with the free plan, and then you also have premium a credit you can use. So it's up to you what you want to use for basic projects. You'll be able to create some amazing results with and just basic textures lengthens. So this is some websites and that you can check out, and you might need some SS you can grab. You can use this these websites to grab the masses that you might need for your projects.