1. Bootcamp Start Your Essay Today Introduction: Hello. Welcome to boot camp. Start your essay today. I'm your teacher, Shelley. I have years of experience editing, university student essays, and I've been a student myself for quite some time. I'm now completing my second masters degree. I understand how hard it can be to get started on assignments. You received the assignment information and you think I'll try and get started early and it gets put off and put off and put off. So this class is designed to force you to sit down and read through the question, map out your essay and really make a start so that you can get this done and get on with the rest of your life. So let's get started.
2. Procrastination: procrastination. We've all been there. We all know what it feels like. And to be honest, it's not much fun. We might be putting off what we ought to be doing. And although we might be doing what we prefer to do, it feels uncomfortable because we have this essay hanging over our head that we ought to be working on. So this class is encouraging you to sit down and just put an hour of your time into address the essay, Get it started. Map out a structure, right? The conclusion right? The introduction. Map out the body and just start, and you'll find that once you start writing, you will then be able to read. Visit what you've done and add bits and pieces each day, and before you know it, TSA will be written. Some people procrastinate by doing anything but the essay. They might clean the house. They might suddenly have an urge to clean out their closets, etcetera, etcetera. Others progress in it by researching endlessly reading deeply into the subject of becoming completely distracted, with with extra research that is not essential to the writing of the essay. So the research is good. Now is the time to stop reading, stop researching and actually start to write
3. Analyse the Question: way. First thing you need to do is analyze the question, sit in a nice, quiet place, read the essay question on all of the instructions and take your time. You really want Teoh highlight or underline the key aspects of what the essay question is asking you to do because you don't want to miss anything. You want to ensure that you have fully and completely addressed the essay question. So use this time to really let the essay question sink into your mind. Really? Take it on board and then we'll be ready to start mapping out the structure of the essay.
4. Map Out the Essay: Once you have fully understood your essay question, the next most important thing to do is map out the structure of your essay. So this means you can dissect the question into sections that are going to be featured in the essay, and this is worth spending a little bit of time on your going to not only break the essay down into sections, you're going to also look at the word count and allocate on appropriate proportion of word counts. Each part as well. This will really help you, right? Because you have a goal. You have a limit. You know what you're aiming for. So this structure could be applied to almost every essay. You may need to add extra body paragraphs if it's a really long essay. Say it was 5000 words. You may have four paragraphs in your essay. You may have five, But for most essays, um, you're looking at 2000 words and three paragraphs tends to be an appropriate number of main points to cover in that in that amount of woods, this diagram shows you a really easy formula to apply to any essay that you need to write roughly your introduction should be 10% of your word count. So in our example here, a 2000 word essay you're aiming for roughly 200 words in the introduction. The same applies to the conclusion. And then the remaining words in this case, 1600 words is then divided into three. And each body paragraph will be roughly 535 words. Now, what this does is it gives you a name. It gives you, um, a smallest section to focus on writing. So instead of being overwhelmed by the entire essay, you can simply address one section regarding the body paragraphs. Each of these will focus on one clear 10.1 clear aspect that the essay question has asked you to address, often as a questions do have several sections to them, and you need to be able to identify these and put them into TheStreet chur under paragraph 12 and three. Now each of these paragraphs will have there are in structure within them. So for each body paragraph, it needs to have an introduction. It needs to have a body, and it needs to be concluded and then a sentence to lead it onto the second body paragraph . So why don't you pause the video here and take the time to map out your essay? And when you're ready, all join you for the next step.
5. Write the Introduction: you've done so well. Now you've read your essay question. You understand what it's asking of you. You've sat down and had taken the time to map out the essay structure. This is going to guide you now as you begin to write your essay. So let's start with the first part. Let's try and right the introduction. So the first sentence of your introduction needs to be a very general introductory statements that gives the viewer some grounding about what it is you're talking about. So let's say that your essay topic is about the rising cost of food. For example, your first sentence for your essay would need to be a statement about the role of food in in society or the importance of food or something that generally introduces the subject area. Then you're going to move on to a second sentence, which narrows it down. So you may then make a statement that talks about the cost of food production and the impact that has on on prices. And then you're going to drill down further and really talk about why this is important. Why this is a topic worth discussing, and then, at the end, of your introduction, you're going to tell the reader what to expect in the rest of the essay, so you'll say something like, Firstly, um, the cost of production of food will be examined in data. Secondly, how the cost of production of food impacts supermarket prices will be considered. And finally, how food costs affect society will be outlined. Now, this isn't a perfect example. What I'm trying to demonstrate is that the clarity the in aid for the three main points, these three things you're mentioning in the introduction are going to be the focus off the three paragraphs in your essay. So take your time and make sure that these three main focus points address all aspects off your essay question.
6. Start the Conclusion: Isn't it great to have started writing to have actually written your introduction? Now it will need refining and editing, but this is just the draft stage so well done on getting something written. So because of conclusion mirrors much of the introduction. That's the piece we're going to right next. So sometimes I like to copy my introduction and paste it into the conclusion, but only as a reference point. He never actually used that directly. You must rewrite it and use different words, but you're looking to touch on those same key points. So your first sentence would be a general statement about what the essay has covered, and then you will actually run through the three key paragraphs that you discussed. And maybe you would highlight a couple of key points that were argued, and then you're going to do what a conclusion is really made for, and you're going to sum up the entire essay and make some concluding statements. You want to end with a strong statement where you're making your position clear and your demonstrating to your marker that you really have answered this question very thoroughly.
7. Body Paragraphs: so USA is really taking shape. You've got a structure. You've mapped out the introduction. You've written part of the conclusion. Now you've got to tackle your three paragraphs, and I recommend just doing them one at a time. Don't get overwhelmed. Just focus on that one aspect of the essay question that you're going to address now. This is where your research comes into play. This is where your critical thinking and writing are really starts to matter. But for the draft aspect, you're just trying to get the words on the page and you can refine them later. So you want to follow the same formula. You need an introduction to this body paragraph. You need to tell the reader generally situate them in in the topic so they know what you're talking about. And then you want to tell them what you're going to be addressing specifically in the body off this paragraph, and then you go through and you write the actual part of the paragraph that gives the specific analytical academic, um, explanation, and then you conclude your statements in that paragraph, and then I like to include one sentence that links that topic off that paragraph to the next paragraph topic. It's like a leading sentence, and that gives your s a really fantastic sense of flow and makes the reader feel really secure because they know where they're going. They understand your train of thought. Your writing is clear. You're not jumping from one thing to the next without stating how they relate, so clarity and structure essential to a really good essay. So if you can apply this basic formula of introduction and body and conclusion to each of the three paragraphs in your essay, you will be a long way toward a really well written piece of work. Now, once you've written the draft, you then want to revisit it and edit it. I do this numerous times. I might do it on the computer, initially several times over and over again, reading through it, correcting things, improving things, doing what I can. But when I reached a point where I've really done what I can, I like to print it out and edit it on paper because it's really strange. Printing it out on paper changes, how it reads. It changes how you see it, and it will highlight a hollowed of areas and things you could improve, and every single little improvement you make can lead to much better marks for you. So it really is worth putting in the time to edit your draft numerous times and perfected as much as you can.
8. Thanks Start Your Essay Today: thanks for joining me on this boot camp for essay writing. I really hope it's helped you to stop procrastinating and to sit down and get that essay written. You've got much more interesting things to do with your life than spend it procrastinating over essays. So let's bang out this essay, get great marks and get on with their life. If you have any questions, feel free to post in the discussion form for this class. And if the classes of use plays like it and leave a review, thanks again. Bye.
9. More Classes on Essay Writing: I've recorded many classes on academic essay writing, so follow me on school share and you'll see all of the classes I've done. Here is the follow button. Click on this, and if you hover your mouse over this part here, it'll take you through to my profile as well. Under my profile, you'll see all of the classes I've created, and you'll be able to see the range of classes you could take on academic writing. He's a sample of some of the cake classes I've made s a success. Answer the question. Academic writing Basics. Ace essay introductions Boot camp. Start your essay today. Distinction essays, Secrets to success and s a success. Critical thinking. As you can see, there's a large range of classes you could take with me to improve your academic writing. I look forward to seeing you in these classes and to hearing your feedback on how your essay writing and your university marks have improved. So let's keep learning and improving and let's get started now
10. Academic Teacher Introduction Shellie Cleaver: academia is an entire world on its own. And unless you've come from an academic family, you're likely not to have any idea even exists. Before 2013 I had no idea what academia waas. I studied a finance degree. I was working Rito and I was ready to do something more skilled and more meaningful. So I undertook a masters at Melbourne University, and this two year degree was very, very academic, So I had to learn how to write excites from scratch. I'll never forget the experience of trying to write my first master's s A. I had five different guides in front of me, and I was literally pouring through them, trying to understand. What should a body Vanessa be? How do you conclude the essay? I had no idea, and I achieved a credit or possibly my first say, and from then my lob steadily improved. I'm now completing my second masters degree, where he academic library and I'm going to be a librarian. So I wanted to share my knowledge off academia and essay writing with you guys just to help make your journey