Baugasmâ„¢ Series #2 - Create a Clothing Effect in Cinema 4D and make an Abstract Typographic Poster | Vasjen Katro | Skillshare

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Baugasmâ„¢ Series #2 - Create a Clothing Effect in Cinema 4D and make an Abstract Typographic Poster

teacher avatar Vasjen Katro, Visual Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Design in Photoshop


    • 4.

      Cinema 4D


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Final thoughts


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About This Class

On this class you are going to learn how to Create a desing in Photoshop and then move to Cinema 4D to ceate a nice clothing effect.

What you are going to need:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • CInema 4D

WE are going to learn how to make the poster as shown below:

Meet Your Teacher

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Vasjen Katro

Visual Artist


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1. Intro: Hello everyone. My name is Vasjen Katro, I am a graphic designer, and this is the second class on Skillshare, where I'm going to teach you how to make a poster similar to this, and this series is based on a project I started a few months ago. It's called Baugasm where I'm make a poster every day for one year, and in this class, we're going to learn how to create something similar to this poster. We're going to go and create some illustration and some topography design on Photoshop, and then we're going to learn how to export that, and open it up and work on Cinema 4D. In Cinema 4D, we're going to learn how to create some awesome cloth effect, where two objects collate together, and we can achieve the cloth effect. So it's going to be fun. They're going to need, for all of you, to have Photoshop and also Cinema 4D, but this is going to be a fun project and I hope that you going to enjoy the tool and the technique. So make sure to enroll, to check the whole process and the class. Thanks. 2. Planning: Hey, welcome back. On this class, different from the other one, I'm going to show you how to create something similar to these. Many of you have asked how I create these clothing effect on Cinema 4D. On this class basically, we are going to work and create something on Photoshop, like a design. Basically we're going to work with some typographic and dark colors. Then we're going to export that and jump back on Cinema 4D to create the clothing effect, and then we're going to go and jump back on Photoshop and play around with export we got and with the result on Cinema 4D. Yeah, basically, all you need for this class is Photoshop and Cinema 4D installed. Yeah, let's get started. 3. Design in Photoshop: Hey, welcome back. So on this part of the class, I'm going to show you how you can create something on Photoshop before we export it to Cinema 4D and apply the clothing effect and then import it back on Photoshop. But before that, we need to create a document on Photoshop, I just created one. The size of this one is 3,000 pixel width and 4,200 height. You can play around, just make sure it is big enough so when you import it on Cinema 4D, it needs to be good quality because we're going to work with 3D, so details matter. So the bigger the size here, the better it is, but I'm not saying that you have to go crazy. But this is the dimensions I chose. So you can go with something like this, it would be fine. So you have to create a new doc. I have created here, but you have to go File, New, and create a new one. So for this one, I have created a rectangle with these gray color. So for this one, I'm going to go with this color, maybe darker. Let's change the color of this, maybe make it light gray so we can see what we're doing. I also applied some text and I have this quote that I really like from Pulp Fiction. It's, "I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" So we going to work with this quote and with this typography. We're going to play around. So basically, you just need to write whatever you want. In this screen actually on Photoshop, you can make a design, you can make a poster or whatever you want. The most important thing about this class is that what we're going to do after on Cinema 4D. So whatever you do here, it's up to you, but I'm just going with something and showing you some tricks. So I have created these, they're three layers, they're all text. I'm just going to select all three and then I'm going to press Command G on keyboard, so I can group them. I'm going to press again Command J this time, so I duplicate that group. So as you can see here is group one and group two, which is final and here is the other group. I'm just going to take that off. I made a copy of it because I want to keep that in case something doesn't go very well. I'm just experimenting with these. I don't know where I'm going to go, so this is totally improvised. So right-click on this folder and go merge group. So basically these are just pixels now. It got cut off, so let's make it like this, so it doesn't go out of the frame. Make sure you do that before you merge the group. So what I want to do is, I want to apply some warping and some wavy effect to the stack. So I'm going to go Command T as free transform. I'm going to go here, as you can see is this little icon and then I'm going to go to Custom. After that, I'm going to go with a flag. So as you can see, the text went crazy, but we will take this handle in here and you move it around until you reach something like this would be cool, I guess. Command T as free transform, and I'm just going to make it smaller. Sorry, I'm trying to use more shortcuts so you also get to know them. You can see below what I type on keyboard. So maybe I'm going to add a few more warping to this text. So I'm going to go again Command T, right click in here and I go Warp. I showed to you this technique previously on the other class, but I'm just going to play with text this time and create something crazy like this. So it's more bubbly. That part is more like a bubble. We going to stimulate this also with the clothing, but still. What I want to add more to this are some contrast, some more elements to all typographic style. So I'm right-click here, maybe I'm going to grab a few rectangles and I think red is going to go very well with this, maybe even yellow, but I'm just adding a few. I duplicated that with Command J and just going create a few shapes like this. As I'm saying, this is totally experimental. I don't know what I'm doing, so I might be wrong, I might switch this off and create something completely different. But for the sake of experimenting, I'm just showing you also the process on how I do this. So you just got to a new one here and I think that's enough for now. So I kept pressing Command J just to duplicate that layer in case you didn't get it. I think this is okay for now. So what is left, I'm going to export this and import it on Cinema 4D, and from then we can apply the clothing effect. So on the next class, I'm going to show you how you can import this in Cinema 4D and create some clothing nice effect. See you on the next video. 4. Cinema 4D: Hey, welcome back. I'm still on Photoshop. We need to export these, so I wanted to show how you can export. You go File, Save As and then I'm going to save it on desktop but the format I wouldn't choose is PNG, is not compressed to apec. sometimes it loses some qualitative PNGs works better. Sometimes I'm going to just save this on desktop and call it typornography let's write compression to just non interlaced known. I'm going to go on Cinema 4D. Here I have created a new document on Cinema 4D just it's from scratch. We're going to build here the whole clothing effect as some of you might have seen on my Instagram stories. First of all, we need to go here to render settings and I'm going to change the render settings and make it big, so something like 6,000 pixels were 6,000. We close this and what do we need to create now it's we create a plane object. You go right here and then you go into this plane. Automatically this is created. This is going to help us apply the poster we just did on Photoshop. Applied here as it would be like a piece of paper or like a piece of cloth, and then we're going to collide it with another object. But for that, we need to add the size for this one, the same size as it was on the Photoshop document we created. If I remember well that we go here on the right side, we select the object and we go like I think was 3,000 pixel, but in this case centimeters and was 4,200 pixels, sorry. As you can see this is huge but if we zoom out, it's inside the frame. Everything is inside this frame is the one that we're going to export. So make sure you are on this view. Here we created the cloth thing, but we need to create a new material. We go down here, we go to new material and then double-click on this and on color actually the texture, we're going to choose the poster we just made. I'm going to go on desktop and then to use typography and open. Is asking you if you want to change the path but I'm just going to go no. As you can see, this is the texture we are using for this but if I try to apply this in here and if I move the camera, you can see if I tried to render this. You see it's a poster we create a previously, but I don't want to go crazy and render all this. What we need to create now is the collider like the object this is going to fall into. We got two objects and sphere. As you can see, the sphere is very small but we'd change. You've got to grab these I don't know how it's called the tool actually, scale tool and you make this bigger. Also make sure that the sphere segments are around 50, so we have the sphere and we have the plane. What do we want to do is bring the sphere actually below, and what we want to do now is add the effect of the clothing on this plane object and on the sphere. You go on the plane, this is the most important thing so here you have to pay more attention. You right-click on the plane and you go to simulation tag and we're going to choose cloth. These now it's a cloth material and then we're going to go here and select that is editable. Then you go and select the sphere and right-click simulation tag and we're going to make this as a cloth collider. This is going to where the plane it's going to collide onto. These it's going to move down, and it's going to collide with the sphere. Basically we did most of the work, so what we need to do now is just press play and this happens. But in some of the cases, you see that the whole animation is not long enough, so you can go here and from 90 frames, I'm going to make 400 and press "Enter" and then drug these until the end. Now, we'll press play and let's see what this is making. Here it collided, I'm just going to stop it here maybe. Just I'm going to start it again. So I want to stop it at the place where I can go from the top like these, and export that specific frame when the two objects collide together. I'm pressing play again and maybe right here, it's the right one. I'm just going to zoom into this, I'm going to be exactly from the top view maybe zoom out a little, so I think this is okay. I'm just now going to switch so we can read a little bit the sorry. Yeah, I think here is okay. Now, I'm just going to go here and try to render this. I'm really sorry, the computer is slow but I'm just improvising the whole tutorial, so I don't know what I'm going to do with this actually back on Photoshop, but after I have exported these, I'm going to import it on Photoshop and alter some contrast, the colors, and also like maybe add a few more graphics. So we have to experiment with the some on Photoshop. But the most important thing is that you understood how to make the clothing effect on Cinema 4D, and then you can apply that and create crazy things like even you can use old pasta you have and you can create these effect as a clothing material. I think this is exported some just they surrendered, sorry, and I'm just going to save it. I'm going to save it as let's say TIFF PSD and then save. I'm going to go on desktop and I'm going to call this render one, save. I think this is saved and on the next video, I'm going to show you how we import that on Photoshop and play a little bit more around with it. See you on the next video. 5. Finalizing: Hey, welcome back. Here I am back on Photoshop. We exported the design previously from Cinema 4D, the Cloud thing. Here we have it on Photoshop open. Basically what I'm going to do now is I'm going to copy all of these command A select all, command C copy. I'm going to go to this template I have created. Basically I use this for everyday posters for boggle. I'm just going to paste it in here. Well, it is big, but I like it staying like this. I'm not sure what else we can add to this, it already looks nice, but maybe I can make that gray background, same color. Looks nice. It's like the same color, those lines. I think I'm just going to stick with this. I really like the contrast between the black, red, and the white. Let's select the design. We import the layer one. I'm going to add some noise to this. I'm going go to filter noise and add noise. Just maybe going to increase a little bit this, add. Maybe I'm just going to leave it in here. Just makes it feel that the Cloud thing looks more like rubber and more organic. Maybe I'm going to increase a little bit the contrast of this. I'm going to go to Image adjustment and brightness and contrast. It's this, let me increase with it. I think here is fine. Yeah. Maybe you can also apply, I don't know, a warp. Same thing we did previously. You can just play around with it and create something more, even more crazy. It already has the clothe effect. I wouldn't recommend to do this, but here I'm just, I don't know. I'm just playing around and see what we can achieve. This looks weird, but probably am not going to do this, but I'm just showing to you so you can play around with a few more ideas like this. I'm just going to stick with this. Maybe I can just add a few small drawings, so I'm just grabbing a brush with the size of five. I'm going to create a new layer. I'm just going to maybe add a few, maybe I'm going to increase the size to 13, just to add a few red dots. Then we get few more vivid, not so plain. Maybe I can add create a new layer and make a few more with white. Maybe decrease the size a little bit, go to five and, I think this is looking okay. I know it's missing something, but still I'm happy with it. The text is readable and it looks nice to see it. I don't know. I mean, as I said, this is totally improvised. You guys can continue and do whatever you want. I'm really curious to see what you're going to do on this class, and I would really love to see all the projects that you're going to share, because these are just some techniques I'm showing with you. It doesn't mean to be exactly like this. You can not even include typography in there. You could have, I don't know, an image or you can even have, I don't know, completely something else that maybe I never tried before. I just wanted to show the possibilities. You can use Cinema 4D and Photoshop and maybe you even do a design on Illustrator and export it and apply it on Cinema 4D. I mean, you can even try the gradients I showed on the previous class. You can make something like that on Photoshop and then apply the clothing effect on Cinema 4D. I'm letting you decide and I'm letting you go crazy. For me, I'm going to stick with this, and hopefully you've learned something and see you on the next class probably. Bye. 6. Final thoughts: Hey everyone and welcome back. I hope you learned something through the whole class. This is what I got, and this is what I achieved at the end of this tutorial. I'm going to go and post this on Baugasm and hear some of your thoughts. I would really appreciate if you guys see the whole class and then upload the projects, what you make, and I'm really curious to see what are you going to achieve. Let's have some conversations and I will be happy to help you and give you some guidelines, if you need. Thanks for enrolling in the class, and let me know in the discussion below, what do you want to see as the next class of Baugasm project series and classes here in Skillshare. Until next time, have fun, and keep working every day. Bye.