Basic Video Editing - Adobe Premiere Pro | Iulian Popa | Skillshare

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Basic Video Editing - Adobe Premiere Pro

teacher avatar Iulian Popa, Life is beautiful!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Basic Tools


    • 3.

      Transitions and Keyframes


    • 4.

      Color Grading and Effects


    • 5.

      Shortcuts and masking


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About This Class

This is a basic video editing course for those who want to learn the basic how to edit stuff in Adobe Premiere Pro.

It involves basic actions like cuts, trims, adding text, transitions and animating them with keyframes and also color grading.

P.S. My PC is not good enough to run the preview while recording, but the course is pretty straight-forward so anybody can understand the concepts I talk about.

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Iulian Popa

Life is beautiful!


Hello, I'm an experienced video editor.

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello, everybody. Welcome to discourse. This course is ah, targeted for beginners who want to learn. Ah, basic video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro. This course will present to the basic tools you can use in order to edit your videos in Adobe Premiere broke. Uh, so if you want toe learn how to edit in this program or just generally how to edit videos, um, you have come to the right place. So this is the program. As, um, you open it. We have the home screen where we can browse to our gross our projects or create a new project. For example, I will create a new project this time he knew project. But the way I don't, um, don't care about this. I don't have the windows activated. Doesn't matter. So here we give the project and name and the location, and, uh, we can start anything after this. So, yeah, that I quit the project. Uh, I will start after this. The base. Seek the proper tutorial boat. How toe aided staffing. And Toby Premiere pro. And you will be us will see. It is very, very simple. And it's ah targeted for beginner for an entry level. Oh, yes. See you 2. Basic Tools: Hello, guys. In this course, I will show you how toe edit staff in Adobe Premiere Pro was recently acquitted Our project everything and added my media in the me. That browser in the project s O. I would quit the sequence. We're dragging a clip into my timeline. I would, Greg it and I have ah sequence. Now, this is the sequence with the settings off this clip, I've dragged him toe attainment. So it has the same resolution and betrayed as this clip. Okay, first of all, I will show you how toe Ah, how this, um interface works. So we have different video layers and all the layers, um, and my ar could easily be towed. Track one and the Hold your trick one. If we played by pressing this button or breath popular pressing space, we can preview it right here. Beautiful Klay. Uh, there is no sound because it the clip itself has no sound. Um, but premier detects it has. So that's why when you click the video, it highlights both its video and audio. But if I want to select only the video or only the audio, I will right click and on link. Now I have I can click this track separately and I will deal it this audio for now because we don't need it. I will highlight it by left clicking and click backspace. Now I got rid of it. Ah, One more thing I can show you. Um, is this source, for example? Ah, if I, uh, drag these video into the source, I can preview right here before I drag my didn't timeline. So, for example, if I want Onley thes part, I wouldn't go here. So, like this in point Mark in and go here, select this mark out out point. And now I have dissed options, drag, video or drink order only drink the video, But also, I can drink the audio and place it in the audio track, but I don't need it. Okay, so I have this done. I will go now back to the effect controls. And if I said the sleep there, you can see I have the, um some things. The effects I can manipulate for this reader like position scaling rotation capacity. Okay. So I can cut this clip not just by this, but this By using this tool also razor tool. I can access it by pressing here or depressing. See, on my keyboard, I will press here. I will click here. Left click Go back to my selection Tool V And the now, as a question, Siri, cut this creeping too. And I can move around these two separately. Okay? And if I drug of you go right on the other one, it will delete the what? What was before? Okay, um so there are more video layers? Um, the higher the middle layer it is, Or the video track. It is the ah, it has the priority. So, um, if I were to drink this clip into my composition for his improbable on being this and the audio, okay, and I would drag it right here, um, when I played this clip when the play head, this is the play. Hey, time my head with displaced the current frame in the time. So really, And when it see, when it reaches the beginning off this clip, which is above Ah, the clipan sniff. It will show this because it's above breathy, straightforward. Okay, but, um, my sequence has the resolution off this clip, and the script is a high resolution. So I need to scale this. Ah, video down. So if I scale it down, guys can see now it's lower says in the resolution off the, um I sleep in the judo trick one. Ah. So if I want this resolution this clip to be in the, um, resolution off the sequence, I can scale it until it fits. But if you don't want to do it this manually, profit or perfectly, you can right click the clip and select set to frame size. It will do it automatically for you. Okay, Um also, if we created a card, for example here and that we don't want the cuts anymore, we can click right here in between the clips and right click, then inside the joint to edits. And it is the clip back. You know, One I will control is to see for project. You can easily go to your fight explorer and the direction of video clips right here in the media browser you can select here and go to your find director. Reasons drugs, someone right click Import another way. So because no, this basic stuff 3. Transitions and Keyframes: now, Um, let's talk a little bit about transitions. So we have here, Vito Transitions. If I were to go here with transitions and the for example, I'll goto these off. You can see the cross is always highlighted because it's the default transition. I would drag this transition right between these two clips and if I were to play this Now, let me change the clip because these two are out of the same. So there's no obvious change. So if I were to play this now you see, it dissolves into another. Okay, if I were toe okay and the first slated to can increase the duration of it making bigger or faster Okay, Doesn't matter. Okay, We can add another transition like additive resolve right here, and it dissolves by adding a little bit off light. Okay, we can add another, uh, transition like push, you see, pushes the video and many other transitions from this. But, um, if you animate certain properties of the video, you can create your own transitions. How can you do that? You can go toe. Um, you 12 video selected of selective. You go and you can see we have some watches stopwatches right here. So, um, when you, uh, click the stop what you total the animation, for example, Um, if I want ah, the fate of Ido I will. For example, I would go to the beginning off this video I holding shift to snap into the beginning. Um, and I will set you see the opacity. It turned off the animation. Now I toggled animation on. And they have, um, enable the the animation for this certain property so I can animate the capacity. I'll go from 0% but I have a key frame right here. Uh, toe here. I want where I want the opposite to be 100%. So in the beginning, I have the opacity at 0%. And right here I have it at 100%. So if I were to go to the beginning off the video and he'd play it will animate from George 100% like a faint in for this example. See, it fades. So if I were to do this for transition, I will select the sleep. Go right here. Key friendly. Set a 100%. Go to the end of it. Give him it at 0%. So it fades out. The first of Edo fades out in seconds. You know, I want fading, so animate. Um, you things inverted, like from 0% Q frame 100%. So if I were to play this, you can see the first video fades out in the second week of fades in seleka transition. Like a custom transition. So that's how you do this? Um, another thing you cannot do, um, is as next by this title. I was, uh, selected and draw here. Text type Z, though, select my selection tool. Move it. You cannot change its phoned. It's go further down. Are italic the size here and other settings like the stroke. It's the color of the stroke. Slow, smaller, beat like 15 Doesn't matter just for, um okay. And also you can animate the takes. Not only the videos if I want toe animate its position or a post taken robust to bottom limits position this time. So I'll go for here. Are Let me make it smaller. Place it here. So for here from here. Toe here. Um and they will moved. Ah, exposition to the right. So this exposition this is why Position X and way you know, the access. So if I were to play this way, we can see the animation. Wait. It, um, takes a bit of it. Loads. Animate it from left to right by moving it most. Okay. And you can play around with the settings a lot. Um 4. Color Grading and Effects: I can show you, um, now a little bit about color correction. So for cooperation, I will Klay here toe make a new item and select adjustment layer. What is an adjustment layer on adjustment layer is, um um I mean, it's names is everything like the adjustments I make with this layer are happening toe all the videos underneath is so, for example, if I were toe, um I don't know, um, change this, uh, layers opacity to 50%. All the videos underneath will be 50% capacity. Um, but I want to change its color property. So for this, I will sell. I will. Ah, select this box and I will type lumia tree color. This is the effect in the video effects color correction, The effect that I can drug toe my adjustment layer and indicates they have these properties right here. So you had to go The basic correction in the increase thesis layers contrast, for example, you can see I increase it. It was the contrast off all the videos underneath. And if I You were to drag piece right here, you can see my video starts right like this. And when it is the adjustment layer. The contrast begins because so and I can do more. Increase the temperature, decrease it to make this kind off Look, um, stint or not And many other sittings. Um, let's create for this. Um um let me choose the contrast back to zero and create a custom Ah, contrast curve. So by this I will goto curves and have the argument occurs And I will create a point in this ah place and drag it down a bit and create a point in thes and drugged up a bit. This is ah contrast curve as you guys can see increase the contrast of the video. So if you play, this is the difference Or you can take a preview by playing this eye right here toe not show the specific video there. So if I were to click this I right here, this ah video track will attract tree will not show. So click it. You see, my adjustments are not visible. For example, I can ah clicked ISS doing my text will not show even though this um if you don't, it is in the timeline in the sequence. But it will not show because I, um, Google that this output off, we'll go back to this. Okay? We have our contrast layer. Um, and we can do more like, Oh, we can go to busy correction and input lot. This is, um, default. The lots. This are the default lots that bringer gives us like this. Gives this. Okay, I will go with it. Um, with non because I like my arm. Uh, could rest more. So what else can I show you how to speed up a video, for example? Um, I will move this video. Or maybe not. I will add another video. Okay, I will make it shorter. Deal it. These on link in reality. So audio. Um, I will arms this came this to the frame size. Okay. And I can show you how to speed this clip. We right click speed duration. And we can speed it up 200%. Let's see. And it's shorter because it's faster. Of course. So you you can see the video is speed it up, or you can slow it down. It's a 50% and it makes it longer because it's, um, slower. And you guys can see in place slower okay. You also couldn't make it in reverse hopes. Ah, speed oration. Um, selected. That's 100%. So this is the basic. It has the normal people. You click reverse speed, and you will play it in reverse. Okay, um, my PC is not good enough to play this right now, but I can go to this in the mark in goto this out and mark out. They can go toe sing sequence and click render in throughout. So my ah ram memory were rendered this separately so I can review it without accessing my ram memory. I will click it. I would wait for it to do its thing. Okay, so my rendering is done. I will look ah, play so you can see the reverse speed. You see, it goes backwards so it works. I'll write a here and clear in and out. My video is rendered now, so that's for the speech thing, toe. Um, so yeah, you can animate told this position you can take the transitions, saves the colors or contrast or anything related to cooperating. Um Ah. What tells? So if you go toe video effects and odd, for example, it distort and the selected list Distortion on this, um, we can distort this. You see, you can play around with settings to distort. And in the up, there are so many effects you can use and the all off, all of which can be animated by your toggling. Any mission on the stopwatch. Okay, So, indeed, they will show you how toe export your a video you goto file. Uh, export export media. Okay, so this is export settings would have here the four month I lived This including four months. And I respect the press preset as for example, Ah, high quality 10 80 p HD the output name. You can change the videos. Name. Okay, Uh, make sure this in the beginning. So EnCana ah saved the video from beginning to the end. The and everything is done. You just select export. And the video is saved with your name that to give here. And so if you click issue will, uh, get your file explorer. You will select the location where you want to be able to be saved in the file name on. Then you just click export int. It is done. Okay. So I think this is for the, um, little editing tutorial. I hope you guys like this course. Um, seal 5. Shortcuts and masking: Hello, guys. In the end of this course, I want to show you a few more things. For example, Junction or shortcuts, you can use an adobe premiere. Proto easier. Uh, time, um, to easier video editing process processing to save time. So, um, let's start. I have here toe widows, for example, I I will drag this into my composition, resume a little better here. That would play this. Okay? No, What I want to do with this video, for example, Um, if I want to cut the, uh you don't I can press see on my keyboard and I get the razor tool. So I don't need to go and click here to get it or or if I click V, give my selection tool back so I can move the clip around, but we'll stick to see for now. Toe cut you got here. We can now her like this with electric and backspace to delete. Um, yes. O v for selection. Told c for cut. Um, you can also, uh, replicate your video with holding out on your keyboard. So I'm holding all right now, and I will left click and drug my video as you guys get said duplicated deep is the same and I can tabliki it the fabricate and move it anywhere. It doesn't matter. Okay, Um uh, one more. Think, for example, if I want to cut the boat off my videos at the same time. Ah, so I'm not going to, like, got this and got this so I would control Zito. Go back. Okay. And now I will off course prissy to get my car stool. But I will hold shift and you can see the line it creates. And if I click right here now, which shift held down and left click. Do you see? I go back to my selection to with V. It caught all or the layers on the video clip on there on every layer. Okay, let me and another clip. For now, this clip has some sound, but I will Motive. It was unlike I would emitted. Don't need it. That will Skillet said to frame size. Um, okay. Also, um, one more feature that I didn't show you, but they will show you here in this bonus, uh, section with We have here a vandal. We can go here for mental. Of course. But let me show you how we can use this so high directly. For example, this clip and right here in the effort controls we have the capacity. I will, um, Selig by mental. And now we can draw a mask. For example, If I want only the road in this video, I will just read the mask around it, for example. And Thies this this this this and right here to close it. You see, I just have the mask. Only this part of the video is showing Now that I'm asked. Okay. Of course you can feather. So you have the smooth edges, you see smoke edges. Okay, You can also So let the massive pet and, uh, play around tweets the mask, um, make it bigger. Smaller? Um, or increase the feather decrease. It can't do anything. Or you can invert this and you get all the video. But this mask, for example, faculty invert now in the fight. Lower the mask. Feather in Christ Can't see. But if I increase it, there will be this thing sated. Okay. And you can, um and one more thing to say about masks, for example, I will drink No with me on this video we begin will go to this. So, um, we have this clip anti great. A mosque around. Um, it's great to mask around the water. Okay. Okay. And close it. So we have this thing mask, but we want toe Add some color correction, for example, color grading. So we have telemetry car to this. And now we can, um, for example, go to color Wilson match, and I don't know any type off. I would give some blue into the highlights, and so purple into the mid tones creates a look like this, but, um Okay, now so let me show you. So I drug, for example, in the video again duplicated. I'm holding out on the left would abdicate. And now on to the application of creator mask with mental present. But I want these right here. I don't know, increase its exposure. Maybe a bit. Okay. I would Drug meant you come to this. So the video where I created my mask, that's And now, for example, if I go to basic correction and we have here exposure, we find Christie exposure. You can see only this mosque is brighter because Christie exposure. Let me Federer it a bit. And you see this think has the explosion Because if I were to turn this waited so did attract toe I will toggle. It's I would put off. You can see it is back like this This is This is the This is the before it is after This is a big you can tow with the masks and you can do more. It is, for example, if you have ah person are in a shocked and you want to increase So it's gonna work It's a contrast or brightness or anything, but only to the specific parts For example, on only for the ice or for the leaves are for anything. You can unmask the specific thing after your little dedicate off the clip, of course you mask the specific thing and then you applied off color grading go you want and the options are too many to discuss. You can go everything you want. That's why I love the okay, um I think that's it for the most use shortcuts when anything. Most basic shortcuts when anything But you can also, for example, good here. And, um if you want a precise. Um, anything you can s o I don't have anything selected. I mean, my our project here and I can move this, um, Diamondhead frame by frame for precise editing. For example, if I hit my left arrow on the keyboard, it will go back one frame. So if I hit the left arrow, it goes good. It wants the play head play head one frame before. So I hit. It goes toe. One friend before one flame were frame one frame or right are over. Right to go Next frame, Not previous spring. It is so right arrow for next week. 12345 And if you want to increase the number of friends, you can old shift, and it will go by more frames. For example, if I hold shift and click and press left arrow, it will go More frames like I don't know, maybe five and the right, the same thing. Right? Arrow holding shift like 55 frames. Um, yeah, I think that's it. What? We can hold shift while moving up. Plato, snap into the place where you have the magnet. Doesn't happen to time with s you can toggle it on or off with S. So I think these are although commands on the shortcuts You guys need toe use and to know for basic video editing to speed up the process. Um and therefore safe time. Also, you can right click between the empty space between know your video clips and hit delete, and it will drag the videos into the It will fill up the space, like, so to say, Okay, I think that seat for no guys, thanks for watching this course about basic video, anything in the B premiere pro and stay doing for another courses by.