Basic Japanese Verb Conjugations | S Kuro | Skillshare

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Basic Japanese Verb Conjugations

teacher avatar S Kuro

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Verb conjugation intro


    • 2.

      3 types of verbs


    • 3.

      Present formal


    • 4.

      Past formal


    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.



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About This Class

Most Japanese learners learn the Japanese verbs in their dictionary form. But to fully utilize the verbs you must conjugate them to fit the situation. in this course you will be learning the basics of Japanese verb conjugation to better utilize the Japanese verbs in a sentence.

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S Kuro

Level: Beginner

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1. Verb conjugation intro: gonna need to ominous and show this. Hello, everyone, I'm sure Go in discourse. I would want to talk about burb congregations. Why learn verb? Congregations? You ask somewhere for most Japanese learners learned Japanese burbs Inter dictionary form. But I heard a fully used to Japanese verbs correctly. You must congregate them in different forms. Discourse. You will be learning the basics. Conjugating Japanese verbs. So let's begin. 2. 3 types of verbs: before we talk about the basic burb congregations, I want to talk about the three types of Japanese burbs. The first type is type one Gunness, type two. The third is what we call the irregular verbs. In order for me to explain better, I will explain these in reverse order because it's easier to explain that way. Mm. The third type is what we call irregular burbs. These air called regular burbs because there were, They're more like an exception to the general rule. There are only two notable irregular burbs, so it boils down to just it just boils down, toe memorizing them. You still irregular burbs are set up, which means to do and could, which means to come. The next type of Japanese burbs are the second type this bird's usually end with you. More example of such are, which means to eat. No, which means sleep on middle, which means to see electorally first type are everything else, and that's not feed into the other categories. Temple of such are co, which means to buy no more, which means to drink. Why don't which means to left. It's important to know these three types of Japanese burbs because each type of Japanese bird has its own rules and conjugating. Now that you know the different types of burbs, let's start conjugating! 3. Present formal: We're gonna start with the first conjugation which is the formal present Tense. We're going to start with first conjugation which is the formal present tense or we call it the mass form. The formal present tense actually talks about the tensest that they're not past tense. So it could include future actions like in English where we have a separate future tense for death for type one verbs. In order to make it into a must form you replace the you with I place muss after So for example, way have no move which is to drink You replaced the you with I a place must So it becomes Nomi HMAS which means we'll drink for the second type You just simply removed the roof from the dictionary form on place must for example taboo which is to eat You remove the room place must so it becomes Obama's which means we'll eat. As for the regular burbs, you just need to memories what the transform do city which is the do becomes she must which means we'll do Could you which means to come will become keep us which means will come okay on to the next conjugation 4. Past formal: now for the next conjugation which is the past former. In order to get past formal, you simply need to replace must from the must form into much acceptable First for type one , we have no me must Judges will drink. The mass is replaced with much done which becomes known we must which means for the next time. For type two, we have famous which means we'll eat You replace the mass with mustard but it becomes today must on which means eight for the last time would you stay regular birds? It's also the same The place must master So she must. Which means become she must. Which means did you must? Which means come will become. He must stop, which means cane. All right, now for the next conjugation. 5. Negative: enough for the next conjugation, which is the negative form for the negative form. You just need to replace muss with my set for the first type of birth. For example, Amos just will drink will become no, we mustn't. Which means with that drink for the next day Obama's, which means willing would become which means nothing unless the Ford a regular verbs. You also replaced Mass with myself. So she must, Which means will do would become, she said. Which means will that do? Kiemas, which means will come, will become she must, Which means that come for a bonus tip. If you want to make a negative in an informal setting, just replace person with night The second to consideration that for type one burbs, you need to replace the U within a before your place night for irregular burbs. She night is not to do on a cold night. Is that okay on to the next interrogation 6. Capability: now for the next conjugation, which is the capability for that's gonna look can in English in order to make the type one in tow capability for you have to replace him us with M us. So, for example, Louima's just real during will turn into gnome Emma's, which means can drink. Thus for Type two, it's easier to go back into its dictionary reading on Replace Rule with a Rod Emma's so you just eat it will turn into a better aromas, which means I can eat or edible on for irregular burbs. Um, there's no certain rules. This is more on memorization, which is to do will become Dickie Muss, which means I can do Could Have, which is to come will become Quote Emma's, which means gun come Okay, that's it. Onto the next congregation 7. Invitation: now for the last conjugation which is the invitation form you simply replace must with my show For example In type one, let's say way have no me HMAS you just simply replaced um us we must which is well drink my show So it becomes Nomi Mess you Which means that's drink un for the next day We replaced the mass off Obama's which is a lead and it becomes Tab Imusshow which means that seat on s four day regular burbs. You simply also just replace mass with my show So she must which is will do what becomes she must sure let's do Caymus which is will come, will become he must you. Which means it's come. All right, That's it for the basic congregations. Hope you learned something new, See? Yeah.