Basic InDesign: Layouts, Type, and Images | Anne Ditmeyer | Skillshare

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Basic InDesign: Layouts, Type, and Images

teacher avatar Anne Ditmeyer, designer + creative coach

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome + Understanding Creative Suite


    • 2.

      The Tools of InDesign


    • 3.

      Setting Up Your Document


    • 4.

      Inserting Images


    • 5.

      Working with type


    • 6.

      The Fun Stuff


    • 7.

      Layouts 101


    • 8.

      Working with Master Pages


    • 9.

      Paragraph and Character Styles


    • 10.

      Polishing your project


    • 11.

      Exercise: Practice Layouts


    • 12.

      Preparing files for export, print + packaging


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About This Class

Learn InDesign while picking up basic principles of good design. 

In today’s competitive job market, knowing the basics of InDesign can help set you apart, regardless of what field you are in. Whether you want to develop or maintain marketing materials, make a postcard or e-card, design your own resume, layout a book, or just gain an understanding of the software, this class will give you a solid understanding of how InDesign works and different ways you can use the tools.

** Every week students can look forward to feedback from the instructor on their project boards in the online classroom! **

What You'll Learn

  • Working in InDesign. We’ll walk through setting up a basic document, designing from scratch, working with multiple page documents and layouts as well as master pages, all the way through to creating a PDF, preparing files for print or digital, and packaging files.
  • Editing visual components.You’ll learn how images work in InDesign (hint: they’re linked) and how you can easily make adjustments to your page layout.
  • Troubleshooting. There are multiple ways to do things, so you’ll become a savvy trouble shooter in the process.
  • Finesse. You’ll gain an understanding of working with text and fonts to give your work more polish.
  • Strong foundation.You’ll gain a solid base of InDesign to explore on your own, or for future follow-up courses. Practice makes perfect.

What You'll Make

Students are invited to design a multi-page InDesign document that will be exported as a PDF. A few ideas are a photo essay, portfolio, media/press kit or deck/presentation on a topic of your choice. 

This course is designed to be beginner level and will cover the basics of InDesign, so it doesn’t matter if you’ve never opened the software program.

Note: This class filmed on a laptop + using screenshare, and may not be as flashy as some others, but it's all about the ideas, concepts, and content.


Class Outline

  • Welcome + Understanding Creative Suite. No matter if you’re creating a magazine design or simply want to learn how to bring a sense of visual hierarchy to your printed media, Adobe InDesign is the industry standard. There are, of course, multiple versions of this software, and Anne helps you find your way no matter what CS you have, including Creative Cloud.
  • The Tools of InDesign. Anne starts out by taking you through all of the tools available in the InDesign toolbox. Some are more intuitive than others, and Anne makes sure that you know your way around the most frequently used tools, as well as where to look for help should you get stuck.
  • Setting Up Your Document. Vector design is NOT like working in Photoshop, and there are key differences you need to know when starting a new document. Anne shows you the settings she uses most often and also explains what many of the options actually mean.
  • Inserting Images. When working with images in InDesign, it’s important to understand that they are “linked,” and Anne walks you through the steps necessary to keeping your images clean, organized, and ready to go.
  • Working with Type. Text is an often overlooked element of design, but with Anne’s help and a few useful resources, you will be well on your way to creating works of art out of mere words. She’ll show you how to write along a path, use placeholder text to help visualize the final product, and how to “think with type.”
  • The Fun Stuff. The fun stuff is how you bring your document to life, and Anne has plenty of useful tips to make your printed materials jump off the page. You’ll learn how to add small, personal touches to a bullet list, and how to use the pathfinder tool to make cool text effects. Once you have the basics, you’re only limited by your imagination.
  • Layouts 101. In this lesson, Anne shows you how she sketches out a new project on paper before bringing it into InDesign. She shares her thoughts on how to simplify your layout to keep it clean and uncluttered. You’ll also learn to separate your project into layers to further organize your project as well as make changes more easily.
  • Working with Master Pages. Master Pages are the key to quickly making changes to your entire project no matter what stage you’re in. Once you’ve created your template, you can easily change all the heading fonts or text styles with just a few clicks, saving time and frustration.
  • Paragraph and Character Styles. There’s more to characters than just fonts, and Anne goes into detail regarding leading, kerning, and tracking. If you don’t know what those are, don’t worry. When you’re done with this lesson, you’ll not only be an expert, but you’ll also know how to change each of those elements in InDesign.
  • Polishing your project. This lesson is all about adding finesse to your project, and Anne shares her thought process on what makes a clean design. She’ll show you how to add drop caps and also how to include interactive elements, such as hyperlinks, in your final PDF.
  • Exercise: Practice Layouts. You can download Anne's practice layout sheets into your own project to help you gain a sense of pacing and rhythm as it relates to the printed page. This free resource comes with Anne’s numerous years of experience and can help get you started no matter your experience level.
  • Preparing files for export, print + packaging. Anne shares her output settings with you and makes sure you understand which options do what. Need to include hyperlinks? She’ll show you where that option is as well as tips for making sure your final PDF will work no matter if it’s being viewed on a computer, phone, or tablet.

Meet Your Teacher

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Anne Ditmeyer

designer + creative coach


I'm an American designer + creative coach based in Paris, France. I founded Prêt à Voyager in 2007 to explore the intersection of travel and design. I offer bespoke tours of Paris at and online trip planning tool 

I've worn many hats as a designer, but these days I'm most passionate about teaching others and encouraging exploration. I teach Map Making, Intro to InDesign, InDesign in 30 Minutes, Designing Professional Documents (Résumé Redesign) [geeky, but it's my favorite!], Presentation Design, and The Art of Travel Posters on Skillshare.

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1. Welcome + Understanding Creative Suite: hi and welcome to in design layouts. Type of images on skill share I a man's admire. I'm a graphic designer. The blogger behind Credible I e J and I will be your instructor for this class for those air of you who are new to skill share. Welcome. It's fantastic Classroom. Not only have I taught two classes now, but I've also taken over a dozen completely addicted. But I hope you will be too. Uh, some of you may recognize me from that design. Um, it's ah had a blast teaching it learned so much from my students. And you can sign up any time, as with any skill share class. So the way this class is gonna work, it's divided into a series of small lectures that are going to be arranged by cream, so each one should be less than 10 minutes each, and they'll be additional resources in the online classroom. So be sure to look for extra links and different task to keep along and follow with your class assignments. So, um, so I'm gonna go ahead and click over to in design. So the way that I work is I tend to create my presentations in in design, and then I export my finish project into a pdf. And then that's what I email clients or friends or whoever sending or can open it on my iPad. So the idea is that you're going to create a project for this class. So I would suggest creating either a portfolio or a photo essay in designers really made for working with both words and images, so your layout will be extremely simple, but sometimes clean, simple layouts are the best. So in addition, Teoh teaching this skills, I also want toe give you some basic design tips that you can use no matter what program you are using, so it will become a little bit clearer. But in the process of this class, the project I'm going to be creating is a portfolio based on some of the projects created in the map making class. The idea I had and showed to clients and meeting So they actually have a usual through it, but just a little bit more polished, special opening a handful of documents. So I wanted to show you how I'm working on a file in design and how you can see there's active type, working various shapes, inserting images and working with a serious of multiple page documents so toe understand in design, you should understand cases you're using it. So in design is an adobe product. It's part of the creative suite, which is also referred to CS. When I started working this programs, it was at CS, and this example of the screen cast was done in CS six. So don't worry if you're working in an earlier version of In design, all the ideas apply. They just might be a little bit different places. I'll show you kind of have a troubleshoot if you're ever lost. But Photo shop is really the program that photographer would use anybody can use, but it's really for images. Retouching, layered image is a lot of times working pixel, so you have to think about these images. If it's something saved really small, you're not gonna be ableto large to size of a billboard, so image size really makes a difference in other shop and acted, Photoshopped Files told PST. You also have a layered file with a tip. You might be J pegs or Jif GIF. You want to say it. You can create those usually photo shopped. I don't have multiple pages voter shop, and when you're working in different versions, you may have slightly different tools. H. So skipping over illustrator illustrators. What? You guessed it Illustrators used its vector based really great for logos. If you're I said, you're making a circle vector means it's built by Siris of dots, and as you enlarge it, it's enlarging proportionally. So if you're creating a billboard illustrator is really great for making sure that the working proper format and size on active illustrator file is called on a ay file. You can also save it is pdf that is layered and you can work in. And, UH, UPS is another way of saving a vector graphic. Awesome thing is all these file types in Illustrator and Photoshop you could bring into in design. So in design is great for marketing materials treating publications. Most any book that you're seeing any coffee table book, especially is created in design work with multiple pages. You can drop it images and bringing text, and the active in design file is called an I and D D file. Now the things to be aware of is that you can't open every version of in designing every version of decide. So here's an example. I created a project, you know, six years ago, using in design CS. I can open any file and see a six because it's smart enough to know what was happening Versions. But if I'm working and CS four and somebody sends me, um, STs file, I'm sorry, vice first, I can't open CIA six file and a CS four because it's too new to know the software. It's a little bit not a gimmick, but Adobe wants you to keep updating, working the latest versions. So in general, it's not a an issue. All these work versions worked well, but if you're sharing a file or collaborating, that's when the issue comes in. So I'm on CS six right now because I was working with a designer in New York and we needed to be able to share the files work in the same version. So it is. There is a cost of all for updating each time, so make sure you're aware most of the time I do not provide the final design file to clients. They would need to purchase that. I mean, it just doesn't make sense for them, have it or ruined by a beautiful design work. So be aware of that. The other thing to know is Adobe just switched over something called The Creative Cloud I've shared some links in The resource is to help explain how it works, because it's always going to be changing and updating. So basically, it's a subscription based system. Now it lives in the cloud. You do not have to be online Teoh using the software, but of course, to download it so you could do it kind of month to month now. Or you can get a year's subscription so kind of look into it. Look into the misconceptions. I also shared an article on that, but it is an investment. There is a 30 day trial. Ideally, if you have a job convinced your your boss to pay for it and work for it, the other good way to get the software more horrible. If you are, um, a student at a registered university, full time students or a teacher, often they have educational discounts, skill shares, fantastic way to learn, but unfortunately it does not fall under. Those categories are ways around it. But you aware of the limitations and in design when you're working on, then also just see no bridge comes with and design and the crypt comes with the creative suite. It is kind of the image browser that used photo shop illustrator as well. So kind of is a final note before we go on Teoh, the first lesson that breaks down the tools of in design. Be aware that skill shares making updates from time to time. This is a good thing. It's only making platform get stronger on better. So don't worry if you feel a little bit lost or you get a new message. It's kind of a normal progression as new new platforms developed. But just pose, pose and speaking French. Now ask you question in the Q and A or in the class speed, use your classmates as well as myself as a resource but really excited to have you. Thanks so much for being in the class and keep spreading the word. And let's get some more people learning in the sign. Thanks so much 2. The Tools of InDesign: - you from after the first video that you just watched. - First of all, - just wanted to make it really clear that there are licences that go with this software. - So unlike something like word, - it's a lot harder to pass along and share between computers. - They're quite strict, - so make sure any time you're downloading it, - you will allow yourself plenty of time. - You may need to upgrade your computer to the operating system, - so just make sure you kind of leave yourself a little bit of flexibility. - The second thing is, - if you're not already, - make sure you pop out thes um, - video lectures on skill share on the bottom. - Right. - There's a button. - You can watch these full screen. - You're gonna get a lot more out of it if you can actually see what I'm working on and what - I am doing. - So this lecture is all about the tools, - and I wanted to show you this example of photo shop in real life. - First of all, - this page could be an example of the portfolio you put together for your final project. - But second of all, - I think this is a really great example to help you understand how these digital tools are - relating to riel life. - So even though this is for photo shop, - it kind of applies across the board in, - um in design as well. - If these various folders up on the top, - you have decide toolbar where everything is neatly organized. - This is practically exactly the same in design. - You have your rulers, - you have your paste board your swatches, - color your color for mixing your characters or your type working in different layers, - being a bolt lock and unlock them. - So, - um, - another thing to note is, - if you're ever showing something that's not your own work in a presentation or in the - portfolio or whatever, - I'm a huge fan of crediting, - um, - linking to them. - So this is actually by Bates 1 41 and the client was software mastery. - So this is for an Asian clients. - So also, - one other thing to note is, - this is kind of the clean version did on viewing in, - so I can see what it would look like if it print it or export it to a pdf to view digitally - . - When I click this bottom left. - I see, - um, - kind of everything the Pace board and I can zoom in and out. - I'm using the man plus and minus so you can see different things. - And you see, - I have a few column set up. - I had this note to myself here. - Teoh. - Don't forget to hyperlinks later, - Um, - but it gets kind of messy, - and sometimes I hide over things over the pace board, - but you can delete those and clean up the file at the end. - But you're kind of between two. - Images are not sure what you want to do. - You can always keep it there. - So, - as you can see when I roll over, - it says Normal W So W. - Also happens to be the short cut. - Help me get back to see the pretty. - So if you're doing something that's highly structured with guides, - layouts and columns, - it's really good to work in that preview mode where you can see where everything should go - . - So that being said, - let's go on to the next and I'm going to export. - This is a PdF it will be in the resource is, - so this page might be a good one to print out, - so you have it beside you so you can see what's happening. - So I've kind of said what each tool is and also the short cut afterwards. - So just so you know, - this toolbar, - especially when you're working in a newer version of in design, - is telling to come in looking a little bit different, - something like this, - this long, - narrow toolbar, - it totally works. - It just happens in the older versions of in design that look a little bit like this this - double called. - So I'm just clicking this double arrow toggle on the top, - left to kind of pop it out here. - It was on the right side. - So as you can see, - different versions that changed a little bit. - And these are missing from this screen capture. - But anyway, - this is just my personal preference. - You can completely customize your workspace and how it works on that actually happens under - no under window work space, - and you can set your own workspace for reset it if things get moved around. - Once we get over to that pallets panels, - you call them over here, - Then you can really customize, - say, - save something in more books space. - So these in the left you're really going to be using this direct selection arrow a lot, - and he is a short cut. - So when you whenever you're in a text box and your type B, - that's going to just add the letter V to the text. - But if you're on an image or clicking elsewhere, - you can use the B. - It's a short put the direct selection tool will get to when we're working with images in - the future lecture. - But that's how you kind of keep the text blocks and then move everything within it. - But you can see already of the direct selection with that yellow tour. - My outline has become this kind of gold brown. - So I tried to make a few notes for you so you can see what's happening. - There's the type tool. - Also very important will have a whole lecture devoted to working with type and just you - know, - every time there's this little teeny black um, - triangle in the bottom right, - that means there's something under it. - So there's some hidden tools, - so click on it. - You can see there's the type tool in the type on the path tool, - so I'll deal with the type on a path toward all the fun stuff like shirt of the line tool. - Anytime you're drawing the line shift, - draw a straight line. - The pen tool. - Um, - this is something that you use illustrator a lot. - Eso. - There's a little bit less drawing happening in design, - but you could totally you have a lot of control. - The pencil tool. - I don't use this a whole lot. - Uh, - next, - nearly important tools. - Frame tool. - It's this rectangle frame with an excellent and this is what you're gonna use when you're - placing images and not only committed place, - images have a rectangle or square use shift to make report. - National a perfect square. - What a perfect circle. - But you can also make a lips or circle are various shapes. - So don't forget there. - These tools, - hidden once again with this little black toggle and then the rectangle toward is just for - creating shapes. - You have the same shapes under, - but if you just need a solid color since scissors, - I don't use those too much, - but you can radiant will do with that fun stuff. - Radiance could be really easy, - but you use them right? - That's cool. - I drop if you're pulling color. - This is the fill color, - and then you can click on the bottom two stroke. - So this going to be the outline of something and this is going to be the inside, - so recruit popping up and we'll deal with this more. - But you have a couple of loads that are happening above. - So as you can see, - what you see up here in my horizontal toolbar is not the same as this one or this one. - So what you see up here on the horizontal toolbar is changing, - depending on which Motorin. - So as soon as I went to tea for the type tool it changed. - So I have the various sponte family. - So I hit the A. - It's gonna have the type. - This is kind of a default size, - the leading place between its if you need to do a superscript um, - if you need underlying this is you have we'll deal with turning and tracking later on. - You never want to distort type. - So be very careful with these right here, - we'll get into it and then you have various ways alignments, - center engines justifying text, - and then you have also from space of lab space below and a drop cap. - We'll get into that with the fun stuff. - But as you can see, - it hit the paragraph that changes to the paragraph mode and then some of those things that - we just saw over on the right hand. - Essentially, - they just switch sides. - The hype in a button is important. - Sometimes you don't want your text to be cutting off one side to other your bullet points. - Just be aware of this kind of little lightning bolt. - There's some stuff getting here, - too, - but we'll get into all that in future lectures. - So anyway, - these are the basics. - Take a look. - Explore. - Click around by trying them out. - You'll understand everything a lot better. - See you next time. 3. Setting Up Your Document: - welcome back. - So this lecture is all about setting up a document before we actually set up in your - document, - I just let me to go through a few more of the pallets or panels. - Adobe has changed your terminology over the years, - but just so you can understand where things live in what's happening So the pages top, - Uh, - palate is one that I'm using all the time, - and I can screw up and down and you can see a little preview with what's to come. - It was not until a later version of in design that you're having, - um they had the actual image preview. - So if you're working with an older version, - you're not going. - You're just gonna see page numbers, - but nine is highlighted. - Were already tonight page nine of my lecture presentation notes. - So you basically have a few different toggles here. - We've already seen these double arrows which are to collapse icons. - There is this down arrow on and a few lines. - So for moving pages duplicating the spread, - deleting spread master pages, - it's going to be a later lecture. - You can always skip ahead and watch that if you want, - but just taking things a step at a time. - Save all this information and if you ever don't want anything, - you could just hit the little X and close it. - The layers palette panel This I honestly don't use layers as much as I probably should. - And in design, - you use layers all the time in photo shop. - But I actually find it pretty easy. - Teoh get above and below different layers and lifestyle is not really cluttered, - so I'm less worried. - But layers air super great, - especially if you're creating a document in two different languages. - You could have one layer of text for English, - one layer text for a French or Spanish or whatever so links will deal with in the image - lecture. - So in design files are able to stay a little bit smaller and more manageable because the - images are linked, - they're not embedded in the document. - So if you move where your documents saved, - it's going. - It's gonna lose the links and not know where to find the images. - But I'll show you how you relate how you find all that later. - But just so you know, - the images are not gonna stay with your documents, - so we'll talk about packaging your document last lectures. - But for now, - just know that images are linked and there is a whole palette to find where they are, - stroke of the various lines, - and we'll deal with this fun stuff your color. - We can mix your colors and change your mode once again, - all of it in, - um, - a toggle. - I'm stroking Phil, - so everything leaves a couple places. - This is here. - It's here. - I believe it shows up in the top for his alma bar. - Sometimes, - too, - swatches are the existing colors, - so it's too sometimes could be easy just to work with the default. - But you can always add your other swatches. - Later. - Using the toggles affects more will revisit. - We'll revisit some of this much later. - Teoh, - just in terms of doing with transparency capacity, - you have various information always just kind of playing experimental. - So just so you know, - all these pallets on the side also live with window, - so the ones I really use our effects and when there's a check in front of it means it's - open. - Right now, - layers sometimes links. - This used to have a different name just saying no, - but essentially, - it's images. - Many bridges, - when they mentioned, - affords the image browser programs. - If you're doing something with a lot of images. - Mini Bridge to be nice, - helpful for doing it object in layouts a line used to have its own. - But now it's hidden under object and layout. - Pathfinder for transforming shape stroke pages is crucial. - I sleep on that to pop it back out to sea. - Um uh, - tech grab pools, - typing tables. - So things like that. - Another good thing to notice. - Help bar. - You can type in something like a line because it moved, - and in the newer version strips this attending thing to scroll over it. - It literally shows you the path to take it so you get a window and it was down to object so - you can always just roll over. - It's actually looks like a post it notes town there. - So using the help window who said all the time or also going to Google, - or if there's some concept you don't understand, - just use these keywords and type it end there tons of examples on the Internet for better - force, - for worse, - so review Consume man's out the screen mode, - which lets again we saw over on the left with preview in normal mode, - table objects type. - So once again, - you don't have to necessarily go over to the character palette on the rights you can at it - from the defense and different things. - So something's nice here. - They all show up, - but we'll get with this as we go forward, - see now numbering and various elements. - So what we're going to do is file new documents. - So for my project, - I decided to create I trust the size because I decided I want to be a big show, - this appliance or you know, - only bloggers or something on my iPad. - And so I want to create something that is just that perfect to that proportion. - I could do any size on my but I wanted to fit right. - So basically the things idea with a number of pages as you so you can add and subtract - pages any time. - But if you know you're doing a 10 page brochure, - documents set it up here. - But facing pages depends what you're doing. - This is not facing pages. - It's just straight up and down, - which, - if I'm doing a presentation or poster or something like that I don't want these pages. - I want it to look like this. - Facing pages are great. - If you work, - make magazine layout. - You need to look at the spread, - especially image bleeds over from one side to the other so I can keep it facing pages. - Deal that page size. - So my, - for instance, - my resume for the U. - S. - Is in a letter size, - and my resume in Europe is a four size, - so you kind of change it and you can change it later. - We'll deal with that. - The orientation of portrait and let sleeping. - You just clicked between the two. - Um, - with, - um, - actually don't want a four. - I've decided that I want Teoh do the iPad site. - So I went ahead. - Who pulled it? - If you have a printing company or something like that, - look it. - Look them up for your size. - So I'm doing 7 68 p. - X. - So because iPad this digital, - it is an pixels instead, - which is, - and you can type in any way you want. - So if I want something that's 10 inches, - type in 10 inches and converted it, - it's like this year I can change kind of how that works. - Well, - but I'm gonna go ahead instead. - 10 24 pixels. - The number of columns. - It's just pretend we're working with the seven calling grade. - We'll talk about homes and layouts a little bit more later margins or the space around the - edge of a document. - I'm gonna say, - OK, - so everything kind of works in town this year. - So back to my presentation. - Go back here. - And I'm like, - Oh, - I actually want a horizontal oriented. - I've had a presentation. - So I'm to go back on your file documents set up, - and then I'm going Teoh, - make that landscape so it will be four. - And over here you can see the right. - This is what facing pages like And I've decided that I really don't want that because I - want to think about it as one page after another, - not direct, - Which is I'm not designing a magazine here designed I have a presentation. - So uncheck that hit okay and we'll a changed and you can see the column with his chances. - Well, - so think about be able to justify which size you pick for your project, - and I work for an architect. - Reform. - We also often did 11 by 17 Inspiration board. - So if you know you're doing a print something or other and you want 11 by 17 go ahead and - make your project 11 by 17. - The other thing is, - just these waters can control click and shoes what you want to work in. - So if Europe you might want to do millimeters. - I learned inches, - so you have to do it with both. - And any time you kind of say these settings and save, - which brought you want the next time you open a new document, - it's going to remember those settings. - But open a document. - Get your settings right, - and it will have this memory for So that is that. - Go ahead and start your project board. - We're really gonna dive into some real content in the next lectures. 4. Inserting Images: - Hi, - everybody. - Welcome back. - This lesson is all about images. - So real quick Note. - As you can see, - since we last synced last lecture and went ahead and saved my file file saved just as any - other documents. - I like to use my last name on documents. - I would be sending somebody like a resume or portfolio. - You would never send anybody in design file over email, - especially not a client would only send the pdf, - But this is just kind of good practices. - Started organizing my images just as a note I am working on this particular project on the - desktop, - which I normally would not do, - is just kind of a short cut so I can find all the materials to walk through. - So that's that. - So as it everything in a design, - their multiple ways of doing, - um, - inserting images. - So the first way we're gonna do it is filed place. - I used to shortcut command D all the time. - Just do you know the shortcut does not do the same thing in illustrator most of the time. - Across the programs, - things work very similarly, - but that is one slight difference on As you can see, - it's um, - P and G's A J peg gift. - I could even have pdf's. - You can insert any kind of documents you're inserting a pdf you would want to show import - options, - and that allows you to choose which pager you're working with. - But I'm just gonna keep it basic because I don't need anything fancy. - So I'm gonna go ahead. - I have to Google Earth images. - Choose this one. - It inspired a map I used to create the graphics in my school shirt class. - So, - as you can see, - the cursor is loaded with this image, - and the is showing the portion of the image. - So not every image has to be the same size and you can change it. - Don't worry about dropping ahead of time. - You could do all that. - So I'm gonna go ahead and just click and then drop box and look, - it is there. - I know commands D and do that again. - But I'm just gonna like and let go. - The image also appeared So this is all happening with this black arrow, - the draft selection tool, - and you'll notice the blue outline the blue outline will change for you have a different - color for your layer. - But for most purposes it's going to be this blue so you can drag Jean size shape. - You're essentially cropping image. - There's a little black thing down there. - Let's just put two classes. - Take that out. - So then they can use shift and command at the same time to enlarge it. - If I don't. - If I just use shift and not commands, - I'm Onley enlarging the box, - not the image and the boss together. - So depending on what you're trying to do, - I usually use shift command and use the corner key. - You never wanna stretch an image which I'm not gonna be able to do in this node, - but because it looks really unprofessional. - So what? - I mean by stretching Tell me, - Show. - Here's the direct selection tool, - the white arrow. - When I click on it, - you can see the the gold brown here. - Stretching is just moving it like this. - So that looks awful. - Never, - never, - never never do that. - You always want to use the shifty and hold out No, - when you do this. - So I'm gonna go ahead and show this image again. - So once again, - I'm still in that white arrow. - You can have it always graze out to show which one you're not gonna just hold it and look, - I'm going to be on where that frame that framed block slows, - and it's kind of becoming ghosted. - So this is a fantastic way to essentially crop your images. - So once again, - holding shift and command at the same time, - you hold the bottom corner and in Lawrence E. - Image. - So, - Steve, - doing this and make it fill the box. - If that's and then I can also you don't have to just in large, - you can. - It's like one it again and move it over. - Depending on which mode you're in, - you can just use the arrow keys, - and they've used shift and the arrows. - It's going to move much faster. - So another thing to keep in mind is that from these rulers, - if you just click on the ruler and pull out, - you can create guides. - So we have the margins established from that document set up. - You can use those however you want, - but you can also drag these guides your deal with multiple images. - Um, - it could be helpful way to to make sure everything aligns. - So when I'm in this mode, - the preview mode where it's only what's gonna show up in my my exported documents. - I don't see the guide, - so I have to make sure so it could be a nice way to kind of arrange everything. - And the images tend to kind of like magnets in the newer version just to it. - It's another thing to keep in mind is believe you. - This is a lead, - so if you are planning on having your document professionally printed, - the printer needs a little extra room that they can then cut off. - So if you're working with a solid color or an image or something, - that the image should be over the edge a couple millimeters something like that, - just so it can print off aside, - the believe could happen on all four sides, - or just more so. - The other thing to know is when the goat rectangular frame tool you can draw the box beyond - the sides to begin with and perfect and then So I drew the box first, - and it could be a much smaller box on the sides and file, - please and insert this image open. - And it's good to know that under objects you have this thing called fitting and it's still - frame proportionally fit, - content proportionally on fitting. - It's a frame, - so this is a really good thing to be been lying to make sure you're never accidentally ship - stretching image. - You can also access it by hitting control, - flicking and scrolling down. - And there's fitting so fit. - So so this enlarged it. - It's still proportional, - but is even see that with this particular image. - It's getting a little bit pixelated. - I just clicked a to switch over to the other mode, - and I could just be a shift and the arrow to move it over faster. - So for the first assignment, - go ahead and, - um, - start creating a few alternatives for your cover of your portfolio. - So I'm gonna, - as do another alternative switch to the Ellipse frame tool. - Also at the accident. - If I hold option shift, - I'm drawing a circle but from the center so it looks like a square that her. - But if I change over to the other mode, - which I also could have clicked, - W you have the circle with the accident, - so I usually do the short company. - Just so you see once again file place to Mandy, - and I'm going to use a different image. - It's also the same image, - essentially, - but it's part of the exercise and let me just I'm gonna command Plus didn't watch this and - w c can see everything, - so the image is a little bit too small to fill the circle. - It could totally be the style you could use the white arrow, - you know, - have a do you have circle partial circle. - So do that. - Or I can just use that white arrow and hit shift man. - And what's that? - So usually with sometimes it takes the second. - But when you hold and click with the white arrow, - that nice, - ghosted image shows up. - So it appears. - So you have to kind of keep enlarging and testing things out. - See how that works. - So create a couple mock ups. - It could just be, - you know, - partial image, - or think about your lead image. - If you want. - It really zoomed in what kind of information you want for your cover, - and you can always just add and subtract pages here. - So uncertain pages, - um and or you could just drag a new page in here. - So that's how is pages so real quick. - I just want to make sure a shoe understand how these links work. - As I mentioned in a previous lecture, - the images air not invented, - they are instead linked. - So this is great because it keeps your file your in design file from being really enormous - , - and it's a lot easier to work with it real quick. - I'm also gonna show you before you show you that. - Do you remember from the presentation I showed you this photo shop in real life, - Doctor, - our image right here. - It looks really pixelated. - Don't worry if that's the case. - It also happens under object display settings or control click display performance. - Right now, - it's on typical display to make it downsize, - and it changed the high quality display and well up. - It's nice and clean, - so sometimes it has to deal with the image size you imported. - Other times, - it is just because it's on the lower display performance. - So I bet with this one to control click display performance, - high quality display, - it just got a lot sharper and much cleaner. - So over here are the links palate. - They show you which page the images on says you the name and all that. - So I'm gonna go ahead and open this file. - I have, - and I have my nice images folder. - Let me show you what happens if I absolutely move or drag this photo out of the folder. - The same thing would happen if you happen to rename the image. - That's why I recommend doing it from the beginning. - So this missing link shows up. - So that's, - uh, - freak out it most especially if you are doing something for print, - you need to make sure it's there so you can double click sometimes or do this for really or - go to links. - So go to like it's gonna show you which pages on we go ahead of re length. - And there two ways to do. - You could find this image on your own and re save it into their images, - holder or find it, - open it. - And so everything is nicely length and all works. - So down here I have no errors, - so make sure everything is linked. - And that's why having organist organized file to begin with is very helpful. - So go ahead and save your work and save some ideas for your image templates, - so we'll add some text next time 5. Working with type: - Hi, - everyone. - Welcome back. - Uh, - latest lecture is all about type. - We have a lot to cover, - So gonna go ahead and dive right in. - So, - first of all, - I wanted to go over some basic rules for type no more than three funds. - This is kind of a rule that came from the web. - Just keeps it really clean, - polished and professional. - Try working within a flat family, - actually, - uh, - in my own branding I worked with in trade Gothic. - This is not a a font. - It's gonna come with your system. - So sorry, - I'm at that example as a teacher. - But, - um, - you know, - find something that speaks to your personality that you can use their tons of great classic - Frantz that come, - um, - with this software and with your computer. - So a good rule of thumb to is Teoh. - Pair of one serif and one stand. - Sarah fonts, - caramel and is nice. - A swell as Ariel or Helvetica. - Gerry Mullins is the Saref. - So has the little feed on its aerial better cut or censor? - If so, - a little bit more modern. - So think about what you're kind of trying to resonate. - And I've shared some of fantastic resource is for Ellen Lipton's thinking with type. - She's a lot online as well as in the Web and Matthew Butter X Practical typography, - which I love. - And with all these projects, - it's a good idea to kind of start thinking about designing in black and white. - It's really attempting dad in color, - but just start, - start as you go and you can use weight color on July italics or oblique. - Bold is various ways to emphasize information but tried to just choose one or the other. - Don't use it all at once. - So anyway, - this is a little document or another page to the document. - Now on page 12 W I could cheat over here and to show you this is the really great Elham - Upton book. - Thinking with type, - you should definitely check out. - So as you can see here, - I have to text box one for the title and one for the bullet points. - We're gonna work with styles in a later lecture, - and you can work with only one block. - Sometimes I deal with multiple boxes, - so just for the title I typed it in. - But as you can see, - I already DoubleClick toe highlight it and drag across in the paragraph months I hit that A - for the characters formatting. - I changed it to a different version and it's 72 sighs points, - and you can change the leading below. - There's no leading cause. - It's one blocks down here. - I've more letting and letting refers to back in the day when they were letter pressed - designers and they would actually put strips of lead between the lines of type. - So the more lines of type, - we're more strips of lead you have, - the more space you have in between it. - So this is 46 points between, - so this down here is the leading, - so you can adjust that this well. - But I've decided because this is my title, - that I actually want to go up here to type on the cheat and change case. - So there's upper case, - lower case title case and sentence case. - So this is a really handy tool to help you minimise typos on update your file and you can - change really easily. - So look at that and I like the old taps. - It just feels a little bit more polished. - So and then down here on the double click pilot at all or console A and I'm at 31 points in - 46 point letting. - As you can see, - it's not showing which family type that I'm using here, - because down here I have such a range of different ones that if I change its medium, - it's kind of going Teoh override everything. - It's up underlying. - Undo that Manzi. - Andi Just to show you, - I did get the bullet points over to the paragraph formatting. - The bullet points are sheer folded list, - slick and fun. - That something that is not my favorite aspect of in design are tabs. - And when I created this golden list, - I actually needed to create some new tabs. - So I'm using the help button on this other type on down tabs. - So I just want to show you what happens when you need Teoh. - Add tabs. - There's this war and just drag this information. - But then you have to make sure doesn't move. - So I just wanted to spend it, - give you a little peek at how tabs work nuts under that that type. - So things around you also have various in dense here, - paragraph formatting tools, - very slaves to in depth move things overseas that in the next electoral change useful to - something a little bit more so moving on to the next page. - I'm just gonna double with this distractions. - So t is type tool. - Go ahead and drop box and you have this cursor So Dr Mode, - you can see. - So I'm gonna go to type. - There was a place for their text, - and this is essentially flat tax that's going on here. - Makes no sense, - but it mimics, - uh, - language. - So it's been read and write about blood that's gonna cut every line. - So that's nice. - Way to contend. - You're working real text for this project. - You're probably not gonna be working with very much text. - Hopefully, - so should be a little bit easier as it the images. - You can drag it up and down, - but noticed essentially and essentially work dropping the text, - if you will. - We're running out of space, - so I'm gonna go ahead, - put this into my column with from my documents, - I probably wouldn't want have text very close to the edge. - But I'm just because these columns are here. - So there's a couple ways you can deal with this. - I mean, - this plus And you could see my cursor is now loaded. - More text. - So I'm gonna go next door to next fall and I knew box, - and it kind of fits that frame and the text ads here. - So, - um, - the way this works is that these boxes are essentially linked. - So instead of the plus here, - you know, - have this narrow that connects to this. - So it's all streaming together, - and you could do File D Instead of placing an image, - you can place text from a word document. - Just be a little bit care of focus formatting. - Mayor may not stick on some of that. - You probably have to do some character and paragraph stops to override. - So just double click or control A text is over here. - Here you go ahead and go to a month, - which is one of the Francais recommend as just a basic one. - If you're working with Sarah fonts. - And so if you're designing for print or Web, - Um, - for Web texting is to be a little bit bigger. - You don't want squinting. - You just need to make sure has readability on screen. - You're designing for print A lot of people over design or use like 12 point text just - because it looks good on the screen. - But make sure you're printing something out if you're actually gonna have a printed version - , - because print and Web are very different. - So for a print document, - this could easily be 9.8 point and not be too small. - But because this is Web, - let's go ahead and make it 24 points. - So I just type that in. - But you can also see to just this and give it room to breathe. - So 24 is a little more elegant. - So once again, - we got the red Plus because we ran out of room. - Another way we can deal with this is just another box over here, - homes. - So this time I read it plus, - and then just click in this box, - I saw that chain appear in. - There you go, - and so you can link from this page to the next page as well. - One last thing to do is it's like a cross, - and like all of those things, - easy. - I drew this box and it's kind of lazy, - So I'm gonna go up here to the top, - and there's the align top edges. - You can use this on images all the time and go ahead line images and that disputed that up - . - This box isn't quite big enough, - so that the same with columns. - So just try to be really consistent. - You can move these up and down. - We'll deal with rap texts when we're talking about. - So that's that so real quick. - I want to show you how you can have a little bit more fun with text. - So I went ahead on played with a little bit of text here, - and I did something. - I kind of fix something to make a point. - So Texas all about spacing and what's easy on the eyes. - So there's kind of this awkward gap here, - and so this is called turning. - It's a space between two letters. - Tracking is the space between all letters. - So if I double click that and tracking happens down here, - this this kind of side thing so you can use you can type in manually or, - you know, - add some space. - I ran out of room here, - so we either have to make it bigger. - The blocks bigger, - but I text smaller change to track, - so that's a little bit too much. - So I'm just gonna command see to go backwards on then this piece. - So I actually fix this and you can see up in the turning here that there's 1000. - Um not even sure what units were using here between its If I got a zero, - that's a lot better. - And look, - this is really nice how the p and K are lining up so you can kind of adjust this spacing. - Teoh, - help you out with that. - So start thinking about if you want a title on your project. - Next time, - we're gonna play with us more, - a little fun things state teams. 6. The Fun Stuff: - Hi, - everyone hope you're hanging in there. - And grass King. - These concepts don't where you still get toe watch me work with these concepts are gonna be - create more and more clear the more you work with it. - And it's the more we will make our way through these lectures. - So I like to call this lecture the funds stuff. - So it's all those little extra touches that can really bring your document to life and add - the element of sophistication and professionalism. - But don't use all these things at once. - And these this lecture isn't gonna be the most beautiful, - but I want you to think how you can apply these ideas in the simple, - clean fashion. - So first, - we're gonna get Cliff so under type, - there's the cliffs palette. - So cliffs are little who in extras you confined ligatures like a double F or alternative - letters, - maybe ones with a better accent mark or something like that. - So down here you can scroll or just type in the name of the fought. - So zef being dingbats has the these various different I different numbers and letters and - arrows, - and so mines kind of travel. - So, - you know, - maybe I won't use this arrow, - so you can, - you know, - type as many as you want on. - Essentially these cliffs are Web dings. - Think that's their inactive fought. - So I clicked them and highlight them. - So that being said, - I'm just gonna work with the arrow for now so you can highlight it and change the size. - It's pretty big there. - But if I want really big instead of trying to guess what size it is, - I'm just gonna make this boss a little bit smaller. - You have to be careful sometimes not to make too small. - You get the red plus, - so just get a little bit bigger. - Once you can see, - it will shift command on Arctic. - So there's a giant arrow maybe in that so elegant this big. - But for the sake of instruction, - So I'm gonna go ahead under type, - and I want to create outlines. - So one of the things to realize is that the only time sponsored gonna show up on your - computer. - Your insights upper is if they're properly installed into computer. - So say you're working on a document, - but then you need to work on it on another computer for one reason or another that other - computer doesn't have. - This Web didn't want installed into it. - You're not gonna be able to do this area properly. - It's gonna probably some really ugly symbol or different, - but it's a substitute. - So one way to work around that is to create outline. - So essentially, - Regis made this what was essentially a type face into a graphic. - So as you can see that these little blue lines around it essentially those air, - the little dots I was trying to mention when I was trying to verbally explain what a vector - graphic is Essentially, - this is a vector graphic get bigger, - smaller shrinker and large. - Someone's gonna always holding shift and command. - When I am large largest force proportionately, - you do need to stretch it just like in and out. - But really, - professionals have designed new, - so in general, - try to 19 old times. - So then I'm gonna go ahead and this other one so of the word outline here in Helvetica - haven't highlighted and it's connected front. - So we're gonna go ahead and make this into outlines. - Swelled asses, - show you something else. - You could do something, - move this right that big so you could do copy paste. - It just moves it there another way I like to work with it. - Is the holding Ault option looking down, - Hold it shifted good in the same place. - But that old shift gets this white arrow Teoh here under the black and it's you just have a - lot more control when you are trying to work, - trying to move, - duplicate something So it works on images as well. - So I'm gonna go ahead and make sure this is highlighted, - so only this one has these extra toggles on it. - So I'm gonna go to type, - create outlines and because we're in this this view paste board view, - we can see how it has created essentially graphic so you can move these if you want alter - the type, - which I don't really want to do. - So I'm not right now anyway, - So moving on, - we're gonna create a rectangle here on we're just creating a shape. - So I'm just trying that with the rectangle tool and nothing is showing up because I don't - even have a fill or stroke color on them to put between them. - I'm gonna go over to the right to the swatches palette become Magenta Phil is there. - It's also stroking fills in top appellate and use this rotate tool or just are just gonna - rotate it just a bit just to see what happens. - You can rotate texts as well, - so I just and school over them. - Also do click on shift if you need a highway, - everything. - Get those two things highlighted under objects. - I use the Pathfinder tool. - Just say no. - Sometimes that doesn't work for me, - so I just copy and paste to make duplicates and until it works. - And then let's see what happens when I hit Intersect. - Well, - so the cleaner mode. - I have this kind of funky graphics, - so essentially instead of active type, - I'm ableto work with the outlines as so you know, - you can see what happens in play over it. - Just just a little bit of fun there. - So, - going back to Cajun's, - I had showed you this bullet pointed list before. - Not a huge fan, - a bullet points, - especially presentations. - But, - you know, - sometimes you got to do what you do. - So up here, - next to the lightning bolt, - there's this down toggle three lines. - Click this. - You could always search the term bullets and numbering well, - it's a numbering. - It works a lot like lifts, - so you go in and add, - and then you can type in for sentences. - Says that. - Think that Let's everyone heart. - Okay, - it adds it here with this. - I have this preview button click down here so you can say who I like the circles better. - So it's a good way to show something for comparisons. - So Okay, - so there we have. - You know, - making our boots wants a little bit more interesting. - Look out there, - you see, - you could, - you know that area could also make reports so different shapes. - We already made a circuit before you call option shift to make it personal. - But I want to show you what happens when we type on 1/2. - So this is the type tool, - and then click and hold. - Go down to type on kind of quick anywhere circle, - and I have the circle just like sickle house. - This is highlighted. - There's no fill color, - and this is a stroke, - and we'll get rid of the stroke color. - But it's just easier to show it's going to click on the side as you can see. - Even when you know what you're doing. - So that little plus showed up. - So to make this a little bit bigger. - So you see what's happening? - Let's change it once again. - You continue the thoughts up here. - But I have so many No, - no. - And then you could go in and put a bullet between nature. - You highlight it. - Just like text could make this one a lot bigger. - So and then you couldn't make this more. - Oh, - something. - So you know, - you if you're making a seal or something like that, - it it works really well. - And so when you double click on this type tool, - then you have this this box, - it appears and how it works in ribbon and flip it center bottom. - So these have changed a little bit over the years. - It's like so that is now inside, - as you can see. - So once again, - preview is so he's gonna keep it as is and get rid of this. - Yeah, - So now you can see essentially, - just use that circle to create this, - and then I can click on it, - and I can use our which is essentially highlighted this rotate tool over to the left and - I'm still hold down shift or like you can move it. - I hope shift moves like 90 degree, - usually so really easy to treat way to change things. - Keep it up, - you know, - text looking on the side. - So one last thing. - Let's show you a few lines. - So lines once again you hold foot well, - downshift to go straight. - Otherwise you could see changes angles. - So let's just make it a little bit. - There is no line because I don't have stroke, - so I'm just gonna apply. - The color is down here. - That's last four used. - Also go swatches shows up here. - Well, - it's going to stroke. - I can't arrow up or down. - If I want something that's really fine. - I often use 0.25 if you just need a really subtle boxer image. - Usually I don't like boxes around images, - but sometimes you need it. - So then you can change too thick and thin. - This works around boxes as well. - Dots can be nice, - and then you could add and arrows. - So you have a little bit of control, - different things and start friends. - So should you. - Unless thing this is the box. - It's been a stroke. - I need to go back. - This is if I want to. - The different Phil. - I can click here. - Yes, - an X goes between stroke and fill, - so that's a really good shortcuts and box. - So the object and then I'm sure quarter effects on there's some really ugly once you can - see fancy is being not fancy but got around it. - You can change how much a rounds, - but because I've previewed here, - concedes, - um, - shows that will just make it a little bit more second. - See that it showed up this flex and UN flicks. - So right now it's right away. - But when it's all like, - they all stay the same when it's unlike you could do something different with one for the - others. - And c, - we have effects. - Be real careful here, - but casino drop shadow shows up here. - Increase it just to show you, - I usually knock this down to 11 or something if I'm using, - which is rare, - but you can kind of see sometimes you need it to pop out, - change the angle by dragging around or typing, - and you have the preview again. - So the drop shadows shows up there, - and then I'm just gonna show you one thing. - It's not gonna be a brilliant example. - Duplicate this box. - Um, - it's a different color, - but that's for different strip. - So go ahead and highlight both of these ships and into effects. - So this is usable with images. - But multiply. - So you, - you know, - see different things are happening and how the layers on top of each other overlay soft - light. - So you conflict through these. - There's the capacity that you can change. - So those are just a few things to experiment with. - Different shapes in different sizes. - All that so have fun explore and think about which little details you can add to your - document. - Teoh kind of give it some polishing a little bit of granting. 7. Layouts 101: Welcome back, everyone. So this, like sure, is all about layouts. So I'm intimate. We're setting up the document that we're setting this up into a seven column grid, So that was just kind of guessing, and you could do whatever. I just wanted to make the point that when you're setting up a document with these columns, it's not that each image has to be a wide as this column. The idea is that you work within the framework, so I'm drawing a text box here and maybe this goes so it's four columns wide. You can see the X is there, and I could insert an image. Same with text. The text doesn't have to be super narrow. That might make it kind of awkward looking. Your text could then go across two columns, so I just need to make sure I'm not clicking on it's a little bit hard, actually, just a side note that all your boxes are bigger than they need to be. Clicking on things can be a little bit tricky, so we're gonna show you how to make that into a layer. So anyway, not every bid page space needs to be used in your layouts, but just think about it kind of as the elements working together. So this exhibition image and this year would be a text box, and maybe I just have a little larger margin on this side. So, um, looking links there we have one image, but open the layers panel, and I'm gonna go ahead and rename this layer by double clicking text for this one. And I hit the toggle on and a new layer, so layers take a little bit of time to get used to, but they could be really helpful. And you can hit, lock with the empty box, unlock and the eyeball makes it disappear and reappear. So, as you can see, everything on my page right now is on the text. But only this one. This and a shift in this box are technically text boxes. And that's good, because this little blue dot is showing up there on this one is on this layer, but I'm just see how highlighted, you know, because you have these little white toggles handles, if you will. So I'm just going to click on this hand appears and drag it up to the image layer. So yeah, so you can see it's a little bit different so I can turn on and off the image layer, lock it if I want to and turn off the text layer. So this is a good, helpful way of working with working with your layouts and thinking of it as a framework in the class. Resource is, I've included a link to a grids exercise, so this class is more about understanding in design them. Then he wants us of design itself, so that's a really great resource. From Ellen Lupton and Jennifer Phillips, There's a book as well. So if you're really interested in learning more about layouts, but really for this class, we want to keep easily. That's pretty simple because it is a portfolio. You you don't want to be too busy, but in the next lecture will work on master pages and seeing how you can make sure you essentially create a template. So before you get too deep into this project, I want you to make sure you take a little bit time away from the screen and, uh, sketch out some ideas. So I just drew an image, walks there and I did command D which, of course, all these commands. I'm saying that loud or Mac, that man's PCR slightly different. But honestly, if you just kind of click around with bottom buttons on the left, they all work eventually. You still work on a TC? Have a day job. It's an openness. So you're gonna see something here that didn't happen before. Most just double check. Yes. This is good to see the red outline. This corresponds with the color. Red eyes were on the images layer. So back to here. So this image came in sideways. If you ever need to readjust, um, an image, you can hit this pencil toe edit original and ideally, will open a photo shop. Sometimes you have to change the settings, but I wouldn't do it for orientation. But if you ever needed to retouch what? Anyway, gonna click this image. And then I are for rotates, which is this little circle aero tool you see up here, this is I don't even know what to call it. We're gonna call it a nozzle. I don't click in the center because wherever that is into going to rotate around that point , so it doesn't really matter at this point. So I have our men. I'm gonna go. I nibbled shift and then kind of flick down and my mouth or my finger research down to bottom. So by holding shifted moves, 90 degree angles let go. And there is And then I use another shortcut, which I believe a shift control E No, that would be shift option. Once again, you can actually cheat by going under object fitting and seeing which which command it is here. So this is what we did to make it full screen. So to get you thinking about your projects W to get rid of those extra lines. Um, thinking about the cover. You know, I don't know if I want a full image. This is kind of what we're looking at now, Matt making something if I want a little footer at the bottom, maybe want the image in the background with circle text so that text reads really well. Anytime you're putting text on image, you have to be a little bit careful that there's enough contrast, sometimes even use drop shadows. But you really careful, but just make sure you can read it and sometimes it could look real pretty. But, you know, check with your parents if they can read it there. Good test. You can have. You know, shapes bleed off the side. Maybe l reorient the text. Or maybe you just want a really simple white cover with a little graphic and just a little my name Davison. That's so looking at a few variations there. And then I decided that I wanted in trolling about pages my second page of my document just because sometimes I might be emailing this document instead of sitting next to the person when I'm showing it to them. So just kind of contextualized everything. It's a story behind the map making class and where I was inspired by. So I always like when I visit websites see about page is always the first visit. So I want to make sure this is part of my document. And I'm, you know, just asking myself little questions on here. And then interior layouts are going to be the boat of my layouts. So I want to kind of create a system that's consistent throughout, and we're going to be looking at master pages in the next lecture and those will help us kick consistent. If your photographer, you know, good chance your images are gonna believe all the way to the edges. So maybe you want text on it, or maybe you'll alternate pages to image, and then the next page would be text or quotation or something like that. So feel free to get really creative with these layouts. Put all your ideas out. Obviously, I was too lazy to even scan this. I just took a picture. But, you know, little noticed myself that I want to be a hyperlink. Things for me is going to be important that I tell the name of the project and the name of the creator of it. And I want to add a little antic dotes just because I think for me it's gonna make the these visuals more meaningful. And then I decided, also want out of end page, which kind of you know, finishes everything in my contact information. It's just gonna be really simple. Or maybe lost your question. Haven't really thought that far ahead yet, so that's that if you're still not feeling completely comfortable layouts don't forget in the Q and a discussions area of this Hillshire classroom. There's one holed inspiration, So I've shared a couple ideas there of some just really nice simple. Pdf's the come across on the Web, So that's a really great place. Teoh share other ideas as well. Otherwise, scan or photograph the page of your favorite magazine or newspaper and bring it into the program. Just draw those image boxes and text boxes over it, or also tracing paper. You know you can go free 2.0, go old school paper. Just get out a bunch of ideas because that's where the better ideas are gonna come by. Keep pushing yourself, asking you how these different elements work together. 8. Working with Master Pages: - Okay, - everybody, - welcome back. - This lecture is all about master pages, - so master pages exist in Microsoft programs as well. - But ah, - and in design, - that really great cause once again in design is what you're using for pulled publications - and multiple page documents. - So if you had to redo every page from scratch, - you would waste a lot of time. - So master pages are your lifesaver. - Do your time saver, - especially with long documents. - So here I am over on the right in the pages panel and you can see a master and notice right - here on page one. - There is a master. - So I opened a new document, - As you can see here and just say, - you know, - in the latest in design, - you can kind of just pop this out and you can drag it back in. - Um, - this is in the newer versions, - but otherwise it's you're just gonna have different layers because you see kind of - highlights to put it back in, - but I'm gonna keep it popped out so we don't have any distractions. - So a master and a so I'm just going to use a simple example. - Not worry too much about images um, - gonna go ahead and pull over the guide I want. - I have this in inches, - I believe. - And, - um, - when I go ahead and pull this guide to will say that there we go. - So this is my guide, - and this is kind of how I'm thinking about dividing my space right now. - So I have this area over on the left for my image and my text over on the right. - Kind of like my my illustrations, - my sketches. - So I could also do vertical guides, - you know, - So maybe I want my text to start, - You know, - think about food photography in the rule of thirds. - So maybe we'll start here so you can always move these guides later. - So just for display sake, - I'm a draw. - An image that takes up the whole bit. - So any of you who are photographers doing if a photo essay or photography portfolio, - there's a good chance that your images will be full size. - Like I said before, - So remember if if I were printing this document, - I'd probably have my image go a little bit over the edge each time. - Just said there's enough leave for two reprinted properly So go do that now said. - This would be a bleed on three sides and you can see how it's over a little bit. - But when I hit W see, - it's just hanging over the edge. - So pretending this black box is my image. - Yes. - So look, - I'm clicked on here. - It's blue, - It's highlighted. - I'm working the master page, - but look over on the my pages and I'll go ahead and, - uh, - couple other pages so you can do this. - I could also go to the toggle on, - say, - in certain pages, - but actually insert pages insert after Page three and I want to insert a master so a is - here as well. - So I'm starting to kind of create a rhythm, - and it's all based on this master page. - So here I'm pilot of page four, - so anything I add two page whores only that he added to page four only click back instant - master and start thinking about text. - So drop blocks and I missed the hardest design. - What a designer. - This is the head and work with the fault that it shrooms and you know, - we're gonna look at paragraph in character styles and the next lecture, - so I'm not going to fuss too much about this. - So I wanted kind of insist down news that here, - so this might be a little bit bigger. - So once again, - thinking about designing for print or Web is going to affect your size. - The text is Wells. - How much information did on the document, - So maybe in character styles in paragraph sales will make this all the same. - But for now, - I'm just going to stay. - Project name, - year story. - So these air kind of the pieces information I want says You can see I'm kind of this a - little bit not nous that I'm going through and adding all this information. - So that's different. - Another thing that I forgot to mention and layouts is Look, - this looks pretty sloppy right now. - This is another like, - novice mistake. - Where will there's a little with it? - So this could be okay, - so you have a little bit of an intent here, - but if it's too close but not really matching up, - there's like it kind of full guide. - You can see that the designer and this other text there's a little bit of space between - them. - They don't quite match up. - That's just kind of like a little lazy mistake. - So you can hold, - shift and click both of them, - or you can draw blocks around them and I would go up to the top bar. - There's a line left, - pledges and align those. - So that's something else you can do to your layout to just add a little bit more polish. - You know, - maybe we'll add a line here. - Actually, - let's do this for Master Page Holding shift. - Once again, - no line is appearing, - so I'm gonna go left, - bring stroke to the front, - your head work black. - Like I said, - working in black and white for the initial documents could be It's a lot easier. - So I'm a quick into my documents and school down. - And so look all those air there, - so Page one and four are based on this, - So I'm clicking on page four and I'm like, - OK, - designer named designer name and clicking, - clicking, - clicking and nothing is happening. - So the way that master pages work is you have to override them. - The way you override them is by hitting, - hitting shift and command, - because you only want to say, - like Barbra Streisand's or whatever. - You know, - you you only want to change the information on this page here instead on all the pages. - So you're going to have to. - Even with the image you can see, - there's no that. - It's trying anything. - Nothing. - I'm not. - I can't move the image if I want to make a little exception or break the rule of my grid - this time. - And so to do that, - to shift commands. - There we go. - And then those toggles appear. - Maybe, - you know, - this is a different page. - So in the master page, - let's go ahead and undo. - So we have just the normal designer name on four and five kind of unlocked the master on - page four here. - So let's go ahead on and say we want to build a similar page, - but a little different. - So let's say duplicate, - duplicate master spread. - So what we want to dio is kind of switch sides for this, - So I'm gonna go ahead and highlight all these things. - Do command G for groups and command Shifty will group it, - but I used group all the time to keep things a little bit cleaner and just move it. - So I go ahead and shift. - So shift is keeping it on that same horizontal access and move it over. - It's I put up a ship the last second and yes, - so there. - And then I'm gonna go ahead and move this toggle inside, - made this image bigger, - and then disconnect quick this over. - So once again, - you kind of one of the same size, - unless this is a totally different layout. - But that's just for, - um, - a little bit to give you a sense. - So now you see master a master be so I'm gonna go ahead and bring Master Bee and just drag - it on page two so you can see I'm already creating a rhythm. - And if I didn't want any master or if I wanted to override it on a on page one, - I could just say none. - So I probably don't want any master because there's only one cover. - Um, - you know, - and you don't have to export every pitch of your document, - but, - um, - you can just kind of drag and change these around. - Another thing you can do is create Let's see, - a new master. - So one of the challenges I'm finding working on my own project is that I'm more used to - working on a letter or a four page paper instead of an iPad. - And the proportions are a little bit different. - So I'm starting to discover that maybe those sketches I did for my project aren't gonna - work because I don't feel like I have enough real estate for all my content. - So now I'm thinking about having my image or images here up in the top and then moving the - text down the bottom. - So I go ahead and just copy in this space Copy and paste group from the master, - But it here. - So I'm looking at it, - An alternative master page, - which I think might be a little bit hand here for the layout for my project. - So once again, - the content is informing my final project, - and the other thing is to know, - I'm I showed you the placeholder text earlier, - but sometimes the client could say, - Oh, - yeah, - it's not a lot of text, - But then when you're designing for a magazine, - not a lot of text becomes a ton of text and you really can't get us much on the page. - So as much as you can start working now with your existing text because it's gonna make you - see how everything fits together. - So the next lecture, - we're going to look at character impair graph styles, - and so lose are really gonna let us be consistent with text throughout the document. - But anyway, - these air the master pages and, - you know, - images, - text. - It all works together, - and you can still shift the pages around, - change your masters, - and remember that shift command is your override. 9. Paragraph and Character Styles: - Hi, - everyone. - Welcome back Right now we're gonna dive right into styles, - so if they don't appear in one of your panels over to the right, - go under window and styles and character and paragraph styles kind of live and grow - together. - Usually they've come together in a tab. - But I'm gonna go ahead and go back to styles, - open the character styles as well. - So, - as always, - you can kind of drag these around, - but hopefully you can see them here. - So, - um, - first off over here on the right, - you can see I'm working within Master D right now. - Just with the idea that everything would apply to my master pages, - ideally had probably work on it, - master a and then make sure Master Page B, - C and D were all based on Master Page A. - But just so you can see it's highlighted here. - That's how I know I'm working there. - So if master pages air too much going to show you a little bit of a work around, - but also with any of these topics, - I'm trying to give you the key word. - So don't be afraid, - Teoh. - Watch other tutorials online. - I'm not gonna say they're beautiful or you can understand every word, - but you can really get a sense of it. - And, - um, - kind of learned other ways to use the same tools. - We can only cover so much in this lesson, - but there's so much to learn, - and I'm always learning new things as well. - So just take everything one step at a time, - Okay, - paragraph styles and character styles. - Uh, - these air particularly great for long documents, - because if you change one thing of one page are one certain style you don't wanna have to - manually change it everywhere. - Paragraph in character styles kind of let you override and let things happen automatically - . - The trick is just kind of setting them up earlier, - early and setting them up as you go. - So you you don't have to do things manually. - Later, - you're still gonna have to apply the styles to the actual text. - And you will not always use these in the master page that you could do it. - That the main pages as well. - I'm just doing it for this example within master page. - So everything could be used in a variety of context. - So, - most of the time paragraph styles or the main style, - so I'm just gonna double click. - So actually, - you say you in the chance loads W you can see if one box for the project name and another - box for the other information. - This just for me is a little bit easier to separate it. - More pro you get, - You can kind of layer all these and uses folder down here, - layer the information. - But for my own purposes, - I like to keep it separate. - Just it's a little bit less overwhelming that way. - So we're gonna go ahead and set the body copy so paragraph styles comes in with this basic - paragraph. - Any time you see a plus, - it means I've changed it since where originally came. - So I was gonna click it so you can see what happens. - You can see it went back. - Teoh, - whatever the default waas when I opened this document. - So I'm gonna go ahead. - Undo that and I like to just going to start from scratch instead of building off existing - paragraph styles so you can get that down arrow with a few lines this toggle on do new - paragraph style and first things first really staying organized just like you're organizing - your images, - my name, - then you naming them properly, - naming your file, - which, - if you are paying close attention, - you could see this. - I had opened a new document. - I haven't saved it. - So get in the habit of saving saving right away. - You can do file, - save as I save of variation if you you know you're onto the right track. - But you don't want to mess up your document too much. - I do that all the time. - You could dump them later so I can go ahead and call this body next so you can do your - whole naming system. - So this is our first paragraph style, - so you could do it based on. - I don't want to base it on that. - Sarah defaulted, - so you can play off for that. - So down here in the style settings, - it's telling me what the different styles are, - which funds it is, - which size I have a trap being so wouldn't see. - I might want to change that later. - So here you can click into all these various areas on the left, - and it's saying what it iss everywhere. - Another thing I'm kind of hiding her text it's down on the right there. - But this preview button, - we'll be able to see it as you work. - So I'm gonna go ahead. - I don't want to keep this real simple for this document. - So I say Okay, - so this is the body text, - and it's here. - So I had this box. - Highlights are flicked on since highlighted. - You can also double quick. - If I click on basic paragraph, - it's gonna change. - So you need to make sure that they're your style is applied. - And there it supplied. - You can also kind of adjust it here so you can see it's doing the default letting. - So I might want move that up or down. - And so it's changing the plus applied so you can see how that note about overrides. - I'm just pretend I wanna keep this science. - It redefined style. - There we go. - Plus disappears. - So I know that's right. - So I'm gonna go ahead and double click on do the same for the title so I could have it - based on body text, - but I might not want to do that. - So we go to the new paragraph style and I must say project, - it may so because this is a title. - I know I want it a little bit bigger and I could do it here. - Or as you saw before. - I can do it with my my other tools and just make sure I override the style. - I think I want a bolder version. - So I'm just working all within the same plot family and I looked at this before. - That's kind of how it there you can see the preview mode is on, - and I could do it and I might want to do this over, - he conceded, - So I can adjust the tracking a little bit. - So especially for titles, - that's more where you're likely to use tracking instead of the body copy. - So I'm gonna go ahead and say, - Okay, - so there I have the project name and it applies. - So if I click on this other box and I hit project there we go to see it doesn't make sense - for the body happy slicked back there. - So just for this project for character styles, - really, - if you have, - if you want a certain kind of word italicized or certain sub headline, - character styles tend to be for one word or one sentence or maybe like a drop A pull quote - . - So that's something you definitely used in this project, - you know, - just like one sentence in quotation That's really big or something. - So you could develop a character cell. - So I'm gonna go ahead and hit this toggle down new character style on. - I'm going to say, - Is this gonna be like, - uh, - subhead? - So you can kind of figure out your name system once again? - The style settings air here it's based on nothing. - So basic character formats, - um, - back my fault. - It's see, - I hit early to too much, - so there's no way to go and subhead double quick. - I got the right fonts, - but I want it still. - It's it 12 and I want it. - Actually this And then let's do another little bit of tracking. - I could do in increments organ Type it in, - or you could do, - like 75 plus 10. - Not that you would do in this case, - but when you're doing measurements, - um, - so we'll go ahead and hit. - Apply. - So there you should have a pretty subtle change. - There's none hearing to go ahead. - What's up ahead and so so apologies already said it. - But as you see a change this to project name earlier document. - I had the designer named here, - but I thought that this could be more eye catching. - And so you're always kind of design is kind of like a puzzle. - You're always working with the information and we working with it. - And when you change one thing, - it affects everything else. - So just keep thinking critically about what you're working with. - So here I have this. - So if I want to keep working on this, - um, - I pulled this down, - so pitch eight, - I'm not gonna go ahead and ex out of this. - So those air character character styles you deal this basing and everything that so eight - and nine on the exact same once again in the master page, - I have to hit shift commands to override that. - And then So all this, - um, - something I could adjust also in the master pages, - or I could change it here and then override in this, - watches or start. - Nothing watches in the styles flannel instead of just using even letting I just show you - something I like in the paragraph styles. - There's something called space below and assist these lines with the heroin. - Then go ahead and arrow up. - And so this season, - just kind of because it doesn't have to be evenly spaced everywhere. - The space below gives you a lot more control sophistication. - So something One other thing I wanted to show you is that with the styles, - with everything, - you can go ahead and click any of these pages and on the bottom, - right there is a trash can if you haven't noticed. - So, - uh, - so you can just drag it in there? - There's all sort of utility pages spread, - but I use that trash can all the time. - So that is that when the last thing and show you is So now we're in pitch D. - I know kind of unclipped everything. - So if you don't want to use master pages, - you could say, - uh, - copy at a copy, - copy and paste, - just like normal, - and then go ahead and sort of page ends. - I could've dragged. - Want to? - It's really a blank one. - Still here, - dry none. - So this is just after page, - and then it's right. - Click or control. - Click on the map and in this school, - down the paste in place. - So as you can see, - that information went to the exact same place on the page. - So if you don't want to deal with master pages, - this is a great way. - Teoh cheat. - Keep your doctor consistent. - So just make sure you have all your elements together. - I like them and do command G or under objects. - So that's just another work around there. - So once again, - there a 1,000,000 ways to do everything. - So once up a time, - uh, - getting ready. - Teoh, - I'm really excited to see what your projects are, - how they're coming on. 10. Polishing your project: - Hi, - everyone. - Welcome back for the final stretch. - This lecture is all about finesse. - And I'm gonna walk you through my documents, - show you where it's at and kind of help justify some of my design decisions while teaching - , - if any more tips and tricks that we didn't cover yet. - Um, - so this is my cover. - What inspired me is I have this original Google map, - that kind of reflexes digital, - real world. - And this Paris map, - which is the canal, - which is a continuation of this digital map to kind of reflect that handmade a different - kind of digital. - But anyway, - this is a graphic I used to put out by school. - She met making class, - so I wanted to integrate it into my cover, - gave it to the title. - I just wanted to show you that I cheated. - I could have gone into photo shop, - but I just drew this box there. - This triangle Teoh, - cover up. - Some stuff really could go through that. - I was also debating Paris. - Seems like Paris map making people think this is Paris not making class, - but I figured that the subsequent pages were gonna help make more sense that so just real - quick because they didn't show you the pencil yet. - If you take any the skill share illustrated classes, - you will really get into this and you can create curves and stuff. - But you pretty much click. - And then when you get to a closed, - what you hold down full, - that's a curved line. - And then when he gets the and that little circle appears on the bottom, - right, - and that means you're closing the path. - So I'm the command D or file place to place an image on it just looks like any other shape - seconds. - And I just resize that this bidding so you could do that rounds. - Okay, - so page two, - it continues. - Just kind of click on this page Is Celtic so impeach to until you have wanted to have a - little bit of induction class to give overview just in case I'm emailing this document, - So this is justified text, - but it's not full justified. - I'm up here in the paragraph formatting control, - and I have it. - So the left line, - the left, - the bottom line is left aligned, - so you can see that here. - Um, - if I do full justification, - you see, - have these weird kind of spaces and this just something to be aware of. - And this is where you use turning, - tracking fit it. - I think it's much safer to go with this, - justify with bottom line. - So things even out it looks like we have a hyphenation here, - but actually hyphenate this off. - It just happens that hands on is has a passionate seven, - never even turn on. - And then I just use a little color here, - a little gold. - So real simple saying that show you two other things regarding self caps. - So I went ahead and hit this. - It's this is work backwards. - Uh, - this is what I was working on before I started recording. - So these drop cup controls are also in this paragraph control. - So the one and clicking on here it's how many letters across are dropped and then plunges - to the left is how maney lines that happens. - So I just conflict in on that first line clicking up, - and then I keep I want to add more letters. - So kind of thinking, - like an illuminated manuscript was kind of a reference like that. - So I'm just coming, - having something a little bit more elegance you don't have to use the drop cap tools. - You can also do it manually. - So this s it could very much well being image. - But I'm just gonna kind of line it up where Want it to be around later in a drag. - But both also hold shift. - We'll like each one individually, - and I'm going to go under window where most things live hit textract that may be nested - somewhere else in a previous version. - And then I'm just gonna hit wrap text around bounding box. - So, - um, - that's, - uh, - kind of creates this space, - so I'm gonna go ahead. - This s you can see there's a this light blue line around it, - and this is what's creating space. - So this was the settings that were already there. - The chain unlocks it on this chain appears elsewhere so I can click up and down, - so I'm kind of making less and less space. - You see that right here? - This line is going further up, - and that means the text can go closer. - So I'm gonna go ahead and link it, - and then I'm gonna move. - This s in the middle. - So if you imagine this is an image and you're working on laying out a poster. - So put that in your changes, - settings around would be really careful once again, - justify text these air starting to form rivers Just really awkward spaces. - So you wanna look out for those A lot of those air really amateur someone to turning - contracting. - So let's go ahead. - The man zero gets me kind of back to the main page. - So, - um, - I this page is based on Master East, - so I created a master page. - First, - I actually created the layout I wanted here, - and then I dragged it into master and kind of used it. - So my thought at first list the image was going to be this big. - I had drawn a guide clicking and dragging down from the top. - You're that, - You know, - I didn't want it just to have to go with margin. - You can set your own. - And I have this little hairline here, - which is just a stroke. - But then a really lightweight 0.25 I called my computers that French system. - So if you've been seeing comments that it's actually a point, - um, - so very simple layout, - But I wanted just to kind of line, - and you can break the rules but just kind of know, - be able to justify it. - So when I imported this banana from Bill Francis, - which is one of the first hand drawn projects that came in and just made itself smile, - I realized it was a little bit pixelated ones bigger. - So I was okay with the fact that my layout would have a little bit more white space and you - can see, - like, - lots of space. - It's fine. - It's plenty to read. - I could try Teoh, - you know, - adjust my text. - I chose a talent here because this is all text based on the student's skill share project - in his thoughts, - working through this project so I could still adjust that finesse. - But this is why it's good to work with real life examples and see how they work with your - your layout. - So for between Emery's project, - she had a sketch that I really like to see, - how it was kind of hand drawn up and related to embroidered map so this text doesn't align - left. - If I wanted to, - I could shift, - click and then go up to that top and hit a line left edges. - Another thing you could keep in mind is using. - There's a Gap Tour measure tool, - so I kind of just hover and it's showing up here. - Cover and I already checked. - So another with the same with on each side measuring that way under the eyedropper here, - the measure tool for measuring another thing I've done in the past is taken the frame tool - . - I'm done shift to make it a perfect square. - You see baseboard most W, - um, - and the X appears. - So if you're doing something that's a great of a bunch of images, - you can use thes help, - cheap of spacing and then helped write draw the guides. - So once again, - I just did the option and click Teoh duplicate it with the black with white hair underneath - it. - But to kind of get even spacing everywhere. - And when you click w again to get into the preview of what's gonna actually a PdF for - Prince, - then it's gonna disappear. - So it's just behind the scenes. - So something else I wanted to do that I made a note paste board before was the paper like - the projects. - So I ended up hyper linking the project name to the skill share page where it's their - project and then the designer's name. - If they actually the website. - I heard that as well. - These are already hyperlinks, - so I'm just going to say imaginary city locations. - So you highlight any word? - Works a lot like word, - um, - or any of those programs. - And this version, - it's called Interactive. - It probably says hyperlink. - An older version once again scored. - Google's really handy. - How do I create a hyperlink in CS six in design, - So I'm to do interactive new hyperlink. - I would type it in here. - Make sure you always have http colon backslash, - backslash. - Otherwise, - it's probably not gonna be recognizable on, - and then you can choose what kind of appearance you want. - So then you would hit OK, - and I'll show you the next lecture when you make a PdF that when you export it, - there's a selection for interactive to make sure those hyperlinks stick. - So once again, - just showing this this project now had a lot of white space on it, - so this looks, - you know, - nice and it doesn't really matter. - I mean, - it's filling practically that whole box, - but I'm just looking at the variations of everything. - So once again, - a pulling the text cutting designer, - I think it's a really interesting where the person's from. - So when it's your own work, - you could kind of be a little bit more in control of what you're working with. - You know, - this ideally, - this. - Actually, - I see two boxes. - So the box is still there. - I'm gonna do move this in. - It looks like I cropped it here. - But that Trixie who did this project uploaded image that So you know, - when I'm not designing it, - I'm less in control. - So my challenge is to work with these existing images and make them work. - This actually was much larger when I first imported it. - But then I took the direct selection that White Arrow and I shrunk it. - So it's visually the same size as the other cards. - I'm sickened. - Kind of cheat like this. - Lauren Lee Bait had done this really cute illustration or watercolor. - And so, - you know, - ideally would have the black around it, - but its its not a big deal at all. - But it's just something if your art directing a project to consider, - you know how it's framed. - Everything like that. - So then, - for the last page, - I just put that full version of my map, - which I used to sit marketing materials. - I wanted Teoh. - I could click on the It's highlighted here, - blue click on the stroke, - put a black border around it that looks kind of thick, - changed the stroke over in the other panel. - And once again I like to go to five. - And so that's much lighter. - I'm gonna go ahead and take it off by clicking it again, - and then just hit this. - Apply none so that dash through it and take it off. - So that's that. - A couple other things in the paragraph styles you can change to Remember earlier, - we looked at type change case so you can chance to upper case and have that happened in the - paragraph in character styles, - there's also something called small caps, - so that can happen when you're working in a body of texts, - shift returns that soft return so you'd ever don't want a full return. - That can happen that way and let me just like my notes real quick. - I think that just about covers everything, - but I'll add everything in notes or send an email to people if there are a lot of questions - , - but thanks so much and we're gonna work on exporting, - saving and printing files. 11. Exercise: Practice Layouts: So this is a bonus lecture I wanted to create because I felt like people were still struggling with layouts a little bit and making a more complicated than they needed to be for this project. So what I've done is I've created a 10 page in design file with a variety of different layouts and kind of showing how they work together is the system. Not every page would work in the same document, but I'm trying to show you variations and give you a little bit of practice. So I've gone ahead and exported. My pdf are my in design file as a PdF. So it is uploaded and link through the classroom. So this is the very document that you'll download. So I wanted to go ahead and just walk you through how you can use this document, help you practice so back in and design. I know. Go ahead and open a new file, uh, documents and what I'm walking me through with this very simple layout that I've created. And these black boxes, airmen, Teoh mimic images and you're welcome to work with actual images and your layout and actual text. This is the same thing I would suggest is cut out a page of your favorite magazine or just a favorite book, or take a picture and drop it in the back of your file and then practice with those layouts and really understanding how the type works. So I do not want facing pages. I know it's a 10 page document. You can have the pages later, but in this case, I am going to do it now. I want a 7 68 pixel by 10 24 pixel p x document because my example here is still that size of the I've had proportion, so I actually width and height thing changes over here to the horizontal. So I'm just gonna keep the standard margins and not worry about columns saying they say okay, and then so you can see on the right. I have my 10 pages very simple. So I'm gonna go ahead under file place and I'm gonna select wherever you say. First, you're going to download the document and save it. Um, make sure this button down here show import options is clicked. This is the hardest thing to remember when you're working the PDS because it's multiple pages, but make sure that's clicked. This dialogue boxes live here. So I made choose. I want all pages and I like it to show the media box, which essentially is the entire page of the pdf. So I click, OK, and so my cursor is loaded. And so because this document is the exact same sighs as the page I've created, I'm going to go ahead and just it's like in the corner on Drop it. So that's the good thing about when you know what size your images and what said your document is sewing to do for all 10. And I could drag all the way down. So this is what you're gonna dio. Um, I don't want to waste all the time. Something this is gonna so you I like you. So, um Okay, so here's a sample way out on page two. Um, you know, at first you might say, Oh, this looks like really pixelated. Something's wrong, Like strong file. So, um, under object, go down to display performance. First things first to make sure the images highlight it, click on it. And there you go. Now it's perfectly clear, So the thing I would do now is these are all on a layer. So I would We're going to create a new layer for my word. But so look back on this layer so the 10 is on the layer on, and so I would go ahead under effects for transparency. And I'm gonna bump this down to, like, 50% so I can see it's there, then back in the layers, lock it so you could change the transparency for all of them. And you can go ahead and, you know, draw your guides. So pull down from the ruler Capers a little slow. Sorry about that. Oh, no. What? It's it's locked, that's why. And then if I hit to man's, um, well, I pulled down or just telling whichever button on the bottom left, then the the guide kind of goes beyond the page. So that is here to see so I can create a guide that and like this. And so I'm gonna go back into my work and a lot of this bottom layer the pdf that I've dropped in. And you know, you would be using the the rectangular framing tool, So go ahead and drop box. You know, Im decided this is a digital files. I'm not doing the bleed in this example. And then draw the box, and then I need to make sure Phil is there. So I'm just gonna feel that blocks and black and then take the type tour. And every font I used in this example is either Helvetica or Garry Mahon. So I've experimented a little bit with different weights, but everything should be on your computer system already, so I want you to do it. Obviously, the Helvetica is the sound Sarah and a little bit more modern. And then Gary Manz is the Sarah fought. So I want you to just kind of practice with the type on top of it. So and show you quickly, so that looks like it's about the same size. So you can zoom in and out. Um, as he worked, and it's always step back. He said, That's a little bigger, but I just want to like, So I'm gonna double quick. It's a highlight at all. And then I'm gonna go up Teoh tracking and spread this out so as even see their these little touches to the text. So that's, you know, almost spot on 3 30 So that's what I want you to do, is kind of mimic, and then you can turn off the background layer and so you can see as you create your own layouts, and then maybe you want to build off of these for your own projects. So I'm just going to take you back to the product, the board that I, um where it built these pages and just point out a few things. So on this particular page, I've added, you know, the letters on top that correspond over here. Um, instead of just using return to create spacing between these I've used up here the top toolbar, the space after tool. So, um, it just adds a little bit of a change instead of, ah, hard return. So this is something that I know I mentioned earlier. Lecture is a good way to be a little bit more sophisticated. Your type. Um, this is actually two text boxes that are linked. You can see that the the little triangles there and it's connecting here. The Red Cross is there because once again, this is a pillar text. So with the filler text. I just put the created a text box, and then I did place filled with placeholder text. So that's all that that is on one of the pages. Just, you know, I do use a copyright symbol. It's under a sport. Insert special characters symbol, copyright symbol. So this is something you can look up and help. Um, I've gone through the custom and added even more. Resource is, if people have questions so cheaper form to the resource is you're not going to get as much as you can out of this class if you're not doing these extra exercises. And if you're not clicking to some of those links like the Ellen Lupton links and practical typography, so keep returning to those things. Use this document to practice, um, practice with actual magazine layouts. Practice, practice, practice. You know you can't become a designer overnight, and that's why they're professionals. But you can come really close and just learn from the best and keep looking towards those examples. So I hope this document is an official for you and, you know, thinking about pacing your document, different pages you can do for rhythm, but within it still try to stay consistent 12. Preparing files for export, print + packaging: - Hi, - everyone. - Welcome back. - Time to wrap everything up. - So while this is the last lecture really something that I'm doing all along and that's - testing my work. - So I make PDS As I go open them full screen, - send them over by email to testimony my iPad open the next you want to view them and their - final version self. - It's for print friends. - It's even if it's a home printer and you're sending it out. - It's just good for checking size and making sure the grays and to light everything reads - Okay, - so, - as always, - save your work. - So I've already saved it. - So the first thing we're gonna do is oh, - actually, - that's not, - um something that's really easy to forget is spell check? - So it's using that last thing that you do that you forget so that it check spelling. - I usually zoom out so we'll get all the pages. - But you can also do it, - you know, - just highlighted paragraph check there. - So this is just checking name. - So I've already checked this, - so we're gonna go back to the document. - So the other thing I do is I just really check. - I'll pull out guides. - That guide's um so just checking out all the polish. - Check the alignment, - making sure nothing got drums. - But this is what you also exported. - PDS. - So you can. - It kind of gives you a fresh eye because you're not distracted by everything else on the - screen. - So you have adobe presets and you can save your own or goto export either one. - So I've saved this with all my other files for this project. - Once again, - I don't recommend working desktop, - but just you can find everything later. - So I'm getting this error message because I've already exported this file the same name. - Every now and then I'll do no do Dash 010203 Kind of the joke of the joke with designers is - file final. - It's kind of a kiss of death, - you know, - work is never done catching errors. - You know this something later, - so you're always fixing it, - so I tend to do numbers. - Keep a folder for the latest version. - Um, - small size file size is great for emailing If it's a client you haven't worked with before - , - and they see a pixellated image, - they might freak out so high quality prints. - I try to manage all my images so they're not used to begin with and it should crash - somebody's system. - Um, - but you can always look at the file size afterwards. - So under I'm in general general Sale pages. - All you know, - if I'm doing something and I just love see how one page looks, - I can choose that range. - I always updf after exporting. - That's kind of a natural happens and I may include hyperlinks. - So this is something important to remember because we are re hyperlinked the various - classes and make this a little bit more interactive. - So that's that under compression, - sometimes always choose already with that high brilliance changed modified, - but that's totally normal. - So every now and then will choose high quality print, - but then go down to medium or something like that. - I'll export and save over all the time just to make sure looks OK and then marks and bleed - for anybody who is having this professionally printed. - Always check with the printer with their you know how they like the file presented in the - past. - They want a package. - Pdf we're going to do I'm sorry. - Packaged and design vile But this time these days of digital printing, - usually a high quality PdF does great. - And just as I said in a previous lecture, - you would never want to send a client active in design file. - You always just deal with proofs as Pdf's. - So all printers marks work, - but really, - the crop marks. - So when we did the bleed on images that went over the edge just a couple millimeters thin, - you would. - If you try exporting at this late, - you would have the little dash marks. - So let's go ahead and do that just so you can see see what those little extras are and then - slug and bleed are just making sure there's that extra bit of. - I never touched the rest of these, - but I will keep propping blue marks, - so exports there's some warnings that come up there. - A big issue can check them otherwise would were worried, - but you will get warnings if there are images that aren't linked and so we'll check in the - links pedal afterwards will be doing stuff. - Go ahead and take by okay, - and so I'm down at the bottom of their be acrobats and in a second hopefully the file will - kind of pop up. - So I would love to see all of your final projects for this class. - So what I'm gonna show you next is how to export it or upload it rather to Dropbox as a - nice way of material. - So this is taking longer than usual, - so we'll probably come up, - but you can open a previous version. - So I'm gonna go ahead and fire Metz portfolio and the night of August 2013 So just kind of - to contextualize it. - So here we go. - So here I saved over the last version. - But here we have the crop marks on. - You know, - this is all for printing because I'm doing this on my I pad. - I don't want to see that. - So I would actually re export it. - So that's just so you could understand what it starts to look like by Adam slug So back in - inside, - I'm going to go ahead on. - So let's go ahead, - Teoh Dropbox. - So, - um, - with Dropbox works is that I treated a new folder with this folder icon. - Then I said, - upload that dialogue box came Choose a file, - you choose what you want So I have done that and then it will look like this screen. - So go ahead and share link on this is what the normal media You can send it to a client to - find family, - since you could say or plays out of it like it's copied to the clipboard. - So this is what the pdf would look like if I had not checked that that prop toolbox. - I was just showing you. - So you know what it is that you don't have to check it. - Time you are having your file professionally printed, - so you can just, - you know, - school down. - View it very nicely. - So there's drop parts. - There's Google, - Doc, - so I'm sure you could share this. - So he's whatever you want to share with the class. - But this is just what I said use So you can see here this hand as I'm over than in class. - This is something actually hyperlinked. - So even in Dropbox it works just like I have really the name of the project with the class - and then then designer, - where it was relevant. - That happens here too. - So close it come in, - Acrobat, - but you'll see it there as well, - so that is a great way to kind of share your work, - not flog people's in boxes on, - you know, - share with your classmates. - But it be great if on your project boards, - if you could upload, - you know, - one or two thumbnails of your final project. - So to give us a clue and then share the link with us that we can view So another thing you - could do is kind of create some nails. - So all I did was, - you know, - take the frame tool in place image, - but I just want to show you how it works in the pdf. - I mentioned it before, - but here we go again. - So, - Mandy, - or file place? - This is how we're placing images all the time and then click on the PdF with thing to make - sure you do is show import options. - And then here you can clicks through. - So it's three. - This has all the craft from when exported cropping. - But that and then say OK and then it's going to insert that one page into the box. - So so that this time object, - that's it. - If it's still friends so and then that box doesn't have a stroke. - 16 kind of give us a little Conexant project as well. - So that's that. - So back toe, - actual project or final file once we save it once we pdf it, - if your projects done, - I kind of like to think packaging like packaging is archiving. - So I just say package and packaging kind of shows you all the information. - Actually, - one thing cancel so links. - And if you didn't notice, - I just kind of drag up and down these how it's that. - So the links you can see there's you can see which page and my Page eight Trixie project - has two images. - So there no red like error messages. - So we're pretty safe to say that it's good to package. - So this is all the It's gonna bring all the bonds colors in design file and images together - and nice, - but it saved, - so you save the file on the package, - but it's continuing the process, - so the file name. - This is for instruction. - So if you wanted to specific pan come Pantone color paper type with the printer, - it could be notes to yourself, - too, - because sometimes you visit a job 5 10 years later. - Um and then it's going to go ahead and hit where you're gonna save it. - So I'm sitting. - It's a desktop which once again I will do so. - I've already saved us once, - and I'm real quick. - These air the error messages for bond response habit you l a. - And end user licensing agreements. - So think of sponsors supporting artist. - So I shared some of the links of my favorite font foundries and type designers, - So just be aware of that. - So all package. - So I'm gonna go ahead and open a folder so you can see what a packaged and designed pile - looks like. - So once again, - this is more for you, - not for replying for anybody else but hard drives. - Save it. - So my desktop. - This is my in design. - It's always kind of named with older at the end, - but you can do anything, - but it came, - comes with that inside documents. - Then it's magically pulled together. - All the fonts that I used in the documents that the file called in design. - Those are the instructions and then the links. - This AI file is that opening map image which was illustrator file, - so everything is neatly saved here oftentimes all export a copy of the pdf here, - too. - So I can remember what the pdf supposed to look like and making sure all the fonts came - through every now and then. - Older versions of the fox won't come through, - right. - So you can save a copy, - make all the texting outlines and then exported as a work. - But you really shouldn't have to deal with that. - So don't worry and look up anything about, - but hopefully this gave you all a nice review of in design. - And remember, - I look up concepts all the time. - So So don't stress There's tons of information out there myself in. - Your classmates are here to help. - I can't wait to see your projects and, - uh, - you know, - enjoy the class. - Please do take the time to write a review. - I really appreciate it. - And spread the word as well. - Thanks so much. - Everybody