1. What's in the course: Hi Simon here. This course let you
in on my secret to learning to play chords
incredibly quickly. With this technique, you
can be playing pretty much any pop song you want
in an hour or less. And the festival,
you don't need to learn any music theory. Why should you trust
me when I say playing the piano this way
can be that easy? Well, as a musician, I've had multiple
record contracts, major festival appearances,
millions of YouTube hits, the whole 9 yd. I love educating. In fact, I've even got a Master's in Education from
Cambridge University. And as a result, I've got an excellent track
record teaching online with over 15,000 students and over half 1
million min of tutorials views with consistently
fantastic feedback. If you're a beginner, by the end of this course, you'll have realized
that playing the piano isn't an impossible
dream at all. Just needed explaining
in a way you understand. Here's what you'll
learn. In minutes. You'll learn where
all the next R and all their names
within 5 min, you'll learn how to build
a chord using simple, easy to remember shapes. You'll learn where to
find the chords you want. Within 10 min, you'll
be able to play 14th. I haven't got 14 fingers, sorry. Within 10 min, you'll be
able to play 14 courts. Those 14 courts
are already enough to play thousands and
thousands of songs. You could just stop there and
have a huge amount of fun. But there's much more
inside the course. If you want to play classically,
sorry, wrong calls. That's a very different
learning journey. I've designed this course for beginners who
want to be able to sit at the piano or a
keyboard knockout pop song. If that's your thing, then the amazing reviews
or keep receiving, tell me I have got just
the right course for you. Hit the button wherever the
button is to get started and experienced the amazing
feeling of being able to play, sign up now.
2. 1. Intro to how we'll learn: My name is Simon. Let me start our piano
learning journey by reassuring you that if you don't achieve my aim to get you playing
songs within an hour, then that is entirely
on me, not you, me. It's my job here to make
this work for you as quickly and easily as possible. And I've done this for
thousands of people, so I'm in the lucky position that I already know
that it works, but don't yet, okay, and I understand that my
aim here is quick wins. You'll have looked at
a number of courses, I'm sure some of which
are 20 h long or more. But let's be honest,
he's actually got the time to sit through 20 h. The bare bones of this course, the stuff that actually
gets you playing takes no more than 30 to 40 min. Now, of course, I've added
lots of other elements to the course to develop what you've learned to
spice up your playing. So it makes you
sound really great. But the core of this
is extremely simple, quick, and so easy to grasp. It gets results.
3. 2. Anchoring: You already, a keyboard can look really complicated
and very intimidating, but if we break it down
into manageable chunks, it's really not very
complicated at all. The first thing we
need to do is to learn what the names of
the white notes are. What I found when
I'm teaching people is that patterns and images are amazing tools to get information
into our brains. Our brains are constantly seeking to make
sense of patterns. So we're going to use patterns alongside
memorable shapes, images throughout this course. And that's going to make
your learning journey easier and more simple. I'm going to avoid
abstract theory or complex music theory terms at all times because
let's be honest, they often seem to do
a really good job of sucking the joy out of
learning an instrument. And that's what
I'm interested in. This, this is
supposed to be fun. We're going to start with
learning the names of the white notes because that's the key to unlocking
lots of stuff. Don't worry, we'll
learn the names of the black nose as well. But in a later video for now, what we're going to do
is we're just going to look at the way the black
notes are laid out. We're going to use their
shapes as a prop to help us remember the
names of the white nodes. Let me show you how
this is going to work. Okay, Let's look at
our first pattern. Here we go. Can you recognize this pattern? To Batman? Three black notes,
two black notes, three black notes, 2323. You can see that it goes all
the way along the piano, repeating over and over again. Now, I don't know
what you've got in front of you to play on. It might be a piano or
a keyboard like this, or maybe a phone or tablet. I don't know. All of these are fantastic
and they will all have the exact same pattern to three to three to
three black notes. Okay? Now, what I want
you to do is to focus in, for a moment on a set of
three black notes, okay? It doesn't matter which
ones could be B or D is not important. Just a set of black
notes focus in, is that any shape
that springs to mind when you see these
three black notes together like this, what
pops into your brain? When I look at it, I can see
the shape of a letter M. That's what, that's
what works for me. Now, let's make them
memorable image that might be a McDonald's golden arches logo or maybe the M from the
Monster Energy drink. Those are things
that spring to mind. You might see something
else and that's fantastic. Definitely use that because it's what your brain will remember. But for illustrative
purposes here, I'm gonna go with
what my brain sees, which is a letter M, talks up on the inside of the M. The right next to the black key, right hand side
is this key here. Now I want you to see if
you can find that key. So what we're doing is
looking for a shape for me that's an m sucked up on the inside of that
M. The white key. Doesn't matter which one.
That's what we're looking for. Okay. Let's go here. One here, one here, one here, one here. All the way along. Now this node is called a. Okay? It's going to be our anchor. Let me see what I
did. Okay, let's go with that image.
I encountered. This is that anchor. We're going to use
this to work out the names of all the
other white notes. Now, you might have
had some experience of someone teaching
you music or piano. You might have done stuff at
school or private lessons. And people often when
they're teaching the piano, they tend to start, especially if
they're teaching in a more Western
classical tradition. They all seem to
start by teaching you the first note as being c.
I can never work out why. And I always found
it really confusing. And I think it's because it's in the middle of the
piano that they do that. But for me, it makes far
more sense to start with a. Because while most
of us, I hope, know our alphabet and where it starts and what comes
next. That's the clue. By the way, side note, this isn't a criticism of Western classical playing
or teaching, by the way. But that's a very
different thing to what I'm trying to
achieve with you here. We're just here to have fun. Learn how to play some songs. I want you to take a
very, very deep breath. I'm about to ask you
a deeply searching, intellectual question
that's going to require all of your
concentration. And you're looking
at a anchor here. If this is a, what
might this node B? Yes. Exactly, because we know our alphabet
next to B is C, and after C is D,
and then D, E, F, G. And then look where
we get back to. We get back to a. So what's really
interesting about this is, although the entire
keyboard looks really complicated when
we look at it as a whole. In fact, we only need
to learn this much. Okay? Then the whole
thing repeats itself. This way or this way. To stay the same, we only need to
look 1234567 notes before we get back to a again. So by learning one section,
we learnt all of them. That's not an
impossible task, is it seven nights? I think
we can manage that.
4. 3. Two min white note practice: We can always use that anchor. Remember how to find that
workout where a note is, it really isn't a
race at this point. To find these other notes. We're not trying to
do this quickly. That will come with time. For now, all you need to know is how to anchor
yourself and use that information to
find the note you want. So let's practice. I'm going to close my
eyes and randomly hit. Okay. There we go. I've had white now. I don't know what it is. I'm going to leave it pressed. I'm going to go to the nearest a because I know when my
anchor is there, it is. There's my shape. That's my that's my f. So
now I know what that is. Okay. Let's try it again. Yeah, there we go. There's my a, B. Be easy. We can use the a to anchor
cells to then find where is. It's just a really easy way to navigate around the
whole keyboard. I want you to do now
is for you to hit pause and do this couple of times until
it's in your head. Close your eyes. Choose a white key. Workout what is called by
counting up from the nearest a, just to wrap up,
it's taken what? All a few minutes to work out. All the names of the white
notes and where they are, and also how to work out
the name of any white note. We press pretty quickly by
just counting up from a, because we've used shapes to get these things into our
heads. Really useful. Okay, cool, Good, try it. Come back. Don't forget.
5. 4. What's a chord - How do I make one?: We know where a can we build on that and on
what we've learned so far? Well, I'm going to
show you how to use what we've learned to
help us make a cord. But some of you might be
asking, what's a chord? At its very simplest, accord is nothing more than a bunch of notes
that sound nice together. That's it. No more complicated than that. Normally. To start with just
three notes in a chord, I'll show you how to add more
notes to accorded later. But for now, three, trusts me, is plenty. Codes are what we
use to build songs. They're the fundamental
building blocks that make up the vast majority of songs that you
hear on YouTube. Spotify, your radio, CD player, tape player, record player, 8-track tape playing gramophone. I'm trying to cater
for all audiences. Point is, this is the
focus of this course, teaching you how to
play chords there, the shortcut, being able to
play songs that you want to. You can go and find
the information of this course to work out
what the corner you need. And you'll be able to
play all those songs that you really want
to be able to play. Knowing what the
names of the notes are is incredibly
useful for this. Because remember this because I'm going to test you
on it in a minute. Courts get their names from
the first note they start on. Having told you that. I've got another deeply stretching intellectual
challenging question for you. Okay. You ready? What might the first
note of a fee called B? Clue is almost
definitely in the name. The first note of a C chord is obviously C. How
do we find the C? We've already covered that. We work out what a is
and we count up a, B, C. This is my chord. What might the first
note of a, G, B? Yes, absolutely, you got it. It's really not
very complicated. Okay, I think we've probably
grasp that concept. Let's now show you
how simple it is to build a C chord now that we know what the
first note is going to be. So hold your finger
down. There we go. Leave it where it is.
You can use your thumb maybe might be easier for you. And what we're
going to do to find the next note that
fits in that C code. We're going to count up the
keyboard this way for keys. And we're not going to
count the sea that we've already pressed because
we've already practiced it. So we can ignore that. But every key we come to, whether it's a black one or a white one, we're
going to count up. So let's count up 1234 keys. Okay. I don't want you to press
them both together. Paid plugin, cleanly. Masked noise. Yeah. The notes sound nice. You might need to add an
OH, curl your fingers over this bit so you hit the
both clean and try it. Let's find the third note
that works in a C chord. Remember we were
going to work in groups of three notes are typically starting now from
the last key, press this one. I want you to count
up three more keys. That way when you get
to the third key up, whether it's black or
white, I want you to press that one cleanly. Try pressing all three together. Ready, you can go 123. Plane altogether. Lovely. Congratulations. You've made your first chord. So to recap how we've
made this chord, but by the same name. Note counts up for, but don't include this night
before depressed state 1234 and then canceled 312. They have you called?
6. 5. Bus analogy: So we're gonna look at images
to remember chord formulas. I said at the start how much I like imagery and
patterns and shapes. And we're gonna use them here
to remember this pattern. I'm going to try and
put a picture in your head so you can easily
remember this formula, because that's what this is. It's a formula for playing
cause if you get this right, everything else will
be really easy. Trust me. Okay. So cords get their names from the note they start
with, we know this. Sometimes people will
talk about that note. The start node as
the chords roots. It's where the cord gets its
strength and flavors from. It's a bit like a tree
or a bush in the sense that it's getting all its
strength from its roots. Okay? So we have this root, root of the chord and then it goes four
and then it goes three. Okay, so how are we
going to remember that? When I remember this formula
and bear with me here, I think of those old
red London buses. Okay. The red ones,
they're called root masters route, the
route of records. And they often have the number of their route
on the front of them. So we're going to think about a really dramatic image
involving an old red London bus. And that bus is on its root, and that routes for T3. So there is our 43 on
the front of that bus. But let's make this
image really dramatic. Okay, So you're sat at
your desk or your piano, or your kitchen table or
wherever it is you are. And then there's,
this is shrieking, crashing sound was one of
those buffers, some questions. Definitely just shouting,
ask you for your help. The very last thing you're
seeing is the front of this bus with the root
number are for three, root 43 bearing down on
you about to crush you. Squish. Dramatic enough. You can make it more
dramatic if you like. Okay, so what's the formula? The formula is root 43. How do we remember that? Brent
7. 6. Fences and Triangles: Okay, So more images. This section is called
picket fences and triangles. Okay, bear with me. So we played a C chord. Lovely. Now the great thing here is that if you want to play any other new chord
starting on a white note, you don't need to
remember a new formula. For each chord. We
reuse the same formula, just starting on a
different starting key. So let's try playing an F chord. Okay, So where's F? Here's our group of
three black notes. That means that f is f p. I'm going to leave it with
my thumb. We don't count F. So we're going to
count up for this way. We've got our route
already, 123123. There's our F chord. Let's try a G chord. This is F, This must be G. Okay? And then we're
back to a again. So that's G. Lovely. 1234123, root for three. Cleanly. Make sure you've to
curl your fingers over. If you have your fingers flat, you run the risk of hitting another coordinate
doesn't sound very good. So yeah, make sure it's
clean like a minute. Now there's another
shapes thing I want to point out to you now, did you notice anything familiar about the shape
of those three chords? When I look at it, I
see a we've hips them, we've missed a white knight.
Them with Mr. Whiteman. Hit one, miss one, hit 1mis1. Necessary for the C chord
is for the F chord. This one, this one, and
save the G chord. One. Interesting for me. That shape is it
looks a bit like a white picket
fence that you see outside houses
sometimes in America, allegedly. Apparently. So I wanted to get Vinci. Now remember that at the moment, we're only learning chords
starting with white notes, which means there's only
seven of them, 1234567. And then we get back to
the starting note again. And three of them
at the same shape. And they will, that's, that's useful to remember. Okay, right. We're not going
to try play different chord. We're going to play an E chord. Remember our formula? Crashed. Rueful three. Fine. Ie, He's a group of three,
There's an angular. Now we're going to
count up for that way, 12343 from there, 123. We've got different
shape this time. We've got the
formula is the same, but the shape is different and it has this black
node in the middle. It looks to me a bit
like a triangle. Okay, let's try it with
a D chord, D, C, D. One of the other things
that might be useful is if you think of these two
black notes as a doghouse. Okay? So you can quite
quickly find a D because in-between the two blanks there. All right, actually I D
name, you can work it out. So anyway, let's play a D chord. D is our root, root 43123412. That's also a triangular shape. Okay? I say, okay,
sorry. Okay, right. Brilliant. Let's play doesn't equal. We can decode is
playing a chord. 123123, triangle shape. Okay, interesting. So we've got seven chords
that we're trying to learn. Three different shape. And three of them. This shape. We could think of
the triangle as a roof for the house with
a white picket fence. Whatever works for you. Either way. The seven chords, three of them are white
picket fence shape. Three of them are triangle
shape, leaving one other. Okay. Where is it? B, B. B. What happens when we
use the same formula? 123? It looks like it might be
a triangle shape over hang on one to another, but we don't use it very much did
not actually true. Beach was used it
quite a lot. Right? There we go. I would suggest if
you're at all struggling just to spend a little
bit of time just going. Triangle, triangle. Offense, picket fence, a, triangle B, the
one with the two. Just spend some time
going through it, getting used to the shapes and associating them with the name. Honestly, it takes very little
time to get really quiet, quick and fluid with that.
8. 7. What's to come?: Okay, So what's coming
up in about 3 min? We've taught you how to
remember all the names of the white notes
in another 5 min. 5 min, you learned how to
play all seven major chords. That's pretty quick. Think about how far you've
come already and how quickly did you think that someone
will be able to say play an F chord or a
G chord or a B chord. You'd be able to
do it so quickly. Pat on the back. Well done. Before we move on, I
just wanted to show you a table that gives you an idea of how far we've come and how far
we've got to go. An idea of what's coming
up and then knowledge you can expect to get
out of this course. We've learned one formula, route for three to play
what are essentially known as major or
happy sounding chords. In a minute, I'm
going to show you how to use one more
very simple bit of information to change happy
courts or major chords. It's a sad or minor chords. So as you can see,
there are many, many different flavors of chords that we're going to cover if you look at our table, as well as the major
and minor ones. And also I'm going
to give you a lot of other techniques to get
you sounding great when you're playing those
cause everything though relates to or builds
on these early formulas. Those blank spaces
and the grid there. They show you a little bit
about what elses to come. Can I just ask at this
point if anybody asks you to give a review at any point while you're
doing this course, I'd really, really
appreciate it if you code, it makes such a huge,
huge difference. The course is rankings depend
entirely on those reviews. So thank you very
much. Let's crack on.
9. 8. Minor chords: Minor or add quotes. I'm going to share
with you something, one small piece of
information that is going to double the amount of
chords you can play to 14. Now, most songs you
hear are made up of a mixture of major
and minor chords. The ones you've learned already, those chords are major, or more simply, happy ones. We're going to learn
how to convert them to minor chords. Sad calls. With these 14 chords, you can literally play thousands and thousands and
thousands of songs genuinely. So here it is. To achieve this
miraculous doubling of your core repertoire, all we need to do is shift the position of just one finger. Let's show you how. Let's play a C chord. A C chord, my picket fence
shape, starting on C. Now, move the middle finger of your cord and
shifted to the left. One key. Doesn't matter what the
key is, black or white. Just shift that middle
note left one key. That sound sadder. Shift
it back again to make the client happy, happy, happy. Now, here's the great part. This is true, whatever
code you're playing. So let's try another one. Let's play a D chord,
triangle shape. It's only going to d. I can shift the
middle finger down. One. Amazing sad code. It's suddenly become
a D, D major. D minor triad with some other
chords that you've learned. Now, sidebar, when you see
codes for songs written down, major chords, the happiness
that we learned first, we'll just have the letter of the chord without anything
else next to them. Minor chords will have
a small m lowercase. For you guessed it, minor.
10. 9. Finding chords: I'm a huge believer
in that we learn best when we're doing
something that we enjoy. And we also learn
best when we have some choice in what
we're learning. What I'm aiming for here is for you to be able to choose a song that you want to learn to
practice these techniques with. But there are a few tips that
will make your life easier. So what we're gonna do is
we're gonna go to a website. We're going to grab some
chords for the song. Eventually, you want to learn. But first, it might
be useful to, let me show you
how I would do it. Okay, so we're gonna
go to this site called ultimate Guitar. I hate you
say yes, guitar, because the courts
for the guitar are exactly the same notes as
the chords on the piano. They're interchangeable. And those guitarists are
really good at writing chords down for the songs
that they want to learn. So a really good resource for
us is ultimate I'm going to use a
Van Morrison song for teaching purposes. And it's called, and
it's stone like so if we go to the website and
it brings up this, so I, there's a whole bunch
of stuff on this page. Songs that people have
uploaded the courts to, all the music too. You can sign up and
get extra elements. That can be quite useful. I have, but I mean,
it's up to you. But you don't need to. The
point is that it's free. You can go and search for any song I've already
searched for, and it's stoned me. But let's do it again.
And it stone me. There it is. If I search
for it, we get a list. So there might be a bunch of other artists that
I've done it here. We've just got Van Morrison's
songs or versions listed. There's an official one, which I think you
probably have to pay to access and a pro one. But here somebody has
written out the chords, you can see, and over 1,700 people have given
it a five-star review. That's probably the one
I'm going to go for. There are some other options. If you want to see
the ukulele chords or other people's versions, there are other
versions available, but this is a fairly
good indicator that this is probably the
one I'm going to go for. So if I click on
that, here we go. So what have we got here? We've got the lyrics and we've got records
above the lyrics. And if you hover on them, it'll show you the code,
which is quite useful. I've got this setup
to show piano chords. Normally it starts as
showing guitar chords. There are a bunch of options
down the bottom here. You can change the
font size for those who have vision issues. We can look at what
the chords are here. Marvelous. We can change between ukulele chords and guitar
chords. Should we wish? I'm going to stick
with piano chords? You can get it to auto
scroll while you're playing. It will shift up the screen, which is quite useful. Sometimes you can change
the speed there as well. This is really interesting. You can also do something
called transposing. Just turn off the
auto-scale, auto scroll. This means you can get
it to sort of step up in pitch or step down in
pitch depending on where your voice most
comfortably sits. So rather than it
being starting on G, if I transpose it up and step, it will start on a G-sharp or up to an a if I press again. And instead of the
original chords we saw now we're going a EDA. So that might work for you. It might be a way of finding
a pitch that works for you. I'm actually going to stick
though with G, d, c, g. This version of it. You can add it to your
favorites as well if you sign in and pay
the subscription. So you've got a list of all
the songs that you're into. I think there are some
other options here. What else can we do? We can change the color
of the chords if we want. So a stand out a bit
more. There we go. That's a quick run through of how we use
ultimate Now I've shown you that. Let's crack on with
playing the song.
11. 10. First song: Okay, So here we go. We've got the Van Morrison
song we can play. So here we go. We're going
to pay this off, right? First thing we're gonna do
is just practice the shapes. So you can see we've
got a G, which is a white picket fence shape. The next chord is a D. Now I can go up to D, or I could go down to D, doesn't really matter. Let's see
which one sounds better. Okay? We can go the other way. I think I prefer.
Okay. Hey guys, to see which is white
picket fence and I guess actually also why they've got one triangle winding events. Okay? So the tricky
thing here is that it might confuse you. Then have to play the G. Again. It's almost like you're
playing it twice in a row. Well, you are applying
it twice in a row. But it starts and each line
both starts and ends with g. Okay? I'm going to tap my foot. I'm going to play each
court for a count of 412343, checks the triangle. Change to the offense, chain, back to the okay, so let's try that. With a vocal she
may seem or you may not think that's
entirely up to you. Whatever you want to do. It's something that
you enjoy them. Joyful to apps do it right now. Great. Okay, Yeah, that works. Sounds a bit thin though, just with the one hand playing the chords for count of four.
Let's try something else. Let's copy the root
node down here. With their other hand.
Let's just throw that in, see what that sounds
like. Butter. Maybe we could also experiment with playing this
one twice as much. So what I mean by that is that the moment
we are counting for 43 and we're hitting all
the keys on the 131. Also gonna do is
I'm going to hit this hand on the three as well. I'm going to leave this one. Just any, just playing
it on the one. And just moving that when
we change the chord, I'm going to double up this one, make it, or do you do
it twice as many times? So I'm gonna put on the 1.3, which are comfortable
that we speed it up, but don't speed it up until you are playing it
cleanly and comfortably. You have to give yourself a chance to learn
that muscle memory. Don't try and do
stuff too quickly, it will cause you
problems later on, but when you're a
little bit more comfortable with it, Nice. Later on in the course, I'm going to show you a whole
bunch of other stuff we can do where we can make those changes really,
really interesting. Do more stuff down here
with our left hand. We can really make
you sound great. So all of that stuff we're
going to cover later when you are searching for the song that you want
to learn to play. Whatever that might be. One of the things to bear in
mind is to keep it simple. To begin with. There are lots of funny looking chord symbols
that we haven't covered yet. All you're looking to
work with to try out at the moment is core symbols that are just the letter
or have a small n of them. If they've got anything else, then I would suggest, given
that a miss for a bit. The other really good tip
is to listen to the song on YouTube before you
try and work it out. So you remind yourself when
the core changes my com, you can start to train your
ear to work that stuff out. But this is the exciting thing. You've got the tools now to
go and play thousands of songs just with those 14 cause the happy major chords
and the sad minor chords. So it might go away
and have some fun. Remember to come back
because there's all sorts of other stuff we're
going to show you. That will mean that
you can access even more songs and
have even more fun. And there's all sorts
of stuff we're gonna do around making it sound great. So, yeah, come back.
12. 11. The black notes: Learning the names of
the black notes. Okay. So I told you we'd get to
learning about the buttocks, the black notes, and get their name from the white
notes they are next to. So there's always a clue. If a black note is above white note that it gets its name
from the white note, that it is next to. What we do is use the
name of the white note, but we add the symbol shop. If it's above it, it becomes whatever the
name of this node is, plus the word sharp. So this one's a, This one's directly above
it to the right. So this is also a C, But
we add the workshops, so this one becomes a C Sharp. Okay, let's look at some of the other sharps and see
if that's still the same. So this white key is a D because it's in the dog
house. If you remember that. This is a D, this black
note is above to the right, but we add the
symbol shop to it. So it just becomes D sharp. C sharp. This one here, F
black node above it, then becomes, you guessed it. Okay? This is the G, making
this one G-sharp. This one is a making this one. Pretty simple. I think
you've got that. Now. Here's the thing.
If a black note is below white nodes to the left, then it also takes its name
from the night before, but we call it a
flat. And a flat. It's like a little bee symbol. I'll put one on the screen
so you can see this is B, so this becomes B flat. Okay? But this one, What's that? That's an E as a
black note below it. So that becomes E flat. Now, some of the more eagle-eyed amongst
you will have noticed because she has shown that some of the black notes have white notes
either side of them. They are both above and below a white note. So
what happens there? Well, the answer is that those
black notes can be both. They can be both a shot. Let's take a leave for
the day and it's above. And also because it's taking its name from the
white duck and his below it. Okay. So yes, there's
quite a few of those. So for instance, this one here, this one can be G-sharp. So what can we do with
this new information? Well, let's use what
we learned about the bus route for three and
then apply that same formula, but starting on a black note. And that's gonna
be the next video.
13. 12. Sharp and flat chords: Sharp and flat chords. If you go and look at ultimate, like we did before, sometimes you'll come
across cores that have the sharp and flat symbols
written after them. So it might be e.g. a C-Sharp chord or
a D flat chord. Now here's the good bit. With the knowledge
that you already have. You don't have to
learn anything new. You already know how
to play these chords. You just need to
think of the bus, okay, let's play a C sharp cord. If we were going to play
a C chord, we've started. Fine. If we're going to
play a C Sharp code, we're going to start on C Sharp. This same rules apply. This is the root
node of our code. So what we need to do is
count up for that way, 1234, and then count up
three up from there. 123. That's a C Sharp code. Let's try another one. This one. This is a D-sharp
or an E-flat sharp. D sharp. So this is our root. And we get 1234123 in exactly the same
way as we have before. D-sharp chord or E-flat. Whichever one you want. Let's try again. It's right, just
takes its name from the nuggets next to either
either this one or this one. Let's go with this one. So this becomes F sharp, 123123.
14. 13. Minor sharp and flat chords: Even better. The rule about turning all of
those sharp and flat chords into minor chords is also
the same as before. Okay? So, okay. We're going to play
this D-sharp chord. D-sharp is the right
1234123 to turn it into a D-sharp minor chord. Or we do like before. It's like a middle
finger and move it down. The left. One key. The major, D-sharp. Let's try another one. G-sharp, 1234123. Shape. Make it a minor by one
to the left. Okay. Brilliant. G-sharp.
G-sharp minor. That's added a whole bunch, of course, to your repertoire. Again, quite simply, I think. Let's look at how
our table is filling up and how much more
we need to learn. So up next is gonna
be seventh chords. Another flavor, of course, where we get to add
in a fourth key. Exciting. Okay, see you in the next video.
15. 14. Seventh chords: I said earlier that three
notes was enough for now. I think we've moved on with it. So now we're going to add
in a fourth note as well. Let's take our trusty C chord, white picket fence shape. There we go. You already know this. 41234123. With my thumb this time. All we need to do
to make it into a seventh chord is
add another note. And to find that note, what we do is count
up another 3123. We go. So it becomes root three. That's the formula. Something else? One-two-three, one-two-three,
one-two-three. One-two-three, one-two-three,
one-two-three. She isn't that easy. Again, loads or chords. Again. In the same way
that this held true for major and minor chords and sharp and flat chords for seventh chords,
exactly the same. If I want to change that
to a G7 or minor G7. Just move my middle
finger down on exactly the same, strike
with another one. Over here. 123-412-3123. That's a D7. Make it a D minor seven, me that middle finger
here down one. Exactly the same. Okay.
16. 15. Step through some chords: Just to embed a bit more
of what we've learned, I want us to take
a chord and step through all the different
versions we've learned so far. Let's take our old
friend normalcy. Now. What, what do you need to do to make that
chord a minor chord? Yeah, middle finger down. We know that. How would you make that
quote, a seventh chord? Yes, we add three, C3, C7. Make it seem minor seventh
by moving this finger down, one, exactly the same. Okay, let's do a C-Sharp chord. C sharp, 1234123. Make it a C-sharp minor. Let me use this one
back, back to a C sharp. C sharp seventh, 1233123 for the most part,
C sharp seven. Move this one down a
key to make it a minor. C-sharp minor seven. Wow, How easy is that? That's a whole bunch of codes. Your disposal now go
away and try it with a few and see how you
get on with that.
17. 16. Where are we now?: How far have you come? Just sitting at the
keyboard Being able to knock out C-sharp
minor seven. That's pretty amazing, especially in the time
that we've done it in. I'm gonna go back and show
you that core chart again. Here it is. Obviously there are
just a couple to go. But before we get to those, let's look at putting
some of what we're doing into playing songs because that's the end goal
here is for you to have fun understanding how to find the information that you
want to play, the songs. You want to interpret that so
that you can use the cord. I'll put the course together
to be able to play them. So let's do a little bit
of that and we'll throw in some other techniques to
make it sound really good. I kind of stuff. Okay. See
you in the next video.
18. 17. Left hand - spicing it up: I think I mentioned earlier
about using your left hand to copy the root note further down the keyboard to
fill out the sound. So let's develop that a bit. What we're going
to ask you to do is to start with a C chord. Just copying further down the
keyboard. By that, we go. All Sagan asked
you to do is copy. Copy as well. Now we could just play
them all together. We could start rocking between
the two, alternating them. Let's do that for
a count of four. So this hand, your left
hand is going to be going. We'll just play this on the one. Let's try that. Let's now shift to another chord. Let's shift to an a minor, which is also a white
picket fence shape, and shift everything
else down as well. I'm doing exactly the same. This one is 1234, but
alternating between. Okay. Let's try just shifting
between those two calls. Pretty good. Happens when we play the
chord in our right hand, twice as much doublet
up to play on the one. And the three. Keep that left hand. Alternate, alternating
1234, 1234, 1234, 1234. Let's try that and
see how that goes.
19. 18. Arpeggios: Okay, so how can we make that sound even
more interesting? What techniques could we use
to spice up your playing? Let's look at something
called arpeggios. Arpeggio sound very
complicated, but they're not. Trust me. Let's take
our trusty see cord. Here's our trustees. C chord. Have you considered not
playing all the notes in the chord in the right
hand at the same time. What happens if you know the
shape you're going to play? Instead of paying all
at the same time, you step through them
one note at a time. Okay, that might be
quite interesting. Especially if we're also adding in the bottom
note down here, the counter fall and it sounds quite nice. What happens if we
double up the amount, double the speed at which
we're playing the same count. 1234 or 1.2 and 3.4. You'll notice that I
get all the way down because we're playing a note on every count and we're trying to fit things into
groups of four because that's how we see
much more than music. Groups for accounting and falls
very useful. There we go. Again, you can
experiment, it doesn't have to roll up and down. You can do it and all
sorts of different ways. Maybe I'll start from
the top-down way. We can mix it up. Again. There are so many
different variations. But essentially the
important thing is if you know the
shape of a chord, you can step through
the notes and add flourishes and change how
it sounds. Let's try this. We're going to do C, G, a minor. So those are all white
picket fence shapes. Let's see what happens
if you just bask. That was an arpeggio. That's pretty good. Again,
sometimes I'm projecting, sometimes I'm getting
whatever works for you.
20. 19. Passing notes: Passing next. Here's
another thing you can do to make people sit up and
listen while you're playing. Let's start with a D chord,
which the triangle shaped. Lovely. Let's add in our left hand. Yeah, that sounds great. Here it is, right? In a minute, I've decided, I'm going to change
to a C chord. White picket fence shape, starting to see next to the d. So the C is what's coming up. But rather than just changing
straight between them, I'm going to do is use this to get to them what
it sounds like this. They're just sticking
out in between. So let's try it. We can
also go the other way. We start throwing in some
of the other things. Maybe some other nice thing, what we're doing
here, we start to get some quite
interesting sounds. Yeah, Jason courts find
notes that sound nice. In-between, changing
to the next.
21. 20. Run up and run downs: Linux and run down. This is quite similar
to the passing notes, but rather than just
playing one note, you can play up a
flurry of them, run ups and downs, and you can throw them
in wherever you want.
22. 21 Augmented Chords: Augmented chords. Augmented chords are
made up of a root node. This is going to be a C. And then we add 41234. So far it sounds
like it might be a normal Coke lot we might play with if we were
playing a major chord, but instead of going up three, we're going to go up 41234. Okay. He's like jazz. Let's
try another one. Route for four. Let's try for men. 12341234, augmented g12, 341234. You get the idea.
23. 22 Diminished chords: Let's now look at
diminished chords. Okay? So if we live can
see, it's kind of easier. We can just see and
I'm gonna go 123. Now, root 312. Root 33 is assigned diminished flavor of
code that's trying to gather ESG one-two-three,
one-two-three. Let's try this. 1123123. Those diminished chords.
24. 25 Sus 2 and Sus 4: We're now going to look
at suspended chords. I likes as many calls. I think they sound
really, really lovely. Okay, So we'll start with a suspended to
what's known as SAS to it will have a SUS to shop when it shows
up in a chord chart. Again. Trustee,
see, there we go. So we go. I think we count to clue was in
the name, sauce to one. Let me count 51234. Okay. So normal seed. What is that? C2. Is that lovely. So that's great. Let's try another 11212345. Does it work for the
sharps? Let's try this. 11212345. Yeah, Really,
really nice for us. The clue is in the
name for this one. Particularly, we go 1234512. And that's I guess it goes
like that, if you like. But yes. 123-45-1234,
512-345-1234. Students as well.
25. 23. Slash chords: Sometimes when you look
at chords for songs, you will see a chord letter and then a slash and then another
chord letter like this. In simple terms,
what's happening here is whoever has written
the cord down is saying, we want you to play the
chord, the first letter. But the note after the slash, we want that to be
the root node to be the base note of the chord. So that might look
something like this. If you had a slash chord, G slash B, you would play a G. But you would play a B as well. That makes sense. So the chord is the first bit, the first letter,
then there's a slash, and then you play
the other note. We had a C slash, d. We have that as well. Very nice. Fat is slash chords.
26. 24. Inversions: So at some point, you're
going to want to put your own course together
to make your own songs. I hope. Now, heaven forbid, you might start to get a
bit bored of the course. And you might want
something a bit different, something unusual,
a different flavor. And there's something pan and
planes have been doing for a very long time
that does just that. Let's take our old
friend, the C chord. It's made up of us. We've been playing
those notes in the same order, top to bottom. But what happens if we take the set of putting
it at the bottom? We put it at the top plane, exactly the same notes, just in a different order. Now the E is at the bottom, but it's still a C chord. That is a first
inversion C chord. Let's look at a second
inversion C code. To get that we'd still
use the same notes, but we'd start with, start with the mushy
at the bottom instead. Okay. So it'd be that
still going to see. So we go from this
to this same notes. Different flavor. Again, that works for all of the other
chords you've learned.
27. 26 Rolling chords: Well, the other things that
we can do these roles, this is kinda halfway in between patchy string called
blurring the lines. He just kinda nice.
28. 27 Playing with space: Quick thing I wanted to
talk about is to leave space and not necessarily have to play chords
all the time. For instance, you could
lead with the bass note and then sort of very
sparse sporadic chords. Just arpeggios going up. Rows run down. The base name space. Lots of things you
can do to play with the courts to make them sound.
29. Using beats and bars to work out when to play chords: Okay, so I want to talk a little bit about how we interpret sums. Some of you would have had some experience. Some of you would have had none. So for those that had no experience, I took a little bit about things called beats and bars. And this is a way that musicians break things down. So this should if you if you don't know this stuff. If you are looking at a guitar called Chart to get your courts from Fuel Song, this should break down for you when to play the courts or should help with that anyway, So beets beets are essentially single hits. Okay, so this is a beat. There's another one. There's another beat. It's just a single moment in time, often using quite a rhythmic sound. So this is a drum kit playing here. Okay, says it beats when you have a bunch of beats working together, they create a rhythm. Okay, that's a very standard rhythm that you might hear behind thousands of songs when we're trying to work out a song. What we want to do is break it into bits so that we can more easily understand what's going on on that rhythm that I just played you there. I play again. If we play four beats of it one and three, that's a measure or a bar. Okay. A section of a song may have four bars or eight bars If we break this beat down a bit hold this rhythm down of it. What you'll find is that this sound the bass drum kick normally lands on the one on the three If you listen 1313 frowned snatched that normally lands on the two in the four. That's a look. A classic song one that most of you will have heard off, right? No judgments about the song Whether you like it or don't like it It's just a song that most people have heard off So we're gonna use sun by the Beatles were going to use Hey, Jude. Okay, I'm going to try and break down the verse so you can see how we apply this and see how many times we can fit the measure or bar into it. Hey, thing is 2345 Remember? Lettering Teoh 67 Okay, so there are eight lots off in a verse eight bars. The cords are changing every bar, I would say. So you would start with the F 1234 Chase the C 1234 Stay on the C 1234 for another bar on up the F 1234 Sometimes these letters that's quite line up. So I would have put back f right at the beginning so that, you know, you're starting on it. Um, but they give you an idea. You have to use your ears a little bit. I may be listened to the song as well before you start to learn to play it. None of this is an exact science, and we're not trying to get you to play exactly the same. We're just trying make it pleasant for you so that, you know, it feels that you're playing the songs that you want to play. Um, but that's how we break it down. We count, and then we work out where the courts are gonna lie. Okay. So for this instance, cause the changing every bar, another song, they might change twice in a bar you need toe. Listen. Think about how many measures there are how often the court changes within the measure. Break it down. The more you break it down, the easier it.
30. Putting it all together: right. So I thought what we do would take a whole bunch of the lessons that we've learned. How toe play chords, how to find the songs we want. Maybe some arpeggios, maybe a passing note or two. Maybe some stuff without left hand and seeing if weaken put it all together that you can see how that would work. So I've got my piano sound up. I'm gonna go to the Internet. I'm gonna choose a song. So I choose Adele someone like you because it's quite piano. We this one. So I've gone to ultimate guitar dot com. This one has 6000 like so I'm guessing that's probably family gets. Okay, So what do we got? Says here the talk we got G. It was a white picket fence shape. We've got ah, b minor. So that's that would be shaped but moving. Having a finger down e think about that shape a bit once we got going. E minor is a white picket fence shape. We gotta see which is a white picket fence. Shapes are pretty good. Three white picket fence shapes on one B minor shape, but we'll just think about that. Okay? So Those are the courts. Um, if you listen to the song, what you hear is that the cords change every ball. Let's try. Let's see what happens. So we start with a G 1234343434 So, what we choose to do in terms of where we place those course that's up to us? You know how many times we play it within the bar? We got four beats that we can play them on. Let's try change 123 way that Or we could play just on the one on the to It's up to you how you interpret it. Okay. Ah, let's see. Okay, so I'm gonna just have a look at it here. We've got g minor. Be mano a mano siege. Eamonn, Eamonn, Eamonn C G B minus. So it's just the same thing again. Repeating over. We're just looking at the verse. I'm gonna get that rocking. That's quite nice. Or maybe I could do some of the arpeggios. Yeah, that sounds quite nice. Or maybe a mixture with some passing notes up to you. Uh, sort of Sounds like singing. You go on, you. You're James came You? Yes, you. And then we can start to look at the chorus. It's a D on any minor A c D e minor c Fairly simple. It's about uninvited. But I couldn't stay away. I couldn't fight it. I hoped you see my face that you be reminded that from me it is no, uh, passing notes, arpeggios, different chord rhythms, different left hand patterns. All the things that you can use to make the song your own interpretation That was useful. Thanks.
31. 28 IMPORTANT LAST MESSAGE: That's mostly all folks. Hopefully you've gotten a
lot out of all of that. My hope is that you can now go and play the songs
you want and have huge, firm as painlessly as possible with your new extra
in your piano players, which is amazing. Please, if you've got
something out of this, do leave a review for me. The site works on
video rankings, always whatever
platform it's on. So it'd be a huge, huge favor free if you could
leave a review, but just leave reviews, say why you liked it and
what you got out of it. I really, really appreciate it. Or even if you didn't,
it's really useful for me to know if
there's other stuff. But I should put in, but mainly leave a
really good review. Finally, I'll be posting
more tutorials here, probably on my YouTube site as well called pain-free piano, and hopefully more
courses as well. So check those out. But for now, thank you,
everybody and goodbye.
32. Sam Smith's stay with me: Okay. Hi, everybody. Simon here from piano hack dot com. Um, we enable people to learn how to play 48 courts in under an hour, which gives you enough course to play hundreds and hundreds of thousands of songs were going to be doing regular tutorials on YouTube about how to take some of that information that you have learned on applying to songs that you want to play today. We're gonna play Sam Smith. Stay with me. Okay? S I'm going to start by showing new which cords. We need to be able to play the 1st 1 for the introduction. Ist sie. We also have play f um, I need to know how to play d minor. Okay. First thing to notice about those three court shapes is that they're all the same. Shake white note, Mr White note, Mr. Note White note that the f and also D minor all the same shape. So you keep your hand in that shape. Only need to worry about is which key to start. Okay. Actually, on this YouTube channel, there's a short free video and w w don't piano hack dot com about how to learn the names the notes in five minutes as well. That's quite useful. You might want to check that out. Okay, so here we go. The intro. Okay, so that's d minus. Okay on in terms of if you want to count it once in 3434123412343412341231234 So see his account of four way. Start counting four on the F, but we only get up to three on. Then we jump up to see on the four. 12313412341234 Onda again. That pants repeated with the second part of the intro, which is the f D minor in the sea. 1234123412341234 So all together. Okay, great. Okay. So let's move to the verse for which we need to know how to play a minor again. Same shape keeping it easy for you. It s seeing done those d minor. We've done those. That's it. That's all you need. Teoh seem to know so Let's try the verse. The verse goes a minor minus on that. It repeats repeats. Okay, let's try that with the words. I guess it's true. I'm not good at a one night, but I still look us. I'm just man. These nights never seem to go play. I don't want you home. Okay, that's the verse. Uh, let's move on to the chorus for which we need a minor. Then repeat on then we dio a minor thing. There's been an old one. A flat a my Okay, that's that. A minor shape, a flat shape. Sorry if you want to check it out. Okay. Right. Let's try and put those together. Oh, me Because you IHS. But won't you stay with may? Okay, there we go. I want to talk a little bit about maybe bringing in your left hand. I mean, the whole point of piano hack is to get people started playing. So that's why this is I'm keeping this really, really simple. Just court shapes, But it would be good to be able to bring in the other hand as well. All I want you to do. Okay, lets try. It's with the other hand. is to play a note that's the same as the beginning of the note. The cord, your plane. So that's in a in a down here, and that's the same if you're playing way, that will fill out the sound. If you wanna get really adventurous, you can also mess around with playing the seventh here from this 11234567 you're planning on that will really start to feel things that make things sound more interesting. So let's try that with the verse. Is it true? Just did you get the idea that much nice? Doesn't it way? That way you get the idea. It just makes it sound much fuller. Um, it's great. Okay, So, like I said, if you go toe w w w dot piano hack dot com, you get the details of that course on how to learn to play 48 calls in under an hour, which is a fantastic talk it toe Have. If you want to subscribe then to this channel, then please do the buttons that should be at the top will be releasing regular, hopefully weekly videos on courts, songs, tutorials, that kind of stuff that will hopefully enable you to have a lot of fun with the piano, which is the whole point, right? Eso drops the line if there's anything you're interested in. Subscribe. Yeah, we'll see you later.
33. Johnny Cash's Hurt: everybody. Piano hank dot com We're back with another tutorial today we are going to learn how to play hurt the version I really like. This is by Johnny Cash. I think originally it was Nine inch Nails Who wrote it? Uh, so that's a great song to plain it's not too complicated. Um, let me show you which courts you need to be able to play with. D I'm gonna go Teoh e uh, let me get a goes to B minor on a day e against. It's just the same thing repeated. It does that. 1234567 times on another last eight time it goes Dee Finch is on a Okay, so t be mine seven times and then that also e on said a goes to B minor Goes to a Okay, Teoh. That's really try, Teoh, Wait A Okay, so that's the verse. It's not too complicated just in terms of again. What? To play with your other hand? My favorite technique again. Just depend things out is to play whatever first if you want technicals called the root of the court every playing a d The first night, we're gonna play if you play D called. The first note plays a denote. If we're gonna play a B minor, the first thing is gonna be a B after gonna play being a Okay, uh, let me just remind you, this is for beginners as well. So anyone who's sitting there thinking who this is really simple. Uh, it's only simple if you already know it. This is aimed at beginners. Okay, wait. If you want to get fancy, you can count up from the roots. Upset keys. 123456 on. So play around with those two notes while you're playing the course, and you get some nice effects. Okay? - Wait , wait. No. The way chorus is quite simple again. It's the money. Yes. It's a pretty nice progression on it. Just repeats that four times. - Okay . And then we've actually course called the courts every back to the verse. Sorry. You might want to pick it out. Just one note at a time. It's a link between us. Okay? Okay. And first, the only two parts to it. Really? So it's just a question of learning the lyrics, learning those two parts on sickness together. Experiment with what you're doing with the left hand. Um, but the basic thing you need to be Oh yeah, it's to learn this chord shapes changing them. OK, you might start to see patterns of court shapes. Triangle pattern with black space, one patent My know anyone that's quite old. It doesn't come up that often anyway. If you're interested in patterns on how to play. Lots, of course, then had along to w w dot piano hack dot com, where you can find out. Of course, you could buy expensive. That'll teach you 48 cords in under an hour on have to play. They had to work them out really useful. Took it if you want to quickly be out to get from running playing songs. If you want to subscribe to the channel that be great and will be sticking out videos fairly regularly. Eso hit the subscribe button. If no good, check out w w dot piano hack dot com. Uh, thanks for us. We'll see again. See
34. Imagine John Lennon: Hi, everybody. Simon here. So I said I was gonna do any fiction where I was gonna ask people what? Something like to learn. I had an email from Barbara Barbara G. He said she would like to learn how to play. Imagine, by John Lennon. I'm presuming that anybody who's watching these videos has done the course, which tells you how to construct. Think upwards of 48 courts using very simple shapes on Hatton's. I'll do a quick recap anyway whilst we're working, If you're not sure, just get I can do a little bit of the course and for this tutorial if you want. If you're not sure on how to build a course, then go and brush up on the videos around major and minor chords on. If you've got those two years, which I think is about six minutes, if you got those down, then you'll be able to play this song. Okay, so the first thing we need to do is actually go and find the court for the song. So I type in. Imagine on where courts. I got a whole bunch of options. I use this site a lot. Ultimate baton dot com so that guitar calls, But they were equally as well for the piano. Okay, so there are lots of different versions of this song. This version six, I think it's pretty good on here. We have the courts in on guitar. We're gonna simplify them by clicking this button here, since Michael's so the only course we have to learn to play the intro on diverse R c e minor and f on again. If we go back to our course, you can very easily know how to do that. Do that. Okay, I'm gonna post this on the site A swell. So you've got this as a reference. But generally that's a really, really good way of finding out the chords to the songs that you want to play. Just type in the name of the song on the word cords. Ondas say this site ultimate guitar dot com is actually really, really, really extensive. Somewhere somewhere some time has written out the guitar chords for the songs that you want to play. I would imagine some of them are more complicated than others. This one, as it happens, pretty simple. Okay, Sameness crackle. Okay. Hello, everybody. How we do? Good. So the first thing we're gonna do is look at the three chords that we need to play or to be able to play, to be able to do the introduction and the verse, and they are minor on F. Okay, now I'm presuming that you have watched the course already. If not, you need to go back and recap about a method for easily knowing how to construct those court. What the shape of the Moby recap? Very, very briefly. It's been a while, but if we need to play a C court the first night, we need to find it. See, the it is because it's the name of the cord on. Then we can't up. 41234312 against All explained in the course of a C chord, if we need to make that called a minor chord sad sounding court, we take my finger down one thing down and it makes it okay. Very, very quick synopsis. Go and brush up on the course. If you're a total, not sure, so we need to be able to play to play. Imagine C e minor, sad sounding version of course with a minor? Yes, something bit familiar. Okay, let's look at the count for that. We're gonna play the C two e might offer to on the F for four. Normally with songs everything's gonna resolve into four or eight or 16 or 32 counts. OK, so this 134 and then it repeats 34 Okay, that's the intro. And it's also the verse. So we do it twice for the intro and then four times for the verse. Okay. To make it a little bit more interesting. Four years, uh, I'm gonna ask you to do is to as per the course copy route with your other hand here. Yeah, that immediately fills out the sound I did without it. With you can also do it is what's copy this. Now you can copy this. No, A swell. Okay. Sort of rock between the two again. All covered in the course. Look a little bit closer. Just looking at this hand I'm doing there isn't going. It's the first last night of the court. If I was gonna pay the court just rocking with first last night when you put it all together. When you get better. You condone, syncopated a bit more you can play with. But that's essentially it. You won't make it, but you can't say Copy that. Okay, so that's the intro and the verse to play the chorus. It's a minor minor. The last line is G. That last line is just G way. And that's where the verse comes back in. In a nutshell. We can This how you could shut the courts 23 4 to 3. Practice between shapes. I think the thing to remember this song is that there are no other shapes other than this white note. Mr White. Now, why No, Mr White? No, It's like a picket fence, white picket fence. All you got to do. You remember what it starts on the O and that just repeats for the Internet verse. And then when we're doing the courses de G way, come back to see for the beginning of the vest again. So there you go. That is Germans. Imagine. Um, I will place all of the, uh, courts within this class s so you can check out. Show me what you do. I really like to see how you get on. OK? Love to see some videos. Thanks. Look, just by
35. Skinny love bon iver/birdy: Okay. Hi, everybody. It's Simon here from piano hack dot com www dot piano hack dot com. This is a really quick three minute tutorial. No fluff, no filler, a squeak. It's possible to get you playing skinny love, as done by Boniver, Andi or so Birdie. First thing I'm gonna do is teach you how to do or play four chords. Your any four course to play this song. It's very, very simple. Okay, so the first thing I'm gonna do this e minor e minor. Okay. The next chord you need is a C next court date is G on the last court you need for the verse isn't a minor. Another thing to notice about a lot of those courses that they're all the same shape. It's a white note, Mr White. No, it's a white knight, Mr White. No, it's a white note. Same shape. No need to worry about is what you need to stop the minor shape. See way you wanna learn, have to play 48 cords, andan under an hour and a whole bunch of other stuff. You can go to www dot com. Um, that's as much for sales pictures. You're going to get, uh Okay. Ah, let's try playing that, uh, it should be played. Let me give you the count for see G eight. So it sounds like this. I think this is where that fourth court comes in. The a minor staring at the sink of blood. I'm crushed way back ups, the e minor. So essentially the versus just a minor. Three times on the fourth time. It's a minor for before accounted for. That's the whole verse. Okay, that's pretty simple. The courts for the chorus are again that same shape in my same Shane soothe. Same shape. Now, in terms of the count for this, it's almost flipped around. We do, um, eight on the G and that's repeated four times. Let's give that a go t T o T T o u t o be different. So that's it? That's the chorus. The second chorus. That pattern carries on for a bit more with who will love you? Who will fight on who will fall far behind line. I'm gonna put a pdf or word document link on here so that you can download it s so you can get the lyrics and see where the court changes aren't should be on the video as well, but that's essentially it. It's pretty simple if you want to make it a bit more interesting. Um, we teach all of the stuff that w w dot piano hack dot com around Obviously playing. That's fortunate court with your left hand, you can make it much more interesting on we could get you playing tunes you wanna play amazing your friends or family a couple of hours.