Autodesk Revit Masterclass: From Beginner to Intermediate | T. Fajardo Oliveira | Skillshare

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Autodesk Revit Masterclass: From Beginner to Intermediate

teacher avatar T. Fajardo Oliveira, Engineer and Professor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Understanding the Interface


    • 3.

      Setting Units and Views


    • 4.

      Importing CAD File


    • 5.

      Setting Levels


    • 6.

      Configuring Walls


    • 7.

      Modeling Walls and Mirror Tools


    • 8.

      Creating Floors


    • 9.

      Adding Windows and Doors


    • 10.

      Importing Furnitures


    • 11.

      Setting the Bathroom Elements


    • 12.

      Adding Railings


    • 13.

      Creating Multiple Levels and Stairs


    • 14.

      Preparing the Roof and Attaching Walls


    • 15.

      Setting Areas and Tags


    • 16.

      Generating Element Schedules


    • 17.

      Generating Quantitative Schedules


    • 18.

      Preparing the Project Sheets


    • 19.

      Customizing the Project


    • 20.

      Detailing the Levels


    • 21.

      Sectioning the Entry Room


    • 22.

      Sectioning the Bathroom


    • 23.

      Sectioning the Bedroom


    • 24.

      Preparing the Elevation Sheet


    • 25.

      Printing the Project and Final Thoughts


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  • Intermediate level
  • Advanced level
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About This Class

In this course you are going to learn how to use the Autodesk Revit from scratch, while making all the steps of a project.

The Autodesk Revit is one of the main softwares used for creating 3D models and designing structures, allied with the BIM methodology. With Autodesk Revit, we can model 3D structures with a high level of detail, avoiding collisions and errors, saving time and automatically generating reports about elements and materials used on the model. 

If this is the first time you're using the software, there is no problem. You are going to understand the interface, the menus and how to do all the required settings inside the software, before starting the project. You are going to learn how to import external files and how to create, from scratch a full 3D model of a 7 level building, from the first floor to the roof.  You are going to learn how to create, customize and detail all the materials, paintings and layers used in all the elements of this building.

Then, we are going to prepare the documentation of the project, generating quantitative schedules, adding tags on the rooms, applying measures, sectioning and creating views of the areas inside the building. In order to finish, we are going to configure the pages of the project that can be printed or saved in your computer.

Meet Your Teacher

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T. Fajardo Oliveira

Engineer and Professor


Hi, My name is Thiago Oliveira, and I'm an Engineer, Content Creator and Professor.

I love to work daily with new technologies and I also love teaching everything I learn during my experience. I develop my courses so that my students can, not just repeat the process I'm teaching, but also apply all this knowledge on their reals projects.

See full profile

Related Skills

Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction : Hi, my name is Zhao Gu. I'm an engineer and teacher and a welcome to my rabbit course. In this first class, I want to show you the objectives of this course and the topics that we will see it if you are a beginner intermediate, or if you never used the software before, there is no problem. The objective of this course is that you learn how to use Revit and its main tools from scratch while making a detailed project. It is a practical course and I'm going to show you all these tabs. Every click that you do on the screen, you are going to know why you're doing that. My objective here is that you not only repeat the processes, but that you can apply all the knowledge you learn here into your own projects. Now, let's see very briefly how the topics that we will see during the course. This course is divided in three parts. In the first one, we're going to understand the interface of the software. How to navigate through the minerals, how to make some important initial setting, how to import external files on it, and how to prepare the software to finally start our project. Then on the second part, we're going to make a 3D model of a seven level building from scratch. In this class is you are going to learn how to use all the main tools required to make these 3D model. Configuring with a high level of detail. The walls, floors, stairs and furnitures and other elements. Configuring materials and layers inside these elements. And more. We're going to make a detailed 3D model of a structure from the first level to the roof. Then on the last part of the course, we are going to learn how to create the documentation required, generating quantitative schedules, configuring measures, and tags, sectioning our structure, and finally, generating the files of our project which can be printed or saved in your computer. So let's start. 2. Understanding the Interface : Hi, So let's start our Ravid course. If this is the first time you're opening the software, maybe you were seen this screen over here. I'm using the rabbit 2021. If you are using an older version, there is no problem. I just recommend you using ProM the 2019 on because the 2018 is a lot older, it will not work properly, especially with the new plugins that has been released. So in this first moment, let's understand the interface of the software. So in this screen he had the recent files, and we have two categories of recent files, the models, which are the latest projects you're working on. So you don't need to click a hearing open again. You just can click straight to the project and families, the latest families you have been working on and just a brief explanation. What are these families? They are categories are the elements you import into your model. So for example, Doris, walls, furniture. These elements belong to their respective categories and these categories, hearing rabbit, are known as families in the CAD platform, like in the software outer CAD deal were known as blocks. Okay, here on the left we have models, what we are going to model. So you can open our, create a new one and family. We can open or create a new family. So I'm going to click here and he models new one click. And it'll have this window over here, new project template file. Here we can select template we want to use in just a brief explanation about what our templates, the templates are configurations that you prepare so you can load them into the softer end. You're going to have the tools you selected, the colors, you want to see your elements. So for example, you work a lot with structural projects are electrical projects. You can create a template that you prepared with the tools you need to use. In this case, we're going to click here and chosen metric because it had been parallel. Also, we're going to work with Matt Metric Architectural Template. If you're using an older version of rabbit, maybe are not seen this metric, but you're going to see the architectural template. So let's select it and create new. You're going to choose project because we are not creating a template, we're creating project. So, okay. And here we are inside the software. If you're seen a menu here on the left, there is no problem. We're going to, I'm going to show you that. And maybe your scene, this bar of manure over here on the top. So I'm going to move it. And now I'm going to explain you the interface. Here. You'll have it. We first have this first line of a minuss over here. This is like a quick Min-woo cave. I recommend you using it here on the bottom. So you can click in this arrow over here and come to show below the ribbon. Okay, so it's here. And what is this ribbon? Ribbon is this part of the minuss over here. And how does it work? We have some categories here of minerals. Inside these categories, we have the respective tools. For example, in architecture, we had walls, doors, windows, components and structure. We have been swats also Column floor. Here in structure we have been wall column floor. K can work with steel precast. And we also have categorise them insert to bringing projects from outside the rabid, for example. Cad files, topographic information. Okay, we'll have annotate where we can use some lines over here in tag, our elements. Don't worry about all of these minuss here. You are going to understand how to use them in its tools. Why we build our, well, we do our project would make our model. N. Notice that on the bottom of some tools, not all of them will have an arrow. And you click, you're going to have other options over here, okay? Another thing very important and very interesting rabbit, is that if you just put your, the scroll of the mouse on the top of one to a new landed there. After some time, you get to see some information about how that two works. Alright? Okay. If you're not seeing this ribbon this way, there is a possibility here. If you click here twice the mouse, you can change the way you visualize this, this menu. I prefer using this way. Okay. All right, here on the bottom, we have some tools about scale of the project. Detail level can click because during the project we can refine the information we are seen in the model here on the, on the right, we have some graphical display options, like wireframe, hidden line, shaded, realistic, and as realistic, we will put k as we choose more refined graphics and realistic views. It required us more about your computer processing power, okay? And we have other tools here that we are going to use during the course. We also have other tools. Here on the right. And maybe you are seen here on the left. I'm going to open here for you so we can click here in view. Okay? And the hearing user interface. Clicking user interface, we have the selections of menus will seen in this first screen. So let's check the Project Browser, this one, and let's check the properties. Good. So here we have the properties. You can click and drag it to wherever you want. I prefer using it here. I prefer using it here. That's the way I recommend you using it. Or you can drag the project browser to your right. And here. Okay, So on the properties, what is the properties? About every time we add an element on the project, we're going to have here the properties about that element. And you can change some information over here. Okay? So for example, in architecture, I'm going to click here in the wall. Just going to draw a wall here. Okay, don't worry, if you don't know how to do it yet, you're going to learn it on the course. Okay, that's the wall. And if I click on it, notice that here in properties I have the information of this while it's a basic wall, Basic wall generic measures of it, the location line and the height of it. So we have a lot of information about that elements. So we're going to use a lot these properties window. And here on the project browsers, we have the plans and all the navigation process of our project. So for example, if we are going to draw the first level of our building, we're going to select here literals level. If you weren't to jump into the second level, the beauty, again, double-click over here, and every time you double-click a plan over here, notice that we have another tab here opened, so you can close it. When you close it, you are not excluded here. Irinotecan collating this plane over here, you're just closing its visualization. Okay. So we have here information about the plans, some elevations of the project, the schedules and the quantitative that we're going to create, the sheets for us to present our project and add graphene that has been loaded into the project that has been used as the families pay some rabbits. Links are the projects that you loaded. For example, another rabbit fire that you've linked to, to work on. So don't worry about it. You're going to understand how to use all of these tools during the project. So in the next class we continue. 3. Setting Units and Views: Hi, So in this class, we're going to do some important settings before start modeling our structure. So we are going to one, set, the outer save reminder to choose the units we are going to use in the software. And 3, prepare one category here on the project browser. So let's start here in such softer, we can click in files, in hearing options. And hearing general, we have safe reminder interval. The rabbit, differently from other softwares. The rabbit doesn't automatically save your products, but it can send you reminders, so you can click to save them. Okay? And here is the option. You choose, the interval of the savings and income clicking know reminders out. So I recommend you using at least 15 minutes. Okay? We have here, are, there are several options, but we are going to see them during the course. So let's click on OK. And now we're going to number two to set the units we are going to use in the software. We have two options up doing that. We can click on the tool or we can use the hotkeys. And what our hotkeys. Hotkeys are a sequence of letters. We press in the keyboard and we activate some tools, for example u, n. And we have here the project units. Okay? We have several other hotkeys and learn to activate other tools. And we're going to see that during the project. And here in the project units we have the angle area. So just check if, for example, the area we're working with square meters, okay, if you click here, you can change it, but let's work square meters rounding 0, k unit symbol, the AM and two here. And okay? Yes, check, check if the length is in millimeters, okay. Because we have meters will have inches. So let's skip it here. We have the round is if you want to use and the unit symbol, none. I'm going to put here, I like it. Okay? Mass density. We're not going to use that slope speed, kilometers per hour. So you can customize according to your project and GRUs, which in this case I recommend you using the same during the same as I am doing in order to follow me during the project volume. Just be aware that it is in cubic meters, okay, with two decimal places in unit symbol M3, okay? And currency, we're not going to use it and we can click on, Okay. All right, now we are going to the third configuration we need to do. We are going here on the right, we have the plans here. And we are going to separate these planes in two categories. The first one we're going to model, we're going to draw our structure, okay? And in the second category, we're going to prepare the visualization, the graphic appearance of that image should put it on the sheets that are going to be printed. Okay? So in order to create these two categories where we can allocate our plans, we need to create what we call a parameter. So here on the top we're going to click in manage, manage tab. And we're going to click here on project parameters. One click, Okay. When I click on the ad, here on the name, we're going to type project view. Okay, keep it on instance. Later on, I'm going to explain you why. What's the difference between type and instance? Discipline landed in common type of parameter That's choose text over here, okay? Parameters under general arrived in here on the right, we're going to select views. Okay, so let's click Okay, and Okay, again, okay. Now we're going to click here in views are with the right button of the mouse. And come here in browser organization. All right. I'm going to click now in new. And we are going to type. We're going to show you right here the general name of our sheet. So I'm going to type here, for example, project. Okay? And in grouping of sorting and sorting, we're going to select here the rules for deers organization. The first one, we're going to select project, project to view, and the second one, family and type. And that's it. Just click. Okay, Let's select Project. Click, Apply. And Okay. All right, Notice that here on the right, something changed. We have here some question marks and look, when you open it, our our plans. The moved to this subcategory. So now we have the big degree view projects, project. And now we have this subcategory where we're going to divide the model that I told you that we are going to draw our building to modulate and we're going to have the presentation. So let's select our sheets. You can select one and press control and select the other ones. And also the elevations. Okay, and here on the left who have project view, the parameter that we just created. And then we're going to click here on the blank space. And I'm going to type a muddle loops model and apply. Ok. Now notice that here on the right, those question marks now change it into model. So we can come here and create. Later on we are going to do that the other categories we want. So in the future we're going to create the presentation category and we're going to send our plans to this category into prepare the graphical part of it. But for now, we're going to keep this way. 4. Importing CAD File: All right, So continuing our course in this class, we're going to import a CAD file inside the Revit and sat at the backup files that are going to be created during the savings of the project. So we're going first to click here on Insert. And we have two options of bringing files from other softwares inside the rabbit, we can use the link we have here, the link Revit, link I, FC linked care link topography, and we have the direct way of importing it. Okay? Why does the difference? When we import the file, we're going to have the file here inside. For example, we are going to import phi of a floor plan done in our cat. In your, we're going to import it and we're going to have it inside the rabbit. If you import it using this link. This drawing, this project you have inside the, the rabbit is going to have a link with Dell regional file you are importing. So if you change something in the original file, you're going to see this change here. Okay, that's one of the most interesting aspects of the building information modelling and this integration between different softwares, areas and projects also. So in this case, we are going to import directly a CAD file. Okay, so let's click Import get. And you can find on the course files, on the project. Project files, this plan dot d WG. Okay? You're going to click once. And we'll have, we needed to change some settings over here in colors. Let's choose black and white. Layers, keep it all important units. Let's change it to meters, okay, correct lines that are red are ready, slightly off axis, just keep it check positioning. We are going to click on our region to internal origin. Okay? Plays at level one. Okay? It orient to View. All right, now can click Open. And here we have our CAD file. Over here. We can click on it. Okay. And just to explain you a little bit the navigation that I'm using here. If we roll this crew of the mouse, we can zoom in or zoom out. If we press and drag the scroll of the mouse, you can move, meditate like that. Okay. In if we want a selected it did WAG. You just select it and a canon can drag it up, cannot drag it red now, because look, when I select I have appear over here. What is this pin for? It? It's safe pan. That avoids me of changing the position of this file. So if I want to change it or drag it, I just click on it. Look low, it's it's unlocked and I can take it to wherever I want. Okay. So I'm going to pin it just to be safe. And now we're going to, what we need to do is save for the first time our project. So let's click on File, save As project. Now we can choose the name we want. I'm going to keeping project, okay? And here we're going to click an options and we can set the maximum backups we want the software to do automatically. So I'm going to type here too. Okay? And let's save it. Okay? Now we have a fire over here. It is saved. So every time you click on save, it, it's going to override our file and we are ready to start doing our model. 5. Setting Levels : Okay, so now we're going to set the levels of our project. In this case, we're going to model seven level beauty. So we are going choose SAT. We need to set here the levels of our floors. Okay. Well, so let's do it. If we click here on the elevations, beauty and division, Let's clicking west. Look, we have some levels over here on the right. And if you notice, we have a line here, some blank spaces during which are the levels. And here on the level one, we have a continuous line over here that if we select and check here, you're going to see that it is our DWG that we imported. Okay? So remember that we imported it on level one. So that's why it is here on level one. Okay? So for this project between one level and the other one, we're going to have two meters and 80 centimeters. So let's click here on the number and another one. And we're working here with the limiters. So to 8 000 and enter. Okay, notice that the line came in, came down because we reduced its height, K level 2. And let's click Create the other other levels until the level six. The last one, the number seven, will be the roof of our building. Okay, so here on the top we can click here on that's me. Check. Actually, we can click. Let's see architecture level K. One click. And notice that we have already the distance being measured here by the softer. So we're going to come here to the end. Yeah. And we can get split here. Following this line and place the level 3 here. Notice that the softer aligns automatic, automatically does level with the other ones and one click. And now we are, we are still inside these two. So we can still continuing selecting and adding are their levels. Okay, let's add until the, don't worry about this distance. We are going to go into. Change it later. Just keep adding the levels so you get user to the two and to the level seven. That's it. Who? And we are still here inside the tube. So you need to click on Ask and ask again. Okay. So we need to keep this distance from their level one. So we have 28. And after we're going to have 28 from here. So I'm going to have Yeah, 56 000. Then we're going to have eight for k. Then going to have to, oops, yeah. Then I'm going to have 14 here. And then 16, 8 000. Okay, now we have our levels set. And notice that here on the right, look the floor planes that were created. So every time we create a level, we have the plan of that level. I mean, the floor plan, the structural plans to implant creator of it over here. Okay. And I'm going to close them. Okay? And, uh, we are now ready to model our, our beauty. Just to show you, we can click here on default 3D view, one-click. And look, we have our DWG over here and our levels here on the left. Notice that in this 3D view, we have a cube over here. This is what we call the view cube. We can change it. We can select and slide the mouse so we can rotate here in the 3D model view and you can click on this Home button to come back to this position. But I'm going to give you a tip. If you press the left shift on your keyboard, you can press the left shift and the mouse scroll button. A new slides you're going to rotate. And notice that the view cube rotating also. But these weights more precise your movements, okay? And every time you select an element, for example, selected here my DWG. And I'm going to press the left shift on the keyboard and the mouse scroll burden. It's going to rotate, focusing on that element you selected. Okay, So we're going, we're going to use that a lot in our project. But for now, we have here our labs created, and let's start building our project. 6. Configuring Walls : Hi. So in this class, we're going to start building the walls of our project and learn how to use properly this too. So here in architecture, okay, we have the two wall. Let's click on it. And when we select it, we have here the select element kick. This is going to work for all the elements you select here. You're going to have it shown here on the properties. So in this case we have a basic wall generic. And just to show how it works, we have a lot of elements, lot of configurations here. For example, location, line, wall, centerline, the level, which is the level we are drawing this wall, K base offset. If you went to offset this, this wall from this base constraint over here, the top constraint is the height of your wall. For example, you want the wall which come from level one to level two, then you're going to select here level Chu, okay? Or if you prefer, you can let it unconnected and select the height of your of your wall. We have several other options here. For example, location line, wall, centerline, what does it mean? I'm going to click here and then blink space. And notice that we are drawing the wall will the line and the middle of it. So this is the wall centerline. I'm going to press Esc here. Now I'm going to change it to finish phase exterior. I'm going to click and look now the line which is guiding the drone of our wall. It's not on the center of it, is on one of the faces, exterior faces. Okay? So here you can change this guideline. Slide. Actually, this chain. What does this chain mean? I'm going to click here on a blank space, gonna come over here, another click and I'm going to move down. And when I click again, look, I'm going to press Esc. Our walls are connected. It happens because the chain is checked. If I uncheck it, we're going to draw another wall here. Look at draw the first 1, second 1 is disconnected. Okay? So I'm going to press the ask twice to come, come out of my two. The lead here with the keyboard. Okay, now, what are we going to do? We have our building, we hear the word apartment. We have the walls and we are going to build the walls in rabbits having as a reference, these walls of our AutoCad file. So we need to configure the layers of our wall on the rabbits. So let's click in wall and we have a basic wall generic, I don't want a generic one. I want accustom. Well, first, let's change the units we are using. Let's click un. Okay. And let's come hearing length. Let's change it to meters, two decimal places, unit symbol m, k. Okay? We're going to click with our basic generic selected. We're gonna clicking Edit Type and I'm going to duplicate, I'm going to duplicate that will end give a new name. So for example, project wall can name it whatever you want. And we're going to type, going to use 100, 50 millimeters, OK. And OK. Now we have created our new wall. We duplicated it and look Type Project wall 150 millimeters. And we have here allows a lot of parameters we can customize. For example, can the description here we can type discretion corruption. We want we can add a website to have a reference of that wall type image, Keynote. And we also have here the structure. That's where we are going to add it. Let's click on it. And here we are. And here we are going to add into SAT, the definitions of the layers of our wall. Imagine that your wall is like a sandwich, so like a hamburger. So we have the center of it, like the bricks we are going to use. And then you have the core boundaries, which are the boundaries between this core and the other layer, k. In this case it will be an aggregate and substrate, I'm sorry. And then we're going to have the finishing the painting of our walk. And in order to see the section of this wall, Let's click here on preview. And look, we have this section over here. Let's insert four layers. I'm going to click here, insert four times, okay? And look, each one of these layer, you have the function of it, the material in thickness. Okay? So we're gonna keep the thickness of this layer. This layer I'm going to keep on the middle. And this one, number 5, we're going to move from the bottom, sole selected and down. Down. Okay. And the other one. Okay. Not this one because it already has a thickness. The other one I'm going to move down okay. And chew on the top, we're going to move up. Okay, that's how we move the layers of our our wall. Okay, now let's configure it. The, the core. You're going to have structure of k. Then here on the top, we're going to have the substrate is going to change here, the substrate also. And then we're going to have the finishing, finish you for finishing four. That's it. Okay. And then material, you're going to configure now, before configuring the material, Let's configure your thickness. So you're going to have a wall of 150 millimeters. So we are going to have here K times centimeters of the rubric, okay? Then the substrate you're going to use with 0.02, okay? Here, also 0.02 and painting going to use 0.0050.005 and that's it. And now we have see that as we set the thickness of each layer we have here in our preview, I'm going to make it bigger. Okay? We have here, look, this green line here is the substrate. Okay? I have here. The viewer can change. Oops. And that's it. And now we're gonna, now we're going to configure each of these layers. So first, let's start from the structure, okay, the material going to click here. Alright. And in this screen we can select the material of this layer. So let's look for the brick K. Brick comma can click once. And the look, you already have a color here. We have the appearance. You can have a several options here, but let's start from the beginning. Okay? This is the, this is the first step of understanding how it works. And here, when select the brick, we have our hearing appearance. We will have a kind of a prerendering in order to have an impression how it's gonna work. It can change, for a sphere, can change whatever you want. Okay? Can change the render settings over here. But I'm going to keep it in while we're here. All right, In graphics, we're going to click user render appearance. Because we want to use this appearance here under rendering when seen the plans. Okay, so I'm going to use this brick Apply. And Okay. And look, the layer of the mirror had the brick common that we selected a here on the preview. You also have it. So now let's change the substrate K. So hearing material, selected substrate and we are going to create, okay, we're going to create a new one. So let's come here, select the default. I'm going to click with the right button. Duplicate. Okay? And we're going to type substrate and the foci, and we're going to select the appearance of it. So we can come here. Click here on the bottom. And we have the appearance library, okay. A lot of options here you can, it's amazing if you can explore these options. So we're going to look here for concrete and cast in place. And have several options here. I'm going to choose the first one. And I'm going to click in these arrows over here. Okay? And you can click close it. And that's it. Look, we have our material selected over here. You can customize here that translucency, the emissivity. But I'm not going to change that. I don't think it's necessary. Hearing graphics, Let's check the user. Use render appearance. You can hearing identify, you can't add some description. You can add some information, the cost model, everything according to your preference or to your project. Okay? And can Apply and, Okay, and look, we already have here substrates to substrate. Look. You're gonna do it for substrate here below. And as we have already created, this material, can just select it here. Look. And we have here created our substrate. And now you're going to choose the material of our, of the finish of the painting. The paint while painting. And let's click here by category. Who have. We need to create a material here. Okay? So we can click, let's click on default. Default, okay, right-click on it. Duplicates. Ivory paint for example. Okay? Now let's choose the appearance of it. I appearance library. And we can come here and wall paint. Notice that we have a lot of categories over here. We had finished fluorine glass, liquid metal. So a lot of categories. We're going to come here in wall paint that, yeah, I'm going to click in, I can choose whatever you want in this case, I'm going to choose this ivory flat over here, and I'm selected clothes. Look the appearance that looks great. Graphics and select the user render appearance. Apply. Okay? And I change it here. Okay? I'm going to change in this. And the slayer, also ivory. And that's it, that our wall is ready. So that's how you, you prepare your wall rabbit. And this is very important because if you want to extract a quantitative schedule, if you want to have the the cubic meters use our square mirrors of one of these materials. If they are. In this case, if the wall is ready, is well prepared. Well SAT, you can have deals information. Okay. So let's click on OK. Ok again. And now that we created this wall, we can select it here when we click in architecture and walls, okay, It's going to be available here. So for example, let's click here to here. Ask, ask again. So you've project, I'm going to select it and go, Oh teacher, but I'm not seeing the labels we created. Well, let's select it. Let's change here. Just fine. When I change it to find look that we are rarely can see the layers and you can change here the graphical display options. For example, consistent colors. And you can see the layers we created with the colors, the materials we choose. K can even select here realistic. And it's going to, it's going to require more about the computer processing. I'm going to choose a consistent colors again. And just for us to have a better view, let's go to the 3D view. And look. Here is our wall. Let's change here fine. And consistent colors look okay. Or realistic. Selected. And we have here are worn. That's how we prepare. That's how we customize a wall in rabbit with the layers perfectly set. So in the next class we're going to build or waltz on the DWG file. 7. Modeling Walls and Mirror Tools : So now let's draw our wall. We're going to click in architecture, we're going to select the wow we just created. And here in base constraint, again lead level one, base offset 0, top constraint. We are going to select up to level Chu. Okay? Chain. And here location line we're gonna clicking finish phase exterior. Okay. And we're going to start drawing. Starting from this wall over here on the bottom. We're going to click on this point over here. And you ask me, Oh, teacher, bird, no, the wall, it's not aligned with the drone. Yeah, we can press the space on the keyboard. And the now Look, we move it, moved it to the top part of the light. Look, if you press Space, Space bar, you're going to change the reference of it. So we're going to come over here. Click. And you can draw that our walls here when we have doors in a Windows, we are not going to stop our wall here, okay, because when we add these elements, they will automatically adapt into that. Well, okay, so let's go straight to the top here. Good. Right here. And right here. Why am I not going to continue this this part over here? Because this is not a window. Okay. These Reagan when a glass like a small glass panels, not a window. So we're not going to draw a wall over here. I'm going to press Esc just once, okay. And we're going to draw over here. And you press Space again. Until here. Oops, I'm gonna come over here and ask. Good. From here. Ask, okay, Joe here. Ask prone here, space to hear and here and ask grid. So here we have our wall in our apartment and I'm going to press ask again. Good. And now what I'm going to do, I'm going to select here. And we're going to press the Control. And look that when I press the Control, we have a plus sign next to our arrows so we can keep the contract, press the left control of the keyboard pressed, and select the other walls we want. And that we are not going to select these wall, okay? If you select, you can press the key, pressed the left shift, left, and look that we have a minus side, No, No. And you can let the element you want to keep. So we're going to release the button. And now we're going to create a group with these walls because we're going to, we're going to mirror it here on the bottom. So let's click here in Create Group. And partly, for example. Okay, Great. And now we've just group selected. We're going to click here on mirror, PQ axis. Click on it. And here on the center line of this wall we didn't select. I'm going to click and look. We have our walls here on the bottom. And we're going to press the Control, left control. Again, select that group. And we're going to zoom in here. And with the control pressed, select this while on the middle. Great. And now we're going to use this mirror over here. So we used the first mirror picking an axis. Now gonna use this mirror where we draw an axis. So click on it. I'm going to give one Click on it. Okay? We're going to come here until we see this triangle which is a central line, the middle of our steer. One-click. Kay? And can come here to the top. And look, we have our walls on the right part of our DWG going to press ask and ask again. And now we have a better view of the plans of our butane. We have four apartments per level. 8. Creating Floors: Now that we have our walls, you're going to create the floors okay. Of the apartments, of the building in a hole. And just for us to have an idea of how it is, how is the building going? Let's click on the default 3D view. Save the project. And the look. I'm going to zoom in. We'll have the apartments, the walls were built. Okay. And that's it. Let's close here the 3D view. Let's go back to the level one, floor plan, level one. And we're going to click here in floor. You can come hearing. Let's press Esc. Can come here in Arctic. Sorry. Ask, ask. It's not going out. Okay. Sorry. Let's click it here. Architecture floor. Okay? And we have a generic floor over here. The idea of setting the layers is the same with the floor and with the, with the wall. So we're going to add the type, we're going to duplicate it. We can create for example, a concrete floor, 150 millimeters k. You're going to add it. This structure. We're going just to prepare this structure here, any category. We're going to choose a concrete over here. Concrete. Since scripts, okay. I'm going to click here. Concrete casting C2, user redder appearance are not k. This gives them, I'm going to, I'm not going to select it and apply. Ok and OK. Ok again. And now in order to to draw our floor, I have here concrete floor. Okay. We are in the two off the floor. If you want to get out of these two unit to click here on the cancel. Okay? And if you want to confirm what we are going to do here, we're going to click on the finish, okay? Now to draw the floor, we're going to use these lines over here. So we can draw the lines, we can draw a rectangular. We can't pig the walls we want, in this case, can pick her PICC lines or pick walls. This case, we're going to draw. So let's click here on the line. And Lancelot, let's let the finishing part here. And look that we have a pink line being withdrawn. And okay. We are going to come over here. Okay. We are going to enter here. And to be any of the stair, come here. Go to the top and you can do it surrounding the building. Over here. Over here. And I'm going to close here. Okay? Now we can click in Finnish and click outside and the 3D view. And here we have the walls and our floor. Look how beautiful it is. If we zoom in, you can see they are perfectly set. And now have or floor over here. 9. Adding Windows and Doors: Okay, so now we are going to add the elements that need to be added in the apartments of our project. So we're going to add the doors, the windows, glass panel, the beds, the furniture, and everything on the apartment. And we first going to do that by selecting our editing, our group. And why we are going to do that. Because as we mirrored this group, everything that we change induce apartment will appear in the other ones. So we're going to save time. Okay? And before editing this group, we need to load the families that we are going to use. So you're going to click hearing, insert Load Family. And we're going to select the files that we're going to use. What you have, you have this files on the files of the discourse of the project. Okay, so in a Windows, let's first select the aluminum window. Open. Okay. We can load also the double window. And okay. And let's load also the doors. Finally, let's look at the doors will have simple door. If we click, you can have a previous realization here to doubled our. So let's look at the simple. All right, Let's loot the double. Okay? And now let's add it our group. Let's select the apartment at its group. And we're going to come here in Architecture. Click on Window. And in aluminium windows, look, that's the window we just, we just have loaded. I'm going to click on it. And we can change here to hidden line. Or even, Let's see the wireframe. I think the course is better, okay, The cars is better. So let's change here to course. And you can keep in, even here the line is good in a hidden line. Okay? So if we pass the mouse over here, you're going to see, look that we have created our wall over here, but we are going to be able to add the window we just selected. Okay. So let's click, let's position it here and just click once. And that's it. I can click Ask. And I can look for another window. We had this double window over here. Can click on it. I'm going to add here on the bathroom, okay. If we click on the space, you're going to change. If it's on the right or the left. And click over here. That's it. Okay. We have okay, we need to add the doors. So let's go to architecture. Door. A member that we have a double door over here. This though we're hot door belongs to here. Yes. Let's click on it. I'm going to actually, I'm going to press space OK. And click. Okay, that's fine. Ask. We can select a simple door AT should do when ten. Let's put it here. I'm going to press space. That's good. Okay. We can hear we need a door, maybe 60 centimeters. Let's check IT space. Okay. It's going to be just fine. Perfect. And that's it. And we can press S and finish. And look that we added there in this apartment when we have that applied on the other apartments also. Okay. We can click here on 3D view in order to check our project. I'm going to zoom in here and press Shift and look great to have a glass panel over here. We'll have the windows, k, have the doors. Remember that I told you that we don't need to stop the walls when we are drawing it. If we are going to add a door later, look, because the door fits exactly on the wall we just created. Look, here's the entrance of the bathroom and that's it. Perfect. Okay. Now, we can't add the other elements to our project. 10. Importing Furnitures: All right, So in order to add the other elements, let's close the 3D view over here. Okay? I'm going to change here to median and consistent colors k. And we are going to do as you have just done with the doors and walls. We're going to load the families first. So let's come here in insert Load Family. Okay? Then select family is, we're going to select the room. We have a wardrobe. Look. So let's load, suddenly, load the queen bad. Okay, let's load all the other families. Can come here. Files from the course. Families. In the kitchen. The wines. Okay, load refrigerator, K, Load Family, the overall load family, the kitchen sink over here. K. Now let's add these elements for now. So let's add it to this group and architecture. First, we are going to add, now we're going to click in place a component, okay? Because this is not a war, a wall nor our window. This is a component. So we already have here the kitchen. Okay, look, the family and the possibilities here. I'm going to get this message, you know, OK. I'm going to place it over here. I'm going to press the space bar to fit. Okay. Ask and let's select. Have the desk over here. No, not the desk. I'm sorry. We'll have the oval space. Space. Okay, here. That's it. Ask the queen bad, Let's go to the queen bad. K. Here. Ask, let's add the refrigerator. Space, space. It, see it. Ask or ask. Oops. Component plays a component. Flagella later, Let's go to the ward rule. Kay? Ask, ask please. Component wines. Okay, we have here where the winds are going to be mask and that's it. Okay, let's finish. Save the project. Look, we have the components ready in all departments. Like let's look on the 3D view to check if everything is okay. All right, perfectly fit, perfectly inserted. K. Now let's insert the other elements. So let's close the 3D view. Let's load the other ones. So we insert Load Family. Then the kitchen, the entry have the TV furniture, k dot family, Couch, Node family again. Doors were already added. The doors dinner wood furniture over here. Load Family diner. Yeah. Tiny table dinner table. Load Family. And the bathroom. I'm going to keep the data from for the last part. So I'm going to cancel and let's add it, do the apartment. And let's add edit these apartments. So edit group. Dr component plays a component k, the table. I'm going to add here. K. Ask, what do we have here? The wood furniture. Yeah. This one can add, sorry. K. Ask lines already had wardrobe. Oh, the TV. Let's edit here. K, ask refrigerator. We already have the clean bed. Beethoven. What do we have here? We have these desk. Now I'm not going to at this desk over here all we have the couch. Click on it. Space, space here. Another one here. I think that's it. Okay. Perfect. And finish. Yeah, that's it. And now we're going to add the elements of the bathroom. 11. Setting the Bathroom Elements: Okay, so now we're going to add the elements of our bathroom. Okay, So the first element we're going to add is the shower. And in order to add the shower, we're going to learn to use very useful to, which is the section. Click on the section and click in one part and you can rotate. Okay, and let's click here on the bottom. Because what does this too? What is the function of it? I'm, it provides us to see this part over here. Look, there is a blue square. Okay? So this is a section, any, you can adjust these arrows over here. Because I want to look this region, okay? And you can expand it to the other sides are not both. But I went to see here the wall that the shadow is going to be placed and why that, because this element was created needing a host, okay, it's very important for you to understand that because some elements they need a host, they need a wild to be placed on the need for, okay, in this case, the shower needs our awhile and we need to see that in front of us. So that's why I'm creating this view over here, the section. So we can press ESC and can double-click here on this arrow. And we're seeing the section we just created. Okay, we can expand it. Sorry, can expand it over here. Okay. Now we have two tabs here open. You can use a hotkey WT in R2. Okay, divide your window, your software, and argc both views. If you want to come back to the way it works, you can use a hotkey T, w and then come back. Okay? So in this case, we're going to use the W T, okay? And look, this section is exact. This one over here. If I select an element here, we can select the same element, element there. Because remember that we're in the BIM Building Information Modeling. Everything is integrated. If we change an object in one view, it going to be, it's going to be changes. In the other view, the model is, is the same. Okay. We're just changing the wheels. So we're going to add this shower. In two meters. The height is going to be two meters. Okay? And what is happening here? If we add this shower here? Let's see. Let's select this group, added group. In the view of the right. We're going to click on Components, place component. We're going to look for the shower. Shower here. Chromosome two is the same as Crohn's and we can place it on the wall. Okay. So for example, I'm going to place it here and ask notice. And ask again. Notice that we're not seeing it here. But I'm going to click on it and I'm going to drag it down. We are going to be able to see it. Why? Because this view that we have in here, it is limited in certain height. Okay? So for example, I want to put this I'm going to put this shower. The elevation from level one to put it to meters. Look elevation from lab or you can change here. I'll say I'm going to keep two meters, K and the I, but I want to see it in this view. So how are we going to do that? I'm going to place it here. I'm going to finish to do this, ask this view and we need to find here the underlay. So for example, we are the top level. Let's put level tree and the bottom. Okay. Known sorry. That one. Look down. I'm not seen in our almost seen it. Look. Okay. And keep it known. But here I can't see it. We need to change here. Some path, raise base level. It's going to be the level one. Okay? I'm going to add it. We are ready, can see it. We're looking down. That's added edit group, okay? And now I can move. You can select it and use the arrows from your keyboard to adjust it. Or you can look, can adjust it. Okay. I'm using a small shower here compared to this to do a drawing of the plan. There is no problem. You can look for other elements or the showers also. Okay. So the shower is here. We can finish, close this view. Okay. If you want, you can delete this section. But i'm, I'm gonna keep it over here because of the other elements. So let's add it again, Edit Group components. Let's look for, Oh, look, we have the toilet over here. Look the toilet needs also host does it cannot place it on the floor, need to allow to place it. Okay. So let's put it here. Ask, let's look for the, the Bayesian select k. Know, have a glass here. The shower going to look for the glass k. It's written, but unquote, which is the same as white. I'm going to place it here. Actually, you're going to have to have a wall over here going to adjust it later. So JUCE press ask. Yeah. Oh no. We have the shower glass or here, but it which is the same as black. Okay. I'm gonna just put it here. And that's it. This part of the wall we can adjust right now. Press Esc. Ask again. Okay. In this wall over here, can click with the right burden and create similar K. Select here and space. And that's it. Look and ask. Ask again. And we have our bathroom ready. Okay. And we can finish. 12. Adding Railings: Okay, So continuing or a course now need to adjust one. When panel one, glass pen over here, actually the big windows. For example, let's click on the 3D view. And you can notice dense. This glass panel over here. It is solid. It was not. Suppose it should be here to be this way in this realistic view and in the fine with the fine details. So we're going to select here to edit group. We're going to select the element and click hearing edit family. Okay? The edit family you're going to click once on the glass, okay, and here in solid void, we're going to click on void and then load into project and substitute, overwrite the existing version. Ok. And one more thing to adjust. Let's, sorry. Let's open here the 3D view. One more thing here. I want to raise it a little bit because level, the height, it's not, it's not perfect. So you can use your arrows over keyboard or you can change here on Sue height. Okay? So I'm going to keep it here. 0.1 weight, okay? Actually I'm going to raise it a little bit more. Going to choose here three. Okay. Perfect. And finish. Okay. And now the glass is working properly on the whole building. Okay? And what we are going to do now, we're going to, Okay. We are going to create a railing, a glass panel over here on this open area of the apartments. So we're going to add it group. Okay. And we are going to come here in railing hand. Sketch path. Okay? Hearing revealing sketch path, we can choose here on the left. Okay. The kinds of railings. Let's use this glass panel. Bottom few. Okay, great. And I'm going to click over here to here as we are editing k, as we are added in the group, it's going to replicate this the other departments, okay, So finish edit mode k. Since it needs a little bit adjustments so we can select it and use the arrow on your keyboard to move it. And you can check, check it out on the 3D view. Look how it is. Okay. So we can click Finish. And that's it. We have this really apply to the whole building, to the apartments. Okay. Now we are going to add, I'm going to close. I'm going to keep the 3D view over here. And we are going to add here at first the stairs. Okay, so let's go to the level one. I'm going to choose hidden line over here. And we're going to keep it on, on the course. Okay? And we're not going to add the group down. We're just going to click here on architecture. Stare. Okay? And here on stair, we have lots of options. Spiral, center and the spiral, okay, L shape Winder. We're going to keep this straight. Okay? We are going to change it to monolithic stare. Okay. And top-level level shoe. Perfect. Actual thread depth. Yeah, 0, 0, 8. And we're going to chain here location line to run left because I'm going to start drawing from here from the left. Okay, so I'm going to zoom in, click here. Come to this point, Okay? And then go to this point and to the, Okay. So the final notice that before clicking here to finish, you have written there the amount of risers created and the remaining ones. So for the remaining two remaining, while remaining and 0 remaining, going to click. And you can see the path here of the stair. Ok. And let's click on Finish, added line slightly off axis and may cause in their currency's going to check it on the 3D view. See what's going on. Says that maybe maybe can cause. Okay. I'm going to check it. Let's do one thing. Let's select the railing. Oh, look, we have a problem here. Do some railing. Look. It doesn't work. That chain adaptation over here. So we are going to change it. There's a railing. Should the pipe actually to the Let's try the first one. Really. Pipe. Oh, yeah. The first one. It's a rectangular. But it worked. It worked. Yes. Right. Okay. So we're going to keep it. 13. Creating Multiple Levels and Stairs: Okay. After adding the railings in our project, the glass panels on the apartment, we're going to add the stairs of our building, the stairs that we go from the first level to the other ones. But before doing that, we needed to replicate the levels of our building. And first let's go to the liver, one of our butene and we needed to add just did the floor of our building. Okay. Because the floor Let's click here on this blank space. So you have the floor selected and see that the floor is under stare on the area of the stair also n We don't want that. Okay. So you're going to bring this floor to here. And so we have the force selected. Let's click any boundary, okay? And you can see the pink line which is the boundary of our floor. And you can click once here, and we can bring this line here. Here. K to the start of the stair. Can clicking Finish edit mode. And okay, we just did this change and the floor look, now looks good. And now we are going to replicate this forest floor of our building to the other floors. So in the 3D view, okay, That's select the first group and the control pressed. We're going to select the other groups. And also these big walls that divides the apartments and also the floor. Okay, now we're going to press Control C on our keyboard to, to copy this part of the structure. We're going to come here in paste and click on the arrow pointing down. And let's go to aligned to select levels. And in this screen, we are going to select the levels that we want to replicate, replicate, replicate, sorry, this part of our building. So let's select the level to press the left shift and until the level 6 and click Okay, because the last level, the first level is done and the last level it's going to be just a roof. Okay. So okay. Just wait a little bit. Perfect. We'll have here our building. Let's click. Let's look. And now we're going to build our stair and this side of the building. Okay. So this is going to come here from the first level to the level 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. All right. So let's return to level one. You were hearing level one of the floor plan. Let's click instead. We are not going to edit the group now, okay? We're going to use these two direct under the building. So stair, we are going to select here monolithic stare. And notice that we have other options. Over here. We have the spiral stair, we have the arrow shape. Okay? So we're going to use this straight one. And when we select it, okay, monolithic stare. Just check here based one level to the top level. The top level desired number of rides words. So you're going to have eight from the left side, eight from the right side, you're going to have 16 risers and uncheck the actual thread depth with 0.28 meters. All right, and here on the location line, we're going to select the the, our line that will guide the construction of the stair. In this case, we are going to select left, and we're going to click here on the start of the stare on the left side. That's wise, we select here left. So let's click. And look, we have a sterile be in the row here. Let's click here. And now I'm going to click here. And you're going to come here to the end. And notice that we have a gray text telling us the amount, the quantity of risers created and the amount of risers that are remaining. So here, for created, for remaining, five, created three remaining, and any go to eight razors created in 0 remaining. Let's click. And good. We can see here the path of our, of our stair. Ok. And now we can finish. The race was not continuous. There was a problem with the radio going to see over here. Actually, that that's not a problem. I'm going to show you how you can fix that. Because here, when we zoom in, look, this rail doesn't make that curve. Okay, so we need to change it. So let's select it and we can change it here, for example, to a 100 millimeters. Okay? And that's it. It's a rectangular, rectangular, rectangular part rail over here. We don't have that problem anymore. And now what we are going to do is we're going to select this Stair here. Okay. We're not going to select Okay. The railing. Going to select the stair. Okay. Sorry. Yes. And Control C again. Actually, no, not, not controversy from sorry, gonna select this terror and click here and select levels. Okay? And, uh, with the Kinect level selected, we're going to press the Control button. And we're going to add the levels that we're going to connect, desk terror, connect the stair level 3456 K, because the last one is going to be our roof. Okay. And we can click, I'm going to rotate to the side so you can see. Okay, and then we have our sterile built on all of the levels. Perfect. 14. Preparing the Roof and Attaching Walls: Okay, so in this class we are going to be the roof of our building. And we're going to adjust the height of our walls to reach the top, to reach actually the base of the roof. Okay. So let's go to the Level 7 over here. Saved project. Notice that when we click on the Level 7, if we click the Level 6, we can see the level of six here. Okay? If we click the Level 7, we can't see anything. Why that? Because here, look the view range. We need to change the view range. Okay, let's click Edit and look. View depth, the level as the shade associated level seven. Okay, so you're going to change that should level below Level 6 Apply. And now we are building on the Level 7, but we are seeing what it has been built on the Level 6, K. That's very important to understand. And now we are going to Draw to build our roof. So here, architecture roof, I'm going to click on it and we're gonna select roof by footprint. Okay? And here in basic roof, let's, let's click here on generic and edit type. In structure. Let's click Edit k. So we have here a roof. Let's change the structure of it because I don't want to extremely basic roof. I want another one. So we're going, we can come here. Let's come here to create a new, create a new material. So default, ok. Right-click on it, duplicates roof. Let's choose the material appearance library. Let's see. We can click here on roofing. And I'm going to choose the k wood shingles and click on the wood shingles selected. Okay, actually, I prefer this shingles over here. I'm gonna select it. Or a red one. Yeah, I'm going to keep it. So the Spanish tiles, lot of options over here. You can explore that we want. Apply, apply, apply again. Okay. I didn't change the name. Let's see. I think it didn't change the name and type. Let me duplicate it. Roof. Custom roof actually. At it. Is it's selected. Oh yeah. And here I'm going to use in their appearance, apply. Okay, now it's going to work properly. And now we're going to select as we did with the floor. We're going to select the lines to draw our roof. Here. I'm going to select line, but we're going to do an offset here. I'm going to select align in the, the roofs going to be built, the distance that I choose. So for example, I'm going to keep here 1.5. So I'm going to choose here offset 1.5, okay? Enter. Enter doesn't work. You just need to wait a little bit, okay? And you don't need to upset by yourself. And you don't each offset by yourself. The software is going to make it automatically. So select here, look, the pink line being drawn, that's the R roof. So select Okay, the edges of our building. Here and here. That's it. And let, before. And before clicking on the Finish Edit mode, Let's go to the 3D view and finish attitude. K. See the structure of our roof and click. And now we'll have it. Okay. With shingles over here. Now we are, what we are going to do. We are going to connect our walls here inside the The a Level 6 of the apartment to our roof. Okay. This is not a course of how to Butte advanced roofs K. And that's why I'm not exploring how to Butte extremely detailed roof. Okay, Now we are, we have to select one group. Select one group here. Actually don't select the group. We're going to select with the control, pressed, the dismissal. Wow, okay, that we have in our beauty. That is that it Is that wall that doesn't belong to the groups. So it can rotate and select the other one. We have the contract pressed, Okay, so we have the two while selected, and I'm going to click in, attach top two Bs. And I'm going to select a roof and a weight. And that's it. If you zoom in. Now, you're going to see the connected look. Okay? And we are going to do that with the other walls also. But how can we do that? The more, the better way we can select the group. Okay, added group. And now that we are adding these group, we can't select the elements of other apartments. So we're just in this apartment. We can bring a box of selection this way, okay. And we can use this. Let, let me check here if everything was selected. Let me bring from course and consistent colors, okay? Okay, I think everything's selected. Perfect. And we can filter. Why? Because I just want to see the walls. So you're going to click on Filter, check known. You're going to select the walls, will have eight walls and each apartment apply, okay? And now they, that they are selected, attached up to base and select the roof. And that's it. We're going to replicate that to the other apartments. See the difference. The wall here reaching the base of the roof and here not reaching. Okay, So the group is ready finish. And we're going to do that with the four apartments on the last floor on level six. So selected a group, added group. Good. Here. K filter, check known walls. Check if you have a dwells, apply and reach, tap, tap to select the floor. Let's finish. You're going to do that. The other two apartments. Perfect. This group and its group. K. Filter check known waltz, waltz. Apply K attached up to base. Okay, Finish. Let's wait. And with the last group we have here and it group k here, filter check known walls will have eight walls apply, okay? Attached tab, tab to base, select the roof and finish. And with that, we finished this part of the last floor and our roof. I just forgot something here that I'm looking at. We're going to do now is to do the the radio to apply to add a ratio here, not in the first floor because this is the entrance of the building. But in second. So this 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the level sick six of the, of the building. So let's go to level 2. We are rarely know how to do that very fast. So we're not going to edit groups, are going just to click on railing sketch path K class banner, but a few. And from here to here. Okay, I'm going to select it little bit. And let's check it on the 3D view. Perfect. And I'm going to replicate that the other levels this selected and Control C. Perfect and paste from selected levels to four to six. Okay? Just last two, level three here. So taste again, select levels three. And that's it. Now, we have railings here, the glass Pernod, the our floor, our roof, and the walls reaching it. 15. Setting Areas and Tags: Hi. So in this class, we are going to divide the areas of our apartment and we're going to insert some tags on it so that the software can calculate automatically the measures of the areas. And, uh, we are going to generate a list of these areas. And it's magic measures in square meters. So you're going here on the floor plan level one, I'm going to select our group, added group. Okay. And now we are going to use these two over here, room, okay, here on the tab architecture room. And, uh, when you select it, notice that, that first here in the bathroom, when we pass our scroll. For here, you see that this ax is delimited by the walls, okay? And you can notice that we have a blue blue line showing us which area the L2 is considering. Okay? If we try to do this on other areas, it doesn't work. Where that, because they are connected. Look, you have a space over here, have a space over here. So we are going to use another two should they'll emit those spaces. So let's press ask and hearing room separator. Okay. We're going to draw a line here, from here to here, separating these external area from a room. I'm going to press Esc from here to here. Okay? Ask again here and now own the bottom here. We don't need to do that. And we are going to do another separation here from the dining area in the kitchen. For example, here. And now we can go, press Esc, go to the room, and we can apply. Look in the bathroom. Just one click here. In the bedroom house, I forgot to do the separation in this part here because this part is open. We don't have a wall over here. So bird, Let's use it in the N3 and kind of diner room here on the kitchen. Okay. And I'm going to finish now. I'm going to press ask. Ok. And now when we slide this crew of the mouse on the rooms, we can see this. And I'm going to apply the room separator here because we didn't cave from here to here. Okay. Now we are going to be able to ask again, no separator, sorry, room. You're going to be able look to mark this area. I'll say. Okay. Now let's press ask Don press Finish because it was still have to do one change over here. Let's select first the kitchen, okay? And you can see we have E here in identity data, we have a number in a room. You can let the number and the name you can change to kitchen. And we are going to do that. Okay. Far the outer areas also look when I select the kitchen, okay? And now we have the k. I'm going to put here int3 room or just entry here, the bathroom. K the bedroom. Bedroom. Okay. And the external area, sir? No. Okay. And we have it. And now, before going out of this group addition, let's select this window over here, this big window, big glass panel. And let's click here in adults type where that because I want to change this description. We can type here on the description. Aluminum window. Look, because we are going to generate later a list of the conservatives and that we are going to ask for this description. So aluminum window. Okay. That's fine. Assembly code cast. Okay. Let's apply. Perfect. This window over here, which is the double one. I'm going to add its type also. And here in the scription, we are going to write bool window. Okay, Apply. And that's it. We're going to now do that with the doris. This first door where here we have two doors and apartments. So in this first door, we're going to add its type. And on the description, Let's type single door. Okay. And in this door over here, let's check it. You're going to write medium, single door. Apply. And in this Dumbledore, a hero, we're going to edit side and on the description. Doable glass door. Okay, Apply. And that's it. And what we are going to do now we're going to click on Finish. And now we are going to turn on the tags. Key highlighted. Lines is overlap. We have an overlap here. Okay. No problem. Yes. Okay. Okay. We're going to come here in. We have the tag area and annotate and tag all. And here we are going to check to put a mark on the elements. We want to show the tags, the identification tags. So let's check the door tags. Let's check the room tags and the window tags, okay, and we can apply and see that we have here some tags. It's a little bit confusing because we need to change our rough sketch. You want once you 50, okay, Now it's better and you can see what we have here. We have the areas with the name, we choose k. And then we have the we have here the identification alsos of the doors and the identification of the windows. Okay. So for example, let's come here and added group. And then we select this window and then go to Edit type. We have the number 29, which is a type of mark. So it is the same number here. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna care. So the additional intergroup, Okay? And I'm going to come here on the tag of the external. I'm going to Edit Family. And the why am I going to do that? Because I wanted to show other things. Also, local, have the room name, we have this number. Have the volume over here. Key label. Can click and add it to check it or a. Okay. We can come close this window. Okay. Again here on the tag. Can click an added type and check that who you want showed the area, not the volume and the room number. That's not necessary. Ok. And Apply. And look on all the areas. We can see the name of the area and the measures. Okay. It is a little distant from the number from the name of the area, so we can sorry. We can I'm going to press ask selected. Okay. We can edit family. Okay. And we can bring can click here in volume. Press Tab. Oh, it's not working. The tab can bring the volume down. Select think formation of the square meters and bring it to the top. Okay. And we can load into project here. That would be like saving this change we did in the family. So loaded into project. Yes, substitute, okay, Overwrite. Actually, that's better. Okay? And if you want, we can do the same thing here on the doors, but in this case, I'm going to let the numbers right in. You can adjust and we're going to bring this sketching formation down bedroom information to derive that from here. Okay. The formation of the windows over here, doors also. Okay. And that's it. Now we can go notice that as we change it, the group, it applied to the whole building. And now we can go to the quantitative gives. 16. Generating Element Schedules: Okay, so in this class we are going to create the schedules of the quantities of the elements we have in our project. In this case, you're going to learn how to do the generate discontinuities after doors, windows and the, and the list of the areas and the measures of this areas. So notice that here on the right on the project browser we have this schedule, schedules and quantities part, okay? And we are going to come here on the top on the ribbon in view, and then click on schedules and then schedules quantities. And now in this category list, we are going to choose the element we want to create the schedule about. So let's choose, for example, doors, okay, here in name, you can choose the name of your schedule. I'm going to keep your door schedule. You can change it if you want. Lad school for okay. And now we are going to select the information we want to show in our list. So first, we want to count the amount of items. We also want to see the description, the description that one, that we change it inside the elements. We want also to to know. Let's see counter description. We have here. The type of mark. Where is the type mark? Absolut? I'm going to the type mark later. We want to set the level in which that element is. Okay, because we're going to have six levels here. We also want to know the high. Where is it? Hide. We live and type of mark and y type of mark, type mark is that number that points to that, that identifies that element, that would change it. Y0, adding the description actually we cite, okay, but you can change inside the family of your element if you want. I'm going to add it. Don't press. Okay. Okay. You're going to go here to sorting and grouping because we are going to choose the header of our table, of our lists. So let's choose the header level. We're going to choose level, type mark and with if, OK. And now hearing itemize every since we are going to uncheck that because if we keep it checked, we're going to that later. We are going to see very big list with all the other single elements being shunned. But I went to compensate that when they are the same, the same element. For example, we have eight doors of same, the same door, eight times the same level. I want to see the number eight. Okay. Instead of seeing the list of eight doors, they're being shunned. Okay? So in formatting, we can change the, the information, for example, the heading according to our, to the field we are showing. Okay. I'm going to let it the way it is. I'm going to just change here. I have an inscription or central alignment to the lagged type mark, okay? Here in count, no calculation. I want to see the calculations, so let's calculate totals. Okay. And the other one's going to lead it with no calculation because it doesn't have interest on that and hearing appearance. We can and we can uncheck the blank row before data array. I'm going to show title show headers and on the title tags I recommend you using the 3.5 area. And for the other ones, the 2.5 area. Okay. So let's click Okay, and you're going to see the schedule. Okay, here it is, this schedule. So what we have here, we have in level one will have four medium size Speedo single door. Okay. It is on level 1, will have false Moscow doors mile double glass door of them, level 1, the height of each one of them, the way they've okay. And the type mark, remember to type Mark. Yeah. Now in level 2, we have information about it level. So we have here our schedule. Now let's do it according. Now let's do it focusing on the Save Project. I'm going to cancel. No. Okay. Now let's do it for the wall and the walls, the windows. But notice here on the ride schedules, we already have door schedule. You can double-click and then you have it. And if you change some of these doors on your project, project information is going to change here. So it's very interesting. So let's close here and let's practice creating neither schedule. Now, we have the Windows. Okay, in those, okay, and we'll schedule so you want to count. We want the description, the level, k, The height with if n type mark. Okay. Don't click OK, go right. It's sorting, grouping, lad, select level, check the header. Type mark in with, okay. Let's uncheck this box over here. Okay? From that team. In here encounter, Let's checked, calculate totals. Okay? Okay, here in appearance, same thing. Click unchecked a blank row before leader and 3.5 areas to 0.5 area. And okay, I'm going to have our schedule and then we have it, our Windows scription. Okay, the type mark information on the width, the height, and the labels corresponded levels of each one of them. 17. Generating Quantitative Schedules: Okay, and now we're going to create a schedule above to the areas of our apartments. Okay. So let's come here to your project. Notice that here on the right, we are ready, have scheduled of the doors and windows. And let's come here and schedules. And Schedules, Quantities. Ok. Select here rooms. You can change the name. Okay? Here we are going to select on the fields name because I want to know that what room we're talking about, level and area. Okay? Here, sorting, grouping, we're going to select level and area. Mark here, header, uncheck the itemize every instance formatting here. I'm sorry. We can select here also the grand totals and select count and totals. Okay. Formatting the area. We can calculate calculate totals. In appearance. You can let the blank row before data and change here to Okay, let's click Okay. And now we have we have our room schedule K level 1, the amount of bathrooms. Now today I'm out I'm sorry, the area of the bathrooms of all departments in the first floor. Second floor, third. And here the total. Okay. If you still want to change some information over here, it can come, I'm sorry. You can come here and change the fields, the sorting, grouping, okay? For example, can change too tight on totals. And you have here written grand totals. So you can change here at graphene according to your objectives, okay. 18. Preparing the Project Sheets: Hi, so now we are going to prepare the sheets that are going to be printed. Okay? So we are ready, have our 3D model. We are already have the door schedule, room schedule, and Windows schedule. Now we're going to prepare the visual part of our project to be printed. Okay, so integral to work as a guide, we have here a list of the sheets we are going to prepare. So the first one, we're going to show a site plan with a 3D view of our beating. The shit too. We are going to show the level one with the quantitative. So these schedules over here, the sheet 3 we're going to show the lab will chew, which is the same from the level to this level 6. The sheet for we're going to show the roof of our building from the ship five sugar shit 9. We're going to see that five sections of our apartment that we have the kitchen entry, bedroom, bathroom, sir? No. Okay. This should 5 and elevation and external I'll elevation of our building. Okay, so let's start preparing for just the one. Decide that. You're going to see that it is very simple and you can customize it according to your objectives, to your projects. Okay? So the first thing we need to do is duplicate the views we're going to insert on this first sheet. And why duplicate? Because the first four, for example, the left one plan here, use the Level one that we prepared the 3D modeling inserted the information we want. When I want, I'm going to duplicate it. I'm going to use this duplicated view to change the colors, to change, to add more information that I want. I'm just going to use this second duplicated view to prepare the visual part that is going to be printed. Okay, so in this first sheet, going to show the SAT and the 3D. So let's save the project. Okay. I'm gonna come a hearing for plain sight and right-click on it and duplicate view here and duplicate, we have three options. Duplicate with detailing the bucket at a dependent and duplicate, I'm just going to replicate. Replicate with detailing. Gonna see all the information you add here. Even if you add some other details, they replicate as a dependent, you are going to replicate but average change you do in the original one. It's going to be shown in this duplicated. So I don't want that. I went to an independent one, so just replicate. Look, we already have here side copy and let's rename it to site P, Y P, P of presentation. Okay, so we are going to use that in all the duplicate is sheets that we're going to create, okay? And we also go into duplicated the 3D view. Okay, so right-click on it, duplicate view and duplicate. And let's rename it to d p, sorry, UDP. All right, So the site P is here. Okay? Now we can hide all of the elements we want, don't want to show and the shooter there's going to be printed. Okay. This is the sheet that you're going to change. The colors, are going to customize it according to your preference. So for example, I'm going to change here to medium. I'm going to share. You can choose here if you want consistent colors or realistic can change the level of detail. I'm going to keep it in a hidden line. Okay? I'm going to right-click and I'm in view this element over here. Okay? And I'm going to add some measures that I want to show in this first sheet. So let's come here and annotate k. And here you have several tools that you can use to apply some measures. So for, for example, outlined and when it clicked on it, you can click on Align. Look at the first. Aligned with that first line was a real selected, and you can select the other line you want. So I'm gonna select DS1. Okay? You can keep on selecting the other lines. So for example, here, I'm going to select the other one here. Okay? And if you don't want to select anymore, just click on the blank space. And your measures are fixed there, okay? And you can press S to get out of this too. But I want to use it again. So I'm going to click on this line over here, to this line over here. I'm going to add here the information. Okay? I also want to add these measure over here, and that's it. And ask and I'm going to press ask again to get out of these two, okay. If you can't see the numbers so well, it can change the scale onto to a 100. Okay, Perfect. Okay. So in the, Let's go now to the 3D. Double-click. I want to, I'm going to press the left shift. And I'm going to press also describe the mouse. I'm going to rotate a little bit. I'm going to select these lines over here. Right-click on it and hide in view. Okay, one-click. Perfect. I'm going to keep it this way in a hidden line and the course. Okay? Now, what we are going to do are ready, prepared here. The way I went to see these plans in my sheet, we need to add here on sheets and sheets that we're going to create. So let's right-click on it. New sheet. And you can load. And here on load, you can select the sheets that I shared with you on the on the files for this class. Okay. The 800 is the biggest one, the A4 is the smallest one. So let's click on the H2 and we click on Open. And when you load these sheets over here, you can already select it. So let's select the sheet a2. And Okay, and now it is here opened. And you can see that here on the right on sheets, you can open and you can change the name, Right-click on it. Change and the lads type and 1, 0, 1 Psi 2, and 3 D. Okay? And it's okay. I'm just going to just name here. We need to do is name, the name. I'm going to type 1, okay? And we just need to drag and drop the data sheets that we weren't here. It's very simple. So for example, site B, you can one click and hold the left burden on the house. Just drop it here. Okay? When you drop it, look, don't click anywhere. You can add whatever you want. This this plan. So I'm going to click here. Okay, dad it is. I'm going to press OK. And now we can, we can adjust here. Our, our plan. Why are we seeing these big square over here? We need to go to the regional plan side to be okay. You can click here, reveal hidden elements. Actually not review hidden elements. Show crop region, yeah, here, hide or show crop region. Okay. You click on it and you can adjust. And you will see that when you are just here, it's going to just on the sheet. Okay? We can hide this crop view and I'm going to hide this element over here. Hide this one. And I didn't view. And okay, yeah, perfect. So let's go back here in sheets, site and 3D. Double-click. See. Okay. Our information here is too far from our element. So what we're going to do, we can k can just select here. Don't select the box over here. Just click on the blank space and then select just this line and you can adjust it. Okay. Site B, okay. In you'd put it wherever you want and see that information that you added there on the side be it is shown here. Now let's add the 3 D view on this side. So just drag and drop it here. Okay. I think I moved my cursor. Let's sorry. Let's do it again. Okay, Oops. Okay, now we can add it. I'm going to add here because I want to, It's too big. So we are going to go back to treat P and change the scale to one to a 100. Go back to sheet over here, okay? And we are going to adjust it here. Okay. And we can Period this way. All right. So we have here the plans we added. 19. Customizing the Project: You can change the name of the project. So click here, okay. In this part so you can change shit sheet, name, the name of the project, the local address, the subject, the author of the project. Okay, You can add, for example, lookers. See it, I'm ready to change it. Who did that? Just drawing. It can change here. Okay. And the number of these sheets can also change the date. And that we have here ready. Okay, the site in 3D over here. Shit. Okay, now we're going to prepare the level one and the quantitative. We're going to do the same thing. The level one floor plan. We're going to right-click on it. We are going to duplicate view, duplicate. Okay. In this case showing the level one, I don't want to show this big square over here. Alright? So I'm gonna show crop region. We're going to make it gives way and adjust it here. Okay? Now that it is adjusted. Okay, I'm going to hide this section. Hydrogen view element, okay? We can also rename to level 1 p, right? And I want to add here some information, some measures that we are ready know how to add. Just click here and annotate and aligned so you can add the information you want. Now. It's related to the kind of to your interest, what you want to show. And when clicking on a line here to show the measures. If you're not, if you want to show this part when a click in this line of the wall and you're not being able to, you can change here. All central line to wall faces. Look. And then you're going to be able to click on it. And you are going to select, according to your interest. To show this measures. After you have selected, just click on the blank space on the left and ask onetime, look, already have here the measures. It is awesomes very fast. So I'm gonna do it on the top part here. So I'm going to click here and also here. So you can do it according to your Internet interest, according to the things you want to show in your project, okay? Click here. And also here. Here is very fast to add those measures on Ravid in. It saves you a lot of time. Okay? Ask again. And if you want. Let's add the big measure here. Here, okay? And then also on the bottom too here. And ask, ask again. Okay, So we have here our first level. And we also want to add in this shift to the quantitative, which are which are here on the schedules, the door scheduled the wrong window. Okay. I'm gonna close it. Everything's fine. And let's, let's create the second sheet. So right-click on it. New sheet. Let's use, let's load here the A1, k, which is bigger because we have more information shown here. Okay? All right. Let's rename it. So rename each OU, level 1 and lists K, 02. Okay, now let's drag and drop. So level one. Drop here. Okay, I'm going to add it here. And let's drag and drop also the schedules, for example, the door schedule, drag and drop. That's very easy. The room also going to add it here. And a window also, that one. Okay, Ask. It can click here to adjust. This line. Can click on the big square over here to make it look better. Okay, so we have here our level 1 and our schedules, our lists with the quantities that we want to show. And also look. Dig the information about the walls, about the roams, the windows and thin here, you can change this scale in the original file if you want, okay, according to your interest. And we can change here. Again, project name, the address, the subject, the altar of the project. Who? The name of the designer. Okay, so we already have the site Guan 3D and the level the level one lists over here. 20. Detailing the Levels : Okay, Now that we already have the first and the second sheet, we are going to prepare the third one, which is related to the level two and to the level six. Okay. And as the apartments of disputing are the same, we don't have to create. In this case, we don't have to replicate 6 times. Okay? We're going to just double the level two. So let's double-click on it so we can see it. Okay. And I want to see here in this plan the information about the doors as we have here on the site. Look. I'm sorry, not on the site as we have here on level one. Okay. So actually we can use the level one again because it is same of level Chu. Okay. Because it already have the information about the rooms into the bathroom and the size of every part of the apartment and identifications on the doors of the windows. So let's double-click on level one. Lads. Duplicate view. Okay, Let's rename it. And let's type level two to six p. Okay. I'm sorry. Let's let's delete it because I want to show it and went to duplicate it with the detailing. Okay, see now, now we can see the difference here. When we click duplicate with detailing, look the information that we have. Okay, so that's what we want to show. So let's rename it. Level one to six. Level actually lead to chew to six p. Okay, let's click here. All right, and let's hide and reveal this element over here. Okay? And let's again prepared this crop region. So show crop region, okay, It is too big. Let's adjust it according to what we want to show. Good. Let's hide the crop region. Zoom in array. Let me show again the crop region. Okay. Now let's add again to practice the information about the measure. So just to, to practice on Annotate aligned. I'm going to select here. Here. Here, you can change whatever you want to show in this measures. If you want to show the distance of some furnitures to the window, Up to you. Click on Ask factor here. Here. It's part of the wall here. Here, here. So what is cool about these tools here? And what about I prepared in this course? In this course is that you don't just do what I'm doing here, but that you can apply all this knowledge into your own projects. It can replicate that and adjust according to your interests. Okay, now I'm going to show this whole distance over here, and that's it. We are rarely have I just double ask here. We already have the apartments here that we want to show with the measures. Okay? I'm going to change the scale to one to a 100 or Norm. I'm going to keep the 150. Yeah, that's better. Okay. So it's very convenient in rabbit for you to change your, your scale. Okay, Level 2 to 6. Let's create our sheet. So right-click, sorry. Here on sheets, right-click on it. New sheet, and I'm going to create on the a2, okay, sheet A2. Rename it. So 0, 3, level 2 to 6. Let's see. The rabbit will actually, I'm going to K to six. And okay, perfect. Now let's drag and drop here. Let's select Level 2 to 6. Okay, press it and drop it here. Selected. Perfect. Ask. Can adjust that. You can adjust also here. Okay. And then just here, number 2 to 6, Perfect. Look that we are ready happening formation of this key that is being used here. And that's it. We're ready, have the label churches six sheets. I'm going to let this Chu if you want, you can come here on the floor plan on the level two to six p and you can change the colors if we want to show the consistent colors are you want to show there are listed realistic ones, okay. When I change fine. Detailing, medium, KM, remember if you change here, we're gonna go to the this part. You're going to see these chains. But I'm gonna keep it on hidden line. Okay? All right, so now let's prepare the sheet number four, which is the last level of our building. Level of seven. Let's see, the low seven ounces safe project. In this case. A level of seven here on floor plan. Okay. And notice that we are seen our apartments inside. Okay. I'm going to show you how you can change that. So let's duplicate it. Replicate view, duplicate. Let's rename so Level 7. I'm going to type actually roof P. Okay. And I want to see higher than I don't want to see the apartments inside. So I'm going to click on it. Okay. And we can come here, oops. Just click on, on the blank part. And we can chain here on View range edit. Okay? So the view range, it's your cut plane. So associate level, the bottom level. So if you come here in change, for example, do 20 and 8 and apply. It's not changing. I know it is the view depth. Oh, no, the view depth. The depth is showing me change here to 10. Apply and level below associated level. Okay? Yeah. I'm going to change here to chew meters. We're going to have you can change that. Sorry. Okay. Well, what's happening here is that the view range, the bottom of the view range is the associated level. So the cut plane, okay? Can change the cut plane and reduce this size over here. So if we change it to, for example, five meters and apply, look now, we only have our roof. Okay, so let's crop view, Let's show crop view. That's adjusted. Okay. Let's add some measures here. I'll do I'll do. We are ready have although we're already had those measures here on the site one and 3D look. So I'm not going to do that. I don't need to do this roof. But it was good for you to see how to change the view. The view range over there. So let's change the, let's create the sections for one and 25 on our next class. 21. Sectioning the Entry Room: Okay, now in this class, we're going to create sections inside the apartments in order to show some parts on the new sheets we are going to create. So I'm going to change here 456789. Okay? So in this class we are going to, you're going to learn how to choose a section 2. Okay, So let's first show the entry part of the apartment. Okay. Let's come here to Floor Plan level one. Level one. And looked at every time we create a section inside the apartment looks section, we will appear here on the right, on this section part. Okay, so let's click here on View. And we have the two section. One click, Okay. And I want to show this entry part over here. And you're going to select the first play, the first. Okay? In a look there, you can rotate. The arrow is pointing to wherever, to the where you are, the direction of your eyes that you are going to see. So I went to look this way. And this bar to the top, I'm going to click here. And when you click, you have a box. This box, you can select the distance of the elements you want to see. So I don't want to see this wardrobe over here. So I'm going to keep these way. Okay. I'm going to close it here. And here. Okay. Because we have over here is good. So we are going to see the wall of the, of the bathroom, going to see this big wall behind gonna see this table over here, and this part of the wall over here. Okay? And notice that we already have here selection shoe created. If we click on it, double-click, we have that section that was created. The problem is that it created for all the levels but n, We don't want that, Kate. So we're going to come here to the bottom. Okay. And edges here. So look, we have the wall of the the we have the wall of the bathroom over here. We have the data wall. Let's go back to to floor level one. Look. I'm not seeing the wall here here behind because my inbox is to difference. I'm going to take it little bit behind and go back to Section 2, Outlook. Now I have here the entrance of the room. Okay. So we have this section over here. I'm going to rename it 23 p into p. Good. Okay, and now I also want to insert in this sheet that I'm going to create for this entry, I'm going to assert a camera. Okay? First of all, I'm going to close all the windows here. Just let some that I want so close inactive feels okay. So I have the entry. I'm going to open the floor plan level one. Okay. Okay. And I want to add a camera looking that way. So in view, we're going to look here for our 3D view. Let's click on the arrow and camera. Then we're going to click on the first. The source, for example, the spectator is here. So I'm going to click here and then we can select the where it is looking. So I'm looking this way and click here. Okay, and look how cool it is in. It is simulating and spectator inside the apartment. So you can open the view over here. If you change the position of the camera, it's going to change the view you have. Here inside the department, okay. If you change here to consistent colors, you're going to see the colors inside the apartment. 3d view. Okay? I'm going to keep it in the hidden line. I'm going to reduce its future here. So this is the view you have on the entry when you enter it on the apartment, the rooms over here, the kitchen is on the left. Okay. And now let's prepare our sheet. Again. Shields right-click on it. New sheet. Let's add the sheet A2. Okay, let's rename it. Rename. So A4 section entry k 0, 4 over here. Okay, let's drag and drop here in sections, the entry to the sexual entry, okay? The same thing that we are ready know how to do. Just click here, okay, and let's drag also The Let's reveal 3D view that we just created. Double-click because when we added a camera, I just forgot to change to rename it. So 3D N3, k. Let's drag and drop it on this sheet here. And this section. Okay? Three, the entry and I'm going to change the scale of both. So entropy, I'm going to change it for here. Let's check it. Okay, looks better now, the entry is here. And that's the way you can add deceptions, okay? To your project. It's very interesting way of showing it. You can also add that the colors if you want for it to feel, think it is better to show your projects. So for example, 3D entry. Let me change it to realistic. And also here the sections, I'm going to change it too realistic. And when it come back to sexual sensory here, look what we have. Very, very cool. You can also change the information here. So let's spread. Is it doing this section of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and the external part. Okay. So let's do it. 22. Sectioning the Bathroom: So let's, we already have the answer wrong. Let's prepare the kitchen. So let's go too far one. Okay. First we are going to add this section. So view section. I'm going to show the kitchen. So I'm going to click here. Okay, look where the arrow is pointing. So I'm going to show this when you click adjust the size of this big square over here, I want to show my kitchen. So I'm going to show this. Okay. Ask if you want to readjust this big square, just click on the section again and you can change it. We are rarely have the section, so it was created here in section Chu, double-click. Adjust the height of it. Here. Look now we can see our kitchen. I'm going to hide this element over here, hiding view. Okay. Oh cool. We have here, we have the furniture over here. I'm gonna just also here, change in the name, rename kitchen P. Okay, now we're going to go back to level 1. We're going, sorry, double-click. We're going to add the camera. So view, 3D, view camera, okay. From here, from here to here. And remember that when you, I'm going to save the project, when you create the cameras, it goes to the 3D view part over here to rename it. So let me just first adjust here. Okay, Perfect. Cool. Okay. Can I also read see the kitchen. Yeah. Let's rename it. Rename 3D kitchen. Kitchen, p.sit. Good. Let's create the sheet again. You ship A2. Okay. Drag and drop. So let's drag and drop the kitchen. Okay. Ask I just forgot to rename it in three room. Okay. Renames 05. Kitchen. There are five section kitchen k and 05. Okay. Perfect. I'm going to drag and drop also the section. Where is this section? I'll kitchen P. Can add ask. I'm going to change the scale of the kitchen on sections, gives you P. We're going to change it to 12, 25. Let's go back section five. Then here is. You can also change the colors. You can turn on the colors. Notice that you can't, you can't change the colors here, that level of detail. You have to go to the shit, to the, to the plan that to customize these things. So for example, realistic, median and 3D view. Double-click. Realistic. When it go back to sections kitchen, look. Pretty cool. Awesome. Yeah. Okay. So now we're going to create my ready have the kitchen or I go to create the bathroom, bedroom, and external part of our project. So let's create the sexual up the bathroom. Let's go again to the 401 plan view section. Bathroom. Okay. The bathroom I'm gonna I want to show from here to here. Okay? I'm gonna just here. This square. Also. I want to adjust here yet in the bathroom. Okay, Perfect. We're add have here created this section. Adjust the height of it. Look so cool. Let's change the name. Okay. If you think I'm doing too fast, you can change the speed of the class. So bathroom. Okay, let me just hear a little bit. I'm also going to change here level, okay, too realistic. Or it can keep it consistent colors. Medium K. We have to add the cameras or floor plan view, 3D view camera. In the bathroom. It's going to be a little bit harder because it is very small. Okay? First thing, let's change the rename over here. So 3D bathroom P, okay, and then we can adjust here. What we want to see side the bathroom. Okay. So realistic. Little bit dark here. That's okay. Now let's add the sheets again. New sheet, a tube. Okay. Let's drag and drop the bathroom p from the sections. Okay. You just forgot to change to rename it. So 06 section bathroom and 06. Okay. I'm going to also add the 3D bathroom. And I'm going to change the scale of the section from P, changes sketch one to 25. And let's see Section 6. Okay, Perfect. There it is. 23. Sectioning the Bedroom: And now let's create the sheet of the bedroom and the external part of our apartment. So let's first do the bedroom floor plan, level 1, Let's add here in section. So in the bedroom, I want to show from here. Okay. Look, I'm going to show another way to change this view. So if you clicked wrong, Could the first click, and it's pointing outside your to where you, what you want to show. You can just click on these two arrows here, one pointing chain. They are pointing to opposite sides. So if you click it, it changed the direction of your sectioning. Okay. Now we can adjust here. Its size. Okay. Close here. Close elevations, sections Section 2. I'm going to bring it down. Okay. Justin Justin it. Okay. I don't want to show this element over here hiding view. In this other element. Also. Hide in view. Okay, I'm gonna read a read a change to one and 25, and let's add the camera Floor Plan level one. View to the view camera. I want to show this perspective over here. Camera added for us, I'm going to change the name. So 3D bathroom p. Okay. Sorry, Rename 3D bedroom p. Okay, let's adjust here. What we want to see. This is camera room. Okay? I'm going to add some colors realistic. I'm going to keep this Kao. Let's add the sheet, so new sheet a2. Okay. Let's rename it first seven section bedroom. Okay. 07. Okay. Let's drag and drop. Then drag and drop the section to double-click. That is the bedroom. Just forgot to rename it. So bedroom P. Okay, bedroom P, drag and drop section bedroom, okay. And added here. And the 3D view bedroom. Drag and drop. Okay, Perfect. Can change here. Sections bedroom can turn on the realistic colors, okay? And in order to finish, let's create the external part. So let's go back to the floor one ad in view sections. So I want to show this. So let's change click here on the arrows to show the part from the inside. Yeah, here. Here, That's good. So it was created on here. I'm sections, section to double-click. Just hear what you want to show. I want to hide this section line here. Just press control and select the other ones. Okay? And right-click on it. Hide elements. Fine. Let's adjust here at the bottom part. Okay, I'm going to change the scale ready to 1, 25 consistent colors, or let us see the realistic one, okay, realistic. And let's rename it to external p.sit. Good. Now let's go back to the floor plan. Let's add the camera view, 3D TV camera. I'm going to add cameras from here to here. Okay, first thing, let's change the name. 3d external p. Okay? Now I'm going to adjust here what I want to show. Oh, cool. We have see the Rayleigh over here, big window over there. Okay. I'm going to turn to realistic over here. Now let's add the sheets, right-click on a new sheet. Hcooh. Okay. First, let's rename it as usual. 08, section external. And 08, okay? And let's drag and drop again. First, the 3D view external. Okay, here. And they under section, in sections, the external P, O, K. Ask. And with that, we have already created the sheets of our section, the bedroom and the external part. And in the next class, we are going to create the final sheet, which is the elevation 1. 24. Preparing the Elevation Sheet: Hi, So in this class, we're going to create the last sheet that we have to do, which is the elevation 1. So the first thing we need to do is duplicate here. Let's come in the elevation tab, beauty elevation. Let's select, for example, the South one. Okay, Let's duplicate it. Right-click, duplicate view, duplicate. Let's rename it. And elevation p. Okay. Now we are going to select the levels. I don't want to show the levels and right-click and hide elements. Okay, I want to hide these line up section over here, hiding view elements, OK, and now I want to add some, some elements here of colors. For this view can be more presentable, more beautiful. So we can come here in graphics display options, okay? And here you can choose the style. I'm going to, to lead it in hidden line, okay? We have the shadows over here, but I want to add here the background. So you have all kinds of backgrounds. You can add an image, you can choose the sky. I'm going to use the gradient apply look. And now we are going to crop this view. Let's see the crop region. Okay. Let's see the crop region and adjust it here. Okay, that's fine. In elevation. That will check here the consistent colors, okay? But I'm gonna keep it in the hidden line. Okay? And I'm going to add some annotate information about some measures they mentioned. So just click already know how to choose that too. And you can choose wherever you want to. You want to show in your project. In this case, I want to show the difference between the levels, okay? And also I want to show here the size of each apart man here, here, and also here. And let it let it here on the bottom. Okay? So ask, ask again. Okay, it's fine. I'm going to create another sheet. So right-click on a new sheet and I'm going to also use the HCOOH. Okay. I'm going to rename it as we already know how to do it. 09 elevation, elevation. Okay. Now let's drag and drop elevation. It and drew up here. Perfect. Okay. Ask one time. Select the line here. Oh, nonetheless, selected the box. Bring it here, and that's it. We already have here, our elevation. And if you want to change this name over here, it just can change the name here. Okay? And now what we need to do to finish our project is to print it. Okay, so let's close this window. I'm going to go back to the 3D view, the first 3D view. So I'm going to close here, here. And Simon beauty, Okay, let's rotate it a little bit. So now we have our project done. The tribute in with all the elements of the walls, can figure out the florist and railings for insurers and graphene, the schedules, the lists of the quantitative, the sheets, and we just need to know how to print our project. 25. Printing the Project and Final Thoughts: Okay, so in order to print our sheets, you just need to select the shape you want. For example, one site in 3D. And then go here, file print. So in the screen here in name, you can select your printer. In my case is the canon series. In my case, I'm using a sprinter. You can, I choose here the PDF report writer if you want to export your sheets as a PDF file, okay? Here you are. You're going to select the file. You are going to create K. In this print range. You can't select it, the views, okay? Or you can print the current window. Window. Here. I'm not inside a sheet. But for example, I want to close this and I'm going to double-click over here. Okay? I'm going to open again File and Print. And now we have desorption current window, so we can print this part over here. The window we are okay. In hearing properties according to the size of the paper you are going to use. You have to change here, predefined, you click and you change to a 210 depending on what the paper you're using. A four. Alright, and we just generate your PDF or you print your projects. So with that, we finish our course. I want to thank you for doing it and appreciate your patients your effort on learning how to use the Revit. And I wish you success in your career.