1. Intro - Who is Astrology For? Why Learn Astrology?: Hi, guys. Eleanor, from hitting gift astrology here. And I'm so excited to welcome you to this skill share course how to interpret charts like a pro astrology 101 This course is designed to cover astrological interpretation, which is the key to unlocking all of the really interesting aspects of your personality. Each of us has what's called an astrological birth chart, which is a map of where all the stars were in the sky at the moment of your birth. And if you know how toe uncover and interpret your birth chart, you're able to unlock a whole lot of information about your personality, who you are, why you are the way you are. And you can do this for your friends, your family members, um, someone you might have a crush on, or something like that. Astrology has absolutely transformed my life. It is completely changed the way that I interact with people and helped me understand everyone in my life a whole lot better. And I'm really excited to share that with you today, So to participate in this course, you don't need any sort of background in astrology whatsoever, but it is really helpful if you already have a copy of your birth chart on hands, I really like using astro dot com to pull my birth chart. And to do that, you're just going to need your birth dates, your birth time and your birth location. You don't even need to make it a counter anything if you don't want. Teoh and I also have a quick video tutorial on how to pull your charter nascar dot com in case that's helpful so you can check that out of my YouTube page. Thanks so much, and I'll see you for the next lesson.
2. Understanding the Signs: The key to understanding the astrological signs
beyond just the stereotypes, is understanding the elements in the modalities that
classify the signs. All of the signs can be divided
up into four elements in three modalities that give more detail on how each of
the signs is expressed. Elements can be
subdivided actually into two polarities that really have very little to do with our understanding of sex
and gender as humans, the masculine signs are
active, they're extroverted, they're concerned with life
in the external world. And the feminine signs are their receptive,
introverted counterparts. Feminine signs are much
more concerned with internal life and making things happen for oneself individually. The masculine signs
are fire science, which are all about
creativity and passion. Fire science have
a vision that they want to share with the
world and they want to paint that vision in Technicolor down to
the very last detail so that they can share
their vision with the world and have people
see what they see. Their signs are
all about mental, logical understandings
of the world. They like to see
themselves as very emotionally detached and sort of viewing things from
above 360 degree view. These are very intellectual
signs that want to make sense of things and
understand how they work. Feminine signs are
earth science, which are all about stability, practicality, and material
real-world concerns. Earth signs are all about. It's our finances, our money, and our work in our
day-to-day life. What exists in a very tangible
and real-world sense. And water signs or the
emotions, the passion, the spirituality and sensuality that ties it all together. Water signs provide
us with the empathy and the compassion that allow us to step into other
people's shoes and foster a sense of connection that makes
it all seem worth it. The fire signs are
areas Leo Sagittarius, the earth signs are tourists,
Virgo and Capricorn. Your signs Gemini,
Libra, Aquarius, and water signs, cancers,
Scorpio and Pisces. The modalities are
just another way to divide up the zodiac signs. Cardinal signs are all
about action initiation, making things happen
rather than waiting around for someone else to
get things off the ground. And the fixed lines are
all about being steadfast, loyal determines seeing
things through the, the ends, acting
as a ride or die. The mutable signs superpower is their adaptability
and flexibility. They're definitely not the
most confrontational signs, so they're much more
likely to change their own needs or wants
to make a situation work. The cardinal signs
are areas cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are tourists. Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Mutable signs, Gemini,
Sagittarius, and Pisces. Once you know the element and
the modality of each sign, you can start to
interpret what it means. For example, when you're
looking at areas, you know that you are
looking at Cardinal fire. So that is all about initiation, about getting things done, about action, about initiation, about energy, working
towards your goals. With Pisces, let's say we're
looking at mutable water. That's all about connection, about intuition and emotions, and adaptability, flexibility. So we might imagine that this is somebody who's very
empathetic and might not always have the
greatest sense of where they end and another
person begins. You can also look up
stereotypes for each of the science and base your
interpretation on that. There's tons of
information on that on YouTube and other
parts of the nut. But I really think
that looking at the elements in the
modalities of each of the signs is the best way
to do your interpretation. That way it comes from the
heart and it comes from what you know and understand
about each of the signs. And I think that's
the best way to go.
3. Planets & Basics of Interpretation: You're probably already
familiar with your sun sign, but what you may not know about astrology is that astrologers actually believed
that the positions of all of the planets, including the sun, but also including everything
out to Neptune, uranus and Pluto have an impact on your
personality as well. Each of the planets dictates a certain life themes and
experiences that we all have. So for example, the sun is all about your general vitality, your ego and your sense of self. And Jupiter is your sense of optimism and positivity
where you are the luckiest. All of those pieces come
into play to give you a much more complete picture of your personality and who
you are as an individual. Before we jump into it, I think it's important to
point out that of all of the celestial bodies that
are up on the screen here, only Mercury, Venus,
and Mars are actually planets until there's a better astronomical
term for us to use. Astrologers are just going
to use planets to refer to any relevant celestial body or astrological point that we're using in our interpretation. I hope that works
for you if you have any better suggestions,
shoot them out there. So with that disclaimer out
of the way with the sun, we're looking at the active
egoic part of yourself. The sun is the part
of you that has goals and a conscious
expression. This is the part of you that
is quote unquote, masculine. And out in the outside world, the moon is the feminine
counterparts to the sun. And though it is not
the part of you that is productive and active
and external facing. It is just as
important as the sun. I think that the sun
holds a lot of weight in our society and most
people tend to only know their sons sign
because we value productivity and goals and being externally
driven in our society. But That's not the only important
part of our expression. The Moon tells us all about
our emotions, our reactions, our habits, and really the less
conscious ways of our being. It can show us a lot about ingrained behavior
patterns in green beliefs and understanding of ourselves that kind of ride
below the surface. Mercury, of course, is
the planet closest to the sun and the quickest
moving from our perspective. And all of that quick moving, darting around sort of
energy tells us a lot about communication or mental energy learning
and understanding. Mercury tells us about how
we communicate with others, what we'd like
communicating about, and even about travel
and trips that we take. Venus tells us about our
loved nature, romance, sex, and in a broader
sense about what we value. Venous can tell us about our friendships and how
we value our friendships. They can tell us about how
we act in social situations and our perspective on
money and finances as well. If the sun is the moon's
masculine counterpart, we can also say that Mars
is the masculine side of Venus that tells us about the other half of our romantic
and sexual expression. If Venus is what we want, mars is going to be how
we go about getting it. This also tells us about our work style, about
our productivity. Mars is about how we take
action and express ourselves towards the goals that the sun has us interested in and want, wants us to go after. The last point that we're
going to discuss is the rising or the Ascendant sign
or the first house cusp. This is the ambassador that you share with the
rest of the world's, some astrologers even
call it the social mask. And it's how other
people see you. In a lot of cases, if you ask someone to guess
your zodiac sign, they might actually guess
you're rising sign, which is interesting because it's the part of your expression that you share most easily and readily with people that
you don't know very well. Once you know what planet you're looking at and the
assignment is, you're really ready to
start interpreting. Think of it this
way. If the planet is the noun of your sentence, which determines the subject
that you're looking at. The sign is going to
be the adjective that determines how that's
known as expressed. For example, if I have
Venus and Gemini, I'm going to combine what I
know about the planet Venus and the sign Gemini together
to get my interpretation. I know that Venus
tells me all about my loved nature, my
romantic relationships, partnerships, what I value, and I know that Venus
is mutable air. So it's probably
flexible, chaotic, and all over the place
because it's mutable, because it's an air sign, it's gonna be more
detached and intellectual. Therefore, I'm probably going
to guess that a Venus in Gemini individual is somebody
who likes to have fun, talk a lot and be intellectually stimulated
with their partner. That mutability might not necessarily make them
the most reliable, but I definitely imagine that this is somebody who likes to have a lot of fun
with the other person they're in a relationship with. They like to be excited and mentally stimulated
with them at all times. Once I do my first or as I do my first few interpretations, I'm definitely going to look online and read what
other people have written about those placements
just to kind of do a double-check on what
my gut is telling me. But essentially that's all
there is to interpretation. I think you're ready
to get started yourself for your
first-class assignment, I'm going to ask you to look at two of the planets
in your chart. So that could be either
the sun or the moon, which aren't really planets. But in astrology
we'll just call them that Mercury, Mars, or Venus. So look at the placement of two of those planets
in your chart. And write up a short paragraph describing an interpretation
of that planet and the sine.
4. Understanding the Houses: If the planets are the nouns
of the charts which show you all the different
areas of life and life experiences that
we all go through. The signs are the adjectives
which give all of those planets their particular
flavor in expression. The houses are going to be
the adverbs which show you where and what capacity those themes are going to
show up in your charts. Starting with the first quadrant
down in the bottom left, we get a picture of
you as an individual. In the first taus, we see
your basic personality, the ambassador that you share
with the rest of the world, as we discussed in our
definition of the rising sign, the first house
can also tell you about your looks and your
physical appearance, which is very interesting. In the second house,
we start to look at your possessions and finances, money, and what you have. The third house is all
about communication. It can tell you about who you communicate with,
how you communicate, and also about your childhood, your siblings in any sort of
short trips that you take. The fourth house is your roots, your emotions, your ancestry. It is a very subconscious
part of yourself and can have a lot to do with
your family and your home, both literally and figuratively. This is the most private
and intimate part of yourself because it's at
the bottom of your chart. This is not a part
of yourself that you really show to
people very readily, like your moon sign. The fifth house is what you
birth in this lifetime. Again, either literally meaning your children or figuratively
meaning your hobbies, your creative expression,
your passions. Fifth house tells us
about what we enjoy and what we like to
do in this lifetime. The six house looks at habits, day-to-day routine, your
work style, your health. And in the third quadrants we starts to get into how
you relate to others, which is the theme for really the whole
top of your chart. In the seventh
thousand, we look at purely your relationships with others in a one-on-one sense. Of course, this has a lot to do with romantic relationships. This also has to do
with friendships, business partners,
and even enemies. If you have open enemies, if you have secret
enemies or people who are perhaps trying to sabotage you from
behind the scenes. This is gonna show up
more in the 12th house. In eighth house, we
look at everything that is hidden in relating to others. This has to do with secret
dealings and affairs, sex, the occult, and
other people's money. Which is interesting
if you think about it, because in the second house opposite the Athos
on the zodiacal, we'll, we're looking
at your own money. So in the opposite house we're looking at other people's money
and what sort of control, if any, you have over that. In the ninth house, we start
looking at mind expansion. This is your beliefs,
your philosophy, travel that you take that
expands your mind and any sort of higher
education that you undergo. The tenth house, which is the top and most public
part of your charge. We're looking at your
career, your legacy, your public image.
The 11th house. We're looking at society, societal groups, humanity as a whole, and
identity categories. Somebody with an 11
thousand emphasis is going to be very interested
in their identity either by embracing it wholeheartedly or maybe
rejecting it and having a very tumultuous
relationship with that identity depending
on what planets are, what signs they have
in the 11th house. The 12th houses, very interesting
because here we start to look at the space
that is between worlds. In the 12th house.
We're getting ready to start back over in the first house and start over with a whole new
set of expressions. And this is where we start to get into spaces that we don't really
see very clearly. The 12th house tells us about our blind spots and where
something might be super, super appearance
to somebody else, but we just can't see it
no matter what we do. The 12 house has to do with secrets that we aren't
fully aware of. Hidden enemies, as
we've mentioned. And spaces separate
from society. This can be jails, prisons,
solitary confinement, and anything sort of escapist
and spiritual in a way. When looking at the
houses in your chart, it's best to start
with looking at the signs that are on
each of the house cusps. For example, looking at
the second house cusp, I can learn a lot about second house themes
and my charts. The first toss costs, but the rising or
Ascendant sign, so on and so forth. And of course, looking at where the planets fall in all of the houses is going to give you a great deal of
information as well. If you add together the planets, the sign that it's in, and the house that it's in, you can really take
your interpretation up to the next level. So going back to my
Venus in Gemini example, let's say that this ***** in Gemini is in the fourth house. Because the fourth house
is all about your roots, your ancestry, your
home, and your family. This is somebody who's going to really like a lot of sort of Venus and Gemini type stimulation
in their relationships. But they're probably
going to want to have a lot of those
experiences at home. Maybe it's most
stimulating for them to decorate their home
with their partner or learn about new things. Sitting on the couch
watching a Netflix special. This is quite the contrast
for somebody who might have Venus and Gemini
in the 11th house, for example, which is all
about your social groups. Humanity as a whole society, a Venus and Gemini. In the 11th house
person is probably going to want to be out in
the world with their partner. They're probably going to want to introduce them to all of their friends and build
a new social circle. Circle together, makes sure
that all their friends really like their
partner and they all get to have fun together. The house really allows you to take the interpretation of
a planet and the sign to the next level and
get really specific about how that's going to show up for you or for anyone else. It's important to
point out that just because you may not
have any planets in a given house
does not mean that that house is not
important for you. For example, if you don't have any planets in your
seventh house, that does not mean that you
are doomed and relationships that you're never going to be in a relationship,
anything like that. In a lot of cases, it
might even be better to have an empty
house because then that houses expression
is just purely determined by the sign
that's on the cuts. If you have, let's
say Saturn or Mars, some of the more challenging
planets in that house again, let's say the 7 thousand, that might mean that you have really challenging
relationships. So it might be better to just have the sign there
and an empty house. For this next assignment, you're going to go
back to the planets that you had done an
interpretation for in the last course and look at the houses that they're
in, how does that change? Or maybe further refine the interpretation that you
put forth in our last lesson. I'm curious to know
what you think.
5. Incorporating Outer Planets: Up till now, we've
really only been looking at all the
planets up through Mars. That's because
Jupiter, Saturn and definitely the outer
planets, which are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, or so slow-moving that
you're going to have those planets in the same sign as anyone who was
about your same age. This makes them really
interesting to look at for generational astrology
in a study of time periods in
history and the like. But bringing personal and
charts reputation is not something that I attend
to look at very closely. Because the houses that
these planets will fall into can vary
from person to person. I will look to see if
any of those planets are in one of the
angular houses. So that's Houses one for 710. Especially if one of the
planets is like right on the cusp of one
of those houses. It's going to be very
much an active part of your expression because
the angular houses are so active in there. A lot of what the other
people in your life we'll actually see of you
if Jupiter, Saturn, or an outer planet is in
aspects to an inner planet, which I'll talk about
in our next video that's gonna be really
important to look at two. For example, let's
say that you have Mars conjunct Pluto
in Sagittarius. You are not by any means just a regular old Mars and
sedentary is person. You have all of the depth and the transformation and the regeneration
and the passion of Pluto infused with your Mars
energy and the way that you'd get things
done and make things happen, That's very significant. Jupiter is our planet
of luck and positivity. This is the most positive
planet in our charter. And wherever you
have it is going to show you wherever
you are the luckiest, where you are going
to have the most good fortune and where you are going to experience
really good things. However, it is important
to point out that because Jupiter is this big planet that expands whatever it touches. If it is placed in
a harsh aspects or if it is an aspect to a
more negative planet, Saturn or Mars, it might be too much of a good thing and lead to negative
things in your chart. Saturn is all about discipline
and lessons and hard work. Saturn is our practice,
makes perfect planet. And it can drive us
crazy and early life because we can't take shortcuts wherever we've
got Saturday and R chart. However, because it has such a drive towards
perfectionism, we are going to
be able to master our Saturn lessons by the
end of our lifetimes. And these are going to
turn in some to some of our biggest gifts and ultimately your
rewards in our lives. If Neptune is our
rose-colored glasses, Uranus is our electric
bolts of energy. Uranus brings excitement
and unpredictability and eccentricity to
whatever it touches. It's where we might experience
really sudden changes and a lot of different
perspectives and experiences throughout
our lifetimes. And where things are
unstable and unpredictable. This exciting, buzzing sort
of energy can be presented as anxiety sometimes
especially in people who have a lot of Uranus
energy in their charts. And sometimes it can
be this energy of almost getting thrown into a situation that
seems like too much, but we've got to rise to the occasion and ultimately
it ends up being great. Neptune is our planet of
rose-colored glasses. It's where we see things very metaphorically
and symbolically. And things may not be
exactly as they seem. This can be really beautiful. A lot of musicians
and artists have a strong Neptune energy
and it tells us a lot about spirituality
and psychic NAS. But it can also have to do
with deceit or illusion and things not being what they
seem in that sort of way. So like with every planet, there's sort of a positive and a negative side to Neptune. Pluto, which again is
technically a dwarf planet. But the best term we've got
we're using planning for now is all about depth
regeneration and transformation. Pluto is our Phoenix
from the ashes planet. It is where we kind of
metaphorically die over and over throughout our lives so that we can keep
recreating ourselves. It is where we are
perfecting and refining. Similarly to Saturn,
but much more in a, raise it all to the ground and start over from
scratch type of way where we're just
regenerating constantly. We're going to hold off on putting out an assignment
for this lesson. But I will ask you to look at
the outer planet placements for you and for one other
person with their consent. Of course. What's most interesting to you about those house placements. And in the next video, we're going to start
looking at aspects, which is another great
way to incorporate analysis of outer planets
in your chart readings.
6. Understanding Aspects: Do you sometimes
feel like there are pieces of you that aren't all on the same page or once you make a decision or
you just absolutely sat on it and nothing
can change your mind. Looking at aspects
might be really helpful in figuring out why you are one way or the other
aspects are the angles that your planets make to
each other in your charts. Once you get a handle
on interpreting the individual planets is
really helpful to look at the energy that comes between or around planets
that are in your chart in order to make
sense of some of the internal conflicts or harmonies that you
may be experiencing. These are the major aspects that we're going to be
discussing today. There are also minor aspects
which are represented by these dotted lines or
the green dashed lines. But for the purpose
of this lesson, we're just going to focus
on the solid red and the solid blue lines in
the middle of your chart. You can also find
aspects by looking at this little graph down here. So if you find one plant here and you go down to the other
planet on the other side. For example, here I can see
that this is Moon, Saturn. And I happen to know that
this symbol is a conjunction. I know from these little
symbols here that the conjunction is
only one degree apart. So the moon and Saturn
are one degree from each other and they are
actually separating. A conjunction is
where two planets sit at the same or very close
to the same degree. It doesn't necessarily
positive or negative, but it does imply that the energies of
those two planets are very linked in some way. In opposition is, as
the name implies, a 180 degrees between two planets on opposite
sides of the zodiac. And the way that it
opposition shows up is with some sort of tension or something that seems to be incontrovertible
between two energies. Sometimes in
opposition shows up as two truths that seem
very, very opposing. But our way of dealing with
the opposition is to create a worldview that
allows for both of those truths to be
known simultaneously, though they may seem very
opposing and conflicting. A square aspect or 90 degrees between two planets is similar to an opposition. A lot of times it's
going to be even more challenging and
confrontational, especially in our early life. But as we learn to deal
with the energy of a square and allow
for freer flow of energy between the
planets involves a square can actually be whenever greed is assets in our later life, tries in textiles are
where we get into more positive energies
between planets. This is where we have gifts and talents and assets that we
can rely on in hard times. Trying is between two planets in signs of the same elements. So two planets and water
signs or two planets and air science in a sec style is between two planets in
compatible elements. So fire, an air or
earth and water. So using this chart
as an example, there's a lot of
red as you can see, but narrowing and specifically
on the square between Venus and Saturn and
also Venus and the Moon, because we've got a moon,
Saturn conjunction down here. We can learn a lot about this
natives romantic nature. So knowing that Venus is
about love and romance, and Saturn is about boundaries and restriction
in hard lessons. This is probably going to be someone who has a lot of harsh, harsh Russians that they
need to learn in love, especially because
it's square is a really harsh conflictual
sort of energy. This is going to be somebody who might have some
romantic misfortune, especially at the beginning
of their lifetime and needs to learn a lot
of their life lesson through relationships. So that's just one example
for this lesson's assignment. We're going to have
you look back at the planets from your
first assignment. What aspects do you
see to those planets from either inner
or outer planets? At this point, you're
ready to start reading for as many people
as possible and as many people as you can find who are interested in
having you read for them. You now know about the
signs, the planets, the houses, and the aspects
between the planets. So you're really getting into
the meat of interpretation.
7. Incorporating the Asteroids: Unlike outer planets, asteroids can be most
important if they're in a major house which I define as the first, fourth,
seventh, tenth. Or if they're in a major
aspects to a personal planet. There are countless
asteroids to look at and they're minor, of course, as Asteroids, They're not full on planets, so they're not the
most important part of your interpretation, but they can be a fun element to add in
every once in awhile. From, you can find
the asteroids if you go to extended chart selection
under free horoscopes, you can scroll down to where
it says additional objects. There's a pop-up that has some of the asteroids that you can just
add in individually. Or if you want to get
really fancy with it, you can enter in the
asteroid numbers into this little
manual entry box. There's a full list
of all the asteroids here with all their numbers and tons of information online. There's an asteroid for literally anything
you can think of. If you want to get
really crazy with it. For the purposes of this video, I'm going to talk about some of the major asteroids that
astrologers tend to really like, starting with Kiran, which is astrologers favored asteroid. Kiran. And the medulla Kiran tells us all about
the wounded healer. And in our chart, it is where we have our
deepest insecurity. Kiran chooses where we're able to really help others
and really heal others. But we may be very blocked
from healing ourselves. And we always have something
that we feel is not quite right about ourselves and
about the way we do things. Series is all about nurturing motherhood and taking care
of others and ourselves. If we have children, series is going to tell us a lot about how we are as parents. And it also tells
us a lot about how we treat ourselves
and our bodies. If we have issues
with body image, this might be due to an
affliction to the asteroid Ceres, or if we have really great
health and body image on the other side of things, that might be a really
positive series placements. Palace is named for the
Roman goddess palace Athena, which represents the
y's feminine palace. Athena is concerned
with justice, sense of right and wrong, crafts and handiwork and sort
of trickster mental wisdom. Juno in Roman mythology, was the wife of Jupiter, and in astrology, the asteroid unit tells
us all about marriage. Venus also tells
us about marriage, as you might imagine, but Juneau, I think, gives us a much
more modern view. Interrelationships. Venus represents a
very archetype bowl, submissive, feminine side. And I think Juno is where we think a lot more about equity, about boundaries and
fairness in relationship. Where we work with issues like gender roles and think
about jealousy, control, how we act in a relationship and the terms of our
relationship that we want to put out their investor gives us themes of
self-sufficiency. Again, in Roman mythology, Vesta was the sister of
Jupiter and Juno who never married and similar
to palace Athena, best at the asteroid, gives us a view into the feminine kind of decoupled
from sex and sexuality. In this case, this is
because the Vestas focus, dedication and her sense of
self-respect and self-worth. Vesta is how we see ourselves as self-sufficient beings and
how we respect ourselves. Vesta is all about breaking things down and
putting them together, ritual and process, and how we're able to purify and
create in our own lives. For this lesson's assignment, look up the asteroids
that we mentioned in this video by sign and house
placements in your chart. Pick one and write up a couple of sentences, interpreting it.
8. Unlocking the Degrees: So at this point it goes without saying that
each of the planets in your chart falls into a
particular astrological sign. But where in particular
within that sign, each of the signs
of the zodiac takes up 30 degrees of the night sky. And figuring out where within those 30 degrees each of
your planets falls can give you even a little
bit more information and insight into how it's
expressed in your chart. It's actually very easy
to find the degrees of each of your planets
on The degrees are going to
be this larger number, That's right by each
of your planets. The smaller number,
our minutes of arc, which is just a smaller
unit of degrees. And you can round up or down with the unit of
60 as appropriate. Of course, this also shows up in our little cheat sheet
graph at the bottom of the chart where
we have the planet, the sign and the degree
that each planet is at. Planets at lower degrees
of each of the signs from about 0 to ten
degrees tend to be less developed and less
expressed in our charts. We tend to not be
as sure of how we want to share those planets
with the outside world. And they tend to be a little
bit stunted or perhaps even underdeveloped or
less consciously expressed in our charts. In contrast, planets
at higher degrees. So let's say 20 to 30 degrees of our chart are going
to be much more fully expressed in much more
active and conscious part of the way that we act
in the way that we experience ourselves
in the outside world. Specifically the 29th degree of any sign called the
antipyretic degree is going to be a representation of the most intense energy in the purest form of
each of those signs. So definitely something
to keep in mind. If you have a planet at 29
degrees of any of the signs, It's gonna be a powerful one. And you can also look up the Sapiens symbol for
any degree in your chart. The CBN symbols were produced by a clear Koreans in
the early 1900's and essentially
provide an image or a significant portion for
each degree of each sign. So that's 360 images total. It can be interesting to look up the symbol for your sun sign or any other irrelevant
point in your chart to get a different take
on what it might mean. For example, my son is 16 degree cancer
has the CBN symbol of a man studying
amygdala before him with the help of
a very ancient book. I think that's very interesting. It's a symbol that feels
personally resonant with me. Gives me another look into what my cancer Sunstein might mean. You can look up the
Sapiens symbols online or checkout the book inside
degrees by ileus Lonsdale, which gives you a
write-up on each of the Sapiens symbols for
this lesson's assignment, find one planets and
write up a couple of sentences on the degree
that that planet is at. How do you think the degrees
that this planet sits at modifies or determines its
expression in any sort of way.
9. Transits (The Key to Deciphering your Horoscope): By now, you are a master
of chart interpretation. To give you a little bit
of teaser for what's next if you continue your
study of astrology, I wanted to introduce
you to transits, which is another way to figure out what's going on in
your life right now. And the key to unlocking timing and prediction
using astrology, kind of like the horoscopes that you read in the newspaper. Astrological transits allow you to overlay the
planets that are in your birth chart with
where the planets are at right now currently
in the night sky. This can give you a
lot of insight into what's going on in the world at large and how you are experiencing all of
those things personally. So if you have your
chart on, there's actually
this handy button at the top right of the charts, which will allow
you to add trends. It's instantly. So around the outside of
my chart in lime green here I have all of the
planetary transits for today. I can also go back out to the extended chart
selection page, which is just a free horoscopes
extended short selection. And I'm going to go to where
it says Chart Type here. Scroll down to natal
chart and transits. And then if I go to this box here where it says start date, I can put in the
date for the future, for the past and look at transits for that
period of time, which is super,
super interesting. But for now I'm just going to
stick to today's transits. And provides
this whole table up where it says additional
tables in the top-left, where I can look at both the aspects that I
have in my needle chart here. Or I can go to this
second page and look at the relationship between my birth planets or
needle planets up here and the transit planets or where the transits are currently, which is super, It's
super interesting. Once I know the
planetary glyphs, the symbols for the aspects, reading a table like this
is super, super simple. Or I can just stay
on this page here and do a visual scan of
the transits that I see. The moon is always going to be our fastest moving transit. The moon changes signs every 2.5 days reliably without fail, because every 30 days we get a full cycle of the moon
through the zodiac sign. If you get really good at
tracking wound transits, this can give you
the most specific and precise
bellwether of how you might be feeling from day to day at any point in time, the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars
change signs every, Let's see, three dash six weeks, except if they are retrograde, which all but the sun do at least a couple of
times every few years. So right now I'm
looking at my transits. I see that there's a whole lot of Pisces stuff that
I have going on. We've got the moon
in Pisces right now for the short two-day period, we have Venus and Pisces, mercury and Pisces, and
also Neptune and Pisces, which is a longer-term transit. So lots of stuff going on there. But I see that Saturn and Pluto, or opposite my son and mercury
in cancer right about now. Because Saturn and
Pluto or slower moving, these are gonna be transits
that I have for awhile, like a couple of
years as opposed to a couple of weeks
or a couple days. Saturn, pluto are some of the harsher planets that give us self lessons and
provide tough love. So I know that the
next couple of years are probably
going to be all about discipline and it's
tough love lessons and bringing myself
up to my next level. I also see that I have the north node about to
translate over my son. We haven't talked about the
north node in this class, but if you're curious, I highly suggest
that you look more into the North and the South
nodes is they're very, very interesting
astrological points. And seeing the north node
coming towards my son, it will probably be
exactly over the summer. I know that there's a lot of really interesting and
sort of faded occurrences that I have to look forward to. We will see how all
that plays out. But it is very helpful to have astrology as a
predictive tool so that you can figure out what
you may have to be working on before you're in the middle of
experiencing it. For this last class assignment, we're going to have you
look at one major transit. So that's going to be an
outer planet transit. In somebody else's chart, write up a short paragraph
describing what the individual might experience or be experiencing during the
course of this transit. And then talk to that
individual and get their take on whether any of those
predictions have come true. It's only through
talking to other people and getting their take on your analyses that
you're able to take your interpretation
up to the next level. So continue to practice with reading other
people's charts.
10. Conclusion & What’s Next? : Thank you so much for
participating in this course. I've had a lot of fun and
I hope that you have to, at this point you're
ready to stop your crush, impress your friends, make sense of all of your complicated
family dynamics. Astrology gives you the
tool to unlike all of it. When I gonna do astrology, I remember just being able to make sense of the
world for the first time. I was able to understand why
I was the way that I was and why my interactions with people went the
way that they did. And I just decided I never wanted to stop learning
about this stuff. And that's really why
I love astrology, is that even with this
course right now, we are barely scratching
the surface of it. I tend to use a very
modern Western centric, almost psychological
posts to astrology. But the techniques
that I use with this approach are
completely different from traditional
astrology techniques used in Hellenistic astrology, in the Vedic Astrology
that they use in India. And this is really
only one branch of astrology was looking
at birth charts. There's also what's called
election astrology, which can help you pick important dates for
significant events. And horror astrology, which can answer important
questions and help you uncover lost objects while
your own interpretation of your chart is always
going to be the most accurate and
the most insightful. I think it can be
very helpful to hear what a professional
might have to say about what you have
going on and to use their advice and
their insight as a starting off point for the continuation
of your studies. And of course, I would love for you to stay
in touch with me. You can find me on Instagram
at hidden gift astrology or book or reading from me at
hitting gift And I love talking
about this stuff. So please let me know if
you have any questions or if there's any additional
information you'd like to have. Thank you so much
and have a good one.